How do you handle team members who consistently miss their sprint commitments?
1. Answer: As a Scrum Master, I would first try to understand the root cause of
the missed commitments, such as lack of proper estimation or difficulty with
the work. Then, I would work with the team to come up with solutions to
address the issue, such as re-estimating the work, reassigning tasks, or
adjusting the team's workload. I would also facilitate a conversation with the
team member to discuss their capacity and availability and see if there is a
need for adjusting their role within the team.
Can you explain the concept of "Scrum of Scrums" and when it is appropriate to use?
How do you handle team members who are not following Scrum principles and
5. Answer: First, I would try to understand the reason for not following Scrum
principles and practices, such as lack of understanding or difficulty with the
process. I would then work with the team member to address their concerns
and help them understand the benefits of following Scrum. If necessary, I
would involve the entire team in the conversation to gain their buy-in and
support. Ultimately, my goal would be to foster a culture of continuous
improvement and help the team members see the value in following Scrum.
Can you explain how you would handle a situation where a team member is not
pulling their weight?
6. Answer: In this situation, I would first have a one-on-one conversation with the
team member to understand the reason for their lack of contribution. This
could be due to a variety of factors, such as lack of understanding or difficulty
with the work. I would then work with the team member to find a solution,
such as reassigning tasks or providing additional support and resources. If
the issue persists, I would involve the rest of the team and the product owner
to find a mutually beneficial solution.
How do you maintain a balance between empowering the development team and
ensuring accountability?
7. Answer: Empowering the development team and ensuring accountability are
both important aspects of a Scrum Master's role. To maintain a balance, I
would provide the team with the autonomy to make decisions and solve
problems on their own, while also holding them accountable for their
commitments. I would facilitate
cómo colabora el Sm con el PO
El Scrum Master colabora con el Product Owner de diversas maneras para
asegurarse de que el equipo de desarrollo siga el framework Scrum de manera
efectiva y logre sus objetivos. Algunas de estas formas incluyen: