Statement Purpose:
The purpose of this lab is to understand what is the use of JIRA tool. The focus of this lab is
to provide good issue reporting practice in JIRA.
Activity Outcomes:
- Understanding of JIRA as bug tracking tool
- Student will be able to track bugs in any of the software products.
1) Stage J (Journey)
JIRA is a planning, tracking and managing tool built to cater to projects following the agile
It allows:
- creation of backlog
- creating sprints
- creating tasks
- updating status
- code integration
Epics, Stories and Child Issues
When it comes to dividing the project in parts, Jira has a concept which comprises of epics,
stories and child issues (sub tasks).
- Epic – An abstract idea of some goal to achieve.
- Story - Dividing epic into sub components for ease and better structuring.
- Child Issue – Lowest level task.
Agile process methodology:
The Agile process methodology is a time-boxed, iterative approach to software development, to de-
liver the product incrementally instead of all at once. One of its core values being collaboration and
constant communication, whether it is between developers or between developers and customers.
Scrum Framework:
Scrum is a framework adopting the agile process, it’s main components include the
- Sprint
- Sprint backlog
- Daily Scrum
- Sprint perspective
- Scrum roles, product owner, scrum master.
Say the issue first gets created, goes to being worked on and when complete gets closed. The
work flow in this case is:
JIRA Sprints:
A sprint — also known as an iteration — is a short period in which the development team imple-
ments and delivers a discrete and potentially shippable application increment, e.g. a working mile-
stone version. It is recommended using a fixed two-week duration for each sprint for beginners. It's
long enough to get something accomplished, but not so long that the team isn't getting regular feed-
back. Sprints do not apply to Kanban projects.
• Sprints only apply to Scrum boards.
• We must have ranking enabled on your board to use sprints. See Enabling ranking.
• In general, sprint actions require the Manage Sprints permission
Creating a sprint
You can create a sprint for your current iteration, or multiple future sprints if you want to plan sev-
eral iterations ahead.
1. Go to the Backlog of your Scrum project.
2. Click Create sprint at the top of the backlog.
Once you have created a sprint, you can add issues to it.
Adding issues to a sprint
Three ways to add an issue to a sprint:
-Add existing issues to a sprint
Use this when the issue already exists, and you want to add the issue to an active or future sprint.
-In the Backlog, drag and drop the issues onto the relevant sprint.
-If you want to add multiple issues you can:
• Select the issues (use Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click), right-click, then select the relevant sprint
• Drag the sprint footer down to include issues from the backlog.
Setting up JIRA
You start off by entering your work email and creating your site name. This site name
can be the name of your organization (e.g., your software house) or your project name.
Then you can invite up to 3 members to make your team( You can also add team members
later) If you don’t want to do this at this stage, you have the option of doing this later after
your project has been set up.
You are then asked a few questions so they can suggest a project type that works best for
you and your team.
Lastly, you are asked for the project name with an option to change the chosen template if
you wish to.
Add project details
Srum board will appear where we can manage your project as shown below:
Backlog is where you create epics and stories. This is where you create all the abstract
level tasks and divide them into stories and further divide those stories into child issues.
This collection of tasks can then be added to sprint showing how many tasks the sprint
will cover.
Here, I’ve created an epic in the epic panel called ‘Fee payment through credit card or cash’.
This is an abstract idea or an abstract goal that my team wishes to achieve. So if u haven’t
started your sprint u can’t do any thing on your board for this go on the backlog and start a
Creating an issue:
You can also create issues and can link it with other issues from the Create button on the top.
Child Issues:
We can also create child issues in the
To start a sprint, we will add tasks to it from the backlog. For the backlog given in
the screenshot below, I’ll add some tasks to a sprint and then start it.
The Board is where you see your ongoing sprint progress. It is empty when there is no
ongoing sprint. By default, it has the ‘To Do’, ‘In Progress’ and ‘Done’ columns but more
columns can be added if one wishes to.
Road map:
Roadmaps in Jira Software are team-level roadmaps useful for planning large pieces of work
several months in advance at the Epic level within a single project. Simple planning and
dependency management features help your teams visualize and manage work better
Your dashboard is the main display you see when you log in to Jira. You can create
multiple dashboards from different projects, or multiple dashboards for one massive
overview of all the work you're involved with.
You can create a personal dashboard and add gadgets to keep track of assignments and
issues you're working on. Dashboards are designed to display gadgets that help you
organize your projects, assignments, and achievements in different charts.
Add Gadgets:
You can add different gadgets to it.