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Dr. Suhas Pednekar

Vice Chancellor
University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Prof. Ravindra D. Kulkarni Prof. Prakash Mahanwar
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Director,
University of Mumbai IDOL, University of Mumbai

Programme Co-ordinator : Prof. Mandar Bhanushe

HOD Science and Technology IDOL,
Mumbai University, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E).

Course Co-ordinator : Mr. Shyam Mohan T.

IDOL Mumbai University, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E).

Course Writers : Mr. Sandeep Kamble

Assistant Professor
Cosmopolitan’s Valia College, Mumbai.
: Mrs. Pinky Rane
Assistant Professor
New horizon college of commerce, Airoli, Navi Mumbai.
: Ms. Rani Podichetty
Assistant Professor
K.B.College ofArts and Commerce for women, Thane East.
: Mrs. Asmita Ranade
Assistant Professor
K.B.College ofArts and Commerce for women, Thane East.
: Mrs. Saba Ansari
Assistant Professor
J.K College of Science and Commerce, Navi Mumbai.
: Dr. M krishna Sudha
Assistant Professor
Sri Vasavi College, Erode
: Ms. Arti Parab
Assistant Professor
JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Whitefield
Campus, Bangalore.

July 2022, Print - 1

Published by : Director,
Institute of Distance and Open Learning,
University of Mumbai,
Vidyanagari,Mumbai - 400 098.

DTP Composed and Printed by:

Mumbai University Press
Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai-400098.
Chapter No. Title Page No.

1. M2M to IoT .......................................................................................................1

2. M2M Towards IOT...........................................................................................14

3. An Architectural Overview...............................................................................32

4. IOT Architecture...............................................................................................47

5. IOT Enabling Technologies .............................................................................92

6. Real World Design Constraints......................................................................102

7. Open-Source Prototyping Platform: Arduino................................................. 117

8. Raspberry PI...................................................................................................139

9. Data Management...........................................................................................157

10. Data Management...........................................................................................179

11. IOT Based Home Automation System and Smart City..................................201

12. IOT Based Energy Systems and Healthcare Systems

and Smart Agriculture.....................................................................................218


Sr. Module Detailed Contents Hrs


1 M2M to IoT M2M to IoT – The Vision, Introduction: M2M, 10

IoT, From M2M to IoT,M2M towards IoT – the
global context, Differing characteristics, M2M value
chains, IoT value chains,An emerging industrial
structure for IoT, The international-driven global
value chain and global information monopolies,
M2M to IoT – An Architectural Overview-,Building
an architecture, Main design principles and needed
capabilities, An IoT architecture outline, Standards

2 IoT Architecture IoT Architecture – State of the Art Introduction,State 08

of the art, Architecture Reference Model,
Introduction, Reference model and architecture,
IoT reference model, IoT Reference Architecture,
Introduction, Functional view, Information view,
Deployment and operational view, Other relevant
architectural views

3 IoT Enabling IoT Enabling Technologies -- Wireless Sensor 08

Technologies Networks, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics,
Communication Protocols,Embedded Systems

4 Real-World Real-World Design Constraints- 04

Design Introduction,Technical design constraints – hardware,
Constraints Data representation and visualization,Interaction
and remote control

5 Open – Source Open – Source Prototyping Platforms for IoT- 08

Prototyping Basic Arduino Programming Extended Arduino
Platforms for IoT Libraries,Arduino – Based Internet Communication,
Raspberry PI,Sensors and Interfacing
Sr. Module Detailed Contents Hrs

6 Data Management Data Management, Business Process in IoT, 08

IoT Analytics, Creative Thinking Techniques,
Modification,Combination Scenarios, Decentralized
and Interoperable, Approaches, Object – Information
Distribution,Architecture, Object Naming Service
(ONS), Service Oriented Architecture, Network of
Information, Etc.

7 Domain specific Domain specificHome Automation - Smart 06

Lighting, Smart Appliances, Intrusion Detection,
Smoke/Gas Detectors
Energy-Smart Grids, Renewable Energy Systems,
Prognostics Health & Lifestyle -Health & Fitness
Monitoring, Wearable Electronics
Agriculture - Smart Irrigation, Green House Control
Retail- Inventory Management, Smart Payments,
Smart Vending Machines
Cities -Smart Parking, Smart Lighting, Smart
Roads, Structural Health Monitoring, Surveillance,
Emergency Response
Unit Structure

1.0 Objectives
1.1 The vision
1.2 M2M
1.3 IoT
1.4 From M2M to IoT


The main purpose of machine-to-machine technology is to tap into sensor

data and transmit it to a network. Unlike SCADA or other remote
monitoring tools, M2M systems often use public networks and access
methods -- for example, cellular or Ethernet -- to make it more cost-


M2M, or machine-to-machine, is a direct communication between devices

using wired or wireless communication channels. M2M refers to the
interaction of two or more devices/machines that are connected to each
other. Machine-to-machine communication, or M2M, is exactly as it
sounds: two machines “communicating,” or exchanging data, without
human interfacing or interaction. uptake of both M2M and IoT solutions
will increase dramatically. These devices capture data and share with other
connected devices, creating an intelligent network of things or systems.
Devices could be sensors, actuators, embedded systems or other connected
elements. M2M technology could be present in our homes, offices,
shopping malls and other places. Controlling electrical appliances like bulbs
and fans using RF or Bluetooth from your smartphone is a simple example
of M2M applications at home. Here, the electrical appliance and your
smartphone are the two machines interacting with each other. The Internet
of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices embedded with sensors,
software and electronics, enabling these devices to communicate with each
other and exchange data over a computer network. The things in the IoT
refer to hardware devices uniquely identifiable through a network platform
within the Internet infrastructure. M2M and the IoT are two of the
technologies that form the basis of the new world. Anything in the physical
realm that is of interest to observe and control by people, businesses, or
organizations will be connected and will offer services via the Internet. The
physical entities can be of any nature, such as buildings, farmland, and
natural resources like air, and even such personal real-world concepts as my
favorite hiking route through the forest or my route to work. M2M is about
machines, smartphones and appliances, whereas the IoT is about sensors,
cyber-based physical systems, Internet and so on 1
Internet of Thing 1.2 M2M

Machine-to-machine, or M2M, is a broad label that can be used to describe

any technology that enables networked devices to exchange information
and perform actions without the manual assistance of humans. Artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) facilitate the communication
between systems, allowing them to make their own autonomous choices.
M2M technology was first adopted in manufacturing and industrial settings,
where other technologies, such as SCADA and remote monitoring, helped
remotely manage and control data from equipment. M2M has since found
applications in other sectors, such as healthcare, business and insurance.
M2M is also the foundation for the internet of things (IoT).
How M2M works?
The main purpose of machine-to-machine technology is to tap
into sensor data and transmit it to a network. Unlike SCADA or other
remote monitoring tools, M2M systems often use public networks and
access methods -- for example, cellular or Ethernet -- to make it more cost-
The main components of an M2M system include sensors, RFID, a Wi-Fi or
cellular communications link, and autonomic computing software
programmed to help a network device interpret data and make decisions.
These M2M applications translate the data, which can trigger
preprogrammed, automated actions.
One of the most well-known types of machine-to-machine communication
is telemetry, which has been used since the early part of the last century to
transmit operational data. Pioneers in telemetrics first used telephone lines,
and later, radio waves, to transmit performance measurements gathered
from monitoring instruments in remote locations.
The Internet and improved standards for wireless technology have
expanded the role of telemetry from pure science, engineering and
manufacturing to everyday use in products such as heating units, electric
meters and internet-connected devices, such as appliances.
Beyond being able to remotely monitor equipment and systems, the top
benefits of M2M include:
• reduced costs by minimizing equipment maintenance and downtime;
• boosted revenue by revealing new business opportunities for
servicing products in the field; and
• improved customer service by proactively monitoring and servicing
equipment before it fails or only when it is needed.
M2M applications and examples
Machine-to-machine communication is often used for remote monitoring.
In product restocking, for example, a vending machine can message the
distributor's network, or machine, when a particular item is running low to
send a refill. An enabler of asset tracking and monitoring, M2M is vital in
warehouse management systems (WMS) and supply chain management M2M to IOT
Utilities companies often rely on M2M devices and applications to not only
harvest energy, such as oil and gas, but also to bill customers -- through the
use of Smart meters -- and to detect worksite factors, such as pressure,
temperature and equipment status.

In telemedicine, M2M devices can enable the real time monitoring of

patients' vital statistics, dispensing medicine when required or tracking
healthcare assets.
The combination of the IoT, AI and ML is transforming and
improving mobile payment processes and creating new opportunities for
different purchasing behaviors. Digital wallets, such as Google
Wallet and Apple Pay, will most likely contribute to the widespread
adoption of M2M financial activities.
Smart home systems have also incorporated M2M technology. The use of
M2M in this embedded system enables home appliances and other
technologies to have real time control of operations as well as the ability to
remotely communicate.
M2M is also an important aspect of remote-control software, robotics,
traffic control, security, logistics and fleet management and automotive.
Internet of Thing Key features of M2M
Key features of M2M technology include:
• Low power consumption, in an effort to improve the system's ability
to effectively service M2M applications.
• A Network operator that provides packet-switched service
• Monitoring abilities that provide functionality to detect events.
• Time tolerance, meaning data transfers can be delayed.
• Time control, meaning data can only be sent or received at specific
predetermined periods.
• Location specific triggers that alert or wake up devices when they
enter particular areas.
• The ability to continually send and receive small amounts of data.

M2M requirements
According to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI),
requirements of an M2M system include:
• Scalability - The M2M system should be able to continue to function
efficiently as more connected objects are added.
• Anonymity - The M2M system must be able to hide the identity of an
M2M device when requested, subject to regulatory requirements.
• Logging - M2M systems must support the recording of important
events, such as failed installation attempts, service not operating or
the occurrence of faulty information. The logs should be available by
• M2M application communication principles - M2M systems should
enable communication between M2M applications in the network and
the M2M device or gateway using communication techniques, such
as short message service (SMS) and IP Connected devices should also
be able to communicate with each other in a peer-to-peer (P2P)
• Delivery methods - The M2M system should support Unicast,
anycast, multicast and broadcast communication modes, with
broadcast being replaced by multicast or anycast whenever possible
to minimize the load on the communication network.
• Message transmission scheduling - M2M systems must be able to
control network access and messaging schedules and should be
conscious of M2M applications' scheduling delay tolerance.
• Message communication path selection - Optimization of the message
communication paths within an M2M system must be possible and
based on policies like transmission failures, delays when other paths
exist and network costs.
1.3 IOT M2M to IOT

The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices,

mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are
provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over
a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer
A thing in the internet of things can be a person with a heart monitor
implant, a farm animal with a biochip transponder, an automobile that has
built-in sensors to alert the driver when tire pressure is low or any other
natural or man-made object that can be assigned an Internet Protocol (IP)
address and is able to transfer data over a network.
Increasingly, organizations in a variety of industries are using IoT to operate
more efficiently, better understand customers to deliver enhanced customer
service, improve decision-making and increase the value of the business.
How does IoT work?
An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded
systems, such as processors, sensors and communication hardware, to
collect, send and act on data they acquire from their environments. IoT
devices share the sensor data they collect by connecting to an IoT gateway
or other edge device where data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed or
analyzed locally. Sometimes, these devices communicate with other related
devices and act on the information they get from one another. The devices
do most of the work without human intervention, although people can
interact with the devices -- for instance, to set them up, give them
instructions or access the data.The connectivity, networking and
communication protocols used with these web-enabled devices largely
depend on the specific IoT applications deployed.
IoT can also make use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
to aid in making data collecting processes easier and more dynamic.
Why is IoT important?
The internet of things helps people live and work smarter, as well as gain
complete control over their lives. In addition to offering smart devices to
automate homes, IoT is essential to business. IoT provides businesses with
a real-time look into how their systems really work, delivering insights into
everything from the performance of machines to supply chain and logistics
IoT enables companies to automate processes and reduce labor costs. It also
cuts down on waste and improves service delivery, making it less expensive
to manufacture and deliver goods, as well as offering transparency into
customer transactions.

Internet of Thing As such, IoT is one of the most important technologies of everyday life, and
it will continue to pick up steam as more businesses realize the potential of
connected devices to keep them competitive.
What are the benefits of IoT to organizations?
The internet of things offers several benefits to organizations. Some benefits
are industry-specific, and some are applicable across multiple industries.
Some of the common benefits of IoT enable businesses to:

• monitor their overall business processes;

• improve the customer experience (CX);
• save time and money;
• enhance employee productivity;
• integrate and adapt business models;
• make better business decisions; and
• generate more revenue.
IoT encourages companies to rethink the ways they approach their
businesses and gives them the tools to improve their business strategies.
Generally, IoT is most abundant in manufacturing, transportation and utility
organizations, making use of sensors and other IoT devices; however, it has
also found use cases for organizations within the agriculture, infrastructure
and home automation industries, leading some organizations toward digital
transformation. IoT can benefit farmers in agriculture by making their job
easier. Sensors can collect data on rainfall, humidity, temperature and soil
content, as well as other factors, that would help automate farming
techniques. The ability to monitor operations surrounding infrastructure is
also a factor that IoT can help with. Sensors, for example, could be used to
monitor events or changes within structural buildings, bridges and other
infrastructure. This brings benefits with it, such as cost saving, saved time,
quality-of-life workflow changes and paperless workflow.
A home automation business can utilize IoT to monitor and manipulate
mechanical and electrical systems in a building. On a broader scale, smart
cities can help citizens reduce waste and energy consumption.
IoT touches every industry, including businesses within healthcare, finance,
retail and manufacturing.
What are the pros and cons of IoT?
Some of the advantages of IoT include the following:

• ability to access information from anywhere at any time on any


• improved communication between connected electronic devices;

• transferring data packets over a connected network saving time and M2M to IOT
money; and

• automating tasks helping to improve the quality of a business's

services and reducing the need for human intervention.
Some disadvantages of IoT include the following:

• As the number of connected devices increases and more information

is shared between devices, the potential that a hacker could steal
confidential information also increases.

• Enterprises may eventually have to deal with massive numbers --

maybe even millions -- of IoT devices, and collecting and managing
the data from all those devices will be challenging.

• If there's a bug in the system, it's likely that every connected device
will become corrupted.

• Since there's no international standard of compatibility for IoT, it's

difficult for devices from different manufacturers to communicate
with each other.
IoT standards and frameworks

There are several emerging IoT standards, including the following:

• IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks

(6LoWPAN) is an open standard defined by the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF). The 6LoWPAN standard enables any low-power
radio to communicate to the internet, including 804.15.4, Bluetooth
Low Energy (BLE) and Z-Wave (for home automation).

• ZigBee is a low-power, low-data rate wireless network used mainly

in industrial settings. ZigBee is based on the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.4 standard. The ZigBee
Alliance created Dotdot, the universal language for IoT that enables
smart objects to work securely on any network and understand each

• LiteOS is a Unix-like operating system (OS) for wireless sensor

networks. LiteOS supports smartphones, wearables, intelligent
manufacturing applications, smart homes and the internet of vehicles
(IoV). The OS also serves as a smart device development platform.

• OneM2M is a machine-to-machine service layer that can be

embedded in software and hardware to connect devices. The global
standardization body, OneM2M, was created to develop reusable
standards to enable IoT applications across different verticals to

Internet of Thing • Data Distribution Service (DDS) was developed by the Object
Management Group (OMG) and is an IoT standard for real-time,
scalable and high-performance M2M communication.

• Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open source

published standard for asynchronous messaging by wire. AMQP
enables encrypted and interoperable messaging between
organizations and applications. The protocol is used in client-
server messaging and in IoT device management.

• Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a protocol designed

by the IETF that specifies how low-power, compute-constrained
devices can operate in the internet of things.

• Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) is a protocol for

WANs designed to support huge networks, such as smart cities, with
millions of low-power devices.
IoT frameworks include the following:

• Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT is a cloud computing platform

for IoT released by Amazon. This framework is designed to enable
smart devices to easily connect and securely interact with the AWS
cloud and other connected devices.

• Arm Mbed IoT is a platform to develop apps for IoT based on Arm
microcontrollers. The goal of the Arm Mbed IoT platform is to
provide a scalable, connected and secure environment for IoT devices
by integrating Mbed tools and services.

• Microsoft's Azure IoT Suite is a platform that consists of a set of

services that enables users to interact with and receive data from their
IoT devices, as well as perform various operations over data, such as
multidimensional analysis, transformation and aggregation, and
visualize those operations in a way that's suitable for business.

• Google's Brillo/Weave is a platform for the rapid implementation of

IoT applications. The platform consists of two main backbones:
Brillo, an Android-based OS for the development of embedded low-
power devices, and Weave, an IoT-oriented communication protocol
that serves as the communication language between the device and
the cloud.

• Calvin is an open source IoT platform released by Ericsson designed

for building and managing distributed applications that enable devices
to talk to each other. Calvin includes a development framework for
application developers, as well as a runtime environment for handling
the running application.

Consumer and enterprise IoT applications M2M to IOT

There are numerous real-world applications of the internet of things,

ranging from consumer IoT and enterprise IoT to manufacturing and
industrial IoT (IIoT). IoT applications span numerous verticals, including
automotive, telecom and energy.
In the consumer segment, for example, smart homes that are equipped with
smart thermostats, smart appliances and connected heating, lighting and
electronic devices can be controlled remotely via computers and
Wearable devices with sensors and software can collect and analyze user
data, sending messages to other technologies about the users with the aim
of making users' lives easier and more comfortable. Wearable devices are
also used for public safety -- for example, improving first responders'
response times during emergencies by providing optimized routes to a
location or by tracking construction workers' or firefighters' vital signs at
life-threatening sites.
In healthcare, IoT offers many benefits, including the ability to monitor
patients more closely using an analysis of the data that's generated.
Hospitals often use IoT systems to complete tasks such as inventory
management for both pharmaceuticals and medical instruments.
Smart buildings can, for instance, reduce energy costs using sensors that
detect how many occupants are in a room. The temperature can adjust
automatically -- for example, turning the air conditioner on if sensors detect
a conference room is full or turning the heat down if everyone in the office
has gone home.
In agriculture, IoT-based smart farming systems can help monitor, for
instance, light, temperature, humidity and soil moisture of crop fields using
connected sensors. IoT is also instrumental in automating irrigation
In a smart city, IoT sensors and deployments, such as smart streetlights and
smart meters, can help alleviate traffic, conserve energy, monitor and
address environmental concerns, and improve sanitation.
IoT security and privacy issues
The internet of things connects billions of devices to the internet and
involves the use of billions of data points, all of which need to be secured.
Due to its expanded attack surface, IoT security and IoT privacy are cited
as major concerns.
In 2016, one of the most notorious recent IoT attacks was Mirai,
a botnet that infiltrated domain name server provider Dyn and took down
many websites for an extended period of time in one of the biggest
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks ever seen. Attackers gained
access to the network by exploiting poorly secured IoT devices.
Internet of Thing Because IoT devices are closely connected, all a hacker has to do is exploit
one vulnerability to manipulate all the data, rendering it unusable.
Manufacturers that don't update their devices regularly -- or at all -- leave
them vulnerable to cybercriminals.
Additionally, connected devices often ask users to input their personal
information, including names, ages, addresses, phone numbers and even
social media accounts -- information that's invaluable to hackers.
Hackers aren't the only threat to the internet of things; privacy is another
major concern for IoT users. For instance, companies that make and
distribute consumer IoT devices could use those devices to obtain and sell
users' personal data.
Beyond leaking personal data, IoT poses a risk to critical infrastructure,
including electricity, transportation and inancial services.
What is the history of IoT?
Kevin Ashton, co-founder of the Auto-ID Center at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT), first mentioned the internet of things in a
presentation he made to Procter &Gamble (P&G) in 1999. Wanting to bring
radio frequency ID (RFID) to the attention of P&G's senior management,
Ashton called his presentation "Internet of Things" to incorporate the cool
new trend of 1999: the internet. MIT professor Neil Gershenfeld's
book, When Things Start to Think, also appeared in 1999. It didn't use the
exact term but provided a clear vision of where IoT was headed.
IoT has evolved from the convergence of wireless technologies,
microelectromechanical systems (MEMSes), microservices and the
internet. The convergence has helped tear down the silos between
operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT), enabling
unstructured machine-generated data to be analyzed for insights to drive
Although Ashton's was the first mention of the internet of things, the idea
of connected devices has been around since the 1970s, under the
monikers embedded internet and pervasive computing. The first internet
appliance, for example, was a Coke machine at Carnegie Mellon University
in the early 1980s. Using the web, programmers could check the status of
the machine and determine whether there would be a cold drink awaiting
them, should they decide to make the trip to the machine. IoT evolved from
M2M communication, i.e., machines connecting to each other via a network
without human interaction. M2M refers to connecting a device to the cloud,
managing it and collecting data. Taking M2M to the next level, IoT is a
sensor network of billions of smart devices that connect people, systems
and other applications to collect and share data. As its foundation, M2M
offers the connectivity that enables IoT. The internet of things is also a
natural extension of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), a
category of software application programs for process control, the gathering
of data in real time from remote locations to control equipment and
conditions. SCADA systems include hardware and software components.
The hardware gathers and feeds data into a computer that has SCADA M2M to IOT
software installed, where it is then processed and presented in a timely
manner. The evolution of SCADA is such that late-generation SCADA
systems developed into first-generation IoT systems. The concept of the IoT
ecosystem, however, didn't really come into its own until the middle of 2010
when, in part, the government of China said it would make IoT a strategic
priority in its five-year plan.


M2M and IoT solutions will increase dramatically

Reasons for using M2M and IoT:

1. An increased need for understanding the physical environment in its
various forms, from industrial installations through to public spaces
and consumer demands.
2. The improvement of technology
3. Improved networking capabilities.
4. Reduced costs of components and the ability to more cheaply collect
and analyze the data they produce.
M2M communication:

• M2M refers to those solutions that allow communication between

devices of the same type and a specific application, all via wired or
wireless communication networks.
• The term M2M communication describes devices which are
connected to the internet using fixed/wireless networks and
communicate with each other as well as with other devices on the
• M2M solutions allow end-users to capture data about events from
assets, such as temperature or inventory levels.
• M2M can be used for sharing and storing information for
administration and operational purposes, monitoring, diagnostics and
notifications or alerts.
• M2M has been applied in many different scenarios, including the
remote monitoring and control of enterprise assets, or to provide
connectivity of remote machine-type devices.
Generic M2M Solution:
A typical M2M system solution consists of M2M devices, communication
networks that provide remote connectivity for the devices, service
enablement and application logic, and integration of the M2M application
into the business processes provided by an Information Technology (IT)
system of the enterprise.

Internet of Thing The M2M system solution is used to remotely monitor and control
enterprise assets of various kinds, and to integrate those assets into the
business processes of the enterprise in question.
The asset can be of a wide range of types (e.g. vehicle, freight container,
building, or smart electricity meter), all depending on the enterprise.
The system components of an M2M solution are as follows:

M2M Device:
This is the M2M device attached to the asset of interest, and provides
sensing and actuation capabilities.
The purpose of the network is to provide remote connectivity between the
M2M device and the application-side servers. Many different network types
can be used, and include both Wide Area Networks (WANs) and Local Area
Networks (LANs), sometimes also referred to as Capillary Networks or
M2M Area Networks.

M2M Service Enablement:

This component provides generic functionality that is common across a
number of different applications. Its primary purpose is to reduce cost for
implementation and ease of application development.
M2M Application:
The application component of the solution is a realization of the highly
specific monitor and control process. The application is further integrated
into the overall business process system of the enterprise.
Key application areas:

1. Telematics for cars and vehicles. Typical applications include M2M to IOT
navigation, remote vehicle diagnostics pay-as-you-drive insurance
schemes, road charging, and stolen vehicle recovery.
2. Metering applications include primarily remote meter management
and data collection for energy consumption in the electricity utility
sector, but also for gas and water consumption.
3. Remote monitoring is more generalized monitoring of assets, and
includes remote patient monitoring as one prime example.
4. Fleet management includes a number of different applications, like
data logging, goods and vehicle positioning, and security of valuable
or hazardous goods.
5. Security applications are mainly those related to home alarms and
small business surveillance solutions. The final market segment is

6. Teller Machines (ATM) and Point of Sales (POS) terminals.

7. M2M communication requires availability of constant internet
connection with reasonable speed.


Internet of Thing


Unit Structure
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The globe context
2.3 Differing characteristics
2.4 M2M value chains
2.5 IoT value chains
2.6 An emerging industrial structure for IoT
2.7 The international-driven global value chain
2.7.1 Global information monopolies


An M2M IoT platform aims at making the development and deployment of

the devices that connected are to it scalable, straightforward and secure


Internet of Things: IOT is known as the Internet of Things where things are
said to be the communicating devices that can interact with each other using
a communication media. Usually, every day some new devices are being
integrated which uses IoT devices for its function. These devices use
various sensors and actuators for sending and receiving data over the
internet. It is an ecosystem where the devices share data through a
communication media known as the internet.
Machine to Machine: This is commonly known as Machine to Machine
communication. It is a concept where two or more than two machines
communicate with each other without human interaction using a wired or
wireless mechanism. M2M is an technology that helps the devices to
connect between devices without using internet. M2M communications
offer several applications such as security, tracking and tracing,
manufacturing and facility management.


A set of megatrends are combining to create needs and capabilities, which

in turn produce a set of IoT Technology and Business Drivers.
A megatrend is a pattern or trend that will have a fundamental and global
impact on society at a macro level over several generations.
Game changers: M2M Towards IOT

The game changers come from a set of social, economic, and environmental
Some of the more globally significant game changers below, and their
relationship to IoT:
Natural Resource Constraints:
The use of IoT to increase yields, improve productivity, and decrease loss
across global supply chains is therefore escalating.

Economic Shifts:
The overall economy is in a state of flux as it moves from the post-industrial
era to a digital economy. As technology becomes increasingly embedded
and more tasks automated, countries need to manage this shift and ensure
that M2M and IoT also create new jobs and industries
Changing Demographics:
Many countries will need to deal with an aging population without
increasing economic expenditure. As a result, IoT will need to be used, for
example, to help provide assisted living and reduce costs in healthcare and
emerging “wellcare” systems.
Socioeconomic Expectations:
Lifestyle and convenience will be increasingly enabled by technology as the
same disruption and efficiency practices evident in industries will be
applied within people’s lives and homes as well.

Climate Change and Environmental Impacts:

Technology, including IoT, will need to be applied to aggressively reduce
the impact of human activity on the earth’s systems.
Safety and Security:
Public safety and national security becomes more urgent as society becomes
more advanced, but also more vulnerable. This has to do both with reducing
fatalities and health as well as crime prevention, and different technologies
can address a number of the issues at hand.
Urbanization creates an entirely new level of demands on city
infrastructures in order to support increasing urban populations IoT
technologies will play a central role in the optimization for citizens and
enterprises within the urban realm, as well as providing increased support
for decision-makers in cities.

Internet of Thing General technology and scientific trends:
Material Science:
It has a large impact across a vast range of industries, from pharmaceutical
and cosmetics to electronics. MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
can be used to build advanced micro-sized sensors like accelerometers and
gyroscopes. New materials provide different methods to develop and
manufacture a large range of different sensors and actuators, as well being
used in applications for environmental control, water purification, etc.
Complex and Advanced Machinery:
It refers to tools that are autonomous or semi-autonomous. Today they are
used in a number of different industries; for example, robots and very
advanced machinery is used in different harsh environments, such as deep-
sea exploration, or in the mining industry in solutions such as Rio Tinto’s
Mine of the Future.
Energy Production and Storage:
It relates to the global interest of securing the availability of electricity while
reducing climate and environmental impacts. Smart Grids, for example,
imply micro-generation of electricity using affordable photovoltaic panels.
In addition, smart grids also require new types of energy storage, both for
the grid itself and for emerging technologies such as Electric Vehicles (EVs)
that rely on increasingly efficient battery technologies. Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs) will increasingly rely on different energy harvesting
technologies and also rely on new miniaturized battery technologies and
Trends in information and communications technologies
Sensors, actuators and tags function as the digital interfaces to the physical
Tags using technologies such as RFID provide the means to put electronic
identities on any object, and can be cheaply produced.
Embedded processing is evolving: not only towards higher capabilities
and processing speeds, but also extending towards the smallest of
Instant access to the Internet is available rapid deployment of cellular 3G
and 4G or Long-Term Evolution (LTE) systems on a global scale. These
systems provide ubiquitous and relatively cheap connectivity with the right
characteristics for many applications, including low latency and the
capacity to handle large amounts of data with high reliability.
Software architectures software development techniques from what were
originally closed environments towards platforms.
Web paradigm and using a service-oriented approach (SOA) by
extending the web paradigm to IoT devices, they can become a natural
component of building any application and facilitate an easy integration of
IoT device services into any enterprise system that is based on the SOA.

Open APIs Open APIs permit the creation of a fluid industrial platform, M2M Towards IOT
allowing components to be combined together in multiple different ways by
multiple developers with little to no interaction with those who developed
the platform, or installed the devices.
Cloud computing it is one of the greatest aspects of the evolution of ICT
for IoT as it allows virtualized and independent execution environments for
multiple applications to reside in isolation on the same hardware platform,
and usually in large data centers.
Data processing and intelligent software it will have an increasing role
to play in IoT solutions.
Big data it refers to the increasing number and size of data sets that are
available for companies and individuals to collect and perform analysis on.
Decision support or even decision-making systems It become very
important in different application domains for IoT, as will the set of tools
required to process data, aggregate information, and create knowledge.
IoT systems are multimodal in terms of sensing and control, complex in
management, and distributed across large geographical areas.
For example, the new requirements on Smart Grids involve end-to-end
management of energy production, distribution, and consumption, taking
into consideration needs from Demand Response, micro-generation, energy
storage, and load balancing.
Industrialized agriculture involving automated irrigation, fertilization, and
climate control is another example.
Smart City solutions is a clear need for integration of multiple disparate
infrastructures such as utilities, including district heating and cooling,
water, waste, and energy, as well as transportation such as road and rail.
Advanced remotely operated machinery, such as drilling equipment in
mines or deep-sea exploration vessels, will require real-time control of
complex operations, including various degrees of autonomous control
IoT will allow more assets of enterprises and organizations to be connected,
thus allowing a tighter and more prompt integration of the assets into
business processes and expert systems.
Simple machines can be used in a more controlled and intelligent manner,
often called “Smart Objects.”
EVs are enabled by the new battery and energy storage technologies, but
also require three separate elements to be connected _ cars, road
infrastructure via charging poles, and the electricity grid. In addition, there
are new charging requirements that are created by the use of EVs that need
new means for billing, and in turn placing new requirements on the
electricity grid itself.
share information and services across organizations in the horizontal
dimension, as well as being able to aggregate and combine services and
Internet of Thing information to reach higher degrees of refinement and values in the vertical
ICT solutions to monitor and control assets, physical properties of the real
world require not just increased levels of cyber security, but what can be
referred to as cyber-physical security.
In an IoT, where it is possible to control assets (e.g. vehicles or moveable
bridges), severe damage to property, or even loss of life, is possible.
Implications for IoT
In the M2M device area, there is an emerging consolidation of technologies
where solutions across different industry segments traditionally rely on
legacy and proprietary technologies.
One example being Building and Home Automation and Control with
legacy technologies like BACnet, Lonworks, KNX, Z-Wave, and ZigBee.
Requirement for integration across multiple infrastructures and of a large
set of different devices, as well as data and information sharing across
multiple domains, there is a clear benefit from a horizontal systems
approach with at least a common conceptual interoperability made
available, and a reduced set of technologies and protocols being used.
M2M is point problem-oriented, resulting in point solutions where devices
and applications are highly dedicated to solving a single task.
M2M devices are for this reason many times highly application-specific,
and reuse of devices beyond the M2M application is possible.
It allows easy integration in SOAs and attracts a larger application
developer community.
Both devices and connectivity have become viable for many different
applications, and M2M today is centered on devices and connectivity.
Barriers and concerns
The first concern is the compromise of privacy and the protection of
personal integrity. The use of RFID tags for tracing people is a raised
Massive deployment of sensors in various environments, including in
smartphones, explicit data and information about people can be collected,
and using analytics tools, users could potentially be profiled and identified
even from anonymized data.
The reliability and accuracy of data and information when relying on a large
number of data sources that can come from different providers that are
beyond one’s own control is another concern the topic of security has one
added dimension or level of concern.
A perceived barrier for large-scale adoption of IoT is in costs for massive
deployment of IoT devices and embedded technologies.
From a technical perspective, what is desired is a high degree of automated M2M Towards IOT
provisioning towards zero-configuration
A use case example
Studies from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have
shown that close to 50% of the health risks of the enterprise workforce are
stress related, which includes a group of factors such risks as high
cholesterol, overweight issues, and high alcohol consumption
As stress can be a root cause for many direct negative health condition.
Measuring human stress can be done using sensors. Two common stress
measurements are heart rate and galvanic skin response (GSR), and there
are products on the market in the form of bracelets that can do such
These sensors can only provide the intensity of the heart rate and GSR, and
do not provide an answer to the cause of the intensity.
The typical M2M solution would be based on getting sensor input from the
person by bracelet.
Using a smartphone as a mobile gateway to send measurements to an
application server hosted by a health service provider.
The application server hosts the necessary functionality to analyze the
collected data, and based on experience and domain knowledge, provides
an indication of the stress level.
The stress information can then be made available to the person or a
caregiver via smartphone application or a web interface on a computer.
Stress measurement M2M solution is as follows

Internet of Thing Same problem situation from an IoT perspective would be to add data that
provide much deeper and richer information of the person’s contextual
The prospect is that the more data is available, the more data can be
analyzed and correlated in order to find patterns and dependencies.
Depicted is also the importance of having expert domain knowledge that
can mine the available information, and that can also provide proposed
actions to avoid stressful situations or environments.
IoT-oriented stress analysis solution is as follows

smartphone application that provides stress analysis feedback.

an IoT-oriented solution t


• It is generally focused on solving a problem at a particular point for

one company or stakeholder.

• It does not typically take a broad perspective on solving a larger set M2M Towards IOT
of issues

• most M2M devices are special purpose devices that are application-

• M2M solutions are therefore also vertical siloes with no horizontal

integration or connection to adjacent use cases

• M2M applications are built by very specialized developers, and

deployed inside enterprises.

• M2M is also very device- and communication-centric


A value chain is associated with the creation of value it is an instantiation

of exchange by a certain set of companies within an ecosystem. It is a useful
model to explain how markets create value and how they evolve over time.
While a market space composed of only competing value chains will
Internet of Thing eventually see the overall market value decrease (as they will compete only
on price), in an ecosystem, the value chains will complement one another.
It is therefore critical to be intentional with the moving from value chains
to ecosystems.

Inputs are the base raw ingredients that are turned into a product. Examples
could be cocoa beans for the manufacture of chocolate or data from an
M2M device that will be turned into a piece of information.
Production/Manufacture: Production/Manufacture refers to the process that
the raw inputs are put through to become part of a value chain. For example,
cocoa beans may be dried and separated before being transported to
overseas markets. Data from an M2M solution, meanwhile, needs to be
verified and tagged for provenance.
Processing refers to the process whereby a product is prepared for sale. For
example, cocoa beans may now be made into cocoa powder, ready for use
in chocolate bars. For an M2M solution, this refers to the aggregation of
multiple data sources to create an information component something that
is ready to be combined with other data sets to make it useful for corporate
Packaging refers to the process whereby a product can be branded as would
be recognizable to end-user consumers. For M2M solutions, the data will
have to be combined with other information from internal corporate
databases, for example, to see whether the data received requires any action.
This data would be recognizable to the end-users that need to use the
information, either in the form of visualizations or an Excel spreadsheet.
This process refers to the channels to market for products. An M2M solution
will have produced an Information Product that can be used to create new
knowledge within a corporate environment examples include more detailed
scheduling of maintenance based on real-world information or improved
product design due to feedback from the M2M solution. As mentioned
previously, M2M value chains are internal to one company and cover one
solution. IoT Value Chains, meanwhile, are about the use and reuse of data
across value chains and across solutions.
M2M value chains are internal to one company and cover one solution. IoT
Value Chains, meanwhile, are about the use and reuse of data across value
chains and across solutions.

The Internet of Things is transforming the way we live our lives. From
appliances that talk to each other, to connected cars that promise to
revolutionize the way we get around, there’s almost no aspect of life that
won’t be touched by the IoT. The growth of the IoT is stunning. At the end
of 2017 there were about 500 million IoT devices with cellular connections.
By 2023, that number is expected to grow to 1.8 billion. In total, Ericsson
research predicts that by 2023 there will be 20 billion IoT connections
across the globe, a growth rate of almost 20 percent per year from the 7
billion at the end of 2017. This means that businesses will be just as
profoundly affected by the IoT as consumers. This is especially true for
telecom service providers who are connecting growing numbers of IoT
devices, the fundamental building block of it all. Not only will they be
focused on enhancing network infrastructure with IoT-friendly
technology—like Cat-M1 and NB-IoT—on the road to 5G, they will be
forced to consider how to transform their business as the IoT market
To take advantage of the potential revenue streams the IoT will make
possible, telecom service providers are already exploring moving from
merely connecting devices to services like platforms and even applications.
It was with this in mind that Ericsson interviewed approximately 20 leading
IoT telecom service providers worldwide, as part of our “Exploring IoT
Strategies” study, to determine how the IoT is poised to change their
business and how they are positioning themselves in the value chain to
maximize market opportunities. They all recognized that they will have to
adjust the way they operate, moving from traditional key performance
indicators like revenue per subscriber to a completely different revenue
Based on this research, we gain a clearer picture of where telecom service
providers fit in, how they move up the chain, and other aspects of how they
can get the most out of the IoT market.

What is the IoT value chain?

Internet of Thing The IoT value chain explains the building blocks of IoT, how value is
created, who they players are, and how they interact with each other to
deliver value.
Looking at the IoT value chain as a pyramid, at the base is all the connected
devices: phones, fitness bands, connected cars, smart homes, and other
devices on the consumer side; in industry, you have things like building
sensors, smart cities, and connected factories, for example.
Stepping up a level from the base brings in the network and connectivity—
how devices are connected and communicate. It’s also where service
providers collect device and network data and upload it to the cloud.
Finally, at the top of the value chain, are applications and services that are
closest to the eventual end users—enterprises and consumers.



The industrial internet of things (IIoT) refers to the extension and use of
the internet of things (IoT) in industrial sectors and applications. With a
strong focus on machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, big data,
and machine learning, the IIoT enables industries and enterprises to have
better efficiency and reliability in their operations. The IIoT encompasses
industrial applications, including robotics, medical devices, and software-
defined production processes.
The IIoT goes beyond the normal consumer devices and internetworking of
physical devices usually associated with the IoT. What makes it distinct is
the intersection of information technology (IT) and operational technology
(OT). OT refers to the networking of operational processes and industrial
control systems (ICSs), including human machine interfaces (HMIs),
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed
control systems (DCSs), and programmable logic controllers (PLCs).
The convergence of IT and OT provides industries with greater system
integration in terms of automation and optimization, as well as better
visibility of the supply chain and logistics. The monitoring and control of
physical infrastructures in industrial operations, such as in agriculture,
healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and utilities, are made easier
through the use of smart sensors and actuators as well as remote access and
In the context of the fourth industrial revolution, dubbed Industry 4.0, the
IIoT is integral to how cyber-physical systems and production processes are
set to transform with the help of big data and analytics. Real-time data from
sensors and other information sources helps industrial devices and
infrastructures in their “decision-making,” in coming up with insights and
specific actions. Machines are further enabled to take on and automate tasks
that previous industrial revolutions could not handle. In a broader context,
the IIoT is crucial to use cases related to connected ecosystems or
environments, such as how cities become smart cities and factories become M2M Towards IOT
smart factories.
The consistent capturing and transmitting of data among smart devices and
machines provide industries and enterprises with many growth
opportunities. The data allows industries and enterprises to pick up on errors
or inefficiencies in the supply chain, for example, and immediately address
them, thus pushing for day-to-day efficiency in operations and finance.
Proper integration of the IIoT can also optimize the use of assets, predict
points of failure, and even trigger maintenance processes autonomously.
By adopting connected and smart devices, businesses are enabled to gather
and analyze greater amounts of data at greater speeds. Not only will this
enhance scalability and performance, but it can also bridge the gap between
the production floors and general offices. Integration of the IIoT can give
industrial entities a more accurate view of how their operations are moving
along and help them make informed business decisions.
What are the security considerations and challenges in adopting the
Adoption of the IIoT can revolutionize how industries operate, but there is
the challenge of having strategies in place to boost digital transformation
efforts while maintaining security amid increased connectivity.
Industries and enterprises that handle operational technologies can be
expected to be well-versed in such aspects as worker safety and product
quality. However, given that OT is being integrated into the internet,
organizations are seeing the introduction of more intelligent and automated
machines at work, which in turn invites a slew of new challenges that would
require understanding of the IIoT’s inner workings.
With IIoT implementations, three areas need to be focused on: availability,
scalability, and security. Availability and scalability may already be second
nature to industrial operations, since they could already have been
established or in the business for quite some time. Security, however, is
where many can stumble when integrating the IIoT into their operations.
For one thing, many businesses still use legacy systems and processes.
Many of these have been in operation for decades and thus remain unaltered,
thereby complicating the adoption of new technologies.
Also, the proliferation of smart devices has given rise to security
vulnerabilities and the concern of security accountability. IIoT adopters
have the de facto responsibility of securing the setup and use of their
connected devices, but device manufacturers have the obligation of
protecting their consumers when they roll out their products. Manufacturers
should be able to ensure the security of the users and provide preventive
measures or remediation when security issues arise.
Even more, the need for cybersecurity is brought to the fore as more
significant security incidents surface over the years. Hackers gaining access
to connected systems do not only mean exposing the business to a major
breach, but also mean potentially subjecting operations to a shutdown. To a
certain extent, industries and enterprises adopting the IIoT have to plan and
Internet of Thing operate like technology companies in order to manage both physical and
digital components securely.
Adopters are also faced with the challenge of properly integrating industrial
operations with IT, where both connection and information need to be
secured. Users’ data should be processed in accordance with applicable
privacy regulations, such as the European Union (EU) General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR). While gathered data plays an important role
in generating insights for the devices and infrastructures, it is imperative
that personal information be segregated from general log data. Information
like personally identifiable information (PII) should be stored in an
encrypted database. Storing unencrypted information together with other
relevant activity in the cloud could mean businesses running the risk of
One of the major concerns that have been surrounding the IoT is technology
fragmentation, and the IIoT, by extension, isn’t exempt from the
coexistence of different standards, protocols, and architectures. The varying
use in IIoT systems, for example, of standards and protocols such as
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and Constrained
Application Protocol (CoAP) may hinder IIoT systems’ interoperability.
What are the risks to IIoT systems?
Many security problems associated with the IIoT stem from a lack of basic
security measures in place. Security gaps like exposed ports, inadequate
authentication practices, and obsolete applications contribute to the
emergence of risks. Combine these with having the network directly
connected to the internet and more potential risks are invited.
Businesses may have grown familiar with the probable business impact of
having IT systems go down because of cybercrime or malware infection.
However, the convergence of IT and OT introduces a new significant risk
factor: real-world threats that could affect even civilians.
Unsecure IIoT systems can lead to operational disruption and monetary
loss, among other considerable consequences. More connected
environments mean more security risks, such as:

• Software vulnerabilities that can be exploited to attack systems.

• Publicly searchable internet-connected devices and systems.

• Malicious activities like hacking, targeted attacks, and data breaches.

• System manipulation that can cause operational disruption (e.g.,

product recalls) or sabotage processes (e.g., production line

• System malfunction that can result in damage of devices and physical

facilities or injury to operators or people nearby.

• OT systems held for extortion, as compromised through the IT

A notorious example of an OT system compromised through the IT M2M Towards IOT
environment is the December 2015 cyberattack against a power grid in
Ukraine, where the adversary was able to infect the IT infrastructure to shut
down critical systems and disrupt power in thousands of households.

Basic security reference architecture in the new IT/OT environment



There are five fundamental roles within the I-GVC that companies and other
actors are forming around.
The Information-Driven Global Value Chain is as follows:


• Sensors, RFID, and other devices.

• End-Users.
Internet of Thing • Data Factories.
• Service Providers/Data Wholesalers.
• Intermediaries.
• Resellers.
Inputs to the information-driven global commodity chain Ø There are
two main inputs into the I-GVC:
1. Sensors and other devices (e.g: RFID and NFC).
2. End-users.
• Both of these information sources input tiny amounts of data
into the I-GVC chain, which are then aggregated, analyzed,
repackaged, and exchanged between the different economic
actors that form the value chain.
• Sensor devices and networks, RFIDs, mobile and consumer
devices, Wi-Fi hotspots, and end-users all form part of a
network of “subcontractors” in the value chain, all contributing
to the increased value of the information products.
1. Sensors and radio frequency identification
• Sensors and RFID are helping to smooth supply and demand in
various supply chains worldwide and gathering climate and
other localized data that is then transmitted back to a centralized
information processing system.
• These devices are working as inputs to the I-GVC through the
capture and transmission of data necessary for the development
of information products.
• Smartphones allow mobile devices to interact with sensors and
RFID. This allows for a two-way interaction between a mobile
terminal and the sensor technology.
• The sensor networks, and NFC and RFID technologies may be
viewed as subcontractors to the I-GVC, workers that constantly
gather data for further processing and sale.
2. End-users
• The second main inputs to the I-GVC are the end-users.
• End-users are no longer passive participants in the digital
economy, with a role only to purchase those physical products
that companies develop and market to them.
• End-users that choose to use and participate within the digital
world are now deeply embedded into the very process of
• Every human that enters a search query into a search engine,
every human that agrees to allow the mobile broadband
28 platform to inform a service of their location, every human that
uses NFC to allow a bank to establish and confirm their identity M2M Towards IOT
are also functioning as subcontractors to the global information
systems that form the basis of the I-GVC.
• In fact, the creation of the I-GVC would not be possible without
the contribution of many millions of individuals worldwide.
• The data about individuals can be collected from any person in
any language, in almost any data format. Each individual’s data
can be treated as unique within this value chain.
• Every person worldwide that has to use digital technologies to
do their banking, their taxes, their information searches, and to
communicate with friends and colleagues, are constantly
working on behalf of the I-GVC, contributing their individual
profile data and knowledge to the value chain.
2.7.1 Global information monopolies
Production processes of the information-driven global value chain:

1. Data factories
Data factories are those entities that produce data in digital forms for
use in other parts of the I-GVC.
With the move to the digital era, however, these companies now also
provide this data via digital means; for example, OS now makes maps
and associated data available in digital format.
Products can now be combined, reused, and bundled together with
other products by actors in the commodity chain as the foundation of
other services.
For example, maps from OS can be combined with other data from
travel services such as TFL to provide detailed travel applications on
mobile devices.
SMHI has a large number of weather stations across Sweden through
which it collects weather and environmental information. SMHI
therefore produces raw data, but it also processes the data, and
bundles it in different ways based on customer requests and
SMHI functions not only as a data factory, therefore, but also a

2. Service providers/data wholesalers

Service Providers and Data wholesalers are those entities that collect
data from various sources worldwide, and through the creation of
massive databases, use it to either improve their own information
products or sell information products in various forms.
Examples are Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc 29
Internet of Thing Google “sells” its data assets through the development of extremely
accurate, targeted, search-based advertising mechanisms that it is able
to sell to companies wishing to reach a particular market.
Twitter is able to collate customer sentiment about different products
and world events, from service at a restaurant to election processes
across the globe; through what Twitter refers to as a “data hose,”
companies and developers can access 50% of end-user Tweets for
$360,000 USD per annum.
Companies that handle the massive amount of data that is produced
by sensor networks and mobile devices worldwide. These companies
are collating those transactions that are made by the millions of
devices worldwide that utilize communications networks to transmit
3. Intermediaries
In the emerging industrial structure of the I-GVC, there is a need for
intermediaries that handle several aspects of the production of
information products.
In Europe, the manner in which Facebook collects and uses the data
of the individuals that participate in its service may actually be in
contravention of European privacy law.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter may therefore require the creation of
entities that are able to “anonymise” data sufficiently to protect
individuals’ privacy rights in relevant regional settings.
These corporations will provide protection for the consumer that their
data is being used in an appropriate manner, i.e. the manner in which
the consumer has approved its usage.
Another reason for an intermediary of this nature is to reduce
transaction costs associated with the establishment of a market for
many different companies to participate in.
As an example, Jasper Wireless acts as an intermediary for the M2M,
providing a connection point for several different parties in the M2M
industry, it acts to expand the uptake of M2M technology.
The different types of information products that are to be produced
are only of interest to certain types of companies
For example the marketing division of a company may be interested
to understand customer sentiment about a particular product within a
certain age group. Another company may want to understand what
searches are being performed in their local area, while a local
authority may wish to use sensor data to obtain real-time data about
pollution from local factories.

The quantity and nature of data being developed into information M2M Towards IOT
products also requires a completely new type of intermediary.
To handle the scalability issues and the associated security and
privacy questions raised by the use of this data to build products.

4. Resellers
Resellers are those entities that combine inputs from several different
intermediaries, combine it together, analyze, and sell it to either end-
users or to corporate entities. These resellers are currently rather
limited in terms
One example is BlueKai, which tracks the online shopping behavior
of Internet users and mines the data gathered for “purchasing intent”
in order to allow advertisers to target buyers more accurately.
BlueKai combines data from several sources, including Amazon,
Ebay, and Alibaba.
Through this data, it is able to identify regional trends, helping
companies to identify not just which consumer group to target their
goods to, but also which part of the country.


Internet of Thing

Unit Structure
3.0 Objective
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Building an architecture
3.3 Main design principles and needed capabilities
3.4 An IoT architecture outline
3.5 Standard Considerations


Design for sensing and actors taking on different roles of providing and
using services across different business domains and value chains. Design
for ensuring trust, security, and privacy. Design for scalability,
performance, and effectiveness. Design for simplicity of management.


The roots of M2M are firmly planted in the manufacturing industry, where
technologies and services based on this concept help remotely manage and
control equipment data.
Although the origins of the acronym are not very clear, the first use of
machine-to-machine communication is often credited to Theodore
Paraskevakos, who invented and patented technology related to data
transmission via telephone lines, the basis for the modern caller ID.
The main objective of M2M technology is to access sensor data and transmit
it to a network. M2M systems typically use public access networks and
methods – for example, cellular or Ethernet – for the sake of economy.
Key components of an M2M system include sensors, RFID, a cellular or
Wi-Fi communication link, and autonomous computing software
programmed to help a network device interpret data and make decisions.
These M2M applications translate the data, which can trigger pre-
programmed automated actions.
One of the most well-known types of machine-to-machine communication
is telemetry, which has been used since the beginning of the last century to
transmit operational data. Telemetry pioneers first used telephone lines and,
later, radio waves, to transmit performance measurements obtained from
monitoring instruments at remote sites.
The Internet and improved standards for wireless technology have
expanded the role of science, engineering, and manufacturing telemetry for

everyday use in products such as heating units, electric meters, and Internet- An Architectural Overview
connected devices such as appliances.
In addition to being able to remotely monitor equipment and systems, the
key benefits of M2M include:
• reduce costs by minimizing equipment maintenance and downtime;
• boost revenue, revealing new business opportunities;
• and better customer service by proactively monitoring and repairing
the equipment before it fails and only when necessary, for example.
M2M and the Internet of Things:
One of the ways to understand the concept of Machine to Machine (M2M)
is to understand how it differs from the Internet of Things (IoT).
Both terms refer to the communication of connected devices, but M2M
systems are often isolated, independent network equipment. Internet of
Things take M2M to the next level, bringing together separate systems in a
large connected ecosystem.
M2M systems use peer-to-peer communications between machines,
sensors, and hardware over wired or wireless networks, while IoT systems
rely on IP-based networks to send data collected from connected devices to
gateways, cloud platforms, or middleware.
Data collected from M2M devices is used by service management
applications, while IoT data is typically integrated with enterprise systems
to improve business performance across multiple groups. Another way to
see this is that M2M affects the way companies operate, while IoT does this
and affects end users.


Architecture refers to the description of the main conceptual elements, the

actual elements of a target system, how they relate to each other, and 33
Internet of Thing principles for the design of the architecture. The applied architecture is then
the blueprint used to develop the actual system solution.

From a reference architecture to a system solution.

Problem and Solution domain partitioning.

• The top level of the triangle is referred to here as the “problem

domain” (“domain model” in software engineering).

• The problem domain is about understanding the applications of

interest, for example, developed through scenario building and use
case analysis in order to derive requirements.

• In addition, constraints are typically identified as well. These

constraints can be technical, like limited power availability in wireless
sensor nodes, or non-technical, like constraints coming from
legislation or business.
The lower level is referred to as the “solution domain”.

• Here design objectives and principles are established, conceptual

views are refined, required functions are identified, and where logical
partitions of functionality and information are described.

• Often this is where a logical architecture is defined, or network

architecture in the form of a network topology diagram is produced.

• It is also common to identify suitable technology components such as An Architectural Overview
operating systems and protocols or protocol stacks at this level.
The actual system solution is finally captured by a system design that
typically results in actual software and hardware components, as well as
information on how these are to be configured, deployed, and provisioned.



• The architecture relies on the separation of resources providing

sensing and actuation from the actual devices, a set of contextual and
real-world entity-centric services, and the users of the services.
• SENSEI further relies on an open-ended constellation of providers
and users, and also provides a reference model for different business
• A number of design principles and guidelines are identified, and so is
a set of requirements.
• Finally, the architecture itself contains a set of key functional
• IoT-A refers to as the Architectural Reference Model (ARM).
• The vision of IoT-A is, via the ARM, to establish a means to achieve
a high degree of interoperability between different IoT solutions at the
different system levels of communication, service, and information.
• IoT-A provides a set of different architectural views, establishes a
proposed terminology and a set of Unified Requirements.
1. The overall design objective of IoT architecture shall be to target a
horizontal system of real-world services that are open, service-
oriented, secure, and offer trust.

Internet of Thing 2. Design for reuse of deployed IoT resources across application
3. Design for a set of support services that provide open service-oriented
capabilities and can be used for application development and
4. Design for different abstraction levels that hide underlying
complexities and heterogeneities.
5. Design for sensing and actors taking on different roles of providing
and using services across different business domains and value
6. Design for ensuring trust, security, and privacy.
7. Design for scalability, performance, and effectiveness.
8. Design for simplicity of management.
9. Design for different service delivery models.
10. Design for lifecycle support.

7 design principles of IoT:

In the world of IoT, user research and service design are more crucial
than ever. While early adopters are eager to try out new technology,
many others are reluctant to take new technology into use and
cautious about using it, due to not feeling confident with it. For your
IoT solution to become widely adopted, you need to dig deep into An Architectural Overview
users’ needs in order to find out where lies a problem truly worth
solving and what is the real end user value of the solution. You also
need to understand what might be the barriers of adopting the new
technology in general and your solution specifically. For deciding on
your feature set, you need research too. The features that might be
valuable and highly relevant for the tech early adopters may be
uninteresting for the majority of the users and vice versa, so you need
to plan carefully what features to include and in which order.
IoT solutions typically consist of multiple devices with different
capabilities and both physical and digital touchpoints. The solution
may also be provided in co-operation with multiple different service
providers. It is not enough to design one of the touchpoints well,
instead you need to take a holistic look across the whole system, the
role of each device and service, and the conceptual model of how user
understands and perceives the system. The whole system needs to
work seamlessly together in order to create a meaningful experience.
As the IoT solutions are placed in the real world context, the
consequences can be serious, when something goes wrong. At the
same time the users of the IoT solutions may be vary of using new
technology, so building trust should be one of your main design
drivers. Trust is built slowly and lost easily, so you really need to
make sure that every interaction with the product/service builds the
trust rather than breaks it. What it means in practise? First of all, it
means understanding possible error situations related to context of
use, HW, SW and network as well as to user interactions and trying
to prevent them. Secondly, if the error situations still occur, it means
appropriately informing the user about them and helping them to
recover. Secondly, it means considering data security & privacy as
key elements of your design. It is really important for users to feel,
that their private data is safe, their home, working environment and
everyday objects cannot be hacked and their loved ones are not put at
risk. Thirdly, quality assurance is critical and it should not only focus
on testing the SW, but on testing the end to end system, in a real-world
IoT solutions exist at the crossroads of the physical and digital worlds.
Commands given through digital interfaces may produce real world
effects, but unlike digital commands, the actions happening in the
real-world cannot necessarily be undone. In the real world context lots
of unexpected things can happen and at the same time user should be
able to feel safe and in control. The context places also other kind of
requirements to the design. Depending on the physical context, the
goal might be to minimize distraction of the user or e.g. to design 37
Internet of Thing devices that hold up against changing weather conditions. IoT
solutions in homes, workplaces and public areas are are typically
multi-user systems and thus less personal than e.g. screen based
solutions used in smartphones, which also brings into picture the
social context where the solution is used and its’ requirements for the
Due to the real world context of the IoT solutions, regardless of how
carefully you design things and aim to build trust, something
unexpected will happen at some point and your solution is somehow
going to fail. In this kind of situations, it is of utmost importance, that
you have built a strong brand that truly resonates with the end users.
When they feel connected to your brand, they will be more forgiving
about the system failures and will still keep on using your solution.
While designing your brand, you must keep in mind, that trust should
be a key element of the brand, one of the core brand values. This core
value should also be reflected in the rest of the brand elements, like
the choice of color, tone of voice, imagery etc.
Typically HW and SW have quite different lifespans, but as
successful IoT solution needs both the HW and SW elements, the
lifespans should be aligned. At the same time, IoT solutions are hard
to upgrade, because once the connected object is placed somewhere,
it is not so easy to replace it with a newer version, especially if the
user would need to pay for the upgrade and even the software within
the connected object may be hard to update due to security and
privacy reasons. Due to these factors and to avoid costly hardware
iterations, it’s crucial to get the solution right, from the beginning of
implementation. What this means from the design perspective is that
prototyping and rapid iteration of both the HW and the whole solution
are essential in the early stages of the project. New, more creative
ways of prototyping and faking the solution are needed.


IoT solutions can easily generate tons of data. However, the idea is
not to hoard as much data as possible, but instead to identify the data
points that are needed to make the solution functional and useful. Still,
the amount of data may be vast, so it’s necessary for the designer to
understand the possibilities of data science and how to make sense of
the data. Data science provides a lot of opportunities to reduce user
friction, i.e. reducing use of time, energy and attention or diminishing
stress. It can be used to automate repeated context dependent
decisions, to interpret intent from incomplete/inadequate input or to
filter meaningful signals from noise. Understanding what data is
available and how it can be used to help the user is a key element in
designing successful IoT services.
An Architectural Overview


Functional layers and capabilities of an IoT solution

• At the lowest level is the Asset Layer. This layer is, strictly speaking,
not providing any functionality within a target solution.

• The assets of interest are the real-world objects and entities that are
subject to being monitored and controlled, as well as having digital
representations and identities. The typical examples include vehicles
and machinery, fixed infrastructures such as buildings and utility
systems, homes, and people themselves thus, being inanimate as well
as animate objects.

• The Resource Layer provides the main functional capabilities of

sensing, actuation, and embedded identities. Sensors and actuators in
various devices that may be smartphones or Wireless Sensor Actuator
Networks (WSANs), M2M devices like smart meters, or other
sensor/actuator nodes, deliver these functions.

Internet of Thing • The purpose of the Communication Layer is to provide the means for
connectivity between the resources on one end and the different
computing infrastructures that host and execute service support logic
and application logic on the other end.

• As described earlier, IoT applications benefit from simplification by

relying on support services that perform common and routine tasks.
These support services are provided by the Service Support Layer and
are typically executing in data centers or server farms inside
organizations or in a cloud environment. These support services can
provide uniform handling of the underlying devices and networks,
thus hiding complexities in the communications and resource layers.
Examples include remote device management that can do remote
software upgrades, remote diagnostics or recovery, and dynamically
reconfigure application processing such as setting event filters.

• The Data and Information Layer provides a more abstract set of

functions as its main purposes are to capture knowledge and provide
advanced control logic support. Key concepts here include data and
information models and knowledge representation in general, and the
focus is on the organization of information.

• The Application Layer in turn provides the specific IoT applications.

There is an open-ended array of different applications, and typical
examples include smart metering in the Smart Grid, vehicle tracking,
building automation, or participatory sensing (PS).

• The final layer in our architecture outline is the Business Layer, which
focuses on supporting the core business or operations of any
enterprise, organization, or individual that is interested in IoT
Three functional groups cross the different layers, namely
Management, Security, and IoT Data and Services.

• Management, as the name implies, deals with management of various

parts of the system solution related to its operation, maintenance,
administration, and provisioning. This includes management of
devices, communications networks, and the general Information
Technology (IT) infrastructure as well as configuration and
provisioning data, performance of services delivered, etc. M2M
management aspects.

• Security is about protection of the system, its information and

services, from external threats or any other harm. Security measures
are usually required across all layers, for instance, providing
communication security and information security.

• The final functional group of our outlined architecture is denoted Data

and Services. Data and Service processing can, from a topological
perspective, be done in a very distributed fashion and at different
40 levels of complexity. Basic event filtering and simpler aggregation,
such as data averaging, can take place in individual sensor nodes in An Architectural Overview
WSANs, contextual metadata such as location and temporal
information can be added to sensor readings, and further aggregation
can take place higher up in the network topology.

• IoT stands for the Internet of Things that contains things that are
connected to the internet. These objects sense the environment around
them and collect data that is used for further processing. These
unprocessed data generated in huge quantities are converted to a
digital format and then pre-processed for further analysis.

• Then comes the devices that actually process these data to draw
valuable insights from them. Lastly, the processed data is then sent to
the cloud or local machines, where they are stored and analyzed for
performing actions. IoT is a four-step process.

• IoT architecture stages

Steps Involved

• There are 4 main layers of IoT architecture, as shown above. Let’s go

through each of them in detail.


• Sensors belonging to the primary level of the IOT architecture is

responsible for capturing the physical parameters in the real world.
The parameters can be — temperature, smoke, air,moisture, etc.

• These can either be embedded devices, i.e., multiple sensors present

in a single board or a standalone device to collect and measure it. An
example of an embedded sensor would be a sensor that measures
methane content, carbon monoxide percentage, and the presence of
smoke together.

• Whereas a humidity sensor would be an example of a standalone

sensor. With sensors, actuators also play an important role in this
layer. Their task is to convert the data generated by IOT objects into
physical action.

• For instance, consider a smart fan. With suitable sensors in place, the
actuator would increase or decrease the fan’s speed based on the
surrounding temp(which will be measured by the temperature sensor).
Internet of Thing And all of this would happen without human intervention. Another
example can be a smart irrigation system.

• After measuring the moisture content in the soil, the sensors would
trigger the actuators that will decide whether to turn the valve on or
off. A lot of research in IOT is currently directed towards integrating
as many as possible sensors in a given board.
Data Acquisition System

• This layer works closely with sensors and actuators. But because of
its unique functionality, it deserves a place in a separate layer. It is a
connecting layer that connects the sensor layer with the analytics

• Its main function is to collect, select, and send the data to further
processing layers. Before processing can happen, the data from the
sensor must be converted into a suitable format. A format that is easy
to use and also transferable. This is achieved by this layer.

• For example, consider a sensor that measures light intensity. It takes

to input the photons or the light in the form of volts like 10V, 5V, etc.,
and produces a digital output as some number. Similarly, color
sensors in color intensity as input and output an RGB range from 0–

• These are also called gateways, and they provide a platform for local
processing of the incoming sensor data so that it is ready for further
processing. To improve the security of this layer, suitable encryption
and decryption algorithms are used that prevent malicious activities
like a data leak.

• A good example of a device in this layer is an Analog to Digital

Converter or ADC. The measurable parameters in the surrounding,
like light, sound, temperature, etc., are analog in nature. ADC
converts these analog values into digital values.

• Not every IOT architecture may have this layer. Their presence can
bring added value to the entire process, especially for large scale
projects where data is generated in plethora. For such projects, data
transfer rate or rate of analytics plays a vital role. These infrastructures
are located close to the source of the data.

• This allows them to act promptly on the incoming real-time data and
provide an output in the form of actionable information. In this case,
those data that require processing in the cloud are passed to this layer.
As data transfer happens in this layer, it is imperative to increase
security by minimizing network exposure.

• As only some preprocessing happens in this layer, it works with An Architectural Overview
minimum power and bandwidth. One example can be to remove the
presence of outliers in the data. There can be thousands of outliers in
a million data points. Getting rid of them in an early stage would mean
saving time in the final processing.
Data Centre

• Data Centre is often regarded as the brain of the IOT architecture.

They are intended to store, process, and analyze tons of data. With
data analysis and machine learning algorithms in operation, this layer
provides some useful insights about the data.

• This kind of processing is heavier computationally than the analytics

performed in the previous layer. If deployed and furnished properly,
the data centers can provide business intelligence and
recommendations to help users interact with the system.

• This layer provides many benefits to the business, right from higher
production rates to reducing energy consumption. They also provide
lucid visualization in the form of pie charts, histograms, or graphs, for
customers that help them make informed decisions about the
Real-world example

• Self-driving cars use IOT applications all the time. These cars are
driverless and rely on their sensors for safe navigation from one point
to another. Equipped with hundreds of sensors like LIDAR, cameras,
gyroscopes, cloud architecture, internet, and many more, these cars
sense their surroundings and make rapid and intelligent decisions
based on the sensor outputs.

• For instance, in a pedestrian case, the camera constantly takes input

frames and passes them to the cloud for processing. A human
detection algorithm then detects the presence of a human. If there
exists a human, the controller then sends a signal to the brakes. In this
way, information from one sensor is moved to the cloud and then to
the actuator in the internet presence.


The 10 most important considerations for IoT solutions:

• IoT Security

• IoT Analytics

• IoT Device (Thing) Management

• Low-Power, Short-Range IoT Networks

• Low-Power, Wide-Area Networks 43

Internet of Thing • IoT Processors

• IoT Operating Systems

• Event Stream Processing

• IoT Platforms

• IoT Standards and Ecosystems

IoT Security
IoT introduces a wide range of new security risks and challenges to the IoT
devices themselves, their platforms and operating systems, their
communications, and even the systems to which they're connected. Security
technologies will be required to protect IoT devices and platforms from both
information attacks and physical tampering, to encrypt their
communications, and to address new challenges such as impersonating
"things" or denial-of-sleep attacks that drain batteries. IoT security will be
complicated by the fact that many "things" use simple processors and
operating systems that may not support sophisticated security approaches.
IoTamy security specialists are focused on security threats as hackers find
new ways to attack IoT devices and protocols. IoTamy solutions support
updatable firmware “over the air” to ensure that risks can be mitigated
through patches as soon as a vulnerability is detected or requirements
change or capabilities are improved.

IoT Analytics
IoT business models will exploit the information collected by "things" in
many ways — for example, to understand customer behavior, to deliver
services, to improve products, and to identify and intercept business
moments. IoTamy has partnered with leading edge Analytics service
providers to ensure that you get the flexibility you require when iterating
your interpretation of your dataset.
IoT Device (Thing) Management
Long-lived nontrivial "things" will require management and monitoring.
This includes device monitoring, firmware and software updates,
diagnostics, crash analysis and reporting, physical management, and
security management. IoT also brings new problems of scale to the
management task.
IoTamy tools are capable of managing and monitoring thousands and
perhaps even millions of devices.
Low-Power, Short-Range IoT Networks
Selecting a wireless network for an IoT device involves balancing many
conflicting requirements, such as range, battery life, bandwidth, density,
endpoint cost and operational cost.
IoTamy solutions comprise either fixed or wireless networking for IoT An Architectural Overview
devices. Fixed networking technologies include “IoT over Powerline” while
Wireless technologies include LoRa, which is a long range low power
spread spectrum technology that can connect millions of devices in a single
LoRa network.
Low-Power, Wide-Area Networks
Traditional cellular networks don't deliver a good combination of technical
features and operational cost for those IoT applications that need wide-area
coverage combined with relatively low bandwidth, good battery life, low
hardware and operating cost, and high connection density.
The long-term goal of a wide-area IoT network is to deliver data rates from
hundreds of bits per second (bps) to tens of kilobits per second (kbps) with
nationwide coverage, a battery life of up to 10 years, an endpoint hardware
cost of around $5, and support for hundreds of thousands of devices
connected to a base station or its equivalent.
The first low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) were based on
proprietary technologies, but in the long term emerging standards such as
Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) will likely dominate this space.
IoTamy is working with Tier 1 Telcos to develop NB-IoT solutions that are
secure, cost effective and provide nationwide coverage. NB-IoT is a new
standard that was defined recently and is not commonly deployed by Telcos.
NB-IoT requires both the network solution together with NB-IoT low cost
hardware solutions. IoTamy is at the forefront of this development and has
advanced products and solutions already in the field.
IoT Processors
The processors and architectures used by IoT devices define many of their
capabilities, such as whether they are capable of strong security and
encryption, power consumption, whether they are sophisticated enough to
support an operating system, updatable firmware, and embedded device
management agents.
IoTamy understands the complex trade-offs between features, hardware
cost, software cost, software upgradability and build best practice into every
solution we deliver.
IoT Operating Systems
Traditional operating systems (OSs) such as Windows and iOS were not
designed for IoT applications. They consume too much power, need fast
processors, and in some cases, lack features such as guaranteed real-time
response. They also have too large a memory footprint for small devices
and may not support the chips that IoT developers use.
IoTamy has developed an IoT operating system that suits many different
hardware footprints and feature needs.
Internet of Thing Event Stream Processing
Some IoT applications will generate extremely high data rates that must be
analyzed in real time. Systems creating tens of thousands of events per
second are common, and millions of events per second can occur in some
telecom and telemetry situations.
To address high data rate requirements IoTamy has developed distributed
stream computing platforms (DSCPs) using parallel architectures to process
very high data rate streams to perform tasks such as real-time analytics and
pattern identification.
IoT Platforms
IoT may provides three key platform components;
(1) low-level device control and operations such as communications,
device monitoring and management, security, and firmware updates
(2) IoT data acquisition, transformation and management
(3) IoT application development, including event-driven logic,
application programming, visualization, analytics and adapters to
connect to enterprise systems.
IoT Standards and Ecosystems
Although ecosystems and standards aren't precisely technologies, most
eventually materialize as application programming interfaces (APIs).
Standards and their associated APIs will be essential because IoT devices
will need to interoperate and communicate, and many IoT business models
will rely on sharing data between multiple devices and organizations.


Unit Structure

4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 An Overview IoT Architecture
4.2.1 Introduction to IoT Architecture
4.2.2 What is State of The Art IoT?
4.2.3 Architecture Reference Model Introduction.
4.2.4 IoT Reference Architecture.
4.2.5 IoT Reference Model.
4.2.6 IoT Reference Architecture (Various views in IoT)
4.3 Summary
4.4 Exercise
4.5 List of References


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

• Introduction to IoT Architecture

• What is State of The Art IoT?

• What is IoT reference model, IoT Reference Architecture ?

• Functional view, Information view, Deployment and operational view

of IoT architecture.


Internet of Things (IoT) technology has a wide variety of applications and

use of Internet of Things is growing so faster. Depending upon different
application areas of Internet of Things, it works accordingly as per it has
been designed/developed. But it has not a standard defined architecture of
working which is strictly followed universally. The architecture of IoT
depends upon its functionality and implementation in different sectors. Still,
there is a basic process flow based on which IoT is built. So. in this module
we learn about IoT Architecture-State of the Art Introduction, State of the
art, Reference Model and architecture, IoT reference Model - IoT Reference
Architecture- Introduction, Functional View, Information View,
Deployment and Operational View etc.
Internet of Thing 4.2 AN OVERVIEW

4.2.1 Introduction to IoT Architecture

The Internet of Things (IoT) has seen an increasing interest in adaptive
frameworks and architectural designs to promote the correlation between
IoT devices and IoT systems. This is because IoT systems are designed to
be categorized across diverse application domains and geographical
locations. It, therefore, creates extensive dependencies acrossdomains,
platforms and services. Considering this interdependency between IoT
devices and IoT systems, an intelligent, connection-aware framework has
become a necessity, this is where IoT architecture comes into play! Imagine
a variety of smart IoT systems from sensors and actuators to internet
getaways and Data Acquisition Systems all under the centralized control of
one “brain”! The brain here can be referred to as the IoT architecture, whose
effectiveness and applicability directly correlate with the quality of its
building blocks. The way a system interacts and the different functions an
IoT device performs are various approaches to IoT architecture. Since we
can call the architecture the brain, it’s also possible to say that the key causes
of poor integration in IoT systems are the shortage of intelligent,
connection-aware architecture to support interaction in IoT systems. An IoT
architecture is the system of numerous elements that range from sensors,
protocols, actuators, to cloud services, and layers. Besides, devices and
sensors the Internet of Things (IoT) architecture layers are distinguished to
track the consistency of a system through protocols and gateways. Different
architectures have been proposed by researchers and we can all agree that
there is no single consensus on architecture for IoT. The most basic
architecture is a three-layer architecture.
4.2.2 What is State of The Art IoT?
The IoT can be considered both a dynamic and global networked
infrastructure that manages self-configuring objects in a highly intelligent
way. This, in turn, allows the interconnection of IoT devices that share their
information to create new applications and services which can improve
human lives. Originally, the concept of the IoT was first introduced by
Kevin Ashton, who is the founder of MIT autoidentification centre in 1999.
Ashton has said, “The Internet of Things has the potential to change the
world, just as the Internet did. Maybe even more so”. Later, the IoT was
officially presented by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
in 2005. The IoT has many definitions suggested by many organizations
and researchers. However, the definition provided by ITU in 2012 is the
most common. It stated: “a global infrastructure for the information society,
enabling advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things
based on, existing and evolving, interoperable information and
communication technologies”. In addition, Guillemin and Friess in have
suggested one of the simplest definitions that describe the IoT in a smooth
manner. It stated: “The Internet of Things allows people and things to be
connected Anytime, Anyplace, with anything and anyone, ideally using any
path/network and any service”. Several definitions were suggested by many
researchers describing the IoT system from different perspectives but the IOT Architecture
important thing that majority or researchers have agreed on is the IoT is
created for a better world for all the human beings.

Figure 4.1. The IoT can connect anything in anywhere using any path
The IoT is a promising technology that starts to grow significantly. There
were already more objects/things connected to the Internet than people from
2008, as shown in Figure 4.2. Predictions are made that by 2020; the number
of Internet-connected devices will reach or even exceed 50 billion. In
addition, the IoT becomes the most massive device market that enables
companies to save billions of dollars. It will add $1.7 trillion in value to the
global economy in 2019. This involves hardware, software, management
services, installation costs, and economic value from realized IoT
Nowadays, the IoT notion has evolved to include the perception of realizing
a global infrastructure of interconnected networks of physical and virtual
objects. The huge technological development has expanded the idea of the
IoT to involve other technologies such as Cloud computing and Wireless
Sensor Networks (WSNs). The IoT has become able
to connect both humans and things anywhere, and anytime, ideally using
any path/network which is shown in Figure 4.1.

Internet of Thing

Figure 4.2. Growing number of things connected to the internet

4.2.3 Architecture Reference Model Introduction
A reference model is a division of functionality together with data flow
between the pieces. A reference model is a standard decomposition of a
known problem into parts that cooperatively solve the problem. Arising
from experience, reference models are a characteristic of mature domains.
Can you name the standard parts of a compiler or adatabase management
system? Can you explain in broad terms how the parts work together
toaccomplish their collective purpose? If so, it is because you have been
taught a reference model of these applications. A reference architecture is a
reference model mapped onto software elements (that cooperatively
implement the functionality defined in the reference model) and the data
flows between them. Whereas a reference model divides the functionality,
a reference architecture is the mapping of that functionality onto a system
decomposition. The mapping may be, but by no means necessarily is, one
to one. A software element may implement part of a function or several
functions. Reference models, architectural patterns, and reference
architectures arenot architectures; they are useful concepts that capture
elements of an architecture. Each is the outcome of early design decisions.
The relationship among these design elements is shown in Figure 4.3

Figure 4.3 The relationships of reference models, architectural

patterns, reference architectures, and software architectures.
4.2.4 IoT Reference Architecture
The reference architecture consists of a set of components. Layers can be
realized by means of specific technologies, and we will discuss options for
realizing each component. There are also some crosscutting/vertical layers IOT Architecture
such as access/identity management.

Figure. 4.4 IoT Reference Architecture

The layers are
• Client/external communications - Web/Portal, Dashboard, APIs
• Event processing and analytics (including data storage)
• Aggregation/bus layer – ESB and message broker
• Relevant transports - MQTT/HTTP/XMPP/CoAP/AMQP, etc.
• Devices
• The cross-cutting layers are
• Device manager
• Identity and access managements


The bottom layer of the architecture is the device layer. Devices can be of
various types, but in order to be considered as IoT devices, they must have
some communications that either indirectly or directly attaches to the
Internet. Examples of direct connections are

Arduino with Arduino Ethernet connection

• Arduino Yun with a Wi-Fi connection

• Raspberry Pi connected via Ethernet or Wi-Fi
• Intel Galileo connected via Ethernet or

Wi-Fi Examples of indirectly connected devices include

• ZigBee devices connected via a ZigBee gateway

• Bluetooth or Bluetooth Low Energy devices connecting via a mobile
• Devices communicating via low power radios to a 51
Internet of Thing Raspberry Pi There are many more such examples of each type.
Each device typically needs an identity. The identity may be one of the
• A unique identifier (UUID) burnt into the device (typically part of the
System- on Chip, or provided by a secondary chip)
• A UUID provided by the radio subsystem (e.g. Bluetooth identifier,
Wi-Fi MAC address)
• An OAuth2 Refresh/Bearer Token (this may be in addition to one of
the above)
• An identifier stored in nonvolatile memory such as EEPROM
For the reference architecture we recommend that every device has a UUID
(preferably an unchangeable ID provided by the core hardware) as well as
an OAuth2 Refresh and Bearer token stored in EEPROM. The specification
is based on HTTP; however, (as we will discuss in the communications
section) the reference architecture also supports these flows over MQTT.
The communication layer supports the connectivity of the devices. There
are multiple potential protocols for communication between the devices and
the cloud.
The most well-known three potential protocols are

• HTTP/HTTPS (and RESTful approaches on those)

• MQTT 3.1/3.1.1(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)
• Constrained application protocol (CoAP)
HTTP is well known, and there are many libraries that support it. Because
it is a simple text- based protocol, many small devices such as 8-bit
controllers can only partially support the protocol – for example enough
code to POST or GET a resource. The larger 32-bit based devices can utilize
full HTTP client libraries that properly implement the whole protocol.
There are several protocols optimized for IoT use. The two best known are
MQTT6 and CoAP7. MQTT was invented in 1999 to solve issues in
embedded systems and SCADA. It has been through some iterations and
the current version (3.1.1) is undergoing standardization in the OASIS
MQTT Technical Committee8. MQTT is a publish-subscribe messaging
system based on a broker model. The protocol has a very small overhead
(as little as 2 bytes per message), and was designed to support lossy and
intermittently connected networks. MQTT was designed to flow over TCP.
In addition, there is an associated specification designed for ZigBee-style
networks called MQTT-SN (Sensor Networks). CoAP is a protocol from
the IETF that is designed to provide a RESTful application protocol
modeled on HTTP semantics, but with a much smaller footprint and a binary
rather than a text- based approach. CoAP is a more traditional clientserver
approach rather than a brokered approach. CoAP is designed to be used over
UDP. For the reference
architecture we have opted to select MQTT as the preferred device IOT Architecture
communication protocol, with HTTP as an alternative option.
The reasons to select MQTT and not CoAP at this stage are

• Better adoption and wider library support for MQTT;

• Simplified bridging into existing event collection and event
processing systems; and
• Simpler connectivity over firewalls and NAT networks
However, both protocols have specific strengths (and weaknesses) and so
there will be some situations where CoAP may be preferable and could be
swapped in. In order to support MQTT we need to have an MQTT broker
in the architecture as well as device libraries. We will discuss this with
regard to security and scalability later. One important aspect with IoT
devices is not just for the device to send data to the cloud/ server, but also
the reverse. This is one of the benefits of the MQTT specification: because
it is a brokered model, clients connect an outbound connection to the broker,
whether or not the device is acting as a publisher or subscriber. This usually
avoids firewall problems because this approach works even behind firewalls
or via NAT. In the case where the main communication is based on HTTP,
the traditional approach for sending data to the
device would be to use HTTP Polling. This is very inefficient and costly,
both in terms of network traffic as well as power requirements. The modern
replacement for this is the WebSocket protocol9 that allows an HTTP
connection to be upgraded into a full two-way connection. This then acts as
a socket channel (similar to a pure TCP channel) between the server and
client. Once that has been established, it is up to the system to choose an
ongoing protocol to tunnel over the connection. For the reference
architecture we once again recommend using MQTT as a protocol with Web
Sockets. In some cases, MQTT over Web Sockets will be the only protocol.
This is because it is even more firewall-friendly than the base MQTT
specification as well as supporting pure browser/JavaScript clients using the
same protocol. Note that while there is some support for Web Sockets on
small controllers, such as Arduino, the combination of network code, HTTP
and Web Sockets would utilize most of the available code space on a typical
Arduino 8-bit device. Therefore, it is recommended the use of Web Sockets
on the larger 32-bit devices.
An important layer of the architecture is the layer that aggregates and
brokers communications. This is an important layer for three reasons:
1. The ability to support an HTTP server and/or an MQTT broker to talk
to the devices
2. The ability to aggregate and combine communications from different
devices and to route communications to a specific device (possibly
via a gateway)
Internet of Thing 3. The ability to bridge and transform between different protocols, e.g.
to offer HTTP based APIs that are mediated into an MQTT message
going to the device. The aggregation/bus layer provides these
capabilities as well as adapting into legacy protocols. The bus layer
may also provide some simple correlation and mapping from different
correlation models (e.g. mapping a device ID into an owner‘s ID or
vice-versa). Finally, the aggregation/bus layer needs to perform two
key security roles. It must be able to act as an OAuth2 Resource
Server (validating Bearer Tokens and associated resource access
scopes). It must also be able to act as a policy enforcement point (PEP)
for policy-based access. In this model, the bus makes requests to the
identity and access management layer to validate access requests. The
identity and access management layer acts as a policy decision point
(PDP) in this process. The bus layer then implements the results of
these calls to the PDP to either allow or disallow resource access.
This layer takes the events from the bus and provides the ability to process
and act upon these events. A core capability here is the requirement to store
the data into a database. This may happen in three forms. The traditional
model here would be to write a server-side application, e.g. this could be a
JAX-RS application backed by a database. However, there are many
approaches where we
can support more agile approaches. The first of these is to use a big data
analytics platform. This is a cloudscalable platform that supports
technologies such as Apache Hadoop to provide highly scalable map reduce
analytics on the data coming from the devices. The second approach is to
support complex event
processing to initiate near real- time activities and actions based on data
from the devices and from the rest of the system.
Our recommended approach in this space is to use the following

• Highly scalable, column-based data storage for storing events

• Map-reduce for long-running batch-oriented processing of data
• Complex event processing for fast in-memory processing and near
real-time reaction and autonomicactions based on the data and activity
of devices and other systems
• In addition, this layer may support traditional application processing
platforms, such as Java Beans,JAX-RS logic, message-driven beans,
or alternatives, such as node.js, PHP, Ruby or Python.
The reference architecture needs to provide a way for these devices to
communicate outside of the deviceoriented system. This includes three
54 main approaches. Firstly, we need the ability to create web-based frontends
and portals that interact with devices and with the event-processing layer. IOT Architecture
Secondly, we need the ability to create dashboards that offer views into
analytics and event processing. Finally, we need to be able to interact with
systems outside this network using machine-to-machine communications
(APIs). These APIs need to be managed and controlled and this happens in
an API management system. The recommended approach to building the
web front end is to utilize a modular front-end architecture, such as a portal,
which allows simple fast composition of useful UIs. Of course, the
architecture also supports existing Web server-side
technology, such as Java Servlets/ JSP, PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. Our
recommended approach is based on the Java framework and the most
popular Java-based web server, Apache Tomcat. The dashboard is a re-
usable system focused on creating graphs and other visualizations of data
coming from the devices and the event processing layer.

The API management layer provides three main functions:

• The first is that it provides a developer-focused portal (as opposed to
the user focused portal previously mentioned), where developers can
find, explore, and subscribe to APIs from the system. There is also
support for publishers to create, version, and manage the available and
published APIs;
• The second is a gateway that manages access to the APIs, performing
access control checks (for external requests) as well as throttling
usage based on policies. It also performs routing and load- balancing;
• The final aspect is that the gateway publishes data into the analytics
layer where it is stored as well as processed to provide insights into
how the APIs are used.
Device management (DM) is handled by two components. A server-side
system (the device manager) communicates with devices via various
protocols and provides both individual and bulk control of devices. It also
remotely manages software and applications deployed on the device. It can
lock and/or wipe the device if necessary. The device manager works in
conjunction with the device management agents. There are multiple
different agents for different platforms and device types. The device
manager also needs to maintain the list of device identities and map these
into owners. It must also work with the identity and access management
layer to manage access controls over devices (e.g. who else can manage the
device apart from the owner, how much control does the owner have vs. the
administrator, etc.) There are three levels of device: non-managed,
semimanaged and fully managed (NM, SM, FM). Fully managed devices
are those that run a full DM agent.
A full DM agent supports:
• Managing the software on the device
• Enabling/disabling features of the device (e.g. camera, hardware, etc.)
Internet of Thing • Management of security controls and identifiers
• Monitoring the availability of the device
• Maintaining a record of the device location if available
• Locking or wiping the device remotely if the device is compromised,
Non-managed devices can communicate with the rest of the network, but
have no agent involved. These may include 8-bit devices where the
constraints are too small to support the agent. The device manager may still
maintain information on the availability and location of the device if this is
available. Semi-managed devices are those that implement some parts of
the DM (e.g. feature control, but not software management).
The final layer is the identity and access management layer. This layer needs
to provide the following services:

• OAuth2 token issuing and validation

• Other identity services including SAML2 SSO and OpenID Connect
support for identifying inboundrequests from the Web layer
• Directory of users (e.g. LDAP)
• Policy management for access control (policy control point)
The identity layer may of course have other requirements specific to the
other identity and access management for a given instantiation of the
reference architecture. In this section we have outlined the major
components of the reference architecture as well as specific decisions we
have taken around technologies. These decisions are motivated by the
specific requirements of IoT architectures as well as best practices for
building agile, evolvable, scalable Internet architectures.
4.2.5 IoT Reference Model
In an IoT system, data is generated by multiple kinds of devices, processed
in different ways, transmitted to different locations, and acted upon by
applications. The proposed IoT reference model is comprised of seven
levels. Each level is defined with terminology that can be standardized to
create a globally accepted frame of reference. The IoT Reference Model
does not restrict the scope or locality of its components. For example, from
a physical perspective, every element could reside in a single rack of
equipment or it could be distributed
across the world. The IoT Reference Model also allows the processing
occurring at each level to range from trivial to complex, depending on the
situation. The model describes how tasks at each level should be handled to
maintain simplicity, allow high scalability, and ensure supportability.
56 Finally, the model defines the
functions required for an IoT system to be complete. Figure 4.5 illustrates IOT Architecture
the IoT Reference model and its levels. It is important to note that in the
IoT, data flows in both directions. In a control pattern, control information
flows from the top of the model (level 7) to the bottom (level 1). In a
monitoring pattern, the flow of information is the reverse. In most systems,
the flow will be bidirectional.

Figure 4.5 IoT Reference Model

Level 1: Physical Devices and Controllers
The IoT Reference Model starts with Level 1: physical devices and
controllers that might control multiple devices. These are the “things” in the
IoT, and they include a wide range of endpoint devices that send and receive
information. Today, the list of devices is already extensive. It will become
almost unlimited as more equipment is added to the IoT over time. Devices
are diverse, and there are no rules about size, location, form factor, or origin.
Some devices will be the size of a silicon chip. Some will be as large as
vehicles. The IoT must support the entire range. Dozens or hundreds of
equipment manufacturers will produce IoT devices. To simplify
compatibility and support manufacturability, the IoT Reference Model
generally describes the level of processing needed from Level 1 devices.
Level 2: Connectivity

Communications and connectivity are concentrated in one level—Level 2.

The most important function of Level 2 is reliable, timely information
transmission. This includes transmissions:

• Between devices (Level 1) and the network

• Across networks (east-west)
• Between the network (Level 2) and low-level information processing
occurring at Level 3
Traditional data communication networks have multiple functions, as
evidenced by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 7-
Internet of Thing layer reference model. However, a complete IoT system contains many
levels in addition to the communications network. One objective of the IoT
Reference Model is for communications and processing to be executed by
existing networks. The IoT Reference Model does not require or indicate
creation of a different network—it relies on existing networks. However,
some legacy devices aren’t IP- enabled, which will require introducing
communication gateways. Other devices will require proprietary controllers
to serve the communication function. However, over time, standardization
will increase. As Level 1 devices proliferate, the ways in which they interact
with Level 2 connectivity equipment may change. Regardless of the details,
Level 1 devices communicate through the IoT system by interacting with
Level 2 connectivity equipment.
Level 3: Edge (Fog) Computing
The functions of Level 3 are driven by the need to convert network data
flows into information that is suitable for storage and higher-level
processing at Level 4 (data accumulation). This means that Level 3
activities focus on high-volume data analysis and transformation. For
example, a Level 1 sensor device might generate data samples multiple
times per second, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. A basic tenet of the IoT
Reference Model is that the most intelligent system initiates information
processing as early and as close to the edge of the network as possible. This
is sometimes referred to as fog computing. Level 3 is where this occurs.
Given that data is usually submitted to the connectivity level (Level 2)
networking equipment by devices in small units, Level 3 processing is
performed on a packet-by-packet basis. This processing is limited, because
there is only awareness of data units—not “sessions” or “transactions.”
Level 3 processing can encompass many examples, such as:

• Evaluation: Evaluating data for criteria as to whether it should be

processed at a higher level
• Formatting: Reformatting data for consistent higher-level processing
• Expanding/decoding: Handling cryptic data with additional context
(such as the origin)
• Distillation/reduction: Reducing and/or summarizing data to
minimize the impact of data and traffic on the network and higher-
level processing systems
• Assessment: Determining whether data represents a threshold or alert;
this could include redirecting data to additional destinations
Level 4: Data Accumulation
Networking systems are built to reliably move data. The data is “in motion.”
Prior to Level 4, data is moving through the network at the rate and
organization determined by the devices generating the data. The model is
event driven. As defined earlier, Level 1 devices do not include computing
capabilities themselves. However, some computational activities could
occur at Level 2, such as protocol translation or application of network
security policy. Additional compute tasks can be performed at Level 3, such IOT Architecture
as packet inspection. Driving computational tasks as close to the edge of the
IoT as possible, with heterogeneous systems distributed across multiple
management domains represents an example of fog computing. Fog
computing and fog services will be a distinguishing characteristic of the
IoT. Most applications cannot, or do not need to, process data at network
wire speed. Applications typically assume that data is “at rest”—or
unchanging—in memory or on disk. At Level 4, Data Accumulation, data
in motion is converted to data at rest.
Level 4 determines:

• If data is of interest to higher levels: If so, Level 4 processing is the

first level that is configured to serve the specific needs of a higher
• If data must be persisted: Should data be kept on disk in a non-volatile
state or accumulated in memory for short-term use?
• The type of storage needed: Does persistency require a file system,
big data system, or relational database?
• If data is organized properly: Is the data appropriately organized for
the required storage system?
• If data must be recombined or recomputed: Data might be combined,
recomputed, or aggregated with previously stored information, some
of which may have come from non-IoT sources.
As Level 4 captures data and puts it at rest, it is now usable by applications
on a non-real- time basis. Applications access the data when necessary. In
short, Level 4 converts event- based data to query-based processing. This is
a crucial step in bridging the differences between the real-time networking
world and the non-real-time application world.
Level 5: Data Abstraction
IoT systems will need to scale to a corporate—or even global—level and
will require multiple storage systems to accommodate IoT device data and
data from traditional enterprise ERP, HRMS, CRM, and other systems. The
data abstraction functions of Level 5 are focused on rendering data and its
storage in ways that enable developing simpler, performance- enhanced
With multiple devices generating data, there are many reasons why this data
may not land in the same data storage:

• There might be too much data to put in one place.

• Moving data into a database might consume too much processing
power, so that retrieving it must be separated from the data generation
process. This is done today with online transaction processing
(OLTP) databases and data warehouses.

Internet of Thing • Devices might be geographically separated, and processing is
optimized locally.
• Levels 3 and 4 might separate “continuous streams of raw data” from
“data that represents an event.” Data storage for streaming data may
be a big data system, such as Hadoop. Storage for event data may be
a relational database management system (RDBMS) with faster query
• Different kinds of data processing might be required.
For example, in-store processing will focus on different things than across-
all-stores summary processing. For these reasons, the data abstraction level
must process many different things. These include:
• Reconciling multiple data formats from different sources
• Assuring consistent semantics of data across sources
• Confirming that data is complete to the higher-level application
• Consolidating data into one place (with ETL, ELT, or data
replication) or providing access to multiple data stores through data
• Protecting data with appropriate authentication and authorization
• Normalizing or denormalizing and indexing data to provide fast
application access Level
Application Level 6
It is the application level, where information interpretation occurs. Software
at this level interacts with Level 5 and data at rest, so it does not have to
operate at network speeds. The IoT Reference Model does not strictly define
an application. Applications vary based on vertical markets, the nature of
device data, and business needs. For example, some applications will focus
on monitoring device data. Some will focus on controlling devices. Some
will combine device and non-device data. Monitoring and control
applications represent many different application models, programming
patterns, and software stacks, leading to discussions of operating systems,
mobility, application servers, hypervisors, multi- threading, multi-tenancy,
etc. These topics are beyond the scope of the IoT Reference Model
discussion. Suffice it to say that application complexity will vary widely.

Examples include:
• Mission-critical business applications, such as generalized ERP or
specialized industry solutions
• Mobile applications that handle simple interactions
• Business intelligence reports, where the application is the BI server
• Analytic applications that interpret data for business decisions
• System management/control center applications that control the IoT
60 system itself and don’t act on the data produced by it
If Levels 1-5 are architected properly, the amount of work required by Level IOT Architecture
6 will be reduced. If Level 6 is designed properly, users will be able to do
their jobs better.
Level 7: Collaboration and Processes
One of the main distinctions between the Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT
is that IoT includes people and processes. This difference becomes
particularly clear at Level 7: Collaboration and Processes. The IoT system,
and the information it creates, is of little value unless it yields action, which
often requires people and processes. Applications execute business logic to
empower people. People use applications and associated data for their
specific needs. Often, multiple people use the same application for a range
of different purposes. So, the objective is not the application—it is to
empower people to do their work better. Applications (Level 6) give
business people the right data, at the right time, so they can do the right
thing. But frequently, the action needed requires more than one person.
People must be able to communicate and collaborate, sometimes using the
traditional Internet, to make the IoT useful. Communication and
collaboration often require multiple steps. And it usually transcends
multiple applications. This is why Level 7, represents a higher level than a
single application.
4.2.6 IoT Reference Architecture (Various views in IoT)

• Reference Architecture is a starting point for generating concrete

architectures and actual systems. A concrete architecture addresses
the concerns of multiple stakeholders of the actual system, and it is
typically presented as a series of views that address different
stakeholder concerns.
• A Reference Architecture, on the other hand, serves as a guide for one
or more concrete system architects. However, the concept of views
for the presentation of an architecture is also useful for the IoT
Reference Architecture.
• Views are useful for reducing the complexity of the Reference
Architecture blueprints by addressing groups of concerns one group
at a time.
• However, since the IoT Reference Architecture does not contain
details about the environment where the actual system is deployed,
some views cannot be presented in detail or at all; for example, the
view that shows the concrete Physical Entities and Devices for a
specific scenario.
• The stakeholders for a concrete IoT system are the people who use the
system (Human Users); the people who design, build, and test the
Resources , Services, Active Digital Artifacts, and Applications; the
people who deploy Devices and attach them to Physical Entities; the
people who integrate IoT capabilities of functions with an existing
ICT system (e.g. of an enterprise); the people who operate, maintain,
and troubleshoot the Physical and Virtual Infrastructure; and the
Internet of Thing people who buy and own an IoT system or parts thereof (e.g. city
• In order to address the concerns of mainly the concrete IoT architect,
and secondly the concerns of most of the above stakeholders, we have
chosen to present the Reference Architecture as a set of architectural
• Functional View: Description of what the system does, and its main
• Information View: Description of the data and information that the
system handles.
• Deployment and Operational View: Description of the main real
world components of the system such as devices, network routers,
servers, etc.

Figure: 4.6 Various views in IoT

The Development View defines how to implement the system.

The Development View addresses the concerns of developers and testers.

• All software projects involve some amount of new code being written.
• This view provides a stable environment for more detailed design
• The Deployment View defines how to transition the system to
live operation.
Focuses on aspects of the system important after the system has been built
and is ready to be put into live operation.

• Defines:
• The physical environment it will run in.
• Hardware and hosting environment (processing nodes, network
interconnections, disk storage).
• Technical environment requirements for each processing node. IOT Architecture

• Mapping of elements to the runtime environment that will execute

It is needed when the system has…
• Complex runtime dependencies.
• Third party libraries, network services.
• Complex runtime environments.
• Elements distributed across many machines.
• Dependencies on unfamiliar HW/SW.
• Deployed on cloud hardware.
• When the system will be deployed in…
• Wildly varying software environments.
• Commercial software run on a PC.
• Wildly varying physical environments.
• Specialist or unfamiliar hardware.
• The Operational View defines how to keep the system alive in the
field Identifies a system-wide strategy for addressing operational
• Helps to ensure system is a reliable and effective part of its
• For packaged software, helps illustrate the types of issues that could
occur once installed.
• Documents how the system can be architected to reduce or address
these concerns.
• Often least well-defined view, as many of the details are not fully-
defined until construction is underway
Installation and upgrade
• Team performs the install.
• Users install and configure themselves.
• Resources allocated to a cloud environment.
• Is this a pure installation or an upgrade?
• Upgrades can be more complex.
• Must respect existing data and settings, state of running elements.
• Can you keep the system running during update?
• Ensure the system can be installed or updated successfully.
Documenting Installation and Upgrade
Internet of Thing • Help the reader understand:
• What needs to be installed or upgraded to move the system into
• What dependencies exist between groups of items to be installed or
upgraded (determines event order).
• What constraints exist on the installation process.
• What needs to be done to abandon and undo the installation/upgrade
if there is a problem.
• Do not need a complete guide.
• Instead, constraints the architecture imposes on installation and
Operational Monitoring and Control
• Systems require routine monitoring.
• Control operations can be used to keep the system running correctly.
• Startup, shutdown, transaction resubmission.
• How much is required depends on how many unexpected operational
conditions are likely to occur.
• Balance against cost and time.
• Consider deployment environment to identify solutions.
• A system should send notifications when something bad happens.
• Technical: Unable to connect to database.
• Functional: Bad data on an automated input.
• Significant non-error conditions (startup, shutdown)
• Active function of a system.
• Sent to appropriate humans for action.
• Define which events require alerts, what information should be
included, and where it should be sent.
• Avoid sending too many alerts
Backup and Restore
• Data must be protected and insured.
• Backup processes should be designed, built, and tested regularly.
• It must be possible to restore data from a backup in a transactionally
consistent state.
• All updates committed to the restored database or not recovered at all.

• Consider data lost as part of restoring (at least any transactions active IOT Architecture
during failure).
• Failure in one element could corrupt system.
• Recover or recreate lost data.
• Revert system to older state.

Figure: 4.7 Backup and Restore

Academic records in databases.

• Exam results database.

• Scores database transforms data into a overall score.
• Corruption requires restoration of exam database.
• Over three months old.
• Results from those months will need to be reentered.
• However, student scores already reflect that data. Must prevent
reentered data from changing scores.
Documenting System Administration

• Monitoring and control facilities

• How to monitor and adjust the system.

• Custom utilities, existing management environments.

• Basic message log to full-blown infrastructure.

• Define what features you will offer, how to use them, and any

• Required routine procedures

• What needs to be performed regularly?

• Backup and health check procedures.

• Define purpose of each procedure, when performed, who performs it,

and the steps involved. 65
Internet of Thing Likely error conditions

• Error conditions may require administrative intervention (disk full,

network failure).
• What is unique about architecture?
• Explain error conditions, when they occur, how to recognize them,
and HOW to correct them.
• Performance monitoring facilities
• Watch the system for performance problems.
• Extracted and analyzed routinely.
• Explain measures taken, how they can be extracted and analyzed.

Functional view

• The functional view for the IoT Reference Architecture is presented

in Figure 4.8 , and is adapted from IoTA

• It consists of the Functional Groups (FGs) presented earlier in the IoT

Functional Model, each of which includes a set of Functional
Components (FCs).

• It is important to note that not all the FCs are used in a concrete IoT
architecture, and therefore the actual system as explained earlier

Figure 4.8 IoT Functional View

Device and Application functional group

• The Device and Application FGs are already covered in the IoT
Functional Model. For convenience the Device FG contains the
Sensing, Actuation, Tag, Processing, Storage FCs, or simply

• These components represent the resources of the device attached to

the Physical Entities of interest. The Application FG contains either
standalone applications (e.g. for iOS, Android, Windows phone), or IOT Architecture
Business Applications that connect the IoT system to an Enterprise
Communication functional group
The Communication FG contains the End-to-End Communication,
Network Communication, and Hop-by-Hop communication components:
• The Hop-by-Hop Communication is applicable in the case that
devices are equipped with mesh radio networking technologies such
as IEEE 802.15.4 for which messages have to traverse the mesh from
node-tonode (hop-by-hop) until they reach a gateway node which
forwards the message (if needed) further to the Internet.
• The hop-by-hop FC is responsible for transmission and reception of
physical and MAC layer frames to/from other devices. This FC has
two main interfaces: (a) one “southbound” to/from the actual radio on
the device, and (b) one “northbound” to/from the Network FC in the
Communication FG.
• The Network FC is responsible for message routing & forwarding and
the necessary translations of various identifiers and addresses.
• The translations can be (a) between network layer identifiers to MAC
and/or physical network identifiers, (b) between high-level human
readable host/node identifiers to network layer addresses (e.g. Fully
Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) to IP addresses, a function
implemented by a Domain Name System (DNS) server), and (c)
translation between node/service identifiers and network locators in
case the higher layers above the networking layer use node or service
identifiers that are decoupled from the node addresses in the network
(e.g.Host Identity Protocol (HIP; Moskovitz & Nikander 2006)
identifiers and IP addresses).
• Potential fragmentation and reassembly of messages due to
limitations of the underlying layers is also handled by the Network
• Finally, the Network FC is responsible for handling messages that
cross different networking or MAC/PHY layer technologies, a
function that is typically implemented on a network gateway type of
• The End-to-End Communication FC is responsible for end-to-end
transport of application layer messages through diverse network and
MAC/PHY layers.
• In turn, this means that it may be responsible for end-to-end
retransmissions of missing frames depending on the configuration of
the FC. For example, if the End-to- End Communication FC is
mapped in an actual system to a component implementing the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) protocol, reliable transfer of
frames dictates the retransmission of missing frames.\
Internet of Thing • Finally, this FC is responsible for hosting any necessary proxy/cache
and any protocol translation between networks with different
transport/application layer technologies. An example of such
functionality is the HTTP-CoAP proxy, which performs transport-
layer protocol translation. The End-to- End FC interfaces the Network
FC on the “southbound” direction.

IoT Service functional group

The IoT Service FG consists of two FCs: The IoT Service FC and the IoT
Service Resolution FC:

• The IoT Service FC is a collection of service implementations, which

interface the related and associated Resources. For a Sensor type of a
Resource, the IoT Service FC includes Services that receive requests
from a User and returns the Sensor Resource value in synchronous or
asynchronous (e.g. subscription/notification) fashion.
• The services corresponding to Actuator Resources receive User
requests for actuation, control the Actuator Resource, and may return
the status of the Actuator after the action.
• A Tag IoT Service can behave both as a Sensor (for reading the
identifier of the Tag), or as an Actuator (for writing a new identifier
or information on the Tag, if possible).
• The IoT Service Resolution FC contains the necessary functions to
realize a directory of IoT Services that allows dynamic management
of IoT Service descriptions and discovery/lookup/resolution of IoT
Services by other Active Digital Artifacts.
• The Service descriptions of IoT Services contain a number of
attributes as seen earlier in the IoT Functional Model section.
Dynamic management includes methods such as creation/update/
deletion (CUD) of Service description, and can be invoked by both
• IoT Services themselves, or functions from the Management FG
(e.g.bulk creation of IoT Service descriptions upon system start-up).
• The discovery/lookup and resolution functions allow other Services
or Active Digital Artifacts to locate IoT Services by providing
different types of information to the IoT Service Resolution FC.
• By providing the Service identifier (attribute of the Service
description) a lookup method invocation to the IoT Service
Resolution returns the Service description, while the resolution
method invocation returns the contact information (attribute of the
service description) of a service for direct Service invocation (e.g.

• The discovery method, on the other hand, assumes that the Service
identifier is unknown, and the discovery request contains a set of

desirable Service description attributes that matching Service IOT Architecture
descriptions should contain.
Virtual Entity functional group

• The Virtual Entity FG contains functions that support the

interactions between Users and Physical Things through Virtual
Entity services.

• An example of such an interaction is the query to an IoT system of

the form, “What is the temperature in the conference room Titan?”
The Virtual Entity is the conference room “Titan,” and the conference
room attribute of interest is “temperature.”

• Assuming that the room is actually instrumented with a temperature

sensor, if the User had the knowledge of which temperature sensor is
installed in the room (e.g. TempSensor #23), then the User could re-
formulate and re-target this query to, “What is the value of
TempSensor #23?” dispatched to the relevant IoT Service
representing the temperature resource on the TempSensor #23.

• The Virtual Entity interaction paradigm requires functionality such as

discovery of IoT Services based on Virtual Entity descriptions,
managing the Virtual Entity-IoT Service associations, and processing
Virtual Entity-based queries. The following FCs are defined for
realizing these functionalities:

• The Virtual Entity Service FC enables the interaction between Users

and Virtual Entities by means of reading and writing the Virtual Entity
attributes (simple or complex), which can be read or written, of

• Some attributes (e.g. the GPS coordinates of a room) are static and
non-writable by nature, and some other attributes are non-writable by
access control rules.

• In general attributes that are associated with IoT Services, which in

turn represent Sensor Resources, can only be read. There can be, of
course, special Virtual Entities associated with the same Sensor
Resource through another IoT Service that allow write operations.

• An example of such a special case is when the Virtual Entity

represents the Sensor device itself (for management purposes).

• In general, attributes that are associated with IoT Services, which in

turn represent Actuator Resources, can be read and written. A read
operation returns the actuator status, while a write operation results in
a command sent to the actuator.

• The Virtual Entity Registry FC maintains the Virtual Entities of

interest for the specific IoT system and their associations.

Internet of Thing • The component offers services such as creating/reading/ updating/
deleting Virtual Entity descriptions and associations. Certain
associations can be static; for example, the entity “Room #123” is
contained in the entity “Floor #7” by construction, while other
associations are dynamic, e.g. entity “Dog” and entity “Living Room”
due to at least Entity mobility. Update and Deletion operations take
the Virtual Entity identifier as a parameter.

• The Virtual Entity Resolution FC maintains the associations between

Virtual Entities and IoT Services, and offers services such as
creating/reading/updating/deleting associations as well as lookup and
discovery of associations.

• The Virtual Entity Resolution FC also provides notification to Users

about the status of the dynamic associations between a Virtual Entity
and an IoT Service, and finally allows the discovery of IoT Services
provided the certain Virtual Entity attributes.

• The Virtual Entity and IoT Service Monitoring FC includes: (a)

functionality to assert static Virtual EntityIoT Service associations,
(b) functionality to discover new associations based on existing
associations or

• Virtual Entity attributes such as location or proximity, and (c)

continuous monitoring of the dynamic associations between Virtual
Entities and IoT Services and updates of their status in case existing
associations are not valid any more.
IoT process management functional group

• The IoT Process Management FG aims at supporting the integration

of business processes with IoT-related services. It consists of two

• The Process Modeling FC provides that right tools for modeling

a business process that utilizes IoT-related services.

• The Process Execution FC contains the execution environment

of the process models created by the Process Modelling FC and
executes the created processes by utilizing the Service
Organization FG in order to resolve high-level application
requirements to specific IoT services.

• Service Organization functional group

• The Service Organization FG acts as a coordinator between

different Services offered by the system. It consists of the
following FCs:

• The Service Composition FC manages the descriptions and

execution environment of complex services consisting of
simpler dependent services. An example of a complex
composed service is a service offering the average of the values IOT Architecture
coming from a number of simple Sensor Services. The complex
composed service descriptions can be wellspecified or
dynamic/flexible depending on whether the constituent services
are well-defined and known at the execution time or discovered
on-demand. The objective of a dynamic composed service can
be the maximization of the quality of information achieved by
the composition of simpler Services, as is the case with the
example “average” service described earlier.

• The Service Orchestration FC resolves the requests coming

from IoT Process Execution FC or User into the concrete IoT
services that fulfill the requirements.

• The Service Choreography FC is a broker for facilitating

communication among Services using the Publish/Subscribe
pattern. Users and Services interested in specific IoT- related
services subscribe to the Choreography FC, providing the
desirable service attributes even if the desired services do not
exist. The Choreography FC notifies the Users when services
fulfilling the subscription criteria are found.

• Security functional group

• The Security FG contains the necessary functions for ensuring

the security and privacy of an IoT system. It consists of the
following FCs:
• The Identity Management FC manages the different identities
of the involved Services or Users in an IoT system in order to
achieve anonymity by the use of multiple pseudonyms.
• The Authentication FC verifies the identity of a User and creates
an assertion upon successful verification. It also verifies the
validity of a given assertion.
• The Authorization FC manages and enforces access control
policies. It provides services to manage policies (CUD), as well
as taking decisions and enforcing them regarding access rights
of restricted resources. The term “resource” here is used as a
representation of any item in an IoT system that needs a
restricted access. Such an item can be a database entry (Passive
Digital Artifact), a Service interface, a Virtual Entity attribute
(simple or complex), a Resource/Service/Virtual Entity
description, etc.
• The Key Exchange & Management is used for setting up the
necessary security keys between two communicating entities in
an IoT system.
• The Trust & Reputation FC manages reputation scores of
different interacting entities in an IoT system and calculates the
service trust levels.
Internet of Thing • Management functional group

• The Management FG contains system-wide management

functions that may use individual FC management interfaces. It
is not responsible for the management of each component,
rather for the management of the system as a whole. It consists
of the following FCs:
• The Configuration FC maintains the configuration of the FCs
and the Devices in an IoT system (a subset of the ones included
in the Functional View). The component collects the current
configuration of all the FCs and devices, stores it in a historical
database, and compares current and historical configurations.
The component can also set the system-wide configuration (e.g.
upon initialization), which in turn translates to configuration
changes to individual FCs and devices.
• The Fault FC detects, logs, isolates, and corrects system-wide
faults if possible. This means that individual component fault
reporting triggers fault diagnosis and fault recovery procedures
in the Fault FC.The Member FC manages membership
information about the relevant entities in an IoT system.
Example relevant entities are the FGs, FCs Services, Resources,
Devices, Users, and Applications. Membership information is
typically stored in a database along with other useful
information such as capabilities, ownership, and access rules &
rights, which are used by the Identity Management and
Authorization FCs.
• The State FC is similar to the Configuration FC, and collects
and logs state information from the current FCs, which can be
used for fault diagnosis, performance analysis and prediction,
as well as billing purposes. This component can also set the state
of the other FCs based on system- wise state information.

• The Reporting FC is responsible for producing compressed

reports about the system state based on input from FCs.
Information view

• The information view consists of (a) the description of the

information handled in the IoT System, and (b) the way this
information is handled in the system; in other words, the information
lifecycle and flow (how information is created, processed, and
deleted), and the information handling components.

• Information description
The pieces of information handled by an IoT system complying to an ARM
such as the IoT-A (Carrez et al. 2013) are the following:
• Virtual Entity context information, i.e. the attributes (simple or
complex) as represented by parts of the IoT Information model
(attributes that have values and metadata such as the temperature of a IOT Architecture
• This is one of the most important pieces of information that should be
captured by an IoT system, and represents the properties of the
associated Physical Entities or Things.
• IoT Service output itself is another important part of information
generated by an IoT system.
For example, this is the information generated by interrogating a Sensor or
a Tag Service.
• Virtual Entity descriptions in general, which contain not only the
attributes coming from IoT Devices (e.g. ownership information).
• Associations between Virtual Entities and related IoT Services.
• Virtual Entity Associations with other Virtual Entities (e.g. Room
#123 is on Floor #7).
• IoT Service Descriptions, which contain associated Resources,
interface descriptions, etc.
• Resource Descriptions, which contain the type of resource (e.g.
sensor), identity, associated Services, and Devices.
• Device Descriptions such as device capabilities (e.g. sensors, radios).
• Descriptions of Composed Services, which contain the model of how
a complex service is composed of simpler services.
• IoT Business Process Model, which describes the steps of a business
process utilizing other IoT-related services (IoT, Virtual
Entity,Composed Services).
• Security information such as keys, identity pools, policies, trust
models, reputation scores, etc.
• Management information such as state information from operational
FCs used for fault/performance purposes, configuration snapshots,
reports, membership information, etc.

Figure 4.9 Information exchange patterns.

Internet of Thing • Push: An FC A pushes the information to another FC B provided that
the contact information of the component B is already configured in
component A, and component B listens for such information pushes.
• Request/Response: An FC A sends a request to another FC B and
receives a response from B after A serves the request. Typically the
interaction is synchronous in the sense that A must wait for a response
from B before proceeding to other tasks, but in practice this limitation
can be realized with parts of component A waiting, and other parts
performing other tasks. Component B may need to handle concurrent
requests and responses from multiple components, which imposes
certain requirements on the capabilities for the device or the network
that hosts the FC.
• Subscribe/Notify: Multiple subscriber components (SA, SB) can
subscribe for information to a component C, and C will notify the
relevant subscribers when the requested information is ready. This is
typically an asynchronous information request after which each
subscriber can perform other tasks. Nevertheless, a subscriber needs
to have some listening components for receiving the asynchronous
response. The target component C also needs to maintain state
information about which subscribers requested which information
and their contact information.
• The Subscribe/Notify pattern is applicable when typically one
component is the host of the information needed by multiple other
components. Then the subscribers need only establish a
Subscribe/Notify relationship with one component. If multiple
components can be information producers or information hosts, the
Publish/Subscribe pattern is a more scalable solution from the point
of view of the subscribers.
• Publish/Subscribe: In the Publish/Subscribe (also known as a
Pub/Sub pattern), there is a third component called the broker B,
which mediates subscription and publications between subscribers
(information consumers) and publishers (or information producers).
Subscribers such as SA and SB subscribe to the broker about the
information they are interested in by describing the different
properties of the information. Publishers publish information and
metadata to the broker, and the broker pushes the published
information to (notification) the subscribers whose interests match the
published information.

Figure. 4.10 Device, IoT Service, and Virtual Entity Service

74 Interactions.
• In Figure 4.10 it is assumed that the generated sensed data is pushed IOT Architecture
by a sensor device (under Steps 1 and 2) that is part of a multi-hop
mesh network such as IEEE 802.15.4 through the Hop-by-Hop,
Network, and End-to-End communication FCs towards the Sensor
Resource hosted in the network.

• Please note that the Sensor Resource is not shown in the figure, only
the associated IoT Service. A cached version of the sensor reading on
the Device is maintained on the IoT Service. When User1 (Step 3)
requests the sensor reading value from the specific Sensor Device
(assuming User1 provides the Sensor resource identifier), the IoT
Service provides the cached copy of the sensor reading back to the
User1 annotated with the appropriate metadata information about the
sensor measurement, for example, timestamp of the last known
reading of the sensor, units, and location of the Sensor Device.

• Also assume that that the Virtual Entity Service associated with the
Physical Entity (e.g. a room in a building) where the specific Sensor
Device has been deployed already contains the IoT Service as a
provider of the“hasTemperature” attribute of its description. The
Virtual Entity Service subscribes to the IoT Service for updates of the
sensor readings pushed by the Sensor Device (Step 5). Every time the
Sensor Device pushes sensor readings to the IoT Service, the IoT
Service notifies (Step 6) the Virtual Entity Service, which updates the
value of the attribute “hasTemperature” with the sensor reading of the
Sensor Device. At a later stage, a User2 subscribing (Step 7) to
changes on the Virtual Entity attribute “hasTemperature” is notified
every time the attribute changes value (Step 8).

Figure. 4.11 IoT Service Resolution

• Figure 4.11 depicts the information flow when utilizing the IoT
Service Resolution FC. The IoT Service Resolution implements two
main interfaces, one for the CUD of Service Description objects in the
IoT Service Resolution database/store, and one for lookup/ resolution/
discovery of IoT Services.

Internet of Thing • As a reminder, the lookup and resolution operations provide the
Service Description and the Service locator, respectively, given the
Service identifier and the discovery operation returns a (set of)
Service Description(s) given a list of desirable attributes that
matching Service Descriptions should contain.

• The CUD operations can be performed by the IoT Service logic itself
or by a management component (e.g. Member FC in Figure). The
lookup/resolution and discovery operation can be performed by a
User as a standalone query or the Service Orchestration as a part of a
Composed Service or an IoT Process.

• If a discovery operation returns multiple matching Service

Descriptions, it is upon the User or the Service Orchestration
component to select the most appropriate IoT Service for the specific

• Although the interactions in Figure follow the Request/Response

patterns, the lookup/resolution/discovery operations can follow the
Subscribe/Notify pattern in the sense that a User or the Service
Orchestration FC subscribe to changes of existing IoT Services for
lookup/resolution and for the discovery of new Service Descriptions
in the case of a discovery operation.

Figure. 4.12 Virtual Entity Service Resolution

• Figure 4.12 describes the information flow when the Virtual Entity
Service Resolution FC is utilized. The Virtual Entity Resolution FC
allows the CUD of Virtual Entity Descriptions, and the lookup and
discovery of Virtual Entity Descriptions.

• A lookup operation by a User or the Service Orchestration FC returns

the Virtual Entity Description given the Virtual Entity identity, while
the discovery operation returns the Virtual Entity Description(s) given
a set of Virtual Entity attributes (simple or complex) that matching
Virtual Entities should contain.

• Note that the Virtual Entity Registry is also involved in the IOT Architecture
information flow because it is the storage component of Virtual Entity
Descriptions, but it is omitted from the figure to avoid cluttering. The
Virtual Entity Resolution FC mediates the requests/responses/
subscriptions/notifications between Users and the Virtual Entity
Registry, which has a simple create/read/update/delete (CRUD)
interface given the Virtual Entity identity.

• The FCs that could perform CUD operations on the Virtual Entity
Resolution FC are the IoT Services themselves due to internal
configuration, the Member Management FC that maintains the
associations as part of the system setup, and the Virtual Entity and
IoT Service Monitoring component whose purpose is to discover
dynamic associations between Virtual Entities and IoT Services.

• It is important to note that the Subscribe/Notify interaction patterns

can also be applicable to the lookup/ discovery operations, the same
as the Request/Response patterns provided the involved FCs
implement Subscribe/Notify interfaces.

Deployment and operational view

Figure 4.13 Parking Lot Deployment and Operational View, Devices.

• The Deployment and Operational View depends on the specific actual

use case and requirements, and therefore we present here one way of
realizing the Parking Lot example seen earlier.

• Figure 4.13 depicts the Devices view as Physical Entities deployed in

the parking lot, as well as the occupancy sign. There are two sensor
nodes (#1 and #2), each of which are connected to eight metal/car
presence sensors.

• The two sensor nodes are connected to the payment station through
wireless or wired communication. The payment station acts both as a
user interface for the driver to pay and get a payment receipt as well
as a communication gateway that connects the two sensor nodes and
the payment interface physical devices (displays, credit card slots,
coin/note input/output, etc.) with the Internet through Wide Area
Network (WAN) technology. 77
Internet of Thing • The occupancy sign also acts as a communication gateway for the
actuator node (display of free parking spots), and we assume that
because of the deployment, a direct connection to the payment station
is not feasible (e.g. wired connectivity is too prohibitive to be
deployed or sensitive to vandalism).

• The physical gateway devices connect through a WAN technology to

the Internet and towards a data center where the parking lot
management system software is hosted as one of the virtual machines
on a Platform as a Service (PaaS;) configuration.

• The two main applications connected to this management system are

human user mobile phone applications and parking operation center
applications. We assume that the parking operation center manages
several other parking lots using similar physical and virtual

• Figure shows two views superimposed, the deployment and

functional views, for the parking lot example. Please note that several
FGs and FCs are omitted here for simplicity purposes, and certain

Fig 4.14 Parking Lot Deployment & Operational View, Resources,

Services, Virtual Entities, Users

• Services appear in the figure 4.14 because an IoT system is typically

part of a larger system. Starting from the Sensor Devices, as seen
earlier, Sensor Node #1 hosts Resource #11#18, representing the
sensors for the parking spots #01#08, while earlier Sensor Node #2
hosts Resource #21#28, representing the sensors for the parking spots

• Assume that the sensor nodes are powerful enough to host the IoT
Services #11#18 and #21#28 representing the respective resources.
The two sensor nodes are connected to the gateway device that also
hosts the payment service with the accompanying sensors and
actuators, as seen earlier. The other gateway device hosts the
occupancy sign actuator resource and corresponding service. The
management system for the specific parking lot, as well as others, is IOT Architecture
deployed on a virtual machine on a data center. The virtual machine
hosts communication capabilities, Virtual Entity services for the
parking spots #01#16, the Virtual Entity services for the occupancy
sign, a payment business process that involves the payment station
and input from the occupancy sensor services, and the parking lot
management service that provides exposure and access control to the
parking lot occupancy data for the parking operation center and the
consumer phone applications.As a reminder, the Virtual Entity
service of the parking lot uses the IoT Services hosted on two sensor
nodes and performs the mapping between the sensor node identifiers
(#11#18 and #21#28) to parking spot identifiers (spot #01#16). The
services offered on these parking spots are to read the current state of
the parking spot to see whether it is “free” or “occupied.” The Virtual
Entity corresponding to the occupancy sign contains one writable
attribute: the number of free parking spots. A User writing this Virtual
Entity attribute results in an actuator command to the real actuator
resource to change its display to the new value.

Figure 4.15 Mapping IoT Domain Model concepts to Deployment


• Figure 4.15 shows an example of mapping an IoT Domain Model and

Functional View to Devices with different capabilities (different
alternatives) connecting to a cloud infrastructure. Alternative 1 shows
devices that can host only a simple Sensor Device and a short-range
wired or wireless connectivity technology (Basic Device #1).

• Such kind of device needs an Advanced Device of type #1 that allows

the basic device to perform protocol adaptation (at least from the
short-range wired or wireless connectivity technology to a WAN 79
Internet of Thing technology) so that the Sensor IoT service in the cloud and the Sensor
Resource on the Basic Device #1 can exchange information.
• The Virtual Entity representing the Physical Entity where the Basic
Device #1 is deployed is also hosted in the cloud.
• In alternative 2, Advanced Devices (type #2) can host the Sensor IoT
Service communicating to the Sensor Resource on a Basic Device #1.
• The cloud infrastructure in this case only hosts the Virtual Entity
Service corresponding to the Sensor IoT Service. The difference
between alternative 1 and 2 is that the Sensor IoT Service hosted on
an Advanced Device #2 should be capable of responding to requests
from Users (cloud services, Applications) with the appropriate secure
mediation of course.
• In alternative 3, the Basic Device #3 is capable of providing the
Sensor Resource and the Sensor IoT Service but still needs an
Advanced Device #1 to transport IoT service requests/responses/
subscriptions/notifications/publications to the Users in the cloud.
According to experience, this kind of deployment scenario imposes a
high burden on a Basic Device, which potentially makes the Basic
Device the weakest link in the information flow
• If malicious Users launch a Denial of Service (DoS) attack on the
node, the probability of the node going down is very high.
• Alternatives 4 and 5 show Advanced Devices offering a WAN
interface.In alternative 4, only the Sensor Resource is hosted on the
Device, while in alternative 5, even the IoT Service is hosted on the
Device. The Virtual Entity Service is hosted in the cloud.
Real-World Design Constraints
Devices and Networks:

• The devices that form networks in the M2M Area Network domain
must be selected, or designed, with certain functionality suitable to
IoT applications.

• The devices must have an energy source (e.g. batteries),

computational capability (e.g. an MCU), appropriate communications
interface (e.g. a Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit (RFIC) and front
end RF circuitry), memory (program and data), and sensing (and/or
actuation) capability.

• These must be integrated in such a way that the functional

requirements of the desired application can be satisfied with
additional nonfunctional requirements.
Functional Requirements:

1. Specific sensing and actuating capabilities

2. Sensing principle and data requirements: Sometimes continuous IOT Architecture
sampling of sensing data is required. For some applications, sampling
after specific intervals is required.
3. The parameters like higher network throughput, data loss, energy use,
etc are decided based on sensing principle.
Sensing and communications field:

• The sensing field is to be considered for sensing in local area or

distributed sensing. The distance between sensing points is also
important factor to be considered.

• The physical environment has an implication on the communications

technologies selected and the reliability of the system in operation

• Devices must be placed in close enough proximity to communicate.

Where the distance is too great, routing devices may be necessary.
Programming and embedded intelligence:

• Devices in the IoT are heterogeneous such as various computational

architectures, including MCUs (8-, 16-,32- bit, ARM, 8051, RISC,
Intel, etc.), signal conditioning (e.g. ADC), and memory (ROM,
S/F/D) RAM, etc.), communications media, peripheral components
(sensors, actuators, buttons, screens, LEDs), etc.

• In every case, an application programmer must consider the hardware

selected or designed, and its capabilities.

• Application-level logic decides the sampling rate of the sensor, the

local processing performed on sensor readings, the transmission
schedule (or reporting rate), and the management of the
communications protocol stack, among other things.

• The programmers have to reconfigure and reprogram devices in case

of change in devices in IoT application.


• Power is essential for any embedded or IoT device.

• Depending on the application, power may be provided by the mains,

batteries, or hybrid power sources.

• Power requirements of the application are modeled prior to

deployment. This allows the designer to estimate the cost of
maintenance over time.


• Gateway devices or proxies are selected according to need of data

transitions. 81
Internet of Thing Nonfunctional requirements:
The non-functional requirements are technical and non-technical.

1. Regulations:

• For applications that require placing nodes in public places,

prior permissions are important.

• Radio Frequency (RF) regulations limit the power with which

transmitters can broadcast.
2. Ease of use, installation, maintenance, accessibility:

• This relates to positioning, placement, site surveying,

programming, and physical accessibility of devices for
maintenance purposes.
3. Physical constraints:

• Integration of additional electronics into existing system

• Suitable packaging

• Kind and size of antenna

• Type of power supply

Financial cost:

Financial cost considerations are as follows:

• Component Selection: Typically, the use of these devices in the M2M

Area Network domain is to reduce the overall cost burden. However,
there are research and development costs likely to be incurred for each
individual application in the IoT that requires device development or
integration. Developing devices in small quantities is expensive.

• Integrated Device Design: Once the energy, sensors, actuators,

computation, memory, power, connectivity, physical, and other
functional and nonfunctional requirements are considered, it is likely
that an integrated device must be produced.
Data representation and visualization:
Each IoT application has an optimal visual representation of the data and
the system. Data that is generated from heterogeneous systems has
heterogeneous visualization requirements. There are currently no
satisfactory standard data representation and storage methods that satisfy all
of the potential IoT applications.

• Data Representation and Visualization

• IoT Data Visualization is the technique where the raw data is

82 presented into a more insightful one that is derived from
different data streams. It analysis the data and looks into the IOT Architecture
certain patterns & behaviours that improves with better business
decision making. It helps to create a viable business strategy.

• The Data Visualization Helps to Unlock Multiple Insightful


• Helps to make real-time decisions with the combination of

multiple data sources into a single insightful dashboard with
multi-layered visual data.

• Combines the new IoT data transmitted from data sensors with
the existing data to analyse and bring light to new business

• Supports to monitor IoT devices and infrastructure for better

performance on IoT data flow.

• Helps to analyse multiple data correlations in real-time.

• Data Visualization Tools for IoT application:

• Grafana Tool:

• Grafana supports various data sources seamlessly like Elasticsearch,

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Graphite, Prometheus and so on.

• Provides time series analytics to monitor, analyze data over a period

of time.

• Upbeat of this Grafana tool is it provides on-premises cloud storage

or any other cloud of your choice, which gives complete control of
the infrastructure.

• Alert notification can be set up whenever an unfavourable event

occurs which gets prompt notification using any communication

• It has several built-in support features like Graphite, CloudWatch,

Elastic Search, InfluxDB.

• Kibana Tool is an open source data visualization tool for analyzing

large volumes of log data. To work with Kibana tool, it needs two
more technological stack which is Elasticsearch and Logstash. It is
popularly known as ELK stack, globally used log management

• Kibana Tool:

• Working of kibana

• Initially, the logstash is responsible to collect all the data from

the various remote sources
Internet of Thing • Next, these data logs are then pushed and sent to the

• Elasticsearch acts as the database to the kibana tool with all the
log information

• Finally, Kibana tool presents these log data in the form of pie
charts, bar or line graphs to the user.

• Highlights of Kibana:

• Canvas visualization gives colorful visual data comprising of

different patterns, texts known as workpad. Kibana also
represents data in the form of bar chart, pie chart, heat map, line
graph and so on.

• Contains Interactive dashboards and easily it can be converted

into reports for future references

• Create visualization with the help of several dev tools where

you can work with indexes to add, delete and update the data.

• Timelion, a timeline visualization tool helps to get the historical

data and compare them with current data for getting deeper

• Supports third-party plugins and to get near to real experience

view, it effectively uses coordinate and region maps Power BI
Tool for Real-Time Data Visualization

• Microsoft’s product PowerBI is a popular Business Intelligence

Tool. Like its predecessors, Tableau and other BI tools, it
provides a detailed analysis reports for large Enterprises. Power
BI comes with a suite of products with Power BI desktop,
mobile Power BI apps and Power BI services for SaaS.

• Power BI Desktop – Helps to create reports

• Power BI Services – Helps to Publish those reports

• Power BI mobile app – Help to Views the reports and


• How does Power BI work?

• First, the data is collected from the external data sources. With
‘Get Data’ option it allows you to get information from various
sources including Facebook, Google Analytics, Azure Cloud,
Salesforce etc. Also, it provides ODBC connection to get
ODBC data as well.

• Using Power BI, you can create visualization in 2 ways, one is

by adding from the right-side panel to the report canvas which
is in a table type visualization format or by simple drag and drop IOT Architecture
of value axis under visualization. Once the report is developed,
it can be published to web portal with the help of Power BI
service. We can access the report, export it in pdf, excel or any
preferred format.

• Highlights of Power BI:

• Though PowerBI offers paid services, it is comparatively

cheaper than other BI tools. It offers free services upto 1GB

• Helps to analyse both streaming and static data

• Provides rich data visualization

• Short learning curve

• Provides IoT integrations

• Industrial Automation

• Industrial automation is all about intelligent process control.

The IoT doesn’t depend on your hardware because you can
choose independent control systems, sensors, and network
components. The IoT’s power goes beyond the limited features
and functionalities your device manufacturer or software
provider offers. Those who use the IoT in industrial automation
processes can connect multiple sites and locations so that they
operate in harmony. Industrial automation is well-known for
diverting technology from the commercial sphere and adapting
it to new ends. The industry’s widespread IoT adoption builds
upon this tested concept in numerous ways:

• Wireless Improvement of Existing Monitoring and Control


• Wireless connectivity makes it simpler to implement complex

control systems in awkward, remote or hazardous
environments. For instance, using wired networks to link
remotely controlled cranes, robot arms and other manufacturing
devices can be problematic due to their unique ranges of motion
and exposure to harsh fabrication environments. The IoT’s
compatibility with wireless technology lets enterprises replace
standard linkages with fully enclosed mesh radios that perform
the same functions. Even better, these alternatives may be more
useful for automation processes that require fine-tuning or
ongoing adjustments. For instance, you don’t have to replace
miles of Ethernet cable to achieve higher transmission speeds
with Wi-Fi.

• Building Factories That Build and Run Themselves

Internet of Thing • Growth has decided on the pros and cons. Although few
experiences beat the thrill of taking your organizational training
wheels off and cruising along, doing business at a higher
volume introduces unique risks, such as the potential for greater
waste should you take a wrong turn. A company that wanted to
conserve resources might use an industrial sensor system to tell
it when to shut down auxiliary production lines. An enterprise
that relies on automated stock machines to transport
replacement parts to workstations could employ a connected
framework to initiate new deliveries without waiting for
approval from a line manager. The IoT also makes it possible to
create digital twins. These replicas of existing systems serve as
testbeds for new projects and experiments.

• Managing Communications Whenever the Need Arises

• The IoT enhances traditional automation schemes by making

everything on-demand. When you make a change from a control
dashboard, you get to see its effects ripple outward right away.
What you might not expect is that the system also performs the
innumerable tedious tasks that facilitate good digital
communication, such as Rerouting traffic to keep data moving
no matter how much information happens to be passing through,
Accounting for the effects of network topologies to sustain
optimized service quality, Accommodating vendor-neutral
communication protocols and schemes to support a wider
variety of hardware and software, Self-detecting equipment
failures and automatically switching to functional network
elements, and Duplicating and storing data as necessary to
prevent catastrophic losses.

• Although this kind of work may get overlooked because it goes

on in the background, it’s an essential part of ensuring that
automation frameworks behave deterministically. When your
industrial communication systems behave consistently, sound
management practices prove easier to execute.

• Decentralizing Debugging and Maintenance

• There’s no shortage of industrial automation maintenance

philosophies to choose from, so debugging can get confusing.
IoT mesh networks help stakeholders handle maintenance more
logically. You can debug, tweak and maintain controllers and
sensors from local network nodes to cut down on overhead and
make the best use of limited bandwidth. Decentralized
maintenance is the glue that helps automation systems stick
together and run seamlessly even as they expand. By using the
IoT to program functions at the node level, you can optimize
resource usage and slash costs for a more productive enterprise.

• Investing in the IoT in Industrial Automation Settings

• Internet of Things technologies offer a spectrum of other IOT Architecture
potential benefits that we haven’t even covered. There are
voice-recognition systems that let factory owners authenticate
themselves and implement complex behaviours without any
manual programming. Embedded and linked networks
contribute to improved lifecycle oversight, demand-specific
customization and better cost control, but choosing the best-
equipped IoT layout and technical components can be a tough
task. Optimality isn’t universal. It’s defined by the
circumstances, so you need to move forward with an eye on
building something that’s sufficiently flexible yet robust
enough to survive the unexpected.

• Interaction and Remote control

• IoT devices produce many types of information, including

telemetry, metadata, state, and commands and responses.
Telemetry data from devices can be used in short operational
timeframes or for longer-term analytics and model building.
(For more on this diversity, read the overview of Internet of

• Many devices support local monitoring in the form of a buzzer

or an alarm panel on- premises. This type of monitoring is
valuable, but has limited scope for in-depth or long-term
analysis. This article instead discusses remote monitoring,
which involves gathering and analysing monitoring information
from a remote location using cloudresources. Operational and
device performance data is often in the form of a time series,
where each piece of information includes a time stamp. This
data can be further enriched with dimensional labels (sometimes
referred to as tags), such as labels that identify hardware
revision, operating time zone, installation location, firmware
version, and so on.

• Time-series telemetry can be collected and used for monitoring.

Monitoring in this context refers to using a suite of tools and
processes that help detect, debug, and resolve problems that
occur in systems while those systems are operating. Monitoring
can also give you insight into the systems and help improve

• The state of monitoring IT systems, including servers and

services, has continuously improved. Monitoring tools and
practices in the cloud-native world of microservices and
Kubernetes are excellent at monitoring based on time-series
metric data. These tools aren't designed specifically for
monitoring IoT devices or physical processes, but the
constituent parts—labelled series of metrics, visualization, and
alerts—all can apply to IoT monitoring.
Internet of Thing • Remoteness

• Unlike servers in a cluster, monitored devices might be far from

the systems that are organizing the metric data and providing
visualizations. There is debate in the monitoring community
about push-based versus pull-based collection methods for
monitoring telemetry. For IoT devices, push-based monitoring
can be more convenient. But you must consider the trade-offs
in the entire stack (including things like the power of the query
language, and the efficiency and cost of the time-series storage)
when you choose which metrics framework to use.

• In either approach, a remote device might become disconnected

from the monitoring system. No effective monitoring can occur
if data isn't flowing. Stale and missing metrics can hamper the
value of a metric series where you might be calculating rates or
other types of values derived over time. When you're
monitoring remote devices, it's also important to recognize that
variation in timestamps is possible and to ensure the best clock
synchronization possible. The following diagram shows a
schematic of remote devices, with centralized monitoring
compared to cluster-based monitoring.

Figure 4.16 Remote devices with centralized monitoring

• Monitoring design patterns

• When it is determined which systems you're monitoring, you

need to think about why you're monitoring. The system you're
working with is providing a useful function, and the goal of
monitoring is to help ensure that a function or service is
performing as intended.

• When monitoring software services, you look for measurements

around the performance of that service, such as web request
response times. When the service is a physical process such as
space heating, electrical generation, or water filtration, you
might use devices to instrument that physical process and take
measurements of things like engine hours or cycle times. IOT Architecture
Whether you're using a device as a means solely to instrument
a physical process, or whether the device itself is performing a
service, you want to have a number of measurements about the
device itself.

• Measurements made at the point of instrumentation result in a

metric being sent and recorded in the centralized monitoring
system. Metrics might be low level (direct and unprocessed) or
high level (abstract). Higher-level metrics might be computed
from lower-level metrics. One should start by thinking about the
high-level metrics you need in order to ensure delivery of
service. One can then determine which lower-level metrics you
need to collect in order to support your monitoring goals. Not
all metrics are useful, and it's important not to fall into the trap
of measuring things just because you can, or because they look
impressive (so called "vanity metrics").

• Good metrics have the following characteristics:

• They're actionable. They inform those who operate or revise the

service when they need to change its behaviour.

• They're comparative. They compare the performance of

something over time, or between groups of devices whose
members are in different location or have different firmware or
hardware versions.

• They're understandable and relevant in an operational context.

This means that in addition to raw values like totals, they can
provide information like ratios and rates.

• They provide information at the right resolution. You can

choose how often you sample, how often you report, and how
you average, bin, and graph your metrics. These values all need
to be chosen in the domain context of the service you're trying
to deliver. For example, providing 1-second reporting on an IoT
device's SD card capacity generates a lot of unnecessary detail
and volume. And looking only at CPU load averaged per hour
will absorb and hide short, service-crushing spikes in activity.
There might be periods of troubleshooting where you dial up
the fidelity of metrics for better diagnostics. But the baseline
resolution should be appropriate for what you need in order to
meet your monitoring needs.

• They illuminate the difference between symptoms, causes, and

correlations across what you're measuring. Some measurements
are leading indicators of a problem, and you might want to build
alerting on those. Other measurements are lagging indicators
and help you understand what has happened; these
measurements are often used for exploratory analysis.
Internet of Thing 4.3 SUMMARY

In this IoT Architecture chapter, you learned about the State of the art. You
also learned Architecture Reference Model, Introduction, Reference model
and architecture, IoT reference model, IoT Reference Architecture,
Introduction, Functional view, Information view, Deployment and
operational view, Other relevant architectural views the need for IoT
Architecture, where to use it. Along with that, you saw terminologies of
IoT Architecture. Still, you had a doubt go through references and


1) Explain State of the Art.

2) Explain IOT reference model.
3) Explain IOT function view.
4) Explain IOT reference architecture’s deployment and operational
5) Explain reference architecture of IOT using figure.
6) Explain Functional View, Information View, Deployment and
Operational View, Other Relevant architectural views of IOT
reference architecture.
7) Explain Architecture Reference Model of IOT using figure.

8) What is IoT Domain Model?


1. Jan Holler, VlasiosTsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand,

StamatisKarnouskos, David Boyle, From Machine-to-Machine to the
Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence Press,
2. Cirani, Simone, Gianluigi Ferrari, Marco Picone, and Luca Veltri.
Internet of Things: Architectures, Protocols and Standards. John
Wiley & Sons, 2018.
3. Hassan, Qusay F., ed. Internet of Things A to Z: technologies and
applications. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
4. Holler, Jan, Vlasios Tsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stamatis
Karnouskos, Stefan Avesand, and David Boyle. Internet of Things.
Academic Press, 2014.
5. Hersent, Olivier, David Boswarthick, and Omar Elloumi. The internet
of things: Key applications and protocols. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
6. Bernd Scholz- -3-642-19156-5 e-ISBN Architecting the Internet of IOT Architecture
Things, ISBN 978-3-642-19156-5, 978-3-642-19157-2, Springer
7. Atlam, Hany Fathy, Robert Walters, and Gary Wills. "Internet of
things: state-of-the-art, challenges, applications, and open
issues." International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research
(IJICR) 9.3 (2018): 928-938.
8. From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to
a New Age of Intelligence, Jan Holler VlasiosTsiatsis Catherine
Mulligan Stefan Avesand StamatisKarnouskosDavid Boyle
9. VijayMadisetti and ArshdeepBahga, “Internet of Thin (AHands-on
Approach)”, 1 st Edition, VPT, 2014
10. Getting Started with the Internet of Things by CunoPfister

11. The Internet of Things: Connecting Objects by HakimaChaouchi

12. FrancisdaCosta, “Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable
Approach to Connecting Everything”, 1st Edition, Apress
Publications, 2013


Internet of Thing


Unit Structure
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction to IoT
5.2 What is IoT Technology
5.3 Benefits of IoT
5.4 Main operations of IoT
5.5 Components of IoT
5.6 How IoT works
5.7 IoT Enabling Technologies
5.7.1 Wireless Sensor Networks
5.7.2 Cloud Computing
5.7.3 Big Data Analytics
5.7.4 Communication Protocols
5.7.5 Embedded Systems
5.8 Summary
5.9 Bibliography
5.10 Reference for further reading


The main objective of IoT technology is to enable the interconnection and

integration of the physical devices with the outer cyber space. Its represents
the future trends of working of networks. The main goal is to identify and
analysis the data from devices and process the information using the
processing tools.


The main goal of IoT is to provide varieties of applications like real time
sensing of the environment. It’s also helps in connecting the intelligence
into the objects.
It consists of smart devices which help in communicating with each other.


IoT is a technology which helps in connecting any things (devices) to the

5.3 BENEFITS OF IOT IOT Enabling Technologies

• Efficient use of resources utilization (no resources are wasted).

• Saves the time consuming in processing the data.
• Less Human Efforts and Errors.
• Security by the enhancing the cyber space.
• User friendly(easy to use applications)


Figure (a)


Figure (b)
Internet of Thing 5.6 HOW IOT WORKS

5.7 IoT Enabling Technologies

IoT is enabled by several technologies such as:

Figure (c)
5.7.1 Wireless Sensor Technologies (WSN) IOT Enabling Technologies

• A WSN comprises of distributed devices with sensor which are used

to monitor the environmental and physical things (conditions).

• A WSN consists of end nodes routers and coordinator.

• End Nodes have several sensors attached to them where the data is
passed to coordinator with the help of routers.

• The coordinator also acts as a gateway that connects WSN to internet.

• Example :

1) Weather Monitoring System.

2) Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System.

3) Soil Moisture Monitoring System.

4) Surveillance System.
5) Health monitoring System.

Figure (d)
5.7.2 Cloud Computing

• It is the delivery of different services through the internal, including

data storage servers, databases, networking and software.

Internet of Thing

Figure (e)

• Provides different services such as:

Figure (f)
1) Iaas : Services, Networking, Storage, and data center space on a pay
per use basis
2) Paas : Provides a cloud based environment with everything required
to support the complete life cycle of building and delivery web based
(cloud) applications without the cost and complexity of buying and
managing underlying hardware, software providing and hosting.
3) Saas: is a way of delivering application over the internet as a service.
Instead of installing and maintaining software, you can simply access
it via the internet, freeing yourself from complex software and
hardware management.

Saas application is sometimes called Web Based Software on demand IOT Enabling Technologies
software or hosted software.
Saas applications run on a Saas provides servers and they manage the
security availability and performance.

5.7.3 Big Data Analytics

• It refers to the strategy of analyzing large volumes of data or big data.

• Big data is gathered from a variety of sources including social

networks, videos, digital images, sensors and sales transaction

• Several steps involves in analyzing big data are data cleansing,

managing processing and visualization.

• Example:
1) Sensor data generated by W.M.S
2) Data generated by IoT Systems for locations and tracking of
3) Sensors embedded in industry and energy system.
4) Health and fitness data generated by IoT system such as fitness
5.7.4 Communication Protocols
The communication protocols used by IoT are:

Figure (g)
Internet of Thing 1) Satellite:

• Satellite communication enables cell phone communication

from a phone to the next antenna of about 10 to 15 miles.

• They are called GSM, GPRS, CDMA, GPRS, 2G / GSM, 3G,

4G / LTE, EDGE, and others based on connectivity speed.

• In the Internet of Things language, this form of communication

is mostly referred to as “M2M” (Machine-to-Machine) because
it allows devices such as a phone to send and receive data
through the cell network.
2) WiFi:

• WIFI is a wireless local area network (WLAN) that utilizes the

IEEE 802.11 standard through 2.4 GHz UHF and 5 GHz ISM

• WiFi provides internet access to device that is within the range

(about 66 Feet from access point).
3) Radio Frequency (RF):

• Radio frequency communication is probably the easiest form of

communication between devices.

• Protocols like ZigBee or ZWave use a low-power RF radio

embedded or retrofitted into electronic devices and systems.

• Z-Wave’s range is approximately 100 ft (30m).

• The radio frequency band used is specific to its country.

• For example, Europe has an 868.42MHz band (United States).

• A 916MHz in Israel, 919.82 MHz in Hong Kong.

• 921.42 MHz in the regions of Australia /New Zealand) and

865.2 MHz in India.

• ZigBee is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard.

• However, its low power consumption limits transmission

distances to a range of 10 to 100 meters.
4) RFID:

• Radio frequency identification (RFID) is the wireless use of

electromagnetic fields to identify objects.

• Usually, you would install an active reader, or reading tags that

contain a stored information mostly authentication replies.

• Experts call that an Active Reader Passive Tag (ARPT) system. IOT Enabling Technologies

• Short-range RFID is about 10cm, but long-range can go up to


• What many do not know is that Leon Theremin invented the

RFID as an espionage tool for the Soviet Union in 1945.

• Examples include animal identification, factory data collection,

road tolls, and building access.

• An RFID tag is also attached to an inventory such that its

production and manufacturing progress can be tracked through
the assembly line.

• As an illustration, pharmaceuticals can be tracked through


• We believe RFID technology will be very soon be replaced by

near-field communication (NFC) technology in smart phones.
5) Bluetooth:

• Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data

over short distances (using short-wavelength UHF radio wave
in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz).

• If you look at the frequencies it is actually the same as WIFI

such that these two technologies seem very similar.

• However, they have different uses.

6) Near Field Communication (NFC):

• Near Field communication uses electromagnetic induction

between two loop antennas located within each other’s near
field, effectively forming an air-core transformer.

• It operates within the globally available and unlicensed radio

frequency ISN band of 13.56 MHz on ISO / IEC 1800-3 air
interface and at rates ranging from 106 Kbit/s to 424 Kbit/s.

• NFC involves an initiator and a target; the initiator actively

generates an RF field that can power a passive target (an
unpowered chip called a “tag”).

• This enables NFC targets to take very simple form factor such
as tags, stickers, key fobs, or battery-fewer cards.

• NFC peer-to-peer communication is provided both devices are

5.7.5 Embedded Systems
Internet of Thing • It is a combination of hardware and software system used to perform
special tasks.

• It includes microcontroller microprocessor memory (RAM, ROM),

networking units (Ethernet, WI-FI adapters) input, output units
display keyboards etc, storage system (flash memory).

• Its collects the data and sends it to the internet.


This course wills the students to understand the importance of IoT in various
applications including the purpose of using connectivity technology which
help in exchanging the data with other devices and systems over the internet.






Q1. The back bone of any organization is_________
a. information’
b. employee’
c. Management
d. Capital

Q2. The flow of information through MIS is

a. need dependent
b. organization dependent
c. information dependent
d. management dependent
Q3. Internal information for MIS may come from any one of the
following department.
a. customers care department
b. hr department
c. marketing department

d. production department IOT Enabling Technologies

Q4. MIS normally found in a manufacturing organization will not be

suitable in the ______.
a. service sector
b. banking sector
c. agriculture sector

d. all of the above

Q5. ______ involves the investigation of new approaches to existing
a. systems analysis

b. creative analysis
c. critical analysis
d. organizational analysis


Internet of Thing


Unit Structure
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Technical Design Constraints
6.3 Data Representation & Visualization
6.4 Interaction and Remote Control
6.5 Exercises
6.6 Additional References


This chapter would make you understand the following concepts:

• Introduction
• Technical Design Constraints – Security, Hardware, Standards and
Policies, Gateway Systems, Middleware, Databases
• Data Representation and Visualization
• Interaction and Remote control


We all know that the rapidly growing field of Internet of Things (IoT)
provides enormous solutions for communicating among smart objects. IoT
acts a huge umbrella covering varying fields like manufacturing and
logistics, agriculture, social networks, transport, health care and hospitals
etc. The impact of IoT revolution is transforming many aspects of our day-
to-day life. This technology reaches out in all market segments and is
transforming all fields by increasing the availability of information using
networked sensors. The primary focus of all these technological
advancements was profit making by enabling faster M2M communication.
However, IoT raises many issues and challenges that need to be seriously
addressed in order to realize the full potential benefits of this technology. It
is facing certain design constraints such as technical challenges, social
challenges, comprising privacy and performance trade-offs. In this chapter
we will focus on major technical limitations that are hindering the
successful deployment of IoT such as standardization, interoperability,
networking issues, addressing and sensing issues, power and storage
restrictions, privacy and security etc.
IDC (International Data Corporation) has estimated that there will be
approximately 41.6 billion IoT devices which would generate 79.4 ZB
(zettabytes) of data by 2025. This high-level connectivity which will be Real World Design
delivered by IoT will clearly play main role in technical advancements,
which will open new ways of increasing productivity with more flexibility
and customization. To progress, this technology faces some technical
constraints (such as functional requirements, non-functional requirements)
and design constraints. The IoT deployment demands to handle the
challenges regarding constraint devices, scalability and diverse security


Constraints, as the dictionary definition indicates, are a limiting factor and

severely restrict options for making design decisions. They are also fixed
design decisions that cannot be changed and must be satisfied. You could
think of constraints as the ultimate non-negotiable, "must have"
requirement. It is for this reason that technical design constraints must be
accepted with care.
In this section we will analyse the technical constraints which include
standardization and policy issues, hardware limitations, gateway systems
challenges, middleware issues, database management issues, security and
privacy challenges etc.
Various technical barriers are listed in the below given diagram.

1. Security and Privacy (Data transference issue)

This is the issue which being researched exhaustively as it is one of
the most important hurdles in IoT. In reality, IoT will become more
and more popular and will be used extensively if and only if more and
more people accept it in their everyday life. And their acceptance is
directly dependent on their security and privacy experience. Often,
the IoT systems rely on wireless communications that intrinsically
pose security problems.
The following image shows how a malicious hacker can obtain
information from an IoT device – 103
Internet of Thing

Few security threats in IoT are as follows –

a) Cloning of smart objects by unauthorized manufacturers
b) Malicious substitution of smart things during installation
c) Firmware replacement attacks
d) Extraction of security parameters
e) Eavesdropping attacks if communication channels are not
properly protected
f) Man-in-the-middle attack during key exchange
g) Routing attacks
h) Denial-of-service attacks
i) Privacy threats
The first 4 threats from the above list are related to the physical nature
of small objects, which are mostly placed in public spaces and lack
constant supervision and monitoring. This leads to potential security
problems. The remaining threats are related to the fact that smart
objects might deal with personal or sensitive data, which, when
intercepted by unauthorized parties, might create ethical and privacy
The uncertainty of security and privacy is due to the dark side of the
IoT infrastructure. Privacy and Security can only be ensured if a user
has full control over his/her data. The large amount of data generated
raises new concerns not only about managing, processing and
analysing such an amount of data, but also in how to ensure data
confidentiality. Ideally, we all should follow the principle “Don’t
share more than you need to provide the service”. But it rarely
happens in real world. IoT systems that collect personal and sensitive
data (e.g., healthcare systems), need to be secured at all layers, from Real World Design
the physical layer to application layer.
A user must be aware of what personal data is collected by the IoT
device and when, also where it is stored and processed. With the
number of sensors being deployed, it isn’t always clear whose data is
being gathered.
For example, suppose a camera is being installed on an advertising
hoarding which checks whether the people are looking at the
advertisement. Does the data belong to the company which installed
the camera or to the public who is looking at the advertisements?
Some say the data belongs to the company whereas few argue that
since this data is being generated by the public in a public space so
they should have equal rights to be aware of and also have access to
that data. Furthermore, this collected data should be used only by user
authorized service providers or applications. Moreover, there should
be a limit on the period for which this data gets stored.
Existing IoT systems and devices have been found to be vulnerable
particularly to denial-of-service attack. Only with data protection
mechanisms in place can the IoT systems expect to gain trust from the
users. So, security and privacy issues should be considered from the
very beginning of the system design.
Security requirements for IoT systems may be grouped into four
sections – secure authentication and authorization, secure
configuration and data transmission, secure data storage and secure
access to data.
Below given diagram shows the various security challenges which
IoT faces.

In general, this kind of secured control is nearly impossible in sensor

networks. Data transference mechanisms are also not able to deal with
security breaches as they have technical limitations related to
middleware and networking. So, there is urgent need to develop data 105
Internet of Thing transference mechanisms which will provide high-level security and
privacy along with authentication and data integrity.
So far, some security frameworks have been proposed to provide
confidentiality, integrity and authentication. However, these
frameworks add some communication and processing overhead to
achieve their goal. As IoT devices have low power and are resource
constrained, some of the conventional techniques may not be
adequate and new ones must be developed like lightweight
cryptography etc.
2. Power and Storage Constraint –
Most of the IoT devices are considerably small in size and are not
fixed to one location. The device may be frequently changing the
location (while performing the monitoring task) without access to
power all the time. So, low power consumption is universal constraint
of IoT. So, they have to depend on the batteries or they can use some
technology where they can draw power from the environment (but for
this, extra devices will be needed). Although batteries are becoming
smaller and more powerful, today’s IoT devices still have very limited
battery capacities. Battery life is affected by factors like size, peak and
minimum usages, chemical composition, operating temperature etc.
The energy consumed by the device is required for the following
activities –
• Sensing and capturing environmental data
• Processing data
• Transmitting and receiving data
• Managing the device (activating a device from sleep mode,
running an OS etc.)
When the sensors are in remote areas or in places difficult to reach
(e.g., inside a water pipeline), they are not serviceable. The batteries
that operate such sensors must therefore last for a very long duration.
Heavy research on improved battery technologies has only produced
mild progress in battery performance. The power source has a
substantial effect on the design of the entire system. In most cases, it
should be feasible to analytically model the power requirements of the
application prior to deployment. So, while designing, low power
consumption techniques must be implemented along with providing
long lasting life to the devices.
Another design issue which must be considered is a requirement of
integrated approach that eliminates the need to make a separate chip
for each and every application as it is not feasible to design chip for
each and every application. With such an integrated approach, we can
combine existing chips satisfying size and power constraint.
The current lack of memory and processing power in most IoT
devices limit the type of computation they can perform. Flash memory
106 is the most restrictive element in IoT systems. All the compiled
software, firmware and any other data the device downloads should Real World Design
fit into this space. Flash memory is further constrained as there is a
need to keep spare memory for downloading firmware updates.
To circumvent such capacity constraints, IoT devices opt to send most
of the data out to the applications located in the cloud. These
applications are called as IoT platforms. They are usually located in
powerful and secured servers.
3. Hardware Issues
In the IoT perspective, the hardware issue with power and storage
constraint is required to be managed. In real-time critical
environment, IoT needs back-end sensors, networks and
infrastructure in case of failures which may occur in regular IoT
network. The hardware capabilities of desktop computers and mobile
devices is endlessly increasing but for IoT devices, there is a constant
pressure to minimise the cost of all components. Apart from security
and flexibility, IoT devices are tightly constrained by cost. In
embedded IoT, the components have to be decided based on cost
constraints to a large extent. Usually, IoT embedded devices are
packaged and integrated in a small chip which has low weight and
less power consumption. Size constraints other design issues come
with these integrated chips. RFID technology has been researched
extensively which has made the small size and low-cost systems
noticeable. It provides high radio coverage area. RFID sensor network
supports computation of data, communication and sensing devices
abilities in an inactive system.
Today, IT business communities are focusing extensively on
hardware development for the future markets. IT companies are
producing open hardware solutions which will be able to work with
other hardware components and devices. These hardware solutions
will be perfect solution for networking environments and it will
provide sound functionality while connected to other devices.
Hardware and software solutions will be focused more than security
as security is the major issue in IoT systems. These hardware
solutions are needed for Internet and IoT systems, which can handle
all the constraints mentioned above and new undiscovered problems.
4. Interoperability
Many international organizations like ETSI (European
Telecommunications Standards Institute), TIA (Telecommunications
Industry Association), ITU-T (International Telecommunications
Union), OMA (Open Mobile Alliance), GISFI (Global ICT
Standardization Forum for India), CCSA (China Communication
Standard Association) etc. are specifically working for solving the
interoperability issue in IoT and M2M communications. There has
been an effort by ISO/IEC to create an IoT RA (IoT Remote
Attestation) which is a security mechanism that verifies the
trustworthiness of remote IoT devices. 107
Internet of Thing To interoperate, IoT components must be identifiable and
discoverable by other components. After the discovery and
identification process, components must be able somehow
communicate. M2M describes the serviceable components of IoT
thereby providing base for the IoT architecture. Interoperability issue
can be further categorized into Technical Interoperability (reliable
and secure connectivity among systems and platforms), Syntactic
Interoperability (specified and well-defined data formats,
communication protocols XML or SQL standards), Semantic
Interoperability (shared message syntax and semantics) and
Organizational Interoperability (modelling business process,
collaborations of admins).
Existing and new wireless technologies such as NB-IoT (Narrowband
IoT is a low power wide-area network radio technology standard for
cellular devices and services), LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area
Network is an upper layer protocol that defines the network’s
communication and architecture), Sigfox (It is an inexpensive,
reliable, low-power solution to connect sensors and devices) etc. will
be thoroughly tested and further developed, for achieving steps in the
direction of having standards for connectivity among IoT devices.
The architecture of these networks allows devices to transmit and
receive data with a focus on efficiency.

Real World Design

5. Standardization
There is a need of standardization techniques to combine all separate
application domains in a sophisticated manner. Currently, the
application domains are separate which is making business domains
separate and ultimately not meeting the goal of the IoT.
Standardization of technologies lead to better interoperability. There
is a clear lack of technical interoperability among diverse devices. In
M2M communications, standardization techniques have provided
middleware which handles communication mechanisms, device
management and reachability between end devices. IoT is following
M2M communication standardization model. ETSI (European
Telecommunications Standards Institute) is working on
standardization techniques for M2M communications. The focus is of
this organization is in dealing with issues related to location,
addressing, QoS (Quality of Service), sensor networking integration,
privacy and security, network management and software and
hardware interfaces.

6. Routing Protocol Issue

There are two basic types of routing. One is source routing in which
how to reach the destination is already defined by the source station.
Second is hop-to-hop routing in which only the next hop i.e., next
node address is known. Hop-to-hop routing is used in Vehicle-to-
Vehicle communication where the next best hop is selected for
routing during communication. Using routing protocols like
Geographical Source Routing (GSR) cause path uncertainty and
fluctuation as it uses global positioning mechanism. Other routing
protocols like On-demand routing protocol, Greedy Perimeter
Stateless Routing (GPSR), Dynamic MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc
Network) have their own demerits and flaws. So, there is a need of a
reliable routing protocol which will provide high speed transmissions
and will lower the delay in delivery.
7. Networking Issue
Network protocols play an important role in data routing between the
outer world and sensors. The current Transmission Control Protocol
Internet of Thing (TCP) used for transmission at transport layer has its limitations when
it comes to IoT. Other existing protocols also have demerits making
them unsuitable for IoT. So, there is a need of protocol which can
handle and process the data efficiently.
TCP protocol is impractical for IoT because of following reasons

• It is a connection-oriented protocol which means it has to setup

a connection first before any data transmission begins. Time is
spent in setting up a connection before actual data transfer takes
place. It is impractical to use this connection-setup process in
case of IoT as the amount of data to be transferred is
considerably less. So, if we implement TCP in IoT then more
time will be spent in setting up a connection than the actual data
• TCP protocol implements congestion control mechanisms at
both source and destination ends during data transfer phase. In
case of IoT, this congestion control will be an overhead as the
amount of data transferred is of very small size. Moreover, in
IoT communication is done over heterogenous wireless
networks and mediums. If congestion control is applied here,
then it will definitely degrade the performance. So, it is not
feasible to use TCP with its existing state in IoT.
• TCP protocol stores data at both the ends to ensure secured data
transmission. Data is resent if data is corrupted in the transit or
is lost. So, it requires buffers at both the ends to store this data.
In case of IoT, as the devices are small in size with a limited
battery life, it is not at all cost efficient to have a buffer at both
8. Addressing and Sensing Issue
A unique identity or an address has to be assigned to all the objects
(living or non-living) in case of IoT. There are addressing and sensing
issues in IoT such as IPv6 adaptation, automatic identification and
configuration, participatory sensing etc. In IoT as the number of nodes
are also large, IPv4 addressing scheme may fall short of addresses.
So, IPv6 should be used which will fulfil the ever-increasing demand
of addresses, as it provides with a 128-bit address. But, IPv6 requires
a large amount of time to be fully functional as a standalone scheme.
There is one more issue which needs to be addressed related to
addressing technique. A DNS (Domain Name Server) is used for
mapping domain name with the IP address of the host. In case of IoT,
communication does not take place between hosts, rather it takes
place between objects. So, we cannot use DNS here. We need Object
Name Server (ONS) technique for object level communication.
When a device is connected to Internet all the time, then it is
addressable and its state can be sensed. But, in case of IoT, due to the
heterogeneous devices, all the devices may not be connected to Real World Design
Internet all the time. In such situations, there has to be some
mechanism in place, so that the devices can be addressed indirectly
and their state can be sensed.
9. Software and Algorithm Issue
There is a need of new software and algorithms which will provide a
middleware for connectivity in different environments among diverse
devices. Applications must be developed which will support
interoperable interaction among M2M communication over a
network. New micro-OS should be designed which will function
efficiently for small devices with limited resources and power. New
password mechanisms must be implemented which guarantees
security and privacy during communication. IoT follows Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA). This approach allows reusability of
software and hardware components. SOA provides well-defined
application development environment which facilitates components
coordination among each other.
10. Architecture and Management
With reliable connectivity we can address and sense the devices all
the time. In IoT, the devices may be changing their positions every
now and then. As the number of nodes in IoT are huge, addressing
every node becomes challenging. IoT faces a major scalability issue
here. There is need to build efficient architecture which can discover
all sensor resources and update new sensing systems in wider
IoT is growing at enormous pace. The number of objects getting
connected into already defined networks is also increasing. With more
devices, comes more data. So, that has to be managed efficiently.
Moreover, it is very challenging to cover and monitor every device.
So, intelligent networks are needed to be created which can monitor,
control and manage the devices independently.
CISCO pointed out the issue of data collection especially in Smart
Grid Networks which is the result of scalability issue. Other issues are
Closed-Loop Functioning and Network Resource Preservation. There
is a need of such architecture which will handle these ad-hoc networks
efficiently. So, CISCO proposed a technology called as Fog
Computing in 2012, which provides services of computation along
with storage and networking at the proximity of the IoT devices or
sensors. Because of localized data processing in Fog computing, it
provides better security. Moreover, as data is processed locally, it
saves network bandwidth and infrastructure costs. It also allows
devices to be added up on demand in the fog environment.
11. Congestion and Overload
Usually in M2M communication, congestion problem arises when
messages are sent from multiple devices concurrently. It overloads the
network degrading the network performance and sometimes leading
Internet of Thing to network failure. Malfunctioning of server or applications can also
lead to congestion in the networks. This issue can be resolved using
LTE (Long Term Evolution) high bandwidth networks. One solution
to this congestion problem is to ask the devices to connect to the
network only when there is no congestion. If the network is
overloaded then disable some low priority connections. Another
solution is to reject the connection request from the devices which
cause congestion and overload the networks.


The rapid development in IoT field is increasing the data generated by the
business specific IoT devices around the globe. This is leading to one of the
major challenges of the IoT industry that is collection, processing,
analyzation and visualization of the data collected from different sensors in
the IoT environment. Data visualization tools and technologies help to slice
and dice the data to the minute granular level.
Trillions of data is generated every day from the IoT sensors and devices in
the physical world and this data has the huge business value if analysed
correctly. Data collection will be useless if we cannot extract useful
information from it and analyse and translate that information to uncover
the hidden trends, outliers, patterns in the data. Acquisition, storage,
analysis of the data collected from IoT devices and sensors can help
companies in identifying bottlenecks in supply chains, predict equipment
failure, address overstaff or understaff issue and optimize operational costs
thereby improving the business productivity and outcome.
Example 1, consider data collected from windmill sensors. Sensors are
connected to various components of windmill and they help in calculating
wind speed, energy produced and temperature etc. This data when
represented visually using graphs and charts definitely helps in
understanding the insights and hidden meanings thereby allowing us to take
faster and smarter decisions.
Example 2, IoT systems can help in controlling pollution levels in a city.
This can be done by collecting data of emissions from vehicles, airflow
direction, weather, traffic levels, pollen levels etc. using various sensors. An
IoT dashboard contains multiple widgets that visualize the data in form of
line graphs, geographical maps, bar charts, pie charts etc. from multiple sets
of IoT devices transmitted over time. By processing this data using some
machine learning algorithms we can make pollution forecasts and make
visual representation to the officials. Then the officials can use it to control
the pollution levels in the city.
Data which is generated from heterogeneous systems has heterogeneous
visualization requirements. Currently there is a shortage of data
representation and storage mechanisms which will adhere to all of the
potential diverse IoT applications. For turning most of the data captured by
the IoT devices into useful and actionable insights, the optimal toolset for
creating the data visualization is one that strikes a balance between ease of
use and a strong ability to create the best optics. The world is increasingly Real World Design
depending on mobile devices, so, those who are working on IoT
visualization design must keep this aspect in mind. Apart from designing
for desktops, putting data into readable format for tablets and small
handheld devices is a part of IoT visualization design.
Data Analysis and Data Visualization play a huge role in IoT
dashboards. The primary aim of an IoT dashboard (also known as IoT
web app or IoT data visualization tool) is to collect data from different
smart devices in real time and convert it into human-readable

Following diagram depicts IoT analytics flow –

IoT Gateway sends edge computed data to the cloud for further analysis and
storage. The data collected from wireless sensor networks or other IoT
devices is transmitted through gateways to the cloud. The received data is
then stored in the cloud. The IoT data analytics continuously analyse the
data and sort it by putting it into respective databases. The IoT analysis
dashboard visualizes the data from the database and starts making visuals.
IoT data visualization processes automate the entire process of data analysis
and decision making. Every data visual represents a particular parameter or
objective. IoT dashboards are mainly developed for displaying the data
collected by the sensors integrated into an IoT device. For example, for and
agricultural IoT dashboard, data can be visualized for many parameters like
weather conditions, temperature, moisture level, pH value, Humidity, light
sensitivity, water level etc.

Power BI, Grafana and Kibana are powerful data visualization tools
used for IoT applications. We can connect any IoT device, sensor or
application to the Power BI tool in order to stream data in real-time. Grafana
is one of the best tools for time-series data visualization (time-series
database stores data which changes over time). It is also great for
Internet of Thing applications which require personalized dashboards for different users.
Kibana enables building and sharing unified dashboards for all user
categories. These interactive dashboards can easily be converted into
reports for future references.
Following are few real-life use cases of IoT web apps / IoT data
visualizations –

• Home Security IoT web app or control panel – The IoT control
panel can display data of various devices which are integrated into it.
It will display the real-time security status for different devices
installed in home. Each device sensor will send its captured data
which will be stored and analysed.

• Electricity Consumption Monitoring – It can be installed in

factories, hotels, offices to know power consumption on each floor of
the building. The dashboard will show power failure, short-circuit,
wiring issues etc. in real time. All these parameters can be visualized
using different pictorial representations. Using this we can avoid the
damage to the property and equipment and save time and money.

• Parking Management System – A car parking management system

can be installed in the parking space and the dashboard associated
with the system can send real-time visuals of the parking lot. Using
this it can be very easy to locate the vacant space for the parking. It
can also be used to locate the parked car as it can store the car plate
number along with the location where it is parked.

• Booking at crowded restaurants or cafes – Many a times it is very

difficult to locate a vacant table at a crowded restaurant or a café. The
booking system can overcome such situations. We can have an
occupancy sensor which is placed on the table, which can show a
vacant table in a huge eatery. The customers can pre-book a table if
the dashboard is able to display and predict which table will be vacant

• Sports and Fitness – IoT systems and devices in sports make

extensive use of smart sensors to establish seamless connection
between sports players, fans and sports arenas. The data collected
from the smart sensors is used to analyse and give insights about
player’s level of dehydration, anxiety level, exhaustion level, overall
fitness level etc. This visualization is immensely helpful in
maintaining the physical and mental health and safety of the player.


It is said that “The Interaction is in fact what makes the things smart”. To
truly deliver on the IoT’s promise of smart experiences, our industry should
think in terms of systems and platforms and not in terms of islands of
devices working independently. Interaction with respect to IoT means
having interfaces which allow people to either monitor or configure IoT
devices. Interaction in many applications is very straight-forward, mainly Real World Design
consisting of traditional graphical interfaces. For e.g., mobile applications
and embedded touchscreens for control of various functions like heating,
lighting and energy efficiency in environments such as homes and offices.
Dissemination of IoT is a big issue as users of IoT devices/systems are of
different types. As children, elderly people and people with various kinds
of disability will be the intended customers/users of specific IoT devices,
their interaction with the IoT products should be smooth and hassle-free.
The devices or the products must be designed in such a way that they are
comfortable to be used. Human-technology interaction is mostly focused on
graphical mobile or web interfaces, embedded interaction devices such as
touch screen panels etc. Lot of investigation and research is currently being
done to determine the interaction techniques which would make IoT more
For having remote interaction and control over IoT systems and
applications, we face authentication and availability challenges apart from
heterogeneous architectures of these systems. IoT systems like air quality
monitors, smart home products, garage sensors can be remotely controlled
and managed. E.g., Remote electronics control service provides Home Chat
facility with electronics and mobile devices connected to home appliances.
It enables a person to handle home appliances remotely.
Reprogramming and reconfiguration of deeply embedded devices will be
required for devices which are placed in locations difficult to access.
Moreover, reliability, availability, security, energy efficiency and latency
performance also must be satisfactory while communicating across
complex distributed systems.


1. What are the various technical constraints in developing IoT systems?

Explain in brief.
2. Explain the various security and privacy threats experienced while
deploying IoT devices and systems?
3. How the low battery power affects the IoT devices?
4. Explain the interoperability issue with respect to IoT systems?
5. Why there is a need of standardizing the policies related to IoT
systems and devices?
6. Explain in brief the routing protocol issue and network issue related
to IoT field?
7. Why is TCP protocol impractical in IoT systems?
8. What is the addressing and sensing issue in IoT?
9. Explain why there is a need for new innovative software and
algorithms for developing connectivity between diverse IoT devices?
10. Explain the congestion and overload issue w.r.t IoT.
Internet of Thing 11. What is an IoT dashboard?
12. Explain how data analysis and data visualization is handled in IoT?
13. Explain in brief IoT analytics flow.
14. Explain few uses cases of IoT web apps.
15. Explain how interaction with IoT devices is handled?


1. “Learning Internet of Things” by Peter Waher – PACKT Publishing

2. “Architecting the Internet of Things” by Bernd Scholz-Reiter and
Fiorian Michahelles – Springer
3. “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)” by Vijay Madisetti and
Arshdeep Bahga https ://n ptel. ac. i n/courses/108 108098/4


Unit Structure
7.0 Objective
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Arduino Basic
7.2.1 Arduino - Program Structure
7.2.2 Arduino - Data Types
7.2.3 Arduino - Variables & Constants
7.2.4 Arduino – Operators
7.2.5 Arduino - Control Statements
7.2.6 Arduino – Loops
7.3 Extended Arduino Libraries
7.3.1 Official Arduino Libraries
7.4 Arduino-Based Internet connection
7.5 Summary
7.6 Questions
7.7 References


The main objective of this chapter is to understand the following concept:

• Prototype
• Open source and closed source prototyping platform
• Arduino programming basic
• key features of Arduino
• Extended Arduino libraries
• Arduino-Based Internet connection



• A prototype can be taught of as a working model.

• Starting with a prototype first has many benefits. 117
Internet of Thing • With the help of prototype, you will come across problems in your
design that you need to change and iterate.
• Doing this with a single object is negligible as compared to modifying
hundreds or thousands of products.
• With the Internet of Things, we are always looking at building three
things in parallel: the physical Thing; the electronics to make the
Thing smart; and the Internet service that we’ll connect to.
• The last of these is relatively cheap and easy to change. You cannot
change the physical object and its silicon controller unless you recall
every item.
• Therefore, the prototype is optimized for ease and speedy
development and also the ability to change and modify it.
• Many Internets of Things projects start with a prototyping
microcontroller, connected by wires to components on a prototyping
board, such as a “breadboard”, and housed in
• some kind of container (perhaps an old tin or a laser-cut box).
• The open-source prototyping platform can be Arduino or Raspberry

Closed Source and Open Source

Closed Source

• If you declared copyright on some source code or a design and

someone who wants to market the same project cannot do so by
simply reading your instructions and following them.
• That person would have to instead reverse-engineer the functionality
of the hardware and software. In addition, simply copying the design
purposefully would also infringe copyright.
• Although getting good legal information on what to protect and how
best to enforce those rights is hard and time-consuming, larger
companies may well be geared up to take this route.
Open Source

• In the open-source model, you release the sources that you use to
create the project to the whole world.
• You might publish the software code to GitHub (http://github.com),
the electronic schematics using Fritzing (http://fritzing.org) or
SolderPad (http://solderpad.com), and the design of the housing/shell
to Thingiverse (http://www.thingiverse.com).
• Here are many reasons for making your work open source:
• You may gain positive comments from people who liked it.

• It acts as a public showcase of your work, which may affect Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
your reputation and lead to new opportunities.
• People who used your work may suggest or implement features
or fix bugs.
• By generating early interest in your project, you may get
support and mindshare of a quality that it would be hard to pay
• The disadvantage of open source would be the fear of stealing of your


• Arduino is an open -source prototype platform based on an easy-to-

use hardware and software.
• It consists of a circuit board that is microcontroller which can be
programmed and a ready-made software called Arduino IDE
(Integrated Development Environment), which is used to write and
upload the computer code to the physical board.
• Arduino provides a standard form factor that breaks the functions of
the micro-controller into a more accessible package.
• The “standard” Arduino board has gone through a number of
iterations: Arduino NG, Diecimila, Duemilanove, and Uno.
• The Uno features an ATmega328 microcontroller and a USB socket
for connection to a computer. It has 32KB of storage and 2KB of
• The language usually used for Arduino is a slightly modified language
of C++ derived from the Wiring platform.
• It includes some libraries used to read and write data from the I/O pins
provided on the Arduino and to do some basic handling for
“interrupts” (a way of doing multitasking, at a very low level).
• This variant of C++ tries to be forgiving about the ordering of code;
for example, it allows you to call functions before they are defined.
This alteration is just a nicety, but it is useful to be able to order things
in a way that the code is easy to read and maintain, given that it tends
to be written in a single file.

The key features of Arduino are as follows −

• Arduino boards reads analog or digital input signals from different

sensors and turns these signals into an output such as activating a
motor, turning LED on/off, connect to the cloud and many other
• Arduino IDE (referred as uploading software) can be used to control
your board function by sending a set of instructions to the
microcontroller on the board. 119
Internet of Thing • Arduino does not need an extra piece of hardware (called a
programmer) in order to load a new code onto the board. You can
simply use a USB cable.

• Additionally, the Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of C++,

making it easier to learn to program.

• Finally, Arduino provides a standard form factor that breaks the

functions of the micro-controller into a more accessible package.

7.2.1 Arduino - Program Structure

• The Arduino software is open-source. The source code for the Java
environment is released under the GPL and the C/C++
microcontroller libraries are under the LGPL.

• A sketch is the name that Arduino uses for a program. It's the unit of
code that is uploaded to and run on an Arduino board.
• Arduino programs is divided in three main parts: Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino

• Structure
• Values (variables and constants)
• Functions

• The Software structure consist of two main functions −

• Setup() function
• Loop() function

• The setup() function is called when a sketch starts. This method is use
to initialize the variables, pin modes, start using libraries, etc. The
setup function will only run once, after each power up or reset of the
Arduino board.
• Once creating a setup () function that initializes and sets the initial
values, the loop () function does precisely what its name suggests, and
loops consecutively, allowing your program to change and respond.
This method is used to actively control the Arduino board.
7.2.2 Arduino - Data Types

• Data types in C are used for declaring variables or function of

different types. The type of a variable determines how much space it
occupies in the storage and how the bit pattern stored is interpreted.
• The table below shows all the data types that you will use during
Arduino programming.
void Boolean

char Unsigned char

byte int

Unsigned int word

long Unsigned long

short float

double array

string-char array string-object


• The void keyword is used only in function declarations. It indicates

that the function will return no information to the function from which
it is called.
Internet of Thing void Loop ( )
// rest of the code
• A Boolean can hold one of two values that is true or false. Each
Boolean variable occupies one byte of memory.
boolean variableName= false; // declaration of variable with type
Boolean and initialize it with false
boolean state= true; // declaration of variable state with type boolean
and initialize it with true.
• A char data type takes up one byte of memory and is used to stores a
character value. Character literals are written in single quotes like this:
'x' and for multiple characters, strings use double quotes: "XYZ".
• However, characters are stored as numbers. This means that it is
possible to do arithmetic operations on characters, in which the ASCII
value of the character is used. For example, 'S' + 1 has the value 84,
since the ASCII value of the capital letter S is 83.
char chr_b = ‘b’ ;//declaration of variable chr_b with type char and
initialize it with character b
char chr_a = 97 ;//declaration of variable chr_c with type char and
initialize it with character 97
unsigned char
• Unsigned char is an unsigned data type that occupies one byte in
memory. The unsigned char data type encodes numbers from 0 to 255.
Unsigned char chr_y = 121; // declaration of variable with type
Unsigned char and initialize it with character y

• A byte stores an 8-bit unsigned number, from 0 to 255.

byte m = 65 ;//declaration of variable with type byte and initialize it
with 65
int Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
• Integers are the primary data-type for number storage. int stores a 16-
bit (2-byte) value. This generates a range of -32,768 to 32,767.
• The int size varies from board to board.
• On the Arduino Due, an int stores a 32-bit (4-byte) value. This
generates a range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
int count = 40 ;// declaration of variable with type int and initialize it
with 40
Unsigned int
• Unsigned int (unsigned integers) are the same as int in the way that
they store a 2-byte value.
• Instead of storing negative numbers, they only store positive values.
• It generates a useful range of 0 to 65,535.
• The Due stores a 4-byte (32-bit) value, ranging from 0 to
Unsigned int count = 30; // declaration of variable with type
unsigned int and initialize it with 30
• On the Uno and other ATMEGA based boards, a word stores a 16-bit
unsigned number.
• On the Due and Zero, it stores a 32-bit unsigned number.
word w = 500 ;//declaration of variable with type word and initialize
it with 500
• Long variables are extended size variables for number storage, and
store 32 bits (4 bytes), from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
Long velocity = 102346 ;//declaration of variable with type Long
and initialize it with 102346
unsigned long

• Unsigned long variables are extended size variables for number

storage and store 32 bits (4 bytes).
Internet of Thing • Unlike standard long, unsigned long will not store negative numbers,
making their range from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

Unsigned Long velocity = 102003 ;// declaration of variable with
type Unsigned Long and initialize it with 102003

• A short is a 16-bit data-type.

• On all Arduinos (ATMega and ARM based), a short store a 16-bit (2-
byte) value.

• This generates a range of -32,768 to 32,767.

short x = 12 ;//declaration of variable with type short and initialize it
with 12

• Float is a Data type for floating-point number. Floating-point number

is a number that has a decimal point.

• Floating-point numbers are often used to approximate the analog and

continuous values because they have greater resolution than integers.

• Floating-point numbers can be as large as 3.4028235E+38 and as low

as -3.4028235E+38.

• They are stored as 32 bits (4 bytes) of information.

float num1= 2.432;//declaration of variable with type float and
initialize it with 2.432.


• On the Uno and other ATMEGA based boards, Double precision

floating-point number occupies four bytes.

• That is, the double implementation is exactly the same as the float,
with no gain in precision.

• On the Arduino Due, doubles have 8-byte (64 bit) precision.

double num1 = 65.352 ;// declaration of variable with type double
and initialize it with 65.352

7.2.3 Arduino - Variables & Constants Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
Variable Scope

• Variables used in Arduino have a property called scope.

• A scope is a region of the program and there are three places where
variables can be declared.

• They are −

• Inside a function or a block, which is called local variables.

• In the definition of function parameters, which is called formal


• Outside of all functions, which is called global variables.

Local Variables

• Variables that are declared inside a function or block are local


• They can be used inside that function or block of code.

• Local variables are not accessible outside the block of code of

function in which it is declared.

• Following is the example using local variables −

Void setup () {

Void loop () {
int x, y;
int z; Local variable declaration
x = 5;
y = 5; actual initialization
z = 10;

Global Variables

• Global variables are usually defined at the top of the program and
outside of all the functions.

• The global variables will hold their value throughout the life-time of
your program.
Internet of Thing • A global variable can be accessed by any function. That is, a global
variable is available for use throughout your entire program after its
The following example of code uses global and local variables −
int T, S ;
float c = 0; Global variable declaration

Void setup () {
Void loop () {
int x, y;
int z; Local variable declaration
x = 0;

y = 0; actual initialization
z = 10;
7.2.4 Arduino – Operators

• An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform a specific

mathematical or logical function.

• All the operators available in C language can be used in Arduino.

• The various types of operators are as follows:

1. Arithmetic Operators

• The various arithmetic operators are =, + , - , * , / , %

2. Comparison Operators

• The various comparison operator are = = (equal to),!=(not

equal),<(less than) , >(greater than) ,<= (less than equal
to) ,>= (greater than equal to)
3. Boolean/Logical Operators

• && (logical and) ,|| (logical or) ,! (logical not)

4. Bitwise Operators

• & (Binary AND) , | (Binary OR), ^ (Binary XOR) , ~

(Binary ones) , << (Binary left shift operator), >> (Binary
left shift operator)
5. Compound Operators Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
• ++ (Increment operator) , -- (Decrement operator) , +=
(Add AND assignment operator) , -= (Subtract AND
assignment operator) , *= (Multiply AND assignment
operator) , /= (Divide AND assignment operator) , %=
(Modulus AND assignment operator) , |= (bitwise
inclusive OR and assignment operator), &= (Bitwise
AND assignment operator)
7.2.5 Arduino - Control Statements

• Control statements or decision-making statements are used to control

the execution of statement.

• If a particular condition is true then only, we want to execute a

statement then control statements are used.

• Control Statements are elements in Source Code that control the flow
of program execution.

• The various control statement is as follows: -

1. If statement

• It takes an expression in parenthesis and a statement or

block of statements. If the expression is true then the
statement or block of statements gets executed otherwise
these statements are skipped.
if (expression/condition)

Block of statements to be executed if condition is true;
2. If …else statement

• The if…else statement is used when we want to execute

some statements when condition is true and execute some
other statements if the condition is false.
if (expression/condition )
Block of statements to be executed if condition is true;

Internet of Thing else

Block of statements to be executed if condition is false;

3. If…else if …else statement

• The if statement can be followed by an optional else

if...else statement, which is very useful to test various
conditions using single if...else if statement.
if (expression_1/condition 1)
Block of statements to be executed if condition 1 is true;
else if(expression_2/condition 2)
Block of statements to be executed if condition 2 is true;

Block of statements to be executed if none of the above
conditions are true ;
4. switch case statement

• This statement is similar to the if statements, switch...case

controls the flow of programs by allowing the
programmers to specify different codes that should be
executed in various conditions.
switch (variable) {

case label1:

// statements to be executed if the value of variable is Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
case label2: {
// statements to be executed if the value of variable is
default: {
// statements to be executed if the value of variable is
none of the above-mentioned label.
5. Conditional Operator ? :

• The conditional operator ?: is the only ternary operator in

expression1? expression2: expression3

7.2.6 Arduino – Loops

• A loop statement allows us to execute a statement or group of

statements multiple times.

• Following is the various types of LOOP statement: -

1. while loop

• while loops will loop continuously, and infinitely, until

the expression inside the parenthesis, () becomes false.

• Something must change the tested variable, or the while

loop will never exit.

Block of statements to be executed repeatedly until
condition becomes false;

Internet of Thing 2. do…while loop

• The do…while loop is similar to the while loop.

• In the while loop, the loop-continuation condition is

tested at the beginning of the loop before performed the
body of the loop.

• The do…while statement tests the loop-continuation

condition after performing the loop body. Therefore, the
loop body will be executed at least once.
Block of statements;

while (expression/Condition);
3. for loop

• A for loop executes statements a predetermined number

of times.

• The control expression for the loop is initialized, tested

and manipulated entirely within the for-loop parentheses.

for (initialize; control; increment or decrement)

// statement block
4. Nested Loop

• C language allows you to use one loop inside another

loop. The following example illustrates the concept.

for ( initialize ;control; increment or decrement)
// statement block
for ( initialize ;control; increment or decrement)
{ Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
// statement block

5. Infinite loop

• It is the loop having no terminating condition, so the loop

becomes infinite.

for (;;)
// statement block



• The Arduino environment can be extended through the use of

libraries, just like most programming platforms.

• Libraries provide extra functionality for use in sketches, e.g., working

with hardware or manipulating data.

• To use a library in a sketch, select it from Sketch > Import Library.

• A number of libraries come installed with the IDE, but you can also
download or create your own.
7.3.1 Official Arduino Libraries
Libraries for controlling servo and stepper motors.

• Servo – This library is used for controlling servo motors.

• Stepper - This library is used for controlling stepper motors.

Libraries for using the SPI, I2C and UART protocols.

• SPI - This library is used for communicating with devices using the
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Bus.

Internet of Thing • Wire - Two Wire Interface (TWI/I2C) for sending and receiving data
over a net of devices or sensors.

• SoftwareSerial - This library is used for serial communication on any

digital pins.
Libraries to access radio modules on different IoT boards (Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth®, LoRa®, GSM, NB-IoT, Sigfox).

• ArduinoIoTCloud - This library allows to connect to the Arduino

IoT Cloud service.

• ArduinoBLE - library to use the Bluetooth® Low Energy on a

selection of boards.

• Ethernet - This library is used for connecting to the Internet via


• GSM - This library is used for connecting to a GSM/GRPS network

with the GSM shield.

• MKRWAN - library for MKR WAN 1300/1310, for connecting to

LoRaWAN® networks.

• MKRGSM - library for MKR GSM 1400, for connecting to

GSM/GPRS networks.

• MKRNB - library for MKR NB 1500, for connecting to NB-IoT / Cat

M1 networks.

• SigFox - library for MKR FOX 1200, for connecting to the Sigfox

• WiFi - library for the WiFi shield, for Internet connections via Wi-Fi.

• WiFi101 - library for the MKR 1000 WiFi and WiFi101 shield, for
Internet connections via Wi-Fi.

• WiFiNINA - library for boards with a Wi-Fi NINA module, for

Internet connections via Wi-Fi.
Nano Family Libraries
Libraries designed for embedded sensors on various Nano boards.

• ArduinoAPDS9960 - library to use the gesture sensor APDS9960; it

senses gesture, color, ambience illumination and proximity.

• Arduino_LSM6DS3 - library to use the LSM6DS3 6 axis IMU

available on the Arduino Nano 33 IoT and the Arduino UNO WiFi
Rev. 2.
• Arduino_LSM9DS1 - library to use the LSM9DS1 9 axis IMU Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
available on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE and the Arduino Nano 33 BLE

• Arduino_LSM6DSOX - library to use LSM6DSOX 6 axis IMU

available on the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect.

• ArduinoLPS22HB - library to use the barometer and temperature

sensor LPS22; it is an ultra-compact sensor which functions as a
digital output barometer.

• ArduinoHTS221 - library to use the HTS221 relative humidity &

temperature sensor.

• PDM - library to use the digital microphone MP34DT05 (Nano BLE

Sense and Nano RP2040 Connect).

Libraries for memory management and data storage.

• EEPROM - reading and writing to "permanent" storage.

• SD - This library is used for reading and writing SD cards.


Libraries for controlling different displays.

• LiquidCrystal - This library is used for controlling liquid crystal

displays (LCDs).

• TFT - This library is used for drawing text, images, and shapes on the
Arduino TFT screen.
MKR Family Libraries
Libraries listed below are specifically designed to work with Arduino
MKR Family products.

• Scheduler - manage multiple non-blocking tasks (also works with the

Arduino Due).

• RTCZero - Real Time Clock to schedule events.

• ArduinoMKRGPS - library to be used with the Arduino MKR GPS


• ArduinoMKRRGB - library to be used with the Arduino MKR RGB


• ArduinoGraphics - library with graphic primitives, works also with

the Arduino MKR RGB Shield.

Internet of Thing • ArduinoRS485 - library that implements RS485 on the Arduino
MKR RS485 shield.

• ArduinoMKRENV - library to read all MKR ENV Shield sensors.

• ArduinoMKRTHERM - library to read the sensors connected to the

Arduino MKR THERM Shield.

• MKRIMU - library to read the acceleration, gyroscope, magnetic

field and euler angles from the IMU on your MKR IMU shield

• ArduinoMotorCarrier - library for controlling the MKR / Nano

Motor Carriers.

• Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier - library for controlling the MKR IoT

Libraries for audio sampling and playback.

• AudioFrequencyMeter - library to sample an audio signal and get its

frequency back.

• AudioZero - library to play audio files from a SD card.

• ArduinoSound - simple way to play and analyze audio data.

• Audio - allows playing audio files from an SD card. For Arduino

DUE only.

• I2S - library for using the I2S protocol on SAMD21 (included in

SAMD platform).
Libraries for using your Arduino as either a USB host or device.

• USBHost - communicate with USB peripherals like mice and


• Keyboard - send keystrokes to an attached computer.

• Mouse - control cursor movement on a connected computer.


• Firmata - for communicating with applications on the computer

using a standard serial protocol.
Retired Libraries

A list of archived libraries for retired products.

• CurieBLE - interact with smartphones and tablets with Bluetooth® Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
Low Energy.

• CurieIMU - manage the on-board accelerometer and gyro.

• CurieTimerOne - allows to use Timer functions.

• CurieTime - allows to control and use the internal RTC (Real Time

• Esplora - this library enable you to easily access to various sensors

and actuators m

• Robot - this library enables easy access to the functions of the

Arduino Robot.

• Bridge - enables communication between the Linux processor and the

microcontroller on the Yún.

• Ciao - aims to simplify interaction between microcontroller and

Linino OS allowing a variety of connections with most common


• There are many ways to connect Arduino to the internet using Wi-Fi.

• Some of them are as follows:

For Arduino UNO, we can use

• Arduino UNO + ESP8266

• Arduino UNO + PHPoc Wifi Shield

• Arduino UNO + PHPoc Wifi/ethernet Shield

• Arduino UNO Wifi Rev2

Internet of Thing NOTE: Arduino Wifi Shield is not mentioned because it is now retired.
• Some other Arduino boards have built-in WiFi:
• The advantages of ESP8266 are that it is a very cheap module and
very popular.It is in Module type and not breadboard friendly.
• Some modules can be used as a WiFi module for Arduino and/or a
programmable module. This makes beginner confuse when getting
• On the contrary, PHPoc is more expensive than ESP8266.
• However, it is very easy for beginners to get started.
• It is in shield type. We just need to stack the shield on Arduino without
• Besides, PHPoc comes with many powerful features that not available
on ESP8266.
• For example, built-in web server, built-in web app, Gmail support,
RTC support etc.
• If cost is not a barrier PHPoC wifi shield is recommended.
• If you need to save cost ESP8266 is the good choice.


• A prototype can be taught of as a working model.

• The prototype is optimized for ease and speedy development and also
the ability to change and modify it.

• The open-source prototyping platform can be Arduino or Raspberry


• In the open-source model, you release the sources that you use to
create the project to the whole world.

• Arduino is an open -source prototype platform based on an easy-to-

use hardware and software.

• Arduino consists of a circuit board that is microcontroller which can

be programmed and a ready-made software called Arduino IDE
(Integrated Development Environment), which is used to write and
upload the computer code to the physical board.

• The language usually used for Arduino is a slightly modified language Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
of C++ derived from the Wiring platform.

• Arduino boards reads analog or digital input signals from different

sensors and turns these signals into an output such as activating a
motor, turning LED on/off, connect to the cloud and many other

• A sketch is the name that Arduino uses for a program. It's the unit of
code that is uploaded to and run on an Arduino board.

• Arduino programs is divided in three main parts:

• Structure

• Values (variables and constants)

• Functions

• To use a library in a sketch, select it from Sketch > Import Library.

• A number of libraries come installed with the IDE, but you can also
download or create your own.


1) Which of the following is true about Arduino?

a) Arduino boards are able to read analog or digital input signals
from different sensors
b) Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of C++, making it
easier to learn to program.
c) Arduino provides a standard form factor that breaks the
functions of the micro-controller into a more accessible
d) All of the above
2) Does Arduino is open-source?
c) Can be true or false
d) Cannot say
3) Arduino is a prototype based on an easy-to-use?
a) hardware
b) software 137
Internet of Thing c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
4) Which of the following is the Programming Interface for
Arduino mini 05?
a) FTDI-Compatible Header
b) USB via ATMega16U2

c) USB via FTDI

d) Native USB
5) A program written with the IDE for Arduino is called

a) IDE source
b) Sketch
c) Cryptography
d) Source code
6) How many digital pins are there on the UNO board?
a) 14

b) 15
c) 16
d) 17


• Designing the Internet Of Things , Adrian McEwen,Hakim


• www.arduino.cc/reference

• tutorialpoints.com


Unit Structure

8.0 Objective
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Raspberry PI
8.2.1 Generation and Model
8.2.2 Comparison of Arduino Due and Raspberry Pi Model B
8.2.3 Operating System
8.2.4 Programming Language
8.2.5 Hardware
8.3 Raspberry Pi Sensors
8.3.1 Temperature / Humidity / Air Pressure / Gas Sensors
8.3.2 Motion Sensor
8.3.3 Navigation modules
8.3.4 Raspberry Pi Sensors – Wireless / Infrared (IR) / Bluetooth
8.3.5 Motors
8.3.6 Analogous Raspberry Pi Sensors
8.3.7 Power / Current Supply
8.3.8 Displays
8.3.9 Other Modules, Components and Raspberry Pi Sensors
8.4 Interfacing in Raspberry pi
8.5 Summary
8.6 Question
8.7 References


The objective of this chapter is to understand the following concept:

• Generation and models of Raspberry pi.

• Difference between Arduino and Raspberry pi.

• Different types of sensors in raspberry pi.

• Interface in Raspberry pi.

Internet of Thing 8.1 INTRODUCTION

• The Internet of Things (IoT) may be viewed as a highly dynamic and

thoroughly dispersed networked system comprised of a huge number
of identifiable smart devices.

• These objects may communicate and interact with one another, as

well as with end-users and other network entities.

• Safety, security, comfort, convenience, and energy savings are

maximised when smart devices can perceive physical phenomena and
transform them into data streams, as well as when smart devices can
trigger actions.

• As the Internet of Things era begins, the usage of small, inexpensive,

and flexible computer hardware that allows end-user programming
becomes more powerful.

• The Raspberry Pi is a fully configurable and programmable tiny

computer board.

• Although there are certain limitations, the Raspberry Pi remains a

low-cost computer that has been used effectively in a wide range of
IoT vision research applications despite its few shortcomings.


• Arduino is a small and inexpensive electronic board that allows you

to connect to various external accessories such as sensors and create
applications to use the data collected.

• Another open-source hardware platform that has gotten very popular

with these days is Raspberry Pi.

• Raspberry Pi is developed by Raspberry Pi Foundation in association

with Broadcom, is a series of small single-board computers and
perhaps the most inspiring computer available today.

• Raspberry Pi is really a computer, by all definitions.

• Raspberry Pi is a low-cost, credit card-sized computer that connects

to a computer monitor or TV using HDMI, and uses a standard
keyboard and mouse.

• The Raspberry Pi wasn’t designed for physical computing at all but

for education.

• It can run a host of operating systems, such as Raspbian Debian Linux,

Android, Windows 10, IoT Core, etc.

Raspberry PI

8.2.1 Generation and Model

• In 2012, the company launched the Raspberry Pi and the current

generations of regular Raspberry Pi boards are Zero, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

• Generation 1 Raspberry Pi had the following four options −

• Model A
• Model A +
• Model B
• Model B +

• Among these models, the Raspberry Pi B models are the original

credit-card sized format.

• On the other hand, the Raspberry Pi A models have a smaller and

more compact footprint and hence, these models have the reduced
connectivity options.

• Raspberry Pi Zero models, which come with or without GPIO

(general-purpose input output) headers installed, are the most
compact of all the Raspberry Pi boards types.

Internet of Thing 8.2.2 Comparison of Arduino Due and Raspberry Pi Model B

• The following table compares the specs of the latest, most powerful
Arduino model, the Due, with the top-end Raspberry Pi Model B:

Arduino Due Raspberry Pi

Model B
84 MHz 700 MHz
CPU Speed

None Broadcom Dual-

Core VideoCore
Media Co-
96KB 512MB

Storage 512KB SD card (4GB +)

Bootloader Various Linux

54 GPIO pins 8 GPIO pins
12 PWM outputs 1 PWM output
SPI bus SPI bus with two
chip selects
I2C bus
USB 16U2 + I2C bus
Connections 2 USB host
native host
12 analogue sockets
inputs (ADC) Ethernet
2 analogue HDMI out
outputs (DAC) Component
video and audio
8.2.3 Operating System

• Although many operating systems can run on the Pi, but it is

142 recommended to use a popular Linux distribution, such as
1. Raspbian: Released by the Raspbian Pi Foundation, Raspbian Raspberry PI
is a distro based on Debian. This is the default “official”
distribution and is certainly a good choice for general work with
2. Occidentalis: This is Adafruit’s customised Raspbian. Unlike
Raspbian, the distribution assumes that you will use it
“headless” that means not connected to keyboard and
monitor—so you can connect to it remotely by default.

8.2.4 Programming Language

• One choice to be made is which programming language and

environment you want to use.

• Here, again, there is some guidance from the Foundation, which

suggests Python as a good language for educational programming
(and indeed the name “Pi” comes initially from Python).
Let’s look at the “Hello World” of physical computing, the universal
“blinking lights” example:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

from time import sleep

GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # set the numbering scheme to be the
# same as on the board
GPIO.setup(8, GPIO.OUT) # set the GPIO pin 8 to output mode
led = False
GPIO.output(8, led) # initiate the LED to off

while 1:
GPIO.output(8, led)
led = not led # toggle the LED status on/off for the next
# iteration
sleep(10) # sleep for one second
8.2.5 Hardware

• The Raspberry Pi has a 40-pin GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output)

connection, which makes it very easy to connect to the outside world.

• To connect the GPIO to external sensors, you can:

• Connect the sensors directly to the GPIO pins using jumper

Internet of Thing • Connect the GPIO pins to a ribbon cable, which in turn connects
it to a breadboard.

Examining the GPIO Pins

The GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi are divided into the following groups:

• Power: Pins that are labelled 5.0v supply 5 volts of power and those
labelled 3V3 supply 3.3 volts of power. There are two 5V pins and
two 3V3 pins.

• GND: These are the ground pins. There are eight ground pins.

• Input/Output pins: These are the pins labelled with the # sign, for
example, #17, #27, #22, etc. These pins can be used for input or

• I2C: I2C is a serial protocol for a two-wire interface to connect low-

speed devices like microcontrollers, EEPROMs, A/D and D/A
converters, I/O interfaces, and other similar peripherals in embedded
systems. These pins are labelled SDA and SCL.

• UART: The Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter allows

your Raspberry Pi to be connected to serial peripherals. The UART
pins are labelled TXD and RXD.

• SPI: The Serial Peripheral Interface is a synchronous serial

communication interface specification used for short distance
communication, primarily in embedded systems. The SPI pins are
labelled MOSI, MISO, SCLK, CE0, and CE1.

• ID EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only

Memory is a user-modifiable read-only memory that can be erased
and written to repeatedly through the application of higher-than-
normal electrical voltage. The two EEPROM pins on the Raspberry
Pi (EED and EEC) are also secondary I2C ports that primarily
facilitate the identification of Pi Plates (e.g., Raspberry Pi
Shields/Add-On Boards) that are directly attached to the Raspberry


• One of the many advantages of the Raspberry Pi is that it is possible

to connect almost all standard Arduino and Raspberry Pi sensors and
components to the dhtvarious GPIOs.

• Moreover, you can evaluate and / or process the values with programs
and other software.

• The Raspberry Pi sensors, modules and components are divided into

the following categories:

144 1. Temperature / Humidity / Air Pressure / Gas
2. Motion Sensors Raspberry PI

3. Navigation Modules

4. Wireless / Infrared (IR) / Bluetooth

5. Motors
6. Analogue Sensors
7. Current Supply
8. Displays
9. Other Modules, Components and Sensors

8.3.1 Temperature / Humidity / Air Pressure / Gas Sensors

1. DHT11 / DHT22

• The DHT11 and DHT22 sensors can measure humidity as well

as temperature.

• Only one GPIO is used. The difference between the two is

mainly the measuring range and accuracy.

• The white DHT22 can measure all humidity ranges from 0-

100% with an accuracy of 2%.

• The DHT11 (blue) is only able to measure areas of 20-90%

humidity and above all, the accuracy is significantly worse with

• The light blue DHT11 sensor has a small price advantage.

2. DS18B20

• The DS18B20 and DS18S20 represents a very simple sensor.

• These Raspberry Pi sensors are addressed via the so-called 1-

wire bus.

• An advantage is that many different 1-wire components can be

connected in series and read out by a single GPIO.
Internet of Thing • However, these modules cannot measure additional information
such as humidity and / or air pressure.

• The DS18B20 is particularly suitable for outdoor use, as there

are also water-resistant versions available. With a measuring
range of -55°C to +125°C it is well suited even for non-
everyday applications.
3. BMP180 Barometer

• The determination of the air pressure can be meaningful in

weather stations and similar projects.

• This is best done using the BMP180, which is controlled via I2C
on the Raspberry Pi.

• In addition to the air pressure, the temperature can be read out

as well as the altitude.

• However, the last value is not very accurate. If you need the
height, you should read the values with a GPS receiver.
4. Moisture Sensor

• This equivalent humidity sensor finds an excellent place in

automatic irrigation systems.

• It is placed in the ground and measures the humidity by current

flowing between the strands.

• The more humid the earth in between, the higher the (analog)
signal. In order to read the value with the Raspberry Pi, the
MCP3008 is needed (Arduinos can recognize analog signals
5. Capacitive ground moisture sensor

• A problem with analog moisture sensors is that they weaken

over time and are not always very precise.

• Capacitive sensors prevent these problems. The relative

humidity is calculated by means of the frequency. However, a
frequency divider is also suitable for use with the Raspberry Pi.
6. MQ-2 Gas Sensor

• The MQ gas sensors can detect different gases at room

temperature. Depending on the model, other gases are

• The MQ-2 can recognize methane, butane, LPG and smoke, the
MQ3 detects, for example, alcohol, ethanol and smoke, etc.

• You should take care that these sensors can be very hot and they Raspberry PI
should not be touched directly.
• Since these modules also work analogically with 5V, you need
also a MCP3008 as well as a 3.3V-5V TTL to read the signals.
8.3.2 Motion Sensor
These Raspberry Pi sensors can be used to detect motion, but not all of them
are “real” motion sensors.
1. PIR Motion Sensor
• The PIR motion sensor has some advantages over other similar
products: besides the low price, a signal is sent only if
something moves.
• This allows you to wait for signal flanks using the GPIOs. In
addition, a resistance can be varied so that a signal is only sent
when the movement is close, or changes that are already far
away are perceived.
• In addition to outdoor projects, the PIR can also be used in
buildings – whether to activate the lighting or, as we can use it
to turn on the touch screen for home automation as soon as
someone approaches it.
2. HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
• The HC-SR04 sensor is not a distance / motion detector, but an
ultrasonic sensor. Through a small trick it is nevertheless
possible to measure distances.
• By measuring the time elapsed between transmitting and
receiving an ultrasound signal, you can derive the distance as
the sound velocity in the air is known.
• The wide opening angle is an aspect which, however, must be
considered: since the ultrasound propagates not only on a
straight line, but at an angle of about 15°, the signal is first
reflected from the nearest point in this area – which can be also
an external point.
• As a rough estimate, or for moving robots, it is nevertheless
useful, also because of the low price.

3. GP2Y0A02YK

• With the GP2Y0A02YK infrared distance meter, much more

accurate measurements can be performed, as with e.g., the HC-

• The module is limited to a range of 20-150cm. Alternatively,

the similar sensor GP2Y0A710K0F can be used, which has a
range of 100 to 500cm.
Internet of Thing 4. RFID-RC522 – Inductive RFID card reader

• The RFID-RC522 is a card reader for check cards. A signal is

transmitted via the SPI data bus as soon as a card approaches on
a few centimeters.

• Each card has a different code, which you can read out. Thus,
for example, locks and / or doors could be realized, which open
without contact – sesame open up.
8.3.3 Navigation modules
1. GPS NEO-6M Module

• The most common and best-known GPS receiver is the NEO-

6M module.

• All GPS position data can be determined with the help of the
orbiting satellites.

• In addition, it is compatible with the Raspberry Pi packages

minicom and gpsd, which makes reading the coordinates very

2. USB GPS Receiver

• As an alternative to GPS modules which are connected via the

GPIOs, USB GPS receivers can also be used.

• Those have the advantage that almost all are compatible with
Windows, Linux and Mac and no additional connection is

• On the other hand, these modules are usually more expensive,

but they are not inferior in terms of accuracy.

• It is therefore an individual question, which type of receiver is

3. MPU-6050 Gyroscope

• A gyroscope (circular instrument) is used to detect the rotation

along the three axes. The MPU 6050 sensor also contains an
acceleration sensor.

• This module can be used e.g., in robot arms to determine the

angle of rotation.
4. HMC5883L / GY-271 Compass

• As with analogue compasses, the directional display can also be

read digitally. The HMC5883L sensor, which is read out via
I2C, which returns an angle in radians, is suitable for this
• As with a normal compass, the value can be mistaken by metal Raspberry PI
objects nearby
8.3.4 Raspberry Pi Sensors – Wireless / Infrared (IR) / Bluetooth
1. 433 MHz Set
• One of the simplest methods to transmit signals via radio are
433 MHz transmitter and receiver. Since these sets are very
cheap, they are used in many projects. So, you can for example
let several Raspberry Pi’s communicate with each other.
• Many other devices work also with 433 MHz radio signals, such
as garage doors or radio-controlled outlets, and these codes can
be recorded and sent for specific tasks.
2. Bluetooth Adapter
• The Raspberry Pi has not always had an integrated Bluetooth
module. Before the model 3 was published, neither Bluetooth
nor WiFi modules were onboard.
• The inexpensive Zero model also comes without a Bluetooth
• Since almost every mobile phone supports this communication
method as standard, it is so easy to exchange pictures and other
files between the smartphone and Raspberry Pi.
• Other projects such as controlling the Pi via Bluetooth
commands are also possible.
3. GSM Surfstick
• The Raspberry Pi is used in many outdoors projects, e.g., as a
weather station or for monitoring certain things. However, even
if no (or only a weak) WIFI signal is available, many functions
are restricted.
• If you still want to have access to the Pi and also receive the
data of such an outside project, an Internet connection is
• The mobile surfsticks, which are also often available as gifts for
data rate contracts, can be useful.
• With such a stick and a SIM card with data volume, the Pi can
be permanently online. In addition, it is also possible to use the
stick to send and receive SMS, for example to remotely control
the Raspberry Pi by a mobile phone.
4. Infrared diodes

• Most remote controls use infrared LEDs to transmit signals.

These codes can be read and stored easily with an infrared
receiver. 149
Internet of Thing • With the program LIRC, it is also possible to send those codes
with an IR transmitter diode. For example, a TV can be
controlled with the Raspberry Pi.

• In addition, there are also IR LEDs, which can be used as a light

8.3.5 Motors
1. Servo Motors

• Unlike ordinary motors, servo motors can be individually

controlled. Only the indication of the angle of rotation for
moving the motor is necessary.

• PWM (pulse width modulation) signals are sent to the motor.

• The Raspberry Pi can use this method of transmission. Using

the Python GPIO library or WiringPi is particularly easy.
2. 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor

• Using PWM, servos can be controlled directly from the

Raspberry Pi.

• However, as soon as you want to control several servo motors,

either the GPIOs can become scarce, or you need more power.

• The PCA9685 servo driver board is ideally suited for this

purpose because you can control up to 16 motors per board via
I2C. And not enough.

• It is even possible to connect several boards one after the other.

• In addition, an external power supply can be easily connected.

If you want to use a robot arm, for example, this is the optimal
3. ULN2003

• Those 28BYJ-48 stepping motors are often supplied with a

driver board.

• The supplied board usually has a ULN2003 IC, which holds the
voltage for the 5V motor, but can be controlled with 3.3V.

• This is important because the GPIOs are protected and no

transistor or relay is needed.
4. L293D

• An alternative driver IC is the L293D. The advantage of this

module, compared to the ULN2003, is that it can also be used
with higher voltages than 5V.
• Because many alternative stepping motors (e.g., fewer steps for Raspberry PI
faster rotation or higher pulling force) require more than 5V,
they must be powered by an external current source.

• The L293 IC is ideal for controlling these motors. By the way,

it is even possible to control two motors simultaneously
5. A4988

• This IC is another way to control step motors.

• It is especially designed for motors in 3D printers and can bear

voltages of 8V to 35V with a current of one amp.

• Since it can get hot very quickly, a cooling sink is included on

the chip of the breakout board.
8.3.6 Analogous Raspberry Pi Sensors
1. MCP3008 Analog-to-digital converter

• Unlike the Arduino, the Raspberry Pi does not have its own
analog IO pins.

• This means that you cannot simply read out analog modules.

• The MCP3008 module helps you: It makes it possible to use

analog modules with the Raspberry Pi and therefore this digital
converter is required for all analog modules on the Raspberry
2. Joystick

• One of these analog modules is a 2-axis joystick.

• Two potentiometers for X and Y axes are installed, which allow

more or less voltage to pass through the movement.

• If one converts the analog value into a digital, one gets numbers
between 0 (no voltage) and 1023 (full voltage).

• In the center, a digital value of approx. 512 is returned on both


3. Potentiometer / Rotary Switch

• Potentiometers are basically rotatable resistors.

• You can change the resistor value easily by rotating the control
knob. Each module has a maximum resistance (minimum is
Internet of Thing • In addition to joysticks, potentiometers can also be found e.g.,
in brightness or volume controllers.

4. Raindrop Sensor

• In order to determine whether it is raining or how much rain is

present, a rainwater sensor can be used.

• It works analogously and can be read with the MCP3008.

• Depending on the amount of water, the capacitance is increased

and a stronger analog signal is read out.
5. Heartbeat / Pulse Sensor

• With a pulse sensor, the heart rate can be read out on the
Raspberry Pi.

• The analogously detected value changes, depending on the

pulse beat.

• This is again converted with an ADC and the pulse is

determined on the basis of the last measured values.
8.3.7 Power / Current Supply
1. Relais

• The GPIOs of the Raspberry Pi work with 3.3V, although it also

has a 5V pin. However, many devices require a higher voltage.

• In order not to combine the circuits, one can use relays, which
are basically switches.

• This has the advantage that you can also switch circuits with
higher voltages with the Raspberry Pi, without risking
2. LM2596 Buck Converter / Step Down Module

• With the LM2596 (and similar) modules, higher voltages can

be regulated downwards.

• For example, you can regulate the current of (rechargeable)

batteries to the required 5V USB input voltage.

• However, no alternating current (AC) is allowed, but only direct

current (DC), as supplied by batteries.
8.3.8 Displays
1. Official 7″ Touchscreen

• In September 2015 the Raspberry Pi Foundation introduced the

152 official touch screen display after a long time.
• It has 7″ at a resolution of 800×480 pixels. Raspberry PI

• The 10 point capacitive touchscreen is connected through the

DSI port and doesn‘t occupy any USB ports or GPIOs.
2. Other 7″ Touchscreen
• Before the Raspberry Pi Foundation introduced their
touchscreen module, many other companies developed touch
displays for the Pi.
• The advantages are mostly the better resolution and sometimes
even a bigger size (10“or more).
• Although most of them don‘t uses the DSI port and therefore
the HDMI and USB port (for touch) and / or several GPIO pins
will be used.
• Moreover, a separate driver is usually needed.
3. HD44780 Displays
• In addition to touch screens, there are also pure character
• The most common are 16×02 and 20×04 displays, which
specifies the number of characters per line and number of rows.
• Almost all of these displays have an HD44780 controller, which
can be easily accessed with the Raspberry Pi.
4. 7 Segment Display
• 7 Segment displays are often used to display numbers and, as
the name implies, have seven luminous segments, which can be
addressed individually.
• In order not to occupy too many GPIOs, one usually takes a
controller like the MAX7219.
• In addition to the usual 7 segment displays, there are also
models, which contain 15 controllable segments and with it is
also possible to display letters (even if that does not look so
8.3.9 Other Modules, Components and Raspberry Pi Sensors
1. Optical Fingerprint Sensor
• Fingerprint Sensor can be used to implement safety-relevant
applications. For example, the fingerprints of different persons
are stored and authorization rights are given to them. Electronic
saves or door locks can be built. A password can also be
requested in conjunction with a numpad.
• The interrogation of the sensor is surprisingly accurate and
takes place by means of features. After reading or storing the
imprint, it is even possible to export the imprint as an image.
2. Arduino 153
Internet of Thing • The Raspberry Pi can also be used as a micro-controller, but it
has a lot more functions because it runs an operating system.
• A true micro-controller is e.g., the Arduino. It can also read
analog sensors.
• The Arduino can also be operated very easily on and with the
Raspberry Pi, e.g. via USB or 433 MHz or 2.4 GHz radio.
• Since Arduinos are cheaper than normal Raspberry Pis, they can
either serve as extensions for the GPIOs or as an outdoor station
for certain sensors whose data is transmitted wirelessly.
• As there are more projects for the Arduino than for the
Raspberry Pi, you can also implement and run those projects on
the Raspberry Pi (via the Arduino detour).


• Raspberry pi has Serial, SPI and I2C interfaces for data transfer.
• Serial: The Serial interface on Raspberry Pi has receive (Rx) and
transmit (Tx) pins for communication with serial peripherals.
• SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a synchronous serial data
protocol used for communicating with one or more peripheral
devices. in an SPI connection, there are five pins on Raspberry Pi for
SPI interface:
MISO (Master in slave out) – Master line for sending data to the
MOSI (Master out slave in) – Slave line for sending data to the master.
SCK (Serial Clock) – Clock generated by master to synchronize data
CE0 (Chip Enable 0) – To enable or disable devices
CE0 (Chip Enable 1) – To enable or disable devices

• The I2C interface pins on Raspberry Pi allow you to connect

hardware modules. I2C interface allows synchronous data transfer
with just two pins – SDA (data line) an SCL (Clock Line).


• The Raspberry Pi is a fully configurable and programmable tiny

computer board.

• Another open-source hardware platform that has gotten very popular

with these days is Raspberry Pi.

• Raspberry Pi is a low-cost, credit card-sized computer that connects

to a computer monitor or TV using HDMI, and uses a standard
keyboard and mouse.
• In 2012, the Raspberry Pi was launched. Raspberry PI

• The current generations of regular Raspberry Pi boards are Zero, 1, 2,

3, and 4.
• Raspbian and Occidentalis are the operating systems that can run on
the Pi.
• The Foundation suggested that Python is a good language for
educational programming.
• The Raspberry Pi has a 40-pin GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output)
connection, which makes it very easy to connect to the outside world.
• The Raspberry Pi sensors, modules and components are divided into
the following categories:
1. Temperature / Humidity / Air Pressure / Gas
2. Motion Sensors
3. Navigation Modules
4. Wireless / Infrared (IR) / Bluetooth
5. Motors
6. Analogue Sensors
7. Current Supply
8. Displays
9. Other Modules, Components and Sensors
• Raspberry pi has Serial, SPI and I2C interfaces for data transfer


1) How much memory does raspberry pi model B+ have?

a) 512 MB
b) 612 MB
c) 712 MB
d) 812 MB
2) In which one of the following is used for multitasking?
a) Raspberry pi model
b) Arduino Uno
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
3) How many ports does raspberry pi zero WH contain?
a) One
b) Two
Internet of Thing c) Three
d) Four
4) Which raspberry pi model has an Ethernet port?
a) Model A+
b) Model B+
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
5) In which year the raspberry pi model B+ is launched?
a) 2015
b) 2018
c) 2020
d) 2021
6) What are the advantages of raspberry pi?
a) Consumes less power
b) Low-cost
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
7) How many GPIO pins does raspberry pi model B+ have?
a) 7
b) 12
c) 25
d) 40


• Designing the Internet Of Things , Adrian McEwen,Hakim


• https://iotbyhvm.ooo/

• https://www.codemag.com/

• https://tutorials-raspberrypi.com/


Unit Structure

9.0 Business process in IoT

9.0.1 What Is Business Process Management?
9.0.2 The Internet of Things and Business Process Management
9.0.3 Integrating Business Process Management with the Internet of
9.0.4 Rise of Things: IoT's Role in Business Processes
9.0.5 How the Internet of Things Impacts Businesses and What to Do
With It
9.0.6 How to improve business processes with Internet of Things
9.0.7 Benefits of IoT and BPM integration
9.0.8 The Beneficial Impact of IoT on Businesses
9.0.9 How to Leverage IoT for Your Business
9.1 IoT Analytics
9.1.1 What is IoT Analytics?
9.1.2 Devices that power IoT Analytics
9.1.3 How IoT Analytics Work and the Applications
9.1.4 Business Use Cases of IoT Analytics
9.1.5 Why use IoT analytics?
9.1.6 How to deploy IoT anaytics?
9.1.7 IoT Data Analytics Challenges
9.1.8 IoT Analytics Strategy
9.2 Creative Thinking Techniques
9.2.1 What is Creative Thinking?
9.2.2 Design Thinking in IoT
9.3 Modification
9.4 Combination Scenarios
9.4.1 What is the combination of IoT?
9.5 Decentralized and Interoperable
9.5.1 What is decentralized IoT?
9.5.2 What are interoperability issues in IoT?
9.5.3 What is interoperable communication protocols in IoT? 157
Internet of Thing 9.6 Approaches
9.6.1 How should we approach Internet IoT privacy?
9.6.2 Architectural approaches for IoT in a multitenant solution
9.6.3 Approaches to consider
9.7 Summary
9.8 Reference for further reading
9.9 Model Questions


9.0 .1 What Is Business Process Management (BPM)?

Business process management is the way that companies use to analyze the
processes that have been designed and introduced to help them operate.
Often these processes can become bogged down and end up being less
efficient than they should be, so BPM is there to evaluate what
improvements are needed and to implement them in a way that minimizes
disruption. This leads to better efficiency, improved staff morale and an
upturn in profits.
9.0.2 The Internet of Things and Business Process Management
The IoT is changing the way we live our lives and that is something that
will only grow and grow, and it’s certainly something that all businesses
need to adapt to. There are some obvious benefits and some aspects that will
require adjustments to processes. Here are some of the main changes and
challenges facing companies as the IoT becomes more ever-present:

• Data: As consumers use more and more devices that record data,
there are opportunities for businesses to use this data for marketing
and product development purposes, but only if the processes are in
place to measure, analyze and report on this data. Business process
management can automate this process and ensure that it remains
effective and agile enough to keep pace with technological changes.

• New ways of buying: The IoT gives consumers the chance to buy
directly from their devices, whether it’s an Amazon Echo or a
smartphone or even that legendary refrigerator ordering fresh milk.
Technology is making everything faster and more easily, so they will
also be expecting faster deliveries and better service. BPM needs to
be used to manage the processes that will allow this kind of
development to meet the demand. IoT software and tools can help
with this though, with inventories able to be tracked automatically.

• Innovation: Whether it’s new product development or upgrading

existing products or services, the IoT offers the opportunities for
businesses to deliver exciting new benefits for their customers.

• Customer service: Another area where processes need to be managed Data Management
carefully because of the changes that the IoT have brought in is
customer service. Products that utilize the internet should really be
able to be fixed over the internet when something goes wrong.
Consumers expect it and businesses should be able to deliver it, so
BPM is needed to ensure that customer service processes are
effective, efficient and resilient enough to cope.

• Centralized BPM: Business process management isn’t simply

something that is needed to make the IoT run more smoothly, the
benefits can flow back in the opposite direction too. Integrating BPM
software into devices means that the data can be analyzed from a
central location and any changes can be fed back out again.
9.0.3 Integrating Business Process Management with the Internet of
These are some of the benefits and implications of BPM and the Internet of
Things. Smart devices are taking over our homes and workplaces, but they
will only be as successful as the processes that help to manage them and
their applications. Competition is fierce, whether it’s between the Amazon
Echo and Google Home or other rival products that aim to corner the
market, while the Internet of Things in a business sense either touches or
will touch almost all companies in years to come.
A Price water house Coopers report, sensing the Future of the Internet of
Things predicted that: “IoT is transforming the everyday physical objects
that surround us into an ecosystem of information that will enrich our lives.
From refrigerators to parking spaces to houses, the IoT is bringing more and
more things into the digital fold every day, which will likely make the IoT
a multi-trillion dollar industry in the near future.”
The businesses that will thrive in the future are those that are prepared for
the changes to come and that is where business process management will
always give some advantage. Jared Cooper in Fast Company summed up
the perils facing those who don’t get their processes in line in time: “Smart
homes and other connected products won’t just be aimed at home life.
They’ll also have a major impact on business. And just like any company
that blissfully ignored the Internet at the turn of the century, the ones that
dismiss the Internet of Things risk getting left behind.”
9.0.4 Rise of Things: IoT's Role in Business Processes
Consider these three key ways businesses can improve and transform their
operations with Internet of things technologies.
1. Elevate the focus from technology to processes: The real digital
transformation of IoT will happen through digital processes. Cisco
(which characterizes IoT as Internet of Everything), believes people,
data, and processes are essential components. A key requirement for
the success of IoT is the end-to-end digitization of processes. What
do I mean by processes? A process has (a) inputs; (b) execution of
Internet of Thing tasks; and (c) business outcome upon completion of the tasks.
Traditionally, process automation was coordinated around humans,
business partners, or enterprise applications. That landscape is
changing with the rise of Things. Take, for example, a complex and
dynamic digital process: the coordination of the arrival and departure
of an airplane in a busy airport. The business outcome is the timely
departure. The participants include airport staff (baggage, refueling,
catering) as well as Things that can be queried for sensor data or asked
to carry out tasks. Autonomous or semi-autonomous Things are
becoming active participants in business processes. So IT in
increasingly digital enterprises needs to provide not only the
technology infrastructure for Things, but also a business process
automation platform for making Things part of business outcomes.
Thing tasks can be as simple as responding with a sensor value (e.g.
what is the cabin temperature?) or as complex as how to
circumnavigate a fast-moving storm.
2. Handling crisis events and digitizing change: How do these
processes with Things get manifested? The airport example above
illustrates a "happy path" coordinating humans and Things. However,
one of the most pervasive use cases for Things is sensing (through IoT
sensors) a crisis event and then activating a digitized end-to-end
process to respond to it. This happens when there is a vehicle accident,
boiler explosion, security alarm, or elevated blood pressure. The
Thing autonomously senses and then either directly, or through a
brokering layer, activates an exception process. This typically
includes monitoring back-office and field workers to respond and
resolve the problem.
3. Think data analytics: Often, it's not merely an individual event that
starts a process. Big data will eventually become "Thing Data."
Through our connected homes, connected cities, and industries (such
as power plants), Things are generating enormous amounts of data.
Visualization of the data and analytics can be applied to streams of
sensor data that are then handled via automated processes involving
humans and Things. In a connected city that may have hundreds of
thousands of sensors on city infrastructures, this could be applied for
transportation, pollution sensing, or power grids.
9.0.5 How the Internet of Things Impacts Businesses and What to Do
With It
Any form of business process needs to be future proof and adaptable when
it comes to technological advances. One of the biggest changes in the
business and consumer market that are taking place at the moment is the
increasing use of the Internet of Things, and there’s no doubt that as the
technology becomes more and more integrated into our lives, business
processes will have to continue to adapt as will the way they are managed.
Business process management (BPM) certainly has a big role to play in the
way the Internet of Things (IoT) operates, whether for business clients or
everyday consumers, and this blog post will aim to explore what form that Data Management
will take, but firstly, let’s make sure we understand the two main terms
being used here.
9.0.6 How to improve business processes with Internet of Things (IoT)?
Internet of Things (IoT) is a trending topic these days, but you might be
wondering how companies should take advantage on new technological
improvements, and avoid to get lost trying to implement IoT for every single
step within the business processes.
We have been developing IoT projects for some time now and have built
some solutions and prototypes for our customers, we have done some
analysis on how to improve business processes with tech-wise operations
using IoT. But have found sometimes immerse on huge opportunities that
takes more time or resources to develop, so cost-benefit might bend the
balance on not getting the expected result at the first time.
IoT uses are to automate process, gather valuable information, extend
business functions, and trigger rules, source predictive analytics and big
data, among other useful objectives. Here are some recommendations on
implementing IoT business processes in your companies:
1. To define business process to improve and identify the problem you
want to solve. Make sure to bring a solution to few problems at once,
don’t try to solve every single problem within your company. Lean
principles and Design Thinking methodology can help to identify
main problems to avoid losing valuable time.
2. Use an end-to-end approach. Even though you are trying to solve a
single issue, map end-to-end process to make sure you are not missing
anything on your analysis. Processes may involve several operational
areas; they touch more than one ecosystem (Machinery, Devices,
Customers, Vendors, ERP, CRM, etc.); they are driven by a bunch of
people; and for sure they don’t stop where you believe they do.
Actually IoT could be used for many purposes, just find the right one
for the process improvement.
3. Make AGILE design and start with POC (proof of concept)
prototyping. Do not try to build a solution 100% ready at the first
iteration, it’s better to start with a prototype to be perfectible within 2
or 3 design iterations maximum, then go for construction with
volume, security, profiles and the rest of “best practices” for
architecture considerations. Make quick wins instead of trying to win
the war at the very first step, that will not happen at the beginning of
the innovation process. You will need to find perfect balance between
short strings, design iterations, solution deepness and project length,
that in itself is a great challenge you will face on these projects.
4. Get on board the right people, better if you keep it low but with the
best knowledge. Always a very trite phrase, but you need to make sure
the right team is placed to build an IoT solution, so consider business
processes, technical needs, architecture compliance and that’s it. The
Internet of Thing Leader must provide direction to the team to obtain goals on short
strings and drive the boat to its final destiny, finally sponsorship must
be involved at all IoT project stages.
5. Be persistent but acknowledgeable to failure. This is not a regular,
long and high-cost IT project, persistency is a quality everybody
should embrace, but as lessons are learned and challenges are raised,
the team may change directions to look forward into final goals, do
not be discouraged if this happens. Short strings will allow you to
make changes to adjust to achieve results without bigger impacts.
6. Disruption could be there, but don’t go crazy about it. IoT does not
mean disruption at all costs, most of the companies that hear about
innovation with IoT think on disruptive paths, the thing is you can get
lost looking for disruption that does not exist. You better be prepared
to identify it when happens, but don’t waste valuable time to make
disruptive changes or improvements if is not part of your final
destination. Companies looking for disruption should be analyzing
different ways to get there, but they should not just pigeonhole it with
the IoT path.
7. Do not connect things to internet without a purpose. Connecting
things to internet without a purpose is a waste of time and money,
think on real needs and how to solve them by not connecting whatever
is on your way. This is a really difficult task while technology is at
reach and costs have been dropping. The way to define this is set by
operational, analytical and business purposes rather than
technological accessibility, design thinking should be oriented by
business process not by tech drivers.
8. Make solutions simple, scalable and modular so they are able to
support growth into volume and additional functions. When design
iterations happen and functionality needs are defined, you will need
to create a solid basis to increase functions, data processing, users
access, security, etc. This should not be contradictory with the AGILE
approach since you are creating a modular and scalable solution,
furthermore be savvy when designing and building to avoid slowing
down iterations and development with a rigid structure on the
9. One of the most important for IoT projects is to define a business plan
involved with the IoT project but don’t expect to fulfill it with the
exact amounts and numbers, also huge investments need to be
avoided. Better keep the budget down to strings and not big projects
that can discourage the sponsors who are providing the funds for
improvements, please consider right KPI’s and fine measures to
validate those improvements.
10. Try to choose right technology and do not hesitate to change it when
needed, IoT could be delivered with all kind of new tools out in the
market, on defining the right one from the beginning will challenge
your skills. Even though your decision was incorrect by the learning
process, if changes are needed, you should make them and learn from
9.0.7 Benefits of IoT and BPM integration Data Management

Organizations can create more revenue streams and patterns by harnessing

and embedding intelligence from IoT devices. Additionally, sensor-aware
business processes improve cost savings and efficiency. You can also
overcome silos and disparate systems with seamless sensor-aware process
orchestration. Let’s take a look at three sectors where sensor-aware business
processes can transform various activities:
Logistics and freight transport: Retail and logistics have already widely
adopted IoT-based RFID technology. One primary application is for supply
chain monitoring in real-time. Knowing exactly where containers are in
transport can ensure freight transport is always ready for the next container.
IoT devices can also determine cost-and-time-saving routes with less traffic
or more parking space, enhancing overall logistics.
Healthcare: IoT devices can improve the quality of remote care and
telehealth for the elderly or in scenarios like the COVID-19 pandemic,
where it is safer for many to social distance. Nonetheless, people still need
access to patient-centered healthcare. Further, IoT devices can help the
elderly retain their living preferences for a longer period by utilizing
Assisted Living resources remotely. Some components might include heart
rate and blood pressure sensors with a GPS to ensure an ambulance service
would arrive when needed with the EMTs receiving real-time alerts of what
type of help is needed along with the fastest routes to the patient’s
home. Hospitals can also use IoT devices to track and maintain adequate
Manufacturing: You can equip robots with sensors to send data to the
digital world for BPM. The processes can then trigger the next activity such
as initiating the robot for the next task or even keeping human employees
safe from potential accidents. As a result, business processes can embed IoT
data where it makes the most sense. BPM also adds to IoT’s quality and
predictability. On the other hand, IoT can drive the full potential of BPM
by helping to discover new processes or processes that are only needed for
specific tasks and environments.
9.0.8 The Beneficial Impact of IoT on Businesses
Considering the explosion of IoT-connected devices, perhaps you’re
wondering, “How does IoT affect business?” The short answer is, “In every
way.” Accessibility to big data sets, along with the autonomous collection
and exchange of data, means that it is becoming easier to gain insights into
things like customer behaviors and product performance. IoT also facilitates
the continuous optimization of business processes and even impacts
employee engagement and performance. In certain industries, IoT in
business can instruct systems to autonomously execute transactions in
supply chains when certain conditions have been met.
There are many exciting new technologies that make the future of IoT
incredibly versatile. Some of these include battery-free sensors, extensive
wearable technology, and “tiny” machine learning microcontrollers. There
are also many network changes occurring to improve the performance of
IoT devices. For instance, network slicing can be used to deliver low-
Internet of Thing latency, high-bandwidth connections for greater reliability in mission-
critical devices.
Combine IoT with technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G, and
there’s endless possibilities for businesses. Entire cities are becoming
powered by IoT, and security is improving every day. Large manufacturing
operations can connect every machine in the facility to a remote monitoring
system. Utility companies can remotely collect data from smart meters and
connected infrastructure. Health care devices can use IoT to communicate
a patient’s status to physicians. Farmers can optimize their harvest with IoT
analysis. It’s an extraordinary asset to many businesses. In short, IoT will
allow businesses to better help their customers and manage their
workforces, as well as improve their products, services, and processes.


9.1.1 What is IoT Analytics?

Internet of Things (IoT) analytics is a data analysis tool that assesses the
wide range of data collected from IoT devices. IoT analytics assesses vast
quantities of data and produces useful information from it.IoT analytics are
usually discussed in tandem with Industrial IoT (IIoT). Data is collected
from a wide range of sensors on manufacturing infrastructure, weather
stations, smart meters, delivery trucks, and all forms of machinery. IoT
analytics can be applied to managing data centers and applications handling
retail and healthcare.
In many ways, IoT data is similar to big data. The key difference between
the two is not just the quantity of data but the range of sources it is obtained
from. All this data has to be processed into one comprehensible, single
stream of data. Considering the several kinds of sources of information, data
integration becomes quite difficult, and this is where IoT analytics makes a
difference, though it can be tough to develop and implement.
9.1.2 Devices that power IoT Analytics
Dedicated trackers such as Fitbit or other smartwatches have gone beyond
tracking steps. You can track your friends' fitness activities, compete with
them, message, and even answer the phone by connecting your devices
through the Internet. This information is tracked by fitness companies,
enabling them to create customized packages if you sign up. This can
include exercise routines, diet, goals, and more. The newest smart watches
even monitor heart rates and rhythms and have accurately diagnosed heart
problems in their wearers.
Smart Home
Smart homes have security systems you can access and control when you
are away from home, to appliances you can turn on and off with digital
assistance. There is a wide range of devices that you can incorporate into
your home and a wide range of data that can be collected to assess usage Data Management
patterns, the efficacy of systems, and more.
Healthcare has a wide range of IoT devices. Bluetooth technology creates
hearing aids, records heart and blood pressure, and monitors pulse-based
alarm systems that can call for help. This has helped enhance healthcare to
a large extent. The data collected is invaluable in terms of creating newer
and better technology.
Voice-Activated Everything
Digital assistants are a form of IoT devices. Alexa, Siri, and Google take
notes, find information, play music, order cabs, tell the weather, set alarms,
and everything else. The internet regularly updates these digital assistants
to improve functionality. Their data helps companies tailor their services
for you, based on your everyday interaction with digital assistants.

9.1.3 How IoT Analytics Work and the Applications

With a wide range of devices, there is an endless stream of data in enormous
quantities. IoT analytics helps analyze this data across all connected devices
without hardware or infrastructure. As the needs of your organization
change, computing power and data storage scales up or down accordingly,
ensuring your IoT analysis has the requisite capacity.
1. The first step is to collect data aggregated from a variety of sources,
in a range of formats, and at multiple frequencies.

2. This data is then processed with a wide range of external sources.

3. The information is then stored in a time-series for analysis.
4. The analysis can be done in multiple ways--with custom analysis
systems, with standard SQL queries, or with machine
learning analysis techniques. The results can be used to make a wide
range of predictions.
5. With the information received, organizations can build several
systems and applications to ease business processes.
9.1.4 Business Use Cases of IoT Analytics
Smart agriculture: With IoT analytics, connected field machinery works
based on information derived from IoT analysis. Analysis factors include
time, geographical location, weather, altitude, and local environmental
conditions. For example, irrigation systems can be optimized to deliver the
exact amount of water as rainfall predictions.
Regular restocking of supplies: Monitor inventories in real-time. A food
vending company, with connected machines, can have their machines
request restocking based on the depletion of products. This can be triggered
when stocks in the machine reach a particular level. 165
Internet of Thing Predictive maintenance: Varying infrastructure needs regular
maintenance. With IoT analysis, pre-set templates can help determine
quality predictive maintenance models applied to specific needs. For
example, in long-distance transport vehicles with heating and cooling
systems--IoT analytics can determine when vehicles need an overhaul to
ensure cargos are not damaged.
Process efficiency scoring: Every company works with a range of
processes in place. IoT analytics can measure the efficiency of these
processes and make the necessary changes in them. Results from IoT
analytics can identify bottlenecks--both current and potential--and can
increase efficiencies.
9.1.5 Why use IoT analytics?
The IoT industry continues to gain widespread adoption and is projected to
reach $1.29 trillion in 2020. As the number of connected devices grows
exponentially, companies are struggling to make sense of the plethora of
data generated. The datasets are more complex, less structured and are
generated in greater volumes than ever before. This new environment
demands tools and skill sets that most IT departments don’t yet have and
they often have difficulty adapting or improving operations without IoT
A well-designed IoT analytics program only collects the most relevant data
points that are interesting to their product for analysis. Once a tool is
properly implemented, a company no longer needs to rely on data scientists
or IT to marry all of the different data sources, analyze the data and share
insights. Now, any business user and all curious individuals at the company
can ask product questions and get answers easily.

9.1.6 How to deploy IoT anaytics?

With a product analytics tool (Mixpanel) you can track any IoT action that
occurs — When evaluating vendors, companies should consider the devices
and data sources they’ll need to track to ensure that the potential vendor has
open APIs and can collect all desired actions/events. An ideal IoT analytics
vendor will have a simple, user-friendly interface, a proven track record of
working with other IoT devices, and provides self-serve analysis
functionality to reduce the burden of requests to your data science and
analyst teams.
9.1.7 IoT Data Analytics Challenges
There are many benefits to using IoT analytics. This technology can help
reduce maintenance costs and equipment failures while improving customer
experiences and staff productivity. However, there are challenges that might
prevent organizations from successfully leveraging their data assets. A key
challenge in implementing IoT analytics is the technology and skillset
required to access data. If only data scientists and analysts are able to gain
access to data, and there are not enough roles in the organization, this might
prevent the successful usage of data.
When data arrives in massive quotas, employees can get overwhelmed. If Data Management
this happens, they might not be able to go through all the data, even though
the information could significantly impact the critical operations. Security
is a critical concern for most digital operations. Data and analytics
repositories are, particularly, sensitive and should be protected from
external actors as well as insider threats. IoT security is often complex
because there are multiple connected devices, integrated with various
networks, machines, and systems. If one device is breached, the entire
network of connected devices could be compromised.
9.1.8 IoT Analytics Strategy
When implementing IoT analytics, a strategy can prove helpful in ensuring
the success of the project. There are many ways to adopt IoT analytics,
depending on the industry and specific needs of the organization.
Regardless of individual needs, there are certain best practices that should
be followed universally. Here are key practices to follow:

• Leverage automation—for data cleaning and profiling to quickly

ensure data quality and accuracy and reduce the number of errors.

• Match analysis components—determine the location of data analysis

according to criteria such as type of data, the type of analysis, and
existing analytics infrastructure.

• Centralize data—for a deeper understanding of data, analyze IoT data

along with other data sources.

• Encourage employees—to leverage IoT data analysis, doing their own

explorations into what and how can be gained from the data.

• Enforce security—using policies and safeguards to ensure data

protection and prevent the exploitation or loss of data.
Making data accessible to employees of all skillsets can be a detrimental
challenge. However, there are tools that can help provide access to all
decision-makers and stakeholders. These tools can aggregate, store, and
manage diverse data types from multiple sources and sensors, smoothly
integrating high volumes of data streams.
Ideally, IoT analytics tools are integrated with data intelligence capabilities
for data ingestion, data transformation, stream processing, and data
management and analytics. Here are key capabilities IoT analytics should

• Integration—seamlessly integrate with IoT platforms and enterprise

stacks, load data, and then merge and manage multiple data types.

• Deployment—provide deployment options for a wide range of

environments, including on-premise installation, cloud hosting, and
compatibility with complex hybrid ecosystems.

Internet of Thing • Customization—let employees easily access and explore data, as well
as building personalized dashboards.

• Collaboration—features for data governance and management,

including capabilities for sharing analytics across workflows.


9.2.1 What is Creative Thinking?

Many people associate being creative with being able to paint, sing or write,
but someone who is not good at any of these things could still be a creative
thinker. How? Because creative thinking is the process of coming up with
something new; looking at a problem from a new light and finding an
innovative solution or a solution that hasn’t been thought of before. Or in
other words, thinking outside the box. Although some people are more
creative than others, creative thinking can be developed with practice. It’s a
skill that is indispensable to everyone whether you are still learning or
Creative Process : Creative ideas don’t just pop in your head. If you need
to come up with innovative ideas you need to set the circumstances for it to
occur or give your brain the right material to work with. Let’s understand
how creative thinking works. According to the book The Art of Thought by
Graham Wallas, there are four stages to creative thinking.
Preparation: This is where you define the problem you want to solve or
the need. Then you start gathering as much knowledge about the subject as
you can.
Incubation: In this stage, you’ll be processing the information you have
gathered. Instead of consciously trying to solve the problem, you’ll let your
mind wander on its own, working its way through the subject. This will lead
to more creativity. Basically, your unconscious mind will be at work here.
Illumination: This is the “Eureka” moment that really occurs when you are
not actively thinking of a creative solution. You could be literally having a
shower when all of a sudden you have found the answer you’ve been
looking for.
Verification: Now it’s time to see if your idea will really work out or not.
In this last stage of the creative thinking process, you need to test your idea.
Use your critical thinking skills to fine-tune your idea and ready it to reach
the audience.
9.2.2 Creative Thinking Techniques
Listed below several creative thinking techniques that can be used to come
up with creative ideas faster. The templates are instantly editable; you can
even collaborate with others from your team on editing them during a
brainstorming session.

1. Affinity Diagrams Data Management

After a brainstorming session, meeting or research you end up with a

load of information that needs to be sorted through and categorized.
This is where the affinity diagram comes. The affinity diagram helps
you group your data based on themes. This makes it easier to detect
patterns and connections among the information you have gathered,
thus allowing you to come up with new ideas or solutions.
2. Brainstorming
Brainstorming is one of the most popular methods of idea generation.
You can go about this individually or with a group of people. In group
brainstorming, you have the ability to collect many creative ideas
from people with diverse skills and experience. There are many
brainstorming techniques out there, and some handy
visual brainstorming techniques are listed in this post. And refer to
this resource to learn about how to carry out a successful
brainstorming session step-by-step.
3. Concept Map
The concept map is a teaching and learning techniques that help
visualize the connections between concepts and ideas. It helps
organize thoughts and discover new relationships, ideas or concepts.
4. Mind Map
The mind map starts with the key concept you are brainstorming
around in the center. Related ideas are connected to the center with
lines. It helps you capture your free flow of thoughts and organize
them on a canvas in a way that will later allow you to discover new
connections that will let you arrive at a possible solution. Because it
connects both text and a visual layout, it allows for a more creative
style of thinking.

5. Mood Board
A mood board – like a collage – is a collection of images, fonts, icons
colors, etc. that is representative of a particular theme or style. Mood
boards are also known as inspiration boards and commonly used in
design projects.
6. SCAMPER Technique
SCAMPER is another successful creative thinking technique that is
used to spark creativity during brainstorming. SCAMPER stands for
seven thinking approaches,

• Substitute
• Combine
• Adapt
Internet of Thing • Modify
• Put to another use
• Eliminate
• Reverse
7. Six Thinking Hats
Each hat in the six thinking hats method represents a different
perspective. It is used during meetings or brainstorming sessions to
allow team members to look at possible solutions from different
perspectives or thinking directions. Each hat represents a different
thinking angle, and during the session, each member will get to put it
on in turn.
White hat – facts and information
Red hat – feelings, intuitions, emotions, and hunches
Balck hats – judgment, legality, morality
Yellow hat – optimism, benefits
Green hat – new ideas, opportunities
Blue hat – conclusions, action plans, next steps
8. Storyboards
Storyboards are a way to visually organize ideas. It’s a common tool
used in video planning. Say you are planning a TV advertisement, you
can start with a storyboard to graphically organize the ideas in your
head. As you lay them out on a storyboard, you’d be able to quickly
mold the idea in your head.
9. SWOT Analysis
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
In business planning, the SWOT analysis is applied in various
situations; in competitor analysis, situation analysis, strategic
planning, personal evaluation, etc. It can be used to identify effective
innovative opportunities, mitigate threats using strengths, etc.
9.2.3 Design Thinking in IoT
Design Thinking is not a new concept. It was from 1969 but the concept
really shaped up with the work done at Stanford and IDEO in 90’s.How
design thinking is powering successful IoT implementation? Key is the
involvement and the creative time spend by the IT with the customer
entities. Before deciding for any IoT implementation, companies have to
define a viable and clear business cases. Build a future organization with
architects, domain experts and consultants. This team should fully
understand the business drivers and translate into business cases.The
emphasis on creativity is the main value of design thinking and is critical
for IoT success. Design thinking removes traditional analytical thinking
with building ideas using different brainstorming approaches. Design Data Management
Thinking assist to eliminate ambiguities and faulty assumptions. Iteration,
prototypes, observations, insights and actions create valuable and
innovative products. 3 key results come out of Design Thinking process.

• Theory, Prototypes, Testing and Refinement

• Focus on need
• Eliminate the repetitive or unnecessary steps to make it simple.

Design Thinking can be explained with a simple IoT case study.

In a scenario when consumer go to the kitchen and came to know his
cooking gas is empty and drinking water is depleted. Consumer will open
his mobile application of the agency for the gas and water supply. Agency
will deliver the same in next 1 hour time. This is reactive and current smart
mode of response and reactions.
Let’s do the design thinking for above scenario for a smart solution.
1. Identify the actors.
2. Form ideas
3. Prototype
4. Test
5. Return to step 1 or step 2 until the desired result is obtained.

Actors can be cooking gas and water agency operational team, internal IT
team, logistics team members, domain experts and selected consumers.
Include other entities in agency who can add value to the process change.
In design thinking workshops ideas are not limited. This involves consulting
experts to find out more about the area of concern through observing,
engaging and empathizing with people to understand their experiences and
motivations, as well as immersing yourself in the physical environment to
have a deeper personal understanding of the issues involved. All
assumptions are set aside.
Internet of Thing Conduct different brain storming sessions with the actors and
implementation experts. Prepare storyboards and conduct experiments.
Questionnaire is provided to the selected consumers and response are
evaluated. Interviews conducted with the logistic team and supplier
company representatives who are supplying the required shipments to
Meet customers in their premises to understand the challenges faced by
them. Problems are discussed without any assumptions. Logistic team is
having a grievance that they have to do the transportation for a single
customer whenever there is an emergency and delivery will be miles away.
This is increasing the cost of delivery. Agency changes the delivery of gas
and drinking water due to limited or no stock to meet the customer demands.
Store manager is not able to get a clear forecast about the demand and
Finally key informations gathered from empathize stage is defined in a
human-centered manner.

• Consumers would like to get the delivery of gas and water earlier than
its replenishment.

• Zero UI. Agency want to eliminate the consumer time from checking
the gas level and water every day and then use the app to communicate
back to them.

• Ware house managers are tied up with unplanned demand and supply.
Sometimes stocks are over loaded, sometimes stock is not available
to meet demand. Store manager want to automate the stock loading in
ware house in optimum level with a demand and supply forecast.

• Logistics team want to reduce the recurrent trips, sometime to the

same location in a day. Delivery time should be tailored for optimized
logistics with minimal cost of delivery. This will improve the driver’s
health and vehicle condition. Obviously cost of delivery.
During the third stage of the Design Thinking process, designers are ready
to start generating ideas. Designers are grown to understand the customer
pain areas in the Empathize stage. Think outside the box to identify new
solutions to the problem statement that are created, and start look for
alternative ways of viewing the problem. Few Ideation techniques are
Brainstorm, Brainwrite, Worst Possible Idea and SCAMPER. In ideation
stage it’s important to get as many ideas to address the problems. Some of
the problems will be newly added and ideas will be discussed.
Inexpensive prototype or scaled down versions of the product will be
produced in the next stage. These prototypes will be shared within the team
and outside group of people. During this experiment, solutions against the
pain areas are accepted or requested for improvements or rejected
completely. Finally more informations are derived from the prototype
experiments and designers are in a better position about the new solution.
Designers were able to understand how the actual users reacted to the Data Management
solution prototype.
Thus with the best fit prototype the designers will continue with the testing.
This is the final stage of designing but an iterative approach. How the end
users behave, feel and think are more materialized during this stage. Some
of the problems will undergo redefining and solution will be corrected.
Prototypes will be modified to accommodate this problem and will undergo
for testing again. By the end of this stage designers will come out a deeper
understanding of the problem and its users.


'Modification' of data means any alteration or removal of data or any

addition to data. 'Impairment' of an electronic communication includes: The
prevention of any such communication, and the impairment of any such
communication on an electronic link or network. Unauthorised
modification of data with intent to cause impairment is an offence. To
establish the offence, the prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt
1. You caused the modification of data on a computer
2. The modification was unauthorised
3. You knew the modification was unauthorised, and
4. You intended by the modification to impair access to, or the reliability
of, the security or operation of data held in the computer or were
reckless as to any such impairment.
‘Data’ includes information in any form and any program.
‘Data held in a computer’ means:
1. Data entered or copied into a computer
2. Data held in any removable storage which was in a computer for a
time, or
3. Data held in any data storage device on a computer network of which
a computer forms a part.
‘Modification’ of data means any alteration or removal of data or any
addition to data.
‘Impairment’ of an electronic communication includes:
1. The prevention of any such communication, and
2. The impairment of any such communication on an electronic link or
‘Impairment’ does not include the mere interception of a communication.
A modification or impairment is ‘unauthorised’ if you were not entitled to
cause it, however, your actions are not unauthorised merely because you
had an ulterior motive for them, or if:
Internet of Thing 1. You were an ‘authorised person’ such as a police or other law
enforcement officer
2. The computer or device was in your lawful custody, and
3. Your actions were to preserve, or to prevent the concealment,
fabrication, destruction or loss of, evidence of any offence.


9.4.1 What is the combination of IoT?

A combination of Internet of Things (IoT) and graph database for future
battlefield systems. Internet of things (IoT) has provided a technological
platform for purposeful connectivity. IoT allows smart devices and sensors
to sense, connect and control the devices even remotely.


9.5.1 What is decentralized IoT?

Decentralized smart Internet of Things (IoT) refers to future IoT powered
by blockchain-enabled edge intelligence. This new form of IoT is motivated
by the recent advancement of distributed ledger technology (DLT), multi-
access edge computing (MEC) and artificial intelligence (AI)
9.5.2 What is Internet interoperability?
Interoperability is the ability of two or more devices, systems, platforms or
networks to work in conjucntion. Interoperability enables communication
between heterogeneous devices or system in order to achieve a common
9.5.3 What are interoperability issues in IoT?
The lack of IoT interoperability means that data can't be effectively
exchanged across disparate, sometimes overlapping devices and systems.
From the IoT adopters' perspective, these closed ecosystems, or better
named as silos, pose multiple problems.
9.5.4 What is interoperable communication protocols in IoT?
The wireless communication protocol in IoT is the set of rules used to
exchange data between electronic devices. Bluetooth, ZigBee, LoRa,
NBIoT, WiFi, and Thread are the most commonly used protocols.25-Aug-


9.6.1 How should we approach Internet IoT privacy?

Regardless of whether you utilize one brilliant gadget or a handful, improve
the security of all your devices with these security tips:
1. Security monitoring. ... Data Management

2. Say No to Default Passwords. ...

3. Control Over Your Data. ...
4. Avoid a hostile environment. ...
5. Set limits. ...
6. Regularly Install Updates. ...
7. Wireless networks.
9.6.2 Architectural approaches for IoT in a multitenant solution
Multitenant IoT solutions come in many different flavors and sizes. You
might have many requirements and constraints, ranging from infrastructure
ownership, to customer data isolation, to compliance. It can be challenging
to define a pattern that meets all of these design constraints, and doing so
often requires considering multiple dimensions. This article describes
several approaches commonly used to solve multitenancy considerations for
IoT-based solutions.
Key considerations and requirements
These considerations and requirements are presented in the order in which
they're typically prioritized for a solution's design.

Governance and compliance

Governance and compliance considerations might require that you use a
particular pattern or set of IoT resources. Not all IoT services have the same
certifications or capabilities. If you need to meet specific compliance
standards, you might need to select specific services. Information on
governance and compliance is covered in a dedicated article on that topic.
Governance in IoT can also take additional forms, such as device ownership
and management. Does the customer own the device or does the solution
provider? Who owns the management of those devices? These
considerations and implications are unique to each solution provider and
can lead to different choices in the technology, deployment pattern, and
multi-tenancy pattern that you use.

It's important to plan your solution's scale. Scale is often considered across
these three dimensions:

• Quantity of devices: All Azure device management services - Azure

IoT Central, Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service (DPS),
and Azure IoT Hub - have limitations on the number of devices
supported in a single instance.

• Device throughput: Different devices, even in the same solution,

might have different throughput requirements. "Throughput" in this
Internet of Thing context refers to both the number of messages over a period of time
and the size of the messages. For example, in a smart-building
solution, thermostats will likely report data at a lower frequency than
elevators, while in a connected-vehicle solution, vehicle camera
recording data messages will likely be larger than navigation
telemetry messages. If your messages are throttled with respect to
frequency, you might need to scale out to more instances of a
particular service, but if they are throttled with respect to size, you
might need to scale up to larger instances of a particular service.

• Tenants: A single tenant's scale might be small, but when multiplied

by the number of tenants, it can quickly grow.
Performance and reliability :Tenant isolation
Fully shared solutions can have noisy neighbors. In the cases of IoT Hub
and IoT Central, this can result in HTTP 429 ("Too Many Requests")
response codes, which are hard failures that can cause a cascading effect. In
fully multitenant solutions, these effects can cascade. When customers
share IoT Hubs or IoT Central applications, then all customers on the shared
infrastructure will begin receiving errors. Because IoT Hub and IoT Central
are commonly the entry points for data to the cloud, other downstream
systems that depend on this data are likely to fail as well. Often, the most
common occurrence for this to happen is when a message quota limit has
been exceeded. In this situation, the fastest and simplest fix for IoT Hub
solutions is to upgrade the IoT Hub SKU, increase the number of IoT Hub
units, or both. For IoT Central solutions, the solution automatically scales
as necessary, up to the documented number of messages supported.
You can isolate and distribute tenants across the IoT control, management,
and communications planes by using DPS's custom allocation policies.
Further, when you follow the guidance for high-scale IoT solutions, you can
manage additional allocation distribution at the DPS load-balancer level.

Data storage, query, usage, and retention

IoT solutions tend to be very data-intensive, both when streaming and at
rest. For more information on managing data in multitenant solutions,
9.6.3 Approaches to consider
All the considerations that you'd normally make in an IoT architecture, for
all the primary components (such as management, ingestion, processing,
storage, security, and so on), are all choices you still must make when
pursuing a multi-tenant solution. The primary difference is how you arrange
and utilize the components to support multi-tenancy. For example, common
decision points for storage might be deciding whether to use SQL Server or
Azure Data Explorer, or perhaps on the ingestion and management tier,
you'd choose between IoT Hub and IoT Central.
Most IoT solutions fit within a root architecture pattern, which is a
combination of the deployment target, tenancy model, and deployment
pattern. These factors are determined by the key requirements and Data Management
considerations described above. One of the largest decision points needing
to be made, within the IoT space, is to select between an application-
platform-as-a-service (aPaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
approaches. This is the common "build vs. buy" dilemma that many
organizations face in many projects.


Any form of business process needs to be future proof and adaptable when
it comes to technological advances. One of the biggest changes in the
business and consumer market that are taking place at the moment is the
increasing use of the Internet of Things, and there’s no doubt that as the
technology becomes more and more integrated into our lives, business
processes will have to continue to adapt as will the way they are managed.
Business process management (BPM) certainly has a big role to play in the
way the Internet of Things (IoT) operates, whether for business clients or
everyday consumers, and this blog post will aim to explore what form that
will take, but firstly, let’s make sure we understand the two main terms
being used here.


1. https://www.processmaker.com/blog/iot-bpm-modeling-sensor-
2. https://consoltech.com/blog/iot-in-business/
3. https://www.testingxperts.com/blog/iot
4. https://docs.microsoft.com/enus/azure/architecture/guide/multitenant
5. https://www.korcomptenz.com/blog/top-5-internet-of-things/
6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/janakirammsv/2018/01/17/4-
7. https://www.cigniti.com/blog/6-business-scenarios-where-iot-can-


1. Define Business Process Management?

2. Discuss on Internet of Things and Business Process Management?
3. How to Integrate Business Process Management with the Internet of
4. Explain on the Rise of Things and IoT's Role in Business Processes?
Internet of Thing 5. How the Internet of Things Impacts Businesses and What to Do With
6. How to improve business processes with Internet of Things (IoT)?
7. Explain the Benefits of IoT and BPM integration?
8. What are the Beneficial Impact of IoT on Businesses?
9. How to Leverage IoT for Your Business?
10. What is IoT Analytics?
11. What are the Devices that power IoT Analytics?
12. How IoT Analytics Work and its Applications?
13. Explain the Business Use Cases of IoT Analytics
14. Why use IoT analytics?
15. How to deploy IoT anaytics?
16. What are IoT Data Analytics Challenges?
17. Explain IoT Analytics Strategy?
18. What is Creative Thinking?
19. Discuss on Design Thinking in IoT?
20. What is Modification?
21. What is the combination of IoT?
22. What is decentralized IoT?
23. What are interoperability issues in IoT?
24. What is interoperable communication protocols in IoT?
25. How should we approach Internet IoT privacy?
26. what are the Architectural approaches for IoT in a multitenant


Unit Structure

10.0 Objects
10.0.1 Classification of objects
10.1 Information Distribution
10.2 Architecture of Internet of Things (IoT)
10.2.1 What is IoT architecture?
10.2.2 What are the four major layers of IoT architecture?
10.2.3 What are the five additional layers of IoT architecture?
10.2.4 What are the four main stages of IoT architecture?
10.2.5 IoT architecture in business
10.2.6 How Does an Enterprise Benefit From IoT Architecture?
10.3 Object Naming Service
10.3.1 What is the Object Name Service?
10.3.2 Object name requirements
10.3.3 Object name considerations
10.4 Service Oriented Architecture
10.4.1 What is meant by service-oriented architecture?
10.4.2 What is IoT service-oriented architecture?
10.4.3 What is a service-oriented architecture with example?
10.4.4 What are the 3 types of architecture in SOA?
10.4.5 Why SOA is used?
10.4.6 What are the components of SOA?
10.4.7 What are the key characteristics of SOA?
10.4.8 What is difference between SOA and Microservices?
10.4.9 How is service oriented architecture implemented?
10.4.10 How many layers are there in SOA architecture?
10.4.11 Why is SOA important?
10.4.12What are the advantages and disadvantages of SOA?
10.5 Network of Information
10.5.1 What is network in IoT?
10.5.2 What are the types of IoT networks?
10.5.3 What is used in networking of IoT devices?
10.5.4. How IoT are connected to a network?
Internet of Thing 10.5.5 What is the importance of network in IoT?
10.5.6 What are the basic requirements of IoT networks?
10.5.7 The Role of Networking in Enabling IoT
10.6 Summary
10.7 Reference for further reading
10.8 Model Questions


The concept of smart in IoT is used for physical objects that are active,
digital, networked, can operate to some extent autonomously,
reconfigurable and has local control of the resources. The smart objects
need energy, data storage, etc. A smart object is an object that enhances
the interaction with other smart objects as well as with people also. The
world of IoT is the network of interconnected heterogeneous objects (such
as smart devices, smart objects, sensors, actuators, RFID, embedded
computers, etc.) uniquely addressable and based on standard
communication protocols. In a day to day life, people have a lot of object
with internet or wireless or wired connection. Such as:

• Smartphone
• Tablets
• TV computer
These objects can be interconnected among them and facilitate our daily life
(smart home, smart cities) no matter the situation, localization, accessibility
to a sensor, size, scenario or the risk of danger. Smart objects are utilized
widely to transform the physical environment around us to a digital world
using the Internet of things (IoT) technologies.
A smart object carries blocks of application logic that make sense for their
local situation and interact with human users. A smart object sense, log, and
interpret the occurrence within themselves and the environment, and
intercommunicate with each other and exchange information with people.
The work of smart object has focused on technical aspects (such as software
infrastructure, hardware platforms, etc.) and application scenarios.
Application areas range from supply-chain management and enterprise
applications (home and hospital) to healthcare and industrial workplace
support. As for human interface aspects of smart-object technologies are
just beginning to receive attention from the environment.
10.0.1 Classification of objects

Mobile or Static –
This classification is predicated on whether the “thing” should move or
always reside in the identical location. A sensor might also be cell due to
the fact it is moved from one object to some other (Example, a viscosity
180 sensor moved from batch to batch in a chemical plant) or due to the fact it
is connected to a transferring object (Example, an area sensor on Data Management
transferring items in a warehouse or manufacturing unit floor).
The frequency of the movement may additionally vary, from occasional to
permanent. The range of mobility (from some inches to miles away) often
drives the possible power source.

• Low or Excessive Reporting Frequency –

This classification is primarily based on how regularly the object must
report monitored parameters. A rust sensor can also report values as
soon as a month. A motion sensor can also report acceleration at
various hundred instances per second.
Higher frequencies force greater strength consumption, which can
also create constraints on the feasible strength supply (and
consequently the object mobility) and the transmission range.

• Battery-Powered or Power-Connected –
This classification is primarily based on whether or not the object
incorporates its very own energy supply or receives non-stop power
from an exterior power source. Battery-powered matters can be
moved greater without difficulty than line-powered objects.
However, batteries restrict the lifetime and quantity of power that the
object is allowed to consume, for this reason, riding transmission
varies and frequency.

• Simple or Rich Data –

This classification is based totally on the extent of records exchanged
at every reporting cycle. A humidity sensor in an area can also report
an easy daily index value (on a binary scale from zero to 255), whilst
an engine sensor may also record various parameters, including
temperature to pressure, compression speed, carbon index, etc. Richer
records normally drive greater strength consumption.


The Internet of Things combines smart devices and sensors with analytics
and the cloud. This paradigm shift presents new challenges involving
software distribution, updates, and security.
The world is evolving into an "everything as a service" environment and the
embedded industry is no different. Internet of Things (IoT) applications
make heavy use of the cloud and this new paradigm is essentially what
differentiates IoT from traditional networked embedded systems.
Previously I've covered various industry IoT applications and capabilities
from the component and functions points of view. However, the
proliferation of IoT and M2M applications within the context of the cloud
is giving rise to a unique challenge involving how to coordinate and deliver
new software features, updates, and/or distributions to these devices.
Internet of Thing Software updates are essential
Within the context of IoT and cloud applications, the ability to soft-
configure the system is critical and an essential part of the motivation for
moving traditional networked embedded systems in this new emerging
direction. These kinds of capabilities offer the ability to quickly deploy new
features and capabilities at a fraction of the cost. New capabilities promise
lower cost and increased revenue. The ability to quickly, securely, and
flexibly update any cloud-based service is essential in order to take
advantage of the benefits this environment provides.
Further, within the cloud itself, adding new services can adversely affect the
security of the existing hosted services. For these reasons, new tools,
capabilities, and techniques are emerging to coordinate and synchronize
software distribution.
Software distribution and DevOps
Simon says. "The broad range of IoT services and applications makes that
question hard to answer. For higher-end applications involving things with
larger storage and compute power like game consoles or smartphones,
continuous deployment mechanisms may be involved. For smaller sensor
and data driven applications, it's about having a local server that manages
pushing firmware into the device. Data driven applications involving
sensors also typically have a need for aggregating information into servers
that are distributed, but closer to the sensors. The software on these sensor
data aggregation servers also needs to be managed and updated."
Software distribution considerations
The software distribution process involves software developers and
software users. The developers are creating the software and utilizing a
variety of integrated development environments (IDEs), code repositories,
automated test, and continuous integration tools. Once the production
binaries are created and tested, these binaries need to be controlled, stored,
and managed throughout the release. Simon calls these "binary artifacts"
and the JFrog Artifactory service bridges the developer tools and remote
repositories in the cloud. It's important for binary management solutions to
integrate with popular repositories, build tools, and continuous integration
servers. Simon mentions Artifactory does this and adds the dimension of
management, synchronization, and control of binaries and their distribution
to remote repositories.
Developers can control what versions of binary, software packages, or
microservices are to be made available, which end users are allowed to
update services, and also incorporates push notifications of new software
Authentication, verification
Given this fully automated management and distribution environment,
Simon is fully aware of the security considerations involved. "Within a
networked environment such as this, it's important to have security features
that authenticate developers, users, and binary artifacts in order to minimize
182 security risks," Simon says. "We incorporate many signing mechanisms at
various levels to ensure security within IoT, M2M, and cloud Data Management
Simon admits that there is a need for standardization around different
authentication elements within an IoT environment. He mentioned a
VMware project called Lightwave – an open source project comprised of
standards-based identity and access management services targeted at
security, governance, and compliance challenges for cloud-native
For the developers, Simon says there is a significant amount of
authentication and access permission capabilities in order to authenticate
software loads into the cloud environment. For the users, there are a number
of rights and permissions features in order to ensure end users get notified
or automatically updated with software that is signed, verified, and contains
only the features the end user is licensed for.
Corruption and rollbacks
When asked about accidental corruption or non-working components,
Simon explained a couple of approaches. First, in order to alleviate
complications involved with downloading of incompatible components, it's
important to make sure the binary objects are thoroughly tested and ready
for release. Second, when managing binaries and software packages you
don't modify – you always create a new version. This way you avoid
situations where bits and pieces get downloaded that might cause problems.
It's important to update packages everywhere and consistently. In case of
emergencies, Bintray has the ability to perform rollbacks, but that's to be
avoided at all costs.
Facilitating change
Paradigm shifts often usher in new methods and processes designed
specifically to support emerging changes. The presence of cloud services
coupled with flexibility, reach, and distribution of IoT and M2M end
devices and applications requires a new approach to software maintenance,
versioning, and distribution.


10.2.1 What is IoT architecture?

Due to the ever-evolving nature of IoT devices, and the wide diversity of
sensors, there is no one-size-fits-all architecture for IoT projects. However,
some of the building blocks will be similar from project to project. First,
you will need to build with scalability in mind. The amount of data that you
will collect over time will take on enormous proportions and you will need
a platform that can accommodate this in the long run. You will also need to
ensure that you have high availability at any given time. Having system
failures could make you lose some business in the best case, or could have
fatal consequences in the worst cases. Finally, you will need a system that
is flexible enough to accommodate quick and frequent changes. As your 183
Internet of Thing architecture evolves, or your business needs change, you will need to iterate
quickly without breaking the existing architecture.
These requirements make MongoDB a perfect choice for handling and
storing the data in your advanced IoT architecture. With a MongoDB
cluster, your replica sets will ensure that your servers are highly available.
The sharding capabilities of MongoDB are also key to easily scaling your
application as you need it. Additionally, the flexible data schemas are great
to store evolving data.

10.2.2 What are the four major layers of IoT architecture?

Internet of Things (IoT) technology has a wide variety of applications and
use of Internet of Things is growing so faster. Depending upon different
application areas of Internet of Things, it works accordingly as per it has
been designed/developed. But it has not a standard defined architecture of
working which is strictly followed universally. The architecture of IoT
depends upon its functionality and implementation in different sectors. Still,
there is a basic process flow based on which IoT is built.

4 layers can be divided as follows:

Sensing Layer,
Network Layer,
Data processing Layer, and
Application Layer.
Sensing Layer –
Sensors, actuators, devices are present in this Sensing layer. These Sensors
or Actuators accepts data(physical/environmental parameters), processes
data and emits data over network.

1. Network Layer –
Internet/Network gateways, Data Acquisition System (DAS) are
present in this layer. DAS performs data aggregation and conversion
function (Collecting data and aggregating data then converting analog
data of sensors to digital data etc). Advanced gateways which mainly Data Management
opens up connection between Sensor networks and Internet also
performs many basic gateway functionalities like malware protection,
and filtering also some times decision making based on inputted data
and data management services, etc.
2. Data processing Layer –
This is processing unit of IoT ecosystem. Here data is analyzed and
pre-processed before sending it to data center from where data is
accessed by software applications often termed as business
applications where data is monitored and managed and further actions
are also prepared. So here Edge IT or edge analytics comes into
3. Application Layer –
This is last layer of 4 stages of IoT architecture. Data centers or cloud
is management stage of data where data is managed and is used by
end-user applications like agriculture, health care, aerospace, farming,
defense, etc.
10.2.3 What are the five additional layers of IoT architecture?
The three-layer architecture is a great way to describe an IoT project, but it
is somewhat limited in scope. For this reason, many proposed architectures
have different or additional layers. A popular one is called the five-layer
architecture, which includes Transport (replacing the Network), Processing,
and Business layers, in addition to the Perception and Application layers
from the three-layer architecture model.

In addition to the Perception and Application layers, which are the same,
you will usually see the following three layers.

• Transport: This layer describes the transfer of data between the

sensors in the Perception layer and the Processing layer through
various networks.

• Processing: Sometimes referred to as the Middleware layer, this one

stores, analyzes, and pre-processes the data coming from the
Transport layer. In modern software applications, this is often located
on the edge of the cloud for low latency communications. 185
Internet of Thing • Business: This layer is often referred to as the Business Intelligence
layer. Located at a higher level than the Application layer, the
Business layer describes everything that has to do with the
stakeholders. Decision-making will be done here based on the data
found and consumed at the Application layer.
10.2.4 What are the four main stages of IoT architecture?
Another way to describe an IoT solution architecture is using a four-stage
approach. This architecture describes the various building blocks that
constitute the IoT solution. In this scenario, more emphasis is put on edge
computing than the other proposed designs.

• Devices: This stage is about the actual devices in the IoT solutions.
These devices could be sensors or actuators in the Perception layer.
Those devices will generate data (in the case of sensors) or act on their
environment (in the case of actuators). The data produced is converted
in a digital form and transmitted to the internet gateway stage. Unless
a critical decision must be made, the data is typically sent in a raw
state to the next stage due to the limited resources of the devices

• Internet gateways: The internet gateway stage will receive the raw
data from the devices and pre-process it before sending it to the cloud.
This internet gateway could be physically attached to the device or a
stand-alone device that could communicate with sensors over low
power networks and relay the data to the internet.

• Edge or fog computing: In order to process data as quickly as

possible, you might want to send your data to the edge of the cloud.
This will let you analyze the data quickly and identify if something
requires immediate attention. This layer typically would only be
concerned with recent data that is required for time-critical
operations. Some pre-processing might be done at this stage, too, to
limit the data that is ultimately transferred to the cloud.

• Cloud or data center: In this final stage, the data is stored for later
processing. The application and business layers live in this stage,
where dashboards or management software can be fed through the
data stored in the cloud. Deep analysis or resource-intensive
operations such as machine learning training will happen at this stage.

10.2.5 IoT architecture in business Data Management

IoT use cases are varied and can take multiple shapes. In order to understand
the different layers, we can look at an example. Commercial airlines have
many planes, and each of the planes has a plethora of sensors.
The Perception layer consists of all those sensors in the plane. Those will
indicate the current state of the aircraft, along with the data about the current
flight. The sensors will monitor things such as the altitude, the position, the
airspeed, and the vertical speed. Other sensors are gathering data to ensure
that the integrity of the plane is good, monitoring feedback such as
vibrations in the engines.
This data, coming from multiple different sensors from different
manufacturers, will be sent to a central unit on the plane as part of the
Network layer. This data will be converted into a standard format and will
be pre-processed there. If something critical happens, such as an engine
failure, actuators will be immediately triggered, rather than waiting for a
full round trip to the cloud. Once the plane has internet connectivity, the
data will be sent to the cloud and move to the Application layer.
Now that the data made its way to the cloud, the data can be processed and
analyzed in the Application layer. Here, dashboards are produced to verify
anomalies, flag issues for maintenance, and provide business insights for
the airline operator. With this data, the operator can make better decisions
and automate some tasks in order to make the flights safer. Many industries
benefit from IoT solutions.
10.2.6 How Does an Enterprise Benefit From IoT Architecture?
Now, we know about the different layers in IoT architecture but how are
they beneficial to enterprise and how can businesses get more out of IoT?
Although the IoT refers to connected devices and protocols, in practicality,
the data from the devices are isolated, siloed and fragmented. These
fragmented insights on their own do not provide much information needed
to justify heavy resource investment in an IoT strategy. For enterprises to
make the most out of IoT, the interactions between the devices must be
open, and more device and system synergies have to be made possible.

Internet of Thing This is where IoT Architecture for Enterprises are essential. It can help
enterprises leverage the interconnectivity of smart devices and systems,
grouping them together to measure certain data, or to form new business
models and uses.
By taking advantage of different technologies ranging from embedded
devices with actuators and sensors to internet-based communication and
cloud platforms enterprises can automate business processes. Further such
enterprise IoT applications can provide control instructions to devices based
on specific business rules. With the progressions in Big Data analytics, the
insights obtained from the IoT data sets will become valuable for enterprises
to take decisions. From connecting IoT devices, mining sensor data sets to
software platforms and controlling, IoT architecture works as the single
node monitoring all functions.
Below are a few examples of the different stages of IoT architecture
implemented in enterprises:
1. Internet gateways
2. Edge IoT
3. Datacenter and cloud
Internet Gateways: This component is based on traditional IoT Gateway
whose main responsibility is to act as a proxy between the world of field
things and the enterprise data center, usually cloud-based.
Edge IoT: The term edge comes from Edge Computing where data is
processed at the periphery of the network, as close to the originating data as
possible. The key factor which makes edge processing crucial is turning the
data processing and action taking the closest to real-time.
Datacenter and cloud: By using virtualization, hardware resources and
IoT devices in an IoT architecture can be well utilized. Both HTTP and
MQTT servers are also introduced as the application servers for the
different cloud service models. The HTTP servers can implement services
for devices and end-users, while the MQTT servers ensure a large number
of device connections and real-time communication among devices.
Furthermore, some other key components such as the supporting databases
are also presented for the sake of functionality, availability and


10.3.1 What is the Object Name Service?

The Object Name Service (ONS) is an automated networking service
similar to the Domain Name Service (DNS) that points computers to sites
on the World Wide Web. When an interrogator reads an RFID tag, the
Electronic Product Code is passed to middleware, which, in turn, goes to an
ONS on a local network or the Internet to find where information on the
product is stored. ONS points the middleware to a server where a file about
that product is stored. The middleware retrieves the file (after proper
authentication), and the information about the product in the file can be Data Management
forwarded to a company’s inventory or supply chain applications
10.3.2 Object name requirements
Your object names must meet the following requirements:
• Object names can contain any sequence of valid Unicode characters,
of length 1-1024 bytes when UTF-8 encoded.
• Object names cannot contain Carriage Return or Line Feed characters.
• Object names cannot start with .well-known/acme-challenge/.
• Objects cannot be named . or ...
• It is strongly recommended that you avoid the following in your
object names:
• Control characters that are illegal in XML 1.0 (#x7F–#x84 and #x86–
#x9F): these characters cause XML listing issues when you try to list
your objects.
• The "#" character: gsutil interprets object names ending with
#<numeric string> as version identifiers, so including "#" in object
names can make it difficult or impossible to perform operations on
such versioned objects using gsutil.
• The "[", "]", "*", or "?" characters: gsutil interprets these characters
as wildcards, so including them in object names can make it difficult
or impossible to perform wildcard operations using gsutil.
• Sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII): object names
are more broadly visible than object data. For example, object names
appear in URLs for the object and when listing objects in a bucket.
10.3.3 Object name considerations
Object names reside in a flat namespace within a bucket. This means that:
• Different buckets can have objects with the same name.
• Objects do not reside within subdirectories in a bucket.
For example, you can name an object /europe/france/paris.jpg to make
it appear that paris.jpg resides in the subdirectory /europe/france, but to
Cloud Storage, the object simply exists in the bucket and has the
name /europe/france/paris.jpg. As a result, while deeply nested, directory-
like structures using slash delimiters are possible within Cloud Storage, they
don't have the performance that a native filesystem has when listing deeply
nested sub-directories. As with buckets, existing objects cannot be directly
renamed, but you can indirectly rename an object by copying and deleting
the original object.


10.4.1 What is meant by service-oriented architecture?

SOA, or service-oriented architecture, defines a way to make software
components reusable via service interfaces. These interfaces utilize
Internet of Thing common communication standards in such a way that they can be rapidly
incorporated into new applications without having to perform deep
integration each time
Service-Oriented Architecture
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a stage in the evolution of
application development and/or integration. It defines a way to make
software components reusable using the interfaces.
Formally, SOA is an architectural approach in which applications make use
of services available in the network. In this architecture, services are
provided to form applications, through a network call over the internet. It
uses common communication standards to speed up and streamline the
service integrations in applications. Each service in SOA is a complete
business function in itself. The services are published in such a way that it
makes it easy for the developers to assemble their apps using those services.
Note that SOA is different from microservice architecture.

• SOA allows users to combine a large number of facilities from

existing services to form applications.

• SOA encompasses a set of design principles that structure system

development and provide means for integrating components into a
coherent and decentralized system.

• SOA-based computing packages functionalities into a set of

interoperable services, which can be integrated into different software
systems belonging to separate business domains.
There are two major roles within Service-oriented Architecture:
1. Service provider: The service provider is the maintainer of the
service and the organization that makes available one or more services
for others to use. To advertise services, the provider can publish them
in a registry, together with a service contract that specifies the nature
of the service, how to use it, the requirements for the service, and the
fees charged.
2. Service consumer: The service consumer can locate the service
metadata in the registry and develop the required client components
to bind and use the service.

Services might aggregate information and data retrieved from other Data Management
services or create workflows of services to satisfy the request of a
given service consumer. This practice is known as service
orchestration Another important interaction pattern is service
choreography, which is the coordinated interaction of services
without a single point of control.
Components of SOA:

Guiding Principles of SOA:

1. Standardized service contract: Specified through one or more
service description documents.
2. Loose coupling: Services are designed as self-contained components,
maintain relationships that minimize dependencies on other services.
3. Abstraction: A service is completely defined by service contracts
and description documents. They hide their logic, which is
encapsulated within their implementation.
4. Reusability: Designed as components, services can be reused more
effectively, thus reducing development time and the associated costs.
5. Autonomy: Services have control over the logic they encapsulate
and, from a service consumer point of view, there is no need to know
about their implementation.
6. Discoverability: Services are defined by description documents that
constitute supplemental metadata through which they can be
effectively discovered. Service discovery provides an effective means
for utilizing third-party resources.
7. Composability: Using services as building blocks, sophisticated and
complex operations can be implemented. Service orchestration and
choreography provide a solid support for composing services and
achieving business goals. 191
Internet of Thing Advantages of SOA:

• Service reusability: In SOA, applications are made from existing

services. Thus, services can be reused to make many applications.

• Easy maintenance: As services are independent of each other they

can be updated and modified easily without affecting other services.

• Platform independent: SOA allows making a complex application

by combining services picked from different sources, independent of
the platform.

• Availability: SOA facilities are easily available to anyone on request.

• Reliability: SOA applications are more reliable because it is easy to

debug small services rather than huge codes

• Scalability: Services can run on different servers within an

environment, this increases scalability
Disadvantages of SOA:

• High overhead: A validation of input parameters of services is done

whenever services interact this decreases performance as it increases
load and response time.

• High investment: A huge initial investment is required for SOA.

• Complex service management: When services interact they

exchange messages to tasks. the number of messages may go in
millions. It becomes a cumbersome task to handle a large number of
Practical applications of SOA: SOA is used in many ways around us
whether it is mentioned or not.
1. SOA infrastructure is used by many armies and air forces to deploy
situational awareness systems.
2. SOA is used to improve healthcare delivery.
3. Nowadays many apps are games and they use inbuilt functions to run.
For example, an app might need GPS so it uses the inbuilt GPS
functions of the device. This is SOA in mobile solutions.
4. SOA helps maintain museums a virtualized storage pool for their
information and content.
Why is service-oriented architecture important?
SOA enables the development of applications that are easier to handle
and more secure, since it provides a common infrastructure and
documentation to develop services, with the opportunity to add new

features. Thanks to SOA, it is possible to minimise data loss, since it offers Data Management
security and high availability.
10.4.2 What is IoT service-oriented architecture?
The Internet of Things (IoT) aids an interconnection between systems,
humans, and services to develop computation-intensive autonomous
applications. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) concepts have been used
as defacto software architecture to develop IoT-based system
10.4.3 What is a service-oriented architecture with example?
Typically, Service-Oriented Architecture is implemented with web
services, which makes the “functional building blocks accessible over
standard internet protocols.” An example of a web service standard is
SOAP, which stands for Simple Object Access Protocol.
10.4.4 What are the 3 types of architecture in SOA?
Loose coupling - It facilitates to implement services without impacting
other applications or services. Parallel Development - As SOA follows
layer-based architecture, it provides parallel development. Available - The
SOA services are easily available to any requester.
10.4.5 Why SOA is used?
SOA is an architectural style for building software applications that use
services available in a network such as the web. It promotes loose
coupling between software components so that they can be reused.
Applications in SOA are built based on services.
10.4.6 What are the components of SOA?
Below are the components of SOA Architecture: 1. Different layers in SOA
are the consumer interface layer, business process layer, services layer,
service component layer and operational systems layer. The consumer
interface layer interacts with the user and has the user interface.
10.4.7 What are the key characteristics of SOA?
Characteristics of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

• SOA supports loose coupling everywhere in the project.

• SOA supports interoperability.
• SOA increases the quality of service.
• SOA supports vendor diversity.
• SOA promotes discovery and federation.
• SOA is location-transparent.
• SOA is still maturing and achievable idea
10.4.8 What is difference between SOA and Microservices?
The main difference between SOA and microservices: Scope

Internet of Thing To put it simply, service-oriented architecture (SOA) has an enterprise
scope, while the microservices architecture has an application scope.
Many of the core principles of each approach become incompatible when
you neglect this difference.
10.4.9 How is service oriented architecture implemented?
Service Oriented Architecture: Six steps to a successful SOA
1. Step 1: Map SOA to your business.
2. Step 2: Take a long view and implement incrementally.
3. Step 3: Plot your course by creating an SOA Plan.
4. Step 4: Gather your talent.
5. Step 5: Reuse, Reuse, Reuse.
6. Step 6: Measure the results. And impact.
10.4.10 How many layers are there in SOA architecture?
The SOA Reference Architecture (SOA RA) has nine layers representing
nine key clusters of considerations and responsibilities that typically emerge
in the process of designing an SOA solution or defining an enterprise
architecture standard.
10.4.11 Why is SOA important?
SOA can support you to align your business goals with your IT
architecture. Companies who implement SOA are much more flexible to
adopt and change their processes. For example telecommunications
companies can offer new services or update their service prices.

10.4.12What are the advantages and disadvantages of SOA?

Pros of SOA:
Independent location. It doesn't really matter where the services are
located. They can be published on one server or several different ones.

Cons of SOA:

• Large upfront investment. ...

• Greater load and increased response time. ...
• Vast variety of services.

Summary of Features and Benefits

• SOA Features, Benefits, and Infrastructure shows the main features

and benefits of SOA, together with the infrastructure needed to
support them.

• SOA Features, Benefits, and Infrastructure

Feature Benefits Supporting Data Management
Service Improved information flow
Ability to expose internal
Organizational flexibility
Service Re- Lower software development Service repository
use and management costs
Messaging Configuration flexibility Messaging program
Message Business intelligence Activity monitor
Monitoring Performance measurement
Security attack detection
Message Application of management PDPs and PEPs
Control policy
Application of security policy
Message Data translation Data translator
Message Data confidentiality and Encryption engine
Security integrity
Complex Simplification of software Event processor
Event structure
Processing Ability to adapt quickly to
different external environments
Improved manageability and
Service Ability to develop new function Composition engine
Composition combinations rapidly
Service Ability to optimize Service registry
Discovery performance, functionality, and
Easier introduction of system
Asset Ability to integrate existing
Wrapping assets
Virtualization Improved reliability
Ability to scale operations to
meet different demand levels
Model-driven Ability to develop new Model-
Implementati functions rapidly implementation
on environment

Internet of Thing 10.5 NETWORK OF INFORMATION

10.5.1 What is network in IoT?

An IoT network refers to a collection of interconnected devices that
communicate with other devices without the need for human
involvement, such as autonomous cars, smart appliances, and wearable
10.5.2 What are the types of IoT networks?
6 Leading Types of IoT Wireless Tech and Their Best Use Cases
1. LPWANs. Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) are the new
phenomenon in IoT. ...
2. Cellular (3G/4G/5G) ...
3. Zigbee and Other Mesh Protocols. ...
4. Bluetooth and BLE. ...

5. Wi-Fi. ...
6. RFID.
10.5.3 What is used in networking of IoT devices?
IoT device connectivity and networking :Wireless protocols include IPv6,
LPWAN, Zigbee, Bluetooth Low Energy, Z-Wave, RFID and NFC.
Cellular, satellite, Wi-Fi and Ethernet can also be used.
10.5.4. How IoT are connected to a network?
IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by connecting to an IoT
gateway or other edge device where data is either sent to the cloud to
be analyzed or analyzed locally. Sometimes, these devices communicate
with other related devices and act on the information they get from one

10.5.5 What is the importance of network in IoT?

IoT is nothing without a network to support it. The sensor influx will
generate vast amounts of data that need to be processed in real time to
glean insights that deliver value. This influx of data will have a huge
impact on the capabilities of the networking systems that we employ today.
10.5.6 What are the basic requirements of IoT networks?
Required functions include device configuration, security, command
dispatching, operational control, remote monitoring and
troubleshooting. The organization will need to account for these functions,
even if the cloud provider doesn't offer the required device management
10.5.7 The Role of Networking in Enabling IoT Data Management

The number of connected devices is expected to grow to $50 billion by

2020. And the global spending on IoT devices and services is expected to
grow to $1.7 trillion in 2020. But even as our homes, cars, and wearable
devices get smarter, IoT is set to find a prominent place in the enterprise as

Sectors such as healthcare, transport, and energy are all leaning in towards
this technology. However, along with the devices that enable IoT, we also
need to pay close attention to the network. Given the volume of data and
the amount of real-time instructions flowing up and down, it becomes
critical to ensure that the network is positioned to support these devices and
help them function as desired. The connectivity, power, compute,
manageability, and security of IoT deployments are all dependent on the
network, making it a crucial cog in the IoT wheel.

Data and data analytics

IoT is nothing without a network to support it. The sensor influx will
generate vast amounts of data that need to be processed in real time to glean
insights that deliver value. This influx of data will have a huge impact on
the capabilities of the networking systems that we employ today.

The inability of the network to keep up will impede the data processing and
analytics capabilities. The scale of the challenge suggests that the existing
network ecosystem will have trouble keeping up with the demands of IoT
in the coming years.


Another aspect of IoT that we need to consider is security. The IoT

ecosystem demands the integration of operational technology (OT) and
information technology (IT) amongst the other usual suspects such as
manufacturing systems and more. These integrations, along with enabling
IoT, open doors to potential threats from hackers.

These threats can be mitigated greatly by ensuring that security is a “baked-

in” feature of the network too. And of course, the network needs to evolve
to secure and protect the application servers from attacks that originate from
infected IoT devices.

Connectivity concerns

IoT is a network of devices that can communicate with one another. For
this, IoT devices need committed connectivity to controllers that manage
the device ecosystem. Sure, the connectivity can be wired or wireless. We
currently have several protocol options such as NFC, Wi-Fi, cellular, z-
wave, to choose from. The network infrastructure has to be such that it can
support the protocols that make the most sense in a specific IoT landscape.

Internet of Thing Compute
IoT deployments need to process events without latency to deliver impact
in real time. IoT devices are optimized for form-factor, power, and cost,
limiting the compute power available in these devices. This challenge can
be mitigated by leveraging a network that can support an application hosting
environment and allow IoT vendors to host their software locally. The
capacity of the network also decides how the compute on the network
elements can be leveraged to run processes such as dynamically increasing
and managing traffic.
With IoT increasingly becoming a mainstream technology, enterprises have
to look at managing a large number of IoT devices at scale. This is proving
to be a major challenge. While IoT solutions are able to manage their
devices, a robust network can enable this software stack to reside in the part
of the infrastructure where computing power exists. This helps in delivering
critical messages from the controller to the devices with high reliability;
assists in automated provisioning of the network for supporting IoT; and
also helps manage IoT devices at scale.
Given the unique needs of the IoT ecosystem, it is clear that we need
dedicated and specific networks designed for IoT itself. Intent-based
networking and Service Mesh are emerging as network options to enable
IoT to its fullest potential.
Service Mesh, for example, is a dedicated infrastructure that has a dedicated
infrastructure layer built right into an app. It has been defined as a
configurable, lowlatency infrastructure layer that can handle a high volume
of networkbased interprocess communication among application
infrastructure services using APIs. It ensures fast, reliable, and secure
communication among containerized and, often, temporary application
infrastructure services. Service discovery, observability, authentication,
traceability, load balancing, authorization, support for the circuit breaker
pattern, and encryption are some of the capabilities of this network.
Intent-based networking is another solution that takes into consideration the
networking demands needed to make IoT a success. Intent-based networks
change the way networks are managed and depend on the administrators to
tell the network what needs to be done. If this means dedicating the
network’s capability to IoT, then that option exists. The network determines
‘how’ it is to be done and then automates specific tasks to make it happen.
Experts will say that intent-based networking systems (IBNS) are not new.
However, now we have technologies such as Machine Learning and
advanced automation to control these networks better. Intent-based
networking is a departure from how networks are managed today – manual
with absent algorithmic validation. Intent-based networking monitors,
identifies, and reacts in real time to meet the needs of the changing network
conditions and ensures that the desired state of the network is always

In this context, it is also worth evaluating 5G. 5G is more than just fast Data Management
downloads. It is about high-speed connectivity, extremely low latency, and
pervasive coverage. As 5G becomes available, we can see it meeting some
of the demands of IoT and real-time network performance. There’s a real
promise that 5G could become pivotal in driving IoT adoption. It is
interesting to see how the world of networking is evolving to support the
demands of technologies such as IoT.


An IoT application typically involves a large number of deployed and

interconnected sensors and gateways. The sensors measure the physical
environment and send the data to a gateway. The gateway aggregates the
data from various sensors and then sends it to a server/broker. Meanwhile,
clients that are interested to receive sensor data connection to the server to
obtain the data. The integration of sensor devices into the Internet requires
an IP-compatible protocol stack which is bandwidth efficient, energy-
efficient and capable of working with limited hardware resources. The lack
of optimized application protocols for sensors can cause performance
degradation in terms of bandwidth usage and battery lifetime for wireless
The most important part of the Internet of things is communication among
the IoT devices. The Internet of Things covers a huge space of devices,
networks and use cases that scale from a single constrained device up to a
mass crossplatform devices of embedded technologies and cloud
connecting in real time. There are numerous devices emerging into the
network which give rise to the various new communication protocols that
allow devices to talk each other in more connected ways.
Communication protocols in IoT are introduced in order to provide an
efficient, reliable and secure communication for different applications.
Depending upon the nature of use, the number of IoT devices uses different
protocols such as CoAP, MQTT, XMPP, and HTTP are used. Two of the
most promising for small devices are MQTT and CoAP.


2. https://www.javatpoint.com/iot-smart bjects#:~:text=Smart%20
objects%20are% 20utilized %20
3. https://iotjourney.orange.com/en/explore/solutions-iot/smart-objects
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_Naming_Service
5. https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/naming-objects
6. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/service-oriented-architecture/ 199
Internet of Thing 7. https://www.mongodb.com/cloud-explained/iot-architecture
9. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/what-is-the-architecture-of-internet-


1. What is IoT architecture?

2. What are the four major layers of IoT architecture?
3. What are the five additional layers of IoT architecture?
4. What are the four main stages of IoT architecture?
5. Discuss on IoT architecture in business?
6. How Does an Enterprise Benefit From IoT Architecture?
7. What is the Object Name Service?
8. What are Object name requirements?
9. Discuss on Object name considerations?
10. What is meant by service-oriented architecture?
11. What is IoT service-oriented architecture?
12. What is a service-oriented architecture with example?
13. What are the 3 types of architecture in SOA?
14 Why SOA is used?
15. What are the components of SOA?
16. What are the key characteristics of SOA?
17. What is difference between SOA and Microservices?
18. How is service oriented architecture implemented?
19. How many layers are there in SOA architecture?
20. Why is SOA important?
21.What are the advantages and disadvantages of SOA?
22. What is network in IoT?
23 What are the types of IoT networks?
24 What is used in networking of IoT devices?
25 How IoT are connected to a network?
26 What is the importance of network in IoT?
27 What are the basic requirements of IoT networks?
28. Explain the Role of Networking in Enabling IoT?


Unit Structure
11.0 Objectives
11.1 Introduction
11.2 IoT Home Automation System
11.2.1 Overview
11.2.2 Smart Home Components Smart Lighting Smart Appliances Intrusion Detection Smoke/Gas Detectors
11.2.3 Smart Home Automation System Architectural Layout
11.2.4 Technical Aspects of Home Automation System
11.2.5 Challenges of IoT in Smart Home Automation
11.3 IoT Smart City
11.3.1 Overview
11.3.2 Smart City Components Smart Parking Smart Lighting Smart Roads Structural Health Monitoring Surveillance Emergency Response
11.3.3 Outline of Architecture of IoT Smart City
11.4 Let us Sum Up
11.5 References
11.6 Model Questions
11.7 Chapter End Exercise


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

• understand IoT domain dedicated to a particular problem domain.
• State domain specific representation of IoT systems for Home
Automation and Smart Cities.
• explain different solution techniques to implement Domain Specific
IoTs like Home Automation and Smart Cities.
• illustrate the role of an IoT Ecosystem in managing heterogenous
Internet of Thing 11.1 INTRODUCTION

We are observing the advent of a revolutionary computing paradigm that

has potentials to have a deep effect on the way we interact with the devices,
physical or virtual spaces and people. Internet of things have brought this
new paradigm to a great success which is making a world have a seamless
and ubiquitous system where computers, sensors, actuators, embedded
processors, communication devices and internet interact together in
possibly less expensive way that usual.
Internet of Things will assist users with a calm and suitable information
environment. It will provide a smart space that combines physical and
computational infrastructures into a cohesive habitat. This habitat will
eventually attain a high proliferation of hundreds or thousands of computing
devices and sensors that may further provide new functionalities in different
This chapter describes the use of IoT techniques in implementing Home
Automation and Smart cities. It will illustrate various functionalities and
platform needs of implementing Home automation systems and Smart cities
using the concepts of IoT.


Home automation is building a system automation for a comfortable

environment in domestic arena. With Home automation system, you can
control your home appliances like Television Set, fan, light bulb, geyser etc.
through an IoT enabled interface. Building home automation system to
provide seamless functionality is a challenge due to heterogenous things are
involved into it. Home automation systems needs to be a sensible home or
smart house. Such automation systems can monitor the different home
attributes like temperature, climate, lighting, people’s actions, voice
commands, signals from different appliances etc. At the same time, they can
control/manage these home attributes which will be very helpful for you to
deal with your domestic space without interacting with them physically.
In addition to that domestic automation system can incorporate domestic
security such as access management and alarm systems. Domestic home
automation systems need to be attached with the internet, so that
management of access and action on any security breach can be controlled
remotely. For any IoT automation system to work, it needs to be
implemented on three platforms: Sensors and/or actuators, Microprocessors
and the Internet.
A domestic automation system typically connects controlled devices to a
central hub or gateway.
The program for control of the system makes use of both wall-mounted
terminals, tablet or desktop computers, a smartphone application, or an
online interface that may even be approachable off-site through the Internet.
11.2.1 OVERVIEW IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
The notion of Home Automation System purposes to bring the control of
your home appliances which you use on day-to basis to the tip of your
finger. Thereby giving you an affordable lighting solution, better energy
conservation with optimal use of energy. Besides lighting solutions, the
home automation system further extends its functionality to provide you an
overall control over your home security. Another promising functionality of
this system can be built as a centralized home entertainment system where
your Television set and Music systems can be accessed over your voice
commands or through your gestures. There can be many more such
functionalities can be implemented in Home automation system to make it
as a Home Automation Ecosystem. This ecosystem can have a common
platform where different IoT devices of your house can interact with each
other and send/receive data and commands through common
sensors/actuators and common internet interface like Wi-Fi/IP
The IoT based Home Automation system offer a lot of flexibility over the
wired systems it comes with various advantages like ease-of-use, ease-of-
installation, avoid complexity of running through wires or loose electrical
connections, easy fault detection and triggering and above and all it even
offers easy mobility.
Home automation system provides a smart platform to you to manage and
control your devices. The smart platform involves used of embedded
systems, sensors/actuators, internet and Artificial Intelligence based
monitoring. What’s exactly the smart homes? Let’s discuss in detail.
Conventionally, our houses, apartments, buildings or business premises
consist of separate electrical devices and systems where each of them
requires separate handling for various purposes. They work independently
of each other. Typically, in our houses, we cannot start celling fan from TV
remote, or we can’t by wall switches. open the door from the TV remote or
cannot change the radio station by the wall switches. This is because
everything here works on its own and does not interconnect with the others.
A "smart house" is in fact an ecosystem where a systematized home
automation system which connects all the electrical appliances and other
potential things (with added computing functionality) to manage various
home attributes. These can include following:
1. Lighting of a room seeing somebody’s presence in room.
2. Heating or air conditioning in room based on temperature conditions
inside or outside the room.
3. Ventilation of a room as per surrounding conditions.
4. Security alarm system in case of security breech.
Internet of Thing 5. Turning on/off audio/video system based on someone’s gesture or
even a mood.
6. Call devices in case of inter-communication is needed among
connected devices.

7. Energy control equipment’s to save on energy usage.

8. Automation of mechanically motorized things like door, windows,
blinds, gates, etc.
9. Technical alarms like unwanted water spillage, fridge cooling, etc.

10. Watering the plant when you are away from home for few days etc.
A smart home is thus formed by linking separate parts of household set-up
such as lighting, heating, cooling, blinds, sensors, etc. into a common
system. This form of automation results in a reduced need for human
interaction and in an increase of comfort and safety, the provision of
additional benefits and improved energy efficiency.
First of all, we must be aware that neither the electrical system nor the house
itself are smart or intelligent, as they have not programmed themselves, they
do not learn on their own mistakes and do not correct them (except in the
case they are furnished with an artificial intelligent system!). However,
smart home system or smart house, as far as marketing is concerned, are
well known terms that can be traced in all media. Second, by increasing
energy efficiency, i.e. reducing electricity consumption, we reduce our
carbon impact, which is in line with current European and world policies. SMART LIGHTING

IoT based Smart lighting systems contains IoT-enabled sensors, bulbs and
adapters to let users to control their home or office lighting with their
smartphones or any smart home management platform like web portal or
smart assistant. Smart lighting solution platforms can be used to set a
schedule of lighting, or lighting can be triggered by sound or motion. For
Ex. When a person will enter into a room, smart lighting system will
automatically turn ‘ON’ Lighting by just sensing the move motion.
Smart lighting systems can routinely detect when a building is occupied or
not occupied, based other devices, like an IoT-enabled thermostat or
security system, or according to schedules set by the user. By guaranteeing
that no light is forgotten when employees leave an office for the weekend,
or every morning when you go to work, smart lighting can prove an
excellent resource for energy conservation and operating efficiency.
Smart lighting solutions can be built in different ways. Smart bulbs can be
built with WiFi-enabled interface that can be controlled individually by a
smart assistant or mobile app as depicted in Fig 13.1. Smart lighting systems
can be also built with IP-enabled interface so that it can be controlled
remotely using mobile app/web portal. For such interface we may need
inclusion of hub and gateway to relay the communication remotely. A
network hub is a node that broadcasts data to every computer or Ethernet- IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
based device connected to it. A gateway is a network node used in
telecommunications that connects two networks with different transmission
protocols together. Gateways acts as an entry and exit point for a network
as all data must pass through or communicate with the gateway prior to
being routed. Most of the smart lighting systems can also provide you the
ability to change color or dimness. Furthermore, such lighting systems can
control group of lights together.
The key benefits of having such smart lighting solutions is to save money
by switching to more energy-efficient LED bulbs. We can Set schedules to
ensure that lights are off when they aren’t needed. We can also control
lighting schedules remotely as a security measure when we’re away from
home or out of town. Lastly, we can adjust the color or dimness of lights in
different rooms or individual bulbs.

Fig 11.1: Basic Setup of Smart Home Lighting System. SMART APPLIANCES
These are day-to-day regular appliances with added functionality of being
smart. Such smart appliances are connected to some central system and are
programmed in such a way that they can be operated or controlled remotely.
Most of the time they operate autonomously, based on various inputs they
collect from surrounding environment. To such smart appliances the inputs
can be coming from sensors detecting things like temperature, light levels,
or activity. Smart appliances are generally designed to interoperate with
other smart devices. They are ideally there as part of an overall smart home
Smart appliances offer consumers the benefits such as improved energy
management and better convenience, comfort, and security. For
manufacturers, smart appliances can increase profits—not only by
delivering products that consumers want to buy and use, but also through
new revenue streams based on things like automated consumables
replacements or efficiencies of development, manufacturing, deployment,
and maintenance.
Common examples of Examples of Smart Appliances can be as following:
1. Smart Kitchen Appliances like Refrigerators, Ovens, Microwaves,
Coffee makers, Blenders, etc.
Internet of Thing 2. Smart Household Appliances like Water dispensers, Vacuums,
Washers, Dryers, etc.
3. Smart Lighting like Light bulbs, Outlets, Plugs, Lighting kits, etc.
4. Smart Heating and Cooling like Heaters, Air Conditioners,
Thermostats, Ceiling fans, Energy control systems, Leak detectors,
5. Smart Security Solutions like Locks, Security systems, Cameras,
Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, etc.
6. Consumer Electronics like Smart sleep systems, Infant monitors, Air
care systems, Weather systems, etc.
Manufacturers of smart appliances have two different ways to create smart
connected versions of their appliances. Either build an expertise in-house or
purchase the expertise from outside. Creating a smart appliance needs
technical experience in networking, embedded devices, microprocessor
programming, software application development, and other relative
domains. It also requires a well knowledge in all the standards, protocols,
and interconnections of these various technologies. With the usage of smart
appliances and the data generated by them the manufactures can gather the
benefits like tracking different manufactured products through the entire
sales, distribution, and installation cycle. The remote diagnostics can be
performed to reduce the number of service calls and avoid appliance
failures. The consumer benefits may involve managing all of their home
devices from one place. The convenience factor to consumer here is huge
flexibility for new devices and appliances. Such systems will offer
improved home security and remote control of home functions.

Fig 11.2: Basic Setup of Smart Home Appliances System. INTRUSION DETECTION
One of the areas of IoT home automation system is to improve the quality
of human life in terms of comfort, efficiency and security. The IoT based
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is fairly new paradigm for building smart
and safe environments. Security and privacy are considered crucial matters IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
in any real-world smart environment based on the IoT model. The security
susceptibilities in IoT-based systems create security concerns that affect
smart environment applications. Thus, there is a critical need for intrusion
detection systems (IDSs) designed for IoT environments to mitigate IoT-
related security attacks that exploit some of these security vulnerabilities.
The conventional IDSs may not be an option for IoT environments. This is
due to the restricted computing and storage capabilities of IoT devices and
the specific protocols used in building IoT device. We need lightweight
IDSs designed for the IoT model with relevant methods, features, and
mechanisms. An IDS is a security mechanism that works mainly in the
network layer of an IoT system. An IDS installed for an IoT system should
be able to examine packets of data and generate responses in real time,
analyze data packets in different layers of the IoT network with different
protocol stacks, and adapt to different technologies in the IoT environment.
An IDS that is designed for IoT-based smart environments should operate
under constrained and strict conditions of low processing capability, fast
response, and high-volume data processing. Therefore, conventional IDSs
may not be fully suitable for IoT environments. IoT security is a continuous
and serious issue; thus, an up-to-date understanding of the security
vulnerabilities of IoT systems and the development of corresponding
mitigation approaches are required.

Fig 11.3: Basic Setup of Smart Intrusion Detection System.

Monitoring and analyzing user data, networks, and services through passive
traffic collection and scrutiny are useful tools for dealing networks and
noticing security exposures in a timely manner. An IDS is a tool for
monitoring traffic data to identify and guard against invasions that threaten
the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of an information system.
The operations of an IDS are schematically illustrated in Fig. 13.3 The
operations of an IDS can be divided into three segments. The first segment
is of monitoring the data traffic through IDS Sensors. The second segment
is of analysis stage where feature extraction methods or pattern
identification methods are carried out with the help of previously stored
information in database. The final segment is the detection probable
intrusion, which relies on anomaly or misuse intrusion detection. An IDS
detention a copy of the data traffic in an information system and then
examines this copy to detect possibly harmful happenings. SMOKE/GAS DETECTORS
The blaze of fire is a serious issue and houses are at a high risk of fire.
Currently, there are some smoke detectors/alarms are being used which only 207
Internet of Thing have one sensor to detect fire. Smoke is released in several forms in daily
life. A single sensor may not be reliable way to detect fire in such scenarios.
With the advent in Internet technology, now one can monitor their
house/office remotely to determine the current condition of the
house/office. We need an intelligent smoke alarm system that uses some
wireless transmission technology to build a wireless network and uses
multiple sensors to identify smoke and generate data visualization charts to
show possible impact of smoke is situation left unattended. Multiple sensors
will be combining the real-time dynamic changes of various environmental
Compared to the traditional smoke alarm, the accurateness and
controllability of the fire warning will be increased, and the visualization of
the data will enable users to monitor the room environment more naturally.
The smart smoke sensor should be also able to classify type of smoke/gas.
For example, there can be different types like normal air, water mist, kitchen
cooking, and fire smoke. The smart smoke sensor should be able to detect
these categories correctly thereby reducing the frequency of miscalculations
which also means improving the safety of the person and property of the

Fig 11.4: Smart Smoke Detector and Gas Detector (Source:

The Smart Smoke Sensor and Wi-Fi Smart Gas Detector helps keep your
home and your family safe with real-time alerts notifying you in the event
it detects smoke or event of a gas leak. It can be Synced with the Smart
Home app. Also, it is compatible with Alexa and Google Home.

208 Fig 11.5: Basic Setup of Smart Home Automation System.
A smart home system is something that makes our life quite relaxed. IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
Starting from energy management where the power controls system in the
AC appliances where we use the thermostat, all this is managed to cut down
the power consumption that's taking place. A door/lock management
system, security management system, water management system is the part
of this as well. Still, these are crucial things that stand out in the smart home
system. The limitation of IoT in smart home application stops where our
imagination stops. Anything that we wish to automate or want to make our
life easier can be a part of smart home, a smartphone system as well.

Fig: 11.6: Technical Components of Home Automation System

Home Automation systems are the collective implementation of various
technical parts. Such systems provide joint facility between diverse
electronic, electrical, and power devices further as interactive interface for
individuals to regulate their functionality. These choices are most useful to
enhance and optimize energy consumption. Furthermore, these
technologies are making people’s life easier, particularly for senior persons
and persons with disabilities. These systems exist in fact, however there are
several non-interoperable, exclusive, and habitually wired systems.
Different new and sophisticated wireless communication standards were
developed and enforced into employment of IoT systems in last few years.
GSM and Bluetooth are accepted by the majority within the modern society.
These standards have penetrated into their daily routine with outstanding
popularity. “An internet of people” has become standard for everyone who
desires to have everybody and everything accessible. Despite the fact that it
appears that everyone peoples‟ wireless necessities have consummated, it
activates, that they lack of one thing like “a net of things” particularly in
thought Home Automation. IoT grants individuals the ability to ideally use
any network and any service anywhere and anytime while the appliances
and people need to be connected to a network. IoT technology therefore
uses Automation as an important application.
The necessary working gears of any Home Automation System should
include following:
1. User Interface
User interface (UI) design is the process to build interfaces in software
or computerized devices, focusing on user friendliness. Designers
intention is to create interfaces which users find easy to use. User
interfaces provides the access points where users can interact with the
systems. User Interface come in three setups:
Internet of Thing 1. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs): Users interact with visual
depictions on digital control panels. A computer’s desktop is a
2. Voice-controlled interfaces (VUIs): Users interact with these
using their voice. Most smart assistants e.g., Siri on iPhone and
Alexa on Amazon devices are VUIs.
3. Gesture-based interfaces: Users engage with 3D design spaces
through bodily motions: e.g., in virtual reality (VR) games.
The user interface can be anything that can send/ receive commands
to control a system such as a monitor, microphone or a phone.
2. Transmission Medium
The transmission medium plays important role in communication of
IoTs. Transmission media is a communication channel that carries the
information from the sender to the receiver. Data is transmitted
through the electromagnetic signals. The main functionality of the
transmission media is to carry the information in the form of bits
through Network. Transmission media is of two categories, they are
wired media and wireless media. In wired media, medium
characteristics are more important whereas, in wireless media, signal
characteristics are more important. Different transmission media have
different properties such as bandwidth, delay, cost and ease of
installation and maintenance. It is a physical path between transmitter
and receiver in data communication. In a copper-based network, the
bits in the form of electrical signals. In a fibre based network, the bits
in the form of light pulses. For IoT device to communicate, wireless
media is most suitable. The examples of wireless media can be a
Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or GSM. Wired Connections like Ethernet
technology can also be a part of IoT communication system.
3. Control Centre
This is the central part of the system which have a hardware and
software interface that communicates with the user interface to
control household services. Control Center is an IoT service platform
that simply, automatically, and securely delivers the visibility and
control home automation need to launch, scale, and manage its
Internet-of-Things (IoT) services. Many devices today that we have
in our houses and at our offices are embedded with the kind of
technology that makes controlling them using a smartphone. They
have several sensors controllers already built into them. Most of the
devices around are manufactured this way. All of these machines have
been programmed to do specific tasks. For example, a Washing
machine can be programmed to wash, rinse, and spin depending on
how you set their various dials and knobs when you first switch on. If
you have a natural-gas-powered central heating system, most likely
you also have a thermostat on the wall that switches it on and off
according to the room temperature, or an electronic programmer that
activates it at certain times of day whether or not you’re in the house. IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
Every device today can be connected with a smart environment. The
communication between phones and IoT devices is done by the same
principle with which computers talk to each other over the internet,
which is via a standard agreed on communication method called the
Internet Protocol, or IP. Every device has a unique address called an
IP address which exchange and the exchange of data takes place in
little bits and these bits are called packets. When IoT components use
this IP address or a wifi connection to talk to an internet-connected
router, they can be controlled through a web browser anywhere from
the world. This makes up the controlling of the devices in our houses
and workplaces controllable from the phones that are connected to the
internet. Intelligent Control uses this information given by the sensor
network to control the environment. In the phone applications that we
use to control these devices, the applications use the sensor network
data and the intelligent control component then controls the operation,
based on this data and our requirement.
4. Electronic Devices
Electronic devices can range from simple light bulb to an Air
Conditioner that are compatible with the transmission mode and is
connected to the control center. IoT electronics are hardware devices,
such as sensors, gadgets, appliances and other machines that collect
and exchange data over the Internet. They are programmed for certain
applications and can be embedded into other IoT devices. For
example, an IoT device in your car can identify the traffic ahead and
send out a message automatically to the person you are about to meet
of your impending delay. Different IoT devices have different
functions, but they all have similarities in terms of how they work.
Firstly, IoT devices are physical objects that sense things going on in
the physical world. They contain an integrated CPU, network adapter
and firmware, and are usually connected to a Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol server. It also requires an IP address to
function over the network. Most IoT devices are configured and
managed through a software application. For example, an app on your
smartphone to control the lights in your home. Some devices also
have integrated web servers, which eliminates the need for external
applications. For example, the lights switch on immediately when you
enter a room.
IoT has been a trend for many years and is being fastest-growing as the next
industrial revolution. The initial estimations of the number of a connected
device with the IoT were in the range of 49.5 billion by 2020. This
estimation has been refined to closer 36-41 billion. IoT has started to move
into other domains like “connect to unconnected”. There is a vision to
connect those industries where IoT has been not deployed with automation.

Internet of Thing Challenges of IoT in smart home Automation: There are some challenges
of IoT in smart home automation. They are mentioned below:
Data Security and Latency: Data security and latency are big issues in
smart home automation. To enhance data security, use the IEEE standard
protocol. To overcome the latency issues, the use of fog computing is a
Mixed criticality: The use of different systems and functions in smart
home automation the different criticalities raise. To overcome mixed-
criticality, separate the low-criticalities functions and high criticality
Fault Tolerance: Hundreds of sensors interfaced with hardware and
software in the smart home automation system. Hence, it is difficult to find
fault in the system when it occurs. To counter the occurred fault in the
system, use redundant controllers.
Functional safety: Functional safety like fire system or emergency system
should be on priority. It should be working consistently. To overcome this
challenge, build a separate IoT-based emergency system.
The smart home automation using IoT has the potential to connect multiple
unconnected devices. IoT innovation has changed the way people interact.
In this era, IoT automation is in trend.


Employing IoT system in citywide leads city to become as smart city. Smart
home or smart city make life fairly relaxed and smarter. A smart city works
effectively and share information with people, government using
information and communication technology (ICT) sophistication. It
provides a better quality of government provisions and citizen welfare. The
key area of a smart city is to improve city functions and encourage economic
progress while also refining the quality of life for citizens by using smart
technologies and data analysis. The worth lies in how different technologies
are housed to achieve smartness rather than simply how much technology
is available.

A smart city’s characteristics may include following:

A technology-based infrastructure
Environmental inventiveness
A well organized, effective and highly functional public transportation
Assured and advanced city plans
A smart environment where people can live and work within the city, using
its resources
Advancement in various technologies like automation, machine learning
and the IoT is proving their combined applicability in adopting of smart city
technologies for a variety of applications. For example, IoT enabled smart IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
parking can aid drivers find a parking space, find a parked vehicle and can
also allow for digital payment. Another example can be smart traffic
management to observe traffic flows and adjust traffic lights to reduce
congestion. In addition to that ride-sharing services can also be managed by
a smart city infrastructure.
Smart city landscapes can also include energy maintenance and
environmental efficiencies, such as streetlights which can go off when its
daytime or go dim when the roads are empty. Such smart grid technologies
can optimize everything from operations to maintenance and planning to
power supplies.
Smart city adoptions can also be deployed to combat climate change and air
pollution. It can also be installed to manage city waste and sanitization via
IoT enabled garbage collection, bins and fleet management systems.
Besides aforementioned services, smart cities can provide safety measures
like monitoring areas of high crime or using sensors to enable an early
warning for natural calamities such as floods, landslides, hurricanes or
droughts. Smart buildings/offices can also offer real-time space
management which may involve operational health monitoring and
feedback to determine when repairs are necessary. People can also access
this system to inform officials of any problems, such as potholes, while
sensors can also monitor infrastructure problems like leaks in water pipes.
IoT enabled smart city can advance the efficiency of manufacturing, urban
farming, energy use, and more. Smart cities can connect all means of
services to provide combined solutions for its citizens.
Any city needs proper management of resources and information to deal
with the rising population, hyper-urbanization, globalization as well as to
ensure economic and environmental stability, cities are now focusing on
becoming smart cities. Smart City is a notion of applying technologies and
connected data sensors to enhance and become powerful in terms of
infrastructure and city operations. This includes monitoring and managing
of public assets, transportation systems, citizens, power plants, water
supplies, information systems, civil bodies, and other community services.
Connected technologies and IoT solutions for smart cities play important
roles in transforming cities into smart cities. Implementing a smart city with
IoT and connected technology helps to enhance the quality, performance,
and interactivity of urban services, optimize resources and reduce costs.
Smart City components includes smart lighting, smart parking, smart traffic
management, smart emergency response system etc. SMART PARKING
Smart parking management system can be used to find the available location
for a vehicle at different public places. Smart Parking’s In-Ground Vehicle
Detection Sensors are core technologies, playing a main role in the Smart
Parking solution that is transforming how drivers in the malls and city
Internet of Thing centers can find a vacant parking space. Such parking places will be
deployed with Wireless sensors which are transmitting data on the timing
and duration of the space used via local signal processors into a central
parking management application. Smart Parking systems are useful in
reducing congestion, decreasing vehicle emissions, lowers implementation
costs and reduces driver stress. For effective deployment of smart parking
technologies, each device needs to have a consistent and reliable
connectivity with the cloud servers. SMART LIGHTING
With smart lighting, city establishments can keep track of real-time of
lighting to ensure improved illumination and distribute demand-based
lighting in different zones. Further, Smart lighting aids in daylight
harvesting and save energy by dimming out segments where road is empty
at times. For e.g. parking lots can go dim during work hours and when a car
is entering, it will be detected and appropriate areas can be illuminated,
while others can be kept at dim setting. SMART ROADS
Smart roads use Internet of Things (IoT) devices to make driving safer,
more efficient, and in line with government objectives, greener. Smart roads
combine physical infrastructures such as sensors and solar panels with
software infrastructure like AI and big data. Smart road technologies are
embedded in roads and can improve visibility, generate energy,
communicate with autonomous and connected vehicles, monitor road
conditions, and more.
Smart roads can be implemented with following:
1. IoT connectivity: Cities can connect roads to IoT devices, and gather
traffic and weather data. This type of connectivity can improve safety,
traffic management, and energy efficiency.
2. Traffic management networks: For improving safety and reducing
congestion. The network uses speed cameras to provide warning signs
for hazardous conditions, and sends automated traffic diversion
signals that control traffic.
3. Traffic lights optimization: Systems that use data from closed-circuit
television (CCTV) cameras or smart vehicles to optimize traffic lights
and update commuters on jams or bottlenecks.
4. Most transport-related smart tech focus on individual vehicles,
although there have been major advances in technological solutions
for smart infrastructure at scale. Worldwide experiments in Vehicle
to Infrastructure (V2I), Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to
Pedestrian (V2P) technologies will make urban transport smarter in
The IoT enabled smart structural health monitoring system uses a network
of sensors to monitor the vibration levels in the structures like bridges and
buildings in a city. The data collected from these sensors is further analyzed IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
to assess the health of the such structures. After analyzing the data, it
becomes easy to detect cracks and mechanical breakdowns if any in the
structures. It is also helpful to locate the damages to a structure and also
calculate the remaining life of the structure. Using such systems, advance
warnings can be given in the case of forthcoming failure of the structure. SURVEILLANCE
With the advancements in ICT technologies, smart cities intent to providing
their people improved services as well as monitoring unexpected changes
of city activity patterns. The globally rapid urbanization is proposing
various inevitable issues, one of which is smart and efficient surveillance in
urban areas. With universally deployed smart sensors, city mobility can be
recorded all the time resulting in tons of urban data in every second. For
smart city surveillance, identifying anomaly changes is always of high
priority since changes in normal urban patterns may lead to remarkable
events or even disasters. However, just like finding a needle in the sea, it is
difficult for the surveillance operators to obtain meaningful information
from the collected big urban data. Moreover, changes especially in
emergent situations require quick decision-making with rather low latency
tolerance to prevent a big loss. Connected environments like Internet of
Things (IoTs) build a platform for connected smart devices to
collaboratively share data and provide plentiful computing resources at the
edge of network. EMERGENCY RESPONCE
Disasters are the most vulnerable factors which are affecting the human life
and environment. There is a crucial requirement of an efficient disaster
management system in smart cities as intensity of natural and man-made
disasters is increasing day by day. Cities need to deal with it smartly because
of rigid construction of building, high population and high traffic. The
consequence of disasters in cities will be worse comparing to village. Also,
the casualties and damages in cities will be very high Effective disaster
management technique should be introduced in smart cities. Two
technologies mainly can help in building smart emergency response
systems are Big Data analysis (BDA) and Internet of Things (IoT). IoT
Devices have sensors which are used for collecting real time data sets from
the environment (structured data) and news portals/twitters are used to get
non structured data. IoT allow communicate within the devices via internet,
as it will increase the data collection and data transferring procedure
efficiency. But the problem with IoT devices in disaster management
technique is they collect the data or parameters daily, therefore the data
storage and management tend to be very challenging. We can use Big Data
analysis as the back end for processing data for the IoT data. For BDA
important task is to find hidden values from data sets having big size of
various data types. IoT device will help to communicate any emergency
which is forthcoming. In this way emergency management agency will be
notified in time and effective action can be taken.

Fig: 11.7 Basic outline of Smart City Infrastructure

Implementation of a smart city derives with vast openings to convert the
lives of people and improve the overall city infrastructure and operations.
Smart sensor networks, Internet of Things (IoT) and connected technologies
are the main keys for smart city implementation.


The IoT based Home Automation system offer a lot of flexibility over the
wired systems s it comes with various advantages like ease-of-use, ease-of-
installation, avoid complexity of running through wires or loose electrical
connections, easy fault detection and triggering and above and all it even
offers easy mobility. IoT based Home Automation system consist of a
servers and sensors. These servers are remote servers located on Internet
which help you to manage and process the data without the need of
personalized computers. The internet-based servers can be configured to
control and monitor multiple sensors installed at the desired location.
The Internet of Things applications are enabling Smart City initiatives
worldwide. It provides the ability to remotely monitor, manage and control
devices, and to create new insights and actionable information from massive
streams of real-time data. The IoT devices collect the data of every
happening smartly and send it for further processing. An imperative part of
these devices is containing the wireless sensors used for building smart
cities. A giant set of data is collected in the sensors and is stored in the data


1 Intrusion detection systems for IoT-based smart environments: a

survey | Journal of Cloud Computing | Full Text (springeropen.com)
2 Smart_Home_systems_FINAL.pdf (europa.eu)
3 Smart Road Technology: Digital Highways Of The Future - Vrio IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
4 https://stefanini.com/en/business-segment/smart-cities/smart-


Qu. 1: Answer following questions in brief.

i) Write a brief note on IoT Home Automation Systems.
ii) What are the different components of smart Home Systems?
iii) Draw and explain Smart Home Automation System Architectural
iv) List different necessary working gears of any Home Automation
System. Explain them in detail.
v) What are the different Challenges of IoT in smart home
vi) Explain in brief: overview of smart city.
vii) List and explain different smart city components.
viii) Explain different benefits of smart roads.

ix) What is a smart emergency response?

x) How Smart Intrusion Detection System are beneficial?


Qu.1 Study following Case Studies in detail:

i) Identify various challenges involved in implementing smart cities in
ii) Gather the specifications/services needed to implement kid/pet
tracking IoT.


Internet of Thing

Unit Structure
12.0 Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 IoT Enabled Energy Systems
12.2.1 Smart Grids
12.2.2 Renewable Energy Systems
12.2.3 Prognostics
12.3 IoT Enabled Health & Lifestyle
12.3.1 Health & Fitness Monitoring
12.3.2 Wearable Electronics
12.4 IoT Enabled Agriculture
12.4.1 Smart Irrigation
12.4.2 Green House Control
12.5 IoT Enabled Retail
12.5.1 Inventory Management
12.5.2 Smart Payments
12.5.3 Smart Vending Machines
12.5.4 Benefits of IoT technology for Retail Management
12.5.5 Examples of IoT enabled Retail Management Systems
12.5.6 Challenges of Retail IoT Applications
12.6 Let us Sum Up
12.7 References
12.8 Model Questions
12.9 Chapter End Exercise


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

• understand IoT enabled domain solutions.

• state domain specific representation of IoT Enabled Energy Systems IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
and IoT Enabled Health & Lifestyle and smart agriculture. Agriculture

• explain different implementation solution techniques to implement

Domain Specific IoTs like Energy Systems and Health & Lifestyle
and smart agriculture.


The Internet of Things (IoT) opens up a new realization of world. The

information obtained from the collected data through devices connected to
the Internet can be used to develop new services, improve productivity and
efficiency, improve decision making in real time, resolve critical problems
and create innovative experiences by harnessing the capabilities of artificial
intelligence or automatic learning.
IoT devices have great potential in the energy sector. IoT devices can be
used to create intelligent networks which are referred as Smart Grids. Such
smart grids work wisely through the collection, transmission and use of
large quantities of data. They integrate in an intelligent manner all of the
assets connected to the network, optimizing operation and increasing the
flexibility of the systems.
In the agriculture sector, IoT devices can be used to perform intelligent
farming which includes smart irrigation, smart greenhouse setup, smart
watering system etc. Such smart agricultural systems work wisely through
the data collection in large quantities of data using internet connectivity.
The collected data can be integrated further to perform analysis on it which
in turn suggests appropriate strategic planning for smart farming.


The main focus of IoT projects in energy sector is on applications oriented

towards demand. Efficient implementation of IoT will brings numerous
benefits for the optimization of the entire chain of value, optimizing all of
the phases and the communication between different smart grid systems.
A smart grid is implemented for following:
1 Generation of electricity
2 Transmission of electricity
3 Distribution of electricity
4 Consumption of electricity
As the energy systems become increasingly complex and decentralized, the
IoT applications improve the visibility and response capacity of the devices
connected to the network.
IoT enabled energy systems offer many important profits for the energy
sector as following:
1. Automated network control: Since IoT enabled network is connected
to the internet, it can be operated via internet moreover it can be
Internet of Thing managed automatically, without human intervention. Also, the
decentralization of the such energy systems are implementing
digitalization which will be easy to automate and controlled.
2. Improved stability and reliability of the network: the decentralization
approach is also allowing these networks to scale well even over
distant geographic spaces. The reliability in this context is being
secure and robust network. In case of network failure, since it is
decentralized, part of network will be still working.
3. Low maintenance and operating costs: This is another crucial benefit
of such networks. The maintenance and operating cost is reduced due
to digitalization of system.
4. Support to generation of renewable energy: These technologies are
important for improving the generation of new and more efficient
renewable energies. Thus, this removes the restrictions that often
obstruct their development and compel us to depend on fossil fuels
which are already limited. The use of the IoT in energy production
helps to satisfy the energy demands in smart cities in an efficient way.
12.2.1 Smart Grids
An IoT enabled smart grid consisting of an electrical grid which contains a
variety of operation and energy measures including advanced metering
infrastructure, smart distribution boards and circuit breakers integrated
with home control and demand response. These systems are run by
municipal corporations from financial point of view.
The Smart Grid electricity transmission and distribution system to provide
a reliable and secure electricity infrastructure that can meet future demand
growth and to achieve different goals like:
1. Increased use of digital information and controls technology to
improve reliability, security, and efficiency of the electric grid.
2. Dynamic optimization of grid operations and resources, with full
3. Deployment and integration of distributed resources and generation,
including renewable resources.
4. Development and incorporation of demand response, demand-side
resources, and energy-efficiency resources.
5. Deployment of 'smart' technologies (real-time, automated, interactive
technologies that optimize the physical operation of appliances and
consumer devices) for metering, communications concerning grid
operations and status, and distribution automation.
6. Integration of 'smart' appliances and consumer devices.
7. Deployment and integration of advanced electricity storage and peak-
shaving technologies, including plug-in electric and hybrid electric
vehicles, and thermal storage air conditioning.
8. Provision to consumers of timely information and control options.
9. Development of standards for communication and interoperability of IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
appliances and equipment connected to the electric grid, including the Agriculture
infrastructure serving the grid.
10. Identification and lowering of unreasonable or unnecessary barriers
to adoption of smart grid technologies, practices, and services."
A common element to most definitions is the application of digital
processing and communications to the power grid, making data flow and
information management central to the smart grid. Various capabilities
result from the deeply integrated use of digital technology with power grids.
Integration of the new grid information is one of the key issues in the design
of smart grids. Electric utilities now find themselves making three classes
of transformations: improvement of infrastructure, called the strong grid in
China; addition of the digital layer, which is the essence of the smart grid;
and business process transformation, necessary to capitalize on the
investments in smart technology. Much of the work that has been going on
in electric grid modernization, especially substation and distribution
automation, is now included in the general concept of the smart grid.
Following are the Smart Grid technologies which help in building smart
grid reliable and effective manner:
2. Integrated communications: The integrated communication enables
substation automation, demand response, distribution automation,
supervisory control, and data acquisition, energy management
systems, wireless mesh networks and other technologies, power-line
carrier communications, and fiber-optics. Integrated communications
will allow for real-time control, information, and data exchange to
optimize system reliability, asset utilization, and security.
3. Sensing and measurement: Sensing the status of network from remote
like evaluating congestion and grid stability, monitoring equipment
health, energy theft prevention, and control strategies support.
Technologies include advanced microprocessor meters (smart meter)
and meter reading equipment, wide-area monitoring systems,
(typically based on online readings by Distributed temperature
sensing combined with Real time thermal rating (RTTR) systems),
electromagnetic signature measurement/analysis, time-of-use, and
real-time pricing tools, advanced switches and cables, backscatter
radio technology, and Digital protective relays.
4. Smart meters: Meters are used to count the energy consumption
readings. The smart meter does exactly the same but without human
intervention. It is equipped with sensors, microcontrollers and internet
to perform this smart task.
5. Phasor measurement units. The forthcoming/ planned power systems
engineering blackouts can be managed with wide area phasor
measurement network in place.
6. Distributed power flow control: Power flow control devices ride onto
existing transmission lines to control the flow of power within. 221
Internet of Thing Transmission lines enabled with such devices support greater use of
renewable energy by providing more consistent, real-time control
over how that energy is routed within the grid. This technology
enables the grid to more effectively store intermittent energy from
renewables for later use.
7. Smart power generation using advanced components: smart power
generation is a concept of matching electricity generation with
demand using multiple identical generators which can start, stop and
operate efficiently at chosen load, independently of the others,
making them suitable for baseload and peaking power
generation. Matching supply and demand, called load balancing, is
essential for a stable and reliable supply of electricity.
8. Power system automation enables rapid diagnosis of and precise
solutions to specific grid disruptions or outages. These technologies
rely on and contribute to each of the other four key areas. Three
technology categories for advanced control methods are distributed
intelligent agents (control systems), analytical tools (software
algorithms and high-speed computers), and operational applications
(SCADA, substation automation, demand response, etc.).
12.2.2 Renewable Energy Systems
Energy sectors are now experiencing transformation. This transformation is
motivated by IOT. Besides that, green energy management is also essential
but it can’t be implemented without IoT assistance. Due to the depletion of
conventional energy sources, renewable energy sources will be the key
power producers among all the other sources. Solar and Wind sources will
contribute more among the other renewable energy sources like geothermal,
biomass, etc. Renewable energy power production is extracted from
environmental factors such as temperature, wind speed, light intensity etc.
These factors affect the performance of energy conversion in renewable
energy sources. Renewable energy resources, including the capacity to
charge parked (electric vehicle) batteries or larger arrays of batteries
recycled from these, or other energy storage. Since our future generation
will depend only on renewable energy, it becomes necessary for the
researchers to integrate IOT to provide reliable and affordable energy.
Renewable power generation helps in reducing the toxic level of gases
which may be produced by thermal power stations during power generation.
IoT brings about changes from generation to transmission to distribution.
IoT helps in analyzing the demand as well the wastage of energy, helps in
scheduling the load in order to reduce the cost. The sensors and data
sciences with IOT helps in achieving the automation and intelligent
operation of renewable energy farms, increases the efficiency and reliability
of the farms to meet our future power demand.

IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart

Fig: 12.1 Renewable Energy System Overview

12.2.3 Prognostics
Prognostics systems and health management (PHM) is using sensors to
assess the health of systems, diagnoses irregular behavior, and forecasts the
remaining useful performance over the life of the asset. The arrival of the
Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows PHM to be applied to all types
of assets across all sectors. This is opening up significant new business
opportunities. As PHM is new discipline, it has different challenges like
need of appropriate analytics, security, IoT platforms, sensor energy
harvesting, IoT business models, and licensing approaches.
PHM can be an effective solution for detecting irregularities and faults,
diagnosing failures, predicting residual (remaining) lifetimes, and
estimating the reliability of assets. Some examples of successful
applications of PHM include electronics rotating machinery, and linear
assets such as transport, water, and electrical distribution. PHM consists of
four dimensions: sensing, diagnosis, prognosis, and management.
Sensing enables anomaly detectability by selecting and appropriately
locating sensors that provide the capability to collect a history of time-
dependent degradation of materials or environmental stresses. Anomalies
do not necessarily indicate a failure. Changes in operating conditions, as
well as asset performance degradation, can influence data to show
anomalous behavior. However, even this type of anomaly information is
valuable to asset management. Diagnosis extracts fault-related information
from the sensor signals caused by anomalies in asset health. Anomalies may
result from material degradation, as well as changes in use conditions.
Diagnosis relates the signal anomalies to a failure mode(s), and identifies
the quantity of damage that has occurred as a health indicator. The results
from this anomaly diagnosis can provide advanced warnings of failure,
referred to as failure precursors.

Internet of Thing

Fig: 12.2 Four aspects of PHM


Hospitals and Healthcare organizations are facing ample of challenges such

as lack of skilled workforces, cost explosion etc... The government, Nursing
care houses, hospitals, are trying hard on solutions to overcome the critical
workforce’s crises. Similarly, caring for a sick person at home is
challenging for a working family member especially in the case the patient
needs around-the-clock nursing care. In case of elderly with cognitive
impairments, people with physical disabilities, and people with other such
disorders needs assistance around the clock.
Using telemedicine to overcome workforce shortage implies to keep a
patient at his residence or at the care unit with only primary care services.
The Internet of things is a technology for automated data gathering and
processing. For medical data gathering and processing there are designated
IoTs called Internet of health things (IoHT). IoHT links independent health
means with network connectivity ability. All physical and digital medical
objects can thus be brought into the network to communicate with each
other and work in collaborating for data collection, processing, and storage.
IoHT is a special implementation of the Internet of things (IoT) that
combines health technologies and IoT. It takes full advantage of IoT
technology and manages Healthcare resources effectively.
12.3.1 Health & Fitness Monitoring
The Internet-of-Things is enabling wide-ranging openings by letting the
Internet to include a large number of smart devices through standard
communication protocols like Internet Protocol (IP). This provides new set
of services to end users and also helps to plan new solutions to different
healthcare related problems. The key advantage of implementing IoT
technology in health and fitness monitoring is its ultra-low-power
requirement. The Health and fitness devices have embedded platform in IoT
sensing devices and the low-power mobile platforms. Each IoT device is
typically equipped with sensors to detect physical phenomena and gather
information about their surroundings. The actuators are there to take actions
on the monitored environment. The embedded platform like IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
microcontrollers are used to process data. The memory is required for data Agriculture
storage and finally they need radio-frequency transceivers for
For example, patients can be monitored for their physiological statuses
using smart healthcare IoT applications which require embedded sensors
and actuators in it. Such device are needed to collect and process data and
gather useful information to make appropriate actions and decisions for the
patients. Technological developments and variations in the social awareness
of technology are also powering interest in flexible, wearable and
implantable devices, these target a range of application domains, including
fitness, assisted living and healthcare. For reasons of installation ease,
location, or aesthetics, many of the networked sensing devices which
reinforce these applications do not have access to a wired electricity source,
instead relying on batteries as their power source. Battery-powered devices
inevitably experience a direct tension between market demands requiring
long lifetime and small physical dimensions and weight. While different
types of wireless communication technologies and protocols have already
been put in place to support IoT systems, providing reliable power supply
for autonomous devices deployed in remote locations still remains as a
major challenge.

Fig: 12.3 Health and Fitness Monitoring IoT Ecosystem System

12.3.2 Wearable Electronics
In a rapidly changing world, most of the technologies to becoming
interconnected, remotely reachable, and analyzable. Internet of Things is
one of that technologies which is proving itself significant in very different
areas. Through Internet of Things we are connecting devices to the internet,
hence making such devices ‘smart’. For Example, smart watches, smart
lighting, etc. IoT eliminates the dependence of humans to interact,
contribute, and collaborate with things.
IoT-assisted wearable sensor systems technology is a flourishing field in
healthcare. The healthcare sector expanding, so we need to expand our
technological reach. We need a doorstep diagnosis, easily monitoring and
controlling the data. The ultimate goal is to house IoT in emergency
services, connected homes, smart hospitals, EHR (Electronic Health
Internet of Thing Records), etc. with the help of intelligent devices and an intelligent hospital,
we collect data that can then be analyzed and used to monitor patients’
symptoms in real-time. This has the potential to make discoveries regarding
healthcare, medicine, drugs, and vaccines. Recent progressions in the
healthcare industry have enabled it to make healthcare accessible to more
people and improve their overall health. One of the steps in such
improvement is to integrate healthcare with IoT-assisted wearable sensor
systems seamlessly.
Fitness bands are the electronic device which basically have a step counter
with advanced electronic sensors placed within it, it can perform various
functions, like measuring your heart rate, warning you to get out of sun’s
harmful radiations, everything is done through appropriate sensors.
Fitness bands have shown positive effect on our health. These devices are
helping an individual to track their daily activity, sport parameters and sleep
pattern etc. It can also be helpful to keep track of other physical parameters
which is required to remain fit. The fitness bands with smartphones helps to
record and monitor activities like calories consumed, calories burnt, heart
rate, oxygen level, steps taken and sleep pattern.
Few IoT Wearable Sensors can be listed in this category as following:
1. Body sensors: To measure Glucose, heart rate, blood pressure, body
temperature etc.
2. SPO2 sensor, BP sensor, EKG sensor, EMG sensor, Motion sensor,
Medical super sensor: They mainly focuses on storing, privacy, and
validity of the data that comes through a wearable sensor.
3. Smartwatch sensing the ECG, EMG, and EEG.
4. Smartwatch, smart contact lenses, intelligent asthma management,
ingestible sensors, inhalers, activity trackers: EHR, pills, consultation
with doctors, overall fitness, health, and healthcare.
5. HCMS, e-health: Focuses on monitoring patients accurately.
IoT-enabled wearable devices are being used greatly these days. The
openness and approachability of such devices has been an rich in the
applications of their usage in all of the fields. There are many applications
of wearable sensors. For instance, a fitness tracker which is manufactured
by different companies. There are various personalized services/trackers
can be manufactured to perform some kind of monitoring or observations
like calculating the SpO2 content in the blood. Due to Wi-Fi and other
connectivity technology, it can become cloud-based which is available

Fig 12.4: Architectural Layout of IoT enable Wearable devices system

12.4 IOT ENABLED AGRICULTURE IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
The world’s population is growing exponentially. We need to produce more
food to fulfill the food requirement of people. Currently agricultural
industry is facing different challenges like shrinking of agricultural lands,
depletion of finite natural resources, limited availability of fresh water etc.
The need to improve farm yield has become critical in this situation.
Another obstructing problem over the farming industry is the shifting
structure of agricultural workforce. Agricultural labor in most of the
countries has declined. This declination is actually triggered the adoption of
internet connectivity solutions in farming practices. It helps to reduce the
need for manual labor.
IoT solutions are being designed to help farmers to close the supply demand
gap, by ensuring high yields, profitability, and protection of the
environment. The aim of using IoT technology is to ensure optimal use of
resources to achieve high crop yields and reduce operational costs. This
approach is called precision agriculture. IoT in agriculture technologies
include specific equipment, wireless connectivity, software and related IT

Fig: 12.5: Smart Agricultural Components

12.4.1 Smart Irrigation
Smart farming based on IoT technologies enables cultivators and farmers to
reduce waste and enhance production like quantity of fertilizer utilized, the
number of journeys the farm vehicles have made, enabling efficient
utilization of resources such as water, electricity, etc. IoT smart irrigation
solutions is a system that is built for monitoring the crop field with the help
of sensors to sense light, humidity, temperature, soil moisture, crop health,
etc. This system is then automating the irrigation system. The farmers can
monitor the field circumstances from anywhere. Based on the data collected
Internet of Thing by sensors, a farmer can also select between manual and automated options.
For example, if moisture level of the soil decreases, the farmer can
control/command actuators to start the irrigation. Smart irrigation is highly
effective when compared with the conventional approach.
12.4.2 Green House Control
Due to climate change, depleting natural resources and growing population,
the global farming industry is facing significant compression. The
unpredictability of rain and other whether related factors growers are
adopting advanced technologies to increase production efficiency and crop
safety. Agriculture industry is utilizing the IoT more than ever before, and
smart greenhouses are a one of that.
A greenhouse makes available a controlled environment tailored to the
vegetation needs cultivated inside. The micro-climate and agronomic
parameters are recorded through IoT enabled sensors to make farming
practices clearer. In addition to that, weather changes throughout the day
and “invisible” conditions like open doors or early-stage infection
constantly influence the greenhouse environment and threaten to damage
crops. The implementation of greenhouse needs to be executed on a pre-
defined, speculation-based schedule.
An IoT enabled greenhouse offers some benefits like Maintaining Ideal
Micro-Climate Conditions through IoT sensors which allow farmers to
collect various real-time information on critical climate factors like
temperature, humidity, light exposure and carbon dioxide across the
greenhouse. This data stimuluses relevant adjustments to greenhouse
control system and lighting settings to maintain the best conditions for plant
growth while driving energy efficiency. The next benefit it provides is
enhancing Irrigation and Fertilization Practices. The smart greenhouses
empower farmers to infirmed about their crop conditions. This ensures
irrigation and fertilization activities are done appropriately in time for
maximized yields. Through controlling environmental factors inside
greenhouse, it also controls Infection and avoids disease outbreak which is
another benefit. Furthermore, the IoT enabled smart greenhouse can also
provide mechanism to prevent thefts and improve security of greenhouse.


IoT technologies have great potential in retail industry in this digital age.
Due to changing consumer habits, high pressure on delivery services,
buyers' distrust in online buying or lack of tech facility are all issues that
hold sellers back in flourishing in retail industry. The increasing demand for
enhanced flexibility, multiple distribution channels, better service, and
improved experience are expected to provide motivation to industry growth.
The ongoing evolutions in retail such as omni-channel shopping and rapid
smartphone adoption rate are empowering retailers to provide buyer a brick-
and-mortar shopping experience. Smart retailers are housing right
technology and making their stores more interactive. Smartphones and
tablets have enabled it further in product promotions, thereby encouraging
228 social sharing. IoT based retail industry using connected technologies to
monitor products, customer behavior, premises, and supply chain. IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
Implementation and adoption of IoT solutions provide retailers to analyze Agriculture
and monitor existing processes to enhance it with incremental investments.
In addition to that the rise of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
(AI) technologies are transforming the retail industry as they provide better
visions to improve retail execution efficiently. Retailers can precisely
predict customer behavior, demand, and personalize customer experience
12.5.1 Inventory Management
IoT strategies are serving to improve inventory management by helping
businesses effortlessly keep track of a product’s exact information like
storage location, product quantity available, manufacturing and expiry dates
etc. This helps decrease the time it takes to find inventory physically. the
available real-time data helps provide important insights to support strategic
and planned business decisions. IoT-enabled devices including wearables,
smart glasses, and augmented reality (AR) technology are helping to speed
up the storage, handling, and shipping of inventory, warehouses. In addition
to that robotic and artificial intelligence solutions are used in warehouse and
logistics operations along with warehouse workforces to advance
performance and reduce blunders. Streamlining traceability and inventory
management compliance is one of the most promising usages for IoT
devices which helps manufacturing industries to regulate their practices.
12.5.2 Smart Payments
The internet has become entwined in today’s world to perform some tasks
like shopping. Customers now a days have become more tech savvy. The
E-commerce sale have got enriched due to this approach of customer.
Consumers become more comfortable with the idea of shopping online,
paying online. The online payment is implemented using IoT. Instead of a
card payment, costumers are now paying through their phone, a wearable,
a car, or a voice-activated device like Alexa. For a business, this means
permitting different things other than a standard in-store platform or
payment mechanism to authorize payments. The IoT provides the
connectivity between things without the need for human intervention.
The need for payments to be processed automatically applies to both the
B2B and B2C environments. For example, A smart fridge can possibly
identify when you need to buy milk and makes the order. It will get deliver
to you, all without you never having to lift a finger. Another example, where
a printer can track toner usage and put an order once it reaches a certain
level. The use cases of smart payments with IoT are endless. But, along with
the many benefits of the IoT, the risk of a security break shouldn’t go
unnoticed. More and more information is shared across many devices and
things, it is unavoidable that hackers will try and get access to your valuable
12.5.3 Smart Vending Machines
Smart vending machines is another dimension of IoT enabled retail industry
which provides enhanced customer experience. Smart vending machines
uses digital technologies to create automated retail solutions to deliver items
Internet of Thing without human assistance. IoT devices such as touchpads and touchless
displays offer dynamic and interactive buying of things. Smart vending
machines can apply Artificial Intelligence and analytics to understand data
to provide customer centric experiences. Furthermore, wireless connectivity
empowers fast transactions.
Using IoT-enabled vending machines can provide many benefits like
processing of rapid, secure credit and debit transactions from any location.
It helps reducing tampering and product loss risks via built-in security. It
monitors environmental conditions using sensing technology to maintain
perishable item quality. It helps in Tracking and managing inventory with
data analytics that include customer data into planning to ensure suitably
stocked vending machines. It maximizes vending machine efficiency
through remote monitoring and predictive maintenance.
12.5.4 Benefits Of Iot Technology For Retail Management
IoT will significantly impact how retailers do business in the future. IoT
technology allows smartphone-based detection. In the future, data collected
in stores has unlimited potential in helping retailers improve their
operational efficiency. They can better understand their customers and
deliver personalized experiences like dynamic pricing, personalized offers
and customized products and services. Following are some benefits IoT
technology will cater in Retail Management:
A retailer we can collect following information through IoT assistance:
1 Time that customer’s smartphone has waited at the checkout counter
2 What time customer came into the store
3 What time customer left from the store
4 Which different doors used by customers
5 Frequent areas of the store visited by customers
6 Customer’s stay/waiting time in each area
7 Number of people visiting daily in a shopping mall.
8 Average time of stay status of customer in store
9 Different walking ways of people in shopping malls
With this information collected from various tracking methods, retailers can
further analyses this data to derive some strategic conclusions which in turn
will help retailers to bring new solutions or policies in order to improve
customer experience.
Following are some strategic benefits retailers can conclude:
1. Efficient supply chain management
2. Improved customer service
3. Cleverer inventory management
4. Man-less cash counters
5. Automated checkouts
12.5.5 Examples of IOT Enabled Retail Management Systems IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
1. Foot-Traffic Monitoring:
For small stores, the mall traffic can be inspected across several
retailers so the full shopping time and other details can be understood.
In a smart store, we can employ video-based foot-traffic monitoring
to see whether customers spend more time in one product area more
than other products. Once analyzed this information, a retailer in real
time can provide an assistant to help out the customer for more
efficient and effortless customer visits. Moreover, by observing the
store traffic and customer call in real-time, we can modify/improve
the existing in-store shopping experience.
2. Predictive Equipment Maintenance:
Predictive equipment maintenance is used for energy management,
estimating equipment failure, and preventing other problems before
they occur. For example, every grocery store houses a lot of complex
equipment, such as refrigeration units. When these units are fitted
with sensors, we can estimate maintenance related issues that may
influence the power consumption for savings or even monitor the
temperature fluctuations to ensure food safety.
3. Demand Alert Warehouses:
Demand-alert warehouse fulfillment is about warehouse automation
motivated by in-store and online shopping demand. IoT permits you
to observe sales and opportunities in real-time. It even allows us to
track missed in-store sales. It’s necessary to note that RFID is a well-
tested part of IoT that can be used for more accurate service level
optimization and for inventory management. With the power of
technology, the warehouse of the future will be an open space in
which the automated pallets will self-organize depending on real-time
4. Smart Fulfillment:
In retail organizations, moving merchandise more professionally is a
key goal to accomplish. IoT can play a crucial part in the
maintenance of transport, tracking, and route optimization. Many of
the retailers are using GPS to track and route goods transportation
for years, but now with IoT, we are able to understand with much
greater precision how close a pallet of merchandise is given to the
12.5.6 Challenges of Retail IOT Applications
1. Infrastructure:
Most retailers don’t have appropriate infrastructure and network
mechanisms that enormous volumes of IoT data require. To digitize
retail stores, merchants need to have a strong and reliable network,
cloud platform, and end-user solutions such as barcode scanners,
tablets etc. All of those things need considerable investment. A
solution to this issue can be like there is no need to overinvest in
Internet of Thing infrastructure all at once when it comes to implementing a new
technology. One can start with small infrastructure changes. For
examples, using IoT to manage Air Conditioner or the lighting, which
will bring a more immediate Return on Investment (ROI). One can
progressively get more sophisticated with your IoT solutions.
2. Security:
Many retailers are distrustful of the security and privacy issues
associated with IoT. These worries have been amplified by the
introduction of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Access
to the customer’s data gives retailers various opportunities but at the
same time opens the door to cyber-attack threats and legal
complications. Retailers should work closely with IoT software
developers to make sure that the devices and sensors they use are
designed with strong security mechanisms in mind, including basics
like secure passwords, as well as more advanced security
infrastructure like end-to-end encryption, regular software updates,
and an IT infrastructure that actively scans for bugs and
3. Data Management:
Carrying out IoT data analysis in a timely and relevant manner
represents a huge challenge for retail businesses due to a lack of
relevant qualifications and expertise. There isn’t enough technical and
analytical skill at hand to gain valuable insights from the huge amount
of data collected from IoT. Retail businesses can hire domain experts
or depend on third parties with the relevant IoT qualifications and
training, who can take over data management processes. By
forestalling those challenges, retailers get a chance to make their IoT
investment profitable while gaining a competitive edge in the market.


The chapter summarized a detailed compilation of the evolving technology

of IoT in smart energy management and smart healthcare. Chapter starts by
giving an outlook of a Smart Grid which is an electricity network. A smart
grid employs innovative products and services together with intelligent
monitoring, control, communication, and self-healing technologies in order
to better facilitate the connection and operation of generators of all sizes
and technologies, allow consumers to play a part in optimizing the operation
of the system, provide consumers with greater information and options for
how they use their supply, significantly reduce the environmental impact of
the whole electricity supply system, maintain or even improve the existing
high levels of system reliability, quality and security of supply and maintain
and improve the existing services efficiently. Chapter discusses how IoT
has changed and connected various industries over the past few decades and
has brought the healthcare industry to be more reachable. It gave an insight
of how Hospitals and Healthcare organizations are facing challenges such
as lack of skilled workforces, cost explosion etc.

This chapter also displays a detailed view of the evolving technology of IoT IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
in smart agriculture and smart retail management. It gives an overview of a Agriculture
Smart Farming. IoT have the potential to transform agriculture in many
aspects. Data collected by smart agriculture sensors is a key component to
have smart farming. various sensors, control systems, robotics, autonomous
vehicles, automated hardware, variable rate technology, motion detectors,
button camera, and wearable devices are improving our overall experience
in today’s tech savvy world. Chapter further explains Smart retail and
inventory management. Retail IoT software is expected to witness
substantial growth in next ten years. Smart payments are becoming
mainstream. The user can make in-app purchases without ever having to re-
enter their credit card information. Consumers can also pay with fingerprint
identification, allowing them to make purchases in seconds.


1 Impact of IoT on Renewable Energy | IntechOpen

2 The use of IoT in renewable energy generation (allerin.com)
3 Planning for Home Renewable Energy Systems | Department of
4 Smart Energy Management in Renewable Energy Systems : Smart
Energy Management Systems and Renewable Energy Resources
5 biosensors-11-00372-v3 (2).pdf
6 IoT based wearable device to monitor the signs of quarantined
remote patients of COVID-19 - ScienceDirect
7 https://www.digitalmediavending.com/what-are-smart-vending-
8 Smart Vending and Automated Retail Solutions | Telit
9 The Internet of Things (IoT) in the Retail Industry | Digiteum
10 4 Benefits of Smart Greenhouses and How to Get Started | BehrTech
11 Smart Greenhouse Monitoring Solution | Greenhouse Automation
System (iotconnect.io)
12 Shwetank Dattatraya Mamdiwar 1,Akshith R 1,Zainab Shakruwala
1,Utkarsh Chadha 2ORCID,Kathiravan Srinivasan 3ORCID
andChuan-Yu Chang 4,*ORCID, “Recent Advances on IoT-Assisted
Wearable Sensor Systems for Healthcare Monitoring”, 2021,


Qu. 1: Answer following questions in brief.

i) Write a brief note on Smart Grid electricity transmission and
distribution system. List different goals of smart energy systems.

Internet of Thing ii) List and elaborate Smart Grid technologies which help in building
smart grid reliable and effective.
iii) Write a brief note on Prognostics systems and health management
iv) What is IoT enabled health & fitness monitoring?
v) List different IoT Wearable Sensors categories with examples.
vi) What is smart farming? What are the different components of smart
vii) Explain role of smart Green House control in safeguarding crops.
viii) Write a brief note on smart retail management.
ix) What are the smart payment systems? List different smart payment
systems currently being used.
x) What are the IoT-enabled vending machines? What different benefits
they provide?


Qu.1 Study following Case Studies in detail:

iii) What can be the different applications of IoT-assisted wearable sensor
systems in healthcare.
iv) List different Advances on IoT-Assisted Wearable Sensor Systems
for Healthcare Monitoring happened recently.
v) Identify different role of Internet of Things in retail industry?
vi) Study different Advances on IoT-Assisted Smart Farming.


Internet of Thing


Unit Structure
12.0 Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 IoT Enabled Energy Systems
12.2.1 Smart Grids
12.2.2 Renewable Energy Systems
12.2.3 Prognostics
12.3 IoT Enabled Health & Lifestyle
12.3.1 Health & Fitness Monitoring
12.3.2 Wearable Electronics
12.4 IoT Enabled Agriculture
12.4.1 Smart Irrigation
12.4.2 Green House Control
12.5 IoT Enabled Retail
12.5.1 Inventory Management
12.5.2 Smart Payments
12.5.3 Smart Vending Machines
12.5.4 Benefits of IoT technology for Retail Management
12.5.5 Examples of IoT enabled Retail Management Systems
12.5.6 Challenges of Retail IoT Applications
12.6 Let us Sum Up
12.7 References
12.8 Model Questions
12.9 Chapter End Exercise


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

• understand IoT enabled domain solutions.

• state domain specific representation of IoT Enabled Energy Systems IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
and IoT Enabled Health & Lifestyle and smart agriculture.

• explain different implementation solution techniques to implement

Domain Specific IoTs like Energy Systems and Health & Lifestyle
and smart agriculture.


The Internet of Things (IoT) opens up a new realization of world. The

information obtained from the collected data through devices connected to
the Internet can be used to develop new services, improve productivity and
efficiency, improve decision making in real time, resolve critical problems
and create innovative experiences by harnessing the capabilities of artificial
intelligence or automatic learning.
IoT devices have great potential in the energy sector. IoT devices can be
used to create intelligent networks which are referred as Smart Grids. Such
smart grids work wisely through the collection, transmission and use of
large quantities of data. They integrate in an intelligent manner all of the
assets connected to the network, optimizing operation and increasing the
flexibility of the systems.
In the agriculture sector, IoT devices can be used to perform intelligent
farming which includes smart irrigation, smart greenhouse setup, smart
watering system etc. Such smart agricultural systems work wisely through
the data collection in large quantities of data using internet connectivity.
The collected data can be integrated further to perform analysis on it which
in turn suggests appropriate strategic planning for smart farming.


The main focus of IoT projects in energy sector is on applications oriented

towards demand. Efficient implementation of IoT will brings numerous
benefits for the optimization of the entire chain of value, optimizing all of
the phases and the communication between different smart grid systems.
A smart grid is implemented for following:
1 Generation of electricity
2 Transmission of electricity
3 Distribution of electricity
4 Consumption of electricity
As the energy systems become increasingly complex and decentralized, the
IoT applications improve the visibility and response capacity of the devices
connected to the network.
IoT enabled energy systems offer many important profits for the energy
sector as following:
1. Automated network control: Since IoT enabled network is connected
to the internet, it can be operated via internet moreover it can be
Internet of Thing managed automatically, without human intervention. Also, the
decentralization of the such energy systems are implementing
digitalization which will be easy to automate and controlled.
2. Improved stability and reliability of the network: the decentralization
approach is also allowing these networks to scale well even over
distant geographic spaces. The reliability in this context is being
secure and robust network. In case of network failure, since it is
decentralized, part of network will be still working.
3. Low maintenance and operating costs: This is another crucial benefit
of such networks. The maintenance and operating cost is reduced due
to digitalization of system.
4. Support to generation of renewable energy: These technologies are
important for improving the generation of new and more efficient
renewable energies. Thus, this removes the restrictions that often
obstruct their development and compel us to depend on fossil fuels
which are already limited. The use of the IoT in energy production
helps to satisfy the energy demands in smart cities in an efficient way.
12.2.1 Smart Grids
An IoT enabled smart grid consisting of an electrical grid which contains a
variety of operation and energy measures including advanced metering
infrastructure, smart distribution boards and circuit breakers integrated
with home control and demand response. These systems are run by
municipal corporations from financial point of view.
The Smart Grid electricity transmission and distribution system to provide
a reliable and secure electricity infrastructure that can meet future demand
growth and to achieve different goals like:
1. Increased use of digital information and controls technology to
improve reliability, security, and efficiency of the electric grid.
2. Dynamic optimization of grid operations and resources, with full
3. Deployment and integration of distributed resources and generation,
including renewable resources.
4. Development and incorporation of demand response, demand-side
resources, and energy-efficiency resources.
5. Deployment of 'smart' technologies (real-time, automated, interactive
technologies that optimize the physical operation of appliances and
consumer devices) for metering, communications concerning grid
operations and status, and distribution automation.
6. Integration of 'smart' appliances and consumer devices.
7. Deployment and integration of advanced electricity storage and peak-
shaving technologies, including plug-in electric and hybrid electric
vehicles, and thermal storage air conditioning.
8. Provision to consumers of timely information and control options.
9. Development of standards for communication and interoperability of IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
appliances and equipment connected to the electric grid, including the
infrastructure serving the grid.
10. Identification and lowering of unreasonable or unnecessary barriers
to adoption of smart grid technologies, practices, and services."
A common element to most definitions is the application of digital
processing and communications to the power grid, making data flow and
information management central to the smart grid. Various capabilities
result from the deeply integrated use of digital technology with power grids.
Integration of the new grid information is one of the key issues in the design
of smart grids. Electric utilities now find themselves making three classes
of transformations: improvement of infrastructure, called the strong grid in
China; addition of the digital layer, which is the essence of the smart grid;
and business process transformation, necessary to capitalize on the
investments in smart technology. Much of the work that has been going on
in electric grid modernization, especially substation and distribution
automation, is now included in the general concept of the smart grid.
Following are the Smart Grid technologies which help in building smart
grid reliable and effective manner:
2. Integrated communications: The integrated communication enables
substation automation, demand response, distribution automation,
supervisory control, and data acquisition, energy management
systems, wireless mesh networks and other technologies, power-line
carrier communications, and fiber-optics. Integrated communications
will allow for real-time control, information, and data exchange to
optimize system reliability, asset utilization, and security.
3. Sensing and measurement: Sensing the status of network from remote
like evaluating congestion and grid stability, monitoring equipment
health, energy theft prevention, and control strategies support.
Technologies include advanced microprocessor meters (smart meter)
and meter reading equipment, wide-area monitoring systems,
(typically based on online readings by Distributed temperature
sensing combined with Real time thermal rating (RTTR) systems),
electromagnetic signature measurement/analysis, time-of-use, and
real-time pricing tools, advanced switches and cables, backscatter
radio technology, and Digital protective relays.
4. Smart meters: Meters are used to count the energy consumption
readings. The smart meter does exactly the same but without human
intervention. It is equipped with sensors, microcontrollers and internet
to perform this smart task.
5. Phasor measurement units. The forthcoming/ planned power systems
engineering blackouts can be managed with wide area phasor
measurement network in place.
6. Distributed power flow control: Power flow control devices ride onto
existing transmission lines to control the flow of power within. 221
Internet of Thing Transmission lines enabled with such devices support greater use of
renewable energy by providing more consistent, real-time control
over how that energy is routed within the grid. This technology
enables the grid to more effectively store intermittent energy from
renewables for later use.
7. Smart power generation using advanced components: smart power
generation is a concept of matching electricity generation with
demand using multiple identical generators which can start, stop and
operate efficiently at chosen load, independently of the others,
making them suitable for baseload and peaking power
generation. Matching supply and demand, called load balancing, is
essential for a stable and reliable supply of electricity.
8. Power system automation enables rapid diagnosis of and precise
solutions to specific grid disruptions or outages. These technologies
rely on and contribute to each of the other four key areas. Three
technology categories for advanced control methods are distributed
intelligent agents (control systems), analytical tools (software
algorithms and high-speed computers), and operational applications
(SCADA, substation automation, demand response, etc.).
12.2.2 Renewable Energy Systems
Energy sectors are now experiencing transformation. This transformation is
motivated by IOT. Besides that, green energy management is also essential
but it can’t be implemented without IoT assistance. Due to the depletion of
conventional energy sources, renewable energy sources will be the key
power producers among all the other sources. Solar and Wind sources will
contribute more among the other renewable energy sources like geothermal,
biomass, etc. Renewable energy power production is extracted from
environmental factors such as temperature, wind speed, light intensity etc.
These factors affect the performance of energy conversion in renewable
energy sources. Renewable energy resources, including the capacity to
charge parked (electric vehicle) batteries or larger arrays of batteries
recycled from these, or other energy storage. Since our future generation
will depend only on renewable energy, it becomes necessary for the
researchers to integrate IOT to provide reliable and affordable energy.
Renewable power generation helps in reducing the toxic level of gases
which may be produced by thermal power stations during power generation.
IoT brings about changes from generation to transmission to distribution.
IoT helps in analyzing the demand as well the wastage of energy, helps in
scheduling the load in order to reduce the cost. The sensors and data
sciences with IOT helps in achieving the automation and intelligent
operation of renewable energy farms, increases the efficiency and reliability
of the farms to meet our future power demand.

IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City

Fig: 12.1 Renewable Energy System Overview

12.2.3 Prognostics
Prognostics systems and health management (PHM) is using sensors to
assess the health of systems, diagnoses irregular behavior, and forecasts the
remaining useful performance over the life of the asset. The arrival of the
Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows PHM to be applied to all types
of assets across all sectors. This is opening up significant new business
opportunities. As PHM is new discipline, it has different challenges like
need of appropriate analytics, security, IoT platforms, sensor energy
harvesting, IoT business models, and licensing approaches.
PHM can be an effective solution for detecting irregularities and faults,
diagnosing failures, predicting residual (remaining) lifetimes, and
estimating the reliability of assets. Some examples of successful
applications of PHM include electronics rotating machinery, and linear
assets such as transport, water, and electrical distribution. PHM consists of
four dimensions: sensing, diagnosis, prognosis, and management.
Sensing enables anomaly detectability by selecting and appropriately
locating sensors that provide the capability to collect a history of time-
dependent degradation of materials or environmental stresses. Anomalies
do not necessarily indicate a failure. Changes in operating conditions, as
well as asset performance degradation, can influence data to show
anomalous behavior. However, even this type of anomaly information is
valuable to asset management. Diagnosis extracts fault-related information
from the sensor signals caused by anomalies in asset health. Anomalies may
result from material degradation, as well as changes in use conditions.
Diagnosis relates the signal anomalies to a failure mode(s), and identifies
the quantity of damage that has occurred as a health indicator. The results
from this anomaly diagnosis can provide advanced warnings of failure,
referred to as failure precursors.

Internet of Thing

Fig: 12.2 Four aspects of PHM


Hospitals and Healthcare organizations are facing ample of challenges such

as lack of skilled workforces, cost explosion etc... The government, Nursing
care houses, hospitals, are trying hard on solutions to overcome the critical
workforce’s crises. Similarly, caring for a sick person at home is
challenging for a working family member especially in the case the patient
needs around-the-clock nursing care. In case of elderly with cognitive
impairments, people with physical disabilities, and people with other such
disorders needs assistance around the clock.
Using telemedicine to overcome workforce shortage implies to keep a
patient at his residence or at the care unit with only primary care services.
The Internet of things is a technology for automated data gathering and
processing. For medical data gathering and processing there are designated
IoTs called Internet of health things (IoHT). IoHT links independent health
means with network connectivity ability. All physical and digital medical
objects can thus be brought into the network to communicate with each
other and work in collaborating for data collection, processing, and storage.
IoHT is a special implementation of the Internet of things (IoT) that
combines health technologies and IoT. It takes full advantage of IoT
technology and manages Healthcare resources effectively.
12.3.1 Health & Fitness Monitoring
The Internet-of-Things is enabling wide-ranging openings by letting the
Internet to include a large number of smart devices through standard
communication protocols like Internet Protocol (IP). This provides new set
of services to end users and also helps to plan new solutions to different
healthcare related problems. The key advantage of implementing IoT
technology in health and fitness monitoring is its ultra-low-power
requirement. The Health and fitness devices have embedded platform in IoT
sensing devices and the low-power mobile platforms. Each IoT device is
typically equipped with sensors to detect physical phenomena and gather
information about their surroundings. The actuators are there to take actions
on the monitored environment. The embedded platform like IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
microcontrollers are used to process data. The memory is required for data
storage and finally they need radio-frequency transceivers for
For example, patients can be monitored for their physiological statuses
using smart healthcare IoT applications which require embedded sensors
and actuators in it. Such device are needed to collect and process data and
gather useful information to make appropriate actions and decisions for the
patients. Technological developments and variations in the social awareness
of technology are also powering interest in flexible, wearable and
implantable devices, these target a range of application domains, including
fitness, assisted living and healthcare. For reasons of installation ease,
location, or aesthetics, many of the networked sensing devices which
reinforce these applications do not have access to a wired electricity source,
instead relying on batteries as their power source. Battery-powered devices
inevitably experience a direct tension between market demands requiring
long lifetime and small physical dimensions and weight. While different
types of wireless communication technologies and protocols have already
been put in place to support IoT systems, providing reliable power supply
for autonomous devices deployed in remote locations still remains as a
major challenge.

Fig: 12.3 Health and Fitness Monitoring IoT Ecosystem System

12.3.2 Wearable Electronics
In a rapidly changing world, most of the technologies to becoming
interconnected, remotely reachable, and analyzable. Internet of Things is
one of that technologies which is proving itself significant in very different
areas. Through Internet of Things we are connecting devices to the internet,
hence making such devices ‘smart’. For Example, smart watches, smart
lighting, etc. IoT eliminates the dependence of humans to interact,
contribute, and collaborate with things.
IoT-assisted wearable sensor systems technology is a flourishing field in
healthcare. The healthcare sector expanding, so we need to expand our
technological reach. We need a doorstep diagnosis, easily monitoring and
controlling the data. The ultimate goal is to house IoT in emergency
services, connected homes, smart hospitals, EHR (Electronic Health
Internet of Thing Records), etc. with the help of intelligent devices and an intelligent hospital,
we collect data that can then be analyzed and used to monitor patients’
symptoms in real-time. This has the potential to make discoveries regarding
healthcare, medicine, drugs, and vaccines. Recent progressions in the
healthcare industry have enabled it to make healthcare accessible to more
people and improve their overall health. One of the steps in such
improvement is to integrate healthcare with IoT-assisted wearable sensor
systems seamlessly.
Fitness bands are the electronic device which basically have a step counter
with advanced electronic sensors placed within it, it can perform various
functions, like measuring your heart rate, warning you to get out of sun’s
harmful radiations, everything is done through appropriate sensors.
Fitness bands have shown positive effect on our health. These devices are
helping an individual to track their daily activity, sport parameters and sleep
pattern etc. It can also be helpful to keep track of other physical parameters
which is required to remain fit. The fitness bands with smartphones helps to
record and monitor activities like calories consumed, calories burnt, heart
rate, oxygen level, steps taken and sleep pattern.
Few IoT Wearable Sensors can be listed in this category as following:
1. Body sensors: To measure Glucose, heart rate, blood pressure, body
temperature etc.
2. SPO2 sensor, BP sensor, EKG sensor, EMG sensor, Motion sensor,
Medical super sensor: They mainly focuses on storing, privacy, and
validity of the data that comes through a wearable sensor.
3. Smartwatch sensing the ECG, EMG, and EEG.
4. Smartwatch, smart contact lenses, intelligent asthma management,
ingestible sensors, inhalers, activity trackers: EHR, pills, consultation
with doctors, overall fitness, health, and healthcare.
5. HCMS, e-health: Focuses on monitoring patients accurately.
IoT-enabled wearable devices are being used greatly these days. The
openness and approachability of such devices has been an rich in the
applications of their usage in all of the fields. There are many applications
of wearable sensors. For instance, a fitness tracker which is manufactured
by different companies. There are various personalized services/trackers
can be manufactured to perform some kind of monitoring or observations
like calculating the SpO2 content in the blood. Due to Wi-Fi and other
connectivity technology, it can become cloud-based which is available

Fig 12.4: Architectural Layout of IoT enable Wearable devices system

12.4 IOT ENABLED AGRICULTURE IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City

The world’s population is growing exponentially. We need to produce more

food to fulfill the food requirement of people. Currently agricultural
industry is facing different challenges like shrinking of agricultural lands,
depletion of finite natural resources, limited availability of fresh water etc.
The need to improve farm yield has become critical in this situation.
Another obstructing problem over the farming industry is the shifting
structure of agricultural workforce. Agricultural labor in most of the
countries has declined. This declination is actually triggered the adoption of
internet connectivity solutions in farming practices. It helps to reduce the
need for manual labor.
IoT solutions are being designed to help farmers to close the supply demand
gap, by ensuring high yields, profitability, and protection of the
environment. The aim of using IoT technology is to ensure optimal use of
resources to achieve high crop yields and reduce operational costs. This
approach is called precision agriculture. IoT in agriculture technologies
include specific equipment, wireless connectivity, software and related IT

Fig: 12.5: Smart Agricultural Components

12.4.1 Smart Irrigation
Smart farming based on IoT technologies enables cultivators and farmers to
reduce waste and enhance production like quantity of fertilizer utilized, the
number of journeys the farm vehicles have made, enabling efficient
utilization of resources such as water, electricity, etc. IoT smart irrigation
solutions is a system that is built for monitoring the crop field with the help
of sensors to sense light, humidity, temperature, soil moisture, crop health,
etc. This system is then automating the irrigation system. The farmers can
monitor the field circumstances from anywhere. Based on the data collected
Internet of Thing by sensors, a farmer can also select between manual and automated options.
For example, if moisture level of the soil decreases, the farmer can
control/command actuators to start the irrigation. Smart irrigation is highly
effective when compared with the conventional approach.
12.4.2 Green House Control
Due to climate change, depleting natural resources and growing population,
the global farming industry is facing significant compression. The
unpredictability of rain and other whether related factors growers are
adopting advanced technologies to increase production efficiency and crop
safety. Agriculture industry is utilizing the IoT more than ever before, and
smart greenhouses are a one of that.
A greenhouse makes available a controlled environment tailored to the
vegetation needs cultivated inside. The micro-climate and agronomic
parameters are recorded through IoT enabled sensors to make farming
practices clearer. In addition to that, weather changes throughout the day
and “invisible” conditions like open doors or early-stage infection
constantly influence the greenhouse environment and threaten to damage
crops. The implementation of greenhouse needs to be executed on a pre-
defined, speculation-based schedule.
An IoT enabled greenhouse offers some benefits like Maintaining Ideal
Micro-Climate Conditions through IoT sensors which allow farmers to
collect various real-time information on critical climate factors like
temperature, humidity, light exposure and carbon dioxide across the
greenhouse. This data stimuluses relevant adjustments to greenhouse
control system and lighting settings to maintain the best conditions for plant
growth while driving energy efficiency. The next benefit it provides is
enhancing Irrigation and Fertilization Practices. The smart greenhouses
empower farmers to infirmed about their crop conditions. This ensures
irrigation and fertilization activities are done appropriately in time for
maximized yields. Through controlling environmental factors inside
greenhouse, it also controls Infection and avoids disease outbreak which is
another benefit. Furthermore, the IoT enabled smart greenhouse can also
provide mechanism to prevent thefts and improve security of greenhouse.


IoT technologies have great potential in retail industry in this digital age.
Due to changing consumer habits, high pressure on delivery services,
buyers' distrust in online buying or lack of tech facility are all issues that
hold sellers back in flourishing in retail industry. The increasing demand for
enhanced flexibility, multiple distribution channels, better service, and
improved experience are expected to provide motivation to industry growth.
The ongoing evolutions in retail such as omni-channel shopping and rapid
smartphone adoption rate are empowering retailers to provide buyer a brick-
and-mortar shopping experience. Smart retailers are housing right
technology and making their stores more interactive. Smartphones and
tablets have enabled it further in product promotions, thereby encouraging
228 social sharing. IoT based retail industry using connected technologies to
monitor products, customer behavior, premises, and supply chain. IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
Implementation and adoption of IoT solutions provide retailers to analyze
and monitor existing processes to enhance it with incremental investments.
In addition to that the rise of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
(AI) technologies are transforming the retail industry as they provide better
visions to improve retail execution efficiently. Retailers can precisely
predict customer behavior, demand, and personalize customer experience
12.5.1 Inventory Management
IoT strategies are serving to improve inventory management by helping
businesses effortlessly keep track of a product’s exact information like
storage location, product quantity available, manufacturing and expiry dates
etc. This helps decrease the time it takes to find inventory physically. the
available real-time data helps provide important insights to support strategic
and planned business decisions. IoT-enabled devices including wearables,
smart glasses, and augmented reality (AR) technology are helping to speed
up the storage, handling, and shipping of inventory, warehouses. In addition
to that robotic and artificial intelligence solutions are used in warehouse and
logistics operations along with warehouse workforces to advance
performance and reduce blunders. Streamlining traceability and inventory
management compliance is one of the most promising usages for IoT
devices which helps manufacturing industries to regulate their practices.
12.5.2 Smart Payments
The internet has become entwined in today’s world to perform some tasks
like shopping. Customers now a days have become more tech savvy. The
E-commerce sale have got enriched due to this approach of customer.
Consumers become more comfortable with the idea of shopping online,
paying online. The online payment is implemented using IoT. Instead of a
card payment, costumers are now paying through their phone, a wearable,
a car, or a voice-activated device like Alexa. For a business, this means
permitting different things other than a standard in-store platform or
payment mechanism to authorize payments. The IoT provides the
connectivity between things without the need for human intervention.
The need for payments to be processed automatically applies to both the
B2B and B2C environments. For example, A smart fridge can possibly
identify when you need to buy milk and makes the order. It will get deliver
to you, all without you never having to lift a finger. Another example, where
a printer can track toner usage and put an order once it reaches a certain
level. The use cases of smart payments with IoT are endless. But, along with
the many benefits of the IoT, the risk of a security break shouldn’t go
unnoticed. More and more information is shared across many devices and
things, it is unavoidable that hackers will try and get access to your valuable
12.5.3 Smart Vending Machines
Smart vending machines is another dimension of IoT enabled retail industry
which provides enhanced customer experience. Smart vending machines
uses digital technologies to create automated retail solutions to deliver items
Internet of Thing without human assistance. IoT devices such as touchpads and touchless
displays offer dynamic and interactive buying of things. Smart vending
machines can apply Artificial Intelligence and analytics to understand data
to provide customer centric experiences. Furthermore, wireless connectivity
empowers fast transactions.
Using IoT-enabled vending machines can provide many benefits like
processing of rapid, secure credit and debit transactions from any location.
It helps reducing tampering and product loss risks via built-in security. It
monitors environmental conditions using sensing technology to maintain
perishable item quality. It helps in Tracking and managing inventory with
data analytics that include customer data into planning to ensure suitably
stocked vending machines. It maximizes vending machine efficiency
through remote monitoring and predictive maintenance.
12.5.4 Benefits Of Iot Technology For Retail Management
IoT will significantly impact how retailers do business in the future. IoT
technology allows smartphone-based detection. In the future, data collected
in stores has unlimited potential in helping retailers improve their
operational efficiency. They can better understand their customers and
deliver personalized experiences like dynamic pricing, personalized offers
and customized products and services. Following are some benefits IoT
technology will cater in Retail Management:
A retailer we can collect following information through IoT assistance:

1 Time that customer’s smartphone has waited at the checkout counter

2 What time customer came into the store
3 What time customer left from the store
4 Which different doors used by customers
5 Frequent areas of the store visited by customers
6 Customer’s stay/waiting time in each area
7 Number of people visiting daily in a shopping mall.
8 Average time of stay status of customer in store
9 Different walking ways of people in shopping malls
With this information collected from various tracking methods, retailers can
further analyses this data to derive some strategic conclusions which in turn
will help retailers to bring new solutions or policies in order to improve
customer experience.
Following are some strategic benefits retailers can conclude:
1. Efficient supply chain management
2. Improved customer service
3. Cleverer inventory management
4. Man-less cash counters
5. Automated checkouts
12.5.5 Examples of IOT Enabled Retail Management Systems IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
1. Foot-Traffic Monitoring:
For small stores, the mall traffic can be inspected across several
retailers so the full shopping time and other details can be understood.
In a smart store, we can employ video-based foot-traffic monitoring
to see whether customers spend more time in one product area more
than other products. Once analyzed this information, a retailer in real
time can provide an assistant to help out the customer for more
efficient and effortless customer visits. Moreover, by observing the
store traffic and customer call in real-time, we can modify/improve
the existing in-store shopping experience.
2. Predictive Equipment Maintenance:
Predictive equipment maintenance is used for energy management,
estimating equipment failure, and preventing other problems before
they occur. For example, every grocery store houses a lot of complex
equipment, such as refrigeration units. When these units are fitted
with sensors, we can estimate maintenance related issues that may
influence the power consumption for savings or even monitor the
temperature fluctuations to ensure food safety.
3. Demand Alert Warehouses:
Demand-alert warehouse fulfillment is about warehouse automation
motivated by in-store and online shopping demand. IoT permits you
to observe sales and opportunities in real-time. It even allows us to
track missed in-store sales. It’s necessary to note that RFID is a well-
tested part of IoT that can be used for more accurate service level
optimization and for inventory management. With the power of
technology, the warehouse of the future will be an open space in
which the automated pallets will self-organize depending on real-time
4. Smart Fulfillment:
In retail organizations, moving merchandise more professionally is a
key goal to accomplish. IoT can play a crucial part in the
maintenance of transport, tracking, and route optimization. Many of
the retailers are using GPS to track and route goods transportation
for years, but now with IoT, we are able to understand with much
greater precision how close a pallet of merchandise is given to the
12.5.6 Challenges of Retail IOT Applications
1. Infrastructure:
Most retailers don’t have appropriate infrastructure and network
mechanisms that enormous volumes of IoT data require. To digitize
retail stores, merchants need to have a strong and reliable network,
cloud platform, and end-user solutions such as barcode scanners,
tablets etc. All of those things need considerable investment. A
solution to this issue can be like there is no need to overinvest in
Internet of Thing infrastructure all at once when it comes to implementing a new
technology. One can start with small infrastructure changes. For
examples, using IoT to manage Air Conditioner or the lighting, which
will bring a more immediate Return on Investment (ROI). One can
progressively get more sophisticated with your IoT solutions.
2. Security:
Many retailers are distrustful of the security and privacy issues
associated with IoT. These worries have been amplified by the
introduction of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Access
to the customer’s data gives retailers various opportunities but at the
same time opens the door to cyber-attack threats and legal
complications. Retailers should work closely with IoT software
developers to make sure that the devices and sensors they use are
designed with strong security mechanisms in mind, including basics
like secure passwords, as well as more advanced security
infrastructure like end-to-end encryption, regular software updates,
and an IT infrastructure that actively scans for bugs and
3. Data Management:
Carrying out IoT data analysis in a timely and relevant manner
represents a huge challenge for retail businesses due to a lack of
relevant qualifications and expertise. There isn’t enough technical and
analytical skill at hand to gain valuable insights from the huge amount
of data collected from IoT. Retail businesses can hire domain experts
or depend on third parties with the relevant IoT qualifications and
training, who can take over data management processes. By
forestalling those challenges, retailers get a chance to make their IoT
investment profitable while gaining a competitive edge in the market.


The chapter summarized a detailed compilation of the evolving technology

of IoT in smart energy management and smart healthcare. Chapter starts by
giving an outlook of a Smart Grid which is an electricity network. A smart
grid employs innovative products and services together with intelligent
monitoring, control, communication, and self-healing technologies in order
to better facilitate the connection and operation of generators of all sizes
and technologies, allow consumers to play a part in optimizing the operation
of the system, provide consumers with greater information and options for
how they use their supply, significantly reduce the environmental impact of
the whole electricity supply system, maintain or even improve the existing
high levels of system reliability, quality and security of supply and maintain
and improve the existing services efficiently. Chapter discusses how IoT
has changed and connected various industries over the past few decades and
has brought the healthcare industry to be more reachable. It gave an insight
of how Hospitals and Healthcare organizations are facing challenges such
as lack of skilled workforces, cost explosion etc.

This chapter also displays a detailed view of the evolving technology of IoT IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
in smart agriculture and smart retail management. It gives an overview of a
Smart Farming. IoT have the potential to transform agriculture in many
aspects. Data collected by smart agriculture sensors is a key component to
have smart farming. various sensors, control systems, robotics, autonomous
vehicles, automated hardware, variable rate technology, motion detectors,
button camera, and wearable devices are improving our overall experience
in today’s tech savvy world. Chapter further explains Smart retail and
inventory management. Retail IoT software is expected to witness
substantial growth in next ten years. Smart payments are becoming
mainstream. The user can make in-app purchases without ever having to re-
enter their credit card information. Consumers can also pay with fingerprint
identification, allowing them to make purchases in seconds.


1 Impact of IoT on Renewable Energy | IntechOpen

2 The use of IoT in renewable energy generation (allerin.com)
3 Planning for Home Renewable Energy Systems | Department of
4 Smart Energy Management in Renewable Energy Systems : Smart
Energy Management Systems and Renewable Energy Resources
5 biosensors-11-00372-v3 (2).pdf
6 IoT based wearable device to monitor the signs of quarantined
remote patients of COVID-19 - ScienceDirect
7 https://www.digitalmediavending.com/what-are-smart-vending-
8 Smart Vending and Automated Retail Solutions | Telit
9 The Internet of Things (IoT) in the Retail Industry | Digiteum
10 4 Benefits of Smart Greenhouses and How to Get Started | BehrTech
11 Smart Greenhouse Monitoring Solution | Greenhouse Automation
System (iotconnect.io)
12 Shwetank Dattatraya Mamdiwar 1,Akshith R 1,Zainab Shakruwala
1,Utkarsh Chadha 2ORCID,Kathiravan Srinivasan 3ORCID
andChuan-Yu Chang 4,*ORCID, “Recent Advances on IoT-Assisted
Wearable Sensor Systems for Healthcare Monitoring”, 2021,


Qu. 1: Answer following questions in brief.

i) Write a brief note on Smart Grid electricity transmission and
distribution system. List different goals of smart energy systems.

Internet of Thing ii) List and elaborate Smart Grid technologies which help in building
smart grid reliable and effective.
iii) Write a brief note on Prognostics systems and health management

iv) What is IoT enabled health & fitness monitoring?

v) List different IoT Wearable Sensors categories with examples.
vi) What is smart farming? What are the different components of smart

vii) Explain role of smart Green House control in safeguarding crops.

viii) Write a brief note on smart retail management.
ix) What are the smart payment systems? List different smart payment
systems currently being used.
x) What are the IoT-enabled vending machines? What different benefits
they provide?


Qu.1 Study following Case Studies in detail:

iii) What can be the different applications of IoT-assisted wearable sensor
systems in healthcare.
iv) List different Advances on IoT-Assisted Wearable Sensor Systems
for Healthcare Monitoring happened recently.
v) Identify different role of Internet of Things in retail industry?
vi) Study different Advances on IoT-Assisted Smart Farming.



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