Stylistic Devices in The Samaritan Setbook-142
Stylistic Devices in The Samaritan Setbook-142
Stylistic Devices in The Samaritan Setbook-142
(1). Imagery
Montano too tells Alvita what she sees in future, “the way your nose was running as though you had a drum
of fluids in the middle of your head (Pg. 6).”
Montano tells Alvita “you had a fertile imagination (Pg. 8).”
Nicole tells the students “What an overheated imagination (gP. 9).”
Mossi says, “I would especially be delighted if the medicine for regenerating my body cells was discovered
today. That would enable me to live for four hundred and twenty-two more years (Pg. 14 and 15).”
Mossi shares, “I accidentally swallowed a whole toothpick (Pg.16).”
Nicole’s movement is exaggerated with, “Her sharp footsteps can be heard reverberating in the corridor like
castanets (P. 18)”.
b. Vivid description
The scene is introduced with an in-depth description of the setting. We are told Chairs and tables are
arranged in three rows with two passageways, one on either side of the middle row (Pg. 1).”
Narine is described as, “She is motherly ,tall plump lady in her late fifties (Pg. 3)”.
Nicole is portrayed as , “She is dressed in her trade mark style comprising flowery banarasi silk sari and a
headscarf (Pg. 3)”
Further description shows her as , “She is a young, tall, light skinned lady of medium build, a renowned
beauty and an uncompromising moralist (Pg. 3).”
Mayor is a tall heavy man, called mossi (Pg. 2).
Nicole is described as “She is spotting a wavy side pony-tail hairstyle and is smartly dressed in a black skirt
and a white blouse (Pg. 3-4)”.
c. Personification
d. Simile
You just send a text message on the App and it spreads like a wild bushfire (Pg. 16).
Her sharp footsteps can be heard reverberating in the corridor like castanets (Pg. 18).
People slaughtered like chicken (Pg. 7).
e. Metaphor
f. Symbolism
Montano says we better discuss which side of the fence that bird will fly- when it eventually decides to fly
(Pg. 9).The bird represents the Municipal leaders who have to make the decision for the state and citizens.
(2). Euphemism
(3). Sarcasm
Mossi sarcastically says he would especially be delighted by the medicine for regenerating his body cells if it
was discovered today. That would enable him to live for four hundred and twenty two more years (Pg. 14).
Mossi sarcastically refers to the Samaritan App as an incredible innovation that they have to discuss the way
forward after students leave, only to tell them that he will not continue with this ‘Thing.’(Pg. 15).
Ramdaye says they might spread another rumor on the platform and Mossi may swallow another toothpick
With a sarcastic grin, Mossi comments on Basdeo’s delicious smell of the new dawn as, “It is the smell most
likely of berries or corn on cobs, they are delicacies for occupants (Pg. 19).”
(4). Allusion
Alvita says they named The Samaritan after the parable of the Good Samaritan narrated in the good book
(Pg. 13).
Montano asks Alvita the possibility of better change, “What with all these criminal gangs in the Municipality?
(Pg. 8).
Alvita asks Montano, “Haven’t you read about decision-making algorithms (Pg. 8).”
Alvita asks, “What is so special about developing an artificial police officer or judge? (Pg. 8).
Alvita and Montano showcase the future and they imagine a world of despair with a degraded environment,
malnourishment, crime, and poverty contrasted with a world where technology brings hope in the judicial
sector and human life span too (Pg. 4- 13).
(7). Satire
The Mayor and his leaders reject the most incredible project of The Samaritan aimed to change the
Municipality and the situation of the citizens. Within a few minutes Mossi releases students and tells the
principal and students that they will not proceed with the rewarding.
The play within a play is a satire of what may happen in future.
Montano tells Alvita that their country has been producing graduates every year that the jobs it is able to
create (Pg. 5).
(8). Irony
It is ironic that Mossi, the Mayor, says he had an express mandate given to him by the people of Maracas to
protect their public interest, yet he has an intention of blocking the advancement of the Samaritan App
innovation that could save them (Pg. 18).
(9). Ellipsis
Pirro says, “Pardon me your worship, but they cannot overrule the minster …(Pg.18).
Mossi stammers when talking to Nicole that she should figure a way…. And further says that in it that you
need to attend to … get when I mean?(Pg. 17).
(1). Imagery
a. Vivid Description
A spacious rectangular-shaped room with a large pine oval table with high back executive office chairs (Pg.
b. Simile
c. Hyperbole
Mossi tells Ted and Seymour, “I can make you see real smoke and can strike harder than thunder (P. 35)”
(2). Ellipsis
Mossi says, “Look you fools, the situation is very bad and we cannot….(Pg. 35).
Mossi asks Ted and Seymour, “How can you justify your current financial status? (Pg. 35).”
He further asks them, “Who doesn’t know you have stolen the money? (Pg. 35).”
(5). Irony
It is ironic that Jaden is a judge who should be maintaining law and order , yet when he meets Mossi, Ted,
and Seymour he argues, “... .what matters is not what you do, but how you do it (Pg. 29).”
It is ironic that the Principal Judge, Jaden, says that one can fly into forbidden territory and still get away with
it, provided it’s done below the radar (Pg. 29). This clearly shows that he is ready to justify all injustice in
maracas municipality.
Furthermore, he believes in corruption. He thinks that the only way to pull down the information from the
App is by use of money to influence their pursuers (Pg. 31).
(1). Imagery
a. Vivid Description
The stage directions at the beginning of the scene are quite detailed. They indicate Nicole as sitting in her
spacious room that contained an oak table. The table has three drawers on each side of her seat. The table
has two office chairs that face each other on the front of it.
The table is arranged quite neatly and books are on the left-hand side whereas the left-hand side has a pen
and a notebook. In the middle, is a laptop (Pg. 49).
b. Simile
Nicole says the Municipality is like the Jewish man in many ways (Pg.51).
The leaders are also like the Priest and the Levite in the story of the Good Samaritan (Pg. 51).
c. Personification
d. Symbolism
The shepherd have turned against the sheep in which the shepherd are the leaders at the Maracas
Municipality whereas the sheep and citizens (Pg.51)
(2). Foreshadow
Montano thinks that the Samaritan might get Nicole in trouble and later in the play, it breeds trouble for her
(Pg. 49). He still emphasizes on the impending danger that Nicole may face and that is what we witness later
in the play (Pg.52).
(3). Flashback
Montano recalls the ultimatum the Mayor gave to her during the previous year on closing day at school while
warning her of the impending danger (Pg.49).
(4). Irony
Montano finds it ironic that the leaders would reject The Samaritan when it is something good for the people
(Pg. 50).
It is also ironic that the leaders whom citizens entrust power and expect would help them fail to come to their
aid. Nicole tells Montano the irony in their leaders who talk about public interest and they miss to act (Pg.
Nicole finds irony in the life of the leaders. Even though the salaries their leaders are paid cannot afford quite
a flashy life, the leaders have a flaunty lifestyle, they own big vehicles, huge houses and have plenty of
money (Pg.53).
It is ironic that the religious priest and the Levite who hold the same Christian ideologies with the Jewish man
did not help him, yet The Samaritan man with a different religious background helped him and took him to a
safe place (Pg. 50-51).
The story of the Good Samaritan is a story within a story aimed to bring out the irony in the society and show
that leaders are negligent of the duties endowed to them by the citizens (Pg.50-51).
Montano asks “Why would the leaders reject what is good for the people? (Pg.50)” the question invites the
audience to see the satirical nature of leadership in this play.
Alvita asks “Could they transfer you from our school? (Pg.52)” This is to show the concern they have about
their teacher.
Nicole asks “So where do they get money? (Pg. 53)” This shows the corrupt nature of the leaders.
(1). Imagery
a. Vivid Description
The scene is introduced by a vivid description of the principal’s boardroom which is a big rectangular room
containing a large ovoid mahogany table and various office seats. There is a table with a pen and a notebook
as well as a bottle of water and glass (Pg.54).
Mossi describes Tedd as having an evil hairstyle, wearing ripped jeans, bangles and necklaces that are
satanic (Pg.65).
Mossi clearly describes how Justice Jaden dresses smartly and wears a solemn look; he walks with confidence
and looks fair and just (Pg.69).
b. Metaphor
c. Similes
Mossi described roads as looking like part of an abandoned battlefield (Pg.62).
Mossi claims that his deputy gazes into empty spaces like an evil spirit waiting for fake title deeds to be
printed (Pg.63).
Mossi argues that his deputy resembled the sloth (Pg.63).
Moss refers to Ted like the swine he is while referring to Ted (Pg.64).
Mossi indicates that Ted put up some site offices that look like cowsheds (Pg.64).
Mossi testifies, ‘Ted makes a whole Chamber smell like a nightclub and brewery (Pg.65).’
Mossi claims that Seymour has fake papers in law and he knows as much law as does the goat and that he
has a goatee just like the he-goat that he is (Pg.67).
Mossi shares that Jaden hawks justice like cabbages (Pg.69)
Mossi also says that Jaden’s looks are just as we see the flowers on the surface of a fresh grave (Pg.69).
d. Personification
Mossi says that The Samaritan App is damaging his reputation (Pg.73)
e. Hyperbole
Moss says that roads resemble the battlefield where bombs were detonated (Pg.62).
Mossi calls Ted a bat and a sinister creature that can’t see and sleeps upside down (Pg.64).
Mossi says that Hon. Ted King must have quit schooling after kindergarten and that he sleeps in a drum of
illicit liquor (Pg.65).
Mossi also accuses the leaders for eating the whole loaf together with the wrapping and even the vendor
All the Municipal leaders eat the whole loaf together with the wrapping where possible and even the vendor
Mossi says that Justice Jaden hawks justices like cabbages (Pg.69).
Mossi claims that Hon. Seymour hides behind satanic dark glasses that threaten everyone and everything
including his own shadow and he can also drive the devil out of hell (Pg.70).
(2). Allusion;
a. Biblical Allusion
Mossi says he is being crucified for the mistakes of the people (P.61).
Mossi says the Son of Man cursed the legal professionals a biblical allusion to Jesus (p.70).
b. Literary allusion
Mossi says that the Samaritan App presents the cock and bull story which is a mere excuse or implausible
explanation that is unbelievable (Pg.73)
Mossi refers to the leaders as eating, A loaf of bread- all the funds (Pg.69).
Nicole says the buck stops with you- Mossi is responsible for everything and should not blame it on anybody
else (Pg.62).
Mossi asks Nicole “Can you even dare mention that? Haven’t you heard how dangerous he is? (Pg.66).”
(5). Idiophones
(6). Onomatopoeia
Whining (Pg.71).
Slamming (Pg.73)
(7). Euphemism
(8). Irony
Narine, the school principal thinks what Nicole is doing is good, yet she advised her not to be involved in
something that will derail them from the greater good in line with the mission of the school (Pg.56).
Nicole finds it ironic that Mossi, who should be fighting corruption, is offering her a bribe so that she stops
pursuing The Samaritan App meant to save the Municipality (Pg.59).
It is ironic that Mossi campaigned for Ted King and now he talks so ill of him (Pg.65-71).
Mossi is the Mayor yet he testifies that he can’t change anything in the Municipality (Pg.68).
It is ironic that most leaders in the Municipality have their families conducting most projects in the Council
It is ironic for Justice Jaden to hawk justice (Pg.69).
Narine tells Mossi she had sent a copy of the letter a month ago, the Mayor says his in-tray is full of letters
because he has always been busy. Given that it is his duty to read every letter daily, it shows that he is not
working at all (Pg.58).
It is ironical that the citizens vote in leaders such as Seymour and Ted as a result of their opulence, the
bribes they give them and how they dress in bling blings, satanic chains and other displays, yet they should
consider the leadership qualification (Pgs.65 and 70-71).
(9). Sarcasm
Nicole applies sarcasm to ask the Mayor to tell her whether he is really responsible for the problems faced in
the Municipality (Pg.63).
Nicole sarcastically asks Mossi whether his deputy must be a disgrace (Pg.63).
Mossi uses sarcasm to talk about Hon. Ramdaye and how his entire family has invaded the Department of
Infrastructure (Pg.69).
Mossi is sarcastic when referring to Justice Ian Jaden as a man whose true colors are contradictory to his
smart nature (Pg.69).
Mossi sarcastically asks Nicole whether she thinks a computer Programme will stop a monkey from eating
bananas (Pg.71).
Mossi is sarcastic when showing how some leaders lack knowledge and says that Seymour has fake papers in
law and he knows as much law as does the goat (Pg.67).
(10). Satire
The act satirizes leaders such as the deputy Mayor, Ted, and Ramdaye by making Mossi reveal how
uneducated, corrupt, and selfish the Municipal council officials are.
The scene also satirizes Mossi as a useless leader who averts his responsibilities to other leaders in the
municipality when he is the one given the duty to protect the municipality.
The scene also satirizes the jurisdiction for failing to administer justice and engaging in crime.
(11). Humour
Mossi says that Seymour has fake papers in law and he knows as much law as does the goat (Pg.67).
He claims that Hon. Seymour hides behind satanic dark glasses that threaten everyone and everything
including his own shadow and he can also drive the devil out of hell (Pg.70).
Mossi says when you elect a monkey into an office you should not complain when it begins to holler (Pg.71).
(1). Imagery
a. Vivid description
The scene starts at Madingo Golf Club in a Sky Room which looks exactly like the Jungle Room and it is well
furnished and arranged. The Deputy Mayor, Hon. Ramdaye, Hon. Seymour, and Hon. Ted are standing around
the tables on which are bottles of God White and Dark Rum (P.74).
b. Personification
c. Metaphor
d. Simile
(2). Hyperbole
(3). Allegory
There is the reference to Mossi-oa- Tunya as the smoke that thunders (P.75).
Hon. Yongrui is also called Mr. Developer (P.78).
(4). Idiophones
Basdeo talks of Shang Ramas who went to fetch water and found two girls drawing water at the river hence
married and settled them. One wife became the mother of the Indo while the other was the mother to the
oriental people (P.83).
(6). Irony
Ted wonders why they call Hon. Ferreira - Mr. Key, when he can hardly commit to anything and can never
make up his mind (P.76).
Ted finds irony in Basdeo’s behavior, a man full of deceit and cunning behaviour (P.84). “ are not exactly
the man I thought you were!”
(7). Humour
Ted expresses humour in the kind of stone that almost hit his head (P.74).
Seymour expresses shock that Hon. Ramdaye could run so fast and this is a source for laughter (P.75).
Ted says there is always a winner even in a beauty contest of monkeys (P.79).
(9). Flashback
The scene starts with Ramdaye recalling the violent disruption of their recent meeting (P.74).
(10). Juxtaposition
Ted recalls the recent violence and says “Sadly, we never anticipated this. I think The Mayor is a good
organizer (P.75).”
Ramdaye suggests that Mr. Key cannot decide what and how much to eat (P.77).
(13). Ellipsis
(1). Imagery
a. Vivid Description
The stage directions show us where exactly the scene happens, Classroom at Sagrada secondary school is
described to bring out the mental picture of the setting…high ceiling, well lit (P. 87).
b. Symbolism
The good spirit symbolizes or stands for those that do what is right and just.
The evil spirit represents people who disobey set rules in society. This evil spirit leads to destruction
including the spirit of the Beast representing selfishness, brutality, and destruction (P.91).
c. Simile
Disobeying the rules of the Creator is like breaking the rules of those who made roads and vehicles (P.89).
(2). Allusion
a. Biblical Allusion
During the lesson, parts of the Ten Commandments are mentioned during the discussion with focus on
obedience. Do not worship other gods, do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery (P. 90).
b. Literary Allusion
There is reference to Euripides quote of, ‘slow but sure moves the might of the gods’ the famous Greek
playwright (P. 91).
(3). Ellipsis
Ellipsis has been used when Nicole says “and we must resist all those being controlled by the spirit of the….?
(P.91) She does this so as to allow her students to fill in the missing word.
Nicole uses the story of the fall of Jerusalem to enlighten students on the aspects of disobedience and how it
can affect people (P.90).
Nicole asks the students a series of questions such as, “Do you think our municipality is undergoing
destruction? Are there times we may not find drugs in our hospitals because of theft? Are there cases where
a police officer cannot serve you unless you pay a bribe? Are there times you cannot get justice from our law
courts? ”
(1). Imagery
a. Vivid Description
Inspector Bembe removes his scepter from the armpit of his left hand, places it on the table, removes his
beret and mops the sweat off his brow (P. 93).
b. Simile
c. Metaphor
Bembe tells Nicole, “ As I am saying this is the business of any monkey of a Samaritan (P.97).
(2). Ellipsis
Inspector Bembe does not allow Nicole to complete her statement. Nicole says she has not done anything
wrong and…. (P. 93).
Nicole says leaders must not tell us to do the wrong things….. Bembe does not allow her to complete her
statement too (P.93).
Bembe asks Nicole, ‘so you won’t stop it eh?’ (P. 98).
(4). Hyperbole
Bembe says that, “the App is a grave danger to the society (P.97).”
(5). Irony
It is ironic that the Samaritan App meant to salvage the society from evil conducts including corruption and
pollution is considered evil (P.97).
It is also ironic that Bembe says that they have employed competent agencies to handle environmental
degradation, yet they are not really doing much apart from molesting people like Nicole who are pointing to
societal ills(P.97).
It is ironic that the police officer wants to arrest Nicole in the name of protecting their lives when in reality he
is doing so to protect Mossi (P.94).
(6). Idiom
(1). Imagery
a. Vivid description
Has been used at the start of scene 3 and so there is the description of The Mayor who is seated. On the
table are his usual stuff, the hat, three mobile phones and a walking stick. A waiter walks in and places a soft
drink on the table with two glasses then enters Inspector Bembe.
b. Simile
c. Personification
(2). Hyperbole
The rodents and other rat’s abilities are exaggerated. The rodents are said to have an attitude.
Mossi tells Jaden that they have countless rodents in the granaries today and he thinks the rodents in the
granaries are more than the grains (P 109).
The judge uses rhetorical questions … And I am beginning to catch the smell of rats?(P.113).
Bembe asks, A whole judge in this kind of scandal? (P.108).
Look now what it has turned out to be?(P.112).
It has been used to compare the foolish rich man in the bible with Jaden who accumulated his wealth, in the
hope of enjoying after retirement in Luke 12:16-21 (P. 112).
The invasion of the locusts is a biblical allusion of the locus that invades Egypt in Exodus 10:4
(5). Foreshadow
(6). Saying
When bad luck chooses you as a companion, even a ripe banana can knock off your teeth.
(7). Onomatopoeia
(8). Satire
The whole scene is a mocking of the leadership in the municipal council for protecting themselves instead of
the citizens.
Jaden as a judge is meant to ensure there is justice, however he is at the center stage of impunity,
corruption, and other social evils.
(9). Idiophone
Shss (P.102)
(10). Flashback
There is a flashback in which the rodents are reared in the Orchard Farm. Most of these rodents are like
humans and they could counter human beings (110).
The other flashback is on how Jaden ruled two cases in favor of ivy; one to receive the contract of killing rats
and another to bring specially trained cats to kill these rats.
(11). Ellipsis
(12). Humour
(13). Soliloquy
Jaden remains standing and speaks to himself after the meeting. He reveals why he was involved in this
corrupt deal. He intended to amass and retire early then enjoy his wealth. He also shares that everybody
was doing it and when litigants gave him money to determine a case in their favor he did so. He also
reveals his fear and the emergence of ulcers and well as having been haunted (p.112-113).
(14). Idiom
Mossi tells Jaden , I can’t take the bullet for you (P. 105).
Bembe says, My situation is out of hand (P.100).
Jaden says You are playing dirty (P.111).
(1). Imagery
a. Vivid Description
The scene is indicated to have happened at the Jungle Room in the Madingo Room Club. Jaden, is seated
pensively, eyes peering above the rim of his eyeglasses, and hands fiddling with his pen (P.114).
Jaden is portrayed as having removed glasses and dusted them with his handkerchief (P.114).
Jaden is also said to sit down opposite Mr. Harvester. He adjusts his eyeglasses, then peers at Mr. Harvester
from above the rim of the glasses (P.115).
b. Symbol
Rodents and rats are the evils conducted by the Municipal (P.117).
(2). Idiom
Jaden says I will get straight to the point (P.114).
Up in arms (P.118).
(5). Satire
It is satirical that the judiciary representative Jaden is willing to sacrifice justice in the interest of what he
calls the greatest number of people- the Municipal leaders(P.118).
He is entrusted with protection of the law, which he sacrifices for his sake.
It is satirical that Harvester whom Jaden calls a man of God is also involved in criminal activities that Mossi
dictates him to conduct. He hides behind the belief that he has a Christian duty to obey his leader (P.115).
Satire is also built as Jaden says the ethos prevailing in society influence his thinking and actions. The satire
too happens when he says his rulings in many ways reflect the prevailing culture in society (P.116).
(6). Irony
It is ironic that Jaden, who is a judge, got unwittingly entangled in the safe affair for which Mayor Mossi wants
to put Hon. Ramdaye and Hon. Basdeo in jail. He made a ruling that clearly betrayed his bias as an interested
party and they paid him shares of a company that the Municipal intends to sue (P.116).
Jaden uses the principle of the greatest happiness for the greatest number to reunite with Mossi and
everyone else in the fight to win a case, yet the greatest number are citizens whose resources should be
safeguarded and not the Municipal leaders (P.118
Harvester finds it ironic that Jaden is entangled in a scandal with Ramdaye, Ted, Seymour and Basdeo
(P.116). He is a judge who should protect the public interest, yet he colluded with the politicians in criminal
(7). Onomatopoeia
Fiddling (P.114) .
Clasped (P.117).
(8). Hyperbole
Lately I am even catching the smell of sewer rats. It is awful. It makes me want to throw up and my stomach
is beginning to ache (P.117).
(1). Imagery
a. Vivid description
The setting of the scene is at the chambers of the principal judge, a large room furnished with a large table in
the middle and wooden chairs on both sides. (P.120).
(2). Idiom
A phrase or expression that usually presents a figurative, non-literal meaning attached to the phrase.
Jaden says that a lot of beans have been spilt ( P. 122). And the wheel of justice must turn.
Put a spotlight on us(P.122).
have skeletons in their closets (P.121).
To save our skins (P.120).
Up in arms (P.122).
Give me the willies (P.124).
Speaks volumes (P.125).
Seymour tells Jaden that he lives in a glass house, and he still insists on throwing stones ( P. 122).
Never hit a snake if you haven’t seen its head(P.120).
(4). Humor
Ted says that the teacher is a tough woman, but very beautiful! You should look at her legs!(P.126).
(5). Ellipsis
Basdeo says, we may all have some skeletons, but on balance, some of the skeletons are…(P.121).
Jaden asks , ‘Assuming we talk to her and she turns out to be agreeable, how would she help?(P.124).’
Ramdaye asks Ted, ‘What did you smoke?(P.126).’
(1). Imagery
a. Vivid Description
The scene starts on Wednesday at lunch hour at the Sagrada Secondary school in the principal’s boardroom.
Narine is dressed in her trademark style-flowery sari and gorgeous headscarf - pacing uneasily about the
room, breathing rather heavily. From outside, the footsteps of a lady approaching on the corridor can be
heard. Then there is a knock on the door (P.128).
There is another vivid description where it is stated, the visitors file in, the guests shake hands with the
principal and Nicole. They all take seats and the principal clears her throat (P.131).
We are also informed of a brief awkward moment after which Jaden clears his throat and fiddles with the
eyeglasses he had removed in his hands. It is indicated, Jaden and company exchange glances (P. 132). They
all stand with relief and cheerfully move to shake Nicole’s hand in turns. Nicole stands up, though looked
rather puzzled (P.133).
The writer described the boardroom as having a relaxed mood as people resume their seats (P.134).
There is silence as the mayor and company look at one another inquisitively. Then there is a loud knock on
the door, which opens slowly. The School Principal enters, followed by a tall, uniformed police officer (P137)
b. Symbolism
Narine tells Nicole that she has severally said the bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists.
The oak stands for Nicole who is determined to ensure that the leadership of Maracas is held accountable (P.
c. Simile
d. Metaphor
(2). Irony
It is ironical that the leaders of Maracas think that Nicole is in agreement with their suggestion of bringing her
onboard and they celebrate she owes Maracas Municipality and the country a civil duty and she is ready to
work with, yet she is not willing to join them at all (P.133-134).
Nicole finds it ironic when Mossi believes Nicole can get into contract with the Municipality and that is what
will save the world. On the contrary, she thinks now laws or officers or positions can save it, the change
should come from within themselves (P.135). She says they need patriotic citizens to enhance transparency
(P. 133).
It is ironic that the leaders pretend they are ready for change at Maracas yet it is not true. They are only after
winning Nicole to their side and tell her that they appreciate her contribution in enhancing service delivery to
the people, yet they are after benefiting themselves (P.133).
It is ironical also that even though good governance stretches back to the beginning of human history, the
many years of management worsen the situation. Currently, the citizens are enslaved by their own people
when the forefathers were enslaved by the white people (P.130).
(3). Satire
It is satirical that even though good governance stretches back to the beginning of human history, the many
years of management worsen the situation. Currently people are enslaved by their own people when the
forefathers were enslaved by the white people (P.130).
(4). Sarcasm
Seymour pulls his goatee and leaning back on his seat, hence sarcastically tells Bembe that he did not know
they were coming for a sermon (P.136).
Narine sarcastically refers to Nicole as a headstrong girl (P.129).
She also tells her to go ahead and upload everyone on that App (P.129). She even tells her she is neither her
secretary nor a house girl.
Nicole tells the gentlemen that the new era should be characterized by everyone being a brother’s keeper as
shown in Genesis 4: 1-13 and Matthew 25: 31-40) (P.134).
Nicole compares the state of Maracas municipality to the valley of the dry bones in the bible in Ezekiel 37:1-
(6). Ellipsis
Nicole asks, “frankly speaking, if all of you dipped his fingers into the public rill, or broke the law in any way,
would you be where you are today?
Would our Municipality be in its present condition?(P.137).”
Narine asks Nicole, “You think that is fair to me? To the students? To the school? Do you think the life of our
school is all about the App?(P.129).”
Narine also asks Nicole, “Did you ever care to know what battles I am fighting to ensure your safety and
defend the school’s position?(P.129
Dipped his fingers into the public till- looted public property (P.137).
Cutting her short- interrupts (P.128).
Narine cautions Nicole that the bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak the resists (P.130).
If you can’t turn the wind, turn the sail (P.130).
(10). Hyperbole
Narine says, “she will have no choice but to personally grab Nicole by her pants and hound her out of her
vicinity through the nearest available opening ( P.130).”
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