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Nternship Report 2022

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KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad


Internship Report

Number Guessing Game


( 17/08/2022 – 30/08/2022 )


Submitted By:
Akshay Dwivedi
ClassRoll No. 20
Guidelines/Index for Internship Report
Following essentials are to be taken in to consideration during
preparation of internship report:

1. Acknowledgement

2. Certificate

3. Industry/Company Profile

4. Abstract/overview of Project.

5. Introduction of Project Internship.

6. Details of task/s assigned

7. Details of Technical learning during delivery of task

8. Conclusion or Outcome of Internship

9. Attach certificate/s of moocs(with verification link).

10. Attach literature review report (based on 5-10 Research papers

downloaded from Nalanda E-Consortium platform).


I’ve got this golden opportunity to express my kind gratitude and sincere thanks to my Head
of Institution, KIET Group of Institutions of Engineering and Technology, and Head of
Department of “Dept. Of Compter Science and Information Technology” for their kind
support and necessary counselling in the preparation of this project report. I’m also indebted
to each and every person responsible for the making up of this project directly or indirectly.

I must also acknowledge or deep debt of gratitude each one of my colleague who led this
project come out in the way it is. It’s my hard work and untiring sincere efforts and mutual
cooperation to bring out the project work. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my
parents for their sound counselling and cheerful support. They have always inspired us and
kept our spirit up.

Name of Student Akshay Dwivedi

Course and Branch B.Tech CSIT
Semester 5th
University Roll No: 2000290110020

This is to certify that the internship project report entitled "Python and DBMS" submitted
by Akshay Dwivedi in the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
of KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, affiliated to Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical
University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, is a record of candidate summer internship.
He/She has successfully completeted his/her internship under my supervision and guidance
and is worthy of consideration for the same.

Signature of Supervisor:
Supervisor’s Name:
Overview of the Project

Topic: Number Guesssing Game

The number guessing game is a popular game among programmers. In the number

guessing game, the program selects a random number between two numbers, and

the user guesses the correct number. If you want to learn how to create a guessing

game using Python, this article is for you. In this article, I will take you through a

tutorial on creating a number guessing game using the Python programming

Introduction of the Project Internship

This Summer Project was conducted by the CSIT Dept.


Internship topic was “Python and DBMS”.

During this internship proper guidance and live tutorials were

provided by the faculty members of the Dept..Regular assessment

in the form of assignments was given to monitor our personal

progress in the skill development. Through this internship I got a

chance to explore and work on new technologies such as python and Mysql.

And as a final assessment of the internship, I was assigned an

Number Guessing Game project, which I was able to successfully

complete it within due time.

Details of Task Assigned during the Internship

1. Assignment 1- Introdection of programming

2. Assignment 2- python

3. Assignment 3- data structures

4. Assignment 4- dbms and mysql

5. 1 MOOC on Cybersecurity from online learning

platforms like Edx, Coursera etc.

6. Research Paper Summary of 5 Research Papers which were

downloaded from AKTU Nalanda E-Consortium.

Details of the Technical Learning during delivery
of the Task

To create a guessing game, we need to write a program to select a random number

between 1 and 10. To give hints to the user, we can use Conditional Statements to

tell the user if the guessed number is smaller, greater than or equal to the randomly

selected number.

If the guessed number is lower than the randomly selected number, the user will see

“too low”. If the guessed number is higher than the randomly selected number, the

user will see “too high”. When the user guesses the correct number, “you guessed it

right!!” will be displayed in the output.


So this is how you can write a program to create a guessing game using Python. It is a

\popular game among programmers. In this game, the program selects a random

number between two numbers, and the user guesses the correct number. I hope you

\ liked this article on how to create a guessing game using Python. Feel free to ask

valuable questions in the comments section below.

Source Code of the project

import random

n = random.randrange(1,10)

guess = int(input("Enter any number: "))

while n!= guess:

if guess < n:

print("Too low")

guess = int(input("Enter number again: "))

elif guess > n:

print("Too high!")

guess = int(input("Enter number again: "))



print("you guessed it right!!")


Verification Link:

Summary Report of Research Papers
1. 1. Efficient Content-Based Detection of Zero-Day Worms

Recent cybersecurity incidents suggest that Internet0worms can spread so fast that in-time human-

mediated reaction0is not possible, and therefore initial response to cyberattacks has0to be automated.

The first step towards combating new unknown0worms is to be able to detect and identify them at

the first stages0of their spread.

In this paper, we present a novel method fordetecting new worms based on identifying similar packet
contentsdirected to multiple destination hosts. We evaluate our methodusing real traffic traces that
contain real worms. Our resultssuggest that our approach is able to identify novel worms whileat the
same time the generated false alarms reach as low as zeropercent.

2. A Lexical Approach for Classifying Malicious URLs

Given the continuous growth of malicious activitieson the internet, there is a need for
intelligent systems to identify malicious web pages. It has been shown that URL analysis is
an effective tool for detecting phishing, malware, and other attacks. Previous studies have
performed URL classification using a combination of lexical features, network traffic, hosting
information, and other strategies. These approaches require time- intensive lookups which
introduce significant delay in real-time systems
In this paper, we describe a lightweight approach forclassifying malicious web pages using
URL lexical analysis alone.Our goal is to explore the upper-bound of the
classificationaccuracy of a purely lexical approach. We also aim to developa scalable
approach which could be used in a real-time system.We develop a classification system
based on lexical analysis ofURLs. It correctly classifies URLs of malicious web pages
with99.1% accuracy, a 0.4% false positive rate, an F1-Score of 98.7,and 0.62 milliseconds
on average. Our method also outperformssimilar approaches when classifying out-of-
sample data.
3. Towards Automatic Real Time Identification of Malicious Posts on Facebook
Online Social Networks (OSNs) witness a rise in user activity whenever a news-making event
takes place. Cybercriminals exploit this spur in user-engagement levels to spreadmalicious content
that compromises system reputation, causesfinancial losses and degrades user experience.
In this paper, wecharacterized a dataset of 4.4 million public posts generatedon Facebook during 17
news-making events (natural calamities,terror attacks, etc.) and identified 11,217 malicious posts
contain-ing URLs. We found that most of the malicious content whichis currently evading Facebook’s
detection techniques originatedfrom third party and web applications, while more than half of
alllegitimate content originated from mobile applications.

We also0observed greater participation of Facebook pages in generating0malicious content as

compared to legitimate content. We proposed0an extensive feature set based on entity profile, textual
content,0metadata, and URL features to automatically identify malicious0content on Facebook in real
time. This feature set was used to0train multiple machine learning models and achieved an
accuracy0of 86.9%. We performed experiments to show that past techniques0for spam campaign
detection identified less than half the number0of malicious posts as compared to our model. This
model was0used to create a REST API and a browser plug-in to identify0malicious Facebook posts in
real time.

4. Blockchain for Supply Chain Cybersecurity, Optimization and Compliance

The U.S. power grid is a complex system of systemsthat requires a trustworthy, reliable, and
secure global supplychain. A formidable challenge considering the increasing number of
networked industrial control systems (ICS) and energy delivery systems (EDS) and growing
number of intermediary distributors, vendors and integrators involved. Grid modernization
has increased the use of “smart” energy devices that automate, digitize, network, and bring
together the cyber-physical energy supply chain.
In the current Energy Internet of Things (EIoT)0environment, the growth of data speed and
size requirements as0well as the number of critical cyber assets has generated new0North
American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Critical0Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
compliance requirements and0cyber supply chain security challenges for vendors,
regulators,0and utilities. The issuance of Order No. 829 by the Federal Energy0Regulatory
Commission (FERC) instructed the North American0Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
to confront0cybersecurity supply chain risk management for ICS software and0hardware, as
well as the networking and computing services0associated with Bulk Electric System (BES)
To meet these goals, current technology and processes must be improved to better identify,
monitor, and audit vulnerable EIoT environments. This paper examines how blockchain
technology can enable NERC CIP compliance as well as aid in the security of the BES
supply chain through an immutable cryptographically signed distributed ledger that allows for
improved data security, provenance and auditability.

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