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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that the work is
my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while completing
all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant resources section for this
qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* RLT Supermarket
Site location* Kollam; kerala
Number of workers 22
RLT supermarket belongs to RLT group of companies which have lot many supermarkets all around the
country mainly focused on selling groceries, vegetables and in some store, it also has electronic equipment
and home appliances they are in this industry for more than 60 years.

This risk assessment is based on one of the supermarkets which have groceries, vegetables and electronic
equipment and home appliances and this supermarket is about 8000 square feet. And this supermarket is
General description of the organisation super busy due to its attractive offers for customers. Some of the main activities that here includes b
working at height for racking of groceries, movement of customers for the shopping, movement of vehicles
of customers for parking, electrical maintenance work and truck for unloading materials and the general
work activities done by the workers in the supermarket.

The supermarket will work from 11:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. without any Holidays 365 days in a year

Description of the area to be included in the risk The risk assessment will cover the whole supermarket area that also includes the surroundings and
assessment parking area.
Here one of the workers has been trained as safety supervisor and he reports to the manager and
Any other relevant information here the manager is given with complete authority to implement majority of work-related

Learner number:
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* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be factual.

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was carried out For getting information for conducting risk assessment in this supermarket I referred occupational safety and
this should include: health convention c 155 https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?
 sources of information consulted; p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C155 and also HSE website regarding health and
 who you spoke to; and safety in the retail industry https://www.hse.gov.uk/retail/index.htm This gave me sufficient information for
 how you identified: conducting this assessment.
- the hazards;
- what is already being done; and After obtaining this information I went around in this supermarket and talk with the manager, safety
- any additional controls/actions that supervisor and the workers. The safety supervisor provided me with general idea about the prevailing
may be required. health and safety culture of this organisation. When I talked with the worker, I understood most of the
workers are stressed due to long period of standing. The information given by the safety supervisor and the
conversation with the workers help to me to understand existing hazards and also the control measures that
they have taken. For the same I also refer to the existing risk assessment and the accident records that they
have kept.

The details that I have received by this conversation and from looking into documents help me to decide on
what additional control measures are required. I also referred some of the HSE website ex for work related
upper limb disorders I referred. https://www.hse.gov.uk/msd/uld/index.htm#:~:text=Consider
%20adjustable%20workstations ,
provided with good amount of information for deciding additional control measure.

Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: RLT Supermarket
Date of assessment: 06/01/2023
Scope of risk assessment: Risk assessment will cover the whole supermarket area that also includes the surroundings and parking area.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
1. Working at Worker working for Currently the supermarket has Replace the existing ladder with a new 1 week Manager
height refilling the rack will be three step ladders but all the three one.
get affected and are damaged. This also includes
Worker using customers. the current step ladder used for Conduct proper inspection schedule 1 week Manager and
the step ladder this work. regularly for the maintenance of the floor
which don’t ladder. supervisor
have spreader Here the workers use step
lock and ladder for racking packets of Provide with proper storage facility for 1 week Manager
missing anti slip flour at the top of the rack. keeping the ladder.
safety shoe for Even if the customer can
left front rail. access this rack, it requires Provide worker with training how to do 1 week Manager and
stepladder for racking items. pre use inspection while selecting the safety
So, if worker is working on ladder for work. supervisor
this improper stepladder that
will cause fall from height Conduct training for working at height 1 week Safety
and will result fracture add it activity. supervisor
will also cause head injury if
collide with other rack Provide instruction to barricade the 1 week Safety
opposites to it while falling. area while working at height. supervisor
Sometimes it may also result
in the complete collapse of Provide worker with slip resistant shoe 1 week Manager and
the rack and it will also while working at height. safety
injury for customers if it supervisor.
falls into

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
2.Work 14 workers working inside Workers are only given with Provide the workers with enough chairs 1 week Manager
related upper this supermarket will be get induction training with respect in between the storage rack such that it
limb disorder affected. to their work and about the will not disturb the normal movement of
(ergonomics) general policies of this people.
Here the workers are organization.
Long period of required to stand for about 8 Implement a job rotation scheme for 2 weeks Manager and
standing and hours for doing their duty avoiding long period of standing by a floor
not provided mainly for assisting the worker. supervisor
with sufficient customers. Since they are
chair. not provided with sufficient Provide awareness to the workers for 1 week Safety
chair to relax there adopting good ergonomic posture while supervisor and
continuous standing for this working. manager
long duration will create
work related upper limb Provide workers with shock absorbing 1 weeks Manager
disorder such as back pain, and slip resistant shoes and make it
muscle pain and varicose mandatory while working.
veins. This long period of
standing can also cause
fatigue to
do the worker.

3.Manual 2 workers doing manual Appointed with young workers who Provide workers with trolleys for 1 week Manager
handling handling job will be get just turned 18 years of age reducing the manual handling effort.
Two workers
are carrying Here for the manual Increase the number of workers for 2 weeks Manager
heavy rice bag handling job, there are only doing manual handling job.
from truck to appointed with two
the storage area workers and these workers Replace the existing young worker with Manager
are continuously an experienced worker for doing 2 weeks
doing the same manual the job.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
handling job as the rice bag
weighs above 40 kg the Implement job rotation scheme for 2 weeks Manager
continuous lifting and reducing the continuous effort of
lowering of this may result manual handling.
in Musculoskeletal disorders
such as back pain, shoulder Provide manual handling training to all 2 weeks Manager and
pain, muscle pain and also workers who are doing this job. safety
result in joint pain. supervisor

Conduct proper housekeeping in the 1 day Supervisor

area where manual handling is

Provide workers with slip resistant 1 week Manager and

shoes safety
4.Work 4 accounting staff working Appointed with workers who Provide good quality ergonomically 1 week Manager
related upper with the desktop will be get have well knowledge with safe chair which is height adjustable
limb disorder affected. respect to the software that and have armrest.
(DSE). they are using.
Provide with good table which is about 1 week Manager
Worker Here these accounting staff 70cm high with proper footrest.
working with are required to work for
desktop is long duration since there is Provide with a monitor which have an 1 week Manager
sitting on a a continuous need of adjustable screen.
chair which entering have stock details
have no into the computer system
backrest for accounting. Since here Provide with a proper lighting which is 3 weeks Manager and
they are sitting on a chair glare free and surroundings with no safety
which don’t have proper reflections. supervisor

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
backrest that may seriously
affect due to the ergonomic
issue and leads to certain
Work- related upper limb
disorders such as back pain,
acing neck and shoulder and
will also result in work

5.Movement The workers and the Separate route for pedestrians Open the space currently using for 1 week Manager and
of people and customers who are using and vehicle movements are being parking trucks to enable one way supervisor
vehicle in the this vehicle pathway will given. system for the moment of vehicles.
workplace. be get affected.
The workplace premises is fixed
Absence of Since there is a frequent with speed limit of 15 km per Adjust the present parking area so that that 1 month
one-way moment of vehicles in this hour. will provide little wider space for the Manager and
system for the workplace and due to this moment of vehicles. supervisor
vehicles absence of one-way system There is an adequate space to
movement there is a chance of collision provide one way system, but the
between the vehicle because area has been blocked for parking
this vehicle pathway is only trucks that come for loading and
suitable for movement of unloading materials in the
one vehicle in a single supermarket
direction. But the same
pathway has been adjusted
for the Two and For
moments this will create
collision and result
in damages to the vehicle

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
and also sometimes it may
cause injuries to those
drivers and people inside
the vehicle
resulting minor injury.
6.Slip and The worker working in this Good amount of lighting is Increase the number of housekeeping 2 weeks Manager
trip. organisation and the provided at the supermarket. staff and conduct proper housekeeping
customers who visit the when such spillages be noticed.
Presence of oil supermarket for purchasing Her place is also provided with
leak on the floor will be get affected. adequate space for the movement Appoint any one of the housekeeping staff
and presence of of customers, but this space will for conducting regular supervision in the 1 week Supervisor
water where Since there is a continuous be reduced when the customers supermarket for identifying any similar
people are movement of workers and move with the trolley. slip hazards.
moving people here if any chance
they come into contact with Advice the housekeeping staff for
this oil or water that will using slip hazard caution sign while 2 days Supervisor
cause slip and will result in they are doing this activity.
injuries such as some minor
injuries and the fall of Provide the workers with slip resistant
person will sometimes footwear. 1 week Manager and
result in hitting the head to safety
the nearby rack and also supervisor.
cause head injuries.
Depending on the age of the
person it also has the
possibility of causing
fractures of bones and

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
7.Fire The workers and also the The supermarket has an Ensure the presence of dry chemical 2 weeks Manager
customers and all other emergency procedure in place. powder fire extinguisher within 30 M
Absence of person inside the shopping travel distance for that increase the
sufficient fire mall will be get affected. The supermarket hall is number of these extinguishers
extinguishers completely fixed with sprinkler
inside the Here since the shopping system and smoke detection.
shopping hall. mall have various electrical
connections there is a Workers are also given with
chance of spark production training for evacuation and fire
from any of these drill has been conducted.
connections so if any Spark
is produced and when it Has provided with emergency exit
meet any combustible and have assembly points.
materials there is a high
chance of fire start and it Five workers are provided with
will spread in the shopping fire warden training, and they are
mall quickly because appointed as fire wardens.
majority of the materials are
of combustible in nature. So, Supermarket also have
a quick response by procedures for evacuating the
extinguishing this fire is customers.
very important to stop the
spread. If any such spread The shopping hall is only
occur it will result in burns provided with two dry chemical
to the people, will create powder fire extinguishers.
property damages and worst
situation it may also lead to Supermarket is also having
death due to proper signages for fire
burning precautions.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
8.Health The workers and the There is separated toilet facility Ensure proper housekeeping has been 3 days Supervisor
welfare and customers who use the provided for men and women. maintain at regular intervals.
working toilet will be get affected.
environment. The number of toilets is also Develop a check chart and display it on
Since here the supermarket provided adequately based on the toilets for ensuring proper cleaning. 3 days Supervisor
Lack of proper have good rush for calculation of expected
hygiene purchasing the toilets are customers and the existing
maintained for widely used by the workers.
the toilet used customers and by the
workers so there will be a The toilet also is provided with
hygiene issue since due to good lighting.
the continuous use. So, if
you are not maintaining The toilet is provided with
proper hygiene there is a separate urinal and latrine
height chance of spread of facilities
disease among the workers
and the customers. At these
circumstances there is also a
high chance of
spread of viral disease.

9.Work The driver appointed for The vehicle provided for this Appoint another two more drivers by 2 weeks Manager
related this job will be get activity is of well maintained. providing training among the existing
driving affected. workers those who have heavy licence.

Only one Here the supermarket is

worker is very busy and it requires Schedule a proper time for all the
appointed as frequent refilling of drivers for doing this activity. 2 weeks Supervisor
driver for products for sale this
transporting requires frequent refilling
materials from of product from the

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
godown to the godown which is 12 km Consider maintaining the vehicle at 2 weeks Manager and
supermarket. away from the supermarket. regular intervals. supervisor
So here the driver required
to drive this vehicle
multiple times depending
upon the rush of this
supermarket and also, he
needs to work without any
leave or holiday. This
continuous effort will create
health issues for the driver
such as fatigue and lack of
concentration will lead to

10.Mental ill The workers such as the Have appointed with 22 Same another 22 workers can be 1 month Manager and
health security staff and staff who permanent workers that includes appointed, and they can be given work zonal manager
is assisting customers will security personal, accounting based on shift methods and salary can be
There is a be get affected. staff and other workers working paid based on the hours that they work.
workload on shopping floor.
among the staff Since here the supermarket A job rotation can be implemented among Manager
working inside is working 365 days in a the securities staff for assistant the 1 week
the shopping year a continuous effort of customers while reversing their vehicle
mall for work is required without and for checking the bills.
customer any adequate holidays.
assistant and When it comes into workers Provide workers with proper training Manager and
for security working for assisting detailing them with the roles and supervisor
staff customers, they require responsibilities that they must do in the 1 week
continuous long period of supermarket.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
standing that create health Demand work output according to the Manager and
issues. And also, the lack of capabilities and skill of the workers. 1 week supervisor
sufficient number of (following
security staff appointed Discussion with
required do multiple work workers).
such as assisting customers
while they are reversing
their vehicle and also
checking the bills while the
customers exit from the
shopping mall these
continuous efforts from
workers will result in
mental ill health mainly
worker related stress

11.Hazardous All persons and the The government strict Well controlled N/A N/A
substances customers involved in regulations are followed.
(Biological) the workplace gets.
affected. Workers are provided with.
Corona virus, sanitizers, hand washes and
Delta and Since the virus is a soap facilities.
Omicron virus pandemic, its presence is. in
all over the workplace. The Masks have been worn by all
workers are working closely workers at the working hours.
each other, there is a high
chance of transferring All workers have
disease from worker to been vaccinated with two.
worker within no time and doses.
thus may
cause fever, pneumonia

Learner number:
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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
and can leads to RTPCR and antigen testing
death sometimes. has conducted properly if
shown with symptoms.

12.Electricity The workers who are Appointed with the trained Replace the existing electrical driller 1 week Manager
working at height for employees for doing this work. with a battery-operated driller.
The electrical removing electrical panels
driller used for will get affected. Schedule proper maintenance Provide training to all workers for 1 week Manager
removing program along with colour conducting peruse inspection before
electrical Since workers are working coding for all electrical selecting such electrical equipment for
panels have at height for removing it if equipment. work.
uninsulated by any chance due to
wire. conduction with respect to Provide workers with electrical
this uninsulated wire it may safety glove.
result in shock and burns
and as a secondary effect of
electricity it may also result
in fall from height that make
cause injuries such as head
injury and

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial RLT Supermarket has moral responsibility to protect their workers from work related injuries and from ill
arguments health because every employer has certain duty of care towards their employees. And employee come to the
workplace for wages for the daily living and, they have their family members who are depending on them.
So, if anything happened to a worker that will not only cause problem to that person but also create problem
for their family also. In order to maintain a good happy and healthy workforce we need to provide a safe
workplace. If we uphold our moral principles that will also increases the productivity of our workers and if
we are creating a safe workplace the overall morale of the worker will also be increased.
This organisation must follow ILO occupational safety and health convention C155. If you look at the
circumstance in this organisation at many of the occasions this convention is being breached due to this
organisation may have to face various legal implication such us civil and criminal proceedings. If any
such incident occur the organisation will be forced to pay finance to the court and to face various
enforcement actions. If any worker has been injured there will be a civil case among the worker and the
organisation that will end up in paying huge compensation to the workers. So, in order to avoid these legal
implications a good safe workplace is very important.
If any of unnecessary events occur the organisation will also have to face various financial problems such as
if any increase in the ill-health among the workers, then the staff turnover will increase then organisation
should have to find some extra cost in hiring and training new employees, The financial loss in paying
compensation and also court cost and fines, if any damage to any equipment or structure Occur extra money
should be allocated to rebuilt this. If any accident occurs to a visitor that will result in series issues losing the
licence of this supermarket as a result in
finding good amount of money to re issue the licence and to restart the business So in order to avoid
these types of financial implications a good safe workplaces is very important.
Justification for action 1
Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Provide the workers with enough chairs in between the storage rack such that it will not disturb the normal
assessment) movement of people. (Hazard category- Work related upper limb disorder (ergonomics))

Specific legal arguments According to ILO convention C155 Article 5

B) relationships between the material elements of work and the persons who carry out or supervise the work,
and adaptation of machinery, equipment, working time, organisation of work and work processes to the
physical and mental capacities of the workers.
Why not providing enough chairs this requires the worker to stand for long duration and if that
happened that will cause problem for their physical health and this work process is not suitable for a worker’s
physical capacity so if this situation occur the above said article will be reached.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity These workers are required to move continuously as per requirements and this shopping mall is about
8000 square feet, so this requires a continuous effort from the part of worker and that also result in long
 types of injury or ill health period of standing so the likelihood of occurring injury is very likely due to these serious ergonomic
 number of workers at risk issues faced by the worker.
 how often the activity is carried
out Here the severity can be categorised as major. Due to this continuous long period of standing that might
create musculoskeletal disorders and will lead to severe back pain, muscle pain and create health issues for
 how widespread the risk is
bones and create blood circulation problems hernia and also may result in varicose veins. This requires
hospital treatment.
Here 14 workers are appointed for assisting the customers mainly for helping them to select products
that they need.
This activity requires continuous effort depending upon the requirement how busy the supermarket is. so,
this demand prolonged period of standing and frequent movements.
This risk is only confined to those workers who are doing this job.
How effective the action is likely to be in
By providing enough chairs in between the storage rack that will help the workers to rest in between during
controlling the risk. This should include:
their continuous movement and from long period of standing this will reduce the ergonomic issues that by
 the intended impact of the action; reducing the chance of Musculoskeletal disorders.
 justification for the timescale that I have given the time scale of one week to complete this action because this much time is enough to buy
you indicated in your risk enough chairs which is available in market and to find out the apt place for the chair.
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will This action will fully control the risk along with implementing job rotation scheme for avoiding long period
fully control the risk of standing by a worker, also giving them awareness about ergonomic poster while working
and providing them with shock absorbing shoes.

Justification for action 2

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Replace the existing ladder with a new one (Hazard category- working at height)

Specific legal arguments According to ILO convention C155 Article 12

A) satisfy themselves that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the machinery, equipment or
substance does not entail dangers for the safety and health of those using it correctly.
By not providing a good condition ladder that will breach the reasonably practicable measures to provide
save equipment that will not entitle danger for safety and health of those person that are using. So it is
very important to provide safe ladder.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Workers have the chance of using this step ladder for arrange materials in the rack and continuous refiling of
rack is very important due to high sale of product. Since all of the ladders presents are damaged in one or the
 types of injury or ill health other way the chances of falling from the ladder is very likely while doing this job.
 number of workers at risk
 how often the activity is carried Hear the severity can be categorised as major because if any of the workers are working in this unsafe
out ladder there is a chance of fall from the ladder and cause some major injury such as head injury, bone
fractures, any dislocations and it will result in treatment in hospitals which take several weeks to recover.
 how widespread the risk is
14-worker assigned for assisting the customers are also required to arrange materials in the rack.
This activity requires continuous effort depending upon the requirement how busy the supermarket is. Here
the refilling of the rack is to be done frequently since due to high sale due to attractive offers at present in
the supermarket.
This risk is only confined to those workers who are doing this job.

How effective the action is likely to be in Replacing the existing ladders will definitely reduce the risk of falling since it will ensure better
controlling the risk. This should include: stability.
 the intended impact of the action; I have given a time scale of one week to complete this action because it is one of the most important things
 justification for the timescale that that we need in the supermarket and since all of the step ladders are damaged so within this time limit itself,
you indicated in your risk we need to find the fund for buying these ladders.
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will This action will fully control the risk along with providing workers training for working at height and also
fully control the risk conducting inspection schedule for the maintenance of ladder and providing proper storage facility for
keeping the ladder so that any future damage can be prevented. It is also important to
instruct workers to barricade the area while working at height due to the presence of workers and also
mainly customers.

Justification for action 3

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Provide good quality ergonomically safe chair which is height adjustable and have armrest (Hazard
assessment) category- Work related upper limb disorder (DSE).)

Specific legal arguments According to ILO convention C155 Article 5

B) relationships between the material elements of work and the persons who carry out or supervise the work,
and adaptation of machinery, equipment, working time, organisation of work and work processes to the
physical and mental capacities of the workers.
Here also the same article 5 will be reached of ILO convention c 155 because why not providing
economically safe chair this will also cause problem to the workers physical capacity.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Since they are only provided with a chair which have no back rest the continuous sitting on this chair
will cause ergonomic related issues and the chance of musculoskeletal disorder related issues is very
 types of injury or ill health likely
 number of workers at risk
 how often the activity is carried Here the severity can we categorised as major because the continuous sitting on this chair without proper
out back rest will create musculoskeletal issues which require hospital treatment and serious pain for back,
muscle pain and especially shoulder pain for those you are using desktop. This uncomfortable situation will
 how widespread the risk is
also resultant psychological ill-health such as stress.
Here four workers are appointed as accounting staff.
Accounting staff who works continuously on daily basis with the desktop for entering details of the
products in the supermarket.
The risk is confined to those workers who are doing accounting work.
How effective the action is likely to be in
By providing good quality ergonomically safe chair which is height adjustable and having armrest will
controlling the risk. This should include:
ensure a proper seating position that will reduce the ergonomic issues while working with desktop.
 the intended impact of the action;
 justification for the timescale that
you indicated in your risk I have given a time scale of one week for completing this action because this time is much enough to buy
assessment; and new chairs and we only need for chase since we have only four desktop working.
 whether you think the action will This action will fully control the risk along with providing table which have 70cm high with the footrest
fully control the risk and adjustable monitor screen and ensuring proper lighting with glare free and with no reflecting

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with The policy of this organisation is to review risk assessment at every 12 months, so I set the review date on
reasoning 06/01/2024. I will also make sure the risk assessment will be reviewed before this due date if any of the
changes of occur such as
• Based on any accident investigation
• If any new enforcement actions are taken
• Based on the consultation done with the worker
How the risk assessment findings will be The findings of the risk assessment will be first communicated with the manager of this supermarket. After
communicated AND who you need to tell that a zoom meeting will be conducted between the manager and the zonal head. Based on their
recommendation and their suggestion then a formal meeting among the workers will be arranged so that the
finding can be discussed with the workers the same will be also display it in notice board. The findings of this
risk assessment will be also discussed during the induction training given to the new workers It will be also
posted on company’s internet so that the other branches of this supermarket will also access, and it will help
them to take early action if they
have these potential hazards.
How you will follow up on the risk A normal diary reminder will be kept before the 10 days for completing each action. Since majority of the
assessment to check that the actions action is being given to the manager If any of the actions cannot be implemented on the time given with the
have been carried out consultation of the manager the same need will be reported to the zonal manager
and based on their recommendation the action will be implemented on the specified a time with his
guidance and help. If any issues such as financial and lack of sufficient resource occurs interim action
will be taken and the controls will be implemented as early as possible.

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