Uses of Rates and Word Problems Involving Rates 2
Uses of Rates and Word Problems Involving Rates 2
Uses of Rates and Word Problems Involving Rates 2
DATE September 02, 2024 QUARTER FIRST
8:30-9:15 (G7-KAIPILAN)
9:15-10:00 (G7-MILAROSA)
11:00-11:45 (G7-CARUYAN)
B. Performance By the end of the quarter, the learners will be able to use percentages in different
Standard contexts.
C. Learning The learners are able to Solve money problems involving percentage.
Competencies and --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Objectives -
At the end of the session the student can:
1. Define, identify, and give examples of rates.
2. Explain the uses of rates.
3. Appreciate the importance of understanding rates in everyday life and
demonstrate a positive attitude towards using rates to make informed
Guide Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. Were you able to answer the given problem logically?
3. Can you explain the importance of this activity in real life?
2. Feedback (Optional)
Guide Questions:
1. Were you able to guess all the words correctly?
2. What have you noticed with the words in the activity?
3. What comes to your mind when you hear/read those words?
4. How are these words related to each other?
Ratio is the comparison of two different quantities with the same unit as having 3
boys in every 5 girls, where we are just counting and comparing the number of
boys to girls without using unit of measurements and, writing it in fraction or in
ratio form 3 : 5 (read as 3 to 5).
Rate is related to ratio; it is also comparing two different quantities, but these
quantities have different units of measurement and, it is often expressed in
fraction form. Rate is used to describe many important real-life concepts. Below
are some of its examples:
2. Worked Example
Speed tells how far a vehicle, a person or a moving object covers per unit time.
Example 1. Maria’s car is travelling at a speed of two kilometers per hour maybe
written as 2 or 2 kph.
Rate per piece of work done tells us the payment a person receives per unit time
of work.
Example 3. A secretary can type 150 letters per minute (150 )
Cost tells us the amount of money paid in exchange for products.
3 candies
Example 4. Three candies cost two pesos ( ).
2 pesos
Discussion. The most common element in the examples above is time, which is
the denominator in numbers 1-3. All the examples above except for number 4 are
expressed in Unit Rate. Unit rates have 1 as the denominator and is often but not
always expressed in whole numbers.
3. Lesson Activity
What is my Rate?
A. Instructions: Tell whether the given is a unit rate or not.
1. Php300 per 5 liters
2. Php43 per kilo
3. 100 cm per meter
4. 600 m per round
5. 60 seeds per 3 boxes
B. Give your own example of rates and unit rates.
Guide Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. Were you able to answer the given problem correctly?
3. How did you arrive at your answer to the problem?
4. Can you explain the importance of this activity in real life?
2. Reflection on Learning
After giving learners time to reflect, facilitate a discussion where they share their
reflections with a partner, small group, or the whole class.
1. What is a rate?
A. A fixed amount of money paid for a service
B. A comparison between two quantities measured in different units
C. A percentage of a total amount
D. The total sum of money you pay after taxes
2. Homework (Optional)
Materials Used
Learner Engagement/
• students
What roles did my students play in my classroom?
• ways forward
What could I have differently?
What could I have done differently? What can I explore in the next lesson?