Implementing Qualifying Examination educators in order to improve their
Policy subject-matter knowledge, teaching
All institutions that offer accountancy methods, and ability to incorporate programs must absorb the qualifying practical applications into their examination policy, as the lessons. In particular, it is crucial for preparation for the board exam the dean of accountancy in every starts not just on the review period, institution to require their faculty but at the moment the student members to conduct a thorough enrolled in the program (Adriano et evaluation of their teaching methods, al., 2020). Also, the availability of taking into account student continuous assessment in the performance and determining future learning process has the potency for approaches based on their students' motivating and focusing learner's needs. Furthermore, it is imperative attention on the lesson being for the institution to guarantee that presented. This supports that having all Accountancy professors are periodic assessments like the Certified Public Accountants who qualifying examination can help the engage in Continuing Professional students be more enthusiastic in the Education (CPE) in compliance with academics, it sustains the focus of R.A No. 9298. This ensures the the students in studying, applying or maintenance of their expertise and practicing the lessons discussed. As keeps them updated on crucial said, qualifying examinations can changes, specially regarding also serve as a motivation to the Accountancy and Law subjects. students who really aspire to be in Lastly, Accounting professors must the profession because the students adhere and strengthen their do not want to fail, so they will compliance to the recommended improve their study habits (Bayo, curriculum delivery methods outlined 2005). in CHED Memorandum Order No. 27, Series of 2017. This will Faculty Development effectively enhance their method of According to the PRC Board of teaching Accountancy and Accountancy Resolution No. 88, S. deliberately produce fruitful students Since April 15, 2008, accounting filled with a strong foundation of professors must have a Master's knowledge. degree. This requirement applies to any post-graduate degree program Similarly, they should invest in the in business, accounting, taxation, Faculty by paying a reasonable and law, education, or related fields fair compensation. According to completed at a graduate school Laguador and Refozar (2020) it is accredited by the Commission on said that the credentials of academic Higher Education (CHED). However, faculty instructing the nation's the CHED and institutions accounting curricula are indicative of themselves should give continual the majority of HEIs' competency training and assessment to these and capability issues in its accounting programs. In Australia, whose passing rate for CPA Licensure exam was 54% last 2021, shown effectiveness of focusing on improvement of faculty members and compensating them accordingly which ranges from 90,000 to 180,000 dollars per year, depending on the position and how prestigious an institution is. exam but to increase their knowledge and abilities as professionals through networking opportunities, workshops, seminars, and guest speaker events. Motivational Movements Moreover, its membership tends to Low passing rate cannot be solely consist of higher caliber students, blamed on the institutions which makes their performance on themselves, there are also other the exam not surprising. factors by which the institutions try to give solutions to. For instance, the Effortful Teaching Method response of Romblon State Professors of accountancy in a local University to their poor CPALE institution offering a Bachelor of score, ADOPT was created. Science in Accountancy should Realizing that most RSU students integrate an extensive teaching are unable to visit review facilities method because according to Prof. that could aid in their board test Sunita A. Rai of College of success due to financial constraints. Commerce and Economics Matunga ADOPT is a successful program for in India, Teaching accountancy enhancing the socioeconomic differs from teaching other subjects. standing and general well-being of Accounting educators not only the recipients and their families in impart accounting knowledge but addition to RSU's performance in also teaching skills for navigating the CPALE. Students can now globalized business environment. concentrate on their review material Therefore, it is imperative to to help them pass the LECPA. In integrate creative methods of other countries, like the USA, the teaching accounting to the school existence of Beta Alpha Psi whose curriculum to achieve excellent goal is to support students and examination performance. encourage achievement, most of the Moreover, an innovative teaching research on the organization is on method just like the INEM program the advantages it offers solved by the University of West undergraduates when it comes time Bohemia in Plzen, Czech Republic for them to enter the workforce. implementing e-learning study Academic institutions having a Beta materials which thoroughly covers Alpha Psi chapter had greater the theoretical concepts taught in performance from their students financial accounting courses, help throughout the course of all five students successfully complete the years compared to students in course. Additionally, students can universities without a chapter of Beta test their understanding through Alpha Psi. In the US, schools make control tests, allowing them to both extensive use of it. Beta Alpha Psi is learn and test their knowledge. not designed in any manner to just According to the findings of Siam et help students study for the CPA al. (2021), regarding the biggest issues impeding the advancement of accounting education in the United Arab Emirates and the accounting profession. They proposed solutions to these problems to improve the effectiveness of accounting education for developing nations including: (1) providing accounting curriculums in local languages, (2) developing local standards for auditing and accounting, (3) holding examinations of professional accounting in the country, (4) encourage accounting professors to participate in international and national seminars and research to develop their skills, (5) conduct updating and developing for magazines, educational materials, references and accounting methods, to make teaching methods more effective by using local expertise and environment, in addition to updating the academic curricula and plans.
According to Laguador and Refozar (2020)
it is said that the credentials of academic faculty instructing the nation's accounting program quality. Even though there was no curricula are indicative of the majority of discernible difference, RSU's performance HEIs' competency and capability issues in was considered subpar when the its accounting programs. Maintaining an percentage attributable to ADOPT was environment of excellence and ensuring that students acquire the necessary core subtracted.(Fetalvero et al., 2018) competencies depend on strengthening the faculty selection process to increase the Fetalvero, S. M., Montoya, E. F., Faminial, T., caliber of the faculty lineup. It is mentioned & Fetalvero, E. G. (2018, January 8). that it is important for private and public Evaluation of Romblon State University’s HEIs to manage the competency of their Adopt-a-Reviewee Project for Certified Public teachers for they play a vital role in effectively delivering educational activities to Accountant. . . ResearchGate. the students which helps them develop the knowledge and skills needed for the CPA 85404_Evaluation_of_Romblon_State_Univer profession. Source: sity’s_Adopt-a-Reviewee_Project_for_Certifie d_Public_Accountant_Licensure_Examination df?webview_progress_bar=1&show_loading /citations =0&fbclid=IwAR3LW1R7ulC_RIDwHLCo8_J T13HUzpCnq7xWRoa56Id6ZmbjdDoahJ0fk SQ Since the goal of Beta Alpha Psi is to (Note: Hello, di ako masyadong sure dito support students and encourage since more on recommendation sya and achievement, most of the research on the side note pala, kay dean psls itong research organization is on the advantages it offers HAHAHA) undergraduates when it comes time for them to enter the workforce. Academic In response to Romblon State University's institutions having a Beta Alpha Psi chapter poor CPALE score, ADOPT was created. had greater performance from their students Realizing that most RSU students are throughout the course of all five years unable to visit review facilities that could aid compared to students in universities without in their board test success due to financial a chapter of Beta Alpha Psi. In the US, constraints. ADOPT is a successful program schools make extensive use of it. Although for enhancing the socioeconomic standing Beta Alpha Psi is not designed in any and general well-being of the recipients and manner to help students study for the CPA their families in addition to RSU's exam, as was already said, its membership performance in CPALE. Students can now tends to consist of higher caliber students, concentrate on their review material to help which makes their performance on the them pass the LECPA. Graduates' results exam not surprising. It is realistic to believe on the PRC licensing exam serve as the that academic institutions with Beta Alpha foundation for CHED's evaluation of Psi chapters will outperform those without. The lack of a substantial difference between developing nations, and the UAE in award-seeking and non-award-seeking particular. Among them are: chapters was one feature of these results that did not match expectations. Institutions 1. Providing accounting curriculums in local with Beta Additional research might languages, naturally explore the distinctions between various award statuses in Beta Alpha Psi 2. Developing local standards for auditing and accounting, in addition to holding and the requirements for achieving each examinations of professional accounting in status.(Coffey, n.d.) the country,
3. Encourage accounting professors to
participate in international and national Seminars and research to develop their According to the results of the study of skills, in addition to translation into local Siam et al. (2021) The majority of book production by local authors, developing nations have not created accounting education programs from the 4. Conduct updating and developing for ground up; instead, they have adopted magazines, educational materials, those that were first created for developed references and accounting methods, and to nations "that did not meet their accounting make teaching methods more effective by information needs" because of variations in using local expertise and environment, in the requirements for accounting information addition to updating the academic curricula as well as those pertaining to the political, and plans. economic, and cultural development of those nations. These programs are also not 5 thought to be appropriate for use in the creation of efficient accounting systems. For 2/Effects-of-No-Quali-Policy the same reasons, the accounting system might not meet the needs of a less developed nation in terms of accounting.
According to our findings, the biggest
issues impeding the advancement of accounting education in the United Arab Emirates and the accounting profession in particular are: the lack of accounting literature pertinent to the demands and environment of the nation; and the fact that no one is qualified and competent to provide accounting training. The following sets of tactics are suggested as a means of resolving these problems and improving the effectiveness of accounting education for References:
Fetalvero, S., Faminial, E., Foja, E., &
Fetalvero, E. (2018, January 8) Evaluation of Romblon State University’s Adopt-a-Reviewee Project for Certified Public Accountant Licensure Examination. 6(1), 110-116.
Coffey, J. A. (n.d.). Institutional Factors
Affecting Candidate Performance on the CPA Exam. Murray State’s Digital Commons. stheses/64