IH-1000 메뉴얼
IH-1000 메뉴얼
IH-1000 메뉴얼
Integrated adjustable
touchscreen monitor
Additional handheld
barcode scanner
Moveable working
Adjustable Touchscreen
The system is equipped with an adjustable touchscreen
monitor mounted on a moveable arm.
The software is an intuitively designed, user friendly
Special tubes for pediatric samples and small blood volumes
touchscreen interface.
Wireless Connection
IH-1000 is equipped with a state-of-the-art Wi-Fi connection
for wireless computer connection.
Automated Maintenance
All necessary maintenance steps are fully automated and
controlled by the system.
Minimum user intervention is needed to perform maintenance
on the system. Reagent stock management
Data Management and Result Interpretation Software
Main Features
■ User friendly intuitive interface ■ Automatic back-up function
■ Only one connection to the LIS for all instruments ■ Integrated QC module
■ Electronic lot documentation ■ Manual workplace
■ Long-term storage of patient results and images ■ CE compliant according to IVD Directive 98/79/EC
■ Automatic crosschecking with previous results
■ IH-Com can be used with all pipetting automates, fully ■ ultiple instruments can be network linked through IH-Com,
automated instruments and readers that Bio-Rad offers for allowing single point access to patient information, worklists
immunohematology. and results.
Ordering Information
Main Features
Catalog # Description
■ Walk-away
001000 IH-1000 including IH-Com Kit Fullversion
12009844 IH-AbID, Integrated Antibody Identification Software ■ Stand-alone system
009030 IH-Web, Remote Result Management Software ■ Continuous sample loading
2000050 BRiCare, Remote Service and Support Software ■ Continuous reagent vials loading
■ Immediate STAT handling
Clinical Website www.bio-rad.com/diagnostics Australia +61(2)9914-2800 Austria +43-1-877-8901 Belgium +32(3)710-53-00 Brazil +55(31)3689-6600
Canada +1 514 334-4372 China +86-21-61698500 Czech Republic +420-241-430-532 Denmark +45-4452-1000 Finland +358-9-804-22-00
Diagnostics Group France +33 1 47 95 60 00 Germany +49(0)89-318-840 Greece +30-210-7774396 Hong Kong +852-2789-3300 Hungary +36-1-459-6100
India +1-800-180-1224 Israel +972-3-9636050 Italy +39-02-216091 Japan +81-3-6361-7070 Korea +82-2-3473-4460 Mexico +52(55)5488-7670
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