This document discusses green and sustainable technologies that can be used in supply chain management. It summarizes Deutsche Post DHL's initiatives toward more sustainable logistics. DHL has taken steps like promoting carbon-neutral shipping and setting carbon efficiency goals to become a leader in green logistics. The document also notes that demand for low-carbon logistics is increasing as customers favor companies that use environmentally-friendly transport. Sustainable logistics will help businesses adapt to trends where sustainability is increasingly important to customers, investors, employees and governments.
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This document discusses green and sustainable technologies that can be used in supply chain management. It summarizes Deutsche Post DHL's initiatives toward more sustainable logistics. DHL has taken steps like promoting carbon-neutral shipping and setting carbon efficiency goals to become a leader in green logistics. The document also notes that demand for low-carbon logistics is increasing as customers favor companies that use environmentally-friendly transport. Sustainable logistics will help businesses adapt to trends where sustainability is increasingly important to customers, investors, employees and governments.
This document discusses green and sustainable technologies that can be used in supply chain management. It summarizes Deutsche Post DHL's initiatives toward more sustainable logistics. DHL has taken steps like promoting carbon-neutral shipping and setting carbon efficiency goals to become a leader in green logistics. The document also notes that demand for low-carbon logistics is increasing as customers favor companies that use environmentally-friendly transport. Sustainable logistics will help businesses adapt to trends where sustainability is increasingly important to customers, investors, employees and governments.
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This document discusses green and sustainable technologies that can be used in supply chain management. It summarizes Deutsche Post DHL's initiatives toward more sustainable logistics. DHL has taken steps like promoting carbon-neutral shipping and setting carbon efficiency goals to become a leader in green logistics. The document also notes that demand for low-carbon logistics is increasing as customers favor companies that use environmentally-friendly transport. Sustainable logistics will help businesses adapt to trends where sustainability is increasingly important to customers, investors, employees and governments.
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A look at green and sustainable
technologies that can be used in supply
chain management uieen Logistics in SCN A look at BBL initiatives towaius sustainable logistics Student Name: Jaiganesh Ravindra Babu
Student ID: 42245
Subject: Supply Chain Management
Lecturer: Mr. Bismark Akoi
MBA Innovative Management
Submission Date: 1 st April 2011 1
My special thanks to a great many people who helped and supported me during the writing oI this coursework.
My deepest thanks to Lecturer, BISMARKT.AKOI Ior appropriate guidance that was provided and hints towards completing this work. My special thanks to my college library staIIs who guided me to the required source without any hesitation.
This report is based on a number oI popular textbooks and websites and the same has been acknowledged in bibliography.
I would also thank my Institution and my Iaculty members without whom this project would have been a distant reality. I also extend my heartIelt thanks to my Iamily and well-wishers.
Contents Supply Chain Management and Logistics ................................................................... 3 Role oI Logistics in Sustainability .............................................................................. 4 Motives Ior Sustainable Logistics Model - Why acting sustainably make business sense .......................................................................................................................... 5 Behavioural Trends and Major ShiIts Expected-Changes are already on their way ..... 6 Rise oI Demand Ior Low-Carbon Logistics ................................................................ 6 How Logistics Industry will change to Sustainability ................................................. 6 Economic Value oI Going Green ................................................................................ 7 Towards a More Sustainable Logistics Conceptual and Operational Solutions ......... 7 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 11 Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 12
a\\ Cbain Management and Logistics James Morton oI CapGemini, during the annual 3PL study presentation denoted that reducing carbon emissions will always results in reducing the operating costs in logistics which will translate to a better business Ior SCM organisations.
The sentence above clearly demarcates the need and the necessity Ior green initiatives Ior business. Is the claim really up to its mark or not is the intent oI this paper. Supply Chain Management (SCM) according to Tom McGuIIog is adding value and and reducing total cost across the entire business process through Iocusing on speed and certainty oI response to the market. Globalization and ICT has resulted in SCM becoming a tool Ior organisations to compete eIIectively either at a local level or in the global arena. SCM has become a necessity tool Ior manuIacturing industry when it comes to delivering products at a competitive cost and at a higher quality than their competitors (Sovereign, 2008)
With the growing necessity Ior organisations to project or place themselves as carers oI society and with increasing trends oI go-green` mentality oI various customers, organisations that are involved in the logistics chain have also taken up various measures to become greener in that sense. One oI the world renowned providers oI logistics supplier Deutsche Post DHL is no stranger to this bug. As the leading provider oI logistics support Ior various businesses DHL has taken a number oI steps to Iurther reiterate the Iact that a company can take up the initiative to go green and still remain competitive and be responsible to the environment.
The world is hugged by Deutsche post DHL. With a network oI almost halI a million employees, DHL spans the globe, reaching nearly every nook and corner oI our planet. As a global logistics company they are a vehicle Ior market and trade growth Irom Asia to the Americas, Irom Europe to AIrica. DHL inIluences and aIIects the world in which it operates but it is also equally inIluenced and aIIected by trends and developments around the globe, be they economic, political or societal in nature. This is one oI the prime reasons why DHL understands and addresses Iactors that Iorm the Iuture trend in green logistics.
The culture Ior going green did not initiate itselI. DHL at the initial stages Iaced a lot oI hurdles both internal and external beIore it was able to embark on a Go- green initiative and at present is successIully and the only company to have a clearly set target and transparent process to check Ior compliance in the world. Post the muddle that DHL Iaced with respect to its Iailure on the green Iront, the organisation aIter a successIul implementation oI change within its process has emerged as a leader with prooI to show the world that it has the initiative to remain in the IoreIront oI logistics and yet remain green.
But why, should the Iocus be on green logistics? Recent research has shown that climate change is a concern oI high prominence Ior citizens around the globe, in short sustainability and green initiative matters a lot to a lot oI people. It is so important that almost all organisations have integrated the process into their corporate initiatives. Under the Go-Green label` DHL was the Iirst logistics company to promote carbon-neutral shipping services and to publicly communicate clear-cut carbon eIIiciency goal. oe of Logistics in astainabiit In a world that is highly interconnected where the latest trendy product or a new business is just a click away the transport and logistics company play an important part in ensuring the smooth Ilow oI products Irom the manuIacturer to the intended user. Logistics is a key driver oI global economy and job creation accounting to a whopping 9 oI total global GDP (Logistics Today 2010). Having contributed to the global prosperity and employability, logistics business should also understand its responsibility Ior the environmental impact. Just as logistics provides Ior economic growth it should also look at providing logistic solution that has ecological sustainability at its core value. The option to ignore the ecological impact is not an option as the negative impact oI unplanned logistics has been clearly pegged at 5 oI global GDP by Nicholas Stern (2007).
Posted below are the Iigures that compare various sources oI GHG emissions with individual GHG signature Ior various logistics activities.
CO2 Emissions in megatons per year Source: WEF 2009
Motives for astainabe Logistics Mode - Wb acting sastainab make basiness sense Many developing trends show that most business needs to take a long-term view on their business with regards to sustainability vis-a-vis 1. Customers will place a higher emphasis on sustainability Iactor. A key Iactor will be the need to measure and reduce the carbon Iootprint. 8esldenLlal Commerclal 8ulldlngs 790 1ransporL 1310 AgrlculLure 1330 WasLe WasLewaLer 280 Lnergy Supply 2390 lndusLry 1940 loresLry 1740 GnG Lm|ss|ons |n 2004 |n terms of CC2 0 300 1000 1300 2000 2300 3000 8oad lrelghL Ccean lrelghL Alr lrelghL 8all lrelghL LoglsLlc 8ulldlngs GnG Lm|ss|on of Log|st|c Act|v|t|es 6
2. Investors will expect business to adopt a more sustainable business models by demonstration and integration risk management methods with respect to climate changes. 3. Employees will be incentivised to transIer their sustainable practises to workplaces. 4. There will be increasing political and legislative support Ior sustainability work processes started by business. 5. Industry alliances will be Iormed to set standards and promote/put in new way oI thinking on a green and sustainable way. ebavioara Trends and Ma|or bifts Ex\ected-Cbanges are aread on tbeir wa Lately, people around the world are not only concerned about climate change, but are increasingly assertive towards taking action in Iavouring more environmentally-Iriendly behaviour. The most common eIIorts, as proved by the Green Trends Survey were to separate waste, to reduce consumption oI disposable items, to choose an environmentally Iriendly mode oI transport or recycling. ise of Demand for Low-Carbon Logistics The Iact that in UK retail sales volumes oI Iair-trade products increased Irom GBP 21.8 million in 1999 to GBP 799 million in 2009( underlines the importance that business Iix on green initiatives. Data Irom both research and market analysis prove that demand Ior green logistics oIIerings is increasing. Customers are willing to Iavour a company with green transport/shipping over a cheaper non-green process business. How Logistics Indastr wi cbange to astainabiit 1. Logistics as a strategy: Logistics will not only be a catalyst to global trade and a deIining component towards value creation it will also assume strategic importance towards low-carbon economy. 2. Technological change will be achieved with group collaboration between various businesses and government initiatives. This is equally important because oI higher price tag and long-term sustainability. 7
3. Increasing collaboration, as carbon emission reduction becomes a priority to business due to increasing consumer requirements. 4. Change in Business models due to sustainable innovations. 5. CO2 labelling will be widespread and quite common to ascertain carbon Iootprint. 6. Price tagging Ior carbon emission will be a normal rather than a catch word in media. 7. A more stringent regulator measure due to carbon pricing is only a matter oI time. Economic Vaae of Coing Creen Green Trends Survey points out that green logistics is or will be important Ior 'intangible reasons like company reputation and Ior cost savings making more business sense. 1. Growing Customer demand Ior green products producing more sales. 2. Growing importance oI 'Responsible Investments
Source: DHL Annual Report 2009 Towards a More astainabe Logistics - Conce\taa and U\erationa oations The rule so Iar in logistics has been cost and speed, lately an additional dimension begs importance, namely sustainability. We shall now look into conceptual and operational solutions with respect to DHL and their impact on a sustainable logistics solution that not only makes business sense but also has sustainability at its core. 8
onceptual Solutions Measures like green distribution design or optimal route management are important strategies to minimise CO2 emissions. Sourcinq Stroteqies: No Business is able to produce a product by its own process. In Iact, more parts are nowadays sourced Ior production. As any Iorm oI transport leads to CO2 emission, this is one good way at looking at reducing emission. The global source method Ior parts made sense during the 80s and 90s era due to a steady crude oil prices, this no longer hold true. A locally sourced product part not only reduces cost but also reduces the transport CO2 emissions involved. Honufocturinq Cbonqes: Forward stocking has been used and has shown to be an eIIective means oI meeting consumer demand without any large scale reduction in eIIiciency and can be looked into. With the increasing use oI online purchases it only makes prudent sense to part assemble a part Ior transport and then complete the assembly locally. Bistribution Cbonqe: Optimising a network design such that nodes and interrelated routes are taken into consideration may cause a minimal delay but works great Ior reducing emissions. A common way to make this happen is Ior similar organisations to come together to share their logistical resources Ior maximal and energy eIIicient use. HoJol Hix Alterotion: Planes have a comparatively high CO2 Iootprint when compared to ships and so on. Choosing the best mode oI transport also makes sense. DHL recently undertook a modal mix alteration strategy Ior a pharmacy company in Europe. Following an eIIectively chosen distribution change and modal mix model, the companies warehouse were reduced to 15 Irom present 40 and road transport was adopted that was proven to reduce emissions by 40. The outcome oI the study proved that GoGreen initiative by DHL is not only cost saving but also sustainable and makes business sense. Route Honoqement: A vast majority oI transportation oI products is undertaken on roads. An eIIectively managed route will not only reduce time and save money on wages but also have a good green signature. This system does require a complex dynamic routing planner to be put in place. Proper Copocity Honoqement: A properly planned capacity cuts down under utilisation oI resources. In 2008, DHL Freight Euronet implemented proper capacity 9
management tools to improve CO2 eIIiciency Irom 100 to 70g CO2 per revenue ton kilometre. oilure ree Belivery: Another area that DHL concentrated is Iailed delivery. A very good initiative by DHL in this area is the DHL Packstation Initiative. This allowed customers to receive their packages at secure stations with 24/7 access. This not only ensured that packages are delivered to the customers but also at their convenient time. The savings Irom such initiatives are substantial, Irom Packstation alone, 40000 kms oI trip was saved and this resulted in a CO2 emission reduction oI 11 tons.
Operational Solutions While changes to design oI networking and mode oI transport reduces CO2 emissions, DHL will not be become a low carbon company unless operational changes, especially newer technologies are implemented. We will look into a Iew cases where DHL can make more changes to its operational structure to reduce its carbon Iootprint. RooJ reiqbt: At present there is no technology that can completely reduce CO2 emissions but there are a Iew models that have a lower CO2 Iootprint which can be used Ior the purpose. EybriJ vebicles: These combine a conventional engine with a high voltage electric motor supporting the combustion engine. For DHL, hybrid powertrain systems are more suitable Ior smaller trucks (7.5-12 tons), in this instance the expected gain in eIIiciency is in the range oI 15 to 25 a much larger value when compared to line haul traIIic or heavy-duty trucks. DHL may implement this at a larger scale to reap beneIits on a longer term.
Flectric vebicles: will have a major impact on the logistics industry. First oI all they will have an advantage oI nigh-time delivery due to less noise produced. Additionally, they will also clear congestion due to nigh time service. They can also become part oI the country`s intelligent energy inIrastructure by serving as source oI energy during times oI dire requirement. However, the main hurdle Ior logistics company such as DHL will be the exorbitant initial setup cost such projects command. 10
oJywork Besiqn: A vehicle`s size; mass has signiIicant impact on its overall eIIiciency, Iuel consumption, and gas emission. A recent research by Bandivadekar et al, 2008 has shown that vehicle weight reduction oI up to 15 is possible with substantial improvement in Iuel eIIiciency. AeroJynomics: Air drag is considered to be a major source oI wasted energy and DHL has initiated major changes in the aerodynamics oI its Ileet to ensure that air drag is reduced. Studies have shown that an optimally shaped vehicle can have a 15 higher eIIiciency compared to a normal vehicle. DHL has also tried to improve the shape to utilise the space to maximum load capacity.
Source: DHL Annual Report 2009 Fco-Brivinq Systems: It is a well-known Iactor that driving style is the single greatest Iactor on Iuel eIIiciency. Eco-driving enables/quips the driver on his driving behaviour. For example O Display Iuel consumption or emission levels is sometimes enough to alert the driver oI his driving style. O Start-stop assistants remind the driver oI optimal turn oII points to save idling Iuel wastage. O Gear-shiIt indicators to suggest the gears to improve Iuel eIIiciency.
The above methods can lead to a long term reduction oI 7 oI Iuel consumption (KompIner & Reinhardt, 2008)
Fmployee Fmpowerment: DHL has involved its employees to push Ior a greener Iuture. With a programme christened 'Go-Green Dialog Map employees Irom local Iacilities brainstorm and evaluate easy-to-implement ways to save energy, water and paper, and to reduce waste. They nominate a person to be the green champion to implement their ideas with an emphasis on independent things and genuine ideas being rewarded. Concasion Being an industry leader DHL is not only a Iacilitator oI global business but also is an inIluencer oI industry practises. The company at the same time understands its responsibility towards sustainability and has taken a number oI initiatives to maintain and grow a business that has sustainability as a core value with both economic and ecological sense.
Changes will happen and while there is no exact blueprint Ior 'carbon-Iree logistics a sustainable, low carbon logistics solution is within reach and can be implemented iI only companies have a long term view. While there is no silver bullet that will transIorm the logistics into a carbon Iree industry overnight a number oI Iactors will speed on the revolution. The Green Trends Survey clear points to a clear desire to have sustainability at the core oI business, this clearly point to the Iact that economic necessity, customer requirements/demands and regulatory measurements will drive the change.
ibiogra\b 1. Razamith Sovereign 2008, Importance of Supply Chain Management in Modern Businesses. 2. Study Towards Sustainable Logistics, December 2010 3. Carbon Trust (2007), nergy fficiency Best Practise Programme (BPP) Technology Overview. 4. Klaus, P, Kile, C (2008/2009), The Top 100 of Logistics, DVV Media Group, Hamburg 5. McKinnon, A. (2010), reen Logistics. The Carbon Agenda. 6. Wyatt, K (2007), Taking Light Steps to Cut Carbon missions, UKWA, August [online], Available at 7. L Annual Report 2009
(Lecture Notes in Logistics) Wolf-Rüdiger Bretzke, Karim Barkawi (Auth.) - Sustainable Logistics - Responses To A Global Challenge-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013) PDF
(Lecture Notes in Logistics) Wolf-Rüdiger Bretzke, Karim Barkawi (Auth.) - Sustainable Logistics - Responses To A Global Challenge-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013) PDF