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Elite Powertech Pvt. LTD: Appointment Letter

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Ref No: EPPL/HR/Dec/2022/1768 Date: 17-Dec-22

Mr. Raj Kumar S/O Rajendra Singh Emp Code: 1768

Strictly Private & Confidential (In Duplicate)

Dear Raj Kumar,

With reference to your Application dated, we write to offer you an appointment as a member of the staff
of Elite Powertech Pvt. Ltd. subject to your obtaining release from your present employer and also subject
to your Doctor declaring you medically fit.

Your contract of employment will commence from date you report for duty.

Your engagement will be deemed to commence from the date of your joining the services of this
company. The contract is for continuous employment till the completion of the project, but subject to
earlier termination as provided in Clause 15 below.
You will be on probation from the date of which you join duty for a period of six months which period may,
at the sole discretion of the management, be extended if found necessary.
You will understand that the period of probation is intended to give us an opportunity to judge whether
we can consider you as entirely suited to our work. It will also provide you with a similar opportunity to
judge whether the working conditions in our employment are suitable from your point of view.
During your probationary period, we can dispense with services without ascribing any reasons giving you a
calendar months’ notice or basic salary in lieu of such notice. It is expressly understood and agreed
between us that neither party will have cause for complaint of the other party wishes to take advantage of
this right of termination. If you are considered satisfactory from all aspects, your engagement will be
confirmed on the expiry of your probationary period.

3. DUTIES: -
You will be designated as an Engineer at Simbhawali S/s and will be located at as per our required site at
in India initially. You will report to the Site Manager and carry out such other duties as you may reasonably
be called upon to perform. You will be entitled to the salary CTC Rs. 24000/- Per Month. 1. Company will
not provide any facility; all things have to do by employee itself. After reviewing your performance, the
salary will be revised accordingly after 01 Year.
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You will devote the whole of your time and attention to the business of the company and comply with the
rules and regulations in force time to time and you will not, without our written consent, be in any way
engaged of concerned in any other business. You will, while in our employment, use your utmost
endeavour to promote the interests of the Company in all matters and will observe the utmost good faith
towards the Company and keep secret all information which you may obtain with regard to the business
and affairs of the Company. On termination of your employment, you will undertake to handover, before
leaving the Company’s services, any property of the Company which may be in your possession including
drawings or data, relating to the Company’s designs and manufactures and any records relating to the
Company’s business. You will be liable for service in any part of India and the Company will have the right
to entrust you not only with work in their own unit but also to assign you temporarily or permanently on
any specific assignments with any of its associates as it may deem fit.

Effective from your joining your total salary will be as per annexure enclosed.

Increment will depend only:
(a) Financial results of the company
(b) Your individual performance

You will be expected to familiarize yourself with and adhere to the Company’s Standing Orders and Rules
and Regulations in force and as modified by the Company from time to time.

7. LEAVE: -
That during one calendar year, you will be entitled for 12 privilege leave, 4 days’ casual leave and 8 days’
medical leave, subject to the submission of medical certificate from M.B.B.S doctor. Not more than 3 days’
casual leave will be granted at a time. Absence from work for a period of one week without acceptable
and acknowledged intimation to your department head will be subject to disciplinary action leading to a
deemed resignation without notice period and resultant compensation to the company.


You will observe the working hours and holidays normally observed by your Department you are assigned


Without first having obtained our consent, you will not give lectures or speak at public meetings with
regard to our affairs or upon any matters or subjects which may affect us and also will not without our
consent publish any such matter in any newspapers, periodicals, circulars or any other issues.
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Reasonable travelling and other expenses incurred wholly and necessarily as per your entitlements on the
business of the Company will after approval by the appropriate authorities, be refunded to you monthly,
provided a return is made on the form supplied for this purpose.


You will be covered under the company Group Insurance scheme. The scheme applicable to your grade
will be as per Company policy.


If you are eligible to Provident Fund according to your salary, then you will be eligible to join the
Employees’ Provident Fund of the company from the date of your joining. If you are already a member of
the recognized Provident Fund Scheme, under the Employees’ Provident Fund Act, 1952, and since the
Provident Fund could be transferred, we may admit you as a member of the Scheme after completing the
due formalities.


The company reserves the right to verify your documents and background through internal or external
agencies. This may include your current / previous employment history, educational / professional
credentials and other back ground checks.


You shall not, either during or after your employment, divulge of utilize any confidential information of the
Company or any of its associate Companies (including confidential information as to the business and
affairs of the Company) which may have come to your knowledge during your employment with the


Your service with the Company will be terminated by either party upon giving a notice of one month to the
other party in writing of the intention to do so. Further, on the part of the Company, your services may be:
(a) Terminated should you be absent from work of incapacitated from properly performing your duties
owing to ill health or accident for a period of one month, by giving you thirty days’ notice in writing of its
intention to do so.
(b) Summarily dismissed should you be guilty of breach of this appointment, insobriety, addiction to drugs,
dishonesty, disobedience, neglect of duty or other misconduct under the Company’s Standing Orders
which a Director or one of the Managers of the Company certifies in writing to be detrimental to the
business or interests of the Company, (Such certificate to be final and binding in all respects).
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(c) Terminated at its absolute discretion either by giving you one-month notice or without previous notice
upon paying to you, in addition to any sum which may have accrued to you at the date of such termination
of this appointment, a sum by way of compensation equal to two months’ salary calculated at the rate of
salary then current under this appointment.
Should this appointment be terminated for any of the causes contained in Section (b) then you shall not be
entitled to any compensation or to any pay beyond that which may have accrued to you at the date of
termination thereof or of your dismissal.


If an employee wishes to resign the Company, he/she has to give notice of 1 month in advance. If notice
period is less than one month, company will be not liable to pay the salary of notice period days, bonus
etc., also company is not liable to issue experience and relieving letters. Leaves will not consider as paid
leaves during notice period of resignation.

17. GENERAL: -
Except so far as may be necessary for the purpose of your duties hereunder, you shall not, without the
consent of the Company, retain originals or make copies of telegrams, letters, maps, reports, drawings,
calculations, specifications, formulae, forms, licenses, agreements or other documents of whatever nature
belonging to the Company of any of its associate companies may be or may have been entrusted and
which have come into your possession by reason of your employment hereunder. If , on the termination of
your employment, you are in possession of any originals or copies of telegrams, letters, maps, reports,
drawings, calculations, specifications, formulae, forms, licenses, agreements or other documents of
whatever nature belonging to the Company or any of its associate or parent Companies or any notes
thereof or any such samples or specimen as aforesaid, you shall deliver the same to the Company without
being asked, except so far as the consent to retain them has been given to you by the Company. All or any
of the above mentioned privileges can be withdrawn by the Company at any time upon notification to you.
We wish to stress that the terms and conditions of your employment are matters which are strictly
personal and private between you and the Company. In the event of your accepting the terms outlined
herein, will you please sign and return to us the enclosed duplicate copy of this letter token of your

Thanking you and assuring you of our best services at all times,
Yours faithfully,

For Elite Powertech Pvt. Ltd.

Technology Services to Help Your Business Grow

Operations and Maintenance

1 Check the healthy AC Supply of panels. 1 Don't ignore any alarm indication.
2 Check the DC supply of panels. 2 Don't forget to read Caution notes on equipment’s.
Check the healthiness of emergency DC
3 3 Don't carry out any operation in haste.
Lighting Systems.
Don't operate the Isolators without opening the
4 Always Carry out operations with cool mind. 4
Don't allow the outsider without opening the
5 Check for any DC Leakage. 5
Check all the control panels for door sealing & Don't allow the work on equipment’s without proper
6 6
cleanness. PTW.
7 Check floats Voltage & Condition of Battery. 7 Don't allow under/overcharging of DC Batteries.
Drain moistures from Air Compressors & Air
8 8 Don't lose concentration while working.
Tanks of SF-6 Breakers.
Check availability of sufficient Fire Fighting
9 9 Don't smoke inside the control room & switchyard.
10 Check DG Set for healthiness. 10 Don't Panic in case of Fire.
Follow Safety Rules & Instructions during
11 11 Don't come on duty after taking liquor.
Don't energies the equipment after without proper
12 Always follow proper operation sequence. 12 investigation, in case of tripping due to Buchcholz,
Diffential, Restricted Earth Fault or Bus Bar Relays.
After tripping of Equipment, Record all the
13 13 Don’t wear loose clothes while working.
alarms/events/ indications properly.
Don't wear Shoes inside SAS Room & not allow other
14 Reset all relays after reviving the system. 14
to do so.
Always ensure the availability of fist aid box & Don't leave substation without handing over records
15 15
breathing equipment’s in the Control Room. to other shift engineers.
Check that no Permit To Work (PTW) is Don't Forget to takeover shift records & information
16 16
pending before charging the Equipment. while taking duty charge.
Check Hot-Spot in the night after switching off Don't forget to Switch Off Fan / Lights when not in
17 17
the Lights. use.
Check Communication System is in working Don't spit inside the control room building &
18 18
condition. switchyard.
Display the important telephone numbers in
19 19 Don't lie in Kiosk & switchyard.
the Control Room.
Don't forget to collect the T&P (tools and equipment)
Check before cancellation of PTW, all
20 20 & remove unwanted objects from switchyard after the
temporary earths removed.
completion of work.
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General Safety Requirements in Substations

 General safety shall always be established and maintained in side sub-stations.
 Before commencement of a construction or maintenance work in an energized substation, appropriate
authorization and the PTW shall be obtained from the designated, authorized person.

 Barricades or barriers shall be installed to prevent accidental contact with energized lines or
equipment. Where appropriate, signs indicating the hazard shall be pasted near the barricade or
barrier. Only designated employees shall be permitted to work on equipment under PTW or adjacent
control panels.

 All precaution shall be taken to avoid accidental operation of relays or other protective devices due to
jamming, vibration, or improper wiring.

 The person responsible for establishing such general safety will be the company officer holding the
safety document before working / testing starts.

 During the working / testing the company in charge of the work shall ensure that all members of the
working crew maintain general safety. It is the responsibility of all members of the working party,
overseen by the company officer, to ensure that their activities do not affect other work areas.

 All safety rules, safety instructions and procedures are mandatory. Similarly, all relevant safety rules
issued by competent authorities shall also be considered mandatory when designated as such in basic
safety rules.

 Company safety rules and safety instructions shall be applied when working on, or near to items of
energized / de-energized equipment / lines which are owned by JKTPL.

 No unauthorized person shall be allowed to enter into switching and controlling area of sub-stations.

 A signboard distinctly displaying this notice shall be provided on the gate meant for entry in to the
switching & controlling area of sub-stations.

 It should be ensured that all tool / equipment is within its prescribed capability.
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 The staff should take care that the conducting material such as ladders, steel tape etc. should not be
used in the switchyard, however if it is to be used one should take care that it should not come within
the induction zone while movement of such material. Also, staff should avoid use of umbrella in the

 Tested rubber mats should be kept in front of operating panels / switches etc. They should be checked
for condition periodically and replaced as necessary.

 Temporary changes or change over made in the switchyard or control room or on the EHV line should
be displayed on the board near to the sitting arrangement of the shift in charge till such arrangement

 Rubber gloves & insulated shoes should invariably be worn in all cases while operating gang operating
switches controlling high tension lines and equipment where accidental contact of operating personnel
with live parts are likely. While working near live lines and equipment and working on live low-tension
lines and equipment’s, gloves should be worn.

 Grass, tree, and shrubs etc. should not be allowed to develop in the sub-stations yard. The land of yard
should be treated with such chemicals, which prevents land fertility in the yards permanently.
Periodically all shrubs and grass be cut from the yards particularly before rains and after rains. All
branches of tree extending up to 2 meters from yard fencing should be trimmed before and after rains.
The yard should be laid with stone gravel layer of 100 –150 mm thick with grit of 25 to 35 mm size.

 Instructions in English and Hindi shall also be affixed for restoration of persons suffering from electric

For Elite Powertech Pvt. Ltd.

Technology Services to Help Your Business Grow


I, Raj Kumar agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this letter. I will join the organization on 17-Dec-22
(Please mention probable date of joining the organization).

Date: Signature:

Mob: 8178904450

For Elite Powertech Pvt. Ltd.

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