312001-LINUX BASICS (Syllabus)
312001-LINUX BASICS (Syllabus)
312001-LINUX BASICS (Syllabus)
Linux Operating System is Open source and freely distributed Operating System (O.S).Apart from the fact that it's
freely distributed, Linux's functionality, adaptability, and robustness make it highly suitable for the server platform.
The course aims to provide knowledge in the basics of Linux, shell, and command line essentials.
teaching-learning experiences:
1) TounderstandthebasicsofLinuxoperatingsystemfundamentalsanditsopen-sourcenature.
2) BasicScriptingSkillsforautomatingtasksandcreatingcustomshellscripts.
3) Ability to perform file operations and manipulate directories.
1. FA-TH represent saverage of two class tests of 30 marks each conducted during the semester.
2. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in FA-PR of any course then the candidate shall
be declared as "Detained" in that semester.
3. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in SLA of any course then the candidate shall
be declared as fail and will have to repeat and resubmit SLA work.
4. Notional Learning hours for the semester are(CL+LL+TL+SL)hrs.*15Weeks
5. 1creditisequivalentto30Notionalhrs.
6. *Self learning hours shall not be reflected in the Time Table.
7. *Self learning includes micro project /assignment/other activities.
Practical/Tutorial/Laboratory Learning Sr Laboratory Experiment/Practical Number Relevant
Outcome (LLO) No Titles / Tutorial Titles of hrs. COs
LLO1.1*Install and configure the Linux
1 Install the Linux Operating System. 4 CO1
operating system.
LLO 2.1 * Execute the following general-
purpose Linux commands.1)cal2)date3) Execute general purpose Linux
2 2 CO2
echo4)printf 5)bc 6)script7)mailx8)man9) clear commands.
LLO9.1Usewildcardcharacters(e.g.,*,?,[])to list
and manipulate specific sets of files within 9 Use wildcard characters. 2 CO4
The directory.
LLO 10.1 a) Create a text file with various lines
of text b) Create a complex pipeline by chaining 10 Use of Pipes in Linux. 2 CO4
multiple commands together using pipes (|).
LLO11.1*Create input and output redirection in Execute input and output redirection
11 2 CO4
Linux. in Linux.
LLO12.1*Execute the following filters
Execute the filters commands in
commandsinLinux.1)pr2)head3)tail4)cut5) 12 2 CO5
LLO13.1*Execute commands grep , egrep and
13 Execute filters commands in Linux. 2 CO5
sed in Linux.
LLO14.1Read use input, exit and exit status
commands, expr, and logical operators in shell 14 Execute shell scripts. 2 CO5
LLO15.1*Write the Shell script by using the Execute the Shell script by using the
15 2 CO5
"if" statement. if statement.
LLO16.1WriteaShellscriptbyusingthe "while" Execute a Shell script by using the
16 2 CO5
loop. while loop.
LLO17.1WriteaShellscriptbyusingthe"for"- loop. Execute a Shell script by using the
17 2 CO5
for loop.
Note: Out of above suggestive LLOs-
'*'Marked Practical’s (LLOs) Are mandatory.
Minimum 80% of above list of lab experiment are to be performed.
Judicial mixes of LLOs are to be performed to achieve desired outcomes.
Micro project
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Continuous assessment based on process and product related performance indicators. Each practical will be
assessed considering
1) 60%weightage is to process
2) 40%weightage to product
Programme Out comes(POs)
Course PO-5
Outcomes PO-1Basic Engineering
PO-3 PO-7
(COs) and PO-2 PO-4 Practices for
Design/ PO-6Project Lifelong PSO- PSO- PSO-
Discipline Problem Engineering Society,
Development Management Learning 1 2 3
Specific Analysis Tools Sustainability
of Solutions
Knowledge and
CO1 3 2 2 3 1 - 3
CO2 3 - 1 3 1 - 3
CO3 3 - 1 3 1 - 3
CO4 3 2 2 3 1 - 3
CO5 3 2 2 3 1 - 3
Legends:-High:03,Medium:02,Low:01,NoMapping: -
*PSOs are to be formulated at institute level