SBC 306 CR
SBC 306 CR
SBC 306 CR
SBC 306 - CR
Code Requirements
The Saudi Building Code for
(SBC 306-CR)
Key List of the Saudi Codes: Designations and brief titles
Title Code Req.1 Code & Com.2 Arabic Prov. 3
The General Building Code SBC 201-CR SBC 201-CC SBC 201-AR
Structural – Loading and Forces SBC 301-CR SBC 301-CC SBC 301-AR
Structural – Construction SBC 302- CR SBC 302-AR
Structural – Soil and Foundations SBC 303- CR SBC 303-CC SBC 303-AR
Structural – Concrete Structures SBC 304- CR SBC 304-CC SBC 304-AR
Structural – Masonry Structures SBC 305- CR SBC 305-CC SBC 305-AR
Structural Steel Structures SBC 306-CR SBC 306-CC SBC 306-AR
Electrical Code SBC 401- CR SBC 401-AR
Mechanical Code SBC 501-CR SBC 501-CC SBC 501-AR
Energy Conservation- Nonresidential SBC 601- CR SBC 601- CC SBC 601- AR
Energy Conservation-Residential
Conservation-Residential SBC 602- CR SBC 602- CC SBC 602- AR
Plumbing Code SBC 701- CR SBC 701-CC SBC 701-AR
Private sewage Code SBC 702- CR SBC 702-AR
Fire Code SBC 801- CR SBC 801-CC SBC 801-AR
Existing Buildings Code SBC 901- CR SBC 901-CC SBC 901-AR
Green Construction Code SBC 1001- CR SBC 1001-CC SBC 1001-AR
Residential Building Code-V1 SBC 1101- CR SBC 1101-CC SBC 1101-AR
Arch. Planning and Structural Reqs.
Residential Building Code-V2 SBC 1102- CR SBC 1102-CC SBC 1102-AR
MEP, Gas and Energy Requirements
1. CR: Code Requirements without Commentary
2. CC: Code Requirements with Commentary
3. AR: Arabic Code Provisions
SBC 306-CR-18 i
The Saudi Building Code for
(SBC 306-CR)
The Saudi Building Code National Committee (SBCNC).
(Edition 200923)
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All intellectual property rights of this Saudi Code are owned by the National
Committee of Saudi Building Code as per the Saudi laws of the intellectual property. No part of this code may
be reproduced, distributed or leased in any form or by any means, including but not limited to publishing on
cloud sites, computer networks or any electronic means of communication, without prior written permission
from the National Committee of the Saudi Building Code. The purchase of an electronic or a paper copy does
not exempt the individual or entity from complying with the above limitations.
SBC 306-CR-18 i
(SBC 306-CR)
The Saudi Building Code for
1 Dr. Saleh Ibrahim Aldeghaither Chairman
2 Dr. Shehab Eldin M. Mourad Member
3 Dr. Mohamed Nour Eldin Fayed Member
4 Dr. Abdelrahim Badawy Abdelrahim Member
5 Dr. Sherif Mohamed Ibrahim Member
1 Dr. Naif M. Alabbadi Chairman
2 Dr. Khaled M. Aljammaz Member
1 H. E. Dr. Saad O. AlKasabi Chairman 3 Dr. Abdulrahman G. Al-enizi Member
2 Dr. Naif M. Alabbadi Vice Chairman 4 Eng. Saeed K. Kadasah Member
3 Dr. Abdulrahman G. Al-Enizi Member 5 Eng. Tawifik I. Aljrayed Member
4 Engr. Saeed K. Kadasah Member
5 Dr. Hassan S. Alhazmi Member Prof. Mostafa Morsi Elshami RCJY team
6 Engr. Badr S. AL-maayoof Member
7 Engr. Fayez A. Alghamdi Member
8 Engr. Mohammed A. Alwaily Member
9 Dr. Bandar S. Alkahlan Member 1 Prof. Ahmed B. Shuraim Chairman
10 Engr. Ahmad N. Hassan Member 2 Dr. Abdallah M. Al-Shehri Member
11 Engr. Abdulnasser S. Alabdullatif Member 3 Eng. Tawifik I. Aljrayed Member
12 Dr. Hani M. Zahran Member
13 Engr. Khalifa S. Alyahyai Member
14 Dr. Khaled M. Aljammaz Member
15 Dr. Ibrahim O. Habiballah Member
16 Dr. Saeed A. Asiri Member
17 Dr. Abdallah M. Al-Shehri Member
18 Engr. Saad S. Shuail Member
1 Dr. Khaled M. Aljammaz Chairman
2 Eng. Khalifa S. Alyahyai Vice Chairman
3 Dr. Hani M. Zahran Member
4 Prof. Ali A. Shash Member
5 Prof. Ahmed B. Shuraim Member
6 Dr. Khalid M. Wazira Member
7 Dr. Abdulhameed A. Al Ohaly Member
8 Dr. Hamza A. Ghulman Member
9 Engr. Hakam A. Al-Aqily Member
10 Prof. Saleh F. Magram Member
11 Engr. Nasser M. Al-Dossari Member
12 Dr. Waleed H. Khushefati Member
13 Dr. Waleed M. Abanomi Member
14 Dr. Fahad S. Al-Lahaim Member
SBC 306-CR-18 ii
The Saudi Building Code for Steel Structures (SBC 306) provides minimum requirements for the
structural design and construction of structural steel system or systems with structural steel acting
compositely with reinforced concrete. The first edition of SBC 306 was published in the year of 2007.
SBC 306-18 is the second edition of SBC 306. The current edition of the Code has been substantially
reorganized and reformatted relative to its 2007 version. The code is reorganized into 16 chapters and
six appendices. The reorganization was in response to past requests concerning the difficulty in finding
provisions. The new layout is more user-friendly and will better facilitate the use of the design
ANSI/AISC 360-10 is the base code in the development of this Code. Saudi Building Code National
Committee (SBCNC) has made an agreement with the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
to use their materials and modify them as per the local construction needs and regulatory requirements
of Saudi Arabia. AISC is not responsible for any modifications or changes the SBCNC has made to
accommodate local conditions.
The writing process of SBC 306-18 followed the methodology approved by the Saudi Building Code
National Committee. Many changes
changes and modifications were m
ade in its base code (ANSI/AISC 360-
10) to meet the local weather, materials, construction and regulatory requirements.
The committees responsible for SBC 306 Code and Commentary have taken all precautions to avoid
ambiguities, omissions, and errors in the document. Despite these efforts, the users of SBC 306 may
find information or requirements that may be subject to more than one interpretation or may be
incomplete. The SBCNC alone possesses the authority and responsibility for updating, modifying and
interpreting the Code.
It is a common assumption that engineering knowledge is a prerequisite in understanding code
provisions and requirements; thus, the code is oriented towards individuals who possess the
background knowledge to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content and
recommendations.. They shall be able to determine the applicability
recommendations applicability of all regulatory limitations before
applying the Code and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
The requirements related to administration and enforcement of this Code are advisory only. SBCNC
and governmental organizations, in charge of enforcing this Code, possess the authority to modify
Table of Contents
SBC 306-CR-18 1
SBC 306-CR-18 2
13.1 —GENERA
PROVISIONS S ............................................................
.............. 181
13.2 —CAMBER................................................................................................................................................................. 181
13.3 —DEFLECTION........................................................................................................................................................... 181
13.4 —DRIFT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 181
13.5 —VIBRATION..........................................................
................................... 181
WIND-INDUCED ED MOTION ........................................................................................................................
....................................................... ...............................................................................
.............. 181
EXPANSION N AND CONTRACTION........................................................................................................................
....................................................... ....................................................................
... 181
CONNECTION N SLIP ........................................................................................
......................................................... 182
SBC 306-CR-18 3
IVEE METHODS OF DESIGN FOR STABILITY............................................. 250
F.1 — GENE
............................................................. ......................................................... 250
F.2 — EFFECTIVE LENGTH METHOD ................................................................................................................................ 250
D .......................................................
... 251
APPENDIX G —APPROXIMATE SECOND-ORDER ANALYSIS ................................................................. 254
G.1 — LIMITATIONS ................................................................
.......................... 254
G.2 — CALCULATION PROCEDURE...........................................................................
......................................................... 254
SBC 306-CR-18 4
List of Symbols
SBC 306-CR-18 2
Cs Ponding flexibility coefficient for secondary member in a flat roof . App. B.1
Cv Web shear
shear coefficient ............................................
.......... 7.2.1
Cw Warping constant, mm6 .............................................
.......... 5.4
C2 Edge distance increment ..................
........ ...................
..........TABLE 10-10
D Outside diameter of round HSS, mm ..................
......... ...................
........ Table 2-1
D Outside diameter of round HSS main member,
member, mm ............................
............................ 11.2.1
D Nominal dead
dead load, N ....
.. App. B.2
D Dead load due to the weight
weight of the structural elements and permanent
features on the building, N............................................
................. .2
Db Outside diameter of round HSS branch member, ......................... 11.2.1
member, mm .........................
Du In slip-critical connections, a multiplier that reflects the ratio of the mean
installed bolt pretension to the specified minimum bolt pretension ..... 10.3.8
E Modulus ofof elasticity of steel 200 000
00 0 MPa ..................................
...................... ..............Table 2-1
SBC 306-CR-18 3
Ec Modulus of
of elasticity of concrete, MPa .................
Ec (T) Modulus of elasticity of concrete at elevated temperature, MPa App. D2.3.2
Emh Horizontal seismic load ffect including overstrength factor, N ............ 12.2.1
Es Modulus of
of elasticity of steel 200 000 MPa .....................................
E (T) Elastic modulus of elasticity of steel at elevated temperature, MPa .... ......
................................................................................................................... App. D2.4.3
SBC 306-CR-18 4
Fy Specified minimum yield stress, MPa. As used in this Code, “yield stress”
denotes either the specified minimum yield point for those steels that have a
yield point or specified yield strength (for those steel that do not h have
ave a yield
point) ............................................
........................................................... 2.3.6
Fyb Specified minimum yield stress of HSS branch member material, MPa .........
......................... 11.2.1
Fybi Specified minimum yield stress of the overlapping branch material, MPa ....
....................... 11.2.3
Fybj Specified minimum yield stress of the overlapped branch material, MPa11.2.3
Fyf Specified minimum yield stress of the flange, MPa ...........................
........................... 10.10.1
Fyp Specified minimum yield stress of plate, MPa ......................................
...................................... 11.1.1
Fysr Specified minimum yield stress of reinforcing bars, MPa ...................
Fyst Specified minimum yield stress of the stiffener material, MPa ............. 7.3.3
Fy (T) Yield stress
str ess at elevat
ele vated
ed tem
re, MPa ............
... App. D2.4.3
Fyw Specified minimum yield stress of the web material, MPa ................... 7.3.3
Fysr Specified minimum yield stress of the ties, MPa ............................
............................ .2
G Shear modulus of elasticity of steel 77 200 MPa ...................................
................................... 5.4
G (T) Shear modulus of elasticity of steel at elevated temperature, MPa ................
...............App. D2.3.2
H Flexural constant ............................................
....................................................................................... 5.4
H Story shear,
shear, in the direction of translation
translation being considered, produced by the
lateral forces used to compute ΔH, N................................
........ App.
App. G.2.2
H Overall height of rectangular
rectangular HSS member,
member, measured in the plane of the
connection, mm .............................................
............Table 4-1
H Height of story, which is permitted to be taken as the distance between the
centerline of floor framing at each of the levels above and below, or the
distance between the top of floor slabs at each of the levels above and below,
mm ............................................
Hb Overall height of rectangular HSS branch member, member, measured in the plane of
the connection,
connection, mm ..........................................
............ 11.2.1
Hbi Overall depth of the overlapping branch, mm .....................................
..................................... 11.2.3
I plane of bending, mm4 ............................. App. G.2.1
Moment of inertia in the plane
Ic Moment of inertia of the concrete
concrete section about the elastic neutral axis of the
composite section, mm .................................................................
Id Moment of inertia of the steel deck secondary members, mm4
deck supported on secondary
......................................................................................................................... App. B.1
Ip Moment of inertia of primary primary members, mm4 ........................................ App. B.1
SBC 306-CR-18 5
Lp Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of yielding yielding,, mm .. 6.2.2
Lp Length of primary members, mm ..........................................
............ App. B.1
SBC 306-CR-18 6
MB Absolute value of moment moment at centerline of the unbraced segment, N-mm . 6.1
MC Absolute value of moment moment at three-quarter point of the unbraced segment, N-
mm ............................................
..................... 6.1
Mcx , Mcy Design flexural strength determined in accordance with Chapter 6, N-mm
... 8.1.1
Mcx Design lateral-torsional strength for strong axis flexure determined in
Accordance with Chapter 6 using Cb = 1.0, N-mm ..............................
.............................. 8.1.3
Mcx Design flexural strength about
about the x-axis for the limit state of tensile rupture
of the flange, N-mm ....................
................. 8.4
Me Elastic lateral-torsional buckling moment, N-mm ..............................
.............................. 6.10.2
Mlt First-order moment, due to lateral translation of the structure structure only, N-mm
App . G.2
Mmax Absolute value of maximum
maximum moment in the unbraced segment,
segment, N-mm ...... 6.1
Mmid Moment at the middle
middle of the unbraced length, N-mm.................... App. A.2.3
Mn Nominal flexural strength,
strength, N-mm............................................................... 6.1
Mn,PR Nominal flexural strength of PR connection at a rotation of 0.02 rad, N-mm
Mnt First-order moment, with the structure structure restrained against lateral translation,
N-mm ....
........App. G.2
Mp Plastic bending moment,
moment, N-mm ..................
........ ...................
...... Table 2-1, Table 2-2
Mp Moment corresponding to plastic plastic stress distribution over the composite cross
section, N-mm ..............................
Mp Nominal plastic flexural strength, N-mm ........................................
Mpc Nominal plastic flexural strength of the column, N-mm ....................
Mp,exp Expected flexural strength, N-mm...................................................
Mr Required second-order
second-order flexural strength, N-mm ....
....App. G.2
Mr Required flexural strength,
strength, N-mm ............................................
............... 8.1.1
Mrb Required bracing moment,
moment, N-mm ...
..App. E.3.2
Mr-ip Required in-plane flexural strength in branch, N-mm ..........................
.......................... 11.3.2
Mr-op Required out-of-plane
out-of-plane flexural strength
strength in branch,
branch, N-mm ................... 11.3.2
Mrx,Mry Required flexural strength, N-mm...........................................................
Mrx Required flexural strength at the location of the bolt holes; positive for
N-mm 8.4
tension in the flange under consideration, negative for compression, N-mm8.4
Mu Required flexural strength,
strength, N-mm ............................................
........... 10.10.4
My Moment at yielding of the extreme fiber,
fiber, N-mm ..................
........ ...................
........... Table 2-2
SBC 306-CR-18 7
SBC 306-CR-18 8
SBC 306-CR-18 9
SBC 306-CR-18 10
Yi Gravity load applied at level i from the LRFD load combination, N, ,
App. F.3.2
Z Plastic section modulus
modulus about the axis of bending, mm3 ..................... 6.7.1
Zb Plastic section modulus
modulus of branch about the axis of bending, mm3 ...... 11.3.1
Zx mm3 .................................... 6.2.1
Plastic section modulus about the x-axis, mm
Zy Plastic section modulus about the y-axis, mm3 .....................
SBC 306-CR-18 11
SBC 306-CR-18 12
rcr Distance from instantaneous center of rotation to weld element with minimum
u/r i ratio, mm ...........................................
.................... 10.2.4
ri Minimum radius of
of gyration of individual component, mm.......................
....................... 5.6
Distance from instantaneous center of rotation to ith weld element, mm10.2.4
Radius of gyration
gyration of the flange
Polar radius of gyration about the shear center, mm ................................
................................ 5.4
flange components in flexural compression plus one-
third of the web area in compression due to Application of major axis bending
moment alone, mm .....................................................
....... 6.4.2
rts Effective radius of gyration, mm ...........................................
.................. 6.2.2
rx Radius of gyration about
about the x-axis, mm ..................................
................. 5.4
rx Radius of gyration about
about the geometric axis parallel to the connected leg, mm
...... 5.5
ry Radius of gyration about about y-axis, mm .........................
......................................................... 5.4
rz Radius of gyration about
about the minor principal axis, mm ............................
............................ 5.5
s Longitudinal center-to-center spacing spacing (pitch) of any two consecutive holes,
mm ............................................
........................................ 2.4.3
t Thickness of element, mm ..........................................
.......... 5.7
t Thickness of wall, mm ............................................
................................................................................ 5.7
t Thickness of angle leg, mm ...........................................
......................... 6.10.2
t Width of rectangular bar parallel to axis of bending, mm ................... 6.11.2
t Thickness of connected material, mm ..........................................
....... 10.3.10
t Thickness of plate, mm ...........................................
.......... 4.5.1
t Total
Total thickness of fillers, mm ............................................
.................... 10.5.2
t Design wall thickness of HSS member, mm ...............................
............................... 2.4.1 , 11.1.1
SBC 306-CR-18 13
SBC 306-CR-18 14
any, N-mm/rad......................
........................................................ App. E3.2.1
Tb Required torsional stiffness for nodal bracing,
bracing, N-mm/rad .......... App. E3.2.1
w Section property for unequal
unequal leg angles, positive for short legs in compression
............................................ 6.10.2
and negative for long legs in compression ..........................................
First-order interstory drift combinations, mm ..............................
.............................. App. F.3.2
H First-order interstory
interstory drift
drift due to lateral
lateral forces,
forces, mm ................. App.G.2.2
................. App.
i Deformation of weld elements at intermediate stress levels, linearly
proportioned to the critical deformation based on distance from the
instantaneous center of rotation,
r otation, ri, mm........................................... 10.2.4
mi Deformation
Deformation of weld ...................... 10.2.4
weld element at maximum stress, mm ......................
ui Deformation of weld element at ultimate stress (rupture), usually in element
furthest from instantaneous center of rotation, mm.....................
......... 10.2.4
cu(T) Maximum concrete strain at elevated temperature, % ................App. D2.3.2
Chord slenderness ratio; the ratio of one-half the diameter to the wall
thickness for round HSS; the ratio of one-half the width to wall thickness for
rectangular HSS ..................................................................................... 11.2.1
Gap ratio; the ratio of the gap between the branches of a gapped K-
connection to the width of the chord for rectangular HSS .................... 11.2.1
Load length parameter, applicable only to rectangular HSS; the ratio of the
length of contact of the branch with the chord in the plane of the connection
to the chord width ................................................................................... 11.2.1
Slenderness parameter ...........................................
.......... 6.3.2
p Limiting slenderness parameter for compact element ............................... 2.4
pd Limiting slenderness parameter for plastic design ......................
..... App. A.2
pf Limiting slenderness parameter for compact flange .............................. 6.3.2
pw Limiting slenderness parameter for compact web................
...... 6.4
r Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact ......................... 2.4
noncompact element .........................
rf Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact
noncompact flange ........................ 6.3.2
SBC 306-CR-18 15
Symbol Definition .............................................
... Section
Ss Section modulus for the structural steel section, referred to the tension flange,
mm3 ....................
SBC 306-CR-18 16
Str Section modulus for the fully composite uncracked transformed section,
referred to the tension flange of the steel section mm 3 ...........................
........................... 9.3.2
VQ Coefficient of variation of the load effect Q............................................
VR Coefficient of variation of the resistance R.............................................
Vb Component of the shear force parallel to the angle leg with width b and
thickness t, N ...............................................
... 7.4
acr Distance from the compression face to the neutral axis for a slender section,
mm ............................................
ap Distance from the compression face to the neutral axis for a compact section,
mm ............................................
........................................... 9.3
ay Distance from the compression face to the neutral axis for a noncompact
section, mm ..............................
fv Shear stress in angle, MPa ...........................................
...... 7.4
k Plate buckling coefficient characteristic of the type of plate edge-restraint5.7
Reliability index ..........................................
............................................ 2.3.3
SBC 306-CR-18 17
Active fire
Active fir e protection. Building materials and systems
rote B r anch m
embeber.r. In an HSS connection, member that
that are activated by a fire to mitigate adverse effects terminates at a chord member or main member.
or to notify people to take some action to mitigate Buckling. Limit state of sudden change in the
adverse effects. geometry of a structure or any
any of its elements under a
Amplifi ed se
Amp seism
ic load. Seismic load effect including
loa critical loading condition.
overstrength factor. Buckling strength. Strength for instability limit
Applica ble build ing code. Building code under which
the structure is designed. Buckling-restrained brace. A prefabricated, or
Autho ri ty ha
havving jurisd
jur isdiction (A H J ). Organization,
iction manufactured, brace element consisting of a steel
political subdivis
ion, office or individual charged core and a buckling-restraining system as described
with the responsibility of administering and enforcing in Section 12.4 and qualified by testing.
the provisions of the applicable building code. B uckli
ng-r est
strr ai ned
ned br aced
ced fr
fraame (B R B F ). A
Average ri
bwwidt h. In a formed steel deck, average
idth diagonally braced frame employing buckling
width of the rib of a corrugation. restrained braces.
B eam
am-colu mn. Structural member that resists both
-colum C har
py V -notch i mpa
pact test. Standard dynamic test
ct test.
axial force and bending moment. measuring notch toughness of a specimen.
Bearing . In a connection, limit state of shear forces Chord member. In an HSS connection, primary
transmitted by the mechanical fastener to the member that extends through a truss connection.
connection elements. Cladding. Exterior covering of structur
Bearing (local compressive yielding) . Limit state of Cold-formed steel structural member . Shape
local compressive yielding due to the action of a manufactured by press-braking blanks sheared from
member bearing against another member or surface. sheets, cut lengths of coils or plates, or by roll
B eari ng
-type connec on. Bolted connection where
connectition. forming cold- or hot-rolled coils or sheets; both
shear force
forcess are transmitted by the bolt bearing forming operations
temperature, that is,being performed
without manifestataddition
against the connection elements.
such as would be required for hot forming.
SBC 306-CR-18 18
Collector . Also known as drag strut; member that Composite slab. Reinforced concrete slab supported
serves to transfer loads between floor diaphragms on and bonded to a formed steel deck that acts as a
and the members of the lateral force resisting system. diaphragm to transfer load to and between elements
of the seismic force resisting system.
Column. Nominally vertical structural member that
has the primary function of resisting axial Concrete breakout surface. The surface delineating a
compressive force. volume of concrete
concrete surrou
nding a steel headed stud
anchor that separates from the remaining concrete.
Column base. Assemblage of structural shapes,
plates, connectors, bolts and rods at the base of a Concrete Limit state of compressive
column used to transmit forces between the steel failure in crushing.
concrete having reached the ultimate
superstructure and the foundation. strain.
Compact section. Section capable of developing a Concrete haunch. In a composite floor system
fully plastic stress distribution and pos- sessing a constructed using a formed steel deck, the section of
rotation capacity of approximately three before the solid concrete that results from stopping the deck on
onset of local buckling. each side of the gir
Compartmentation. Enclosure of a building space C oncr
oncrete beam.. Beam totally encased in
ete--encased beam
with elements that have a specific fire endurance. concrete cast integrally with the slab.
C om
tration ((C
C J P) gr oov
e w
eld. Concrete-encased shapes. Structural steel sections
Groove weld in which weld metal extends through encased in concrete.
the joint thickness, except as permitted for HSS
Connection. Combination of structural elements and
connections .
joints used to transmit forces between two or more
Composite. Condition in which steel and concrete members.
elements and members work as a unit in the
Construction documents. Design drawings,
distribution of internal forces.
specifications, shop drawings and erection
Composite beam. Structural steel beam in contact drawings.
with and acting compositely with a rein- forced
Continuity plates. Column stiffeners at the top and
concrete slab.
bottom of the panel zone; also known as transverse
Composite component. Member, connecting element stiffeners.
or assemblage in which steel and concrete elements
Cope. Cutout made in a structura
structurall member to remove
work as a unit in the distribution of internal forces,
a flange and conform to the shape of an intersecting
with the exception of the special case of composite
beams where steel anchors
anchors are embedded in a solid
concrete slab or in a slab cast on formed steel deck. Coupling beam. Structural steel or composite beam
connecting adjacent reinforced concrete wall
Composite brace. Concrete-encased structural steel
elements so that they act together to resist lateral
section (rolled
section used as aordiagonal
built-up) or concrete filled steel
brace. loads. Demand critical weld. Weld so designated by
these Provisions.
C om
te co
lummn. Concrete-encased structural steel
Cover plate. Plate welded or bolted to the flange of
section (rolled or built-up) or concrete-filled steel
a member to increase cross-sectional area, section
section used as a column.
modulus or moment of inertia.
C om
te i nte
nterr medi at
e m
ent fr am
e (C -I M F ) .
Cross connection. HSS connection in which forces
Composite moment frame meeting the requirements
in branch members or connecting elements
of Section 12.4.2 .
transverse to the main member are primarily
C omposi
te or di na
narr y brac
ed fr
fraame (C(C-OB
-OB F ) . equilibrated by forces in other branch members or
Composite braced frame meeting the requirements of connecting elements on the opposite side of the main
Section 12.4.3 . member.
C om
te or dinar
dinaryy m
ent fr
e ( C -OM
-O M F ) . Design-basis fire. Set of conditions that define the
Composite moment frame meeting the requirements development of a fire and the spread of combustion
of Section 12.4.1 . products throughout a building or portion thereof.
SBC 306-CR-18 19
Design drawings. Graphic and pictorial documents Doubler. Plate added to, and parallel with, a beam
showing the design, location and dimensions of the or column web to increase strength at locations of
work. These documents generally include plans, concentrated forces.
elevations, sections, details, schedules, diagrams and
Drift. Lateral deflection of structure.
E cce
lly br aced
ced fr ame ( E B F ). Diagonally
Design load. Applied load determined in accordance
braced frame meeting the requirements of Section
with either LRFD load combinations.
12.4.3 that has at least one end of each diagonal brace
D esign
sig n strength*. Resistance factor
strength* factor multiplied by the connectedbeam-to-brace
another to a beam withconnection
a defined eccentricity from
or a beam-to-
nominal strength, Rn.
column connection.
Design wall thickness. HSS wall thickness assumed in
the determination of section properties. E ff
cti ve leng th. Length of an otherwise identical
column with the same strength when analyzed with
Design earthquake. The earthquake represented by pinned end conditions.
the design response spectrum as specified in the
applicable building code. E ff
cti ve leng
th fac
factor, K . Ratio between the effective
length and the unbraced length of the member.
Design story drift. Calculated story drift, including
the effect of expected inelastic action, due to design E ff
ffeective ne arr ea. Net area modified to account for
nett a
level earthquake forces as determined by the the effect of shear lag.
applicable building code. E ff
cti ve sec
tion modulus. Section modulus
D i ag ona
onall br
brac e. Inclined structural member carrying
ace reduced to account for buckling of slender
primarily axial force in a braced frame.
frame. compression elements.
Diagonal stiffener . Web stiffener at column panel E ff
ffeecti dth. Reduced width of a plate or slab
cti ve wi dth.
zone oriented diagonally to the flanges, on one or with an assumed uniform stress distribution which
both sides of the web. produces the same effect on the behavior of a
structural member as the actual plate or slab width
Diaphragm. Roof, floor or other membrane or bracing with its nonuniform stress distribution.
system that transfers in-plane force
forcess to the lateral
resisting system.
force resisting E last
lastii c ana
analysi s. Structural analysis based on the
assumption that the structure
structure returns to its original
Diaphragm plate. Plate possessing in-plane shear geometry on removal of the load.
stiffness and strength, used to transfer forces to the
supportingg elements.
supportin E levat
ed te tem
per atur
es. Heating conditions
experienced by building elements or structures as a
Direct analysis method. Design method for stability result of fire which are in excess of the anticipated
that captures the effects of residual stresses and ambient conditions.
initial out-of-plumbness of frames by reducing
stiffness and applying notional loads in a second- E ncased comcompoposi
te m
mem ber.r. Composite member
order analysis. consistingg of a structural concrete member and one or
more embedded steel shapes.
Direct bond interaction. In a composite section,
mechanism by which force
force is transferred between E ncased com
te b bea
m. Composite beam
steel and concrete by bond stress. completely enclosed in reinforced concrete.
Distortional failure. Limit state of an HSS truss E ncased co
mposi te column. Structural steel column
connection based on distortion of a rectangular HSS completely encased in reinforced concrete.
chord member into a rhomboidal shape. E nd panell. Web panel
pane panel with an adjacent panel on one
Distortional stiffness. Out-of-plane flexural stiffness side only.
of web. turr n. Length of fillet weld that continues
E nd r etu
Double curvature. Deformed shape of a beam with one around a corner in the same plane.
or more inflection points within the span. E ngi ne
er of re cor d. Licensed professional
r ecor
Double-concentrated forces. Two equal and responsible for sealing the design drawings and
opposite forces applied normal to the same flange, specifications
forming a couple.
SBC 306-CR-18 20
E ngi ne
er of rre corr d. Licensed professional
eco F i ni
d sur face.. Surfaces fabricated with a
responsible for sealing the contract documents. roughnesss height value m
roughnes measured
easured in accordance with
ANSI/ASME B46.1 that is equal to or less than 500.
E xpa
on ro
rocker. Support with curved surface on
which a member bears that can tilt to accommodate Fire. Destructive burning, as manifested by any or
expansion. all of the following: light, flame, heat or smoke.
E xpa
nsion ller . Round steel bar on which a
on r oller ir e bar r i er . Element of construction formed of fire-
F ire
member bears that can roll to accommodate resisting materials and tested in accordance with an
expansion. approved standard fire resistance
resistance test, to demonstrate
compliance with the applicable building code.
E xpe
d tte
nsi le st ng th*. Tensile strength of a
strr ength
member, equal to the specified minimum tensile F ire
ir e re
resistance. Property of assemblies that prevents
strength, Fu, multiplied by Rt. or retards
retards the passage of excess
ive heat, hot gases or
flames under conditions of use and enables them to
E xpe
d yi
yieeld streng th. Yield strength in tension of
continue to perform a stipulated function.
a member, equal to the expected yield stress
multiplied by Ag. F i r st
-orr der analysii s. Structural analysis in which
equilibrium conditions are formulated on the
E xpe
d yie strr ess. Yield stress of the material,
yi eld st
undeformed structure; second- order effects are
equal to the specified minimum yield stress, F y,
multiplied by R y.
Fitted bearing stiffener. Stiffener used at a support
yebar.r. Pin-connected tension member of uniform
E yeba
or concentrated load that fits tightly against one or
thickness, with forged or thermally cut head of
both flanges of
of a beam so as to transmit load through
greater width than the body, proportioned to provide
approximately equal strength in the head and body. bearing.
F lare
lar e beve
bevell gr
g r oo
ve weld. Weld in a groove formed
F ace be
ari ng plates. Stiffeners attached to structural
by a member with a curved surface in contact with
steel beams that are embedded in reinforced concrete
a planar member.
walls or columns. The plates are located at the face of
the reinforced concrete to provide confinement and to F lare V -g
-grr ooveweld. Weld in a groove formed by two
transfer loads to the concrete through direct bearing. members with curved surfaces
F act
actored load. Product of a load factor and the
ored F lashoverr . Transition to a state of total surface
nominal load. Fastener. Generic term for bolts, rivets involvement in a fire of combustible materials within
or other connecting devices. an enclosure.
Fatigue. Limit state of crack initiation and growth dth. Nominal width
F lat wi dth. width of rectangular HSS minus
resulting from repeated application of live loads. twice the outside
outside corner radius
radius.. In the absence of
knowledge of the corner radius, the flat width may
sur face.. Contact surface of connection
F aying surface
be taken as the total section width minus three times
elements transmitting a shear force.
F i lllled
ed co
te m
ber.r. Composite member the thickness.
F lexur
lexuraal b
uckling . Bucklin
Bucklingg mode in which a
consisting of a shell of HSS filled with structural
compression member deflects laterally with- out
twist or change in cross-sectional shape.
F i lled co
te column. HSS filled with structural
F lexur
l-torr si
nall buckli ng. Buckling mode in
which a compression member bends and twists
Filler . Plate used to build up the thickness of one simultaneously without change in cross-sectional
component. shape.
F i ller m
metal. Metal or alloy added in making a
etal. ce. Resultant of distribution of stress over a
F orce.
welded joint. prescribedd area.
F i lle
llett weld. Weld of generally triangular cross
we Formed section. See cold-formed steel structural
section made between intersecting surfaces of member.
Formed steel deck. In composite construction, steel
F i llet we
ld rei
nforcement. Fillet welds added to
orceme cold formed into a decking profile used as a
groo ve welds. permanent concrete form.
SBC 306-CR-18 21
F ully
ull y com
te b
beam. Composite beam that has a
eam I ne
lastii c a
nalysi s. Structural analysis that takes into
sufficient number of steel headed stud anchors to account inelastic material behavior, including plastic
develop the nominal plastic flexural strength of the analysis .
composite section.
I n-pla
ne i nsta
nstab ty. Limit state involving buckling in
bi lility
F ully
ully rre
ed mom
ent co
nnection. Connection the plane of the frame or the member.
capable of transferring moment with negligible
I nst
nsta ty. Limit state reached in the loading of a
abi lility
rotation between connected members.
structural component, frame or structure in which a
Gage. Transverse
center-to-center spacing of slight disturbance in the loads or geometry produces
large displacements.
G app
ed connecti on. HSS truss connection with a
connection. I nte
nterr mediat
e mom
ent fr
fraame ( I M F ) . Moment frame
gap or space on the chord face between intersecting system that meets the requirements of Section 12.3.2
branch members. .
G eom
etri axiss. Axis parallel to web, flange or angle
tricc axi I ntrod
ntroduct length. In an encased composite
uctii on length.
leg. column, the length along which the column force is
assumed to be transferred into or out of the steel
Girder . See Beam.
Girder filler. In a composite floor system
I nve
nverr ted-V
ace f r ame. See V-braced frame.
ed fr
constructed using a formed steel deck, narrow piece
of sheet steel used as a fill between the edge of a Joint. Area where two or more ends, surfaces or
deck sheet and the flange of a girder. edges are attached. Categorized by type of fastener
or weld used and method of force transfer.
Relatively smooth surface groove or cavity
resulting from plastic deformation or removal of JJo
oint ecce
ntri ity.. In an HSS truss connection ,
ri city
material. perpendicular distance from chord member center of
gravity to intersection of branch member work points.
Gravity load. Load acting in the downward direction,
such as dead and live loads. k-area. The region of the web that extends from the
tangent point of the web and the flange- web fillet a
G r i p (of b
bolt)) . Thickness of material through which a
distance 38 mm into the web beyond the k
bolt passes.
G r oo
ve weld. Weld in a groove between connection
K -brace
-br aced
d fr ame. A braced-frame configuration in
elements. See also AWS D1.1/D1.1M
which braces connect to a column at a location with
G uss
usset plate.. Plate element connecting truss
et plate no out-of-plane support.
members or a strut or brace to a beam or column.
K -conne ctii on. HSS connection in which forces in
H eat flux . Radiant energy per unit surface area. branch members or connecting elements transverse
to the main member are primarily equilibriated by
H eat rre
se arrat
by e. Ratematerial.
burning at which thermal energy is forcess in other branch members or connecting
elements on the same side of the main member.
High-strength bolt. Fastener in compliance with
ASTM A325, A325M, A490, A490M, F1852, Lacing. Plate, angle or other steel shape, in a lattice
F2280 or an alternate fastener as permitted in Section configuration, that connects two steel shapes
10.3.1 . together.
H i g hly d
uctile berr . A member expected to
le membe L ap joint. Joint between two overlapping connection
undergo significant plastic rotation (more than 0.02 elements in parallel planes.
rad) from either flexure or flexural buckling under the Lateral bracing. Member or system that is designed
design earthquake. to inhibit lateral buckling or lateral- torsional
buckling of structural members.
H ori zo
zonta shear.r. In a composite beam, force at the
ntall shea
interface between steel and concrete surfaces. Lateral force resisting system. Structural system
HSS. Square, rectangular or round hollow structural designed to resist lateral loads and provide stability
for the structure as a whole.
productproduced in accordance with a pipe or
specification. Lateral load. Load acting in a lateral direction, such
as wind or earthquake effects.
SBC 306-CR-18 22
column. The
distance length
between the link
theofends is defined
of two asbraces
diagonal the clear
or Member brac
Memb racee. Member that provides stiffness and
strength to control movement of another member out-
between the diagonal brace and the column face.
of-the plane of the frame at the braced points.
Link intermediate web stiffeners. Vertical web
Mi ll sc
scale. Oxide surface coating on steel formed by
stiffeners placed within the link in EBF.
the hot rolling process.
Link rotation angle. Inelastic angle between the link
Mooment conne ctii on. Connection that transmits
and the beam outside of the link when the total story
bending moment be
tween co
nnectedd members
drift is equal to the design story drift.
Mode rate uctile member. A member expected to
ely duct
Load-carrying reinforcement. Reinforcement in
undergo moderate plastic rotation (0.02rad or less)
composite members designed and detailed to resist
from either flexure or flexural buckling under the
the required loads.
design earthquake.
Load. Force or other action that results from the
Moment fr
Mome ame. Framing system that provides
weight of building materials, occupants and their
resistancee to lateral loads and provides stability to the
possessions,or restrained
environmental effects, differentia
differentiall structural
structural system, primarily by shear and flexure of the
movement dimensional changes.
framing members and their connections .
Load effect. For ces, stresses and deformations
Negative flexural strength. Flexural strength of a
produced in a structura
structurall component by the applied
composite beam in regions with tension due to
flexure on the top surface.
Load factor . Factor that accounts for deviations of
Net area. Gross area reduced to account for removed
the nominal load from the actual load, for
uncertainties in the analysis that transforms the load
into a load effect and for
for the prob- ability that more N od
al br
brac e. Brace that prevents lateral movement or
than one extreme load will occur simultaneou
sly. twist independently of other
other braces at adjacent brace
points (see relative brace).
L oca ndii ng* * . Limit state of large deformation of
call bend
a flange under a concentrated transverse force. Nominal dimension. Designated or theoretical
dimension,, as in tables of section properties.
Local buckling**. Limit state of buckling of a
compression element within a cross section. Nominal load. Magnitude of the load specified by the
applicable building code.
SBC 306-CR-18 23
SBC 306-CR-18 24
SBC 306-CR-18 25
design to provide the required resistance to the ld. Weld made in an elongated hole fusing an
Slot weld.
seismic forces prescribed in SBC 301.
301. element to another element.
Se rvice load. Load under which serviceability limit
loa Snug-tig
Snug-t ight
nedd joint.. Joint with the connected plies in
states are evaluated. firm contact as specified in Chapter J.
Service lo
Service loa
ad cco
ombina ion.. Load combination under
inattion Specififica
Spe ionss. Written documents containing the
which serviceability limit states are evaluated. requirements for materials, standards and
Service abili
ilitty lim
limit state. Limiting condition
it sta
affecting the ability of a structure to preserve its Spe
Sp ecififie
d mini
inimmum tens
ile ssttre
rength. Lower limit of
appearance, maintainability, durability or the tensile strength specified for a material as defined by
comfort of its occupants or function of machinery, ASTM.
under normal usage.
Sp ecififie
d mini
inimmum yiel
d st
stress. Lower limit of
Shear buckling
Shea uckling. Buckli ng mode in which a plate
Buckling yield stress specified for a material as defined by
element, such as the web of a beam, deforms under ASTM.
pure shear applied in the plane of the plate.
Splice.. Connection between two structural elements
lagg. Nonunifor
Shear la
Shea Nonuniform
m tensile stress dist
ribution in a joined at their ends to form a single, longer element.
member or connecting element in the vicinity of a
ility.. Condition in the loading of a structural
connection .
component, frame or structure in which a slight
She ar wall. Wall that provides resistance to lateral disturbance in the loads or geometry does not
loads in the plane of the wall
wall and provides stabili
ty produce large displacements.
for the structur al system .
She ar yie
ldii ng (puncching) . In an HSS connection,
(pun St
stresses. aded. Not
loa windsubject to significant
and seismic fatigue
loadings are
limit state based on out-of-plane shear strength of considered to be static loadings.
the chord wall to which branch members are attached.
Steel anc
Ste ncho r. Headed stud or hot rolled channel
Sheet st
Shee eel. In a composite floor system, steel used for
ste welded to a steel member and embodied in concrete
closure plates or miscellaneous trimming in a formed of a composite member to transmit shear, tension or a
steel deck. combination of shear and tension at the interface of
the two materials.
Shim. Thin layer of material used to fill a space
between faying or bearing surfaces. Stiffe
Stif fene
d elem nt. Flat compression element with
adjoining out-of-plane elements along both edges
ay buckling
uckling (fra
(fr ame). Stability limit state
parallel to the direction of loading.
involving lateral sidesway instability of a frame.
Stiff ener. Structural element, usually an angle or
Simmple conn
conne ion.. Connection that transmits
plate, attached to a member to distribute load,
negligible bending moment between connected
transfer shear or prevent buckling.
members. Stiffne
Stif ss.. Resistance to deformation of a member or
ntrate force.. Tensile or compressive
ed force
structure, measured by the ratio of the applied force
force applied normal to the flange of a member.
(or moment) to the corresponding displacement (or
ngle curva ure.. Deformed shape of a beam with no
urvatture rotation).
inflection point within the span.
Strain compatibility metho
Strain hodd. In a composite
Slend er-e
ment se ion.. Cross section possessing
secction member, method for determining the stresses
plate components of sufficient slenderness such that considering the stress-strain relationships of each
local buckling in the elastic range will occur. material and its location
location with respect to the neutral
Slip. In a bolted connection, limit state of relative axis of the cross section.
motion of connected parts prior to the attainment of core. Axial-force-resisting element of a
Steel core
the design strength of the connection. buckling-restrained brace. The steel core contains a
Slip-cri tica
Slip-cri icall cco
onnection.. Bolted connection designed
nnection yielding segment and connections to transfer its axial
to resist movement by friction on the faying surface force to adjoining elements; it may also contain
of the connection under the clamping force of the projections beyond the casing and transition segments
bolts. between the projections and yielding segment.
SBC 306-CR-18 26
Strength limit state. Limiting condition in which the Tie plate. Plate element used to join two parallel
maximum strength of a structure
structure or its components is components of a built-up column, girder or strut
reached. rigidly connected to the parallel components and
designed to transmit shear
shear between them.
s. Force per unit area caused by axial force,
moment, shear or torsion. Toe of fillet. Junction of a fillet weld face and base
metal. Tangent
Tangent point of a fillet in a rolled shape.
Stress co
entration.. Localized stress considerably
higher than average due to abrupt changes in Torsional bracing. Bracing resisting twist of a beam
geometry or localized loading. or column.
St ng axis. Major principal centroidal axis of a cross
rong Torsional buckling. Buckling mode in which a
section. compression member twists about its sshear
hear center
ngle.. Inter story displacement divided by
Story dri ft angle
story height. Transverse reinforcement. In an encased composite
column, steel reinforcement in the form of closed ties
Structurall ana
naly sis. Determination of load effects on
or welded wire fabric providing confinement for the
members and connections based on principles of
concrete surrounding the steel shape.
structurall mechanics.
Transverse stiffener. Web stiffener oriented
Structurall com nent. Member,
component connector,
perpendicular to the flanges, attached to the web.
connecting element or assemblage.
Tubing. See HSS.
Structurall steel. Steel elements as defined in
Section 2.1 of the AISC (2010a) Code of Standard Turn-of-nut method. Procedure whereby the
Practice for Steel Buildings
Buildings and Bridges. specified
controlled pretension
by rotating inthe high-strength bolts isa
fastener component
Struct systtem. An assemblage of load-carrying
urall sys
predetermined amount after the bolt has been snug
components that are joined together to provide
interaction or interdependence.
Unbraced length. Distance between braced points of
System overstre
Syst rstrengt
h fa
factor , Ωo. Factor specified by
a member, measured between the centers of gravity
the applicable building code in order to determine the
of the bracing members.
amplified seismic load, where required by these
Provisions. Uneven load distribution. In an HSS connection,
condition in which the load is not distributed through
T-connection. HSS connection in which the branch
the cross section of connected elements in a manner
member or connecting element is perpendicular to
that can be readily determined.
the main member and in which forces transverse to
the main member are primarily equilibriated by shear Unframed end. The end of a member not restrained
in the main member. against rotation by stiffeners or connection elements.
strength (of material) . Maximum tensile Unrestrained . Floor and roof assemblies
stress a material is capable of sustaining as and individualconstruction
beams in buildings that are assumed to
defined by ASTM. be free to rotate and expand throughout the range of
anticipated elevated temperatures.
Tensile strength (of member). Maximum tension
force that a member is capable of sustaining. Unstiffened element. Flat compression element
with an adjoining out-of-plane element along one
Tension and shear rupture. In a bolt or other type of
edge parallel to the direction of loading.
mechanical fastener, limit state of rupture due to
simultaneous tension and shear force. V er tical b
ary e
element ( V B E ) . A column with a
connection to one or more web plates in an SPSW.
Tension field action. Behavior of a panel under
shear in which diagonal tensile forces develop in V-braced frame. Concentrically braced frame
the web and compressive forces develop in the (OCBF, C-OBF) in which a pair of diagonal braces
transverse stiffeners in a manner similar to a Pratt located either above or below a beam is connected to
truss. a single point within the clear beam span. Where the
diagonal braces are below the beam, the system is
herr mally cut. Cut with gas, plasma or laser.
The also referred to as an inverted-V-braced frame.
SBC 306-CR-18 27
Weak axi
Wea s. Minor principal centroidal axis of a cross
Weathering steel. High-stre
ngth, low-alloy steel that,
with suitable
suitable precautions, can be uused
sed in normal
atmospheric exposures (not marine) without
protective paint coating.
Web crippling . Limit state of local failure of web
immediate vicinity of a concentrated load
plate in the immediate
or reaction.
Web sidesway buckling . Limit state of lateral
buckling of the tension flange opposite the location
of a concentrated compression force
Weld metal. Portion of a fusion weld that has been
completely melted during welding. Wel
Weldd metal has
elements of filler metal and base metal melted in the
weld thermal cycle.
Weld root. See root of joint.
X-braced fra
X-brac fr ame. Concentrically braced frame
(OCBF, C-OBF) in which a pair of diagonal braces
crosses near the mid-length of the diagonal braces.
Y-connection. HSS connection in which the branch
member or connecting element is not perpendicular
to the main member and in which forces transverse to
the main member are primarily equilibriated by shear
in the main member.
Yield moment. In a member subjected to bending, the
moment at which the extreme outer fiber first attains
the yield stress.
Yield point. First stress in a material at which an
increase in strain occurs without an increase in
stress as defined by ASTM.
Yield strength. Stress at which a material exhibits a
specified limiting deviation from the proportionality
of stress to strain as defined by ASTM.
Yield stress. Generic term to denote either yield point
or yield strength, as appropriate for the material.
Yielding. Limit state of inelastic deformation that
occurs when the yield stress is reached.
Yielding (plastic moment). Yielding throughout the
cross section of a member as the bending moment
reaches the plastic moment.
Yielding (yield moment). Yielding at the extreme fiber
on the cross section of a member when the bending
moment reaches the yield moment.
SBC 306-CR-18 28
This chapter states the scope of the Code, designs are permitted to be based on tests or
summarizes referenced spe
icatio ns , codes
tions analysis, subject to the approval of the authority
and standards, and provides requirements for having jurisdiction .
materials and structural design documents. Alternative methods of analysis and design are
The chapter is organized as follows: permit
per mitted
ted,, prov
idedd such
s uch altern
alt ernati
ve met
hodss or
criteria are acceptable to the authority having
1.1 —Scope jurisd
jur isdict
1.2 —Referenced Specifications, Codes and
Standards User Note: For the design of cold-formed
structural members, other than hollow structural
1.3 —Material sections (HSS) that are cold-formed to shapes
1.4 —Structural Design Drawings and with elements not more than 25 mm in thickness,
Specifications the provisions of the AISI North American
Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed
Steel Structural Members (AISI S100) are
1.1—Scope recommended.
The Saudi Building Code for Steel Structures 1.1.1 Seismic Applications. The Seismic
(SBC 306), hereafter referred to as the Code, Provisionss for Structural Steel Buildings in Chapter
pro vides
es min
m req
nts for des
ign and 12 shall apply to the design of seis seismic
mic force
construction of Steel Structures. This Code shall resisting systems of structural steel or of structural
apply to the design of the structur
structural st eel system
al steel steel acting compositely with reinforced concrete,
or systems with structural steel acting unless specifically exempted by other Saudi
compositely with reinforced concrete. building codes.
This Code includes the Symbols, the Glossary,
Chapter 1 through Chapter 16, 16 , and Appendix A User Note: SBC 301 (Table 12-1, Item H)
through Appendix G G.. The Commentary and the specifically exempts structural steel systems,
Notess int
Note inters
sed thr
ut are not par
partt of but not composite systems, in seismic design
the Code. categories B and C from the provisions of
Chapter 12 if the seismic loads are computed
User Note: Notes are intended to provide concise using a seismic response modification factor,
and practical guidance in the application of the
provisions. R, ofdoes
301 3. For Seismic
specify Design
lateral Category
forces A,as
to be used SBC
seismic loads and effects, but these
This Code sets forth criteria for the design, calculations do not involve the use of an R
fabrication and erection of structural steel factor. Thus for Seismic Design Category A, it
bui ldings
ngs and oth other
er str
s, wher
wheree othother
er is not necessary to define a seismic force
structures are defined as structures designed, resisting system that meets any special
fabricated and erected in a manner similar to requirements and the Seismic Provisions for
bui ldings
ngs,, wit
withh bui
likee vvert
icall aand
nd lateral Structural Steel Buildings do not apply.
load resisting-elements.
The provisions of Appendix A of this Code shall
Wherever this Code refers to the applicable not apply to the seismic design of buildings and
building code and there is none, the loads , load other structures.
combinations, system limitations, and general
design requirements shall be those in Saudi 1.1.2 Nuclear The design,
Building Code: Minimum Design Loads for fabrication and erection of nuclear structures
Buildings and other Structures ( SBC 301 shall comply with the requirements of the
Specification for Safety-Related Steel Structures
Where conditions are not covered by the Code,
SBC 306-CR-18 29
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) A242/A242M-04 (2009) Standard Specification for
High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel
AISC 303-10 Code of Standard Practice for Steel A283/A283M-03 Standard Specification for Low
Buildings and Bridges
and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel
ANSI/AISC 341-10
341- Seismic Provisions for Plates
Structural Steel Buildings
A307-07b Standard Specification for Carbon Steel
N690--12 Specification for Safety-
ANSI/AISC N690 Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI (420 MPa) Tensile
Related Steel Structures for Nuclear Facilities Strength
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) A325M-09 Standard Specification for Structural
ASCE/SEI/SFPE 29-05 Standard Calculation Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated 830 MPa Minimum
Methods for Structural Fire Protection Tensile Strength
SBC 306-CR-18 30
A501-07 Standard Specification for Hot-Formed Steel Plate with 485 MPa Minimum Yield Strength
Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural to 100 mm Thick
A913/A913M-07 Standard Specification for High-
A502-03 Standard Specification for Steel Strength Low-Alloy Steel Shapes of Structural
Structural Rivets, Steel, Structural Quality, Produced by Quenching and Self-
Tempering Process (QST)
A514/A514M-05 Standard Specification for High-
Yield Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel A992/A992M-06a Standard Specification for
Plate, Suitable for Welding Structural Steel Shapes
A529/A529M-05 Standard Specification for High- A1011/A1011M-09a Standard Specification for
Strength Carbon-Manganese Steel of Structural Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Carbon,
Quality Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-
Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability,
A563M-07 Standard Specification for Carbon and
and Ultra-High Strength
Alloy Steel Nuts
A1043/A1043M-05 Standard Specification for
A568/A568M-09 Standard Specification for Steel,
Structural Steel with Low Yield to Tensile Ratio for
Sheet, Carbon, Structural, and High-Strength, Low-
Use in Buildings
Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled
C567-05a Standard Test Method for Determining
A572/A572M-07 Standard Specification for High-
Density of Structural Lightweight Concrete
Strength Low-Alloy Columbium - Vanadium
Structural Steel E119-08a Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of
Building Construction and Materials
Strength Standard
Low-Alloy Specification
Structural Steel, up to for
MPa E165-02 Standard Test Method for Liquid
Minimum Yield Point, with Atmospheric Corrosion Penetrant Examination E709-08 Standard Guide
Resistance for Magnetic Particle Examination
A606/A606M-09 Standard Specification for Steel, F436-09 Standard Specification for Hardened Steel
Sheet and Strip, High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot- Washers
Rolled and Cold-Rolled, with Improved
F436M-09 Standard Specification for Hardened
Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance
Steel Washers
A618/A618M-04 Standard Specification for Hot-
F606-07 Standard Test Methods for Determining
Formed Welded and Seamless High-Strength Low-
the Mechanical Properties of Externally and
Alloy Structural Tubing
Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, Direct
A668/A668M-04 Standard Specification for Steel Tension Indicators, and Rivets
Forgings, Carbon
Carbon and Alloy, for General Industrial
F606M-07 Standard Test Methods for Determining
the Mechanical Properties of Externally and
A673/A673M-04 Standard Specification for Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, and
Sampling Procedure for Impact Testing of Rivets
Structural Steel
F844-07a Standard Specification for Washers,
A709/A709M-09 Standard Specification for Steel, Plain (Flat), Unhardened for General Use
Structural Steel for Bridges
F959-09 Standard Specification for Compressible-
A751-08 Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Washer-Type Direct Tension Indicators for Use
Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel with Structural Fasteners
F959M-07 Standard Specification for
A847/A847M-05 Standard Specification for Cold- Compressible-Washer-Type Direct Tension
Formed Welded and
and Seamless High-Strength, Low- Indicators for Use with Structural Fasteners
Alloy Structural Tubing with Improved
F1554-07a Standard Specification for Anchor
Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance
Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and 105 ks
ksii (240,380, and 730
A852/A852M-03 (2007) Standard Specification for MPa) Yield Strength
Quenched and Tempered Low- Alloy Structural
SBC 306-CR-18 31
SBC 306-CR-18 32
ASTM A572/A572M
User Note: Additional requirements for joints Bars in heavy rolled members are given in Sections
ASTM A36/A36M ASTM A572/A572M 10.1.5 , 10.1.6 , 10.2.6 and 14.2.2 .
ASTM A529/A529M ASTM A709/A709M Built-Up Heavy Shapes. Built-up cross
sections consisting of plates with a thickness Sheets
exceeding 50 mm are considered built-up heavy
ASTM A606/A606M
shapes. Built-up
subject to primaryheavy shapes tensile
(computed) used asforces
HSLAS-F to tension or flexur
flexuree and spliced or connected to
other members using complete-joint-penetration
User Note: Materials with other international groove welds that fuse through the thickness of
designations (e.g. JIS, EN) considered equivalent the plates, shall be specified as follows. The
to ASTM are also approved for use under this structural design documents shall rrequireequire that
code. the steel be supplied with Charpy V-notch
impact test results in accordance with ASTM Unidentified Steel. Unidentified steel, A6/A6M, Supplementary Requirement S5,
free of injurious defects, is permitted to be used only Charpy V-Notch Impact Test. The impact test shall
for members or details whose failure will not be conducted in accordance with ASTM
reduce the strength of the structure, either locally or A673/A673M, Frequency P, and shall meet a
overall. Such use shall be subject to the approval of minimum average value of 27 J absorbed energy
the engineer of record
record. at a maximum temperature of +21 ºC.
When a built-up heavy shape is welded to the face
User Note: Unidentified steel may be used for of another member us using
ing groove welds, the
details where the precise mechanical properties requirement above applies only to the shape that
and weldability are not of concern. These are has weld metal fused through the cross section.
commonly curb plates, shims and other similar
pieces. User Note: Additional requirements for joints
in heavy built-up members are given in Rolled Heavy Shapes. ASTM A6/A6M Sections 10.1.5 , 10.1.6 , 10.2.6 and 14.2.2 .
hot-rolled shapes with a flange thickness exceeding
50 mm are considered to be rolled heavy shapes. 1.3.2 Steel Castings and Forgin
gs. Steel
Rolled heavy shapes used as members subject to castings shall conform to ASTM A216/A216M,
primary (computed) tensile force
forcess due to tension Grade WCB with Supplementary Requirement
or flexure and spliced or connected using S11. Steel forgings shall conform to ASTM
complete-joint-penetration groove welds that fuse A668/A668M. TesTestt reports produced in accordance
through the thickness of the flange or the flange
and the web, shall be specified as follows. The with the above
sufficient reference
evidence of standards shallwith
conformity constitute
structural design documents shall require that standards.
such shapes be supplied with Charpy V-notch
(CVN) impact test results in accordance with 1.3.3 Bolts, Washers and Nuts. Bolt, washer
ASTM A6/A6M, Supplementary Requirement and nut material conforming to one of the
S30, Charpy V-Notch Impact Test for Structural following ASTM specific ations is approved for use
Shapes – Alternate Core Location. The impact test under this Code:
shall meet a minimum average value of 27 J Bolts
absorbed energy at a maximum temperature of +21
ºC ASTM A307 ASTM A490
The above requirements do not apply if the splices ASTM A325 ASTM A490M
and connections are made by bolting. Where a ASTM A325M ASTM F1852
rolled heavy shape is welded to the surface of
ASTM A354 ASTM F2280
another shape
shape using groove welds, the requirement
above applies only to the shape that has weld metal ASTM A449
fused through the cross section. Nuts
SBC 306-CR-18 33
to one offorthe
approved usefollowing Code: specifica
under thisASTM specifications
tions is The
shall structural design drawings
meet the requirements in theand specifications
Code of Standard
ASTM A36/A36M ASTM A572/A572M Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, AISC
ASTM A193/A193M ASTM A588/A588M
ASTM A354 ASTM F1554 User Note: Provisions in this Code contain
information that is to be shown on design
ASTM A449 drawings.. These include:
User Note: ASTM F1554 is the preferred Section Rolled heavy shapes where
material specification for anchor rods. alternate core Charpy V-notch toughness
(CVN) is required
A449 material is acceptable for high-strength Section Built-up heavy shapes where
anchor rods and threaded rods of any diameter. CVN toughness is required
Threads on anchor rods and threaded rods shall
conform to the Unified Standard Series of ASME i) using
Section 10.3.1 Locations
pretensioned bolts of connections
B18.2.6 and shall have Class 2A tolerances.
Other information is needed by the fabricator
Manufacturer’s certification shall constitute or erector and should be shown on design
sufficient evidence of conformity with the drawings including:
Fatigue details requiring nondestructive
User Note: Materials with other international testing (Appendix C
C;; e.g., TABLE C-1,
C-1, Cases
designations (e.g. JIS, EN) considered equivalent 5.1 to 5.4)
to ASTM are also approved for use under this
Risk category (Chapter 15
Indication of complete-joint-penetration (CJP)
1.3.5 Consumabless for Welding. Fille
Consumable Fillerr metals welds subject to tension (Chapter 15
and fluxes shall conform to one of the following
ations of the American Wel
specific Welding
ding Society:
AWS A5.1/A5.1M AWS A5.25/A5.25M
AWS A5.5/A5.5M AWS A5.26/A5.26M
SBC 306-CR-18 34
SBC 306-CR-18 35
SBC 306-CR-18 36
(a) Simple Connections: A simple connection connections, or for design by inelastic analysis
transmits a negligible moment. In the analysis using the provisions of Appendix A. A. The required
of the structure, simple connections may be axial strength shall not exceed 0.15 c Fy Ag; where
assumed to allow unrestrained relative c is determined from Section 5.15.1,, and Ag = gross
rotation between the framing elements being 2
area of member, mm , and Fy = specified minimum
connected. A simple connection shall have yield stress, MPa.
sufficient rotation capacity to accommodate
the required rotation determined by the 2.3.7 Diaphragms and Collectors. Diaphragms
SBC 306-CR-18 37
protection. Designation of the person(s) 4. For stems of tees, d is taken as the full
responsible for designing for fire conditions is a nominal depth of the section.
contractual matter to be addressed on each Refer to Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 for the graphic
project. representation of unstiffened element dimensions.
2.3.12 Design for Corrosion
Corrosion Effects. Where (b) Stiffened Elements. For stiffened elements
corrosion may impair the strength or serviceability supported along two edges parallel to the
of a structure, structural components shall be direction of the compression force, the width
designed to tolerate corrosion or shall be protected shall be taken as follows:
against corrosion. 1. For webs of rolled or formed sections, h is
2.3.13 Anchorage to Concrete. Anchorage the clear distance between flanges less the
between steel
steel and concrete acting compositely shall fillet or corner radius at each flange; hc is
be designed in accordance with Chapter 9. 9. The twice the distance from the center of
design of column bases and anchor rods shall be in gravity to the inside face of the
accordance with Chapter 1010.. compression flange less the fillet or corner
—Member Properties
2. For webs of built-up sections, h is the
2.4.1 Classification of Sections
Sections for
for Local distance between adjacent lines of
Buckling. For compression, sections are classified fasteners or the clear distance between
as nonslender element or slender-element sections . flanges when welds are used, and hc is
For a nonslender element section, the width-to- twice the distance from the center of
thickness ratios of its compression elements shall gravity to the nearest line of fasteners at the
not exceed r from Table 2-1. 2-1. If the width-to- compression flange or the inside face of the
thickness ratio of any compression element exceeds compression flange when welds are used;
r, the section is a slender-element section. hp is twice the distance from the plastic
For flexure, sections are classified as compact, neutral axis to the nearest line of fasteners
noncompact or slender-element sections. For a at the compression flange or the inside face
section to qualify as compact, its flanges must be of the compression flange when welds are
continuously connected to the web or webs and the used.
width-to-thickness ratios of its compression 3. For flange or diaphragm plates in built-up
elements shall not exceed the limiting width-to- sections, the width, b, is the distance
thickness ratios, p, from Table 2-2.
2-2. If the width-to- between adjacent lines of fas
teners or lines
thickness ratio of one or more compression of welds.
elements exceeds p, but does not exceed r from
2-2,, the section is noncompact. If the width-
Table 2-2 4. For flanges of rectangular hollow
to-thickness ratio of any compression element structural sections (HSS), the width, b, is
the clear distance between webs less the
exceeds r, the section is a slender-element section. inside corner radius on each side. For webs
(a) Unstiffened Elements. For unstiffened elements of rectangular HSS, h is the clear distance
supported along only one edge parallel to the between the flanges less the inside corner
direction of the compression force, the width radius on each side. If the corner radius is
shall be taken as follows: not known, b and h shall be taken as the
1. For flanges of I-shaped members and tees, corresponding outside dimension minus
the width, b, is one-half the full-flange three times the thickness. The thickness, t,
width, bf. shall be taken as the design wall thickness,
per Section 2.4.2 .
2. For legs of angles and flanges of channels
and zees, the width, b, is the full nominal 5. For perforated cover plates, b is the
transverse distance between the nearest
line of fasteners, and the net area of the
3. For plates, the width, b, is the distance plate is taken at the widest hole.
from the free edge to the first row of
fasteners or line of welds. Refer to Tableof2-1
representation and Table
stiffened 2-2 dimension
element for the graphic
SBC 306-CR-18 38
For tapered flanges of rolled sections, the thickness 1. For angles, the gage for holes in opposite
is the nominal value halfway between the free edge adjacent legs shall be the sum of the gages
and the corresponding face of the web. from the back of the angles less the
2.4.2 Design Wall Thickness for HSS. The
design wall thickness, t, shall be used in calculations 2. For slotted HSS welded to a gusset plate,
involving the wall thickness of hollow structural the net area, An, is the gross area minus the
sections (HSS). The design wall thickness, t, shall product of the thickness and the total width
be taken equal
thickness to 0.93 times the nominal
for electric-resistance-welded wall
(ERW) of material that is removed to form the slot.
3. In determining the net area across plug or
HSS and equal to the nominal thickness for
slot welds, the weld metal shall not be
submerged-arc-welded (SAW) HSS.
considered as adding to the net area.
User Note: A pipe can be designed using the 4. For members without holes, the net area,
provisions of the Code for round HSS sections An, is equal to the gross area, Ag.
as long as the pipe conforms to ASTM A53
Class B and the appropriate limitations of the User Note: Section 10.4.1 (b) limits An to a
Code are used. maximum of 0.85Ag for splice plates with
ASTM A500 HSS and ASTM A53 Grade B holes.
pipe are produced by an ERW process. T The
SAW process is used for cross sections that are 2.5—Member Lengths
larger than those permitted by ASTM A500
A500.. For members in which the design is based on
compression, the slenderness ratio KlKl// r preferably
2.4.3 Gross and Net Area Determination should not exceed 200. For members in which the
(a) Gross Area. The gross area Ag of a member at design is based on tension, the slenderness ratio l / r
any section is the sum of the products of the preferably should not exceed 300. The above
thickness and the gross width of each element limitation does not apply to rods in tension.
measured normal to the axis of the member. For Members in which the design is dictated by tension
angles, the gross width is the sum of the widths loading, but which may be subject to some
of the legs less the thickness. compression under other load conditions, need not
satisfy the compression slenderness limit. For
(b) Net Area. The net area, An, of a member is the beams, girders and trusses designed on the basis of
sum of the products of the thickness and the net simple spans shall have an effective length equal to
width of each element computed as follows: the distance between centers of gravity of the
1. In computing net area for tension and members to which they deliver their end reactions.
shear, the width of a bolt hole shall be
2.6——Fabrication and Erection
taken as 2 mm greater than the nominal
dimension of the hole. Shop
erectiondrawings, fabrication,
shall satisfy shop painting
the requirements stipulatedand
2. For a chain of holes extending across a part
14, Fabrication and Erection.
Chapter 14,
in any diagonal or zigzag line, the net
width of the part shall be obtained by 2.7—
2.7—Quality Control and Quality
deducting from the gross width the sum of Assurance
the diameters or slot dimensions as
provided in this section, of all holes in the Quality control and quality assurance activities
chain, and adding, for each gage space in shall satisfy the requirements stipulated in Chapter
the chain, the quantity s2/4g, 15,, Quality Control and Quality Assurance.
SBC 306-CR-18 39
e Width-to- Width-to-
Ca Description of Element Thickness Thickness Examples
Ratio Ratio r
1 Flanges of rolled
I-shaped sections, plates
projecting from rolled I-
shaped sections;
outstanding legs of pairs
of angles connected with
continuous contact,
flanges of channels, and
n flanges of tees
2 Flanges of built-up I-
shaped sections and plates
or angle legs projecting
from built-up I-shaped
Legs of single angles, legs
of double angles with 0.644
separators, and all other
unstiffened elements 0.45
4 Stems of tees
5 Webs of doubly-
symmetric I-shaped
sections and channels
6 Walls of rectangular HSS
and boxes of uniform
Flange cover plates and
diaphragm plates between
lines of fasteners or welds
8 All other stiffened
9 Round HSS
SBC 306-CR-18 40
SBC 306 CR 18 40
Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratio
es -to-
Description of
a Thick p r Examples
C Element
ness (compact/ (noncompact/
Ratio noncompact) slender)
Flanges of rolled I-
10 shaped sections,
channels and tees 0.388 1.0
Flanges of doubly
and singly
symmetric I-shaped
0.38 0.955
[a] [b]
m built-up sections
0.54 0.91
e Legs of single
n 12
ef angles
Flanges of all I-
shaped sections and
channels in flexure
0.38 1.0
about the weak axis
14 Stems of tees
Webs of doubly-
symmetric I-shaped
sections and
ℎ 0.3.87446 1.5.07330
Webs of singly-
symmetric I-shaped
. −.
Flanges of
rectangular HSS and
boxes of uniform
1.12 1.40
n Flange cover plates
S 18 and diaphragm
plates between lines
of fasteners or welds 1.122 1.400
Webs of rectangular
HSS and boxes
2.42 5.70
20 Round HSS
0.07 0.31
[a] kc= 4/ (h / tw) ½ but shall not be taken less than 0.35 nor greater
greater than 0.76 for calculation purposes.
[b] FL =0.7Fy for major axis bending of compact and noncompact web built-up I-shaped members with Sxt /Sxc ≥ 0.7;
FL = FySxt /Sxc ≥ 0.5Fy for major-axis bending of compact and noncompact web built-up I-shaped
I- shaped members with Sxt /Sxc < 0.7.
[c] My is the moment at yielding of the extreme fiber. Mp =plastic bending moment, N-mm
E =modulus of elasticity of steel, 200 000 MPa
Fy = specified minimum yield stress, MPa.
SBC 306 CR 18 41
This chapter addresses requirements for the methods of design listed in Sections 3.1.1 and
design of structures for stability. The direct 3.1.2 .
analysis method is presented herein; alternative
3.1.1 Direct Analysis Method of Design. The
methods are presented in Appendix F
direct analysis method of design, which consists of
The chapter is organiz
ed as follows: the calculation of required strengths by structural
3.1 —General Stability Requirements analysis method in accordance with Section 3.2
and the calculation of design strengths in
3.2 —Calculation of Required Strengths 3.3,, is permitted for all
accordance with Section 3.3
3.3 Calculation of Design Strengths structures.
3.1.2 Alternative Methods of Design. The
effective length method and the first-
order analysis
3.1—General Stability Requirements method, defined in Appendix F F,, are permitted as
Stability shall be provided for the structure as a alternatives to the direct analysis method for
whole and for each of its elements. The effects of structures that satisfy the constraints specified in
all of the following on the stability of the structure that Appendix.
and its elements shall be considered: 3.2—
3.2 —Calculation of Required
1 . Flexural, shear and axial member Strengths
deformations, and all other deformations
For the direct analysis method of design, the
that contribute to displacements of the
required strengths of components of the structure
structure. shall be determined from a structural analysis
2 . Second-order effects (both P- and P- conforming to Section 3.2.1 . The structural
effects). analysis shall include consideration of initial
imperfections in accordance with Section 3.2.2 and
3. Geometric imperfections. adjustments to stiff
ness in accordance with Section
4 . Stiffness reduc
tions due t o inelas
ticity. 3.2.3 .
5 . Uncertainty in stiffness and strength. 3.2.1 General Analysis Requirements. The
structural analysis of the structure shall conform to
All load-dependent effects shall be calculated at the following requirements:
a level of loading corresponding to LRFD load
combinations. 1. The analysis shall consider flexural, shear
and axial member deformations, and all
Any rational method of design for stability that other component and connection
considers all of the listed effects is permitted; this deformations that contribute to
includes the methods identified in Sections 3.1.1 displacements of the structure. The
and 3.1.2. analysis shall include consideration for
For structures designed by inelastic analysis, the initial imperfections as specified in Section
provisions of Appendix A shall be satisfied. 3.2.2 . Moreover, the analysis shall
incorporate reductions in all stiffnesses that
User Note: The term “design” as used in this are considered to contribute to the stability
Code is the combination of structural analysis of the structure, as specified in Section
to determine the required strengths of 3.2.3 .
components and the proportion
ing of 2. The analysis shall be a second-
components to have adequate design strength.
analysis that considers both P- and P-
See Commentary of Section 3.1 for effects, except that it is permissible to
explanation of how requirements (1) neglect the effect of P- on the response
through (5) of Section 3.1 are satisfied in the of the structure when the following
SBC 306 CR 18 43
through (4) are applicable only for the adjust the notional load coefficient
particular class of structure identified above. proportionally.
= 0.002
magnitude of the notional loads shall be:
use of a isdifferent
plumbness justified, maximum out-of-
it is permissible to
= 4 ⁄ [1 ⁄ ]]
SBC 306-CR-18 45
= required axial compressive strength, N
= axial yield strength,
strength, N
system. as part of the overall force-resisting
SBC 306-CR-18 46
4.1—Slenderness Limitations
There is no maximum slenderness limit for
= (4-3)
where U, the shear lag factor, is determined as
members in tension. shown in Table 4-14-1..
For open cross sections such as W, M, S, C or HP
User Note: For members designed on the basis shapes, WTs, STs,
STs, and single and double angles
angles,, the
of tension, the slenderness ratio L /r preferably shear lag factor, U, need not be less than the ratio of
should not exceed 300. This suggestion does not the gross area of the connected element(s) to the
apply to rods or hangers in tension. member gross area. This provision does not apply
to closed sections, such as HSS sections, nor to
4.2—Design Tensile Strength
User Note: For bolted splice plates Ae An
The design strength of tension members, tPn, shall
0.85Ag, according to Section 10.4.1 .
be the lower value obtained according to the limit
states of yielding in the gross sec
tion and fractur
in the net section.
4.4 —Built-up Members
(a) For tesile yielding in the gross section:
= 0.90 For limitations on the longitudinal spacing of
connectors between elements in continuous contact
SBC 306-CR-18 48
consisting of a plate and a shape or two plates, see force. When the pin is expected to provide for
Section 10.3.5 . relative movement between connected parts while
under full load, the diameter of the pin hole shall
User Note: The longitudinal spacing of not be more than 1 mm greater than the diameter of
connectors between components should the pin.
preferably limit the slenderness ratio in any
The width of the plate at the pin hole shall not be
component between the connectors to 300.
less than 2be d and the minimum extension, a,
Either perforated cover plates or tie plates without beyond the bearing end of the pin hole, parallel to
lacing are permitted to be used on the open sides of the axis of the member, shall not be less than 1.33be.
built-up tension members. Tie plates shall have a
The corners beyond the pin hole are permitted to
length not less than two-thirds the distance between
the lines of welds or fastener
fastenerss connecting them to be cut at 45 to the axis of the member, provided
the components of the member. The thickness of the net area beyond the pin hole, on a plane
such tie plates shall not be less than one-fiftieth of perpendicular to the cut, is not less than that
required beyond the pin hole parallel to the axis
the distance between these lines. The longitudinal
spacing of intermittent welds or fas fasteners
teners at tie of the member.
plates shall not exceed 150 mm.
mm. 4.6—
4.5—Pin-Connected Members 4.6.1 Design Strength. The design strength of
eyebars shall be determined in accordance with
4.5.1 Design Strength. The design strength of
4.2,, with Ag taken as the cross-sectional
Section 4.2
pin-connected members tPn, shall be the lowest of
area of the body.
the following limit states: For calculation purposes, the width of the body of
(a) Tensile rupture on the net effective area:
the eyebars shall not exceed eight times its
= 22
= 0.75
= 0.6
= 0.75
(c) For bearing on the projected area of the pin,
reinforcement at the pin holes, and have circular
heads with the periphery concentric with the pin
use Section 10.7.
10.7. The radius of transition between the circular head
(d) For yielding on the gross section, use Section and the eyebar body shall not be less than the head
4.2. diameter.
where The pin diameter shall not be less than seven-
eighths times the eyebar body width, and the pin
Asf area on the shear failure path 2t(a hole diameter shall not be more than 1 mm greater
d/2), mm2 than the pin diamete
a shortest distance from edge of the pin For steels having Fy greater than 485 MPa, the hole
hole to the edge of the member diameter shall not exceed five times the plate
measured parallel to the direction of the thickness, and the width of the eyebar body shall
force, mm be reduced accordi
be 2t 16, but not more than the actual A thickness of less than 12 mm is permissible only
distance from the edge of the hole to th
thee if external nuts are provided to tighten pin plates
edge of the part measured in the direction and filler plates into snug contact. The width from
normal to the applied force, mm the hole edge to the plate edge perpendic
ular to the
d pin diameter, mm direction of applied load shall be greater than two-
t thickness of plate, mm thirds and, for the purpose of calculation, not more
than three-fourths times the eyebar body width.
4.5.2 Dimensional Requirements. The pin hole
shall be located midway between the edges of the
member in the direction normal to the applied
SBC 306-CR-18 49
the cross- sectional elements by fasteners or
longitudinal welds or by longitudinal welds in
combination with transverse welds. (Alternatively,
for W, M, S and HP, Case 7 may be used. For angles
= 1 ̅1
Case 8 may be used.)
U = 1.0
All tension members where the tension load is
3 transmitted only by transverse welds to some but not
An = area of the directly
all of the cross-sectional elements.
connected elements
4 2w / 1.5w U 0.87
longitudinal welds only. …
=̅ 1=̅1
< 1.3D... U 1 –
with a single
concentric gusset plate
̄ = 422 ̅
l ≥ H...
6 Rectangular HSS
with two side gusset
≥ H...=
̅ = 4 1 1
with flange con- nected
W, M, S or HP with 3 or more Bf ≥ 2/3d…U = 0.90
Shapes or Tees cut from fasteners per line in the bf < 2/3d…U = 0.85
these shapes. (If U is direction of loading
calculated per Case 2, the with web connected
larger value is per- mitted towith 4 or more fas-
U = 0.70
be used.) teners per line in the
direction of loading
with 4 or more fas-
teners per line in the U = 0.80 ---
direction of loading
Single and double angles (If
U is calculated per Case 2, With 3 fasteners per
the larger value is permitted line in the direction of
to be used.) loading (With fewer U = 0.60 ---
than 3 fasteners per
line in the direction of
loading, use Case 2.)
l = length of connection, mm; w= plate width, mm; x– = eccentricity of connection, mm; B = overall width of rectangular
in themember,
plane ofmeasured 90° to the
the connection, mmplane of the connection, mm; = overall height of rectangular HSS member, measured
SBC 306-CR-18 50
5.1—General Provisions
The design compressive strength, c Pn, is
=>00.4..67581⋅ > 2.25
(b) When
( or
determined as follows.
The nominal compressive strength, Pn, shall be the
lowest value obtained based on the applicable limit
= 0.877877
Where, Fe = elastic buckling stress determined
5.2—Effective Length
The effective length factor, K, for calculation of
member slenderness, KL/r, shall be determined in User Note: The two inequalities for
accordance with Chapter 3 or Appendix F,
calculating the limits and applicability of
SBC 306-CR-18 52
Sections 5.3(
a) and 5.3(b)
b),, one based on KL/r For unsymmetric members, Fe is the
and one based on Fy /Fe, provide the same lowest root of the cubic equation
result. =0 (5-10)
—Torsional and Flexural-Torsional
Buckling of Members Without Slender
̄ ̄
Elements where
This section applies to singly symmetric and Ag = gross cross-sectional area of member, mm
unsymmetric members and certain doubly Cw = warping constant, mm6
symmetric members, such as cruciform or built-up
columns without slender elements, as defined in
Section 2.4.1 for elements in uniform compression.
In addition, this section applies to all doubly
symmetric members without slender elements when
the torsional unbraced length exceeds the lateral =
unbraced length. These provisions are required for
single angles with b/t > 20.
= ̄ (5-13)
The nominal compressive strength, Pn, shall be
determined based on the limit states of torsional and G = shear modulus of elasticity of steel
flexural-torsional buckling, as follows:
= 77 200 MPa
The critical stress, Fcr, is determined as follows:
(a) For double angle and tee-shaped compression
=1 +̄
Ix, Iy = moment of inertia about the principal
axes, mm4.
= ̄
(b) For all other cases, Fcr shall be determined
according to Eq. (5-2) or (5-3),
(5-3 ), using the
̄ r0
center, mm.
torsional or flexural-torsional elastic buckling rx = radius of gyration about x-axis, mm.
stress, Fe, determined as follows:
ry = radius of gyration about y-axis, mm.
For doubly symmetric members:
5.5—Single Angle Compression adjacent web members attached to the same
side of the gusset plate or chord:
The nominal compressive strength, Pn, of single When ≤ 75
angle members shall be determined in accordance
with Section 5.3 or Section 5.7
5.7,, as appropriate, for
axially loaded members. For single angles with b/t
= 60 0.8 (5-18)
> 20, Section 5.4 shall be used. Members meeting
the criteria imposed in Section 5.5(
5.5(a) or 5.5
5.5((b) are
permitted to be designed as axially loaded members
using the specified effective slenderness ratio, KL/r.
= 45> 75≤ 200 (5-19)
The effects of eccentricity on single angle members
For unequal-leg angles with leg length ratios less
are permitted to be neglected when evaluated as
than 1.7 and connected through the shorter leg, KL/r
axially loaded compression members using one of
from Eqs. (5-18
(5-18)) and (5-19)
(5-19) shall be increased by
the effective slenderness ratios specified in Section 2
adding 6[(bl/bs) - 1], but KL/r of the member shall
5.5(a) or 5.5
5.5( 5.5((b), provided that:
not be taken as less than 0.82L/rz
1. members are loaded at the ends in
compression through the same one leg;
L = length of member between work points at
2. members are attached by welding or by
truss chord centerlines, mm.
connections with a minimum of two bolts;
and bl = length of longer leg of angle, mm.
t ransverse loads.
3. There are no intermediate transverse bs = length of shorter leg of angle, mm.
Single angle members with different end conditions rx = radius of gyration about the geometric
from those described in Section 5.55.5((a) or (b), with axis parallel to the connected leg, mm,
the ratio of long leg width to short leg width greater rz = radius of gyration about the minor
than 1.7 or with transverse loading, shall be principal axis, mm.
evaluated for combined axial load and flexure using
the provisions of Chapter 88..
(a) For equal-leg angles or unequal-leg angles 5.6
5.6——Built-up Members
connected through the longer leg that are
individual members or are web members of 5.6.1 Compressive Strength. This section
planar trusses with adjacent web members applies to built-up members composed of two
attached to the same side of the gusset plate shapes either (a) interconnected by bolts or welds,
or chord: or (b) with at least one open side interconnected by
perforated cover plates or lacing with tie plates.
= 720.≤ 8075 (5-16)
The end connection
by means shall be
of pretensioned
faying surfaces.
welded or connected
bolts with Class A or B
> 80 User Note: It is acceptable to design a bolted
end connection of a built-up compression
= 321.25 ≤ 200 (5-17)
member for the full compressive load with
bolts in bearing and bolt design based on the
shear strength; however, the bolts must be
For unequal-leg angles with leg length ratios less pretensioned. In built-up compression members
than 1.7 and connected through the shorter leg, KL/r such as double-angle struts in trusses, a small
from Eqs. (5-16)
(5-16) and (5-17)
(5-17) shall be increased by relative slip between the elements especially at
adding 4[(bl/bs) -1], but KL/r of the members shall the end connections can increase the effective
not be taken as less than 0.95L/rz. length of the combined cross section to that of the
individual components
components and significant
ly reduce
(b) For equal-leg
connected angles
through the or unequal-leg
longer angles
leg that are web the compressive strength of the strut. Therefore,
the connection between the elements at the ends
members of box or space trusses with
SBC 306-CR-18 54
each gage line shall not exceed the thickness of the
thinner outside plate times nor 450
where mm.
acting considered
being as a unit in the buckling direction
3. The clear distance between holes in the For additional spacing requirements, see Section
direction of stress shall be not less than the 10.3.5 .
transverse distance between nearest lines
of connecting fasteners or welds. 5.7—Members With Slender Elements
4. The periphery of the holes at all points This section applies to slender-element
shall have a minimum radius of 38 mm. compression members, as defined in Section 2.4.1
for elements in uniform compression.
As an alternative to perforated cover plates, lacing
with tie plates is permitted at each end and at The nominal
lowest compressive
value based strength, Plimit
on the applicable , shall be the
states of
intermediate points if the lacing is interrupted. Tie
plates shall be as near the ends as practicable. In flexural buckling, torsional buckling, and flexural-
torsional buckling.
members providing design strength, the end tie
plates shall have a length of not less than the
distance between the lines of fasteners or welds
The critical stress, Fcr, shall be determined as
connecting them to the components of the member.
Intermediate tie plates shall have a length not less follows:
than one-half of this distance. The thickness of tie
plates shall be not less than one-fiftieth of the (a) When
≤ 4.71 ≤ 2.25
(or )
distance between lines of welds or fasteners
connecting them to the segments of the members. = 00..658 ⋅
In welded construction, the welding on each line
connecting a tie plate shall total not less than one-
third the length of the plate. In bolted construction, (b) When ( or )
the spacing in the direction of stress in tie plates
shall be not more than six diameters and the tie
plates shall be connected to each segment by at least where
> 4.=70.11877 > 2.25(5-25)
three fasteners.
Fe = elastic buckling stress, calculated using Eqs.
Lacing, including flat bars, angles, channels or (5-4)
(5-4) and (5-8
(5-8)) for doubly symmetric
other shapes employed as lacing, shall be so spaced members, Eqs. (5-4(5-4)) and (5-9)
(5-9) for singly
that the L/r ratio of the flange element included symmetric members, and Eq. (5-10) for
between their connections shall not exceed three- unsymmetric members, except for single
fourths times the governing slenderness ratio for the angles with b/t ≤ 20, where Fe is calculated
member as a whole. Lacing shall be proportioned to using Eq. (5-4
), MPa
provide a shearing strength norm
normalal to the axis of the
Q = net reduction factor accounting for all
member equal to 2% of the design compressive
slender compression elements;
strength of the member. The L/r ratio for lacing bars
arranged in single systems shall not exceed 140. For = 1.0 for members without slender elements, as
double lacing this ratio shall not exceed 200. defined in Section 2.4.1 , for elements in
Double lacing bars shall be joined at the uniform compression
intersections. For lacing bars in compression, L is
= Qs Qa for members with slender-element
permitted to be taken as the unsupported length of
sections, as defined in Section 2.4.1 , for
the lacing bar between welds or fasteners
elements in uniform compression.
connecting it to the components of the built-up
member for single lacing, and 70% of that distance
User Note: For cross sections composed of only
for double lacing.
unstiffened slender elements, Q Qs (Qa
User Note: The inclination of lacing bars to 1.0). For cross sections composed of only
the axis of the member shall preferably be not stiffened slender elements, Q Qa (Qs 1.0).
less than
than 60 forfor sing
le la
ng an
andd 45 fo
forr For cross sections composed of both stiffened
double lacing. When the distance between the and unstiffened slender elements, Q Qs Qa. For
lines of welds or fasteners in the flanges is cross sections composed of multiple unstiffened
more than 375 mm, the lacing shall preferably slender elements, it is conservative to use the
be double or be made of angles. smaller Qs from the more slender element in
SBC 306-CR-18 56
≥ 1.03 When
> 0.91
= 0. 69
(b) For flanges, angles and plates projecting from
= 0. 53
built-up I-shaped columns or other
b = full width of longest leg, mm.
compression members:
≤ 0.64 (d) For stems of tees
≤ 0.75
0.=61.40 < ≤ 1.17 (5-29)
= 1.0
When When0.75 < ≤ 1.03
When When
= 0.90 (5-31)
= 0.69 (5-37)
b = width of unstiffened compression element,
as defined in Section 2.4.1 , mm d = full nominal depth of tee, mm.
, and shall not be taken less than 5.7.2 Slender Stiffened Elements, Qa. The
reduction factor, Qa, for slender stiffened elements
0.35 nor greater than 0.76 for calculation
is defined as follows:
SBC 306-CR-18 57
= (5-38)
Ag = gross cross-sectional area of member, mm2.
Ae = summation of the effective areas of the cross
section based on the reduced effective width,
be, mm2.
The reduced effective width, be, is determined as
(a) For uniformly compressed slender elements,
≥ 1.49
with except flanges
flanges of square and
rectangular sections of uniform thickness:
where, = ⁄
User Note: In lieu of calculating f Pn /Ae,
which requires iteration, f may be taken
equal to Fy. This will result in a slightly
conservative estimate of column design
(c) For axially loaded circular sections:
When 0.11 < ≤ 0.45
= = 0.038 23 (5-41)
D = outside diameter of round HSS, mm.
t = thickness of wall, mm.
SBC 306-CR-18 58
5.3 FB
5.7 FB
5.4 TB
5.3 FB
5.7 FB
5.4 FTB
5.3 FB 5.7
5.3 FB 5.7
5.3 FB
5.7 FB
5.4 FTB
5.3 LB
FB 5.6
5.4 FB
FTB 5.7
5.5 5.5
5.3 FB N/A
This chapter applies to members subject to simple Appendix C Members subject to fatigue
bending the
bending, about one principal
member axis.
is loaded in For parallel
a plane simple For guidance
sections of thisinchapter
to apply,the appropriate
Table 6-1 can
to a principal axis that passes through the shear be used.
center or is restrained against twisting at load points
and supports.
The chapter is organiz
ed as follows: 6.1—General Provisions
6.1 —General Provisions The design flexural strength,
strength, b Mn, shall be
determined as follows:
6.2 —Doubly Symmetric Compact I-Shaped
1. For all provisions in this chapter
Members and Channels Bent About Their
Major Axis
6.3 —Doubly Symmetric I-Shaped Members
= 0.90
and the nominal flexural strength, Mn, shall
with Compect Webs and Noncompect or
be determined according to Sections 6.2
Slender Flanges Bent about Their Major Axis
through 6.13
6.4 —Other I-Shaped Members with Compact or 2. The provisions in this chapter are based on
Noncompact Webs Bent About Their Major
the assumption that points of support for
beams and girders are restrained against
6.5 —Doubly Symmectric and Singly rotation about their longitudinal axis.
Symmetric I-Shaped Members with Slender
3. For singly symmetric members in single
Webs Bent About Their Majout Axis
curvature and all doubly symmetric
6.6 —I-Shaped Members and Channels Bent members:
About Their Minor Axis
Cb, the lateral-torsional buckling modification
6.7 —Square and Rectangular HSS and Box- factor for non-uniform moment diagrams when
Shaped Members both ends of the segment are braced is determined
6.8 —Round HSS as follows:
This section applies to doubly symmetric I-shaped User Note: The square root term in Eq. (6-5
members and channels bent about their major may be conservatively taken equal to 1.0.
axis, having compact webs and compact flanges
as defined in Section 2.4.1 for flexure. User Note: Eqs. (6-4)
(6-4) and (6-5)
(6-5) provide
The nominal flexural strength, Mn, shall be the lower identical solutions to the following expression
value obtained according to the limit states of for lateral-torsional buckling of doubly
yielding (plastic moment) and lateral-torsional symmetric sections that has been presented in
buckling. 306:
SBC 306:
6.2.1 Yielding
= = (6-2)
The advantage of Eqs. (6-4(6-4)) and (6-5)
(6-5) is that
where the form is very similar to the expression for
Fy specified minimum yield stress of the type of
specified lateral-torsional buckling of singly symmetric
(6-16)) and (6-17
sections given in Eqs. (6-16 (6-17).
steel being used, MPa
Zx plastic section modulus about the x-axis, The limiting lengths Lp and Lr are determined as
mm3 follows:
6.2.2 Lateral-Torsional Buckling
(a) When Lb Lp, the limit state of lateral-
torsional buckling does not apply.
= 1.76 (6-6)
(b) When Lp Lb Lr
= 1.95 0.7 6.6. 7676 (6-7)
=1 (6-9)
(b) For sections with slender flanges
= 2
(b) For channels where
= 2
pf = p is the limiting slendernes
slendernesss for a compact
flange, Table 2-2
rf = r is the limiting slenderness for a non-
User Note: For doubly symmetric I-shapes compact flange, Table 2-2
with rectangular flanges,
= 4 ℎ
= and shall not be taken less than 0.35 nor
⁄ than 0.76 for calculation purpose
= 2
(6-8)) becomes
and thus Eq. (6-8
6.4—Other I-Shaped Members with
Compact or Noncompact Webs Bent
rts may be approximated accurately and
About Their Major Axis
conservatively as the radius of gyration of
the compression flange plus one-sixth of the This section applies to doubly symmetric I-shaped
members bent abo
ut their major axis with non-
compact webs and singly symmetric I-shaped
members with webs attached to the mid-width of
the flanges, bent about their major axis, with
=−−≤ (6-14)
(i) When Iyc /Iy 0.23
(a) When
= (6-16) = 1 1−− ≤ (6-23)
= 10.078
(ii) When Iyc /Iy 0.23
= 1.0 (6-24)
For ≤0.23 ℎ
, J shall be taken as zero
= ≤ 1.6
Sxc, Sxt elastic section modulus referred to
compression and tension flanges,
Iyc = moment of inertia of the compression respectively, mm3
flange about the y-axis, mm4
The stress, FL, is determined as follows: =
When ≥ 0.7 pw p, the limiting slenderness for a compact
=0.<70.7 (6-18)
web, Table 2-2
r, the limiting slenderness for a non-
When hc
compact web, Table 2-2
twice the distance from the centroid to the
= ≥ 0.5
The limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit
state of yielding, Lp, is determined as:
following: the inside face of the compression
flange less the fillet or corner radius, for
rolled shapes; the nearest line of fastener
fastenerss at
the compression flange or the inside faces of
= 1.1 (6-20)
the compression flange when welds are used,
for built-up sections, mm
The effective radius of gyration for lateral-torsional
buckling, rt, is determined as follows:
The limiting unbraced length for the limit state of
inelastic lateral-torsional buckling, Lr, is i. For I-shapes with a rectangular
determined as:
(6-21) = ℎ
compression flange
ℎ (6-25)
(6-26) = 2
bfc width of compression flange, mm pf = p, the limiting slenderne
ss for a compact
tfc compression flange thickness, mm
flange, Table 2-2
rf = r, the limiting slenderness for a non-
compact flange, Table 2-2
ii. For I-shapes with a channel cap or a cover 6.4.4 Tension Flange Yielding
plate attached to the compression flange
rt radius of gyration of the flange components (a) When Sxt Sxc, the limit state of tension flange
in flexural compression
compression plus one-third of the yielding does not apply.
web area in compression due to application of (b) When Sxt Sxc
major axis bending moment alone, mm
the ratio of two times the web area in
compression due to application of major axis
= (6-29)
= 0.9
(c) For sections with slender flanges rw r, the limiting slenderness for a non-
compact web, defined in Table 2-2
where 6.5
6.5——Doubly Symmectric and Singly
FL (6-18)) and (6-19)
is defined in Eqs. (6-18 (6-19) Symmetric I-Shaped Members with
Slender Webs Bent About Their Majout
Rpc is the web plastific ation factor, determined
by Eq. (6-22
= ⁄
and shall not be taken less than
0.35 nor greater than 0.76 for calculation
This section applies to doubly symmetric and
singly symmetric I-shaped members with slender
webs attached to the mid-width of the flanges and
bent about their major axis as defined in Section
purposes 2.4.1 for flexure.
SBC 306-CR-18 65
greater than 0.76 for calculation purpose.
pf p, the limiting slenderness for a compact
(a) When Lb Lp, the limit state of lateral-torsional
flange, Table 2-2
buckling does not apply.
rf r, the limiting slenderness for a non-
= 0.7 (6-36)
Bent About Their Minor Axis
This section applies to I-shaped members and
channels bent about their minor axis.
Rpg, the bending strength reduction factor is The nominal flexural strength, Mn, shall be the
determined as follows: lower value obtained according to the limit states of
= 1 ,+
55.7 ≤ 1.0
yielding (plastic moment) and flange local buckling.
6.6.1 Yielding
where (6-42)
is defined by Eq. (6-26
exceed 10
(6-26)) but shall not
= = ≤ 1.6
Flange Local Buckling
(a) For sections with compact flanges the limit
state of flange local buckling does not apply.
= (6-43)
= 0.69
(b) For sections with non-compact flanges
− (6-39) (6-45)
compact flange, Table 2-2
= for flanges of I-shaped members, half the
full-flange width, bf ; for flanges of where
(c) For sections with slender flanges
flange, mmthe full nominal dimension of the Se effective section modulus determined with
the effective width, be, of the compression
tf = thickness of the flange, mm
flange taken as:
Sy = elastic section modulus taken about the
y-axis, mm3; for a channel, the minimum
section modulus = 1.92 1 0.⁄38 ≤ (6-49)
= =
Local Buckling
6.7.1 Yielding (a) For compact sections, the limit state of flange
local buckling does not apply.
= = (6-46) (b) For non-compact sections
= 0.021 (6-52)
bending, mm3
Flange Local Buckling
(c) For sections with slender walls
0.33 (6-54)
S = elastic section modulus, mm3
SBC 306-CR-18 67
User Note: For double angles with flange legs in
compression, Mn based on local buckling is to be
determined using the provisions of Section
6.10.3 with b /t of the flange legs and Eq. (6-66
as an upper limit.
= ≤ 1.6
(a) For stems in tension
6.9.2 = ≤
Lateral-Torsional Buckling
= (6-62)
(6-58) Sx elastic section modulus, mm3
The critical stress, Fcr, is determined as follows:
B 2.3
y (a) When
≤ 0.84
Lb J
User Note: For double angles with web legs in
= 1.5
6.10.1 Yielding
0.66 Eb 4 t C b
Lb t
Me 1 0.78 2 1 (6-71)
L2b b 6.11—
6.11—Rectangular Bars and Rounds
This section applies to rectangular bars bent about
With maximum tension at the toe either geometr ic axis and rounds. The nominal
4 2 flexural strength, Mn, shall be the lower value
0.66 Eb t C b Lb t
Me 2 1 0.78
1 (6-72) obtained according to the limit states of yielding
Lb b
(plastic moment) and lateral-torsional buckling.
My shall be taken as 0.80 times the yield moment
calculated using the geometric section modulus.
6.11.1 Yielding. For rectangular with
. ≤
bent about their major axis, rectangular bars
b full width of leg in compression, mm
1.64 (6-77)
(b) and with lateral-torsional restraint at the point of
maximum moment only: = 1.52 0.0.274274 > .≤
(b) For rectangular bars with bent about
Me shall be taken as 1.25 times Me computed
(6-71)) or (6-72
using Eq. (6-71 (6-72).
My shall be taken as the yield moment calculated
= ≤
their major axis:
= 1.9
using the geometric section modulus.
6.10.3 Leg Local Buckling. The limit state of leg
local buckling applies when the toe of the leg is in
Lb = length between points that are either
(a) For compact sections, the limit state of leg local braced against lateral displacement of the
buckling does not apply. compression region, or between points
(c) For sections with slender legs:
t = width of rectangular bar parallel to axis of
bending, mm
(c) For rounds and rectangular bars bent
= 0.71
about their minor axis, the limit state of
lateral-torsional buckling need not be
(6-75) considered.
ng, an
andd local bu
ckling where
(6-79) Afg gross area of tension flange, calculated in
accordance with the provisions of Section
2.4.3a, mm2
Smin = lowest elastic section modulus relative to Afn net area of tension flange, calculated in
the axis of bending, mm3
accordance with the provisions of
Section 2.4.3b, mm2
6.12.1 Yielding
1.1 otherwise
= ≤
6.12.2 Lateral-Torsional Buckling
6.13.2 Proportioning Limits for I-Shaped
Members. Singly symmetric I-shaped members
= ≤
6.12.3 Local Buckling
> 1.5
Where (b) When
Fcr = local buckling stress for the section as ℎ
determined by analysis, MPa (6-86)
6.13—Proportions of Beams and a = clear distance between transverse stiffeners,
Girders mm
6.13.1 Strength Reductio
ns for Members with In unstiffened girders h/ tw shall not exceed 260. The
Holes in the Tension Flange. This section applies ratio of the web area to the compression flange area
to rolled or built-up shapes and cover-plated beams shall not exceed 10.
with holes, proportioned on the basis of flexural
strength of the gross section. 6.13.3 Cover Plates. Flanges of welded beams or
girders may be varied in thickness or width by
In addition to the limit states specified in other splicing a series of plates or by the use of cover
sections of this Chapter, the nominal flexural plates.
strength, Mn, shall be limited according to the limit
state of tensile rupture of the tension flange. The total cross-sectional area of cover plates of
bolted girders shall not exceed 70% of the total
(a) When FuAfn Yt Fy Afg, the limit state of tensile flange area.
rupture does not apply.
High-strength bolts or welds connecting flange to
(b) When Fu Afn Yt Fy Afg, the nominal flexural web, or cover plate to flange, shall be proportioned
strength, Mn, at the location of the holes in the
tension flange shall not be taken greater than to resist the
bending forces
force s horizontal
total shear resulting
on the girder. from the
The longitudinal
SBC 306-CR-18 71
distribution of these bolts or intermittent welds unbraced length, Lb, of the compression flange
shall be in proportion to the intensity of the shear. adjacent to the redistributed end moment locations
However, the longitudinal spacing shall not exceed
However, shall not exceed Lm determined as follows.
the maximum specified for compression or tension (a) For doubly symmetric and singly symmetric I-
members in Section 5.6 or 4.4,
4.4, respectively. Bolts shaped beams with the compression flange
or welds connecting flange to web shall also be equal to or larger than the tension flange
proportioned to transmit to the web any loads loaded in the plane of the web:
applied directly to the flange, unless provision is
made to transm
it such loads by direct bearing.
Partial-length cover plates shall be extended
beyond the theoretical cutoff point and the
= 00..120.076
(b) For solid rectangular bars and symmetric box
across the end of the plate
There is no limit on Lb for members with round or
square cross sections or for any beam bent about
its minor axis.
w width of cover plate, mm
(b) When there is a continuous weld smaller than
three-fourths of the plate thicknes
thicknesss across the
= 1.5
end of the plate
(c) When there is no weld across the end of the
= 2
Section in Flange
Cross Section Web Slenderness Limit States
Chapter 6 Slenderness
6.2 C C Y, LTB
6.4 C, NC, S C, NC
6.5 C, NC, S S
User Note: For cases not included in this ℎ ≤ 1.10 ⁄
chapter,, the following sections apply:
8.3.3 Unsymmetric sections
= 1.0000 (7-3)
7.1—General Provisions
7.1— = 1.100⁄⁄
strength, ϕvVn, shall be
The design shear strength,
determined as follows:
For all provisions in this chapter
Aw = area of web, the overall depth times the web
, mm2
= for rolled shapes, the clear distance between
flanges less the fillet or corner radii, mm
= for built-up bolted sections, the distance thickness from the near toe to the web-to-flange
between fastener lines, mm weld. When single stiffeners are used, they shall
be attached to the compression flange, if it
= for tees, the overall depth, mm
consists of a rectangular plate, to resist any uplift
tw = thickness of web, mm tendency due to torsion
torsion in the flange.
The web plate shear buckling
buckling coefficient, kv, is Bolts connecting stiffeners to the girder web shall
determined as follows: be spaced not more than 300 mm on center. If
= 1.2 .
permitted for flanged
flanged members when the web plate
is supported on all four sides by flanges or
stiffenerss. Consideration of tension field action is
= 55 ⁄5
For webs with transverse stiffen
not permitted:
(7-6) (a) for end panels in all members with transverse
= 5 when or
(b) when a/h exceeds 3.0 or ;
⁄ℎ > 3.0 ⁄ >
⁄ (c) when
(d) when or
; or
a clear distance between transverse
stiffeners, mm where
7.2.2 Transverse Stiffeners. Transverse Afc = area of compression flange, mm2
ℎ⁄ ≤ 2.46⁄
stiffeners are not required where
, or where the design shear Aft = area of tension flange, mm2
for = 5
strength provided in accordance with Section 7.2.1
is greater than the required shear
bfc = width of compression flange, mm
(7-8) (a) When ℎ ⁄=0.≤61.10 ⁄ (7-9)
and b is the smaller of the dimensions a and h
Transverse stiffeners are permitted to be stopped
short of the tension flange, provided bearing is not
(b) When ℎ⁄ > 1.10 ⁄
needed to transmit a concentrated load or reaction. (7-10)
The weld by which transverse stiffeners are
attached to the web shall be terminated not less
than four times nor m more
ore than six times the w
eb = 0.6 ( 1.1551 1)
SBC 306-CR-18 76
(1) (7-11)
Section 7.2.1 (b) with
leg shall be determined using Eq. (7-1) and
≤ 0. 5 6
≥ − (7-12)
b width of the leg resisting the shear force, mm
t thickness of angle leg, mm
ℎ⁄ == 1.⁄2
(b/t)st width-to-thickness ratio of the stiffener
Fyst specified minimum yield stress of the 7.5—Rectangular HSS and Box-Sh
7.5— Box-Shaped
stiffener material, MPa
The nominal shear strength, Vn, of rectangular HSS
Ist moment of inertia of the transverse
stiffeners about an axis in the web center for
stiffener pairs, or about the face in contact
with the web plate for single stiffeners, mm4
provisions of Section 7.2.1 with
= 2
and box members shall be determined using the
Ist1 minimum moment of inertia of the h width resisting the shear force
force,, taken as the
clear distance between the flanges less the
transverse stiffeners required for inside corner radius on each side, mm
development of the web shear buckling buckling
resistance in Section 7.2.2 , mm 4 t design wall thickness, equal to 0.93 times the
nominal wall thickness for electric resistance-
1 = . .
welded (ERW) HSS and equal to the nominal
thickness for submerged-arc-welded (SAW)
HSS, mm
Ist2 minimum
moment of inertia of the
stiffeners required
development of the full web shear buckling
== 5, mm
2 = .⁄ 2 2 ≥ 0.5
larger of the required shear strengths in the
(7-14) 7.6—
7.6—Round HSS
The nominal shear strength, Vn, of round HSS,
according to the limit states of shear yielding and
adjacent web panels, N shear buckling, shall be determined as:
Vc1 smaller of the design shear strengths in the
adjacent web panels with Vn as defined in
Section 7.2.1 , N
= ⁄2 (7-15)
Vc2 smaller of the design shear strengths in the Fcr shall be the larger of
adjacent web panels with Vn
in Section 7.3.2 , N
st the larger of and 1.0
as defined
Fyw specified minimum yield stress of the web
material, MPa and
SBC 306-CR-18 77
= 0.78
but shall not exceed 0.6
D outside diameter, mm
Lv distance from maximum to zero shear
force, mm
t design wall thickness, equal to 0.93 times
the nominal wall thickness for ERW HSS
and equal to the nominal thickness for SAW
HSS, mm
7.7—Weak Axis Shear in Doubly
Symmetric and Singly Symmetric
For doubly and singly symmetric shapes loaded in
the weak axis without torsion, the nominal shear
strength, Vn, for each shear resisting element
= required axial strength, N
= t P n = design axial strength, determined
is the moment of inertia of the compression flange 4.2,, N
in accordance with Section 4.2
about the y-axis. Mr = required flexural strength, N-mm
(b) When
889 ≤ 1.0 (8-1)
SBC 306-CR-18 80
For doubly symmetric members, Cb in Chapter 6 is permitted to use the provisions of this Section for
may be multiplied by 1 | | ≤ 1.0
any shape in lieu of the provisions of Section 8.1
fra = required axial stress at the point of
A more detailed analysis of the interaction of
flexure and tension is permitted in lieu of Eqs. (8-1
and (8-2)
consideration, MPa
Fca = design axial stress at the point of
consideration, determined in accordance
8.1.3 Doubly Symmetric Rolled Compact
Compact with Chapter 5 for compression ( Fcr), or
Members Subject to Single Axis Flexure and Section 4.2 for tension ( Fcr), MPa
compact members with ≤
For doubly symmetric rolled
frbw , f rbz = required flexural stress at the point of
consideration, MPa
to flexure and compression with moments primarily
about their major axis, it is ppermissible
ermissible to consider
the two independent limit states, in-plane
, = = design flexural stress at the
point of consideration, determined in
instability and out-of-plane buckling or lateral- accordance with Chapter 66,, MPa
torsional buckling, separately in lieu of the
combined approach provided in Section 8.1.1 . w = subscrip
subscriptt relating symbol to major principal
axis bending
For members with
⁄ ≥ 0.05
of Section 8.1.1 shall be followed.
, the provisions
User Note: the torsional constant, C may be
C is the HSS torsional constant conservatively taken as :
The critical stress, Fcr, shall be determined as
For round HSS : = −=−22
(a) For round HSS, Fcr shall be the larger of For rectangular HSS:
= (8-6)
4.4. 54
8.3.2 HSS Subject to Combined Torsion
Shear, Flexure and Axial Force. When the
≤ 2.45
When where
Pr = required axial strength , N
Pc = = design tensile or compressive
Tc =
= required torsional strength, N-mm
= design torsional strength
accordance with Section 8.3.1 , N-mm
= 0.458
ℎ (8-10)
strength for non-HSS members shall be the lowest
value obtained according to the limit states of
yielding under normal stress, shear yielding under
shear stress, or buckling, determined as follows:
where = 0.90
h = flat width
width of longer side as defined in Section (a) For the limit state of yielding under normal
2.4.1 b(4),
b(4), mm stress
t design wall thickness defined in Section 2.4.2
(b) For the limit state of shear yielding under shear
SBC 306-CR-18 82
= 0.6 (8-13)
(c) For the limit state of buckling
≤ 1.0
= required axial strength of the member at the
location of the bolt holes, positive in tension,
negative in compression, N
Pc = = design axial strength for the limit
state of tensile rupture of the net section at
the location of bolt holes, determined in
4.2((b), N
accordance with Section 4.2
Mrx = required flexural strength at the location
of the bolt holes; positive for tension in
the flange under consideration, negative for
Mcx =
compression, N-mm
= design flexural strength about x-
axis for the limit state of tensile rupture of
the flange, determined according to Section
6.13.1 . When the limit state of tensile
rupture in flexure does not apply, use the
plastic bending moment, Mp, determined
with bolt holes not taken into consideration,
= res
istance factor for tens
ile rupture = 0.7
= resistance factor for flexure = 0.9
SBC 306-CR-18 83
for steel and concrete shall be obtained from tests thickness ratio
ratio of its compression ssteel
teel elements
or from published results for similar materials. shall not exceed the limiting width-to-thickness
ratio, λp, from
User Note: The strain compatibility method
should be used to determine nominal strength Table 9-2.
9-2. If the maximum width-to-
thickness ratio
for irregular sections and for cases where of one or more steel compression elements exceeds
λp, but does not exceed λr from
the steel does not exhibit elasto-plastic
behavior. General
compatibility guidelines
method for the
for encased strain
members Table 9-2, theratio
to-thickness section is noncompact.
of any steel elementIfexceeds
the width-
subjected to axial load, flexure or both are the section is slender. The maximum permitted
given in AISC (2003) Design Guide 6 and width-to-thickness
width-to-thickness ratio sha
ll be as specified in the
SBC 304 table.
9.1.3 Material Limitations. For concrete, Refer to Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 for definitions of
al steel, and steel reinforcing bars in
structur width (b and D) and thickness (t) for rectangular
composite systems, the following limitations shall and round HSS sections.
be met, unless justified by testing or analysis:
1. For the determination of the design
9.2—Axial Force
concrete shall have a
compressive strength, ′ , of not less than
21 MPa nor more than 70 MPa for normal
This section applies to two types of composite
members subject to axial force: encased composite
members and filled composite
composite members.
weight concrete and not less than 21 MPa
nor more than 42 MPa for lightweight 9 . 2 . 1 Enca
sed Comp
osite Memb
concrete. Limitations. For encased composite
User Note: Higher strength concrete material members, the following limitations shall be met:
properties may be used for stiffness calculations 1. The cross-sectional area of the steel core
but may not be relied upon for strength shall comprise at least 1% of the total
calculations unless justified by testing or composite cross section.
2. Concrete encasement of the steel core shall
2. The specified minimum yield stress of be reinforced with continuous
continuous longitudinal
structural steel and reinforcing bars used bars and lateral ties or spirals.
in calculating the strength of composite Where lateral ties are used, a minimum of
members shall not exceed 525 MPa. either a 10 mm bar spaced at a maximum
9.1.4 Classification of Filled Composite of 300 mm on center, or a 14 mm bar or
Sections for Local Buckling. For compression, larger
filled composite sections are classified as compact, center spaced at aused.
shall be usmaximum ofed
ed. Deformed
Deform 400wire
mm on
noncompact or slender. For a section to qualify as welded wire reinforcement of equivalent
compact, the maximum width-to-thickness ratio of area are permitted.
its compression steel elements shall not exceed Maximum spacing of lateral ties shall not
the limiting width-to-thickness ratio, λp, from exceed 0.5 times the least column
Table 9-1.
9-1. If the maximum width-to-
thickness ratio dimension.
of one or more steel compression elements exceeds
λp, but does not exceed λr from Table 9-1
9-1,, the filled
composite section is noncompact. If the maximum
3. The minimum reinforcement ratio for
continuous longitudinal reinforcing,
shall be 0.004, where is given by:
width-to-thickness ratio of any compression steel
element exceeds λr, the section is slender. The
maximum permitted width-to-thickness ratio shall (9-1)
be as specified in the table.
For flexure, filled composite sections are classified
as compact, noncompact or slender. For a section to
qualify as compact, the maximum width-to-
= gross area of composite member, mm2
SBC 306-CR-18 86
Asr = area of continuous reinforcing bars, mm2 Fysr = specified minimum yield stress of
reinforcing bars, MPa
User Note: Refer to Sections 7.10 and 10.9.3
of SBC 304 for additional tie and spiral Ic = moment of inertia of concrete section
reinforcing provisions. about the elastic neutral axis of the
composite section, mm4 Compressive The design
Is = moment of inertia of steel shape about the
compressive strength, , of doubly symmetric
axially loaded encased composite members shall
be determined for the limit state of flexur
ng based on member slenderness as follows:
= 0.75
elastic neutral
section, mm 4 axis of the composite
= moment of inertia of reinforcing bars
about the elastic neutral axis of the
composite section, mm4
(a) When
≤ 2.25 K
= effective length factor
= laterally unbraced length of the member,
= 0.0.658
(9-2) ′
= specified compressive strength of
concrete, MPa
(b) When wc = weight of concrete per unit volume (1500
2500 kg/m3)
= 0.877 > 2.25 (9-3)
than design
≤ ≤
that specified
by Chapter 55..
for barestrength need not
steel member be less
as required
= / (9-5) Load Transfer. Load transfer
requirements for encased composite members shall
Ac = area of concrete, mm2
be determined in accordance with Section 9.6.
As = area of steel, mm Detailing Requirements. Clear spacing
Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete between the steel core and longitudinal reinforcing
= 0.043.. ′
, MPa
= effective stiffness of composite section,
shall be a minimum of 1.5 reinforcing bar diameters,
but not less than 40mm.
If the composite cross section is built up from two
= 0.0.55 (9-6)
= coefficient for calculation of effective
or more encased steel shapes, the shapes shall be
interconnected with lacing, tie plates, batten plates
or similar components to prevent buckling of
individual shapes due to loads applied prior to
rigidity of an encased composite hardening of the concrete.
compression member
= 0.12+ ≤ 0.3
odulus of elasticity of steel = 200 000
9.2.2 Filled Composite Members Limitations. For filled composite members,
the cross-sectional area of the steel section shall
comprise at least 1% of the total composite cross
MPa section.
Fy = specified minimum yield stress of steel Filled composite members shall be classified for
section, MPa local buckling according to Section 9.1.4 .
SBC 306-CR-18 87 Compressive Strength. The design The design compressive strength need not be less
compressive strength of axially loaded doubly than specified for the bare steel member as require
symmetric filled composite members shall be by Chapter 55..
determined for the limit state of flexura buckling in
flexurall buckling Tensile Strength. The design tensile
accordance with Section with the following
strength of axially loaded filled composite
members shall be determined for the limit state of
(a) For compact sections yielding as follows:
where =
= =0.9 Load Transfer. Load
(9-10) requirements for filled composite members shall
be determined in accordance with Section 9.6
C2 = 0.85 for rectangular sections and 0.95 for
round section 9.3—Flexure
= 9
For rectangular filled sections
3. the distance to the edge of the slab. Strength During Construction. When
(9-14) temporary shores are not used during construction,
the steel
steel section alone sha
ll have adequate strength
= 0.72.
For round filled sections to
attaining all loads
support75% of itsapplied priorstrength
to the concrete
. The
design flexural strength of the steel section shall be
The effective stiffness of the composite section,
(9-15) determined in accordance with Chapter 6.
9.3.2 Composite Beams With Steel Headed
Stud or Steel Channel Anchors
(a) when ℎ
= 0.9
, Mn shall be
determined from the plastic stress distribution
3. beam,
The slab reinforcement
within the effectiveparallel to the slab,
width of steel When the nominal depth of steel deck is 38 mm or
greater, the average width, wr, of the supported
Composite Beams With Formed Steel
Deck haunch or rib shall be not less than 50 mm for the
first steel headed stud anchor in the transverse row General. The design flexural plus four stud diameters for each additional steel
strength of composite construction consisting of headed stud anchor.
concrete slabs on formed steel deck connected to Load Transfer Between Steel Beam and
steel beams shall be determined by the applicable
Concrete Slab
portions of Sections and , with the
following requirements: Load Transfer for Positive
Flexural Strength. The entire horizontal shear at
1. The nominal rib height shall not be greater
than 75 mm. The average width of concrete the interface between the steel beam and the
rib or haunch, wr, shall be not less than 50 concrete slab shall be assumed to be transferred by
mm, but shall not be taken in calculations steel headed stud
stud or steel channel anchors, except
for concrete-encased beams as defined in Section
top ofthan
thethe minimum
steel deck. clear width near 9.3.3 . For composite action with concrete subject
to flexural compression, the nominal shear force
2. The concrete slab shall be connected to the
steel beam with welded steel headed stud
anchors, 20 mm or less in diameter (AWS
D1.1/D1.1M)). Steel headed stud anchors
transferred by steel anchors
between the steel beam and the concrete slab
anchors, ′ , between the point
of maximum positive moment and the point of
zero moment shall be determined as the lowest
shall be welded either through the deck or value in accordance with the limit states of
directly to the steel cross section. Steel concrete crushing, tensile yielding of the steel
headed stud anchors, after installation, shall section, or the shear strength of the steel anchors:
extend not less than 40 mm above the top
of the steel deck and there shall be at least
15 mm of specified concrete cover above
the top of the steel headed stud anchors. (b) Tens
= 0.85
(a) Concrete crushing
′ ′
(9-21) the limit state of yielding (plastic moment) on
the composite section. For concrete-encased
members, steel anchors shall be provided.
Ac = area of concrete slab within effective 9 . 3 . 4 Filled Comp
osite Memb
width, mm2 Limitations. Filled composite sections
As = area of steel cross section, mm2 shall be classified for local buckling according to
moment and the point of zero moment, N
Load Transfer for Negative
Flexural Strength. In continuous composite beams
= 0.9
be determined as follows:
(a) For the limit state of tensile yielding of the slab distribution
section, N-mmover the composite cross
(9-22) (b) For noncompact sections
−− (9-25)
Asr = area of adequately developed
longitudinal reinforcing steel within the
effective width of the concrete slab, mm2
Fysr = specified minimum yield stress of the
, are the slenderness
determined from Table 9-2
9.3.3 Encased Composite. The design flexural
strength,, b M n, of concrete-encased members shall
be determined as follows:
maximum concrete compressive stress
limited to 0.70 ′ and the maximum steel
stress limited to Fy.
= 0.9
The nominal flexural strength, Mn, shall be
( c ) For slender sections, Mn, shall be determined as
the first yield moment. The compression flange
stress shall be limited to the local buckling
determined using one of the following methods: stress, Fcr, determined using Eqs. (9-14(9-14)) or
(9-15). The concrete stress distribution shall
(a) The superposition of elastic stresses on the be linear elastic with the maximum
composite section, considering the effects of compressive stress limited to 0.70 f c.
shoring for the limit state of yielding (yield
(b) The plastic stress distribution on the steel 9.4—
9.4 —Shear
section alone, for the limit state of yielding
(plastic moment) on the steel section. 9.4.1 Filled and Encased Composite
Members. The design shear strength, vVn, shall ,
(c) The plastic stress distribution on the composite be determined based on one of the following:
section or the strain-compatibility method, for
SBC 306-CR-18 90
(a) The design shear strength of the steel section accordance with the requirements for force
alone as specified in Chapter 7. allocation presented in this section.
(b) The design shear strength of the reinforced
concrete portion (concrete plus steel
reinforcement) alone as defined by SBC 304
The design strength, Rn, of the applicable force
transfer mechanisms as determined in accordance
with Section 9.6.3 shall equal or exceed the
with required longitudinal shear force to be
v 0.75 transferred, ′ , as determined in accordance with
(c) The nominal shear strength of the steel section
as defined in Chapter 7 plus the nominal
strength of the reinforcing steel as defined by
SBC 304 with a combined resistance factor of
Section 9.6.2 .
9.6.2 Force Allocation. Force allocation shall
be determined based upon the distribution of
external force in accordance with the following
v 0.75 requirements:
9.4.2 Composite Beams with Formed Steel User Note: Bearing strength provisions for
Deck. The design shear strength of composite externally applied forces are provided in
beams with steel headed stud or steel channel Section 10.8.
10.8. For filled composite members,
anchors shall be determined based upon the
properties of the steel section alone in accordance
with Chapter 7.
the term in Eq. (10-31
(10-31)) may be taken equal
to 2.0 due to confinement effec
9.5—Combined Flexure and Axial
Force External Force A
pplied to Steel Section.
When the entire external force is applied directly
The interaction between flexure and axial forces in
composite members shall accou
nt for stability as
required by Chapter 33.. The design compressive
to the steel section, the force required to be
transferred to the concrete, ′ , shall be determined
= 11
as follows:
strength and the design flexural strength shall be
determined as defined in Sections 9.2 and 9.3, 9.3, ′
respectively. To account for the influence of length
effects on the axial strength
strength of the member
member,, the
nominal axial strength of the member shall be
accordance with Section 9.2.
determined in accordance 9.2. Pno = nominal axial compressive strength without
For encased composite members and for filled consideration of length effects, determined by
composite members with compact sections, the Eq. (9-4
(9-4)) for encased composite members, and
interaction between axial force and flexure shall be (9-9)) for filled composite members
Eq. (9-9 members, N
based on the interaction equations of Section 8.1.1 Pr = required external force applied to the
determined as follows:
User Note: Methods for determining the capacity
of composite beam-columns are discussed in the ′
—Load Transfer Pno = nominal axial compressive strength without
consideration of length effects, determined by
9.6.1 General Requirements. When external Eq. (9-4
(9-4)) for encased composite members, and
forces are applied to an axially loaded encased or Eq. (9-9
(9-9)) for filled composite members
members, N
filled composite member, the introduction of force
to the member and the transfer of longitudinal Pr = required external force applied to the
shears within the member shall be assessed in composite member, N
SBC 306-CR-18 91
applied concurrently to the steel section and
concrete encasement or concrete fill, ′ shall be
determined as the force required to establish
9.6.4 , N Direct Bond Interaction. Where force is
transferred in a filled composite member by direct
equilibrium of the cross section. bond interaction, the design bond strength
between the steel and concrete shall be determined
User Note: The Commentary provides an
acceptable method of determining the
longitudinal shear force required for equilibrium
of the cross section.
as follows:
= 0.45
(a) For rectangular steel sections filled with
(9-28) 9.6.4 Detailing Requirements Encased Composite Members. Steel
anchors utilized to transfer longitudinal shear shall
where be distributed within the load introduction length,
2 which shall not exceed a distance of two times the
A1 = loaded area of concrete, mm
minimum transverse dimension of the encased
User Note: An example of force transfer via an composite member above and below the load
internal bearing mechanism is the use of internal transfer region. Anchors utilized to transfer
steel plates within a filled composite member
member.. longitudinal shear shall be placed on at least two
faces of the steel shape in a generally symmetric Shear Connection. Where force is configuration about the steel sha
pe axes.
transferred in an encased or filled composite Steel anchor spacing, both within and outside of
member by shear connection, the design shear the load introduction length, shall conform to
strength of steel headed stud or steel channel Section .
anchors shall be determined as follows
(9-29) Filled Composite Members. Where
required, steel anchors transferring the required
longitudinal shear force shall be distributed within
the load introduction length, which shall not exceed
∑ , a distance of two times the minimum transverse
= sum of design shear strengths,
dimension of a rectangular steel member or two
of steel determined
anchors, headed stud
in or steel channel
accordance with times the diameter of a round steel member both
above and below the load transfer region. Steel
Section or Section ,
SBC 306-CR-18 92
anchor spacing within the load introduction length (b) any number of steel headed stud anchors
shall conform to Section . welded in a row directly to the steel shape;
9.7—Composite Diaphragms and (c) any number of steel headed stud anchors
Collector Beams welded in a row through steel deck with the
deck oriented parallel to the steel shape and
Composite slab diaphragms and collector beams the ratio of the average rib width to rib
shall be designed and detailed to transfer loads depth 1.5
the diaphragm’s
between the
members anddiaphragm,
collector elements,
the lateral force resisting system.
and elements of = 0.85 for:
(a) two steel headed stud anchors welded in a
steel deck rib with the deck oriented
User Note: Design guidelines for composite perpendicular to the steel shape;
diaphragms and collector beams can be found in (b) one steel headed stud anchor welded
the Commentary. through steel deck with the deck oriented
9.8—Steel Anchors
parallel to the steel shape and the ratio of
the average rib width to rib depth 1.5
= 0.7 for three or more steel headed stud
9.8.1 General. The diameter of a steel headed anchors welded in a steel deck rib with the
stud anchor shall not be greater than 2.5 times the deck oriented perpendicular to the steel
thickness of the base metal to which it is welded, shape
unless it is welded to a flange directly over a web.
Rp = 0.75 for:
Section 9.8.2 applies to a composite flexural
member where steel anchors are embedded in a (a) steel headed stud anchors welded
solid concrete slab or in a slab cast on formed steel directly to the steel shape;
deck. Section 9.8.3 applies to all other cas
es. (b) steel headed stud anchors welded in a
composite slab with the deck oriented
9.8.2 Steel Anchors in Composite Beams. The
length of steel headed stud anchors shall not be
less than four stud diameters from the base of the
steel headed stud anchor to the top of the stud head
perpendicular to the beam and emid-ht
50 mm;
(c) steel headed stud anchors welded
after installation. through steel deck, or steel sheet used as
girder filler material, and embedded in a Strength of Steel Headed Stud
Stud Anchors composite slab with the deck oriented
The nominal shear strength of one steel headed stud parallel to the beam
anchor embedded in a solid concrete slab or in a = 0.6 for steel headed stud anchors welded
composite slab with decking shall be determined as in a composite slab with deck oriented
= 0.5 ≤
′ (9-32)
perpendicular to the beam and emid-ht < 50
= distance from the edge of steel headed
stud anchor shank
shank to the stee
steell deck web,
Asa = cross-sectional area of steel headed stud measured at mid-height of the deck rib,
anchor, mm2 and in the load bearing direction of the
steel headed stud anchor (in other words, in
0.043 ..
= modulus
= specifi
of elasticity
, MPa
ed minimum tensile strength
of concrete
strength of a steel
the direction of maximum m
simply supported beam), mm
oment for a
< 1.5
0.85** 0.75 concentrated
moment loadbeandsufficient
shall the nearest
to point of zero
maximum moment required at the concentrated
load point.
this value may be increased to 0.75 when
emin-ht 50 mm
the longitudinal axis of the supporting composite
beam and four diameters transverse to the
longitudinal axis of the supporting composite
beam, except that within the ribs of formed steel
Channel Anchors. The Strength of Steel Channel decks oriented perpendicular to the steel beam the
nominal shear strength of one hot-rolled channel minimum center-to-center spacing shall be four
anchor embedded in a solid concrete slab shall be
determined as follows: diametersspacing
in any directi
The maximum center-
= 0.3 0.0.55 ′ (9-33)
9.8.3 Steel
of steel
Anchors in
shall not exceed
eight times the total slab thickness or 90
9000 mm.
This section shall apply to the
la = length of channel anchor, mm design of cast-in-place steel headed stud anchors
and steel channel anchors in composite components.
tf = thickness of flange of channel anchor,
The provisions of SBC 304
304,, Chapter 17 may be used
in lieu of the provisions in this section.
tw = thickness of channel anchor web, mm
User Note: The steel headed stud anchor
The strength of the channel anchor shall be
strength provisions in this section are
developed by welding the channel to the beam
applicable to anchors located primarily in the
flange for a force equal to Qn, considering load transfer (connection)
(connection) region of composite
eccentricity on the anchor.
columns and beam-columns, concrete-encased Required Number Anchors. The
Number of Steel Anchors. and filled composite beams, composite
number of anchors required between the section of coupling beams, and composite walls, where
SBC 306-CR-18 94
in a concrete slab with formed steel deck in a h/d = ratio of steel headed stud anch
or shank
composite beam. length to the top of the stud head, to shank
Limit states for the steel shank of the anchor
and for concrete
concrete breakout in shear aare
re covered Refer to SBC 304 304,, Chapter 17 for the
directly in this Section. Additionally, the calculation of interaction effects of anchors
spacing and dimensional limitations provided embedded in lightweight concrete.
in these provisions preclude the limit states of
concrete pry- out for anchors loaded in shear
and concrete breakout for anchors loaded in Shear Strength of Steel Headed Stud
tension as defined by SBC 304
304,, Chapter 17. Anchors in Composite Components. Where
concrete breakout strength in shear is not an
For normal weight concrete: Steel headed stud applicable limit state,
state, the design shear strength,
anchors subjected to shear only shall not be less of one steel headed stud anchor shall be
than five stud diameters in length from the base of determined as follows:
the steel headed stud to the top of the stud head
after installation. Steel headed stud anchors
subjected to tension or interaction of sshear
hear and
tension shall not be less than eight stud diameters where
= 0.65 (9-34)
9.9—Special Cases
When composite construction does not conform to
the requirements of Section 9.1 through Section
9.8, the strength
9.8, steel anchors
construction shall of
be established by and details of
SBC 306-CR-18 97
Table 9-1: Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Compression Steel Elements in Composite Members
Subject to Axial Compression For Use with Section 9.2.2 .
Description of element
Compact/ Noncompact/
Thickness Ratio
Walls of Rectangular 2.26
HSS and Boxes of
Uniform Thickness
b/ t
0.19E 0.31E
Round HSS D/t
Fy Fy Fy
Table 9-2: Limiting Width-to-Thickness Ratios for Compression Steel Elements in Composite Members
Subject to Flexure For Use with Section 9.3.4 .
Width-to- Maximum
Description of element Compact/
Thickness Ratio
Flanges of Rectangular
HSS and Boxes of
Uniform Thickness
b/ t
2.26 3.00 5.00
Webs of Rectangular
HSS and Boxes of
Uniform Thickness
3.00 5.70 5.70
Round HSS 0.09 E 0.31E 0.31E
D/t Fy Fy Fy
SBC 306-CR-18 98
sectional area of the hole or slot, in the plane of the surfaces and to join components of built-up
faying surface. members. The length of any segment of intermittent
fillet welding shall be not less than four times the Limitations. The minimum size of
weld size, with a minimum of 40 mm.
fillet welds shall be not less than the size required
to transmit calculated forces, nor the size as show
shownn In lap joints, the minimum amount of lap shall be
in TABLE 10-4.
10-4. These provis
ions do not apply to five times the thickness of the thinner part joined,
fillet weld reinforceme nts of partial- or complete-
reinforcements but not less than 25 mm. Lap joints joining plates
joint- penetration
ion groove
groove welds. or bars subsubjected
jected to axial stres
stresss that utilize
transverse fillet welds only shall be fillet welded
The maximum size of fillet welds of connected parts
along the end of both lapped parts, except where the
shall be:
deflection of the lapped parts is sufficiently
(a) Along edges of material less than 6 mm thick; restrained to prevent opening of the joint under
not greater than the thickness of the material. maximum loading.
(b) Along edges of material 6 mm or more in Fillet weld terminations are permitted to be
thickness; not greater than the thickness of the stopped short or extend to the ends or sides of parts
material minus 2 mm, unless the weld is or be boxed except as limited by the following:
especially designated on the drawings to be
built out to obtain full-throat thickness. In the 1. For overlapping elements of members in
as-welded condition, the distance between the which one connected part extends
edge of the base metal and the toe of the weld beyond an edge of another connected part
is permitted to be less than 2 mm provided the that is subject to calculated tensile stress,
fillet welds shall terminate not less than
weld size is clearly verifiable. the size of the weld from that edge.
The minimum length of fillet welds designed on the
basis of strength shall be not les
lesss than four times the 2. For connections where flexibility of the
nominal weld size, or else the effective size of the outstanding elements is required, when
weld shall be considered not to exceed one quarter end returns are used the length of the return
of its length. If longitudinal fillet welds are used shall not exceed four times the nominal
alone in end connections of flat-bar tension size of the weld nor half the width of the
members, the length of each fillet weld shall be not part.
less than the perpendicular distance between them. 3. Fillet welds joining transverse stiffeners
For the effect of longitudinal fillet weld length in to plate girder webs 20 mm thick or less
end connections upon the effective area of the shall end not less than four times nor more
connected member, see Section 4.3 4.3.. than six times the thickness of the web
For end-loaded fillet welds with a length up to 100 from the web toe of the web-to-flange
times the w
eld size, it is permitted to take the welds, except where the ends of stiffene
effective length equal to the actual length. When are welded to the flange.
the length of the end-loaded fillet weld exceeds Fillet welds that occur on opposite sides of a
100 times the weld size, the effective length shall common plane shall be interrupted at the corner
be determined by multiplying the actual length by common to both welds.
the reduction factor
factor,, , determined as follows:
User Note: Fillet weld terminations should be
= 1.
1.22 − 0.0022 ⁄ < 1.0
0.00 (10-1) located approximately one weld size from the
edge of the connection to minimize notches in the
where base metal. Fillet welds terminated at the end of
l actual length of end-loaded weld, mm the joint, other than those connecting stiffeners
to girder webs
webs,, are not a cause for correction.
w size of weld leg, mm
When the length of the weld exceeds 300 times the Fillet welds in holes or slots are permitted to be
leg size, w, the effective length shall be taken as used to transmit shear and resist loads
perpendicular to the faying surface in lap joints or
180w. to prevent the buckling or separation of lapped
Intermittent fillet welds are permitted to be used to parts and to join components of built-up members.
transfer calculated stress across a joint or faying Such fillet welds may overlap, subject to the
SBC 306-CR-18 103
Fnwi nominal stress in the ith weld element, Rnwl total nominal strength of longitudinally
MPa loaded fillet welds, as determined in
accordance with TABLE 10-5,
10-5, N
Fnwix x-component of nominal stress, Fnwi,
MPa Rnwt total nominal strength of transversely
loaded fillet welds, as determined in
Fnwiy y-component of nominal stress, Fnwi,
accordance with TABLE 10-5 without the
pi i / mi ratio of element i alternate in Section 10.2.4 a, N
10.2.5 Combinatio
Combinationn of Welds. If two or more of
deformation to its deformation at the general types of welds (groove, fillet, plug, slot)
maximum stress are combined in a single joint, the strength of each
ri distance from instantaneous center of shall be separately computed with reference to the
rotation to ith weld element, mm axis of the group in order to determine the strength
of the combination.
xi x component of ri
Metal Requirements. The choice
10.2.6 Filler Metal
yi y component of ri of filler metal for use with complete-joint-
= ⁄
deformation of the ith
weld element at an intermediate
penetration groove welds subject to tension normal
groove welds
to the effective area shall comply with the
requirements for matching filler metals given in
stress level, linearly proportioned
proportion ed to AWS D1.1/D1.1M.
the critical deformation based on
distance from the instantaneous Filler metal with a specified minimum Charpy V-
center of rotation, ri, mm notch toughness of 27 J at 4 °C or lower shall be
(i) = (10-11)
10.3—Bolts and Threaded Parts
10.3.1 High-Strength Bolts. Use of high-
strength bolts shall conform to the provisions of
the Specification for Structural Joints Using High-
(ii) (10-12)
where = 0.85 1.1.55 Strength Bolts, hereafter referred to as the RCSC
Specification, as approved by the Research Council
on Structural Connections, except as ootherwise
provided in this Code. High-strength bolts in this
Code are grouped according to material strength as requirements of the RCSC Specification with
follows: modifications as required for the increased
diameter and/or length to provide the design
Group A ASTM A325, A325M, F1852, A354
Grade BC, and A449
10.3.2 Size and Use of Holes. The maximum
Group B ASTM A490, A490M, F2280, and A354
sizes of holes for bolts are given in TABLE 10-8,
Grade BD
except that larger holes, required for tolerance on
When assembled, all joint surfaces, including those location of anchor rods in concrete foundations, are
adjacent to the washers, shall
shall be free of scale, permitted in column base details.
except tight mill scale.
Standard holes or short-slotted holes transverse to
Bolts are permitted to be installed to the snug-tight the direction of the load shall be provided in
condition when used in: accordance with the provisions of this Code,
(a) bearing-type connections except as noted in unless oversized holes, short-slotted holes parallel
Section 5.6 or Section 10.1.10 to the load, or long-slotted holes are approved by
the engineer of record. Finger shims up to 6 mm
(d) tension or combined shear and tension are permitted in slip- critical connections designed
applications, for Group A bolts only, where on the basis of standard holes without reducing
loosening or fatigue due to vibration or load the nominal shear sstrength
trength of the fastener to that
fluctuations are not design considerations specified for slotted holes.
The snug-tight condition is defined as the tightness Oversized holes are permitted in any or all plies of
required to bring the connected plies into firm slip-critical connections, but they shall not be used
contact. Bolts to be tightened to a condition other in bearing-type connections. Hardened washers
than snug tight shall be clearly identified on the shall be installed over oversized holes in an outer
design drawings. ply.
All high-strength bolts specified on the design Short-slotted holes are permitted in any or all plies
drawings to be used in pretensioned or slip-critical of slip-critical or bearing-type connections. The
joints shall be tightened to a bolt tension not less slots are permitted without regard to direction of
than that given in TABLE 10-6.
10-6. Installation shall loading in slip- critical connections, but the length
be by any of the following methods: turn-of-nut shall be normal to the direction of the load in
method, a direct-tension-indicator, twist-off-type bearing-typee connections. Washers
bearing-typ Washers shall be
tension-control bolt, calibrated wrench, or installed over short-slotted holes in an outer ply;
alternative design bolt. when high-strength bolts are used, such washers
shall be hardened washers conforming to ASTM
User Note: There are no specific minimum or F436.
maximum tension requirements for snug-tight
bolts. Fully pretens
ioned bolts such as ASTM When
used inGroup
slottedBorbolts over 25
oversized mmininexternal
holes diameter are
F1852 or F2280 are permitted unless specifically
prohibited on design drawings. a single hardened washer conforming to ASTM
F436, except with 8 mm minimum thickness, shall
When bolt requirements cannot be provided within be used in lieu of
of the standa
rd was
the RCSC Specification limitations because of
requirements for lengths exceeding 12 diameters User Note: Washer requirements are provided
or diameters exceeding 38 m mm,
m, bolts or threaded in the RCSC Specification, Section 6.
rods conforming to Group
Group A or Group B materials
are permitted to be used in accordance with the Long-slotted holes are permitted in only one of the
provisions for threaded parts in TABLE 10-7 connected parts
parts of either a slip-critical or bearing-
type connection at an individual faying surface.
When ASTM A354A354 Grade BC, A354 Grade BD, or Long-slotted holes are permitted w without
ithout regard
A449 bolts and
and threaded rods araree used in slip- to direction of loading in slip-critical connections,
critical connections, the bolt geometry including but shall be normal to the direction of load in
be threadtopitch
theequal , thread
or (if larger length,
larger head and
in diameter) nut(s) shall
proportional to bearing-type connections. Where long-slotted
holes are used in an outer ply, plate washers, or a
that required by the RCSC Specification. continuous bar with standard holes, having a size
Installation shall comply with all applicable
sufficient to completely cover the slot after exceed 24 times the thickness of the thinner part
installation, shall be provided. In high-strength or 300 mm.
bolted connections, such plate washers or (b) For unpainted members of weathering steel
continuous bars shall be not less than 8 mm thick subject to atmospheric corrosion, the spacing
and shall be of structural grade material, but need shall not exceed 14 times the thickness of the
not be hardened. If hardened washers are required thinner part or 180 mm.
for use of high-strength bolts, the hardened
the plate shall
bar. over the outer surface of
User Note: Dimensions in (a) and (b) do not
apply to elements consisting of two shapes in
continuous contact.
10.3.3 Minimum Spacing. The distance between
centers of standard, oversized or slotted holes shall
10.3.6 Tensile and Shear Strength of Bolts and
not be less than 2.67 times the nominal diameter, d,
Threaded Parts. The design tensile or shear
of the fastener; a distance of 3d is preferred.
strength, Rn of a snug-tightened or pretensioned
User Note: ASTM F1554 anchor rods may be high-strength bolt or threaded part shall be
furnished in accordance to product determined according to the limit states of tension
specifications with a body diameter less than rupture and shear rupture as follows:
the nominal diameter. Load effects such as
bending and elongation should be calculated
based on minimum diameters permitted by
==0.75 (10-13)
F nntt = nominal tensile stress modified to include = 0.30
= 1.3 ≤
the effects of shear stress, MPa For Class B surfaces (unpainted blast-
cleaned steel surfaces or surfaces with Class
(10-15) B coatings on blast-cleaned steel)
= 1.0
been added to distribute loads in the filler
to 30% of the corresponding design stress, the
effects of combined stress need not be ℎ
investigated. Also note that Eq. (10-15
(10-15)) can be Where bolts have not been added to distribute
rewritten so as to find a nominal shear stress,
F nv
nv, as a function of the required tensile stress
stress,, the load in the filler:
= 1.0
ft. (a) For one filler between connected parts
10.3.8 High-Strength Bolts in Slip-Critical (b) For two or more fillers between
Connections. Slip-critical connections shall be connected parts
designed to prevent slip and for the limit states of
bearing-type connections. When slip-critical bolts
pass through fillers, all surfaces subject to slip sh
ℎ = 0.85
be prepared to achieve design slip resistance. ns number of slip planes required to permit
the connection to slip
The design slip resistance for the limit state of slip
shall be determined as follows: 10.3.9 Combined Tension
Tension and Shear in Slip-
(a) For standard size and short-slotted holes
Critical Connections. When a slip-critical
connection is subjected to an applied tension that
reduces the net clamping force, the desdesign
ign slip
perpendicular to the direction of the load
= 1.00
(b) For oversized and short-slotted holes parallel to
resistance per bolt, from Section 10.3.8 , shall be
= 11⁄
multiplied by the factor
factor,, ksc, as follows:
(f) = 0.85
the direction of the load where
Tu required tension force, kN
= 0.70
(c) For long-slotted holes
nb number of bolts carrying the applied
10.3.10 Bearing Stren gth at Bolt Holes. The
μ mean slip coefficient for Class A or B surfaces, strength,, Rn at bolt holes shall be
design bearing strength
as applicable, and determined as follows, or as determined for the limit state of bearing as
established by tests: follows:
For Class A surfaces (unpainted clean mill
scale steel surfaces or surfaces with Class A
coatings on blast-cleaned steel or hotdipped
galvanized and roughened surfaces) = 0.75
The nominal bearing strength of the connected
material, Rn, is determined as follows:
SBC 306-CR-18 108
(a) For a bolt in a connection with standard, 10.3.12 Tension Fasteners. When bolts or other
oversized and short-slotted holes, independent fasteners in tension are attached to an unstiffened
of the direction of loading, or a long-slotted box or HSS wall, the strength of the wall shall be
hole with the slot
slot parallel to the direction of the determined by rational analysis.
bearing force
10.4—Affected Elements of Members
When deformation at the bolt hole at service and Connecting Elements
load is a design consideration
= 1.0 ≤ 2.0
direction of force
10.4.3 Block Shear Strength. The design Thick Fillers. When the thickness
strength for the limit state of block shear rupture of the fillers is adequate to transfer the applied
along a shear failure path or paths and a force between the connected parts, the filler shall
perpendicular tension failure path
path shall be taken as extend beyond the edges of the outside connected
= 0.60 ≤ (10-25)
base metal.
metal. The welds joining the outside connected
base metal to the filler shall be sufficient to
transmit the force to the filler and the area
Ant net area subject to tension, mm2
subjected to to
be adequate theavoid
applied force in the
overstressing the filler
welds joining the filler to the inside connected
base metal shall be adequate to transmit the
applied force.
Where the tension stress is uniform, Ubs 1; where 10.5.2 Fillers in Bolted Connections. When a
the tension stress is nonuniform, Ubs 0.5. bolt that carries load passes through fillers that are
equal to or less than 6 mm thick, the shea
shearr strength
User Note: Typical cases where Ubs should be shall be used without reduction. When a bolt that
taken equal to 0.5 are illustrated in the carries load passes through fillers that are greater
Commentary. than 6 mm thick, one of the following requirements
shall apply:
10.4.4 Strength of Elements
Elements in Compression.
Compression. (a) The shear strength of the bolts shall be
The design strength of connecting elements in multiplied by the factor
the limit states of yielding and but not less than 0.85, where t is the total
(a) When
shall for
be determined
⁄=≤25 as follows: thickness of the fillers; mm
154 6 6
(b) The fillers shall be extended beyond the joint
and the filler extension shall be secured with
(b) When
⁄= >0.9250 (10-26)
= 1.8
Apb projected area in bearing, mm2
= 0.65
The nominal bearing strength, Pp, is determined as
10.10—Flanges and Webs With
Concentrated Forces
(a) On the full area of a concrete support:
= 0.85 ′
(10-30) This section applies to single- and double-
concentrated forces applied normal to the flange(s)
(b) On less than the full area of a concrete support:
= 0.85/ ≤ 1.7
′ ′ (10-31)
of wide flange sections and similar built-up shapes.
A single-concentrated
single-concentrated force can be either tensile or
compressive. Double-concentrated forces are one
tensile and one compressive and form a couple on
A1 = area of stee
steell concentrically bear
ing on a the same side of the loaded member.
concrete support, mm2 When the required strength exceeds the design
A2 = maximum area of the portion of the strength as determined for the limit states listed in
supporting surface that is geometrically this section, stiffener
stiffenerss and/or doublers shall be
similar to and concentric with the provided and shall be sized for the difference
2 between the required strength and the design
loaded area, mm
strength for the applicable limit state. Stiffeners (b)When the concentrated force to be resisted is
shall also meet the design requirements in applied at a distance from the member end that is
Section 10.10.8 . Doublers shall also meet the less than or equal to the depth of the member, d.
design requirement in Section 10.10.9 .
= 2.5 +
2.5 (10-34)
User Note:
See Appendix E.3 for where
requirements for the ends of cantilever
F specified minimum yield stress of the
members. web material, MPa
Stiffeners are required at unframed ends of beams k distance from outer face of the flange to
in accordance with the requirements of Section the web toe of the fillet, mm
10.10.7 .
lb length of bearing (not less than k for end
10.10.1 Flange Local Bending. This section beam reactions), mm
applies to tensile single-c
oncentrated forces and the
ted forces
tensile component of double-concentrated forces. tw thickness of web, mm
(a) If the compression flange is restrained against 10.10.5 Web Compression Buckling. This
⁄⁄⁄ /≤ 2.3
When ℎ
section applies to a pair of compressive single-
concentrated forces or the compressive components
in a pair of double-concentrated forces, applied at
= 10.4/
both flanges of a member at the same location.
The design strength for the limit state of web local
buckling shall be determined as follows:
⁄⁄⁄ > 2.3
of web sidesway buckling , the limit state
buckling does not apply.
When the required strength of the web exceeds the
design strength, local lateral bracing shall be
= 24
= 0.90
provided at the tension flange or either a pair of When the pair of concentrated compressive forces
transverse stiffeners or a doubler plate shall be to be resisted is applied at a distance from the
provided. member end that is less than d/ 2, Rn shall be
reduced by 50%.
(b) If the compression flange is not restrained
against rotation When required, a single transverse stiffener, a pair
⁄⁄⁄/ ≤ 1.7
When ℎ
of transverse stiffeners, or a doubler plate extending
the full depth of the web shall be provided.
10.10.6 Web Panel Zone Shear. This section
applies to double-concentrated forces applied to
one or both flanges of a member at the same
= ⁄0.⁄4⁄/>1.7
When ℎ , the limit state
of web sidesway buckling does not apply.
When the required strength of the web exceeds the
The design strength of the web panel zone for the
limit state of shear yielding shall be determined as
design strength, local lateral bracing shall be follows:
provided at both flanges at the point of application = 0.90
of the concentrated forces.
The nominal strength, Rn, shall be determined as
(10-38)) and (10-39
In Eq. (10-38 (10-39),
), the following
definitions apply:
(a) When the effect of panel-zone deformation on
= 6.62 × 10 MPa when Mu My at the
frame stability is not considered in the analysis:
location of the force
3.31 × 10 MPa when Mu
location of the force
My at the
For ≤ 0.4 (10-41)
Lb largest laterally unbraced length along
either flange at the point of load, mm
(b) For
SBC 306-CR-18 113
= 0.60>0.75 1
(10-43) 10.4.4 and shall either bear on or be welded to
the loaded flange and welded to the web. The welds
In Eq. (10-41)
(10-41) through (10-44),
(10-44), the following sized to transfer to the web the algebraic difference
definitions apply: in compression force at the ends of the stiffener. For
fitted bearing stiffeners, see Section 10.7
Ag gross cross-sectional area of member,
mm2 Transverse full depth bearing stiffeners for
compressive forces applied to a beam or plate
bcf width of column flange, mm girder flange(s) shall be designed as axially
db depth of beam, mm compressed members (columns) in accordance
with the requirements of Section 5.6.2 and
dc depth of column, mm Section 10.4.4 . The member properties shall be
Fy specified minimum yield stress of the determined using an effective length of 0.75h and a
cross section composed of two stiffener
s, and a strip
column web, MPa of the web having a width of 25tw at interior
Pc Py , N stiffeners and 12tw at the ends of members. The
weld connecting full depth bearing stiffeners to the
Pr required axial strength using load web shall be sized to transmit the difference in
combinations, N compressive force at each of the stiffener
stiffenerss to the
Py Fy Ag, axial yield strength of the column, web.
N Transverse and diagonal stiffeners shall comply
tcf thickness of column flange, mm with the following additional requirements:
1. The width of each stiffener plus one-half
tw thickness of column web, mm
the thickness of the column web shall not
When required, doubler plate(s) or a pair of be less than one-third of the flange or
diagonal stiffeners moment connection plate width delivering
boundaries of the rigid be provided
connection within
whose webs the
lie the concentrated force.
in a common plane. 2. The thickness of a stiffener shall not be
See Section 10.10.9 for doubler plate design less than one-half the thickness of the
requirements. flange or moment connection plate
delivering the concentrated load, nor less
10.10.7 Unframed Ends of Beams and Girders.
than the width divided by 16.
At unframed ends of beams and girde rs not
otherwise restrained against rotation about their 3. Transverse stiffeners shall extend a
longitudinal axes, a pair of transverse stiffeners, minimum of one-half the depth of the
extending the full depth of the web, shall be member except as required in Section
provided. 10.10.5 and Section 10.10.7 .
10.10.8 Additiona
Additionall Stiffener
Sti ffener Requirements for
Concentrated Forces. Stiffeners required to resist
10.10.9 Additional Doubler Plate Requirements
tensile concentrated force
forcess shall be designed in
accordance with the requirements of Section 10.4.1 for Concentrated Forces. Doubler plates required
for compression strength shall be designed in
and welded to the loaded flange and the web. The
accordance with the requirements of Chapter 55..
welds to the flange shall be sized for the difference
additionalplates shall comply with the following
1. The thickness and extent of the doubler
plate shall provide the additional material
necessary to equal or exceed the strength
2. The doubler plate shall be welded to
develop the proportion of the total force
transmitted to the doubler plate.
SBC 306-CR-18 115
F (flat), Groove Type (AWS D1.1/D1.1M
Welding Process H (horizontal), Figure 3.3) Effective Throat
V (vertical),
OH (overhead)
Shielded metal arc
(SMAW) J or U groove
Gas metal arc (GMAW) 60° V depth of groove
Flux cored arc (FCAW)
Submerged arc (SAW) F J or U groove 60° bevel or V
Gas metal arc (GMAW)
F, H 45° bevel depth of groove
Flux cored arc (FCAW)
Shielded metal arc
(SMAW) depth of groove minus 3
45° bevel
Gas metal arc (GMAW) mm
Flux cored arc (FCAW)
Load Type and Stress Required Filler
Pertinent Area (A B M
Direction Relative to ϕ (F nBM or Metal Strength
Metal or A we)
Weld Axis F nw) Level [a][b]
used. For T- and corner joints
Tension Strength of the joint is controlled
with backing left in place, notch
Normal to weld axis by the
t he base metal
tough filler metal is required.
See Section 10.2.6 .
Filler metal with a strength
Compression Strength of the joint is controlled level equal to or one strength
Normal to weld axis by the base metal level less than matching filler
metal is permitted.
Filler metal with a strength
Tension or Tension or compression in parts joined parallel to level equal to or less than
compression Parallel a weld need not be considered in design
matching filler metal is
to weld axis of welds joining the parts.
Strength of the joint is controlled by the base Matching filler metal shall
metal be used.[c]
Tension Base ϕ = 0.75 Fu See 10.4
Normal to weld axis Weld ϕ = 0.80 0.60FEXX See
Compression Column to
base plate and column Compressive stress need not be considered in design
splices designed per of welds joining the parts.
Section 10.1.4 (1)
Compression Base ϕ = 0.90 Fy See 10.4
Connections of
members designed to Filler metal with a
bear other than Weld ϕ = 0.80 0.60 FEXX See strength level equal
columns as described in to or less than
Section 10.1.4 (2) matching filler metal
Compression Base ϕ = 0.90 F See 10.4 is permitted.
Connections not y
Weld ϕ = 0.80 0.90 FEXX See
Tension or Tension or compression in parts joined parallel to a
compression Parallel weld need not be considered in design
to weld axis of welds joining the parts.
Base Governed by 10.4
Weld ϕ = 0.75 0.60 FEXX See
SBC 306-CR-18 117
Nominal Effective
Load Type and Stress Area Required Filler
Direction Relative to ϕ (F nBM or (A B M or Metal Strength
Weld Axis F nw) A we) Level [a][b]
MPa mm2
Base Governed by 10.4
Filler metal with a strength
Weld ϕ = 0.75 0.60 FEXX [d] See
level equal to or less than
Tension or compression Tension or compression in parts joined parallel to a matching filler metal is
Parallel to weld axis weld need not be considered in design permitted.
of welds joining the parts.
Base Governed by 10.4 Filler metal with a strength
Shear Parallel to faying
surface on the surface level equal to or less than
Weld ϕ = 0.75 0.60 FEXX See matching filler metal is
on the effective area
[a] For matching weld metal see AWS D1.1/D1.1M
D1.1/D1.1M,, Section 3.3.
[b] Filler metal with a strength level one strength level greater than matching is permitted.
[c] Filler metals with a strength level less than matching may be used for groove welds between the webs and flanges of built-up
sections transferring shear loads, or in applications where high restraint is a concern. In these applications, the weld joint shall
be detailed and the weld shall be designed using the thickness of the material as the effective throat, where ϕ =0.80 and 0.60
FEXX is the nominal strength.
[d] Alternatively, the provisions of Section 10.2.4 a are permitted provided the deformation compatibility of the various weld
elements is considered. Sections 10.2.4 b and 10.2.4 c are special applications of Section 10.2.4 a,a, that provide for deformation
Group A Group B
Bolt Size, mm
( e.g., A325M Bolts) ( e.g., A490M Bolts)
M16 91 114
M20 142 179
M22 176 221
M24 205 257
M27 267 334
M36 326
475 408
* Equal to 0.70 times the minimum tensile strength of bolts, rounded off to nearest kN, as specified in ASTM
specifications for A325M and A490M bolts with UNC threads.
SBC 306-CR-18 118
Nominal Tensile
Nominal Shear Strength in Bearing-
Description of Fasteners Strength,
Type Connections, F nv, MPa [b]
F nt, MPa [a]
A307 bolts 310 188 [c] [d]
Group A (e.g., A325) bolts, when threads are not
620 372
excluded from shear planes
Group A (e.g., A325) bolts, when threads are
620 457
excluded from shear planes
Group B (e.g., A490) bolts, when threads are not
780 457
excluded from shear planes
Group B (e.g., A490) bolts, when threads are
780 579
excluded from shear planes
Threaded parts meeting the requirements of Section
1.3.4 , when threads are not excluded from shear 0.75Fu 0.450Fu
Threaded parts meeting the requirements of Section
0.75Fu 0.563Fu
1.3.4 , when threads are excluded from shear planes
[a] For high-strength bolts subject to tensile fatigue loading, see Appendix C
[b] For end loaded connections with a fastener pattern length greater than 965 mm, Fnv shall be reduced to 83.3% of the tabulated
values. Fastener pattern length is the maximum distance parallel to the line of force between the centerline of the bolts
[c] Forconnecting two
A307 bolts theparts with one
tabulated faying
values shallsurface.
be reduced by 1% for each 2 mm over 5 diameters of length in the grip.
[d] Threads permitted in shear planes.
Bolt Diameter, mm
Bolt Diameter, mm Standard Oversize Short-Slot (Width x Long-Slot
(Dia.) (Dia.) Length) (Width x Length)
M16 18 20 18 x 22 18 x 40
M20 22 24 22 x 26 22 x 50
M22 24 28 24 x 30 24 x 55
M24 27 [a]
30 27 x 32 27 x 60
M27 30 35 30 x 37 30 x 67
M30 33 38 33 x 40 33 x 75
≥ M36 d+3 d+8 (d + 3) x (d + 10) (d + 3) x 2.5d
[a] Clearance provided allows the use of a 25 mm bolt if desirable.
Slotted Holes
Nominal Diameter of Fastener, Long Axis Perpendicular to
Oversized Holes Long Axis Parallel to
mm Edge
Short Slots Long Slots[a]
≤22 2 3
24 3 3 0.75d 0
≥ 27 3 5
When length of slot is less than maximum allowable (see TABLE 10-8)
10-8), C2 is permitted to be reduced by one-half
the difference between the maximum and actual slot lengths.
SBC 306-CR-18 120
User Note: Connection strength is often Fy specified minimum yield stress of HSS
governed by the size of HSS members, member material, MPa
especially the wall thickness of truss chords, and Fyp specified minimum yield stress of plate
this must be considered in the initial design. material, MPa
The chapter is organized as follows: Fu specified minimum tensile strength of
HSS member material, MPa
11.1 —Concentrated Forces on HSS
H overall height of rectangular HSS
11.2 —HSS-to-HSS Truss Connections
member, measured in the plane of the
11.3 —HSS-to-HSS Moment Connections connection, mm
11.4 —Welds of Plates and Branches to S member,, mm3
elastic section modulus of member
Rectangular HSS
lb bearing length of the load, measured
parallel to the axis of the HSS member
(or measured across the width of the HSS
User Note: in the case of loaded cap plates), mm
See also Chapter 10 for additional t design wall thickness of HSS member,
requirements for bolting to HSS. See mm
Section 10.3.10 (c) for through-bolts.
tp thickness of plate, mm
Connection parameters must be within the
limits of applicability. Limit states
states need only 11.1.2 Round HSS.
be checked when connection geometry or The design strength of connections with
loading is within
the description thelimit
of the parameters
state. given in concentrated
11-2 shall be loads
taken and withininthe
as shown limits 11-1
11.1.3 Rectangular HSS.
—Concentrated Forces on HSS The design strength of connections with
concentrated loads and within the limits in TABLE
strength, Rn of connections shall be
The design strength, 11-4 shall be taken as the lowest value of the
determined in accordance with the provisions of 11-3.. The
applicable limit states shown in TABLE 11-3
this chapter and the provisions of Section 2.3.5 . limits of applicability in TABLE 11-2 stem
11.1.1 Definitions of Parameters primarily from limitations on tests conducted to
Ag gross cross-sectional area of member,
11.2—HSS-to-HSS Truss Connections
strength, Pn, of connections shall be
The design strength,
B overall width of rectangular HSS
determined in accordance with the provisions of
the mm90° to the plane of
connection, this chapter and the provisions of Section 2.3.5 .
HSS-to-HSS truss connections are defined as
connections that consist of one or more branch
members that are directly welded to a continuous B = overall width of rectangular HSS main
chord that passes through the connection and shall member, measured 90° to the plane of the
be classified as follows:
follows: connection, mm
(a) When the punching load , Pr sin, in a branch Bb = overall width of rectangular HSS branch
member is equilibrated by beam shear in the member, measured 90° to the plane of the
chord member, the connection shall be connection, mm
perpendicular T-connection
classified as a to when
the chord, and the branch is
a Y-connection D = outside diameter of round HSS main
member, mm
Db = outside diameter of round HSS branch
(b) When the punching load, Pr sin, in a branch
member, mm
member is essentially equilibrated (within
20%) by loads in other branch member(s) on Fy = specified minimum yield stress of HSS
the same side of the connection, the connection main member material, MPa
shall be classified as a K-connecti on. The
K-connection Fyb = specified minimum yield stress of HSS
relevant gap is between the primary branch branch member material, MPa
members whose loads equilibrate. An N-
connection can be considered as a type of K- Fu = sp
ecified minimum tensile sstrength
trength of
connection. HSS material, MPa
N-connection connection, mm
Hb = overall height of rectangular HSS
(c) When the punching load, Pr sin, is transmitted branch member, measured in the plane of
through the chord member and is equilibrated the connection, mm
by branch member(s) on the opposite side, the
connection shall be classified as a cross- Ov =
∗ 100 %
(d) When a connection has more than two primary S = elastic section modulus of member, mm3
branch members, or branch members in more e = eccentricity in a truss connection,
than one plane, the connection shall be positive being away from the branches,
classified as a general or multiplanar mm
g = gap between toes of branch members in a
When branch members transmit part of their load as gapped K-connection, neglecting the
K-connections and part of their load as T-, Y- or welds, mm
shall be determinedthe adequacy of the connections
by interpolation on the lb = Hb /sin , mm
proportion of the design strength of each in total. lov = overlap length measured along the
For the purposes of this Code, the centerlines of connecting face of the chord beneath the
branch members and chord members shall lie in a two branches, mm
common plane. Rectangular HSS connections are lp = projected length of the overlapping
further limited to have all members oriented with branch on the chord, mm
walls parallel to the plane. For trusses that are made
with HSS that are connected by welding branch t = design wall thickness of HSS main
members to chord members, eccentricities within member, mm
the limits of applicability are permitted without tb = design wall thickness of HSS branch
consideration of the resulting moments for the member, mm
design of the connection.
β = width ratio; the ratio of branch diameter
11.2.1 Definitions of Parameters to chord diameter = Db /D for round HSS;
Ag = gross cross-sectional area of member, mm 2 the ratio of overall branch width to chord
width = Bb /B for rectangular HSS
SBC 306-CR-18 123
β eff = effective width ratio; the sum of the For the purposes of this Code, the centerlines of the
perimeters of the two branch members in branch member(s) and the chord member shall lie
a K-connection divided by eight times the in a common plane.
chord width
γ = chord slenderness ratio; the ratio of one-
11.3.1 Definitions of Parameters
half the diameter to the wall thickness
D/2t for round HSS; ratio of one-half Sip = effective elastic section modulus of welds
the diameter to the wall thickness for in-plane bending (TABLE 11-13 11-13)),
B/2t for rectangular HSS; ratio of one-
half the width to the wall thickness Sop = effective elastic section modulus of welds
for out-of-plane bending (TABLE 11-13
η load length parameter, applicable only mm 3
to rectangular HSS
lb/B; the ratio of the length of contact of le = total effective weld length of groove and
fillet welds to rectangular HSS for weld
the branch with the chord in the plane of strength calculations, mm
the connection to the chord width,
where lb=Hb /sin θ tw = smallest effective weld throat around the
perimeter of branch or plate, mm
acute angle between the branch and
When an overlapped K-connection has been
chord (degrees) designed in accordance with TABLE 11-7 of this
11.3.2 Round HSS. The design strength of chapter, and the branch member component forces
moment connections within the limits of TABLE normal to the chord are 80% “balanced” (i.e., the
11-10 shall be taken as the lowest value of the branch member forces normal to the chord face
applicable limit states shown in TABLE 11-9
11-9.. differ by no more than 20%), the “hidden” weld
under an overlapping branch may be omitted if the
11.3.3 Rectangular HSS. The design strength of
remaining welds to the overlapped branch
moment connections within the limits of TABLE
everywhere develop the full capacity of the
11-12 shalllimit
applicable be states
taken shown
as theinlowest
TABLEvalue of. the
11-11 overlapped branch member walls.
The weld checks in TABLE 11-13 are not required
if the welds are capable of developing the full
—Welds of Plates and Branches to strength of the branch member wall along its entire
Rectangular HSS perimeter (or a plate along its entire length).
strength, Rn, Mn and Pn, of
The design strength, User Note: The approach used here to allow
connections shall be determined in accordance down-sizing of welds as
down-sizing assumes
sumes a constant weld
with the provisions of this chapter and the size around the full perimeter of the HSS
provisions of Section 2.3.5 . branch. Special attention is required for equal
The design strength of branch connections shall be width (or near-equal width) connections which
determined for the limit state of nonuniformity of combine partial-joint-penetration gro
ove we
load transfer along the line of weld, due to along the matched edges of the connection, with
differences in relative stiffness of HSS walls in fillet welds generally across the main member
HSS-to-HSS connections and between elements in face.
transverse plate-to-HSS connections, as follows:
−− ==
Rn or (11-1)
For interaction, see Eq. (11-71
(a) For fillet welds
= 0.75
= 0.80
(b) For partial-joint-penetration groove welds
Fnw = nominal stress of weld metal (Chapter
10)) with no increase in strength due to
directionality of load, MPa
Plate Bending
Connection Type Connection Design Strength
In-Plane Out- of-Plane
Transverse Plate T- and Cross- Limit State: HSS Local Yielding Plate
Connections Axial Load
= −..
= 0.5
≤ (11-6)
- -
= 1.0
= 1.0 0 . 31
Qf = 1 for HSS (connecting surface) in tension
where Pu and Mu are determined on the side of the joint that has the lower compression stress.
= 1.0
k= outside corner radius of HSS ≥1.5 t
= 22
≤ (11-17)
SBC 306-CR-18 128
= 0.75
Qf = 1 for HSS (connecting surface) in tension
≤ (11-24)
k = outside corner radious of HSS ≥ 1.5t
Width ratio:
Material strength:
0.2≤5 ≤360⁄ ≤ 1.0
for transverse branch plate connections
≤ 360
SBC 306-CR-18 129
= 0.90
Cross-Connections Limit State: Chord Plastification
= 0.90
K-Connections With Gap or Overlap
Limit State: Chord Plastification
= 2.011.33
ℎ ℎ
Qf = 1 for chord (connecting surface) in tension (11-30)
= 1.
1.00 − 0.31 + for HSS (connecting surface) in
0.3 (11-31)
0. 0 24.
= 1 0.5 1.331
. (11-33)
[a] Note that exp(x) is equal to ex, where e = 2.71828 is the base of the natural logarithm.
Joint eccentricity:
Branch angle:
0.55 ≤ ⁄ ≤ 0.25
≥ 30°
for K-connections
Connection Type
T-, Y- and Cross-Connections
Connection Design Axial Strength
Limit State: Chord Wall Plastification, When
≤ 0.
8 5
= ≤ 1−−1⁄=1.0−0⁄< 10 0.85 <
Limit State: Shear Yielding (Punching), When
Limit State: Local Yielding of Chord Sidewalls,
= 25=1.00
1. 0
Case for checking limit state of shear of
chord side walls
= 1.0
Limit State: Local Crippling of Chord Sidewalls, When
and Branch is in Compression, for T- or Y-
= 0.90
Limit State: Local Yielding of Branch/Branches Due
to Uneven Load Distribution, When
> 0.85
= =10⁄2222=0. 94≤54
SBC 306-CR-18 132
25% < < 50%
= :
0. 9 5
, = 50 22 4 4 (11-45)
When 50% ≤ < 80%
, =80%≤22< 4100%4
Note that the force arrows shown for overlapped
K-connections may be reversed;
i and j control member identification.
, = 1022 44
When :
Qf = 1 for chord (connecting surface) in tension (11-51)
for chord (connecting surface) in
compression, for gapped K-connections
=1.1=.30.4≤ 1.0
where Pu and Mu are determined on the side of the joint that has the higher compression stress. Pu and
Mu refer to required strengths in the HSS.
[( /4
] (11-55)
= ≤ (11-56)
SBC 306-CR-18 134
Branch wall
⁄⁄ ≤ 3035 ⁄ ≤ 35
for overlapped K-connections
for overlapped K-connections
for tension branch
Width ratio:
Aspect ratio:
⁄ ⁄ ≥ 0.25
and for T-, Y- cross- and overlapped K-connections
and 0.5 ≤ H /B ≤ 2.0
Branch width
Branch thickness
for overlapped
for overlapped K-connections,
5 2.0
where subscript i refers to the
overlapping branch and subscript j refers to the overlapped branch
for overlapped K-connections, where subscript i refers to the
Width ratio:
≥ 0.1
eff ≥ 0.35
Gap ratio: = ⁄ ≥ 0.5
(1 − )
ℎ ℎ
Note: size:
≥ ≥ 0.63
gapsmaller ( larger
size will be controlled by the),e if
If gap isare square
large, treat as two Y-connec
SBC 306-CR-18 135
= 0.95
= 10. =3.0.08190
Branch(es) under Out-of-Plane Bending T-
Limit State: Chord Plastification
, Y- and Cross-Connections
= 0.6 3
4=20.295 <
For T-, Y- and cross-connections, with branch(es) under combined axial load, in-plane bending and
Qf = 1 for chord (connecting surface) in tension
= 1.
1.00 − 0.31 + for HSS (connecting surface) in compression
0.3 compression
=| |
where and
Mu are determined on the side of the joint that has the lower compression stress. Pu and Mu
refer to required strengths in the HSS.
Branch angle:
Chord wall slenderness: ⁄⁄ ≤≤ 5040
≥ 30°
for T- and Y-connections
Connection Type
Branch(es) under In-Plane Bending T-
and Cross-Connections
Connection Design Flexural Strength
Limit State: Chord Wall Plastification, When ≤ 0.85 (11-64)
= 0.5∗=51.500
= 0.95
Limit State: Chord Wall Plastification,
= 1. 0 0 > 0. 8 5
> 0.
Limit State: Local Yielding of Branch/Branches Due to
Uneven Load Distribution, When
= 0 0.51 8 5 (11-69)
= 0.95
SBC 306-CR-18 138
= required flexural strength for out-of-plane bending, N-mm
= design axial strength from TABLE 11-7
= required axial strength, N
11-7,, N
Qf = 1 for chord (connecting surface) in tension
= 1.1.3 0.4 ≤1.0
for chord (connecting surface) in compression
Branch angle:
Chord wall slenderness:
Branch wall slenderness:
⁄ ⁄⁄≤ 35≤ 35
B b /tb and
≅ 90
≤ 1.25
Width ratio:
Aspect ratio: and
⁄ ≥
0.5 ≤ ⁄≤ ≤3602.0 0.5 ≤ ⁄ ≤ 2.00. 2 5
Material strength:
Ductility: ⁄ ⁄≤ 0.8
Fy and
Note: ASTM A500 Grade C is acceptable
SBC 306-CR-18 139
When > 0.85 > 50 or , beoi/2 shall not exceed 2t.
Effective Weld: Eq. (11-88
= 1010⁄ ≤ (11-86)
This chapter governs the design of earthquake- 2. ordinary concentrically braced frames
resistant steel structures. The chapter is organized 3. eccentrically braced frames
as follows:
4. composite ordinary moment frames
12.1 —General Requirements
5. composite intermediate moment frames
12.2 —General Seismic Design Requirements
6. composite ordinary braced frames
12.3 —Moment-Frame and Braced-Frame
For other SFRSs refer to ANSI/AISC 341
Saudi Building Code requirements for Concrete
12.4 —Composite Moment-Frame and Braced-
Structures (SBC 304
304)), as modified in this chapter,
Frame Systems
shall be used for the design and construction of
12.5 —Fabrication and Erection reinforced concrete components in composite
12.6 —Quality Control and Quality Assurance
12.7 Prequalification and cyclic qualification User Note: SBC 301 (Table 12-1) specifically
testing provisions exempts structural steel systems assigned to
SDCs B and C, but not composite systems,
from the provision of this chapter if the seismic
12.1—General Requirements
12.1— loads are computed using a response
modification coefficient, R of 3. For Seism
The provisions of this chapter shall be applied in Design Category A, SBC 301 specifies lateral
conjunction with applicable requirements of this forces to be used as the seismic loads and
code. effects that do not involve the use of a response
12.1.1 Scope. The seismic provisions in this modification coefficient. Thus for Seismic
chapter shall apply to the design, fabrication and Design Category A it is not necessary to define
erection of steel structures in Seismic Design a seismic force resisting system that meets any
Categories (SDC) B through D. Structures assigned special requirements and the provisions of this
to Seismic Design Category E or F shall be designed chapter do not apply.
and detailed
Where, in accordance
applicable, with ANSI/AISC
the provisions 341..
in this chapter SBC 301 (Table 15-1) permits certain non-
building structures to be designed in
shall apply to the design of structural steel members accordance with the applicable requirements of
and connections in the seismic force resisting this Code with an appropriately reduced R
systems (SFRS), and splices and bases of columns
factor and are not required to satisfy the
in gravity framing systems of buildings and other provisions of this chapter.
structures with moment frames, braced frames and
composite systems. Other structures are defined as
those structures designed, fabricated and erected in
User Note: Composite seismic force resisting
a manner similar to buildings, with building-like
vertical and lateral force-resisting-elements. The systems include those systems with members
seismic force resisting systems shall be of structural of structural steel acting compositely with
steel or of structural steel acting compositely with reinforced concrete, as well as systems in
reinforced concrete, unless specifically exempted which structural steel members and reinforced
by other Saudi building codes. The provisions in concrete members act together to form a
this chapter covers only the following types of seismic force resisting system.
SFRSs: ordinary and intermediate moment frames
1. ordinary column cantilever systems 12.1.2 Materials
6. A572/A572M [Gr. 42 (290), 50 (345) or 55 User Note: The expected compressive strength
(380)] of concrete may be estimated using values from
7. A588/A588M Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings,
ASCE/SEI 41-06.
8. A913/A913M [Gr. 50 (345), 60 (415) or 65
9. A992/A992M Heavy Sections. For structural
10. A1011/A1011M HSLAS Gr. 55 (380) steel in the
Section SFRS, in addition
, hot to the
t he with
rolled shapes requirements of
flanges 38
11. (A1043/A1043M mm thick and thicker shall have a minimum Charpy
V-notch toughness of 27 J at 21 °C, tested in the
The structural steel used for column base plates alternate core location as described in ASTM A6
shall meet one of the preceding ASTM Supplementary Requirement S30. Plates 50 mm
Specifications or ASTM A283/A283M Grade D. thick and thicker shall have a minimum Charpy V-
notch toughness of 27 J at 21 °C, measured at any
User Note: This section only covers material location permitted by ASTM A673, Frequency P,
properties for structural
structural steel used in the S
FRS where the plate is used for the following:
and included in the definition of structural steel
given in Section 2.1 of the AISC Code of (a) Members built up from plate
Standard Practice, AISC (2010a). Other steel, (b) Connection plates where inelastic strain under
such as cables for permanent bracing, is not seismic loading is expected
covered. Steel reinforcement used in (c) The steel core of buckling-restrained braces.
Section in composite . SFRS is covered in Consumables
Consumables for Welding Seismic Force Resisting System
Welds. All welds used in members and connections
4. Connection details between concrete floor for the steel components of reinforced concrete or
diaphragms and the structural steel composite elements, structural design drawings and
elements of the SFRS specifications for composite construction shall
indicate the following items, as applicable:
5. Shop drawing and erection drawing
requirements not addressed in Section 1. Bar placement, cutoffs, lap and mechanical
12.5.1 splices, hooks and mechanical anchorage, Steel Construction. In addition to placement of ties and other transverse
the requirements of Section , structural
design drawings and specifications for steel 2. Requirements for dimensional changes
construction shall indicate the following items, as resulting from temperature changes, creep
applicable: and shrinkage
1. Configuration of the connections 3. Location, magnitude and sequencing of
any prestressing or post-tensioning present
2. Connection material specifications and
sizes 4. Location of steel headed stud anchors and
welded reinforcing bar anchors
3. Locations of demand critical welds
4. Locations where gusset plates are to be 12.2—General Seismic Design
detailed to accommodate inelastic rotation Requirements
5. Locations of connection plates requiring The required strength and other seismic design
seismic design categories
Charpy V-notch
accordance (CVN)
with Section toughness in requirements
risk categoriesfor (SDCs),
, and the limitations on height and
irregularity shall be as specified in SBC 301
6. Lowest anticipated service temperature
(LAST) of the steel structure, if the The design story drift and the limitations on story
structure is not enclosed and maintained at drift shall be determined as required in SBC 301.
a temperature of 10 °C or higher Load Combinations. The
12.2.1 Loads and Load
7. Locations where weld backing is required loads and load combinations shall be as stipulated
to be removed by SBC 301301.. Unless otherwise defined in these
provisions, where amplified seismic loads are
8. Locations where fillet welds are required required by this chapter, the seismic load effect
when weld backing is permitted to remain including the system overstrength factor Ωo shall be
9. Locations where fillet welds are required applied as prescribed by SBC 301. Where the
to reinforce groove welds or to improve effects of horizontal forces including overstrength,
connection geometry Emh, are defined in this chapter they shall be Required Strength. The required members shall have flanges continuously connected
strength of structural members and connections to the web or webs.
shall be the greater of:
Encased composite columns shall comply with the
1. The required strength as determined by requirements of Section for moderately
structural analysis for the appropriate load ductile members and Section for highly
combinations, as stipulated in SBC 301 ductile members.
and in Section 12.2.4 Filled composite columns shall comply with the
2. The required strength given in Sections requirements of Section for both
12.3 and 12.4 moderately and highly ductile members. Design Strength. The design Concrete sections shall comply with the
3. Beam bracing shall have a maximum 2. The required strength of lateral bracing of
= 0.17/
spacing of
The bracing of moderately ductile concrete-
each flange provided adjacent to plastic
= 0.06/
hinges shall be:
ℎ (12-4)
encased composite beams shall satisfy the where
following requirements:
ho = distance between flange centroids, mm
1. Both flanges of members shall be laterally
The required strength of torsional bracing provided
braced or the beam cross section shall be
torsionally braced
Lateral bracing shall meet the
requirements of Appendix E for lateral or
= 0.06
adjacent to plastic hinges shall be:
3. The required bracing stiffness shall satisfy
torsional bracing of beams, where Mr = the requirements of Appendix E for lateral
Mp,exp and or torsional bracing of beams with Cd = 1.0
Mp,exp = expected flexural strength of and where the expected flexural strength of
beams, N-mm. For concrete-encased or
composite beams, Mp,exp shall be calculated
using the plastic stress distribution or the
strain compatibility method. Appropriate
= =
the beam shall be:
For concrete-encased composite beams, such
Ry factors shall be used for different bracing shall satisfy the following
elements of the cross-section while requirements:
establishing section force equilibrium and 1. Both flanges of beams shall be laterally
calculating the flexural strength. braced or the beam cross section shall be
3. Member bracing shall have a maximum torsionally braced
= 0.17/
spacing of
4. using the material properties of the steel
2. The required strength of lateral bracing
= 0.06,,
provided adjacent
adjacent to plas
tic hinges shall be
section and ry in the plane of buckling of the beam, where Mp,exp is determined
calculated based on the elastic transformed in accordance with Section
section. (ii)(2). Highly Ductile Members. In The required strength for torsional bracing
addition to the requirements of Sections provided adjacent
adjacent to plas
tic hinges shall be
(i) (1) and (2), and ((ii)
ii) (1) and (2), the
bracing of highly ductile beam members shallshall have Mu = 0.06Mp, exp of the beam.
a maximum spacing of Lb = 0.086ryE/Fy. For 3. The required bracing stiffness shall satisfy
concrete-encased composite beams, the material the requirements of Appendix E for lateral
properties of the steel section shall be used and the or torsional bracing of beams where Mr =
calculation for ry in the plane of buckling shall be Mu = Mp, exp of the beam is determined in
based on the elastic transformed
transformed section. accordance with Section (ii)(2)
and Cd = 1.0 Special Bracing at Plastic Hinge
Locations. Special bracing shall be located Protected Zones. Discontinuities
adjacent to expected plastic hinge locations where specified in Section resulting from
required by Sections 12.3 and 12.4.
12.4. fabrication and erection procedures and from other
attachments are prohibited in the area of a member
For structural steel beams, such bracing shall or a connection element designated as a protected
satisfy the following requirements: zone by the provision o
off this chapter or ANSI/AISC
1. Both flanges of beams shall be laterally 358..
braced or the member cross section shall be Exception: Welded steel headed stud anchors and
torsionally braced other connections are permitted in protected zones
when designated in ANSI/AISC 358 358,, or as
The minimum area of tie reinforcement, 3. Encased composite columns in braced frames
Ash, shall be: with required compressive strengths, without