EVIDENCE-Reviewer - Lesson 1
EVIDENCE-Reviewer - Lesson 1
EVIDENCE-Reviewer - Lesson 1
RULES ON EVIDENCE XPN: The power of the Supreme Court to
suspend its own rules or to except a
particular case from its operations whenever
RULE-MAKING POWER OF THE the purposes of justice require cannot be
SUPREME COURT questioned. The rules of procedure should
Sec. 5 (5), Article VIII, 1987 PH be viewed as mere tools designed to
Constitution- facilitate the attainment of justice. Their strict
and rigid application, which would result in
SECTION 5. The Supreme Court shall have technicalities that tend to frustrate rather
the following powers: than promote substantial justice, must
always be avoided. (De Guzman v.
(5) Promulgate rules concerning the
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 03276, 11 Apr.
protection and enforcement of
constitutional rights, pleading, practice,
and procedure in all courts, the admission The power to suspend or even disregard
to the practice of law, the Integrated Bar, and rules can be so pervasive and compelling as
legal assistance to the underprivileged. Such to alter even that which the Supreme Court
rules shall provide a simplified and itself had already declared to be final. (Apo
inexpensive procedure for the speedy Fruits Corporation v. Land Bank of the
disposition of cases, shall be uniform for all Philippines, G.R. No. 154195, 12 Oct. 2010)
courts of the same grade, and shall not
diminish, increase, or modify substantive Where strong considerations of substantive
rights. Rules of procedure of special courts justice are manifest on the petition, the strict
and quasi-judicial bodies shall remain application of the rules of procedure may be
effective unless disapproved by the Supreme relaxed, in the exercise of its equity
Court. jurisdiction. (CTMC Int’l v. Bhagis Int’l Corp.,
G.R. No. 170488, 10 Dec. 2012)
XPN to the XPN: To relieve a litigant of an
LIMITATIONS ON THE RULE-MAKING injustice commensurate with his failure to
POWER OF THE SUPREME COURT comply with the prescribed procedure. The
mere invocation of substantial justice is not a
1. The rules shall provide a Simplified and
magical incantation that will automatically
Inexpensive procedure for the speedy
compel the Court to suspend procedural
disposition of cases;
rules. (Co-Unjieng v. C.A., G.R. No. 139596,
2. The rules must be Uniform for all the 24 Jan. 2006)
courts of the same grade; and
Parties praying for the liberal interpretation of
3. The rules must not Diminish, Increase or the rules must be able to hurdle that heavy
Modify substantive rights. (Sec. 5 (5), Art. burden of proving that they deserve an
VIII,1987 Constitution) Power of the exceptional treatment.
Supreme Court to Amend and Suspend
It was never the Court’s intent “to forge a
Procedural Rules
bastion for erring litigants to violate the rules
GR: Compliance with procedural rules is the with impunity.” (Prieto v. Alpadi Development
general rule, and abandonment thereof Corp., G.R. No. 191025, 31 Jul. 2013)
should only be done in the most exceptional
circumstances. (Pilapil v. Heirs of Briones,
G.R. No. 150175, 10 Mar. 2006)
NOTE: The courts have the power to relax or
suspend technical or procedural rules or to
except a case from their operation when SUBSTANTIVE LAW v. REMEDIAL LAW
compelling reasons so warrant or when the SUBSTANTIVE REMEDIAL LAW
purpose of justice requires it. (Commissioner LAW
of Internal Revenue v. Migrant Pagbilao Part of the law Prescribes the
Corporation, G.R. No. 159593, 12 Oct. 2006) which creates, methods of
defines or regulates enforcing those
rights concerning rights and
life, liberty or obligations created Strict compliance with the rules has been
property (Primicias by substantive law. held mandatory and imperative, so that
v. Ocampo, G.R. (Ibid.) failure to pay the docket fee in the Supreme
No. L-6120, 30 Jun. Court, within the period fixed for that
1953) or the powers purpose, will cause the dismissal of the
of agencies or appeal. (Alvero v. De La Rosa et. al. G.R. No.
instrumentalities for L-286, 29 Mar. 1946)
the administration
of public affairs,
which when violated
gives rise to a Procedural laws applicable to actions
cause of action. pending at the Time of Promulgation
(Bustos v. Lucero, Statutes and rules regulating the procedure
G.R. No. L-2068, 20 of courts are considered applicable to
Oct. 1948) actions pending and unresolved at the time
Creates vested Does not create of their passage. This retroactive application
rights vested does not violate any right of a person
rights. adversely affected. (Panay Railways, Inc. v.
Heva Management and Development
Corporation et. Al., G.R. No. 154061, 25 Jan.
Procedural laws are adjective laws which
prescribe rules and forms of procedure of PRINCIPAL SOURCES OF REMEDIAL
enforcing rights or obtaining redress for their LAW
invasion. They refer to rules of procedure by (Co-D-Pro-C-A-I-C)
which courts applying laws of all kinds can
properly administer justice. They include 1. Constitution;
rules of pleadings, practice, and evidence
2. Different laws creating the judiciary,
(Tan, Jr. v. CA, G.R. No. 136368, 16 Jan.
defining and allocating jurisdiction to courts
of different levels;
Remedial law plays a vital role in the
3. Procedural laws and rules promulgated by
administration of justice. It lies at the very
the SC;
core of procedural due process, which
means a law which hears before it 4. Circulars;
condemns, one which proceeds upon inquiry
and renders judgment only after trial and 5. Administrative orders;
contemplates an opportunity to be heard 6. Internal rules; and
before judgment is rendered. (Albert v.
University Publishing, G.R. No. L- 19118, 30 7. Court decisions (Herrera, 2007)
Jan. 1965)
4. Other cases not provided in the Rules of The technical rules of evidence are not
Court; binding on labor tribunals (Manalo vs. TNS
Phil. G.R. No. 208567, November 26, 2014).
Thus, written statements of certain EVIDENCE IN CIVIL CASE v. EVIDENCE
employees can be admitted even if they were IN CRIMINAL CASE
not cross-examined.
The rules of evidence are not strictly CASE CASE
observed in proceedings before the NLRC The party having The guilt of the
which are summary in nature and decisions the burden of proof accused must be
may be made on the basis of position papers must prove his proved beyond
(Castillo vs. Prudentialife Plans, Inc., GR No. claim by a reasonable doubt.
196142, March 26, 2014). preponderance of (Sec. 2, Rule 133,
evidence. (Sec. 1, ROC, as amended)
Rule 133, ROC, as
In Sasan, Sr., vs. NLRC, 569 SCRA 670, the GR: An offer of GR: An offer of
respondent submitted documents before the compromise is not compromise by the
NLRC which was not presented before the an implied accused may be
Labor Arbiter. It was considered by the admission of any received in
NLRC. The SC ruled that in that situation, the liability, and is not evidence as
NLRC may consider evidence even for the admissible in an implied
first time on appeal since technical rules of evidence against admission of
evidence are not bonding in labor cases. the offeror. guilt.
In the same case, the SC ruled that even Neither is evidence XPNs:
photocopies can be admitted as evidence. of conduct nor 1. Those involving
statements quasi-offenses
made in (criminal
compromise negligence); and
Parol evidence rule, like other rules of
negotiations 2. Criminal cases
evidence, should not be strictly applied in admissible. allowed by law to
labor cases. be compromised.
Hence, a Labor Arbiter is not precluded from XPN: Evidence (Sec. 28, Rule 130,
Otherwise ROC, as amended)
accepting and evaluating evidence other
than, and even contrary to, what is stated in or offered for
the CBA (Cirtek Employees Labor Union- another purpose,
Federation of Free Workers vs. Cirtek such as proving
Electronics, 650 SCRA 656-663). bias or prejudice of
a witness,
negativing a
When is evidence necessary? Issue of Fact contention of undue
delay, or proving an
effort to obstruct a
Instances where evidence is no longer investigation or
required: prosecution. (Sec.
28, Rule 130, ROC,
1. When the pleadings in the a civil case
as amended)
fail to tender an issue. Judgment on
The concept of The accused enjoys
the pleading will ensue in accordance presumption of the constitutional
with Rule 34. innocence does not presumption of
2. When parties stipulated on certain apply and generally innocence.
facts. there is no
3. When a fact is subject to judicial presumption for or
notice. against a party
4. When the fact is judicially admitted except in cases
5. When the law or rule presumes the provided for by law.
truth of a fact. The concept of Confession is a
confession does declaration of an
not apply accused
acknowledging his
Proof vs. Evidence Admissibility of Evidence:
Proof is the product of evidence. Section 3. Admissibility of Evidence.
Evidence is the medium of proof. Evidence is admissible when it is relevant to
the issue and is not excluded by the
Constitution, the law of these rules.
Factum probandum vs. Factum probans
Factum probandum is the fact or proposition
The new rule clarifies that the competency of
to be established, while factum probans is
the evidence is not only determined by the
the fact or material evidencing the fact or
Rules of Court and the law, but also by the
proposition to be established.
The factum probandum is the fact to be
There are exclusionary rule in the
proved; it is the fact which is in issue in a
Constitution. For instance, Section 3, in
case and to which the evidence is directed.
relation to Section 2 of Article III of the
On the other hand, factum probans is the
Constitution. Section 12(3) in relation to
probative or evidentiary fact tending to prove
Section 17 of Article III.
the fact in issue.
Thus, the new Rule deemed it to include the
Constitution in Section 3, because it also
Illustration: provide rules for excluding evidence in the
court of justice.
In civil cases, the factum probandum is the
elements of the cause of action which are
denied by the defendant. Admissibility involves two questions:
In criminal cases the factum probandum
1. Relevancy
refers to matters which the prosecution must
2. Competency
prove beyond reasonable doubt in order to
justify the conviction.
RA 10591 – Illegal possession of firearm RELEVANCY- It is the relationship of
evidence to the fact in issue. If the evidence
RA 9165 – Dangerous Drugs Act
will tend to prove the fact in issue, then the
evidence is relevant. If there is no connection
at all, then the evidence is not relevant.
How do you determine the connection of
A situation where the evidence of the parties evidence with the fact in issue?
is evenly balanced, or there is doubt on
which side the evidence preponderates (or It is not matter of law, rather it is a matter of
weighs more heavily). logic.
People vs. Feliciano, May 5, 2014 RULES
In Anti-Hazing Law, disguise is an
1. Unreasonable searches and seizures;
aggravating circumstances. The information
(Sec. 2, Art. III, 1987 Constitution)
was not able to allege that the participants in
the hazing were wearing mask. But, they 2. Privacy of communication and
were able to prove the same during trial. correspondence; (Sec. 3, Art. III, 1987
Is it proper for the Court to appreciate the fact
of wearing mask as an aggravating 3. Right to counsel, prohibition on torture,
circumstance? force, violence, threat, intimidation, or other
means which vitiate the free will; prohibition
No. The failure to state an aggravating
on secret detention places, solitary,
circumstance, even if duly proven during the
incommunicado; and (Sec. 12, Art. III, 1987
trial, will not be appreciated as such. It will
violate the constitutional right of the accused
to be informed of the nature and cause of the 4. Right against self-incrimination. (Sec. 17,
accusation against him. Art. III, 1987 Constitution)
6. Facts admitted or not denied provided they 5. Law of nations the admiralty and maritime
have been sufficiently alleged (Sec. 11, Rule courts of the world and their seals
8, ROC, as amended); 6. Political constitution and history of the
7. Res Ipsa Loquitur; and Philippines
8. Admissions by adverse party (Rule 26, 7. Official acts of the legislative, executive
ROC, as amended) and judicial departments of the National
Government of the Philippines,
8. Laws of nature,
9. Measure of time,
It is the cognizance of certain facts which
judges may properly take and act upon 10. geographical divisions
without proof because they are supposed to
be known to them. It is based on
considerations of expediency and Social Justice Society vs. Atienza, GR No.
convenience. It displaces evidence, being 156052, Feb. 13 2008
equivalent to proof. (Regalado, 2008)
While courts are required to take judicial
FUNCTION OF JUDICIAL NOTICE notice of the laws enacted by Congress, the
rule with respect to local ordinances is
It dispenses the presentation of evidence different. Ordinances are not included in the
and fulfills the purpose for which the
enumeration of matters covered by known. (State Prosecutors v. Muro, A.M. No.
mandatory judicial notice under Section 1, RTJ-92-876, 19 Sept. 1994)
Rule 129 of the Rules of Court.
Even where there is a statute that requires a
No hearing is required in the enumeration
court to take judicial notice of municipal
under Sec. 2, Rule 129.
ordinances, a court is not required to take
judicial notice of ordinances that are not REQUISITES FOR THE APPLICATION OF
before it and to which it does not have THE PRINCIPLE OF DISCRETIONARY
access. The party asking the court to take JUDICIAL NOTICE
judicial notice is obligated to supply the court
with the full text of the rules the party desires 1. The matter must be one of common and
it to have notice of. Counsel should take the general knowledge;
initiative in requesting that a trial court take 2. It must be well and authoritatively settled
judicial notice of an ordinance even where a and not doubtful or uncertain; and
statute requires courts to take judicial notice
of local ordinances. 3. It must be one which is not subject to a
reasonable dispute in that it is either:
a. Generally known within the territorial
WHEN JUDICIAL NOTICE IS jurisdiction of the trial court; or
b. Capable of accurate and ready
1. Matters which are of Public knowledge; determination by resorting to sources whose
NOTE: Public knowledge are those matters accuracy cannot reasonably be
coming to the knowledge of men generally in questionable. (Expert Travel & Tours, Inc. v.
the course of ordinary experiences of life, or CA, G.R. No. 152392, 26 May 2005)
they may be matters which are generally
accepted by mankind as true and are
capable of ready and unquestioned TEST OF NOTORIETY
Whether the fact involved is so notoriously
2. Capable of unquestionable known as to make it proper to assume its
Demonstration; or existence without proof.