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Web Essentials

• Web Essentials extends Visual Studio with a lot of new features

that web developers have been missing for many years.
• If you ever write CSS, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript,
CoffeeScript or LESS, then you will find many useful features
that make your life as a developer easier.
• Client/Server communication involves two components,
namely a client and a server.
• They are usually multiple clients in communication with a single
• The clients send requests to the server and the server responds to
the client requests.
• In computing, a client is a piece of computer hardware or
software that accesses a service made available by a server as part
of the client–server model of computer networks.
• The server is often (but not always) on another computer system,
in which case the client accesses the service by way of a network.
• A network server, today, is a powerful computer that provides
various shared resources to workstations and other servers on a
• The shared resources can include disk space, hardware access and
email services.


• A computer network is a group of two or more interconnected

computer systems. (locally or remotely)
• A node can be computer, printer, or any other device capable of
sending or receiving the data.
• The links connecting the nodes are known as communication
(using either cable or wireless media.)

• Every network involves hardware and software that connects

computers and tools.
• By following some protocols
• To share information

• As the computer network is defined as the collection of different

independent computers connected together for the purpose of exchange
and sharing of resources and are based on some common technology.
• So we are dividing the network into three categories according to their size,
ownership and distance coverage. These are:
1. Local area networks

2. Wide area network

3. Metropolitan area networks.

• A local area network (LAN) is a data communication network, which is used
to connect many computers into a local area like within a building, office
or within a campus.
• Wide Area Network is used for long distance transmission of data, voice,
image, and video information over a long geographical area that may
covers a country, a continent or the whole world. WAN uses public, leased
or private communication devices or combination.
• Metropolitan area network is bigger than LAN. It may cover entire city. The
common example of MAN is the cable television network in our cities.

• The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks
that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link billions of devices
• It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public,
academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope,
linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking
• The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and
services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of
the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, newsgroups, voice over IP
telephony, and peer-to-peer networks for file sharing.
• The internet sometimes called “The Net”.
• It is a worldwide system of computer networks in which user at any
computer can share the information with any other computer around
• It was conceived by Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) of
U.S. Govt. in 1969 and was known as ARPANET.
• The main aim was to create a network that would allow user of a
research computer in one university to be able to talk to research
computer of other university.
• A side benefit of ARPANET’s design was that messages could be
routed or rerouted in more than one direction, if any part were
destroyed by any disaster or military attack.
• Today, internet is a public, cooperative, self-sustaining facility
accessible to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Basically, the
internet uses a portion of total resources of currently existing public
telecommunication networks.
• Internet uses a set of protocols called TCP/IP.

• For many internet users, e-mail has practically replaced the postal
service for short written transactions.

• E-mail is the most widely used application on the net.

• You can also carry online conversations, with other computer users
using internet relay chat.

• More recently internet telephony hardware and software allows real

time voice conversions.
• The most widely used part of internet is World Wide Web (www) or
web. Its outstanding feature is hypertext, it is method of cross
• In most websites, certain words appear in different colour as well as
underlined than rest of the information, when you select these words,
you will be transferred to the page that is relevant to the specific topic.
Sometimes images or buttons are highlighted.
• If you move the mouse pointer over that, the pointer changes to a hand
or palm like structure.
• That indicates, when you click then it will transfer to another site.

Internet protocol
• Protocol is the format and procedure that governs the transmitting
and receiving of data.
• The term comes from the Greek word “protokollon”. In IT a set of
rules or procedures for transmitting data between electronic devices
such as computers is called as protocol.
• In order for computers to exchange information, there must be a pre-
existing agreement as to how the information will be structured and
how each side will send and receive it.
• Every network is governed by different protocols.
• So in other words the protocols are set of rules that determines the
format in which a computer or a device should communicate with
the other.
Several protocols used in internet are: - TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, TELNET, WAIS,
Gopher, etc.
• It is commonly known as Transmission Control Protocol /Internet
Protocol, because its most commonly used protocols, the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) were the first
networking protocols defined during its development.
• The Transmission Control Protocol is responsible for ensuring the reliable
transmission of data across Internet-connected networks.
• TCP checks packets for errors and submits requests for re-transmissions if
any are found.
• TCP/IP provides a set of rules (protocols) governing communications
among all computers on the Internet. More specifically, TCP/IP dictates
how information should be packaged (turned into bundles of information
called packets), sent, and received, as well as how to get to its destination.
• TCP/IP was developed in 1978 and driven by Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf.
• As the name implies, TCP/IP is a combination of two separate protocols:
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).
• The Internet Protocol standard dictates the logistics of packets sent out over
networks; it tells packets where to go and how to get there.
• IP has a method that lets any computer on the Internet forward a packet to
another computer that is one or more intervals closer to the packet's
• Telnet is a protocol that allows you to connect to remote computers (called
hosts) over a TCP/IP network (such as the Internet).
• Using telnet client software on your computer, you can make a connection
to a telnet server (i.e., the remote host).
• Once your telnet client establishes a connection to the remote host, your
client becomes a virtual terminal, allowing you to communicate with the
remote host from your computer.
• In most cases, you'll need to log into the remote host, which requires that
you have an account on that system.
• Occasionally, you can log in as guest or public without having an account.
• Telnet clients are available for all major operating systems.
• Command-line telnet clients are built into most versions of Mac OS X,
Windows, UNIX, and Linux.
• To use these clients, go to their respective command lines (i.e., the
Terminal application in Mac OS X, the shell in Unix or Linux, or
the DOS prompt in Windows), and then enter:
telnet host port
• Replace host with the address of the service, and port with the port number
on which the service runs (e.g., 80for http).

• Telnet is a both a network protocol and an application that uses that

• Most often, telnet is used to connect to remote computers and issue
commands on those computers.
• It's like a remote control for the internet!
• Short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP is a set of standards that
allow users of the World
• Wide Web to exchange information found on web pages.
• When accessing any web page entering http:// in front of the address tells
the browser to communicate over HTTP. For example, the URL for google
is http://www.google.com.
• Today's browsers no longer require HTTP in front of the URL since it is
the default method of communication.
• However, it is kept in browsers because of the need to
separate protocols such as FTP.
• For example, when you enter a URL in your browser, this actually sends an
HTTP command to the Web server directing it to fetch and transmit the
requested Web page.
• The other main standard that controls how the World Wide Web works
is HTML, which covers how Web pages are formatted and displayed.
• HTTP is called a stateless protocol because each command is executed
independently, without any knowledge of the commands that came before
• This is the main reason that it is difficult to implement Web sites that react
intelligently to user input.
• This shortcoming of HTTP is being addressed in a number of new
technologies, including ActiveX, Java, JavaScript and cookies.
Below are a few of the major facts on HTTP.
• The term HTTP was coined by Ted Nelson.
• The standard port for HTTP connections is port 80.
• HTTP/0.9 was the first version of the HTTP, and was introduced in 1991.
• HTTP/1.0 is specified in RFC 1945, and was introduced in 1996.
• HTTP/1.1 is specified in RFC 2616, and was officially released in
January 1997.

HTTP status codes

• HTTP status codes enable a client accessing another computer or device

over HTTP to know how to proceed or not proceed.
• For example, 404 tells the browser the request does not exist on the server.
• File Transfer Protocol, FTP is the most common way of sending and
receiving files between two computers.
• A good example of how FTP is used today is by web developers, who will
connect to their web server using FTP and send updated versions of their
web pages to the server.
• Although many FTP servers require logins, many FTP servers also
allow anonymous FTP login, which only require a username and e-mail
with no password.
• It is also important to realize that FTP is insecure.
• When your username and password are sent to the server they're both sent
as plaintext and could be intercepted and read.
• If your server supports SFTP or FTP with TLS encryption, we suggest one
of them instead of plain FTP to help keep your information private.
• World Wide Web (𝑊3) is the most popular and powering method,
which aims to provide access to large number of document from the
• It is a series of servers, which are interconnected through hypertext.
Hypertext is a mode of processing information in which certain
portion of text is highlighted.
• When this highlight text is selected, it display more information in
particular topic.
• This especially highlighted text items are called hyperlinks and through
this hyperlinks, the users can make access from one document to
• Hypermedia is an advanced version, so called hypertext. It can link
audio files, text files, video files, etc.
• The concept of hypertext can be illustrate with example.
• Let’s assume the information in your terminal has the following
hypertext document displayed in it.
• This hypertext document has the following two links, which are shown
on the screen as highlighted (bold and underlined) text.
• Hypertext documents on the internet is known as web pages.
• Web pages are created by very special language called HTML.
• WWW uses the client server model and internet protocol called HTTP
for interaction between computers in internet.
• Any computer on the internet, which uses HTTP protocol, called web
server and any computer which can access the server called web client.
• The use of client server model and HTTP allows different kinds of
computer on internet to interact with each other.
• For example, a UNIX workstation may be the web server and a
windows PC may be the web client, if both of them use the http
protocol for transmitting and receiving information.
• It was designed by Bernner’s Lee in 1989.

• A webpage is a resource of information that is suitable for World
Wide Web.
• It can be accessed through a web browser.
• Thus information is usually written in HTML on DHTML etc.
• It provide navigation to other webpages via hypertext link/
• Web pages may be retrieved from a local computer or from a remote
• The web server may restrict access to any network. Webpages are
requested and served from webserver using hypertext transfer
protocol (HTTP).
• Web pages consisting of files containing text, graphic, sound, etc. A
webpage is a type of web document.
• In other way we can term large collection of documents in www is
called webpages.
• Webpages may be linked to one or more webpages or web page tells
the route of linking to another web page.

• A website is a collection of web document.
• The files stored on one or more computer carries information like
images, video etc. hosted on webserver and accessible via internet.
• These files are displayed as webpages.
• The information is stored in various files.
• Each website has its own URL (Uniform resource locator).
• The URL is called address of website.
• By using this address we can have access to the particular website.
• In other way we can term a website is a group of related webpages.
• The website address is the master address and the individual webpages
are like subdirectory to that root directory.
• All publicly accessible websites are seen collectively constituting
• As we know a web page is a document typically written in HTML,
accessible via HTTP, a protocol that transfer information from web
server to display in the user’s web browser.
• The pages of websites can usually be accessed from a common root
URL called home page.
• The URL of pages organise them into a hierarchy.
• The example of website includes business sites, news sites, academic
sites, journal sites/magazine sites, message board, gaming site, web
based e-mail, stock market etc.
Example: www.orkut.com

Web address
• A web address is the address where a particular website is located on a
• Each computer on internet is a host and has its unique address.
• A web address starts with letter http.
• A web address may be in the form similar to
• http is hypertext transfer protocol, followed by:// and after www is
world wide web and followed by dot(.). Microsoft is the address of
computer to be linked with last 3 letter .com show the kind of
organization, here it is commercial organisation.

Web Server
• Web server is a computer where the web content is stored.
Basically web server is used to host the web sites but there
exists other web servers also such as gaming, storage, FTP,
email etc.
• Web site is collection of web pages whileweb server is a
software that respond to the request for web resources.

Web Server Working

Web server respond to the client request in either of the following two
• Sending the file to the client associated with the requested URL.
• Generating response by invoking a script and communicating
with database

Key Points
• When client sends request for a web page, the web server search
for the requested page if requested page is found then it will send
it to client with an HTTP response.
• If the requested web page is not found, web server will the send
an HTTP response:Error 404 Not found.
• If client has requested for some other resources then the web
server will contact to the application server and data store to
construct the HTTP response.

Web Server Architecture follows the following two approaches:

1. Concurrent Approach
2. Single-Process-Event-Driven Approach.

Concurrent Approach

Concurrent approach allows the web server to handle multiple client

requests at the same time. It can be achieved by following methods:
• Multi-process
• Multi-threaded
• Hybrid method.


In this a single process (parent process) initiates several single-

threaded child processes and distribute incoming requests to these
child processes. Each of the child processes are responsible for
handling single request.
It is the responsibility of parent process to monitor the load and decide
if processes should be killed or forked.


Unlike Multi-process, it creates multiple single-threaded process.


It is combination of above two approaches. In this approach multiple

process are created and each process initiates multiple threads. Each
of the threads handles one connection. Using multiple threads in single
process results in less load on system resources.


Following table describes the most leading web servers available

S.N. Web Server Description

1 Apache HTTP Server

This is the most popular web server in the world developed by
the Apache Software Foundation. Apache web server is an open
source software and can be installed on almost all operating
systems including Linux, UNIX, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OS
X and more. About 60% of the web server machines run the
Apache Web Server.

2. Internet Information Services (IIS)

The Internet Information Server (IIS) is a high performance
Web Server from Microsoft. This web server runs on Windows
NT/2000 and 2003 platforms (and may be on upcoming new
Windows version also). IIS comes bundled with Windows
NT/2000 and 2003; Because IIS is tightly integrated with the
operating system so it is relatively easy to administer it.

3. Lighttpd
The lighttpd, pronounced lighty is also a free web server that is
distributed with the FreeBSD operating system. This open
source web server is fast, secure and consumes much less CPU
power. Lighttpd can also run on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
and Solaris operating systems.

4. Sun Java System Web Server

This web server from Sun Microsystems is suited for medium
and large web sites. Though the server is free it is not open
source. It however, runs on Windows, Linux and UNIX
platforms. The Sun Java System web server supports various
languages, scripts and technologies required for Web 2.0 such
as JSP, Java Servlets, PHP, Perl, Python, and Ruby on Rails,
ASP and Coldfusion etc.

5. Jigsaw Server
Jigsaw (W3C's Server) comes from the World Wide Web
Consortium. It is open source and free and can run on various
platforms like Linux, UNIX, Windows, and Mac OS X Free
BSD etc. Jigsaw has been written in Java and can run CGI
scripts and PHP programs.

Web client
• Web client is web browser, for eg. chrome, mozilla, internet
explorer, edge etc.
• web client/web browser is a computer applications running on a
user's computer and connect to a server.
• A Web client/ web browser contains two parts: Dynamic Web
pages and the Web browser.
• Dynamic Web pages are produced by components that run in the
Web tier, and a Web browser delivers Web pages received from
the server.

Web clients Web servers – case study

Client Server and Web Application Development

Case 1: Control of rule engine with own scripting language and

business rules

Problem:Controlling rule engine's operation running in different


Detail:Component should be able to control the rule engine running

in different machines. It should also display operation of the rule
eninge and it's status on the workstation machine. Work Manager
should be able to stop or start the rule engine from workstation.

Solution:Rule Engine is basically an Active X EXE server.

Developed a notification server (ActiveX EXE) to communicate with
the clients & rule engine.

Problem:Needed a own scripting language to process the business


Detail:Developed a script engine to parse and execute the rules. It is

having the facility to incorporate any COM dll functions and database
procedures that are configured with the engine. Any COM servers can
be plugged in to the rule engine without big effort.

Case2:Development of COM(COMPONENT OBJECT MODEL) to

handle multiple databases

Client's Requirement:One of the Gantec's customer who develop

Portal Webapplication wanted to migrate the data from existing
database system to a new system.

Critical Issues:The migration involves lot of rewriting SQL for the

database operation on the new system.

Solution Provided:Our team has created a COM(Component Object

Module) component which can handle multiple database.

Benefits:Client is flexible to migrate to a new database. To save time

and labor, the programmers can use this component to reduce the
amout of creatig new-code or writing SQLs.

Result:The COM was tested for handling different database. The

funcationlity and operation of component was succesful.

Case3 : Client Server architecture for a law reporting firm

Requirement: A Large Publication House in the field of law
reporting required a complete System Analysis for a Client Server
Application. The existing information system used by client was
heterogeneous in nature. The data was kept in DBMS or spread sheets
and communication in between department was through papers only.


• Review of old reports, data collection system and inter

departmental flow of information.
• Collection of old data available in different form and its
• Conversion of data into homogeneous format suitable to provide
• Suggestion’s for adopting a Ad-hoc system of data collection till
the Application is fully functional
• Review of operation with a view to develop new system.
• Assessment of requirement of RDBMS Software, GUI Tool and
• Cost Benefit Analysis


• Design and Develop database and configure Oracle0 8 Server

for 100 concurrent users.
• Proper management of table spaces, Segments, Buffers and
security options.
• Implementation of transaction level atomicity with the help of
• Implementation of business law at server, through pl/sql sub
programs, to increase maintainability of application.
• Implementation of Input validation at client level to minimize
network traffic.
• Development of ActiveX Custom component’s to import data
from other sources and from other format.
• Development of interface between text editors and Database.
• Development of interface for connecting Database with Web
Server for future use.
• Development of strategy for backup, recovery and crash

Solution:The Gantec team adopted following Pro-active strategies.

• Identification of old data, its storage pattern, its scalability for

future use and format wise segregation.
• Development of an integrated information model as per current
norms and standards, for automation

Testing and Deployment:The application was developed and tested

by our testing team by using different testing tools and simulation
techniques. The various efficiency constraints and bugs were removed
and application was successfully deployed at client site.

Conclusion:Our team’s technical, functional and communication

competency was acclaimed by client, in not only analyzing the project
but in implementation too, thereby satisfying all the requirements of

Case4: Chat Server

Client’s Requirement:A Multi-functional, Multi-interface Chat

Server that is to be installed as part of a Tutorial Web site. Should
have a friendly user interface. Students while going through
the content of site, can contact tutors on line and discuss about their
problems and seek solutions.
Solution Provided:Chat server application using applet-servlet
communication methodology. It is 100% Pure Java™ chat and runs
on any Java-enabled web browser. It could be designed with a view to
provide fast, reliable, customizable, and very easy to use.
Communication has to be many-to many type.


• Chat-Screen or the Client is an applet and can run on any java-

enabled browser
• Servlets receives messages from users and stores messages as
• Transferring the messages to all clients currently on line.
• Applet receives messages at regular intervals using thread-
polling concept.

Result:Client was impressed with the Design and methodology. The

application was developed, tested and deployed successfully. Students
can communicate with tutors, using friendly and easy to use interface.

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