Ap1 1
Ap1 1
Ap1 1
Data Science enthusiasts and want to bring a positive change in the @ akshaypateltirth@gmail.com
people's life with its power.
O +919773014811
, B-102 amrapali apt part-1,
judges bunglow cross road,
Tatvasoft technology pvt
20-06-2022 - 09-07-2022
Summer Internship
15 Days Summer Internship in Web Development Program. I Core Machine Learning concepts. Core
learned to make responsive Websites.
Data Science concepts
Renter system
This Project helps to rent anything you want.
• English
Various things can be rented you can also
purchase thing from this website.this website • Hindi
is made by PHP,HTMLand CSS
• Gujarati
• Bookstore
• E-commerce Book Selling Project
• It mainly focuses on creating a website for E-commerce.
• A Variety of Books will be available for buying in a single
• website
A C H I E V E M E N T S & AW A R D
Project Leader of all Projects done. Completed them successfully in
time with Quantity.