Tacb 1.2 - List of Speaking Questions
Tacb 1.2 - List of Speaking Questions
Tacb 1.2 - List of Speaking Questions
Tea or coffee
1. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?
I prefer coffee over tea. I enjoy the strong flavor and aroma /əˈrəʊmə/ of
coffee, and I find it to be a more energizing /ˈenədʒaɪzing/ drink.
2. How often do you go to the coffee shop?
I go to the coffee shop a few times a week. I enjoy the atmosphere and the
chance to catch up with friends. I also like to try new coffee drinks and
3. Why do some people dislike tea or coffee?
There are a few reasons why some people dislike tea or coffee. Some people
find the taste of coffee to be too bitter, while others find the taste of tea to be
too weak. Some people don't like both coffee and tea because they keep
them from sleeping
1. Do you like holidays? Why/ Why not?
Yes, I like holidays. Holidays give me a chance to relax and spend time with
my loved ones. They also provide an opportunity to learn about other
cultures and traditions.
2. Which public holiday do you like best?
My favorite public holiday is Tet Holiday. Because it is a time for people to
come together and celebrate /ˈselɪbreɪt/ their culture and traditions. I also
enjoy the festive atmosphere and the delicious food that is traditionally
served/sɜːv/ during Tet.
3. How do people spend their holidays in your country?
During holidays, people typically/ˈtɪpɪkli/ spend time with their families and
friends, visit temples and pagodas, and take part in traditional activities such
as lion dances and firecrackers.
1. Do you like walking?/ How often do you walk?
I enjoy walking as a form of exercise and a way to connect with nature. I
find it to be a relaxing activity. I try to walk for at least 30 minutes most
days of the week.
2. Do you like to walk on your own or with others?
I prefer to walk with others, as I find it to be more enjoyable and
motivating /ˈməʊtɪveɪting/. However, I also enjoy walking on my own, as it
gives me time to think and reflect.
3. Do you think people will walk more in the future?
I believe that people will walk more in the future for several reasons. Becase
walking is a healthy way to get around. It is good for our physical and
mental health, and it does not produce /prəˈdjuːs/ any emissions/ɪˈmɪʃn/.
1. Do you like travelling abroad? Why/ Why not?
I enjoy traveling abroad /əˈbrɔːd/. It's a great way to experience new
cultures, learn about different ways of life, and try new foods. I also like
meeting people from all over the world.
2. If you had a chance to travel abroad, which country would you go to?
If I had the opportunity to travel abroad, I would be interested in visiting
Japan. I am fascinated by Japanese culture and history, and I would love to
experience it firsthand.
4. What are some problems people may face when travelling abroad?
Language barriers /ˈbæriə(r)/, Culture shock, Safety concerns/kənˈsɜːn/, Getting
sick while traveling, Losing luggage
Shopping habits
1. How often do you go shopping?
I typically go shopping once a week or every two weeks. This is usually to
replenish/rɪˈplenɪʃ/ necessary things for life
2. Do you prefer shopping alone or with others?
I prefer to shop alone because I find it more efficient /ɪˈfɪʃnt/ and less
dis’tracting. When I'm shopping with others, I tend to get sidetracked
/ˈsaɪdtræk/ and end up buying things I don't need
3. Have you ever had a bad shopping experience?
Yes, I have ever had a bad shopping experiences. One time, I went to a
department store with my friend to buy a new dress. We spent hours looking
for the perfect dress, but we couldn't find anything that we both liked.
Finally, we just gave up and left the store empty-handed.
Online shopping
1. Do you like shopping online? Why/ Why not?
Yes, I enjoy shopping online because it is convenient/kənˈviːniənt/ and
efficient. I can find a wide variety of products at competitive/kəmˈpetətɪv/
prices, and I can shop from the comfort /ˈkʌmfət/ of my home.
2. What kind of products do you often buy online?
The types of products I often buy online include books, electronics, clothing,
and home goods. I also like to use online grocery delivery services.
3. What are some problems people often face when shopping online?
The quality of products, Shipping delays, Product returns, Product was
damaged during transportation
Famous people
1. Do you have a favorite celebrity in your country?
Yes, I do have a favorite celebrity/səˈlebrəti/ in my country. It is Ho Chi
Minh, the first president of Vietnam and national/ˈnæʃnəl/ hero. He is a great
leader and an inspiration/ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/ to many people.
2. What types of people become famous in your country?
There are many types of people who become famous in my country. Some
of the most common types of celebrities include: Singers and musicians,
Actors , Athletes /ˈæθliːt/, Politicians/ˌpɒləˈtɪʃn/,...
3. What are the hardships of a celebrity?
They’re pressure /ˈpreʃə(r)/ to maintain their image. They may also deal with
negative criticism/ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm/, paparazzi/ˌpæpəˈrætsi/, and a lack of control
over their personal lives.
1. How do you often contact your family or friends?
I often contact my family and friends through social media platforms like
Instagram, Messenger, and Zalo. These platforms allow me to stay in touch
with them easily and quickly.
2. Do you prefer face-to-face communication or online communication?
I prefer face-to-face communication over online communication. I find it
more enjoyable and meaningful to interact with people in person, as it allows
me to see their facial /ˈfeɪʃl/ expressions, body language, and hear their tone
of voice
3. What are the disadvantages of online communication?
One of the main disadvantages is the potential/pəˈtenʃl/ for
miscommunication. Without the ability to see and hear each other, it can be
easy to misunderstand the meaning of a message. Additionally, online
communication can be less personal and can make it difficult to build strong
Social media
1. Do you often use social networking sites? Why/ Why not?
Yes, I do. I find them to be a great way to stay connected with friends and
family, as well as to learn about new things and share my own thoughts and
2. Which do you prefer, Facebook or Tiktok? Why?
I prefer Facebook over TikTok. I find Facebook to be a more useful
platform, as it allows me to connect with friends and family, share updates
and photos, and join groups and communities that are relevant to my
3. What are some reasons that people sometimes feel fed up with using
social media?
The spread of misinformation and negativity can make social media a toxic
The addictive nature of social media can make it difficult to disconnect and
focus on real life.
Social media can take up too much time and energy
The Internet
1. How much time do you spend on the Internet per day?
I spend an average of 3-4 hours per day using the internet. This includes
time spent for schoolwork, social media, and entertainment
2. How do you use the Internet for your study?
I use the internet extensively for my studies. I rely on online resources for
research, assignments. I also use online platforms to connect with classmates
on projects and group discussions.
3. In which ways the Internet makes it possible for us to connect the
Thanks to the internet, we can build relationships with people from different
cultures and backgrounds. Share information with others from all over the
world through social media, and videos. Given us access to a wealth of
information from different cultures and viewpoint.
1. Have you ever been camping before?
No, I haven't been camping before. However, I have read a lot about it and I
am eager to try it someday.
2. If you could pick up a camping place, where would it be?
If I could choose a camping location, it would be in Bản Rõm Ecotourism
Site. The site is known for its beautiful natural scenery, fresh air, and
exciting outdoor activities.
3. What kind of preparation do people need to do for camping?
There are a lot of things people need to do to prepare for camping. They
need to make sure they have all the necessary thing, including a tent,
sleeping bags, a stove. They need to pack enough food and water for their
trip. It's also important to be aware of the risks of camping, such as wildlife
encounters, bad weather, and getting lost.
Your future
1. Where would you prefer to live in the future, in the city or in the
I prefer living in countryside in the future. I also enjoy the peace and quiet of
it. I think it would be nice to have more space to spread out and to be
surrounded by nature.
2. What is your future job expectation?
In the future, I want to become a successful financial /faɪˈnænʃl/
manager/ˈmænɪdʒə(r)/. My passion for finance fuels my belief that I can
make a significant contribution to the field. I am committed to hard working
to achieve my goals.
3. Do you often make plans for future things? Why do people need plans for
their future?
Yes, I often make plans for future things. I believe that having goals and
plans is important for achieving success in life. People need plans for their
future because they help us set goals, stay on track, stay motivated, keep
moving forward, and prepare for the future.