The Never Land
The Never Land
The Never Land
Cleverness Corporation
Peter Pan is a story based on the imaginary creation of the brothers Maicol, Jhon and Wendy
where little by little we discover childhood and nature based on violence, traumas and ailments
that James experienced throughout his life and especially in his childhood with that being said,
Peter becomes this boy who wants to take his brothers to a country where they will never grow
up and will always preserve their childhood to enjoy the childhood they never could have.
This story was inspired by the loss of his brother who had a birthday the day before and takes
place in two different places where the first is the United Kingdom and then they fly to
It is a story based on wanting to be a child forever and not grow up which begins from the day his
parents go through various difficulties when starting a life together since they had a perspective
that they could control their children until the appearance of Peter Pan. in their lives.
His mother was aware that her children dreamed a lot about going to “neverland” since they told
her what this place was like. Peter Pan spied on them through the window frequently and on one
of these visits the seba, but his shadow disappeared. is trapped in the children's room, one day her
parents decide to go out to party and that is where Peter shows up with the previously mentioned
pretext, then he takes advantage of the parents' absence and offers Wendy and her two brothers to
invite them to the neverland, although what he really wanted was for only Wendy to take care of
him and the other lost children, Wendy and her brothers accept and fly away just at that moment
their parents were returning home since they suspected that something It was going to happen,
although in the middle of the trip it becomes a little long, the children begin to be afraid because
they realize that Peter is a little forgetful and they leave them flying forever, although luckily they
manage to reach Neverland, where they introduces Hook, the terrible and mortal enemy of Peter
Pan because he was in charge of cutting off his hand, this is how little by little we get to know
Peter's true nature, a nature soaked in violence, trauma, ailments and immaturity since he laughs
at the treatment that Wendy receives when she arrives at Neverland and Peter lets us know that he
is trapped in an eternal childhood which describes adults who avoid personal and professional
responsibilities by behaving like children and adolescents who refuse to grow up. and to mature
After a short time Wendy assumes the role of mother to all the lost children because she tells
them that a mother reads them stories, tucks them in and gives them love before going to sleep
and the children are excited since none of them have experienced this sensation. This is where
Wendy describes people who put the desires of others above their own, especially in emotional
relationships because they feel the need to take care of the other as if they were a child assuming
a parental role and this situation arises from the fear of acceptance towards others.
One day, Captain Hook kidnaps Wendy in order to make Peter angry with the intention of
making him go in search of her in order to kill him, taking into account that he is bothered by
Peter's childish attitudes because he still behaves like a child anymore. that in this the life of an
adult is reflected by his maturity, seriousness and lack of empathy with children.
Peter falls into Captain Hook's trap of wanting to kill him, since he manages to reach the ship
where Wendy and the kidnapped children are, in order to fight with Captain Hook after a long
battle they manage to free the children, but Captain Hook tells him He asks Peter to fight man to
man, and the crocodile continues waiting for who wins the battle to see who will be his next
meal. For a moment, Hook had him cornered, but Peter, after a good maneuver, manages to
defeat him and asks him to leave. but he tries to betray him from behind after defeating him,
at that very moment Wendy manages to shout at Peter to avoid him where he then falls into the
This whole story is associated with childhood and old age where the most important theme of this
book is the fight between Peter Pan and Captain Hook where Peter Pan represents childhood for
his mischief, ingenuity, innocence, happiness and desire to want to adventure or know, because
most of childhood is where we explore new ideas and let our imagination be creative but it also
shows us that at this stage we can become impulsive, irresponsible, risk-takers, and do not know
how to detect the dangers that can occur to It is time to make certain decisions that can cause
harm to other people or ourselves, and these attitudes can also bother others.
On the contrary, Hook represents the adult world, being a more responsible, serious, bitter
person, acquiring manners, elegance and transparency when expressing himself and dressing, the
vision of life and that as time passes, many childish attitudes begin to bother him. because
adulthood takes away many things like happiness, empathy and charisma to understand people,
but it gives you experience, responsibility, personality and respect that only the passage of time
gives you.
Childhood is beautiful but it doesn't last forever, and Petter Pan remains trapped in his childish
narcissism while Wendy teaches us that we should stop playing games and become adults.
The book teaches us that we must keep our lives in balance since growing up is inevitable and it
is also necessary to take responsibility for our lives, but this does not mean that we should
abandon our inner child since we must keep the joy and adventure alive in our hearts, thus trying
to avoid, for the most part, becoming rigid and boring adults.
The most important thing is that we find that magic that makes us dream and at the same time
helps us build our own paths with responsibility, courage and a lot of love.