STIs Presentation
STIs Presentation
STIs Presentation
Presented by:
Dr. Ahmed Awadelkreem
MBBS – Omdurman Islamic University
MSc. Family Medcine - Alzaeim Alazhary University
Registrar of Family Medicine - SMSB
June 2023
1. Know the common risks and modes of transmission of human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV )/ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS.
Before instituting therapy, laboratory testing should include HIV genotype testing
to identify strains that may be resistant to therapy. A quantitative assay of HIV
RNA levels (viral load) can help to assess disease activity. CD4 and CDS
lymphocyte counts and viral load should be measured at baseline and every 3 to
6 months thereafter to monitor for disease staging, progression, and the risk of
complications and opportunistic infections. A CBC, comprehensive metabolic
panel, and urinalysis should be performed at baseline and periodically thereafter
to monitor for complications of HIV and of the medications that are used in
treatment. Serology for toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus should also be
obtained to identify organisms at risk for reactivation following
Diagnostic Evaluation cont ..