1 19.08.09 - New Document BP
2 13.11.09 30633 Updated for Software Version BP
3 10.02.11 31498 Updated for Software Version BP
4 04.10.13 35203 Updated for Software Version BP
5 21.02.14 35424 Updated for Software Version BP
6 20.11.14 36318 Updated for Software Version 7.0.0.XX BP
1.2 Radio Manager 2
1.2.1 Subscriber Class 2
6.1 Turning Off the Radio 31
6.1.1 Forcing a Shut Down 32
7.2.4 GPS 37
7.2.5 Sending the Current Position 37
7.2.6 Cell Logging 38
7.2.7 GPS Satellites 38
7.2.8 Switching to Gateway or Repeater Mode 39
7.2.9 Man Overboard 39
7.3 Radio Configuration – Page 3 40
7.4 Radio Configuration – Page 4 41
7.4.1 Zeroizing 42
7.4.2 Toggling Radio Input Line 2 42
7.5 Radio Configuration – Page 5 42
7.5.1 Changing the Default Status Message Destination 43
7.5.2 Entry to the Sixth Radio Configuration Page 43
7.6 Radio Configuration – Page 6 44
9.1 Presentation of TalkGroups by the CDU 53
9.1.1 The CDU Master List 54
9.1.2 The Picklists 54
9.1.3 TalkGroup Details in the Information Line 55
14.1.1 Notification of Incoming New Messages 83
14.2 Accessing the Messaging Function 83
14.3 Status Messages 83
14.3.1 Time-Stamped Status Messages 84
14.3.2 Sending a Status Message 84
14.3.3 Reading a Status Message 86
14.3.4 Deleting Status Messages 87
14.4 Accessing Text Messaging 87
14.4.1 Reading an SDS Message 88
14.4.2 Deleting SDS Messages 89
14.5 Sending an SDS Message 89
14.5.1 Delivery and Read Reports 90
14.5.2 Store and Forward 90
14.5.3 Creating an SDS Message 91
14.5.4 Specifying the Destination and Sending the Message 92
16. DGNA 96
18. DATA 99
18.1 Packet Data 99
18.2 Circuit Mode Data 99
The CH150-14 TETRA Single Head Controller is a Control and Display Unit (CDU)
that is designed to control digital TETRA transceivers type 7-450-14-XX or 7-450-
15-XX. The unit offers a graphical display, an alphanumeric keypad and various
function or menu keys. It features a programming connector, a light sensor, and
an LED on the faceplate.
The TETRA radios are based on SEPURA SRG3900 Series transceivers and must be
setup to operate on the appropriate networks and utilize, where available, specific
ground transmitters with an installed aero capability.
It is assumed that the user will be fully conversant with the use of a TETRA
system, the system specific names, titles, abbreviations and descriptions.
The CDU displays text or graphics on its colour screen with a viewable area of
approximately 285 x 240 pixels (approximately 52 x 69 mm). Four menu keys
allow quick access to vital menu items.
The “M” key not only powers the unit on and off, but it also allows the user to
return directly to the top-level (or DUAL) screen at any time, from anywhere
within the menu structure.
“Up”, “Down” and “Enter” keys allow simple navigation and selection of list items.
In particular, from the DUAL screen, the “Up” and “Down” keys allow the user to
enter the FULL screen for either of the connected radios.
A high intensity backlight source allows readability of the display in all conditions.
A front panel sensor adjusts the backlight intensity depending on the current
ambient light level. A manual override function is provided. For night operation,
the keys are backlit, (NVIS compatible, green), with the glow intensity being
controlled by the aircraft’s light bus rail.
The FULL screen displays the status data of the connected radio equipment with
assigned SoftKey functions, details of which are shown in this Operational Manual.
The inbuilt Sepura radios must be fully configured for the local networks using
parameters specific to the operating authority. This will normally be undertaken
by the Network Management Operations Team that supports the authority. Team
members must be fully conversant with the Sepura Radio Manager Software and
the local TETRA network operating procedures.
When an air terminal loses air cell coverage, it is allowed to use the ground cells,
but it will return to an air cell as soon as possible. This is achieved by
broadcasting air to ground subscriber class support (either one of the “highly
preferred subscriber classes (HPSC)”). If ground terminals are not allowed to use
air cells, then they will not have a matching subscriber class profile.
The airborne radios and the base stations that serve them should use the Highly
Preferred Subscriber Class 1 or 2. This will ensure that if a base station serving
airborne radios can be seen, it will be used.
The CH150 supports standard modes and call types as listed below. The TETRA
user should familiarise themselves with those available on their network and their
appropriate operation.
2.1 Modes
The CH150 is capable of operating in any of the seven modes listed below. The
user should be familiar with each of these modes of operation.
• Trunked Mode
• Direct Mode
TMO is entered when the user selects a TMO TalkGroup from the TalkGroup Index
programmed into the radio (by Radio Manager). The TalkGroup is selected using
the Picklists set up in the CDU; see section 9. Group calls are described in
section 12.
In addition, the CDU can place the radio into phone mode for person to person
calls across the PSTN/PABX and Point to Point (or Private) calls. Phone mode
operation is described in section 13.
For further clarity, Trunked Mode TalkGroup name tags will be indicated in white.
DMO is entered when the user selects a DMO TalkGroup from the TalkGroup
Index programmed into the radio (by Radio Manager). The TalkGroup is selected
using the Picklists set up in the CDU; see section 9. Group calls are described in
section 12.
Note 1: To ensure that DMO is available the radio MUST be programmed with
at least one DMO TalkGroup.
For further clarity, Direct Mode TalkGroup name tags will be indicated in yellow.
The radio installed with the CH150-14 is equipped with the gateway capabilities.
However, the system does not initially have Gateway mode enabled. Switching to
Gateway mode is described in section 10.1.
A Direct Mode Gateway will link terminals operating in DMO with users operating
on a TMO network. The Gateway will re-transmit information received on the
Direct Mode Interface to the Trunked Mode Air Interface.
During operation as a Gateway the radio cannot take part in the calls that are
being relayed through it.
DMO Range of B
DMO Range of C
The black circle shows the DMO range of the Repeater. It is in range of terminal
A so can forward any communication from A to other terminals in the DMO
TalkGroup which are also in range of the Repeater (terminal B and C in the above
diagram) but out of range of each other.
Note: Individual Calls on the TETRA network can also be referred to as Point to
Point calls or Private calls.
3.1 Powering Up
On application of the aircraft tactical radio DC bus by the pilot, the CDU and any
connected radios will automatically power up.
During the power-up process the GREEN LED (Light Emitting Diode) indicator
(at the top right hand side of the CDU) will illuminate until the unit initially
presents the Cobham splash screen, shortly followed by the DUAL screen
showing the installed radios.
Green LED
Tactical PWR ON
during boot up only
Radio 1
Radio 2
Progress of the power-up procedure for each of the radios is reported on the
screen, as follows:
1 RADIO PRESENT This is a result from the enquiry to see if the radio
(chassis) is connected (RTINST).
It is a hardware line and this result means that it has
been detected.
2 RADIO POWERED The CDU has attempted to power up the radio, but the
radio may not yet have supply volts.
3 RADIO ON The radio chassis has responded to say that it is on
and completed boot.
Following a successful power-up, the TalkGroups to which the radios are currently
affiliated are presented.
Ambient Light
ENTER key Sensor
One or both of the radios may require PIN (Personal Identification Number)
activation on power up, either because PIN activation has been programmed into
the radio (via Radio Manager), or the radio is SIM enabled.
If this is the case, then following the Cobham splash screen, the CDU will present
the MASTER PIN screen requesting entry of a PIN (Master or SIM) for the
relevant radio. An appropriate prompt will appear in the Information Line.
If an invalid PIN is entered three times, the CDU will request entry of a valid PUK
(Personal Unblocking Key) code.
If both radios require PIN activation, the MASTER PIN screen will be redisplayed
requesting entry of the second radio’s PIN/PUK.
PIN Max. No.
of Digits
Radio Master PIN 4
Radio Master PUK 8
If you fail to enter a PIN/PUK within a predefined period, the CDU will display the
“Radio not responding” message. You can switch off the radio at this point by
selecting the RADIO OFF SoftKey.
On completion of the authorisation procedure, the DUAL screen will be
redisplayed showing the current activity on the TalkGroups.
During the power-up sequence, the TalkGroups stored in the radio may be
uploaded into the CDU, a process known as ‘syncing’.
The system will then revert to the mode in which the radios were operating before
power down:
• If the CDU was last powered down with a radio in Trunked Mode Operation
(TMO), then that radio will register with the network and affiliate with the
relevant TalkGroup whose name will presented (white text), with the SSI of
the last user underneath (blue text).
• If the CDU was powered down with a radio in Direct Mode of Operation
(DMO), the Direct Mode TalkGroup (yellow text) will be displayed.
WARNING: Do not turn off the CDU during the ‘syncing’ process.
Occasionally, the radio may be registered on the Network but not affiliated to a
TalkGroup. In this case, the display will show “NO TALKGROUP”. This could be
due to a number of reasons:
2. The radio was attached to a DGNA TalkGroup which was then de-
Under certain circumstances the automatic syncing process will not work. In this
situation, the last used TalkGroup address (GSSI) will be displayed, but not the
TalkGroup name. The user will have to force a ‘resync’ of the radio and CDU
TalkGroups (section 3.3.1).
Note: A ‘resync’ will also take place automatically when the user changes
network. See section 7.2.3.
The display will initially show “HOLD TO SYNC”, following which the progress of
the ‘syncing’ operation will be reported:
If a radio has failed, is not connected, or not installed, this will be indicated during
the power up sequence with an appropriate message, as follows:
TEMP. DISABLED The CDU has received the error 'Service not supported in
Temporary Disabled Mode' from the radio.
This condition is known as 'stunning' the radio and can be done
'over the air'.
Contact the system maintainer.
RADIO MISSING This message appears against an orange background. The CDU
has failed to detect the radio chassis.
Contact the system maintainer.
The SoftKey DEMO ON is provided for exhibition purposes to
demonstrate system capabilities. If you press this SoftKey, the
system will enter ‘Demo’ mode.
Fault-No SRG3500? This happens if:
• A non-smart card End-to-End encrypted radio has undergone
a soft tamper
• The CDU is unable to see the Sepura radio
Contact the system maintainer.
<TAC# Unknown Radio This pop-up message indicates that the radio firmware is not as
Version> expected. The background colour of the DUAL screen relating
to the affected radio will change to purple.
Contact the system maintainer.
RADIO OFF The radio had already been switched off before the CDU was
powered down.
The radio can be switched on at this screen by pressing the
relevant SoftKey (RAD1 ON or RAD2 ON). The radio will then
revert to the mode in which it was operating when it was
powered down.
The CDU can be powered down at any point during a session, and anywhere
within the menu structure.
To power down the CDU, press and hold the DUAL/ON/OFF key M for 4 seconds.
The CDU will then execute the shut-down procedure of the radios (which may
take up to 40 seconds) followed by the shut-down of the CDU.
1 Radio switching off The CDU has asked for radio to be shut down.
This is done by switching off the ignition line to the Sepura
radio and monitoring the current drawn by the radio until it
falls significantly.
2 Rad. pwring down The CDU has instructed the radio chassis to power down
but has not yet received confirmation that it has been
3 RADIO OFF The radio chassis has informed the CDU that the current
has dropped following a request to switch off (see above).
The CDU has now powered down the radio chassis (and
the radio).
In this event, the user will need to force a shut-down of the affected radio before
powering down the system again. This is done at the SETTINGS screen
(section 6), which is accessed from the FULL screen of the affected radio.
The DUAL screen shows the mode in which the radios are currently operating.
UP Key
Radio 1
Radio 2
DN Key
The system identifies the connected radios as Tactical Radio 1 (TAC1) and Tactical
Radio 2 (TAC2).
Pressing the UP key in the DUAL screen will take you to the FULL screen for
TAC1, while pressing the DN key will take the user to the FULL screen for TAC2.
Note: In a screen other than the DUAL and FULL screens, the UP/DN keys will
revert to their basic scrolling and brightness control functionality.
The system uses seven types of key during operation: alphanumeric keypad, Fixed
Hotkeys, Programmable HotKeys, SoftKeys, SoftKeys with Electronic Labels,
Generic Keys, and the Emergency Key.
4.1.4 Hotkeys
The system offers two types of Hotkey to provide speedy access to frequently
used menu options, thereby reducing the number of key presses the operator
needs to make:
• Fixed Hotkeys, available only from the FULL screen
• Programmable Hotkeys, available only from the DUAL screen
These Hotkeys are programmed into the CDU using the TetraSend software.
They cannot be programmed from the front panel.
Some SoftKey functions are generic, and are used for navigating through the
various screens and menus.
When reference is made to the SoftKey set on any specific page, the list may
exclude BACK, which will normally be SoftKey 1.
For example: In the PHONE screen, the SoftKeys are BACK, PHONE BOOK,
These SoftKeys will be echoed in the DUAL screen, where they will be treated as
normal SoftKeys (as shown in section 4.1).
The FULL and DUAL screens display the following information: System Status
Indicators, Unread Message Counters, Signal Strength, Current Radio Activity, the
Information Line, SoftKey Labels and the Pop-up Area.
Information Line
SoftKey Labels
Pop-up Area
The System Status Indicators are listed in the table overleaf. Unless otherwise
indicated, all abbreviations will appear against a black background.
4.3 Pop-ups
Should another Pop-up need to be displayed before the expiry of the timeout, it
will be laid on top of the current Pop-up, bearing a Pop-up Number that is one
greater than that of the preceding Pop-up. In this way, a Pop-up stack (serving
both radios) may be created.
When the most recent Pop-up in the stack times out, the preceding Pop-up will be
revealed. Activation of any Pop-up will re-initiate the pre-defined timeout delay.
When the stack is empty, the Pop-up count will reset to zero. The next Pop-up to
be displayed will have a Pop-up Number of “1”.
The Pop-up will then disappear from the screen, possibly revealing one or more
Pop-ups which it had overlaid. To clear this stack, the user must press ENTER
as each Pop-up is revealed.
Note: If the user is in a menu in which the ENTER key has a primary
function, this function will be disabled until the Pop-up stack has been
cleared. This can be especially important, for example, when the user is
setting up a telephone, or Point-to-Point, call. In this scenario, the
primary function of the ENTER key is to prompt the radio to start
dialling the designated called party.
Any call activity on one of the system’s radios will also be displayed on the FULL
screen for the other radio, as well as on the DUAL screen.
Call state of
current radio
In the example above, the number “2” indicates that the user is monitoring TAC2.
The mode in which the selected radio is operating is indicated by the colour of this
Whichever radio is being monitored, the call state of the second radio will always
be known, as is shown below:
The CH150 is equipped with a 10 key alphanumeric keypad. Each key is used for
several characters and multiple presses of the key will cycle through the
characters available.
Key Characters
1 . , ? 1 & ! ‘ : ; ( ) @ _
2 A B C Æ Ä Å 2
3 D E F 3
4 G H I 4
5 J K L 5
6 M N O Ø Ö 6
7 P Q R S 7
8 T U V 8
9 W X Y Z 9
0 ̺ + - 0 / = < > % £ $ * # €
When a key is pressed the display text will turn yellow and the first character in
the table will be displayed. Pressing the key again will result in the character
cycling to the next in the list. If a key is not pressed again within 2 seconds, the
display will revert to white and, if the same key is pressed again, the first
character in the list will appear in the next position. It is not necessary to wait for
the text to return to white if a different key is to be used.
Use of the ALPHA NUM SoftKey will toggle between standard and numeral only
entry modes. CHANGE CASE allows for upper case or lower case letters to be
used when required.
The FULL screen for the selected TAC radio shows the mode of operation
(Trunked, Direct, Gateway or Repeater), whether the radio is registered with a
network, the TalkGroup to which it is affiliated, plus any call activity.
The sample FULL screen above shows that TAC2 radio is in Trunked Mode and
affiliated to TalkGroup Preston D Div 1, and that the last transmission was
terminated by the TETRA radio identified by SSI 00703876.
The RADIO OFF SoftKey will turn off the radio, after first terminating any calls in
progress and deregistering from the network. This may take up to 40 seconds.
During the shutting down phase, “Radio switching off” will be displayed along with
a count-down timer.
To force a shut down, hold down SoftKey RADIO OFF for a period of 6 seconds.
This will force the immediate removal of power to the radio. During this period,
the Pop-up User Forcing radio OFF will be displayed.
The user will not normally be required to access the Radio Configuration pages.
Key pages are password protected but some basic information is available to the
user, if required.
Use SoftKeys NEXT PAGE and BACK to move between the Radio Configuration
From the SETTINGS screen select SoftKey RADIO CONFIG. The first Radio
Configuration page (RAD CONFIG1) will be displayed showing basic information
about the installed radio.
Radio Model
Mobile Country Code and
Mobile Network Code
7-450-14 Firmware
Mobile Network Code: A second level identifier for the home network for
which the radio has been configured
Short Subscriber Identity: An eight-digit number which identifies the user within
the home network
Note: MCC + MNC + SSI will give a fifteen-digit number which uniquely
identifies any Tetra radio and is referred to as the ITSI and can be used
in the sending of messages and making of calls.
F/WARE UPDATE to update the firmware and customisation within the radio
These TalkGroups cannot be selected when using Sepura radio versions below
If a change has been detected, the previous LAC reading will also be displayed (in
parentheses) after the present reading.
The screen will also give the LAC reading of the second radio’s serving cell, along
with its previous reading (in parentheses).
Press SoftKey N’BOUR INFO to view information provided by the serving cell about
other neighbouring cells. See section 7.2.2
Press Softkey GPS to obtain the current GPS data for the aircraft. See section
The radio refreshes the map of neighbouring cells regularly. To refresh the
display, press SoftKey REFRESH.
The CDU will force a ‘resync’ of the radio and selectable TalkGroups. The
progress of the ‘syncing’ operation will be reported on the display.
See section 3.3.1.
7.2.4 GPS
The radios are fitted with GPS modules for
network resource management purposes.
The CHOOSE DEST screen will be presented prompting the user to enter an SSI
or to choose a number from the Phone Book; for instructions on using the Phone
Book, see section 19.1. As is the case with all SDS messages, the user can
request an acknowledgement from the receiving terminal. For further information
on messaging, see section 14.
The log file can be cleared by pressing SoftKey CLEAR, or it can be sent to a
connected PC, as required, by pressing SoftKey SEND FILE.
The GPS MOB screen will be presented showing the current GPS position of the
aircraft and the last stored MOB location. To request the GPS position from
another SSI, press SoftKey REQUEST POS’N. The positioning request will be sent
as an SDS.
To store the current GPS position of the aircraft for later use, press SoftKey
The latitude and longitude of the ‘marked’ position will be displayed as MOBLAT
and MOBLONG, along with the bearing and distance to that position.
The system can store two man overboard positions, one for each radio.
Note: The man overboard positions will not be retained through a power cycle
of the CDU.
If the system has GPS lock, the current GPS position will be stored and the Pop-up
Current GPS position stored will be displayed.
If GPS lock has been lost, the last known position will be stored, providing there
has not been a power cycle in the meantime. In this case, the Pop-up Last known
GPS position stored will be displayed.
Pressing SoftKey NEXT PAGE takes you to the fourth Radio Configuration page
(RAD CONFIG4). See section 7.4.
SoftKeys ENTER RUI and ENTER PIN provide entry to the RUI and RU PIN
screens, respectively.
Enter the required information in each screen (using BACK SPACE to correct
typing mistakes) and press the OK SoftKey to confirm.
7.4.1 Zeroizing
A radio that supports End to End Encryption is
loaded with sensitive cryptographic keys. (“EEE
will be displayed in the 5th Status Indicator
position on the FULL screen.)
Once the radio (TAC1 in this example) has executed the request, the Pop-up TAC1
Zeroized will be displayed.
Note: Cryptographic keys cannot be deleted from a smart card End to End
Encrypted radio.
The display will show “Radio digital I/P2 low” (or “high”, as appropriate).
If no SSI has previously been specified, the destination will show a value of zero.
If you have entered a password during the current power cycle (in the CDU
configuration pages, for example), pressing the NEXT PAGE SoftKey in the
RAD CONFIG5 screen will take you directly to the sixth Radio Configuration
page. See section 7.6.
If you have not previously been required to enter a password, then pressing
NEXT PAGE will take you to the PASSWORD screen.
Each option occupies two display lines, which means that whether the arrow is
positioned alongside the parameter name or its associated level bar, pressing
<<< or >>> will have the same effect on the setting.
The maximum Volume level is 9. The maximum setting for the Rx Audio Level,
Mic Gain and Side Tone Level is 255.
Hint: For settings other than the Volume, levels can be changed in steps of 10
by pressing and holding down the appropriate SoftKey.
The CDU Configuration mode provides the user with the ability to check, change
or select, various settings of the CDU.
Key pages are password protected but some basic information is available to the
user, if required.
Use SoftKeys NEXT PAGE and BACK to move between the CDU Configuration
At the CDU CONFIG1 screen, “3” on the keypad acts as a HotKey, , to display
the list of tasks programmed into the radio. Tasks are described in section 19.5.
The controlling and remote CDUs are configured in the factory to manage the
brightness of their screens automatically, based on the ambient lighting conditions
detected by the front panel LEDs. The brightness will not go below a level
specified by the user.
In practise, the brightness selected by the controlling CDU (in the front of the
cockpit) is likely to differ from the level selected by the remote unit (located
further back in the aircraft).
Note: The minimum brightness level set for the remote CDU is stored in the
controlling CDU. (This level may need resetting when a replacement
remote CDU is fitted.)
The flight crew can override automatic adjustment of the brightness, and fix it at
a level that suits their requirements. Even with brightness being managed by the
crew, the CDU will not allow the level to be set below an absolute. If the level is
set too low, the CDU will automatically increase it to the absolute minimum.
Note: The aircraft may be fitted with an NVIS switch. With the switch in the ON
position, automatic management of the screen brightness by the CDUs is
disabled. The brightness will be set to the user-defined minimum level.
Brightness levels required by the day shift will probably differ from those required
by the night shift. Both shifts can adjust the level to suit their particular
requirements. When the CDU is powered up at the start of an operation, it will
By way of a reminder for each shift as they come on board the aircraft, the
“CHBacklight Brightness: ...” string will be in blue for night-time operations, and
yellow for daytime operations.
1. Press the BACKLT AUTO SoftKey to toggle “CH BACKLIGHT AUTO OFF”.
2. Using the UP/DN keys, move the green bar to the required level. (Do not
press ENTER at this point, as this will store this setting as the minimum
brightness level; see section
1. Press the BACKLT AUTO SoftKey to toggle “RH BACKLIGHT AUTO OFF”.
2. Using the UP/DN keys, move the green bar to the required level. (Do not
press ENTER at this point, as this will store this setting as the minimum
brightness level; see section
2. Using the UP/DN keys, select the lowest acceptable level of brightness.
3. Press ENTER to save this level. The Pop-up <CH Minimum Brightness set
to current level> (or <RH Minimum Brightness set to current level> at the
remote CDU) will be displayed.
To stop the CDU adjusting the brightness automatically, press HotKey . You
can then set the brightness to a more comfortable level manually.
8.2 Statistics
To view this data for the remote CDU (in the RH STATS screen), press the
The RH STATS screen also offers the RAM TEST SoftKey to test the memory of
the RH150-13.
From this screen, the user can check the performance of the keypads on both the
controlling and remote CDUs, and the clock.
To perform the keypad test, press SoftKey KEYPAD. See section 8.3.1.
To test the fan on the controlling CDU, press SoftKey FAN ON/OFF; the fan will
switch on, and “CH FAN ON” will be displayed. To switch off the fan, press this
Softkey again; “CH FAN OFF” will be displayed. Similar results will be obtained at
the remote CDU.
When SoftKey TOGGLE E2E is pressed, “RH E2E O/C” will be displayed, alternating
with “RH E2E GND”. If a remote CDU has not been installed, then “E2E cmd
needs RH150” will be displayed.
The leading and trailing edges of General Purpose Output Lines 1 and 2 may have
been programmed (by Radio Manager) to perform specific functions. HotKeys will
have been programmed to perform those functions. Press the relevant keys to
obtain the desired results.
Currently, the full set of predefined Status messages is held by both the radio and
the CDU. These Status messages must therefore be uploaded into the radio and
CDU separately.
Prior to V9 of the Sepura radio firmware, the predefined Status message list must
be loaded into the CDU via this screen. From V9 onwards, the CDU will be able to
obtain these messages from the radio.
The UPDATE M/BOARD and USB UPDATE SoftKeys are for engineering use only.
If you have entered a password during the current power cycle (in the Radio
Configuration pages, for example), pressing the LIST FILES SoftKey will take you
directly to the LIST FILES screen.
If you have not previously been required to enter a password, you will be
presented with the PASSWORD screen.
During the ‘syncing’ process (at power up and when changing network), the
TalkGroups loaded into the radio (in the Radio TalkGroup Index) will be
transferred into the CDU Master List. Trunked Mode groups will be transferred
Note: The order in which the TalkGroups are stored in the CDU may not match
their order in the radio.
If TalkGroups have been assembled into folders (with Radio Manager), these
folders will also be transferred into the CDU. Folders cannot be edited from the
front panel.
The system allows the user to create lists of frequently used and/or mission
critical (for example) TalkGroups and store them in Picklists. Management of the
Picklists is described in section 9.3.
Note: The system’s capacity for handling TalkGroups, Picklists and folders is
determined in the factory.
The CDU Master List will be displayed in the CHNG TG screens, and the Picklists
in the PICKLIST screens. The CHNG TG screens are accessed from the
PICKLIST screens.
Folders, identified by the letter “F”, will be displayed in the TG FOLDERS screens.
Within these screens, Trunked Mode TalkGroups, will be identified by the letter
“T”, while Direct Mode TalkGroups, will be identified by the letter “D”.
The presentation of a TalkGroup nametag is colour-coded according to whether
the network with which the TalkGroup is associated matches the network with
which the current TalkGroup is associated, that is:
• White for Trunked Mode TalkGroups associated with the same network
• Yellow for Direct Mode TalkGroups associated with the same network
• Blue for Trunked or Direct Mode TalkGroups associated with other networks
In order to select a ‘blued’ out TalkGroup, the user will first have to change over
to the relevant network. (This is done from the RADIO CONFIG2 screen;
see section 7.2.3.) Following the ‘syncing’ process, the previously ‘blued’ out
TalkGroups will be displayed in yellow or white, as appropriate.
TalkGroups will be presented in the form:
<Position in CDU Master List><TalkGroup name tag><”T” or “D”>
Position of DMOA2G
in CDU Master List
Position of DMOA2G
in radio’s TalkGroup
The display of the GSSI (the TalkGroup’s Group SSI) depends on the configuration
of the CDU. (Inhibition of the GSSI is an engineering function.)
In the sample PICKLIST screen in section 9.1.2, the highlighted Direct Mode
TalkGroup DMOA2G, is 15th in the CDU Master List, and 17th (GRP 17) in the
Radio TalkGroup Index; its GSSI is 234007800759376.
The MNI of the serving cell can be viewed in the CELL INFO screen, which is
accessed from the RADIO CONFIG2 screen. See section 7.2.1.
The network NMIs with which the radio has been programmed can be viewed in
the NET SELECT screen, which is accessed from the RADIO CONFIG2 screen.
See section 7.2.1.
The user can change from one TalkGroup to another in several ways:
• By selecting a TalkGroup from the CDU Master List, making use of the Find
TalkGroup facility if necessary; see section 9.2.2.
Note: The CDU Master List is accessed from within the Picklists via the
• By selecting the TalkGroup from the TalkGroup Folders; see section 9.2.3.
Note: TalkGroup Folders are accessed from within the Picklists, by pressing
alphanumeric key ‘0’.
• Using the Programmable HotKey assigned to the Change TalkGroup task; see
section 19.5.
When the TalkGroup has been selected, the FULL screen will show
“CHANGING - WAIT!” as the radio joins the new TalkGroup, as follows:
• If a TMO TalkGroup is selected, the radio first registers with the relevant
network and then affiliates with the chosen TalkGroup.
• When changing from a DMO TalkGroup to a TMO TalkGroup that is busy, the
HANG UP SoftKey is displayed.
Using the UP/DN keys, position the blue arrow and pink highlight bar on the
required TalkGroup and press ENTER to select it.
Once you are in the correct Picklist page, enter the line number containing the
required TalkGroup. When this line is highlighted in pink, press ENTER .
Note: Pressing BACK will take you back to the PICKLIST screen and not the
preceding page of TalkGroups.
Using the UP/DN keys, position the blue arrow and pink highlight bar on the
required TalkGroup, and press ENTER to select it.
As you type the last digit, the CHNG TG page containing the TalkGroup will be
In the sample CHNG TG 2 screen above, the user has entered a Radio TalkGroup
Index reference of 19. This identifies the Direct Mode TalkGroup DMO DTSI AWE,
with a GSSI of 234007800011018. This TalkGroup is 16th in the CDU Master List.
Use PREV PAGE and NEXT PAGE to scroll through the entries or select FIND to
search the Master list for the required TalkGroup.
Selection of FIND will allow entry of a suitable search string to locate the required
TalkGroup. The search string is entered using the alphanumeric keypad.
Once the page containing the required TalkGroup has been located, use the
UP/DN keys to position the blue arrow and pink highlight bar on the required
TalkGroup, and press ENTER to select it.
The EDIT PKLIST screen will be redisplayed showing the new TalkGroup.
Pressing BACK will take the system out of edit mode, and redisplay the PICKLIST
Using the UP/DN keys, select the TalkGroup you wish to move, and press the
MOVE TALKGRP SoftKey to enter edit mode. The TalkGroup will be highlighted
against an orange background: 02 TalkGroup 9999.
Move the TalkGroup using the UP/DN keys. When it is in the desired position, fix it
there by pressing the MOVE TALKGRP SoftKey again.
Repeat this process until the TalkGroups are in the required order.
Note: Although it is good practise to fix the TalkGroup in its new position using
the MOVE TALKGRP SoftKey, pressing the BACK SoftKey to exit edit mode
will achieve the same result, as will pressing the M HotKey in order to
return to the DUAL screen.
Before switching the terminal to Gateway Mode, the Trunked Mode group required
for Gateway operation must be selected. This may be the same group as is
already in use.
Once the TMO group has been selected, navigate to the GATEWAY screen, which
is accessed from the second Radio Configuration page (RAD CONFIG2);
see section 7.2.
(In the FULL screen, the Status Indicator DMG will indicate that the radio is now
acting as a Gateway.)
To exit Gateway Mode, press TOGGLE GTWAY until the display reads ‘In Trunked
Mode (TMO)’.
To use the radio as a Repeater, it must first have a Direct Mode TalkGroup
Once the DMO group has been selected, navigate to the GATEWAY screen
(accessed from in the second Radio Configuration page, see section 7.2.8).
(In the FULL screen, the Status Indicator DMR will indicate that the radio is now
acting as a Repeater, and the TalkGroup will be displayed against a green
highlight bar.)
During operation as a standard Repeater the radio will show, and can take part in,
calls that are being relayed through it. However, the selected DMO TalkGroup
may be changed but, any calls active through the Repeater when the new group
is selected may be terminated.
To exit Repeater Mode, press TOGGLE RPTR until the display reads ‘In Direct
Mode (DMO)’.
The system is capable of making and receiving emergency priority group calls.
This should only be utilised in an appropriate emergency situation. It will pre-
empt other users to ensure network resources are available.
The user may need to interrupt a call on the current TalkGroup. To be able to do
this, the radio must be placed into Emergency Mode. This is done using the
Emergency key labelled EMG which is located on the lower right corner of the
Setting Description
Alarm Key To guard against accidental operation the key is pressed for three
Activation Time seconds.
Live Microphone Not used in aircraft installations.
Call Destination When the emergency call is activated, the call goes to the currently
selected TalkGroup, or it can be programmed to go to a specific
address (such as a dispatcher).
Alarm Status Call When the emergency call is activated, the terminal can be
programmed to send an emergency status message (status code 0)
to the currently selected TalkGroup, or to a specific address.
Alarm Priority The terminal can be programmed with various priorities when the
Emergency key is activated. This would typically be set as a pre-
emptive call (priority 15), so that when activated, even if there is no
network resource available, the network will automatically release
traffic channel resources for the call.
Current Location If the terminal is equipped with a GPS module, it can be
programmed to send the current location or last known position of
the terminal.
An emergency call will not be initiated while the radio is operating as a DMO
Gateway. If it is operating in this mode, and is registered with the network when
the EMG key is pressed, the radio exits Gateway mode and makes an emergency
call in TMO. If the radio is not registered with the network when the EMG key is
pressed, then the radio exits Gateway mode and makes an emergency call in
An emergency priority group call can only be initiated from the FULL screen for
the selected radio (TAC1 or TAC2). If you press the EMG key at the DUAL
screen, pop-up messages will remind you to select a radio first.
To cancel the Emergency call which you have initiated, press the HANG UP
SoftKey. The background colour of the screen will change back to black.
Although this will clear the call from the CDU, it will remain in the system until it is
cleared by the dispatcher or times out. Other radios in the same TalkGroup may
remain with the incoming Emergency call condition in place.
When the radio detects an Emergency call condition while you are in the FULL or
DUAL screen, “INC. EMG CALL” (coloured orange) will replace the TalkGroup
name tag. The ISSI of the radio at which the Emergency call was initiated will be
displayed. If you are in a menu screen, “INC. EMG CALL” will appear in the upper
right quadrant. The radio will remain in this condition until it is cleared by the
If you attempt to hang up the call (by pressing the HANG UP SoftKey), the
Emergency call condition will be reinstated automatically.
Group calls can be made in both Trunked and Direct modes of operation.
Choose the TalkGroup via the PICKLIST or CHANGE TALKGRP menus (using
the method described in section 9).
To start the call, press and hold the PTT (Push To Talk button).
The radio/network will set up the call. When the screen displays TX (Transmit)
indicating that permission to transmit has been granted, you can now speak into
the microphone.
The call will still be active until the user, or another member of the group, presses
their PTT button. If NO is displayed and short “beeps” are heard when the PTT
button is pressed, another member is currently transmitting. The PTT button will
have to be repressed until TX is displayed.
If a call is idle for more than the idle time (network dependent), the network will
‘Drop Call’. This clears the call until another member presses their PTT button
thereby prompting the radio/network to set up the call once again.
When the call has come to an end, or the user wishes to change TalkGroup, the
user who initiated the call can either wait for the network inactivity timer to expire
or press the HANG UP SoftKey to clear the call.
The user has the option of setting the radio’s Transmit Demand Priority to a level
that ensures that any requests to transmit are always successful, provided the
network allows this.
The sample screens in this section relate to a Group call while the radio is
operating in Trunked Mode.
If the CDU is displaying the FULL screen, press the HANG UP SoftKey ( on the
alphanumeric keypad) to clear the call.
If the CDU is displaying the DUAL screen, press the HANG UP SoftKey to clear
the call.
This is fully automatic. When the radio is registered on the network and affiliated
with a TalkGroup, calls will automatically be received and routed to the
appropriate audio circuits.
This is fully automatic. When the radio is registered on the network and affiliated,
calls will automatically be received and routed to the appropriate audio circuits.
If the user needs to change TalkGroup while part of a currently active TalkGroup
this can be achieved by selecting a new TalkGroup in the normal manner using
the Picklist facility (see section 9).
It may, however, take several seconds for the radio to become fully affiliated and
active on the new TalkGroup.
The system is able to set up a direct person to person phone call to both phone
(PSTN or PABX) and other TETRA users. A call to another TETRA user is referred
to as Point to Point (or Private) call.
Entry into this mode is from the FULL screen, by selecting the PHONE SoftKey.
The user is not able to alter the call priority level for phone call.
A call can be made in one of two ways. A number can be directly entered using
the keypad or a pre-programmed number can be selected from the Phone Book.
Note: There are several telephone network and PABX specific parameters which
will vary with network and country. Programming of the Phone Book and
direct dialling must take account of these differences. The instructions
below should be considered as examples only. Examples of variations
that may be found include:
PABX calls Internal Network Access Code + Network Location Code + Extension
PSTN calls National call
Code for an outside line + area code + number; e.g. 9 021 3456789
International call
Code for an outside line + international access code + country code +
area code (without the leading zero) + Number; e.g. 00 27 21 123 4567
At the prompt, press ENTER . The field will be populated with the last number
dialled. The number can be edited by use of BACK SPACE and the numeric
The system will initiate a call and request appropriate network resources.
Called number
The screen indicates that an outgoing call is in progress and the number that has
been dialled. Dependent on the network connectivity, this screen may appear
very briefly or be in place for several seconds.
Once the network makes a connection and the destination number starts ringing
the screen will again change to:
The screen will indicate that the system is IN CALL – this will appear during
ringing or once connected. The lower indicator will show that the connection is a
Phone Call to either a public or private network.
A phone call is in full duplex mode and this will be indicated by the DX Status
Indicator. On the aircraft it is necessary to press the PTT key to allow your voice
to be transmitted.
The dialled number will continue to be displayed for the duration of the call.
When a call is terminated the system will revert to the FULL screen.
Calling number
When a call alert is displayed the user is informed of the calling party identity, if
available, and can then choose to either accept or reject the call.
Two HotKeys are highlighted for this purpose and they are selected by using &
on the numeric keypad.
If the call is rejected the system will revert to the previously active status from
before the incoming call was received.
When the call is accepted the current TalkGroup will be dropped and the radio
placed into full duplex mode.
The screen will continue to indicate the calling party identity and that a call is
When a call is terminated the system will revert to the FULL screen.
Selecting this option from the PHONE MODE screen allows the user to make
Point to Point calls to another user on the TETRA network. (These calls are also
referred to as Individual Calls or Private Calls.)
Point to Point calls can be made in simplex mode or duplex mode, selectable by
the user.
Call priority is enabled for Point to Point calls. This will allow high priority calls to
request network resources even when scarce. This is achieved by pre-emption of
existing call. The user has the ability to select the call priority.
Call Priority
The Information Line shows the currently selected mode and call priority in the
Use of SoftKey CALL PRIORITY increments the priority level from 2 to a maximum
of 14. A further press drops the level to 0.
The network will assume that the required radio is within the same country and
on the same network.
If the required radio’s SSI differs from the user’s radio’s SSI by only the last digit
(that is, the first seven digits are exactly the same) then, instead of entering the
full eight digits, the user can enter just the last digit of the SSI.
At the prompt, press ENTER . The field will be populated with the last number
dialled. The number can be edited by use of BACK SPACE and the numeric
The system will initiate a call and request appropriate network resources. While
establishing the connection the screen below will be displayed.
System is operating in
Trunked mode during call
OutGoing Individual
(Point2Point) Indicator
The screen indicates that an outgoing call is in progress and the number that has
been dialled. Dependent on the network connectivity, this screen may appear
very briefly or be in place for several seconds. Once the network makes a
connection and the destination number starts ringing the screen will again change
Point2Point/Individual Call
In progress
The user can terminate the call at any time using the HANG UP HotKey.
The screen will indicate that the system is “IN CALL”; this will appear during
ringing or once connected. “IND. CALL” indicates that the call is a TETRA
Individual or Point to Point call.
The radio will be operating in simplex or half duplex mode, and the duplex
symbol DX will not be displayed.
The dialled number will continue to be displayed for the duration of the call.
When a call is terminated the system will revert to the FULL screen.
Incoming call
alert message
of incoming call
Two HotKeys are highlighted for this purpose and they are selected by using &
on the numeric keypad.
Press to ACCEPT the call - Accepting the call will terminate any existing group
calls that are being made at that time and connect the user with the calling party.
Press to REJECT the call – If the call is rejected, the system will revert to its
previous status from before the incoming call was received.
For the duration of the call the screen will continue to indicate the calling party
identity and that a call has been connected.
STATUS These are predefined short messages which are uniquely identified by a
MESSAGES status code.
The system may have a set of pre-programmed status messages which
can be used to indicate the current status of the mission, or to request
additional assistance or information.
These messages will be defined by the network manager and cannot be
edited by the user. The system has a capacity of 100 messages.
A Status Message can be sent to the currently selected group, a
predefined destination customised in the radio or a user defined
SDS These are free text messages in which the user can input any desired
MESSAGES information, up to a maximum of (normally) 160 characters.
The system maintains a count of the number of unread SDS and Status messages
currently held by each radio.
The number of unread SDS messages will be displayed in both the DUAL and
FULL screens, while the number of unread Status messages will only appear in
the FULL screen.
Unread Status
Unread SDS
Furthermore, in the FULL screen, SoftKey MSGS will alert the user to the
presence of unread messages (SDS or Status).
Note: The system does not retain messages that have been sent, nor does it
keep a count of their number.
In the FULL screen select SoftKey MSGS (or MSGS, if there are unread SDS or
Status messages).
Each Status message will have an associated code. The user can choose the
format in which the STATUS MSGS screen is to present the default Status
messages, that is: without their codes, with their codes as decimal numbers or
with their codes as hexadecimal numbers.
Pressing numeric key ‘0’ repeatedly will cycle through the display options.
For example, Status message At Scene can also be displayed as 42202, At Scene
or A4DA, At Scene.
Time-stamped messages received by the radio will be displayed in the SDS MSGS
screen with TStat appended to the message; for example, 09802374TStat.
The system will assign a message number to each new message created.
Following a power down of the system, this counter will reset to zero.
In the STATUS MSGS screen, use SoftKey NEXT PAGE to cycle through the list of
Status messages until the required message appears on the page displayed. Then
use the UP/DN keys to highlight the desired message.
Note: If the default destination has not been defined, the message will be sent
to the current TalkGroup.
This method allows the user to fnd a TalkGroup in the CDU Master List using its
Radio TalkGroup Index reference
You may also locate the desired TalkGroup using its Radio TalkGroup Index (as
described in section
When the required TalkGroup is located, press ENTER and the message will be
sent to all members of the chosen TalkGroup.
Use the UP/DN keys to scroll through the messages on the current page, and the
NEXT PAGE SoftKey to scroll through the pages.
Note: Pressing BACK will return you to the default STATUS MSGS screen, and
NOT the preceding message page.
Messages that have been read are coloured blue, while unread messages are in
Messages will be displayed in the form: SSI, where SSI identifies the transmitting
radio. For example, message 00246800 was received from a radio whose SSI is
When you delete a single message, a Pop-up will confirm the deletion.
From the main STATUS MSGS screen, press SoftKey SDS MSGS (or SDS MSGS, if
there are unread messages).
Use the UP/DN keys to scroll through the messages on the current page, and the
NEXT PAGE SoftKey to scroll through the pages.
Note: Pressing BACK will return you to the default STATUS MSGS screen, and
NOT the preceding SDS messages page.
Messages will be displayed in the form: SSI, where SSI identifies the sending
radio. For example, message 00123456 was received from a radio whose SSI is
Certain SDS messages will have a suffix appended to them, indicating the nature
of the message content; for example, Loc to indicate a GPS location report, or
TStat to indicate a time-stamped Status message.
An SDS message appended with the suffix RxAck or RdAck is a response to the
request made when the message was sent, for an acknowledgement that the
message has been received by the specified terminal, or an acknowledgement
that the message has been read.
To read the currently highlighted message, press ENTER . See section 14.4.1.
To delete this message, press the DELETE MSG SoftKey. You will then be asked
to confirm whether you wish to proceed with the deletion and offered the option
of deleting all SDS messages. See section 14.4.2.
Note: If a delivery/read report is required, the user must address this matter
before enabling/disabling Store and Forward.
The system will allocate a number to each new message created. When the
maximum number is reached (255), message numbering will restart from zero.
This makes it easier for the user to pair up incoming acknowledgements of
messages reaching their destination (for example) with the original messages
requesting those acknowledgements.
The radio will store the SDS message until it is able to send it. During this time,
Msg<#> stored & unsent by TAC<#> will appear in the Information Line.
Having sent the message, the radio will discard it. The Information Line will then
display Msg<#> sent & deleted by TAC<#>.
If the specified terminal is not available and Store and Forward is disabled, the
radio will discard the message; Msg<#> unsent & deleted by TAC<#> will appear
in the Information Line.
By default, Store and Forward is disabled. The user can enable this facility; this is
described in section
If the specified terminal is not available, and Store and Forward is enabled, the
network will retain a copy of the message and make regular delivery attempts.
If the specified terminal becomes available before the expiry of the ‘validity’
period, the network will send the message and then discard it.
If the specified terminal remains unavailable throughout the ‘validity’ period, the
network will forward the message to the pre-defined alternative destination.
If the alternative terminal is unavailable, the network will discard the message.
The chosen setting will apply to all subsequent SDS messages that the user will
If Store and Forward is disabled, the Information Line will display Msg will NOT be
held by Netwrk.
If this facility is enabled, the Information Line will display Msg held by Netwrk if
no Dest.
Pressing the DN key will toggle between these settings.
The chosen setting will apply to all subsequent SDS messages that the user sends.
With each press of the UP key in the CHOOSE DEST screen, the Information Line
displays a prompt for you to enter a TSI, PABX Phone No, PSTN Phone No or SSI.
Alternatively, you can send the message to a destination stored in the Phone
The CDU will store the entered destination locally. So, if you wish to send another
message to the same destination, there is no need to retype it. All you need do is
press ENTER , and the number will be retrieved and inserted into the data entry
area. Press ENTER again to send the message.
Note: If no messages have previously been sent this session, then the last
incoming caller SSI will be used.
If you enter an SSI, the network will assume that the required radio is within the
same country and on the same network. If there is any uncertainty then the ITSI
should be used.
If the required radio’s SSI differs from the sending radio’s SSI by only the last
digit (that is, the first seven digits are exactly the same) then, instead of entering
the full eight digits, you can enter just the last digit of the SSI.
Note: For the reason given in section, difference dialling cannot be
used for dialling an ITSI.
The TalkGroup scanning facility enables the user to listen to conversations taking
place on TalkGroups being transmitted by the same cell as the currently affiliated
radio. The radio will scan those TalkGroups (a maximum of ten in TMO, or one in
DMO) nominated by the user in the User-Defined Scan List (UDSL).
Note: The audio will only be heard on TalkGroups that are being scanned, if
another user in the same cell is currently affiliated with one of the
scanned TalkGroups. In a normal aircraft operating environment using
HPSC and air cells, having a user in the same cell is unlikely, and
therefore no audio will be heard on the scanned TalkGroups, even though
they may be busy.
The CDU will display the name of the transmitting UDSL TalkGroup. The MAIN
screen will present the Status Indicator , with the radio operating in Trunked
Mode, and RX when in Direct Mode. This Status Indicator will also appear when
the radio picks up traffic on a DGNA group.
The user may wish to assign a priority to each of the TalkGroups in the UDSL, so
that when traffic ceases on the currently selected TalkGroup, the audio will be
heard on the scanned TalkGroup that has the highest priority, and so on.
When the user changes TalkGroup, the scan list will be removed. If scanning is
still required, the user will need to set up a UDSL for the new group.
TalkGroup scanning is switched on and off in the third Radio Configuration page
(RAD CONFIG3); see section 7.3.
To set up scanning, go the FULL screen for the chosen radio, and press
HotKey .
If the UDSL has not yet been set up, the ATCHD
T/Gs screen will only show the currently selected TalkGroup.
As you add a TalkGroup, “Priority Group Scan Normal” will appear in the
Information Line. Toggling SoftKey SCAN PRIORITY will scroll through the three
priority levels.
TalkGroups cannot be removed from the UDSL individually; the entire list must
first be cleared, using the CLEAR LIST SoftKey, and a new one set up.
Selection of TalkGroups will be made from the CDU Master List. (TalkGroup
selection is described in section 9.)
16. DGNA
A radio that supports End to End Encryption may still be required to make calls
that are not End to End Encrypted. This mode of operation is referred to as Clear
Mode (or Clear Voice Override, CVO).
Half duplex calls to certain TalkGroups and individual subscribers may have been
configured to be exempt from End to End Encryption. Also, all telephone or
TETRA full duplex calls cannot be End to End Encrypted. When such a TalkGroup
is selected or the radio participates in a call that is not End to End Encrypted, a
periodic non-intrusive audible alert is generated, if configured.
An End to End Encrypted radio must be used. This has a different firmware build
to the standard ‘clear’ radio and must be fitted with the correct cryptographic keys
and encrypted TalkGroups.
Procedures must be in place to protect the encrypted radio from losing its
sensitive data through infrequent use.
During an End to End Encrypted call, the Status Indicator EEE will replace Status
Indicator CLR in the FULL and DUAL screens.
To use the radio in Clear Mode, go to the FULL screen, and press HotKey .
The Status Indicators CLR or EEE will be replaced by CLR or EEE, respectively.
A radio that supports End to End Encryption is loaded with sensitive cryptographic
keys. To avoid a potential security compromise, these keys can be deleted from
the radio using the CDU, providing the Radio Manager customisation allows this.
18. DATA
The TETRA Packet Data service provides a mechanism to transport IP Traffic over
a TETRA bearer, extending TETRA to act as an IP Subnet. This enables
application developers to develop in a standardised IP environment with the ability
to use industry standard transport mechanisms such as UDP and TCP providing a
framework to provide fast and flexible service creation. Packet Data services can
only be accessed from the PEI port of the terminal.
• Database Inquiry
• Mobile Office
• Automatic Vehicle Location
• Resource Management
• Telemetry
• Fingerprint validation
• Still image transfer
• Web Browsing (WAP)
Circuit Mode is the most familiar method of data transport to most people. In a
circuit switched network, the communication pathway between the sending and
receiving parties is fixed for the duration of the call and is not shared by other
This contains a list of pre-programmed numbers which the user can choose to
call. The Phone Book is common to both Phone and Point to Point calls. Care
must be taken to ensure the correct choices are made.
Use the UP/DN keys to move the blue arrow and pink highlight bar to point to the
required entry and press ENTER to display the number corresponding to that
Hint: The last entered text string will be retained by the CDU. Rather than
retyping this string, press ENTER to recover it and redisplay it at the
The Phone Book is not editable via the CDU. To add, delete or change entries in
the Phone Book use the TetraSend application on a PC.
The Phone Book is a hierarchical tree structure which contains telephone numbers
AND ISSIs with their corresponding names.
The following diagrams (Diagram A and Diagram B) show two possible layouts for
how the PhoneBook built into the CDU may be configured.
Station2 Op2 01234012345
Diagram B
Phone 01234012345
TETRA 07712346
Diagram A
The CDU maintains a record of the eight most recent Group transmissions (both
Trunked and Direct mode) that have taken place since the CDU was switched on.
You can switch to the Telephone History Log from this screen, by pressing
HotKey .
The CDU maintains a record the eight most recent Telephone calls that have
taken place since the CDU was switched on.
You can switch to the Call History Log from this screen, by pressing HotKey .
• Change network
3. When you see the pop-up <Hotkey # pressed>, release the HotKey. The
required task will then be activated.
Note: The <Hotkey # pressed> pop-up will appear throughout the duration of
the task activation window.
There are 10 volume levels, 0 to 9. Each radio is preset in the factory at level 7.
When adjusting the volume, each press of the assigned HotKey will adjust the
volume by 1 level, whereupon a Pop-up will appear giving the new volume level.
Note: Do not take the level below 1, as level 0 is one of the triggers used by the
CDU to determine if the radio needs synchronising.
Audible Alerts are fully configurable by use of the Radio Manager software. The
operations managers can define which alerts will be enabled or disabled for each
radio. Internal user procedure documents must be reviewed to confirm the alerts
Note: The last Status message sent by the radio and the name of the Control
Centre for the TalkGroup are retained through a power cycle.
An operational area is divided into a number of regions. Each of these areas has a
dedicated Control Centre to which BOS radios send status reports:
• A Home Control Centre (H-EZ) for the operational area
• A Mission Control Centre (E-EZ) for each region
The radios are programmed (using TetraSend) such that each TalkGroup is
allocated a H-EZ. Some of the TalkGroups may also have an associated E-EZ.
By default, a BOS TETRA system sends status reports to the E-EZ for the
TalkGroup. If the TalkGroup does not have an associated E-EZ, the status report
goes to the TalkGroup’s H-EZ.
The name of the E-EZ allocated to the current TalkGroup is displayed in both the
DUAL and Full screens. If the TalkGroup does not have an associated E-EZ, the
name of the H-EZ is displayed. The screens also display the last Status message
sent by the radio.
You can change the E-EZ to which to send status reports, but this will only be a
temporary change. It will be overridden automatically when you change
TalkGroup and after a reboot of the radio or CDU. For further information, see
section 20.4. (You cannot change the H-EZ for the TalkGroup.)
A BOS TETRA system caters for two types of status reporting: automatic and
manual. The system handles the two types differently.
• As each radio powers up and acquires the network, it sends a report (in the
form of an SDS message) to the H-EZ.
• When you change TalkGroup, the radio sends a position report in the form of
a long LIP message to the H-EZ..
Status messages will go to the E-EZ for the transmitting TalkGroup, and a copy
will go to the H-EZ. If the TalkGroup does not have an associated E-EZ, the
Status message will go to the H-EZ.
The radio will then send a position report (as a long LIP message) to the H-EZ.
The STMSG DEST screen will show the progress of the message delivery, as
• While the radio is attempting to send the message, the CDU displays
Msg0(nnn) stored & unsent by TAC<#> in white
• When the message is sent, the CDU displays Msg0(nnn) sent & deleted by
TAC<#> in green.
• If the message cannot be sent, the CDU displays Msg0(nnn) unsent & deleted
by TAC<#> in orange.
The Information Line will report the status of the last Status message delivery
The name of the new E-EZ will be displayed when you return to the DUAL/FULL
• SDS Encryption Key – this is user-selectable via the SDS KEYS SoftKey, which
will toggle three settings: Clear, TK-SM and TK-TMO.
• SIM Key Agreement Limit – this line of text will only be displayed when the
UPDATE KEYS SoftKey is pressed to initiate a key agreement with the
network to update the E2EE keys stored in the SIM card. It will indicate
either “Fail” or “Initiated”.
• SIM Status Reports – with this function enabled, the BOS radio will send
status reports concerning the SIM card to the CDU. The CDU will present
these reports to the user via the Pop-up message facility. This function is
user-selectable via alphanumeric keys ‘1’ and ‘0’ to enable and disable,
• SIM Text Reports - this is user selectable via the UP/DN keys.
Note: Although this facility is enabled in the radio, it is not implemented in
the CDU at the time of publication. It should therefore be left in the
default disabled state.
• VOPTA – the Variable Operational Tactical Address, ie. the call sign of the
radio. This will be the same for both radios.
Term Description
BOS Digital voice and data communication system for security authorities
and organisations operating in Germany (Behörden und
Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben)
CVO Clear Voice Override – this mode of operation enables calls that are
not End to End Encrypted to be made
DGNA Dynamic Group Number Assignment. A method to update radios
with new TalkGroups ‘over the air’.
DMO Direct Mode Operation
DMO Gateway A device which allows users working in Direct Mode to communicate
with users in Trunked Mode. (This is often used to extend the
working range of a radio)
Duplex Duplex calls are telephone type calls in which both parties can talk
simultaneously. This will be restricted by audio switching within the
aircraft so the aircraft radio only transmits speech when PTT is
EEE End to End Encryption
E2E End to End Encryption
GPS Global Positioning System
GSSI Group Short Subscriber Identity (TalkGroup address)
Half duplex Half duplex calls are when only one party can talk (transmit) at any
HPSC Highly Preferred Subscriber Class; a facility which ensures that an
aircraft radio affiliates to ground base stations specifically designated
for use with aircraft
IP Internet Protocol
ISSI or SSI Individual Short Subscriber Identity
ITSI Individual TETRA Subscriber Identity (MCC+MNC+SSI)
LAC Location Area Code
LEMO Front panel connector
LED Light Emitting Diode
LIP Location Information Protocol
LNR Last number redial
MCC Mobile Country Code
Term Description
MNC Mobile Network Code
MNI Mobile Network Identifier (MCC+MNC)
NVG Night Vision Goggles
NVIS Night Vision Imaging System
OPTA Operational Tactical Address
PABX Public Automatic Branch Exchange
PEI Peripheral Equipment Interface
PGS Priority Group Scanning
PIN Personal Identification Number
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PTT Press To Talk
PUK Personal Unblocking Key
RSSI Radio Signal Strength Indicator
SDS Short Data Services
SSI Short Subscriber Identity (1 to 8 digits)
SwMI Switching and Management Infrastructure
TalkGroup A pre-defined group of users
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TETRA Terrestrial Trunked Radio
TMO Trunked Mode Operation
TPI Talking Party Identity
TSI TETRA Subscriber Identity (1 to 15 digits)
UDSL User Defined Scan List
VOPTA Variable Operational Tactical Address