busy roads or construction sites, near utility lines,
and around loading docks or airport runways are at risk of being struck by moving vehicles. Construction workers, roadworkers, utility workers, and transportation workers need to stand out so that drivers and equipment operators can see them. That’s why they are required by law to wear high-visibility clothing.
The Construction Projects regulation states
that any worker who may be endangered by vehicular traffic on a project must wear a garment that covers the upper body and provides a high level of visibility. The specifics of the garment are found in section 69.1 of the regulation (213/91). For example, if the garment is a vest, it must be adjustable and have a side and front tear-away feature.
Although Ontario workplaces must comply
with the regulations, following the CSA standard for this type of clothing can also be acceptable in some cases. An updated version of CSA Z96-15—High-Visibility Safety Apparel was released last year and can be a helpful resource. It specifies how this type of clothing should reflect light, what colours can be used, and how much of it a person needs to wear. It also provides advice on the selection, use, and care of high-visibility safety material and recommendations for hazard assessments.
ihsa.ca Safety Orange
Background material the front and 570 cm2 on the back.
On the front, the two stripes must be There are two main things to consider vertical, centred, and approximately when buying high-visibility clothing— 225 mm apart (as measured from the the background material and the bright centre of each stripe). On the back, “retroreflective” stripes or bands that they must be arranged in a diagonal are on it. According to the construction “X” pattern. For nighttime work, regulation, the main material of the additional retroreflective silver stripes or bands are garment must be fluorescent blaze or international required on each arm and leg. orange in colour. Fluorescent blaze is also known as safety orange, which is used on road signs and hunting gear. International orange, on the other hand, has a Risk assessment darker, more reddish tone. Before choosing high-visibility clothing, a needs analysis should be conducted to assess the This background material gives drivers and equipment risks that need to be controlled. Workers who operators the best chance of seeing workers during the require greater visibility, such as roadway daytime. Fluorescent colours use more of the visible light construction workers, should wear clothing spectrum than other colours. They absorb sunlight and that is highly visible under their specific reflect the energy back to us as visible light, which we work conditions. The CSA standard also see as a glow. Even on a cloudy day or at dusk or dawn, recommends conducting a risk assessment in fluorescent colours will appear brighter. And because order to evaluate the worksite for known or orange is a complementary colour of blue, it provides potential hazards that a worker may encounter the best contrast against the colour of the sky and many while performing a job or task. other background colours. Under this type of assessment, it may be helpful to ask the following questions: Unlike the regulations, the CSA standard allows some • What type of work is being done? background colours other than orange. These colours • Is it indoor or outdoor work? are accepted by the Ministry of Labour (MOL) as being in • How much traffic are workers exposed to? compliance. As Michael Chappell, Provincial Co-ordinator • Will workers be exposed to excessive heat, of Construction Health and Safety for the MOL, explains, flame, or arc flashes? “We accept all background colours that are listed in • What lighting conditions might be a factor? the CSA standard in addition to those listed in the • What other controls are in place to protect regulation. We will shortly be issuing a technical bulletin workers? to stakeholders confirming this position.”
Knowing the answers to these questions may
Retroreflective stripes or bands help a company decide what kind of high-visibility Like the background material, the retroreflective stripes clothing to buy in order to best meet their needs or bands that are required on high-visibility clothing and protect their workers. help increase the visibility of workers. However, they are more effective at night or in low-light conditions. Retroreflective stripes reflect the light from oncoming How IHSA can help IHSA’s Construction Health and Safety Manual headlights back to the driver or operator so that a worker (M029) has a chapter devoted to high-visibility can be seen in the dark. clothing. In addition, the ihsa.ca website has a Traffic Control topic page that explains the According to the regulations, these stripes must be both requirements for garments and gives some training retroreflective and fluorescent. The front and the back recommendations and other information about of the garment must have two yellow stripes that are 5 high-visibility clothing. cm wide. The yellow area must be at least 500 cm2 on