Daisy Mogane Eng2601
Daisy Mogane Eng2601
Daisy Mogane Eng2601
Surname: Mogane
Module : ENG2601/101/24
Assignment 1
Cohesive devices are elements in a text that help create unity, clarity, and fluency in the
writing. They are used to connect ideas, information and sentences in a way that makes the
text easier to read and understand. There are two main types of cohesion devices namely
lexical cohesion devices and grammatical cohesion devices. The three main cohesion devices
used in this text are pronouns, conjunctions and lexical cohesion.
1. Pronouns: Pronouns like these, they, this, who, you and, that are used to refer back to a
noun previously mentioned in the text. This helps to avoid repetition and makes the text
flow more smoothly. Pronouns contribute to cohesion and coherence by clarifying
relationships between ideas and making the text more readable.
2. Conjunctions; Conjunctions such as ‘’and’’,’’ but’’, ‘’or’’, ‘’when’’ and as are used to link
different parts of the text, showing the relationship between ideas and creating a smooth
flow of information. Conjunctions contribute to cohesion and coherence by creating a clear
and organized structure in the text, for the example the writer used the conjunctions to link
two related ideas in a sentence. For example: ‘’They appreciate cultural differences and are
open to new approaches and traditions’’.
3. Repetition (lexical cohesion): The repetition of words, phrases or ideas within the text
helps reinforce key points and create a sense of unity. For example the words such as
cultures, traditions and identities in the second sentence belong to the same field of
language or communication.
In conclusion, cohesive devices are essential these cohesive devices contribute to achieving
cohesion by linking ideas, clarifying relationships between different parts of the text, and
reinforcing key points, thereby ensuring that the text flows logically and is easy to follow.
The target audience for this article or text is multilingual persons or global businesses that
need to operate in multilingualism as they will offer their services to people from all walks of
life, traditions or cultures. Moreover this text could appeal to people who want to learn
different languages as their hobby or because they like other cultures or they find it
imperative to learn other languages it makes them more employable or appealing to certain
communities. The language register and word choice used by the writer is very accessible.
Basically, the language is very easy to understand. The text is written in third person
narrative as indicated by the use of pronouns such as ‘they’ and ‘themselves.’ These
pronouns indicate that the article is expressing the view of the people being talked about
not the writer’s personal view or experience.
The writer also makes use of lexical items which are associated with multilingualism. Lexical
items such as ‘different languages,’ ‘different culture,’ ‘traditions’ and identities have been
used throughout the text so as to vividly paint a picture which portrays that the writer
emphasise the importance of multilingualism and how it can never be separated from the
success of the globe as it has more benefits for people in our society and the globe as a
whole. The language in this text is simple and as clear as possible. Sentences are kept short
and are written in paragraph form. The language is plain literal. It is a devoid of figurative
language which can make it difficult to understand. All this is done by the writer so as to
avoid confusion. All these language features are aligned with the purpose of informing the
reader. The use of the word ‘handy’ in the text give the text an informal appearance so that
it caters for all the audience who will ready this article. Handy is an informal word which
means useful or helpful. Figuratively, the writer compares multilingualism to a useful tool
that can be used when negotiating with foreign suppliers etc. This is a very effective use of
language since the reader will be able to understand the text without difficulty.
The purpose of the writer in text A is to inform and persuade the audience about the
benefits of multilingualism to individuals and business around the globe. The medium of its
reception is written. This is achieved through the use of formal language when you go
through the article you can see that the writer uses full words and did not use an
colloquialisms, contractions or first-person pronouns such as ‘’I ‘’ or ‘’we’’, the article uses
third-person pronouns such as ‘’they’’ or ‘’themselves’’. In text A euphemism is used to
substitute an informal word such as grow by using ‘’expand ‘’instead. Text A is an example
of expository writing as the writer is imparting information of accepted facts including
statistics and evidence about the topic, for example ‘’there are about 7000 different
languages spoken around the world’’, also the use of reputable sources like
‘’https://globaledge.msu.edu/. Moreover the writer’s research shows that according to
studies multilingualism can delay the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease by an
average of five years. The text also used emotive language in paragraph 3 ‘’ they use’’
precious ‘’skills the use of emotive language is used to influence the reader, everyone can
relate to something being precious so it makes the reader aware of the value of knowing
multiple languages. All the devices used in this text help to engage the audience and make
the text more persuasive.
In conclusion, the purpose of the writer in text A is effectively achieved through strategic
use of formal register, logical reasoning and various rhetorical devices that enhance the
informativeness and persuasiveness of the text.
1. https;//globaledge.msu.edu/.
2. Carter, R, Goddard, A, Reah, D., Sanger, K. and Swift, N. (2008).Writing with text: A core
introductions to language analysis. 3rd edition. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415414241
3. Mullany, L. and Stockwell, P. (2010). Introducing English language. London: Routledge
ISBN 9780415448857