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Bring Your Own Device Briefing Paper

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Bring Your Own

Device To School
The consumerisation of IT has accelerated a new model
for 1-to-1 learning, where every student brings their own
device. This discussion paper examines potential deployment
models from teaching, learning and IT management

Bruce Dixon, Anytime, Anywhere Learning Foundation

Sean Tierney, Microsoft Corporation

Windows ®

in the classroom
BYOD to school education briefing paper 2
Executive summary
The ongoing debate regarding the Bring Your Own Device
(BYOD) model in schools warrants deeper analysis to help
educators and institutions understand this provisioning model
and its potential benefits and pitfalls for learning.
This discussion paper sets out to investigate the myths and
understand which questions should be addressed when
considering allowing students to bring their own devices, and
which option might be best suited to a school or system’s
culture. It is intended to stimulate discussion around what
constitutes best practice 1-to-1 learning.

Executive summary 2

1-to-1 learning programs are not new 3

Do schools still need to provide computers? 4

Bring Your Own Device. Five potential models 6

Myths and misperceptions 10

To BYOD or not to BYOD 11

Conclusion 14

2 BYOD to school education briefing paper

1-to-1 learning programs are not new
1-to-1 learning programs have been evolving over the past two decades. While some have
amounted to little more than replacing pencil cases with laptops, properly structured, they
can deliver strong benefits and redefine learning. These gains should be used to benchmark
today’s Bring Your Own Device environments.

The adoption of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Informal observation and classroom experience also
models in schools is largely the result of two factors: suggest that, when students have their own laptops,
school budget constraints and the consumerisation learning is deeper and they engage in more intellectual,
of technology. conceptual, analytical, creative thinking.

As school budgets have been cut, so the prices of Rapidly evolving technology has also influenced the
laptop-like devices have dropped dramatically with nature of 1-to-1 learning programs. For example,
the introduction of netbooks, apps-based tablets the Internet has become richer and more accessible,
and e-books. Smaller devices, such as tablets and opening new ways to collaborate, communicate
smartphones have become internet-enabled, with a and connect to ideas and people, including, but not
variety of apps that seem full of promise. And then limited to:
there is the simple reality that more and more students • Redefining learning communities, as well as where,
are coming to school with their own devices in their when and how learning took place.
• Creating new paths between students and intellectual
This confluence of conditions has fostered the idea guides/experts beyond the classroom.
that students could use their own device at school. • Introducing a world of disciplines beyond those
The appeal, of course, is that on the surface, BYOD defined in the traditional curriculum.
seems to provide a way for schools to have a 1-to-1
• Demonstrating the power of individual contribution
program but not pay for it – a sort of ‘have your cake,
to bring about large-scale change through collective
and eat it, too’.
action e.g., DeforestACTION.
But this assumption requires deeper scrutiny. As a
Cloud computing – in concert with powerful laptops and
starting point, it’s essential to bear in mind what makes
software that continue to function when the Internet
1-to-1 learning successful and how it has challenged
connection is lost – has also been able to deliver a
classroom practice over the past few years.
seamless computing experience; not just setting the
From a tentative start in the early 90s, 1-to-1 learning preconditions for anywhere, any time learning, but
has become a worldwide phenomenon reaching millions shaping its very nature by introducing rich new ways for
of students. In their evaluation of six major 1:1 initiatives students to research, learn and collaborate. And that is a
in the US, Argueta, Huff, Tingen and Corn1 reveal that critical factor for teachers, principals and parents to bear
teachers and students agreed laptops increase student in mind when considering a BYOD model.
engagement, with students reporting an increase in
After many years of teaching and measuring learning in
the amount of work they are doing both in and out of
a 1-to-1 environment, both educators and researchers
school. But more importantly, 1-to-1 learning has shifted
have been able to identify what constitutes a successful
the focus from teaching to learning. Rather than
model. Their findings have been clear. Simply equipping
teachers controlling process and knowledge, students
students with their own devices and digitising existing
have become empowered learners and active
curriculum is not the right approach. Instead they
proponents of their understanding and ability to
see the purpose of 1-to-1 learning as being to create
connect ideas in new ways.
confident, flexible, self-directed, life long learners.
Any successful BYOD program needs to embrace and
support this core premise and not detract from it.

1/ A
 rgueta, R., Huff, J., Tingen, J. and Corn, J., 2011.
“Laptop Initiatives: Summary of Research Across Six States.”
The William & Ida Friday Institute for Educational Innovation
<http://1to1atoc.wikispaces.com/Research>. p. 7.

BYOD to school education briefing paper 3

Do schools still need to
provide computers?
It’s a question that hard-pressed schools are asking themselves. However, careful
analysis reveals that even small devices can have large implications.

With today’s rapidly accelerating consumerisation of The decision of what device each student should
technology and the proliferation of affordable apps- use is not being made with an eye to optimising the
based tablets and smartphones, the concept of shifting pedagogical use of the device but, rather, is based on
to a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) provisioning model preferences, which can be driven by trend and
has obvious appeal. fashion or, more significantly, on what the student can
afford. This has significant pedagogical implications as
Both perception and statistics indicate that a large it also implies:
number of students have a ‘smart enough’ phone that
• If devices are used for a class activity, the
could connect to the Internet. The thinking behind
teacher needs to cater to the least powerful
BYOD is that these devices could now come out
device in the classroom.
of the backpacks, policies could be rewritten and, at
some level, students’ own technology could be used by • Often the least expensive devices are designed
every student in the classroom. for consumption, rather than creation. Even when
creation is possible, it is difficult. So for those
By identifying student-choice BYOD as a solution to who can only afford one of the smaller devices,
today’s financial challenges, there have been attempts creating is more difficult.
to rationalise the decision, retrofitting the BYOD solution
• All students cannot use the same program/
to criticisms of today’s schools. One such claim is that
application, even if the teacher determines it
the real drive to BYOD is to empower students by letting
has pedagogical value.
them make choices about their learning tools.

Therefore, before embarking on a BYOD program,

Unfortunately, with this model BYOD does not seem to
it’s important to spend time discussing the
be about either self-directed learning or personalising
pedagogical objectives of school computing with all
instruction, since its focus is not to provide each student
of the teaching staff. The following table could form the
with the best tool for a specific task, but rather whatever
basis of this discussion.
their families can provide.

Smartphones Apps-based Slate/Tablet

Pros: Video, camera, Internet browser, Pros: Video, camera, Internet browser, lightweight,
GPS, lightweight larger screen

Cons: Small screen, voice calls or texting during Cons: Does not support digital pen so students have
class, control (it’s hard to verify what students to ‘write’ with their finger or type. May not
are really doing on their phones) insurance have the processing power or compatibility to
(who is liable). run demanding education applications. Digital
keyboard can be cramped.
In a limited way, student smartphones can support
learning. Students can research online if there is an For slightly more cost, slates add the ability to use a
Internet connection. Video and still cameras can be used digital keyboard for note taking and provide a larger
to record observations and presentations. Students can screen that makes it easier to write, draw and read.
record classes to play them back later and they can also There are also opportunities for content creation, as
communicate and collaborate with each other and use well as communication and collaboration.
educationally sound applications and ebooks for revision
or learning.

4 BYOD to school education briefing paper

Computing Capability Taxonomy

Smartphone Apps-based Laptop PC Slate/Tablet PC

Sample capabilities*
Slate/Tablet with Pen

Pedagogical Potential – basic to advanced

Internet research.

Voice, video and audio recording

conferencing and collaboration.
Supports small amounts of typing.

Video and audio capture and editing.

Supports music composition, playing in,

composing and so on.
Supports typing of longer assignments.
Multitasks for complex research and
knowledge building.
Supports fully functional software for CAD,
Web and graphic design.
Supports programming and handwriting
recognition for Maths, Music, Chemistry
and Asian characters.
Note taking with digital pen, intuitive and
natural remote learning, fluent mind mapping,
prototyping and complex visual thinking.

* Reference as of July 2012, Sean Tierney, Microsoft Corporation

Laptop PC Slate/Tablet PC with Pen

Pros: Video, camera, Internet browser, full keyboard, Pros: Video, camera, Internet browser, full keyboard,
runs educational applications, mouse control digital pen for handwriting input, runs
educational applications
Cons: No handwriting recognition
Cons: Tablet PCs offer the best of all worlds.
Laptops take learning to a higher level with their
higher performance levels that enable them to run They’re fully featured for learning, and they have the
educationally sound applications for music composition, important extra ability of the digital pen that opens up
graphics, and so on. The full keyboard also provides a whole range of pedagogical opportunities including
students with an easier way to take notes and manage writing chemical and mathematical formulae
their work. as well as Asian language characters. They can
also jot notes that can be converted to text.

BYOD to school education briefing paper 5

Bring your own device
– five potential models
Although BYOD is often referred to as one single model, there are many interpretations. It’s
important to match yours to the school’s pedagogical goals.

BYOD models take many forms. Given that most Secondary, or Middle school students, and a pen and
1-to-1 learning programs are built around students touch-enabled tablet for senior grades or High School
having 24-hour access to their own laptop, the options students.
primarily become who chooses what type of student
While this format of BYOD does provide for the school
devices and how they are funded.
to clearly define the device, this does not in any way
Having the school define a single laptop model is diminish consideration of the needs and preferences of
currently the most common and by far the most students, who may often be involved in the specification
successful 1-to-1 learning model. Although it can be process as ‘interested stakeholders’.
described as BYOD because students use their ‘own’
In many of the earliest 1-to-1 programs, the debate
laptop at school and at home, this provisioning model
around school-owned versus student-owned laptops
was developed well before the term became popular.
involved discussion on student’s sense of ownership,
Central to this model is the concept that the school both in terms of the learning possibilities and care and
defines the required minimum specifications for student handling of the computer. The pedagogical goals were,
laptops. Schools usually specify a brand of manufacturer however, always at the forefront in determining the
and model, which includes a single operating system or minimum specifications.
platform. And the family purchases the laptop – with or
Where purchase is facilitated through the school, a
without funding support.
variety of financial models have been developed,
In these cases, the school may negotiate with a ranging from back-to-back leasing to rental and hire
distributor to make laptops meeting these specifications purchase usually depending on the financial governance
available for purchase, often through the school, or of the school or school system.
directly from the distributor but under the school’s
In addition to this model several others have been
purchasing agreement. By working with a distributor, the
proposed. To help you evaluate which one is most
school is usually in a better position to also negotiate an
appropriate for your school setting, they are
effective and accountable service policy.
explored in more detail following. They can form a
In some schools, there may be scope to define different useful basis for discussion.
form factors or models for different grade levels or
age of students. For example it is not uncommon for
schools to specify a fully functional laptop for Junior

6 BYOD to school education briefing paper

1. School-defined single platform laptop
The school defines the required minimum specifications for student laptops.

Who determines the technology choice? Considerations

School in consultation with stakeholders What is the percentage contribution from families?

• This can range from 100%, with parents shouldering

What are the funding options? the cost of a full-featured laptop as well as service,
Can be parent or school funded, or a combination of warranty and replacement for
both, as a co-contribution. each of their children at school, to a partial or
co-contribution model. Under the 2010 Victorian
Netbook initiative, parents contributed 30% of the
cost of the netbook.
• Student computers all have the same capabilities, so
no student is working with an inferior tool • Since the cost of providing computers shifts away
and teachers can plan learning activities around from schools under these models, school technology
these capabilities budgets can be used to co-contribute to the cost of
each student’s laptop, support equity access programs
• The specification of a single model and brand
for less financially able families or to provide an
offers the best volume buying power, simplifies
enhanced level of both infrastructure and/or hardware
servicing arrangements significantly, and lowers
service support.
costs accordingly.

• Devices are fully functional laptops, which can be used • Depending on the financial model used, ownership
for the full range of learning activities. at the end of the product’s life cycle must be
clearly outlined before the commencement of any
• For the school – all the costs for the laptop are
program. While this usually defaults to the families,
paid by the parent or through a significant
other options are available.
co-contribution from the parent. Within this model
there usually is a process for the seamless provision • Where the provision model also includes coverage of
of support for less financially able families. high-speed broadband Internet access at home (e.g.,
• The school network manager can easily manage Portugal), this may provide for a possible contribution
connections and server. from a telco or government body under an ongoing
national funding initiative.
• If a student has a technical problem, support at the
school is familiar with the hardware and/or other
students in the class can help.

• The service provider can be held to account for

efficient turnarounds.

• The school can negotiate with the service vendor for

loaner laptops for any extended service needs.

• Significant cost benefits in the total

package for parents from bulk purchasing,
servicing and licensing.

BYOD to school education briefing paper 7

2. School-defined single platform laptop, plus another device
This is often referred to as 1-to-2, or 1-to-many. In addition to the single platform laptop defined by the
school, the student is permitted to bring other ‘devices’ such as a smartphone, e-book or touch tablet.

Who determines the technology choice? Benefits

School in consultation with stakeholders. Additional • It can be used to ‘legalise’ smartphones in schools
‘device’ is usually the choice of student. and allow for school policy to more effectively guide
appropriate use.

What are the funding options? • When used as supplementary devices, this format
allows for flexibility and personal choice, while
Core device is parent or school funded, or a
ensuring there is a common standard across a class.
co-contribution. Additional ‘device’ is 100%
parent or student funded. • School or jurisdiction has the option to manage
software licensing on devices.


• Smartphones, as with 3G or 4G enabled modem

sticks, are unfiltered.

• Additional devices can be seen as distracting.

• Maintenance of any additional device is entirely

the responsibility of families usually through
consumer channels.

School-defined multi-platform laptops
Similar to Model One, but the laptop, which must adhere to a minimum specification level,
can be provided for several platforms or manufacturers.

Who determines the technology choice? Considerations

School in consultation with stakeholders. • More work for the network manager to manage a
variety of laptops

What are the funding options? •  Buying power and bulk discount purchasing
options are diminished, for both hardware and
Can be parent or school funded, or a combination of
service accountability
both, as a co-contribution.
• Teachers and tech support staff need to be familiar
with several platforms
•  Not all programs are available across platforms,
• Parents or students who prefer one platform or
although many are, although with some differences
manufacturer over another have a choice.
due to platform standards
• School or jurisdiction has the option to manage
software licensing on devices.

8 BYOD to school education briefing paper

4. Student-choice of laptop or tablet
Students can bring a laptop (no matter what form, including netbook) with full PC functionality, or a

Who determines the technology choice? Considerations

Students and/or families with limited consultation • Student devices do not all have the same capabilities.
with school. Some have inferior tools and teachers must plan
learning activities around the lowest capabilities.

What are the funding options? • Some devices can’t do consumption and production/
creative tasks or even input full sentences easily.
100 % parent funded.
• Much more work for the network manager to manage
a variety of devices.
• Teachers and tech support staff need to be familiar
• Parents and students who prefer one platform or
with several platforms and many devices
device over another have a choice.
• Buying power and bulk discount purchasing and
licensing options are significantly diminished, for both
hardware and service accountability. Consumer-level
service expectations. Need to rethink service process
to ensure viability.

• Most programs/applications are not available across

all platforms and devices or function very differently
across various devices.

5. Bring your own whatever connects to the Internet

When people speak broadly of BYOD, this is the option they are usually referring to. This model allows students to
bring any device that connects to the Internet – smartphone, e-book or 5-year-old laptop from their parents. There
are no minimum specifications for screen size, keyboard, storage, ports and so on.

Who determines the technology choice? Considerations

Students and/or families with limited • Student devices do not all have the same capabilities.
consultation with school. Some have inferior tools and teachers must plan
learning activities around the lowest capabilities.

What are the funding options? • Some devices can’t do consumption and production/
creative tasks, or even input full sentences easily.
100 % parent funded.
• Much more work for the network manager to manage
a variety of devices.
• Buying power and bulk discount purchasing and
• Parents who prefer one platform or device over
licensing options are significantly diminished, for both
another can choose what they prefer.
hardware and service accountability. Consumer-level
service expectations. Need to rethink service process
to ensure viability.

• Teachers and tech support staff need to be familiar

with several platforms and many devices.

• Most programs/applications are not available across

all platforms and devices or function very differently
across various devices.

• Wide variety of devices and device functionality

engenders considerable complexity in the classroom.

BYOD to school education briefing paper 9

Myths and misperceptions
There are many assumptions around BYOD, so deeper thinking is required to ensure that the
full implications of various deployment models in a school environment are understood.

When evaluating BYOD it’s important to depart Myth 2: BYOD is cheaper.

from a pedagogical perspective. A good start is to Although BYOD may seem, on the surface, to save
consider the three core principles of successful money, does it really? Network, security and technology
1-to-1 learning programs: management become more complex with widely
• Any investment in devices must be aligned with an different devices. The greater the complexity, the greater
investment in professional development. the costs for support. In fact, in talking to schools in
Australia who have moved to BYOD, Microsoft has heard
• The initiative must be scalable.
that some have found the total cost of ownership for
• The initiative must be sustainable. This normally BYOD models is 25-30% higher than before – though
includes making sure those who benefit from the this is hidden by moving some of the costs to parents. If
initiative make a co-contribution. the school absolves itself of responsibility then students
may not be able to participate in class.
Some of the key myths around BYOD programs go
against these principles and their core underpinning, Professional development remains a priority no matter
which is equity of access for all students. how the technology is provided, and requires ongoing
investment. What additional forms of professional
Myth 1: BYOD is always financially sustainable. learning are required when there’s a more challenging
multi-device environment?
In pursuing their vision of 1 to 1, many schools relied
on grants and government largesse as sole sources of
funding. In this case, changing government priorities Myth 3. Just get the devices in
means the funding often stops, and, potentially, so does their hands.
the 1-to-1 initiative. The myth is that today’s students intuitively know how
to use technology for learning. Schools that implement
A family co-contribution, on the other hand, provides
student-choice BYOD with this belief in mind often:
ongoing support. It need not be onerous, and gives
students and their families a sense of ownership of •  Fail to envisage what constitutes great, technology-
the program while leaving the decision of selecting an rich learning.
appropriate pedagogical tool in the hands of •  Base their programs on technology rather than true
the educators. pedagogical transformation.

Although many schools worried about asking families Although it is true that many students are comfortable
to contribute, BYOD models are frequently based on a with technology and not timid about trying new
100% contribution by families, which may not be either applications, this does not mean they know how to find
sustainable or reasonable. There is often a case raised by the most pedagogically appropriate technology tools. It
the school community that says schools or governments is the job of educators to provide this type of guidance
should not ask parents to contribute to and support, and this job is made more difficult when
the cost of public education. Indeed, in some there is a range of devices with diverse capabilities.
Nordic countries it is illegal.
In many ways, student-choice BYOD and the technical
problems it creates can be a classroom distraction rather
than a pedagogical benefit.

10 BYOD to school education briefing paper

To BYOD or not to BYOD?
Choosing a school provision model requires a responsible and thorough examination of
the broader issues that experienced schools have addressed in order to implement successful
1-to-1 learning programs.

The following questions can help to establish the 3. Does your BYOD program ensure that all
preconditions for BYOD programs and sharpen students have access to devices and software
focus on readiness, planning, and specific that provides the same level of functionality?
implementation procedures. Successful 1-to-1 learning programs are based on the
principle that any software application used within a
Readiness school had to provide the same level of functionality not
just for the affluent, gifted or financially challenged, but
1. Does your school have a high level of expertise, for every single student.
resources and budget to effectively manage
a variety of technologies across a variety of 4. Are your teachers comfortable and
platforms and devices? confident about managing a technology
Managing a variety of platforms and devices is more rich and diverse classroom?
difficult and time-consuming than managing a regular Even the most competent and technologically literate
1-to-1 learning program. teacher would prefer to teach without the distraction
of explaining how to do the same thing across multiple
If you do not have the expertise, resources and budget
devices. Clearly, a move to a mixed environment can add
to effectively manage a variety of technologies across
an extra level of complexity.
a variety of platforms it is imprudent to embark on a
student-choice BYOD model. The ability to scale the development of confident
users of technology across whole school staffs has, to
2. Does your funding model ensure equity date, been a major weak point. Too often attention
for all students? is focused on the ‘innovators’ – those who are very
comfortable with technology – rather than working with
The basic foundation on which 1-to-1 learning was
the true transformers.
established was equity and universal access. In fact, if
the initial concept of 1-to-1 learning had simply been These are teachers who will want simplicity and focus
built around the idea of allowing any student fortunate on pedagogy. These are the teachers who should be
enough to have a laptop at home to bring it to school, nurtured at all costs, for they ultimately are the ones who
(BYOD if you have one), the idea would have joined the will bring whole schools on board. They do not want or
exceptionally long list of failed educational innovations. need the distraction of figuring out whose machine can
do what, or whether or not a needed application will run
There is an assumption today that BYOD means every
on a diverse range of computer models, platforms, and
student will have some type of technology to use at
device forms within their classrooms.
school. The inference here is that schools can use the
money they save not buying laptops to provide devices
for any students who do not own them. This requires
having options in place to avoid the creation of a
digital divide within the classroom. These initiatives
require strong visionary leadership. The financial
challenge of implementing a 1-to-1 learning program
can be daunting, but schools should be very wary of
seemingly easy answers that do not serve the interests
of all their students.

BYOD to school education briefing paper 11

5. D
 oes your school support all aspects The decision about which model, which make, even
of self-directed learning, giving students a which platform to buy is never easy. Indeed, with the
voice in how, what and when they learn and not number of large-scale countrywide and school-based
just in the choice of a device? programs, product assessment is becoming a science
in itself. It is important to build a robust process around
If the rationale for a BYOD initiative is to support the
this decision and establish strict criteria based on what
concept that students should be able to select the digital
will best meet the pedagogical needs of students and
tools they will use for their learning, there needs to also
teachers over the ensuing three or four years so that
be some alignment within the school vision and mission
students have the best possible devices.
about who makes the decisions around what, when and
how the students learn. Although there is no doubt that cost is important,
the experiences of schools around the world over the
If the vision includes assigning responsibility for such
last two decades has shown that cost should not be
matters to students, in a truly self-directed manner,
the major reason a model, platform, or device type is
then there would be a case for having students choose
chosen. A less expensive device that does not meet
their own device.
the learning needs of students or provide support for
However, caution needs to be exercised to ensure that the teaching practices within a school wastes valuable
selection is based on pedagogical support rather than financial resources and, in the long term, is more costly.
other uses (to listen to music or use as a phone) and,
What should never happen is that teaching practice
most importantly, price.
be determined based on the functionality of the least
powerful BYOD device in a classroom.
After criteria based on learning and teaching needs, the
BYOD may be seen as a way to shift the cost of 1-to-1 most important criteria for device selection has been
learning to parents. However, it is beneficial to reflect on service turnaround and machine reliability and usability.
the following to ensure the decision is being made in the Equally important is being able to assess a supplier’s
best interests of the students, and that it fits with your ability to meet SLAs for the life of the selected device.
school’s vision and goals.

1. How do you develop criteria to clearly

define your student’s personal
computer requirements?

BYOD should not be based on the myth that any device

is appropriate as long as it puts the power of the Internet
and digital learning into each student’s hands.

12 BYOD to school education briefing paper

2. How have you communicated your vision Implementation Procedures
to stakeholders and involved them in the
planning process? The need for, and design of, implementation procedures
is more complicated when implementing a BYOD
If your stakeholders do not know or understand your
initiative because lines of responsibility are less clearly
vision of the learning opportunities 1-to-1 learning
delineated. Therefore, it’s useful to consider the
makes possible, they may believe any device will be
following procedures and policy questions first.
appropriate for learning and not provide the strong
support you need.
1. Who is responsible for maintenance of
Therefore, the engagement of stakeholders is essential, student devices?
not only with an eye to potential funding support or
Student-choice BYOD programs are often sold on
added technical expertise, but also to ensure that the
the apparent advantage that responsibility for laptop
1-to-1 learning program is supported and owned by
or device maintenance moves from the school to the
the whole school community. Without this, there is the
students and their parents. However, this assumption
likelihood of friction and scepticism, and an emphasis on
warrants deeper analysis.
cost rather than outcomes.

A good starting point is to establish what the standard

All communications to parents must fully outline
process will be for students having their laptops
the provision model, the rationale, benefits and the
repaired, and if a ‘standard’ school policy can actually
advantages it provides all students. A communication
be enforced when responsibility for upkeep lies outside
plan must include frequent communiqués to parents
the school.
and community members, that anticipate parental
concerns, respond to questions, and provide Successful 1-to-1 initiatives have always been built
opportunities for stakeholders to witness the 1-to-1 around service level agreements (SLAs) that meet
initiative in action to understand the pedagogical value rigorous key performance indicators, such as a
of the decisions made. turnaround of 95% of repairs in 24 hours. They also
include contingency plans, usually loan devices that are
swapped on premise to rapidly get students up and
running. These kind of agreements will be harder to
establish and enforce without the collective bargaining
power of whole school agreements.

If an organised maintenance plan cannot be established

then, inevitably, there will always be a percentage of
students who cannot participate fully because their
device is under repair, lost or malfunctioning, making
classroom management challenging.

BYOD to school education briefing paper 13

2. Who determines device life cycles? 4. Re-imaging, viruses, security
Device life cycles are also an important consideration. In a student-chosen BYOD environment image
While three- or four-year rollovers are standard in recovery, which, in a school-managed environment
most school-based programs, it’s difficult to enforce is embedded in the school management systems,
upgrades under a student choice BYOD plan. The becomes challenging. It is the same for security
challenge becomes teaching across different generations authentication and virus protection for devices that will
of technology and feature sets. Teachers are placed connect to (and potentially infect) school networks.
in the unenviable position of trying to leverage
contemporary technology, without excluding students Within any provision model, it is important to assign
who don’t have it. responsibility for managing compatibilities, images,
viruses and security. Whether this be the student
manned Help Desk, the manufacturer, the service
3. How will you manage Help Desks and
agent or students, what matters is that there is clarity in
in-house support services?
understanding who is managing these matters.
Experience shows that a well-run Help Desk is central to
the smooth running of a 1-to-1 learning initiative. This
5. Will extras, such as extended
is because 60-70% of all problems tend to be software,
warranty and insurance, be
rather than hardware related, making a help desk an
mandated or optional?
important first base.
Experience tells us that in a school environment a
In a student-chosen BYOD environment, the role of percentage of student laptops and other devices will
the Help Desk is vastly expanded to cater for multiple inevitably be dropped or knocked – and break. When
devices and operating systems. Student-manned Help that happens, the student needs to know the device can
Desks can be a practical solution, but it’s important to be repaired immediately, without any discussion about
ensure that processes and systems are in place so that insurance assessment, or argument about whether the
support can be provided promptly and efficiently. damage was intentional, or without any demarcation
at any point between the insurance company, the the
manufacturer warranty provider, and the repairer, as too
often happens on individual claims.

Therefore devices within any 1-to-1 initiative need to be

covered by full warranty and insurance for the full term
that they will be used at school.

14 BYOD to school education briefing paper

Warranty management can be similarly challenging. 7. Can school policy still dictate what is on
Many laptops are sold in retail with a one-year warranty, students’ devices and how they are used?
and extra years can be expensive. For a four-year cycle,
With school-based 1-to-1 learning programs, policies
a fourth year warranty can be prohibitively expensive
around personal use are the responsibility of the school.
at retail, and it is often only the weight of numbers in a
With student-choice BYOD, it is usually not so clear. In
school-based program that makes the pricing viable.
fact, the assumption often is that if parents or students
choose and buy the device, they are free to determine
6. How will you manage what is installed on it and when and how they use it.
software licensing?
Well before you initiate your 1-to-1 learning program,
In recent times the availability and cost of software
therefore, it’s important to develop a clear policy for
applications has changed dramatically. With the advent
your school in conjunction with parents and students.
of Web apps, plug-ins, and so on, there are a large
This should be reviewed at least annually and widely
number of applications that can be obtained for little
communicated. It should also cover a wide range of
or no cost. Issues around affordable licensing for 1-to-1
areas relating to the effective use of the students’
learning programs have largely been resolved.
laptops, including:
Microsoft licensing schemes offer a number of ways
•  Will laptop insurance be mandatory or optional? Will it
to license students for the core software they use –
cover the device at home, at school?
including Windows® and Microsoft® Office – even on
their own devices. •  Who will define and/or review the data limit for
downloading versus purchasing more credit?
However, there are still specialist applications such as
•  What is the process for reporting lost and
virus protection or those focused on specific subject
stolen devices?
areas such as Mathematics, Music and Science, that may
require school licensing. Schools need to ensure that • Should Web 2.0: Facebook , Twitter, and so on be
school software is covered for home and school use and allowed, restricted or banned? Why?
updated regularly. • What is the school’s personal software policy?

Finally, there is the matter of cost. Be wary of some •  Who is responsible for ensuring batteries are fully
of the sometimes misleading claims associated with charged, and are there any options if they are not?
‘freemiumware’, as the trade-off for ‘free’ is often • What is the process when devices are left at home?
associated with some form of advertising, which in itself
•  What is the process for virus protection / removal
raises ethical issues that should be thought through and
(cost of re-imaging)?
be in line with school policy.
• Who is responsible for secure storage?

BYOD to school education briefing paper 15

BYOD is a trend that needs to be carefully examined in an education context to ensure that
the models we deploy are successful. At the heart of good 1-to-1 learning is equity to ensure
that all students have equal access to technology-rich experiences, and simplicity to ensure
that it is easy to manage and sustain.

Between equity and simplicity, however, come important, given that previous educational innovations
considerations of cost. So while today’s confluence of have taught us that early reports of success can overlook
affordable devices, cloud computing and innovative complexities that only become apparent over time.
technology dangles a tempting prospect in front of us,
Poorly executed BYOD learning environments, for
educators face a number of difficult decisions before
example, are at risk of amplifying the mass inequity that
we finally deliver student learning experiences as broad,
is already evident across so much of our educational
deep, relevant, complex and creative as we would like
systems with the best technology only available to those
them to be.
with the means to afford it. At the other end of the scale,
This discussion paper presents some of the varying it is equally inappropriate to set the use of computers
BYOD models, their nuances and the considerations within a class at the lowest common denominator simply
that accompany them. 1-to-1 access to technology because four or five students are using devices that are
is challenging traditional ideas about teaching and not able to complete the work required.
learning, and the arguments herein emphasise that
Without clear and strong leadership, schools could
BYOD decisions need to be education-based, not
introduce inequity, complexity and costly support and
purely technology-based. They need to deliver tangible
insurance issues into their technology programs –
benefits for student learning.
completely undermining their goal of making computing
The arguments also ask us to question a number of simple, powerful and accessible to all.
assumptions about BYOD. In particular, we question
If our goal with universal access to technology is to
whether BYOD really reduces the total cost of device use
empower our students to be successful citizens in the
in schools, or whether that cost has been hidden; that is
21st century, then we must ensure that our deployment
to say, passed on to parents.
models do not compromise this goal.
At the moment, BYOD presents more questions than
Schools need to be vigilant and protective of the
answers. Hasty decisions made today risk casting a
foundations of equity of access on which all of our
long shadow and undermining some of the important
education systems are firmly founded. With this in
achievements made to date.
mind, all stakeholders – teachers, parents, students and
Most importantly, there needs to be agreement on principals – need to work through the tough decisions
the equitable and sustainable provision of technology early to drive home the best outcomes for all students
so that the core ideas of 1-to-1 learning, refined over at all times.
many years of classroom experience, are not lost in the
stampede to a new deployment model. This is especially

At Microsoft we’re passionate about learning. We see education as the transforming

force behind social and economic progress, and students as humankind’s greatest
potential. Our commitment to schools is deep and ongoing. Through our Partners
in Learning program we’ve invested over $500 million to support the mentoring
of some 2.8 million teachers worldwide. We’ve inspired countless students with
innovative software and opportunities to work. And we partner with governments
and inter-governmental agencies to imagine, plan and deliver next-generation
learning the world over.

1 BYOD to school education briefing paper
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