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• The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks
that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link billions of devices
• It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public,
academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope,
linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking
• The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and
services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of
the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, newsgroups, voice over IP
telephony, and peer-to-peer networks for file sharing.
• The internet sometimes called “The Net”.
• It is a worldwide system of computer networks in which user at any
computer can share the information with any other computer around
• It was conceived by Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) of
U.S. Govt. in 1969 and was known as ARPANET.
• The main aim was to create a network that would allow user of a
research computer in one university to be able to talk to research
computer of other university.
• A side benefit of ARPANET’s design was that messages could be
routed or rerouted in more than one direction, if any part were
destroyed by any disaster or military attack.
• Today, internet is a public, cooperative, self-sustaining facility
accessible to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Basically, the
internet uses a portion of total resources of currently existing public
telecommunication networks.
• Internet uses a set of protocols called TCP/IP.
• For many internet users, e-mail has practically replaced the postal
service for short written transactions.
• You can also carry online conversations, with other computer users
using internet relay chat.
Internet protocol
• Protocol is the format and procedure that governs the transmitting
and receiving of data.
• The term comes from the Greek word “protokollon”. In IT a set of
rules or procedures for transmitting data between electronic devices
such as computers is called as protocol.
• In order for computers to exchange information, there must be a pre-
existing agreement as to how the information will be structured and
how each side will send and receive it.
• Every network is governed by different protocols.
• So in other words the protocols are set of rules that determines the
format in which a computer or a device should communicate with
the other.
Several protocols used in internet are: - TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, TELNET, WAIS,
Gopher, etc.
• It is commonly known as Transmission Control Protocol /Internet
Protocol, because its most commonly used protocols, the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) were the first
networking protocols defined during its development.
• The Transmission Control Protocol is responsible for ensuring the reliable
transmission of data across Internet-connected networks.
• TCP checks packets for errors and submits requests for re-transmissions if
any are found.
• TCP/IP provides a set of rules (protocols) governing communications
among all computers on the Internet. More specifically, TCP/IP dictates
how information should be packaged (turned into bundles of information
called packets), sent, and received, as well as how to get to its destination.
• TCP/IP was developed in 1978 and driven by Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf.
• As the name implies, TCP/IP is a combination of two separate protocols:
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).
• The Internet Protocol standard dictates the logistics of packets sent out over
networks; it tells packets where to go and how to get there.
• IP has a method that lets any computer on the Internet forward a packet to
another computer that is one or more intervals closer to the packet's
• Telnet is a protocol that allows you to connect to remote computers (called
hosts) over a TCP/IP network (such as the Internet).
• Using telnet client software on your computer, you can make a connection
to a telnet server (i.e., the remote host).
• Once your telnet client establishes a connection to the remote host, your
client becomes a virtual terminal, allowing you to communicate with the
remote host from your computer.
• In most cases, you'll need to log into the remote host, which requires that
you have an account on that system.
• Occasionally, you can log in as guest or public without having an account.
• Telnet clients are available for all major operating systems.
• Command-line telnet clients are built into most versions of Mac OS X,
Windows, UNIX, and Linux.
• To use these clients, go to their respective command lines (i.e., the
Terminal application in Mac OS X, the shell in Unix or Linux, or
the DOS prompt in Windows), and then enter:
telnet host port
• Replace host with the address of the service, and port with the port number
on which the service runs (e.g., 80for http).
• A webpage is a resource of information that is suitable for World
Wide Web.
• It can be accessed through a web browser.
• Thus information is usually written in HTML on DHTML etc.
• It provide navigation to other webpages via hypertext link/
• Web pages may be retrieved from a local computer or from a remote
• The web server may restrict access to any network. Webpages are
requested and served from webserver using hypertext transfer
protocol (HTTP).
• Web pages consisting of files containing text, graphic, sound, etc. A
webpage is a type of web document.
• In other way we can term large collection of documents in www is
called webpages.
• Webpages may be linked to one or more webpages or web page tells
the route of linking to another web page.
• A website is a collection of web document.
• The files stored on one or more computer carries information like
images, video etc. hosted on webserver and accessible via internet.
• These files are displayed as webpages.
• The information is stored in various files.
• Each website has its own URL (Uniform resource locator).
• The URL is called address of website.
• By using this address we can have access to the particular website.
• In other way we can term a website is a group of related webpages.
• The website address is the master address and the individual webpages
are like subdirectory to that root directory.
• All publicly accessible websites are seen collectively constituting
• As we know a web page is a document typically written in HTML,
accessible via HTTP, a protocol that transfer information from web
server to display in the user’s web browser.
• The pages of websites can usually be accessed from a common root
URL called home page.
• The URL of pages organise them into a hierarchy.
• The example of website includes business sites, news sites, academic
sites, journal sites/magazine sites, message board, gaming site, web
based e-mail, stock market etc.
Example: www.orkut.com
Web address
• A web address is the address where a particular website is located on a
• Each computer on internet is a host and has its unique address.
• A web address starts with letter http.
• A web address may be in the form similar to
• http is hypertext transfer protocol, followed by:// and after www is
world wide web and followed by dot(.). Microsoft is the address of
computer to be linked with last 3 letter .com show the kind of
organization, here it is commercial organisation.
Web Server
• Web server is a computer where the web content is stored.
Basically web server is used to host the web sites but there
exists other web servers also such as gaming, storage, FTP,
email etc.
• Web site is collection of web pages whileweb server is a
software that respond to the request for web resources.
Web server respond to the client request in either of the following two
• Sending the file to the client associated with the requested URL.
• Generating response by invoking a script and communicating
with database
Key Points
• When client sends request for a web page, the web server search
for the requested page if requested page is found then it will send
it to client with an HTTP response.
• If the requested web page is not found, web server will the send
an HTTP response:Error 404 Not found.
• If client has requested for some other resources then the web
server will contact to the application server and data store to
construct the HTTP response.
Concurrent Approach
3. Lighttpd
The lighttpd, pronounced lighty is also a free web server that is
distributed with the FreeBSD operating system. This open
source web server is fast, secure and consumes much less CPU
power. Lighttpd can also run on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
and Solaris operating systems.
5. Jigsaw Server
Jigsaw (W3C's Server) comes from the World Wide Web
Consortium. It is open source and free and can run on various
platforms like Linux, UNIX, Windows, and Mac OS X Free
BSD etc. Jigsaw has been written in Java and can run CGI
scripts and PHP programs.
Web client
• Web client is web browser, for eg. chrome, mozilla, internet
explorer, edge etc.
• web client/web browser is a computer applications running on a
user's computer and connect to a server.
• A Web client/ web browser contains two parts: Dynamic Web
pages and the Web browser.
• Dynamic Web pages are produced by components that run in the
Web tier, and a Web browser delivers Web pages received from
the server.