Rule 45
Rule 45
Rule 45
File a verified petition for review on certiorari, SC may dismiss or deny the petition[Sec. 5], or give
which may include an application for a writ of Pay the corresponding docket due course to it[Sec. 8].
preliminary injunction or other provisional and other lawful fees to the
remedies [Sec. 1].
COC of the SC and deposit the If the petition is given due course, the SC may
Proof of service of a copy thereof on the lower amount of P500 for costs at require the elevation of the complete record of the
case or specified parts thereof within 15 days from
court concerned and on the adverse party shall be the time of the filing of the
submitted together with the petition [Sec. 3]. notice [Sec. 8].
petition [Sec. 3].
Rule 45, Sec. 4
The Verified Petition shall contain:
1. Full names of the appealing party as the petitioner and the adverse party as respondent, without
impleading the lower courts/judges thereof either as petitioners or respondents.
2. Material dates
3. A statement of the matters involved and the reasons or arguments relied on for the allowance
of the petition.
4. Clearly legible duplicate original, or a certified true copy of the judgment or final order or
resolution certified by the clerk of court a quo and the requisite number of plain copies thereof, and
such material portions of the record as would support the petition.
5. Certificate of non-forum shopping.
Rule 45, Sec. 5
Rule 45, Sec. 5
Rule 45, Sec. 6
RULE 45, SEC. 7
Pleadings and documents that may be required; sanctions
Extension of 30 days may be granted for justifiable reasons Extension no longer allowed
(RULE 45) (RULE 65)
Does not stay the judgment or order subject of the petition unless
Stays the judgment appealed from
enjoined or restrained
Parties are the original parties with the appealing party as the
The tribunal, board, officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial
petitioner and the adverse party as the respondent without
functions is impleaded as respondent.
impleading the lower court or judge.
Filed only with the Supreme Court May be filed with the SC, CA, SB, or RTC
SC may deny the petition motu proprio on the ground that the Court may dismiss the petition outright on the ground that the
appeal is without merit, or prosecuted manifestly for delay, or same is patently without merit, or prosecuted manifestly for delay,
that the questions raised therein are too unsubstantial to or that the questions raised are too unsubstantial to require
require consideration. consideration.
When a Rule 65 petition is treated as a Rule 45 petition:
1. The rule is that the filing of a special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65, when the proper remedy should have
been to file a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45, merits the outright dismissal of the petition. (Indoyon,
Jr. v CA, 693 SCRA 201, 208, March 12, 2013)
2. On several occasions, however, the Court has treated a petition for certiorari (Rule 65) as a petition for review on
certiorari (Rule 45) when:
a) the petition has been filed within the 15-day period reglementary period;
b) public welfare and the advancement of public policy dictate such treatment;
c) the broader interests of justice require such treatment;
d) the writs issued were null and void; or
e) the questioned decision or order amounts to an oppressive exercise of judicial authority (Dongon v. Rapid Movers
and Forwarders Co., Inc., G.R. No. 163431, August 28, 2013)