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Innovative Waterdisinfection With REDO Technology

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Solutions in Water: Innovative REDO Technology

Multi Oxidants Water Disinfection (MOWD)

The German Way for Safe, Healthy and Effective Water Disinfection

1. Introduction: The Challenges in Water Disinfection 3

• The Clean Water Challenge

• Water Disinfection – Safety Concerns
• Water Disinfection – Health Concerns
• Disinfection Byproducts (DBP)
• Corrosion

2. REDO Technology: Safe, healthy and effective water disinfection 11

• Awarded Technology
• The Power of Six Disinfection Agents
• Success Factors of REDO Technology
• Comparison to other Disinfection Methods
• Installation Scheme
• Cost of Operation: Salt and Energy
• Simple Operation and Online Monitoring
• Scalable Solutions
• Containerized REDO Solutions
• Service Packages

3. Application Areas for REDO Disinfection 32

• Overview on all REDO Application Areas

• Installations and References in 32 Countries

4. References and Customer Examples 35

• Public Water Supply and Waterworks
• Infrastructure: Airlines, Airports, Shipping
• Hospitals
• Hotels and Buildings
• Food Processing Industry
• Agriculture and Livestock Breeding
• Pools
• Mobile Units and Desaster Relief

5. Contact India 60


Introduction – Chlorination is phasing out
The Clean Water Challenge

The Clean Water Challenge In an economic perspective,

investments in drinking water
Water is one of the most valuable
quality, particularly disinfection, are
commodities on planet earth.
extremely profitable, especially if the
Death, serious illness and despair are benefits on health of every human
inevitable consequences without a and the productivity of a national
supply of clean drinking water. economy are accounted for.

In July 2010, the UN general Protection and Disinfection of

assembly declared clean water a Drinking Water evoked various
“fundamental human right”. different Treatment Technologies
over the decades – but only few are
safe, simple and without negative
side effects.

Introduction: Chlorination is phasing out
Water Disinfection – The Safety Challenge

Chlorine gas
Discovered and first produced in the 19th
century, chlorine gas was first used as industrial
bleach and later as a poison gas in the first world
Today, the same substance – stored and
distributed in pressurized gas cylinders – is
mainly used for water disinfection purposes.
Chlorine gas accidents with casualties or severe
injuries occur regularly in every nation, when
transporting or handling chlorine gas.
Unfortunately, disinfection uses of chlorine gas, Before: disinfection with chlorine gas
e.g. in water production plants, often take place
in densely populated areas.
Chlorination is phasing out
To prevent danger from poison gas or explosions
(in the case of chlorine dioxide), hypochlorite or
chlorine dioxide can be produced on site.
However, health concerns of the use of chlorine
substances remain.
Over the years, various carcinogenic, mutagenic
and toxic and environmentally harmful effects of
many organic chlorine compounds have been
proven in scientific studies.
After: disinfection with REDO Technology
Many safety measures have been introduced –
appropriate training of personnel for the
handling of hazardous substances is mandatory
– and expensive.
Many people do not like the taste and smell of Many nations have programs to phase out and
replace the use of chlorine gas
chlorinated water.
The only reason for the continued used of
chlorine based disinfection: It certainly is the
less harmful alternative in comparison to not
disinfecting at all.

1. Site Visit

Introduction – Chlorination is phasing out
Water Disinfection - Health Concerns

• The quality of drinking water is often

basically bad. There´s a high part of heavy
metals, bacteria, algae and germs in the
water. Its recommended to boil the water
before drinking. The public water plants
use mainly chlorine gas for disinfection,
which causes a bad taste in the water and
doesn´t work effectively at all.
• Over the years, various carcinogenic,
mutagenic and toxic and environmentally
harmful effects of many organic chlorine
compounds have been proven in scientific
• Many safety measures need to be
installed, to avoid chlorine gas accidents.
Appropriate training of personnel for the
handling of hazardous substances is
mandatory – and expensive.
• Water production plant managers
worldwide become increasingly aware of
the health hazards of various chlorination
• Particularly, trihalomethanes (THMs) have
been identified as carcinogenic, toxic and
environmental pollutants. However,
similar effects are attributed to various
other chlorination byproducts, e.g.
Haloacetic acids, chlorite and bromates.
From the product data sheet
for chlorine based substances

Introduction - Disinfection Byproducts
Traditional reduction approaches

Water production plant managers worldwide

become increasingly aware of the health hazards of
Total THM limits various chlorination byproducts.

• 1979, United States Environmental

Protection Agency: limit 0.08mg/L Particularly, trihalomethanes (THMs) have been
identified as carcinogenic, toxic and environmental
• 1998, European Union guideline: limit pollutants. However, similar effects are attributed to
0.1 mg/L plus additional national various other chlorination byproducts, e.g.
reduction efforts required Haloacetic acids, chlorite and bromates.
• 2003, German Drinking Water
ordinance: limit 0.05 mg/L at There is already clear statistical evidence on the
consumer, adverse effect of chlorination byproducts. As further
limit 0.01 mg/L at water production research on the precise biological mechanisms and
plant individual medical impact is published, scientists
expect an increasing amount of pressure towards a
• 2004, World Health Organization:
Further specification of limit tighter DBP and THM regulation.
values for all four THMs
The international regulation shows a tendency
towards stricter and more sophisticated guidelines.

Transport of chlorine gas as

an hazardous substance

Introduction - Disinfection Byproducts
Health Hazards

THMs and other DBP are created by reactions Coagulation – A multidimensional / Multigoal Process

between chlorine gas and organic materials

found in the water.

Newer legislation takes into account that

organic materials can also be introduced in
the water system AFTER the water
production plant, so THMs can increase after
the water production plant.

Therefore, reduction of THMs often requires

a very complex bundle of measures in all
stages of water production, in order to get
below the limits even at peak times, e.g.
flooding situations.

Other types of disinfectants produce different

byproducts. E.g., ozone disinfection produces
formaldehyde and other aldehydes, chlorine
dioxide disinfection produces chlorite which
affects red blood cells and may be toxic to

An example for complex THM reduction

efforts is the Article “Strategies for Attaining
DBP Rule Compliance” by George C. Budd,
published www.waterworld.com

DBP reduction is a challenging task with traditional

disinfection methods – but easy with REDO.

Introduction - Corrosion
Danger of high damages in water distribution networks

A major factor for corrosion in water In recent years chlorine gas has often
distribution networks is the pH value. been replaced through hypolchlorite in
order to reduce the danger potential in
Water disinfection based on chemical disinfection.
additions often changes the pH value.
Chlorine addition in the gaseous form will But after short time it appeared that the
tend to lower the pH while adding highly corrosive nature of hypochlorite
chlorine in the hypochlorite form will results in out of scale corrosion damages
tend to raise the pH. to the distribution network, water pipes
and other installations.
Even though chlorine gas and
hypochlorite seem to be cheap at first Disinfection with REDO technology
sight, cost analyses completely change if avoids these problems. REDO
damages in the water distribution disinfection, based on 6 oxidants, is pH
network through corrosion are taken into neutral and has no corrosive effects.


The Multi-Barrier Technology
REDO Water Systems’ award
winning technology is the answer to
drinking water disinfection and
hygiene challenges.

• REDO units are developed based

on superior technology that
works with 6 different oxidants.
In contrast to conventional forms
of water treatment, chemical
additives are not necessary. With
small amounts of salt and
electricity, the highly reliable units
disinfect water to ensure a high
quality of drinking water. REDO technology was awarded
with the Federal Innovation
• REDO installations fit any size of Award of Germany in 2004
water production plant from
small, decentral wells with only
hundreds of cubic metres of
water per day to large central
plants with more than 100,000
cubic metres of water per day.
• In any case, REDO disinfection is
particularly thorough, safe,
economical and environmentally

The Power of Six
Multi Oxidants Water Disinfection (MOWD-Process)

Safe, healthy and effective water disinfection

REDO Disinfection Systems use

• water
• pure common salt
• and energy

to produce the six strongest disinfection agents on site

within the customers´ premises.
The unique combination of the advantages of ozone,
chlorine dioxide, chlorine and oxygen supported through
dihydrogene dioxide and sodium hydroxyde (MOWD
process) results into an insuperable ‘multi-barrier
disinfection process’ – with the final removal of bacteria,
germs, spores and other harmful vermins. The
disinfection solution is biodegradable, nonhazardous in
operation and without dangerous side effects or
REDO Disinfection Technology combines and
accumulates the power of six disinfection agents to
exceptional short contact time with an outstanding long-
term effectiveness.
Different disinfection agents fight different
microorganisms - the REDO combination of disinfection
agents is most effective and avoids the disadvantages of
high dosing of a single active ingredient.

REDO Technology
Electrolysis of an aqueous & saline solution

The combination of two disinfection liquids

produced on site:

• Oxygen (O2Singlet)
• Ozone (O3) Acidic
• Chlorine (Cl2)
• Chlorine dioxyde (ClO2)


+ - •

Dihydrogene dioxyde (H2O2)
Sodium hydroxyde (NaOH)

to a harmless, ph-neutral and

powerful disinfection product…

The Key Step | The Innovation

• Advanced Diaphragma Electrolysis
• High-Tech Electrodes made of special alloys and coatings
• Consumables: Saturated NaCl-Water („Brine“) + Electricity

Video full REDO Installation


Success Factors of REDO Technology
Extremely broad and intensive disinfection
Instantly and with long term effectiveness and minimal DBP

The success factor is the mix of six disinfecting Hhigh Redox potential immediately kills all
agents: E.g., the ozone component of REDO®lyt germs:
immediately and effectively kills all germs.

Chlorine and chlorine dioxide concentration are

not used up for immediate disinfection, their
concentration - needed for long term
disinfection of contamination in the water
distribution network - can be kept at relatively
low levels.

The interplay of different oxidizing and

disinfecting agents with different ranges of
efficacy provides a particularly broad REDO®lyt: Comparison with Chlorine
disinfection. The intensity of REDO®lyt, e.g.
measured by an excellent Redox potential,
guarantees a very effective disinfection even at
relatively low overall concentrations.
savings 50% or
With the REDO mix of six disinfecting agents, more

each of the disinfecting agents is used in very

low concentrations, so that even the strictest
limits for disinfection byproducts are easily met.

Disinfection with REDO is

✓ extremely broad
✓ intensive
✓ instantly
✓ with long term effectiveness
✓ minimal DBP
✓ pH neutral

Technology comparison
Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone and UV

Chlorine Ozone UV REDO

Depot effect Long term Very long term Very short term None Very long term

Average Strong Strong Average Very strong

Disinfection Average
Critical Average
byproducts (bromates, None Minimal
(THM, HAA) (chlorites)
health hazard aldehydes)

Safety hazard Extreme High Average Very low Very low

Operating Chlorine Gas,

HCl / NaCI02 Oxygen and Energy Energy Salt and Energy
resources Hypochlorite

Average Average High High Low to average

Installation Scheme

REDO Installation Waterwork

Essential REDO advantages

✓ Safe
✓ Effective
✓ Environmental friendly
✓ Easy to handle
✓ Low maintenance

• Very strong disinfection, fighting also difficult germs

• Totally safe treatment process – no hazardous substances

• No public health risks – minimization of disinfection


• Elimination of biofilms

• No corrosion due to pH neutral water disinfection

• Very long lifetime

• Most effective, quick disinfection with long depot effect

• Water treatment meeting highest international standards

• Best energy efficiency – very low electricity consumption

• Base product salt is a natural resource with low cost

• Easy to handle – no expert stuff needed

Cost concerns lead to on-site
production of disinfection agents

Chlorine gas disinfection seems to be

cheap at first sight. However, including the Furthermore the quality of Hypochlorite
cost of safe handling, appropriate training, varies due to the production and
monitoring subcontractors, etc., safer transportation process. Finally, worldwide
alternatives are actually more economical production capacities for Hypochlorite are
for many water suppliers. going down, shortages must be expected.

Hypochlorite is safer, but turns out to be Therefore, many public water suppliers
even more expensive and less effective conclude that on site production of
then chlorine gas, especially if surface disinfectants is the best alternative. Here,
water shows high microbiological load. REDO clearly provides the most potent and
Also, there are often challenges in ensuring reliable on-site disinfection.
that sodium hypochlorite supplied by
contractors is original and potent.

Cost of operation:
Only salt and power ..

Energy: 12 – 16 Watthours per m3 water

Salt: Common salt (NaCl) for brine production

Simple operation and effective control
Operating requirements are mainly
limited to regular replenishment of salt.

No specifically experienced operating

personnel is required

REDO installations require very little

maintenance and repair. REDO units
always come with a 24 month guarantee.

REDO installations can be remotely

monitored and controlled. A constant
supervision of all production parameters
and the overall disinfection can be
performed for several water production
plants in a central control center.

Remote monitoring and documentation

The REDO disinfection stage can be

monitored from any location via secure
remote access.

This way, any potential issue or alert can

be identified quickly and routed to the
appropriate personnel. Seamless
integration in any existing monitoring
centre of the water production plant is

It is even possible to integrate other

stages of the water production plant into
the remote control system, thus Online supervision, remote monitoring of the overall installation
automating the whole water production

Upon request, REDO also provides

monitoring and control services.

REDO identifies potential issues requiring

maintenance or service operations
BEFORE they have any impact on the
disinfection performance.

Also, a complete documentation of

disinfection performance is possible and
facilitates public relations activities of the
water production plant

Remote monitoring of production parameters in Kuala Lumpur

1. Site Visit

REDO scalable installations
small to large water production plants
The REDO stationary units are compact and
extremely powerful when it comes to disinfection.

For small water production plants or wells,

stationary units can be easily installed in an existing
building. Networks of small wells can be monitored
remotely and operated without daily personnel on

In large central water production plants, REDO

installations require little building space, and can
often be fitted into existing building layouts.

REDO 500
up to 150,000 litres/h
up to 3,000,000 litres /day (20 h time of operation)
REDO 3.000
up to 900,000 litres/h,
up to 18,000,000 litres/day (20 h time of operation)
REDO 30.000
up to 9,000,000 litres/h
up to 180,000,000 litres/day (20 h time of operation)

Containerized REDO Solutions
pre- engineered and pre- installed: for „plug and play“

Service package for REDO installations


Installation & Regular

Comissioning Service Visits

Operator Service No Chemical

Training Handling

Total Peace
of Mind with
Contract for

All Application Areas for REDO Disinfection

• Public Water Supply / Utilities

Waterworks, Rural Areas

• Infrastructure
Airports, Railways, Harbours

• Buildings

Hospitals, Hotels, Office and Residential

Buildings, Schools

• Live Stock Breeding

Poultry Industry, Egg Production, Cattle

Farming, Pig Farming, Fruit- and Vegetable

• Different Industries

Beverage Industry, Food Industry, Bottling

Plants, Water Tanker Services

• Mobile Solutions

Rural Areas, Military, Natural Disaster Areas,

Charity Organisations

REDO References and Installations in 32
Countries and all Application Areas


Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Waterworks with REDO Disinfection

Video Public Water Supply in Oman with REDO Disinfection:


Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Waterworks with REDO Disinfection

Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Waterworks with REDO Disinfection

Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Waterworks with REDO Disinfection

Kiev, Ukraine

Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Waterworks with REDO Disinfection

Waterwork Balmazújváros

Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Utilities using REDO Disinfection
A Mobile REDO Unit is used in Public Water Supply in Hessen / Germany for treatment of drinking water after
construction works at the network or in emergency cases

Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Waterworks with REDO Disinfection

The water treatment plant located in the city of Zagazig supplies approx. 50.000 people daily with about 17,5
million liters of drinking water. The water is obtained from the Nil.

Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Waterworks with REDO Disinfection
Iran - Yazd City

Part of the REDO installations in Yazd City, Iran:

Complete disinfection for a water production plant
with 20 million liters per day.

Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Waterworks with REDO Disinfection
Further installations in waterworks Iran

Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Waterworks with REDO Disinfection

Ota Ikosi, Nigeria

The Plant Ota Ikosi in Lagos treats daily more than

18 million liters of water.

Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Waterworks with REDO Disinfection
Ota Ikosi, Nigeria

Customer Examples: Public Water Supply
Waterworks with REDO Disinfection

Pyongyang, North-Korea

Customer Examples: Public Water Supply

Desalination Plants with REDO Disinfection

Customer Examples: Infrastructure
Airports and Airline Industrie


After a long and strict appraisal according to

• various international and
• company specific
health and safety regulations, corrosion protection
analysis, etc. Airbus is today and since 2005 using
REDO Technology for the disinfection of its planes
in all international production sites, before delivery
to the customer.

Customer Examples: Infrastructure
Airports and Airline Industrie


In 2015 also Boeing decided to use REDO

disinfection at its production sites in the United
Now both market leaders in aircraft construction
rely on REDO technology for water disinfection.

Customer Examples: Infrastructure
Airport Frankfurt Hahn uses REDO since 2004

German Television on REDO Disinfection

at the Airport Frankfurt Hahn

Customer Examples: Infrastructure

REDO Disinfection has been installed on a 100

meter nobel yacht, manufactured by a
renowned German shipyard.
Besides the supply of potable water, a variety
of other water disinfection applications can be
realized with REDO on ships, e.g.
• Disinfection of balast water or wastewater
• Water disinfection in the kitchen area
• Water disinfection for food and beverage
production (e.g breweries)
• Water disinfection of pools, hot tubs, sauna
and plunge pools

Customer Examples: Hospitals
All state hospitals of Hungary are
supplied with REDO Disinfection

Semmelweis University Budapest

uses REDO Disinfection

Supply of All State Hospitals in Hungary

with REDO Disinfection
In 2017 all main Hungarian University Hospitals
decided for REDO disinfection. In 2018 and after an
EU wide tender, all state hospitals of Hungary,
consisting of round about 450 building, were
supplied with REDO disinfection.

Press Conference University Hospital

Pecs after REDO installation

University Hospital Debrecen

uses REDO Disinfection
Customer Examples: Buildings
Hotels and Office Buildings

With a REDO installation, hotel guests in a hotel or

employees in an office building can enjoy best
drinking water quality from the tap.
Unlike with other disinfection methods, the water
will stay germ-free in the pipe network for days. In
addition plastic pottles can be replaced.
E.g. Hotels from Steigenberger Group, Ritz Carlton
and the „German Bank for Doctors“ use REDO.

Customer Examples:
Food-Processing Industry

Customer Example: Salad Production

REDO Technology for water disinfection has been installed in this food
processing plant from a European market leader in the production of
convenience salads

Customer Example: Fruit

Production Company Portugal
According to FAO estimates, 20-75%
of the produced food is lost on the
way from production to consumption.
A great part of this tremendous loss is
caused by food degradation or fear of
bacterial contamination.
The fruit production company
GANFER, Portugal uses REDO for
disinfection of apples, pears and
peaches, prior to packaging and

Customer Examples:
Livestock Breeding and Agriculture Projects

Layer Farm Philippines

Higher income through healthier animals and
significantly lower use of antibiotics
REDO water causes a substantially lower mortality,
a higher laying performance, a better feed
utilization, therefore lower cost of feed, a better
general health status and a higher vitality.

Livestock Breeding Projects

With containerized REDO plants –
preinstallated and ready for „plug and

Dairy Farm Portugal

The effects of REDO water on dairy farms:
The general health status of cows improves
significantly, germ content and somatic cell count
of the milk decrease.
This enables higher prices per litre and a reduction
of the costs from diseases.

Agriculture Projects South America

With poultry and pig farms.

Customer Examples: Pools
Duna Arena Budapest

Mobile REDO Units
• for Rural and Remote Areas
• Disaster Relief and Crisis Areas
• and Military Applications

REDO Mobile Solutions – Desaster Relief

German Television on REDO Disinfection after Earthquake in Haiti


Philippines Sri Lanka

India Sumatra

5. Contact India
Intelligent Water Solutions GmbH

Frankfurt / Germany
Zeppelinallee 21, 60325 Frankfurt

Pune / India
Opp.Vikas Weigh Bridge / Shivaji Chowk,
113 / 5, S Blowk / MIDC / Bhosari - Telco
Road / Pune 411026 / Maharashtra / India

CEO: Mareen Schneider



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