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English Fal p2 June 2024 Grade 12 Memo (1) (Final) - 010704

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JUNE 2024

These marking guidelines consist of 23 pages.

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English First Additional Language/P2 2 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline


1. Candidates are required to answer questions from TWO sections.

2. These marking guidelines serve as a guide to markers. Some responses may

require a marker’s discretion.

3. Candidates’ responses should be assessed as objectively as possible.


4.1 A candidate may not answer more than ONE question on the same genre.

4.2 If a candidate gives two answers where the first one is incorrect and the next one
is correct, mark the first answer and ignore the next.

4.3 If answers are incorrectly numbered, mark according to the marking guidelines.

4.4 If a spelling error affects the meaning, mark incorrect. If it does not affect the
meaning, mark correct.

4.5 If the candidate does not use inverted commas when asked to quote, do not

4.6 For open-ended questions, no marks should be awarded for YES/NO or I AGREE/
I DISAGREE. The reasons/substantiation/motivation is what should be considered.

4.7 No marks should be awarded for TRUE/FALSE or FACT/OPINION. The

reason/substantiation/motivation is what should be considered.

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English First Additional Language/P2 3 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline


NOTE: Candidates are required to answer ONE question on the Novel they
have studied.


1.1.1 (a) C/a servant.
(b) D/a farmer.
(c) A/a priest.
(d) B/a politician. (4)

1.1.2 It is ironic that Absalom is in prison for murder, yet he is the son of a
priest. 

NOTE: BOTH parts must be included to earn marks. (2)

1.1.3 (a) depressed/sad  (1)

(b) Stephen Kumalo is sad that Absolom has abandoned the values
upon which he has been raised.  (1)

1.1.4 Absalom’s girlfriend rents a room in Pimville.  (1)

1.1.5 Stephen Kumalo wants to have a private discussion with Absalom’s

girlfriend. 
He feels that he can persuade Absalom’s girlfriend to marry his son who
is in prison. 
It is possible that he feels embarrassed to discuss the marriage issue
in the presence of Msimangu. 

NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above. (2)

1.1.6 “It is as the umfundisi sees it” / “I can be willing”


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English First Additional Language/P2 4 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline

1.1.7 The discussion of the theme of betrayal must include the following
points, among others:

 Absalom Kumalo betrays the struggle for social justice by killing

Arthur Jarvis who was fighting against injustice towards Blacks.
 Gertrude Kumalo betrays her parents who raised her on Christian
values by becoming a prostitute in Johannesburg.
 She can be said to have betrayed her husband and young son by
engaging in prostitution.
 John Kumalo betrays his brother and his nephew Absalom by
protecting Matthew who is the co-accused in the murder case.

NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated.

A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a response that is
not well-substantiated. The candidate’s response must be
grounded in the novel.  (3)

1.1.8 Open-ended.

Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of the

following viewpoints, among others:


 Stephen Kumalo’s endurance in the face of desolation is the mark

of an extraordinarily strong man.
 When he returns to Ndotsheni, Kumalo works to improve the lives
of his parishioners. He does not let the developments in Absalom’s
case to derail his purpose in life.
 In the end of the novel, he mourns and accepts his son’s death
with a sense of peace.


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English First Additional Language/P2 5 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline


 Stephen Kumalo has his weak moments. He has some irrational

outbursts. He reacts angrily to his wife’s suggestion that their son
Absalom will never come back.
 On his way to Johannesburg, he lies that he often travels to
 When he is thrown out by his brother, John, Stephen Kumalo is
eager to revenge to John.

NOTE: Do not award a mark for Yes/No. Credit responses where a

combination is given. For full marks, the response must be
well-substantiated. A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for
a response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate’s
interpretation must be grounded in the novel.  (3)


1.2.1 The setting is at John Kumalo’s house  during the day when he goes to
bid his brother goodbye.  (2)

1.2.2 B / tense  (1)

1.2.3 (a) metaphor  (1)

(b) John Kumalo is compared to an angry bull with bulging veins 

to emphasise his anger towards his brother (Rev Stephen
Kumalo).  (2)

1.2.4 Stephen Kumalo means that God (the great Judge)  will avenge his
son who has to bear the sentence alone; yet he had accomplices who
include Matthew, John’s son; he wants this to be a matter for John’s
conscience.  (2)

1.2.5 He is sad/devastated/miserable for having lost his son to crime  /

He is sad because his son is the only one who has been found guilty
and John’s son escapes.  (2)

1.2.6 Stephen Kumalo wishes that Matthew be brought home so that he
does not suffer the same fate as Absalom’s. / He wants John to look
into Matthew’s life and intervene to rescue him so that he does not
suffer the same fate as Absalom’s.

NOTE: Accept any ONE of the above. (2)

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English First Additional Language/P2 6 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline

1.2.7 John Kumalo is referring to the murder trial case  in which Matthew
is co-accused of killing Arthur Jarvis.  (2)

1.2.8 Open-ended.
Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of the
following viewpoints, among others:

 John Kumalo becomes a successful carpenter/businessman.
 He becomes a politician, and a man of importance and influence.
 He learns about the miners’ plight and makes people aware of
their predicament.
 John Kumalo becomes unscrupulous; he hires a lawyer for Matthew
even though he knows that Matthew is guilty.
 He cares little for his family, including his son.
 His behaviour causes his wife to leave him, and he ends up living
with a mistress.
 He denounces the church.

NOTE: Do not award a mark for Yes/No. Credit responses where a

combination is given. For full marks, the response must be well-
substantiated. A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a response
which is not well-substantiated. The candidate’s interpretation
must be grounded in the novel.  (3)

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English First Additional Language/P2 7 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline


2.1.1 (a) C/a man Hyde murdered 
(b) D/Jekyll’s other persona 
(c) B/Dr Jekyll’s footman 
(d) A/Lanyon’s consulting rooms  (4)

2.1.2 Mr Utterson is worried about Dr Jekyll after he has seen Mr Hyde. 

Mr Utterson wants to talk to Dr Jekyll about the kind of person
that he is. / Mr Utterson wants to investigate and understand the
nature of their relationship. 

NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above answers (2)

2.1.3 Mr Hyde is the other side of Dr Jekyll. They have a mutual

dependence.  Dr Jekyll needs Mr Hyde for his pleasures and selfish
ends. Mr Hyde needs Dr Jekyll for shelter and protection.  (2)

2.1.4 (a) worried / concerned.  (1)

(b) Mr Utterson is worried about the relationship between Dr Jekyll

and Mr Hyde. / He thinks Mr Hyde has evil intentions.  (1)

2.1.5 Mr Utterson thinks that Hyde has discovered something Dr Jekyll did
when he was young and he is using it to blackmail him.  (2)

2.1.6 C/in trouble.  (1)

2.1.7 Utterson is caring.  He is worried that Mr Hyde does as he pleases at

Dr Jekyll’s house.  /
Mr Utterson is protective.  He thinks Dr Jekyll is in
trouble and he wants to help him. 

NOTE: Accept any ONE of the above answers. (2)

2.1.8 Open-ended.

Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of the

following viewpoints among others:


 Mr Utterson does not immediately jump to conclusions about

Hyde; but he gathers enough evidence on him to help Dr Jekyll.
 He is not quick to judge Dr Jekyll.
 He keeps all the information he has to himself and does not
even tell his cousin.
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English First Additional Language/P2 8 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline


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English First Additional Language/P2 9 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline


 Mr Utterson does not go to the police even when he has

information, about Dr Jekyll’s and Mr Hyde’s relationship.
 He is concerned about Dr Jekyll’s reputation so he is reluctant to
act even with vital information at his disposal.
 He does not handle Dr Jekyll’s case well because they are friends.

NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated. A candidate

can score 1 or 2 marks for a response which is not well-substantiated.
The candidate’s interpretation must be grounded in the novel. Do
not award a mark for YES or NO. Credit a response which is well-

2.2.1 The setting is outside Dr Jekyll’s house  when Mr Enfield and
Mr Utterson visit Jekyll after their Sunday walk.  (2)

2.2.2 He is uneasy about the terms of Dr Jekyll’s will  and he is afraid of the
influence Hyde might have on Jekyll.  (2)

2.2.3 (a) Simile  (1)

(b) It is relevant because Dr Jekyll is a prisoner of his own invention

(Mr Hyde)  and has made himself miserable, he can only save
himself.  (2)

2.2.4 Mr Utterson is worried;  he visits Dr Jekyll because he is

concerned about him.  (2)

2.2.5 Utterson, who is a lawyer, advises Dr Jekyll about the importance of

taking a walk, yet it is Dr Jekyll who should give such advice because
he is a doctor.  (2)

NOTE: BOTH parts must be included to earn marks.

2.2.6 Accept a relevant, response which shows an understanding

of the theme of secrecy, amongst others:

 Enfield tells Mr Utterson about the man who trampled the girl
but keeps the name a secret and only reveals it at the end of the novel.
 The letter that comes to Mr Utterson after Dr Lanyon’s death leaves
Mr Utterson in suspense because he can only read it after Dr
Jekyll’s death. The truth is kept secret until the end of the novel.
 Dr Jekyll keeps Mr Hyde’s true identity a secret from everyone. (3)

NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated.

A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a response which is
not well-substantiated. The candidate’s interpretation must be
grounded in the novel.

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English First Additional Language/P2 10 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline

2.2.7 Open-ended.

Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of the

following viewpoints, amongst others:

 Dr Jekyll deliberately takes the potion and changes into Hyde. So, he
is responsible for what Hyde does.
 He creates Hyde with the intention of conducting an experiment.
As a scientist, Dr Jekyll is aware of the repercussions of his experiment.
The society must judge him harshly.
 Dr Jekyll is aware of the evil that Hyde commits so he must account
for these actions.


 Hyde has a different physical appearance, bank account and address.
 Dr Jekyll creates Hyde because of the oppressive society that he
lives in. He freely expresses himself through Hyde.
 Dr Jekyll is under drug addiction and cannot be responsible for Hyde’s

NOTE: Do not award a mark for Yes/No. Credit responses where a

combination is given. For full marks, the response must be
well-substantiated. A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for
a response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate’s
interpretation must be grounded in the novel.

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English First Additional Language/P2 11 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline


NOTE: Candidates are required to answer ONE question on Drama they

have studied.


3.1.1 (a) D/son of Duncan 
(b) C/son of Banquo 
(c) A/son of Sinel 
(d) E/Thane of Fife  (4)

3.1.2 B / witches  (1)

3.1.3 (a) Kingship is coming.  / the greatest honour of becoming a king

is still coming.  (1)

(b) His greatest moments and honours are behind,  what lies
ahead is sordid treachery, murder, and dishonour.  (2)

3.1.4 wag his finger. 

frown. 
move slowly towards Macbeth. 

NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above or any relevant actions. (2)

3.1.5 Macbeth is ambivalent 

Banquo is shocked/reasonable.  (2)

3.1.6 The discussion of the theme of the betrayal should include the
following points, among others:

 The former Thane of Cawdor fights alongside the Norwegian army.

 Duncan appoints Macbeth as the new Thane of Cawdor who later
assassinates him.
 Lady Macbeth, who is Duncan’s cousin by marriage, plans his death.

NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated.

A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a response that is
not well-substantiated. The candidate’s response must be
grounded in the drama.  (3)

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English First Additional Language/P2 12 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline

3.1.7 Open-ended.

Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of the

following viewpoints, among others:


 It is Lady Macbeth who suggests to Macbeth that they should kill

 She helps her husband to recover from his fear after Macbeth has
killed Duncan.
 She takes part in the crime herself.
 She chides her husband for being weak when he expresses concern
about killing the king.



 After Duncan’s murder, Lady Macbeth is reluctant to commit more

 She does not kill Duncan herself because Duncan resembles
Lady Macbeth’s father as he sleeps.
 At the end of the play, she kills herself because she is so guilt-ridden.
She is unable to live with herself.

NOTE: Do not award a mark for YES or NO. Credit responses where a
combination is given. For full marks, the response must be well-
substantiated. A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a
response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate’s
interpretation must be grounded in the drama.  (3)


3.2.1 The setting of the extract is inside Macbeth’s house  in the
early hours of the morning. (2)

3.2.2 (a) shocked.  (1)

(b) Macduff is horrified beyond words.  (1)

3.2.3 Petrified / horrified. 

Macduff is petrified / horrified to see the lifeless body of his king.  (2)

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English First Additional Language/P2 13 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline

3.2.4 Duncan’s lifeless body.  (1)

3.2.5 To awaken the entire castle to witness the horror. (1)

3.2.6 Macduff says it is too awful for the lady’s delicate ears but does not
realise that it is Lady Macbeth who plans Duncan’s murder. / It is ironic
that Macduff calls Lady Macbeth ‘gentle lady’ yet she is the one that
orchestrated the murder.  (2)

NOTE: BOTH parts must be included to earn marks.

3.2.7 Lady Macbeth is a hypocrite / Lady Macbeth is deceitful.  (1)

She pretends that she knows nothing about Duncan’s murder, and
has been woken up by the noise. (1)

3.2.8 Banquo suspects/senses that Duncan has been murdered by Macbeth 

because he wants the witches’ prophecy to come true.  (2)

3.2.9 Open-ended.

Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of the

following viewpoints, among others:


 Macbeth is a general who fights for his country during the battle against
the Norwegians and for the protection of the king.
 He is a brave warrior among men and is highly regarded by the king
of Scotland.
 He is appointed Thane of Cawdor because of his strong character.



 Macbeth allows the witches to poison his mind.

 He allows his wife to manipulate him to kill Duncan.
 Macbeth’s inability to resist temptations lead him to be greedy
for power.
 He betrays his friend, Banquo.

NOTE: Do not award a mark for YES or NO. Credit responses where a
combination is given. For full marks, the response must be well-
substantiated. A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a
response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate’s
interpretation must be grounded in the drama.  (3)

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English First Additional Language/P2 14 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline


4.1.1 (a) C/principal of Zolile High 

(b) A/mayor of Camdeboo 

(c) B/choir teacher at Zolile 

(d) E/principal of Camdeboo  (4)

4.1.2 The setting is Number One classroom / at Zolile High after the debate
when Isabel and Thami are getting to know each other.  (2)

4.1.3 It reveals that Thami is friendly / gets along with everyone at school 
as he considers everyone his friend.  (2)

4.1.4 wag his finger (in disagreement) 

frown 
shake his hand 

NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above or any relevant actions. (2)

4.1.5 B / passes exams easily  (1)

4.1.6 Isabel’s favourite sport is hockey.  (1)

4.1.7 Accept a relevant, response which shows an understanding

of the theme of friendship, amongst others:

 Towards the end of this scene there is a beautiful friendship

developing between Thami and Isabel.
 Though separated by race and gender, it seems at the beginning of
the play that they will beat the odds and form a successful
 In the play Thami and Isabel become friends. Their friendship grows
as the drama progresses.

NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated.

A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a response that is
not well-substantiated. The candidate’s response must be
grounded in the drama.  (3)

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English First Additional Language/P2 15 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline

4.1.8 Open-ended.

Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of Isabel’s

character, among others:

 Isabel does not understand how Thami does not enjoy school even
though he is smart.
 She does not know much about Black people except the ones that work
for her family, which makes her ignorant to struggles of Black people.
 She has never thought or cared about how Black people live.


 Isabel shows eagerness to want to learn and understand Thami’s life.
 She has lived a sheltered life and her parents have not exposed her
to any other life.
 Her visit to Zolile High School ignites her determination to want to
cripple her ignorance.

NOTE: Do NOT award a mark for YES or NO. Credit responses where a
combination is given. For full marks, the response must be well-
substantiated. A candidate can score 1–2 marks for a response
which is not well-substantiated. The candidate’s interpretation
must be grounded in the text of the drama.  (3)



4.2.1 When Thami was in primary school / junior school. (1)

4.2.2 Thami feels like the classrooms are traps set to catch their minds and souls and
they will not progress if they continue going to school.  (2)

4.2.3 (a) Simile  (1)

(b) It is relevant because just as an animal feels uncomfortable

and anxious when it senses/smells danger,  Thami is uneasy
about school.  (2)

4.2.4 (a) inviting/cheerful/caring  (1)

(b) Oom Dawie is the inspector for Bantu Education and believes that
he has a good relationship with the learners and they are used to
him.  / Oom Dawie is inviting the learners to sit down because
he has something very important to share with them.  (1)

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English First Additional Language/P2 16 June 2024 Common Test
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4.2.5 It is ironic that Oom Dawie tells the Black learners that they are the
elite of the country and that they are now prepared to become
shareholders of a multiracial South Africa, yet he is the inspector of Bantu
Education which is an inferior education system that will not help the
learners in future but instead will perpetuate the cycle of oppression. 

NOTE: BOTH parts must be included to earn marks. (2)

4.2.6 Oom Dawie should point at the desks indicating to learners that they
must sit. 
He should walk around the classroom. 
He should relax his facial features to show that he is not a menace. 

NOTE: Accept any TWO of the above or any other relevant actions. (2)

4.2.7 Thami is angry/ frustrated  as he has finally realised that school will
not help him, and he must join the movement to bring about change.  (2)

4.2.8 Open-ended.

Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of the

following viewpoints, amongst others:


 Black people are taught an inferior, poor, and sub-standard education

which will not advance them in life.
 Thami understands that the education they are getting will only
prepare them for a life of servitude.
 He has seen those black people that have left school before him
and how Bantu Education has not helped them but has kept them
permanently oppressed.


 Thami had at some point enjoyed school and had big aspirations
about the future and should focus on that.
 He is intelligent and aware of everything that is happening as a result
Bantu Education did not succeed in oppressing him and therefore
he must remain in school.
 He is different from all the other learners and should focus on that
rather than what is being taught as his future is bright.

NOTE: Do NOT award a mark for YES or NO. Credit responses where a
combination is given. For full marks, the response must be well-
substantiated. A candidate can score 1–2 marks for a response
which is not well-substantiated. The candidate’s interpretation
must be grounded in the text of the drama.  (3)

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English First Additional Language/P2 17 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline


NOTE: Candidates are required to answer BOTH questions i.e. Question 5.1
and 5.2.


5.1.1 (a) E/the narrator’s mother.  (1)

(b) A/the narrator’s school friend.  (1)

(c) D/the narrator’s grandmother.  (1)

(d) C/the narrator’s sister.  (1)

5.1.2 The events in this extract take place while the narrator is standing at
the graveside of her mother, just after her mother’s burial.  (2)

5.1.3 (a) Metaphor  (1)

(b) The narrator’s mother is physically abused by her husband when

he is drunk  in the same way as a boxer punches the bag that
hangs from the ceiling when training.  (2)

5.1.4 It is ironic that the narrator has to assume the responsibility of being a
mother to her siblings whereas she is a child herself.  (2)

NOTE: BOTH parts must be included to earn marks.

5.1.5 The narrator’s mother moved to Phambili Squatter Camp as she could
no longer bear her mother-in-law’s (MaDlamini’s) ill-treatment.  (1)

5.1.6 Accept a relevant, response which shows an understanding

of the theme of child abuse, amongst others:

 The children’s father beats them for no apparent reason.

 Thulisile’s father steals her hard-earned money to buy alcohol.
 Her father asks for an advance from Thulisile’s employer without her
knowledge and permission.
 He does not want to sign for Thulisile when she wanted to buy her
family a house.  (3)

NOTE: For full marks, the response must be well-substantiated.

A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a response which is
not well-substantiated. The candidate’s interpretation must be
grounded in the short story.

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English First Additional Language/P2 18 June 2024 Common Test
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5.1.7 Open-ended.

Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of the

following viewpoints, among others:


 The narrator can be admired because she takes care of her siblings
because her mother neglects her duties as a mother.
 She protected her father’s integrity by pretending she knew about him
taking an advance on her behalf.
 She sells sweets and goes out to look for a job at Mr Rathebe’s Fish
and Chips shop in order to feed her family.
 She buys her family a house when she lands a role as a TV presenter.
 She succeeds in life against all odds.



 She is never appreciative of her teacher’s advice to never allow her

situation to control her and thinks that she is being criticised.
 She comes up with excuses when Nthabiseng requests her to enter
for the audition of being a TV presenter of the kids’ show.
 She harbours grudges against her father to the extent that she never
cried when he passed on.

NOTE: Do not award a mark for YES or NO. Credit responses where a
combination is given. For full marks, the response must be well-
substantiated. A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a
response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate’s
interpretation must be grounded in the short story.  (3)


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5.2.1 Adjoa thinks that they might scold her and warn her never to repeat that; 
or they might laugh at her.  (2)

5.2.2 It suggests that Adjoa is not ashamed of her legs;and wants her
grandmother and mother to accept her legs.  (2)

5.2.3 It refers to her mother’s womb.  (1)

5.2.4 (a) condescending / criticising tone.  (1)

(b) She is old-fashioned  and thinks that only woman with legs
that have meat would be able to bear kids.  (2)

5.2.5 They are too thin.  (1)

5.2.6 B / athlete.  (1)

5.2.7 Reprimanding / harsh/ admonishing voice. (1)

5.2.8 Maami is bothered by Nana’s constant criticism of Adjoa’s legs.

She wants to convince Nana that although Adjoa has thin legs, she
is much better than those who do not have legs at all.  (2)

5.2.9 She is insensitive and is always critical of Adjoa’s legs which she
thinks are not good for a woman.  (2)

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English First Additional Language/P2 20 June 2024 Common Test
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5.2.10 Open-ended.

Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of the

following viewpoints, among others:


 Nana’s attitude changes towards the end of the story because after
Adjoa wins the cup for her school at the athletic games, she begins
to support her as she realizes that she can become a successful
athlete even though her legs are thin.
 She realizes that success for a woman is not only defined by
marriage, women can be successful in other ways too.
 Her initial attitude that girls do not need to be educated as they
would one day get married changes as she now washes and irons
Adjoa’s school uniform in support of her attending school.



 She does not say it openly that she supports the fact that Adjoa
attends school.
 Her belief that a woman must have legs with meat to support hips
in order for her to bear kids does not change.
 She still believes that Adjoa must continue with school as she would
not be able to bear kids because she has thin legs.

NOTE: Do not award a mark for YES or NO. Credit responses where a
combination is given. For full marks, the response must be well-
substantiated. A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a
response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate’s
interpretation must be grounded in the short story.  (3)

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English First Additional Language/P2 21 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline




6.1.1 The speaker suggests the abundance of words which one uses to
express one’s feelings and thoughts.  (2)

6.1.2 To emphasize that words are used every day as a means of

communication. (1)

6.1.3 (a) It means to be made annoyed/angry.  (1)

(b) The ellipsis suggests that words come out continuously and
unobstructed  when one is angry.  (2)

6.1.4 It is so hard to understand why words come out easily when one is
angry,  but they are hard to find when one wants to express one’s
emotions.  (2)

6.1.5 D / metonymy.  (1)

6.1.6 It means that when one needs to express one’s feelings,  words would
hide or escape the one who needs them / one fails to find the right
words to use  (2)

6.1.7 The speaker is frustrated. 

She is frustrated because words are described as hiding and playing
‘twisted’ game.  (2)

6.1.8 Alliteration.  (1)

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English First Additional Language/P2 22 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline

6.1.9 Open-ended.

Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of the

following viewpoints, among others:


 Even though the speaker acknowledges that there is something

strange about words in that sometimes it is easy to find them; and
sometimes they hide, she does not allow herself to be negatively
affected by words which sometimes play an evil game in her mind.
 She has not lost hope that one day she would find the right words
to express her feelings.



 The speaker is frustrated by the fact that she cannot write as she
wishes, words keep escaping her mind.
 The speaker’s tear drops as they fall suggests that the speaker is
deeply hurt by her inability to recall words.
 She simply wants to express her feelings through words instead of
confronting her problems head on.

NOTE: Do not award a mark for YES or NO. Credit responses where a
combination is given. For full marks, the response must be well-
substantiated. A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a
response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate’s
interpretation must be grounded in the poem.  (3)


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English First Additional Language/P2 23 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline


6.2.1 (a) transformation.  (1)

(b) guilt  (1)

(c) resistance  (1)

(d) horrors  (1)

6.2.2 The speaker’s complexion has become brown and tanned than it
was before./
His frame too has changed as he has now become thinner.  (1)

NOTE: Accept any ONE of the above answers.

6.2.3 (a) regretful / resentful  (1)

(b) The speaker uses this tone because he is regretful and owns up
to his heinous deeds./He believes that he has committed an
unforgivable sin.  (1)

6.2.4 (a) Metaphor.  (1)

(b) This emphasizes the amount of blood that the speaker spilt 
which leaves a permanent mark that nothing can erase.  (2)

6.2.5 These lines reveal the wicked/callous nature of the speaker  which is
exemplified by how he crushes the dying slave woman.  (2)

6.2.6 Accept a relevant, response which shows an understanding

of the theme of remorse, amongst others:

 He takes full responsibility for his actions by acknowledging that it is

not the devil (fiend) that made him do these evil acts. 
 He says that he is ashamed of looking God straight in the eyes as
he is ashamed of his evil actions. 
 He is prepared to suffer the consequences of his actions.  (3)

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English First Additional Language/P2 24 June 2024 Common Test
NSC – Marking Guideline

6.2.7 Open-ended.

Accept a relevant response which shows an understanding of the

following viewpoints, among others:


 The speaker deserves sympathy because he is ashamed and

remorseful and takes full responsibility for his heinous actions.
 He is haunted by the images of the bloodied body of the slave
woman and the pleading sound of her death cry.
 He is prepared to suffer the consequences of his own actions.



 The speaker does not deserve sympathy because he has whipped

the Negro slaves with utmost cruelty and seemed to enjoy it.
 He also killed Negro slave woman in cold blood and has enjoyed
what he was doing.
 He should have known better that his actions would have negative

NOTE: Do not award a mark for YES or NO. Credit responses where a
combination is given. For full marks, the response must be well-
substantiated. A candidate can score 1 or 2 marks for a
response which is not well-substantiated. The candidate’s
interpretation must be grounded in the poem.  (3)




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