Philippine Politics and Governance
Philippine Politics and Governance
Philippine Politics and Governance
•According to the Article VII, Section 16, the President has the power to
appoint anyone to the department with the consent given by the
Commission on Appointments.
• Not all cabinet members are subject to confirmation of the Commission
on Appointments.
The list shows the positions which needs confirmation:
1. Executive Secretary
3. Secretary of Agriculture
5. Secretary of Education
6. Secretary of Energy
8. Secretary of Finance
B. POWERS OF A CABINET • According to Article X, Section 4 of the
SECRETAI Constitution the President of the Philippines
> The power to issue directives is mandated to supervise local governments
related to their departments like all over the country.
department orders. • However, because of the Republic Act No.
> The orders may apply to 7160, otherwise known as the Local
offices under a specific Government Code of 1991, local
department under the sectary's governments given the autonomy from the
jurisdiction. national government.
> The cabinet secretaries also •Each local government has its own chief
acts as advisors to the President executive. These are:
for their areas. 1. Province - Provincial Governor
2. City - City Mayor
3. Municipality - Municipal Mayor
4. Barangay - Barangay Chairman