Oc-500 Le
Oc-500 Le
Oc-500 Le
OC 500 LE highlights
Let your designers give free rein to their imagination. The Mercedes-Benz OC 500 LE chassis for urban and rural-service buses offers you a flexible base on which to implement your ideas.
The Low-entry base that adapts to your ideas. Passengerfriendly low-floor comfort from the front to the second entry in conjunction with Mercedes-Benz powertrain engineering in the rising rear: the OC 500 LE enables implementation of the low-entry concept according to your individual requirements. Its modular construction concept permits a ready adaptation to your ideas. You can build vehicles with a width of 2.50 to 2.55 m and a length of up to 13.50 m without the slightest inconvenience. And in order to put into effect your individual requirements there are various engine variants and different finaldrive ratios. You can even vary the position of the second entrance. Whether a right-hand-drive or left-hand drive vehicle the OC 500 LE allows your planning to become reality. Quality that pays you dividends. Thanks to the highquality components used and which have already proven their worth in the urban buses and touring coaches with the three-pointed star, you will ensure for yourself and your customers real competitive advantages with the OC 500 LE. The bus / coach operators benefit in many senses. Because the innovative Mercedes-Benz engineering used is not only particularly durable and reliable, but is also designed with consistent economic efficiency in mind. The Euro V or EEV OM 457 hLA engine, delivering 220 KW, based on the MercedesBenz BlueTec diesel technology, as well as alternatively for right-hand-drive vehicles the natural-gas powered M 447 HLAG engine, producing 185 kW, are both characterised by their frugal consumption and reasonable operating costs. Add to this the maintenance-friendliness of Mercedes-Benz engineering and the result of the sum for the operator is: particularly low life-cycle costs and that a whole bus life long. A partnership that makes your job easier. The OC 500 LE is the result of close cooperation between Mercedes-Benz and the body manufacturers. The requirements and suggestions expressed by these specialists were incorporated into the development of the chassis from the very start and emerge in a host of technical details. Take the interfaces with standardised definitions, for example, which allow the body electronics to be easily connected up according to your requirements. In addition, all the technical requisites and installation instructions are clearly explained either in a manual, on a CD or a DVD. And should you have any questions, you can always rely on the valuable and versatile support offered by the Mercedes-Benz body advisory service, whose experts are there to help you in word and deed..
Why compromise ?
Design a driver workplace according to your wishes. With its extraordinary flexibility, the OC 500 LE makes it easy for you to tailor the cockpit to your individual requirements precisely.
Flexible in every direction. The driver workplace in the OC 500 LE is fully functional and can easily be adapted to your individual requirements. You can vary its structure in three planes. And both the steering column and the instrument cluster can be adjusted in height and inclination. Concentrated intelligence. The electronics systems of the OC 500 LE are also a good example of its superiority. It has a central brain, the IES CAN (Integrated Electronics System Controller Area Network), which integrates all the electronic components of the chassis. With the help of the IES onboard diagnostics system you can check all the control units swiftly. This makes possible a rapid, targeted error search for maintenance or repairs, cutting downtime and maintenance times for the bus operator, thus reducing his costs. Another plus: the interfaces for your electronics are all of the same type, and a modular electronics compartment at the driver workplace with standardised slots. All the electronics systems are grouped according to key numbers, to make especially certain that they cannot be mixed up. This makes it a straightforward matter for you to connect the electronics of your add-on body in a safe, versatile manner. At the same time it allows you a free hand for the location and installation of your electronics components.
Stay flexible
The buggy centre section connects the rear and front components for vehicle transportation. It protects the assemblies while also ensuring that vehicle transportation costs are kept as low as possible.
Protected against damage and high costs. The buggy is a stable frame that protects the cable harnesses and other components against damage during transportation. Thanks to it, the OC 500 LE with its own drive system is manoeuvrable and steerable. In consideration of transportation costs, the frame is intentionally made as small as possible. Straightforward bolts, easy and simple to remove, hold the structure together. Quick-release couplings, which hold the wiring harnesses together, leaving sufficient cable length for the superstructure, also contribute towards enabling you to begin building the vehicle body without delay. This means that even before the very first step, the OC 500 LE allows you to save valuable time.
For further information, please contact EvoBus UK, or visit our website at www.mercedes-benz.com The illustrations may show items of optional equipment and accessories which are not part of standard specification. The information contained in this brochure applies to the Federal Republic of Germany. Colours may differ slightly from those shown in the brochure, owing to the limitations of the printing process. Correct as at 01.08.2010. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the product.
EvoBus GmbH, Mercedes-Benz Bus and Coach unit, BUS/MPM-M 6098 5041 02 10/0810/01 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany / Imprim en Rpublique Fdrale dAllemagne EvoBus GmbH, Mercedes-Benz Bus and Coach unit, Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 2157, D-68301 Mannheim, Tel.: +49 (0)621/740-0, Fax: +49 (0)621/740-4251