DRR Week 2 & 3 (Session 5 To 10)
DRR Week 2 & 3 (Session 5 To 10)
DRR Week 2 & 3 (Session 5 To 10)
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
Various elements that may be exposed to hazards: Physical, Social, Economic and Environmental
Vulnerability in each exposed element.
A. Performance Standards The learners conduct hazard hunts of exposed elements and propose corresponding corrective actions for one’s
B. Learning Enumerate elements Explain why certain Determine the elements Differentiate among
Competencies/Objectives exposed to hazards. sectors of society are that are exposed to a hazards, exposure, and
DRR11/12-Ic-7 more vulnerable to particular hazard. vulnerabilities and give
Explain the meaning of disaster than others. DRR11/12-Id-11 examples from actual
vulnerability. DRR11/12-Ic-9 Recognize situations.
DRR11/12-Ic-8 Analyze why certain vulnerabilities of DRR11/12-Id-13
structures are more different elements
vulnerable to specific exposed to specific
2. Learner’s Materials ADM DRR Quarter 1 ADM DRR Quarter 1 ADM DRR Quarter 1 ADM DRR Quarter 1
Modules Modules Modules Modules
The teacher calls on random The teacher calls on random The teacher calls on random The teacher calls on random
learners to discuss the main learners to discuss the main learners to discuss the main learners to discuss the main
point of the previous point of the previous point of the previous point of the previous
discussion and what they discussion and what they discussion and what they discussion and what they
have learned from it. have learned from it. have learned from it. have learned from it.
B. Establishing purpose Learning Objectives, the teacher Learning Objectives, the teacher Learning Objectives, the teacher Learning Objectives, the teacher
for the lesson communicates the learning communicates the learning communicates the learning communicates the learning
objectives. objectives. objectives. objectives
Compare and Contrast the images Direction: Classify the following Activity 1 Direction: Below is a
below and answer the questions words/phrase according to the picture of an incident in a mining
that follow. given category below. Write your community in Itogon, Benguet
answer on a separate sheet of after the onslaught of the
paper. Typhoon Ompong in 2018. Look
at the picture then answer the
Agricultural questions after the image.
1. Examine Figures A and B. Seashore
Identify all the hazards that you Barangay
can see 1. Which image shows higher
vulnerability of transmissible Response
2. Give at least three (3) potential Team
scenarios from each picture that infectious diseases?
2. List down 3 differences marine resources
can occur due to the presence of social status
hazard? between the 2 images presented.
3. Explain why these differences bridges
made the image you answered in railroads
Guide Questions:
item 1 more vulnerable to subdivision
1. What is the hazard shown in
including the backyard and assess 3. Are the gates working and can GUIDE WORDS: ecosystem sari store is situated already
if there is/ are hazards observed in be easily opened in case of exposed response and recovery flooded. You wrapped your baby
your house. emergency? tangible elements hazard risk and went to the second floor, but
2. As much as possible, make a 4. Are these exits known to the environmental physical socio- the flood is fast rising and you are
list of all the hazards that you will students? economic likely to get trapped. Your
be observed. 5. Are the number of exits husband went to Barangay Hall,
3. Using all the hazards that you sufficient so that all the students where they prepared boats, but he
listed, determine what could be can get out in time during has not yet come back.
the possible events that may put emergency?
you and your family at risks. 6. Do you practice emergency 1. Determine the hazards given in
4. Who among the family escape thru drills? Are there the story.
members are prone or susceptible designated areas for the students 2. What are the possible ways to
to the listed hazards? to go to so that the teachers will lessen the vulnerability of the
5. Identify the reasons why that be able to check if there are exposed elements to hazard?
member of that family is missing students? Explain your answer.
vulnerable. 7. Do you think your school is
highly capable of making sure of
Guide Questions: the safety of their learners? SITUATION 2: You are in grade
1. Based on your assessment from Explain why. 12, at your age you usually spend
the tour that you made, how will 8. What do you think are the your time with your friends and
you define vulnerability in your possible factors considered by the go other places with them. You
own words? DRRM coordinator of your are very much excited because
2. After knowing the hazards in school in preparing your school in this is the day where you and your
your house, what is your plan of times of emergency? friends have been waiting for, A
action to avoid harm? moment later President Duterte
announced the Enhanced
Community Quarantine in entire
Luzon because of the COVID-19
E. Discussing new Direction: Read the story below Identify what factor affects the Direction: Classify the following Activity 1: Tell me! Direction:
concepts and practicing and answer the questions that vulnerability to disaster with the phrases and sentences whether it Analyze the picture below and
follow. following situations given. Write is PHYSICAL, answer the questions that follow.
new skills #2 P if it is due to population density SOCIOECONOMICAL OR
Nick and Gary who were and write C if it is due to sector’s ENVIRONMENTAL
neighbors are both students of capacity and efficiency to reduce VULNERABILITY.
Looc National High School. Due disaster risk. Write your answer 1. shutdown of
to the forecasted typhoon the on a separate sheet of paper. telecommunication tower
night before, some waited for the 2. houses built near fault lines
announcement of classes 1. Tondo community during the 3. denudation of forests
suspension. Unfortunately, there total lockdown due to COVID-19 4. rest houses near Boracay
was no announcement. Nick pandemic wherein the families shoreline
decided to go to school bringing are forced to stay inside their 5. Twenty-story building
his books, notebooks, and houses that are too small for the constructed on soil mainly made
laboratory materials. On the other number of family members. up of clay. Guide Questions:
hand, Gary also decided to go to 2. Use of drones to disinfect the 6. bridges with cracks and 1. What can you say about the
school bringing not only his community in Pasig City to crevices picture? What does the quotation
books, notebooks, and laboratory prevent the spread of the COVID- 7. overfertilization of agricultural mean?
materials but also flashlight, 19 virus. soil 2. What is the hazard in the
whistle, and some supplies of 3. Insufficient number of rubber 8. Lost of job due to COVID-19 picture/ situation?
food and water. Due to bad boats during super typhoon pandemic. 3. What is being exposed in the
weather, the school janitor Yolanda in Malabon City wherein 9. possible retrenchment of ABS picture/ situation?
blocked off the entrances and large number of residents were CBN employees due to its 4. Why do you think the character
exits because the grounds were stranded on the top of their roof. shutdown in the picture is vulnerable?
flooded. So, Nick and Gary were 4. Too many casualties during 10. Destruction of coral reefs that 5. Based on your analysis,
stranded in a covered court near super typhoon Milenyo in Los serves as barriers against storm Explain the hazard, exposure and
the school. Both were trying to Baños due to excessive kaingin surge. vulnerability given in the picture.
call their family, but the signal’s practices and illegal settlers in
down. Mt. Makiling.
5. The Philippines and Japan are
1. Who do you think is more both prone to earthquakes but the
vulnerable? Nick or Gary? Why latter one is less vulnerable.
do you think so?
F. Developing mastery Direction: Based on the story 1. After answering the questions Direction. The following are
given in “What’s more” activity, in previous activity, what are the different situational statements.
answer the following questions possible problems that you were Identify 3 elements that are
briefly. 1. If you are going to base able to identify? vulnerable in each situation.
your definition of vulnerability on 2. If you will be assigned as
the story given, how will you Student DRRM coordinator, what 1. You are a secondary student.
define it? possible solutions to the problem You are stranded in your school
can you suggest? building. They have blocked off
2. Based on the story given 3. What possible activities can the entrances and exits because
previously about Nick and Gary, you suggest to increase the the grounds are flooded. You
describe what could possibly awareness of the learners on how have been trying to call your
happen. What have you realized to lessen the vulnerability of your family and trying to get news on
from their story? previous school? your house, but the signal’s down.
You have only gotten your books,
3. Could it be possible that both notebooks, and laboratory
students are exposed to the same materials in your bag and locker.
hazard, but they can have What elements of vulnerability
different level of vulnerability? are present in the situation?
Explain how.
2. You and your family is living
4. Based from the story, is in an apartment. You knew that
vulnerability situation specific or the location you are residing is a
hazard specific? Explain. flood risk area. The radio reports
anticipated flooding, and you
5. Cite your realization/s about heard the rain pouring, so you
the importance of knowing one’s prepared water bottle, some
capability, strength, and exposure clothes, canned goods, and cash.
to hazards. You placed all your electronic
and skills in daily living place can be considered safe or sheet of paper. Visit a community using google
not? If yes explain why. If not, You have got a rice store in your map (you can choose your own
what else could be done to make You are the barangay captain of home. According to the news, community or barangay.
your place less vulnerable? Brgy. Canlubang. Your response Typhoon Ondoy will bring heavy Determine all the elements
team is deployed, and you have rain to almost every part of exposed to hazard in that locality.
2. With all the hazards that you your radio with you. Reports are Southern Luzon, including your Use your resources to create a
have identified, who do you think streaming-in for assistance and location. At first, the rain seemed creative brochure. Be creative and
among your family members will relief goods. Mobile patrols are normal, but it's just not going to include emergency hotlines as
be most affected? Explain your having a difficult time going stop. There are fewer customers much as possible. You will be
answer. around due to lack of accessible right now. With this rain, there graded based on the rubrics given.
barangay roads. At the same time, may not be any more customers
3. As a family, do you think all the barangay is heavily populated soon. It might flood in a bit, but if
members have same level of so there was a shortage of you close the store, you 're not
vulnerability in the hazards response vehicles to assist the going to be able to feed your three
present in your house? victims and deliver relief goods to children. So, you've decided not
the evacuation area. to close the store. There's news
4. Give at least three factors that from your neighbors that your
can affect the vulnerability of 1. What do you think are the residence is already overflowing,
your family and your residence. possible problems being faced by and in a few minutes your store
Barangay Canlubang? Give three and the rest of the community
(3) possible problems. will be flooded. Your family has
2. In this kind of situation, what been instructed by barangay
do you think is the liability of the officials to evacuate the public
local officials? National elementary school in the vicinity
government? of School. Your family has been
3. Suggest three (3) possible instructed by the Barangay
solutions based on your identified officials to evacuate to a public
possible problems. elementary school located in your
3. Why is it so important to
determine the elements exposed
to hazards in your community?
H. Making generalizations Explain the meaning of Discuss Sectors of Society’s Recognize vulnerabilities of Explain the Hazards, Exposure,
and abstractions about Vulnerability Vulnerability to Disaster different elements exposed to and Vulnerabilities from actual
specific hazards. situations
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Choose the letter of the best Multiple Choice. Choose the Choose the letter of the best Read each item carefully and
answer. Write the chosen letter letter of the best answer. Write answer. Write the chosen letter choose the best answer. Write
on a separate sheet of paper. your answer on a separate sheet on a separate sheet of paper. your answer on a separate sheet
1. A community with high level of paper. of paper.
of vulnerability and high hazard 1. Which among the following is
has ___. 1. Increased human population classified as social vulnerability? 1. It is a harmful event, material,
a. high disaster risk can sometimes result to ____. a. fatalism human behavior, or disease that
b. low disaster risk a. decreased hazard b. soil quality may cause loss of life, injury or
c. medium disaster risk b. increased vulnerability c. health facilities other health effects, harm to
d. none of the above c. less exposure d. leadership qualities property, loss of livelihood and
2. Which of the following groups d. lowered Risk 2. What is the degree to which a services, social and economic
of people is more vulnerable to 2. During the initial stage of a population, system, service or disturbance, or damage to the
disasters? typhoon that causes a disaster, geographic area is likely to be environment.
a. men, boys, old people almost all surface means of affected or disrupted by the a. disaster
b. men, women, boys transportation within the impact of a particular hazard? b. hazard
c. women, children, old people community are disrupted by a. capacity c. risk
d. none of the above broken bridges, roads, and streets b. hazard d. vulnerability
3. Which of the following factors that are rendered impassable by c. risk 2. _______ signifies the
does not help lessen the landslides or floods. The d. vulnerability possibility of adverse effects in
vulnerability of a community? restricted mobility of vehicles 3. What element is exposed to the future. It is derived from the
a. preparedness of the community makes rescue and other hazard during typhoon when the interaction of social and
b. presence of Disaster Risk emergency operations doubly houses are destroyed? environmental processes, from the
Reduction Management Team difficult. What is this impact/ a. economical combination of physical hazard
c. availability of health services effect of disaster? b. environmental and the vulnerabilities of exposed
and facilities in times of calamity a. damage to critical facilities c. physical elements.
d. provisions of housing on areas b. disruption of transportation d. social a. disaster
that have fault lines in the vicinity c. economic impact 4. What element is exposed when b. hazard
4. Which statement best describes d. social and political impact flood occurred due to c. risk
vulnerability? deforestation? d. vulnerability
a. Vulnerability can cause the loss 3. What could be the possible a. economical 3. A serious disruption of the
of life or injury, property damage. reason why urban region is more b. environmental functions of a community or a
b. Vulnerability is potentially vulnerable to Covid-19 than the c. physical society causing widespread
damaging physical event, rural region? d. social human, material, economic or
phenomenon, or human activity. a. Rural region has more 5. COVID 19 pandemic affected environmental losses which
c. Vulnerability can generate population than urban region. the economy resulting to closure exceed the ability of the affected
social and economic disruption or b. Urban region has more of many businesses during the community or society to cope
environmental degradation. population than rural region. enhanced community quarantine. using its own. What is it?
d. Vulnerability is the c. Rural region has higher What element is mostly affected? a. disaster
susceptibility of an individual or a population density than urban a. economical b. hazard
group of people on the impact of region. b. environmental c. resiliency
natural hazard. d. Urban region has higher c. physical d. risk
5. What is the main reason why population density than rural d. social 4. It is the characteristics and
there has been an overall increase region. 6. Increased human population circumstances of a community,
in the number of deaths related to 4. Why is it that Japan is less can sometimes result to ____. system or asset that make it
natural hazards? vulnerable to COVID-19 a. lowered risk susceptible to the damaging
a. Less people lived in less pandemic than other Asian b. less exposure effects of
vulnerable areas countries? c. decreased hazard a hazard.
b. Events are better documented a. They have more population. d. increased vulnerability b. disaster
today than in the past b. They have less population 7. Some areas in Cavite is situated c. disaster Risk
c. The magnitudes of natural density. within the fault lines stated at risk d. hazard e. vulnerability
hazard events are increasing c. They have the capacity to do by PHILVOLCS. What element 5. It refers to the element at risk
d. Human population are mass testing. has least possibility of being from a natural or man-made
increasing in areas that are d. They can provide sufficient exposed to hazard? hazard event.
vulnerable numbers of PPE. a. economical a. exposure
6. Which group belongs to the 5. NCR has very high population b. environmental b. hazard
most vulnerable? density making it more vulnerable c. physical c. risk
a. professionals to any hazard like what happened d. social d. vulnerability
b. indigenous people during the lockdown where all 8. COVID 19 pandemic affected 6. Which group belongs to the
c. government officials members of the family have no the operations of establishments most vulnerable?
d. small entrepreneurs choice but to stay in a very small such as malls and other leisure a. employees
7. It refers to the community’s living space. To lessen the establishments which were b. professional
ability to reduce vulnerability population density of NCR, the prohibited from operating to c. indigenous people
through prevention, mitigation, government proposed the prevent further community d. small entrepreneurs
response, and recovery. ________. transmission. Which element is 7. Which of the following is not a
a. hazard a. Balik Probinsya Program mostly exposed? man-made hazard event?
b. disaster b. Gulayan sa Bakuran Program a. economical a. drought
c. resiliency c. Libreng Hatid Probinsya b. environmental b. wars and civil strife
d. risk d. Reproductive Health Bill c. physical c. leakage of toxic waste
8. It is a set of existing conditions, 6. Which of the following d. social d. environmental pollution
which badly affect the concepts DOES NOT fall under 9. What factors determine the 8. Disaster Management includes:
community’s ability to prevent, vulnerability? level of disaster risk? V. nature of a. mitigation
mitigate, prepare for, and respond a. absence of adaptive capacities the hazard VI. exposure of the b. reconstruction
to hazardous events. b. exposure community at risk VII. c. rehabilitation
a. disaster c. lack of coping capacities vulnerability of the elements d. all of the above
b. disaster risk d. susceptibility which are affected VIII. economic 9. Which among the following
c. hazard 7. All of the following can value of the elements which are groups of people is more
d. vulnerability increase the level of vulnerability affected. vulnerable in the event of
9. What does the statement EXCEPT____. a. I and II disaster?
“Vulnerability is situation a. very populated b. II and III a. men, women, girls
specific” means? areas/community 20 c. III and IV b. men, women, boys
a. vulnerability cannot be b. insufficient fund for relief d. II and IV c. men, boys, old people
determined easily operations 10. All of the following choices d. women, children, old people
b. not all communities are c. inadequate facilities for can least likely cause physical 10. Which of the following
vulnerable to earthquake immediate disaster response vulnerability EXCEPT _____. elements is exposed to hazard?
c. it means that vulnerability d. community provides accessible a. pandemic a. human beings
depends in every individual services and facilities for b. storm surge b. building structures
d. vulnerability of a certain response c. tsunami c. public transport system
community depends on the level 8. Philippines is now less d. wild fire d. all of the above
of preparedness vulnerable to typhoon because 11. Which among the following is 11. Hazards can arise during
10. The following are _________. considered as socio-economical excavations due to the fact that
characteristics of a resilient a. our country is not heavily hazard? there are many cables and