High Energy Theory List
High Energy Theory List
High Energy Theory List
1 Introduction 4
3 Getting started 7
4 Prerequisites 8
COSMOLOGY II (8 lectures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
AMPLITUDES (8 lectures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
SUPERSTRING THEORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
PHENOMENOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
OPTIONAL COURSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
A Plagiarism form 42
1 Introduction
The aim of the course is to bring students in twelve months to the frontier of theoret-
ical high-energy physics. You can look forward to an enjoyable year with exciting and
demanding lectures given by leading experts in the field.
This booklet contains information specific to the MSc in Particles, Strings and Cosmology.
For information concerning general University regulations, examination procedures etc.
you should consult the Faculty Handbooks and the University Calendar, which provide
the definitive versions of University policy.
If at any time you would like to discuss aspects of your course, or if there are any questions
about the Department which this booklet leaves unanswered, please contact the Course
Director (Dr. Nabil Iqbal, CM240) or your Supervisor. For administrative queries, please
contact the Postgraduate secretary (Gemma Dart, CM 201).
Much information about the Department and, in particular, about the Centre for Particle
Theory can be found on the web at
This particular year will be affected by the presence of Covid-19. We encourage everyone
to be aware of university and government guidelines related to the virus. The Durham
University Covid Response web page is here.
We will operate according to university guidelines; as of this writing this permits (some)
face-to-face teaching. However if you would like to avoid all face-to-face teaching for the
whole term, please contact the course director Dr. Nabil Iqbal.
Although you are not registered for the MSc course, it is important that you take the
lectures seriously, as they will be the basis for your further study. In particular, the
Centre expects all students registered for the PhD to achieve an average mark on the
four end-of-term exams of at least 70%. If you miss this target, you will be required to
demonstrate satisfactory progress by completing a small project during the summer term,
and this together with your exam results will be used to decide your progression into the
second year.
2 The Centre for Particle Theory
The Durham research group in theoretical high energy physics has members in both of
the departments of Mathematical Sciences and Physics. It is one of the largest and most
active groups in the United Kingdom, with interests which range over a wide spectrum
of topics associated with the field of elementary particles. This is reflected in the variety
of lecture courses and dissertation topics available in the MSc programme. Durham also
hosts the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP). The Institute is located
in the Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics, which will also be the location for all
graduate lectures.
3 Getting started
There will be an induction and welcoming event on Thursday October 3; you will receive
more specific information by email. This will be a chance to meet members of the CPT
and to pick up information on the postgraduate lecture courses and other matters.
There are several administrative matters that must be seen to at the beginning of the
academic year. It would be wise to complete them before lectures begin on Monday
October 5th.
• New postgraduate students will need to obtain their campus cards. They are necessary
to gain access to the main Library and a to number of other University buildings. They
are also needed to loan books from the Main Library. At the same time you should be
given your user name and password for a computer account with the University’s IT
• The Main University Library is located on the Science site close to both the De-
partments of Mathematical Sciences and Physics. It contains a large selection of books
and journals of interest to particle physicists. To loan books you will require a Campus
Computing Facilities
The main university computing facilities are run by the Computing and Information
Services (CIS). You should have been registered automatically for an CIS account when
completing your University Registration and obtaining your Campus Card (see above).
In case of any problems or if you need any further information about the University’s
computing facilities, you should visit the IT Help-Desk which is situated on the ground
floor of the University Library. The University maintains a number of clusters of PC’s
and Unix machines. One such cluster is located on the ground floor of the same building
as the Mathematical Sciences.
4 Prerequisites
Students entering the MSc course are supposed to be familar with a number of topics,
which would normally be covered in an undergraduate degree. They fall into two cate-
gories, namely elementary mathematics and elementary physics. It would be a very good
idea to recapitulate these topics before starting the course, because familiarity with these
concepts will be assumed.
1. Elementary Mathematics:
2. Elementary physics:
oscillations and resonance. Central forces and the use of energy and angu-
lar momentum to study planetary motion. Waves and strings, including the
derivation of the wave equation for small amplitude vibrations and its solution
by separation of variables. Energy, energy density, energy carried by wave.
• Lagrangian Mechanics: Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics: Hamiltons
principle in dynamics. Generalised coordinates and momenta. Derivation of
Lagranges equations. Generalised forces. Conservative forces. Ignorable coor-
dinates and conservation laws. Noethers theorem. Systems with constraints
Hamiltons equations. Formulation in terms of Poisson brackets. Small oscil-
lations of systems of particles: Positions of equilibrium and stability. Normal
modes of oscillation and normal coordinates. Stationary properties of frequen-
cies of systems with constraints. Basic variational calculus.
• Special Relativity: Inertial frames. Speed of light. Events. Spacetime.
Time dilation and length contraction. Lorentz transformations. Standard
Lorentz boosts. Composition of velocities. Doppler effect. Group structure
of standard Lorentz boosts. Four vectors: Minkowski spacetime. Lorentz and
Poincare groups. Worldline and light cone. Causality. Proper time, velocity,
acceleration. Space-time vectors and tensors. Mass-energy equivalence. Ein-
steins relation. Zero-mass particles. Systems of free particles: Conservation of
4-momentum. Centre-of-mass frame. Collision processes.
• Classical Electromagnetism: Maxwells equations with sources. Potentials
and gauge invariance. Wave equation. Energy and momentum conservation
(including energy density, Poynting vector, stress tensor). Plane waves. Po-
larisation. Retarded potentials. Special Relativistic Formulation of Electro-
magnetism: invariances of Maxwells equations, the equations with microscopic
sources expressed as tensor equations in Minkowski spacetime. Relativistic
equation of motion for a charged particle in an external electromagnetic field.
• Quantum Mechanics: Photo-electric effect, atomic spectra, wave-particle
duality, uncertainty principle.Vectors in Hilbert space, linear operators, hermi-
tian operators, eigenvalues, complete sets, expectation values, commutation re-
lations, observables and commuting operators, symmetries and spectra. Dirac
notation. Schroedinger and Heisenberg pictures. Position operator, Harmonic
Oscillator, creation-annihilation operators. Angular momentum, spin represen-
tations. Time–dependent and time–independent Schroedinger equation. Prob-
ability interpretation. Currents. Plane-waves, spreading of a wave-packet.
Perturbation theory, interaction picture.
In addition, there are a number of things which you may have studied, but if you haven’t
it would be a good idea to read about before you come because these will be developed
in greater depth at the beginning of the course:
3. Advanced topics:
Metric: distance relationships, light cones. Covariant Derivative: parallel
transport, connection coefficients, differentiating tensors, metric connection,
geodesics. Curvature: Riemann tensor, characterisation of flat space, paral-
lel transport around closed curves, commutation formulae, Bianchi identity,
Einstein tensor, geodesic deviation. Einsteins equations, linearized theory and
Newtonian limit, Einstein–Hilbert action.
• Quantum Field Theory: Quantisation of free scalar fields: Multi-particle
quantum mechanics, canonical quantisation of free scalar fields, Fock space,
anti-particles, propagators, causality. Evolution operators, perturbative ex-
pansion, Wicks theorem, Feynman diagrams in position and momentum space,
LSZ reduction, scattering matrix, cross sections.
• Statistical Mechanics: Thermodynamics: Thermal equlibrium, the laws of
thermodynamics. Equations of state, ideal gas law. Classical statistical me-
chanics: Statistical basis of thermodynamics: microstates, macrostates and the
thermodynamics limit. Ideal gas. Gibbs paradox and entropy. Microcanonical,
canonical and grand-canonical ensembles. Distributions and identical particles:
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Bose and Fermi distributions.
5 The MSc Degree
The MSc course is organised in three modules: two modules of lecture courses and a
dissertation counting as the third module. Each module must be separately passed in
order to successfully complete the course.
The first lecture course module ranges from October-December, followed by two exam-
inations in January; the second module spans January-March, followed by another two
examinations in April.
Please note that you will be required to submit a signed plagiarism form, without which
your dissertation will not be assessed. It is attached to this document as an appendix.
In addition to the three modules we will organize a set of advanced lectures in the Easter
term (May-June) which you can attend voluntarily and which will not be examined.
Details of the lecture courses and guidelines and regulations for the preparation of the
dissertation are given below.
This year is unique due to the presence of Covid-19 and the requirements of
social distancing, rendering impossible a course with the usual sort of face-to-
face lectures. We have constructed a blended approach that combines some
face-to-face instruction with online learning. The course has been constructed so
that face-to-face instruction can be taken online if required.
Lectures for at least the first half of the course (October-December) will take place in this
form; you will receive information about the format of the second (Epiphany) half later.
The Courses
• The lectures: lectures this year will be held asynchronously. Our lecturers have
prepared a combination of pre-recorded lectures and guided reading, available on
DUO; these have some of the flavor and pacing of blackboard instruction, but are
designed so that you can work through them independently. They are timetabled
in green on the timetable. Each timetabled lecture has a precise online component
on DUO, and we encourage you to work through it at the scheduled time.
• The surgeries: these are a new component to the course this year. Each of these is
a small (5-6 person) real-time session with the lecturer for the course, one hour a
week for each course. You should think of this as a meeting with a your supervisor;
be prepared, take the opportunity to ask questions about the material, and discuss
difficulties and interesting points with the lecturer. If circumstances permit, some
of these surgeries will take place face-to-face in a socially distanced manner, while
others will take place over Zoom. These are only for MSc students: all MSc stu-
dents will be divided into two cohorts, and you should only attend the face-to-face
instruction for your cohort. See further details below.
• The tutorials: these are worked problem sessions held by tutors over Zoom; each
course has one hour of tutorial a week. These are for both MSc and PhD students.
To summarize: each week between the four courses your real-time instruction will be
four hours of real-time “surgeries” (face-to-face or on Zoom) and four hours of real-time
“tutorials” (on Zoom). You will also of course spend time watching recorded lectures and
working through asynchronous lecture material.
Surgery Details
For the purposes of the surgeries, MSc students will be divided into two cohorts, A and
B. You will be informed of your cohort. Some of the surgeries take place face-to-face in
the IPPP Seminar Room (OC 218), and some are held online via Zoom; the timetable
will be placed on DUO.
The timetable has been built so that a face-to-face surgery is always immediately followed
or preceded by an online surgery for the other cohort. If you do not wish to attend a
face-to-face surgery one week, for any reason at all – e.g. if you are feeling ill or are
required to self-isolate – then you can feel free to attend the online surgery for the other
cohort. For health and safety reasons, only attend the face-to-face surgery for
your own cohort. The surgeries are only for MSc students.
If you would prefer to always attend online surgeries, and therefore have no face-to-face
teaching, please contact the course director, Dr. Nabil Iqbal. You do not need to justify
this decision.
Finally, note that some courses do not have any face-to-face surgeries. We stress that the
presence of face-to-face teaching is subject to change depending on real-time data such
as the prevalence of the virus and the health of members of the community. Regularly
consult the timetable for surgeries on DUO, as they are subject to change.
Overall Structure
The exact timetable for the course can be found on DUO. In our timetables we often use
a peculiar week numbering scheme, where for example week 1 refers to the first teaching
week of the academic year. The precise translation to Gregorian calendar dates can be
found at
We also often refer to the two modules using the nomenclature of the university: the
lecture for the first module then take place in the Michaelmas term and the lectures for
the second module in the Epiphany term.
As you can see from the timetable, the lectures for each module are split into two teaching
blocks four weeks. In more detail:
Each module spans multiple courses or topics. These individual lecture courses vary in
length. Typically they contain 16 lectures but there are a few cases with either 8 lectures
or 24 lectures.
Details about all the individual courses are given later in this booklet, in particular
information about useful books and other reading materials.
It is expected that students will attend all the lecture courses in the Michaelmas
Term. Furthermore, the students are expected to choose six courses from the courses
in Epiphany term.
All students are required to ‘keep term’ in accordance with University General Regulations.
This means that they are expected to undertake work and be in attendance as required by
their lecturers. There is an account of the possible consequences of not keeping term in
the Graduate School’s publication, Guidelines for Postgraduate Research Students and
From time to time lecturers will set problems for you to do. These are a valuable exercise
as they test your understanding of the material. At least one set of homework should be
marked by the lecturer, see below.
The Dissertation
MSc. students are expected to work on their dissertation during the Easter term and over
the summer. The length of a dissertation must be around 20,000 words (in the range 40-60
pages). It must be typed (normally using TEX or LATEX) and loosely bound. More precise
details concerning the format of the thesis are available in a document titled “Advice on
the production of a Thesis”, which can be found in the University Library. Two copies of
the thesis must be handed to the Course Director (Dr. Nabil Iqbal) by
3rd September 2021.
A list of topics which members of staff are willing to supervise will be circulated early
in the Epiphany term. With each member of staff providing one or two titles, the list
provides a wide choice. However, if you wish to investigate something different you will
have to find a member of staff willing to supervise you. Your decision on a preferred topic
and the agreement from the respective supervisor is due at
the end of week 16 (after the reading week of Epiphany).
You are encouraged to start talking to potential supervisors early in Epiphany term. The
dissertations topics/supervisors will be finally assigned in week 17.
Once you have chosen your topic/supervisor, your supervisor will provide you with infor-
mation concerning the preparation of the dissertation itself and with advise on how to
work towards its preparation. Even where there is frequent contact during the course of
the research work, it is good practice for supervisors to arrange to have regular sessions
with their students at fixed times to review the progress.
All dissertations should have an introductory chapter describing the background to the
work and the structure of the following chapters, a concluding chapter bringing together
the themes of your dissertation, and a list of references and acknowledgements. The
content of the other chapters will be very topic-dependent and the task may seem at first
extremely daunting. The following advice is sometimes found to be helpful. Think of your
task, at least to begin with, in terms of having to prepare a set of around six lectures on
your chosen topic. These ‘lectures’ should be informative and interesting and explain the
topic(s) at a level your MSc. colleagues would appreciate. Once you have explored the
literature and determined the items you will want to ‘explain’, you will probably find you
have your chapter headings and the material will be organised rationally. Your supervisor
will be able to help you with this and assure you that you are developing in a sensible
direction. Once you have the material organised you should be aiming to produce a draft
of the dissertation by the end of August and give it to your supervisor for comments.
After that you have a few weeks to finalise the thesis.
Commonly, students become fascinated by their topics and are tempted to write too much.
Thinking in terms of the six ‘lectures’ and what can be achieved in an hour helps to keep
the dissertation within sensible bounds.
As was mentioned before, dissertations are not expected to contain original publishable
research, but there should be evidence of creativity in the way in which you deal with the
Much of the contact between students and their adviser (for MSc students this is initially
the Course Director) or later, at the dissertation stage, with their supervisor, is informal.
The postgraduate students in each department have a representative on that department’s
Board of Studies (to whom the Management Committee of the MSc reports); but any
urgent problems requiring official attention should be reported in the first instance to
the Director for the degree, (Dr. Nabil Iqbal, CM240), or the adviser to postgraduate
students in the relevant department (Prof. Simon Ross in Mathematics, and Dr. Michael
Spannowsky in Physics).
The MSc in Elementary Particle Theory consists of three compulsory modules. Your final
mark for the course is averaged from the marks achieved on the individual modules, each
of which carries the same weight.
• In order to be awarded a MERIT you must pass each module and your average mark
over the three modules must be at least 60%.
• In order to be awarded a DISTINCTION you must pass each module and your
average mark over the three modules must be at least 70%. In addition you
must score at least 70% for your dissertation.
Let us now discuss the assessment of each module separately.
The examination of the Michaelmas module (51160) is based on the lecture courses
given in the first term. The mark for this module is awarded on the basis of two ex-
amination papers, accounting for together 90% of the module mark, plus an element of
continuous assessment, realised through marked homework which will contribute 10% of
the total module mark. The first exam paper will examine the four courses lectured in
the first four weeks of term (QFT1, IFT, GRP and GR), and the second paper those
given in the last four weeks (QFT2, SM, QED, COS). Each paper will contain a section
A, containing one “fundamental” question for each of the four courses, and a section B
which contains one more detailed harder question for each of the four courses. The rubric
of these papers will be that full marks can be obtained by answering any three of the
questions in Section A and any two questions from Section B1 . In addition, the home-
work mark will be computed as the average homework mark for each of the Michaelmas
The examination of the Epiphany module (51260) is based on the lecture courses given
in the second term. The mark for this module is again awarded on the basis of two
examination papers, accounting for together 80% of the module mark, plus an element of
continuous assessment, realised through marked homework which will contribute 20% of
the total module mark. The first exam paper will examine the material from the courses
lectured in the first four weeks of Epiphany term (CFT, QCD, SUSY, ASTRO, COSII,
and RG) and the second paper those given in the second four weeks (FLAV, STRINGS,
AMPL, NPP, NU, and HIGGS). In both cases the exam will contain one question for each
8 hours of lectures on a given topic. The rubric of these papers will be that the best four
(for MSc students) or best five (for PhD students) of your answers to these questions
will constitue the overall mark for the exam. For this term the homework mark will be
computed as the average of the best five homeworks handed in by the student.
Due to Covid-19, the exam for Michaelmas term will be a take-home exam.
You will prepare solutions, scan or take photos of them, and submit them via a software
package called Gradescope; we will also use this for submitting homework, so you will be
able to gain some familiarity with it before the exam. The format for the Epiphany term
exam will be decided later, and you will be informed in due course.
If you fail one of the two taught modules then you may be granted the permission to take
resit exams (the mark on which will however be capped off at 50%). The resit exams,
if any are needed, would take place near the end of the Easter term 2020, tentatively
scheduled on Wednesday, June 2rd for January Paper I; Friday, June 4th for January
Paper II, Wednesday, June 9th for April Paper I; and Friday, June 11th for April Paper
II. Note that the Core Regulations stipulate that you cannot resit both modules.
The third module (51360) consists of the dissertation. The dissertation must be 40-60
pages in length (∼ 20, 000 words), and two copies of it have to be submitted to the Course
Director by 3 September at the latest. In exceptional cases, an e-mail submission in pdf
format will also be allowed.
Note that only the best three Section A and best two Section B marks will be taken to calculate
your overall mark; marks for any additional questions will not be taken into account.
The thesis is examined internally by two members of staff, and marks are moderated by
the External examiner. They will be looking for a good understanding of your topic,
evidence that you have read and digested several sources, evidence that you have tackled
the material critically and that you are able to explain it to them; they will also check
that you have given proper acknowledgements and references. Please pay heed that you
present your work in your own words – if your dissertation has too close a similarity to
an existing article, your dissertation may be assessed as plagiarised. It is expected that
the internal and external assessments will have been completed within six weeks.
Recommendations for the award of degrees are made by the Board of Examiners when
all the marks are available. The Board of Examiners may exercise discretion and take
account of special or exceptional circumstances which may have affected a candidate’s
performance and for which there is evidence. The views of the External Examiner are
particularly influential in the case of disagreement on the mark to be awarded for a
particular unit of assessment or on the final award.
Along with your dissertation, you will be required to hand in a signed Plagiarism form,
which has been provided as an appendix to this handbook.
This is a serious matter, and if you’re not fully sure what might constitute plagiarism,
you are urged to consult your supervisor. In particular, note that even if you paraphrase
a given text (whether printed or on-line), you need to make sure you give the proper
reference. The safest method is to present the material fully in your own words, and
organise it in your own way as if you were giving a lecture to your peers.
In formal examinations and all assessed work prescribed in degree, diploma and certificate
regulations, candidates should take care to acknowledge the work and opinions of others
and avoid any appearance of representing them as their own. (For example, you should
say Einstein’s theory of relativity, to avoid the possible implication that you are claiming
to have invented it yourself.)
For more information on this, see the Graduate School’s publication, Guidelines for Post-
graduate Research Students and Supervisors.
Core Regulations
The Core Regulations provide a basic regulatory framework for the courses offered by the
University. For our MSc they can be found at:
The practical consequences of these regulations have been described in the above, but it
might be worth having a look at the details in exceptional circumstances.
6 Description of Courses & Recommended Books
The following pages contain a brief description of the courses. They are structured in five
subject areas, namely
Below, the individual courses and their interplay is described, including an approximate
outline of the material and the learning outcomes. In addition, for each of these subject
areas a list of recommended books is provided.
This information together with other useful lecture materials can be found on the web at
There will also be some voluntary advanced topic courses in the Easter Term which are
not examined. Further details of the content of these additional courses will be published
• R. D’Inverno, “Introducing Einstein’s Relativity” (Oxford University Press, 2003)
Students are encouraged to try to have them on long-term loan or to buy them.
The course is designed to meet the needs of students who have had very little exposure to
field theory, but who have a reasonable grasp of special relativity and quantum mechanics.
It provides key basic concepts and mathematical tools useful in any area of research
undertaken within the CPT. At the end of it, the serious student should have acquired
enough confidence to consult more sophisticated field theory textbooks like Weinberg or
Itzykson and Zuber. The course mainly covers Chapters 1 to 4 of Peskin and Schroeder,
supplemented with material from the field theory book by Zee and the lecture notes by
Tong. It ends with a very elementary description of some QED perturbative processes,
and a natural continuation in that direction is offered in the second term (see Quantum
QUANTUM FIELD THEORY I & II (8+16 lectures)
Dr. M. Lemos and Dr. N. Iqbal
This course will describe some of the basic ingredients of quantum field theories in the
language of path integrals, and as such is complementary to the canonical quantisation
approach in the Introductory Field Theory course. Path integrals are first introduced in
the familiar context of quantum mechanics, before being applied to field theory where
techniques are developed to allow the calculation of scattering amplitudes in gauge theo-
ries. Most of the content of this course can be found in Peskin and Schroeder, particularly
in chapters 9, 10 and 16, although other textbooks are also useful, especially Feynman
and Hibbs for an introduction to path integral quantum mechanics.
• Green functions:
LSZ reduction formulae for scalar and Dirac fields. Green functions. Perturbation
theory and derivation of Feynman rules. Generating functionals for disconnected
and connected Green functions. Introduction to Grassmann numbers. Path integrals
for fermions. Global symmetries and Ward identities in the functional formalism.
• Renormalisation:
One-loop renormalisation of φ4 theory. General discussions of perturbative renor-
malisability. Brief discussion of regulators.
• Gauge theory:
Abelian and non-Abelian gauge invariance, Yang-Mills action. Gauge fixing by
Faddeev-Popov method, ghosts, Feynman rules.
• R.P. Feynman and A.R. Hibbs, “Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals” (Dover
Books on Physics, 2010)
Dr. M. Schönherr
The course will develop techniques for computing scattering processes at tree level and
The first part of the course builds on the Introduction to Quantum Field Theory course
and is concerned with the application of Feynman rules to elementary scattering processes.
The second part introduces Bremsstrahlung and loop corrections and describes how to
handle the infrared and ultraviolet divergences that are present.
• QED at tree level: Application of Feynman rules for tree-level processes in QED,
Dirac-algebra, polarisation sums, unpolarised cross sections, crossing symmetry.
SUPERSYMMETRY (16 lectures)
Dr. B. Hoare
This course provides a basic introduction to the main motivations and ideas in Super-
symmetry (SUSY). Main topics include the SUSY algebra and its representations, super-
space and superfields, the construction of supersymmetric actions, nonrenormalization
theorems, supersymmetric gauge theories (such as SQCD and the MSSM), and SUSY
General Relativity, Einstein’s theory of gravity, is one of the most self-contained and
elegant theories on the market; it has sometimes been viewed as somewhat disconnected
from “real physics”. However, with the rise in popularity of the superstring as a quantum
theory of the interactions of nature including gravity, the importance of its classical limit,
GR, has re-emerged. This course introduces many of the essential features of modern
gravity theory, the notion of a space-time manifold and differential geometry, and black
• Differentiation on manifolds:
forms, Lie and covariant derivative; geodesics. The connection and curvature.
• Frontiers:
Gravity in higher dimensions, outlook
COSMOLOGY I (16 lectures)
Prof. R. Alonso
This graduate course aims to give an introduction to modern cosmology. Starting from
the traditional Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological solutions, we will go on to dis-
cuss present-day cosmological models for the evolution of the universe. Observational
constraints will be discussed and the inflationary scenario will be considered. Finally, an
introduction will be given to current research in particle cosmology.
• Thermal history of the Universe: The standard cosmological model and its
COSMOLOGY II (8 lectures)
Prof. R. Gregory
This graduate course will discuss the latest discoveries in cosmology and how modern
observations have shaped our understanding of the Universe (evolution, content, object
• Black Holes in our Universe: definition and properties of a black hole. Observing
black holes.
Dr. J. Turner
The aim of the course is to introduce the ideas and concepts of modern neutrino physics
and astroparticle physics. The recent observation of neutrino oscillations implies that neu-
trinos are massive and mix. This constitutes the first evidence of new Physics beyond the
Standard Model. The course will review i) the theoretical aspects of neutrino oscillations
and the present knowledge of the oscillation parameters, ii) the non–oscillation searches
for neutrinos, including neutrino less double beta decay and the issue of Majorana neutri-
nos. It will then move on to consider extensions of the Standard Model which can explain
neutrino masses and their smallness. It will also briefly cover the role of neutrinos in the
Early Universe, focusing on e.g. neutrinos as dark matter, baryogenesis and leptogenesis.
• Neutrino oscillations:
Theory, experiments, present knowledge of neutrinos and questions for the future;
• J. Lesgourgues and S. Pastor, “Massive neutrinos and cosmology”, Phys. Rept. 429
(2006) 307 [astro-ph/0603494].
Dr. M. Bauer
In this course we will concentrate in the problem of dark matter in the Universe, one
of the clearest hints for new Physics beyond the Standard Model. We will begin by
summarising the astrophysical and cosmological observations that evidence the need for
a new (and abundant) type of matter in the Universe that does not emit or absorb light.
Then, the production of dark matter in the Early Universe will be studied, computing
its relic abundance. We will observe that a generic massive particle with Electroweak
interactions (WIMP) can reproduce the observed dark matter density. We will then
investigate various particle physics models that can accommodate dark matter candidates.
Finally, the detection of dark matter particles will be addressed. We will describe the main
detection strategies (direct, indirect and in colliders), review the current experimental
situation and future prospects.
• E.W. Kolb and M.S. Turner “The Early Universe”, Westview Press (1994).
• G. Bertone, D. Hooper and J. Silk, “Particle dark matter: Evidence, candidates and
constraints”, Phys. Rept. 405 (2005) 279 [hep-ph/0404175].
This course concerns various aspects of the continuous groups which appear in High En-
ergy Physics and Conformal Field Theory. Lie groups and Algebras and their representa-
tions will be introduced with relevant examples, before turning to the general classification
of semi-simple Lie algebras provided by Dynkin diagrams.
• R. Cahn, “Semi Simple Lie Algebras and their Representations” (Frontiers in Physics
Series Volume 59 or http://www-physics.lbl.gov/∼rncahn/book.html )
THE STANDARD MODEL (16 lectures)
Prof. V.V. Khoze
The course constructs and studies the Lagrangian of the Standard Model of Glashow,
Weinberg and Salam, starting from the basic ideas of Lorentz and local gauge invariance,
building on the field and group theory courses.
Outline of Course
• Space-Time symmetries: The Lorentz and Poincaré Groups are presented con-
centrating on the representations of the groups, the existence of chiral fermions and
the construction of Lorentz invariant actions.
• Gauge theories The QED Lagrangian is extended to the case of local gauge in-
variance under non-Abelian gauge groups such as SU (2) and SU (3). A chiral gauge
theory, Glashow’s model, based on the gauge group SU (3) × SU (2) × U (1) is con-
• Beyond the Standard Model: The extension beyond the Standard Model to
Grand Unified theories (GUTs) is motivated, and the hierarchy problem which un-
fortunately results is illustrated with the minimal SU (5) GUT. The way in which
supersymmetry avoids the hierarchy problem is finally sketched.
Dr. C. Sleight
The course introduces the concept of renormalisation group flow in quantum field theory
building on previous lessons about renormalisation in other lectures on QFT. Applications
to different field theories, including gauge theories, will be described.
• K. G. Wilson and J. B. Kogut, “ The Renormalization group and the epsilon expan-
sion”, Phys. Rept.12:75-200, 1974.
AMPLITUDES (8 lectures)
Dr. A. Lipstein
Scattering amplitudes are the basic quantities that we need to compute to be able to
predict the outcome of scattering experiments. Feynman diagrams provide an intuitive
understanding of their structure but are exceedingly cumbersome to calculate with. Of-
ten there can be many cancellations between the diagrams that contribute to any given
amplitude, resulting in simple final expressions. Understanding the mathematics that
underlies this simplicity has recently led to remarkable advances in our ability to com-
pute the amplitudes themselves. The course aims to provide an introduction to these
• Spinor variables: massless Dirac equation, dotted and undotted indices, helicity,
conjugation, spinor products
• Gauge theories: polarization vectors and spinors, helicity, self-duality, LSZ, gauge
fixing, colour ordering, fermions
• Gauge invariance and tree amplitudes: 3-point, 4-point, n-point all+, n-point
• G. ’t Hooft, “A planar diagram theory for strong interactions, Nucl. Phys. B72
(1974) 461 - 473;
• Lars Brink, John H. Schwarz, J. Scherk, Nucl. Phys. B121 (1977) 77-92
Dr. T. Sulejmanpasic
This course will introduce the basic concepts and methods of conformal field theory in a
pedestrian fashion, with emphasis on the very special case of two dimensions, with a view
to using these methods to derive some of the fundamental early results in bosonic string
• Conformal transformations:
definition in d dimensions; conformal Killing equation; generators and their algebra
when d 6= 2; solutions to the 2d conformal Killing equation; Mobius transformations;
algebra of local 2d conformal transformations (Witt algebra).
• J. Polchinski, “String Theory (Vols. 1 and 2)” (Cambridge University Press 1998)
STRING THEORY (16 lectures)
Dr. I. Garcı́a Etxebarria
This will carry on from the CFT course earlier in the Epiphany term which introduces
String Theory. We will cover the basic aspects of string theory beginning with the bosonic
string and moving on to the superstring. Focus will be on understanding the spectrum of
these theories and perturbative string interactions.
• Bosonic string:
Quantization of the bosonic string, physical state conditions, spectrum of physical
states. Chan-Paton factors for open strings.
Interactions and vertex operators.
Compactification and T-duality for the bosonic string.
D-branes, Dirac-Born-Infeld action.
• Superstrings:
Fermions, R and NS sectors. Physical state conditions, GSO projection. Spectrum
of physical states, construction of IIA, IIB, type I superstrings.
T-duality and D-branes for the superstring.
• J. Polchinski, “String Theory (Vols. 1 and 2)” (Cambridge University Press 1998)
This will be the primary text
• M. Green, J. Schwarz and E. Witten, “Superstring theory (Vols. 1 and 2)” (Cam-
bridge University Press 1986)
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of the strong interaction, one of the four
fundamental forces of nature. It describes the interactions between quarks and gluons, and
in particular how they bind together to form hadrons. In this ‘long-distance’ regime the
effective coupling is large and non-perturbative methods are appropriate. In contrast, at
short distances the coupling between quarks and gluons is small, and perturbation theory
can be used to make quantitative predictions that can be tested directly in experiment.
The course focuses on perturbative QCD and its applications in modern high-energy
physics. The course covers various phenomenological applications: e+ e− physics, which
leads to the theory of quark and gluon jets; deep inelastic scattering, where perturbative
QCD extends and refines the ideas of the original ‘naive’ parton model; and finally hadron
colliders, where QCD provides many important backgrounds to new physics and where
the ability to make precision predictions is paramount.
• The parton model; hard scattering processes at present and future hadron-hadron
Prof. M. Spannowsky
The aim of the course is to introduce the ideas and concepts associated with the phe-
nomenology of the electroweak symmetry breaking post Higgs discovery, building on the
foundations given in the SM course. The course starts with a detailed pedagogical in-
troduction to electroweak symmetry breaking in the Standard Model, including gauge
boson and fermion mass generation and the resulting predictions for Higgs boson inter-
actions. The theoretical constraints on the Higgs sector coming from unitarity, and ideas
of triviality, vacuum stability and fine tuning will be reviewed.
We then survey Higgs boson decays and production mechanisms at hadron colliders. The
dominant production mechanism is gluon fusion and we will study this in depth, building
on the foundations of the QCD course.
We finish with a discussion of Naturalness to motivate Higgs physics beyond the Standard
Model. We will study two different types of extension - an effective theory that introduces
the effects of new physics at high scales through higher dimensional operators, and a model
with an additional Higgs-doublet (which is the foundation of the Minimal Supersymmetric
Standard Model).
3. Higgs Decays
4. Higgs Production – Gluon Fusion at LO, Low energy effective theorem, Gluon Fusion
at NLO, Vector boson fusion
5. Beyond the Standard Model Higgs – Naturalness, Higgs boson effective theory, Two
Higgs doublet model, Supersymmetry, The Higgs portal
1. H. E. Logan,
“TASI 2013 lectures on Higgs physics within and beyond the Standard Model,”
arXiv:1406.1786 [hep-ph].
2. L. Reina,
“TASI 2011: lectures on Higgs-Boson Physics,”
arXiv:1208.5504 [hep-ph].
3. S. Dittmaier et al. [LHCHXSWG],
“Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 1. Inclusive Observables,”
arXiv:1101.0593 [hep-ph].
Dr. B. Pecjak
Flavour physics observables can provide crucial constraints on extensions of the standard
model (SM). Moreover the phenomenon of CP violation, which is supposed to be the
key for the understanding of the existence of matter in the universe, was until now only
observed in flavour transitions. For any meaningful interpretation of flavour data an
understanding of the corresponding SM contribution is mandatory. The general concept
of effective theories is also the basis of the theoretical framework for describing hadron
decays. The essential premise of effective theories is that dynamics at low energies (or
large distances) does not depend on the details of the dynamics at high energies (or short
distances). As a result, low energy physics can be described using an effective Lagrangian
that contains only a few degrees of freedom, ignoring additional degrees of freedom present
at higher energies. In this lecture course several examples of effective theories relevant for
flavour physics will be discussed in detail.
Outline of Course
• Flavour phenomenology
• H. Georgi, “Weak Interactions and Modern Particle Theory” (Dover Pubn Inc, 2009)
Computers are the tool of choice when solving highly complex problems as well as present-
ing results of the latter. The aim of this course is to give an overview of basic computing
concepts commonly used in the scientific community that enable an efficient use of re-
sources as well as automation of repetitive tasks.
Outline of Course
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