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Bosselini Et Al. - Geology of The Dolomites

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by Alfonso Bosellini, Piero Gianolla, and Marco Stefani

Geology of the Dolomites

Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Corso Ercole I dEste 32, 44100 Ferrara, Italy.

The Dolomites region is a spectacularly exposed portion of the Southern Alps, a northern Italian chain derived from the comparatively gentle deformation of the Tethyan passive continental margin of Adria. The region had an active Permo-Jurassic tectono-magmatic evolution, leading from Permian magmatism, through a Middle Triassic episode of fast subsidence and volcanism, to the Jurassic oceanic break-up. Although the sedimentary succession ranges in age from Middle Permian to Cretaceous, the geological landscape is largely dominated by the majestic Triassic carbonates, making the area a classical one for the early Mesozoic stratigraphy. Particularly noteworthy are the Anisian to Carnian carbonate platforms, recording an evolution from regional muddy banks to isolated high-relief buildups. The lling of the various basins and the development of a last generation of regional peritidal platform followed. The carbonate platforms of the Dolomites bear witness to a remarkable set of changes in the carbonate production and to significant palaeoclimatic uctuations, from arid to moist conditions and vice versa; a great range of margin and slope depositional styles is therefore recorded. Alpine tectonic shortening strongly affected the area, with a rst Eocene deformation, followed by later Neogene overthrusting and strike-slip movements.

Figure 1 Location map of the Dolomites (northern Italy), with indication of the most important platforms and buildups. the integration with their platform counterparts possible, leading to a far better understanding of the sequence stratigraphic architecture (Gianolla et al., 1998a and references therein).

Structural setting
The Dolomite Mountains are a group of carbonate edices relatively well conned from the physiographic point of view (Figure 1). They are located in the eastern part of the so-called Southern Alps, a south-vergent fold-thrust belt (Doglioni, 1987; Castellarin, 1996), which constitutes a major structural unit of the Alpine Chain. The Dolomites themselves can be seen as a large pop-up related synclinorium of Neogene age (Doglioni, 1987), limited to the north by the dextral Insubric Lineament and to the south by the Neogen southvergent Valsugana Overthrust (Figure 2). They constitute a relatively coherent slab of upper crust carried southward for at least 810 km. The sedimentary cover, preserved within this 60-km-wide synclinorium, is comparatively mildly deformed by tectonics; intense penetrative deformation as well as very large horizontal displacements do not occur. The region, however, records several magmatic and tectonic events including: 1. Volcanics and rifting of Permian and Early Triassic age, which produced N-S trending structural highs and lows; 2. Late Ladinian magmatism and tectonics; 3. Rifting and continental margin evolution, associated with the opening of the western Tethys (Ligurian Ocean), which controlled differential thickness and facies during Late Triassic, Jurassic and Early Cretaceous times; 4. Paleogene N60E (Dinaric) compression producing a WSW-vergent thin-skinned thrust belt in the central-eastern Dolomites (Doglioni and Bosellini, 1987); 5. Finally, during the Neogene, the Dolomites became the innermost part of a south-vergent thrust belt (Figure 2); most of the present elevation has been generated during the last 10 million years.

The purpose of this article is to introduce the reader to the general geology of the Dolomite Region. Discussion, however, will be focused on the majestic Triassic dolomite mountains, considered worldwide as typical examples of ancient carbonate platforms and buildups. Since the second half of the 19th century, the seminal studies by Richthofen (1860) and Mojsisovics (1879) recognized the reefal nature of the Dolomite Mountains, described and correctly interpreted the steep clinostratication pattern, identied several generations of platforms and provided a rst biostratigraphic framework. After dwindling research and reduced interest through the rst half of the 20th century, great attention was again focused on the Triassic reefs and buildups, eventually leading to a modern synthesis of their depositional geometries and evolution (Bosellini, 1984). During the last twenty years, further substantial progress in the understanding of the geological evolution of the reefs has been achieved: the biostratigraphic and chronological framework was signicantly improved (Brack and Rieber, 1993; Mietto and Manfrin, 1995), the main carbonate producing biota were recognized (Senobari-Daryan et al., 1993; Russo et al., 1998, 2000), and the origin of the platform-top sedimentary cyclicity has been the theme of a hot debate (Goldhammer et al., 1990; Brack et al., 1996; Egenhof et al., 1999; Preto et al., 2001), without, for the time being, reaching any rm conclusion. Finally, an improved knowledge of the basinal successions has made Episodes, Vol. 26, no. 3


Figure 2 Geological prole across the western Dolomites (from Castellarin et al., 1998).

Regional stratigraphy
The stratigraphic framework of the Dolomite region includes Permian to Cretaceous terrains (Figure 3). Following the Carboniferous Variscan orogeny, deformed and metamorphosed Paleozoic rocks were uplifted and eroded, thus forming the regional basement. The Early Permian rifting resulted in the accumulation of a thick volcanic package, the so-called Bozener Porphyry Plateau. This volcanic complex covers over 2000 sq. km, with thicknesses locally exceeding 2000 m. The sedimentary succession of the Dolomites unconformably overlies the Lower Permian volcanics or, where they are missing, rests directly on the crystalline basement. It begins with Upper Permian red beds (Gardena Sandstone) deposited in a semi-arid setting of alluvial fans, braided streams and meandering rivers (Massari and Neri, 1997). Following marine transgression from the Paleothethys to the east, transitional and shallow marine evaporites and carbonates (Bellerophon Formation) succeed upward in the Late Permian. Facies associations of the Bellerophon Formation suggest a wide spectrum of depositional environments, ranging from coastal sabkha to shallow shelf (Bosellini and Hardie, 1973; Massari and Neri, 1997). The Lower Triassic Werfen Formation unconformably overlies the Permian sequence and consists of a complex succession of shallow-water carbonate and terrigenous deposits. The Werfen Formation is 300400 m thick and is subdivided into several depositional sequences, recognizable over a wide portion of the Southern Alps. During the early Middle Triassic, local uplifting, subaerial erosion and strong subsidence took place. Differential movements along fault blocks set the stage for localized carbonate production: the Middle Triassic carbonate platforms and buildups nucleated upon slightly elevated areas.

The Anisian platforms

A rst widespread tidal at unit (Lower Serla Dolomite), laterally grading into evaporitic environments, gave way to a complex framework of three partially superimposed carbonate platform systems: Monte Rite Formation, Upper Serla Dolomite and Contrn Formation. Because of a general sea-level rise, the lower two platform systems drowned and long-lasting basinal environments, recorded by terrigenous-carbonate successions (Dont, Bivera and Ambata formations), succeeded in the eastern Dolomite. During the late Anisian, while subsidence was still active throughout the eastern Dolomites, the western area was signicantly uplifted and subaerially eroded, locally exposing Permian sediments (Bosellini, 1968). Renewed transgression brought back marine environments to the western areas, where shallow-water carbonate platforms (Contrn Formation) develFigure 3 Composite stratigraphic succession of the central-western Dolomites. Granite (g); metamorphics (m); Basal Conglomerate (BC); Porphyry (P); Gardena Sandstone (GS); Bellerophon Fm: Black limestone (Bl), Evaporites (Be); Werfen Fm. (W); Braies Group (GS); Richthofen Conglomerate (CR); Contrin Fm. (C); Livinallongo Fm. (B); Zopp Sandstone (Z); Sciliar Dolomite (SD); Volcanics (V): pillow lava (p), hyaloclastites (h), chaotic heterogeneous (Ch), dykes (d); La Valle Fm. (FM, LV), Marmolada Conglomerate (MC); San Cassiano Fm. (SC); Cassian Dolomite (CD); Drrenstein Fm. (DD); Raibl Fm. (R); Dolomia Principale (DP); Dachstein Limestone (CD); Calcari Grigi (CG); Rosso Ammonitico (RA); Puez Marl (MP). September 2003


oped. These platforms, rich in dasycladacean algae, associated with encrusting and problematica organisms (Tubiphytes), widely prograded over lagoonal-basinal terrigenous-carbonate deposits (Morbic Formation).

The pre-volcanic carbonate buildups (late Anisianlate Ladinian)

A regional drowning terminated the previous Anisian platform and basin system, but shallow-water carbonate-producing environments survived at small isolated highs. Soon, however, these banks grew quickly upward by aggradation, forced by a phase of regional subsidence, which created a large accommodation space. These aggrading banks or buildups initially shared many facies similarities with the former and wider Contrn platforms, being still rich in dasycladacean and Tubiphytes muddy sediments. The upward growth of some buildups was terminated by an early drowning, especially in the eastern, more subsiding portion of the region (Cernera, Casera Plotta, Tiarfn) and were covered by condensed ammonoid-bearing limestones (Gianolla et al., 1998a). The western buildups (referred to as Sciliar Dolomite or Marmolada Limestone, according to their composition), were on the contrary able to survive and catch up with the fast-growing relative sea level (e.g. Latemar, Catinaccio, Marmolada, Pale di San Martino). These platforms rapidly reached a thickness of 800900 m, while just a few metres of cherty limestones were accumulating in the adjacent basins (lower portion of the Livinallongo Formation). In the eastern Dolomites, both the basinal and the platform successions are thicker then their western counterparts.

The aggradation rate of these late Anisian-early Ladinian buildups was in the order of 200400 m/Ma, but signicant lateral variations did exist, being largely controlled by the regional differential subsidence. However, problems in the geochronometric evaluation of the different time intervals make the estimation of the aggradation and progradation rate somewhat uncertain. At the Fassian-Longobardian boundary, the subsidence slacked considerably and a massive progradation phase began, spanning over a comparatively short time interval of the late Ladinian. The progradational phase was characterized by pervasive phreatic marine cementation of the margin and upper slope sediments and by the development of very steep (4045), planar breccia slopes (Figure 4). Since the progradation rate largely exceeded the basinal accumulation rates, the surface of contact between the base of slope and the basinal unit can be sharp and sub-horizontal in geometry, simulating a pseudo-downlap relationship. Through this fast and remarkable progradation, the isolated buildups expanded considerably and became platforms with a width in the order of 510 km. In the western Dolomites, the average progradation rate of the base of slope was probably between 1400 and 2700 m/Ma. In the northeastern Dolomites, where subsidence was still quite active, the rate of the base-of-slope migration was considerably reduced. During the same time, acidic volcanogenic layers (the so-called pietra verde) were deposited in the entire Southern Alps, whereas the eastern Dolomites were the site of an important accumulation of turbiditic sands (Arenarie di Zopp), deriving from the erosion of a Variscan metamorphic basement. The terrigenous and volcanic deposits document an active tectonic scenario that was soon to generate an important magmatic phase within the Dolomites themselves.

The volcanic event

The platforms were involved in the Ladinian tectono-magmatic event; they were cut by a great number of shoshonitic basaltic dykes and carved by large collapses, while huge heterogeneous megabreccia bodies (Caotico Eterogeneo Auct.) accumulated in the basins. The volcanic products (pillow lavas, hyaloclastites) partially inlled the basinal depressions, onlapping the platform slopes and freezing their original morphology (Figure 5). A few platforms of the western Dolomites (Agnello, Latemar, Viezzena, Marmolada) close to the volcanoes were even buried beneath the volcanic products. Some kind of carbonate production was nonetheless still active all the time, even close to the major magmatic centres (e.g. Sciliar). In areas far away from the volcanoes (eastern Dolomites) the carbonate sedimentation was not interrupted; here the lack of any true depositional break within the continuous platform-top successions makes the distinction between pre- and post-volcanic succession locally difficult.

The post-volcanic platforms (late Ladinianearly Carnian)

At the fading of the magmatic activity, an even healthier carbonate production developed, supporting the widespread progradation of several generations of carbonate platforms (Cassian Dolomite). The post-volcanic platforms record the progressive colonization of the margin environment by Techosmilia-like branching corals, which were however always subordinated to smaller sediment-producing organisms. Ooid grains reappeared during the earliest phases of the volcanic activity (Acquatona Formation), after being absent since the Early Triassic. In the western Dolomites, the available accommodation space was not produced by subsidence but mainly inherited from the prevolcanic collapse of the area. The platform, therefore, could only expand laterally, prograding over the adjacent deep-water basins. In the eastern Dolomites the subsidence was still ongoing and considerable. Clinostratications are concave in shape and generally less

Figure 4 The southern end of the Catinaccio/Rosengarten platform, where the steep clinoforms show the horizontal progradation of the carbonate system. Episodes, Vol. 26, no. 3


Figure 5 The western slope of the Pale di San Martino platform onlapped and fossilized by volcaniclastic products. steep than the pre-volcanic ones (Figure 6). The high basinal sedimentation rates, owing to the large availability of volcaniclastic sediments, produced a shallowing evolution of the basinal areas. Moreover, the combined effect of the platform progradation and of the basinal aggradation resulted in climbing base-of-slope progradation, visible in areas facing major sediment sources (e.g. western Sella). Early post-volcanic aggrading platform-top successions are relatively thick in the subsiding eastern Dolomites (e.g. Picco di Vallandro-Duerrenstein), whereas in the western Dolomites the same successions are very thin and associated with some terrigenous inux (Schlern Plateau Beds). In the central-eastern Dolomites, two platform generations (Cassian Dolomite I and II Auct.) are separated by a temporary interruption of the progradational evolution (Figure 7), matched with renewed transgression and with the onlap of the basinal beds onto the former carbonate slopes (e.g. Richthofen Riff and Settsass, etc.).

Figure 6 Oblique-tangential prograding pattern (Conturines Group-La Varella).

The Carnian crisis of the rimmed carbonate platforms

During the early Carnian (younger Julian), the amount of loose carbonate mud available in the prograding slopes increased, while the platform slope elevation was progressively reduced by the shallowingup of the basin and by some terrigenous clay content; these factors combined together to progressively reduce the slope angles, as visible in the latest Cassian Platforms (e.g. Lastoi di Formn and Picco di Vallandro/Drrenstein). The very late evolution of these platforms was matched with the appearance of patch reefs, for the rst time rich in modern colonial corals, while true buildup systems disappeared. This evolution corresponds to a worldwide crisis of the rimmed carbonate platforms. The basin eventually shallowed up into the photic zone, probably also because of a relative sea-level drop, starting an in situ active carbonate production, even in the deeper depocentre areas. This evolution triggered the deposition of the low-gradient Drrenstein Formation, which records a complex palaeoenvironmental evolution. In the western Dolomites, this Carnian interval is however poorly recorded, mainly because of the lack of available accommodation space. These complex depositional systems witness important climatic uctuations, marked by the development of moist phases. This interval is also relevant for its bearing the oldest known Mesozoic amber (Gianolla et al., 1998b).

Figure 7 The Richthofen Reef (Piccolo Settsass). Thin-bedded shale and limestone of the San Cassiano Fm. onlap the slope of the buildup (Cassian Dolomite), which is wedging out towards the right with tongues of resedimented breccia and crinoidal grainstone.

The Upper Triassic carbonate platform: a regional peritidal succession

During the late Carnian (Tuvalian) the previous platform/basin systems were replaced by a variety of shallow-water environments (terrigenous, evaporite and carbonate sediments of the Raibl Formation). The preceding uneven morphology was levelled and a large carbonate platform was established over large portions of the Alpine region. In the central-western Dolomites, this carbonate system, the so-called Dolomia Principale, normally started with subtidal facies, grading upward into rapidly aggrading cyclic peritidal successions (Bosellini and Hardie, 1988). The eastern margin of this widespread peritidal platform lies in the Tarvisiano area, some 100 km at the east of the Dolomites. Here a well-preserved carbonate slope is documented by steep prograding clinostratications, rich in serpulids, dasycladacean algae, microbial mats and pervasive phreatic cementation (De Zanche et al., 2000). During the Norian Time, dis-anoxic intraplatform depressions, rich in carbonate mud and organic matter, developed in different areas of the vast Dolomia Principale platform, to the east (Friuli and Carnia), south (Bellunese) and west (Lombardia) of the Dolomites. In fact, differential subsidence, associated with widespread extensional processes, controlled the evolution of the Upper Triassic platforms, heralding the rifting stage of the Jurassic passive continental margin of Adria (African Promontory). September 2003


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Alfonso Bosellini earned his degrees at the University of Padua. He held postdoctoral fellowships in the United States, at the Johns Hopkins University and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. His wide interests in structure, stratigraphy and carbonate sedimentology led him to study the Dolomites, Apulia, Somalia and Ethiopia. He is currently a professor of geology at the University of Ferrara, honorary fellow of the Geological Society of America and past president of the International Association of Sedimentologists. Piero Gianolla earned his PhD degree at the Padua University and currently holds a research position at the University of Ferrara. His main research elds consist in the sequence stratigraphy, paleoclimatological and sedimentological investigation of carbonate platforms and mixed basins. He is involved in a stratigraphic revision of the Triassic aimed at establishing a supraregional sequence stratigraphic framework, through the correlation of sections from the Southern Alps, the Northern Calcareous Alps, the southern Appennines and Hungary. Marco Stefani received a PhD. degree in 1989, then worked in the Hydrocarbon Geology eld and at the IFP, Rueil-Malmaison. He joined the Earth Sciences Department of the Ferrara University, Italy, in 1995, where he has been working ever since. His main research elds are the depositional dynamics of Triassic carbonate platform and basin systems and the Quaternary stratigraphy and G.I.S.-assisted geological mapping of the Po Delta Area.

Episodes, Vol. 26, no. 3

Geology A history which began 300 million years ago. The regions geological history from 250 million years ago to date The Dolomites universally known for their scenic beauty and scientific interest make up a unique natural environment on our planet. The long and complex geological and geomorphological history of this region has created typical and spectacular landforms with huge vertical cliffs, whitish, silver or pink rock pinnacles and towers rising from green slopes made up of darker and brittle rocks, with woods, pastures and scattered hamlets. The vicissitudes that have allowed the evolution of the dolomitic landscape deciphered by means of the study of rock types and relief forms can be ascribed to at least 250 million years ago. In that geological period a wide ocean known in the geological literature as Tethys started to open between Europe and Africa. On its sea floor the deposition of considerable amounts of continental and marine sediments took place over a period of several tens of million years. From the beginning of the Triassic the sea level fluctuated several times over 20-30 million years, thus causing in some places the emergence of land and the consequent erosion of rocks which had been previously formed on the sea floor. The tropical climate of that period favoured the development of colonies of calcareous algae, capable of constructing the first carbonate shelves. Starting from the Ladinian (234 million years ago), the sea floor began to sink up to 1,000 m in a few million years. Building organisms, mostly made up of algae but also sponges and corals, which are adapted to shallow, warm, oxygenated and clear waters like those corresponding to present barrier reefs started a fight for their own survival, trying to oppose the progressive subsidence of the sea floor. They quickly built up new reefs stretching towards the sea surface, managing in this way to counterbalance subsidence. In addition, 230 million years ago the Dolomite region was affected by strong volcanic events, accompanied by seismic shocks, seaquakes, submarine landslides and variations of the sea levels which all contributed to modify its aspect. Huge amounts of lavas, tuffs and tephra products flowed along the reef slopes causing the extinction of their organisms and the filling up of the deep sea canyons that separated these reefs. The mainly fine filling sediments gave origin to the rock types which can be found at the foot of the main Dolomite groups, covered now by fertile meadows. These events were followed by stability phases documented between the late Ladinian and the early Cretaceous (227 million years ago) which allowed environmental conditions suitable for the development of new building organisms to be reestablished. The almost total absence of subsidence processes permitted the growth of huge reefs which could now spread also laterally, on top of terrigenous sediments. This evolution came to an end in the late Carnian (some 224 million years ago) when the sea withdrew and the Dolomite region became a partly coastal and partly lagoon flat expanse, where new debris now corresponding to the Raibl Formation were deposited. In the Norian (223 million years ago) a new phase of sea floor subsidence began, accompanied by the construction of new reefs. In this way, the thick sequence of the Dolomia Principale Formation started: the present-day tabular mountain groups of Sella and Gardenaccia are made up of this Dolomite formation. From the Jurassic (210 million years ago) the sea became deeper with deposition of fine sediments which in the Dolomite region are only occasionally found, since they were eroded in the subsequent phase of uplift of the Alpine chain. This process, known as Alpine orogenesis, was caused by the movement of the earths crust which, starting from the Cretaceous, led to the convergence of the African continent with the European one. At first, the closure of the Tethys Ocean took place, and was followed by the actual collision between the two continents. In the eastern and central Dolomites the first orogenesis phases are ascribable to the Eocene (58-37 million years ago). This uplift, though with lower intensity, still continues at present with the tendency to the closure of the Mediterranean Sea.

Landscape modelling in the past two million years After the uplift and the consequent emerging from the sea, the Dolomite reliefs were sculpted and modelled through millennia by atmospheric agents, the force of gravity, running waters and ice which all contributed to transform them into the most beautiful work of architecture in the world, as Le Corbusier remarked. Furthermore, these shaping activities took place in very different climatic conditions. In fact, during the past two million years, temperate periods, like the present one, followed glacial periods which left indelible traces in the landscape of the Dolomites. At least five glaciations, each one followed by interglacial phases, were identified in the Alps. The coldest phases, during which the annual mean temperatures were lower than the present ones of about six-eight degrees centigrade, correspond to the so-called Alpine glaciations: Donau, Gnz, Mindel, Riss, Wrm. During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), which terminated some 15,000 years ago, the Alps were buried under a thick ice cap, from which only the sharpest and highest peaks emerged. During the glacial periods the Upper Val Badia landscape was characterised by ice masses which completely invaded the main valleys and merged with other ice bodies from the surrounding valleys through the Gardena, Campolongo and Valparola-Falzarego passes. These episodes of glacial transfluence are witnessed by allochthonous rock debris which was deposited at higher altitudes than the Dolomite passes. For example, just above the Gardena Pass, fragments of metamorphic rocks from the Pusteria Valley were found. The flow direction of these great glaciers must therefore be from the Pusteria Valley towards the village of La Villa (across the Badia Valley) and from the Isarco Valley towards Corvara (across the Gardena Pass). The highest portions of the Dolomite plateaux used to host local glaciers which, by overflowing from these tabular areas, joined the main ice tongues. These glaciers were able to excavate small cirques in the dolomite rocks. From about 10,000 years ago to date, after the depletion of glacial conditions, which today persist only on Mt. Marmolada, the environment has progressively changed towards present conditions owing to the activity of gravitational processes, running waters, snowmelt and frost shattering. Important landslides have occurred in the form of rock falls from dolomite cliffs, or earth slides-earth flows on the terrigenous slopes. Most of the large landslides of the Dolomite region took place just during the glaciers withdrawal phase. In the areas located at higher altitudes, beyond 2,200 m, a series of landforms whose genesis is linked to the presence of snow and the effect of frost and snowmelt cycles, can be observed. Among the most frequent ones, protalus ramparts should be mentioned. They are elongated or festoon-shaped ridges, prevalently arranged parallel to the slope, which result from the sliding of rock debris on steep snow surfaces. Also the vast heaps of debris at the foot of sheer dolomite cliffs, which provide the landscape with a moon-like aspect, are worthy of note

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