VIQ Sample Paper 4 Year Class 8 Paper
VIQ Sample Paper 4 Year Class 8 Paper
VIQ Sample Paper 4 Year Class 8 Paper
• The paper contains 60 Objective Type Questions divided into three sections: Section - I, Section – II and
Section – III.
• Section I contains 5 Multiple Choice Questions (1-5) based on Mental Aptitude. Each question has 4 choices
(A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.
• Section II contains 25 Multiple Choice Questions (6-30) based on Mathematics. Each question has 4 choices
(A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.
• Section III contains 15 Multiple Choice Questions (31-45) based on Science. Each question has 4 choices (A),
(B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.
• Section I : For each question, 5 marks will be awarded for correct answer and –1 negative marking for incorrect
• Section II : For each question, 6 marks will be awarded for correct answer and –1 negative marking for
incorrect answer.
• Section III : For each question, 6 marks will be awarded for correct answer and –1 negative marking for
incorrect answer.
• For answering a question, an ANSWER SHEET (OMR SHEET) is provided separately. Please fill your Name, Roll
Number, Seat ID, Date of Birth and the PAPER CODE properly in the space provided in the ANSWER SHEET. IT
• The use of log tables, calculator and any other electronic device is strictly prohibited.
• Violating the examination room discipline will immediately lead to the cancellation of your paper and no
excuses will be entertained.
• No one will be permitted to leave the examination hall before the end of the test.
• Please submit both the question paper and the answer sheet to the invigilator before leaving the examination
2 VIQ Sample Paper | 4 Year
• Before starting the paper, spend 2-2.5 minutes to check whether all the pages are in order and report
any issues to the invigilator immediately.
• Try to attempt the Sections in their respective order.
• Do not get stuck-up at a particular question for more than 2 to 2.5 minutes. Move on to a new
question as there are 45 questions to solve.
2. If "EXAMINATION" = 121 and "PAPER" = 25, then what is the value of "TREASURE" ?
(A) 64 (B) 360 (C) 290 (D) 81
3. Prashant is seventeenth from the right end of the row and Vijay is fourteenth from the left end of the
row. If Rajneesh is fourth to the right of Prashant and third to the left of Vijay, how many persons are
there in the row?
(A) 17 (B) 19 (C) 23 (D) 38
6. A rational number between 2 and 3 is :
2+ 2
(A) 1.5 (B) (C) 2 3 (D) 1.8
7. A number is increased by 10% and then it is decreased by 10%. The net increase or decrease percent
(A) 3% (B) 4% (C) 2% (D) 1%
8. For positive x and y, the LCM is 225 and HCF is 15. There:
(A) Is exactly one such pair (B) Are exactly two such pairs
(C) Are exactly three such pairs (D) Are exactly four such pairs
9. If x = , then the value of x2 + 2 x + 3 is:
1+ 2
(A) 3 (B) 0 (C) 4 (D) 1
11. The average marks scored by Ajay in certain number of tests is 84. He scored 100 marks in his last
test. His average score of all these tests is 86, then the total number of tests he appeared is :
(A) 8 (B) 7 (C) 9 (D) 10
1 1 1
12. If abc = 1, then −1
+ −1
+ −1
1+ a + b 1+ b + c 1+ c + a
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) (D) ab
a 2 b2 c2
13. If a + b + c = 0, then + + is :
bc ca ab
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
14. The value of 17 + 4 13 − 17 − 4 13 is :
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
15. ‘A’ can complete a work in 120 days, ‘B’ can complete it in 60 days, ‘C’ can complete it in 40 days,
‘D’ can complete it in 30 days. In how many days A and B working together can complete the work ?
(A) 40 (B) 30 (C) 20 (D) 10
Paragraph for Questions 16 - 18
An article was marked at Rs.2000. After providing a discount of 45%, a profit of 10% was made. Answer the
16. What was the selling price of the article?
(A) Rs.1500 (B) Rs.1200 (C) Rs.1400 (D) None of these
ar ( IV ) + ar ( III )
19. Find the ratio of .
ar ( I ) + ar ( II )
2 4 6 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
11 11 11 11
ar ( II ) + ar ( I )
20. Find the ratio of .
ar of ABCD
11 4 13 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
14 14 14 14
22. The greatest number that can divide 545 and 726 by leaving remainder 5 and 6 respectively is :
(A) 90 (B) 180 (C) 45 (D) 60
27. ( )( )
If 3a 2 + 5ab + 7b 2 : 3b 2 + 5bc + 7c 2 is equal to : (a, b, c are in continued proportion)
(A) b:c (B) a:c (C) a:b (D) None of these
1 1 1
28. + + =
1 + x( ) + x c − a 1 + x( ) + x( ) 1 + x( ) + x( )
b−a a −b c −b b −c a −c
29. A man sells an article at a profit of 25%. If he had bought it in 20% less and sold it for Rs.10.50 less,
he would have gained 30%. Then the cost price of the article is :
(A) Rs.40 (B) Rs.30 (C) Rs.20 (D) Rs.50
30. The price of a jewel, passing through three hands, rises on the whole by 65%. If the first and the
second seller earned 20% and 25% profit respectively, then the percentage profit earned by the third
seller is :
(A) 20 (B) 10 (C) 5 (D) 15
41. While measuring the depth of a certain ocean, sonar received a signal after 18 seconds after it was
transmitted. If velocity of sound in ocean water is 580 ms −1 , then the depth is :
(A) 5210 m (B) 5 km 220 m (C) 5 km 210 m (D) 5 km 200 m
42. The distance between the 3rd crest and 10th crest is approximately 18 m as observed by a fisher man.
The wave length of such wave is :
(A) 2.57 m (B) 3m (C) 3.5 m (D) 2.6 m
43. Spikes are provided in the shoes of athlete:
(A) For decoration (B) To increase friction
(C) To decrease friction (D) None of these
44. Friction reduces efficiency of machines due to :
(A) Production of heat (B) Wearing out of moving parts
(C) Increase in energy consumption (D) All of these
45. Which of the following is NOT true?
(A) A sharp knife can easily cut due to its small cutting surface.
(B) It is easier to walk in sand than on road.
(C) A battle tank can move easily on soft ground because its tracks have bigger surface.
(D) The pressure exerted by a needle is much more than the foot of an elephant.