Polish Conjunctions
Polish Conjunctions
Polish Conjunctions
8. o (+ acc.)
8. Conjunctions
Some important Polish coordinating conjunctions are a and, but, i and, i... i... both ... and..., ale but, albo... albo... either ... or ..., and ani... ani... neither ... or.... English andis usually translated by i; however, if there is any contrast between the tems it joins, that is, if and can also be but, it is translated by a. Marek jest studentem, a Maria juz pracuje. Warszawa i Krakw s^ dosc duze. Jan jest i inteligentny i przystojny. To jest muzeum, ale nie jest zbyt ciekawe. To jest albo szpital, albo hotel. To nie jest ani szpital, ani hotel. Marek is a student, but Mara is already working. Warsaw and Krakow are rather large. Jan is both smart and good-looking. That's a museum, but it's not too interesting. That's either a hospital or a hotel. That's neither a hospital or a hotel.
In archaic Polish, po (+ loe.) is used for this expression: T?skni? po tobie13. jesli chodzi o (+ acc.), co do (+ gen.)
as for Jesli chodzi o brata, to on jest jeszcze w szkole. Co do twojego pomyslu, on jest zupelnie nierealny.
Important conjunctions introducing subordnate clauses include chociaz although, bo because, poniewaz since, jesli if, and to/wtedy then. The most important subordinating conjunctions are ze that and czy whether. The conjunction ze should not be deleted, as it sometimes is in English. Slyszalem, ze masz now^ prac$. I heard (that) you have a new job.
The conjunction jesli //is used in the first part of an //... then ... sentence. It is not used to transate //in the sense of whether, czy is used instead. Nie wiem, czy (NOT *jesli) on jest zaj$ty. I don't know whether he is busy.
14. The conditional. The English use o for after a verb of request corresponds to Polish use of the conditional. Prosili, zebymy mniej halasowali. They asked (for) us to make less noise-
Questioning adverbs may serve as subordinating conjunctions. Note that subordinating conjunctions are preceded by a comma. Czy pami^tasz, gdzie ona mieszka? Nie wiem, jak to powiedziec. Do you remember where she lives? I don't know how to say that.
The counterfactual conditional conjunctions are gdyby or jesliby //plus either to or wtedy then. The element by is taken from the conditional form of the verb and may take personal verb endings (-m, -s, -smy, -scie). See Conditional Mood in Chapter 9. In the counterfactual conditional, the conjunction expressing then is often omitted. Gdybym wiedzial, ze wybierasz si do miasta, poprosilbym (OR tobym poprosil) ci$ zawiezc mnie ze sob^. If I had known you were headed into town, I would have asked you to take me with you.
Here is a list of important conjunctions and connectives: although and as soon as as though as ... as ... at the time when because before both ... and ... but either ... or ... for, because, since if if...then... neither . . . or . . . not until onlyjust or since, as long as since, for so that, in order to than that (subord. conj.) the way that then chociaz
i; a
jak tylko jak gdyby tak, jak... wtedy, kiedy... dlatego; ze; bo zanim i... i... ale; a albo... albo... bo jeli; gdy jeli... to... ani... ani... dopki nie co dopiero albo skoro poniewaz zeby; aby niz ze tak, jak... to; wtedy