User E1 Internet of Thing
User E1 Internet of Thing
User E1 Internet of Thing
3. An Architectural Overview...............................................................................32
4. IOT Architecture...............................................................................................47
8. Raspberry PI...................................................................................................139
9. Data Management...........................................................................................157
1.0 Objectives
1.1 The vision
1.2 M2M
1.3 IoT
1.4 From M2M to IoT
M2M requirements
According to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI),
requirements of an M2M system include:
• Scalability - The M2M system should be able to continue to function
efficiently as more connected objects are added.
• Anonymity - The M2M system must be able to hide the identity of an
M2M device when requested, subject to regulatory requirements.
• Logging - M2M systems must support the recording of important
events, such as failed installation attempts, service not operating or
the occurrence of faulty information. The logs should be available by
• M2M application communication principles - M2M systems should
enable communication between M2M applications in the network and
the M2M device or gateway using communication techniques, such
as short message service (SMS) and IP Connected devices should also
be able to communicate with each other in a peer-to-peer (P2P)
• Delivery methods - The M2M system should support Unicast,
anycast, multicast and broadcast communication modes, with
broadcast being replaced by multicast or anycast whenever possible
to minimize the load on the communication network.
• Message transmission scheduling - M2M systems must be able to
control network access and messaging schedules and should be
conscious of M2M applications' scheduling delay tolerance.
• Message communication path selection - Optimization of the message
communication paths within an M2M system must be possible and
based on policies like transmission failures, delays when other paths
exist and network costs.
1.3 IOT M2M to IOT
Internet of Thing As such, IoT is one of the most important technologies of everyday life, and
it will continue to pick up steam as more businesses realize the potential of
connected devices to keep them competitive.
What are the benefits of IoT to organizations?
The internet of things offers several benefits to organizations. Some benefits
are industry-specific, and some are applicable across multiple industries.
Some of the common benefits of IoT enable businesses to:
• If there's a bug in the system, it's likely that every connected device
will become corrupted.
Internet of Thing • Data Distribution Service (DDS) was developed by the Object
Management Group (OMG) and is an IoT standard for real-time,
scalable and high-performance M2M communication.
• Arm Mbed IoT is a platform to develop apps for IoT based on Arm
microcontrollers. The goal of the Arm Mbed IoT platform is to
provide a scalable, connected and secure environment for IoT devices
by integrating Mbed tools and services.
Consumer and enterprise IoT applications M2M to IOT
Internet of Thing The M2M system solution is used to remotely monitor and control
enterprise assets of various kinds, and to integrate those assets into the
business processes of the enterprise in question.
The asset can be of a wide range of types (e.g. vehicle, freight container,
building, or smart electricity meter), all depending on the enterprise.
The system components of an M2M solution are as follows:
M2M Device:
This is the M2M device attached to the asset of interest, and provides
sensing and actuation capabilities.
The purpose of the network is to provide remote connectivity between the
M2M device and the application-side servers. Many different network types
can be used, and include both Wide Area Networks (WANs) and Local Area
Networks (LANs), sometimes also referred to as Capillary Networks or
M2M Area Networks.
1. Telematics for cars and vehicles. Typical applications include M2M to IOT
navigation, remote vehicle diagnostics pay-as-you-drive insurance
schemes, road charging, and stolen vehicle recovery.
2. Metering applications include primarily remote meter management
and data collection for energy consumption in the electricity utility
sector, but also for gas and water consumption.
3. Remote monitoring is more generalized monitoring of assets, and
includes remote patient monitoring as one prime example.
4. Fleet management includes a number of different applications, like
data logging, goods and vehicle positioning, and security of valuable
or hazardous goods.
5. Security applications are mainly those related to home alarms and
small business surveillance solutions. The final market segment is
Internet of Thing
Internet of Things: IOT is known as the Internet of Things where things are
said to be the communicating devices that can interact with each other using
a communication media. Usually, every day some new devices are being
integrated which uses IoT devices for its function. These devices use
various sensors and actuators for sending and receiving data over the
internet. It is an ecosystem where the devices share data through a
communication media known as the internet.
Machine to Machine: This is commonly known as Machine to Machine
communication. It is a concept where two or more than two machines
communicate with each other without human interaction using a wired or
wireless mechanism. M2M is an technology that helps the devices to
connect between devices without using internet. M2M communications
offer several applications such as security, tracking and tracing,
manufacturing and facility management.
The game changers come from a set of social, economic, and environmental
Some of the more globally significant game changers below, and their
relationship to IoT:
Natural Resource Constraints:
The use of IoT to increase yields, improve productivity, and decrease loss
across global supply chains is therefore escalating.
Economic Shifts:
The overall economy is in a state of flux as it moves from the post-industrial
era to a digital economy. As technology becomes increasingly embedded
and more tasks automated, countries need to manage this shift and ensure
that M2M and IoT also create new jobs and industries
Changing Demographics:
Many countries will need to deal with an aging population without
increasing economic expenditure. As a result, IoT will need to be used, for
example, to help provide assisted living and reduce costs in healthcare and
emerging “wellcare” systems.
Socioeconomic Expectations:
Lifestyle and convenience will be increasingly enabled by technology as the
same disruption and efficiency practices evident in industries will be
applied within people’s lives and homes as well.
Internet of Thing General technology and scientific trends:
Material Science:
It has a large impact across a vast range of industries, from pharmaceutical
and cosmetics to electronics. MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
can be used to build advanced micro-sized sensors like accelerometers and
gyroscopes. New materials provide different methods to develop and
manufacture a large range of different sensors and actuators, as well being
used in applications for environmental control, water purification, etc.
Complex and Advanced Machinery:
It refers to tools that are autonomous or semi-autonomous. Today they are
used in a number of different industries; for example, robots and very
advanced machinery is used in different harsh environments, such as deep-
sea exploration, or in the mining industry in solutions such as Rio Tinto’s
Mine of the Future.
Energy Production and Storage:
It relates to the global interest of securing the availability of electricity while
reducing climate and environmental impacts. Smart Grids, for example,
imply micro-generation of electricity using affordable photovoltaic panels.
In addition, smart grids also require new types of energy storage, both for
the grid itself and for emerging technologies such as Electric Vehicles (EVs)
that rely on increasingly efficient battery technologies. Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs) will increasingly rely on different energy harvesting
technologies and also rely on new miniaturized battery technologies and
Trends in information and communications technologies
Sensors, actuators and tags function as the digital interfaces to the physical
Tags using technologies such as RFID provide the means to put electronic
identities on any object, and can be cheaply produced.
Embedded processing is evolving: not only towards higher capabilities
and processing speeds, but also extending towards the smallest of
Instant access to the Internet is available rapid deployment of cellular 3G
and 4G or Long-Term Evolution (LTE) systems on a global scale. These
systems provide ubiquitous and relatively cheap connectivity with the right
characteristics for many applications, including low latency and the
capacity to handle large amounts of data with high reliability.
Software architectures software development techniques from what were
originally closed environments towards platforms.
Web paradigm and using a service-oriented approach (SOA) by
extending the web paradigm to IoT devices, they can become a natural
component of building any application and facilitate an easy integration of
IoT device services into any enterprise system that is based on the SOA.
Open APIs Open APIs permit the creation of a fluid industrial platform, M2M Towards IOT
allowing components to be combined together in multiple different ways by
multiple developers with little to no interaction with those who developed
the platform, or installed the devices.
Cloud computing it is one of the greatest aspects of the evolution of ICT
for IoT as it allows virtualized and independent execution environments for
multiple applications to reside in isolation on the same hardware platform,
and usually in large data centers.
Data processing and intelligent software it will have an increasing role
to play in IoT solutions.
Big data it refers to the increasing number and size of data sets that are
available for companies and individuals to collect and perform analysis on.
Decision support or even decision-making systems It become very
important in different application domains for IoT, as will the set of tools
required to process data, aggregate information, and create knowledge.
IoT systems are multimodal in terms of sensing and control, complex in
management, and distributed across large geographical areas.
For example, the new requirements on Smart Grids involve end-to-end
management of energy production, distribution, and consumption, taking
into consideration needs from Demand Response, micro-generation, energy
storage, and load balancing.
Industrialized agriculture involving automated irrigation, fertilization, and
climate control is another example.
Smart City solutions is a clear need for integration of multiple disparate
infrastructures such as utilities, including district heating and cooling,
water, waste, and energy, as well as transportation such as road and rail.
Advanced remotely operated machinery, such as drilling equipment in
mines or deep-sea exploration vessels, will require real-time control of
complex operations, including various degrees of autonomous control
IoT will allow more assets of enterprises and organizations to be connected,
thus allowing a tighter and more prompt integration of the assets into
business processes and expert systems.
Simple machines can be used in a more controlled and intelligent manner,
often called “Smart Objects.”
EVs are enabled by the new battery and energy storage technologies, but
also require three separate elements to be connected _ cars, road
infrastructure via charging poles, and the electricity grid. In addition, there
are new charging requirements that are created by the use of EVs that need
new means for billing, and in turn placing new requirements on the
electricity grid itself.
share information and services across organizations in the horizontal
dimension, as well as being able to aggregate and combine services and
Internet of Thing information to reach higher degrees of refinement and values in the vertical
ICT solutions to monitor and control assets, physical properties of the real
world require not just increased levels of cyber security, but what can be
referred to as cyber-physical security.
In an IoT, where it is possible to control assets (e.g. vehicles or moveable
bridges), severe damage to property, or even loss of life, is possible.
Implications for IoT
In the M2M device area, there is an emerging consolidation of technologies
where solutions across different industry segments traditionally rely on
legacy and proprietary technologies.
One example being Building and Home Automation and Control with
legacy technologies like BACnet, Lonworks, KNX, Z-Wave, and ZigBee.
Requirement for integration across multiple infrastructures and of a large
set of different devices, as well as data and information sharing across
multiple domains, there is a clear benefit from a horizontal systems
approach with at least a common conceptual interoperability made
available, and a reduced set of technologies and protocols being used.
M2M is point problem-oriented, resulting in point solutions where devices
and applications are highly dedicated to solving a single task.
M2M devices are for this reason many times highly application-specific,
and reuse of devices beyond the M2M application is possible.
It allows easy integration in SOAs and attracts a larger application
developer community.
Both devices and connectivity have become viable for many different
applications, and M2M today is centered on devices and connectivity.
Barriers and concerns
The first concern is the compromise of privacy and the protection of
personal integrity. The use of RFID tags for tracing people is a raised
Massive deployment of sensors in various environments, including in
smartphones, explicit data and information about people can be collected,
and using analytics tools, users could potentially be profiled and identified
even from anonymized data.
The reliability and accuracy of data and information when relying on a large
number of data sources that can come from different providers that are
beyond one’s own control is another concern the topic of security has one
added dimension or level of concern.
A perceived barrier for large-scale adoption of IoT is in costs for massive
deployment of IoT devices and embedded technologies.
From a technical perspective, what is desired is a high degree of automated M2M Towards IOT
provisioning towards zero-configuration
A use case example
Studies from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have
shown that close to 50% of the health risks of the enterprise workforce are
stress related, which includes a group of factors such risks as high
cholesterol, overweight issues, and high alcohol consumption
As stress can be a root cause for many direct negative health condition.
Measuring human stress can be done using sensors. Two common stress
measurements are heart rate and galvanic skin response (GSR), and there
are products on the market in the form of bracelets that can do such
These sensors can only provide the intensity of the heart rate and GSR, and
do not provide an answer to the cause of the intensity.
The typical M2M solution would be based on getting sensor input from the
person by bracelet.
Using a smartphone as a mobile gateway to send measurements to an
application server hosted by a health service provider.
The application server hosts the necessary functionality to analyze the
collected data, and based on experience and domain knowledge, provides
an indication of the stress level.
The stress information can then be made available to the person or a
caregiver via smartphone application or a web interface on a computer.
Stress measurement M2M solution is as follows
Internet of Thing Same problem situation from an IoT perspective would be to add data that
provide much deeper and richer information of the person’s contextual
The prospect is that the more data is available, the more data can be
analyzed and correlated in order to find patterns and dependencies.
Depicted is also the importance of having expert domain knowledge that
can mine the available information, and that can also provide proposed
actions to avoid stressful situations or environments.
IoT-oriented stress analysis solution is as follows
• It does not typically take a broad perspective on solving a larger set M2M Towards IOT
of issues
• most M2M devices are special purpose devices that are application-
Inputs are the base raw ingredients that are turned into a product. Examples
could be cocoa beans for the manufacture of chocolate or data from an
M2M device that will be turned into a piece of information.
Production/Manufacture: Production/Manufacture refers to the process that
the raw inputs are put through to become part of a value chain. For example,
cocoa beans may be dried and separated before being transported to
overseas markets. Data from an M2M solution, meanwhile, needs to be
verified and tagged for provenance.
Processing refers to the process whereby a product is prepared for sale. For
example, cocoa beans may now be made into cocoa powder, ready for use
in chocolate bars. For an M2M solution, this refers to the aggregation of
multiple data sources to create an information component something that
is ready to be combined with other data sets to make it useful for corporate
Packaging refers to the process whereby a product can be branded as would
be recognizable to end-user consumers. For M2M solutions, the data will
have to be combined with other information from internal corporate
databases, for example, to see whether the data received requires any action.
This data would be recognizable to the end-users that need to use the
information, either in the form of visualizations or an Excel spreadsheet.
This process refers to the channels to market for products. An M2M solution
will have produced an Information Product that can be used to create new
knowledge within a corporate environment examples include more detailed
scheduling of maintenance based on real-world information or improved
product design due to feedback from the M2M solution. As mentioned
previously, M2M value chains are internal to one company and cover one
solution. IoT Value Chains, meanwhile, are about the use and reuse of data
across value chains and across solutions.
M2M value chains are internal to one company and cover one solution. IoT
Value Chains, meanwhile, are about the use and reuse of data across value
chains and across solutions.
The Internet of Things is transforming the way we live our lives. From
appliances that talk to each other, to connected cars that promise to
revolutionize the way we get around, there’s almost no aspect of life that
won’t be touched by the IoT. The growth of the IoT is stunning. At the end
of 2017 there were about 500 million IoT devices with cellular connections.
By 2023, that number is expected to grow to 1.8 billion. In total, Ericsson
research predicts that by 2023 there will be 20 billion IoT connections
across the globe, a growth rate of almost 20 percent per year from the 7
billion at the end of 2017. This means that businesses will be just as
profoundly affected by the IoT as consumers. This is especially true for
telecom service providers who are connecting growing numbers of IoT
devices, the fundamental building block of it all. Not only will they be
focused on enhancing network infrastructure with IoT-friendly
technology—like Cat-M1 and NB-IoT—on the road to 5G, they will be
forced to consider how to transform their business as the IoT market
To take advantage of the potential revenue streams the IoT will make
possible, telecom service providers are already exploring moving from
merely connecting devices to services like platforms and even applications.
It was with this in mind that Ericsson interviewed approximately 20 leading
IoT telecom service providers worldwide, as part of our “Exploring IoT
Strategies” study, to determine how the IoT is poised to change their
business and how they are positioning themselves in the value chain to
maximize market opportunities. They all recognized that they will have to
adjust the way they operate, moving from traditional key performance
indicators like revenue per subscriber to a completely different revenue
Based on this research, we gain a clearer picture of where telecom service
providers fit in, how they move up the chain, and other aspects of how they
can get the most out of the IoT market.
The industrial internet of things (IIoT) refers to the extension and use of
the internet of things (IoT) in industrial sectors and applications. With a
strong focus on machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, big data,
and machine learning, the IIoT enables industries and enterprises to have
better efficiency and reliability in their operations. The IIoT encompasses
industrial applications, including robotics, medical devices, and software-
defined production processes.
The IIoT goes beyond the normal consumer devices and internetworking of
physical devices usually associated with the IoT. What makes it distinct is
the intersection of information technology (IT) and operational technology
(OT). OT refers to the networking of operational processes and industrial
control systems (ICSs), including human machine interfaces (HMIs),
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed
control systems (DCSs), and programmable logic controllers (PLCs).
The convergence of IT and OT provides industries with greater system
integration in terms of automation and optimization, as well as better
visibility of the supply chain and logistics. The monitoring and control of
physical infrastructures in industrial operations, such as in agriculture,
healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and utilities, are made easier
through the use of smart sensors and actuators as well as remote access and
In the context of the fourth industrial revolution, dubbed Industry 4.0, the
IIoT is integral to how cyber-physical systems and production processes are
set to transform with the help of big data and analytics. Real-time data from
sensors and other information sources helps industrial devices and
infrastructures in their “decision-making,” in coming up with insights and
specific actions. Machines are further enabled to take on and automate tasks
that previous industrial revolutions could not handle. In a broader context,
the IIoT is crucial to use cases related to connected ecosystems or
environments, such as how cities become smart cities and factories become M2M Towards IOT
smart factories.
The consistent capturing and transmitting of data among smart devices and
machines provide industries and enterprises with many growth
opportunities. The data allows industries and enterprises to pick up on errors
or inefficiencies in the supply chain, for example, and immediately address
them, thus pushing for day-to-day efficiency in operations and finance.
Proper integration of the IIoT can also optimize the use of assets, predict
points of failure, and even trigger maintenance processes autonomously.
By adopting connected and smart devices, businesses are enabled to gather
and analyze greater amounts of data at greater speeds. Not only will this
enhance scalability and performance, but it can also bridge the gap between
the production floors and general offices. Integration of the IIoT can give
industrial entities a more accurate view of how their operations are moving
along and help them make informed business decisions.
What are the security considerations and challenges in adopting the
Adoption of the IIoT can revolutionize how industries operate, but there is
the challenge of having strategies in place to boost digital transformation
efforts while maintaining security amid increased connectivity.
Industries and enterprises that handle operational technologies can be
expected to be well-versed in such aspects as worker safety and product
quality. However, given that OT is being integrated into the internet,
organizations are seeing the introduction of more intelligent and automated
machines at work, which in turn invites a slew of new challenges that would
require understanding of the IIoT’s inner workings.
With IIoT implementations, three areas need to be focused on: availability,
scalability, and security. Availability and scalability may already be second
nature to industrial operations, since they could already have been
established or in the business for quite some time. Security, however, is
where many can stumble when integrating the IIoT into their operations.
For one thing, many businesses still use legacy systems and processes.
Many of these have been in operation for decades and thus remain unaltered,
thereby complicating the adoption of new technologies.
Also, the proliferation of smart devices has given rise to security
vulnerabilities and the concern of security accountability. IIoT adopters
have the de facto responsibility of securing the setup and use of their
connected devices, but device manufacturers have the obligation of
protecting their consumers when they roll out their products. Manufacturers
should be able to ensure the security of the users and provide preventive
measures or remediation when security issues arise.
Even more, the need for cybersecurity is brought to the fore as more
significant security incidents surface over the years. Hackers gaining access
to connected systems do not only mean exposing the business to a major
breach, but also mean potentially subjecting operations to a shutdown. To a
certain extent, industries and enterprises adopting the IIoT have to plan and
Internet of Thing operate like technology companies in order to manage both physical and
digital components securely.
Adopters are also faced with the challenge of properly integrating industrial
operations with IT, where both connection and information need to be
secured. Users’ data should be processed in accordance with applicable
privacy regulations, such as the European Union (EU) General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR). While gathered data plays an important role
in generating insights for the devices and infrastructures, it is imperative
that personal information be segregated from general log data. Information
like personally identifiable information (PII) should be stored in an
encrypted database. Storing unencrypted information together with other
relevant activity in the cloud could mean businesses running the risk of
One of the major concerns that have been surrounding the IoT is technology
fragmentation, and the IIoT, by extension, isn’t exempt from the
coexistence of different standards, protocols, and architectures. The varying
use in IIoT systems, for example, of standards and protocols such as
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and Constrained
Application Protocol (CoAP) may hinder IIoT systems’ interoperability.
What are the risks to IIoT systems?
Many security problems associated with the IIoT stem from a lack of basic
security measures in place. Security gaps like exposed ports, inadequate
authentication practices, and obsolete applications contribute to the
emergence of risks. Combine these with having the network directly
connected to the internet and more potential risks are invited.
Businesses may have grown familiar with the probable business impact of
having IT systems go down because of cybercrime or malware infection.
However, the convergence of IT and OT introduces a new significant risk
factor: real-world threats that could affect even civilians.
Unsecure IIoT systems can lead to operational disruption and monetary
loss, among other considerable consequences. More connected
environments mean more security risks, such as:
There are five fundamental roles within the I-GVC that companies and other
actors are forming around.
The Information-Driven Global Value Chain is as follows:
1. Data factories
Data factories are those entities that produce data in digital forms for
use in other parts of the I-GVC.
With the move to the digital era, however, these companies now also
provide this data via digital means; for example, OS now makes maps
and associated data available in digital format.
Products can now be combined, reused, and bundled together with
other products by actors in the commodity chain as the foundation of
other services.
For example, maps from OS can be combined with other data from
travel services such as TFL to provide detailed travel applications on
mobile devices.
SMHI has a large number of weather stations across Sweden through
which it collects weather and environmental information. SMHI
therefore produces raw data, but it also processes the data, and
bundles it in different ways based on customer requests and
SMHI functions not only as a data factory, therefore, but also a
The quantity and nature of data being developed into information M2M Towards IOT
products also requires a completely new type of intermediary.
To handle the scalability issues and the associated security and
privacy questions raised by the use of this data to build products.
4. Resellers
Resellers are those entities that combine inputs from several different
intermediaries, combine it together, analyze, and sell it to either end-
users or to corporate entities. These resellers are currently rather
limited in terms
One example is BlueKai, which tracks the online shopping behavior
of Internet users and mines the data gathered for “purchasing intent”
in order to allow advertisers to target buyers more accurately.
BlueKai combines data from several sources, including Amazon,
Ebay, and Alibaba.
Through this data, it is able to identify regional trends, helping
companies to identify not just which consumer group to target their
goods to, but also which part of the country.
Internet of Thing
Unit Structure
3.0 Objective
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Building an architecture
3.3 Main design principles and needed capabilities
3.4 An IoT architecture outline
3.5 Standard Considerations
Design for sensing and actors taking on different roles of providing and
using services across different business domains and value chains. Design
for ensuring trust, security, and privacy. Design for scalability,
performance, and effectiveness. Design for simplicity of management.
The roots of M2M are firmly planted in the manufacturing industry, where
technologies and services based on this concept help remotely manage and
control equipment data.
Although the origins of the acronym are not very clear, the first use of
machine-to-machine communication is often credited to Theodore
Paraskevakos, who invented and patented technology related to data
transmission via telephone lines, the basis for the modern caller ID.
The main objective of M2M technology is to access sensor data and transmit
it to a network. M2M systems typically use public access networks and
methods – for example, cellular or Ethernet – for the sake of economy.
Key components of an M2M system include sensors, RFID, a cellular or
Wi-Fi communication link, and autonomous computing software
programmed to help a network device interpret data and make decisions.
These M2M applications translate the data, which can trigger pre-
programmed automated actions.
One of the most well-known types of machine-to-machine communication
is telemetry, which has been used since the beginning of the last century to
transmit operational data. Telemetry pioneers first used telephone lines and,
later, radio waves, to transmit performance measurements obtained from
monitoring instruments at remote sites.
The Internet and improved standards for wireless technology have
expanded the role of science, engineering, and manufacturing telemetry for
everyday use in products such as heating units, electric meters, and Internet- An Architectural Overview
connected devices such as appliances.
In addition to being able to remotely monitor equipment and systems, the
key benefits of M2M include:
• reduce costs by minimizing equipment maintenance and downtime;
• boost revenue, revealing new business opportunities;
• and better customer service by proactively monitoring and repairing
the equipment before it fails and only when necessary, for example.
M2M and the Internet of Things:
One of the ways to understand the concept of Machine to Machine (M2M)
is to understand how it differs from the Internet of Things (IoT).
Both terms refer to the communication of connected devices, but M2M
systems are often isolated, independent network equipment. Internet of
Things take M2M to the next level, bringing together separate systems in a
large connected ecosystem.
M2M systems use peer-to-peer communications between machines,
sensors, and hardware over wired or wireless networks, while IoT systems
rely on IP-based networks to send data collected from connected devices to
gateways, cloud platforms, or middleware.
Data collected from M2M devices is used by service management
applications, while IoT data is typically integrated with enterprise systems
to improve business performance across multiple groups. Another way to
see this is that M2M affects the way companies operate, while IoT does this
and affects end users.
• It is also common to identify suitable technology components such as An Architectural Overview
operating systems and protocols or protocol stacks at this level.
The actual system solution is finally captured by a system design that
typically results in actual software and hardware components, as well as
information on how these are to be configured, deployed, and provisioned.
Internet of Thing 2. Design for reuse of deployed IoT resources across application
3. Design for a set of support services that provide open service-oriented
capabilities and can be used for application development and
4. Design for different abstraction levels that hide underlying
complexities and heterogeneities.
5. Design for sensing and actors taking on different roles of providing
and using services across different business domains and value
6. Design for ensuring trust, security, and privacy.
7. Design for scalability, performance, and effectiveness.
8. Design for simplicity of management.
9. Design for different service delivery models.
10. Design for lifecycle support.
• At the lowest level is the Asset Layer. This layer is, strictly speaking,
not providing any functionality within a target solution.
• The assets of interest are the real-world objects and entities that are
subject to being monitored and controlled, as well as having digital
representations and identities. The typical examples include vehicles
and machinery, fixed infrastructures such as buildings and utility
systems, homes, and people themselves thus, being inanimate as well
as animate objects.
Internet of Thing • The purpose of the Communication Layer is to provide the means for
connectivity between the resources on one end and the different
computing infrastructures that host and execute service support logic
and application logic on the other end.
• The final layer in our architecture outline is the Business Layer, which
focuses on supporting the core business or operations of any
enterprise, organization, or individual that is interested in IoT
Three functional groups cross the different layers, namely
Management, Security, and IoT Data and Services.
• IoT stands for the Internet of Things that contains things that are
connected to the internet. These objects sense the environment around
them and collect data that is used for further processing. These
unprocessed data generated in huge quantities are converted to a
digital format and then pre-processed for further analysis.
• Then comes the devices that actually process these data to draw
valuable insights from them. Lastly, the processed data is then sent to
the cloud or local machines, where they are stored and analyzed for
performing actions. IoT is a four-step process.
Steps Involved
• For instance, consider a smart fan. With suitable sensors in place, the
actuator would increase or decrease the fan’s speed based on the
surrounding temp(which will be measured by the temperature sensor).
Internet of Thing And all of this would happen without human intervention. Another
example can be a smart irrigation system.
• After measuring the moisture content in the soil, the sensors would
trigger the actuators that will decide whether to turn the valve on or
off. A lot of research in IOT is currently directed towards integrating
as many as possible sensors in a given board.
Data Acquisition System
• This layer works closely with sensors and actuators. But because of
its unique functionality, it deserves a place in a separate layer. It is a
connecting layer that connects the sensor layer with the analytics
• Its main function is to collect, select, and send the data to further
processing layers. Before processing can happen, the data from the
sensor must be converted into a suitable format. A format that is easy
to use and also transferable. This is achieved by this layer.
• These are also called gateways, and they provide a platform for local
processing of the incoming sensor data so that it is ready for further
processing. To improve the security of this layer, suitable encryption
and decryption algorithms are used that prevent malicious activities
like a data leak.
• Not every IOT architecture may have this layer. Their presence can
bring added value to the entire process, especially for large scale
projects where data is generated in plethora. For such projects, data
transfer rate or rate of analytics plays a vital role. These infrastructures
are located close to the source of the data.
• This allows them to act promptly on the incoming real-time data and
provide an output in the form of actionable information. In this case,
those data that require processing in the cloud are passed to this layer.
As data transfer happens in this layer, it is imperative to increase
security by minimizing network exposure.
• As only some preprocessing happens in this layer, it works with An Architectural Overview
minimum power and bandwidth. One example can be to remove the
presence of outliers in the data. There can be thousands of outliers in
a million data points. Getting rid of them in an early stage would mean
saving time in the final processing.
Data Centre
• This layer provides many benefits to the business, right from higher
production rates to reducing energy consumption. They also provide
lucid visualization in the form of pie charts, histograms, or graphs, for
customers that help them make informed decisions about the
Real-world example
• Self-driving cars use IOT applications all the time. These cars are
driverless and rely on their sensors for safe navigation from one point
to another. Equipped with hundreds of sensors like LIDAR, cameras,
gyroscopes, cloud architecture, internet, and many more, these cars
sense their surroundings and make rapid and intelligent decisions
based on the sensor outputs.
• IoT Security
• IoT Analytics
• IoT Platforms
IoT Security
IoT introduces a wide range of new security risks and challenges to the IoT
devices themselves, their platforms and operating systems, their
communications, and even the systems to which they're connected. Security
technologies will be required to protect IoT devices and platforms from both
information attacks and physical tampering, to encrypt their
communications, and to address new challenges such as impersonating
"things" or denial-of-sleep attacks that drain batteries. IoT security will be
complicated by the fact that many "things" use simple processors and
operating systems that may not support sophisticated security approaches.
IoTamy security specialists are focused on security threats as hackers find
new ways to attack IoT devices and protocols. IoTamy solutions support
updatable firmware “over the air” to ensure that risks can be mitigated
through patches as soon as a vulnerability is detected or requirements
change or capabilities are improved.
IoT Analytics
IoT business models will exploit the information collected by "things" in
many ways — for example, to understand customer behavior, to deliver
services, to improve products, and to identify and intercept business
moments. IoTamy has partnered with leading edge Analytics service
providers to ensure that you get the flexibility you require when iterating
your interpretation of your dataset.
IoT Device (Thing) Management
Long-lived nontrivial "things" will require management and monitoring.
This includes device monitoring, firmware and software updates,
diagnostics, crash analysis and reporting, physical management, and
security management. IoT also brings new problems of scale to the
management task.
IoTamy tools are capable of managing and monitoring thousands and
perhaps even millions of devices.
Low-Power, Short-Range IoT Networks
Selecting a wireless network for an IoT device involves balancing many
conflicting requirements, such as range, battery life, bandwidth, density,
endpoint cost and operational cost.
IoTamy solutions comprise either fixed or wireless networking for IoT An Architectural Overview
devices. Fixed networking technologies include “IoT over Powerline” while
Wireless technologies include LoRa, which is a long range low power
spread spectrum technology that can connect millions of devices in a single
LoRa network.
Low-Power, Wide-Area Networks
Traditional cellular networks don't deliver a good combination of technical
features and operational cost for those IoT applications that need wide-area
coverage combined with relatively low bandwidth, good battery life, low
hardware and operating cost, and high connection density.
The long-term goal of a wide-area IoT network is to deliver data rates from
hundreds of bits per second (bps) to tens of kilobits per second (kbps) with
nationwide coverage, a battery life of up to 10 years, an endpoint hardware
cost of around $5, and support for hundreds of thousands of devices
connected to a base station or its equivalent.
The first low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) were based on
proprietary technologies, but in the long term emerging standards such as
Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) will likely dominate this space.
IoTamy is working with Tier 1 Telcos to develop NB-IoT solutions that are
secure, cost effective and provide nationwide coverage. NB-IoT is a new
standard that was defined recently and is not commonly deployed by Telcos.
NB-IoT requires both the network solution together with NB-IoT low cost
hardware solutions. IoTamy is at the forefront of this development and has
advanced products and solutions already in the field.
IoT Processors
The processors and architectures used by IoT devices define many of their
capabilities, such as whether they are capable of strong security and
encryption, power consumption, whether they are sophisticated enough to
support an operating system, updatable firmware, and embedded device
management agents.
IoTamy understands the complex trade-offs between features, hardware
cost, software cost, software upgradability and build best practice into every
solution we deliver.
IoT Operating Systems
Traditional operating systems (OSs) such as Windows and iOS were not
designed for IoT applications. They consume too much power, need fast
processors, and in some cases, lack features such as guaranteed real-time
response. They also have too large a memory footprint for small devices
and may not support the chips that IoT developers use.
IoTamy has developed an IoT operating system that suits many different
hardware footprints and feature needs.
Internet of Thing Event Stream Processing
Some IoT applications will generate extremely high data rates that must be
analyzed in real time. Systems creating tens of thousands of events per
second are common, and millions of events per second can occur in some
telecom and telemetry situations.
To address high data rate requirements IoTamy has developed distributed
stream computing platforms (DSCPs) using parallel architectures to process
very high data rate streams to perform tasks such as real-time analytics and
pattern identification.
IoT Platforms
IoT may provides three key platform components;
(1) low-level device control and operations such as communications,
device monitoring and management, security, and firmware updates
(2) IoT data acquisition, transformation and management
(3) IoT application development, including event-driven logic,
application programming, visualization, analytics and adapters to
connect to enterprise systems.
IoT Standards and Ecosystems
Although ecosystems and standards aren't precisely technologies, most
eventually materialize as application programming interfaces (APIs).
Standards and their associated APIs will be essential because IoT devices
will need to interoperate and communicate, and many IoT business models
will rely on sharing data between multiple devices and organizations.
Unit Structure
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 An Overview IoT Architecture
4.2.1 Introduction to IoT Architecture
4.2.2 What is State of The Art IoT?
4.2.3 Architecture Reference Model Introduction.
4.2.4 IoT Reference Architecture.
4.2.5 IoT Reference Model.
4.2.6 IoT Reference Architecture (Various views in IoT)
4.3 Summary
4.4 Exercise
4.5 List of References
Figure 4.1. The IoT can connect anything in anywhere using any path
The IoT is a promising technology that starts to grow significantly. There
were already more objects/things connected to the Internet than people from
2008, as shown in Figure 4.2. Predictions are made that by 2020; the number
of Internet-connected devices will reach or even exceed 50 billion. In
addition, the IoT becomes the most massive device market that enables
companies to save billions of dollars. It will add $1.7 trillion in value to the
global economy in 2019. This involves hardware, software, management
services, installation costs, and economic value from realized IoT
Nowadays, the IoT notion has evolved to include the perception of realizing
a global infrastructure of interconnected networks of physical and virtual
objects. The huge technological development has expanded the idea of the
IoT to involve other technologies such as Cloud computing and Wireless
Sensor Networks (WSNs). The IoT has become able
to connect both humans and things anywhere, and anytime, ideally using
any path/network which is shown in Figure 4.1.
Internet of Thing
Internet of Thing • Devices might be geographically separated, and processing is
optimized locally.
• Levels 3 and 4 might separate “continuous streams of raw data” from
“data that represents an event.” Data storage for streaming data may
be a big data system, such as Hadoop. Storage for event data may be
a relational database management system (RDBMS) with faster query
• Different kinds of data processing might be required.
For example, in-store processing will focus on different things than across-
all-stores summary processing. For these reasons, the data abstraction level
must process many different things. These include:
• Reconciling multiple data formats from different sources
• Assuring consistent semantics of data across sources
• Confirming that data is complete to the higher-level application
• Consolidating data into one place (with ETL, ELT, or data
replication) or providing access to multiple data stores through data
• Protecting data with appropriate authentication and authorization
• Normalizing or denormalizing and indexing data to provide fast
application access Level
Application Level 6
It is the application level, where information interpretation occurs. Software
at this level interacts with Level 5 and data at rest, so it does not have to
operate at network speeds. The IoT Reference Model does not strictly define
an application. Applications vary based on vertical markets, the nature of
device data, and business needs. For example, some applications will focus
on monitoring device data. Some will focus on controlling devices. Some
will combine device and non-device data. Monitoring and control
applications represent many different application models, programming
patterns, and software stacks, leading to discussions of operating systems,
mobility, application servers, hypervisors, multi- threading, multi-tenancy,
etc. These topics are beyond the scope of the IoT Reference Model
discussion. Suffice it to say that application complexity will vary widely.
Examples include:
• Mission-critical business applications, such as generalized ERP or
specialized industry solutions
• Mobile applications that handle simple interactions
• Business intelligence reports, where the application is the BI server
• Analytic applications that interpret data for business decisions
• System management/control center applications that control the IoT
60 system itself and don’t act on the data produced by it
If Levels 1-5 are architected properly, the amount of work required by Level IOT Architecture
6 will be reduced. If Level 6 is designed properly, users will be able to do
their jobs better.
Level 7: Collaboration and Processes
One of the main distinctions between the Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT
is that IoT includes people and processes. This difference becomes
particularly clear at Level 7: Collaboration and Processes. The IoT system,
and the information it creates, is of little value unless it yields action, which
often requires people and processes. Applications execute business logic to
empower people. People use applications and associated data for their
specific needs. Often, multiple people use the same application for a range
of different purposes. So, the objective is not the application—it is to
empower people to do their work better. Applications (Level 6) give
business people the right data, at the right time, so they can do the right
thing. But frequently, the action needed requires more than one person.
People must be able to communicate and collaborate, sometimes using the
traditional Internet, to make the IoT useful. Communication and
collaboration often require multiple steps. And it usually transcends
multiple applications. This is why Level 7, represents a higher level than a
single application.
4.2.6 IoT Reference Architecture (Various views in IoT)
• All software projects involve some amount of new code being written.
• This view provides a stable environment for more detailed design
• The Deployment View defines how to transition the system to
live operation.
Focuses on aspects of the system important after the system has been built
and is ready to be put into live operation.
• Defines:
• The physical environment it will run in.
• Hardware and hosting environment (processing nodes, network
interconnections, disk storage).
• Technical environment requirements for each processing node. IOT Architecture
• Consider data lost as part of restoring (at least any transactions active IOT Architecture
during failure).
• Failure in one element could corrupt system.
• Recover or recreate lost data.
• Revert system to older state.
• Define what features you will offer, how to use them, and any
Functional view
• It is important to note that not all the FCs are used in a concrete IoT
architecture, and therefore the actual system as explained earlier
• The Device and Application FGs are already covered in the IoT
Functional Model. For convenience the Device FG contains the
Sensing, Actuation, Tag, Processing, Storage FCs, or simply
• The discovery method, on the other hand, assumes that the Service
identifier is unknown, and the discovery request contains a set of
desirable Service description attributes that matching Service IOT Architecture
descriptions should contain.
Virtual Entity functional group
• Some attributes (e.g. the GPS coordinates of a room) are static and
non-writable by nature, and some other attributes are non-writable by
access control rules.
Internet of Thing • The component offers services such as creating/reading/ updating/
deleting Virtual Entity descriptions and associations. Certain
associations can be static; for example, the entity “Room #123” is
contained in the entity “Floor #7” by construction, while other
associations are dynamic, e.g. entity “Dog” and entity “Living Room”
due to at least Entity mobility. Update and Deletion operations take
the Virtual Entity identifier as a parameter.
• Information description
The pieces of information handled by an IoT system complying to an ARM
such as the IoT-A (Carrez et al. 2013) are the following:
• Virtual Entity context information, i.e. the attributes (simple or
complex) as represented by parts of the IoT Information model
(attributes that have values and metadata such as the temperature of a IOT Architecture
• This is one of the most important pieces of information that should be
captured by an IoT system, and represents the properties of the
associated Physical Entities or Things.
• IoT Service output itself is another important part of information
generated by an IoT system.
For example, this is the information generated by interrogating a Sensor or
a Tag Service.
• Virtual Entity descriptions in general, which contain not only the
attributes coming from IoT Devices (e.g. ownership information).
• Associations between Virtual Entities and related IoT Services.
• Virtual Entity Associations with other Virtual Entities (e.g. Room
#123 is on Floor #7).
• IoT Service Descriptions, which contain associated Resources,
interface descriptions, etc.
• Resource Descriptions, which contain the type of resource (e.g.
sensor), identity, associated Services, and Devices.
• Device Descriptions such as device capabilities (e.g. sensors, radios).
• Descriptions of Composed Services, which contain the model of how
a complex service is composed of simpler services.
• IoT Business Process Model, which describes the steps of a business
process utilizing other IoT-related services (IoT, Virtual
Entity,Composed Services).
• Security information such as keys, identity pools, policies, trust
models, reputation scores, etc.
• Management information such as state information from operational
FCs used for fault/performance purposes, configuration snapshots,
reports, membership information, etc.
• Please note that the Sensor Resource is not shown in the figure, only
the associated IoT Service. A cached version of the sensor reading on
the Device is maintained on the IoT Service. When User1 (Step 3)
requests the sensor reading value from the specific Sensor Device
(assuming User1 provides the Sensor resource identifier), the IoT
Service provides the cached copy of the sensor reading back to the
User1 annotated with the appropriate metadata information about the
sensor measurement, for example, timestamp of the last known
reading of the sensor, units, and location of the Sensor Device.
• Also assume that that the Virtual Entity Service associated with the
Physical Entity (e.g. a room in a building) where the specific Sensor
Device has been deployed already contains the IoT Service as a
provider of the“hasTemperature” attribute of its description. The
Virtual Entity Service subscribes to the IoT Service for updates of the
sensor readings pushed by the Sensor Device (Step 5). Every time the
Sensor Device pushes sensor readings to the IoT Service, the IoT
Service notifies (Step 6) the Virtual Entity Service, which updates the
value of the attribute “hasTemperature” with the sensor reading of the
Sensor Device. At a later stage, a User2 subscribing (Step 7) to
changes on the Virtual Entity attribute “hasTemperature” is notified
every time the attribute changes value (Step 8).
• Figure 4.11 depicts the information flow when utilizing the IoT
Service Resolution FC. The IoT Service Resolution implements two
main interfaces, one for the CUD of Service Description objects in the
IoT Service Resolution database/store, and one for lookup/ resolution/
discovery of IoT Services.
Internet of Thing • As a reminder, the lookup and resolution operations provide the
Service Description and the Service locator, respectively, given the
Service identifier and the discovery operation returns a (set of)
Service Description(s) given a list of desirable attributes that
matching Service Descriptions should contain.
• The CUD operations can be performed by the IoT Service logic itself
or by a management component (e.g. Member FC in Figure). The
lookup/resolution and discovery operation can be performed by a
User as a standalone query or the Service Orchestration as a part of a
Composed Service or an IoT Process.
• Figure 4.12 describes the information flow when the Virtual Entity
Service Resolution FC is utilized. The Virtual Entity Resolution FC
allows the CUD of Virtual Entity Descriptions, and the lookup and
discovery of Virtual Entity Descriptions.
• Note that the Virtual Entity Registry is also involved in the IOT Architecture
information flow because it is the storage component of Virtual Entity
Descriptions, but it is omitted from the figure to avoid cluttering. The
Virtual Entity Resolution FC mediates the requests/responses/
subscriptions/notifications between Users and the Virtual Entity
Registry, which has a simple create/read/update/delete (CRUD)
interface given the Virtual Entity identity.
• The FCs that could perform CUD operations on the Virtual Entity
Resolution FC are the IoT Services themselves due to internal
configuration, the Member Management FC that maintains the
associations as part of the system setup, and the Virtual Entity and
IoT Service Monitoring component whose purpose is to discover
dynamic associations between Virtual Entities and IoT Services.
• The two sensor nodes are connected to the payment station through
wireless or wired communication. The payment station acts both as a
user interface for the driver to pay and get a payment receipt as well
as a communication gateway that connects the two sensor nodes and
the payment interface physical devices (displays, credit card slots,
coin/note input/output, etc.) with the Internet through Wide Area
Network (WAN) technology. 77
Internet of Thing • The occupancy sign also acts as a communication gateway for the
actuator node (display of free parking spots), and we assume that
because of the deployment, a direct connection to the payment station
is not feasible (e.g. wired connectivity is too prohibitive to be
deployed or sensitive to vandalism).
• Assume that the sensor nodes are powerful enough to host the IoT
Services #11#18 and #21#28 representing the respective resources.
The two sensor nodes are connected to the gateway device that also
hosts the payment service with the accompanying sensors and
actuators, as seen earlier. The other gateway device hosts the
occupancy sign actuator resource and corresponding service. The
management system for the specific parking lot, as well as others, is IOT Architecture
deployed on a virtual machine on a data center. The virtual machine
hosts communication capabilities, Virtual Entity services for the
parking spots #01#16, the Virtual Entity services for the occupancy
sign, a payment business process that involves the payment station
and input from the occupancy sensor services, and the parking lot
management service that provides exposure and access control to the
parking lot occupancy data for the parking operation center and the
consumer phone applications.As a reminder, the Virtual Entity
service of the parking lot uses the IoT Services hosted on two sensor
nodes and performs the mapping between the sensor node identifiers
(#11#18 and #21#28) to parking spot identifiers (spot #01#16). The
services offered on these parking spots are to read the current state of
the parking spot to see whether it is “free” or “occupied.” The Virtual
Entity corresponding to the occupancy sign contains one writable
attribute: the number of free parking spots. A User writing this Virtual
Entity attribute results in an actuator command to the real actuator
resource to change its display to the new value.
• The devices that form networks in the M2M Area Network domain
must be selected, or designed, with certain functionality suitable to
IoT applications.
2. Sensing principle and data requirements: Sometimes continuous IOT Architecture
sampling of sensing data is required. For some applications, sampling
after specific intervals is required.
3. The parameters like higher network throughput, data loss, energy use,
etc are decided based on sensing principle.
Sensing and communications field:
1. Regulations:
• Suitable packaging
• Combines the new IoT data transmitted from data sensors with
the existing data to analyse and bring light to new business
• Grafana Tool:
• Kibana Tool:
• Working of kibana
• Elasticsearch acts as the database to the kibana tool with all the
log information
• Finally, Kibana tool presents these log data in the form of pie
charts, bar or line graphs to the user.
• Highlights of Kibana:
• First, the data is collected from the external data sources. With
‘Get Data’ option it allows you to get information from various
sources including Facebook, Google Analytics, Azure Cloud,
Salesforce etc. Also, it provides ODBC connection to get
ODBC data as well.
• Industrial Automation
In this IoT Architecture chapter, you learned about the State of the art. You
also learned Architecture Reference Model, Introduction, Reference model
and architecture, IoT reference model, IoT Reference Architecture,
Introduction, Functional view, Information view, Deployment and
operational view, Other relevant architectural views the need for IoT
Architecture, where to use it. Along with that, you saw terminologies of
IoT Architecture. Still, you had a doubt go through references and
Internet of Thing
The main goal of IoT is to provide varieties of applications like real time
sensing of the environment. It’s also helps in connecting the intelligence
into the objects.
It consists of smart devices which help in communicating with each other.
Figure (a)
Figure (b)
Internet of Thing 5.6 HOW IOT WORKS
Figure (c)
5.7.1 Wireless Sensor Technologies (WSN) IOT Enabling Technologies
• End Nodes have several sensors attached to them where the data is
passed to coordinator with the help of routers.
• Example :
Figure (d)
5.7.2 Cloud Computing
Internet of Thing
Figure (e)
Figure (f)
1) Iaas : Services, Networking, Storage, and data center space on a pay
per use basis
2) Paas : Provides a cloud based environment with everything required
to support the complete life cycle of building and delivery web based
(cloud) applications without the cost and complexity of buying and
managing underlying hardware, software providing and hosting.
3) Saas: is a way of delivering application over the internet as a service.
Instead of installing and maintaining software, you can simply access
it via the internet, freeing yourself from complex software and
hardware management.
Saas application is sometimes called Web Based Software on demand IOT Enabling Technologies
software or hosted software.
Saas applications run on a Saas provides servers and they manage the
security availability and performance.
• Example:
1) Sensor data generated by W.M.S
2) Data generated by IoT Systems for locations and tracking of
3) Sensors embedded in industry and energy system.
4) Health and fitness data generated by IoT system such as fitness
5.7.4 Communication Protocols
The communication protocols used by IoT are:
Figure (g)
Internet of Thing 1) Satellite:
• Experts call that an Active Reader Passive Tag (ARPT) system. IOT Enabling Technologies
• This enables NFC targets to take very simple form factor such
as tags, stickers, key fobs, or battery-fewer cards.
This course wills the students to understand the importance of IoT in various
applications including the purpose of using connectivity technology which
help in exchanging the data with other devices and systems over the internet.
d. production department IOT Enabling Technologies
b. creative analysis
c. critical analysis
d. organizational analysis
Internet of Thing
• Introduction
• Technical Design Constraints – Security, Hardware, Standards and
Policies, Gateway Systems, Middleware, Databases
• Data Representation and Visualization
• Interaction and Remote control
We all know that the rapidly growing field of Internet of Things (IoT)
provides enormous solutions for communicating among smart objects. IoT
acts a huge umbrella covering varying fields like manufacturing and
logistics, agriculture, social networks, transport, health care and hospitals
etc. The impact of IoT revolution is transforming many aspects of our day-
to-day life. This technology reaches out in all market segments and is
transforming all fields by increasing the availability of information using
networked sensors. The primary focus of all these technological
advancements was profit making by enabling faster M2M communication.
However, IoT raises many issues and challenges that need to be seriously
addressed in order to realize the full potential benefits of this technology. It
is facing certain design constraints such as technical challenges, social
challenges, comprising privacy and performance trade-offs. In this chapter
we will focus on major technical limitations that are hindering the
successful deployment of IoT such as standardization, interoperability,
networking issues, addressing and sensing issues, power and storage
restrictions, privacy and security etc.
IDC (International Data Corporation) has estimated that there will be
approximately 41.6 billion IoT devices which would generate 79.4 ZB
(zettabytes) of data by 2025. This high-level connectivity which will be Real World Design
delivered by IoT will clearly play main role in technical advancements,
which will open new ways of increasing productivity with more flexibility
and customization. To progress, this technology faces some technical
constraints (such as functional requirements, non-functional requirements)
and design constraints. The IoT deployment demands to handle the
challenges regarding constraint devices, scalability and diverse security
Real World Design
5. Standardization
There is a need of standardization techniques to combine all separate
application domains in a sophisticated manner. Currently, the
application domains are separate which is making business domains
separate and ultimately not meeting the goal of the IoT.
Standardization of technologies lead to better interoperability. There
is a clear lack of technical interoperability among diverse devices. In
M2M communications, standardization techniques have provided
middleware which handles communication mechanisms, device
management and reachability between end devices. IoT is following
M2M communication standardization model. ETSI (European
Telecommunications Standards Institute) is working on
standardization techniques for M2M communications. The focus is of
this organization is in dealing with issues related to location,
addressing, QoS (Quality of Service), sensor networking integration,
privacy and security, network management and software and
hardware interfaces.
The rapid development in IoT field is increasing the data generated by the
business specific IoT devices around the globe. This is leading to one of the
major challenges of the IoT industry that is collection, processing,
analyzation and visualization of the data collected from different sensors in
the IoT environment. Data visualization tools and technologies help to slice
and dice the data to the minute granular level.
Trillions of data is generated every day from the IoT sensors and devices in
the physical world and this data has the huge business value if analysed
correctly. Data collection will be useless if we cannot extract useful
information from it and analyse and translate that information to uncover
the hidden trends, outliers, patterns in the data. Acquisition, storage,
analysis of the data collected from IoT devices and sensors can help
companies in identifying bottlenecks in supply chains, predict equipment
failure, address overstaff or understaff issue and optimize operational costs
thereby improving the business productivity and outcome.
Example 1, consider data collected from windmill sensors. Sensors are
connected to various components of windmill and they help in calculating
wind speed, energy produced and temperature etc. This data when
represented visually using graphs and charts definitely helps in
understanding the insights and hidden meanings thereby allowing us to take
faster and smarter decisions.
Example 2, IoT systems can help in controlling pollution levels in a city.
This can be done by collecting data of emissions from vehicles, airflow
direction, weather, traffic levels, pollen levels etc. using various sensors. An
IoT dashboard contains multiple widgets that visualize the data in form of
line graphs, geographical maps, bar charts, pie charts etc. from multiple sets
of IoT devices transmitted over time. By processing this data using some
machine learning algorithms we can make pollution forecasts and make
visual representation to the officials. Then the officials can use it to control
the pollution levels in the city.
Data which is generated from heterogeneous systems has heterogeneous
visualization requirements. Currently there is a shortage of data
representation and storage mechanisms which will adhere to all of the
potential diverse IoT applications. For turning most of the data captured by
the IoT devices into useful and actionable insights, the optimal toolset for
creating the data visualization is one that strikes a balance between ease of
use and a strong ability to create the best optics. The world is increasingly Real World Design
depending on mobile devices, so, those who are working on IoT
visualization design must keep this aspect in mind. Apart from designing
for desktops, putting data into readable format for tablets and small
handheld devices is a part of IoT visualization design.
Data Analysis and Data Visualization play a huge role in IoT
dashboards. The primary aim of an IoT dashboard (also known as IoT
web app or IoT data visualization tool) is to collect data from different
smart devices in real time and convert it into human-readable
Power BI, Grafana and Kibana are powerful data visualization tools
used for IoT applications. We can connect any IoT device, sensor or
application to the Power BI tool in order to stream data in real-time. Grafana
is one of the best tools for time-series data visualization (time-series
database stores data which changes over time). It is also great for
Internet of Thing applications which require personalized dashboards for different users.
Kibana enables building and sharing unified dashboards for all user
categories. These interactive dashboards can easily be converted into
reports for future references.
Following are few real-life use cases of IoT web apps / IoT data
visualizations –
• Home Security IoT web app or control panel – The IoT control
panel can display data of various devices which are integrated into it.
It will display the real-time security status for different devices
installed in home. Each device sensor will send its captured data
which will be stored and analysed.
It is said that “The Interaction is in fact what makes the things smart”. To
truly deliver on the IoT’s promise of smart experiences, our industry should
think in terms of systems and platforms and not in terms of islands of
devices working independently. Interaction with respect to IoT means
having interfaces which allow people to either monitor or configure IoT
devices. Interaction in many applications is very straight-forward, mainly Real World Design
consisting of traditional graphical interfaces. For e.g., mobile applications
and embedded touchscreens for control of various functions like heating,
lighting and energy efficiency in environments such as homes and offices.
Dissemination of IoT is a big issue as users of IoT devices/systems are of
different types. As children, elderly people and people with various kinds
of disability will be the intended customers/users of specific IoT devices,
their interaction with the IoT products should be smooth and hassle-free.
The devices or the products must be designed in such a way that they are
comfortable to be used. Human-technology interaction is mostly focused on
graphical mobile or web interfaces, embedded interaction devices such as
touch screen panels etc. Lot of investigation and research is currently being
done to determine the interaction techniques which would make IoT more
For having remote interaction and control over IoT systems and
applications, we face authentication and availability challenges apart from
heterogeneous architectures of these systems. IoT systems like air quality
monitors, smart home products, garage sensors can be remotely controlled
and managed. E.g., Remote electronics control service provides Home Chat
facility with electronics and mobile devices connected to home appliances.
It enables a person to handle home appliances remotely.
Reprogramming and reconfiguration of deeply embedded devices will be
required for devices which are placed in locations difficult to access.
Moreover, reliability, availability, security, energy efficiency and latency
performance also must be satisfactory while communicating across
complex distributed systems.
Unit Structure
7.0 Objective
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Arduino Basic
7.2.1 Arduino - Program Structure
7.2.2 Arduino - Data Types
7.2.3 Arduino - Variables & Constants
7.2.4 Arduino – Operators
7.2.5 Arduino - Control Statements
7.2.6 Arduino – Loops
7.3 Extended Arduino Libraries
7.3.1 Official Arduino Libraries
7.4 Arduino-Based Internet connection
7.5 Summary
7.6 Questions
7.7 References
• In the open-source model, you release the sources that you use to
create the project to the whole world.
• You might publish the software code to GitHub (,
the electronic schematics using Fritzing ( or
SolderPad (, and the design of the housing/shell
to Thingiverse (
• Here are many reasons for making your work open source:
• You may gain positive comments from people who liked it.
• It acts as a public showcase of your work, which may affect Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
your reputation and lead to new opportunities.
• People who used your work may suggest or implement features
or fix bugs.
• By generating early interest in your project, you may get
support and mindshare of a quality that it would be hard to pay
• The disadvantage of open source would be the fear of stealing of your
• The Arduino software is open-source. The source code for the Java
environment is released under the GPL and the C/C++
microcontroller libraries are under the LGPL.
• A sketch is the name that Arduino uses for a program. It's the unit of
code that is uploaded to and run on an Arduino board.
• Arduino programs is divided in three main parts: Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
• Structure
• Values (variables and constants)
• Functions
• Setup() function
• Loop() function
• The setup() function is called when a sketch starts. This method is use
to initialize the variables, pin modes, start using libraries, etc. The
setup function will only run once, after each power up or reset of the
Arduino board.
• Once creating a setup () function that initializes and sets the initial
values, the loop () function does precisely what its name suggests, and
loops consecutively, allowing your program to change and respond.
This method is used to actively control the Arduino board.
7.2.2 Arduino - Data Types
byte int
short float
double array
Unsigned Long velocity = 102003 ;// declaration of variable with
type Unsigned Long and initialize it with 102003
• On all Arduinos (ATMega and ARM based), a short store a 16-bit (2-
byte) value.
float num1= 2.432;//declaration of variable with type float and
initialize it with 2.432.
• That is, the double implementation is exactly the same as the float,
with no gain in precision.
double num1 = 65.352 ;// declaration of variable with type double
and initialize it with 65.352
7.2.3 Arduino - Variables & Constants Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
Variable Scope
• A scope is a region of the program and there are three places where
variables can be declared.
• They are −
Local Variables
Void loop () {
int x, y;
int z; Local variable declaration
x = 5;
y = 5; actual initialization
z = 10;
Global Variables
• Global variables are usually defined at the top of the program and
outside of all the functions.
• The global variables will hold their value throughout the life-time of
your program.
Internet of Thing • A global variable can be accessed by any function. That is, a global
variable is available for use throughout your entire program after its
The following example of code uses global and local variables −
int T, S ;
float c = 0; Global variable declaration
Void setup () {
Void loop () {
int x, y;
int z; Local variable declaration
x = 0;
y = 0; actual initialization
z = 10;
7.2.4 Arduino – Operators
1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Comparison Operators
4. Bitwise Operators
• Control Statements are elements in Source Code that control the flow
of program execution.
1. If statement
Block of statements to be executed if condition is true;
2. If …else statement
Internet of Thing else
Block of statements to be executed if none of the above
conditions are true ;
4. switch case statement
case label1:
// statements to be executed if the value of variable is Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
case label2: {
// statements to be executed if the value of variable is
default: {
// statements to be executed if the value of variable is
none of the above-mentioned label.
5. Conditional Operator ? :
1. while loop
Block of statements to be executed repeatedly until
condition becomes false;
Internet of Thing 2. do…while loop
while (expression/Condition);
3. for loop
for ( initialize ;control; increment or decrement)
// statement block
for ( initialize ;control; increment or decrement)
{ Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
// statement block
5. Infinite loop
for (;;)
// statement block
• A number of libraries come installed with the IDE, but you can also
download or create your own.
7.3.1 Official Arduino Libraries
Libraries for controlling servo and stepper motors.
Libraries for using the SPI, I2C and UART protocols.
• SPI - This library is used for communicating with devices using the
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Bus.
Internet of Thing • Wire - Two Wire Interface (TWI/I2C) for sending and receiving data
over a net of devices or sensors.
• SigFox - library for MKR FOX 1200, for connecting to the Sigfox
• WiFi - library for the WiFi shield, for Internet connections via Wi-Fi.
• WiFi101 - library for the MKR 1000 WiFi and WiFi101 shield, for
Internet connections via Wi-Fi.
Libraries for memory management and data storage.
• TFT - This library is used for drawing text, images, and shapes on the
Arduino TFT screen.
MKR Family Libraries
Libraries listed below are specifically designed to work with Arduino
MKR Family products.
Internet of Thing • ArduinoRS485 - library that implements RS485 on the Arduino
MKR RS485 shield.
• CurieBLE - interact with smartphones and tablets with Bluetooth® Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
Low Energy.
• CurieTime - allows to control and use the internal RTC (Real Time
• There are many ways to connect Arduino to the internet using Wi-Fi.
Internet of Thing NOTE: Arduino Wifi Shield is not mentioned because it is now retired.
• Some other Arduino boards have built-in WiFi:
• The advantages of ESP8266 are that it is a very cheap module and
very popular.It is in Module type and not breadboard friendly.
• Some modules can be used as a WiFi module for Arduino and/or a
programmable module. This makes beginner confuse when getting
• On the contrary, PHPoc is more expensive than ESP8266.
• However, it is very easy for beginners to get started.
• It is in shield type. We just need to stack the shield on Arduino without
• Besides, PHPoc comes with many powerful features that not available
on ESP8266.
• For example, built-in web server, built-in web app, Gmail support,
RTC support etc.
• If cost is not a barrier PHPoC wifi shield is recommended.
• If you need to save cost ESP8266 is the good choice.
• The prototype is optimized for ease and speedy development and also
the ability to change and modify it.
• In the open-source model, you release the sources that you use to
create the project to the whole world.
• The language usually used for Arduino is a slightly modified language Open-Source Prototyping
Platform: Arduino
of C++ derived from the Wiring platform.
• A sketch is the name that Arduino uses for a program. It's the unit of
code that is uploaded to and run on an Arduino board.
• Structure
• Functions
• A number of libraries come installed with the IDE, but you can also
download or create your own.
a) IDE source
b) Sketch
c) Cryptography
d) Source code
6) How many digital pins are there on the UNO board?
a) 14
b) 15
c) 16
d) 17
Unit Structure
8.0 Objective
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Raspberry PI
8.2.1 Generation and Model
8.2.2 Comparison of Arduino Due and Raspberry Pi Model B
8.2.3 Operating System
8.2.4 Programming Language
8.2.5 Hardware
8.3 Raspberry Pi Sensors
8.3.1 Temperature / Humidity / Air Pressure / Gas Sensors
8.3.2 Motion Sensor
8.3.3 Navigation modules
8.3.4 Raspberry Pi Sensors – Wireless / Infrared (IR) / Bluetooth
8.3.5 Motors
8.3.6 Analogous Raspberry Pi Sensors
8.3.7 Power / Current Supply
8.3.8 Displays
8.3.9 Other Modules, Components and Raspberry Pi Sensors
8.4 Interfacing in Raspberry pi
8.5 Summary
8.6 Question
8.7 References
Internet of Thing 8.1 INTRODUCTION
Raspberry PI
• Model A
• Model A +
• Model B
• Model B +
Internet of Thing 8.2.2 Comparison of Arduino Due and Raspberry Pi Model B
• The following table compares the specs of the latest, most powerful
Arduino model, the Due, with the top-end Raspberry Pi Model B:
while 1:
GPIO.output(8, led)
led = not led # toggle the LED status on/off for the next
# iteration
sleep(10) # sleep for one second
8.2.5 Hardware
• Power: Pins that are labelled 5.0v supply 5 volts of power and those
labelled 3V3 supply 3.3 volts of power. There are two 5V pins and
two 3V3 pins.
• GND: These are the ground pins. There are eight ground pins.
• Input/Output pins: These are the pins labelled with the # sign, for
example, #17, #27, #22, etc. These pins can be used for input or
• Moreover, you can evaluate and / or process the values with programs
and other software.
144 1. Temperature / Humidity / Air Pressure / Gas
2. Motion Sensors Raspberry PI
3. Navigation Modules
2. DS18B20
• This is best done using the BMP180, which is controlled via I2C
on the Raspberry Pi.
• However, the last value is not very accurate. If you need the
height, you should read the values with a GPS receiver.
4. Moisture Sensor
• The more humid the earth in between, the higher the (analog)
signal. In order to read the value with the Raspberry Pi, the
MCP3008 is needed (Arduinos can recognize analog signals
5. Capacitive ground moisture sensor
• The MQ-2 can recognize methane, butane, LPG and smoke, the
MQ3 detects, for example, alcohol, ethanol and smoke, etc.
• You should take care that these sensors can be very hot and they Raspberry PI
should not be touched directly.
• Since these modules also work analogically with 5V, you need
also a MCP3008 as well as a 3.3V-5V TTL to read the signals.
8.3.2 Motion Sensor
These Raspberry Pi sensors can be used to detect motion, but not all of them
are “real” motion sensors.
1. PIR Motion Sensor
• The PIR motion sensor has some advantages over other similar
products: besides the low price, a signal is sent only if
something moves.
• This allows you to wait for signal flanks using the GPIOs. In
addition, a resistance can be varied so that a signal is only sent
when the movement is close, or changes that are already far
away are perceived.
• In addition to outdoor projects, the PIR can also be used in
buildings – whether to activate the lighting or, as we can use it
to turn on the touch screen for home automation as soon as
someone approaches it.
2. HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
• The HC-SR04 sensor is not a distance / motion detector, but an
ultrasonic sensor. Through a small trick it is nevertheless
possible to measure distances.
• By measuring the time elapsed between transmitting and
receiving an ultrasound signal, you can derive the distance as
the sound velocity in the air is known.
• The wide opening angle is an aspect which, however, must be
considered: since the ultrasound propagates not only on a
straight line, but at an angle of about 15°, the signal is first
reflected from the nearest point in this area – which can be also
an external point.
• As a rough estimate, or for moving robots, it is nevertheless
useful, also because of the low price.
3. GP2Y0A02YK
• Each card has a different code, which you can read out. Thus,
for example, locks and / or doors could be realized, which open
without contact – sesame open up.
8.3.3 Navigation modules
1. GPS NEO-6M Module
• All GPS position data can be determined with the help of the
orbiting satellites.
• Those have the advantage that almost all are compatible with
Windows, Linux and Mac and no additional connection is
• The supplied board usually has a ULN2003 IC, which holds the
voltage for the 5V motor, but can be controlled with 3.3V.
• Unlike the Arduino, the Raspberry Pi does not have its own
analog IO pins.
• This means that you cannot simply read out analog modules.
• If one converts the analog value into a digital, one gets numbers
between 0 (no voltage) and 1023 (full voltage).
• You can change the resistor value easily by rotating the control
knob. Each module has a maximum resistance (minimum is
Internet of Thing • In addition to joysticks, potentiometers can also be found e.g.,
in brightness or volume controllers.
4. Raindrop Sensor
• With a pulse sensor, the heart rate can be read out on the
Raspberry Pi.
• In order not to combine the circuits, one can use relays, which
are basically switches.
• This has the advantage that you can also switch circuits with
higher voltages with the Raspberry Pi, without risking
2. LM2596 Buck Converter / Step Down Module
Unit Structure
• Data: As consumers use more and more devices that record data,
there are opportunities for businesses to use this data for marketing
and product development purposes, but only if the processes are in
place to measure, analyze and report on this data. Business process
management can automate this process and ensure that it remains
effective and agile enough to keep pace with technological changes.
• New ways of buying: The IoT gives consumers the chance to buy
directly from their devices, whether it’s an Amazon Echo or a
smartphone or even that legendary refrigerator ordering fresh milk.
Technology is making everything faster and more easily, so they will
also be expecting faster deliveries and better service. BPM needs to
be used to manage the processes that will allow this kind of
development to meet the demand. IoT software and tools can help
with this though, with inventories able to be tracked automatically.
• Customer service: Another area where processes need to be managed Data Management
carefully because of the changes that the IoT have brought in is
customer service. Products that utilize the internet should really be
able to be fixed over the internet when something goes wrong.
Consumers expect it and businesses should be able to deliver it, so
BPM is needed to ensure that customer service processes are
effective, efficient and resilient enough to cope.
Internet of Thing • Customization—let employees easily access and explore data, as well
as building personalized dashboards.
1. Affinity Diagrams Data Management
5. Mood Board
A mood board – like a collage – is a collection of images, fonts, icons
colors, etc. that is representative of a particular theme or style. Mood
boards are also known as inspiration boards and commonly used in
design projects.
6. SCAMPER Technique
SCAMPER is another successful creative thinking technique that is
used to spark creativity during brainstorming. SCAMPER stands for
seven thinking approaches,
• Substitute
• Combine
• Adapt
Internet of Thing • Modify
• Put to another use
• Eliminate
• Reverse
7. Six Thinking Hats
Each hat in the six thinking hats method represents a different
perspective. It is used during meetings or brainstorming sessions to
allow team members to look at possible solutions from different
perspectives or thinking directions. Each hat represents a different
thinking angle, and during the session, each member will get to put it
on in turn.
White hat – facts and information
Red hat – feelings, intuitions, emotions, and hunches
Balck hats – judgment, legality, morality
Yellow hat – optimism, benefits
Green hat – new ideas, opportunities
Blue hat – conclusions, action plans, next steps
8. Storyboards
Storyboards are a way to visually organize ideas. It’s a common tool
used in video planning. Say you are planning a TV advertisement, you
can start with a storyboard to graphically organize the ideas in your
head. As you lay them out on a storyboard, you’d be able to quickly
mold the idea in your head.
9. SWOT Analysis
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
In business planning, the SWOT analysis is applied in various
situations; in competitor analysis, situation analysis, strategic
planning, personal evaluation, etc. It can be used to identify effective
innovative opportunities, mitigate threats using strengths, etc.
9.2.3 Design Thinking in IoT
Design Thinking is not a new concept. It was from 1969 but the concept
really shaped up with the work done at Stanford and IDEO in 90’s.How
design thinking is powering successful IoT implementation? Key is the
involvement and the creative time spend by the IT with the customer
entities. Before deciding for any IoT implementation, companies have to
define a viable and clear business cases. Build a future organization with
architects, domain experts and consultants. This team should fully
understand the business drivers and translate into business cases.The
emphasis on creativity is the main value of design thinking and is critical
for IoT success. Design thinking removes traditional analytical thinking
with building ideas using different brainstorming approaches. Design Data Management
Thinking assist to eliminate ambiguities and faulty assumptions. Iteration,
prototypes, observations, insights and actions create valuable and
innovative products. 3 key results come out of Design Thinking process.
Actors can be cooking gas and water agency operational team, internal IT
team, logistics team members, domain experts and selected consumers.
Include other entities in agency who can add value to the process change.
In design thinking workshops ideas are not limited. This involves consulting
experts to find out more about the area of concern through observing,
engaging and empathizing with people to understand their experiences and
motivations, as well as immersing yourself in the physical environment to
have a deeper personal understanding of the issues involved. All
assumptions are set aside.
Internet of Thing Conduct different brain storming sessions with the actors and
implementation experts. Prepare storyboards and conduct experiments.
Questionnaire is provided to the selected consumers and response are
evaluated. Interviews conducted with the logistic team and supplier
company representatives who are supplying the required shipments to
Meet customers in their premises to understand the challenges faced by
them. Problems are discussed without any assumptions. Logistic team is
having a grievance that they have to do the transportation for a single
customer whenever there is an emergency and delivery will be miles away.
This is increasing the cost of delivery. Agency changes the delivery of gas
and drinking water due to limited or no stock to meet the customer demands.
Store manager is not able to get a clear forecast about the demand and
Finally key informations gathered from empathize stage is defined in a
human-centered manner.
• Consumers would like to get the delivery of gas and water earlier than
its replenishment.
• Zero UI. Agency want to eliminate the consumer time from checking
the gas level and water every day and then use the app to communicate
back to them.
• Ware house managers are tied up with unplanned demand and supply.
Sometimes stocks are over loaded, sometimes stock is not available
to meet demand. Store manager want to automate the stock loading in
ware house in optimum level with a demand and supply forecast.
It's important to plan your solution's scale. Scale is often considered across
these three dimensions:
Any form of business process needs to be future proof and adaptable when
it comes to technological advances. One of the biggest changes in the
business and consumer market that are taking place at the moment is the
increasing use of the Internet of Things, and there’s no doubt that as the
technology becomes more and more integrated into our lives, business
processes will have to continue to adapt as will the way they are managed.
Business process management (BPM) certainly has a big role to play in the
way the Internet of Things (IoT) operates, whether for business clients or
everyday consumers, and this blog post will aim to explore what form that
will take, but firstly, let’s make sure we understand the two main terms
being used here.
Unit Structure
10.0 Objects
10.0.1 Classification of objects
10.1 Information Distribution
10.2 Architecture of Internet of Things (IoT)
10.2.1 What is IoT architecture?
10.2.2 What are the four major layers of IoT architecture?
10.2.3 What are the five additional layers of IoT architecture?
10.2.4 What are the four main stages of IoT architecture?
10.2.5 IoT architecture in business
10.2.6 How Does an Enterprise Benefit From IoT Architecture?
10.3 Object Naming Service
10.3.1 What is the Object Name Service?
10.3.2 Object name requirements
10.3.3 Object name considerations
10.4 Service Oriented Architecture
10.4.1 What is meant by service-oriented architecture?
10.4.2 What is IoT service-oriented architecture?
10.4.3 What is a service-oriented architecture with example?
10.4.4 What are the 3 types of architecture in SOA?
10.4.5 Why SOA is used?
10.4.6 What are the components of SOA?
10.4.7 What are the key characteristics of SOA?
10.4.8 What is difference between SOA and Microservices?
10.4.9 How is service oriented architecture implemented?
10.4.10 How many layers are there in SOA architecture?
10.4.11 Why is SOA important?
10.4.12What are the advantages and disadvantages of SOA?
10.5 Network of Information
10.5.1 What is network in IoT?
10.5.2 What are the types of IoT networks?
10.5.3 What is used in networking of IoT devices?
10.5.4. How IoT are connected to a network?
Internet of Thing 10.5.5 What is the importance of network in IoT?
10.5.6 What are the basic requirements of IoT networks?
10.5.7 The Role of Networking in Enabling IoT
10.6 Summary
10.7 Reference for further reading
10.8 Model Questions
The concept of smart in IoT is used for physical objects that are active,
digital, networked, can operate to some extent autonomously,
reconfigurable and has local control of the resources. The smart objects
need energy, data storage, etc. A smart object is an object that enhances
the interaction with other smart objects as well as with people also. The
world of IoT is the network of interconnected heterogeneous objects (such
as smart devices, smart objects, sensors, actuators, RFID, embedded
computers, etc.) uniquely addressable and based on standard
communication protocols. In a day to day life, people have a lot of object
with internet or wireless or wired connection. Such as:
• Smartphone
• Tablets
• TV computer
These objects can be interconnected among them and facilitate our daily life
(smart home, smart cities) no matter the situation, localization, accessibility
to a sensor, size, scenario or the risk of danger. Smart objects are utilized
widely to transform the physical environment around us to a digital world
using the Internet of things (IoT) technologies.
A smart object carries blocks of application logic that make sense for their
local situation and interact with human users. A smart object sense, log, and
interpret the occurrence within themselves and the environment, and
intercommunicate with each other and exchange information with people.
The work of smart object has focused on technical aspects (such as software
infrastructure, hardware platforms, etc.) and application scenarios.
Application areas range from supply-chain management and enterprise
applications (home and hospital) to healthcare and industrial workplace
support. As for human interface aspects of smart-object technologies are
just beginning to receive attention from the environment.
10.0.1 Classification of objects
Mobile or Static –
This classification is predicated on whether the “thing” should move or
always reside in the identical location. A sensor might also be cell due to
the fact it is moved from one object to some other (Example, a viscosity
180 sensor moved from batch to batch in a chemical plant) or due to the fact it
is connected to a transferring object (Example, an area sensor on Data Management
transferring items in a warehouse or manufacturing unit floor).
The frequency of the movement may additionally vary, from occasional to
permanent. The range of mobility (from some inches to miles away) often
drives the possible power source.
• Battery-Powered or Power-Connected –
This classification is primarily based on whether or not the object
incorporates its very own energy supply or receives non-stop power
from an exterior power source. Battery-powered matters can be
moved greater without difficulty than line-powered objects.
However, batteries restrict the lifetime and quantity of power that the
object is allowed to consume, for this reason, riding transmission
varies and frequency.
The Internet of Things combines smart devices and sensors with analytics
and the cloud. This paradigm shift presents new challenges involving
software distribution, updates, and security.
The world is evolving into an "everything as a service" environment and the
embedded industry is no different. Internet of Things (IoT) applications
make heavy use of the cloud and this new paradigm is essentially what
differentiates IoT from traditional networked embedded systems.
Previously I've covered various industry IoT applications and capabilities
from the component and functions points of view. However, the
proliferation of IoT and M2M applications within the context of the cloud
is giving rise to a unique challenge involving how to coordinate and deliver
new software features, updates, and/or distributions to these devices.
Internet of Thing Software updates are essential
Within the context of IoT and cloud applications, the ability to soft-
configure the system is critical and an essential part of the motivation for
moving traditional networked embedded systems in this new emerging
direction. These kinds of capabilities offer the ability to quickly deploy new
features and capabilities at a fraction of the cost. New capabilities promise
lower cost and increased revenue. The ability to quickly, securely, and
flexibly update any cloud-based service is essential in order to take
advantage of the benefits this environment provides.
Further, within the cloud itself, adding new services can adversely affect the
security of the existing hosted services. For these reasons, new tools,
capabilities, and techniques are emerging to coordinate and synchronize
software distribution.
Software distribution and DevOps
Simon says. "The broad range of IoT services and applications makes that
question hard to answer. For higher-end applications involving things with
larger storage and compute power like game consoles or smartphones,
continuous deployment mechanisms may be involved. For smaller sensor
and data driven applications, it's about having a local server that manages
pushing firmware into the device. Data driven applications involving
sensors also typically have a need for aggregating information into servers
that are distributed, but closer to the sensors. The software on these sensor
data aggregation servers also needs to be managed and updated."
Software distribution considerations
The software distribution process involves software developers and
software users. The developers are creating the software and utilizing a
variety of integrated development environments (IDEs), code repositories,
automated test, and continuous integration tools. Once the production
binaries are created and tested, these binaries need to be controlled, stored,
and managed throughout the release. Simon calls these "binary artifacts"
and the JFrog Artifactory service bridges the developer tools and remote
repositories in the cloud. It's important for binary management solutions to
integrate with popular repositories, build tools, and continuous integration
servers. Simon mentions Artifactory does this and adds the dimension of
management, synchronization, and control of binaries and their distribution
to remote repositories.
Developers can control what versions of binary, software packages, or
microservices are to be made available, which end users are allowed to
update services, and also incorporates push notifications of new software
Authentication, verification
Given this fully automated management and distribution environment,
Simon is fully aware of the security considerations involved. "Within a
networked environment such as this, it's important to have security features
that authenticate developers, users, and binary artifacts in order to minimize
182 security risks," Simon says. "We incorporate many signing mechanisms at
various levels to ensure security within IoT, M2M, and cloud Data Management
Simon admits that there is a need for standardization around different
authentication elements within an IoT environment. He mentioned a
VMware project called Lightwave – an open source project comprised of
standards-based identity and access management services targeted at
security, governance, and compliance challenges for cloud-native
For the developers, Simon says there is a significant amount of
authentication and access permission capabilities in order to authenticate
software loads into the cloud environment. For the users, there are a number
of rights and permissions features in order to ensure end users get notified
or automatically updated with software that is signed, verified, and contains
only the features the end user is licensed for.
Corruption and rollbacks
When asked about accidental corruption or non-working components,
Simon explained a couple of approaches. First, in order to alleviate
complications involved with downloading of incompatible components, it's
important to make sure the binary objects are thoroughly tested and ready
for release. Second, when managing binaries and software packages you
don't modify – you always create a new version. This way you avoid
situations where bits and pieces get downloaded that might cause problems.
It's important to update packages everywhere and consistently. In case of
emergencies, Bintray has the ability to perform rollbacks, but that's to be
avoided at all costs.
Facilitating change
Paradigm shifts often usher in new methods and processes designed
specifically to support emerging changes. The presence of cloud services
coupled with flexibility, reach, and distribution of IoT and M2M end
devices and applications requires a new approach to software maintenance,
versioning, and distribution.
1. Network Layer –
Internet/Network gateways, Data Acquisition System (DAS) are
present in this layer. DAS performs data aggregation and conversion
function (Collecting data and aggregating data then converting analog
data of sensors to digital data etc). Advanced gateways which mainly Data Management
opens up connection between Sensor networks and Internet also
performs many basic gateway functionalities like malware protection,
and filtering also some times decision making based on inputted data
and data management services, etc.
2. Data processing Layer –
This is processing unit of IoT ecosystem. Here data is analyzed and
pre-processed before sending it to data center from where data is
accessed by software applications often termed as business
applications where data is monitored and managed and further actions
are also prepared. So here Edge IT or edge analytics comes into
3. Application Layer –
This is last layer of 4 stages of IoT architecture. Data centers or cloud
is management stage of data where data is managed and is used by
end-user applications like agriculture, health care, aerospace, farming,
defense, etc.
10.2.3 What are the five additional layers of IoT architecture?
The three-layer architecture is a great way to describe an IoT project, but it
is somewhat limited in scope. For this reason, many proposed architectures
have different or additional layers. A popular one is called the five-layer
architecture, which includes Transport (replacing the Network), Processing,
and Business layers, in addition to the Perception and Application layers
from the three-layer architecture model.
In addition to the Perception and Application layers, which are the same,
you will usually see the following three layers.
• Devices: This stage is about the actual devices in the IoT solutions.
These devices could be sensors or actuators in the Perception layer.
Those devices will generate data (in the case of sensors) or act on their
environment (in the case of actuators). The data produced is converted
in a digital form and transmitted to the internet gateway stage. Unless
a critical decision must be made, the data is typically sent in a raw
state to the next stage due to the limited resources of the devices
• Internet gateways: The internet gateway stage will receive the raw
data from the devices and pre-process it before sending it to the cloud.
This internet gateway could be physically attached to the device or a
stand-alone device that could communicate with sensors over low
power networks and relay the data to the internet.
• Cloud or data center: In this final stage, the data is stored for later
processing. The application and business layers live in this stage,
where dashboards or management software can be fed through the
data stored in the cloud. Deep analysis or resource-intensive
operations such as machine learning training will happen at this stage.
10.2.5 IoT architecture in business Data Management
IoT use cases are varied and can take multiple shapes. In order to understand
the different layers, we can look at an example. Commercial airlines have
many planes, and each of the planes has a plethora of sensors.
The Perception layer consists of all those sensors in the plane. Those will
indicate the current state of the aircraft, along with the data about the current
flight. The sensors will monitor things such as the altitude, the position, the
airspeed, and the vertical speed. Other sensors are gathering data to ensure
that the integrity of the plane is good, monitoring feedback such as
vibrations in the engines.
This data, coming from multiple different sensors from different
manufacturers, will be sent to a central unit on the plane as part of the
Network layer. This data will be converted into a standard format and will
be pre-processed there. If something critical happens, such as an engine
failure, actuators will be immediately triggered, rather than waiting for a
full round trip to the cloud. Once the plane has internet connectivity, the
data will be sent to the cloud and move to the Application layer.
Now that the data made its way to the cloud, the data can be processed and
analyzed in the Application layer. Here, dashboards are produced to verify
anomalies, flag issues for maintenance, and provide business insights for
the airline operator. With this data, the operator can make better decisions
and automate some tasks in order to make the flights safer. Many industries
benefit from IoT solutions.
10.2.6 How Does an Enterprise Benefit From IoT Architecture?
Now, we know about the different layers in IoT architecture but how are
they beneficial to enterprise and how can businesses get more out of IoT?
Although the IoT refers to connected devices and protocols, in practicality,
the data from the devices are isolated, siloed and fragmented. These
fragmented insights on their own do not provide much information needed
to justify heavy resource investment in an IoT strategy. For enterprises to
make the most out of IoT, the interactions between the devices must be
open, and more device and system synergies have to be made possible.
Internet of Thing This is where IoT Architecture for Enterprises are essential. It can help
enterprises leverage the interconnectivity of smart devices and systems,
grouping them together to measure certain data, or to form new business
models and uses.
By taking advantage of different technologies ranging from embedded
devices with actuators and sensors to internet-based communication and
cloud platforms enterprises can automate business processes. Further such
enterprise IoT applications can provide control instructions to devices based
on specific business rules. With the progressions in Big Data analytics, the
insights obtained from the IoT data sets will become valuable for enterprises
to take decisions. From connecting IoT devices, mining sensor data sets to
software platforms and controlling, IoT architecture works as the single
node monitoring all functions.
Below are a few examples of the different stages of IoT architecture
implemented in enterprises:
1. Internet gateways
2. Edge IoT
3. Datacenter and cloud
Internet Gateways: This component is based on traditional IoT Gateway
whose main responsibility is to act as a proxy between the world of field
things and the enterprise data center, usually cloud-based.
Edge IoT: The term edge comes from Edge Computing where data is
processed at the periphery of the network, as close to the originating data as
possible. The key factor which makes edge processing crucial is turning the
data processing and action taking the closest to real-time.
Datacenter and cloud: By using virtualization, hardware resources and
IoT devices in an IoT architecture can be well utilized. Both HTTP and
MQTT servers are also introduced as the application servers for the
different cloud service models. The HTTP servers can implement services
for devices and end-users, while the MQTT servers ensure a large number
of device connections and real-time communication among devices.
Furthermore, some other key components such as the supporting databases
are also presented for the sake of functionality, availability and
Services might aggregate information and data retrieved from other Data Management
services or create workflows of services to satisfy the request of a
given service consumer. This practice is known as service
orchestration Another important interaction pattern is service
choreography, which is the coordinated interaction of services
without a single point of control.
Components of SOA:
features. Thanks to SOA, it is possible to minimise data loss, since it offers Data Management
security and high availability.
10.4.2 What is IoT service-oriented architecture?
The Internet of Things (IoT) aids an interconnection between systems,
humans, and services to develop computation-intensive autonomous
applications. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) concepts have been used
as defacto software architecture to develop IoT-based system
10.4.3 What is a service-oriented architecture with example?
Typically, Service-Oriented Architecture is implemented with web
services, which makes the “functional building blocks accessible over
standard internet protocols.” An example of a web service standard is
SOAP, which stands for Simple Object Access Protocol.
10.4.4 What are the 3 types of architecture in SOA?
Loose coupling - It facilitates to implement services without impacting
other applications or services. Parallel Development - As SOA follows
layer-based architecture, it provides parallel development. Available - The
SOA services are easily available to any requester.
10.4.5 Why SOA is used?
SOA is an architectural style for building software applications that use
services available in a network such as the web. It promotes loose
coupling between software components so that they can be reused.
Applications in SOA are built based on services.
10.4.6 What are the components of SOA?
Below are the components of SOA Architecture: 1. Different layers in SOA
are the consumer interface layer, business process layer, services layer,
service component layer and operational systems layer. The consumer
interface layer interacts with the user and has the user interface.
10.4.7 What are the key characteristics of SOA?
Characteristics of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Internet of Thing To put it simply, service-oriented architecture (SOA) has an enterprise
scope, while the microservices architecture has an application scope.
Many of the core principles of each approach become incompatible when
you neglect this difference.
10.4.9 How is service oriented architecture implemented?
Service Oriented Architecture: Six steps to a successful SOA
1. Step 1: Map SOA to your business.
2. Step 2: Take a long view and implement incrementally.
3. Step 3: Plot your course by creating an SOA Plan.
4. Step 4: Gather your talent.
5. Step 5: Reuse, Reuse, Reuse.
6. Step 6: Measure the results. And impact.
10.4.10 How many layers are there in SOA architecture?
The SOA Reference Architecture (SOA RA) has nine layers representing
nine key clusters of considerations and responsibilities that typically emerge
in the process of designing an SOA solution or defining an enterprise
architecture standard.
10.4.11 Why is SOA important?
SOA can support you to align your business goals with your IT
architecture. Companies who implement SOA are much more flexible to
adopt and change their processes. For example telecommunications
companies can offer new services or update their service prices.
Cons of SOA:
Internet of Thing 10.5 NETWORK OF INFORMATION
5. Wi-Fi. ...
6. RFID.
10.5.3 What is used in networking of IoT devices?
IoT device connectivity and networking :Wireless protocols include IPv6,
LPWAN, Zigbee, Bluetooth Low Energy, Z-Wave, RFID and NFC.
Cellular, satellite, Wi-Fi and Ethernet can also be used.
10.5.4. How IoT are connected to a network?
IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by connecting to an IoT
gateway or other edge device where data is either sent to the cloud to
be analyzed or analyzed locally. Sometimes, these devices communicate
with other related devices and act on the information they get from one
Sectors such as healthcare, transport, and energy are all leaning in towards
this technology. However, along with the devices that enable IoT, we also
need to pay close attention to the network. Given the volume of data and
the amount of real-time instructions flowing up and down, it becomes
critical to ensure that the network is positioned to support these devices and
help them function as desired. The connectivity, power, compute,
manageability, and security of IoT deployments are all dependent on the
network, making it a crucial cog in the IoT wheel.
IoT is nothing without a network to support it. The sensor influx will
generate vast amounts of data that need to be processed in real time to glean
insights that deliver value. This influx of data will have a huge impact on
the capabilities of the networking systems that we employ today.
The inability of the network to keep up will impede the data processing and
analytics capabilities. The scale of the challenge suggests that the existing
network ecosystem will have trouble keeping up with the demands of IoT
in the coming years.
Connectivity concerns
IoT is a network of devices that can communicate with one another. For
this, IoT devices need committed connectivity to controllers that manage
the device ecosystem. Sure, the connectivity can be wired or wireless. We
currently have several protocol options such as NFC, Wi-Fi, cellular, z-
wave, to choose from. The network infrastructure has to be such that it can
support the protocols that make the most sense in a specific IoT landscape.
Internet of Thing Compute
IoT deployments need to process events without latency to deliver impact
in real time. IoT devices are optimized for form-factor, power, and cost,
limiting the compute power available in these devices. This challenge can
be mitigated by leveraging a network that can support an application hosting
environment and allow IoT vendors to host their software locally. The
capacity of the network also decides how the compute on the network
elements can be leveraged to run processes such as dynamically increasing
and managing traffic.
With IoT increasingly becoming a mainstream technology, enterprises have
to look at managing a large number of IoT devices at scale. This is proving
to be a major challenge. While IoT solutions are able to manage their
devices, a robust network can enable this software stack to reside in the part
of the infrastructure where computing power exists. This helps in delivering
critical messages from the controller to the devices with high reliability;
assists in automated provisioning of the network for supporting IoT; and
also helps manage IoT devices at scale.
Given the unique needs of the IoT ecosystem, it is clear that we need
dedicated and specific networks designed for IoT itself. Intent-based
networking and Service Mesh are emerging as network options to enable
IoT to its fullest potential.
Service Mesh, for example, is a dedicated infrastructure that has a dedicated
infrastructure layer built right into an app. It has been defined as a
configurable, lowlatency infrastructure layer that can handle a high volume
of networkbased interprocess communication among application
infrastructure services using APIs. It ensures fast, reliable, and secure
communication among containerized and, often, temporary application
infrastructure services. Service discovery, observability, authentication,
traceability, load balancing, authorization, support for the circuit breaker
pattern, and encryption are some of the capabilities of this network.
Intent-based networking is another solution that takes into consideration the
networking demands needed to make IoT a success. Intent-based networks
change the way networks are managed and depend on the administrators to
tell the network what needs to be done. If this means dedicating the
network’s capability to IoT, then that option exists. The network determines
‘how’ it is to be done and then automates specific tasks to make it happen.
Experts will say that intent-based networking systems (IBNS) are not new.
However, now we have technologies such as Machine Learning and
advanced automation to control these networks better. Intent-based
networking is a departure from how networks are managed today – manual
with absent algorithmic validation. Intent-based networking monitors,
identifies, and reacts in real time to meet the needs of the changing network
conditions and ensures that the desired state of the network is always
In this context, it is also worth evaluating 5G. 5G is more than just fast Data Management
downloads. It is about high-speed connectivity, extremely low latency, and
pervasive coverage. As 5G becomes available, we can see it meeting some
of the demands of IoT and real-time network performance. There’s a real
promise that 5G could become pivotal in driving IoT adoption. It is
interesting to see how the world of networking is evolving to support the
demands of technologies such as IoT.
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Internet of Thing 7.
Unit Structure
11.0 Objectives
11.1 Introduction
11.2 IoT Home Automation System
11.2.1 Overview
11.2.2 Smart Home Components Smart Lighting Smart Appliances Intrusion Detection Smoke/Gas Detectors
11.2.3 Smart Home Automation System Architectural Layout
11.2.4 Technical Aspects of Home Automation System
11.2.5 Challenges of IoT in Smart Home Automation
11.3 IoT Smart City
11.3.1 Overview
11.3.2 Smart City Components Smart Parking Smart Lighting Smart Roads Structural Health Monitoring Surveillance Emergency Response
11.3.3 Outline of Architecture of IoT Smart City
11.4 Let us Sum Up
11.5 References
11.6 Model Questions
11.7 Chapter End Exercise
10. Watering the plant when you are away from home for few days etc.
A smart home is thus formed by linking separate parts of household set-up
such as lighting, heating, cooling, blinds, sensors, etc. into a common
system. This form of automation results in a reduced need for human
interaction and in an increase of comfort and safety, the provision of
additional benefits and improved energy efficiency.
First of all, we must be aware that neither the electrical system nor the house
itself are smart or intelligent, as they have not programmed themselves, they
do not learn on their own mistakes and do not correct them (except in the
case they are furnished with an artificial intelligent system!). However,
smart home system or smart house, as far as marketing is concerned, are
well known terms that can be traced in all media. Second, by increasing
energy efficiency, i.e. reducing electricity consumption, we reduce our
carbon impact, which is in line with current European and world policies.
208 Fig 11.5: Basic Setup of Smart Home Automation System.
A smart home system is something that makes our life quite relaxed. IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
Starting from energy management where the power controls system in the
AC appliances where we use the thermostat, all this is managed to cut down
the power consumption that's taking place. A door/lock management
system, security management system, water management system is the part
of this as well. Still, these are crucial things that stand out in the smart home
system. The limitation of IoT in smart home application stops where our
imagination stops. Anything that we wish to automate or want to make our
life easier can be a part of smart home, a smartphone system as well.
Internet of Thing Challenges of IoT in smart home Automation: There are some challenges
of IoT in smart home automation. They are mentioned below:
Data Security and Latency: Data security and latency are big issues in
smart home automation. To enhance data security, use the IEEE standard
protocol. To overcome the latency issues, the use of fog computing is a
Mixed criticality: The use of different systems and functions in smart
home automation the different criticalities raise. To overcome mixed-
criticality, separate the low-criticalities functions and high criticality
Fault Tolerance: Hundreds of sensors interfaced with hardware and
software in the smart home automation system. Hence, it is difficult to find
fault in the system when it occurs. To counter the occurred fault in the
system, use redundant controllers.
Functional safety: Functional safety like fire system or emergency system
should be on priority. It should be working consistently. To overcome this
challenge, build a separate IoT-based emergency system.
The smart home automation using IoT has the potential to connect multiple
unconnected devices. IoT innovation has changed the way people interact.
In this era, IoT automation is in trend.
Employing IoT system in citywide leads city to become as smart city. Smart
home or smart city make life fairly relaxed and smarter. A smart city works
effectively and share information with people, government using
information and communication technology (ICT) sophistication. It
provides a better quality of government provisions and citizen welfare. The
key area of a smart city is to improve city functions and encourage economic
progress while also refining the quality of life for citizens by using smart
technologies and data analysis. The worth lies in how different technologies
are housed to achieve smartness rather than simply how much technology
is available.
The IoT based Home Automation system offer a lot of flexibility over the
wired systems s it comes with various advantages like ease-of-use, ease-of-
installation, avoid complexity of running through wires or loose electrical
connections, easy fault detection and triggering and above and all it even
offers easy mobility. IoT based Home Automation system consist of a
servers and sensors. These servers are remote servers located on Internet
which help you to manage and process the data without the need of
personalized computers. The internet-based servers can be configured to
control and monitor multiple sensors installed at the desired location.
The Internet of Things applications are enabling Smart City initiatives
worldwide. It provides the ability to remotely monitor, manage and control
devices, and to create new insights and actionable information from massive
streams of real-time data. The IoT devices collect the data of every
happening smartly and send it for further processing. An imperative part of
these devices is containing the wireless sensors used for building smart
cities. A giant set of data is collected in the sensors and is stored in the data
Internet of Thing
Unit Structure
12.0 Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 IoT Enabled Energy Systems
12.2.1 Smart Grids
12.2.2 Renewable Energy Systems
12.2.3 Prognostics
12.3 IoT Enabled Health & Lifestyle
12.3.1 Health & Fitness Monitoring
12.3.2 Wearable Electronics
12.4 IoT Enabled Agriculture
12.4.1 Smart Irrigation
12.4.2 Green House Control
12.5 IoT Enabled Retail
12.5.1 Inventory Management
12.5.2 Smart Payments
12.5.3 Smart Vending Machines
12.5.4 Benefits of IoT technology for Retail Management
12.5.5 Examples of IoT enabled Retail Management Systems
12.5.6 Challenges of Retail IoT Applications
12.6 Let us Sum Up
12.7 References
12.8 Model Questions
12.9 Chapter End Exercise
• state domain specific representation of IoT Enabled Energy Systems IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
and IoT Enabled Health & Lifestyle and smart agriculture. Agriculture
IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
Internet of Thing
IoT technologies have great potential in retail industry in this digital age.
Due to changing consumer habits, high pressure on delivery services,
buyers' distrust in online buying or lack of tech facility are all issues that
hold sellers back in flourishing in retail industry. The increasing demand for
enhanced flexibility, multiple distribution channels, better service, and
improved experience are expected to provide motivation to industry growth.
The ongoing evolutions in retail such as omni-channel shopping and rapid
smartphone adoption rate are empowering retailers to provide buyer a brick-
and-mortar shopping experience. Smart retailers are housing right
technology and making their stores more interactive. Smartphones and
tablets have enabled it further in product promotions, thereby encouraging
228 social sharing. IoT based retail industry using connected technologies to
monitor products, customer behavior, premises, and supply chain. IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
Implementation and adoption of IoT solutions provide retailers to analyze Agriculture
and monitor existing processes to enhance it with incremental investments.
In addition to that the rise of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
(AI) technologies are transforming the retail industry as they provide better
visions to improve retail execution efficiently. Retailers can precisely
predict customer behavior, demand, and personalize customer experience
12.5.1 Inventory Management
IoT strategies are serving to improve inventory management by helping
businesses effortlessly keep track of a product’s exact information like
storage location, product quantity available, manufacturing and expiry dates
etc. This helps decrease the time it takes to find inventory physically. the
available real-time data helps provide important insights to support strategic
and planned business decisions. IoT-enabled devices including wearables,
smart glasses, and augmented reality (AR) technology are helping to speed
up the storage, handling, and shipping of inventory, warehouses. In addition
to that robotic and artificial intelligence solutions are used in warehouse and
logistics operations along with warehouse workforces to advance
performance and reduce blunders. Streamlining traceability and inventory
management compliance is one of the most promising usages for IoT
devices which helps manufacturing industries to regulate their practices.
12.5.2 Smart Payments
The internet has become entwined in today’s world to perform some tasks
like shopping. Customers now a days have become more tech savvy. The
E-commerce sale have got enriched due to this approach of customer.
Consumers become more comfortable with the idea of shopping online,
paying online. The online payment is implemented using IoT. Instead of a
card payment, costumers are now paying through their phone, a wearable,
a car, or a voice-activated device like Alexa. For a business, this means
permitting different things other than a standard in-store platform or
payment mechanism to authorize payments. The IoT provides the
connectivity between things without the need for human intervention.
The need for payments to be processed automatically applies to both the
B2B and B2C environments. For example, A smart fridge can possibly
identify when you need to buy milk and makes the order. It will get deliver
to you, all without you never having to lift a finger. Another example, where
a printer can track toner usage and put an order once it reaches a certain
level. The use cases of smart payments with IoT are endless. But, along with
the many benefits of the IoT, the risk of a security break shouldn’t go
unnoticed. More and more information is shared across many devices and
things, it is unavoidable that hackers will try and get access to your valuable
12.5.3 Smart Vending Machines
Smart vending machines is another dimension of IoT enabled retail industry
which provides enhanced customer experience. Smart vending machines
uses digital technologies to create automated retail solutions to deliver items
Internet of Thing without human assistance. IoT devices such as touchpads and touchless
displays offer dynamic and interactive buying of things. Smart vending
machines can apply Artificial Intelligence and analytics to understand data
to provide customer centric experiences. Furthermore, wireless connectivity
empowers fast transactions.
Using IoT-enabled vending machines can provide many benefits like
processing of rapid, secure credit and debit transactions from any location.
It helps reducing tampering and product loss risks via built-in security. It
monitors environmental conditions using sensing technology to maintain
perishable item quality. It helps in Tracking and managing inventory with
data analytics that include customer data into planning to ensure suitably
stocked vending machines. It maximizes vending machine efficiency
through remote monitoring and predictive maintenance.
12.5.4 Benefits Of Iot Technology For Retail Management
IoT will significantly impact how retailers do business in the future. IoT
technology allows smartphone-based detection. In the future, data collected
in stores has unlimited potential in helping retailers improve their
operational efficiency. They can better understand their customers and
deliver personalized experiences like dynamic pricing, personalized offers
and customized products and services. Following are some benefits IoT
technology will cater in Retail Management:
A retailer we can collect following information through IoT assistance:
1 Time that customer’s smartphone has waited at the checkout counter
2 What time customer came into the store
3 What time customer left from the store
4 Which different doors used by customers
5 Frequent areas of the store visited by customers
6 Customer’s stay/waiting time in each area
7 Number of people visiting daily in a shopping mall.
8 Average time of stay status of customer in store
9 Different walking ways of people in shopping malls
With this information collected from various tracking methods, retailers can
further analyses this data to derive some strategic conclusions which in turn
will help retailers to bring new solutions or policies in order to improve
customer experience.
Following are some strategic benefits retailers can conclude:
1. Efficient supply chain management
2. Improved customer service
3. Cleverer inventory management
4. Man-less cash counters
5. Automated checkouts
12.5.5 Examples of IOT Enabled Retail Management Systems IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
1. Foot-Traffic Monitoring:
For small stores, the mall traffic can be inspected across several
retailers so the full shopping time and other details can be understood.
In a smart store, we can employ video-based foot-traffic monitoring
to see whether customers spend more time in one product area more
than other products. Once analyzed this information, a retailer in real
time can provide an assistant to help out the customer for more
efficient and effortless customer visits. Moreover, by observing the
store traffic and customer call in real-time, we can modify/improve
the existing in-store shopping experience.
2. Predictive Equipment Maintenance:
Predictive equipment maintenance is used for energy management,
estimating equipment failure, and preventing other problems before
they occur. For example, every grocery store houses a lot of complex
equipment, such as refrigeration units. When these units are fitted
with sensors, we can estimate maintenance related issues that may
influence the power consumption for savings or even monitor the
temperature fluctuations to ensure food safety.
3. Demand Alert Warehouses:
Demand-alert warehouse fulfillment is about warehouse automation
motivated by in-store and online shopping demand. IoT permits you
to observe sales and opportunities in real-time. It even allows us to
track missed in-store sales. It’s necessary to note that RFID is a well-
tested part of IoT that can be used for more accurate service level
optimization and for inventory management. With the power of
technology, the warehouse of the future will be an open space in
which the automated pallets will self-organize depending on real-time
4. Smart Fulfillment:
In retail organizations, moving merchandise more professionally is a
key goal to accomplish. IoT can play a crucial part in the
maintenance of transport, tracking, and route optimization. Many of
the retailers are using GPS to track and route goods transportation
for years, but now with IoT, we are able to understand with much
greater precision how close a pallet of merchandise is given to the
12.5.6 Challenges of Retail IOT Applications
1. Infrastructure:
Most retailers don’t have appropriate infrastructure and network
mechanisms that enormous volumes of IoT data require. To digitize
retail stores, merchants need to have a strong and reliable network,
cloud platform, and end-user solutions such as barcode scanners,
tablets etc. All of those things need considerable investment. A
solution to this issue can be like there is no need to overinvest in
Internet of Thing infrastructure all at once when it comes to implementing a new
technology. One can start with small infrastructure changes. For
examples, using IoT to manage Air Conditioner or the lighting, which
will bring a more immediate Return on Investment (ROI). One can
progressively get more sophisticated with your IoT solutions.
2. Security:
Many retailers are distrustful of the security and privacy issues
associated with IoT. These worries have been amplified by the
introduction of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Access
to the customer’s data gives retailers various opportunities but at the
same time opens the door to cyber-attack threats and legal
complications. Retailers should work closely with IoT software
developers to make sure that the devices and sensors they use are
designed with strong security mechanisms in mind, including basics
like secure passwords, as well as more advanced security
infrastructure like end-to-end encryption, regular software updates,
and an IT infrastructure that actively scans for bugs and
3. Data Management:
Carrying out IoT data analysis in a timely and relevant manner
represents a huge challenge for retail businesses due to a lack of
relevant qualifications and expertise. There isn’t enough technical and
analytical skill at hand to gain valuable insights from the huge amount
of data collected from IoT. Retail businesses can hire domain experts
or depend on third parties with the relevant IoT qualifications and
training, who can take over data management processes. By
forestalling those challenges, retailers get a chance to make their IoT
investment profitable while gaining a competitive edge in the market.
This chapter also displays a detailed view of the evolving technology of IoT IOT Based Energy Systems and
Healthcare Systems and Smart
in smart agriculture and smart retail management. It gives an overview of a Agriculture
Smart Farming. IoT have the potential to transform agriculture in many
aspects. Data collected by smart agriculture sensors is a key component to
have smart farming. various sensors, control systems, robotics, autonomous
vehicles, automated hardware, variable rate technology, motion detectors,
button camera, and wearable devices are improving our overall experience
in today’s tech savvy world. Chapter further explains Smart retail and
inventory management. Retail IoT software is expected to witness
substantial growth in next ten years. Smart payments are becoming
mainstream. The user can make in-app purchases without ever having to re-
enter their credit card information. Consumers can also pay with fingerprint
identification, allowing them to make purchases in seconds.
Internet of Thing ii) List and elaborate Smart Grid technologies which help in building
smart grid reliable and effective.
iii) Write a brief note on Prognostics systems and health management
iv) What is IoT enabled health & fitness monitoring?
v) List different IoT Wearable Sensors categories with examples.
vi) What is smart farming? What are the different components of smart
vii) Explain role of smart Green House control in safeguarding crops.
viii) Write a brief note on smart retail management.
ix) What are the smart payment systems? List different smart payment
systems currently being used.
x) What are the IoT-enabled vending machines? What different benefits
they provide?
Internet of Thing
• state domain specific representation of IoT Enabled Energy Systems IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
and IoT Enabled Health & Lifestyle and smart agriculture.
IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
Internet of Thing
IoT technologies have great potential in retail industry in this digital age.
Due to changing consumer habits, high pressure on delivery services,
buyers' distrust in online buying or lack of tech facility are all issues that
hold sellers back in flourishing in retail industry. The increasing demand for
enhanced flexibility, multiple distribution channels, better service, and
improved experience are expected to provide motivation to industry growth.
The ongoing evolutions in retail such as omni-channel shopping and rapid
smartphone adoption rate are empowering retailers to provide buyer a brick-
and-mortar shopping experience. Smart retailers are housing right
technology and making their stores more interactive. Smartphones and
tablets have enabled it further in product promotions, thereby encouraging
228 social sharing. IoT based retail industry using connected technologies to
monitor products, customer behavior, premises, and supply chain. IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
Implementation and adoption of IoT solutions provide retailers to analyze
and monitor existing processes to enhance it with incremental investments.
In addition to that the rise of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
(AI) technologies are transforming the retail industry as they provide better
visions to improve retail execution efficiently. Retailers can precisely
predict customer behavior, demand, and personalize customer experience
12.5.1 Inventory Management
IoT strategies are serving to improve inventory management by helping
businesses effortlessly keep track of a product’s exact information like
storage location, product quantity available, manufacturing and expiry dates
etc. This helps decrease the time it takes to find inventory physically. the
available real-time data helps provide important insights to support strategic
and planned business decisions. IoT-enabled devices including wearables,
smart glasses, and augmented reality (AR) technology are helping to speed
up the storage, handling, and shipping of inventory, warehouses. In addition
to that robotic and artificial intelligence solutions are used in warehouse and
logistics operations along with warehouse workforces to advance
performance and reduce blunders. Streamlining traceability and inventory
management compliance is one of the most promising usages for IoT
devices which helps manufacturing industries to regulate their practices.
12.5.2 Smart Payments
The internet has become entwined in today’s world to perform some tasks
like shopping. Customers now a days have become more tech savvy. The
E-commerce sale have got enriched due to this approach of customer.
Consumers become more comfortable with the idea of shopping online,
paying online. The online payment is implemented using IoT. Instead of a
card payment, costumers are now paying through their phone, a wearable,
a car, or a voice-activated device like Alexa. For a business, this means
permitting different things other than a standard in-store platform or
payment mechanism to authorize payments. The IoT provides the
connectivity between things without the need for human intervention.
The need for payments to be processed automatically applies to both the
B2B and B2C environments. For example, A smart fridge can possibly
identify when you need to buy milk and makes the order. It will get deliver
to you, all without you never having to lift a finger. Another example, where
a printer can track toner usage and put an order once it reaches a certain
level. The use cases of smart payments with IoT are endless. But, along with
the many benefits of the IoT, the risk of a security break shouldn’t go
unnoticed. More and more information is shared across many devices and
things, it is unavoidable that hackers will try and get access to your valuable
12.5.3 Smart Vending Machines
Smart vending machines is another dimension of IoT enabled retail industry
which provides enhanced customer experience. Smart vending machines
uses digital technologies to create automated retail solutions to deliver items
Internet of Thing without human assistance. IoT devices such as touchpads and touchless
displays offer dynamic and interactive buying of things. Smart vending
machines can apply Artificial Intelligence and analytics to understand data
to provide customer centric experiences. Furthermore, wireless connectivity
empowers fast transactions.
Using IoT-enabled vending machines can provide many benefits like
processing of rapid, secure credit and debit transactions from any location.
It helps reducing tampering and product loss risks via built-in security. It
monitors environmental conditions using sensing technology to maintain
perishable item quality. It helps in Tracking and managing inventory with
data analytics that include customer data into planning to ensure suitably
stocked vending machines. It maximizes vending machine efficiency
through remote monitoring and predictive maintenance.
12.5.4 Benefits Of Iot Technology For Retail Management
IoT will significantly impact how retailers do business in the future. IoT
technology allows smartphone-based detection. In the future, data collected
in stores has unlimited potential in helping retailers improve their
operational efficiency. They can better understand their customers and
deliver personalized experiences like dynamic pricing, personalized offers
and customized products and services. Following are some benefits IoT
technology will cater in Retail Management:
A retailer we can collect following information through IoT assistance:
This chapter also displays a detailed view of the evolving technology of IoT IOT Based Home Automation
System and Smart City
in smart agriculture and smart retail management. It gives an overview of a
Smart Farming. IoT have the potential to transform agriculture in many
aspects. Data collected by smart agriculture sensors is a key component to
have smart farming. various sensors, control systems, robotics, autonomous
vehicles, automated hardware, variable rate technology, motion detectors,
button camera, and wearable devices are improving our overall experience
in today’s tech savvy world. Chapter further explains Smart retail and
inventory management. Retail IoT software is expected to witness
substantial growth in next ten years. Smart payments are becoming
mainstream. The user can make in-app purchases without ever having to re-
enter their credit card information. Consumers can also pay with fingerprint
identification, allowing them to make purchases in seconds.
Internet of Thing ii) List and elaborate Smart Grid technologies which help in building
smart grid reliable and effective.
iii) Write a brief note on Prognostics systems and health management