208 R2 User Guide: Update of The 3 February 2014
208 R2 User Guide: Update of The 3 February 2014
208 R2 User Guide: Update of The 3 February 2014
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Oil Level
BRAKE Page 6
Circuit bleeding
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The first start of the engine must be done following this procedure:
- Master switch ON
- Power OFF
- Push the horn button
- Push the start button in the 5 following seconds and keep pushing
- Repeat this operation as long as the oil pressure is under 3.5 bars
- Then follow the process detailed below
By cold weather especially when the cooling liquid is under 0°C, we recommend to
follow the specific procedure detailed below:
- Master switch ON
- Power ON then wait during 3 seconds minimum
- Power OFF
- Power ON then wait during 3 seconds (the 3 last points are necessary to
get the fuel pressure in the injection rail)
- Push the horn button and the flash lights buttons to "wake up" the battery
- Clutch
- Push the start button. It is not necessary to keep pushing.
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If you can’t start your engine after few tries, we recommend you to do the following
- Master switch ON
- Power OFF
- Push the horn button
- Push the start button in the 5 following seconds and keep pushing.
This procedure switch on the starter and the engine is turning without injection or
ignition, to remove the fuel present in excess in the cylinders. This procedure is can
also be used to put oil in the circuit after an oil filter replacing, a first start or a start
of an engine rebuilt.
We remind you the recommended mileage of accessories and water pump belts is
400 km. We remind you to be attentive to these belts during rallies.
Moreover, we remind you that a water pump belt failure lead to a fast increase of
the water temperature, which can damaged the engine if this one is not stopped
In case of water temperature alarm, stop the engine. Before restarting the engine,
check if the water pump belt is in position.
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Step 1
Car ready to run, on stands, engine running at 3000 rpm in 5th gear during 5
minutes, without playing with the steering wheel.
Step 2
Same as step 1, in same time turn the steering wheel left and right by a half turn.
Step 3
Same as step 2, turn the steering wheel left and right by a complete turn.
Step 4
Drive 10 km; avoid turning the steering wheel up to the stop end.
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Once the bleeding is done, check if the travel of the brake pedal is correct and
adjust the liquid level.
To read the setting of the brake limiter, first push 3-4 times on the brake pedal.
Then push up to 60 bars on the front circuit and read the pressure of the rear circuit.
During the bedding-in, the measured temperature must not exceed 500/550°C. In
case of overheating, drive without braking and use the handbrake to slow down the
Set the brake limiter 2 laps more to the rear to ease the rear brakes bedding-in.
You must do "normal" braking following the pressure target as defined in the graph
below to get a deceleration from 150 to 100 km/h for example. You must not brake
and accelerate in the same time.
If the deceleration is not related to the effort on the brake pedal, release the brake
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400 40
350 35
300 30
Temperature (°C)
250 25
200 20
150 15
100 10
50 5
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Distance (km)
Pads temperature Front brake pressure
At the end of bedding-in, drive 3 km at medium speed to cool down discs and pads.
Then set you brake limiter to the initial setting.
When pads and discs have not been bedding-in in the same time, you must do a
specific bedding-in to associate discs and pads.
During 8 km, warm up gradually the brakes but do not brake and accelerate in the
same time. Then do 5 braking in 5th gear.
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To avoid an excessive temperature of the brake system and to ensure a good and
free travel, do not use pads with a thickness less than 10 mm.
When you replace the brake pads, we recommend you first to clean the calliper
pistons area first to avoid damaging the pistons.
To ensure an optimal assembly of the rim on the hub, we recommend you to tight
the wheel nuts at a torque of 110 N.m.
For the first tightening, we recommend you to put copper grease –Loctite 8065 or
Bardhal 9984.07) only on the studs.
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Please find below 2 examples to calculate the fuel volume. We consider in these 2
examples the fuel tank has been drained.
Fuel volume
Place Consumption –
In the fuel tank after Volume In the
the consumption added fuel tank
(litres) (litres) (litres)
40 + 10 of
Workshop - 0 40
30 + 5 =
Service 1 35 40 – 35 = 5 30
0 + 20 =
Service 2 35 35 – 35 = 0 20
2 + 18 =
Service 3 18 20 – 18 = 2 18
End of
15 20 – 15 = 5 - -
In this example, after each read of the fuel consumption, the fuel consumption
information is reset.
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Fuel volume
In this example, the fuel level is not reset during the rally. The maximum volume
displayed is 325 litres.
*We recommend to have 10 litres in the fuel tank as reserve and to not include it in
your calculation.
Because of the fuel tank shape, it is not possible to drain all of the fuel when the
fuel volume in the tank is more than 22 litres. 4 litres can’t be drained but these 4
litres can be aspirated by the pump when the car is moving (as with the movement
of the car and when there is less than 22 litres, these 4 litres go in the lower part of
the tank).
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The 208 R2 is equipped with a data logging system which allows the control of the
engine and chassis of the 208 R2.
To install the software, you must have at least the OS Windows Vista. The software
is available on the website www.peugeotsport-store.com.
IP address:
Masque de sous-réseau:
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Click on local
Click on « Internet
Protocol version 4
(TCP/IPv4) »
Set these
Tick informations
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Step 1:
Step 2:
Click on « Acquisition »
then « Acquisition
Manager »
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On the
« WTX4AcquMan »
window, click on
Acquisition then
« Setup »
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Track: write the year, month*, the week then the 2013A_S03_MonteCarlo
(* January = A, December= L).
Run Name: write information of the type of event (test, shakedown, rally…)
For the first download, a file "Data" will be created in the file "Wintax".
If you have not changed the destination file of the software installation, the
"Wintax4" file will be in "C:"
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To get the connection between the computer and the 208 R2, select your car in the
list and click on (the icon is green as there is a connection between the car and
the computer).
The 208 R2 ECU is named: « 208R2_XX », XX is the serial number of the ECU.
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The « TLap » window is now opened, select the runs you want to display and then
click on "OK".
Step 1:
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3, rue Marcel Dassault
BP 68
78143 VELIZY Cedex
Tél. : + 33 (0)1 30 70 23 63
Email : eric.andre@mpsa.com
Jean-Charles FLATTIN
Tel : + 33 (0)1 30 70 21 43
E-mail : jeancharles.flattin@mpsa.com
Jean-Jacques GAUTERO
Tél. : + 33 (0)1 30 70 22 32
Email : jeanjacques.gautero@mpsa.com
Dominique GUISIANO
Tél. : + 33 (0)1 30 70 20 76
Email : dominique.guisiano@peugeot.com
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