In Gov Jharkhand jharsewa-RSCER-341881654Q
In Gov Jharkhand jharsewa-RSCER-341881654Q
In Gov Jharkhand jharsewa-RSCER-341881654Q
This is to certify that KARAN KUMAR MAHATO son of AVINASH MAHATO residing at PINDRAJORA Police Station
- PINDRAJORA Post Office -PINDRAJORA , District - BOKARO , State Jharkhand is a local resident and this certificate is being issued in
accordance with the provisions enumerated in para - 2 (i) of resolution No-3198, Dated 18.04.2016 issued by the Department of Personnel,
Administrative Reforms and Rajbhasha, Government of Jharkhand. The holder of the certificate has declared to abide with the pledge that He
has not been the local person of any State / Union Territories other than Jharkhand.