GSM Based Smart Wireless Controlled Digital Energy Meter: December 2019
GSM Based Smart Wireless Controlled Digital Energy Meter: December 2019
GSM Based Smart Wireless Controlled Digital Energy Meter: December 2019
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Abstract—Smart meter is an electronic device that calculating and generating the bills. The latest technology is
measures the energy consumption by different time intervals, using a Global System for mobile Communication (GSM)
this time interval may be in minutes, hours, days or months. based system. This system had replaced the pervious
The proposed technology collects the data from meter and communication technology with Short Message Service
transfer that data to central database for storing data,
(SMS), so by this system the data had been sent to the
analyzing and also monitoring the safety related issues.
Moreover, it also includes the module which has provision of consumer and energy service provider through SMS. The
on demand units loading facility from the energy provider combination of the electronic meters with GSM is known as
company by just sending a request SMS. The proposed design Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) because it uses two-
has been first implemented in software and then a prototype way communications technology for information collecting,
model has been developed, which communicates with the monitoring and controlling.
energy service provider for the consumed energy data through
GSM network. The purpose of this paper is to present theory
and implementation related to remote monitoring and
controlling of the energy meter by using GSM architecture.
This GSM based system enables the electricity department to
get the meter readings regularly while avoiding manual meter
reading. The work also enables prepaid billing, electricity
management, energy saving and implements a mechanism for
electricity theft detection.
It is approximately 10 years that smart meter
technologies have been studied and developed. For
measuring the electrical consumptions different kind of Fig.1. Smart meter technology evolution
technologies have been developed and used. As for billing,
the consumer had to wait for whole month to get monthly As shown in Fig.2, not until the Smart Grid idea was
bill because energy provider had to generate bills by several established these meters and meter reading systems were not
methods. At the moment, most of developing countries are referred smart meters or smart meter systems. Hence, the
using the traditional electro-mechanical watt meters which present state of these technologies are appropriately referred
have manual meter reading system and the readings are not to as an evolution. The automatic reading system consist of
automated, which needs lot of man power to note the energy many distributed structure based on wireless sensor networks
consumption of the consumer. On the other hand, consumers which consists of measure units, sensor nodes, data
are also not satisfied with the services of energy provider. collectors, server and wireless communication networks.
Energy meter is a device that measures the amount of
electrical energy consumed by the residential or business Furthermore, in literature many researcher proposed
related consumers. The electrical consumption is measured different AMI system based on different types of
in kilowatt-hours (kWh) by all electrical services using communication technologies used for smart metering and
kilowatt-hours meters [1]. management. Some smart meters were based on Radio
Frequency (RF) technology for smart metering [3]. While,
After the electro-mechanical meter, the electronic meter some other used M2M (machine to machine) technology for
was introduced with similar function, but it only replaces metering for electric power companies [4]. Addition to this,
from analog to digital system. By along these lines customer some researchers proposed information and communication
can note down the voltage, control reading units and current (ICT) technology based smart meters to get the information
with time and date of vitality utilization. This framework about meter reading and management of load [5]. This
have a few preferences over the past meter reading technology has become an essential solution for energy
framework. After the electronic meters, the meter with providing companies to run the smart grid system. Win
various remote correspondence advancements have been Adiyansyah et al [6], had presented a smart meter system in
created which are known as Automatic Meter Reading which Arduino UNO is used as main controller which
(AMR) [2]. This system is wireless so personal computers connects different module and sensors so that they
could be used to save the energy consumption of the meter communicate with each other. In their work it is shown that
and also this data will be saved in central database for
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energy meter will send data to energy provider for billing
and that data will be stored in database. Rana Ali et al [7],
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different type of function which we already discussed in checks to find that whether consumer present units are equal
previous sections. to or less then the pre allotted units to it and if it is yes then it
perform other checks otherwise it automatically disconnects
This smart meter prototype perform following functions. the consumer power and sends the information to the service
• It have real time communication between smart meter provider and consumer. After that another check performed
and service provider. by controller is tempering or theft detection check that
whether any tempering or theft is detected or not if it is yes it
• Shows the real time power, energy, current, voltages also disconnects the power automatically and sends data, and
and units on LCD. also displays “THEFT DETECTED” on LCD. If there is no
• Gives the information about any tempering/theft done tempering or theft is detected then controller checks that is
by the consumer. service provider had given any command of power
disconnect or power reconnect to it or not. So these are the
• It allow to send request message to service provider some main and basic steps of smart meter performed on get
for additional units. started.
• Sends information about electricity to consumer as
well as service provider.
• Automatically connects and disconnects the power
load if service provider gives command to it.
Fig.6: The flow chart for complete working of the prototype of energy meter
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Fig.7. Voltage, Current, Power, Energy, Present unit, Prepaid unit
Prepaid Billing:
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changing the phase line, these change in state of lever switch
and change in phase current of meter is detected by
controller and then will disconnect the power of the
consumer. The load of the consumer will remain
disconnected until the consumer removes all types of
tempering, then service provider will have to send the
Fig.13. Output in case of latching $AB123, C, 1* message to GSM modem for reconnecting
the load.
Theft Detection:
The feature which makes this energy meter more
GSM based smart wireless controlled digital energy
important is its theft and tempering detection which is
meter is designed in order to enable electrical energy service
explained in the block diagram of Fig.14.
provider company to remotely monitor the consumer
monthly energy consumption, so that billing error should be
reduced to minimum extend and also to reduce human effort
needed to record the meter reading, by this method energy
provider companies can also manage the load power
according to the data provided by these meters. This system
is also use to allocate energy units to the consumer according
to their demand. It also enables service provider to get
known about meter security and also gives access to
remotely control meters by just sending SMS to the
microcontroller through GSM module. Moreover,
experimental results shows that how physical prototype
works and as GSM module is used in this prototype so it can
be accessible from anywhere by consumers through mobile
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