CSC 235
CSC 235
CSC 235
University of Ibadan
CSC 235
(Object Oriented
S. O. Akinola (PhD)
Course Contents
Basic Types and Expressions; Assignment Statements; Loops and Conditionals (Simple and Nested);
Handling Simple I/O; Objects and Classes; Methods with and without parameters; Inheritance;
Constructor Methods (and the use of 'new'); Method Overloading; Method Overriding; Arrays and
simple sorting; Basic File Handling; Try and Catch (Simple Exception Handling); Implementing
Simple Graphical User Interfaces; Incorporating Applets in a Web page; Simple builtin Dynamic
Structures - Vectors; Types vs. Classes; Scope of Variables; Code Layout and Documentation.
General Introduction to the Course
CSC 235 (Object Oriented Programming) is a course meant to introduce students to the general
principles of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). In this course, you shall be introduced to the
meaning of OOP paradigm, the principles of OOP and general programming styles in OOP.
Java is introduced in order for you to understand the basic principles of Object Oriented programming
in a more concise manner. Various language constructs including variables declaration and usages,
data types, arrays, Objects and Classes are considered in this aspect of the course.
At the end of this course, you should be able to write simple Object Oriented programs in Java.
1 Essential Object-Oriented Concepts And
1.1 Introduction
This chapter introduces you to the essential object-oriented concepts and terminology. We start by
explaining the concepts of “Object” and “Object-oriented programming”. The differences between
procedural-oriented and object-oriented programming paradigms are not left out.
1.2 Objectives
At the end of this lecture, you should be able to:
1. explain the different concepts of object-oriented programming;
2. distinguish between procedural-oriented and object-oriented programming paradigms
1.3 Pre-Test
1. What is a language?
2. How many programming languages have you ever heard of? How many of them have you
written before.
3. Explain the problems you encountered in the language(s) if any.
We use the word paradigm to mean “any example or model”. This usage of the word was popularised
by the science historian Thomas Kuhn. He used the term to describe a set of theories, standards and
methods that together represent a way of organising knowledge—a way of viewing the world. Thus a
programming paradigm is a way of conceptualising what it means to perform computation and how
tasks to be carried out on a computer should be structured and organised.
We can distinguish between two types of programming languages: Imperative languages and
declarative languages. Imperative knowledge describes “how-to knowledge” while declarative
knowledge is “what-is knowledge”. A program is ”declarative” if it describes what something is like,
rather than how to create it. This is a different approach from traditional imperative programming
languages such as Fortran, and C, which require the programmer to specify an algorithm to be run.
In short, imperative programs make the algorithm explicit and leave the goal implicit, while
declarative programs make the goal explicit and leave the algorithm implicit. Imperative languages
require you to write down a step-by-step recipe specifying how something is to be done. For example
to calculate the factorial function in an imperative language we would write something like:
Here, we give a procedure (a set of steps) that when followed will produce the answer.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm using "objects", which are data
structures consisting of data fields and methods together with their interactions, to design applications
and computer programs.
It is an approach that provides a way of modularizing programs by creating partitioned memory area
for both data and functions that can be used as templates for creating copies of such modules on
Thus, an object is considered to be a partitioned area of computer memory that stores data and set of
operations that can access the data. Since the memory partitions are independent, the objects can be
used in a variety of different programs without modifications.
One of the principal advantages of object-oriented programming techniques over procedural
programming techniques is that they enable programmers to create modules that do not need to be
changed when a new type of object is added. A programmer can simply create a new object that
inherits many of its features from existing objects. This makes object-oriented programs easier to
modify and maintain.
In a multi-function program, many important data items are placed as global so that they may be
accessed by all the functions. Each function may have its own local data. Global data are more
vulnerable to an inadvertent change by a function. In a large program it is very difficult to identify
what data is used by which function. In case we need to revise an external data structure, we also need
to revise all functions that access the data. This provides an opportunity for bugs to creep in.
Another serious drawback with the procedural approach is that it does not model real world problems
very well. This is because functions are action-oriented and do not really correspond to the elements
of the problem.
Employs top-down approach in program design.
The major motivating factor in the invention of object-oriented approach is to remove some of the
flaws encountered in the procedural approach. OOP treats data as a critical element in the program
development and does not allow it to flow freely around the system. It ties data more closely to the
functions that operate on it, and protects it from accidental modification from outside functions. OOP
allows decomposition of a problem into a number of entities called objects and then builds data and
functions around these objects. The organization of data and functions in object-oriented programs is
shown in Figure below. The data of an object can be accessed only by the functions associated with
that object. However, functions of one object can access the functions of other objects.
Object A Object B
Data Data
Functions Functions Objects
An object is a bundle, a clump, a gathering together of items of information that belong together, and
functions that work on those items of information. Software objects are modeled after real-world
objects in that they too have state and behaviour. A software object maintains its state in one or more
variables. A variable is an item of data named by an identifier. A software object implements its
behaviour with methods. A method is a function (or subroutine or procedure) associated with an
A Software Object
Everything that the software object knows (state) and can do (behaviour) is expressed by the variables
and the methods within that object.
Consider real life objects, dogs have state (name, colour, breed, hungry) and behaviour (barking,
fetching and wagging tail). Bicycles have state (current gear, current pedal cadence, two wheels,
number of gears) and behaviour (braking, accelerating, slowing down, changing gears).
A BankAccount object might gather up a customer number, account number, and current balance--
these three pieces of information are required for all bank accounts. Many languages provide a way to
group related information together into structures or records or whatever the language calls the
feature. However, where an object differs from these is in including functions, or behavior, as well as
information. Our BankAccount object will have Deposit( ), Withdraw( ), and GetBalance( ) functions,
for example. Program objects should be chosen such that they match closely with the real-world
objects. Objects take up space in the memory and have an associated address like a record in Pascal,
or a structure in C.
When a program is executed, the objects interact by sending messages to one another. For example, if
‘customer’ and ‘account’ are two objects in a program, then the customer object may send a message
to the account object requesting for the bank balance. This information is passed along with the
message as Parameters. Each object contains data, and code to manipulate the data. Objects can
interact without having to know details of each other’s data or code. It is sufficient to know the type
of message accepted, and the type of response returned by the objects
1.4.5. 2 Classes
In the real world, you'll often find many individual objects all of the same kind. There may be
thousands of other bicycles in existence, all of the same make and model. Each bicycle was built from
the same set of blueprints and therefore contains the same components. In object-oriented terms, we
say that your bicycle is an instance of the class of objects known as bicycles. A class is the blueprint
from which individual objects are created. In essence, “A class is a blueprint, or prototype, that
defines the variables and the methods common to all objects of a certain kind”.
Objects vs. Classes: you probably noticed that all the illustrations of objects and classes look very
similar. And indeed, the difference between them is often the source of some confusion. In the real
world, it’s obvious that classes are not themselves the objects they describe. A blueprint of a bicycle is
not a bicycle. However, it’s a little more difficult to differentiate classes and objects in software. This
is partially because software objects are merely electronic models of real-world objects or abstract
concepts in the first place. But it’s also because the term “object” is sometimes used to refer to both
classes and instances.
The wrapping up of data [variables or state] and functions [methods] into a single unit (called class) is
known as encapsulation. Data encapsulation is the most striking feature of a class. The data is not
accessible to the outside world, and only those functions, which are wrapped in the class, can access
it. These functions provide the interface between the object’s data and the program. This insulation of
the data from the direct access by the program is called data hiding or information hiding.
Encapsulating related variables and methods [functions] into a neat software bundle is a simple yet
powerful idea that provides two primary benefits to software developers:
(1) Modularity: The source code for an object can be written and maintained independently of the
source code for other objects. Also, an object can be easily passed around in the system.
(2) Information hiding: an object has a public interface that other objects can use to communicate
with it. The object can maintain private information and methods/functions that can be changed
at any time without affecting the other objects that depend on it. For instance, you don’t need to
understand the gear mechanism on your bike to use it.
Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including the background
details or explanations. Classes use the concept of abstraction and are defined as a list of abstract
attributes such as size, weight and cost, and functions to operate on these attributes. They encapsulate
all the essential properties of the objects that are to be created. The attributes are sometimes called
data members because they hold information. The functions that operate on these data are sometimes
called methods or member functions.
Since the classes use the concept of data abstraction, they are known as Abstract Data Types (ADT). Inheritance
Inheritance is the process by which objects of one class acquire the properties of another class. It
supports the concept of hierarchical classification. For example, the bird ‘Robin’ is a part of the class
‘flying bird’, which is again a part of the class ‘ bird’. The principle behind this sort of division is that
each derived class shares common characteristics with the class from which it is derived.
In OOP, the concept of inheritance provides the ideal of reusability. This means that we can add
additional features to an existing class without modifying it. This is possible by deriving a new class
from the existing one. The new class will have the combined features of both the classes. The real
appeal and power of the inheritance mechanism is that it allows the programmer to reuse a class that
is almost, but not exactly, what he wants, and to tailor the class in such a way that it does not
introduce any undesirable side-effects into the rest of the classes.
Note that each sub-class defines only these features that are unique to it. Without the use of
classification, each class would have to explicitly include all of its features.
8 Polymorphism
Polymorphism is another important OOP concept. Polymorphism, a Greek term, means the ability to
take more than one form. An operation may exhibit different behaviours in different instances. The
behaviour depends upon the types of data used in the operation. For example, consider the operation
of addition (+). For two numbers, the operation will generate a sum. If the operands are strings, then
the operation would produce a third string by concatenation. The process of making an operator to
exhibit different behaviours in different instances is known as operator overloading.
Polymorphism plays an important role in allowing objects having different internal structures to share
the same external interface. This means that a general class of operations may be accessed in the same
manner even though specific actions associated with each operation may differ. Polymorphism is
extensively used in implementing inheritance.
Binding refers to the linking of a procedure call to the code to be executed in response to the call.
Dynamic binding (also known as late binding) means that the code associated with a given procedure
call is not known until the time of the call at run - time. It is associated with polymorphism and
inheritance. A function call associated a polymorphic reference depends on the dynamic type of that
An object-oriented program consists of a set of objects that communicate with each other. The process
of programming in an object-oriented language, therefore, involves the following basic steps:
1. Creating classes that define objects and their behaviour,
2. Creating objects from class definitions, and
3. Establishing communication among objects.
The concept of message passing makes it easier to talk about building systems that directly model or
simulate their real-world counterparts. Message passing involves specifying the name of the object,
the name of the function /method and the information to be sent. E.g. employee.salary(name);
Bundling code into individual software objects provides a number of benefits, including:
Modularity: The source code for an object can be written and maintained independently of the
source code for other objects. Once created, an object can be easily passed around inside the
Information-hiding: By interacting only with an object's methods, the details of its internal
implementation remain hidden from the outside world.
Code re-use: If an object already exists (perhaps written by another software developer), you can
use that object in your program. This allows specialists to implement/test/debug complex, task-
specific objects, which you can then trust to run in your own code.
Pluggability and debugging ease: If a particular object turns out to be problematic, you can simply
remove it from your application and plug in a different object as its replacement. This is
analogous to fixing mechanical problems in the real world. If a bolt breaks, you replace it, not the
entire machine.
Message passing techniques for communication between objects makes the interface descriptions
with external systems much simpler.
Software complexity can be easily managed.
The promising areas for OOP application include Real-time systems, Simulation and Modelling,
Object-oriented Databases, Hypertext, Hypermedia, AI, Expert Systems, Neural Networks, Decision
support systems CAM and CAD systems.
This chapter briefly introduced you to the basic principles of Object Oriented Programming
paradigms. The two main programming paradigms – Imperative and Declarative were discussed.
You have also being introduced to the basic concepts of OOP.
In summary, the five basic concepts of object-oriented design are the implementation level
features that are built into the programming language. These features are often referred to by
these common names:
1. Attempt to mention some common programming languages you are familiar with and put
them into suitable language categories.
2. Differentiate between imperative and declarative programming languages.
3. Explain the concepts of object, class, inheritance and polymorphism.
4. What are the major advantages of OOP paradigm?
2 Java Programming Basics
2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the basic principles of writing and executing program codes in Java language are
discussed. We begin introducing you to writing codes in the language
Java is an Object Oriented programming language with a relatively simple grammar. Java omits rarely
used, poorly understood, confusing features of C++ such as header files, pointer arithmetic, structures,
unions, operator overloading, and templates. Java also adds new features like automatic garbage
collection. All methods, fields and constructors are local to classes—that is, there is no global data.
Java supports static methods and fields, exception handling, inheritance, and control structures such as
while loops, for loops and if/else statements.
2.2 Objective
At the end of this lecture, you should be able to:
1. write simple java programs;
2. understand the different variable types, operators and expressions in Java.
3. understand how to format outputs from your program
2.3 Pre-Test
1. In which language(s) have you programmed before?
2. Write a simple program to compute the sum of any two numbers.
1. Simplicity: the designers of the language were trying to develop a language that a
programmer could learn quickly. They eliminated some constructs in C and C++ that are
complex such as pointers.
2. Object Oriented: Everything is an object in java. The focus is on the data and the
methods that operate on the data in the application. Java does not concentrate on
procedures only.
3. Platform independent: Java has the ability to move from one computer to the other or
from one operating system to another without any difficulty.
4. Robust: Java is strictly a strongly-typed language. It requires explicit declaration. Java
has exception handling features, the programmer does not need to worry about memory
allocation, and it does not have pointer and pointer arithmetic.
5. Security: Java is totally secured. It provides a controlled environment for the execution
of the program. It never assumes that the code is safe for execution. It provides several
layers of security control.
6. Distributed: Java can be used to develop applications that are portable across multiple
platforms, operating systems and graphical user interfaces (GUI). Java is designed to
support network applications.
7. Multi-threaded: Java programs use a process called multithreading to perform many
tasks simultaneously.
In the Java programming language, all source code is first written in plain text files ending with the
.java extension. Those source files are then compiled into .class files by the javac compiler. A .class
file does not contain code that is native to your processor; it instead contains bytecodes — the
machine language of the Java Virtual Machine (Java VM). The java launcher tool then runs your
application with an instance of the Java Virtual Machine.
Because the Java VM is available on many different operating systems, the same .class files are
capable of running on Microsoft Windows, the Solaris™ Operating System (Solaris OS), Linux, or
Mac OS. Some virtual machines, such as the Java HotSpot virtual machine, perform additional steps
at runtime to give your application a performance boost. This includes various tasks such as finding
performance bottlenecks and recompiling (to native code) frequently used sections of code.
A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs. We've already
mentioned some of the most popular platforms like Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris OS, and Mac
OS. Most platforms can be described as a combination of the operating system and underlying
hardware. The Java platform differs from most other platforms in that it's a software - only platform
that runs on top of other hardware-based platforms.
Through the Java VM, the same application is capable of running on multiple platforms.
The API and Java Virtual Machine insulate the program from the underlying hardware.
As a platform-independent environment, the Java platform can be a bit slower than native code.
However, advances in compiler and virtual machine technologies are bringing performance close to
that of native code without threatening portability. The terms "Java Virtual Machine" and "JVM"
mean a Virtual Machine for the Java platform.
Nowadays, we have some integrated packages for editing and running java programs. For example,
we have Java Net Beans, JCreator, JBuilder, Oracle JDeveloper, and many more. They are windows-
like, just like Visual C++. Some of them contain both the editor and compiler together for editing and
running java applications (e.g. Net Beans). Many of them are downloadable free from the Internet.
However, the use of JCreator is recommended. First, the Java toolkit is downloaded and installed on
the computer. You can download Java 1.6 and above free from the Internet. Just type Java 1.6, 1.7 etc
on Google. JCreator is also free on the Net. Download the JCreator Pro and install it. Note that you
need to link the JCreator with the Java toolkit after installation. This would be asked from you by the
2.4.3 Writing your first program
Note: Java is case–sensitive. Capital letters must be capitals e.g. String, System.
This line could be regarded as the header of the program. Java sees a program as a class and the name
of the class must be the same as the name of the file, i.e., the name you use to save the file. In this
case we save the file as Any nonempty string of letters and digits can be used for the
class name as long as it begins with a letter and contains no blanks.
(b) The second line begins with the left brace character; just like BEGIN in Pascal. There must be a
corresponding right brace at the last line of the program, i.e. representing END as in Pascal. The
two braces form the program block, which encloses the program’s body.
Every class must have a method or function that will be used to manipulate the data in the class. the
default name given to that method is main. The method main has some descriptors associated with it –
public, static, and void discussed below. A method or function could have zero or more list of
arguments, enclosed in open and close brackets after the function’s name. The default argument for
method main is args, which is an array of strings.
public means that the contents of the following block (the function/method) are accessible
from all other classes.
static means that the method being defined applies to the class itself rather than to objects of
the class
void means that the method being defined has no return value.
main means this is the name of the method being defined, just as Welcome is the name of the
class being defined. The parenthesized string following main forms the parameter list for the
main method, which are local variables used to transmit information to the method from the
outside world; (String[ ] args). It states that this method has one parameter, its name is args
and it is an array of string objects.
The message put in quotes would be printed out as they are written. The word println is the
name of the method that tells the system how to do the printing, which means, after the
message is printed, the cursor should move to the next line. Note the parenthesis and the semi
colon usage. The semi colon is a terminator for each executable line.
(d) The two closing braces, } mark the end of the program. The first closes the main method and
the other closes the class.
Both print( ) and println( ) are standard output functions that print data to the monitor screen. The
will print the values of the data items a, b and c on a single line and the cursor will remain at the end
of the printing.
However, if we had used System.out.println( a, b, c), the values of the data items would also be
printed on a single line but after all the printings, the cursor will move to the next line for other
printing commands. The two work like WRITE( ) and WRITELN( ) in PASCAL programming
language. For example, given the following data and the subsequent code segment:
a = 2;
b = 4;
c = 6;
d= 8;
For Line 1, 2 and 4 will be printed on a single line and the blinking cursor will remain at the end of
that line, waiting for another printing action. In Line 2, 6 will be printed after 4 on the same line with
the previous printing. In Line 3, the cursor moves to next line without printing any value, since no
data was given. In Line 4, 8 would be printed in the second line where the cursor was before in Line 3
and after the printing, it moves to next line. Println( ) is a post-active function. The final output will
look like below:
2 4 6
Comments are very good in programs. They enhances easy comprehension/readability of the codes,
section by section and the are veritable tool for future program maintenance. Anybody can pick the
code in the future and with the help of the comment lines, modify, upgrade or correct the program for
some errors. Java embraces both C and C++ styles of comments.
The C comment style is a multi-line style. It is used when we have several lines of comments to be
inserted into our programs. Take for example,
One major problem of the C comment style is that we must ensure that the closing sysmbol (*/) is
inserted at the end of the entire comment lines; else the compiler will assume that all other lines below
the opening symbol (/*) are all comments!
The C++ Style comment could be used as an in-line comment, inserted at the end of an executable
statement like:
X = X – 4 // subtracting 4 from X
But, the comment style is only meant for one line. If there is need to extend comments to another line,
we have to put another comment symbol (//) against that line.
Note: Adding comments to your programs is called documenting your code and comments are
normally ignored during compilation. Comments promote readability, understand-ability and
maintainability of programs. Using the Standard Input / Output (Keyboard and Monitor) on Command Line
This can be achieved by the use of Scanner facility provided by Java. The following example
code computes the average of any three numbers. Note the reading of each of the data types – float,
int, double and string in the code.
1. //program to compute average of any three numbers
2. import java.util.Scanner;
3. class add {
4. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
5. Scanner input = new Scanner(;
6. // Reading in the input data a, b and c
7. System.out.println("Enter the value of a");
8. float a = input.nextFloat( ); //nextInt for int data
9. System.out.println("Enter the value of b");
10. float b = input.nextFloat();
11. System.out.println("Enter the value of c");
12. double c = input.nextDouble(); // for double data
13. System.out.println("What is your name");
14. String n =; // Reading a string data
15. double sum = a + b + c;
16. double avg = sum/3.0;
17. System.out.print("Hello! " + n + " \n The Average of your
18. data is: " + avg + "\nBye....");
19. System.exit(0);
20. }
21. }
Sample Output
--------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
Enter the value of a
Enter the value of b
Enter the value of c
What is your name
Hello! Akinola
The Average of your data is: 3.3333333333333335
Process completed.
1. The Scanner has to be imported into your program, similar to #include in C or C++ language.
This is done in Line 2.
2. In line 5, an object of the Scanner class (input) is created. The variable/object input is user-
defined. You can give any other meaningful identifier name for this object. This will serve as
the anchor for receiving data from the keyboard buffer as you are entering data via the
3. Each data type has its own format for receiving it in the program. For int data, we use
input.nextInt( ), for long data, use input.Long( ), for float use input.nextFloat( ), for double,
use input.nextDouble( ) and for string data, use ). The ) is only for one
string at a time.
As another example, the program below illustrates the use of swings facility in java, a form of
windows-based programming. Key in and run this program and report your observations:
1. import javax.swing.*;
2. // program to add two numbers together
3. public class Addition {
4. public static void main(String args[ ]) {
5. // Declaring your variables …
6. String firstNumber, secondNumber;
7. int number1, number2, sum;
8. firstNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter first
9. Number");
10. secondNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter
11. second Number" );
12. number1= Integer.parseInt(firstNumber);
13. number2= Integer.parseInt(secondNumber);
14. sum = number1 + number2;
15. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The sum is"+
16. sum, "Result", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
17. System.exit(0);
18. } //end main method
19. } //end class Addition
(i) The JOptionPane is a subclass of the swing class and has some methods or functions associated
with it. One of which is the showInputDialog used above. The purpose of this method is to draw
an input textbox, in which the user will type in his / her data. What is typed in double quote as
an argument in the method will serve as a prompt for the user to know what he is to do with the
textbox when it comes onto the screen. However, any data captured by the showInputDialog( )
method is a string, even if you had entered a number! Any numeric data entered into the textbox
has to be converted (parsed) to the proper numeric type. The next explanation gives this detail.
(ii) Lines 12 - 13
number1= Integer.parseInt(firstNumber);
number2= Integer.parseInt(secondNumber);
are the lines of code that converts (parse) the numeric data captured by the showInputDialog( )
into numeric data, either float, double or int or long. However, both the lines 6-11 for
declarations and showInputDialog( ) and the parsing (Lines 12 – 13) can be combined into only
one line to minimize space and time. Thus the lines:
String firstNumber;
Int number 1;
firstNumber = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter first Number");
number1= Integer.parseInt(firstNumber);
As java is highly case sensitive, note that int against number1 to declare it is with small i, while
all the I’s on right hand side of the assignment statement are all capitals. Other variations are
float a = Float.parseFloat(JOptionPane.showInputDialog( “ ” ));
double b = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog( “ ” ));
long c = Long.parseLong(JOptionPane.showInputDialog( “ ” ));
(iii) The showMessageDialog method has four parameters to be passed into it: null, user’s output,
title of the message dialog and the type of icon to be attached to the message box whether error,
information or any other. Each of these parameters is separated by commas. Check this with the
example above. We are particular about the last three. All the output that the user wants the
message box to print out including prompting messages are specified in the user’s output
parameter. The prompting messages are doubly quoted along with the variable values to be
printed out. The title given to the message box as the third parameter must be typed in double
quotes and should be relevant to the output to be brought out. The last parameter is the icon to
be attached to the message box. This time, we used the JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE,
meaning that no icon will show. We can also use JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE or
JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE. Note the use of the underscore.
Example Codes:
E1: This code requests for your age now and the current year. It then computes the year you were born and
reports back to you when you were born.
--------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
Enter your age:
Enter this year’s value e.g. 2013:
You are 45 years old now
So you were probably born in 1968
E2: Computing the Area of a circle
This chapter briefly introduced you to Java programming basics. You have been introduced to
Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Java Toolkit
How to edit your code in Java
How Java execute a program
The different ways of running your programs in Java
3 Java Variables and Objects
3.1 Introduction
A variable, as you may already know, is simply something that stores a value. Imagine that each
variable is a box. Each box is labelled with a name and a category; its category is what type of item it
stores, and its name is what that specific variable is called. Boxes can store many things, but only if
they fit in that box. This is the same with variables. They all have types, names, and sizes, which
govern what can and can’t be stored inside them. An object on the other hand, is an instance of a
class and may contain many variables You shall be introduced to variables and objects in this chapter.
3.2 Objective
3.3 Pre-Test
1. How many types of variables are you familiar with?
2. Give four of them
These hold data in Java. A variable has a type and hold a single value. An object is an instance of a
class and may contain many variables, the composite of whose values is called the “state” of the
object. Whereas every variable has a unique name, on being declared, objects have references instead
of names, and they need not be unique. An object is created by using the “new” operator to invoke a
“Constructor” and it dies when it has no references. E.g. in the Circle program above, r and area are
the 2 variables while reader, input, text, x and System.out are the five objects in the program. These
objects are instances of the classes inputStreamReader, BufferedReader, String, Double and
PrintStream respectively. In the Java programming language, the following must hold true for a
simple name:
1. It must be a legal identifier. An identifier is an unlimited series of Unicode characters
that begins with a letter.
2. It must not be a keyboard, a boolean literal (true or false), or the reserved word null.
3. It must be unique within its scope. A variable may have the same name as a variable
whose declaration appears in a different scope. In some situations, a variable may
share the same name as another variable if it is declared within a nested block of
code. (We will cover this in the next section, Scope.)
4. It must not be a java reserved identifier such as swing, String, int, short etc. Reserved
words are pre-defined in java, and so, cannot be re-defined.
By Convention: Variable names begin with a lowercase letter, and class names begin with an
uppercase letter. If a variable name consists of more than one word, the words are joined together,
and each word after the first begins with an uppercase letter, like this: isVisible. The underscore
character (_) is acceptable anywhere in a name, but by convention is used only to separate words in
constants (because constants are all caps by convention and thus cannot be case-delimited).
3.4.2 Scope of Variables
A variable's scope is the region of a program within which the variable can be referred to by its simple
name. Secondarily, scope also determines when the system creates and destroys memory for the
variable. Scope is distinct from visibility, which applies only to member variables and determines
whether the variable can be used from outside of the class within which it is declared. Visibility is set
with an access modifier.
The location of the variable declaration within your program establishes its scope and places it into
one of these four categories:
member variable
local variable
method parameter
exception-handler parameter
A member variable (or global variable) is a member of a class or an object. It is declared within a
class but outside of any method or constructor. A member variable's scope is the entire declaration of
the class. However, the declaration of a member needs to appear before it is used when the use is in a
member initialization expression.
You declare local variables within a block of code. In general, the scope of a local variable extends
from its declaration to the end of the code block in which it was declared.
Parameters are formal arguments to methods or constructors and are used to pass values into
methods and constructors. The scope of a parameter is the entire method or constructor for which it is
a parameter.
Exception-handler parameters are similar to parameters but are arguments to an exception handler
rather than to a method or a constructor. The scope of an exception-handler parameter is the code
block between { and } that follow a catch statement. We shall deal with this topic later.
System.out.println("The value of i = " + i); // error
The final line won't compile because the local variable i is out of scope. The scope of i is the block of
code between the { and }. The i variable does not exist anymore after the closing }. Either the variable
declaration needs to be moved outside of the if statement block, or the println method call needs to be
moved into the if statement block.
Local variables and member variables can be initialized with an assignment statement when they're
declared. The data type of the variable must match the data type of the value assigned to it.
Parameters and exception-handler parameters cannot be initialized in this way. The value for a
parameter is set by the caller.
You can declare a variable in any scope to be final. The value of a final variable cannot change after
it has been initialized. Such variables are similar to constants in other programming languages. To
declare a final variable, use the final keyword in the variable declaration before the type:
The previous statement declares a final variable and initializes it, all at once. Subsequent attempts to
assign a value to aFinalVar result in a compiler error. You may, if necessary, defer initialization of a
final local variable. Simply declare the local variable and initialize it later, like this: final int
blankfinal = 0;
A final local variable that has been declared but not yet initialized is called a blank final. Again, once
a final local variable has been initialized, it cannot be set, and any later attempt to assign a value to
blankfinal is an error.
Every variable must have a data type. A variable’s data type determines the values that the variable
can contain and the operations that can be performed on it. For example, declaring a variable to be int
var means that var is an integer data type. Integers can contain only integral (whole numbers) values
(both positive and negative) and we can perform arithmetic operations, such as addition, on integer
Java programming has two categories of data types: primitive and reference. A variable of primitive
type contains a single value of the appropriate size and format for its type: a number, a character, or a
Boolean value. The table below lists all of the primitive data types along with their sizes and
8-bit two's
Byte Byte-length integer
16-bit two's
Short Short integer
32-bit two's
Int Integer
64-bit two's
Long Long integer
Float 32-bit IEEE 754
floating point
Double 64-bit IEEE 754
floating point
(other types)
16-bit Unicode
Char A single character
A boolean value
Boolean true or false
(true or false)
NB: In other languages, the format and size of primitive data types may depend on the platform on
which a program is running. In contrast, the java programming language specifies the size and format
of its primitive data types. Hence, we don’t have to worry about system-dependencies.
We can put a literal primitive value directly in our codes. For example, if we need to assign the literal
integer value 4 to an integer variable we can write this:
int anInt = 4;
int are integers in the range of 1 to a few thousands. However, if a variable is going to run into
millions, we’d better declare it as long. For instance, when we are writing a factorial program, the
factorial of big numbers like 20 may run into large values. short and byte are usually used in systems
programming dealing with registers and memory addresses.
float is designed for real data whose number of decimal places may run not more than 5 places, e.g.
245.234. But double is used if we have a recurring decimal running up to say 10 decimals places like
pi ( ). For instance, Java insists that whenever we are carrying out division, the variable to assign
the result to must be declared as double, so as to avoid loss of precision.
56.89F float
‘s’ char
true Boolean
Arrays, classes and interfaces are reference data types. The value of a reference type variable, in
contrast to that of primitive type, is a reference to (an address of) the value or set of values represented
by the variable. A reference is called a pointer, or a memory address in other languages. The java
programming does not support the explicit use of addresses like other languages do. We use the
variable’s name instead.
An object
or an
In this chapter you were introduced to the different types of variables that are suppoted
by Java. We have 8 primitive types – int, short, byte, long, float, double, char and
Boolean. Objects contain different variables.
1. Assuming you want to compute the standard deviation of some numbers, identify the
input and out variables you will need and their types.
2. Write a program to compute the standard deviation of any 4 numbers
4 Java Operators
4.1 Introduction
An operator performs a function on one, two, or three operands. We have different types of operators
in Java. Some are for arithmetic operations while others are for comparisons. In this chapter, you shall
be introduced to the different operators supported by Java language.
4.2 Objective
4.3 Pre-Test
1. How many types of operators are you familiar with?
2. Give four of them
An operator performs a function on one, two, or three operands. An operator that requires one operand
(Op) is called a unary operator. For example, ++ is a unary operator that increments the value of its
operand by 1. An operator that requires two operands is a binary operator. For example, = is a binary
operator that assigns the value from its right hand operand to its left-hand operand. And finally, a
ternary operator is one that requires three operands. The java programming language has one ternary
operator, ?:, which is a short-hand if – else statement. In addition to performing the operation, an
operator returns a value. The return value and its type depend on the operator and the type of its
operand. For example, the arithmetic operators, which perform basic arithmetic operations such as
addition and subtraction, return numbers – the result of the arithmetic operation. The data type
returned by an arithmetic operator depends on the type of its operands: if we add two integers, we get
an integer back. An operation is said to evaluate to its result. Below are the java-supported operators.
These operators are used in arithmetic computations in java programming environment. These are:
Increments op by 1; evaluates to the
++ e.g
value of op before it was incremented
Increments op by 1; evaluates to the
++ e.g
value of op after it was incremented
e.g –i; value of op after it was decremented
What happens when we have combinations of different data types in one single expression? It needs
be noted that when an integer and a floating-point number are used as operands to a single arithmetic
operation, the result is floating point. The integer is implicitly converted to a floating-point number
before the operation takes place. This is called data coercion. For instance, if we have the following
int y, x;
float b;
double a, c;
a = c + b + y + x;
The next table summarizes how java handles these situations. The data type returned by the arithmetic
operators is based on the data type of the operands. The necessary conversions take place before the
operation is performed.
Type of Data Type of Operands
In addition to the binary forms of + and -, each of these operators has unary versions that perform the
following operations:
4.4.3 Assignment Operators
We use the basic assignment operator, =, to assign one value to another. In ordinary arithmetic, we are
permitted to write a + b = c – d, but this is not allowed in programming. The expression at the left
hand side (a + b) is regarded as a memory location to which we are assigning the result computed at
the right hand side to. Java also provides several short-cut assignment operators that allow us to
perform arithmetic, shift, or bitwise operation and an assignment operation, all with one operator. The
table below gives the major assignment operators in java.
Oper- Example
Use Equivalent to
Note that +=, ++ and others are to be written together without any space in between them.
A relational operator compares two values and determines the relationship between them. For
example, != returns true if the two operands are unequal.
Operator Use Returns true if
> op1 > op2 op1 is greater than op2 e.g. if (a > b)
< op1 < op2 op1 is less than op2 e.g. if (a < b)
Relational operators often are used with conditional / logical operators to construct more complex
decision-making expressions.
Java supports six conditional/logical operators – five binary and one unary – as shown in the
following table:
op1 AND op2 are both true, conditionally evaluates op2. E.g.
&& op1 && op2
if ((a < b) && (c > a)
& op1 & op2 op1 and op2 are both true, always evaluates op1 and op2
| op1 | op2 either op1 or op2 is true, always evaluates op1 and op2
if op1 and op2 are different - that is, if one or the other of the
^ op1 ^ op2
operands is true but not both
1. import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
2. // program for comparing values
3. public class comparison1 {
4. public static void main( String args[ ] ) {
5. // read first number from user as a string
6. int number1 = Integer.parseInt( JOptionPane.showInput
7. Dialog( "Enter the first integer" );
8. // read second number from user as a string
9. int number2 = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInput
10. Dialog("Enter the second integer");
12. String result="";
14. if ( number1 == number2)
15. result = result + number1 + "==" + number2;
16. if ( number1 != number2 )
17. result = result + number1 + "!=" + number2;
18. if ( number1 < number2 )
19. result = result + "\n"+ number1 + "<" + number2;
20. if ( number1 > number2 )
21. result = result + "\n" + number1 + ">"+ number2;
22. if (number1 <= number2 )
23. result = result + "\n" + number1 + "<=" + number2;
24. if (number1 >= number2 )
25. result = result + "\n" + number1 +"<=" + number2;
27. // Display results
28. JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, result, "Comparison
29. Result", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
30. System.exit( 0 ); //terminate application
31. }
32. }
The math class provides an extensive set of mathematical methods in the form of a static class library
for manipulating the different mathematical expressions such as e, , sin, cos, etc. Note that the
trigonometric ratios, sin, cos and tan are implemented in radian measure and not in degree in Java.
You need to write your own code to convert the angles given in degrees to radians. Also, note that -
rad = 1800
/***This program prints the constants e and , absolute of –1234, cos(/4), sin(/2), tan(/4), ln(1), e and
five random double numbers between 0.0 and 1.1 **/
System.out.println("Math.E = " + Math.E);
System.out.println("Math.PI = "+Math.PI);
System.out.println("Math.abs(-1234) = "+Math.abs(- 1234));
System.out.println("Math.cos(Math.PI/4) = +Math.cos(Math.PI/4));
System.out.println("Math.sin(Math.PI/2) = " Math.sin(Math.PI/2));
System.out.println("Math.tan(Math.PI/4) = +Math.tan(Math.PI/4));
System.out.println("Math.log(1) = "+Math.log(1));
System.out.println("Math.exp(Math.PI) = "+Math.exp(Math.PI));
System.out.println("The first five Random numbers from 1 to 100 are .... ");
// To generate random numbers …
for (int i=0;i<5;++i)
System.out.println(Math.floor(Math.random( )*100) + " ");
Math.E = 2.718281828459045
Math.PI = 3.141592653589793
Math.abs(-1234) = 1234
Math.cos(Math.PI/4) = 0.7071067811865476
Math.sin(Math.PI/2) = 1.0
Math.tan(Math.PI/4) = 0.9999999999999999
Math.log(1) = 0.0
Math.exp(Math.PI) = 23.140692632779267
The first five Random numbers from 1 to 100 are ....
C:\j2sdk1.4.2_04\bin>java Arith
m = 25
m + n = 32
m - n= 18
m * n = 175
m/n = 3
m%n = 4
A shift operator performs bit manipulation on data by shifting the bits of its first operand right or left.
The table overleaf summarizes the shift operators available in Java programming.
>> Op1 >> op2 Shifts bits of op1 right by distance op2
<< Op1 << op2 Shifts bits op1 left by distance op2
Each operator shifts the bits of the left-hand operand over by the number of positions by the right-
hand operand. The shift occurs in the direction indicated by the operator itself. For example, The
following statement shifts the bits of the integer 13 to the right by one position:
13 >> 1;
The binary representation of the number 13 is 1101. The result of the shift operation is 1101 shifted
by one position –110, or 6 in decimal. The left-hand bits are filled with 0s as needed.
The following table shows the four operators the java programming language provides to perform
bitwise functions on their operands:
When its operands are numbers, the & operation performs the bitwise AND function on each parallel
pair of bits in each operand.
The AND function sets the resulting bit to 1 if the corresponding bit in both operands is 1, as shown
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
For instance, suppose that you were to AND the values 13 and 12, like this: 13 & 12. The result of
this operation is 12 because the binary representation of 12 is 1100 and that of 13 is 1101.
1101 // 13
& 1100 // 12
1100 // 12
For the inclusive OR operation, if either of the two bits is 1, the result is 1. The following table shows
the results of this operation:
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
Exclusive OR means that if the two operand bits are different, the result is 1, otherwise the result is 1.
Check the table below:
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
Finally, the complement operator inverts the value of each bit of the operand bits is 1, the result is 0
and if the operand bit is 0, the result is 1.
The ?: operator returns op2 if op1 is true or returns op3 if op1 is false.
We use square brackets to declare arrays, to create arrays and to access a particular element in an
array. For example, to declare an array that can hold ten floating point numbers, we write:
The dot (.) operator accesses instance members of an object or class members of a class. We shall
more of this under the topic classes and inheritance.
When declaring or calling a method, we list the method’s arguments between ( and ). We can also
specify an empty argument list by using ( ) with nothing between them.
The statements converts the value evaluated from (num/a) to a double value.
The InstanceOf operator tests whether its first operand is an instance of its second.
Op1 must be the name of an object and op2 must be the name of a class. Ann object is considered to
be an instance of a class if that object directly or indirectly descends from that class.
Q1: What are the values of i and n after the code is executed?
Answer: i = 11, n = 0
Q2: What are the final values of i and n if instead of using postfix increment operator (i++), we use
the prefix version (++i)?
Answer: i = 11, n = 1
Can you give reasons for these answers? Check relevant tables up.
Answer: i = 8
4.4.8 Expressions
Variables and operators are the basic building blocks of programs. We combine literals, variables and
operators to form expressions – segment of code that perform computations and return values. Certain
expressions can be made into statements – complete units of execution. By grouping statements
together with curly braces { and }, we create blocks of code.
Among other things, expressions are used to compute and to assign values to variables and to help
control the execution flow of a program. The job of an expression is two-fold: to perform the
computation indicated by the elements of the expression and to return a value that is the result of the
Therefore, an expression is a series of variables, operators and method calls (constructed according to
the syntax of the language) that evaluates to a single value. An expression can be arithmetic or logical.
We have to specify how we want an arithmetic expression to be evaluated by using balanced
parentheses ( and ). For example,
If we don’t explicitly indicate the order in which we want the operations in a compound expression to
be performed, the order is determined by the precedence assigned to the operators in use within the
expression. Operators with a higher precedence get evaluated first. For example, the division operator
has a higher precedence than does the addition operator. Thus, the two following statements are
x + y / 100
x + (y / 100) // Unambiguous, recommended
The following table shows the precedence assigned to the operators in Java. The operators in this table
are listed in precedence order: the higher in the table an operator appears, the higher its precedence.
Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before operators with a relatively lower precedence.
Operators on the same line have equal precedence.
Multiplicative *, ?, %
Additive +, -
Equality ==, !=
Bitwise exclusive OR ^
Bitwise inclusive OR |
Logical OR ||
Conditional ?:
Assignment =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^=, |=, <<=, >>=, >>>=
All binary operators except for the assignment operators are evaluated in left-to-right order.
Assignment operators are evaluated right to left.
4.4.10 Statements
Statements are roughly equivalent to sentences in natural languages. A statement forms a complete
unit of execution. The following types of expressions can be made into a statement by terminating the
expression with a semicolon (;):
Assignment expressions
Any use of ++ or --
Method calls
Object creation expressions
These kinds of statements are called expression statements. Here are some examples of expression
In addition to these kinds of expression statements, there are two kinds of statements. A declaration
statement declares a variable. For example,
A control flow statement regulates the order in which statements get executed. The for loop and if
statement are examples.
4.4.11 Blocks
A block is a group of zero or more statements between balanced braces and can be used anywhere a
single statement is allowed. The following program snippet shows two blocks each containing a single
if (Character.isUpperCase(aChar)) {
System.out.println (“The character “ + aChar + “ is
upper case”);
} else {
System.out.println(“The character “ + aChar + “ is
Lower case”);
Sometimes we may want to format our outputs either to some number of decimal places or to display
the output in a particular base value. Java borrows the C – Language way of formatting outputs.
Method printf formats and outputs data to the standard output stream, System.out. Class Formatter
formats and outputs data to a specified destination, such as a string or a file output stream
Every call to printf supplies as the first argument a format string that describes the output format.
The format string may consist of fixed text and format specifiers. Fixed text is output by printf just as
it would be output by System.out methods print or println. Each format specifier is a placeholder for a
value and specifies the type of data to output. Format specifiers also may include optional formatting
37 Integers
An integer is a whole number, such as 776, 0 or 52, that contains no decimal point. Integer values are
displayed in one of several formats. The table below describes the integral conversion characters.
where format-string describes the output format, and argument-list contains the values that correspond
to each format specifier in format-string. There can be many format specifiers in one format string.
System.out.printf( “%d\n”, 26 );
System.out.printf(“%d\n”, +26 );
System.out.printf(“%d\n”, -26 );
System.out.printf( “%o\n”, 26 );
System.out.printf( “%x\n”, 26 );
System.out.printf( “%X\n”, 26 );
A floating-point value contains a decimal point, as in 33.5, 0.0 or -657.983. Floating-point values are
displayed in one of several formats. Table below describes the floating-point conversions. The
conversion character e and E displays floating-point values in computerized scientific notation (also
called exponential notation). Exponential notation is the computer equivalent of the scientific
notation used in mathematics. For example, the value 150.4582 is represented in scientific notation in
mathematics as 1.504582 x 102
Floating-point Conversion Characters.
character Description
e or E Display a floating-point value in exponential notation. When conversion character E
is used, the output is displayed in uppercase letters.
f Display a floating-point value in decimal format.
g or G Display a floating-point value in either the floating-point format f or the exponential
format e based on the magnitude of the value. If the magnitude is less than 10 3, or
greater than or equal to 10 7, the floating-point value is printed with e (or E).
Otherwise, the value is printed in format f. When conversion character G is used, the
output is displayed in uppercase letters.
a or A Display a floating-point number in hexadecimal format. When conversion character
A is used, the output is displayed in uppercase letters.
Values printed with the conversion characters e, E and f are output with six digits of precision to the
right of the decimal point by default (e.g., 1.045921). Other precisions must be specified explicitly.
For values printed with the conversion character g, the precision represents the total number of digits
displayed, excluding the exponent. The default is six digits (e.g., 12345678.9 is displayed as
1.23457e+07). Conversion character f always prints at least one digit to the left of the decimal point.
Conversion character e and E print lowercase e and uppercase E preceding the exponent and always
print exactly one digit to the left of the decimal point. Rounding occurs if the value being formatted
has more significant digits than the precision.
Conversion character g (or G) prints in either e (E) or f format, depending on the floating-point
value. For example, the values 0.0000875, 87500000.0, 8.75, 87.50 and 875.0 are printed as
8.750000e-05, 8.750000e+07, 8.750000, 87.500000 and 875.000000 with the conversion character g.
The value 0.0000875 uses e notation because the magnitude is less than 10-3. The value 87500000.0
uses e notation because the magnitude is greater than 107. Code snippets below illustrate the use of
these conversion characters.
With the conversion character t or T, we can print dates and times in various formats. Conversion
character t or T is always followed by a conversion suffix character that specifies the date and/or time
format. When conversion character T is used, the output is displayed in uppercase letters. The table
below lists the common conversion suffix characters for formatting date and time compositions that
display both the date and the time. Next table 2 lists the common conversion suffix characters for
formatting dates. Table 3 lists the common conversion suffix characters for formatting times. To view
the complete list of conversion suffix characters, visit the Web site
character Description
c Display date and time formatted as
day month date hour:minute:second time-zone year
with three characters for day and month, two digits for date, hour, minute and second
and four digits for yearfor example, Wed Mar 03 16:30:25 GMT-05:00 2004. The 24-
hour clock is used. In this example, GMT-05:00 is the time zone.
F Display date formatted as year-month-date with four digits for the year and two digits
each for the month and the date (e.g., 2004-05-04).
D Display date formatted as month/day/year with two digits each for the month, day and
year (e.g., 03/03/04).
r Display time formatted as hour:minute:second AM|PM with two digits each for the
hour, minute and second (e.g., 04:30:25 PM). The 12-hour clock is used.
R Display time formatted as hour:minute with two digits each for the hour and minute
(e.g., 16:30). The 24-hour clock is used.
T Display time formatted as hour:minute:second with two digits for the hour, minute
and second (e.g., 16:30:25). The 24-hour clock is used.
character Description
A Display full name of the day of the week (e.g., Wednesday).
a Display the three-character short name of the day of the week (e.g., Wed).
B Display full name of the month (e.g., March).
b Display the three-character short name of the month (e.g., Mar).
d Display the day of the month with two digits, padding with leading zeros as
necessary (e.g., 03).
m Display the month with two digits, padding with leading zeros as necessary
(e.g., 07).
e Display the day of month without leading zeros (e.g., 3).
character Description
Y Display the year with four digits (e.g., 2004).
y Display the last two digits of the year with leading zeros as necessary (e.g.,
j Display the day of the year with three digits, padding with leading zeros as
necessary (e.g., 016).
character Description
H Display hour in 24-hour clock with a leading zero as necessary (e.g., 16).
I Display hour in 12-hour clock with a leading zero as necessary (e.g., 04).
k Display hour in 24-hour clock without leading zeros (e.g., 16).
l Display hour in 12-hour clock without leading zeros (e.g., 4).
M Display minute with a leading zero as necessary (e.g., 06).
S Display second with a leading zero as necessary (e.g., 05).
Z Display the abbreviation for the time zone (e.g., GMT-05:00, stands for
Eastern Standard Time, which is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time).
P Display morning or afternoon marker in lower case (e.g., pm).
p Display morning or afternoon marker in upper case (e.g., PM).
Conversion character t requires the corresponding argument to be of type long, Long, Calendar or
Date (both in package java.util) objects of each of these classes can represent dates and times. Class
Calendar is the preferred class for this purpose because some constructors and methods in class Date
are replaced by those in class Calendar. From the code below, Line 10 invokes static method
getInstance of Calendar to obtain a calendar with the current date and time. Lines 13-17, 20-22 and
25-26 use this Calendar object in printf statements as the value to be formatted with conversion
character t. Note that lines 20-22 and 25-26 use the optional argument index ("1$") to indicate that all
format specifiers in the format string use the first argument after the format string in the argument list.
Using the argument index eliminates the need to repeatedly list the same argument.
Example Code
1. import java.util.*;
2. class cal {
3. public static void main(String[] args) {
4. Calendar dateTime = Calendar.getInstance( );
5. System.out.printf("%tc\n", dateTime);
6. System.out.printf("%tF\n", dateTime);
7. System.out.printf("%tD\n", dateTime);
8. System.out.printf("%tr\n", dateTime);
9. System.out.printf("%tT\n", dateTime);
10. // printing with conversion characters for date
11. System.out.printf( "%1$tA, %1$tB%1$td, %1$tY\n",
12. dateTime);
13. System.out.printf("%1$TA, %1$TB%1$Td, %1$TY\n",
14. dateTime);
15. System.out.printf("%1$ta, %1$tb%1$te, %1$ty\n",
16. dateTime);
17. // printing with conversion characters for time
18. System.out.printf( "%1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS\n", dateTime );
19. }
20. }
Fri Mar 16 15:39:07 CET 2012
03:39:07 PM
Friday, March16, 2012
Fri, Mar16, 12
In this chapter you have been introduced to the different operators that Java supports:
Arithmetic, relational and logical. The formatting styles for your outputs were also
Post Test
2. Write Java equivalent expressions for the following arithmetic
(i) 2(L + b) + e-h
(ii) rn – Log(/2)
2. Write a program to compute the area and perimeter of any plane shape and format your
outputs to only two decimal places.
5 Java Control Structures
5.1 Introduction
When you write a program, you type statements into a file. Without control flow statements, the
interpreter executes these statements in the order they appear in the file from left to right, top to
bottom. Basically, there are three types of control structures in a programming language. The
following table gives a summary of these structures.
You can use control flow statements in your programs to conditionally execute statements, to
repeatedly execute a block of statements, and to otherwise change the normal, sequential flow of
control. For example, in the following code snippet, the if statement conditionally executes the
System.out.println statement within the braces, based on the return value of isUpperCase ( ).
char c;
if (Character.isUpperCase(aChar)) {
System.out.println("The character " + aChar + "
is upper case.");
The Java programming language provides several control flow statements, which are listed in the
following table.
Note: Although goto is a reserved word, currently the Java programming language does not support
the goto statement.
5.2 Objectives
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to identify and use the different control structures that
Java supports.
The if statement enables your program to selectively execute other statements, based on some criteria.
if (logical expression) {
The statement(s) will only be executed only if the logical expression evaluates to true. If the
expression is not rtue, the control simply passes to the next statement following the statement(s)
block, { …. } and continues downwards from there.
As an example, suppose we have input a value for x previously in our program, we could write:
if (x < 50)
System.out.println(“The score is below cut off”);
What if we want to perform a different set of statements if the expression is false? We use the else
statement for that. The next program segment illustrates this:
Note that if the number of statements to be affected by the if is more than one, the statements
must be enblocked thus:
if (logical expression) {
else {
Another form of the else statement, else if, executes a statement based on another expression.
An if statement can have any number of companion else if statements but only one else.
Following is a program, IfElse that assigns a grade based on the value of a test score: an A for
a score of 90% or above, a B for a score of 80% or above, and so on:
You may have noticed that the value of testscore can satisfy more than one of the expressions in the
compound if statement: 76 >= 70 and 76 >= 60. However, as the runtime system processes a
compound if statement such as this one, once a condition is satisfied, the appropriate statements are
executed (grade = 'C';), and control passes out of the if statement without evaluating the remaining
As another example, consider the following code on quadratic equation:
The general model for quadratic equations is ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b and c are the variables that
are used to determine the values of x; called the roots of the equation. Using the formula method
-b d
X =
d = discriminant = b2 – 4ac
15. double d = b*b - 4.0*a*c;
17. // testing for the solution path
18. if (d<0) {
19. System.out.println("Complex roots pleas...");
20. }
21. else if (d = = 0) {
22. System.out.println("Only one real root exists
23. with value....");
24. double x =( -b)/(2*a);
25. System.out.println(x);
26. }
27. else {
28. double x1 = ((-b) + Math.sqrt(d))/(2*a);
29. double x2 = ((-b) - Math.sqrt(d))/(2*a);
30. System.out.println("Two real roots exists with
31. values...");
32. System.out.println(x1 + " and " + x2);
33. }
35. System.out.println("Bye - Bye to the user");
36. System.exit(0);
37. }
38. }
--------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
Enter the value of a
Enter the value of b
Enter the value of c
Two real roots exists with values...
-0.5 and -1.0
Bye - Bye to the user
We use the switch statement to conditionally perform statements based on an integer expression.
The general syntax of a switch statement is:
switch (expression) {
case L1: statements; break;
case L2: statements; break;
case L3: statements; break;
default: statements
Note that:
1. The case labels L1 to Ln must be integers.
2. At the end of all statements for a case, a break statement is written. This is done to avoid the
unwarranted flowing of control to other cases when a particular case has been executed.
3. The default statement may not be necessary, but may be part of the switch statements.
4. The last case or default may not end with break statement since the control will automatically
passed out of the switch block when they are executed.
Following is a sample program, SwitchDemo that declares an integer named month whose value
supposedly represents the month in a date. The program displays the name of the month, based on the
value of month, using the switch statement:
public class SwitchDemo {
public static void main(String[ ] args) {
int month = 8;
switch (month) {
case 1: System.out.println("January"); break;
case 2: System.out.println("February");break;
case 3: System.out.println("March"); break;
case 4: System.out.println("April"); break;
case 5: System.out.println("May"); break;
case 6: System.out.println("June"); break;
case 7: System.out.println("July"); break;
case 8: System.out.println("August"); break;
case 9: System.out.println("September"); break;
case 10: System.out.println("October"); break;
case 11: System.out.println("November"); break;
case 12: System.out.println("December"); break;
The switch statement evaluates its expression, in this case the value of month, and executes the
appropriate case statement. Thus, the output of the program is: August. Of course, you could
implement this by using an if statement:
int month = 8;
if (month == 1) {
} else if (month == 2) {
. . . // and so on
Deciding whether to use an if statement or a switch statement is a judgment call. You can decide
which to use, based on readability and other factors. An if statement can be used to make decisions
based on ranges of values or conditions, whereas a switch statement can make decisions based only on
a single integer value. Also, the value provided to each case statement must be unique. Another point
of interest in the switch statement is the break statement after each case. As explained earlier, each
break statement terminates the enclosing switch statement, and the flow of control continues with the
first statement following the switch block. The break statements are necessary because without them,
the case statements fall through. That is, without an explicit break, control will flow sequentially
through subsequent case statements. Following is an example, SwitchDemo2, which illustrates why it
might be useful to have case statements fall through:
case 10:
case 12:
numDays = 31;
case 4:
case 6:
case 9:
case 11:
numDays = 30;
case 2:
if (((year % 4 == 0) && !(year%100 == 0))
|| (year % 400 == 0) )
numDays = 29;
numDays = 28;
System.out.println("Number of Days = " + numDays);
Technically, the final break is not required because flow would fall out of the switch statement
anyway. However, we recommend using a break for the last case statement just in case you need to
add more case statements at a later date. This makes modifying the code easier and less error-prone.
You will see break used to terminate loops in Branching Statements. Finally, you can use the default
statement at the end of the switch to handle all values that aren't explicitly handled by one of the case
int month = 8;
switch (month) {
case 1: System.out.println("January"); break;
case 2: System.out.println("February"); break;
case 3: System.out.println("March"); break;
case 4: System.out.println("April"); break;
case 5: System.out.println("May"); break;
case 6: System.out.println("June"); break;
case 7: System.out.println("July"); break;
case 8: System.out.println("August"); break;
case 9: System.out.println("September"); break;
case 10: System.out.println("October"); break;
case 11: System.out.println("November"); break;
case 12: System.out.println("December"); break;
default: System.out.println("Hey, that's not a valid month!"); break;
The following program gives a real-life application of the switch – case structure. The program
computes the area and pperimeters of some common plane shapes.
1. import java.util.Scanner;
2. class shapes {
3. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
4. Scanner input = new Scanner(;
5. System.out.println("This program computes the area and
6. perimeter of plane shapes" + " \n Enter 1 for Rectangle
7. \n Enter 2 for Square \n Enter 3 for Circle \n Enter 4 for
8. Parallelogram" + "\n Enter 5 for Triangle \n Enter 6 to
9. exit the program \n\n Your Option here...");
10. int option = input.nextInt( );
11. System.out.println( );
12. switch (option) {
13. case 1: System.out.println("You have chosen
14. Rectangle");
15. System.out.println("Enter its length");
16. float l = input.nextFloat( );
17. System.out.println("Enter its breadth");
18. float b = input.nextFloat( );
19. double a = l * b;
20. double p = 2.0 *(l + b);
21. System.out.println("Area = "+ a +" Cm"+
22. "\nPerimeter = "+ p + " Cm-square");
23. System.out.println( );
24. break;
26. case 2: System.out.println("You have chosen
27. Square");
28. System.out.println("Enter its length");
29. l = input.nextFloat( );
30. a = l * l;
31. p = 4.0 * l;
32. System.out.println("Area = "+ a +" Cm"+
33. "\nPerimeter = "+ p + " Cm-square");
34. System.out.println( );
35. break;
37. case 3: System.out.println("You have chosen
38. Circle");
39. System.out.println("Enter its radius ");
40. float r = input.nextFloat( );
41. a = Math.PI * r * r;
42. p = 2.0 * Math.PI * r;
43. System.out.printf("Area = %.2f Cm
44. \nPerimeter = %.2f Cm-square", a ,p);
45. System.out.println( );
46. break;
48. case 4: System.out.println("You have chosen
49. Parallelogram");
50. System.out.println("Enter its Height");
51. float h = input.nextFloat( );
52. System.out.println("Enter one of its slanting
53. parallel sides ");
54. l = input.nextFloat( );
55. System.out.println("Enter its base");
56. b = input.nextFloat( );
57. a = b * h;
58. p = (2.0 * l) + (2.0 * b);
59. System.out.println("Area = "+ a +" Cm"+
60. "\nPerimeter = "+ p + " Cm-square");
61. System.out.println( );
62. break;
64. case 5: System.out.println("You have chosen
65. Triangle");
66. System.out.println("Enter its height");
67. h = input.nextFloat( );
68. System.out.println("Enter first slanting height
69. ");
70. float l1 = input.nextFloat( );
71. System.out.println("Enter second slanting
72. height");
73. float l2 = input.nextFloat( );
74. System.out.println("Enter its base");
75. b = input.nextFloat( );
76. a = 0.5 * b * h;
77. p = l1 + l2 + b;
78. System.out.println("Area = "+ a +" Cm"+
79. "\nPerimeter = "+ p + " Cm-square");
80. System.out.println( );
81. break;
83. case 6: System.out.println("You have chosen to exit,
84. Thank you, Program stops...");
85. System.out.println( );
86. System.exit(0); break;
88. default: System.out.println("Wrong option chosen,
89. Program terminates... ");
90. System.out.println( );
91. System.exit(0);
92. } //end switch
93. System.out.println( );
94. System.out.println("Thanks for using this program,
95. Bye...");
96. System.out.println( );
97. System.exit(0);
98. } // end method main
99. } // end class shapes
Sample Output:
-------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
This program computes the area and perimeter of plane shapes
Enter 1 for Rectangle
Enter 2 for Square
Enter 3 for Circle
Enter 4 for Parallelogram
Enter 5 for Triangle
Enter 6 to exit the program
5.4.3 The for Statement
The for statement provides a compact way to iterate over a range of values. It is used when we know
ahead the number of times a section of code is to be repeated. It is a counter-controlled loop.
The general form of the for statement can be expressed like this:
The initialization is an expression that initializes the loop. It is executed once at the beginning of the
loop. The termination/continuation criterion determines when to terminate the loop. It in essence
gives the conditions to continuing the loop until when the loop will terminate. This expression is
evaluated at the top of each iteration of the loop. When the expression evaluates to false, the loop
terminates. Finally, increment is an expression that gets invoked after each iteration through the loop.
All these components are optional. In fact, to write an infinite loop, you omit all three expressions:
for ( ; ; ) {
// infinite loop ...
The Demo program that follows adds the numbers from 1 to 10 and displays the result.
Other Examples
To sum all odd numbers together from 1 to n
1. import java.util.Scanner;
2. public class number {
3. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
4. Scanner in = new Scanner(;
5. System.out.println("Enter the maximum number to
6. compute");
7. int n = in.nextInt( );
8. int sum = 0;
9. for (int i = 1; i<= n; i+=2) {
10. sum += i;
11. } //next i
12. System.out.println( );
13. System.out.println("Sum of odd from 1 to " + n + " = " +
14. sum);
15. System.out.println( );
16. }
17. }
Note: The increment is i += 2 or i = i + 2 and not i +2!
The sum is being used as an accumulator here and has to be initialized to 0. It accumulates all the
summations in the loop.
Note that you can declare a local variable within the initialization expression of a for loop. The scope
of this variable extends from its declaration to the end of the block governed by the for statement so it
can be used in the termination and increment expressions as well. If the variable that controls a for
loop is not needed outside of the loop, it's best to declare the variable in the initialization expression.
The names j, k, and i are often used to control for loops; declaring them within the for loop
initialization expression limits their life span and reduces errors.
Nested For-loops
In some cases, two or more for-loops can be nested with each other. In such cases, the innermost for-
loop will run faster than the outer one. This means that the innermost loop will have to run into
completion before the control is passed to the outermost loop.
The general syntax for two nested for-loops is:
for ( i loop) {
for (j loop) {
} // next j
} // next i
Consider the example code below, which computes the times table from 1 to 10:
1. class times {
2. public static void main(String [ ] args) {
3. for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { //outermost loop
4. for (int j = 1; j <= 10; j++) { //innermost loop
5. int Times = i * j;
6. System.out.print(“|” + Times + “\t”);
7. } // Ending Innermost loop
8. System.out.println(“………………………………………….”);
9. } //Ending outermost loop
10. } // End main
11. } //End class
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
| 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20
| 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 21 | 24 | 27 | 30
| 4 | 8 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 24 | 28 | 32 | 36 | 40
| 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50
| 6 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 30 | 36 | 42 | 48 | 54 | 60
| 7 | 14 | 21 | 28 | 35 | 42 | 49 | 56 | 63 | 70
| 8 | 16 | 24 | 32 | 40 | 48 | 56 | 64 | 72 | 80
| 9 | 18 | 27 | 36 | 45 | 54 | 63 | 72 | 81 | 90
| 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100
At the first entry of the two for-loops (lines 3 – 4), each of the loop invariants i and j have initial
values of 1 and 1 respectively. After the first iteration, the innermost j will have to increment to 2
while i still remain at 1. This is how the innermost loop will increment up to 10. At the end of the 10th
iteration, then a line will be printed (Line 8) and then i now increment to 2, while j starts the
iterations again as before. Note the use of System.out.print in the innermost loop (Line 6), just to print
the results on a line; and the use of System.out.println (Line 8) in the outermost loop, just to move on
to next line.
As an exercise, implement a program to compute means of five experiments’ data with each
experiment repeated 3 times each.
while loop
We use a while statement to continually execute a block of statements while a condition remains true.
It is somehow regarded as a pre-conditional testing control. The general syntax of the while statement
while (expression) {
First, the while statement evaluates expression, which must return a boolean value. If the expression
returns true, then the while statement executes the statement(s) associated with it. The while statement
continues testing the expression and executing its block until the expression returns false. In this wise,
we say a while loop is a pre-test looping mechanism, since it will first of all test the condition before
executing the loop. The control moves to the next statement after the while statements’ block when
the expression is no more valid and execution continues from there downwards.
Consider the following program segment that sums all numbers from 1 to 10.
int sum = 0;
int i = 1;
while (i <= 10) {
sum += i;
}//end while
System.out.print(“Total sum of numbers from 1 to 10 = “ + sum);
The while first of all tests for value of i if it is less or equal to 10. If true, then the block of code for
while is executed and i is incremented in the block. The while will continue like this until the
condition i<=10 is no more valid. Then it will jump to the statement that follows the while block –
System.out.print(“Total sum of numbers from 1 to 10 = “ + sum);
Consider the following program, which continuously accepts some positive numbers until when a
negative number is entered. The negative number terminates the loop. Any data that is used to
terminate a loop like the negative number in this case is called a sentinel.
1. import javax.swing.*;
2. class summation {
3. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
4. int count = 0;
5. float sum = 0;
6. float data = Float.parseFloat (JOptionPane.showInputDialog
7. ("Enter first data"));
8. while (data > 0) {
9. count++;
10. sum += data;
11. data = Float.parseFloat(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
12. "Enter next data"));
13. }//end while
14. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sum of " + count + "
15. data added is " + sum,"Results",
17. System.exit(0);
18. }
19. }
Exercise: Type the program into an editor and run the program for the following sets of data. Record
your observations.
(i) 5, 6, -5, 8, -9
(ii) –8, 8, -7
do-while loop
The Java programming language provides another statement that is similar to the while statement-the
do-while statement. It is often regarded as a post-conditional testing control.
do {
} while (expression);
Instead of evaluating the expression at the top of the loop, do-while evaluates the expression at the
bottom. Thus the statements associated with a do-while are executed at least once. This structure is
post-conditional testing technique, just like Repeat-Until in some languages like Pascal. Consider the
program below which is the do – while version of the last program.
import javax.swing.*;
1. class summation1 {
2. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
3. int count = 0;
4. float sum = 0;
5. float data = Float.parseFloat(JOptionPane.
6. showInputDialog ("Enter first data"));
7. do {
8. count++;
9. sum += data;
10. float data = Float.parseFloat (JOptionPane.
11. showInputDialog ("Enter next data"));
12. } while (data > 0);
13. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sum of " + count
14. + " data added is " + sum,"Results",
16. System.exit(0);
17. }
18. }
Practical Exercise: Type the program into an editor and run the program for the following sets of
data. Record your observations.
(i) 5, 6, -5, 8, -9
(ii) –3,6,7,8,-1,8
(iii) –8, 8, 7
Answers: (i) 11 (ii) 18 (iii) infinite looping. Explain the reasons for these answers
The Java programming language provides a mechanism known as exceptions to help programs report
and handle errors. When an error occurs, the program throws an exception. What does this mean? It
means that the normal flow of the program is interrupted and that the runtime environment attempts to
find an exception handler--a block of code that can handle a particular type of error. The exception
handler can attempt to recover from the error or, if it determines that the error is unrecoverable,
provide a gentle exit from the program.
Three statements play a part in handling exceptions:
The try statement identifies a block of statements within which an exception might be
The catch statement must be associated with a try statement and identifies a block of
statements that can handle a particular type of exception. The statements are executed if
an exception of a particular type occurs within the try block.
The finally statement must be associated with a try statement and identifies a block of
statements that are executed regardless of whether or not an error occurs within the try
try {
} catch (exceptiontype name) {
} finally {
This has been a brief overview of the statements provided by the Java programming language used in
reporting and handling errors. However, other factors and considerations, such as the difference
between runtime and checked exceptions and the hierarchy of exceptions classes, which represent
various types of exceptions, play a role in using the exception mechanism.
If you have done any amount of Java programming at all, you have undoubtedly already encountered
exceptions. Your first encounter with Java exceptions was probably in the form of an error message from the
compiler like this one:
in = new FileReader(filename);
This message indicates that the compiler found an exception that is not being handled. The Java language
requires that a method either catch all "checked" exceptions (those that are checked by the runtime system) or
specify that it can throw that type of exception.
statementName: someJavaStatement;
You'll see an example of a label within the context of a program in the next section.
The break statement has two forms: unlabeled and labeled. You saw the unlabeled form of the break
statement used with switch earlier. As noted there, an unlabeled break terminates the enclosing switch
statement, and flow of control transfers to the statement immediately following the switch. You can
also use the unlabeled form of the break statement to terminate a for, while, or do-while loop. The
following sample program, Breakdemo, contains a for loop that searches for a particular value within
an array:
15. System.out.println("Found " + searchfor + " at index " + i);
16. } else { System.out.println(searchfor + "not in the array");
17. }
18. }
19. }
The break statement terminates the for loop when the value is found. The flow of control transfers to
the statement following the enclosing for, which is the print statement at the end of the program. The
output of this program is: Found 12 at index 4
The unlabeled form of the break statement is used to terminate the innermost switch, for, while, or do-
while; the labeled form terminates an outer statement, which is identified by the label specified in the
break statement. The following program, BreakWithlabelDemo, is similar to the previous one, but it
searches for a value in a two-dimensional array. Two nested for loops traverse the array. When the
value is found, a labeled break terminates the statement labeled search, which is the outer for loop:
This syntax can be a little confusing. The break statement terminates the labeled statement; it does not
transfer the flow of control to the label. The flow of control transfers to the statement immediately
following the labeled (terminated) statement.
The Continue Statement
You use the continue statement to skip the current iteration of a for, while, or do-while loop. The
unlabeled form skips to the end of the innermost loop's body and evaluates the boolean expression that
controls the loop, basically skipping the remainder of this iteration of the loop. The following
program, ContinueDemo, steps through a string buffer checking each letter. If the current character is
not a p, the continue statement skips the rest of the loop and proceeds to the next character. If it is a p,
the program increments a counter, and converts the p to an uppercase letter.
The labeled form of the continue statement skips the current iteration of an outer loop marked with the
given label. The following example program, ContinueWithLabelDemo, uses nested loops to search
for a substring within another string. Two nested loops are required: one to iterate over the substring
and one to iterate over the string being searched. This program uses the labeled form of continue to
skip an iteration in the outer loop:
24. }
Another example
Consider the following code, which writes and computes the sum of all prime numbers from 20 to
If i is divided by j and the remainder equals zero (0) (Line 6), this means i is not prime. The continue
L1; statement (Line 4) makes the control to jump out of j – loop and go to for-loop labeled L1. The
current iteration of i is skipped; i is then incremented to the next value. This construct works like
GOTO statement found in other languages like FORTRAN. But it only works with nested loops.
The last of Java's branching statements is the return statement. You use return to exit from the current
method. The flow of control returns to the statement that follows the original method call. The return
statement has two forms: one that returns a value and one that doesn't. To return a value, simply put
the value (or an expression that calculates the value) after the return keyword:
return ++count;
The data type of the value returned by return must match the type of the method's declared return
value. When a method is declared void, use the form of return that doesn't return a value: return;
In this chapter you have been introduced to the control structures in Java
programming. The ball is in your court. Start writing simple programs now so
that you become a Java ‘guru’
Post Test
1. A man borrows N3000 from a bank at an interest rate of 1.5% per month. He pays N250 at
the end of each month. The amount he owes (AM) at the end of the each month is calculated
AM = P + (1.5 /100 * P) – 250
Where P = the Principal amount left to be paid.
Write a program that will print the amount he owes each month and the number of months it
will take him to pay all the debt.
2. At Lever Brothers Nigeria Limited, each staff member is given a monthly basic salary
commensurate with his/her salary grade level. In addition, each staff is given 10% of basic
salary as Transport allowance, 15.5% of basic as Housing Allowance and N500 flat as meal
subsidy. Also, if a staff has spent over 10 years in the company, he/she is given 2% of his
basic salary as ‘long serving staff allowance’. Write a java program to implement the above
pay-roll policy, assuming 50 staff numbers in all.
3. There were twenty experimental set-ups in a Chemistry Laboratory. Each of the experiments
was repeated four times. Implement a program that captures the results from the experiments
and reports the mean values for each of the experiments. Hint: Use Nested for loops.
4. The are n stores in a big marketing company. Each of the stores has m departments. Each
department has daily sales per week. Write a program to compute the (i) total sales per week
for the company, (ii) total sales per week for each each of the stores and (iii) total sales per
week for each of the departments.
6 Java Arrays and Vectors
6.1 Introduction
In this chapter, you shall be introduced to the use use of arrays and how Java handles them. You are
advised to review the concept of loops especially for-loops in the previous chapter.
6.2 Objectives
(i) Briefly explain the algorithm to calculate the standard deviation of any three numbers.
(ii) How many variables would you need if you were to calculate the same standard
deviation for hundred numbers?
An array is a group of variables, all of the same data type that is referred to by a single name. The
values in the group occupy contiguous locations in the computer memory, i.e., the data are stored one
next to each other in the computer memory. Each element in the array is identified by the array name
and a subscript pointing to the particular location within the array.
We have two types of array – one (single) and multi-dimensional arrays. Let us explain the term
dimension before we go on to the lecture properly. Dimension has to do with the number of objects or
entities a data is related to. For instance, if we say the score of a particular student. In this case, the
score data is related to one entity - student. This is one dimensional array, usually depicted on a single
row vector. But if we now say the score of a particular student in a particular course. Then, the same
score data is related to a student and course. This is two-dimension in this case, usually depicted with
a table having rows and columns. We could go ahead to relate the same score to student, course and
session, making a three dimension of the score data. Another example is the rain volume in a
particular day. This is one dimension. Rain volume in a particular day in a particular week. This is
two-dimension. Now, rain volume in a particular day, in a particular week, in a particular month,
(making three-dimension), in a particular year, making four-dimension.
A(1) to A(5) are subscripts or locations or indexes of the array A and they can contain any valid
values of the same data type. The individual cell or location in the array is also called a subscript.
Subscript A(1) could contain 56 as its data. So, we reference this 56 with the subscript number, A(1).
In Java, the elements are numbered with subscripts starting from 0, and can be referenced by their
number using the subscript operator [ ].
20 40 10 50 30
element-type could be any of the primitive data type such as int, float, double, char etc.
float[ ] x; // declares x to be a reference to an array of floats
x = new float[8]; // allocates an array of 8 floats, referenced by x
boolean [ ] flags = new boolean[8];
int [ ] score = new score[20];
Comments: when i is 0, the pointer is at location 0 of the array. What would be printed on screen is
Enter data for subscript 1. Ideally it should be subscript 0, but we have done an arithmetic operation in
the string parameter in the JOptionPane, (i + 1). This is only done at the level of the user of the
program, who does not know anything about java zero-based indexing. Data entered at this point will
be assigned to location 0 of the array. The for loop will iterate until the length of the array has been
filled up. Note that the termination point of the loop should be 1 less than the total array length
because we are starting from subscript zero (i < arrayName.length). If we had used i <=
arrayName.length, then we would have commited an arrayOutOfBoundException error, i.e., we go
beyond the length of the array. The length function should not contain parenthesis, ( ) as in the String
length function.
Study the code below and explain the algorithm for reversing the elements of a one-dimensional
1. import javax.swing.*;
2. class arrayReverse {
3. public static void main (String[] args) {
4. int n = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
5. ("Enter the length of the array"));
6. int[ ] a = new int[n];
8. // Reading Data into the Array a
9. for (int m = 0; m < n; m++)
10. a[m] = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
11. ("Enter data"+ (m+1)));
13. // printing the original array a
14. System.out.println("Original array .....\n");
15. for (int l = 0; l < n; l++ )
16. System.out.print(a[l] + "\t");
18. System.out.println("\n");
20. // reversing the array a
21. int i = 0, j = n - 1;
22. while ((i != j)) {
23. int temp = a[i]; //swapping
24. a[i] = a[j];
25. a[j] = temp;
26. i++;
27. j--;
28. if (j < i)
29. break;
30. } // end while
32. // Printing the array in reverse order
33. System.out.println("Reversed array ..... \n");
34. for (int k = 0; k < n; k++ )
35. System.out.print(a[k] + "\t");
37. //Closing the program
38. System.out.println("\n");
39. System.exit(0);
40. }
41. }
Sample Output
The element-type of character Array is char. The strings are nearly the same as the character array but
with little difference. The program below compares a string object with a char array.
class TestCharArrays {
public static void main(String args[ ]) {
String s = new String( "ABCDEFG");
char[ ] a = s.toCharArray();
System.out.print("S = "+ s +" \t a =" + a + "\' " );
System.out.print("s.length( )=" + s.length( )+"\t a.length = " + a.length );
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
System.out.print("S. charAt("+i +") = " + s.charAt(i) + "\t a [ " + i + "] ="
+ a[i]);
The output is
s.length() = 7 a. length = 7
s.charAt(0) = A a[0] = A
s.chartAt(1) = B a[1] = B
. .
. .
. .
s.chartAt(6) = G a[6] = G
Note that
Arrays are zero-based indexing, i.e., the first element has index 0.
s and a are reference variables.
s refers to a string object while a refers to a char[ ] object
Array objects have a public field named length which stores the number of elements in the
array. So the expression a.length is analogous to the invocation of s.length( ).
An array of length n has index numbers from 0 to n-1.
We can initialize an array explicitly with an initialization list : like this:
int [ ] c = {44, 88, 55, 33};
int [ ] c;
c = new int [4];
c[0] = 44;
c[1] = 88;
c[2] = 55;
c[3] = 33;
34 23 24
24 56 13
15 10 19
For example,
The above declares a two-dimensional array a of 7 rows and 9 columns. The row number is specified
first followed by the column number. To assign a value to a location in the array:
a[0][2] = 50;
The snippet uses two nested for loops. The first i-loop moves round the rows while the inner j-loop
moves round the columns of the array. As you have been taught while learning nested for loop control
structure, the j-loop moves faster than the i-loop. This means that for each row i, the columns would
heve to be filled first before going to the next row. The row length is specified as a.length while the
column length is specified as a[i].length. Why the a[i].length for the column number? This is
because each row of a two-dimensional array is an array itself with its own length. As i increases, it
denotes the next row to operate on.
As an illustration, consider the following program
1. import javax.swing.*;
2. import java.text.DecimalFormat; // to format our output
3. class array2D {
4. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
5. float[ ][ ] score; //declaring a 2-dimensional array
7. //Getting the number of rows and columns for the array
8. int r = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
("Enter number of rows for the 2-dimensional
9. int c= Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
("Enter number of columns for the 2-dimensional
Sample Output Screen Shots:
(i) We use i<r and i<c in the for loops, instead of <= to avoid array out-of-bound-exception, i.e.
We don’t want to go beyond the array’s dimension, since java array indexing starts from zero.
Again, we try to use the conventional means of accessing array, not using the array.length
(ii) To do any arithmetic computation inside a string, we need to put the expression inside a
bracket within the string. For instance, we have (i+1) inside the string of showInputDialog
and that of the output. Can you guess the reason why we use (i + 1) and (j + 1) instead of
ordinary i and j in the showInputDialog?
(iii) Note the effect of the DecimalFormat method. It is a powerful method from the Text class
which can be used to format our output to some number of decimal places in Java.
(iv) The two-dimensional array used in this program is assumed to contain scores of some
students in rows in some courses done in columns.
(v) In computing the average score of each student, the accumulator sum is initialized to 0 and
placed in between the two for loops. Can you guess a reason for this? This is done so that
when the innermost for-loop is completed and average for that row of data computed and
reported, then the accumulator will be re-initialized back to zero for the next set of data for
another student. Otherwise, the previous value in the accumulator sum will be carried over to
the next set of iteration of the outermost for-loop.
Practical Exercise:
(i) Try to copy and execute the program and state your observations.
(ii) How would you modify the program above to compute the average for each column, that
is, average score per course?
A two dimensional array is actually an array of arrays. Each row is a separate array. Consider the
program below, which illustrates this point.
class test {
public Static void main (String args[]) {
int [ ][ ] a = new int [7][9];
System.out.println (“a. length = ” + a.length);
System.out.println (“a[0].lenth = ” + a[0].length;
a.length = 7
a[0].length = 9
As an array, the object ‘a’ has length 7. That’s because it is really an array of 7 rows. The first of these
row arrays is a[0]; having length 9. Each row has 9 elements. We can also initialize a 2-dimensional
array like a 1-dimensional array. The only difference is that since it is an array of arrays; its
initialization list has to be a list of initialization lists. For example, consider the case of a ragged 2-
dimensional array below. Ragged because the lengths of its rows vary.
1. class test2 {
2. public static void main (String args[]) {
3. int [ ][ ] a = { { 77, 33, 88},
{11, 55, 22, 99},
{66, 44}
4. for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
5. for (int j = 0; j< a[i].length; j++)
6. System.out.print (“\t” + a[i][j]);
7. System.out.println( );
8. }
9. }
10. }
The output is
77 33 88
11 55 22 99
66 44
Note: The use of nested for loops, which is the standard way to process 2-dimensional arrays. The
outside loop is controlled by the row index i, and the inside loop is controlled by the column index j.
The row index i increments until it reaches a.length, which is 3 in this example. For each value of i,
the column index j increments until it reaches a[i].length, which in this example is 3 when i=0, 4 when
i = 1 and 2 when i = 2.
Processing 3-dimensional array is similar. Three nested for loops are used:
Java provides a predefined sort method in its Application Programming Interface (API). The
Arrays.sort(arrayName) method could be invoked on a one-dimensional array in order to sort it in
ascending order. Note that java.util.* must be imported to your program before the method could be
used. Example program below illustrates the use of the method.
1. import javax.swing.*;
2. import java.util.*;
3. class array {
4. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
5. int n = Integer.parseInt(
6. InputDialog("Enter the size of the array"));
7. int [ ] a = new int[n];
8. for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
9. a[i] = Integer.parseInt(
10. InputDialog("Enter data for column" + (i+1)));
12. //printing original array
13. System.out.println("Original array data ..\n");
14. for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
15. System.out.print("\t" + a[i]);
16. System.out.println( );
18. // Sorting the array using a predefined sort procedure
19. Arrays.sort(a);
21. //Printing sorted array ..
22. System.out.println("Sorted array data ..\n");
23. for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
24. System.out.print("\t" + a[i]);
26. System.out.println( );
27. System.exit(0);
28. }
29. }
Sample Output
Practical Exercise
The method, Arrays.sort(arrayName) can only sort an array in ascending order, implement a
program that will sort an array in descending order using bubble sorting algorithm or any other you
Java also provides an intrinsic function to do a binary search on a linear array, using the
Arrays.binarySearch(ArryaName, x) function. The function can only work on sorted array and that is why we
need to firstly apply Arrays.sort(ArrayName) function to the array. The ArrayName is the name of the array we
are working with while x is the data we want to search on the array. The Arrays.binarySearch(A, x) function
returns 1 if the data (x) is found in the array and zero (0) otherwise. Examine this aspect critically in Lines 17 –
20 in the code below.
1. import java.util.*;
2. class binasearch {
3. public static void main(String args[ ]) {
4. Scanner inp = new Scanner(;
5. System.out.println("Enter the length of the array");
6. int n = inp.nextInt( );
7. int A[ ] = new int[n];
8. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
9. System.out.println("Enter data "+ (i+1));
10. A[i] = inp.nextInt( );
11. } // next i
13. System.out.println("Enter data to search ");
14. int x = inp.nextInt( );
16. Arrays.sort(A);
17. if(Arrays.binarySearch(A, x) == 1)
18. System.out.println("Data found") ;
19. else
20. System.out.println("Data not found");
21. }
22. }
6.4.10 Java Vectors
Vectors are expandable and contractible array of objects. The size of a vector can change at will by
the programmer. Below are some of the operations that can be performed on vectors:
The following simple line of code would create a vector for you:
Note that V in Vector is upper-case. This constructor creates a default vector containing no elements.
Two technical terms commonly used with vectors are size and capacity. The size of a vector is the
number of elements currently stored into it. Whereas the capacity of a vector is the amount of memory
allocated to hold elements, and it is always greater than or equal to the size.
This means the vector will support 25 elements. But vectors can be expanded! Therefore, for the
vector to accept more data, we will specify the factor of expansion. So we could declare the vector
like this:
This vector has an initial size of 25 elements and expands in increments of 5 elements when more
than 25 elements are added to it. That means the vector jumps to 30 elements in size, and then 35, and
so on.
Just like in arrays, we use the square brackets (“[ ]”) to achieve this operation in vectors.
71 Adding Elements to the Vector
We use the add( ) method to add an element to a vector. For example, the codes below shows how to
add some strings to the vector v:
v.add(“S. O.”);
The following code will retrieve the last element added to the vector v:
String s = (String)v.lastElement();
So, s will be assigned ‘Ibadan’ at the end of the operation. Note the casting into String (the keyword
String is put into bracket) for the vector. This is because a vector is designed to work with the object
String s1 = (String)v.get(0);
String s2 = (String)v.get(2);
Because vectors are zero-based in indexing, the first statement retrieves “Akinola” and the second
retrieves “Ibadan”.
v.add(1, “Solomon”);
v.add(0, “Olalekan”);
v.remove (3);
The first statement inserts “Solomon” at index 1, between “Akinola” and “S. O.” strings. The second
statement inserts “Olalekan” at index 0, which happens to be the beginning of the vector. All existing
elements will be moved up to accommodate the new elements inserted in the appropriate positions.
S. O.
The call to remove( ) at index 3 in line 3 will cause “S. O.” to be removed from the vector. Therefore,
the final list in the vector will now be:
Removing the element based on the element itself rather than on an index can be achieved via the
statement below:
v.removeElement(”S. O.”);
The following statement will change “Solomon” to “Olasunkanmi” in the vector v using the set()
v.set(1, “Olasunkanmi”);
Use the following code to clear all the elements from the vector v.
The indexOf returns the position of “Akinola” in the vector if it is actually there, else it returns -1.
In this Chapter, you have been introduced to the declarations
and use of arrays in Java. We were able to see that an array
can be used to manipulate a large set of related data that are of
same type and format.
Post Test
1. Write a program segment to compute the average value of all data stored in even positions (2,
4, 6, …) inside a one-dimensional array, assuming data has been stored into the array initially.
2. (a) A linear search compares each element of an array with a search key. Write a java code
snippet that will return “found” with the index of an element if found in the array and “Not
found” otherwise.
(a) Extend the program in 5(a) to compute the sum of all data which are in even indexes (2,
4, 6…) in an array.
(b) Extend the program in 5(a) to reverse all the elements in the array; such that element in
the last index will now occupy the first index in that order.
7 Java Strings Manipulations
7.1 Introduction
A string is a sequence of characters. Words, sentences and names are strings. This chapter introduces
you manipulations of strings in Java programming language.
7.2 Objectives
The simplest type of string in Java is an object of the string class and cannot be changed.
(1) Length of Strings: gives the total number of characters in a string. Consider the program
segment below:
String str = “I am now a student”;
int strLength = str.length( );
System.out.println(“Length of the string given is is ” + strLength);
Note that
(i) space is a character in a string.
(ii) the length method used in this case as different from that of the array. Length method in
strings has the opening and closing brackets as suffix, length( ), i.e., it is a method
without any argument passed into it.
(2) Getting the Character at a Particular Point or Index. Note: Java starts its counting
from 0. Using the example above
String strPosition5 = str.charAt(5);
(3) Getting the Index of a Character: The index of a character is the position of the
character in a string. Zero indexing must be observed. There are 18 characters in the string.
(4) Getting the Hash code for a String
The hash code gives the unique integer value for a string. The number or code has no meaning
other than serving as a numeric label for the object. Hash values are used as storage locators
when the objects are stored in tables. Although each string object has one and only one hash
code, the same number may be the hash code for more than one object. This operation is
commonly used in compiler construction.
A substring is a string whose characters form a contiguous part of another string. The
Substring() method extracts substrings from strings. Two arguments are normally passed into
this method, the lower and upper indices. To get this method clear, we have to find the
difference between the two indices, say 8 – 4 = 4 as in the example below. This now means
that we are extracting a total of 4 characters starting from the lower index (4) upwards.
For example:
(6) Changing Case of a String: Case has to do with small or bigletters such as a, A, b, B. We
can change all the characters in a string to either big or small letters.
String country = “NIGEria”;
String lower = country.toLowerCase( );// solution: nigeria
String upper = country.toUpperCase( ); //solution: NIGERIA
(7) Concatenation: We have dealt with this in our past examples. We use + symbol to
concatenate or join strings together. Java also use the concat method for this operation. For
String a1 = “I am coming ”;
String b = “to you soon”;
String c1 = a1 + b;
String c2 = a1.concat(b);
(8) Searching for Characters in a String: We can search for a particular character in a
string. Also, we can look for other positions or indexes of the character in the string. Consider
the example below:
system.out.println(“Next index of ‘s’: ” + j);
int k = str.indexOf(‘s’, j + 1);
system.out.println(“Next index of ‘s’:” + k);
//To get the last index of s
k = str.lastIndexOf(‘s’);
system.out.println(“Last index of ‘s’:” + k);
(9) Replacing Characters in a String. Using the replace() method,we can substitute a
character with another character in a string. The example below illustrates this:
The program below shows how to do arithmetic on numerical values that are embedded within a
string. Study, compile and execute this program and report your observations.
The Output:
The parseInt() method (defined in the integer class) reads the two characters ‘1’ and ‘8’ from the
todaysDayString string, converts them to their equivalent numerical values 1 and 8, combines
them to form 18 and then returns that int value.
11. Comparing Strings Using the Methods equals, equalIgnoreCase, compareTo and
If we wanted to test for equality, we could use the method equals. Method equals tests any two
objects for equality, that is, if the strings contained in the two objects are identical. The method
returns true if they were and false otherwise. This method uses a lexicographical comparison. The
integer Unicode values that represent each character in each string are compared. Thus the statement;
if (s1.equals(“akinola”))
We use “==” operator to compare object references to determine whether they refer to the same
object; not whether two objects have the same contents. However, if we write the following code:
Method IgnoreCase ignores the case of the letters in each string. Thus, if we write the following code:
if (s3.equalsIgnoreCase(s4))
the condition will be true since the cases of the letters does not matter in “Happy Day” and “happy
day” strings. This method is ideal for sorting strings.
Method compareTo returns zero (0) if the strings are equal, a negative number if the string that
invokes compareTo is less than the string that is passed as an argument and a positive number if
otherwise. That is, the invoking string is greater than the argument. The method uses a lexicographical
comparison to compare the numeric values of corresponding characters in each string. For instance,
the code:
returns a negative number to output. But s4.compareTo(s3) will return a positive number. Note that
method compareTo is case-sensitive. Consider the following code, which sorts words in a string in an
ascending order using a bubble sort technique. Method split( ) is used in the code to split a string into
tokens and converts the string into a string array. This is explained further in section 17 of this
1. import javax.swing.*;
2. class str {
3. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
8. // reading the string
9. String s =JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a string of
10. any length");
11. System.out.println("\n The original string is \n\n" + s);
13. // Splitting the string into a string array.
14. // Space is used as the token-separator in the string
15. String[ ] sArray = s.split(" ");
17. // sorting with bubble sort technique, using the compareTo( ) method
18. for (int i = 0; i< sArray.length; i++) {
19. for (int j = (i + 1); j < sArray.length; j++) {
20. int k = sArray[i].compareTo(sArray[j]);
21. // compareTo( ) returns a negative, zero or positive integer
22. // if compareTo( ) returns a positive integer, swap the elements position
23. if (k > 0) {
24. String temp = sArray[i];
25. sArray[i] = sArray[j];
26. sArray[j] = temp;
27. } //end if
28. } // next j
29. } //next i
31. //Printing sorted string
32. System.out.println("\n The sorted words in the string are\n");
33. for (int i = 0; i < sArray.length; i++)
34. System.out.println(sArray[i]);
35. System.exit(0);
36. }
37. }
Practical Exercise: Extend the above program to search for a particular word in a string.
Method regionMatches compares portions of two strings for equality. The first argument is the
starting index in the string that invokes the method. The second argument is a comparison string. The
third is the starting index in the comparison string and the last is the number of characters to compare
between the two strings. The method only returns true only if the specified number of characters are
lexicographically equal. For example,
Note that this method is case sensitive. In this case, the else path will be followed. However, if we
want to ignore cases, then the code would be written as follows:
Akin starts with Ak
Akinola starts with Ak
Akintola starts with Ak
Akinsola starts with Ak
Akintola starts with ol at position 5
Akinsola starts with ol at position 5
Akinola ends with la
Akintola ends with la
Akinsola ends with la
Characters in a string can be reversed and printed in the reverse order. This is a way of data
encryption. A counting down for-loop could be used to achieve this. For example,
public class sR {
public static void main(String[ ] args) {
String string = "My name is Akinola";
for (int i = string.length( )-1; i>=0; i--)
alonikA si eman yM
14. Trimming a String: The trim() method is normally used to remove leading or trailing
white spaces before and after a string. For example:
String s1 = “ Akinola “;
String s2 = s1.trim()
// no more spaces before and after Akinola
The code below creates a new character array ontaining a copy of the characters in string s1
and assigns a reference to variable charArray.
16. String Tokenizer: StringTokenizer class is a class from package java.util, which breaks a
string into its component tokens. Tokens are individual words and punctuations, each of
which conveys meaning to a reader of a sentence. Tokens are separated from one another by
delimiters, such as space, tab, new line and carriage return. This class would be useful in
compiler’s tokenization. Compilers breaks up statements into individual pieces like keywords,
identifiers, operators and other elements of a programming language. The following program
illustrates string tokenization in Java.
Consider this small code:
1. import java.util.*;
2. import javax.swing.*;
3. class Tokenizer {
4. public static void main (String[ ] args){
5. String str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the string");
6. StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(str);
7. System.out.println(tokens.countTokens( )+"Tokens");
8. String [ ] words = new String[tokens.countTokens( )];
9. while (tokens.hasMoreTokens( )){ // Print the tokens
10. System.out.println(tokens.nextToken( ));
11. } // end while
12. }
13. }
17. String Splitting
Split( ) is a method that can be used to split a string into its constituent words and then stored them
into a string array. The parameter to be passed into the split( ) will be the delimiter used to separate
the words in the string, for example, space. Examine the code below, which is another way of
implementing a tokenizer. The program also counts the number of occurrence of the word ‘the’ in the
string given.
28. int count = 0;
29. for (int i = 0; i < sArray.length; i++) {
30. if (sArray[i].equalsIgnoreCase("the"))
31. count++;
32. } // next i
34. System.out.println("\nTotal number oof times 'the'
35. occurs in the string is " + count);
37. System.exit(0);
38. }
39. }
Sample Output
In the above code, space was used to separate the tokens in the string. Sometimes we may want to use
a comma separated string in which comma (,) will be used to separate the tokens in the string. We
only need to change the split( ) argument to comma, such as
The sorting code is re-run here but with a comma separated tokens. Only the output is shown here.
18. StringBuffer Objects: normally used for string objects that need to be changed. Consider
the example below, which creates only one object, buf, which is then modified several times using
concatenation operator and the append() method:
Initial string is: It was
Final string is: It was the best
19. Replacing StringBuffer Objects. Using the simple program above, write another line of
code after the last line as:
System.out.println(“Replaced statement is:“ + buf);
A palindrome is a string that can be spelt same way forwards and backwards. The algorithm for a
palindrome is stated here.
1. Two indexes i, and j are set at the extreme ends of the string respectively, Line 7 in the code
This is a string
i j
5. Index i is incremented by 1 to the right while index j is decremented by 1 to the left (Lines 9-13).
6. The Characters they are pointing to are compared. If they are the same, step number 2 is repeated
to other set of characters in the string (Line 9).
7. If at any point, the characters being pointed to by the indexes differs, the program reports that the
string is not a palindrome (Lines 15-18). But when the two indexes meet on a character, the string
is a palindrome (Line 22).
Here is a palindrome program that checks if a string is spelt same way forwards and backwards:
1. import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
2. class palind {
3. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
4. String a = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("This program
5. checks if a string is a palindrome, \n Enter any
6. string of your choice: ");
7. boolean stop = false;
8. int i = 0, j = a.length( )-1;
9. while (i < a.length( )) {
10. if (a.charAt(i) == a.charAt(j)) {
11. i++;
12. j--;
13. stop = true;
14. continue;
15. } // end if
16. else {
17. System.out.println(a + " is not a
18. palindrome");
19. break;
20. } // end else
22. }// end while
23. if (stop = = true) {
24. System.out.println(a + " is a palindrome");
25. } //end if
26. System.out.println("Good bye to palindrome user");
27. }// end main
28. }//end class
Sample Output
A more efficient code is shown below
1. import javax.swing.*;
2. class palindrome{
3. public static void main(String[ ]args){
4. String str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter sting to
5. check");
6. int lengthstr = str.length( );
8. String reverse = "";
9. for (int i=lengthstr-1;i >= 0 ;i-- )
10. reverse += str.charAt(i);
12. if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(reverse))
13. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"String
14. "+str+" is a palindrome");
15. else
16. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"String
17. "+str+" is not palindrome");
18. }
19. }
Explain how this above code achieves the principle of palindrome.
The chapter has introduced you to strings and their
manipulations in Java. Strings are very useful in Text mining
and especially in Bioinformatics. Find out about these
Post Test
2. Write a program in Java that reads a line of text from the keyboard and displays it on the
screen one word per line as well as writing on the screen the number of words in the text. The
text contains letters and blanks only.
8 Java Methods
8.1 Introduction
In this chapter, you will be introduced to the concept of modularity in Java, i.e. how Java handles
subprograms or program modules. This is usually achieved by the use of “methods”; referred to as
functions and procedures in some other languages.
8.2 Objectives
Assuming you are interested in capturing some number of data, compute their sum, mean and
standard deviation, state all the possible modules you may break the program into.
Methods are techniques employed for breaking large programs into small functional modules. It is
popularly called functions in some languages. These modules in java are called methods and classes.
There are some built-in methods and classes such as mathematical calculations, string manipulation,
error checking, etc. Methods are written to define specific tasks that may be used at any points in a
A method is invoked by a method call. A method call is characterized by its name and the information
(arguments) that the called method need to do its task. When the method call completes, the method
either returns a result to the calling method (or caller) or simply returns control to the calling method.
We can then infer from this fact that the caller is not interested in the way the called method will
perform the job given to it and the called method can also call another method to do some job for it. In
the following assignment statements;
Y = Math.sqrt(x);
Y = Integer.parseInt(x);
Math.sqrt and Integer.parseInt are the method names and x is the argument in the above arithmetic
8.4.2 Advantages of Using Methods in Programs
(2) Software reusability: Using existing methods and classes as building blocks to create new
programs is one of the today’s programming paradigms. We create programs from standardized
methods and classes rather than by building customized codes. For example, in earlier
programs, we did not have to define how to convert strings to integers and floating-point
numbers; Java provides these capabilities in class Integer (static method parseInt) and class
Double (static method parseDouble), respectively.
(3) Reduction in code repetition: Repeating codes in programs is highly reduced using methods.
Packaging code as a method allows a program to execute that code from several locations in a
program simply by calling the method.
(4) Ease of program maintenance and debugging: Methods make programs easier to debug and
(i) To promote software reusability, each method should be limited to performing a single, well-
defined task, and the name of the method should express that task effectively.
(ii) A method should usually be no longer than one printed page. Better yet, a method should usually
be no longer than half a printed page. Regardless of how long a method is, it should perform one
task well. Small methods promote software reusability.
The table below summarizes some of the predefined methods in the Math class:
To use any of the above-predefined methods, we need to append Math as subscript to them. For
instance, we could write xSqrt = Math.sqrt(x-y);
Class Math also declares two commonly used mathematical constants: Math.PI and Math.E. The
constant Math.PI (3.14159…) of class Math is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.
The constant Math.E (2.71828…) is the base value for natural logarithms.
8.4.4 Writing Your Own Methods
The general format of a method declaration is that we firstly write the method header, which is the
first line. Following the method header, declarations and statements in braces form the method body,
which is a block. Variables can be declared in any block and blocks can be nested, but a method
cannot be declared inside another method. The basic format of a method declaration is
The method-name is any valid identifier. The return-value-type is the type of the result returned by the
method to the caller (int, char, double, …). Methods can return at most one value.
The parameters are declared in a comma-separated list enclosed in parentheses that declares each
parameter’s type and name. There must be one argument in the method call for each parameter in the
method declaration. Also, each argument must be compatible with the type of the corresponding
parameter. For example, a parameter of type double can receive values of 8.56, 67 or –0.89567, but
not “year” (because a string cannot be implicitly converted to a double variable). If a method does not
accept any arguments, the parameter list is empty (i.e., the name of the method is followed by an
empty set of parentheses). Parameters are sometimes called formal parameters.
There must be a one-on-one correspondence between the arguments in the method call and the
parameter list in the method. For example, if we have the following in the method call avg(a,b,c), then
x, y, and z will represent a, b, c, respectively in the following method declaration
Parameters x, y and z in the method avg are sometimes called the dummy arguments or formal
parameters, simply because they are placeholders for the real and / or actual parameters or arguments
that are coming from the method call. There is no hard and fast rule about whether the parameters in
the method call and that of the method are the same. But for good programming principle, we always
use different nomenclatures (names) for them. What this means is that float x, float y, float z in the
method could as well be written as float a, float b, float c.
There are two major ways of passing parameters into methods/functions in a program. When the
actual values of variables are passed into a method, this is called parameter passing by value. Any
changes on this data do not affect the original data. Parameter passing by reference is a two-way
communication process. Usually the address of a variable is passed into a method and any changes
made on the variable affects the original value of the variable in wherever it is located in memory.
Array address passing is an example.
There are three ways of returning control to the statement that calls a method.
If the method does not return a result, control returns when the program flow reaches the
method’s ending right brace;
Or when the statement
is executed; and
If the method returns a result, the statement
return expression;
evaluates the expression, then returns the resulting value to the
When a return statement executes, control returns immediately to the statement that called the
method. Below is an example to illustrate programmer-defined methods.
0 0
1 1
2 8
3 27
4 64
5 125
Note: Method Cube is invoked from the println method, with argument i, which represents the current
value of i in the for-loop. Method call is Cube(i).
Methods could be placed at the end of the main method as was done in Example 1 above. That is,
after we might have written all the codes for the main(String[ ] args) method.
Alternatively, we could write all our methods just after the declaration of the class header. Example 2
below illustrates this.
Example 2: Methods that return the sum, mean and maximum of 2 numbers
1. import javax.swing.*;
2. class sumMeanMax {
3. // method to sum the two numbers
4. static int sum(int a, int b) {
5. return a + b;
6. }
8. // method to find the average of the two numbers
9. static double mean(int a, int b) {
10. // add, declared below is a local variable, local to this method
11. int add = sum(a,b); // calling the sum method
12. double avg = add/2.0;
13. return avg;
14. }
16. // method that returns the maximum of the two numbers
17. static int maxim(int a, int b) {
18. if (a > b)
19. return a;
20. else
21. return b;
22. }// end method maxim
24. // The main method
25. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
26. int x = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("
27. Enter the first number", "x = "));
28. int y = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
29. ("Enter the second number", "y = "));
30. String output = "Summation = " + sum(x,y) + "\n" +
31. "Average = " + mean(x,y) + "\n" + "Maximum = " +
32. maxim(x,y);
33. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,output,"Methods
34. Demo...", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
35. System.exit(0);
36. } // End main
37. } // End class
Sample Output:
Note: Methods can call another method if it will need the method. An example is illustrated in the
method mean above, repeated below:
Also, a local variable has its scope only within the method that declares it. An attempt to reference
add, which is declared in the mean method in another method will produce an error. Refer to Section
2.9 for further knowledge on this.
Exercise: Rewrite the Maxim method for any three numbers using the Math.max method.
Example: Program that computes the factorial of n, method fac assumes that the factorial of any
numbers less or equal to 1 is zero.
1. import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
2. class factorial {
3. // The Factorial Method
4. static long fac(int n) {
5. if (n <= 1)
6. return 1;
7. long f = 1;
8. for (int i = n; i >= 2; i--)
9. f = f*i;
10. return f;
11. }
13. // Method Main
14. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
15. int n = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
16. ("Enter the value of n"));
17. long fact = fac(n); // fact declared as long precision data
18. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Factorial of " + n
19. + " = " + fact, "Result",
21. System.exit(0);
22. }
23. }
Exercise: Extend the above program to compute the combination of n and r, (nCr).
To pass an array argument to a method, specify the name of the array without any brackets. For
example, if array score is declared as
passes a reference to array score to method swap. In Java, every array object “knows” its own length
(via the length field). Thus, when we pass an array object into a method, we do not need to pass the
length of the array as an additional argument.
Although entire arrays and objects referred to by individual elements of reference-type are passed by
reference, individual array elements of primitive types are passed by value exactly as simple variables
are. To pass an array element to a method, use the indexed name of the array as an argument in the
method call.
For a method to receive an array through a method call, the method’s parameter list must specify an
array parameter (or several if more than one array is to be received). For example, the method header
for method arrayMean below is written as
indicating that arrayMean expects to receive an integer array in parameter a. Since arrays are passed
by reference, when the called method uses the array name a, it refers to the actual array (named a) in
the calling method.
Example: The program below passes an array into a method and computes the mean value in the
1. import javax.swing.*;
2. class arrayMethod {
3. //method to compute the mean value in the array
4. static double arrayMean(int a[ ]) { // Entire array passed
5. double sum = 0;
6. for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
7. sum += a[i];
8. } // next i
10. double mean = (double)sum/a.length;
11. return mean;
12. } // end method arrayMean
14. //Main program
15. public static void main (String[ ] args) {
16. // declaring the length of the array
17. int n = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
18. ("Enter the length of the array"));
19. int[ ] a = new int[n];
20. // Reading Data into the Array a
21. for (int m = 0; m < n; m++)
22. a[m] = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
23. ("Enter data"+ (m+1)));
25. // printing the original array a
26. System.out.println("Original array elements .....\n");
27. for (int l = 0; l < n; l++ )
28. System.out.print(a[l] + "\t");
30. System.out.println("\n");
32. //Calling the sum method to compute the mean in the array
33. System.out.printf("Mean of the array data is %.3f \n\n\n",
34. arrayMean(a) );
36. //Closing the program
37. System.exit(0);
38. }
39. }
Sample Output:
8.4.7 Random Number Generation
Random numbers are popular with simulation experiment and game playing applications. Random
method is part of the Math Class, which could be invoked and used in programs.
Math method random generates a random double value in the range from 0.0 up to, but not including,
1.0. The values returned by random are actually pseudo-random numbers – a sequence of values
produced by a complex mathematical calculation. The calculation uses the current system time to
“seed” the random number generator such that each execution of a program yields a different
sequence of random values. For example, the code:
Since the values of random numbers we need in most applications would be in integers, then, we need
to type-cast the values returned by the generator. We also need to specify the initial and final values of
numbers we want.
This manipulation is called scaling the range of values produced by Math method random. For
example, to produce integers from 0 to 5, we could write:
(int)(Math.random( ) * 6)
The number 6 in the expression is called the scaling factor. The integer cast operator (int), truncates
the floating point part (the part after the decimal point) of each value produced by the expression. The
shifting value that specifies the initial value in the desired set of random numbers should also be
stated; else, zero (0) is assumed as in the above code. Thus we have the following formula holding for
random numbers:
Example: 20 random numbers from 1 to 6, printing 5 data per line.
1. import javax.swing.*;
2. public class RandomDie {
3. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
4. String output = " "; // for appending results
5. for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
7. //Generates random integers from 1 to 6
8. int value = 1 +(int)(Math.random( ) * 6);
10. output += value + " "; //append value to output
12. // if i is divisible by 5, append new line to output
13. if (i % 5 = = 0)
14. output += "\n";
15. } //end for-loop
17. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, output, "20 Random
18. numbers from 1 to 6", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_
20. System.exit(0);
21. } // end main method
22. } //end class
Practical Exercise: Copy this code into your editor, compile and execute this program.
If a method would only receive data but will not return any value to any other method, that method is
void in nature. And if a method has a void return type, control returns at the method-ending right
brace or by executing the statement:
Fibonacci(0) = 0
Fibonacci(1) = 1
Fibonacci(n) = Fibonacci(n – 1) + Fibonacci(n – 2)
The implementation below uses an array. It assumes that the Fibonacci numbers are kept in an array
with the 0 and 1 in the first two indexes or locations representing the Fibonacci values of 0 and 1
respectively. The subsequent Fibonacci numbers are computed based on the general formula
presented above. That is, the Fibonacci of 3 will be the sum of Fibonacci at location [3 – 1] and
location [3 – 2], which are locations 2 and 1 respectively.
Fib[0] = 0
Fib[1] = 1
Fib[2] = 1
Fib[3] = 2
Fib[4] = 3
Fib[5] = 5
Fib[6] = 8
Fib[7] = 13
Fib[8] = 21
Fib[9] = 34
Note that the method fibn is just called at the main method without assigning it to any variable or
object; since it is not going to return a value to anywhere.
8.4.9 Recursive Methods
The example methods we have discussed so far are structured as methods that can call each other in a
disciplined, hierarchical manner. However, a method can call itself in a number of times. A recursive
method is one that calls itself either directly or indirectly through another method.
In recursion, the problems being solved are similar in nature and their solutions too are similar. When
a recursive method is called to solve a problem, the method could actually solve the simplest case or
base case. If the method is called with a base case, the method returns a result. However, if the
method is called with a complex problem, it divides the problem into two conceptual pieces: a piece
that the method knows how to solve (the base case) and a piece that the method does not know how to
solve. The latter piece must resemble the original problem but be a slightly simpler or slightly smaller
version of it. Because this new problem looks like the original problem, the method calls a fresh copy
of itself to work on the small problem. This procedure is called a recursive call or recursion step. The
recursion step must include a return statement because its result will be combined with the portion of
the problem the method knew how to solve to form a result that will passed back to the original caller.
The recursion step executes while the original call has not finished executing. As a matter of fact,
there could be many recursion calls, as the method divides each new subproblem into two conceptual
Both iteration and recursion are based on a control statement: iteration uses a repetition control
(for, while or do- while); recursion uses a selection control (if, if – else or switch).
Both involve repetition: Iteration explicitly uses a repetition statement, recursion achieves
repetition through repeated method calls.
Both involve a termination test: Iteration terminates when the loop continuation condition fails.
Recursion terminates when a base case is recognized.
Iteration with counter-controlled repetition and recursion, each gradually approach termination:
iteration keeps modifying a counter until the counter assumes a value that makes the loop
continuation condition fail, recursion keeps producing simpler versions of the original problem
until the base case is reached.
Both can occur infinitely: an infinite loop occurs with iteration if the loop continuation test
never becomes false. Infinite recursion occurs if the recursion step does not reduce the problem
each time in a manner that converges on the base case.
Demerits of recursion: it repeatedly invokes the mechanism, and consequently, the overhead,
of method calls. This repetition can be expensive in terms of both processor time and memory
space. Each recursive call causes another copy of the method (actually, only the method’s
variables) to be created; this set of copies can consume considerable memory space. Iteration
occurs within a method, so repeated method calls and extra memory assignment are avoided.
Therefore, there is no need of choosing recursion (Deitel and Deitel, 2007).
This chapter has introduced you to the use of methods in a Java
program. Methods are like functions and procedures in the
procedural languges. They are used to break a program into
functional modules. Methods enhances program manageability
and usability.
Post Test
1. Write a function in Java that could accept an integer denoting a year and returns true or false
according to whether the year is a leap year or not.
2. Write a function in Java that accepts two dates in a year and computes the number of days
between them. State the conditions under which the function may work properly (regarding
the ordering of input to the function).
4. Using the concept of java methods, write a java program that solves the combination problem,
i.e. nCr. What advantages can you infer from using method in this program?
9 Principles of Object-Oriented Programming with Java
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Objectives
An object-oriented program will usually contain different types of objects, each type corresponding to
a particular kind of complex data to be managed or perhaps to a real-world object or concept such as a
bank account, a hockey player, or a bulldozer. A program might well contain multiple copies of each
type of object, one for each of the real-world objects the program is dealing with. For instance, there
could be one bank account object for each real-world account at a particular bank. Each copy of the
bank account object would be alike in the methods it offers for manipulating or reading its data, but
the data inside each object would differ reflecting the different history of each account.
Objects can be thought of as wrapping their data within a set of functions designed to ensure that the
data are used appropriately, and to assist in that use. The object's methods will typically include
checks and safeguards that are specific to the types of data the object contains. An object can also
offer simple-to-use, standardized methods for performing particular operations on its data, while
concealing the specifics of how those tasks are accomplished. In this way alterations can be made to
the internal structure or methods of an object without requiring that the rest of the program be
modified. This approach can also be used to offer standardized methods across different types of
objects. As an example, several different types of objects might offer print methods. Each type of
object might implement that print method in a different way, reflecting the different kinds of data each
contains, but all the different print methods might be called in the same standardized manner from
elsewhere in the program. These features become especially useful when more than one programmer
is contributing code to a project or when the goal is to reuse code between projects.
9.4.2 OOP languages
Simula (1967) is generally accepted as the first language to have the primary features of an object-
oriented language. It was created for making simulation programs, in which what came to be called
objects were the most important information representation. Smalltalk (1972 to 1980) is arguably the
canonical example, and the one with which much of the theory of object-oriented programming was
developed. Concerning the degree of object orientation, following distinction can be made:
A java program has one or more files that contain java classes, one of which is public, containing a
method named main( ). For instance,
public static void main(String[ ] args) {
A class is usually described as the template or blueprint from which the object is actually made. When
you create an object from a class, you “create an instance” of the class. Consider the example below:
In essence, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) means writing programs that define classes whose
method carry out the program’s instructions. OOP programs are designed by deciding first what
classes will be needed and then defining methods for those classes that solve the problem. Java classes
are similar to types (int, short), but three essential characteristics of classes that distinguish them from
Java types are:
They are or can be user/programmer’s defined
Class objects can contain variables, including references to other objects.
Classes can contain methods that give their objects the ability to act.
Just as Java type specifies the range of values e.g. (-32767 to 32767 for short) that variables of that
type can have, a java class specifies the range of values that objects of that class can have.
Classes can be (and in Java always are) built on other classes. Therefore, a class that builds on another
class ‘extends’ it. Java comes with ‘base class’ from which all other classes are built.
When a base class is extended, the new class has all the properties and methods of its parent. We then
choose whether to modify or simply keep any method of the parents or supply new methods that apply
to the child class only. This concept of extending a base class is called ‘inheritance’.
A class uses another class if it manipulates objects of that class. Generally class A uses class B if
a method of A sends a message to an objects of class B
a method of A creates, receives or returns objects of class B
Containment is a special case of use; if object A contains objects B, then at least one method of class
A will make use of that object of class B.
If class A extends class B, class A inherits methods from class B, but has more capabilities.
The classes do not (and often cannot) stand alone: they are the building blocks for constructing or
building stand-alone programs.
Essentially, there are three aspects to consider when we are writing our own classes.
(i) The class fields, which are the private variables to be declared and used in the class,
(ii) The class constructor, which is a special method/function that will be used to instantiate
the class, and
(iii) Other methods that will be used to manipulate the private data in the class.
Consider the following example, which is an Account class, depicted in the class diagram below, that
might be used by a business in writing a simple customer accounting system:
custName: String
balance : double
Account ( )
deposit( )
getBalance( )
getName( )
withdraw ( )
Example Class code: The Account Class
1. class Account {
2. // instance variables or class fields
3. String custName;
4. double balance;
6. // constructor
7. public Account(String name, double bal) {
8. custName = name;
9. balance = bal;
10. }
12. // method to compute new balance after deposit
13. public void deposit(double dep) {
14. balance += dep;
15. }
17. // method to get balance
18. public double getBalance( ) {
19. return balance;
20. }
22. // method to get the customer’s name
23. public String getName( ) {
24. return custName;
25. }
26. // method to compute new balance after withdrawal
27. public void withdraw(double out) {
28. balance -= out;
29. }
30. } // end class Account
11. =N=” + bal);
12. acc.deposit(800);
13. bal = acc.getBalance( );
14. System.out.println(“New Account balance after deposit
15. for “ + name + “is =N=” + bal);
16. acc.withdraw(1000);
17. bal = acc.getBalance( );
18. System.out.println(“New Account balance after withdraw
19. for “ + name + “is =N=” + bal);
20. }
21. }
The word public here is called Access modifier discussed soon. These modifiers always specify who
can use the method or the class. In this case public means that any method in any class that has access
to an instance of the Account class can call the method.
2. There are two instance fields, holding data in the Account class:
String custName;
double balance;
Normally, private keyword is used as access modifier for instance fields. That is, we could declare the
instance filed like:
private keyword means that no outside agency can access the instance fields except through the
methods of our class. Using public keyword or not specifying anything as in the Account class for the
instance fields does not matter but ruins encapsulation.
Classes can have three kinds of members: fields, methods and constructors.
A field is a variable that is declared as a member of a class. Its type may be any of the eight
primitive data types - boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, double) or a reference to an
A Method is a function that is used to perform some action for instances of the class.
A constructor is a special function/method whose only purpose is to create the class’s objects.
This is called instantiating the class, and the objects are called instances of the class.
7. // constructor
8. public Account(String name, double bal) {
9. custName = name;
10. balance = bal;
11. }
This constructor is used to initialize objects of the class -giving the instance variables the initial state
you want them to have.
We could see that the new method is always used together with a constructor to create an object of the
class. This forces us to set the initial state of our objects either explicitly or implicitly. An object
created without a correct initialization is useless and occasionally dangerous. It can cause a general
memory protection fault (GPF), i.e. memory corruption.
9.4.6 Properties of Constructors
Every class has at least one constructor to instantiate it. For a class without one, the compiler will
automatically declare one with no arguments. This is called a default constructor. A default
constructor has no arguments. Java provides this type of constructor if we design a class with no
constructor. The default constructor sets all the instance variables to their default values. All numeric
data contained in the instance fields would be zeroed out, all booleans would be false and all object
variables would point to null.
We can overload a constructor or a method. That is, different constructors/methods with the same
signature. We shall see example of this later. Also, it is possible to have more than one constructor in
a class.
Summarily, a constructor is a member function of a class that is used to create objects of that class.
This has the same name as the class itself, has no return type and is invoked using the new operator. A
method is an ordinary member function of a class. It has its own name, a return type (which may be
void) and is invoked using the dot operator. For example, double y = Math.pow(a,b)
We must not introduce local variables with the same names as the instance fields. For example, the
following constructor will not set the balance.
The last line declares a local variable ‘balance’ (with double appended as data type beside it) that is
only accessible inside the constructor. This shadows the instance field ‘balance’.
Again we must be careful in all of our methods that we don’t use variable names that equal the names
for instance fields.
For example,
public void deposit (double dep) {
balance += dep;
sets a new value for the balance instance field in the object that executes this method. That is,
increasing it by value of dep.
Note: This method does not return a value. For example, the call
will make initial deposit to be increased by 1000.
Every method declared within a class has two arguments passed to it: one is implicit and will not
appear in the method’s parenthesis and the other(s) is/are explicitly declared in the parenthesis. For
instance, the implicit argument to the deposit method is the object of type Account, which does not
appear in the method declaration. The explicit argument -double dep, is listed in the method
Other methods in the account class are like ordinary methods we know. Some of the methods may
have empty argument list, that is, no data is passed into them. The idea is that they make use of the
instantiating field values already passed into the constructor of the class. These type of methods are
normally used to return values to the object’s references.
Any method that will get argument data from outside object referencing the class will be declared as
void, meaning that it will not return a value outside. The data values passed into these type of methods
are normally used to manipulate the instantiating fields, or class variables.
In order to make use of this class in programs, the Account class will be called or referenced like we
have in arrays:
Account acc = new Account (“Akinola S. O.”, 500)
Compared to an array:
int array[ ] = new int(5);
acc is a new object we are creating from the Account class. The parameters (“Akinola S. O.”, 500) are
the initial data we are sending to the class to instantiate the class.
We could reference any of the methods of the class via the object we create from it. For example,
acc.getName( ) means we are referencing the method, getName from the class, which will in turn
return the name of the account holder, Akinola S. O., passed as instantiating data to the class. The
next examples illustrate further on creating objects and classes
1. //The Rectangle class
2. class Rectangle {
3. // instance variables
4. private double width;
5. private double height;
6. // constructor
8. public Rectangle (double h, double w) {
9. height = h;
10. width = w;
11. }
12. // method to return the area of the rectangle
13. public double area( ) {
14. return height * width;
15. }
16. // method to return the height of the rectangle
17. public double getHeight( ) {
18. return height;
19. }
20. // method to return the width of the rectangle
21. public double getWidth( ) {
22. return width;
23. }
24. // method to return the perimeter of the rectangle
25. public double perimeter() {
26. return 2 * (height * width);
27. }
28. }
Sample Output:
variables to their default values. All numeric data contained in the instance fields would be set to zero,
all booleans would be false and all object variables would point to null. Consider the example below:
19. System.out.println(“The Lecturer’s given name is “ +
20. temp);
21. year = theLecturer.getYearOfBirth();
22. System.out.println(“The Lecturer’s year of birth is “ +
23. year);
24. theLecturer.setYearOfBirth(1990);
25. year = theLecturer.getYearOfBirth();
26. System.out.println(“The Lecturer’s year of birth is “ +
27. year);
28. }
29. }
6. //instance variables
7. private String familyName = “I don’t have a name yet”;
8. private String givenName = “No name here either!”;
9. private int yearOfBirth;
The first two fields are initialized while the third is not. But by default, yearOfBirth being of integer
data type will be automatically set to zero as we mentioned before that all numeric fields will be set
zero by default constructor.
(ii) The class has some other methods, which are used to give initial values to the class fields. For
// method to give a value to the year of birth
public void setYearOfBirth(int year) {
yearOfBirth = year;
(iv) Any attempt for us to reference the class methods without first of all set values to the class
fields would mean that the values returned by the methods will be default values as set by the
default constructor itself. For instance, consider the code:
temp = theLecturer.getFamilyName( );
System.out.println(“The Lecturer’s family name is “ + temp);
This method getFamilyName( ) returns: The Lecturer’s family name is I don’t have a name yet
This happens to be the value given to the familyName field initially.
temp = theLecturer.getFamilyName( );
System.out.println(“The Lecturer’s family name is “ + temp);
For example,
class Arith {
private int a, b;
// constructor
public Arith (int a, int b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
Note: In a method in which a method parameter has the same name as one of the class members, use
‘this’ explicitly if you want to access the class member, otherwise you will incorrectly reference the
method parameters.
Essentially, in a method, the keyword ‘this’ refers to the object on which the method operates. For
example, many java classes have a method called “toString()” that returns a string describing the
object. If you pass any object to the System.out.println method, that method invokes the ‘toString()’
method on the object and prints the resulting string. Therefore, we can print out the current state of the
implicit argument of any method as System.out.println(this). This is a useful strategy for debugging.
The ‘this’ keyword also has another meaning. If the first statement of a constructor has the form
this(…), then the constructor calls another constructor of the same class. For example,
class customer (String n ) {
this(n, Account.getNewNumber( );
A call, like new customer(“Akinola S.O”) invokes the customer(String n), which in turn calls the
customer(String n, int a) constructor.
As an example, consider the following example with default constructor. The program demonstrates
that methods in the same class can call each other and that both the class and the tester program for
the class could be in one monolithic file.
The class firstly computes the customer’s payment before discount. Then it computes the discount to
be given to a customer based on the number of quantities bought from the store. If the quantity bought
is 20 and above then a 20% discount is given to the customer, if it is between 10 to 19, a 5% discount
is given. If the quantity is between 6 to 9, discount is 2% and if it is between 1 to 5, 0.5% discount is
given on the initial payment. Finally, the program computes the net pay after discount.
1. import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
2. class sales {
3. // class fields
4. private int q;
5. private double p;
7. // using default constructor
8. // method to return the Initial pay before discount
9. public double ip( ) { // ip means initial pay value
10. return p * q;
11. }
13. // method to return the discount
14. public double d( ) {
15. double disc; // A local variable declared
16. if (q >= 20)
17. disc = 10.0/100.0 * ip(); //ip() method called
18. else if (q>= 10)
19. disc = 5.0/100.0 * ip( );
20. else if (q >=6)
21. disc = 2.0/100.0 * ip( );
22. else if (q >= 1)
23. disc = 0.5/100.0 * ip( );
24. else
25. disc = 0;
26. return disc;
27. } // end method d( )
29. // Method to return the net pay after discount
30. public double np( ) {
31. return ip( ) - d( ); // the two methods up are called
32. }
34. // method to set the unit price p
35. public void setP(double x) {
36. this.p = x; //keyword ‘this’ explained recently
37. }
39. // method to set the quantity q
40. public void setQ(int y) {
41. this.q = y;
42. }
44. // The main program begins…
45. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
46. sales market = new sales(); // calling the default
47. //constructor with no arguments
49. int q = Integer.parseInt (JOptionPane.showInputDialog
50. ("Enter the quantity bought"));
51. double p = Float.parseFloat(JOptionPane.showInput
52. Dialog ("Enter the unit price"));
54. //Setting the unit price and quantity class instance fields
55. using their methods in the class
56. market.setP(p);
57. market.setQ(q);
59. // using a string variable ‘out’ to capture the outputs
60. String out = "Deatails of your transactions with us \n ";
61. out += "Quantity bought:" + q + "\nUnit price:"+p + "\n";
62. out += "Purchase Price Before Discount: " + market.ip( );
63. out += "\nDiscount Given: " + market.d( );
64. out += "\nPurchase Price After Discount: " + );
65. out += "\n\n\n Thanks for patronizing us, call again";
67. // printing out values
68. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, out, "Akinola
69. Supermarket and Stores", JOptionPane.
71. System.exit(0);
72. } // end method main
73. } // end class
Output Screen Shots
a: float
b : float
c: float
quadratic ( )
discriminant( )
root1( )
rroot2( )
real ( )
imaginary( )
1. import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
2. class quadratic {
3. private float a, b,c;
5. //Constructor
6. public quadratic(float a, float b, float c) {
7. this.a = a;
8. this.b = b;
9. this.c = c;
10. }
12. //Method to compute discrimant, d
13. public double d( ) {
14. return (b*b - 4.0 *a * c);
15. }
17. //Method to compute first root
18. public double r1( ) {
19. return (-b + Math.sqrt(d( )));
20. }
22. //Method to compute second root
23. public double r2( ) {
24. return (-b - Math.sqrt(d( )));
25. }
26. //Method to compute real part
27. public double real( ) {
28. return (-b /(2.0*a));
29. }
31. //Method to compute imaginary part
32. public double imag( ) {
33. return (Math.sqrt(Math.abs(d( )))/(2.0*a));
34. }
36. //The main method
38. public static void main(String[] args) {
39. //Data entry
40. float a = Float.parseFloat(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
41. ("Enter the coefficient of x-square, a"));
42. float b = Float.parseFloat(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
43. ("Enter the coefficient of x, b"));
44. float c = Float.parseFloat(JOptionPane.showInputDialog
45. ("Enter the constant, c"));
47. //Instantiating a new object quad from the quadratic class
48. quadratic quad = new quadratic(a, b, c);
50. //Reporting the roots
51. System.out.println("a = "+ a + " b = "+ b + " c = " + c +
52. "\n\n");
53. if (quad.d( ) < 0) // complex roots
54. System.out.printf("Complex roots please \n Complex
55. Root1 = i%.2f \n Complex Root2 = i%.2f",
56. quad.imag(), quad.real( ));
57. else if (quad.d( ) == 0) // One real root
58. System.out.printf("One Real Root with value %.2f",
59. quad.real( ));
60. else //Two real roots
61. System.out.printf("Two Real Roots with values \n
62. Root1 = %.2f \nRoot2 %.2f= ", quad.r1( ) , quad.r2( ));
64. System.out.println( );
65. System.exit(0);
66. }// end method main
67. } // end class quadratic
Sample outputs
A ‘class method’ is a method that is invoked without being bound to any specific object of the class.
15. public Rectangle(int w, int h) {
16. this(new Point(0, 0), w, h);
17. }
19. public Rectangle(Point p, int w, int h) {
20. origin = p;
21. width = w;
22. height = h;
23. }
25. // A method for moving the rectangle
26. public void move(int x, int y) {
27. origin.x = x;
28. origin.y = y;
29. }
31. //A method for computing the area of the rectangle
32. public int area( ) {
33. return width * width;
34. }
35. }
37. // Here’s the code for the Point class
38. public class Point {
39. public int x = 0;
40. public int y = 0;
42. // The only constructor for the class
43. public Point(int x, int y) {
44. this.x = x;
45. this.y = y;
46. }
47. }
48. /* Here is a small program, called RectangleTest, which creates three objects: one Point object
and two Rectangle objects. You will need all three source files to compile this program */
70. System.out.println(“Y position of rect_two: “ +
71. rect_two.origin.y);
73. // Move rect_two and display its new position
74. rect_two.move(40,72);
75. System.out.println(“New X position of rect_two: “ +
76. rect_two.origin.x);
77. System.out.println(“New Y position of rect_two: “ +
78. rect_two.origin.y);
79. }
80. }
After creating the objects, the program manipulates the objects and displays some information about
them. Here’s the output from the program:
Width of rect_one: 100
Height of rect_one: 200
Area of rect_one: 20000
X position of rect_two: 23
Y position of rect_two: 94
New X position of rect_two: 40
New Y position of rect_two: 72
From the above program, you realize that each constructor let’s you provide initial values for different
aspects of the rectangle: the origin, width and the height, all three or none. The java platform
differentiates the constructors, based on the number and the type of arguments. For instance when the
java compiler encounters the following code:
Rectangle rect-one = new Rectangle(origin_one, 100, 200);
It knows to call the constructor in the rectangle class that requires a point argument followed by two
integer arguments.
The call initializes the rectangle’s origin variable to the point object referred to by origin_one. The
code also sets width to 100 and height to 200. Multiple references can refer to the same object as in
this case of the point object.
X 23
Y 94
A Point object
Width 23
Height 94
demo.value(k). dem is the name of the class and value is a method we are calling from the class. k is
the argument passed to the method from the main program.
1. import javax.swing.*;
2. class demo {
3. static int value(int a) {
4. return a*a;
5. }
6. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
7. // computing the square of a number
8. int k = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter
9. a number"));
10. System.out.println("The square of " + k + " = "+ " " +
11. demo.value(k));
12. System.exit(0);
13. }
14. }
Exercise: Extend this class to compute the cube and cube-root of numbers.
In this chapter, you have been introduced to object
oriented programming in Java. The concept of
constructors, access modifiers and instantiation of classes
to create objects have been learnt. It was seen that classes
may be constructor-less while some may not even
constructor and private fields
Post Test
1. Write a java program, using a class to compute the roots of any quadratic equation whose
model equation is ax2 + bx + c = 0.
2. Write a java class to search for x in a 1-dimensional array of integer data, x belongs to the
class of integers.
3. Matrix has been a wonderful mathematical tool for solving real – life computational
problems. Write Java class program that
(a) Adds three sum-able matrices together.
(b) Computes the product of any two multipliable matrices.
(c) Add all the elements in the right diagonal of a square matrix A, with those in
the left of another square matrix B, and prints out the summation.
(All conditional rules of matrix operations should be included in your codes).
10 Programming Inheritance with Java
10.1 Introduction
A class represents a set of objects which share the same structure and behaviors. The class determines
the structure of objects by specifying variables that are contained in each instance of the class, and it
determines behavior by providing the instance methods that express the behavior of the objects. This
is a powerful idea. However, something like this can be done in most programming languages. The
central new idea in object-oriented programming–the idea that really distinguishes it from traditional
programming–is to allow classes to express the similarities among objects that share some, but not all,
of their structure and behavior. Such similarities can be expressed using inheritance and
The idea behind inheritance in Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is that we can re-use or change
the methods of existing classes, as well as add new instance fields and new methods in order to adapt
them to new situations. For instance, we need to use inheritance to show text or graphics in a window.
At the end of this chapter, it is expected that you know how to implement inheritance in Java
1. Explain how children inherit genes from their parents as you learned in O’ Level Biology
2. Give a suitable definition to genetic inheritance as was learnt then.
Essentially, inheritance is a form of software re-usability in which new classes are created from
existing classes by absorbing their attributes and behaviours and embellishing these with capabilities
the new classes require. Software re-usability saves time in program development. It encourages reuse
of proven and debugged high quality software, thus reducing problems after a system becomes
operational. Polymorphism makes it easy to add new capabilities to a system. Inheritance and
polymorphism are effective techniques for dealing with software complexity.
The term inheritance refers to the fact that one class can inherit part or all of its structure and behavior
from another class. The class that does the inheriting is said to be a subclass of the class from which it
inherits. If class B is a subclass of class A, we also say that class A is a superclass of class B.
(Sometimes the terms derived class and base class are used instead of subclass and superclass; this is
the common terminology in C++.) A subclass can add to the structure and behaviour that it inherits. It
can also replace or modify inherited behavior (though not inherited structure). The relationship
between subclass and superclass is sometimes shown by a diagram in which the subclass is shown
below, and connected to, its superclass.
In Java, to create a class named “B” as a subclass of a class named “A”, you would write
class B extends A {
/ / additions to, and modification s of ,
. / / stuff inherited from class A
Several classes can be declared as subclasses of the same superclass. The subclasses, which might be
referred to as “sibling classes,” share some structures and behaviours – namely, the ones they inherit
from their common superclass. The superclass expresses these shared structures and behaviors. In the
diagram to the left, classes B, C, and D are sibling classes. Inheritance can also extend over several
“generations”of classes. This is shown in the diagram, where class E is a subclass of
When creating a new class, instead of writing completely new instance variables and instance
methods, the programmer can designate that the new class is to inherit the instance variables and
methods of a previously defined “Superclass”. The new class is the “Subclass”, which can become a
superclass for some future subclass.
The direct superclass of a subclass is the superclass from which the subclass explicitly inherits (via
the keyword ‘extends’). An indirect superclass is inherited from two or more levels up the class
Illustrative Example
Consider books and magazines - both specific types of publication. We can show classes to represent
these on a UML class diagram. In doing so we can see some of the instance variables and methods
these classes may have.
Attributes ‘title’, ‘author’ and ‘price’ are obvious. Less obvious is ‘copies’ this is how many are
currently in stock. For books, orderCopies( ) takes a parameter specifying how many copies are added
to stock. For magazines, orderQty is the number of copies received of each new issue and currIssue is
the date/period of the current issue (e.g. “January 2013”, “Fri 6 Jan”, “Spring 2009” etc.) When a
newIssue is received the old are discarded and orderQty copies are placed in stock. Therefore
recvNewIssue( ) sets currIssue to date of new issue and restores copies to orderQty. adjustQty( )
modifies orderQty to alter how many copies of subsequent issues will be stocked.
These classes have three instance variables in common: title, price, copies.
They also have in common the method sellCopy( ).
We can separate out (‘factor out’) these common members of the classes into a superclass called
The differences will need to be specified as additional members for the ‘subclasses’ Book and
In this UML Class Diagram, The hollow-centred arrow denotes inheritance.
Note the Subclass has the generalized superclass characteristics plus additional specialized
characteristics. Thus the Book class has four instance variables (title, price, copies and author) it also
has two methods (sellCopy( ) and orderCopies( )). The inherited characteristics are NOT listed in
subclasses. The arrow shows they are acquired from superclass.
Java only supports single inheritance whereby a class is derived from one Superclass. This is opposed
to C++, which supports multiple inheritance. This is archived in Java through “interfaces”.
The superclass is not superior to its subclass or contains more functionality. In fact, the opposite is
true; subclasses have more functionality than their superclasses. This is because a subclass normally
adds instance variables and instance methods of its own, making it more robust. Every object of a
subclass is also an object of the subclass’s superclass. The converse is not true. Subclass methods and
methods of other classes in the same package as the superclass can access ‘protected’ superclass
Recall our ‘is a’ and ‘has a’ relationships. ‘Is a’ is inheritance and ‘has a’ is composition. In a “has a”
relationship, a class object has one or more objects of other classes as members.
A subclass’s methods may need to access certain of its superclass instance variables and methods. If a
subclass could access the superclass’s ‘private’ members, this would violate information hiding in the
superclass. A subclass can however access the ‘public’, ‘protected’ and ‘package’ access members of
its superclass provided it is in the same package as the superclass. Superclass members that should not
be accessible to a subclass via inheritance are declared ‘private’ in the superclass. A subclass can
effect state changes in superclass ‘private’ members only through ‘public’, ‘protected and package
access methods provided in the superclass and inherited into the subclass.
One problem with inheritance is that a sub class can inherit methods that it does not need or should
not have; but this could be ‘overridden’ (redefined) in the subclass with an appropriate
implementation. However, someday, most software may be constructed from “standardized reusable
components” just as hardware is often constructed today. This will help meet the challenges of
developing the ever more powerful software we will need in the future.
Examples of Superclass and Subclasses
Superclass Subclasses
Quadrilateral Rectangle, square, parallelograms,
Rhombus, Trapezium. (For instance a
rectangle is a quadrilateral”).
Shape Circle, Triangle, Rectangle
Student Graduate, Undergraduate
Loan Car loan, mortgage loan, Agric Loan
Staff Academic, Non-academic, Junior,
Account Current, Savings, Special.
No special features are required to create a superclass. Thus any class can be a superclass unless
specifically prevented. A subclass specifies it is inheriting features from a superclass using the
keyword extends. For example Constructors
Each class (whether sub or super) should encapsulate its own initialization, usually relating to setting
the initial state of its instance variables. A constructor for a superclass should deal with general
initialization. Each subclass can have its own constructor for specialised initialization but it must often
invoke the behaviour of the superclass constructor. It does this using the keyword super.
If super is called, ie. the superclass constructor, then this must be the first statement in the onstructor.
Usually some of the parameters passed to MySubClass will be initialized values for superclass
instance variables, and these will simply be passed on to the superclass constructor as parameters. In
other words super-parameters will be some (or all) of sub-parameters.
Shown below are two constructors, one for the Publication class and one for Book. The book
constructor requires four parameters three of which are immediately passed on to the
superclass constructor to initialize its instance variables.
public Book (String pTitle, String pAuthor, double pPrice,int pCopies)
super(pTitle, pPrice, pCopies);
author = pAuthor;
If the superclass has a parameterless (or default) constructor this will be called automatically if no
explicit call to super is made in the subclass constructor though an explicit call is still better style for
reasons of clarity.
However if the superclass has no parameterless constructor but does have a parameterized
one, this must be called explicitly using super.
To illustrate this….
On the left above:- it is legal, though bad practice, to have a subclass with no constructor because
superclass has a parameterless constructor.
In the centre:- if subclass constructor doesn’t call super, the parameterless superclass constructor will
be called.
On the right:- because superclass has no paramterless constructor, subclass must have a constructor
and it must call super. This is simply because a (super) class with only a parameterized constructor
can only be initialized by providing the required parameter(s).
To enforce encapsulation we normally make instance variables private and provide accessor/mutator
methods as necessary. The sellCopy( ) method of Publication needs to alter the value of the variable
‘copies’ it can do this even if ‘copies’ is a private variable. However Book and Magazine both need to
alter ‘copies’. There are two ways we can do this …
make ‘copies’ ‘protected’ rather than ‘private’ – this makes it visible to subclasses, or
create accessor and mutator methods.
For variables we generally prefer to create accessors/mutators rather than compromise encapsulation
though protected may be useful to allow subclasses to use methods (e.g. accessors and mutators)
which we would not want generally available to other classes.
Thus in the superclass Publication we define ‘copies’ as a variable private but create two methods that
can set and access the value ‘copies’. As these accessor methods are public or protected they can be
used within a subclass when access to ‘copies’ is required.
As currently written they don’t actually impose any restrictions, but suppose for example we wanted
to make sure ‘copies’ is not set to a negative value.
(a) If ‘copies’ is private, we can put the validation (i.e. an if statement) within the setCopies method
here and know for sure that the rule can never be compromised.
(b) If ‘copies’ is partially exposed as protected, we would have to look at every occasion where a
subclass method changed the instance variable and do the validation at each separate place.
We might even consider making these methods protected rather than public themselves so their use
is restricted to subclasses only and other classes cannot interfere with the value of ‘copies’.
Making use of these methods in the sublasses Book and Magazine we have ..
// in Book
public void orderCopies(int pCopies)
setCopies(getCopies( ) + pCopies);
// and in Magazine
public void recvNewIssue(String pNewIssue)
currIssue = pNewIssue;
126 Abstract Classes
The idea of a Publication which is not a Book or a Magazine is meaningless, just like the idea of a
Person who is neither a MalePerson nor a FemalePerson. Thus while we are happy to create Book or
Magazine objects we may want to prevent the creation of objects of type Publication.
If we want to deal with a new type of Publication which is genuinely neither Book nor Magazine –
e.g. a Calendar – it would naturally become another new subclass of Publication. As Publication will
never be instantiated ie. we will never create objects of this type the only purpose of the class exists is
to gather together the generalized features of its subclasses in one place for them to inherit.
A subclass inherits the methods of its superclass and must therefore always provide at least that set of
methods, and often more. However, the implementation of a method can be changed in a subclass.
This is overriding the method.
To do this we write a new version in the subclass which replaces the inherited one. The new method
should essentially perform the same functionality as the method that it is replacing however by
changing the functionality we can improve the method and make its function more appropriate to a
specific subclass.
For example, imagine a special category of magazine which has a disc attached to each copy – we can
call this a DiscMag and we would create a subclass of Magazine to deal with DiscMags. When a new
issue of a DiscMag arrives not only do we want to update the current stock but we want to check that
the discs are correctly attached. Therefore we want some additional functionality in the
recvNewIssue( ) method to remind us to do this. We achieve this by redefining recvNewIssue( ) in the
DiscMag subclass.
Note: when a new issue of Magazine arrives, as these don’t have a disc we want to invoke the original
recNewIssue( ) method defined in the Magazine class.
When we call the recvNewIssue( ) method on a DiscMag object Java automatically selects the new
overriding version – the caller doesn’t need to specify this, or even know that it is an overriden
method at all. When we call the recvNewIssue( ) method on a Magazine it is the method in the
superclass that is invoked.
To implement DiscMag we must create a subclass of Magazine using extends. No additional instance
variables or methods are required though it is possible to create some if there was a need. The
constructor for DiscMag simply passes ALL its parameters directly on to the superclass and a version
of newIssue( ) is defined in discMag to overrides the one inherited from Magazine (see next code).
public class DiscMag extends Magazine {
// the constructor
public DiscMag (String pTitle, double pPrice, int pOrderQt,String
pCurrIssue, int pCopies) {
Note the user of the super keyword to call a method of the superclass, thus re-using the existing
functionality as part of the replacement, just as we do with constructors. It then additionally displays
the required message for the user.
In Java all objects are (direct or indirect) subclasses of a class called ‘Object’. Object is the ‘root’ of
the inheritance hierarchy in Java. Thus this class exists in every Java program ever created. If a class
is not declared to extend another then it implicitly extends Object.
Object defines no instance variables but several methods. Generally these methods will be overridden
by new classes to make them useful. An example is the toString() method. Thus when we define our
own classes, by default they are direct subclasses of Object.
If our classes are organised into a hierarchy then the topmost superclass in the hierarchy is a direct
subclass of object, and all others are indirect subclasses. Thus directly, or indirectly, all classes
created in Java inherit toString( ).
128 Overriding toString( ) defined in ‘Object’
The Object class defines a toString( ) method, one of several useful methods.
Its purpose is to return a string value that represents the current object. The version of toString( )
defined by Object produces output like: "Book@11671b2". This is the class name and the “hash
code” of the object. However to be generally useful we need to override this to give a more
meaningful string.
In Publication
public String toString( )
return mTitle;
In Book
public String toString( )
return super.toString( ) + " by " + mAuthor;
In Magazine
public String toString( )
return super.toString( ) + " (" + mCurrIssue + ")";
In the code above toString( ) originally defined in Object has been completely replaced, i.e.
overridden, so that Publication.toString( ) returns just the title.
The toString( ) method has been overridden again in Book such that Book.toString( ) returns title (via
superclass toString( ) method) and author. Ie. this overridden version uses the version defined in
Publication. Thus if Publication.toString( ) was rewritten to return the title and ISBN number then
Book.toString( ) would automatically return the title, ISBN number and author. Magazine.toString( )
returns title (via superclass toString() method) and issue
We will not further override the method in DiscMag because the version it inherits from Magazine is
OK. We could choose to provide more data (i.e. more, or even all, of the instance variable values) in
these strings. The design judgement here is that these will be the most generally useful printable
representation of objects of these classes. In this case title and author for a book, or title and current
issue for a magazine, serve well to uniquely identify a particular publication.
Simple Example:
1. class Rectangle {
2. float l;
3. float b;
4. //constructor
5. public Rectangle(float length,float breadth) {
6. l = length;
7. b = breadth;
8. }
10. public float area( ) {
11. return l*b;
12. }
13. public double perimeter( ) {
14. return 2.0*(l+b);
15. }
16. }
The Output:
Inheritance allows us to factor out common attributes and behaviour. We model
the commonalities in a superclass. Subclasses are used to model specialized
attributes and behaviour. Code in a superclass is inherited to all subclasses. If
we amend or improve code for a superclass it impacts on all subclasses. This
reduces the code we need to write in our programs.
In Java all classes descend from the class ‘Object’. ‘Object’ defines some
universal operations which can usefully be overriden in our own classes.
Post Test
Design and implement a program involving inheritance that will make use of banking accounts,
deposits and withdrawals.
11 File Handling with Java
11.1 Introduction
All along, we have been using the keyboard and monitor to input data into our programs and output
the results of computations respectively from our programs. We now turn our attention to the use of
files. A file stores data permanently unlike variables and arrays, which loose data as soon as the
programs that use them terminates. Java programs can read data as input from files kept in the
secondary storage of computers such as harddisk or flash, and directs output results to another file in
the storage.
Data items collected about a particular entity form the fields. For instance, data items about a student
could be name, matric, sex, age, ume_score, etc. The combination of all these fields forms a record.
Thus, a record is a group of related fields. Each of these fields has a type associated with it. Name is a
string data type, while matric and ume_score are of type int.
…. …. …. ….
The combination of all these records forms a file. Thus, a file is a group of related records.
To facilitate the retrieval of specific records from a file, at least one field in each record is chosen as a
record key. Usually, the key is unique to every record to avoid duplication of records in the file. In the
example table above, matric is a good candidate for the record key. The key is also used for searching
and sorting records in a file.
Records in a file could be organized sequentially, in which records are stored in order by the record
key, or in random order, in which case, there is no particular ordering of the records in the file, but the
records are indexed.
Usually, in big organizations, data are stored in many files. For example we could have customer file,
payroll file, recruitment file, supplies file, etc. These files are kept in a database. A group of related
files is called a database. We introduce this concept in the next chapter.
11.2 Objectives
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to use sequential files in your programs.
11.4 Main Contents
Java views each file as a sequential stream of bytes. The end of file marker is usually provided by the
Operating System. In some cases, the end-of-file indication occurs as an exception, and in other
cases, the indication is a return value from a method invoked on a stream-processing object.
When java opens a file, an object in which a stream of bytes is associated with, is created. In some
cases, java associates streams of bytes with any of the three different devices:, System.out
and System.err. Object allows the input of data via the keyboard, System.out allows output
of result to the screen and System.err allows output of error messages to the screen. All the three form
the standard files, otherwise called standard stream objects in Java.
Each of these standard stream objects could be redirected to different location. The enables
the program to read from a different source while System.out and System.err enable output to be sent
into some other locations, such as a file on disk. The SetIn, SetOut and SetErr methods from the Class
System provide these capabilities. package must be imported to a java program before files can be used in that program. The package provides definitions for stream classes and methods such as
FileInputStream – for byte-based input from a file
FileOutputStream – for byte-based output to a file
FileReader – for character-based input from a file
FileWriter – for characterbased output to a file.
Files are opened by creating objects of these stream classes that inherit from classes InputStream,
OutputStream, Reader and Writer perform input and output of data types, objects of
classes ObjectInputStream, DataInputStream, ObjectOutputStream and DataOutputStream will be
used togther with the byte-based file stream classes FileInputStream and FileOutputStream.
Files that are created using byte-based streams are referred to as binary files, while files created using
character-based streams are referred to as text files. Text files can be read by text editors, while binary
files are read by a program that converts the data to a human-readable format.
Reading data as raw bytes is fast but crude. Usually, programs read data as aggregates of bytes in
form of an int, a float, a double, etc. Classes DataInputStream and RandomAccessFile from the
interface DataInput provides methods readLine (for byte arrays), readBoolean, readByte, readChar,
readInt, readDouble, readFloat, readFully (for byte arrays), readLong, readShort, readUnsignedByte,
readUnsignedShort, readUTF (for strings) and SkipBytes for reading the primitive types. Classes
DataOutputStream (a subclass of FilterOutputStream) and RandomAccessFile each implements the
Interface DataOutput to write primitive type values such as byte or int. interface DataOutput contins
methods such as write (for byte and byte arrays), writeBoolean, WriteDouble, writeFloat, writeChars
(for Unicode strings), writeLong, writeSjhort, writeUTF, writeBytes, and writeChar.
In addition, large chunks of data may be transferred to a temporary storage before being read or
written to enhance speed of data transfer. This is known as buffering technique. BufferedInputStream,
a subclass of FileInputStream and BufferedOutputStream, a subclass of FileOutputStream are used for
this purpose. Typical input/output operations are extremely slow compared with the speed of
accessing computer memory. Buffered inputs and outputs normally yield significant performance
improvements over unbuffered inputs and outputs.
In addition to the byte-based streams, we have Reader and Writer classes, which are Unicode two-
byte, character-based streams. Most of the byte-based streams have corresponding character-based
Reader and Writer classes.
Classes BufferedReader and BufferedWriter enable efficient buffering for character-based
Classes CharArrayReader and CharArrayWriter read and write respectively, a stream of
characters to a character array.
A LineNumberReader is a buffered character stream that keeps track of line numbers (i.e. a
new line, a return or a carriage-return-line-feed combination).
Class FileReader and FileWriter read characters from and write characters to a file.
A PrintWriter writes characters to a stream.
StringReader and StrigWriter read and write characters respectively.
In this section, we implement a program to process a sequential data file containing both string and
numeric data. This program shows how to read data sequentially from a text file.
We firstly create an input data file named “data.dat” and saved in the same folder as our program, i.e.
the bin subfolder of the java toolkit. Each record in the file contains the following fields: Surname,
Othernames, Matric No., and three scores in some courses. Each field is separated by a space. Figure
below shows the screen shot of the input file.
The program listing on next page shows the program that uses the input file while the figure below it
shows the output file created by the program itself in the same bin folder.
Example Program:
1. import*;
2. import java.util.*;
3. import javax.swing.*;
4. // sequential file demo
5. public class seqData {
6. public static void main(String[ ] arguments) {
7. try { // try1
8. Scanner input = new Scanner(new File( "data.dat" ));
9. int count = 0; // for counting records
10. String out = "Results of processing the data \n\n ";
11. out += "Rec. No. \tSurname \tOtherNames \tMatric
12. No.\tScore Total\tMean Score\n\n";
13. // read all the records
14. while(input.hasNext( )) {
15. count++;
16. // Assign all the records’ fields to their identifiers
17. String name1 = );
18. String name2 = );
19. int matric = input.nextInt( );
20. int score1 = input.nextInt( );
21. int score2 = input.nextInt( );
22. double score3 = input.nextDouble( );
//summing data
23. double sum = score1 + score2 + score3;
24. double average = sum/3.0; // the mean
25. out += count +"\t\t"+ name1 +"\t\t" + name2 +"\t\t"
26. + matric +"\t\t"+ sum +"\t\t"+ average +"\t\t"
27. + "\n";
28. // writing to an output file
29. try { // try2 to operate output file
30. //Creating the output file
31. File file = new File("OutputFile.txt");
32. PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(file);
33. output.write(out); // write all the output
34. output.close(); //Close the output file
35. }//end try2
37. catch(Exception exception){ //catch for try2
38. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Cannot write to
39. file!","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
40. }//end catch for try2
41. }//end while
42. } catch(Exception exception){ //catch for try1
43. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Cannot read from
44. file!","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
45. }//end catch for try1
46. //Notifying the user of the end of processing…
47. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Data has been
written to file!","Writing Complete",
49. } // end method main( )
50.} //end class seqData
Output: Use WordPad to open the output if you don’t have EditPlus.
You need to study this program carefully line by line in order to understand how to use file for your
subsequent programs. Below is the explanation for the program.
The program demonstrates how class Scanner can be used to input data from a file rather than the
The Scanner is a Sub class of Java.util class (util means utility). Therefore, both, javax.swing
and java.util APIs are imported into the program in lines 1 to 3. Swing is for the JOptionPane. Line 14
uses Scanner method hasNext( ) to determine whether the end-of-file key combination has been
entered. The loop executes until hasNext( ) encounters the end-of-file marker.
Line 7 contains a try statement. All processes in a file must be put in a try – catch block. This is a
necessity as java believes that an error may occur in reading from or writing to a file. For instance,
there may be file input error, in which the file name specified is not found.
This line combines two functions: creating the new file object. We pass a File object to the
constructor, which specifies that the Scanner object will read from the file "data.dat" located in the
directory from which the application executes (bin). If the file cannot be found, a
FileNotFoundException occurs. The exception is handled in lines 42 and “Cannot read from file” is
generated in line 43-44. We could specify the complete path of the file to specify where it could be
located; but it is advisable to save the file in the bin sub-folder of the java toolkit to avoid File input
Lines 10 – 12 are for generating the headings in the output as shown in the output screen shot. We
generated the output in tabulated format with appropriate headings.
Line 17 – 22.
16. // Assign all the records’ fields to their identifiers
17. String name1 = );
18. String name2 = );
19. int matric = input.nextInt( );
20. int score1 = input.nextInt( );
21. int score2 = input.nextInt( );
22. double score3 = input.nextDouble( );
In order to read a String data by the Scanner, ) method (or function) is used. To read an
integer data, we use the input.nextInt( ) method. This goes for float, input.nextFloat( ) and double
input.nextDouble( ). Note that the Scanner reads a record at a time as tokens (i.e. field by field).
Therefore, we assign each field to their individual field names. It is possible to read the three scores
into a one-dimensional array, and then use for-loop to read the data into the array, especially if we
have more than three scores. However, this is left as an exercise for the reader.
Line 25 – 27:
25. out += count +"\t\t"+ name1 +"\t\t" + name2 +"\t\t"
26. + matric +"\t\t"+ sum +"\t\t"+ average +"\t\t"
27. + "\n";
These lines are used to ‘append’ the results of summation and mean to the out string, which is going
to be printed later.
Lines 29 – 40:
29. try { // try2 to operate output file
30. //Creating the output file
31. File file = new File("OutputFile.txt");
32. PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(file);
33. output.write(out); // write all the output
34. output.close( ); //Close the output file
35. }//end try2
37. catch(Exception exception){ //catch for try2
38. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Cannot write to
39. file!","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
40. }//end catch for try2
These lines are for opening and closing the output file. However, the program will automatically
open the output file and gives it the name we specify as parameter for the File constructor,
"OutputFile.txt". All files opened must be closed, why? Can you suggest an answer for this? In the
program, we did not close the input file. Can you suggest an appropriate position where the close
should be put?
The catch statements are the necessary error routines that should be appended to the try statements in
case there are errors in reading and writing to files. Note in particular how these statements are
arranged to match the two try blocks.
These statements inform the user of the program that the data has been processed.
Method Description
boolean canRead( ) Returns true if a file is readable, false otherwise
Boolean canWrite( ) Returns true if a file is writable, false otherwise
boolean exists( ) Returns true if the name specified as the argument to the File constructor is a
file or directory in the specified path; false otherwise
boolean isFile( ) Returns true if the name specified as the argument to the File Constructor is a
file, false otherwise
boolean isDirectory( ) Returns true if the name specified as the argument to the File Constructor is
a directory, false otherwise
boolean isAbsolute( ) Returns true if the arguments specified to the File Constructor indicate an
absolute path to a file or directory; false otherwise.
String getAbsolutePath( ) Returns a string with the absolute path of the file or directory.
String getName() Returns a string with the name of the file or directory
String getPath( ) Returns a string with the path of the file or directory
Long length( ) Returns the length of the file, in bytes. Returns 0 if the File object is a
Long lastModified( ) Returns a platform representation of the time at which the file or directory
was last modified.
String[ ] list( ) Returns an array of strings representing the contents of a directory. Returns
null if the file object is not a directory.
In this chapter, you have been briefly introduced to the manipulating
of sequential files in Java. Move ahead to learn the manipulation of
random files in Java. Consult text books or tutorials online.
Post Test
1. Copy the code line by line into your editor. Compile and run the code and report your
observations. You must have created the input data file before you execute the program. The line
numbers in the program are not part of the program. They are there for explanation purpose only.
Modify the input data to contain 10 or more scores per record. Modify the program to use array for
the scores and compile and run the program. Record your observations and errors incurred in the
12 Database Handling with Java
12.1 Introduction
The Java Database Connectivity Application Programming Interface (JDBC API) is a Java API that
can access any kind of tabular data, especially data stored in a relational database. In this chapter you
shall be introduced to writing business applications involving databases.
12.2. Objectives
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to know how to write and even implement business
applications that make use of databases.
The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), helps you to write java applications that manage these three
programming activities:
1. Connect to a data source, like a database
2. Send queries and update statements to the database
3. Retrieve and process the results received from the database in answer to your query
The following simple code fragment gives a simple example of these three steps:
This short code fragment instantiates a DriverManager object to connect to a database driver and log
into the database, instantiates a Statement object that carries your Structured Query Language (SQL)
query to the database; instantiates a ResultSet object that retrieves the results of your query, and
executes a simple while loop, which retrieves and displays those results. It's that simple.
propagate changes back to an underlying data source. The JDBC API can also interact with multiple
data sources in a distributed, heterogeneous environment.
The JDBC API is part of the Java platform, which includes the Java™ Standard Edition (Java™ SE )
and the Java™ Enterprise Edition (Java™ EE). The JDBC 4.0 API is divided into two packages:
java.sql and javax.sql. Both packages are included in the Java SE and Java EE platforms.
The Standard Extension packages javax.naming and javax.sql let you use a DataSource object
registered with a Java Naming and Directory Interface™ (JNDI) naming service to establish a
connection with a data source. You can use either connecting mechanism, but using a DataSource
object is recommended whenever possible.
4. JDBC-ODBC Bridge
The Java Software bridge provides JDBC access via ODBC drivers. Note that you need to load
ODBC binary code onto each client machine that uses this driver. As a result, the ODBC driver is
most appropriate on a corporate network where client installations are not a major problem, or for
application server code written in Java in a three-tier architecture. A driver is a java interface that
includes a method that is used to obtain database connections.
There are many possible implementations of JDBC drivers. These implementations are categorized as
o Type 1: Drivers that implement the JDBC API as a mapping to another data access API, such as
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity). Drivers of this type are generally dependent on a native
library, which limits their portability. The JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver is an example of a Type 1
o Type 2: Drivers that are written partly in the Java programming language and partly in native
code. These drivers use a native client library specific to the data source to which they connect.
Again, because of the native code, their portability is limited. Oracle's OCI (Oracle Call Interface)
client-side driver is an example of a Type 2 driver.
o Type 3: Drivers that use a pure Java client and communicate with a middleware server using a
database-independent protocol. The middleware server then communicates the client's requests to
the data source.
o Type 4: Drivers that are pure Java and implement the network protocol for a specific data source.
The client connects directly to the data source.
Check which driver type comes with your DBMS. Java DB comes with two Type 4 drivers, an
Embedded driver and a Network Client Driver. MySQL Connector/J is a Type 4 driver.
Installing a JDBC driver generally consists of copying the driver to your computer, then adding the
location of it to your class path. In addition, many JDBC drivers other than Type 4 drivers require you
to install a client-side API. No other special configuration is usually needed.
12.4.3 JDBC Architecture
The JDBC API supports both two-tier and three-tier processing models for database access.
In the two-tier model, a Java applet or application talks directly to the data source. This requires a
JDBC driver that can communicate with the particular data source being accessed. A user's commands
are delivered to the database or other data source, and the results of those statements are sent back to
the user. The data source may be located on another machine to which the user is connected via a
network. This is referred to as a client/server configuration, with the user's machine as the client, and
the machine housing the data source as the server. The network can be an intranet, which, for
example, connects employees within a corporation, or it can be the Internet.
In the three-tier model, commands are sent to a "middle tier" of services, which then sends the
commands to the data source. The data source processes the commands and sends the results back to
the middle tier, which then sends them to the user. MIS directors find the three-tier model very
attractive because the middle tier makes it possible to maintain control over access and the kinds of
updates that can be made to corporate data. Another advantage is that it simplifies the deployment of
applications. Finally, in many cases, the three-tier architecture can provide performance advantages.
Until recently, the middle tier has often been written in languages such as C or C++, which offer fast
performance. However, with the introduction of optimizing compilers that translate Java bytecode
into efficient machine-specific code and technologies such as Enterprise JavaBeans™, the Java
platform is fast becoming the standard platform for middle-tier development. This is a big plus,
making it possible to take advantage of Java's robustness, multithreading, and security features.
With enterprises increasingly using the Java programming language for writing server code, the JDBC
API is being used more and more in the middle tier of a three-tier architecture. Some of the features
that make JDBC a server technology are its support for connection pooling, distributed transactions,
and disconnected rowsets. The JDBC API is also what allows access to a data source from a Java
middle tier.
A database is a means of storing information in such a way that information can be retrieved from it.
In simplest terms, a relational database is one that presents information in tables with rows and
columns. A table is referred to as a relation in the sense that it is a collection of objects of the same
type (rows). Data in a table can be related according to common keys or concepts, and the ability to
retrieve related data from a table is the basis for the term relational database. A Database Management
System (DBMS) handles the way data is stored, maintained, and retrieved. In the case of a relational
database, a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) performs these tasks. DBMS as used
in this book is a general term that includes RDBMS.
Integrity Rules
Relational tables follow certain integrity rules to ensure that the data they contain stay accurate and
are always accessible. First, the rows in a relational table should all be distinct. If there are duplicate
rows, there can be problems resolving which of two possible selections is the correct one. For most
DBMSs, the user can specify that duplicate rows are not allowed, and if that is done, the DBMS will
prevent the addition of any rows that duplicate an existing row.
A second integrity rule of the traditional relational model is that column values must not be repeating
groups or arrays. A third aspect of data integrity involves the concept of a null value. A database takes
care of situations where data may not be available by using a null value to indicate that a value is
missing. It does not equate to a blank or zero. A blank is considered equal to another blank, a zero is
equal to another zero, but two null values are not considered equal.
When each row in a table is different, it is possible to use one or more columns to identify a particular
row. This unique column or group of columns is called a primary key. Any column that is part of a
primary key cannot be null; if it were, the primary key containing it would no longer be a complete
identifier. This rule is referred to as entity integrity.
Table 12.1 illustrates some of these relational database concepts. It has five columns and four rows,
with each row representing a different student.
The primary key for this table would generally be the Matric_number because each one is guaranteed
to be different. (A number is also more efficient than a string for making comparisons.) It would also
be possible to use First_Name and Last_Name because the combination of the two also identifies just
one row in our sample database. Using the last name alone would not work because there are two
employees with the last name of "Solomon." In this particular case the first names are all different, so
one could conceivably use that column as a primary key, but it is best to avoid using a column where
duplicates could occur. If John Ibekwe gets an admission at this school and the primary key is
First_Name, the RDBMS will not allow his name to be added (if it has been specified that no
duplicates are permitted). Because there is already a John in the table, adding a second one would
make the primary key useless as a way of identifying just one row. Note that although using
First_Name and Last_Name is a unique composite key for this example, it might not be unique in a
larger database.
Manipulating a database involves the use of Structured Query Language (SQL) to create tables,
retrieve data from the database and edit data in the database.
SELECT Statements
SQL is a language designed to be used with relational databases. There is a set of basic SQL
commands that is considered standard and is used by all RDBMSs. For example, all RDBMSs use the
SELECT statement.
A SELECT statement, also called a query, is used to get information from a table. It specifies one or
more column headings, one or more tables from which to select, and some criteria for selection. The
RDBMS returns rows of the column entries that satisfy the stated requirements. A SELECT statement
such as the following will fetch the first and last names of employees who have company cars:
The result set (the set of rows that satisfy the requirement of not having null in the Matric_Number
column) follows. The first name and last name are printed for each row that satisfies the requirement
because the SELECT statement (the first line) specifies the columns First_Name and Last_Name. The
FROM clause (the second line) gives the table from which the columns will be selected.
First_name Last_Name
Akinola Solomon
Abel John
Hammed F.
John Solomon
The following code produces a result set that includes the whole table because it asks for all of the
columns in the table Employees with no restrictions (no WHERE clause). Note that SELECT * means
The WHERE clause in a SELECT statement provides the criteria for selecting values. For example, in
the following code fragment, values will be selected only if they occur in a row in which the column
Last_Name begins with the string 'Jo'.
The keyword LIKE is used to compare strings, and it offers the feature that patterns containing
wildcards can be used. For example, in the code fragment above, there is a percent sign (%) at the end
of 'Jo', which signifies that any value containing the string 'Jo' plus zero or more additional characters
will satisfy this selection criterion. So ‘John' or 'Johnson' would be matches, but 'Jeoson' would not be.
The other wildcard used in LIKE clauses is an underbar (_), which stands for any one character. For
would match 'Batman', 'Barman', 'Badman', 'Balman', 'Bagman', 'Bamman', and so on.
The code fragment below has a WHERE clause that uses the equal sign (=) to compare numbers. It
selects the first and last name of the student who is assigned car 12.
The next code fragment selects the first and last names of students whose Matric_number is greater
than 10005:
WHERE clauses can get rather elaborate, with multiple conditions and, in some DBMSs, nested
conditions. This overview will not cover complicated WHERE clauses, but the following code
fragment has a WHERE clause with two conditions; this query selects the first and last names of
students whose Matric_number is less than 10100 and who do not have a car.
FROM Students
WHERE Matric_Number < 10100 and Car_Number IS NULL
A distinguishing feature of relational databases is that it is possible to get data from more than one
table in what is called a join. Suppose that after retrieving the names of employees who have company
cars, one wanted to find out who has which car, including the make, model, and year of car. This
information is stored in another table, Cars, shown in Table 12.2.
There must be one column that appears in both tables in order to relate them to each other. This
column, which must be the primary key in one table, is called the foreign key in the other table. In this
case, the column that appears in two tables is Car_Number, which is the primary key for the table
Cars and the foreign key in the table Students. If the 1996 Honda Civic were wrecked and deleted
from the Cars table, then Car_Number 5 would also have to be removed from the Students table in
order to maintain what is called referential integrity. Otherwise, the foreign key column
(Car_Number) in Students would contain an entry that did not refer to anything in Cars. A foreign key
must either be null or equal to an existing primary key value of the table to which it refers. This is
different from a primary key, which may not be null. There are several null values in the Car_Number
column in the table Students because it is possible for a student not to have a car.
The following code asks for the first and last names of Students who have cars and for the make,
model, and year of those cars. Note that the FROM clause lists both Students and Cars because the
requested data is contained in both tables. Using the table name and a dot (.) before the column name
indicates which table contains the column.
This returns a result set that will look similar to the following:
SQL commands are divided into categories, the two main ones being Data Manipulation Language
(DML) commands and Data Definition Language (DDL) commands. DML commands deal with data,
either retrieving it or modifying it to keep it up-to-date. DDL commands create or change tables and
other database objects such as views and indexes.
A list of the more common DML commands follows:
SELECT — used to query and display data from a database. The SELECT statement
specifies which columns to include in the result set. The vast majority of the SQL commands
used in applications are SELECT statements.
INSERT — adds new rows to a table. INSERT is used to populate a newly created table or
to add a new row (or rows) to an already-existing table.
DELETE — removes a specified row or set of rows from a table
UPDATE — changes an existing value in a column or group of columns in a table
CREATE TABLE — creates a table with the column names the user provides. The user also
needs to specify a type for the data in each column. Data types vary from one RDBMS to
another, so a user might need to use metadata to establish the data types used by a particular
database. CREATE TABLE is normally used less often than the data manipulation commands
because a table is created only once, whereas adding or deleting rows or changing individual
values generally occurs more frequently.
DROP TABLE — deletes all rows and removes the table definition from the database. A
JDBC API implementation is required to support the DROP TABLE command as specified
by SQL92, Transitional Level. However, support for the CASCADE and RESTRICT options
of DROP TABLE is optional. In addition, the behavior of DROP TABLE is implementation-
defined when there are views or integrity constraints defined that reference the table being
ALTER TABLE — adds or removes a column from a table. It also adds or drops table
constraints and alters column attributes
The rows that satisfy the conditions of a query are called the result set. The number of rows returned
in a result set can be zero, one, or many. A user can access the data in a result set one row at a time,
and a cursor provides the means to do that. A cursor can be thought of as a pointer into a file that
contains the rows of the result set, and that pointer has the ability to keep track of which row is
currently being accessed. A cursor allows a user to process each row of a result set from top to bottom
and consequently may be used for iterative processing. Most DBMSs create a cursor automatically
when a result set is generated.
Earlier JDBC API versions added new capabilities for a result set's cursor, allowing it to move both
forward and backward and also allowing it to move to a specified row or to a row whose position is
relative to another row.
When one user is accessing data in a database, another user may be accessing the same data at the
same time. If, for instance, the first user is updating some columns in a table at the same time the
second user is selecting columns from that same table, it is possible for the second user to get partly
old data and partly updated data. For this reason, DBMSs use transactions to maintain data in a
consistent state (data consistency) while allowing more than one user to access a database at the same
time (data concurrency).
A transaction is a set of one or more SQL statements that make up a logical unit of work. A
transaction ends with either a commit or a rollback, depending on whether there are any problems
with data consistency or data concurrency. The commit statement makes permanent the changes
resulting from the SQL statements in the transaction, and the rollback statement undoes all changes
resulting from the SQL statements in the transaction.
A lock is a mechanism that prohibits two transactions from manipulating the same data at the same
time. For example, a table lock prevents a table from being dropped if there is an uncommitted
transaction on that table. In some DBMSs, a table lock also locks all of the rows in a table. A row lock
prevents two transactions from modifying the same row, or it prevents one transaction from selecting
a row while another transaction is still modifying it.
Stored Procedures
A stored procedure is a group of SQL statements that can be called by name. In other words, it is
executable code, a mini-program that performs a particular task that can be invoked the same way one
can call a function or method. Traditionally, stored procedures have been written in a DBMS-specific
programming language. The latest generation of database products allows stored procedures to be
written using the Java programming language and the JDBC API. Stored procedures written in the
Java programming language are bytecode portable between DBMSs. Once a stored procedure is
written, it can be used and reused because a DBMS that supports stored procedures will, as its name
implies, store it in the database.
The following code is an example of how to create a very simple stored procedure using the Java
programming language. Note that the stored procedure is just a static Java method that contains
normal JDBC code. It accepts two input parameters and uses them to change a student’s car number.
Do not worry if you do not understand the example at this point. The code example below is presented
only to illustrate what a stored procedure looks like. You will learn how to write the code in this
example in the tutorials that follow.
import java.sql.*;
public class UpdateCar {
public static void UpdateCarNum(int carNo, int empNo) throws SQLException {
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
try {
con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection");
Databases store user data, and they also store information about the database itself. Most DBMSs
have a set of system tables, which list tables in the database, column names in each table, primary
keys, foreign keys, stored procedures, and so forth. Each DBMS has its own functions for getting
information about table layouts and database features. JDBC provides the interface
DatabaseMetaData, which a driver writer must implement so that its methods return information
about the driver and/or DBMS for which the driver is written. For example, a large number of
methods return whether or not the driver supports a particular functionality. This interface gives users
and tools a standardized way to get metadata. In general, developers writing tools and drivers are the
ones most likely to be concerned with metadata.
Step 1: Create a Microsoft Access 2007 (or later) database having the following table schemas and
add some hypothetical records to the tables:
Save the database name as Stud in the BIN subfolder of the Java toolkit.
Step 2: Set up the JDBC-ODBC bridge driver via the following steps:
The first task in a JDBC program is to load the driver (or drivers) that will be used to connect to a
data source. A driver is loaded with the class.forName(String) method. Class, part of the java.lang
package, can be used to load classes into the Java interpreter. The forName(String) method loads
the class named by the specified string. A ClassNotFoundException can be thrown by this
All programs that use an ODBC data sources use sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcDriver, the JDBC-ODBC
bridge driver included with java. Loading this class into a Java Interpreter requires the following
After this driver has been loaded, you can establish a connection to the data source by using the
DriverManager class in the java.sql package.
The getConnection(String, String, String) method of DriverManager can be used to set up the
connection. It returns a reference to a connection object representing an active data connection. The
three arguments of this method are as follows:
A name identifying the data source and the type of database connectivity used to reach it
A username
A password
The last two items are needed only if the data source is secured with a username and a password. If
not, these arguments can be null strings (“”). The name of the data source is preceded by the text
jdbc:odbc: when using the JDBC-ODBC bridge, which indicates the type of database connectivity in
The following statement could be used to connect to a data source called Studs with a username of
“Lekan” and a password of “ola”:
After a connection is made, one can reuse it each time he wants to retrieve or store information from
that connection’s data source.
The getConnection( ) Method and all others called on a data source throw SQLException errors if
something goes wrong as the data source is being used. SQL has its own error messages, and they are
passed along as part of SQLException objects.
Statement st = con.createStatement();
This Statement object, st, would now be used to conduct an SQL query by calling the object’s
executeQuery(String) method as in the following example:
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * " + "FROM Student " + "WHERE Matno < 400 " + “ORDER BY
System.out.println("Matno \tSurname \tFirst Name \tMiddle Name \tAge \tGendar\n");
Note that the String argument should be an SQL query that follows the syntax of that language.
The above query retrieves all the fields in the Table Student from the Stud database and the records
are sorted according to the Gendar field because of the ORDER BY clause in the query. So all the
females would come before the males in the query result. You need to acquaint yourself with SQL
queries before you can effectively use them in your program.
If the SQL query has been phrased correctly, the executeQuery( ) method returns a ResultSet object
holding all the records that have been retrieved from the data source.
When a ResultSet is returned from executeQuery( ), it is positioned at the first record that has been
retrieved. The following methods of ResultSet can be used to pull information from the current
getDate(String) – Returns the Date value stored in the specified field name (Using the Date
class in the java.sql package, not java.util.Date).
getDouble(String) – Returns the double value stored in the specified field name.
getFloat(String) – Returns the float value stored in the specified field name.
getInt(String) – Returns the int value stored in the specified field name.
getLong(String) – Returns the long value stored in the specified field name.
getString(String) - Returns the string value stored in the specified field name.
These are just the simplest methods available in the Resultset interface. The methods used depend on
the form that the field data takes in the database, although methods such as getString() and getInt()
can be more flexible in the information they retrieve from a record.
We can also use an integer as the argument to any of these methods, such as getString(5), instead of a
string. The integer indicates which field to retrieve (1 for the first field, 2 for the second field and so
After we have pulled the information needed from a record, we can move to the next record by calling
the next( ) method of the ResultSet object. This method returns a false Boolean value when it tries to
move past the end of a resultset. Normally, we move through a resultset once from start to finish,
after which its contents cannot be retrieved again.
When we are finished using a connection to a data source, we close it by calling the connection’s
close( ) method with no arguments.
An example program to illustrate all the above features is shown below.
The database table ‘Student’ used for the following program is shown below:
Matno Surname FirstName MiddleName Age Gender
100 Chukwu Ann Mary 23 F
104 Michael Janet Tommy 21 F
123 Akinola Olalekan Solomon 20 M
345 John Josephine Eunice 23 F
456 Samson Jonathan Azikwe 50 M
789 Usman Momodu Karim 30 M
1. import java.sql.*;
2. public class database {
3. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
4. try {
5. Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
6. Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection
7. ("jdbc:odbc:Studs","","");
8. Statement st = con.createStatement();
9. ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * " + "FROM Student
10. " + "WHERE Matno < 400 " + “ORDER BY Gendar”);
11. System.out.println("Matno \tSurname \tFirst Name \tMiddle
12. Name \tAge \tGendar\n");
13. while ( )) {
14. System.out.println(rs.getInt(1) + "\t" + rs.getString(2) +
15. "\t\t" + rs.getString(3) + "\t" + rs.getString(4) + "\t\t" +
16. rs.getInt(5) + "\t" + rs.getString(6));
17. } // end while
18. st.close( );
19. } catch (SQLException s) {
20. System.out.println("SQL error: " + s.toString() + s.getErrorCode( ) +
21. " " + s.getSQLState( ));
22. } catch (Exception e) {
23. System.out.println("Error: " + e.toString() + e.getMessage( ));
24. }
25. }
26. }
Practical Exercise
Copy the above code into an editor, modify the code such that the output is directed to a file, compile
and finally execute with a Microsoft Access Database set up initially.
12.4.5 ResultSet
An instance of ResultSet is returned from executeQuery( ), and one or more instances may be returned
from execute( ). A ResultSet is a representation of the data returned by your query, and it allows you
to process the results one row at a time. Before you can process a row, you must move the ResultSet’s
cursor (pointer) to that row, and the row that’s pointed to by the cursor is called the current row.
When a ResultSet is created, the cursor is initially positioned before the first row.
It’s helpful to review some ResultSet properties before describing the methods defined in that
interface, because its properties determine which of a ResultSet’s methods you’re able to use for a
particular instance and how they function.
Scrollability describes the type of cursor movement that’s allowed, and a forward-only ResultSet
allows the cursor to be moved forward only one row at a time using the next( ) method. However,
with a scrollable ResultSet, you can use a variety of methods to position the cursor. It can be moved
forward or backward, and it can be moved in those directions by any number of rows. In addition, it’s
possible to move the cursor to a specific row (in other words, to use absolute instead of relative
positioning), including the first and last rows in the ResultSet.
ResultSet defines a large number of getXXX() methods that allow you to read column values from the
current row (for example, getString(), getFloat(), and so on), and it includes a
corresponding updateXXX() method for each getXXX(). While it’s always possible to call the
read/get methods, a ResultSet’s concurrency mode determines whether you can use the write/update
methods. As its name implies, a read-only ResultSet allows you only to read the data, while an
updatable ResultSet allows you both to read the data and to modify it through the ResultSet.
Update Sensitivity
While you’re using a ResultSet to process the results of a query, it’s usually possible for other
users/applications to modify the rows in the database that were returned by your query. Update
sensitivity indicates whether the ResultSet will reflect changes that are made to the underlying data
after the ResultSet is created. Those updates are known as “changes by others” to distinguish them
from changes made to the data using an updatable ResultSet’s updateXXX() methods.
If you call a getXXX() method to read data from the current row, a sensitive ResultSet will return the
data stored in the underlying database even if the data was changed by another user after the ResultSet
was created. However, an insensitive ResultSet doesn’t detect such changes and may return outdated
Update sensitivity doesn’t imply that a ResultSet is sensitive to all types of changes. For example, a
ResultSet might be sensitive to row deletions but not to row updates or insertions.
In addition, a ResultSet’s sensitivity to “changes by others” can be different from its sensitivity to its
own changes (modifications to the data made through the updateXXX() methods). However,
DatabaseMetaData provides methods that allow you to determine which types of changes are visible
for a given ResultSet type.
To set the scrollability, concurrency, and sensitivity properties, you must specify the appropriate
values when creating a Statement. The code segments shown earlier used the createStatement( )
method that doesn’t accept any parameter values, but another version of createStatement( ) allows you
to specify two integer values representing ResultSet properties:
The resultSetType parameter represents a combination of the scrollability and sensitivity properties,
and it should be assigned one of the following constants defined in ResultSet:
The resultSetConcurrency value represents the concurrency mode for ResultSet instances created by
this statement and should be assigned the value of either CONCUR_READ_ONLY or
You can use these constants and the createStatement( ) method shown previously to create a
Statement that will produce ResultSet instances with the desired properties. For example, you can use
code similar to the following to create a Statement and request that the ResultSet instances it creates
be scrollable, sensitive to others’ changes, and updatable:
Note that if you specify a type of ResultSet that’s not supported by the driver, it won’t generate an
error when createStatement() is called. Instead, the Statement will produce ResultSet instances that
match the type you requested as closely as possible. In this case, for example, if the driver supports
updatable ResultSet instances but not scrolling, it will create forward-only instances that are
12.4.6 PreparedStatement
When you call one of Statement’s execute( ) methods, the SQL statement specified is “compiled” by
the JDBC driver before being sent to the DBMS. In many cases, you’ll want to execute multiple
statements that are similar and may differ only by a single parameter value. For example, you might
execute SQL statements like these:
Statement stmt = connect.createStatement();
Compiling each SQL statement can result in poor performance if a large number of statements are
executed. However, this example illustrates the usefulness of PreparedStatement, which is a subclass
of Statement. PreparedStatement allows you to compile a statement one time and use substitution
parameters to modify the final SQL statement that’s executed. In this case, for example, you might
create a PreparedStatement using code like this:
The two question marks (?) in the statement represent substitution parameters, and you can use the
setXXX() methods defined in PreparedStatement to specify values for those fields.
For example, the following code is functionally equivalent to the group of statements used earlier:
This approach is much more efficient because the statement is compiled only once, but it’s executed
several times. Note that the substitution field index values are one-based instead of zero-based,
meaning that the first question mark corresponds to field 1, the second to field 2, and so on.
The next example program add more data into the Student table:
Example Program: Inserting Data into a Database Table
1. import java.sql.*;
2. import java.util.*;
3. class database2 {
4. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
5. Scanner input = new Scanner(;
6. try {
7. Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
8. Connection con = DriverManager.get
9. Connection ("jdbc:odbc:Studs","","");
11. PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " +
12. "Student(Matno, Surname, FirstName, MiddleName, Age,
13. Gendar )" + "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
14. L1: //Label for a case when data is not correct
15. while (true) { // to continuously add records
17. System.out.println("Enter the new matric number (e.g. 234: " );
18. String a = );
19. st.setString(1, a);
21. System.out.println("Enter the new Surname: " );
22. String b = );
23. st.setString(2, b);
25. System.out.println("Enter the new First name: " );
26. String c = );
27. st.setString(3, c);
29. System.out.println("Enter the new Middle name: " );
30. String d = );
31. st.setString(4, d);
33. System.out.println("Enter the new Age: " );
34. String e = );
35. st.setString(5, e);
37. System.out.println("Enter the new Gendar: " );
38. String f =;
39. st.setString(6, f);
41. // Check if there is no error in the data captured
42. System.out.println(“No Mistakes, add records to the
43. databse (Y/N)?”);
44. String reply1 = );
45. if (reply1.equalsIgnoreCase(“n”))
46. break L1; //Move to label L1 if no problem
48. //update the database table
50. st.executeUpdate( );
52. System.out.println("Add more records (Y/N)?");
53. String reply = );
54. if (reply.equalsIgnoreCase("n"))
55. break; // go out of loop to close database
56. } // loop for more record update
57. con.close( ); // close database connection
58. } catch (SQLException s) {
59. System.out.println("SQL error: " + s.toString( ) +
60. s.getErrorCode( ) + " " + s.getSQLState( ));
61. } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
62. System.out.println("Error: " + cnfe.getMessage( ));
63. }
64. } // end method main
65. } // end class database2
The structure of the Table Student after several data insertions is shown below.
Matno Surname FirstName MiddleName Age Gendar
1 Bamgbade Joseph Adeolu 41 M
2 Mohammed Abdulkareem Sheu 27 M
4 Ado Bayero Audu 67 M
56 Ajala Olaoluwa Omooluwa 45 m
100 Chukwu Ann Mary 23 F
104 Michael Janet Tommy 21 F
106 Balogun Adeolu Ibukun 21 M
111 Augustine Nnena Abigael 34 F
123 Akinola Olalekan Solomon 20 M
124 Michael Sandra mary 24 F
333 Amodu Usman Muhammed 25 M
345 John Josephine Eunice 23 F
456 Samson Jonathan Azikwe 50 M
675 Kazeem Bright James 54 M
789 Usman Momodu Karim 30 M
An attempt to insert a record with the same matric number to the table would result into an error. This
is because duplication of records is not allowed with the use of primary key in a table. The sample
output obtained for this observation is shown below:
It is easier to send Microsoft Access strings and let the database program converts them automatically
into the correct format as in Matno and Age which are integer data in the database, but string are used
for them in the program above (Lines 17 – 19 and 33 – 35 ).
However, level of SQL support varies based on the product and ODBC driver involved.
After the prepared statement has been prepared and all the placeholders are filled, the statement’s
executeUpdate( ) method is called (Line 50). This either adds the quote data to the database or throws
an SQL error.
50. st.executeUpdate( );
The while (true) loop assists the user of the program to add more records into the database at a go.
Note lines 41 – 46, the lines check the data to be inserted into the database for correctness.
If the user has made a mistake in entering one of the data, the entire record will not be inserted into
the database. This however could be painful especially if a large data entry is involved. How can you
validate the data as they are being entered so that not all the data will be discarded at once?
After a successful insertion of a record or not, the program still asks the user if he wants to insert more
records. This is achived in Lines 52 – 56. if the reply is yes, the user is asked to enter his new record
56. } // loop for more record update
The default behaviour of resultsets permits one trip through the set using its next( ) method to retrieve
each record. By changing how statements and prepared statements are created, one can produce
resultsets that support these additional methods:
afterLast( ) - Moves to a place immediately after the last record in the set
beforeFirst( ) - Moves to a place immediately before the last record in the set
first( ) - Moves to the first record in the set
last( ) – Moves to the last record in the set
previous( ) – Moves to the previous record in the set.
These actions are possible when the resultset’s policies have been specified as arguments to a
database connection’s createStatement( ) and prepareStatement( ) methods.
For a more flexible resultset, call createStatement ( ) with three integer arguments that set up how it
can be used. Here is an example:
Statement st = con.CreateStatement (
The same three arguments can be used in the prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) method after the
text of the statement.
Sometimes you need to use two or more tables to get the data you want. A join is a database operation
that relates two or more tables by means of values that they share in common. In our example
database, the tables STUDENT and STUDENT_COUSE both have the column Matno, which can be
used to join them.
You need some way to distinguish to which Matno column you are referring. This is done by
preceding the column name with the table name, as in "Student.Matno" to indicate that you mean the
column Matno in the table Student. The example program below illustrates the concept of Join. Learn
more of SQL in a database textbook in order to get the logic of joins in databases.
Example Program: Retrieving Data from Two Tables
1. import java.sql.*;
2. public class database3 {
3. public static void main(String[ ] args) {
4. try {
5. Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
6. Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection
7. ("jdbc:odbc:Studs","","");
8. Statement st = con.createStatement( );
9. ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT
10. Student_Course.Matno,
11. Student_Course.CosCode, Session, Score " +
12. "FROM Student, Course,
13. Student_Course " + "WHERE Student.Matno
14. = Student_Course.matno
15. and Course.CosCode =
16. Student_Course.CosCode");
17. System.out.println("Matno \tCourse Code \t
18. Session \tScore\n");
19. while ( )) {
20. System.out.println(rs.getInt(1) + "\t" +
21. rs.getString(2) + "\t\t" + rs.getString(3) +
22. "\t\t" + rs.getString(4) );
23. } // end while
24. st.close( );
25. } catch (SQLException s) {
26. System.out.println("SQL error: " + s.toString( ) +
27. s.getErrorCode( ) + " " + s.getSQLState( ));
28. } catch (Exception e) {
29. System.out.println("Error: " + e.toString( ) +
30. e.getMessage( ));
31. }
32. }
33. }
Sometimes we may be interested in searching a record or group of records from a table in a database.
Prepared statement is useful in this case for handling the query. The example below is a program that
searches for a particular student in the Student table in our database. The program firstly asks for the
Matric number of the student being searched for. If the Matric number is found, the program prints
out his/her Matric number, Surname, Age and Gender. But if the number is not found in the database
table, an empty record is printed.
23. // Execute the query
24. ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
26. boolean g = ); // Set next record pointer to g
27. while (true) {
28. if (g != false) {
30. System.out.println("\nMatno \tSurname \t Age
31. \tGendar\n"); // Heading Titles
33. // Printing record found
34. System.out.println(rs.getString("Matno") + "\t"
35. + rs.getString("Surname") + "\t\t" + rs.get
36. String("Age") + "\t" + rs.getString("Gendar") );
38. break L1;
40. } else {
41. System.out.println("The record you search for is
42. not found \nDo you want to try again (Y/N)?");
43. String reply =;
44. if (reply.equalsIgnoreCase("y"))
45. continue L1;
46. else
47. System.exit(0);
48. System.out.println("Good Bye");
49. }// end outer else
50. st.close( );
51. }// end inner while
53. } // end L1 while
55. } catch (SQLException s) {
56. System.out.println("SQL error: " + s.toString( ) +
57. s.getErrorCode() + " " + s.getSQLState( ));
58. } catch (Exception e) {
59. System.out.println("Error: " + e.toString() + e.getMessage( ));
60. }
61. System.out.println( );
62. } // End method main
63. } // End class database4
Sample Outputs:
The query for searching for a record in the database is implemented with the use of
PreparedStatement (Lines 17 – 18). In Line 21, the place holder (?) in the query is assigned with the
Matno (mat) of the student earlier captured in Lines 13 – 14. The query is finally executed in Line
24. At the point, the record set pointer rs would be assigned to the first record in the table.
Note that ) specified in Line 26 only tests if there is any ‘next record’ in the table and so it
returns a true or false boolean value.
Line 27 while loop is labeled as L2 for the program to be able to repeat the code again in case the
record being searched for is not found and the user of the program still wants to search for another
matric number. This is achieved with lines Lines 44 – 45 with the use of continue with label
44. if (reply.equalsIgnoreCase("y"))
45. continue L1;
However, Line 27 is also used to terminate the entire program if what we looked for has been found
and reported. This is achieved with the use of break with label in Line 38.
With this introduction to database handling in Java, powerful database-driven programs could be
developed by you with no stress.
In this Chapter, you have been introduced to Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
You were taken through a database concept as seen with Microsoft Access. Codes
implementations with Java were demonstrated with JDBC. JDBC can also be used on
any other database engine like Oracle and MySQL. Find out!
Post Test
1. Think of an information system for a school library, implement a Java program that can be
used for monitoring borrowing and returning of books in the library.
Perform a system analysis study of how your results are computed in your school. Write a java-based
information system for computing final year results in your department.