Quality Control Plan - QCP
Quality Control Plan - QCP
Quality Control Plan - QCP
Tarekul Islam
3.1 Key Technical Personnel and their Details
3.2 Key Technical Personnel and their Details
3.2.1 Team leader
3.2.2 Project Manager
3.2.3 Site Manager
3.2.4 Quality Control Manager
3.2.5 Site Safety and Health Officer
Quality Management systems have been developed and used by many in the
construction industry to ensure right things are done and things are done right the first
time. Quality is defined as 'fitness to purpose', i.e. providing a product (a building) which
provides an appropriate quality for the purpose for which it is intended. Quality Control
is the operational techniques and the activities used to keep the quality of inputs or
outputs to specifications; to fulfill and verify requirements of quality. The quality is also
related to the timing of when it is delivered.
Quality control in the construction industry can be looked at as having three elements:
The Construction company understands that like most other aspects of construction
management quality control has to be planned. Planning seeks 'order' and a quality
control system for a construction project reflects this sense of order. It may be seen to
be in five basic stages:
The Construction company have prepared our QCP considering all the elements of
quality control in building construction as well as the basic stages. We have deployed
an appropriate project team to ensure quality control in all aspects. Realistic work
program (Gantt chart) will be followed in implementing the project on time. Qualification
tests of materials and works will be carried out from time to time and on continued basis
ensuring quality. Inspections schedule at various stages have been identified and
documented and will be implemented at field as when required. Various field inspection
checklists will be followed at all stages of the work with a view to completing the project
on schedule and of course with quality. So the QCP will be our guidelines for achieving
the utmost quality in the building construction.
The objective of the project is to site-adapt design and construct the Cyclone
Shelter School, Bangladesh. The Government will accomplish the work utilizing
Design-Build approach. And the Contractor shall be required to provide site-
adapt the design engineering expertise and construction services needed to build
complete facilities.
The Contractor will coordinate with all members of the Government Team
including QA support, to ensure projects are executed to a manner that promotes
safe project implementation and a quality product, in a timely manner, within
scope and budget. The QA support personnel will attend site visits, provide
technical review of design documents, plans, shop drawings etc. QA personnel
will conduct frequent QA inspections and monitor design and construction
Quality Control is defined as the operational techniques and the activities used to
keep the quality of inputs or outputs to specifications; to fulfill and verify
requirements of quality. The quality of construction is of paramount importance
for the safety of the public and for the proper stewardship of the revenues
expended for infrastructure construction and maintenance. However, from a
project management perspective, quality relates to performance against the pre-
determined standards. Like most other aspects of construction management
quality control has to be planned. Planning seeks 'order' and a quality control
system for a construction project reflects this sense of order. It may be seen to
be in five basic stages:
2.1 Introduction
The Contractor shall maintain a QCP (Quality Control Plan) for the project.
Hence they submit a QCP for the project for approval by the Government.
The objectives of this QCP are to:
The Contractor shall site-adapt the design and construct the building
facilities having civil works, sanitary & plumbing items and electrical works.
The works comprises excavation, foundation works, RCC framing,
brickwork, plasterworks, floor finishes, door and windows, electrical items,
sanitary and plumbing items.
The contractor shall provide the labor, materials and equipment required
to construct the project in accordance with the contract documents.
The organization chart is developed to show all QC personnel and how these
personnel integrate with other management, production and construction
functions and personnel.
Fig 3.1
Table 3.2A
Sl. Designation in the Name of Qualifications Contract
No. Team Personnel Number
1. Team Leader
2. Project Manager
3. Design Manager/
Sr. Architect
4. Architect
5. Structural Engineer
6. Sr. Mechanical/
Plumbing Designer
7. Sr. Electrical
Table 3.2B
Sl. Designation in the Name of Personnel Qualifications Contract
No. Team (Cell)
1. Team Leader
2. Project Manager
4. Quality Control
Manager (QCM)
5. Site Safety &
Health Officer
The Team Leader forms the top management of the project team.
He is primary point of contract from the Contractor. He is is
ultimately responsible for the project’s success. The Team Leader
(TL) is the primary point of contact for government on all
construction management issues. TL is responsible for the overall
management of activities related to the construction program,
including the implementation of the QCP and the health and safety
program. He is responsible for coordination of design activities in
design phase and during construction stage, for planning,
coordination and controlling of the project. He will provide required
resources so the project is completed successfully. handles
deployment of project personnel. He sees that all phase reviews
have occurred and have been completed, that all comments have
been satisfactorily addressed. He will be kept informed of the
project's progress and maintain that the project is meeting its goals.
He will resolve problems that cannot be resolved by the Project
Manager or on-site Site Manager.
Site Safety & Health Officer (SSHO) is responsible for making sure
that people working in the construction industry adhere to certain
rules and regulations regarding safety. SSHO is trained in
managing skills and safety principles. The specific duties of a
construction safety officer vary depending on the type of job and
the tools or machinery used.
The Contractor shall deploy apt and capable subcontractors in the project.
Their works shall be inspected by our supervising personnel QC
Engineers. Their activities will be duly inspected per the Field inspection
If determined that the characteristics of the material being used differ from
the material initially tested, Government/QA Staff will direct the contractor
to repeat the qualification testing. If the new material qualification test
results meet the criteria of the technical specification, the new materials
may be used for the work; otherwise, previously approved materials must
be used or other acceptable materials must be sampled and tested as
noted above prior to incorporating into the work.
4.4 Implementation
4.5 Inspections
Contractor ___________________________________________________________________________
Description/Intent of Inspection:
QA Inspector QC Inspector
Date: Date:
i. QC Testing
We shall follow the following test schedules for major materials and
works in the project:
Coarse Aggregate
Fine Aggregate
Sieve Analysis ASTM C136; Prior to use in Max coarse aggregate size of
C33 concrete mix and No. 57 or 67 gradation per
whenever ASTM C33. Fine aggregate
character or shall pass No. 4 sieve,
source is changed gradation to conform with
Material Finer ASTM C117 Prior to use in Not to exceed 1% for gravel
than 200 Sieve concrete mix and or 1.5% for crushed
whenever aggregate per ASTM C33
character or
source is changed
Chemical & ASTM C150 Once for the brand In accordance with tables
Physical in ASTM C150
As-built Drawings
5.1 Submittals
c) Upon receiving the submittal the Government will log the submittal
and provide a review to ascertain whether the package is complete.
If the submittal is incomplete the submittal will be returned to the
Field changes for QC/QA will be limited to CQAP and CQCP changes. The DB
contractor’s QCP required by Technical Specification may require revisions as
necessary to correct unsatisfactory performance. At any time after approval by
the Government, the Government may require the DB contractor to make
changes to the QCP, including personnel changes, as necessary to obtain the
quality specified.