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MKT204 Foundation of Digital Marketing SWP 2024docx

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MKT204 Foundations of Digital Mark

Programme: Bachelor of Marketing (Digital and Communication)

Year 2 Semester I

Gedu College of Business Studies

Royal University of Bhutan

Module Work Plan

July- December 2024

Tutors Name E-mail/Contact Number
Kinga Wangpo kingawangpo.gcbs@rub.edu.bt
Module Coordinator

Module Tutor Kinga Wangpo 17693733/77693733

1. Programme Learning Outcome: the module is related to the programme learning outcome (LO2) which particularly emphasizes digital
marketing strategies and techniques. Students will learn how to leverage digital channels such as social media, search engine marketing (SEM),
search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising to reach and engage target audiences.

2. General Objective: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the core principles and theoretical frameworks underpinning
digital marketing. This foundation will empower them to critically analyze and evaluate the various aspects of the digital landscape, including the
ecosystems, consumer behavior, ethical considerations, and the unique context of Bhutan.

3. Learning Outcomes – On completion of the module, students should be able to:

1. Explain the basic concepts and benefits of digital marketing in today’s business world.
2. Identify the key players and elements in the digital marketing ecosystem.
3. Discover the changing behaviour of consumers in the digital world.
4. Understand the importance of building a strong online presence and its components.
5. Explain the unique opportunities and challenges of digital marketing within the Bhutanese context.
6. Discuss the ethical considerations and data privacy issues in digital marketing practices.
7. Choose the right digital marketing channels and strategies to reach target audiences.
8. Create compelling online content (website, social media) that resonates with a company’s brand.

4. Teaching and Learning Approach:

5. Assessment Approach:
A. Case Study Assignment: 10%
Students in their respective groups must conduct a detailed analysis of the assigned case, draw conclusions, and give recommendations.
The written report will be evaluated as per the following criteria.
4% quality of the background analysis
4% quality of the conclusions, recommendations, or implementation plans
2% quality of the writing (language, organization, referencing)

Rubric for Case Study Assignment

B. Presentation: 10%
In their respective groups, students can choose any topic from the course content and make a presentation in class on the chosen topic.
Students are encouraged to utilize textbooks, assigned readings, academic journals, and credible online sources to gather relevant
information to present.
8% Individual assessment
Content (4%)
Delivery (3%)
Q&A (1%)
2% Group assessment
Use of Visual aids (1%)
Effective teamwork and collaboration (1%)

Rubric for Presentation

Category Criteria 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Total
Demonstrates a deep understanding of the
Shows a good understanding Understanding of the topic is Limited or superficial
chosen topic. Presents accurate and insightful
Depth of of the topic. Presents mostly limited. Information may be understanding of the topic.
information supported by strong evidence from
Knowledge accurate information with inaccurate or lack sufficient Information is inaccurate or
textbooks, assigned readings, academic journals,
some supporting evidence. supporting evidence. missing.
and credible online sources.
Content (4 Points)
Information is mostly
Information is presented in a clear, logical Presentation lacks
organized logically, but may Organization is weak or
Organization & sequence with a strong introduction, body, and organization and clarity,
have some minor confusing. Transitions between
Clarity conclusion. Ideas flow smoothly and enhance making it difficult for the
inconsistencies or unclear ideas are lacking or ineffective.
audience understanding. audience to follow.
Delivery is confident, engaging, and professional. Delivery is hesitant or
Uses clear and concise language with appropriate Delivery is mostly clear and monotonous. Volume, pace, or Delivery is unclear, difficult
Presentation Skills volume, pace, and inflection. Effectively uses eye engaging, but may lack some inflection may hinder to understand, or
contact and body language to connect with the confidence or polish. understanding. Limited use of disengaging.
Delivery (3 Points) audience. eye contact and body language.
Demonstrates strong enthusiasm and knowledge Shows some enthusiasm for Lacks enthusiasm for the topic. Delivery is unenthusiastic
Enthusiasm &
about the topic. Captures and maintains audience the topic. Audience interest is Presentation fails to capture or and does little to engage the
interest throughout the presentation. partially maintained. maintain audience interest. audience.
Answers questions clearly, comprehensively, and Answers most questions Answers to questions are
Unable to answer questions
Response to confidently. Demonstrates a deep understanding adequately, but may lack unclear, incomplete, or
Q&A (1 Point) effectively or demonstrates
Questions of the topic and can elaborate on points made some depth or require demonstrate a limited
a lack of preparation.
during the presentation. clarification. understanding of the topic.
Uses visuals (e.g., slides, handouts, diagrams) Uses some visuals, but they
Visuals are limited, poorly No visuals are used, or
Use of Visual Aids Effectiveness of effectively to enhance understanding and support may not be fully effective or
designed, or distract from the visuals are irrelevant or
(1 Point) Visuals the content. Visuals are clear, concise, and well-integrated into the
content. unhelpful.
relevant to the presentation. presentation.
Most group members Limited or unequal
Effective All group members actively participate in the Some group members dominate
participate in the presentation. participation from group
Teamwork & presentation and demonstrate effective teamwork the presentation or lack clear
Group Dynamics Some minor issues with members. Presentation
Collaboration (1 and collaboration. Transitions between speakers roles. Collaboration appears
teamwork or collaboration suffers due to poor
Point) are smooth and roles are clearly defined. limited.
might be present. teamwork.

C. Analytic Assignment: 10%

Students in groups will choose any two companies (national or international) that are competitors. Students are required to conduct a
comparative analysis of the companies’ digital marketing platform strategies and provide recommendations based on the analysis. The
written report should be within a maximum word limit of 1000.
1% Background of the companies
5% Content and analysis
2% recommendations
2% Quality of writing (language, organization, referencing)

Rubric for Analytical Assignment

Category Criteria 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Total

Background of the Provides a clear and concise overview of both Provides some overview of the
Company Background information is Background information is
Companies companies, including their industry, target companies, but information may be
Information limited or inaccurate. missing or irrelevant.
(1 Point) audience, and key products/services. incomplete or lack detail.

Provides a basic comparison

Conducts a thorough and insightful analysis of
Analyzes digital marketing strategies of of the companies' digital
Depth of both companies' digital marketing platform Comparison of strategies is
both companies, but analysis may lack marketing strategies, but
Analysis strategies across various channels. Compares and weak or missing.
depth or detail in some areas. analysis is limited or
Content and contrasts their approaches effectively.
Analysis (5 Points)
Supports analysis with strong evidence from
Uses some evidence to support analysis,
Use of credible sources such as company websites, Lacks sufficient evidence to Analysis is not supported by
but sources may be limited or not fully
Evidence social media platforms, industry reports, and support the analysis. any evidence.
marketing publications.

Provides well-reasoned and specific

Recommendation Actionable recommendations for each company based on the Offers some recommendations, but they Recommendations are weak Recommendations are
s (2 Points) Insights comparative analysis. Considers potential may lack clarity or detail. or poorly developed. missing or irrelevant.
challenges and feasibility of implementation.
Writing is difficult to
Writing is clear, concise, and well-organized. Writing is generally clear and organized, Writing lacks clarity or understand due to poor
Clarity &
Information is presented logically and flows but may have some minor errors or organization, hindering organization, unclear
smoothly. inconsistencies. understanding. language, or significant
Quality of Writing
(2 Points)
Citations are poorly formatted
Uses proper citation format consistently Uses citations somewhat correctly, but No citations are used, or
or missing, and the reference
Referencing throughout the report and includes a may have some inconsistencies or referencing is entirely
list may be incomplete or
comprehensive reference list. reference list may be incomplete. incorrect.

D. Project Assignment: 10%

Students in groups will choose an existing Bhutanese Business/Company and develop a suitable digital marketing platform plan for the
chosen company considering relevant factors. Students will have to submit a written report and discuss the same in class.
1% Background of the Business/Company
4% Market analysis and Target audience
4% Platform selection and strategy
1% Quality of writing (language, organization, referencing)

Rubric for Project

Category Criteria 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Total

Provides a clear and concise overview of the

Background of the Provides some overview of the
Company chosen company, including its industry, target Background information is Background information is
Business/Company (1 company, but information may be
Information audience (existing, potential), products/services, limited or inaccurate. missing or irrelevant.
Point) incomplete or lack detail.
current marketing efforts (if any).

Conducts a thorough analysis of the relevant

Provides some analysis of the
Understanding market landscape in Bhutan, including industry Market analysis is limited or Market analysis is missing or
market landscape, but may lack
of the Market trends, competitor analysis, and potential superficial. irrelevant.
depth or detail.
opportunities and challenges.

Market Analysis and

Target Audience (4
Clearly defines the target audience for the digital
Points) Target Defines the target audience to
marketing plan, considering demographics, Target audience definition is Target audience definition is
Audience some extent, but details may be
psychographics, online behavior, and pain limited or inaccurate. missing or irrelevant.
Definition lacking or unclear.

Selects appropriate digital marketing platforms

(e.g., social media, website, mobile app) based
Strategic Selects some relevant digital Platform selection or Platform selection and
on the target audience and marketing objectives.
Platform marketing platforms, but the strategy is limited or poorly strategy are missing or
Develops a comprehensive strategy for each
Selection strategy may lack detail or focus. developed. irrelevant.
platform, including content creation, audience
Platform Selection and
engagement, and campaign measurement.
Strategy (4 Points)
Demonstrates a clear understanding of how the Shows some understanding of
Integration & chosen platforms will work together to achieve platform integration, but the Integration or budget is Integration and budget are
Budget marketing goals. Includes a realistic budget budget may not be fully poorly defined or unrealistic. missing or irrelevant.
allocation for each platform and activity. developed.
Writing is difficult to
Writing is clear, concise, and well-organized. Writing is generally clear and Writing lacks clarity or understand due to poor
Clarity &
Information is presented logically and flows organized, but may have some organization, hindering organization, unclear
smoothly. minor errors or inconsistencies. understanding. language, or significant
Quality of Writing (1
Point) Uses proper citation format consistently
Uses citations somewhat Citations are poorly
throughout the report and includes a No citations are used, or
correctly, but may have some formatted or missing, and
Referencing comprehensive reference list, focusing on referencing is entirely
inconsistencies or reference list the reference list may be
relevant sources about Bhutanese market and incorrect.
may be incomplete. incomplete or inaccurate.
digital marketing practices.

E. Quizzes: 10%
Two face-to-face quizzes of 5 marks each will be conducted during the semester covering the course content.
F. Class Participation: 5%
Each student will be assessed based on their frequency of participation in the class by contributing to the class discussions by answering
questions, stating their opinions, and actively taking part in class activities during the sessions.
G. Midterm Examination: 15%
Students will take a written exam of 2-hour duration covering topics up to the midpoint of the semester.
H. Semester-end Examination: 30%
The module will have a semester-end exam for 2 hours covering the entire syllabus. The question will be divided into two parts – Part A
(carrying 40% of the exam weightage) will be mostly short answers including objective questions. Part B (carrying almost 60% of the exam
weightage) will be mostly of essay type or an extended response to the given question. This part of the question requires students to apply,
analyze, and evaluate or construct knowledge and skills. Cases will also be used to test the levels of knowledge.
Areas of assignments Quantity Weight
A. Case study 1 10%
B. Presentation 1 10%
C. Analytic Assignment 1 10%
D. Project 1 10%
E. Quizzes 2 10%
F. Class Participation 5%
G. Midterm Examination 1 15%
Total Continuous Assessment (CA) 70%
H. Semester-end Examination (SE) 30%
TOTAL 100%
6. Weekly Teaching-Learning Plan

Week and Unit and Topics Aims/Learning Teaching- Learning Reading

Date outcomes Learning Activities (Chapter. & Pg.
Activities (Student’s No./ Name of the
Role) article)
1. Introduction to Digital Marketing:
1.1. Meaning, scope, and Importance of
Digital Marketing
(24th July-
1.2. The evolution of digital marketing and
2ndAugust)  Discussion  Fundamentals of
its impact on business
on the Digital Marketing
1.3. Digital marketing  Group
module by Puneet Singh
landscape: channels, trends, and tools activity
work plan Bhatia (Chapter
 Reading
 . LO 1  lectures 1)
1.4. Traditional vs. Digital and
and  Digital Marketing
Marketing: differentiating strategies discussions
discussions by Dave Chaffey
Week-2 and strengths
and Fiona Ellis
(5th-9th 1.5. Benefits and Challenges of Digital
(Chapter 1&5)
August) Marketing
1.6. Digital Marketing Process
1.7. Digital Marketing Mix

2. Digital Marketing Ecosystem:

2.1. Stakeholders: businesses, customers,
organizations, platforms, influencers
2.2. Channels: websites, social media,
search engines, email, mobile
applications  Lectures  Group
 Reading
and activity
 LO 2 material will be
2.3. Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, discussions  Energizer
Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google game play
2.4. Technology: Marketing Automation,
Analytics, CRM, AI, Machine Learning

Week-5 3. Consumer Behavior in the Digital  LO3 & 8  Lectures  Group  Fundamentals
(26th–30th World: and activity of Digital
August) 3.1. Digital consumers and communities discussions  Energizer Marketing by
game play Puneet Singh
3.2. Online consumer behavior and Guest Bhatia (Chapter
psychology speaker will be 3)
3.3. Map customer journey stages and invited to give a  Digital
touchpoints talk on rapid Marketing by
changes taking Dave Chaffey
place in and Fiona Ellis
Marketing (Chapter 2)
3.4. Audience research and specifically with
Week-7  Digital
STP(Segmentation, Targeting, and Digital
(9th–13th Marketing All-In-
Positioning) advancement.
Sep) One by
(Likely guest- Stephanie
Director of Diamond (Book
DOT) 2- Chapter 2&3)
(16th–21st MID-Semester Exam
4. Building Digital Presence:
4.1. Website planning and development:
best practices, design principles, and
SEO factors
4.2. Content Marketing: Strategy, Creation,
Distribution, and Optimization

4.3. Social media marketing:

 Lectures
understanding different platforms,  Group
and  Foundations in
Week-10 organic reach, and audience activity
discussions Digital
(30th – 4th engagement  Energizer
 LO 4 & 7 Marketing by
Oct) 4.4. Email marketing: building email lists, game play
 Class Rochelle
crafting effective campaigns, and
Presentatio Grayson
measuring success
n (Chapter 1&2)
4.5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
on-page, off-page, technical SEO,
Week-11 and keyword research
(7th–11th 4.6. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): PPC
Oct) advertising basics, campaign setup,
targeting, and optimization

Week-12 5. Digital Marketing Landscape in Bhutan  LO5  Lectures  Group  A tutor has
(14th–18th 5.1. Market size and demographics and activity conducted
Oct) 5.2. Unique characteristics of Bhutanese
digital space discussions research on this
scope and will
5.3. Technological Infrastructure and share the paper
Challenges to class.
5.4. Emerging Marketing trends and
opportunities in Bhutan

6. Digital Marketing Ethics and Privacy

Week-14 6.1. Responsible data collection and user
(28th Oct–1st privacy issues  Lectures
Nov) 6.2. Digital marketing regulations and and  Group
 Reading
compliance (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) discussions activity
material will be
 LO6  Energizer
6.3. The importance of transparency and game play
building trust with customers
6.4. Ethical considerations in advertising
and content creation

Week-16  Interaction
(11th–18th among
Revision of all the units covered.
Nov) groups and
(21th Nov– End-Semester Examination
2nd Dec)

Reading Lists:
1. Essential Readings
1.1. Chaffey, D., & Chadwick, F. E. (2019). Digital Marketing (7th ed.). Pearson UK.
1.2. Bhatia, P. S. (2017). Fundamentals Of Digital Marketing, 2e. Pearson Education India.
1.3. Diamond, S. (2023). Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

2. Additional Readings
2.1. Hanlon, A. (2021). Digital Marketing (2nd ed.). SAGE.
2.2. Kingsnorth, S. (2022). The digital marketing handbook: deliver powerful digital campaigns. Kogan Page Limited.
2.3. Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H., & Setiawan, I. (2017). Marketing 4.0: moving from traditional to digital. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Cop.

Annex A: Key Dates and Schedule

Weight Return Date
SL No. Assignment Unit Type Submission
ing Assign Date (Within 2 weeks from
the submission date)
1 Case study Open Group 10% 26th July 2nd August 16th August
2 Presentation 4 Group 10% 23rd August 6th September 8th September
3 Analytic 2-4 Group 10% 10th September 16th September 24th September
4 Project 1-7 Group 10% 1st October 11th October 25th October
5 Quizzes 1st- 1-3 Individual 10% 12th September None Same Day
2nd- 2-6 18th November
6 Class 1-6 Individual 5% Any time None Same Day
7 Midterm 1-3 Individual 15% 16th -21st None 4th October
Examination September

Note: The evaluated task will be returned to the students with written feedback within 12 working days from the submission date.
Late submissions will not be assessed or will be penalized (10% deduction per day).

Class Participation Scale (Based on students' participation in a total of 30 classes)

Scale (No. of Participation) Score
1) 0 – 5 0
2) 6 – 10 1
3) 11 – 15 2
4) 16 – 20 3
5) 21 – 25 4
6) Above 25 5
Learning Outcome and Assessment Matrix

Case Analytical Sem-End

Presentation Project Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Mid-term
Learning Outcomes (MKT204 Study Assign Exam Contents
Foundations to Digital Marketing) W-2 W-5 W-9 W-14 W-7 W-16 W-8 W-17
10% 10% 10% 10 % 5% 5% 15% 30% Units
1. Explain the basic concepts and 🗹 🗹
benefits of digital marketing in 🗹 🗹 1
today’s business world.
2. Identify the key players and 🗹 🗹
elements in the digital marketing 🗹 2
3. Discover the changing behaviour 🗹 🗹
of consumers in the digital world. 🗹 🗹 3
4. Understand the importance of 🗹 🗹
building a strong online presence 🗹 🗹 4
and its components.
5. Explain the unique opportunities 🗹
and challenges of digital marketing 🗹 🗹 5
within the Bhutanese context.
6. Discuss the ethical considerations 🗹
and data privacy issues in digital 🗹 6
marketing practices.
7. Choose the right digital marketing 🗹
channels and strategies to reach 🗹 6
target audiences.
8. Create compelling online content 🗹
(website, social media) that 🗹 🗹 7
resonates with a company’s brand.

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