Pandadadada 1.14 Final
Pandadadada 1.14 Final
Pandadadada 1.14 Final
Xuanle Zhu
in Partial Fulfillment
© 2018
Xuanle Zhu
The study aims to examine the use of WeChat and the gratifications of the
Chinese elderly. Two-hundred Chinese respondents who were current WeChat users and
were current subscribing WeChat health information have participated in this survey. The
participants were being selected using convenience sampling. The mean, standard
deviation, and percentage were being tabulated and analyzed using One-way ANOVA,
Multiple Regression, and Spearman Rank’s Correlation with the significance level of .05.
about health information via WeChat, but those with different gender, age, personal
income per month and stickiness to WeChat health information did not have significant
information had significant different gratification obtained about health information via
WeChat, but those who have different gender, personal income per month educational
gratification obtained for WeChat health information was not significant predictor of
This research would not be successfully completed without the continuous advises
advises for the completion of this Independent Study. Thanks to her, my Independent
I would like to thank my family, who has provided great understanding and
from my friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time
frame, because of them I learned the value of persistence and self-alliance in completing
this research.
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................. iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................................................................... vi
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................................................... 1
Communication…………………………………………………………... 17
Communication ……………………………………………………… 39
Communication………………………………………………………. 46
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY……………………………………………… 53
CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS…………………………………………..…………. 85
BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………….. 142
BIODATA…………………………………………………………………….. 186
Satisfaction …………………………………………………………... 63
Table 3.7.1: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
Table 3.7.2: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
Table 3.7.3: Sum and percentage of the sample’s Chinese elderly WeChat users
Table 3.7.4: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
Table 3.7.5: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
Table 3.7.6: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
Table 3.7.7: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
Table 3.7.8: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
Table 3.7.9: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
Table 4.1.1: Data Analysis for gratification sought about health information via
WeChat……………………………………………………………….. 86
Table 4.1.2: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought General
Table 4.1.3: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought
Table 4.1.4: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought Decision
Table 4.1.5: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought
Table 4.1.6: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought
Table 4.1.7: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought
Table 4.1.8: Data Analysis for gratification obtained about health information via
WeChat……………………………………………………………… 95
Table 4.1.9: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained General
Table 4.1.10: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained
Table 4.1.11: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained
Table 4.1.12: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained
Table 4.1.13: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained
Table 4.1.14: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained
Table 4.1.15: Data Analysis for Small group relational satisfaction about health
Table 4.1.16: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ Small group relational
WeChat……………………………………………………………… 109
Table 4.2.2: One-way ANOVA Analysis of the relationship between frequency of using
Table 4.2.3: One-way ANOVA Analysis of the relationship between age and gratification
Table 4.2.4: One-way ANOVA Analysis of the relationship between frequency of using
Table 4.2.5: LSD analysis for testing the relationship between gratification sought and
Table 4.2.6: LSD analysis for testing the relationship between gratification sought and
Obtained……………………………………………………………… 119
Obtained…………………………………………………………….. 120
Table 4.2.9: Multiple Regression Model on the degree of relational satisfaction toward
communication………………………………………………………. 121
In recent years, with Internet era coming to our daily life inevitably, many
Internet-related software and apps are emerging, and WeChat is the predominant one.
The main function of Internet is to serve as an infobahn and this function has already
been widely and fully used by the Chinese Internet users. Data from China Internet
Network Information Center (CNNIC) show that Internet is the main information channel
of 80.9% Chinese Internet users, ranking the first place in information sources among the
The Internet brings the innovation of human culture under the background of
as its derivative, development and conflict, which has various influence on contemporary
people’s ideological values. More importantly, Chinese elderly is a large and non-
and interactivity features of its information and data, Internet becomes one of the main
channels for getting health related information between both general public and those
professionals in health care field. Because of its convenience and efficiency, populace
can search for the health-related information and solutions before they are going to make
decisions. According to Amanda, Jones, & Macgill’s research (2008), the number of
Internet users on the purpose of searching for health information through Internet was up
to fifty-eight million, accounted for 53% of the total number of Internet users.
In China, as the information technology develops at a very fast speed, the capacity
of the Internet and the number of Internet users increase sharply. As a result, the number
accordance with the report from China Internet Network Information Center (2014), it
showed that at present, 45.0% of Chinese Internet users get access to the Internet with the
purpose of obtaining information (products and services, job information, medical and
health services, government information, and etc.). It means that Internet has become one
of the main approaches of obtaining health information among the Chinese people. Up to
2014, China has the biggest population of Internet users which is approximately six
hundred million, but yet, there is not any relevant data demonstrate the details of the use
of Internet health information among the mainland Chinese Internet users. The huge
absolute number of total Chinese Internet users can certify that the absolute number of
the Chinese Internet users of health information should also be a large amount. In recent
time, the amounts of health-related websites in China has increased over the years,
providing diversified and numerous kinds of resources of physical and mental health, diet
and nutrition, prevention and other health care information. It showed in the CNNIC
report (2014 cited in China Internet Network Information Center, 2017) that there are
more than two hundred health-related websites all over China and in order to drive up
click-thru rates, almost all the comprehensive websites in China did set up a section for
health information. Based on the date of iResearch (2016), health-related websites are
already covered forty million Internet users, topped the list of life-support information
service section among Internet websites. On account that health information has a close
relationship with people’s health and even life, when more and more people acquire
health information through Internet, the accuracy of those health information and whether
they can be able to fulfill people's needs become the urgent issues which need further
study. Hence, the researcher of this paper chooses Internet health information as the
research topic.
With the rapid expanding of Internet, people’s life is closely bound up with health
information. To conduct a research on the use of Internet health information is not only
helpful to understand the actual usage or needs of health-related information among the
public, but also an indispensable topic for discussion in the field of medical treatment and
health. It is very necessary to conduct a research and analysis on the motives of using
Internet health information, behaviors, and the degree of gratifications for those Chinese
older people who have remarkably concerns on their health. From a quantitative
perspective, this research attempts to describe the current situation of Internet health
Generally speaking, WeChat has many basic functions, such as send hold-to-talk
voice messages, text messages, pictures and videos. WeChat supports Wi-Fi and 3G data
network. And it supports mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan and US
phone numbers. WeChat has speakerphone: gently press the button to speak, and the
other party will be able to receive the voice after the button released. WeChat supports
group-chat up to 20 people. What’s more, WeChat has many other attractive functions.
The most attractive function is searching people around you. WeChat can search people
near you who has WeChat base on your own location. This function can make user to
know people around you and then to build a new relationship. WeChat also supports
sending videos. It is quite convenient to shoot a video and send it to the other party
immediately. The compressed video is also suitable for transmission in mobile network.
You can always share the wonderful pieces of life with other people at any time. WeChat
also has “drift bottle” function. By this function, you can share messages to the world
anonymously and make new friends. Besides, WeChat has voice notes function. This
function can not only save your voice memo, but also keep your pictures and texts in a
convenient way. WeChat can help you to catch your messages and keep you always
updated. WeChat has QQ mail notifications which can alert you when new mails come to
your QQ mailbox and you can read the mails right away. It supports sending and
receiving messages from Tencent micro blog. Moreover, English language edition is also
available in WeChat. It can clear away the basic obstacle for foreigners to get access to it.
Furthermore, it can help the company to manage the market efficiently outside of China
in a broader sense.
On November 19, 2017, Tencent officially released the latest "2017 WeChat data
report." According to data released by Tencent (2017), WeChat has become the most
popular and influential chat software in China. As of September 2017, WeChat has more
than 900 million registered users per day and 17 percent growth in 2016, among which 50
and communication is also one of the important purposes for people to use WeChat.
WeChat little program is now covers more than 20 categories, industry of fine
classification more than 200, including monthly access to the largest number of industry
categories are transportation, electric business platform, tools, service life and IT
information types in the WeChat reading statistics is 210 million, and the number of
readers is second. In the ranking of WeChat public number posts, the top five were
emotional information, health care, political and legal news, disease pathology and
cooking. In its use of the WeChat public number, Tencent found that the public number
of health information has a large number of fans, among which the elderly users are the
main audience. WeChat has gradually become an indispensable part of the daily life of
Furthermore, the process to send a message is simple. Open audio function and
speak what you want to say to your friend. Then send the audio document to your friends.
Your friends can receive your audio messages. Open it then your friends can hear your
recording. This model can make two people talk with each other in different places and at
different time. What’s more, the Tencent Technology Company updates the current
version every fifteen days, which ensures new functions for each version. Fortunately,
there are many other functions of WeChat that will be created in the future.
The internet and social media provide people with a range of benefits, and
connections and support networks that otherwise wouldn't be possible and can access
more information than ever before. The communities and social interactions people form
online can be invaluable for bolstering and developing people's self-confidence and social
With the tentacles of the Internet reaching into every field and every corner,
society has entered the information age. WeChat, which was launched in 2011, has
absorbed a large number of users within a short period of time, and has unconsciously
reshaped social interactions (Xu, 2015). Internet network information center (CNNIC) in
the 39th "China Internet development statistics report" in 2016, over the age of 50
Internet users account for 9.4% of the total number of Internet users, 0.2% increase from
2015. Internet and related application further permeate the life of old people.
With the continuous improvement of the quality of life, more and more elderly
people in China actively learn to use WeChat in the process of social development. This
is not only related to their well-being, but also to the future development of relevant
industries. China's research on the Internet use of the elderly began around 1998, and the
research on WeChat began in 2013. Now, there are some media started on this
phenomenon were investigated and reported, but only stay in describing the phenomenon
level, academic circles at present also lack for the elderly to use WeChat exist in the
authoritative academic website in China. In CNKI, there are only five research papers on
the Chinese elderly WeChat use behavior. There are seven other papers on how to use
WeChat to provide better services for China's elderly. And there are 2,971 research
papers on the relationship between other social groups and WeChat use behavior. The
studies, the Chinese elderly WeChat use behavior and preferences, motivation and
satisfaction were analyzed, and increase the academic study of elderly group WeChat use.
The real meaning is to reshape the social role of the elderly in the new media
environment. Meanwhile, the market for the elderly in China has not yet been fully
developed. The elderly market is becoming a bigger stage for the development of the
Internet and smart terminal industries. Relevant Chinese enterprises can seize market
opportunities to further develop and provide more convenience for elderly Chinese
Internet users.
Based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory, the focus of this study is to examine
the use of WeChat and the gratifications of the Chinese elderly. For the sake of providing
references to relevant departments so that they can be able to better serve and educate
Chinese elderly on health issues. This research is going to delve into the current situation
of the uses of Internet health information of the research objects and explore their
specific, the research purposes and objectives of this study can be listed as follows:
conditions influence gratification sought of using Internet health information among the
conditions influence gratification obtained of using Internet health information among the
1.2.3 To examine the correlation between the gratification sought and gratification
Internet health information among the Chinese elderly via WeChat are the significant
WeChat has become one of the main channels for people to obtain information
related to health because of the rapid development of WeChat in China. Because of its
with Uses and Gratifications theory, the researcher takes WeChat health information as
the context and probes into the relevancy among the three variables of the 200
respondents, which include their uses of WeChat health information, and their
gratifications sought and gratification obtained among the older Chinese WeChat users.
The surveys were used in this research to analyze the WeChat health information
usage and gratifications among the older Chinese WeChat users as well as giving
Therefore, the researcher is going to focus on just the former situation in this
study. To sum up, the sample of the survey will be the Chinese WeChat users whose age
55-70 years old. On WeChat official website, WeChat technology product department
released the "2017 WeChat life report." In this report, WeChat users are divided into
three categories: the users born after 1995, typical users and elderly users. Among them,
typical users refer to users who account for 65% of monthly active users and 80% of the
total number of daily messages sent, while the majority of users who meet these two
conditions are the generation after 80s and 90s. As defined in the report, WeChat elderly
The samples were selected using convenience sampling from different regions of
Shanghai, China. Shanghai first entered the aging society in 1979. By the end of 2010,
the number of registered residents in Shanghai was 14.1232 million, and the registered
elderly population aged 60 years and above had reached 3.3102 million, accounting for
23.4 percent of the total population. They have the ability to independently use WeChat
function and have some understanding and contact with WeChat health information.
The research examined four variables, which are characteristics of the WeChat
health information users, motives, use behavior, and degree of gratification. According to
the purposes of study and the scope of this study, the following research questions are
RQ1: How do Chinese elderly users with different demographic and health
gratification obtained for health information via WeChat among Chinese elderly users?
RQ4: Are the gratifications sought about health information via WeChat and
gratification obtained about health information via WeChat among Chinese elderly users
1. This study tries to enrich the current studies of WeChat health communication
particular. Nowadays, there are few researches on the perspective of WeChat health
heighten the research and development of the WeChat health communication in China.
2. Chinese elderly is an essential group of users who are closely attached to the
WeChat. But usually people tend to neglect them and exclude them from the frequent
WeChat users. This research will highlight what motives of Chinese elderly and whether
using WeChat gratify their needs for health internet or not based on the uses and
plan the digital communication strategy on health information to reach the Chinese
Health information refers to the information about medical conditions and health
care, including medical knowledge, health knowledge, healthy living, and other services
that is provided direct to consumers (Elliot & Polkinhorn, 1994). Wolf and Sangel (1996)
defined health information as the knowledge of health promotion and preventive health
chronic and specific diseases, the hardware facilities of medical aid providers and the
perceptions, and behavior patterns which are conveyed by health-related websites and
used by people to eliminate their diseases and other health-related uncertain factors
1.6.3 WeChat refers to a free application that Tencent launched on January 21,
2011, to provide instant messaging services for smart terminals. WeChat supports the
rapid delivery of free voice SMS, video, images and text via the network. At the same
time, WeChat can also be used by sharing data streaming media content and location
such as plug-ins.
1.6.4 WeChat Chinese elderly users are WeChat elderly users in China as 55-
communication, which holds that understanding why people use media helps explain
1.6.6 Gratification sought (GS) refers to motives for media exposure and are
based on expectations about media content. Palmgreen, Wenner, and Rayburn (1980)
developed two 15-item scales. The items measured five GS dimensions: general
are media content and feedback to influence content expectations. Palmgreen, Wenner,
and Rayburn (1980) developed two 15-item scales. The items measured five GO
expected or sought of the elderly to media start from their physiological and
elderly, their senses such as vision and hearing have become sluggish, so the elderly's
demand for media is that they hope to communicate with the use of mobile application
software with a concise and clear interface. WeChat has a simple and clear interface
design, which is favored by the elderly in China. In addition, WeChat can set the
brightness of the chat background, and it has the function of voice chat and video chat,
which meets the needs of voice input of the Chinese elderly, with simple operation and
easy to learn. The psychological negative emotions of the elderly groups in China can be
alleviated through the help of family members and the daily WeChat interaction between
family members and the elderly groups, which is conducive to the healthy life of the
Because the elderly fall in learning ability, memory and other natural flaws, make the fast
rhythm of life children hard to teach old people to use WeChat patiently, so some young
people are supposed to be like parents raised by our feedback the elderly, to let them in
later life still can feel the love and care. Now there are still some Chinese old people learn
how to use WeChat actively, most of them are for the residents of the economically
developed areas of China, has a certain level of education and economy foundation, the
needs. WeChat's voice and video chat function provide great convenience for the elderly
group to contact their relatives and friends, which is easy to accept and use, and the
1.6.10 Satisfaction to health refers to how much people feel about their needs or
expectations for health that have been met. It includes not only the actual health condition,
but also the psychological experience of the actual health condition. It includes physical
Wang, 2009).
member relationships during communicative processes and practices throughout the life
Health Information, the definition of health information and internet health information,
and assumption of Uses and Gratification Theory. The topics will be summarized as
During the 1970s, traditional media such as the television, newspaper and others
sources were examined for their relationship of usage with consumers’ satisfaction. The
uses and gratifications theory (UGT), originated by Katz in 1970 (cited in Katz, Blumler,
& Gurevitch, 1974), stated that people seek out the specific content from each media
outlet in order to satisfy a particular need. In this theoretical perspective, Katz, Blumler
and Gurevitch (1974) employed UGT to determine whether audiences are active and
energetic, and whether they seek out media to support their personal needs. This theory
has since been used widely within both qualitative and quantitative questionnaires to
relationships between demographics, media usage, and the levels of individual need,
motivation, and gratification. The components of the uses and gratifications model are
these four specific areas: 1) audience activity; 2) needs gratification; 3) choice of media;
and, 4) value judgments (Katz, Blumler, & Gurevitch, 1974). This theory helps to
examine how the use of media sources has changed with advanced and sophisticated
technological developments. The Uses and Gratifications Theory invites one to ask,
“What motives do working people who use social media have which are similar to - or
different from - their motives to use other traditional media - such as the television,
Blumer and Katz’s theory seeks to reach an understanding of what the audience
does for the media, not what the media does for the audience. Their theory also explained
that audiences generally tend to dictate on how they will benefit through what they are
purchasing, and whether consumption will fulfill their needs. This approach suggests that
Theory developed by Maslow (1998). Maslow argued that people actively seek to satisfy
a hierarchy of needs. Once the goals of one level of hierarchy are achieved, people will
progress onto the next level. For example, when a person’s primary survival needs of
food, water, and shelter are met, they then seek to achieve the next level of need for
security and property. The audience is active and its use of media is goal-oriented in a
similar way. UGT defines the media usage motives of people in both positive and
lazy and controlled by the media, Katz, Blumler, and Gurevitch (1974) presented a
communication processes. Uses and Gratifications Theory argues that people actively
seek out specific media and specific content to obtain specific gratifications or results.
This theory views people as being active because they are able to examine and evaluate
Instead of asking, “What does the media do to people?” Uses and Gratification
In previous studies that have examined the use of different media and the
gratifications sought from the media, there are eight widely applied assumptions that
have become accepted, based on previous research results (McQuail, Blumler, & Brown ,
1972; Rosengren & Windahl, 1972; Katz, Gurvitch, & Hass, 1973):
and of itself.
People are often found to possess enough self-awareness of their own media use,
interests, and motives, which allows them to be able to provide researchers with an
accurate picture of what media they use, and why they use it (West & Turner, 2010).
Many researchers (Leung & Wei, 2000; Lucas & Sherry, 2004; Sherry, Lucas,
Greenberg, & Lachlan, 2006) have argued that the future will determine and change the
way people watch television, and use media resources in general. Researchers have
applied UGT to a variety of new media. Leung and Wei (2000) examined the use and
gratifications of the cellular phone. They found that young women who had less
education tended to talk longer on their cellular phones. Sherry, Lucas, Greenberg, and
Lachlan (2006) examined the use and gratifications of video games. The research results
found that such games satisfied several motivations for their respondents including these
aspects: challenge, arousal, diversion, fantasy, competition, and social interaction. The
social interaction finding is particularly noteworthy, given the regular belief, assumption
and perception that these media applications tend to isolate individuals who live in
solitude, when their only perception of the ‘reality’ of friends is who they meet as an
Social media is the center of everything for many people. It is not a passive media
outlet, as the TV or a newspaper is. It can spread out the news or build social interaction
in society. Social media is very different from traditional media (Alejandro, 2010). Social
media was found to be a far more useful tool than the traditional media in a political
election. It can deliver the mainstream news as quickly as the traditional media system,
such as newspapers did, but at a far more instant and immediate strike, rather waiting for
the newspaper to be printed overnight and then sold the next morning (Alejandro, 2010;
Sauter, 2013)
Kaye and Johnson (2004) argue that the growth of the internet has created a
resurgence of interest in uses and gratifications, as researchers look at why people use
this popular new medium resource. In their own research, Dimmick, Chen, and Li (2004)
found that, although the Internet is indeed a new medium, it does, in fact, overlap the
more traditional media forms in terms of uses and gratifications. For example, Sherry and
Lucas (2004) found that assessing the uses and gratifications enabled researchers to
understand the differences between young adult men and women on how and why they
used video games. The research results found that men were more likely to be key game
players, generally enthusiastic about game playing, and playing for longer hours; whereas
women played far fewer games, for a much lesser time scale (Lucas & Sherry, 2004).
Papacharissi and Rubin (2000) found that people who felt valued often used the Internet
for information gathering, while those who felt less secure tended to use the Internet
Applying the Uses and Gratifications Theory to social media use is necessary in
mass communications research. Some research has been performed in relation to the uses
and gratifications of Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter. The factors of the model
in relation to social media use were confirmed by research undertaken by Eastin (2002),
Park, Kee and Valenzuela (2009). Park et al. (2009) found that the major uses and
gratification factors of social media users were based on socializing, entertainment, self-
status seeking, and obtaining information. LaRose and Eastin (2004) found similar
factors, such as a need for information, seeking entertainment, and reaching social needs.
Johnson and Yang (2009) found that the major gratifications sought and obtained
by Twitter users were based on social and informational motives. Social motives include
having fun, being entertained, relaxing, seeing what others people are doing, passing time,
freely expressing one’s self, keeping in touch with friends and family, ease of
many people. Information motives include obtaining and sharing information (facts, links,
news, knowledge, and ideas), giving or receiving advice, learning interesting things, and
meeting new people. These factors can be used to construct a theoretical framework for
means to share information. Active Twitter users seem to use technology to gratify
information needs, to the same extent as they would use, or have used, the traditional
Uses and gratifications theory is suited for the study of Internet and specific kind
health information. According to the research topic of this paper, the researcher is going
to discuss the relevant studies on Internet health information and uses and gratifications
theory in order to summarize the experience of previous studies and develop his own
Studies of uses and gratifications on Internet health information from abroad are
mainly empirical studies which covered all groups of ages including teenagers, middle-
aged people, and elderly people. Those studies discussed the types of Internet health
information, the frequency of use, the means of searching health information, the impact
of behavior, and so on. Additionally, content analysis has also been used to analyze the
users of Internet health information and the health-related topics. In accordance with the
Victoria Rideout (2001) did a survey on the use of Internet health information
among the teenagers aged between 15 to 24 years old. The result shows that sixty-eight
percent of teenagers have been used Internet for searching health information and thirty-
nine percent of them responded that their behaviors changed due to the health
information they got from the Internet. The health information they have searched
includes cancer, diabetes, pregnancy, contraception, HIV and other venereal diseases,
demonstrated that women, middle aged people, and college-educated people would like
to use Internet for searching health information and their most concerns are diet and Rx
drugs information. Research result also stated that most of the Internet health information
Bernhardt (2002) carried out an exploratory study which includes fifteen focus
groups and depth interview on African American and European American on Internet-
based health communication on human genetics. The result shows that the respondents
think that Internet has great power on delivering health information, however many of
them worried about the accuracy and reliability of the online information, so they have
strong concerns on their privacy and lack of trust for many websites.
Amanda (2000) found that in America, there are 52 million adults (account for
fifty-five percent of total Internet users in America) have used Internet for searching
health information. These people searched health information for themselves and the
people they care through Internet and help them understand many health issues.
Consequently, the result showed that ninety-one percent of the respondents searched for
thirteen percent of them searched nutrition information, and eleven percent of them
searched medical care knowledge. The results pointed out that most of the Internet health
information users were one-way communication oriented, which means they lack of
interaction with medical personnel. Only ten percent of the Internet health information
users would like to communicate with doctors as well as buy drugs and vitamins.
Dorothy (2007) conducted a research on the behaviors and process of women who
seeks for health information via Internet and found that the Internet health information
have great impact on decision making when those women Internet health information
users is going to have medical treatments and those women Internet health information
You (2001) applied health communication theory as well as uses and gratification
theory along with other Internet researches and come up with a theoretical framework in
order to analyze the uses and gratifications of Internet health information. The results of
her research show that there are three main motives or needs for the use of Internet health
information, which are personal mental motives (absorb information and prevention),
mostly come from Internet characteristics and just a little come from the content. Yang
(2004) proposed in his thesis that there is a significant correlation between the frequency
of use on checking health reports on Internet and the frequency of physical examinations
and the degree of concerns on users’ health conditions. In addition, there is a significant
correlation between the degree of gratifications on using websites and the degree of
using Internet.
Unfortunately, in mainland China, there are fewer researches on the uses and
major domestic databases Wan fang, no related papers can be found when searching with
the key words “WeChat health information, Chinese elderly and uses and gratifications.”
in China. At present, in CNKI, there are only 5 research papers on WeChat using
behavior of Chinese elderly people. There are only a dozen research papers on the
common theme "WeChat" and "health information". There are also seven papers on how
to use WeChat to provide better service for the Chinese elderly. In addition to this, there
are 2,971 papers that research the use of WeChat for other social groups in China. We
can conclude from the above researches from home and abroad about the uses and
gratifications of WeChat health information that there are very few empirical studies
concentrating on the group of Chinese elderly in relevant fields. Hence, this paper is
going to forge ahead a theoretical analysis framework in accordance with the above
researches for the WeChat uses and gratifications for health information among Chinese
communication. The theory places more focus on the consumer, or audience, instead of
the actual message itself by asking “what people do with media” rather than “what media
does to people” (Katz, 1959). It assumes members of the audience are not passive but
take an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives. The theory
also holds audiences responsible for choosing media to meet its needs. The approach
suggests that people use the media to fulfill specific gratifications. This theory would
then imply that the media compete against other information sources for the viewer’s
There are three main paradigms in media effects: hypodermic needle (i.e., direct,
or strong effects), limited effects, and the powerful to limited effects. "Uses and
Gratifications" falls under the second paradigm which reached its apex around 1940-1960,
when studies helped realize that the first paradigm was inaccurate.
centered approach. When an audience actively seeks out media, they are typically seeking
it in order to gratify a need. For example, in social situations, people may feel more
confident and knowledgeable when they have specific facts and stories from media to add
Social situations and psychological characteristics motivate the need for media,
which motivates certain expectations of that media. This expectation leads one to be
gratification. The media dependency theory has also been explored as an extension to the
uses and gratifications approach to media, though there is a subtle difference between the
two theories. People's dependency on media proves audience goals to be the origin of the
dependency while the uses and gratifications approach focuses more on audience needs
(Grant, 1998). Still, both theories agree that media use can lead to media dependency
(Rubin, 1982).
The media dependency theory states that the more dependent an individual is on
the media for to fulfill needs, the more significant the media becomes to that person.
DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach (1976, cited in Littlejohn, 1978) illustrated dependency as the
relationship between media content, the nature of society, and the behavior of audiences.
Littlejohn (1978) also explained that people will become more dependent on media that
meet a number of their needs than on media that touch only a few ones. Dependency on a
are usually more dependent on available media if their access to media alternatives is
limited. The more alternatives there are for an individual, the lesser is the dependency on
The hypodermic needle model claims that consumers are strongly affected by
media and have no say in how the media influences them. The main idea of the Uses and
Gratifications model is that people are not helpless victims of all-powerful media, but use
media to fulfill their various needs. These needs serve as motivations for using media.
Beginning in the 1940s, researchers began seeing patterns under the perspective
of the uses and gratifications theory in radio listeners. Early research was concerned with
topics such as children's use of comics and the absence of newspapers during a
newspaper strike (Infante, Rancer, & Womack, 1993). An interest in more psychological
interpretations also emerged during this time. In 1974, Katz, Blumler and Gurevitch
realized that most Uses and Gratification studies were most concerned with the following
mass media or other sources, which lead to differential patterns of media exposure (or
It has not been done for these reasons. The notion of active audience has conflated
surveillance, correlation, entertainment and cultural transmission for both society and
In 1972, Blumler and Brown (cited in Blumler, 1979) extended Lasswell's (1948,
cited in Blumler, 1979) four groups 25 years later. The four primary factors for usinf the
media included:
(4) Surveillance—Information about factors which might affect one or will help
In 1973 study, Katz, Gurevitch and Haas (cited in Katz, Blumler, & Gurevitch,
1974) saw the mass media as a means by which individuals connect or disconnect
themselves with others. They developed 35 needs taken from the largely speculative
literature on the social and psychological functions of the mass media and put them into
five categories:
Many people have criticized this theory as they believe the public has no control
over the media and what it produces. It can also be said to be too kind to the media, as
they are being 'let off the hook' and do not need to take responsibility for what they
produce. "The nature of the theory underlying Uses and Gratifications research is not
totally clear" (Blumler, 1979). This makes the line between gratification and satisfaction
blurred calling into question if we only seek what we desire or actually enjoy it
(Palmgreen, & Rayburn, 1985b). "Practitioners of Uses and Gratifications research have
been criticized for a formidable array of shortcomings in their outlook -- they are taxed
for being crassly atheoretical, perversely eclectic, ensnared in the pitfalls of functionalism
and for flirting with the positions at odds with their functionalist origins" (Blumler, 1979).
communication, which holds that understanding why people use media helps explain
media choices and consequences. According to this approach, gratifications sought (GS)
represent motives for media exposure and are based on expectations about media content.
Gratifications obtained (GO), on the other hand, are perceived personal outcomes, they
are, therefore, sensitive to media content and feedback to influence content expectations
(Palmgreen, Wenner, & Rayburn, 1980). Palmgreen et al. (1980) developed two 15-item
scales to measure the GS and GO. The items measured five GS and GO dimensions:
The researcher used Palmgreen’s uses and gratifications scale (1980, cited in
Rubin, Palmgreen & Sypher, 1994) to measure the gratification sought and gratification
obtained. These GS-GO scales have been used (a) to test the relationship between GS
from TV news and the corresponding GO item for most-watched and least-watched news
programs (Palmgreen et al., 1980), (b) to create GS and GO discrepancy scores that
distinguish viewers of different news programs (Palmgreen, Wenner, & Rayburn, 1981),
and (c) to test specific components of the expectancy-value model (Palmgreen &
Rayburn, 1982). Researchers have used the scale items to measure GO from most
watched TV news programs (Palmgreen et al., 1980) and have adapted them to measure
beliefs, evaluations, and importance of TV news features (Babrow & Swanson, 1988;
Palmgreen & Rayburn, 1982). Some have used several items to assess GO from videotex
(Atwater, Heeter, & Brown, 1985) and from morning news programs (Rayburn,
Palmgreen, & Acker, 1984), Some studies have not used Item 2 because it does not load
cleanly on a single factor (as cited in Rubin, Palmgreen, & Sypher, 1994).
society, health Information comes from researches and practices in the field of life
Health information refers to the information about medical conditions and health
care, including medical knowledge, health knowledge, healthy living, and other services
Wolf and Sangel (1996) defined health information as the knowledge of health
the treatment and services of chronic and specific diseases, the hardware facilities of
medical aid providers and the relative information of health care and medical data.
opinions, behavior patterns that related to human health, or the content coded, shared and
delivered through health communication processes between the sources and the audiences
(Lv, 1998).
categories which are general health care, health news, major illnesses, aged health care,
women’s healthcare, men’s healthcare, infant health care, gender relations, cosmetology
maintenance, weight control, mental health, food nutrition, alternative medicine, and
medical works.
from many different angles and aspects, covered medical treatment, hygiene, nutrition,
health protection, diseases, diet, cosmetology, technology, medical facilities, and so on.
Based on the above definitions on health information, in this paper therefore, the author
defines health information as the knowledge, skills, perceptions, and behaviors that
people use to eliminate their uncertain factors on themselves diseases and other health
conditions through various channels and means. Due to the globalization feature of
Internet space, people can easily search and get access to whatever the health information
they want to have. The advantages are the autonomy, convenience, and promptness
features of Internet information search. While there are also some disadvantages hinder
people from getting health information by means of the Internet such as, the digital gap,
insufficiency of Internet accessibility and the lack of computer apparatus (Che, 2001).
As the China's steady economic growth and the gradually optimized life style of
Chinese people, along with the encouragement of health promotion in the world context,
more people become aware of diseases prevention and have urgent need for health
information. Particularly in the year of 2003, the spread of the SARS virus and other
highly contagious viruses stimulated the public to pay more attention on the health issues.
And the Internet, with its interactive, convenient, hypertext-based, multi-media, and
many other features, is now becoming the most frequently used channel for providing and
developed rapidly.
Now there are a lot of health websites containing various kinds of health topics on
the Internet, including the health pages under the comprehensive websites and those
specialized health websites. Numerous of these websites covered all types of topics such
types. Gao (2001), a Chinese scholar from Fudan University, classified the health
websites on the basis of their different content and service objects as follows:
1. The first category takes professionals in the field of medical treatment and
public health as service objects, mainly to provide various medical information, literature
retrieval services at home and abroad, academic exchange platform, medical personnel
qualification examination related services, E-medical education, and the promotion and
35,, and so on. Most of these websites have got high visibility
among medical and health care field and they focus on E-medical education as well as
doctor service.
2. The second category takes general population in the whole society as service
objects, mainly to disseminate and popularize health and hygienic knowledge as well as
to provide medical treatment guidelines and so on. A few of these websites provide
online shopping service for health products. Some of these websites cooperate with
Representative websites such as,, and so on. Due to the particularity of
the medical industry, the state has very strict laws and regulations on all medical-related
activities. Therefore, such websites offer a limited variety of services, basically can only
provide some knowledge of medical science. The most attractive point of these websites
is the E-consultation service, but it’s hard to carry out widely due to the limitation of
technology, capital and legal condition, particularity of diagnosis and treatment process,
and so on.
3. The third category, mainly focus on to provide a B2B e-commerce platform for
a variety of business activities such as electronic trading, bidding and purchasing in the
medical field. Such websites mainly provide a variety of business activities information
for hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. Its main representatives are:,, and so on. An obstacle in the development of these websites is the perception
of people still remains to be updated and its technology also needs further improvement.
4. The fourth category is those websites owned by medical and health institutions,
websites are the publicity windows and information release channels of their own
organizations. The typical website such as: the website of State Drug Administration
( and so on. Although this kind of websites not as good as those
commercial websites in terms of operation, they still own a lot of attentions owe to their
resource advantages.
From the broader perspective, health website can be defined as the World Wide
Web websites that open for all the Internet users established by medical institutions,
institutions for the purposes of providing health information and health-related services
(Zeng & Zhang, 1997). Health website will provide internet health information to gratify
the needs of the public. According to different organizers, the health websites can be
classified into five categories: government websites, medical teaching and medical
on health information, this research defines Internet health information as the knowledge,
websites and used by people to eliminate their diseases and other health-related uncertain
Under the framework of health communication, this research will probe into the
motives and use behaviors of Internet health information on the basis of Uses and
Gratification theory.
Before the term “Health Communication” has been formally put forward, there
was another concept called “Therapeutic Communication” which was more accepted by
the Western communication field and this concept was deeply associated with medical
definitions respectively. Everett Rogers, an American scholar has given three definitions
diseases and promote health. Effective health communication has a great impact on
peoples’ attitudes towards health knowledge and behavior change so that it can
effectively enhance the citizens’ life quality and promotes health standards.”
matters stand presently, several influential projects have been conducted; there were the
policy started in the 1970s, mass polio vaccination campaigns in time of the 1980s, the
movement of AIDS prevention and control during the 1990s, SARS prevention and
firstly introduced the concept of health communication. And for a long time, the
academic research papers related with health communication in mainland China are
mostly published on those specialized journals like Chinese Journal of Health Education
under the country’s health system. For communication field, in turn, the researches and
Due to the public health crisis and mass panic caused by SARS and AIDS in 2013,
studies about health communication have been developed. In the same year, the Chinese
Health Education and Mass Communication Forum has been hold at China hall of
science and technology in Beijing. It was considered as the direct dialogue between
medical science and mass communication field in China and it was the largest nationwide
workshop since the foundation of the state, it was also the first health-communication-
themed academic seminar in China. Since then, the health communication studies have
In American, health communication field has two main subfields: one is health
care delivery; the other one is health promotion. Health care delivery is more focused on
communication skills between the health care providers and their consumers, it will be
easier to communication, receive health information, make treatment choices and etc.
behaviors by persuasion means (Kreps, Bonaguro, & Query, 1998). Historically, these
two subfields never stopped competing against each other for a long time until recent
Health communication has a wide range of research topics, not only focus on
disease prevention (HIV, heart diseases, diabetes, and so on), but also including drug
prevention, the early detection of cancer, smoking cessation, and so on. Zhang (2005),
one of the Chinese health communication scholars, claimed that health communication is
medical science, pedagogy, management science, and so on. He also divided health
communication research into nine directions: the research on the media and effect of
health communication, health education and health promotion research, the research on
transplantation and etc., the history of health communication studies, public health
intention, Health belief model, Uses and gratifications theory, and so on. The researcher
will examine the uses and gratification in WeChat about health information of elderly
Chinese and its effect on their small group relational satisfaction. Among them, Social
marketing, diffusion of innovation theory, and Social learning theory are the most
New media are forms of media that are native to computers, computational and
relying on computers for distribution. Some examples of new media are websites, mobile
The health communication on the new media platform combines the advantages
information. Wang (2016) found that compared with traditional media, new media can
cause the fission spread of information, the information which is under the traditional
media delayed feedback into instantaneous feedback, one-way communication into two-
advantages make it easier for new media to become a tool to promote health information,
thus changing people's unhealthy habits. Wu (2017) pointed out in the survey that the
rapid development of new media provides a new way of thinking and means for the
construction of people's health service system. Zhou (2014) studies the relationship
between new media and traditional media and points out that new media is not opposed
to traditional media. New media is the inheritance and development of traditional media.
The integration of new media and traditional media is an inevitable trend of media
WeChat refers to a free application that Tencent launched on January 21, 2011, to
provide instant messaging services for smart terminals. WeChat supports the rapid
delivery of free voice SMS, video, images and text via the network. At the same time,
WeChat can also be used by sharing data streaming media content and location based
WeChat has been favored by a large number of users in a very short period of
time, and people from all walks of life are happy to use WeChat, because it has
January 21, 2011. It provides instant messaging services for smart phones, and allows
instant messaging, video, images and text via the Internet. It also provides multi-group
chat. On August 23, 2012, WeChat public platform was officially launched, and any
individual or organization could apply for WeChat public account for free. Since then,
WeChat is no longer limited to chatting in small circles of friends, but actually has the
First, WeChat spreads information directly, quickly, and makes the information
feel emotional. Any smart phone with WeChat, users can use WeChat anytime and
anywhere. Users can use WeChat to describe their life, personal feelings or interesting
things. WeChat disseminates information to the outside world through words, sounds,
video, pictures, emoticons and other means. Users' friends and family can instantly
receive information from users, know what the user is doing, what happened, and even
understand the user's mood. WeChat users can give quick feedback on the information.
Thumb up, text comments, voice messages and different emojis all make WeChat
information temperature and emotion. At the same time, the immediate interaction
between the two sides, like the information broadcast, makes the time and space
disappear. WeChat has interactive communication and participation, which not only
enables the two sides to know each other's state instantly, but also brings their feelings
closer together.
Second, WeChat can continuously expand the users' social scope. In the early
days of WeChat users, both parties were known friends. In the circle of precision,
WeChat is spread by relatives, friends and colleagues. Because of the special relationship
between the sender and the audience, WeChat information is also more private. WeChat
can add strangers through shake. By reading common information, accepting each other's
message and giving each other's moment thumb up, both parties can quickly become
familiar with each other and become friends quickly. The use of WeChat function has
been gradually extended from the acquaintance group to the stranger group. Thus, the
expansion of the circle of friends from unfamiliar to familiar, from single to group, makes
the information spread rapidly like the virus, and the coverage becomes larger and larger,
the academic circles in China, but there are not many research papers that combine
"WeChat" and "health communication" together. In CNKI, there are only a dozen articles
At present, people's demand for health information is very urgent. Both traditional
media and new media play their respective roles in the field of health communication.
WeChat is a typical example of new media, showing its unique advantages in health
the reading amount of health information. The health communication in WeChat can be
WeChat publishes health knowledge and information mainly through the form of
spontaneity, forwarding and linking. In the self-created and forwarded health information,
the content is numerous. Some health information is a summary of life experience. For
example, some WeChat users will share their knowledge of life and health to their friends.
More health information is the result of research by medical professionals. The health
knowledge and information from professional medical personnel is more scientific, and it
is easy to obtain a large number of thumb up and forwarding, which has a strong
medical information. For example, the emergency room of a hospital is moved, and the
people who come to the hospital need to make plans in advance, or what health lectures
are available in the near future, and which health books are published and so on.
WeChat, as a social platform, is used more for chat functions. In the process of
chatting with others, users share their own practices and experiences on a healthy topic,
and the two sides of the chat complement each other's health knowledge. These health
topics are not only about prevention and cure, but also about healthy eating, such as how
to make vegetables more nutritious, which foods are healthier and so on. The experience
of life and health information, through WeChat users interact, after filtering, supplement
and correction of people, can make some fragmentary knowledge get complement, also
can make some practice more scientific. At the same time, it will also transfer more
medical institutions provides people with a lot of health information, so that people can
access local medical information, health knowledge and health lecture information at any
time. At present, many hospitals give full play to the function of WeChat public platform
of the hospital. Users can quickly obtain relevant information about the hospital by
grade hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai and other places have more than 10,000 patients a
day. It is very difficult to make an appointment with a medical specialist, and even
completing an ordinary medical registration requires waiting in line for several hours. To
solve this problem, many hospitals in China have launched WeChat medical registration
service. For example, Shanghai children's hospital launched WeChat registration service
on April 8 this year. Less than half a month later, the hospital's WeChat public account
was tracked by 25,000 WeChat users. The WeChat medical register now accounts for
Anderson, Martin, and Riddle (2001) developed the Small Group Relational
know each other, among others (Anderson, Martin, & Riddle, 2001). Together with
concepts from other, related measures as well as theoretical literature on the “relational
side” of groups (Keyton, 1999, 2000), the author used findings from the content analysis
assessed on a five-point scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5).
Anderson, et al. (2001) found that relational satisfaction was positively correlated with
performance processes and outcomes, may find the small group RSS useful. The RSS has
not yet been used widely, perhaps owing to its recent publication. However, it has been
-General information
H1 -Decision utility
Personal data of Chinese -Entertainment
Elderly in relations to
gender, age, personal -Interpersonal utility H4
income per month,
-Parasocial interaction Degree of relational
educational background,
satisfaction toward the
frequency of using WeChat
small group in WeChat as
health information,
perceived by Chinese
stickiness to WeChat health
H2 H3 Elderly about health
-General information
-Decision utility
-Interpersonal utility
-Parasocial interaction
framework for this study. Uses and Gratification (UGT) is an audience-centered approach
to mass communication, which posited that the reasons why people use media helps
explain their media choices and consequences. According to this approach, gratifications
sought (GS) represent motives for media exposure and are based on expectations about
media content. Gratifications obtained (GO), on the other hand, are perceived personal
outcomes, they are, therefore, sensitive to media content and feedback to influence
content expectations (Palmgreen, Wenner, & Rayburn, 1980). Thus, if their individual
expectations were met, their satisfaction will be obtained. Palmgreen, et al. (1980)
developed two 15-item scales to measure the GS and GO. The items measured five GS
In accordance with the literature review in the second chapter and the research
information, the researcher developed five research hypotheses to explore the relationship
between the five variables which are demographic characteristic and health condition of
users, gratification sought, use behavior, gratification obtained and degree of satisfaction:
Hypothesis 1: Chinese elderly who have different personal data (gender, age, personal
Hypothesis 1.1: Chinese elderly who have different gender will have
Hypothesis 1.2: Chinese elderly who have different age will have significantly
Hypothesis 1.3: Chinese elderly who have different personal income per month
will have significantly different gratification sought about health information via WeChat.
Hypothesis 1.4: Chinese elderly who have different educational background will
have significantly different gratification sought about health information via WeChat.
Hypothesis 1.5: Chinese elderly who have different frequency of using WeChat
health information will have significantly different gratification sought about health
Hypothesis 1.6: Chinese elderly who have different stickiness to WeChat health
information will have significantly different gratification sought about health information
via WeChat.
Hypothesis 2: Chinese elderly who have different personal data (gender, age, personal
Hypothesis 2.1: Chinese elderly who have different gender will have
Hypothesis 2.2: Chinese elderly who have different age will have significantly
Hypothesis 2.3: Chinese elderly who have different personal income per month
will have significantly different gratification obtained about health information via
Hypothesis 2.4: Chinese elderly who have different educational background will
have significantly different gratification obtained about health information via WeChat.
Hypothesis 2.5: Chinese elderly who have different frequency of using WeChat
health information will have significantly different gratification obtained about health
Hypothesis 2.6: Chinese elderly who have different stickiness to WeChat health
information will significant different gratification obtained about health information via
Hypothesis 3: Gratification sought and gratification obtained for health information via
gratification obtained about health information via WeChat among Chinese elderly are
This chapter summarized the research methodology and the sampling method to
examine the relationships among the four variables which are demographic characteristic
of WeChat users, gratification sought about health information via WeChat, gratification
obtained about health information via WeChat, and their satisfaction toward the small
Quantitative research methodologies have always been used in the studies on the
audiences of uses and gratifications theory. The purpose of this study is to examine the
relationships among the four variables which are demographic characteristic of WeChat
users, gratification sought about health information via WeChat, gratification obtained
about health information via WeChat, and their satisfaction toward the small group in
This research would be applied with the quantitative research approach by using
the survey as a specific method to gather the data information in order to see the
about health information via WeChat, gratification obtained about health information via
With the soaring economy and per capital disposable income of Chinese urban
and rural residents, living standards are improving. And on the basis of the natural cycles
of life, the much more likelihood of various diseases and syndromes may occur on health
of Chinese elderly. Thus, health is one of the most concerns among the Chinese elderly.
Furthermore, Chinese WeChat users aged over 55 years old are increasing sharply. As
more and more Chinese elderly joined in using WeChat, it has become one of people's
main ways of getting health information. For this reason, the population of the study was
the Chinese elderly aged over 55 years old and were WeChat users in the past two years
There are two kinds of situations of WeChat health information uses; one is the
WeChat users directly get health information from the Internet, the other is the non-
Internet users indirectly get health information from Internet while they do not use
WeChat themselves. The sample of this research are the Chinese WeChat users aged over
55 years old.
The sample of the survey will be the Chinese WeChat users whose age over 55
years old. On WeChat official website, WeChat technology product department released
the "2017 WeChat life report". In this report, WeChat users are divided into three
categories: the users born after 1995, typical users and elderly users. Among them,
typical users refer to users who account for 65% of monthly active users and 80% of the
total number of daily messages sent, while the majority of users who meet these two
conditions are the generation after 80s and 90s. As defined in the report, WeChat elderly
users refer to WeChat users aged 55-70. The samples are selected using convenience
sampling from different regions of Shanghai, China. Shanghai first entered the aging
society in 1979. By the end of 2010, the number of registered residents in Shanghai was
14.1232 million, and the registered elderly population aged 60 years and above had
reached 3,3102 million, accounting for 23.4 percent of the total population. They have
the ability to independently use WeChat function and have some understanding and
contact with WeChat health information. Due to the available WeChat report, the
researcher used Chinese Elderly WeChat users who are currently using WeChat health
information in the past two years period from July 2016 to July 2018, because the
percentage of Elderly Chinese WeChat uses are increasing rapidly. Hence, WeChat
health information would like to reach this specific group believing that elderly people
pre-test and use non-probability sampling method to launch the survey. The survey was
distributed to Chinese elderly aged between 55 years old to 70 years old or higher who
are currently living in Shanghai, China. The sample will be selected using convenience
sampling who are currently using WeChat in the past 2 years period. The survey was
distributed via online by using convenience sampling. Two hundred respondents will
Quantitative research methods have always been used in the studies on the
audiences of uses and gratifications theory. In this research, questionnaire survey has
been used to get the data form the samples. The researcher develops the questionnaire on
the basis of the traits of WeChat health information as well as the previous studies abroad
and at home.
The questionnaire in this research has been designed as close-ended form and it is
consisted of four sections. Section A which is the first section is the demographic
gratification sought about health information via WeChat; section C is about respondents’
gratification obtained about health information via WeChat; section D is about small
There were 9 questions in this section. This section was composed of the basic
background, monthly income and health condition. Besides, frequency, duration of usage,
connectivity and stickiness are added to better understand the use behavior of elder
Chinese who use WeChat health information. Frequency refers to how often do you use
WeChat for health information in a daily life. Duration of usage refers to how long do
you spend time on searching and browsing health information through WeChat each time.
Connectivity refers to what kinds of health-related WeChat public accounts you often go
to. Stickiness refers to how many WeChat public accounts you’ve visited for the last time
you search/browse/use health information. In this section, the researcher used nominal
and ordinal scale format to design the questions. The demographic items could be
information via WeChat. The information processing was measured with 5-factor and 15-
item version of the Uses and Gratifications Scale profiled by Whiting and William (2013).
The Cronbach alpha of the original scale was 0.959, which is considered reliable. Based
on Whiting and William’s Use and Gratification Scale (2013), the researcher used a 5–
point–likert scale format to design the response ranging from (1) strongly disagree to
with the statement, (2) disagree with the statement, (3) neither agree nor disagree with the
statement, (4) agree with the statement, and (5) strongly agree with the statement. The
higher score the respondents selected, the stronger gratifications they want to seek. The
Table 1: Uses and Gratifications Scale Gratification Sought: 5 factors and 15 items
15 Items 5 Factors
1. I use WeChat health information to access current issues in
health information and events.
2. I use WeChat health information so that I will not be surprised General information
by unexpected health diseases that might happen in my life. seeking
3. I use WeChat health information, because I trust the information
they give me.
4. I use WeChat health information, because doctors and health
experts gave me a human-like quality service about the health
5. I use WeChat health information to compare my own ideas to Parasocial interaction
what doctors and health experts said.
6. I use WeChat health information, because doctors and health
expert are like people I knew.
7. I used WeChat to find out what kind of health information are
important nowadays.
8. I use WeChat health information to help me make up my mind
Decision utility
about the important issues of the day.
9. I use WeChat health information to find out about health issues
affecting people like myself.
10. I use WeChat health information to support my viewpoints to
other people.
11. I use WeChat health information so I can pass the information Interpersonal utility
on to other people.
12. I use WeChat health to give me interesting things to talk about.
13. I use WeChat health information, because it is often
14. I use WeChat health information, because it is stimulating.
15. I use WeChat health information, because it is exciting.
information processing was measured with 5-factor and 15-item version of the Uses and
Gratifications Scale profiled by Whiting and William (2013). This section was consisted
of 15 questions. The Cronbach alpha of the original scale was 0.946, which is considered
reliable. Based on Whiting and William’s Use and Gratification Scale (2013), the
researcher used a 5–point–likert scale format to design the response ranging from (1)
strongly disagree to with the statement, (2) disagree with the statement, (3) neither agree
nor disagree with the statement, (4) agree with the statement, and (5) strongly agree with
the statement. The higher score the respondents selected, the stronger gratifications they
Table 2: Uses and Gratifications Scale Gratification Obtained: 5 factors and 15 items
15 Items 5 Factors
1. I got accurate information about current issues in
health information and events in WeChat health
General information
2. I was not surprised by unexpected health disease seeking
that might happen in my life.
3. I believe that the health information in WeChat
are trustworthy and reliable.
4. I perceived that health information provided by
doctors and health experts in WeChat health
information are real and human-like.
5. I compared my own ideas to what doctors and Parasocial interaction
health experts say.
6. I perceived that doctors and health experts in
WeChat are like people I knew.
7. I learnt about what kind of health information is
important to me nowadays from WeChat health
Decision utility
8. WeChat health information help me make up my
mind about the important issues of the day.
9. I found out about health issues affecting my life.
10. WeChat health information supports my
viewpoints to other people.
11.I can pass the health information on to other
Interpersonal utility
12.WeChat health provides me interesting things to
talk about with other people.
13.WeChat health information entertain me.
14.WeChat health information stimulate my interest
in health issue. Entertainment
15.WeChat health information provide exciting
information that I don’t know before.
the degree of relational satisfactions in using WeChat among Chinese Elderly about their
own health. Relational satisfaction was defined as “the building and maintaining of
member relationships during communicative processes and practices throughout the life
span of the group” (Anderson, Martin, & Riddle, 2001). Relational satisfaction in small
freedom to communicate, involvement, and getting to know each other, among others
of feedback in small groups (Anderson, et al., 2001). The researcher used the small group
in the relational side of groups, not simply group performance processes and outcomes.
In this section, the researcher used a 5–point–likert scale format to design the response
ranging from (1) strongly disagree to with the statement, (2) disagree with the statement,
(3) neither agree nor disagree with the statement, (4) agree with the statement, (5)
strongly agree with the statement. All of these items are founded in section D of
Appendix 1.
12 Items 1 Factors
1. The doctors and health experts in WeChat spend
time getting to know me.
2. The members in WeChat health information make
me feel a part of the group.
3. I look forward to joining the group meeting every
4. I do not feel part of the group in WeChat health
5. The members in WeChat health information make
feel liked.
6. My absence would not matter to the group in
WeChat health information. Small group relational
7. I can trust doctors and health experts in WeChat satisfaction
health information.
8. We can say anything in this group “WeChat
health information” without worrying.
9. I prefer not to spend time with
members of the group “WeChat health information”.
10. The members in this group “WeChat health
information” made me feel involved in the group.
11. Some of the group members could become my
12. The group atmosphere in WeChat health
information is comfortable.
Table 3.1: Analyzing the opinion of respondents toward their gratification sought and
in WeChat
Table 3.1.1: Analyzing the degree of gratification sought and obtained for WeChat
Criteria Meaning
3.68 – 5.00 High level
2.34 – 3.67 Medium level
1.00 – 2.33 Low level
Firstly, the questionnaire with four sections was translated into Chinese. The
Chinese questionnaire was then back translation into English to check the validity of the
pretest to ensure that all the statements were clearly understood by the respondents.
Based on the reliability report, the researcher has adjusted unclear words or phrases in the
statements. After making those adjustments in the survey questionnaire, the researcher
ent the corrected questionnaire to the 30 respondents by email. Nunnaly (1978, as cited in
Hong, 2005) considered 0.7 as an acceptable reliability coefficient. In this research, all
scales of gratification sought, gratification obtained from WeChat health information, and
small group relational satisfaction were higher than .70, which is considered acceptable
(Nunnaly, 1978 as cited in Hong, 2005). No statement has been deleted from the original
scale. Cronbach's alpha coefficient to assess the reliability of the instrument was
The total result of gratification sought (α = .976) and gratification obtained (α = .976)
about health information via WeChat were considered acceptable, because the
Cronbach’s Alpha is higher than 0.7 which is higher than the standard level set of the
reliability test. Nunnaly (1978, as cited in Hong, 2005) considered 0.7 as an acceptable
reliability coefficient. As shown in Table 3.3, the results showed that Cronbach’s Alpha
of gratification sought about health information via WeChat toward all dimensions were
higher than .70, including gratification sought for general information seeking (α = .887),
and gratification sought entertainment (α = .926). As shown in Table 3.3, the results
showed that Cronbach’s Alpha of gratification obtained about health information via
WeChat were higher than .70, including gratification obtained for general information
interpersonal utility (α = .870) and entertainment (α = .926). The results showed that the
small group relational satisfaction about health information via WeChat is also acceptable
(α = 0.965).
translated into Chinese by using the method of back translation. The English
questionnaire was translated into Chinese and then translated back into English by
Chinese person who is fluent in English. The two version of the original were
crosschecked for adequacy in translation. The discrepancies between the two versions
suggested to the researcher that further translation was required. When no discrepancies
respondents who are exposing to WeChat health information in the past two years period.
During the pre – test process, any error detected would be corrected as appropriate. The
process of data collection took around one month to gather the result of the questionnaire
sent to the WeChat health information users. The researcher was required to extract the
results of the questionnaire in the form of excel for the data analysis purpose from
Hypothesis 1: Chinese elderly who have different personal data (gender, age, personal
Hypothesis 1.1: Chinese elderly who have different gender will have
Hypothesis 1.2: Chinese elderly who have different age will have significantly
Hypothesis 1.3: Chinese elderly who have different personal income per month
will have significantly different gratification sought about health information via WeChat.
Hypothesis 1.4: Chinese elderly who have different educational background will
have significantly different gratification sought about health information via WeChat.
Hypothesis 1.5: Chinese elderly who have different frequency of using WeChat
health information will have significantly different gratification sought about health
Hypothesis 1.6: Chinese elderly who have different stickiness to WeChat health
information will have significantly different gratification sought about health information
via WeChat.
Hypothesis 2: Chinese elderly who have different personal data (gender, age, personal
Hypothesis 2.1: Chinese elderly who have different gender will have
(Likert Scale)
Hypothesis 2.2: Chinese elderly who have different age will have significantly
Hypothesis 2.3: Chinese elderly who have different personal income per month
will have significantly different gratification obtained about health information via
Hypothesis 2.4: Chinese elderly who have different educational background will
have significantly different gratification obtained about health information via WeChat.
Hypothesis 2.5: Chinese elderly who have different frequency of using WeChat
health information will have significantly different gratification obtained about health
(Likert Scale)
Hypothesis 2.6: Chinese elderly who have different stickiness to WeChat health
Hypothesis 3: Gratification sought and gratification obtained for health information via
gratification obtained about health information via WeChat among Chinese elderly are
health information
This part focuses on the demographic profile of 200 samples responding to the
number of public accounts. The data are summarized and presented in frequency and
The descriptive findings indicated that majority of the sample were female (55.5%,
n = 111), majority of the sample were aged 55-59 years old (22%, n= 44), earned less
than 4,000 yuan per month (54.5%, n= 109), obtained high school (44%, n = 88), felt
good about their health condition (40.5%, n=81), and were serious about keeping healthy
in their daily work, diet, and exercise (39%, N=78). In addition, majority of the sample
used WeChat for health information 1-2 times per day (28.5%, n=57), spent less than 30
minutes for each searching and browsing WeChat health information (39.5%, n=79),
often joined government owned health WeChat public accounts (22%, n=44), and visited
four to five WeChat public accounts for the last time and they search/browse/use health
As shown in Table 3.7.1, the descriptive findings indicated that majority of the
Table 3.7.1: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
As shown in Table 3.7.2, the descriptive findings indicated that majority of the
sample were aged 55-59 years old (22%, n= 44), followed by samples aged 60-64 years
old (20.5%, n= 41), 65-69 years old (19%, n= 38), more than 79 years old (14%, n= 28),
75-79 years old (13.5%, n= 27) and 70-74 years old (11%, n= 22), respectively.
Table 3.7.2: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
As shown in Table 3.7.3, the descriptive findings indicated that majority of the
sample earned less than 4,000 yuan per month (54.5%, n= 109), followed by those who
earned 4,001 yuan-10,000 yuan per month (30.5%, n= 61), 10,001-16,000 yuan per
month (5.5%, n= 11), 16,001-22,000 yuan per month (5%, n= 10), higher than 26,000
yuan per month (2.5%, n= 5), and 22,001-26,000 yuan per month (2%, n= 4),
Table 3.7.3: Sum and percentage of the sample’s Chinese elderly WeChat users
sample obtained high school (44%, n = 88), vocational School (21.5%, n =43), bachelor’s
degree (21%, n = 42), master’s degree or higher (12%, n = 24) and others (1.5%, n =3),
Table 3.7.4: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
As shown in Table 3.7.5, the descriptive findings indicated that majority of the
samples felt good about their health condition (40.5%, n=81), followed by those who felt
very good (25%, n=50), felt neither good nor bad (20.5%, n=41), felt bad (8%, n=16) and
The descriptive findings indicated that majority of the samples were serious about
keeping healthy in their daily work, diet, and exercise (39%, N=78), followed by those
who were very serious (32.5%, n=65), fair (13%, n=26), not very serious (9%, n=18) and
Table 3.7.5: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
Are you serious about keeping healthy in your daily work, diet, and exercise?
As shown in Table 3.7.6, the descriptive findings indicated that majority of the
sample use WeChat for health information 1-2 times per day (28.5%, n=57), followed by
those who use WeChat for health information 4-5 times per day (24.5%, n=49), 3-4 times
per day (21%, n=42), more than 5 times per day (21%, n=42) and never use WeChat for
Table 3.7.6: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
How often do you use WeChat for health information in a daily life?
Frequenc Percent
Demographic profile
y %
Never (None per day) 10 5
Seldom (1-2 times per day) 57 28.5
Sometimes (3-4 times per day) 42 21
Often (4-5 times per day) 49 24.5
Always (More than 5 per day) 42 21
Total 200 100
As shown in Table 3.7.7, the descriptive findings indicated that there were 200
Chinese elderly WeChat users of stickiness to WeChat health information, the majority of
the sample spent less than 30 minutes for each searching and browsing WeChat health
information (39.5%, n=79), followed by those who spent more than 30 minutes to 1 hour
for each searching and browsing (34.5%, n=69), more than 1 hour to 2 hours for each
searching and browsing (9%, n=18), more than 4 hours or more for each searching and
browsing (9%, n=18) and more than 3 hours for each searching and browsing (8%, n=16),
Table 3.7.7: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
How long do you spend time on searching and browsing health information through
Frequency Percent %
Less than 30 minutes for each searching and
79 39.5
browsing (Very low stickiness)
More than 30 minutes to 1 hour for each
69 34.5
searching and browsing (Low stickiness)
More than 1 hour to 2 hours for each
18 9
searching and browsing (Medium stickiness)
More than 3 hours for each searching and
16 8
browsing (Stickiness)
More than 4 hours or more for each searching
18 9
and browsing (Very high stickiness)
Total 200 100
As shown in Table 3.7.8, the descriptive findings indicated that there were 200
Chinese elderly WeChat users of health-related WeChat public accounts, majority of the
sample often join government owned health WeChat public accounts (22%, n=44),
followed by those who join medical associations and health-related social organization
WeChat public accounts (16%, n=32), hospital and medical research institutional WeChat
public accounts (15.5%, n=31), health care and medicine corporations’ WeChat public
accounts (13.5%, n=27), individual health WeChat public accounts (12%, n=24) and
Table 3.7.8: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
What kinds of health-related WeChat public accounts you often join in the past one-
year period?
As shown in Table 3.7.9, descriptive findings indicated that there were 200
Chinese elderly WeChat users of the numbers about WeChat public accounts the
respondents visited for the last time, the majority of the sample visited four to five
WeChat public accounts for the last time they search/browse/use health information (26%,
n=52), followed by those who visited two to three (19%, n=38), twenty or more (17%,
n=34), one (16%, n=32), six to ten (15.5%, n=31) and cannot remember (6.5%, n=13),
Table 3.7.9: Sum and Percentage of the Sample’s Chinese Elderly WeChat Users
based on How Many WeChat Public Accounts the Respondents Visited for
How many WeChat public accounts you’ve visited for the last time you
This chapter presented data analysis and data interpretation on the relationship
gratification sought about health information via WeChat, gratification obtained about
health information via WeChat, and their satisfaction toward the small group in WeChat.
The data gathered from 200 respondents were analyzed using descriptive statistics such
as sum, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics such as Analysis
findings presented in this chapter are divided into two parts. The first part provides the
descriptive statistics such as sum, mean, and percentage of dependent and independent
variables. The second part discusses the hypotheses testing of the study.
To interpret the descriptive findings of this study, the mean range was classified
Table 4.1.1: Data Analysis for gratification sought about health information via WeChat
Criteria Meaning
3.68 – 5.00 High level
2.34 – 3.67 Medium level
1.00 – 2.33 Low level
As shown in Table 4.1.2, the descriptive findings found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean = 3.58, SD = 0.95). When examining each
statement, respondents agreed with the statement “ I use WeChat health information so
that I will not be surprised by unexpected health diseases that might happen in my life
with the highest mean (Mean = 3.73,SD, 1.02), followed by the statement “I use WeChat
health information to access current issues in health information and event “ (Mean =
3.54, SD= 0.97), and “ I use WeChat health information, because I trust the information
When examining the levels of gratification sought for general information seeking,
majority of the respondents had medium level of gratification sought for general
information seeking (Mean = 3.58, SD= 0.95). Respondents perceived the statement“ I
use WeChat health information so that I will not be surprised by unexpected health
diseases that might happen in my life” (Mean = 3.73,SD, 1.02) at the high level, followed
by other statements in the medium levels, including ““I use WeChat health information to
access current issues in health information and event “ (Mean = 3.54, SD= 0.97), and “ I
use WeChat health information, because I trust the information they give me .” (Mean =
Table 4.1.2: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought General
As shown in Table 4.1.3 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.567, SD= 0.9575). When examining
each statement, respondents agree with the statement, “I use WeChat health information
to compare my own ideas to what doctors and health experts said” with the highest mean
(Mean= 3.73, SD= 0.944), followed by the statement, “I use WeChat health information,
because doctors and health expert are like people I knew” (Mean= 3.56, SD= 1.205) and
“I use WeChat health information, because doctors and health experts gave me a human-
like quality service about the health information” (Mean= 3.4, SD= 1.008), respectively.
majority of the respondents had medium level of gratification sought for parasocial
interaction (Mean= 3.567, SD= 0.9575). Respondents perceived the statement “I use
WeChat health information to compare my own ideas to what doctors and health experts
said” (Mean= 3.73, SD= 0.944) at the high level, followed by other statements in the
medium levels, including “I use WeChat health information, because doctors and health
expert are like people I knew” (Mean= 3.56, SD= 1.205), and “I use WeChat health
information, because doctors and health experts gave me a human-like quality service
Table 4.1.3: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought for
As shown in Table 4.1.4 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.707, SD= 1.16556). When examining
each statement, respondents agree with the statement, “I use WeChat health information
to help me make up my mind about the important issues of the day” with the highest
mean (Mean= 3.82, SD= 1.282), followed by the statement, “I use WeChat health
information to find out about health issues affecting people like myself” (Mean= 3.67,
SD= 1.169) and “I used WeChat to find out what kind of health information are important
When examining the levels of gratification sought for decision utility, majority of
the respondents had high level of gratification sought for decision utility (Mean= 3.707,
SD= 1.16556). Respondents perceived the statement “I use WeChat health information to
help me make up my mind about the important issues of the day” (Mean= 3.82, SD=
1.282) at the high level, followed by other statements in the medium levels, including “I
use WeChat health information to find out about health issues affecting people like
myself” (Mean= 3.67, SD= 1.169), and “I used WeChat to find out what kind of health
Table 4.1.4: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought for
As shown in Table 4.1.5 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.553, SD= 1.041). When examining
each statement, respondents agree with the statement, “I use WeChat health to give me
interesting things to talk about”with the highest mean (Mean= 3.7, SD= 1.066), followed
people” (Mean= 3.62, SD= 1.083) and “I use WeChat health information so I can pass
majority of the respondents had medium level of gratification sought for interpersonal
utility (Mean= 3.553, SD= 1.041). Respondents perceived the statement “I use WeChat
health to give me interesting things to talk about” (Mean= 3.7, SD= 1.066) at the high
level, followed by other statements in the medium levels, including“I use WeChat health
information to support my viewpoints to other people” (Mean= 3.62, SD= 1.083), and “I
use WeChat health information so I can pass the information on to other people”(Mean=
Table 4.1.5: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought for
As shown in Table 4.1.6 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.528, SD= 1.12396). When examining
each statement, respondents agree with the statement, “I use WeChat health information,
because it is stimulating” with the highest mean (Mean= 3.65, SD=1.163), followed by
the statement, “I use WeChat health information, because it is often entertaining” (Mean=
3.52, SD= 1.19) and “I use WeChat health information, because it is exciting” (Mean=
the respondents had medium level of gratification sought for entertainment (Mean= 3.528,
SD= 1.12396). Respondents perceived the statement “I use WeChat health information,
because it is often entertaining” (Mean= 3.52, SD= 1.19) and “I use WeChat health
information, because it is exciting” (Mean= 3.41, SD= 1.257) at the medium level,
Table 4.1.6: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought for
As shown in Table 4.1.7 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.587, SD= 0.99462). When examining
each statement, respondents agree with the statement, “decision utility” with the highest
mean (Mean= 3.707, SD= 1.16556), followed byt “general information seeking” (Mean=
“interpersonal utility” (Mean= 3.553, SD= 1.041) and “entertainment” (Mean= 3.528,
had medium level of gratification sought (Mean= 3.587, SD= 0.99462). Respondents
perceived the statement “decision utility” (Mean= 3.707, SD= 1.16556) at the high level,
seeking” (Mean= 3.582, SD= 0.95458), “parasocial interaction” (Mean= 3.567, SD=
0.9575), “interpersonal utility” (Mean= 3.553, SD= 1.041) and “entertainment” (Mean=
Table 4.1.7: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification sought
WeChat among Chinese elderly, the mean range was divided into 3 levels as follows:
Table 4.1.8: Data Analysis for gratification obtained about health information via
Criteria Meaning
3.68 – 5.00 High level
2.34 – 3.67 Medium level
1.00 – 2.33 Low level
As shown in Table 4.1.9 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.685, SD= 0.95059). When examining
each statement, respondents agreed with the statement, “I were not surprised by
unexpected health disease that might happen in my life” with the highest mean (Mean=
3.89, SD= 0.984), followed by statement, “I got accurate information about current issues
in health information and events in WeChat health subscription” (Mean= 3.58, SD=
1.053) and “I believe that the health information in WeChat are trustworthy and reliable”
seeking, majority of the respondents had high level of gratification obtained for general
information seeking (Mean= 3.685, SD= 0.95059). Respondents perceived the statement,
“I were not surprised by unexpected health disease that might happen in my life” (Mean=
3.89, SD= 0.984) at the high level, followed by other statements in the medium levels,
including “I got accurate information about current issues in health information and
events in WeChat health subscription” (Mean= 3.58, SD= 1.053) and “I believe that the
health information in WeChat are trustworthy and reliable” (Mean= 3.58, SD= 1.1),
Table 4.1.9: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained for
As shown in Table 4.1.10 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.6367, SD= 0.9715). When examining
each statement, respondents agree with the statement, “I compared my own ideas to what
doctors and health experts say” with the highest mean (Mean= 3.77, SD= 0.921),
followed by the statement, “I perceived that doctors and health experts in WeChat are
like people I knew” (Mean= 3.62, SD= 1.189) and“I perceived that health information
provided by doctors and health experts in WeChat health information are real and human-
majority of the respondents had medium level of gratification obtained for parasocial
compared my own ideas to what doctors and health experts say” (Mean= 3.77, SD= 0.921)
at the high level, followed by other statements in the medium levels, including “I
perceived that doctors and health experts in WeChat are like people I knew” (Mean= 3.62,
SD= 1.189) and “I perceived that health information provided by doctors and health
experts in WeChat health information are real and human-like” (Mean= 3.52, SD= 1.089),
Table 4.1.10: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained for
Total 3.6367 0.9715
As shown in Table 4.1.11 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.74, SD= 1.16105). When examining
each statement, respondents agree with the statement, “I learnt about what kind of health
highest mean (Mean= 3.78, SD= 1.37), followed by the statement, “WeChat health
information help me make up my mind about the important issues of the day” (Mean=
3.77, SD= 1.26) and “I found out about health issues affecting my life” (Mean= 3.67,
When examining the levels of gratification obtained for decision utility, majority
of the respondents had high level of gratification obtained for decision utility (Mean=
3.74, SD= 1.16105). Respondents perceived the statements “I learnt about what kind of
(Mean= 3.78, SD= 1.37) and “WeChat health information help me make up my mind
about the important issues of the day” (Mean= 3.77, SD= 1.26) at the high level, followed
by other statement in the medium levels, including “I found out about health issues
Table 4.1.11: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained for
As shown in Table 4.1.12 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.59, SD= 1.03091). When examining
each statement, respondents agree with the statement, “WeChat health information
supports my viewpoints to other people” with the highest mean (Mean= 3.72, SD= 1.166),
followed by the statement, “WeChat health provides me interesting things to talk about
with other people” (Mean= 3.66, SD= 1.086) and “WeChat health information supports
majority of the respondents had medium level of gratification obtained for interpersonal
utility (Mean= 3.59, SD= 1.03091). Respondents perceived the statements “WeChat
health information supports my viewpoints to other people” (Mean= 3.72, SD= 1.166) at
the high level, followed by other statements in the medium levels, including “WeChat
health provides me interesting things to talk about with other people” (Mean= 3.66, SD=
1.086) and “WeChat health information supports my viewpoints to other people” (Mean=
Table 4.1.12: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained for
Total 3.59 1.03091
As shown in Table 4.1.13 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.575, SD= 1.10627). When examining
each statement, respondents agree with the statement, “WeChat health information
stimulate my interest in health issue” with the highest mean (Mean= 3.66, SD= 1.132),
followed by the statement, “WeChat health information entertain me” (Mean= 3.61, SD=
1.264) and “WeChat health information provide exciting information that I don’t know
the respondents had medium level of gratification obtained for entertainment (Mean=
3.575, SD= 1.10627). Respondents perceived the statements “WeChat health information
stimulate my interest in health issue” (Mean= 3.66, SD= 1.132), “WeChat health
information entertain me” (Mean= 3.61, SD= 1.264) and “WeChat health information
provide exciting information that I don’t know before” (Mean= 3.46, SD= 1.155) at the
Table 4.1.13: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained for
As shown in Table 4.1.14 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.6453, SD= 0.99405). When examining
each statement, respondents agree with the statement, “decision utility” with the highest
mean (Mean= 3.74, SD= 1.16105), followed by “general information seeking” (Mean=
“interpersonal utility” (Mean= 3.59, SD= 1.03091) and “entertainment” (Mean= 3.575,
had medium level of gratification obtained (Mean= 3.6453, SD= 0.99405). Respondents
perceived the statements “decision utility” (Mean= 3.74, SD= 1.16105) and “general
information seeking” (Mean= 3.685, SD= 0.95059), at the high level, followed by other
statements in the medium levels, including “parasocial interaction” (Mean= 3.6367, SD=
0.9715), “interpersonal utility” (Mean= 3.59, SD= 1.03091) and “entertainment” (Mean=
Table 4.1.14: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ gratification obtained
To analyze the mean of small group relational satisfaction after using WeChat
health information, the mean range was divided into 3 levels as follows:
Table 4.1.15: Data analysis for small group relational satisfaction about health
Table Analyzing the degree of small group relational satisfaction about health
Criteria Meaning
3.68 – 5.00 High level
2.34 – 3.67 Medium level
1.00 – 2.33 Low level
As shown in Table 4.1.16 the descriptive analysis found that majority of the
respondents agreed with the statements (Mean= 3.7021, SD= 0.94). When examining
each statement, respondents agreed with the statement, “We can say anything in this
group ‘WeChat health information’ without worrying” with the highest mean (Mean=
3.94, SD= 1.195), followed by the statements, “The members in WeChat health
information make me feel a part of the group” (Mean= 3.85, SD= 1.008) and “The
members in WeChat health information make feel liked” (Mean= 3.80, SD= 0.94),
respectively. The lowest mean of them is the statement “I do not feel part of the group in
When examining the levels of small group relational satisfaction, majority of the
respondents had high level of means and standard deviation on the samples’ small group
relational satisfaction (Mean= 3.7021, SD= 0.94). Respondents perceived the statements,
“We can say anything in this group ‘WeChat health information’ without worrying”
(Mean= 3.94, SD= 1.195), “The members in WeChat health information make me feel a
part of the group” (Mean= 3.85, SD= 1.008) and “The members in WeChat health
information make feel liked” (Mean= 3.80, SD= 0.94) at the high level, followed by other
statements in the medium levels, the lowest mean of them is the statement “I do not feel
part of the group in WeChat health information” (Mean= 3.45, SD= 1.092), respectively.
Table 4.1.16: Means and standard deviation on the samples’ Small group relational
Table 4.1.16 (Continued): Means and standard deviation on the samples’ Small group
Hypothesis 1: Chinese elderly who have different personal data (gender, age, personal
One-Way ANOVA was conducted to examine whether personal data will have
significantly different gratification sought about health information via WeChat. The
of using WeChat health information and gratification sought about health information via
Hypothesis 1.1: Chinese elderly who have different gender will have
Hypothesis 1.2: Chinese elderly who have different age will have significantly
Hypothesis 1.3: Chinese elderly who have different personal income per month
will have significantly different gratification sought about health information via WeChat.
Hypothesis 1.4: Chinese elderly who have different educational background will
have significantly different gratification sought about health information via WeChat.
Hypothesis 1.5: Chinese elderly who have different frequency of using WeChat
health information will have significantly different gratification sought about health
Hypothesis 1.6: Chinese elderly who have different stickiness to WeChat health
information will have significantly different gratification sought about health information
via WeChat.
As shown in Table 4.2.1, Analysis of Variance revealed that Chinese elderly who
interpersonal utility about health information via WeChat (F (194, 5) = 2.350**, p< .05).
Analysis of Variance revealed that Chinese elderly who have different educational
background had significant different gratification sought for decision utility (F(194, 5) =
2.026***, p< .10) and entertainment (F (194, 5) = 1.981***, p< .10) about health
information via WeChat, respectively. However, the results revealed that educational
background did not significant influence general information seeking ((F (194, 5) = 1.839,
As shown in Table 4.2.2, Analysis of Variance revealed that Chinese elderly who
have different frequency of using WeChat health information had significant gratification
sought for entertainment about health information via WeChat (F (195, 4) = 2.977**, p< .05).
Analysis of Variance revealed that Chinese elderly who have different frequency of using
WeChat health information had significant gratification sought for decision utility (F (195, 4)
= 2.931**, p< .05) and interpersonal utility (F (195, 4) = 2.589**, p< .05) about health
information via WeChat, respectively. However, the results revealed that frequency of
using WeChat health information did not significant influence general information
seeking (F (195, 4) = 1.458, p >.05), parasocial interaction (F (195, 4) = 1.149, p > .05). Thus,
Table 4.2.2: One-way ANOVA Analysis of the relationship between frequency of using
Hypothesis 2: Chinese elderly who have different personal data (gender, age, personal
One-Way ANOVA was conducted to examine which personal data will have
significant different gratification obtained about health information via WeChat. The
health information and gratification obtained about health information via WeChat at
Hypothesis 2.1: Chinese elderly who have different gender will have significant
Hypothesis 2.2: Chinese elderly who have different age will have significant
Hypothesis 2.3: Chinese elderly who have different personal income per month
will have significant different gratification obtained about health information via WeChat.
Hypothesis 2.4: Chinese elderly who have different educational background will
have significant different gratification obtained about health information via WeChat.
Hypothesis 2.5: Chinese elderly who have different frequency of using WeChat
health information will have significant different gratification obtained about health
Hypothesis 2.6: Chinese elderly who have different stickiness to WeChat health
information will have significant different gratification obtained about health information
via WeChat.
elderly who have different age had significant gratification obtained for general
information seeking about health information via WeChat (F (194, 5) = 2.801**, p< .05).
Analysis of Variance revealed that Chinese elderly who have different age had significant
gratification obtained for entertainment (F (194, 5) = 2.507**, p< .05) about health
information via WeChat. However, the results revealed that age did not significant
influence parasocial interaction (F (194, 5) = 1.853, p > .05), decision utility (F (194, 5) = 1.843,
Table 4.2.3: One-way ANOVA Analysis of the relationship between age and gratification
elderly who have different frequency of using WeChat health information had significant
gratification obtained for general information seeking about health information via
WeChat (F (195, 4) = 2.984**, p< .05). Analysis of Variance revealed that Chinese elderly
who have different frequency of using WeChat health information had significant
gratification obtained for decision utility (F (194, 5) = 2.110**, p< .10) about health
information via WeChat. However, the results revealed that frequency of using WeChat
health information did not significant influence interpersonal utility (F (195, 4) = 1.666,
p >.05).
Table 4.2.4: One-way ANOVA Analysis of the relationship between frequency of using
Table 4.2.4 (Continued): One-way ANOVA Analysis of the relationship between frequency
of using WeChat health information and gratification obtained
about health information via WeChat.
Between Groups 6.99 4 1.748 1.666 0.159
Within Groups 204.501 195 1.049
Total 211.491 199
Between Groups 7.375 4 1.844 1.522 0.197
Entertainment Within Groups 236.167 195 1.211
Total 243.542 199
Note: ** p < .01, *** p < .001
LSD analysis in Table 4.2.5 found that Chinese elderly WeChat users who spent
less than 30 minutes for each searching and browsing (very low stickiness) didn’t have
significant different gratification obtained for general information seeking from those
who have low stickiness (I-J = .11466, p> .05), medium stickiness (I-J = -.21707, p> .05),
stickiness (I-J = .08386, p> .05) and very high stickiness (I-J = -.03188, p> .05). Chinese
elderly WeChat users who spent more than 30 minutes to 1 hour for each searching and
browsing (Low stickiness) didn’t have significant different gratification obtained for
general information seeking from those who have very low stickiness (I-J = -.11466,
p> .05), medium stickiness (I-J = -.33172, p> .05), stickiness (I-J = -.03080, p> .05) and
very high stickiness (I-J = -.14654, p> .05). Chinese elderly WeChat users who spent
more than 1 hour to 2 hours for each searching and browsing (medium stickiness) didn’t
have significant different gratification obtained for general information seeking from
those who have very low stickiness (I-J = .21707, p> .05), low stickiness (I-J = .33172,
p> .05), stickiness (I-J = .30093, p> .05) and very high stickiness (I-J = .18519, p> .05).
Chinese elderly WeChat users who spent more than 3 hours for each searching and
browsing (stickiness) didn’t have significant different gratification obtained for general
information seeking from those who have very low stickiness (I-J = -.08386, p> .05), low
stickiness (I-J = .03080, p> .05), medium stickiness (I-J = -.30093, p> .05) and very high
stickiness (I-J = -.11574, p> .05). Chinese elderly WeChat users who spent more than 4
hours or more for each searching and browsing (very high stickiness) didn’t have
significant different gratification obtained for general information seeking from those
who have very low stickiness (I-J = .03188, p> .05), low stickiness (I-J = .14654, p> .05),
medium stickiness (I-J = -.18519, p> .05) and stickiness (I-J = .11574, p> .05).
Table 4.2.5: LSD analysis for testing the relationship between gratification sought and
LSD analysis in Table 4.2.6 found that Chinese elderly WeChat users who spent
less than 30 minutes for each searching and browsing (very low stickiness) didn’t have
significant different gratification obtained for decision utility from those who have low
stickiness (I-J = -.03565, p> .05), medium stickiness (I-J = -.24660, p> .05), stickiness (I-
J = -.13318, p> .05) and very high stickiness (I-J = -.17253, p> .05). Chinese elderly
WeChat users who spent more than 30 minutes to 1 hour for each searching and browsing
(low stickiness) didn’t have significant different gratification obtained for decision utility
from those who have very low stickiness (I-J = .03565, p> .05), medium stickiness (I-J
= .21095, p> .05), stickiness (I-J = .11343, p> .05) and very high stickiness (I-J = .07407,
p> .05). Chinese elderly WeChat users who spent more than 1 hour to 2 hours for each
searching and browsing (medium stickiness) didn’t have significant different gratification
obtained for decision utility from those who have very low stickiness (I-J = .24660,
p> .05), low stickiness (I-J = .21095, p> .05), stickiness (I-J = .11343, p> .05) and very
high stickiness (I-J = .11343, p> .05). Chinese elderly WeChat users who spent more than
3 hours for each searching and browsing (stickiness) didn’t have significant different
gratification obtained for decision utility from those who have very low stickiness (I-J
= .13318, p> .05), low stickiness (I-J = .09752, p> .05), medium stickiness (I-J = -.11343,
p> .05) and very high stickiness (I-J = -.03935, p> .05). Chinese elderly WeChat users
who spent more than 4 hours or more for each searching and browsing (very high
stickiness) didn’t have significant different gratification obtained for decision utility from
those who have very low stickiness (I-J = .17253, p> .05), low stickiness (I-J = .13688,
p> .05), medium stickiness (I-J = -.07407, p> .05) and stickiness (I-J = .03935, p> .05).
Table 4.2.6: LSD analysis for testing the relationship between gratification sought and
showed that gratification sought and gratification obtained for health information via
WeChat among Chinese elderly were not positively correlated. Correlation between
gratification sought and gratification obtained in the low level (r= .096, p> .05). The
analysis of Spearman’s Rank Correlation in Table 4.2.8 showed that gratification sought
and gratification obtained for health information via WeChat among Chinese elderly
gratification obtained about health information via WeChat among Chinese elderly are
sought for WeChat health information are significant predictors of the relational
gratification obtained for WeChat health information was not significant predictor of
1.421, p > 0.05). When examining the key constructs of gratification sought, Multiple
Regression analysis found that Chinese elderly’s gratification sought for decision utility
(Beta= .575**, p< .05) and entertainment (Beta= -.411, p< .05) about health information
via WeChat among Chinese elderly are significant predictors of their relational
Table 4.2.9: Multiple Regression Model on the degree of relational satisfaction toward
Sum of Mean
Model df F Sig.
Squares Square
Regression 6.258 1 6.258 7.297 .008b
1 Residual 169.831 198 0.858
Total 176.089 199
Regression 9.689 2 4.844 5.735 .004c
2 Residual 166.401 197 0.845
Total 176.089 199
a. Dependent Variable: Small group relational satisfaction
b. Predictors: (Constant), Gratification sought for decision utility
c. Predictors: (Constant), Gratification sought decision utility,
Gratification sought Entertainment
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 3.138 0.219 14.341 0
sought Decision 0.152 0.056 0.189 2.701 0.008
(Constant) 3.195 0.219 14.591 0
sought Decision 0.464 0.165 0.575 2.82 0.005
2 utility
sought 0.171 -0.411 -2.015 0.045
a. Dependent Variable: Small group relational satisfaction
Sum of Mean
Model df F Sig.
Squares Square
Regression 6.221 5 1.244 1.421 .218b
1 Residual 169.869 194 0.876
Total 176.089 199
a. Dependent Variable: Small group relational satisfaction
b. Predictors: (Constant), Gratification obtained for Entertainment,
Gratification obtained for general information seeking,
Gratification obtained for Decision utility, Gratification obtained
for parasocial interaction, Gratification obtained for Interpersonal
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model t Sig.
B Beta
(Constant) 3.351 0.3 11.177 0
Gratification obtained General
0.23 0.145 0.233 1.586 0.114
information seeking
Gratification obtained Parasocial
0.063 0.204 0.065 0.308 0.759
1 Gratification obtained Decision
0.181 0.183 0.223 0.992 0.323
Gratification obtained
-0.219 0.213 -0.24 -1.026 0.306
Interpersonal utility
Gratification obtained
-0.173 0.234 -0.203 -0.738 0.461
a. Dependent Variable: Small group relational satisfaction
discussion on the findings of the study. In addition, this chapter provided the limitations
of the study, and recommendations for application and for future research. The summary
With the continuous improvement of the quality of life, more and more elderly
people in China actively learn to use WeChat in the process of social development. This
is not only related to their well-being, but also to the future development of relevant
Data from 200 participants who completed the survey were used. The descriptive
findings indicated that majority of the sample were female (55.5%, n = 111), followed by
Majority of the sample were aged 55-59 years old (22%, n= 44), followed by
samples aged 60-64 years old (20.5%, n= 41), 65-69 years old (19%, n=38), more than 79
years old (14%, n=28), 75-79 years old (13.5%, n=27) and 70-74 years old (11%, n=22),
Majority of the sample earned less than 4,000 yuan per month (54.5%, n= 109),
followed by those who earned 4,001 yuan-10,000 yuan per month (30.5%, n= 61),
10,001-16,000 yuan per month (5.5%, n=11), 16,001-22,000 yuan per month (5%, n=10),
higher than 26,000 yuan per month (2.5%, n=5), and 22,001-26,000 yuan per month (2%,
n= 4), respectively.
Majority of the sample obtained high school (44%, n = 88), vocational School
(21.5%, n =43), bachelor’s degree (21%, n = 42), master’s degree or higher (12%, n = 24)
Majority of the samples felt good about their health condition (40.5%, n=81),
followed by those who felt very good (25%, n=50), felt neither good nor bad (20.5%,
n=41), felt bad (8%, n=16) and felt very bad (6%, n=12), respectively.
Majority of the samples were serious about keeping healthy in their daily work,
diet, and exercise (39%, N=78), followed by those who were very serious (32.5%, n=65),
fair (13%, n=26), not very serious (9%, n=18) and not at all (6.5%, n=13), respectively.
Majority of the sample use WeChat for health information 1-2 times per day
(28.5%, n=57), followed by those who use WeChat for health information 4-5 times per
day (24.5%, n=49), 3-4 times per day (21%, n=42), more than 5 times per day (21%,
n=42) and never use WeChat for health information (5%, n=10), respectively.
There were 200 Chinese elderly WeChat users of stickiness to WeChat health
information. Majority of the sample spent less than 30 minutes for each searching and
browsing WeChat health information (39.5%, n=79), followed by those who spent more
than 30 minutes to 1 hour for each searching and browsing (34.5%, n=69), more than 1
hour to 2 hours for each searching and browsing (9%, n=18), more than 4 hours or more
for each searching and browsing (9%, n=18) and more than 3 hours for each searching
There were 200 Chinese elderly WeChat users of health-related WeChat public
accounts, the majority of the sample often join government owned health WeChat public
accounts (22%, n=44), followed by those who join medical associations and health-
related social organization WeChat public accounts (16.5%, n=33), health-related sub-
sections of comprehensive WeChat public accounts (16%, n=32), hospital and medical
research institutional WeChat public accounts (15.5%, n=31), health care and medicine
corporations’ WeChat public accounts (13.5%, n=27), individual health WeChat public
There were 200 Chinese elderly WeChat users of the numbers about WeChat
public accounts the respondents visited for the last time, the majority of the sample
visited four to five WeChat public accounts for the last time they search/browse/use
health information (26%, n=52), followed by those who visited two to three (19%, n=38),
twenty or more (17%, n=34), one (16%, n=32), six to ten (15.5%, n=31) and cannot
The descriptive findings found that majority of the respondents had medium level
of gratification sought (Mean= 3.587, SD= 0.99462). When examining the level of
gratification sought for each dimension, the results found that they had high level of
gratification sought for “decision utility” (Mean= 3.707, SD= 1.16556), followed by
other statements in the medium levels, including “general information seeking” (Mean=
“interpersonal utility” (Mean= 3.553, SD= 1.041) and “entertainment” (Mean= 3.528,
The descriptive findings found that majority of the respondents had medium level
of gratification obtained (Mean= 3.6453, SD= 0.99405). When examining the level of
gratification obtained for each dimension, the results found that they had high level of
gratification obtained for “decision utility” (Mean= 3.74, SD= 1.16105) and “general
information seeking” (Mean= 3.685, SD= 0.95059), followed by other statements in the
“interpersonal utility” (Mean= 3.59, SD= 1.03091) and “entertainment” (Mean= 3.575,
The descriptive findings found that majority of the respondents had high level of
small group relational satisfaction (Mean= 3.7021, SD= 0.94). When examining the level
of gratification obtained for each dimension, the results found that they had high level of
small group relational satisfaction for “We can say anything in this group ‘WeChat health
information’ without worrying” (Mean= 3.94, SD= 1.195), “The members in WeChat
health information make me feel a part of the group” (Mean= 3.85, SD= 1.008) and “The
members in WeChat health information make feel liked” (Mean= 3.80, SD= 0.94),
followed by other statements in the medium levels, the lowest mean of them is the
statement “I do not feel part of the group in WeChat health information” (Mean= 3.45,
The descriptive findings indicated that majority of the sample were female,
majority of the sample were aged 55-59 years old. The results coincided with Susannah
(2006), which found that women and middle-aged people would like to use Internet for
The study pointed that, Chinese elderly who have different personal data will
have significant different gratification sought about health information via WeChat,
background”, which means Chinese elderly who have different frequency of using
WeChat health information and educational background will have significant different
gratification sought about health information via WeChat. Gratifications sought (GS)
represent motives for media exposure and are based on expectations about media content.
(Palmgreen, Wenner, & Rayburn, 1980). The results coincided with the uses and
gratifications theory (UGT), originated by Katz in 1970 (as cited in Katz, Blumler, &
Gurevitch, 1974), stated that people seek out the specific content from each media outlet
in order to satisfy a particular need. The results also coincided with Maslow (1998),
which found that people actively seek to satisfy a hierarchy of needs. Once the goals of
one level of hierarchy are achieved, people will progress onto the next level.
The study also pointed that Chinese elderly who have different personal data will
have significant different gratification obtained about health information via WeChat,
especially in “age” and “frequency of using WeChat health information”, which means
Chinese elderly who have different age and frequency of using WeChat health
information will have significant different gratification obtained about health information
via WeChat. Gratifications obtained (GO), are perceived personal outcomes, they are,
(Palmgreen, Wenner, & Rayburn, 1980). The results coincided with Yang (2004), which
found that there is a significant correlation between the frequency of use on checking
health reports on Internet and the frequency of physical examinations and the degree of
The result shows that gratification sought and gratification obtained for health
information via WeChat among Chinese elderly were not positively correlated, which
means Chinese elderly’s gratification sought for health information via WeChat didn’t
have positive correlation with gratification obtained for health information via WeChat.
Gratifications sought (GS) represent motives for media exposure and are based on
expectations about media content. Gratifications obtained (GO), on the other hand, are
perceived personal outcomes, they are, therefore, sensitive to media content and feedback
to influence content expectations (Palmgreen, Wenner, & Rayburn, 1980). The results
coincided with McQuail, Blumler, and Brown (1972), which found that Media content
The result shows that gratification sought for WeChat health information are
WeChat, but gratification obtained for WeChat health information was not significant
WeChat. The results coincided with McQuail, Blumler, and Brown (1972), which found
that Media content cannot be used to predict patterns of gratification accurately. The
results coincided with Anderson et al. (2001), which found that relational satisfaction was
Hypothesis 1: Chinese elderly who have different personal data (gender, age,
different personal data had significant influence gratification sought about health
information via WeChat. The significance level was set at Alpha (α) 0.05 or 0.1. The
results confirmed that Chinese elderly users’ frequency of using WeChat health
about health information via WeChat, but gender, age, personal income per month and
stickiness to WeChat health information did not have significant different gratification
decision utility and entertainment about health information via WeChat. Analysis of
Variance revealed that Chinese elderly who have different frequency of using WeChat
health information had significant gratification sought for entertainment, decision utility
Hypothesis 1 results coincided with Katz, Gurevitch and Haas (1973, cited in
Katz, Blumler, & Gurevitch, 1974), which found that the mass media as a means by
needs taken from the largely speculative literature on the social and psychological
functions of the mass media and put them into five categories: (1) Cognitive needs—
pleasure, feelings; (3) Personal integrative needs—Credibility, stability, status; (4) Social
integrative needs—Family and friends; and (5) Tension release needs—Escape and
The results supported the Uses and Gratifications theory, which posited that
members of the audience are not passive but take an active role in interpreting and
integrating media into their own lives. This study suggested that people use the media to
fulfill specific gratifications. The study found Chinese elderly users were using WeChat
health information to sought gratifications about interpersonal utility, decision utility and
shaping their expectation for WeChat health toward their decision utility and
entertainment. In addition, the result showed that their frequency of using WeChat health
Hypothesis 2: Chinese elderly who have different personal data (gender, age,
different personal data had significant influence gratification obtained about health
information via WeChat. The significance level was set at Alpha (α) 0.05 or 0.1. The
results confirmed that Chinese elderly who have different age and frequency of using
WeChat health information will have significant different gratification obtained about
health information via WeChat, but who have different gender, personal income per
month educational background and stickiness to WeChat health information will not have
Analysis revealed that Chinese elderly who have different age had significant
gratification obtained for general information seeking and entertainment about health
information via WeChat. Analysis revealed that Chinese elderly who have different
frequency of using WeChat health information had significant gratification obtained for
general information seeking and decision utility about health information via WeChat.
Hypothesis 2 results coincided with Katz, Blumler and Gurevitch (1974), which
found that the social and psychological origins of needs which generate expectations of
mass media or other sources, which lead to differential patterns of media exposure (or
The results supported the Uses and Gratifications theory, which posited that the
that audiences holds responsible for choosing media to meet their needs. The study found
Chinese elderly users were using WeChat health information to obtained gratifications
for general information seeking and entertainment but no significant effect on their
gratification obtained for parasocial interaction, decision utility, and interpersonal utility.
and gratification obtained for health information via WeChat among Chinese elderly
Hypothesis 3 results coincided with Littlejohn (1978), which found that people
will become more dependent on media that meet a number of their needs than on media
that touch only a few ones. The results supported the Uses and Gratifications theory,
which posited that dependency on a certain medium is influenced by the number sources
open to an individual. Individuals are usually more dependent on available media if their
access to media alternatives is limited. The more alternatives there are for an individual,
the lesser is the dependency on and influence of a specific medium. This study suggested
that WeChat health information should try to meet the needs and gratifications of the
Chinese elderly WeChat users and improve the importance of WeChat health information
to them. Despite of the previous literatures, this study found that there is none
significantly between the gratification sought and gratification obtained for health
gratification obtained about health information via WeChat among Chinese elderly
are significant predictors of their relational satisfaction toward the small group
Multiple Regression model indicated that gratification sought for WeChat health
gratification sought for decision utility and entertainment about health information via
WeChat among Chinese elderly are significant predictors of their relational satisfaction
Hypothesis 4 results coincided with Anderson et al. (2001), which found that
relational satisfaction was positively correlated with respondents’ attitudes about group
which posited that Relational satisfaction in small groups was characterized by feelings
and getting to know each other, among others (Anderson, Martin & Riddle, 2001). This
study suggested that researchers interested in the relational side of groups, not simply
group performance processes and outcomes, may find the small group RSS useful. The
RSS has not yet been used widely, perhaps owing to its recent publication. However, it
has been shown to be reliable when utilized (Anderson, Martin & Riddle, 2001). The
study found that Chinese elderly’s gratification sought for decision utility and
entertainment about health information via WeChat among Chinese elderly are
study found that there is none significantly between the sample’s gratification obtained
for WeChat health information and Chinese elderly’s relational satisfaction of small
Through the findings and discussion parts of this study, it showed that there was a
relationship between the samples’ personal data and gratification sought or gratification
obtained about health information via WeChat. It also showed that there was a
relationship between the samples’ gratification sought for WeChat health information and
contribute to the current body of knowledge about the influence of social media impact
about health information via WeChat, gratification obtained about health information via
findings contributed to the WeChat health information literature and support views of
mass communication, which holds that understanding why people use media helps
sought (GS) represent motives for media exposure and are based on expectations about
media content. Gratifications obtained (GO), on the other hand, are perceived personal
outcomes, they are, therefore, sensitive to media content and feedback to influence
content expectations (Palmgreen, Wenner, & Rayburn, 1980). Palmgreen et al. (1980)
developed two 15-item scales to measure the GS and GO. The items measured five GS
communicate, involvement, and getting to know each other, among others. Researchers
interested in the relational side of groups, not simply group performance processes and
outcomes, may find the small group RSS useful. The RSS has not yet been used widely,
perhaps owing to its recent publication. However, it has been shown to be reliable when
utilized (Anderson, Martin & Riddle, 2001). The findings of this study are relevant to
both gratification sought, gratification obtained and relational satisfaction of small group
communication in WeChat. The result confirmed the relationship between personal data,
gratification sought about health information via WeChat, gratification obtained about
health information via WeChat and relational satisfaction of small group communication
in WeChat. This model provides a roadmap for study in which personal data had
theory, which suggested that people use the media to fulfill specific gratifications and
audiences holds responsible for choosing media to meet their needs. Other theory that it
know each other, among others (Anderson, Martin & Riddle, 2001). The findings
suggested that 1) Chinese elderly users were using WeChat health information to sought
elderly users were using WeChat health information to obtained gratifications about
gratification sought for decision utility and entertainment about health information via
WeChat among Chinese elderly are significant predictors of their relational satisfaction
toward the small group communication in WeChat health communication. WeChat health
information should try to meet the needs and gratifications of the Chinese elderly
WeChat users and improve the importance of WeChat health information to them.
decision utility and entertainment and try to reach Chinese elderly who have higher
education extensively in the bachelor or higher level—not target only high school or
vocational level--because health-related contents are very issue for all. Sixty-five
percents of the sample in this survey completed only high school (44%) and vocational
level (21.5%). Health information provided in WeChat should give more academic
advices to enable to make their personal decision about health issues and also provide
more entertaining contents to persuade them read the health contents with more
enthusiasm and giving a joyful experience rather than a boring moment while reading the
2. Majority of Chinese elderly age 55-64 years (42.5%, n = 85) were exposed to
the Wechat health information but those who were 70-79 and higher were exposed at the
low rate. These age groups really need health information to take care of their own health,
because they in the late aging period. Health information will be risk factor if they did not
have sufficient information available for them. Hence, WeChat should plan a
communication program to reach these age groups to meet their immediate needs.
1. A similar study can be conducted in other places rather than Shanghai that there
has a number of viewers in that provincial areas. There are other cultural values
that might have relationship with gratification sought and gratification obtained
about health information via WeChat. Therefore, the result may be different when
quantitative methodology in order to get more details in the needs and perceptions
research to get deeper in their gratification sought and gratification obtained about
health information via WeChat. Thus, the study can help predict the WeChat users’
3. The researchers who want to conduct this topic of research have to extend this
residents who live in Shanghai Metropolitan area. Thus, the findings may not
represent the Chinese residents in other province since the background and
in the research instruments, which is developed in English and later on, was
English and Chinese, which can affect the accuracy of the results. However,
may be too lengthy for the samples to answer. Moreover, some parts of the
questions are about the gratification sought and gratification obtained about
understanding for respondents. As a result, they might not pay full attention to
this questionnaire. This may affect and distort the result of the study.
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Questionnaire in English
This questionnaire is a partial fulfillment for the course ICA 701 Independent
This survey aims to examine the relationship among the demographic characteristic and
health condition of WeChat users, their gratification sought and gratification obtained,
and degree of relational satisfaction toward the small group in WeChat. Please choose
the answer that best represents your opinion. Your responses will remain anonymous.
Thank you in advance for your time and effort. Your answers will be treated
confidentially, for the researcher will be using the results of the surveys for educational
purpose only.
Please choose the only one answer that best represents you.
1. Gender of respondent:
1. Male 2. Female
2. Age of respondents:
4. Educational background
1. High School
2. Vocational School
3. Bachelor degree
4. Master degree
5. Doctoral degree
5. Health Condition:
5.2 Are you serious about keeping healthy in your daily work, diet, and
3. Fair 4. Serious
5. Very serious
6. How often do you use WeChat for health information in a daily life?
7. How long do you spend time on searching and browsing health information
through WeChat each time?
1. Less than 30 minutes for each searching and browsing (Very low stickiness)
2. More than 30 minutes to 1 hour for each searching and browsing (Low
3. More than 1 hour to 2 hours for each searching and browsing (Medium
5. More than 4 hours or more for each searching and browsing (Very high
8. What kinds of health-related WeChat public accounts you often join in the past
one year period?
9. How many WeChat public accounts you’ve visited for the last time you
search/browse/use health information?
Gratifications sought 5 4 3 2 1
about health
information via
Gratifications 5 4 3 2 1
obtained about health
information via
5. I compared my own
ideas to what doctors
and health experts say.
6. I perceived that
doctors and health
experts in WeChat are
like people I knew.
8. WeChat health
information help me
make up my mind
about the important
5 4 3 2 1
附录 1
1. 被调查者性别:
男性 女性
2. 被调查者年龄:
-74 周岁 -79 周岁 大于 74 周岁
3. 月收入:
低于 4,000 元
- 10,000 元
- 16,000 元
- 22,000 元
- 26,000 元
高于 26,000 元
4. 教育背景
其他 (请详细说明):………………………………………….
5. 健康状况:
5.1 您认为自己现在的健康状况如何?
非常糟糕 糟糕
不好不坏 良好 非常好
5.2 在日常生活中您是否认真通过每日工作,饮食,运动锻炼来维持健康状
完全不 不是很认真
一般 认真
6.在日常生活中,您多久使用微信获取一次健康信息 ?
从来没有 (一天都没有)
很少 (1-2 次每天)
有时(3-4 次每天)
经常 (4-5 次每天)
总是 (超过 5 次每天)
7. 您每次花多长时间通过微信搜索和浏览健康信息??
1. 每次搜索和浏览少于 30 分钟(非常低吸引度)
. 每次搜索和浏览超过 3 小时(具有吸引度)
. 每次搜索和浏览超过 4 小时 (非常高的吸引度)
8. 过去一年中您经常关注哪些与健康相关的微信公众账号?
1. 官方卫生保健公众账号
2. 医院与医疗科研机构微信公众账号
3. 医药卫生企业微信公众账号
4. 综合类微信公众账号的健康相关子栏目
5. 医疗协会和与健康相关的社会组织微信公众账号
6. 个人健康微信公众账号
7. 其他(请注明):………………………………………….
9. 您在上一次搜索/浏览/使用健康信息时访问过多少个微信公众帐户?
4. 两到三个 一个 6. 不记得了
第二部分: 通过微信寻找健康信息的满意度
1. 强烈反对该说法
2. 不同意这种说法
3. 不同意也不反对这一说法
4. 同意说法
5. 强烈同意这种说法
通过微信寻找健康 5 4 3 2 1
一般信息征 1. 我使用微信来访
2. 我使用微信健康
3. 我使用微信健康
准社会互动 4. 我使用微信健康
5. 我使用微信健康
6. 我使用微信健康
决策效用 7. 我用微信来了解
8. 我用微信的健康
9. 我使用微信健康
11. 我使用微信健康
12. 我用微信健康给
14. 我使用微信健康
15. 我使用微信健康
1. 强烈反对该说法
2. 不同意这种说法
3. 不同意也不反对这一说法
4. 同意说法
5. 强烈同意这种说法
通过微信获得健康信 5 4 3 2 1
一般信息征 1. 我在微信健康订阅
求 中获得了关于当前健
2. 我对我生命中可能
3. 我相信微信中的健
准社会互动 4. 我知道医生和健康
5. 我把我自己的想法
6. 我感觉到微信的医
决策效用 7. 我从微信健康信息
8. 微信健康信息帮助
9. 我发现了影响我生
12. 我用微信健康给
14. 微信健康信息激
15. 微信健康信息提
第四部分: 微信小团体的关系满意度
1. 强烈反对该说法
2. 不同意这种说法
3. 不同意也不反对这一说法
4. 同意说法
5. 强烈同意这种说法
5 4 3 2 1
1. 微信中的医生和健康专家花费
2. 微信健康信息的成员让我感觉
3. 我期待着每天参加小组的讨
4. 我没有感觉到自己是小组中的
5. 微信健康中的成员让人感觉喜
6. 我的缺席对微信健康信息中的
7. 我可以相信微信健康信息中的
8. 我们可以不用担心的在“微信健
9. 我倾向于不花费时间去和“微信
10. “微信健康信息小组”中的成员
11. 一些小组中的成员可以成为我
12. 微信健康信息小组中的气氛是
Work Experience:
Beijing Youdao Qianyuan Media Investment Co., Ltd., Assistant to the. General Manager