BEE Question Bank With Answers
BEE Question Bank With Answers
BEE Question Bank With Answers
Important Questions
(Short Questions)
1. State Ohms law.
2. State KCl & KVL.
3. Problems related to Mesh and Nodal Analysis.
4. Calculate the equivalent resistance between the terminals A & B for the circuit? (Sample Circuit)
5. A series circuit having the R = 10Ω and XL = 15Ω. Determine the p.f. for the circuit?
6. Define Active power ,Reactive power and Apparent Power?
7. Define Power Factor.
8. Difference between Star and Delta connected system?
9. What is statically & Dynamically Induced EMF,
10. State Lenz law
11. What is BH Curve and Draw BH Curve .
12. Working Principle of Transformer
13. Why transformer rating in kVA?
14. Draw the Exact equivalent circuit of a transformer?
15. Draw the phasor diagram of single phase transformer under No-Load Condition and Loaded
16. Type of Losses in transformer.
17. Types of 3 Phase Induction Motor.
18. Define slip?
19. A 6-pole, 3-ᴓ Induction motor is connected to 50Hz supply. If it is running at 970rpm,
find the slip ?
20. Application of 3 Phase Induction Motor
21. Why Single Phase induction motors are not self starting?
22. What are different methods employed to make 1-ᴓ Induction motors self starting?
23. Application of 1 Phase Induction Motor
24. State Flemings Left and Right Hand rule.
25. Types of DC Generator.
26. Applications of DC Shunt,Series and Compound Generator
27. A 6-pole, lap wound, 1200rpm dc generator has 486 conductors on its armature. Calculate the flux per
pole required to generate an e.m.f. of 292V?
28. What is the principle of DC Generator
29. What is the principal of DC Motor.
30. Types of DC Motor.
31. Applications of DC Shunt,Series and Compound Motor
32. A 220V series motor takes 50A. If the armature resistance is 0.1Ω and the series field
resistance is 0.08 Ω, and then determine the back emf developed in the motor and
Mechanical Power developed?
33. What is Fuse?
34. What is circuit breaker?
35. Types of Wires and cables 1
36. Methods to Improve Power factor
37. Types of batteries
38. Methods of earthing
2. a) Calculate the equivalent resistance between the terminals A & B for the circuit? (Sample Circuit)
b) State and explain Thevinin’s Theorem and Nortons Theorem (explain steps of calculation of Rth, Vth
and Isc and RN with equivalent circuit with complete statement & equivalent circuit diagram)
3. Solve the given circuit to find the value of current following in 50 Ohms resistor and total power
consumed by the circuit using Mesh Analysis. (Sample problem)
4. Solve for current in 10Ω resistor by using Thevinin’s and Nortons theorem show in
figure (Sample Circuit) (pg no 37, 45)
7. Consider the given circuit and find the current through 2Ω resistor using superposition theorem.
(Sample problem) (pg no. 32)
8. Find the current flowing in 5 Ohms resistor using Superposition Theorem for the circuit shown in
figure below. (Sample problem) (pg no. 35)
9. For the given circuit, calculate the current flows through the 5Ω resistor using Norton’s
theorem.(Sample problem) 3 4
10. Using Thevenin’s Theorem, find the current in 6 Ohms Resistor in figure shown below.
11. Using Thevenin’s/Nortons Theorem find the current through load resistance(RL) of 6 Ohms. (Ans:
Vth=30V, Rth = 4 Ohms & IL= 0.75 Amps)
12. Find the current through 6 Ohms resistor using Thevenin’s Theorem/Norton’s Theorem
(Ans: Vth=10V, Rth= 3.33 Ohms & IL = 2.31Amps)
13. Find the current through 1 Ohms resistance using Thevenin’s/Norton’s Theorem (Ans: Vth=10V, Rth=
3.33 Ohms & IL = 2.31Amps) 5
14. Find the current across 5 Ohms Resistor using Thevenin’s/Nortons Theorem 6
9. For the given RLC series circuit. Determine i) Impedance, ii) Current iii) Voltage across each
component and iv) Power Factor v)Power (P,Q, S)
10. Derive an expression for R-L/R-C/R-L-C Series AC circuit? (Pg no. 27, 36, 39)
11. Derive an expression for Relation between Line-Voltage & Phase-Voltage, and Line Current & Phase
Current & Power in Star-Connected 3-phase balanced System with respective phasor diagram.**
(Refer class work)
12. Derive an expression for Relation between Line-Voltage & Phase-Voltage, and Line Current & Phase
Current & Power in Delta-Connected 3-phase balanced System with respective phasor diagram.**
(Refer class work)
13. Three Identical Inductive loads of resistance 15 Ohms and reactance 40 Ohms are connected in Star to a
440V, 3-phase supply. Calculate i) Phase current ii) Line Current and iii) Total Power Absorbed.
14. Derive an expression for Line Voltage & Phase Voltage, Line current & Phase current in 3 phase Star and
Delta Connected System for Star connected and Delta connected system in 3-phase system? Problem on
Star and Delta Connected system.
15. A Balanced 3-phase load consists of three coils, each of resistance 4 Ohms and Inductance 0.02H.
Determine the total the total power when the coils are i) Star- connected ii) Delta- Connected to a 400V,
3-phase,50Hz supply. 7
UNIT-III (Single Phase Transformer & 3 Phase Induction Motor)
Answers in class work and unit 3 notes
1. Derive the EMF equation of a Transformer? ( E1= 4.44FØN1 & E2= 4.44FØN2) (CLASS WORK)
2. Sample problems on Shifting of Impedance of transformer i)When refereed to Primary ii) WhenReferred
to Secondary (CLASS WORK)
3. Explain how emf is induced in secondary winding of transformer (Working principle of Transformer) (CLASS
4. Problems related to Efficiency of transformer (Sample Problems) (CLASS WORK)
5. A 200kVA, 1-phase, 50Hz, 2000/440V transformer gave the following test results:
OC test: 2000V, 1.8A, 1.75kW--------------------------- on HV side
SC test: 13V, 300A, 1kW -------------------------------- on LV side
Obtain the equivalent circuit parameters and calculate the efficiency at full Load and
Half Load at 0.707 pf lagging
6. A 50KVA, 2200/110V transformer when tested gave the following results:
OC Test : 110V, 10A, 400W
SC Test : 90V, 20.5A, 808W
Calculate Efficiency at i)Full Load ii) Half Load iii) 25% Load at 0.8 pf lag. (CIE2 IMP QUESTION 14)
7. A 20kVA, 1-phase, 50Hz, 2200/200V transformer gave the following test results:
OC test: 2200V applied to primary, power taken 220W
SC test: power required to circulate FL current in short circuited secondary 240W.
Calculate the efficiency at full load and half full load at p.f. 0.8 lagging?
8. Explain about Auto Transformer (Pg no. 41 notes)
9. Explain about three-phase transformer connections (Star-Delta, Star-Star, Delta-Star, Delta-Delta). (Pg
no. 43)
10. Explain how Rotating Magnetic Field is developed in 3 phase Induction Motor. (Hint: Derive an
Expression to prove and explain it, Refer notes & Imp question answer for CIE-2 PDF file)
11. Draw and Explain the Construction and Working Principle of 3 Phase Induction Motor. (pg no 45) 8
10. Sample Problems
(a) A 4-pole, lap wound DC shunt generator has a useful flux per pole of 0.07wb. The
armature winding consists of 440 conductors, and the armature resistance is 0.055Ω.
Calculate the terminal voltage when running at 900rpm if the armature current is 50A.
(b). A Compound generator is to supplies 100A at 250V. The armature, series and shunt
windings have resistances of 0.06Ω, 0.04 Ω and 50 Ω respectively. Determine the
generated emf when the machine is connected in (i) long shunt (ii) short shunt. Takedrop
per brush as 1V. 1
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