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Unit 3

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UNIT - 3


A file is a container in computer storage devices used for storing data.

When we want to read from or write to a file, we need to open it first. When we are done, it
needs to be closed so that the resources that are tied with the file are freed. Python treats files
differently as text or binary and this is important.
Hence, in Python, a file operation takes place in the following order:
Open a file
Read or write (perform operation)
Close the file
Opening Files in Python
In Python, we use the open() method to open files.
To demonstrate how we open files in Python, let's suppose we have a file named test.txt with
the following content.

Opening Files in Python

Now, let's try to open data from this file using the open() function.

# open file in current directory

file1 = open("test.txt")

Here, we have created a file object named file1. This object can be used to work with files
and directories.
By default, the files are open in read mode (cannot be modified). The code above is
equivalent to
file1 = open("test.txt", "r")
Here, we have explicitly specified the mode by passing the "r" argument which means file is
opened for reading.
If the file is located in a different location, you will have to specify the file path, like this:
f = open("D:\\myfiles\welcome.txt", "r")
Welcome to this text file!
This file is located in a folder named "myfiles", on the D drive.
Different Modes to Open a File in Python

Mode Description

r Open a file for reading. (default)

Open a file for writing. Creates a new file if it does not exist or truncates the file if it

x Open a file for exclusive creation. If the file already exists, the operation fails.

Open a file for appending at the end of the file without truncating it. Creates a new file if it
does not exist.

t Open in text mode. (default)

b Open in binary mode.

+ Open a file for updating (reading and writing)

Here's few simple examples of how to open a file in different modes,

file1 = open("test.txt") # equivalent to 'r' or 'rt'
file1 = open("test.txt",'w') # write in text mode
file1 = open("img.bmp",'r+b') # read and write in binary mode

Reading Files in Python

After we open a file, we use the read() method to read its contents. For example,
# open a file
file1 = open("test.txt", "r")

# read the file

read_content = file1.read()
This is a test file.
Hello from the test file.
In the above example, we have read the test.txt file that is available in our current directory.
Notice the code,
read_content = file1.read
Here, file1.read() reads the test.txt file and is stored in the read_content variable.
Read Only Parts of the File
By default the read() method returns the whole text, but you can also specify how many
characters you want to return:
f = open(“message.txt”, “r”)
content = f.read(6)
more_content =f.read(12)
I love
Message.txt file contains
I Love programming.
I love python programming content with it.

Read Lines
One line of the file can be returned by using the readline() method:
f = open("demofile.txt", "r")
Hello! Welcome to demofile.txt
By calling readline() two times, you can read the two first lines.
By looping through the lines of the file, the whole file is read line by line.

f = open("demofile.txt", "r")
for x in f:
Hello! Welcome to demofile.txt
This file is for testing purposes.
Good Luck!

Closing Files in Python

When we are done with performing operations on the file, we need to properly close the file.
Closing a file will free up the resources that were tied with the file. It is done using
the close() method in Python. For example,
# open a file
file1 = open("test.txt", "r")

# read the file

read_content = file1.read()
# close the file
This is a test file.
Hello from the test file.
Here, we have used the close() method to close the file.
After we perform file operation, we should always close the file; it's a good programming

Exception Handling in Files

If an exception occurs when we are performing some operation with the file, the code exits
without closing the file. A safer way is to use a try...finally block.
Let's see an example,
file1 = open("test.txt", "r")
read_content = file1.read()

# close the file
Here, we have closed the file in the finally block as finally always executes, and the file will
be closed even if an exception occurs.

Use of with...open Syntax

In Python, we can use the with...open syntax to automatically close the file. For example,
with open("test.txt", "r") as file1:
read_content = file1.read()
Note: Since we don't have to worry about closing the file, make a habit of using
the with...open syntax.
Writing to Files in Python
There are two things we need to remember while writing to a file.
If we try to open a file that doesn't exist, a new file is created.
If a file already exists, its content is erased, and new content is added to the file.
In order to write into a file in Python, we need to open it in write mode by
passing "w" inside open() as a second argument.
Suppose, we don't have a file named test2.txt. Let's see what happens if we write contents to
the test2.txt file.
with open(test2.txt', 'w') as file2:

# write contents to the test2.txt file

file2.write('Programming is Fun.')
fil2.write('Program for beginners')
Here, a new test2.txt file is created and this file will have contents specified inside
the write() method.

Writing to Python Files

Python File Methods

There are various methods available with the file object. Some of them have been used in the
above examples.
Here is the complete list of methods in text mode with a brief description:

Method Description
Closes an opened file. It has no effect if the file is
already closed.

Separates the underlying binary buffer from the

TextIOBase and returns it.

fileno() Returns an integer number (file descriptor) of the file.

flush() Flushes the write buffer of the file stream.

isatty() Returns True if the file stream is interactive.

Reads at most n characters from the file. Reads till

end of file if it is negative or None.

readable() Returns True if the file stream can be read from.

Reads and returns one line from the file. Reads in at

most n bytes if specified.

Reads and returns a list of lines from the file. Reads in

at most n bytes/characters if specified.

Changes the file position to offset bytes, in reference

to from (start, current, end).

Returns True if the file stream supports random


Returns an integer that represents the current position

of the file's object.

Resizes the file stream to size bytes. If size is not

specified, resizes to current location.
writable() Returns True if the file stream can be written to.

Writes the string s to the file and returns the number

of characters written.

writelines(lines) Writes a list of lines to the file.


Pickling is the process through which a Python object hierarchy is converted into a byte
stream. To serialize an object hierarchy, you simply call the dumps() function.
Unpickling is the inverse operation. A byte stream from a binary file or bytes-like object is
converted back into an object hierarchy. To de-serialize a data stream, you call the loads()
Pickling and unpickling are alternatively known as serialization.
What can be pickled and unpickled?
In Python, the following types can be pickled −
 None, True, and False.
 integers, floating-point numbers, complex numbers.
 strings, bytes, bytearrays.
 tuples, lists, sets, and dictionaries containing only picklable objects.
 functions, built-in and user-defined.

Pickle Module Constants

The following are the constants provided by the pickle module −
 pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL − The highest protocol version available. Integer
 pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL − The default protocol version used for pickling.
Integer value. Currently the default protocol is 4
Pickle Module Functions
The following are the functions provided by the pickle module −
 pickle.dump() − Write the pickled representation of the object to the open file object
 pickle.dumps() − Return the pickled representation of the object as a bytes object,
instead of writing it to a file.
 pickle.load() − Read the pickled representation of an object from the open file object
 pickle.loads() − Return the reconstituted object hierarchy of the pickled representation
data of an object

 import pickle

 # Input Data
 my_data ={'BMW','Audi','Toyota','Benz'}

 # Pickle the input
 withopen("demo.pickle","wb")as file_handle:
 pickle.dump(my_data, file_handle, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

 # Unpickle the above pickled file
 withopen("demo.pickle","rb")as file_handle:
 res = pickle.load(file_handle)
 print(my_data)# display the output


{'Benz', 'Toyota', 'Audi', 'BMW'}


Assertion is a programming concept used while writing a code where the user declares a
condition to be true using assert statement prior to running the module. If the condition
is True, the control simply moves to the next line of code. In case if it is False the program
stops running and
returns AssertionError Exception.

# AssertionError with error_message.

assert y != 0, "Invalid Operation" # denominator can't be 0
print(x / y)
Output :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/bafc2f900d9791144fbf59f477cd4059.py", line 4, in
assert y!=0, "Invalid Operation" # denominator can't be 0
AssertionError: Invalid Operation
The default exception handler in python will print the error_message written by the
programmer, or else will just handle the error without any message.
Both of the ways are valid.
Logging is a means of tracking events that happen when some software runs. Logging is
important for software developing, debugging, and running. If you don’t have any logging
record and your program crashes, there are very few chances that you detect the cause of
the problem. And if you detect the cause, it will consume a lot of time.
Why Printing is not a good option?
Some developers use the concept of printing the statements to validate if the statements are
executed correctly or some error has occurred. But printing is not a good idea. It may solve
your issues for simple scripts but for complex scripts, the printing approach will fail.
Python has a built-in module logging which allows writing status messages to a file or any
other output streams. The file can contain the information on which part of the code is
executed and what problems have been arisen.
Levels of Log Message
There are five built-in
in levels of the log message.
 Debug : These are used to give Detailed information, typically of interest only when
diagnosing problems.
 Info : These are used to confirm that things are working as expected
 Warning : These are used an indication that something unexpected
unexpected happened, or is
indicative of some problem in the near future
 Error : This tells that due to a more serious problem, the software has not been able to
perform some function
 Critical : This tells serious error, indicating that the program itself may be unable to
continue running
If required, developers have the option to create more levels but these are sufficient enough
to handle every possible situation. Each built-in
in level has been assigned its numeric value.

Logging module is packed with several features. It has several constants, classes, and
methods. The items with all caps are constant, the capitalize items are classes and the items
which start with lowercase letters are methods.
There are several logger objects offered by the module itself.
 Logger.info(msg) : This will log a message with level INFO on this logger.
 Logger.warning(msg) : This will log a message with a level WARNING on this
 Logger.error(msg) : This will log a message with level ERROR on this logger.
 Logger.critical(msg) : This will log a message with level CRITICAL on this logger.
 Logger.log(lvl,msg) : This will Logs a message with integer level lvl on this logger.
 Logger.exception(msg) : This will log a message with level ERROR on this logger.
 Logger.setLevel(lvl) : This function sets the threshold of this logger to lvl. This means
that all the messages below this level will be ignored.
 Logger.addFilter(filt) : This adds a specific filter filt into this logger.
 Logger.removeFilter(filt) : This removes a specific filter filt into this logger.
 Logger.filter(record) : This method applies the logger’s filter to the record provided
and returns True if the record is to be processed. Else, it will return False.
 Logger.addHandler(hdlr) : This adds a specific handler hdlr to this logger.
 Logger.removeHandler(hdlr) : This removes a specific handler hdlr into this logger.
 Logger.hasHandlers() : This checks if the logger has any handler configured or not.
The Basics
Basics of using the logging module to record the events in a file are very simple.
For that, simply import the module from the library.
1. Create and configure the logger. It can have several parameters. But importantly, pass
the name of the file in which you want to record the events.
2. Here the format of the logger can also be set. By default, the file works in append mode
but we can change that to write mode if required.
3. Also, the level of the logger can be set which acts as the threshold for tracking based on
the numeric values assigned to each level.
There are several attributes which can be passed as parameters.
4. The list of all those parameters is given in Python Library. The user can choose the
required attribute according to the requirement.
After that, create an object and use the various methods as shown in the example.
# importing module

import logging

# Create and configure logger

format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',

# Creating an object
logger = logging.getLogger()

# Setting the threshold of logger to DEBUG

# Test messages
logger.debug("Harmless debug Message")
logger.info("Just an information")
logger.warning("Its a Warning")
logger.error("Did you try to divide by zero")
logger.critical("Internet is down")


Error in Python can be of two types i.e. Syntax errors and Exceptions.Errors are problems
in a program due to which the program will stop the execution. On the other hand,
exceptions are raised when some internal events occur which change the normal flow of the

Different types of exceptions in python:

In Python, there are several built-in exceptions that can be raised when an error occurs
during the execution of a program. Here are some of the most common types of exceptions
in Python:
 SyntaxError: This exception is raised when the interpreter encounters a syntax error in
the code, such as a misspelled keyword, a missing colon, or an unbalanced parenthesis.
 TypeError: This exception is raised when an operation or function is applied to an
object of the wrong type, such as adding a string to an integer.
 NameError: This exception is raised when a variable or function name is not found in
the current scope.
 IndexError: This exception is raised when an index is out of range for a list, tuple, or
other sequence types.
 KeyError: This exception is raised when a key is not found in a dictionary.
 ValueError: This exception is raised when a function or method is called with an
invalid argument or input, such as trying to convert a string to an integer when the
string does not represent a valid integer.
 AttributeError: This exception is raised when an attribute or method is not found on
an object, such as trying to access a non-existent attribute of a class instance.
 IOError: This exception is raised when an I/O operation, such as reading or writing a
file, fails due to an input/output error.
 ZeroDivisionError: This exception is raised when an attempt is made to divide a
number by zero.
 ImportError: This exception is raised when an import statement fails to find or load a
These are just a few examples of the many types of exceptions that can occur in Python. It’s
important to handle exceptions properly in your code using try-except blocks or other error-
handling techniques, in order to gracefully handle errors and prevent the program from

Difference between Syntax Error and Exceptions

Syntax Error: As the name suggests this error is caused by the wrong syntax in the code. It
leads to the termination of the program.

# initialize the amount variable
amount = 10000

# check that You are eligible to

# purchase Dsa Self Paced or not
if(amount > 2999)
print("You are eligible to purchase Dsa Self Paced")

Exceptions are raised when the program is syntactically correct, but the code results in an
error. This error does not stop the execution of the program, however, it changes the normal
flow of the program.
# initialize the amount variable
marks = 10000

# perform division with 0

a = marks / 0


In the above example raised the ZeroDivisionError as we are trying to divide a number by

Try and Except Statement – Catching Exceptions

Try and except statements are used to catch and handle exceptions in Python. Statements
that can raise exceptions are kept inside the try clause and the statements that handle the
exception are written inside except clause.


# Python program to handle simple runtime error

#Python 3

a = [1, 2, 3]


print ("Second element = %d" %(a[1]))

# Throws error since there are only 3 elements in array

print ("Fourth element = %d" %(a[3]))


print ("An error occurred")


Second Element = 2
An error occurred.

In the above example, the statements that can cause the error are placed inside the try
statement (second print statement in our case). The second print statement tries to access
the fourth element of the list which is not there and this throws an exception. This
exception is then caught by the except statement.

Catching Specific Exception

A try statement can have more than one except clause, to specify handlers for different
exceptions. Please note that at most one handler will be executed. For example, we can add
IndexError in the above code. The general syntax for adding specific exceptions are –
# statement(s)
except IndexError:
# statement(s)
except ValueError:
# statement(s)

# Program to handle multiple errors with one
# except statement
# Python 3

def fun(a):
if a < 4:

# throws ZeroDivisionError for a = 3

b = a/(a-3)

# throws NameError if a >= 4

print("Value of b = ", b)


# note that braces () are necessary here for

# multiple exceptions
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("ZeroDivisionError Occurred and Handled")
except NameError:
print("NameError Occurred and Handled")


ZeroDivisionError Occurred and Handled

If you comment on the line fun(3), the output will be
NameError Occurred and Handled
The output above is so because as soon as python tries to access the value of b, NameError

Try with Else Clause

In Python, you can also use the else clause on the try-except block which must be present
after all the except clauses. The code enters the else block only if the try clause does not
raise an exception.
# Program to depict else clause with try-except

# Python 3

# Function which returns a/b

def function1(a , b):


c = ((a+b) / (a-b))

except ZeroDivisionError:

print ("a/b result in 0")


print (c)

# Driver program to test above function

function1 (2.0, 3.0)

function1 (3.0, 3.0)

a/b result in 0

Finally Keyword in Python

Python provides a keyword finally, which is always executed after the try and except
blocks. The final block always executes after the normal termination of the try block or
after the try block terminates due to some exception.
# Some Code....

# optional block
# Handling of exception (if required)
# execute if no exception

# Some code .....(always executed)
# Python program to demonstrate finally

# No exception Exception raised in try block

k = 5//0 # raises divide by zero exception.

# handles zerodivision exception

except ZeroDivisionError:
print("Can't divide by zero")

# this block is always executed
# regardless of exception generation.
print('This is always executed')
Can't divide by zero
This is always executed

Raising Exception

The raise statement allows the programmer to force a specific exception to occur. The sole
argument in raise indicates the exception to be raised. This must be either an exception
instance or an exception class (a class that derives from Exception).

# Program to depict Raising Exception

raise NameError("Hi there") # Raise Error
except NameError:
print ("An exception")
raise # To determine whether the exception was raised or not.

The output of the above code will simply line printed as “An exception” but a Runtime
error will also occur in the last due to the raise statement in the last line. So, the output on
your command line will look like
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/d6ec14ca595b97bff8d8034bbf212a9f.py", line 5, in <module>
raise NameError("Hi there") # Raise Error
NameError: Hi there

Advantages of Exception Handling:

 Improved program reliability: By handling exceptions properly, you can prevent your
program from crashing or producing incorrect results due to unexpected errors or input.
 Simplified error handling: Exception handling allows you to separate error handling
code from the main program logic, making it easier to read and maintain your code.
 Cleaner code: With exception handling, you can avoid using complex conditional
statements to check for errors, leading to cleaner and more readable code.
 Easier debugging: When an exception is raised, the Python interpreter prints a
traceback that shows the exact location where the exception occurred, making it easier
to debug your code.

Disadvantages of Exception Handling:

 Performance overhead: Exception handling can be slower than using conditional

statements to check for errors, as the interpreter has to perform additional work to catch
and handle the exception.
 Increased code complexity: Exception handling can make your code more complex,
especially if you have to handle multiple types of exceptions or implement complex
error handling logic.
 Possible security risks: Improperly handled exceptions can potentially reveal sensitive
information or create security vulnerabilities in your code, so it’s important to handle
exceptions carefully and avoid exposing too much information about your program.

User-Defined Exception in Python

Exceptions need to be derived from the Exception class, either directly or indirectly.
Although not mandatory, most of the exceptions are named as names that end
in “Error” similar to the naming of the standard exceptions in python. For example,

# A python program to create user-defined exception

# class MyError is derived from super class Exception

class MyError(Exception):

# Constructor or Initializer

def __init__(self, value):

self.value = value

# __str__ is to print() the value

def __str__(self):




# Value of Exception is stored in error

except MyError as error:

print('A New Exception occurred: ', error.value)

A New Exception occurred: 6

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