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Mnazi ward is located at Lushoto district the area has almost 6218 residents. Mnazi experiences
poverty and hunger for long time. Local farmers’ uses poor farming method, poor tools, there is
no Dam for collection of water although there are water falling from Usambara Mountain and
shagayu forest but people still relies on seasonal rainfall. People depends on farming as their
main economic activity although it is not advanced due to the low number of agricultural
experts, Inadequate fund to Support innovation of other economic activities such as fisheries and
irrigation which is supported at Mnazi ward due to the presence of water fall from Usambala
mountain and Shagayu forest. Also the government employed the expert in agriculture but there
is a challenge of fund due the multiple roles of government in the country. Therefore the
establishment of Dam for fisheries and irrigation will enable people to earn dabble profit because
they will increase production in agriculture and open the door to the fishing activities as a new
economic activity at mnazi Ward. This project of Water preservation for sustainable
development will improve the living standard of the people because it is clearly described the
strengths of preserving water for sustainable development. Moreover Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) will supervise the project effectively as it did to many other successful
projects related to this project. Kindly the Program officer request the fund from International
Monetary Fund(IMF) in order to Achieve the respective Goal and objectives of the this projects
To construct Dam that will preserve water for fisheries and Irrigation farming system for
sustainable development in Mnazi ward.
To establish fishing ground at Mnazi ward that could revamp economic status of people
by marketing fishes
To reduce the number of jobless people for paving the way to the irrigation system of
agriculture by using water preserved in the Dam
To improve health and wellbeing of the people through the use of nutritious food such as
fish, vegetable and fruits that could be planted via irrigation system from the Dam.
To increase production in Agriculture from depending on seasonal rainfall to irrigation
oriented which would produce surplus production for commensal.
To provide education to the people of Mnazi ward on how to use the preserved water for
sustainable development.
To promote innovative ideas to the people for example thinking on establishing project
within a project example Hydro-Electric Power Generation via Dam that used for fishing
and Agriculture.
Primary beneficiaries
These are people from Mnazi Ward because are targeted group of this project. This
includes farmers, fishers and other people who will buy product that produced via this
project such as fish, vegetables and fruits all these are important to the health as they
contain nutrient which are potential to the wellbeing of the people. Therefore people will
be benefited economically and healthily.
Secondary beneficiaries
This include the government though collection of tax for those who sells the product
found by the project. Also other people around Mnazi ward and faraway they can be
benefited through the use of product that produced in this project.
The project activities include the Organizational meeting to discuss about the beginning of the
project, by remanding duties and responsibility of each member this will be held in the
organization 8:00. AM up to 12:30 pm, 01st February 2021, Also there is situational analysis
which will be conducted by four members of FAO this may takes 3 weeks from 7th February to
28th February, this would involve meeting with leaders, meeting with community members,
Collecting data, Analyzing data and writing report of those data. 3rd March, 2021 to 6th march
2021 Meeting with experts that will be used to construct the Dam, Signing of agreements
concerning about construction cost. Pre-survey to the area where the project will be conducted.
8th March 2021 to 10th March Actual survey by the engineer with instruments used to measure the
Area of conducting project. 14th, March 2021 to 20th march, 2021 Community members to clean
the area as instructed by expert, digging the streams from water source to the Dam. Not only that
but also the process of digging the land for respective dam will begin by using heavy machines
from 22nd March to 14th 30 June. Another activity involves construction of wall and water
channel that allows water to enter to the dam from the source. Planting the grasses and plants that
fervor preservation of water, 2nd July 2021 then selection of good species of fish and start rearing
them accordingly. 25th August 2021 assessing the development of fishes in the dam and
promoting the Irrigation system to the farmers. 25th September 2021 Seminar for submission of
the project to the Community this will involves formulation of rules and regulations for the
survival of the project.
Meeting with
experts to be used
in implementing
the project.
Agreement of the
project tender with
Pre survey to the
project location
Implementation of the
The community to
prepare the land for
Procurement of
Experts to start
constructing the
Dam by using
excavator and other
heavy objects
Digging the stream
from the water
source to the dam.
Community to
Plant grasses and
plants that preserve
water around the
Selection of good
species of fish to be
Introduction of
fishing rules and
regulation to the
Introduction of
proper fishing
Assessing the
progress of
project in each
stage from
beginning by
measuring the
accuracy of
each stage on
how it will
facilitate the
achievement of
goal and
objectives of
the project
Judging the
worth project
through the
given Goals
and objectives,
Assessing the
performance of
the project if it
reached Goal
and specific
Food and Agriculture Organization was first established in 16 th October 1945 at Quebec, Canada.
In 1962 Tanganyika nowadays Tanzania Join FAO whiles in 1977 FAO Established a country
office. Over the years the organization has assisted the Government with technical support in the
planning and implementation of its agricultural policies, strategies and programmes. FAO’s work
in the country concentrates on improving food and nutrition security and the livelihoods of
smallholder farmers, thereby creating the impetus for economic growth in the agriculture/
fisheries and rural sector.
FAO in Tanzania has assisted on the different agricultural programmes that survive up to date
example increasing of modern farmers in the country through knowledge and skills provided by
FAO officers via Seminars that conducted at rural area and hosted by FAO. Also FAO
established Pad irrigation scheme at Mombo Tanga among other programmes such as Ndungu
Dam which used for irrigation and fisheries.
FAO Stakeholders launch programme to boost regional fish farming industry.28 May 2018
Arusha (Tanzania) - Fish farming has the potential to be a key driver for poverty eradication
and sustainable development in East Africa.
It will not only help improve regional nutrition and food security but also provide new sources of
rural income and contribute to conserve wild resources of water bodies in the region.
Head of Delegation of the European Union to Tanzania and the EAC, Roelandvan de Geer made
the remarks at the launch of a two-day stakeholders’ workshop on regional aquaculture, under
the title 'Stakeholders workshop on the EU-EAC TRUE-FISH Programme' held in Arusha,
The TRUE-FISH programme, with a total estimated cost of EUR 10 150 000 and a total amount
of European Development Fund contribution of EUR 10 000 000 over 5 years (2019-2024), aims
to contribute in developing competitive, gender equitable and sustainable commercial
aquaculture in the Lake Victoria basin.
The workshop was co-hosted by the East African Community (EAC), the Lake Victoria Fisheries
Organization (LVFO), and the EU Delegation to Tanzania and to the EAC, and was supported by
technical partners namely the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and WorldFish.
Therefore due to the fact on the capability of FAO to supervise various successful agricultural
programmes in Tanzania, kindly we request for fund in order to implement of the project of
Water preservation for sustainable development at Mnazi Ward Lushoto.
The project of Water preservation for sustainable development at Mnazi ward was introduced by
FAO’s Officer TUPA JUMA due to the needs assessment report of 2020 made by FAO.The
project will begin 1st February 2021 to 25th September 2021, 8months. It is clearly described the
challenges that leads to hunger and poverty at Mnazi ward such as poor farming methods, poor
tools of farming and relying on seasonal rainfall as well as inadequate fund to support innovation
in agriculture.
Therefore water preservation for sustainable development project come up with strategies and
methods to solve those challenges by constructing a Dam at Mnazi ward that will collect and
preserve water for fisheries and stimulate irrigation system at the same time. Construction of
dam will open the door to the fishing activity, Fruits farming and vegetables; all these will
increase the income to the farmers of mnazi.
This project needs to be funded by International Monetary Fund (IMF) in order to reach its goal
and objectives to the Mnazi ward. The community is very interested with the goal and objective
of the project hence contribute TSH 5,000,000. Although the amount needed is 30,500,000.
Therefore project director kindly Request TSH 25,500,000 from International Monetary Fund
(IMF). The contribution of community is items of labours and area where the project is going to
be conducted.
Generally FAO is capable to supervise the project as it did to many projects that held in Tanzania
and other member countries, therefore the project of Water preservation for sustainable
development is on the safe hands that aims to eliminate hunger and poverty by improving
nutrition and standards of living by increasing agricultural productivity at Mnazi ward via
construction of dam.
Assessing the readiness of the People at Mnazi ward on the acceptance of project of water
preservation for sustainable development in their community, via questionnaires that draft some
question related to the needs of improving water supply for agriculture and fisheries.
Assessing the speed of experts on constructing the Dam by looking on how well the activities
are going on, and ask for any challenges that probably arise during construction process and
solve it immediately.
Ability of the project to solves the problem of hunger and poverty by increasing productivity in
agriculture, from locally to modern system of agriculture which is irrigation.
To assess the economic status of the people at Mnazi ward by after introducing fishing ground,
does they improved or remain stationary?
To measure the amount of product found after the introduction the project by comparing with
previous situation.
Picture that show the water fall from Usambara Mountain to Mnazi Ward.
Project of fisheries at Mwanga Hedaru which used for both irrigation and fishing, it was
established by FAO in 2010.