NDT Method & Besic Weld Specifications
NDT Method & Besic Weld Specifications
NDT Method & Besic Weld Specifications
Introduction to Nondestructive
Neutron Radiographic Testing (NR)
NR uses an intense beam of low energy neutrons as a
penetrating medium rather than the gamma- or x-radiation used
in conventional radiography. Generated by linear accelerators,
betatrons and other sources, neutrons penetrate most metallic
materials, rendering them transparent, but are attenuated by
most organic materials (including water, due to its high hydrogen
content) which allows those materials to be seen within the
component being inspected. When used with conventional
radiography, both the structural and internal
components of a test piece can be viewed.
Introduction to Nondestructive
Thermal/Infrared Testing (IR)
IR, or infrared thermography, is used to measure or map surface
temperatures based on the infrared radiation given off by an
object as heat flows through, to or from that object. The
majority of infrared radiation is longer in wavelength than visible
light but can be detected using thermal imaging devices,
commonly called "infrared cameras.“ For accurate IR testing, the
part(s) being investigated should be in direct line of sight with
the camera. Used properly, thermal imaging can be used to
detect corrosion damage, delamination's,
disbonds, voids, inclusions as well as
many other detrimental conditions.
Introduction to Nondestructive
Vibration Analysis (VA)
Vibration analysis refers to the process of monitoring the
vibration signatures specific to a piece of rotating machinery and
analyzing that information to determine the condition of that
equipment. Three types of sensors are commonly used:
displacement sensors, velocity sensors and accelerometers.
Introduction to Nondestructive
Common Application of NDT
Inspection of Raw Products
Forgings Castings Extrusions
Introduction to Nondestructive
Common Application of NDT
Inspection Following Secondary Processing
Machining Welding Grinding Heat Plating
Introduction to Nondestructive
Common Application of NDT
In-Services Damage Inspection
Cracking Corrosion Heat Damage Erosion/Wear
Introduction to Nondestructive
Examples of NDT
Power Plant Inspection -
Periodically, power plants are
shutdown for inspection.
Inspectors feed eddy current
probes into heat exchanger
tubes to check for corrosion
Introduction to Nondestructive
Examples of NDT
Wire Rope Inspection -
Electromagnetic devices and
visual inspections are used to
find broken wires and other
damage to the wire rope that
is used in chairlifts, cranes and
other lifting devices.
Introduction to Nondestructive
Examples of NDT
Storage Tank Inspection -
Robotic crawlers use
ultrasound to inspect the walls
of large above ground tanks
for signs of thinning due to
corrosion. Cameras on long
articulating arms are used to
inspect underground storage
tanks for damage
Introduction to Nondestructive
Examples of NDT
Aircraft Inspection -
Nondestructive testing is used
extensively during the
manufacturing of aircraft. NDT
is also used to find cracks and
corrosion damage during
operation of the aircraft. A
fatigue crack that started at
the site of a lightning strike is
Introduction to Nondestructive
Examples of NDT
Jet Engine Inspection Aircraft engines
are overhauled after being in service
for a period of time. They are
completely disassembled, cleaned,
inspected and then Reassembled.
Fluorescent penetrant inspection is
used to check many of the parts for
Introduction to Nondestructive
Examples of NDT
Pressure Vessel Inspection -
The failure of a pressure vessel
can result in the rapid release
of a large amount of energy.
To protect against this
dangerous event, the tanks are
inspected using radiography
and ultrasonic testing.
Introduction to Nondestructive
Examples of NDT
Rail Inspection - Special cars
are used to inspect thousands
of miles of rail to find cracks
that could lead to a
Introduction to Nondestructive
Examples of NDT
Bridge Inspection - The US has
578,000 highway bridges.
Corrosion, cracking and other
damage can all affect a
bridge’s performance. Bridges
get a visual inspection about
every 2 years. Some bridges
are fitted with acoustic
emission sensors that “listen”
for sounds of cracks growing.
Introduction to Nondestructive
Examples of NDT
Pipeline Inspection - NDT is
used to inspect pipelines to
prevent leaks that could
damage the environment.
Visual inspection, radiography
and electromagnetic testing
are some of the NDT methods
Materials And Processes
For NDT Technology
Nondestructive Testing
The use of physical methods for testing materials and
products without harm to those materials and
Material failures
1. Static loads
Large discontinuities
Poor dimensional control
Poor design
2. Dynamic loads
High number of cycles (millions) i.e. rotating shaft
4. Pressure – creating stress above the materials elastic limit may cause plastic
5. Corrosive environments
7. Excess loading
9. Improper maintenance
10. Age – some materials deteriorate with age i.e plastics, glass, paper etc
Inspection Reliability
- What is the guarantee that all flaws of a certain size will be detected
- What is the largest flaw that can escape detection
Probability of detection - if 100 flaws of the same size are present and
90 are detected, then the probability of detection is 0.9 or 90%
Confidence Level refers to the probability that 90% of the flaws in the
above study will be detected.
Confidence Level increases with larger sample sizes
i.e. from 1 to 100 to 10,000
Manufacturing Technology
Engineering materials – most metals and those plastics
that are solids and have reasonable strength at room
History of Manufacturing
•Early manufacturing – one-at-a-time
•Interchangeability – standardization and the industrial
– picked for their properties i.e. hardness, strength
appearance etc
Energy Form
Energy is used for shape changes – may be supplied in the form of heat,
mechanical power, chemical reaction, electrical energy or light
Different materials react differently to the same energy system and the
same materials react differently to different energy systems
Chapter 3
Properties Of Materials
Four classes of material properties:
Chemical - reaction w/other materials especially corrosion
•Physical appearance
•Cost – material, processing, inspection
Loading systems and material failure:
Stress – internal forces acting on imaginary planes cutting the body being
loaded. Stress can be calculated by dividing the total force by the area on which
it acts.
The ratio of unit stress to unit strain (deformation) - the slope of the
curve within the elastic limit
Tensile testing provides two measures of ductility
•90% of failures of equipment with moving parts include fatigue in some form
Charpy test:
•Impact test which uses a
weighted pendulum
•Measures materials ability to
resist rupture via energy
Tensile impact testing
•Greater similarity between the test and some conditions can be
provided by tensile impact tests
•Specimens are supported so that impact loads may be applied
•Specimens are NOT notched
Bend test:
•Free bend test
- specimen is bent slightly then compression applied until
failure or 180 degree bend is obtained
- the angle of bend at the failure is compared with other
•Guided bend test
- multiple radius guided bends are often used to determine
the smallest radius about which a specimen will bend
180 degrees without fracture – continue to decrease the
Hardness testing:
•Indirect test that measures the ability of material to resist near surface
•Most frequently used test for determining material properties i.e.
strength, wear resistance and work-hardening qualities.
•Separate raw materials of different composition
Mohs test:
•Scale of ten minerals arranged in order of increasing hardness –
from #1 talc to #10 diamond
•If a material can be scratched by #7 but not scratched #6 by then it
has a hardness of #6
•Used mainly in the field of mineralogy.
File test:
•A file is used to produce metal shavings from a specimen - hardness
is determined by comparing the specimen filings with filings from
standard test blocks
•Not very accurate.
Brinell test:
•Typical test: hardened steel 10mm dia ball impressed under a load of 3000kg on material for 10
seconds and the indentation is measured – from the ratio of the force imposed on the indenter to
the size of the impression
•Very consistent, and tensile value can be closely approximated
•Can not be used on very thin materials
Rockwell test:
•Hardness determined by differential depth measurement using a 1/16” steel ball or diamond
•Minor load is applied to reduce effect of dirt scale etc. – then major load is applied.
•A-G Rockwell scales are used
Superficial Rockwell test:
Vickers test:
The working stress of a material with 80,000 psi ultimate tensile
strength is 20,000 psi what is the safety factor in this situation
•9 atoms
•Metals are hard and strong
If two grains with the same orientation meet they will join to form one grain.
Two grains forming about a different axis, the last atoms to solidify will be
attracted to each other however they will assume compromise positions in an
attempt to satisfy their attraction. These “misplaced” atoms about the grain are
known as grain boundaries.
Grain size
- misplaced atoms between grains form boundaries
- interruptions in the lattice (boundaries) offer resistance to deformation
- Fine grain with numerous interruptions are stronger and harder than
course grains of the same material compositions.
Coarse grains may be more desirable during processing but fine grains are usually
necessary in the final product to provide the best mechanical properties.
Work Hardening
Occurs when a load applied to a material exceeds the elastic limit and is
permanently deformed within its crystalline structure
- Elastic properties are not lost – they are enhanced providing
deformation (plastic flow) is produced by cold working.
- The strength of a metal is increased by plastic flow and the elastic limit
is raised
Manufacturers often try to produce improved properties at the same time shaping
is being performed.
Most metals are treated in the solid state to enhance their properties – these
treatments are called:
- Work hardening
- Recrystallization
- Age hardening
- Heat treating of allotropic materials
Solid State Changes in Metals
Plastic Deformation (Plastic flow)
- Permanent deformation, fills unoccupied lattice
- Through work hardening; properties are enhanced, elastic limit is raised
In most cases the last forming process will not be followed by recrystallization in
order that high hardness and strength in the cold worked material may be retained.
Grain growth:
If a metals heated at or above its recrystallization temperature after new unstrained grains
have formed the tendency is for some of the new grains to absorb others and grow.
Allotropic Changes – metals that change lattice structure upon heating and
cooling to exist in different forms through various temperature ranges.
- Iron changes from BCC to FCC at 912 deg. C, and to BCC at 1394
deg. C
Annealing – heat treat process to soften material and increase ductility used in
conjunction with cold working
- decrease hardness and increase machinability
- relieve stress and refine grain size
Normalizing – similar to annealing except metal is not at its softest state, pearlite
is fine instead of course
- high toughness, good machinability
- relieve stress and refine grain size
Spheroidizing – iron carbide forms in small spheres in ferrite matrix produces
minimum hardness and maximum ductility
- performed on normalized steels
- improve machinability if high carbon steel
First step: Austenization –to produce austenite, new FCC grains, smaller
Second step: Fast cooling – steel is quenched using oil, air or water
Third step: Tempering - Softening process to relieve stresses in the steel and
reduce brittleness
- The structural changes caused by tempering are functions of time and
Corrosion – deterioration of metal by chemical reaction or
electrolysis (transfer of electrons) or both.
Pitting - is localized and extends deeper into the metal, is more serious and
can be a nuclei for failure
Ferrous Metals
Processing raw materials
Pig iron – the product of the blast furnace is tapped and poured into a
crude casting
- Low quality material: brittle and difficult to machine and has
low ductility
- Typically contains 3 - 4% carbon
Steel – when carbon content of iron is reduced to less than
2% the new material is called steel.
- Entirely new set of properties
- Trace elements added
- Greater ductility/machineability/weldability
Electric – heated by electric arc, slag floats to the surface and is skimmed
off. Variation of the crucible method.
- Produces the highest quality steel
- More control of heat and atmosphere
- Scrap steel is loaded in the
- Molten pig iron is poured on top
- A lance blows oxygen on the
mix for about twenty minutes,
lime and fluxes are added
- Most steel is made this way
Types of Steel
Plain carbon Steel – 0.05% or less
- very ductile
- Soft and Weak
Low Alloy steels – addition of small amounts of alloying elements can raise
the yield strength 30% to 40%.
- Structural steel/rolled products with good corrosion resistance
- AISI steels (American Iron and Steel Institute) are alloyed for
improved hardenability and 10% to 20% higher tensile strength
- Improved properties at a higher cost
Nonferrous Metals
and Plastics
- 3/4 of all Ni produced is plating material or used an alloy of steel
- Most important property – corrosion resistance
- Good heat resistance
- Good for grain refinement of steel
- Lightest commercial metal
- Good strength and corrosion resistance
- Easily work hardened
- High stress levels at notches – lower impact values
- Low cost but low strength
- Excellent corrosion resistance
- Plating or coating with zinc is called galvanizing which
accounts for 50% of production
- High formability; pure or slightly alloyed is an excellent roofing
- Ores are abundant, cost of reduction is 100 x that of iron
- Could easily be most important nonferrous metal if low
cost production could be developed
Plastics – a group of large molecule organic compounds, primarily
produced as a chemical product that is susceptible to shaping.
Natural Plastics
- Cellulose may be produced as paper, vulcanized fiber and
cellulose acetate
- Rubber latex
- Wood has some thermoplastic properties that are used in some
manufacturing processes synthetic
- Origin of natural material is only as a source of elements and
Property Comparisons of thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics
- Products must sell
- Know your competitors
- Product life is limited - market for replacement parts
- Markets are increasing and sales are increasing
- Population is increasing
- The standard of living is increasing
- More leisure time and increased purchasing power
- Market forecasting is difficult but essential
- Electronics over past 50 years
- Technology/Computers/Internet
- Quality should be good
- For many consumer goods the appearance may govern the final
- Quality and costs must be balanced
- Availability of facilities affects choice of design
- Proper equipment and skilled personnel required to
produce the product
See page 77
Chapter 8
Casting is the process of causing liquid metal to fill a cavity and solidify into
a useful shape.
Eutectic Alloys
-Similar to pure metal. Solidification takes place
at single temperature, lower than the
components, smaller temp gradient, greater
number of points of nucleation; smaller grains
Noneutectic Alloys
-Freeze through a temperature range (out-side
inward), most products made from noneutectics.
Shrinkage – occurs in three stages
First – shrinkage in liquid
- loss of superheat (100 – 500 deg F above melt)
- allows time to pour metal
- Shrinkage can be replaced by adding metal
Green Sand
- Sand/clay/moisture
- Used in majority of
- Sand held together by
clay (2% to50%)
- Moisture in the clay
permits flowabilty of
sand around the pattern
Cores – inserts that exclude metal flow to form internal surfaces
- usually made of sand green/dry
- Should collapse immediately, not interfere with shrinkage
- Chaplets metal supports of same alloy, become part of the casting
Investment Casting
- Master pattern/cast metal pattern/wax pattern
- Wax is dipped in plaster material
- Heated to remove wax - working is pattern destroyed as lost wax
- Plaster preheated and metal is poured
Centrifugal Casting
– cast hollow
products, turbine
shafts & cast pipe
Continuous Casting – cast long bars; cut out machine blanks, gears etc
Melting equipment
- Cupola – similar to blast furnace
- Crucible furnace – melt small quantities of nonferrous metal
- Pot furnace – quantities of nonferrous, ladled out
- Reverberatory furnace – large brick oven for quantities of
nonferrous metals, uses gas-air and oil-air heating
- Electric Arc furnace – high intensity heat, high purity
- Induction furnace – ac coils generate eddy currents in material,
high purity
Chapter 9
- Complete melting of
- Strong bonds
- No pressure required
-Metallurgical effects
like casting; grain
size, shrinkage
-Fillers sometimes
Pressure Bonding
High temperature
results in:
-Shrinkage, annealing
and allotropic
transformation; re-
crystallization extends
beyond the melted
Low temperature
results in:
-smaller grains and
stronger structure
It is often necessary to:
Normalize welds (heat
slightly above the
temperature) to obtain
uniform grain structure,
typically smaller,
uniform properties and
relieve stress
•Arc stabilization
•Provides gas shielding – decomposition of
cellulose and limestone
•De-oxidation of weld pool
•Strengthens the weld - adds alloying elements
•Increases deposition by adding iron filler
•Slag provides oxide barrier for solidifying metal
•Slag provides thermal insulation of the cooling weld
Common defects associated
with SMAW
Incomplete fusion
Incomplete penetration
Burn through
Lack of fill
Root concavity
Excessive penetration
High electric
resistance between
work pieces melts
Other Spot Welding Techniques
Electron Beam Welding
Plasma Arc Welding
- Inert gas is
ionized by
passing it
through an
electric arc
- Gas expands
upon striking
the part surface
and gives off
heat forming a
weld pool
Friction Welding
Electro Slag Welding
Arc starts the
melting process but
is quickly
Current is then
passed through
molten slag
Similar to a
continuous casting
Common causes of defects
•Joint preparation
•Joint design
Welding technique
(Porosity, Fusion, Tungsten & Slag)
Cleaning - Slag Removal
Joint Preparation - Poor Fit-up
(Fusion, Penetration & Mismatch - Hi-lo)
Five Basic Weld Joints
Joint Design
Common Weld joints:
V groove and Butt
Chapter 11
The greatest limitation is the need for a ductile stage. Nearly all metals have
ductility at elevated temperature – the major exception being cast iron - and
may at least be hot worked.
Loads that exceed the plastic limit redistribute atomic dislocations and change the
grain size and other metallurgical effects:
This is called; Strain hardened, cold worked or work hardened
Hot working:
•When deformation is performed above the recrystallization temperature it is
termed hot working because recrystallization proceeds along with strain hardening.
•The net effect is similar the cold working and then heating above the
recrystallization temperature.
•Hot working permits continuous deformation however if deformation proceeds too
rapidly it is possible, even above the recrystallization temperature, to develop cracks
Directional effects
•For any metal the grain size is determined primarily by the cooling rate.
•Ingots are large casting and they cool slowly resulting in large grains
•Grain size is refined mechanically and thermally
•The grain size immediately after recrystallization will always be small.
All hot and cold working results in crystal fractures which produce smaller grain
size as the material is strain hardened
Ductility essential
- Ductility is required
-inside radius is subjected
to compressive stresses
which may cause an
increase in width
- Outside stresses may cause
an increase in thinning
Forming – simple bending and multiple bends made along
more than one axes.
- Surface area is not significantly altered
Drawing – involves not only
bending but stretching
and compression of metal over
wide areas
- Automobile fenders,
kitchenware and square and
rectangular box shapes.
- Recrystallization may reduce
the number of steps by
restoring the properties
- Spin forming is versatile, low
cost, but low quality
Explosive forming
- Detonated at a predetermined
distance in air or water
- Pressures as high as 4 million
psi are developed
- Shockwave transmits energy
to the work piece
Chapter 14
Machining Fundamentals
Close accuracies/good finish
Surface Finish
- Waviness: variations of conformance relatively widely
Miscellaneous Processes
Plastic Processing
Closed die molding
- Similar to die casting
- Time is limited with thermosetting plastics where as
thermoplastic can be re-heated
- Transfer molding (cold chamber die casting) is used with
thermosetting plastics
- Injection molding is similar to hot chamber die casting
Chemical Milling
- A chemical process that uses acid
without electrical action
Electrochemical Machining
- Tool and work piece form
- Work piece is positive (anode)
- Same as plating – metal is
removed from the anode
Ultrasonic Machining
- Transducer provides mechanical motion for abrasive machining
Laser – (light amplification by stimulated emission -
- uses light energy
- Cutting
- Drilling holes
- Computerized for numerical control of intricate
Gross Separating Processes
Torch Cutting
- Oxyacetylene flames bring metal to kindling temperature
(exothermic reaction of burning material)
- Assisted by stream of oxygen that causes oxidation
- Can cut steel 5 feet thick
Surface Finishing
Surface finishing is often the final stage of production
- Cleaning/polishing
- Deburr
- Corrosion protection
- Chemical change on the part surface
- Mechanical working
- Protective coatings
Casehardening – a change of surface properties to
produce a hard, wear resistant shell about a tough
fracture resistant core
- Use low cost low carbon steel alloys to replace higher cost
- Case depth is checked by destructive methods
- Several methods are used to caseharden
- Blasting
- With sand, grit or oxides
- Peening (small round metal pellets)
Abrasive Barrel Finishing
- Rolling/tumbling, high polish
- Wire brushing to: deburr, remove rust/spatter/coatings/films
Vitreous enamels – enamel is a thin layer glass mixed with clay water
and metal oxides fused on to the surface of metal; applied by dip or
spray and fired at 800 deg C
- coatings on washers & dryers, aircraft parts
Hot Dip Plating – zinc, tin and lead applied for corrosion protection by
molten metal hot dip process
- Applied molten zinc is called galvanizing, low cost
Electroplating – work piece serves as a cathode in an electrical circuit,
dc is applied, current travels through solution
- Thickness usually low .001”
- Rate dependant on the materials, current density, solution
- Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, Zinc, tin, Ag and Au
- Corrosion/wear/abrasion resistance
- Results in a dimensional increase
- Usually attractive appearance
Chemical Conversions – convert surface metal to chemical
composition in a solution, the work piece is the anode
- Corrosion/wear protection
- Forms an oxide layer
- Little effect on part dimensions
Chemical Oxide – treatment of steel in caustic soda solution heated to 150 deg C
- Cosmetic coating (blacking)
- Poor corrosion resistance
Chapter 17
Quality Control and Inspection
- Quality control is usually a second step that makes use
of inspection data for process improvement
- Inspection varies with the quality desired
Organization of inspection
- Receiving
- In-process – inspection during manufacture
- First piece – verify a critical step before processing the
remainder of the lot.
- Final
Quantity of inspection – is driven by cost, it can be 0 – 100%,
sometimes statistical methods are used to determine sample sizes
- Acceptance sampling plans are essential when inspection cost
is high and the cost of replacing defective parts is low.
- Samples must be random & represent the lot
- Planners must determine the number of defective
parts that would be willingly accepted
- Most economical sample size is a compromise
between improved reliability and inspection costs
- 100% reliability is not always achievable - sample
sizes must take into account inspector fatigue,
monotony, psychological and hypnotic effects
Consumers risk – P2
- There is a 10% chance
that a lot with 4%
defects might be
Process control charts – use of
statistical mathematics to control
Inspection Equipment:
- Steel rules
- Vernier caliper
- Micrometer
- Sine bar or tables for accurate angle measurement
Surface Measurements
- Visual comparison
- Electrical measurement, stylus
•Read the study guide and use the big books as reference material
•Skim through the big books for concepts
•Go through the exam:
- Read each question and answer the easy ones first
- Reading each question will also give clues for answering other questions
- Go back through the exam and answer the questions that are more difficult
- Answer the complex questions last
Read each question carefully, consider the applicability of each answer to the
question – choose the answer that is correct most of the time
Which of the following is correct regarding liquid penetrant testing?
A. Liquid penetrant testing utilizes red visible dyes
B. Components shall be wire brushed prior to applying penetrant
C. PT a relatively simple method to inspect components for
surface breaking flaws
D. Because of corrosion hazards PT shall precede ultrasonic testing