MKT204 Foundation of Digital Marketing SWP 2024docx
MKT204 Foundation of Digital Marketing SWP 2024docx
MKT204 Foundation of Digital Marketing SWP 2024docx
Year 2 Semester I
1. Programme Learning Outcome: the module is related to the programme learning outcome (LO2) which particularly emphasizes digital
marketing strategies and techniques. Students will learn how to leverage digital channels such as social media, search engine marketing (SEM),
search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising to reach and engage target audiences.
2. General Objective: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the core principles and theoretical frameworks underpinning
digital marketing. This foundation will empower them to critically analyze and evaluate the various aspects of the digital landscape, including the
ecosystems, consumer behavior, ethical considerations, and the unique context of Bhutan.
5. Assessment Approach:
A. Case Study Assignment: 10%
Students in their respective groups must conduct a detailed analysis of the assigned case, draw conclusions, and give recommendations.
The written report will be evaluated as per the following criteria.
4% quality of the background analysis
4% quality of the conclusions, recommendations, or implementation plans
2% quality of the writing (language, organization, referencing)
Background of the Provides a clear and concise overview of both Provides some overview of the
Company Background information is Background information is
Companies companies, including their industry, target companies, but information may be
Information limited or inaccurate. missing or irrelevant.
(1 Point) audience, and key products/services. incomplete or lack detail.
E. Quizzes: 10%
Two face-to-face quizzes of 5 marks each will be conducted during the semester covering the course content.
F. Class Participation: 5%
Each student will be assessed based on their frequency of participation in the class by contributing to the class discussions by answering
questions, stating their opinions, and actively taking part in class activities during the sessions.
G. Midterm Examination: 15%
Students will take a written exam of 2-hour duration covering topics up to the midpoint of the semester.
H. Semester-end Examination: 30%
The module will have a semester-end exam for 2 hours covering the entire syllabus. The question will be divided into two parts – Part A
(carrying 40% of the exam weightage) will be mostly short answers including objective questions. Part B (carrying almost 60% of the exam
weightage) will be mostly of essay type or an extended response to the given question. This part of the question requires students to apply,
analyze, and evaluate or construct knowledge and skills. Cases will also be used to test the levels of knowledge.
Areas of assignments Quantity Weight
A. Case study 1 10%
B. Presentation 1 10%
C. Analytic Assignment 1 10%
D. Project 1 10%
E. Quizzes 2 10%
F. Class Participation 5%
G. Midterm Examination 1 15%
Total Continuous Assessment (CA) 70%
H. Semester-end Examination (SE) 30%
TOTAL 100%
6. Weekly Teaching-Learning Plan
Week-5 3. Consumer Behavior in the Digital LO3 & 8 Lectures Group Fundamentals
(26th–30th World: and activity of Digital
August) 3.1. Digital consumers and communities discussions Energizer Marketing by
game play Puneet Singh
3.2. Online consumer behavior and Guest Bhatia (Chapter
psychology speaker will be 3)
3.3. Map customer journey stages and invited to give a Digital
touchpoints talk on rapid Marketing by
changes taking Dave Chaffey
place in and Fiona Ellis
Marketing (Chapter 2)
3.4. Audience research and specifically with
Week-7 Digital
STP(Segmentation, Targeting, and Digital
(9th–13th Marketing All-In-
Positioning) advancement.
Sep) One by
(Likely guest- Stephanie
Director of Diamond (Book
DOT) 2- Chapter 2&3)
(16th–21st MID-Semester Exam
4. Building Digital Presence:
4.1. Website planning and development:
best practices, design principles, and
SEO factors
4.2. Content Marketing: Strategy, Creation,
Distribution, and Optimization
Week-12 5. Digital Marketing Landscape in Bhutan LO5 Lectures Group A tutor has
(14th–18th 5.1. Market size and demographics and activity conducted
Oct) 5.2. Unique characteristics of Bhutanese
digital space discussions research on this
scope and will
5.3. Technological Infrastructure and share the paper
Challenges to class.
5.4. Emerging Marketing trends and
opportunities in Bhutan
Week-16 Interaction
(11th–18th among
Revision of all the units covered.
Nov) groups and
(21th Nov– End-Semester Examination
2nd Dec)
Reading Lists:
1. Essential Readings
1.1. Chaffey, D., & Chadwick, F. E. (2019). Digital Marketing (7th ed.). Pearson UK.
1.2. Bhatia, P. S. (2017). Fundamentals Of Digital Marketing, 2e. Pearson Education India.
1.3. Diamond, S. (2023). Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Additional Readings
2.1. Hanlon, A. (2021). Digital Marketing (2nd ed.). SAGE.
2.2. Kingsnorth, S. (2022). The digital marketing handbook: deliver powerful digital campaigns. Kogan Page Limited.
2.3. Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H., & Setiawan, I. (2017). Marketing 4.0: moving from traditional to digital. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Cop.
Note: The evaluated task will be returned to the students with written feedback within 12 working days from the submission date.
Late submissions will not be assessed or will be penalized (10% deduction per day).