Bcis Numerical Method
Bcis Numerical Method
Bcis Numerical Method
Section “A”
Very Short Answer Questions
Attempt all the questions.
I. State the iterative formula for bisection method to solve f(x) = 0
II. Define ill-conditioned system.
III. Why Gauss-Seidel method is better than Jacobi’s method?
IV. Differentiate between the bracketing and non-bracketing method of finding the
solution of the nonlinear equations with examples.
V. Write down the two importance of numerical methods..
VI. What are the errors in numerical methods?
VII. .Write down the limitations of Newton Raphson method.
VIII. Does the following system have a unique solution or not?
IX. Define term rate of convergence.
X. Define Eigen value and Eigen vector.
Section “B”
Descriptive Answer Questions (Any Six)
Section “C”
Case Analysis
a) Formulate the appropriate system of linear equations to determine the salary of each
category of faculty in each month assuming that the salary for a particular category is
the same in all the departments.
b) Write an algorithm to obtain the salary of each category of faculty using the system
obtained from a.
c) Determine the salary of each category of faculty using any suitable method.