28N700, 287700,
28P700, 28Q700, 28S700, 28U700,
310700, 311700, 312700, 313700
Table of Contents
In the Interest of Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Maintenance Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Oil & Fuel Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Service, Storage & Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Starting & Stopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Emission System Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About Engine Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Engine Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 FORM NO. 273683-7/98
www.briggsandstratton.com Copyright 1998 by Briggs & Stratton Corporation PRINTED IN U.S.A.
Maintenance, replacement or repair of the emission control devices and systems may be performed by any nonroad en-
gine repair establishment or individual. However, to obtain no charge repairs under the terms and provisions of the
Briggs & Stratton warranty statement, any service or emission control part repair or replacement must be performed by a
factory authorized dealer.
In the USA and Canada, a 24 hour hot line, 1-800-233-3723, has a menu of pre-recorded messages offering you engine maintenance information.
Oil & Fuel Recommendations
Oil Fuel
This engine is shipped from Briggs & Stratton without oil. Use clean, fresh, regular unleaded gasoline with a minimum
Before starting engine, check oil level as shown below. of 85 octane. Do not mix oil with gasoline. Fresh fuel prevents
Change and add oil according to chart below. Do not over-fill. gum from forming in fuel system or on essential carburetor
Use a high quality detergent oil classified “For Service SF, parts. Purchase fuel in quantity that can be used within 30
SG, SH,” such as Briggs & Stratton “warranty certified” SAE days. In countries other than the U.S.A., leaded gasoline may
30 oil, Part No. 100005. Use no special additives with recom- be used if commercially available and unleaded is unavailable.
mended oils. Do not mix oil with gasoline. We recommend the use of Briggs & Stratton Gasoline Additive.
SAE Viscosity Grades (See your Authorized Briggs & Stratton Service Dealer for
Part No. 5041 or the single-use pouch.) See storage instruc-
** tions, on page 9.
* Note: Some fuels, called oxygenated or reformulated
gasolines, are gasolines blended with alcohols or ethers.
Excessive amounts of these blends can damage the fuel
system or cause performance problems. Do not use gasoline
°F -20 0 20 32 40 60 80 100
which contains Methanol. If any undesirable operating
°C -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
symptoms occur, use gasoline with a lower percentage of
alcohol or ether.
* Air cooled engines run hotter than automotive engines. The use of
Do not over-fill fuel tank.
multi-viscosity oil such as (10W-30, etc.) in ambient temperatures
above 40° F (4° C) will result in higher than normal oil consumption. Allow space for fuel expansion.
If multi-viscosity oil is used, check the oil level more frequently to
prevent any possible engine damage due to lack of lubrication.
** Use of SAE 30 oil below 40° F (4° C) will result in hard starting
and possible engine damage due to inadequate lubrication.
12 7
7. Air cleaner 8
8. In-line fuel filter, 9
if equipped
9. Carburetor 10
10. Oil filter, if equipped
11. Spark plug wire
Oil level should If oil is required, add Tighten dipstick be- 12. Engine Model Type Code
be at FULL mark. slowly. Recheck level. fore starting engine. xxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxxxx
In the USA and Canada, a 24 hour hot line, 1-800-233-3723, has a menu of pre-recorded messages offering you engine maintenance information.
Starting & Stopping
Choke operation/engine warm-up Start engine
This engine is a low emissions engine which operates differently Always keep hands and feet clear of mower blade or
from previously built engines. It is designed for maximum other rotating machinery.
performance and life if operated with the choke fully open (in
RUN) and throttle fully open (in FAST). To open the choke fully Electric starter
requires an engine warm-up period of several seconds to Turn key to START or press button. Repeat if necessary with
several minutes, depending on the temperature. throttle control in FAST position. Operate engine in FAST
After starting engine, first open the choke (toward RUN) until position.
the engine just begins to run smoothly. Then open the choke in Note: If equipment manufacturer has supplied battery, charge it
small steps, allowing the engine to accept small changes in before trying to start engine, as equipment manufacturer recom-
speed and load, until the choke is fully open (in RUN). mends. Use short starting cycles (15 secs. per min.) to prolong
During engine warm-up, the equipment can be operated. starter life. Extended cranking can damage starter motor.
To obtain best starting results
Store and fuel lawn mower in level position. PRESS
Start lawn mower on hard surface or over previously cut grass.
Do not use a pressurized starting fluid. Starting fluid is
flammable. Severe engine damage or fire may occur.
Periodically remove grass build-up under mower Typical electric starter
deck. Remove spark plug wire before removing grass.
When tipping lawn mower to remove grass, keep Rewind starter (auxiliary), if equipped
spark plug side of engine up. If your engine is equipped
A warm engine requires less choking than a cold engine. with an auxiliary rewind
starter, grasp rope handle
Starting in cold weather: as illustrated and pull slowly until
resistance is felt. Then pull cord
Use the correct oil for the starting temperature expected. rapidly to overcome compres-
De-clutch all possible external loads. sion, prevent kickback and start
Set speed control at part throttle position. engine. Repeat if necessary with
A warm battery has more starting capacity than a cold battery. choke off and throttle control in
FAST position. Operate engine Rewind starter
Do not use gasoline left over from summer. Use fresh winter in FAST position.
grade gasoline which has higher volatility to improve starting.
Stop engine
Before starting engine Do not move choke control to CHOKE position to stop engine.
Move choke control to CHOKE or START position. Backfire or engine damage may occur.
If equipment has separate choke and throttle controls, move Keep throttle control in FAST position. Turn key to OFF.
throttle control to FAST position. Always remove key from switch, if equipped, when equipment
is not in use or left unattended.
Note: Choke must fully close. If engine does not start, see
control adjustments on page 5.
In the USA and Canada, a 24 hour hot line, 1-800-233-3723, has a menu of pre-recorded messages offering you engine maintenance information.
Control adjustments Carburetor adjustments
In the USA and Canada, a 24 hour hot line, 1-800-233-3723, has a menu of pre-recorded messages offering you engine maintenance information.
See Maintenance Schedule, page 8. Follow the hourly or calendar intervals, whichever occur first.
Maintenance Note that more frequent service is required when operating in adverse conditions.
Air cleaner
Check oil level regularly. KNOB
to 3/4 turn more. Start and run engine at idle to check for oil
leaks. Recheck oil level and add oil if required.
272403 496894
Pre-cleaner Cartridge
OIL FILTER Note: Do not use petroleum solvents, e.g., kerosene, which will
P/N SEE PAGE 8 cause the cartridge to deteriorate. Do not use pressurized air to
clean cartridge. Pressurized air can damage the cartridge.
4. Reassemble pre-cleaner on cartridge and place assembly
over stud on base. Tighten cartridge knob.
Oil filter 5. Replace cover and tighten cover knob securely.
In the USA and Canada, a 24 hour hot line, 1-800-233-3723, has a menu of pre-recorded messages offering you engine maintenance information.
See Maintenance Schedule, page 8. Follow the hourly or calendar intervals, whichever occur first.
Maintenance Note that more frequent service is required when operating in adverse conditions.
Keep engine and parts clean. Grass, chaff or debris may clog the air cooling system, especial-
Do not clean with a forceful spray of water because water ly after prolonged operation cutting tall, dry grass. Remove
could contaminate fuel system. blower housing and clean area shown to prevent overheating
and engine damage. Clean more often if necessary.
With a brush or cloth, CLEAN CLEAN
remove grass, chaff or CLEAN OUT
debris from finger guard DEBRIS
or rotating screen daily
(more often if needed)
to prevent engine dam-
age caused by over-
heating. Finger guard Rotating screen
To assure smooth
operation, keep gover-
nor linkage, springs
and controls free of
Air cooling system
Replace spark plug. Do .030” (0.76 mm)
CLEAN not blast clean. Clean by WIRE GAGE
scraping or wire brushing
Linkage, springs & controls and washing with a
commercial solvent.
If engine muffler is equipped with spark arrester screen, Use only Briggs & Strat-
remove for cleaning and inspection. Replace if damaged or ton Spark Tester, Part No. RESISTOR
PART NO. 491055
plugged. See an Authorized Briggs & Stratton Service Dealer 19368, to check for spark.
for correct replacement. Spark plug
Note: In some areas, local law requires using resistor spark plug
to suppress ignition signals. If this engine was originally equipped
with resistor spark plug, use same type for replacement.
Daily or more often, Replace in-line fuel filter. FILTER
before running en- See any Authorized
gine, clean muffler ARRESTER Briggs & Stratton Dealer
area to remove all for correct replacement.
grass and combus-
tible debris. Drain fuel tank or
PART NO. 394358 P/N 298090 OR 5018
close fuel shut-off (WITH FUEL PUMP) (WITHOUT FUEL PUMP)
valve before re-
Muffler and spark arrester placing fuel filter. In-line fuel filter
See any Authorized Briggs & Stratton Fill in both sides, clip and return to: 273683
Service Dealer. Insist on Genuine Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Briggs & Stratton parts! Non-original P.O. Box 1144
parts may not perform as well and Milwaukee, WI 53201-1144 U.S.A.
may void your warranty.
To obtain a complete Parts List of
Genuine Briggs & Stratton Parts for
your engine, fill in both sides of this
order form carefully. We cannot fill
your order without the correct
Engine Model/Type/Code. (Please
allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.) Your Engine
Model Type Code
In the USA and Canada, a 24 hour hot line, 1-800-233-3723, has a menu of pre-recorded messages offering you engine maintenance information.
Maintenance Schedule 273683
In the USA and Canada, a 24 hour hot line, 1-800-233-3723, has a menu of pre-recorded messages offering you engine maintenance information.
About your engine warranty: (see back cover for statement of LIMITED WARRANTY).
Briggs & Stratton welcomes warranty repair and apologizes 4. Parts which are scored or broken because an engine was
to you for being inconvenienced. Any Authorized Service operated with insufficient or contaminated lubricating oil,
Dealer may perform warranty repairs. Most warranty repairs or an incorrect grade of lubricating oil (check oil level daily
are handled routinely, but sometimes requests for warranty or after every 8 hours of operation. Refill when necessary
service may not be appropriate. For example, warranty would and change at recommended intervals.) Read “Owner’s
not apply if engine damage occurred because of misuse, lack Manual.”
of routine maintenance, shipping, handling, warehousing or 5. Repair or adjustment of associated parts or assemblies
improper installation. Similarly, warranty is void if the serial such as clutches, transmissions, remote controls, etc.,
number of the engine has been removed or the engine has which are not manufactured by Briggs & Stratton.
been altered or modified. 6. Damage or wear to parts caused by dirt, which entered
If a customer differs with the decision of the Service Dealer, an the engine because of improper air cleaner maintenance,
investigation will be made to determine whether the warranty re-assembly, or use of a non-original air cleaner element
applies. Ask the Service Dealer to submit all supporting facts to or cartridge. (At recommended intervals, clean and re-oil
the Oil-Foam element or the foam pre-cleaner, and re-
his Distributor or the Factory for review. If the Distributor or the
place the cartridge.) Read “Owner’s Manual.”
Factory decides that the claim is justified, the customer will be
fully reimbursed for those items that are defective. To avoid 7. Parts damaged by overspeeding, or overheating caused
misunderstanding which might occur between the customer by grass, debris, or dirt, which plugs or clogs the cooling
and the Dealer, listed below are some of the causes of engine fins, or flywheel area, or damage caused by operating the
failure that the warranty does not cover. engine in a confined area without sufficient ventilation.
(Clean fins on the cylinder, cylinder head and flywheel at
recommended intervals.) Read “Owner’s Manual.”
Improper maintenance:
8. Engine or equipment parts broken by excessive vibration
caused by a loose engine mounting, loose cutter blades,
The life of an engine depends upon the conditions under unbalanced blades or loose or unbalanced impellers, im-
which it operates, and the care it receives. Some applications, proper attachment of equipment to engine crankshaft,
such as tillers, pumps and rotary mowers, are very often used overspeeding or other abuse in operation.
in dusty or dirty conditions, which can cause what appears to
be premature wear. Such wear, when caused by dirt, dust, 9. A bent or broken crankshaft, caused by striking a solid ob-
spark plug cleaning grit, or other abrasive material that has ject with the cutter blade of a rotary lawn mower, or exces-
entered the engine because of improper maintenance, is not sive v-belt tightness.
covered by warranty. 10. Routine tune-up or adjustment of the engine.
11. Engine or engine component failure, i.e., combustion
This warranty covers engine related defective material chamber, valves, valve seats, valve guides, or burned
and/or workmanship only, and not replacement or refund starter motor windings, caused by the use of alternate
of the equipment to which the engine may be mounted. fuels such as, liquified petroleum, natural gas, altered
Nor does the warranty extend to repairs required be- gasolines, etc.
cause of:
Briggs & Stratton Engines Are Made Under One Or More Of The Following Patents: Design D-247,177 (Other Patents Pending)
5,642,701 5,320,795 5,197,425 5,105,331 5,009,208 4,875,448 4,522,080 DES. 309,458
5,606,948 5,271,363 5,197,422 5,086,890 4,996,956 4,819,593 4,520,288 DES. 309,457
5,548,955 5,269,713 5,191,864 5,070,829 4,995,357 4,719,682 4,453,507 DES. 308,872
5,546,901 5,265,700 5,188,069 5,058,544 4,977,879 4,694,792 4,430,984 DES. 308,871
5,503,125 5,243,878 5,186,142 5,040,644 4,971,219 4,633,556 4,355,253
5,497,679 5,235,943 5,138,996 5,040,503 4,895,119 4,630,498 4,270,509
In the USA and Canada, a 24 hour hot line, 1-800-233-3723, has a menu of pre-recorded messages offering you engine maintenance information.
effective July 1, 1998
“Briggs & Stratton Corporation will repair or replace, free of charge, any part, or parts of the engine that are defective in
material or workmanship or both. Transportation charges on parts submitted for repair or replacement under this Warranty
must be borne by purchaser. This warranty is effective for the time periods and subject to the conditions provided for in this
policy. For warranty service contact your nearest Authorized Service Dealer as listed in the ‘Yellow Pages’ under ‘Engines,
Gasoline,’ ‘Gasoline Engines,’ ‘Lawn Mowers’ or similar category. THERE IS NO OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTY. IM-
ARE EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT EXCLUSION IS PERMITTED BY LAW. Some states do not allow limitations on how
long an implied warranty lasts, and some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential dam-
ages, so the above limitation and exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may
also have other rights which vary from state to state.”
Briggs & Stratton Corporation
F. P. Stratton, Jr.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
All Vanguard engines. 2 year – engine } / Lifetime** – Magnetron ignition
All Diamond Plus, Industrial Plus, I/C
2 year 1 year 2 year } 1 year
engines and sleeve bore Intek series.
Quantum and Diamond Power. 2 year 90 days {2 year { } 90 days
All standard engines and Kool Bore Intek series
installed on lawn mowers, riders, edgers,
2 year 90 days 1 year 90 days
chippers, shredders, tillers, fun carts, and all
Sno/Gard engines.
All other standard engines and Classic series. 1 year 90 days 1 year 90 days
* For purposes of this warranty policy, “consumer use” means personal residential household use by the original retail consumer.
“Commercial use” means all other uses, including use for commercial, income producing or rental purposes. Once an engine
has experienced commercial use, it shall thereafter be considered as a commercial use engine for purposes of this warranty.
Engines used in competitive racing or on commercial or rental tracks are not warrantied.
** Lifetime limited warranty of the Magnetron ignition covers parts and labor for the first five (5) years from the date of purchase;
thereafter only parts. “Lifetime” means lifetime of the engine in the hands of the original purchaser.
{ One (1) year in Australia, New Zealand, Middle East and Africa.
In the USA and Canada, a 24 hour hot line, 1-800-233-3723, has a menu of pre-recorded messages offering you engine maintenance information.