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EasyChair Preprint 8289

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EasyChair Preprint

№ 8289

Network Design and Implementation of Dynamic

Routing Protocols with Security

Adimulam Koteswara Rao, Shaik Taj Mahaboob and

Kalvapalli Ravindra Reddy

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June 18, 2022

Network Design and Implementation of Dynamic Routing Protocols with security
Network Protocols defines the optimized paths to send data and Network routing information from
source to destination. Dynamic routing is a process where a router can forward data via different
routes for a given destination, based on the current conditions of the communication circuits within a
system. Static and Dynamic are two types of Routing Protocols, Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)
and Interior Gateway Routing (IGR) are two classes of dynamic routing Protocols. (IGR) is classified
into two types as distance vector routing and link-state routing. This review paper, discuss about the
various routing Protocols from IGR type, like Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open shortest path
first (OSPF), Enhanced Interior Gateway routing protocol (EIGRP), EGP class protocol like and
Static routing. This paper discuss about how cisco Packet Tracer software can be used for
implementation of protocol with enhanced security.
Keywords—OSPF, EIGRP, RIP, Static Routing, Packet Tracer, cryptography Standard.
Routing is the key factor of network communication system for selecting first-class paths in a network
which is normally performed by router. Routing protocols defines the set of rules and conductions for
the exchange of routing tables between routers. Routing of packets is finished in two ways, i.e. static
routing and dynamic routing.
In static routing administrator manually enters the routes within the router table wherein as in dynamic
routing it takes place routinely the use of routing protocols like RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF, and so forth.
Verbal exchange among routing protocols is dependent on the routing set of rules which is solely
depending on the metrics used to locate the path to switch the records across networks. Routing
Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), and Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing
Protocol (EIGRP).
Routing protocols
A routing protocol specifies how routers communicate with each other to distribute information that
enables them to select routes between nodes on a computer network.
There are two main types of routing protocols: Static routing and dynamic routing. Static routing
assumes that the network is fixed, meaning no nodes are added or removed and routing tables are
therefore only manually updated Ref[1].Dynamic or adaptive routing, more commonly used for
internetworking, allows changes in the network topology by using routing tables that update with each
network change. In this report we will only consider dynamic routing protocols. Within the class of
dynamic protocols, we can have Interior or Exterior Gateway Protocols. EGP’s deals with routing
information between different autonomous. An example of an EGP is Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
The three routing protocols we chose to compare are IGP’s, protocols that exchange routing information
within an AS. These protocols can either use distance vector (such as RIP and EIGRP) or link-state
algorithms (such as OSPF) to optimize convergence times. In this paper we will compare the three
dynamic routing protocols shown on the right of the classification chart below: RIP, OSPF and EIGRP.
Is shown in fig[1.1]
Figure 1.1: Classification of Routing Protocols

Routing Information Protocol (RIP): The Routing Information Protocol (RIP), which is a distance-
vector based algorithm, is one of the first routing protocols implemented on TCP/IP. Information is sent
through the network using UDP. Each router that uses this protocol has limited knowledge of the
network around it. This simple protocol uses a hop count mechanism to find an optimal path for packet
routing. A maximum number of 16 hops are employed to avoid routing loops. However, this parameter
limits the size of the networks that this protocol can support. The popularity of this protocol is largely
due to its simplicity and its easy configurability. However, its disadvantages include slow convergence
times, and its scalability limitations. Therefore, this protocol works best for small scaled networks[1],[8]
has Ref (1) and (8)
RIP Attributes:

 The Algorithm used is a Distance Vector.

 The metric depends on the count of hops.
 The maximum Hop count in RIP is 15.
 Every 30 seconds the routing table will be updated.
 It also gives the traffic in topology with updates.

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a very widely used link-state
interior gateway protocols (IGP). This protocol routes Internet Protocol (IP) packets by gathering link-
state information from neighbouring routers and constructing a map of the network. OSPF routers send
many message types including hello messages, link state requests and updates and database
descriptions. Djisktra’s algorithm is then used to find the shortest path to the destination. Shortest Path
First (SPF) calculations are computed either periodically or upon a received Link State Advertisement
(LSA), depending on the protocol implementation. Topology changes are Dynamic Routing Protocols
EGP BGP IGP Distance Vector RIP EIGRP Link-State OSPF ENSC427- Final Project 8 detected very
quickly using this protocol. Is shown in table [1]. Another advantage of OSPF is that its many
configurable parameters make it a very flexible and robust protocol. Contrary to RIP, OSPF has the
disadvantage of being too complicated Ref[2]
OSPF characteristics:
It mostly shows the non-loop routes.

 The routing table is updated automatically according to the network inside.

 It uses Less Bandwidth. D. Static Routing

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) EIGRP is a Cisco-developed advanced

distance-vector routing protocol. Routers using this protocol automatically distribute route information
to all neighbours. The Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUA) is used for routing optimization, fast
convergence, as well as to avoid routing loops. Full routing information is only exchanged once upon
neighbour establishment, after which only partial updates are sent. When a router is unable to find a
path through the network, it sends out a query to its neighbours, which propagates until a suitable route
is found. This need-based update is an advantage over other protocols as it reduces traffic between
routers and therefore saves bandwidth. The metric that is used to find an optimal path is calculated with
variables bandwidth, load, delay and reliability. By incorporating many such variables, the protocol
ensures that the best path is found. Also, compared to other distance-vector algorithms, EIGRP has a
larger maximum hop limitation, which makes it compatible with large networks. The disadvantage of
EIGRP is that it is a Cisco proprietary protocol, i.e., it is only compatible with Cisco technology
networks Ref [3],[5].
EIGRP Attributes:
Superior distance-vector algorithm.

 Utilizes Reliability bandwidth, delay, and load as metrics.

 Allows hop count till 255.
 Scalable.
 Fast convergence.

Static Routing
Static routing is a form of routing that occurs when a router uses a manually-configured routing entry,
rather than information from dynamic routing traffic Ref [3].
Static routing has certain disadvantages:

 Manually configuring and maintenance of Routing Table is Difficult and also not time efficient.
 Configuring Routers will not be Possible in Huge Networks due to its high traffic.
 Network Administrator has complete charge over Altering the information of the routers.
 The result is not as expected or will not work well if any topological changes take place in the
networks; maintenance becomes cumbersome.
 Needs Total Information about the complete network for proper implementation.
S.NO Author Title Protocols configuration Security
1 K. Narasimha Network OSPF, Yes Plaintext
M.Vamshidhar Design and EIGRP, RIP,
Reddy Implementation Static
Sandeep Kumar of Dynamic Routing
Using Packet
2 Shewaye Sirika Survey on RIP, IGRP, Yes Plaintext
Smita Mahajine Dynamic EIGRP,
Routing OSPF, GNS-
Protocols 3, OPNET,
packet tracer.
3 Kiavash Analysis of OSPF, Yes Plaintext
Mirzahossein RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP, RIP,
Michael Nguyen EIGRP Routing Static
Sarah Elmasry Protocols using Routing
4 Sheela Ganesh Dynamic EIGRP, Yes Plaintext
Routing OSPF, RIP,
Protocol Dynamic
implementation Routing
decision Protocol,
between Network
EIGRP, OSPF Convergence,
and RIP based CPU
on Technical Utilization
5 NARESH Performance EIGRP, Yes Plaintext
Evaluation ofOSPF, RIP,
UMTS Under Dynamic
and IGRP Protocol,
6 P.Bramarambika Design and OSPF, RIP, Yes Plaintext
V. Sai Santosh Implementation Dynamic
of Dynamic Routing
Routing Protocol
7 Michael Nguyen Implementation EIGRP, Yes Plaintext
Sarah Elmasry decision OSPF
8 Anil Kumar OSPF, and EIGRP, Yes Plaintext
Protocols Dynamic

Table 1: Literature review summary


Matrix of Protocols, Features

Ref[1][8] Ref[1][8] Ref[3][5] Ref[2]
Variety Distance Vector Distance Vector Advance Link State
Distance Vector
Algorithm Bellman-Ford Bellman-Ford Dual DijKstra
Classful/classless Class Full Class Full Classless Class Less
Metrics Hop Count Hop Count Delay and Cost
Update timer 30 30 Automatic Automatic
AD amount 120 120 Internal 90 110
External 170
Authentication NO Yes MD5 MD5
Maximum Hop 15 15 255 NO
Convergence Slow Slow Very Fast Fast
Update Type Full table Full table Only Changes Only Changes
VSLM Support No No Yes Yes
Network Size Small Small Large Very large
Split Horizon No No Yes Yes
Area Type - - - 5 Types

Encrypt passwords on Cisco routers and switches

In this paper how to set passwords on cisco switches or router. But passwords does add to the security
of the device here there is small problem. The password is stored in plain text. Anyone who gets access
to the switch can easily see all the passwords by typing command “show running-config or show
In this project we will see how to encrypt passwords with crypto standard on Cisco routers or switches.
I have reviewed several articles related with how the networking Protocols tells the simplest paths to
send data from source to destination in secure and also gives details on how routers send information
between one another so that to complete its goal.
[1] K. Narasimha,P. Bramarambika,V. Sai Santosh
M. Vamshidhar Reddy,Sandeep Kumar"Network Design and Implementation of Dynamic
Routing Protocols Using Packet Tracer"978-1-7281-7213-2/20/$31.00 c 2020 IEEE
[2]Shewaye Sirika,Smita Mahajine"Survey on Dynamic Routing Protocols"IJERTV5IS010028,SSN:
2278-0181 Vol. 5 Issue 01, January-2016
[3] Kiavash Mirzahossein,Michael Nguyen,Sarah Elmasry"Analysis of RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP
Routing Protocols using OPNET ENSC 427 2013
[4] Moh'd Rasoul Ahmad Al-Hadidi, Mohammed Yousef Al-Gawagzeh, Nayel Al-Zubi, Bayan Al-
Saaidah and Mohammed Alweshah, ”overall performance analysis of EIGRP via OSPF based on
OPNET and GNS3”, Research journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and technology 8 (eight), pp.
989-994, 2014
[5] O'Halloran, C.;” Dynamic variation of OSPF interface metrics based totally on community load”,
signals and systems convention (ISSC), 2015 26th Irish, pp. 1 – 6, 2015.
[6] Jaya Kumar, M.,” A comparative study on RIP and OSPF protocols”, Innovations in statistics,
Embedded and conversation structures (ICIIECS), pp. 1-5, 2015.
[7] Circiumarescu, L.D.; Predusca, G.; Angelescu, N.; Puchianu, “Comparative evaluation of Protocol
RIP, OSPF, EIGRP and IGRPfor carrier Video Conferencing, e-mail, FTP, HTTP”, Control systems
and PC technology (CSCS), 2015 20th worldwideconvention on, pp. 584 – 589, 2015.
[8] Naresh; Kumar,“Performance evaluation of UMTS under OSPF,EIGRP and IGRP”, Computing
for Sustainable global development (INDIA Com), 2014 international conference on, pp. 934 –
[9] Naresh; Anil Kumar; "Performance Evaluation of UMTS Under OSPF, EIGRP and IGRP"978-93-

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