Daño Endotelial Pe
Daño Endotelial Pe
Daño Endotelial Pe
research group has characterized some of the mechanisms and also proposed
biomarkers of endothelial damage. A better knowledge would provide therapeutic
strategies either to prevent or to treat endothelial dysfunction.
Noxa, mechanisms, and biomarkers involved in endothelial dysfunction, and its potential treatment. Different factors alter the endothelial cells
phenotype causing an imbalance that can be identified by the expression of different biomarkers. At right, the principal developed treatments
targeting the endothelium are exposed. Created with BioRender (available from https://www.biorender.com).
thrombomodulin (TM). No changes in ADAMTS-13 activity, the alterations could be involved in vascular and systemic aging (51,
VWF metalloprotease, were detected in patients’ plasma (35). 52). Our findings are in agreement with observations by several
The analysis of the proteome of ECs grown under uremic groups of a better cardiovascular risk profile for those obese
conditions versus control (36) provided information on the individuals with low levels of visceral adipose tissue, known as
differentially expressed proteins. Also, antioxidant enzymes, “healthy obesity.”
such as glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and We believe that excessive fat accumulation causes activation
peroxiredoxin, were detected to be increased, suggesting an of the stromal cell fraction, altering the adipose tissue secretion
adaptive response to the oxidative stress induced by uremic media. pattern. The synergic proinflammatory and prothrombotic
Most of the proteins found to be unregulated in the uremic ECs profiles of the obese secretome are responsible for the systemic
are related to nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) (35). This protein macrovascular endothelial activation observed in obesity.
is key in mediating inflammatory and immunological responses
and oxidative stress. In addition, elements participating in innate
immunity, such as Toll-like receptor 4 and the inflammasome 4. Major depression and
nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor prying
domain-containing-3 (NLRP3, also known as NALP3) were also
cardiovascular risk: role of the
upregulated in ECs exposed to the uremic milieu (37). ED can also endothelium
develop into apoptotic changes (38, 39).
Therefore, endothelial activation is associated with Major depression and cardiovascular disease are two comorbid
inflammation, oxidative stress, and alterations of immune conditions highly prevalent that constitute an important
mechanisms in CKD patients. Therapies focused on protecting health concern in developed countries Signs of ED have been
the endothelium at different levels could diminish the accelerated demonstrated in major depression (53, 54). In this regard,
cardiovascular risk in this population. inflammation and ED are mechanisms potentially connecting
depression to cardiovascular disease (55–57).
Our group was able to demonstrate significant elevation in
circulation of different biomarkers of ED, such as circulating
3. The endothelium in obesity endothelial cell (CEC), VWF, and soluble VCAM-1, in patients
with the diagnose of major depression (58). Moreover, treatment
Obesity is a chronic systemic metainflammation. Is with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) escitalopram
associated with oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, and exhibited a protective role since biomarker levels decreased
vasculopathy, and, therefore, constitutes an important risk factor substantially in a gradual manner. In addition, when cultured ECs
for atherothrombotic cardiovascular morbidity and mortality (40, were exposed to the sera from these patients, these findings were
41). In addition, obesity is related to dyslipidemia, hypertension, reproducible. ECs exhibited signs of inflammation, oxidative stress,
insulin resistance, and diabetes mellitus, which are conditions that and increased thrombogenicity of the ECM generated, which were
also have a deleterious impact on the endothelium. inhibited significantly by the presence of escitalopram in vitro (58).
The increase in the number and size of adipocytes appears There is strong evidence on the role of serotonin in the
to be the initial event of adipose tissue dysfunction, resulting cardiovascular system. Platelets, the main carriers of serotonin
in hypoxia and defects in the lipids accumulation, together with (59), play a key role in the development of cardiovascular events.
infiltration of inflammatory macrophages, the switch of adipose In experimental studies performed by our group, exogenous
tissue-resident macrophages to a proinflammatory phenotype, and addition of serotonin to blood samples potentiated platelet
conversion of preadipocytes to macrophages. Activation of non- functions, increasing their procoagulant behavior, and enhancing
adipocyte stromal cells and secretion of factors from the adipose thrombus formation on damaged vascular surfaces, effects that
tissue lead to an increased presence of chemokines and cytokines were inhibited by the presence of SSRIs (60, 61). In addition,
in plasma, which may participate in the development of chronic in experiments performed with blood samples from patients
inflammation, angiogenesis, and atherothrombotic changes (42– with major depression, a pronounced procoagulant profile, with
46). There is evidence of the secretion of cytoadipokines from increased platelet thrombus and fibrin formation, was observed
different adipose tissue depots (42, 47–49). at the moment of diagnosis and normalized after 24 weeks of
In studies performed by our group, cultured ECs were exposed treatment with escitalopram (62). Altogether, our results suggest
to the secretome of adipose tissue from visceral and subcutaneous that both platelets and endothelium are two key hemostatic
locations of obese and non-obese individuals (50). The cytokines components, whose responses may be altered and may be acting
secreted by the adipose tissue of obese subjects caused an adverse synergistically in major depression (63).
effect on the cultured ECs (50), characterized by increased
proliferation, morphology alteration, higher expression of VCAM-
1, ICAM-1, and VWF, and production of a more thrombogenic
5. Endothelial damage in
ECM. The visceral secretomes induced the strongest expression
of these markers, which occurred through NF-κB activation in pregnancy-associated
ECs, together with an increased presence of proinflammatory complications
cytokines (interleukin-6, IL-6), and neutrophil and monocyte
chemo-attractants (MCP-1, MCP-2, MIP-1β, CXCL1, and CCL14), Preeclampsia is a life-threatening pregnancy-associated
in the secretomes from obese adipose tissue (42–47). All these disorder that affects 2–8% of pregnancies (64). It is defined as
new-onset hypertension with other signs of endothelial systemic pregnancy (89). Indeed, angiogenic factors are essential not only for
damage, accompanied by signs of end-organ damage, such as new vessel formation but also to keep the maternal endothelium
proteinuria, acute kidney failure, liver dysfunction, hemolysis or healthy by promoting vasorelaxation, adequate permeability and
thrombocytopenia, occurring after 20 weeks of gestation (65). cell survival (90). In PE, placental inflammation and increased
PE is a heterogenous disorder, with a large variability in its oxidative stress cause release of larger amounts of sFlt1 over
associated risk factors and clinical presentation (66). The exact PIGF (91), with an antiangiogenic profile reflecting placental
pathophysiology remains unclear despite exhaustive investigation malfunctioning and maternal endothelial dysfunction (92).
(67). However, the most accepted hypothesis is known as the In conclusion, endothelial dysfunction is key in the
two-stage model claiming that complications originate during pathogenesis of PE. Impaired NO production, increased
abnormal placentation at the beginning of pregnancy, followed vasoconstriction, inflammation, innate immunity dysregulation,
by generalized inflammation and progressive maternal ED (68). and coagulation and angiogenic imbalance contribute to the
Resulting placental insufficiency and overt clinical signs of PE do hypertension, poor placental perfusion, and multiple organ
not manifest usually until the last pregnancy trimester (69) with a damage occurring in this condition. Other pathways, like altered
possibly rapid and unexpected progression from mild to severe PE lipid metabolism (93), mitochondrial dysfunction (94), and
(70). Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment and delivery if maternal response to circulating trophoblast-derived extracellular
the only available intervention (71). vesicles (95) may be also involved. Furthermore, endothelial
Endothelial dysfunction has been accepted as one of the dysfunction seems to act as a cardiometabolic stressor that may
key mechanisms in PE development (72). In normal pregnancy, culminate in long-term cardiovascular complications in women
the uterine vasculature undergoes significant adaptations to who developed PE during pregnancy (96). Further elucidation of
ensure proper blood supply to the developing fetus (73). These the molecular mechanisms involved is critical for the development
adaptations mainly involve increased vasodilation and decreased of potential therapeutic strategies aim at preventing or reducing
vasoconstriction, allowing for higher blood flow to the uterus the adverse consequences associated with this syndrome.
(73). However, these adaptations are disrupted in PE, leading to
vasoconstriction and inadequate blood supply to the placenta and
fetus (74).
The dysfunctional endothelium promotes the production and
6. Endothelial alterations in septic
release of pro-inflammatory cytokines (75), such as tumor necrosis syndromes
factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 6 and 1b (IL-6 and IL-1b), and
adhesion molecules (VCAM-1 and ICAM-1) (76). The cytokines Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a
activate immune cells, causing excessive inflammatory responses dysregulated host response to infection (97). The endothelium
(77), and the adhesion molecules promote the breakdown of EC- orchestrates a beneficial local host response to infection by
cell contacts (78). Prolonged ECs activation results in a cycle of regulating the vasomotor tone, leukocyte trafficking, vascular
inflammation and oxidative stress. This inflammatory environment permeability and hemostasis. However, when the response
contributes to the extensive ED and organ dysfunction seen is overproduced, a systemic and untargeted dysregulated
in PE, including kidney, liver, and brain involvement (79). inflammatory response leads to endothelial hyperactivation,
Furthermore, this ED is associated with a dysregulation of the resulting in tissue hypoperfusion and subsequent multi-organ
complement system (80). The maternal innate immune system failure and death. In the lung, this translates as a localized injury
is crucial throughout pregnancy, providing protection against to the alveolar-capillary membrane, fostering the onset of acute
pathogens while inducing tolerance to semi-allogeneic fetal and respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ARDS is characterized by
placental development (81). Dysregulation of the maternal immune an acute onset of respiratory failure typically requiring mechanical
system during PE leads to overstimulation of the complement ventilation and radiographic bilateral pulmonary opacities of
system as a compensatory mechanism (82), with recruitment of non-cardiogenic origin. Direct ARDS occurs after a direct insult to
phagocytic cells and neutrophils to the site of stimulation (83). This the lung tissue, leading to an increase in the capillary hydrostatic
phenomenon manifests with elevated plasma C5b9 in PE mothers pressure and interstitial and alveolar flooding, impaired gas
and C5b9 deposits on ECs (76, 83). exchange, and decreased lung compliance. Indirect ARDS is
In addition, there is imbalance in the coagulation system triggered by a systemic insult and the release of inflammatory
(80). Damaged endothelium does not produce sufficient mediators that eventually damage the pulmonary endothelium. Its
anticoagulant factors, such as tissue factor pathway inhibitor most common cause is sepsis (98).
(TFPI), and TM (84), in association with increased VWF (85). Activation of the endothelium in sepsis occurs directly
This prothrombotic state increases the risk of thrombosis and by recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns
microvascular fibrin deposition, further impairing placental blood (PAMPs) through patron recognition receptors, such as Toll-
flow (86) and contributing to the development of maternal organ like receptors (TLRs) expressed in ECs, and, indirectly, by
dysfunction (87). released proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-6, and
Angiogenic factors have emerged as the most specific IL-1, complement components or neutrophil extracellular traps
biomarkers of PE ever described and have recently been (NETs) (99). Damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) can
incorporated as essential components in the prediction, diagnosis also be recognized by ECs, contributing to the amplification
and prognosis of PE (88). A proper angiogenic balance during of the inflammatory cascade. This endothelial activation
pregnancy is critical for adequate development of fetus and placenta leads to a proadhesive, proinflammatory, prothrombotic, and
together with appropriate maternal cardiovascular adaptation to proapoptotic phenotype.
The endothelial barrier integrity is altered during sepsis due to the severity of the disease, which may constitute a useful tool to
the action of inflammatory mechanisms, such as metalloproteinases explore different treatments.
and heparanase, causing glycocalyx deconstruction and disruption
of ECs junctions, and increasing endothelial permeability, albumin
extravasation, and capillary leak (100). Glycocalyx degradation 7. The endotheliopathy developed in
may be potentially compounded by fluid resuscitation practices
(101). In addition, there is dysregulation of the NO pathway
with a decreased activity of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase
The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the emergence and
(eNOS) and an increased NO production by inducible nitric
worldwide spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, exerted profound and
oxide synthase (iNOS), altering the vascular vasomotor tone
far-reaching impacts on global healthcare and the economy. It is
toward vasodilatation and producing reactive nitrogen species
now widely acknowledged that the endothelium plays a pivotal
(102). Moreover, infection triggers ECs to produce ROS, leading
role in its pathogenesis and manifestations (115, 116). Intracellular
to EC apoptosis and production of proinflammatory cytokines,
penetration of SARS-CoV-2 into human cells occurs via union of
acting not only as a victim but also as an active participant and
its spike protein to the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)
amplifier of the inflammation. This proinflammatory environment
(117). While ACE2 receptors are ubiquitous, they are particularly
increases expression of adhesion molecules (VCAM-1, ICAM-
overexpressed on the alveoli and the ECs (118), leading to an
1, and selectins) on the ECs surface, promoting subsequent
immediate interaction with the endothelium from the very initial
leukocyte rolling, adhesion and transmigration, contributing to
stage of infection. As viral replication progresses, more severe
inflammation and progression of endothelial dysfunction (103).
symptoms may appear accompanied by a hyperinflammatory
The activated endothelium also interacts with platelets, which
activation of host immunity. Key features at this stage are elevated
are activated directly by PAMPs or indirectly by innate immune
acute phase reactants, such as C-reactive protein, D-dimer, and
cells, promoting a prothrombotic phenotype in which an increased
ferritin, as well as increased circulating cytokine levels. As discussed
production of VWF seems to play a major role. ADAMTS-13 below, the endothelium is a primary contributor in sustaining and
activity has been found to be decreased in patients with sepsis, intensifying this maladaptive immune response (119, 120).
which may increase platelet-vessel wall interaction by an increased Critically ill COVID-19 patients develop pulmonary infiltrates
presence of ultra-large VWF multimers (104, 105). Furthermore, leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome with an eventual
activated platelets also contribute to inflammation by releasing need for respiratory support. The development of ARDS in
proinflammatory proteins that help establish a “cross-talk” with the COVID-19 involves a complex interplay of immune responses
endothelium (106). Indeed, thrombocytopenia is frequently seen in and inflammatory processes. Both direct (lung tissue-specific)
sepsis, probably due to excessive peripheral consumption, and it is and indirect (systemically triggered) mechanisms are involved
associated with increased disease severity and mortality (107). in the pathogenesis of ARDS, but there is no evidence of
Upon sepsis-induced endothelial activation, there is also a specific phenotype related to COVID-19 (121). The clinical
an increased expression of TF with subsequent extrinsic diagnosis of ARDS is based on the Berlin definition (122) of
coagulation pathway activation. This procoagulant state is sudden refractory hypoxemia and bilateral shadows in the lung
favored by a dysregulation of the endothelial anticoagulant and fields. The endothelium plays a pivotal role in the spreading of
fibrinolytic properties, with decreased protein C activation, TM inflammation and damage to the lung and the alveolar-capillary
and TFPI and increased PAI-1 release. This procoagulant state membrane, which culminates in fluid accumulation, compromised
favors thrombosis in the microvasculature, potentially causing gas exchange, and pulmonary vasculature hypertension. The
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), which is associated initial virus mediated pneumocyte injury triggers local cytokine
with poor prognosis in patients with sepsis (108, 109). production and, via paracrine cell communication, the alveolar
Neutrophil extracellular traps have also an important role in capillary ECs sense the signaling distress (123). This activates
sepsis-induced endothelial dysfunction, causing the expression of the endothelium, which responds with the induction of a
adhesion molecules, participating in the prothrombotic state by proinflammatory cell recruitment state, mediated by the expression
increasing platelet adhesion on the ECs surface, and contributing of cell adhesion molecules (124). As a result, oxidative stress,
to thrombin-mediated fibrin generation (110, 111). endotheliitis and EC dysfunction ensue. Multiple mechanisms
This ED significantly alters the microcirculation, with are involved in the switching of the endothelium into a
decreased vascular flow and subsequent organ hypoperfusion, with hypercoagulative state, such as TF coagulation activation, platelet
mitochondrial dysfunction leading to organ failure and death. pro-aggregation due to increased release of VWF, NET-mediated
Experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated a correlation thrombin generation and fibrinolytic shutdown. This is supported
between endothelial dysfunction and sepsis severity, highlighting by the fact that COVID-19 patients present with increased
the crucial role of the endothelium in the pathophysiology of sepsis- circulating endothelial stress products (proinflammatory cytokine
induced organ dysfunction, and arising as an attractive therapeutic levels, VWF, soluble VCAM-1 and heparan sulfate) in correlation
target (112–114). Thus, in the last decades, experimental and with disease severity (105). Also, biomarkers of complement
clinical studies have strived to find effective treatments targeting activation, fibrinolysis inhibition, proangiogenic factors, and NET
sepsis-induced endothelial dysfunction (111), however, none of formation have shown to be significantly higher in the serum of
them have shown survival improvement in large randomized COVID-19 patients (125–127). Several postmortem histological
clinical trials. Our group has demonstrated the utility of an in vitro lung studies (128, 129) have widely evidenced the aforementioned
model of ED in sepsis, able to show a gradual effect depending on mechanisms involved in the cascade of endothelial modifications,
showing increased levels of inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6 of symptoms. The most commonly affected organs in TMAs are
and TNF-α (130), and upregulation of ICAM-1 and VWF (131). the brain, kidneys, and gastrointestinal system (141). Although
Other organs are often affected in the spectrum of COVID- uncommon, these are life-threatening conditions that require
19 manifestations, notably the cardiovascular system (132, 133). urgent management (142). ED is the common underlying
Thrombosis, coronary infarction and stroke are more frequently mechanism among different forms of TMAs, leading to the
observed in the setting of critical illness (134). Further evidence microvasculature thrombosis observed histologically (143).
pointing toward endotheliopathy as a predictor of COVID-19 Classically, primary TMAs have been classified according to the
morbidity and mortality emerges from the strong association identification of the following pathogenic mechanisms: thrombotic
between pre-existing cardiovascular risk factors (i.e., advanced age, thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), mediated by a deficiency in
hypertension, and obesity) and the likelihood of disease progression the activity of ADAMTS-13 enzyme; typical hemolytic uremic
(135). In the brain, neurologic symptoms such as anosmia, syndrome, caused by a Shiga-toxin–producing Escherichia coli
ageusia or even encephalopathy were widely reported during the (STEC-HUS); and primary atypical HUS (aHUS), due to the
pandemics. In the skin, cutaneous lesions have also demonstrated dysregulation of the alternative complement pathway (ACP) (142).
endothelial activation. Histological studies evidenced complement- Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura is characterized by
mediated vascular injury (136), particularly in severe COVID-19. ADAMTS-13 deficiency, resulting in a deficient excision of the
Current strategies primarily focus on high-efficacy antivirals ultra-large VWF multimers presented in the VWF molecule
and immunosuppressants. The combination of therapies targeting on ECs, causing platelet adhesion and aggregation with rapid
inflammation, coagulopathy, and endotheliopathy is a promising generation of disseminated microthrombi. However, evidence
strategy to address disease complications. Many publications have generated from clinical, in vitro, and in vivo studies suggests that
explored other approaches to reduce ED, such as defibrotide (137), ADAMTS-13 deficiency may be a necessary but not sufficient
ACE inhibitors and ACE2 receptor blockers, statins, heparins, and condition to induce TTP. Weibel–Palade bodies (WPBs) are
direct oral anticoagulants. These therapies appear to be promising endothelial-specific organelles that contain molecules involved in
due to their pleiotropic mechanisms of action and their ability to the regulatory functions of the endothelium, such as ultra-large
regulate the endothelium (138). VWF multimers (proaggregating), P-selectin (proinflammatory)
Lastly, evidence of persistent endothelial dysfunction has been or Endothelin-1 (vasoconstricting). The “second hit” model
found in the subset of patients who develop long-term sequelae suggests that in TTP, besides ADAMTS-13 deficiency, endogenous
after acute infection. Elevated inflammatory markers, cytokine (antibodies or cytokines) and/or exogenous (virus or drugs) factors
levels, and cytotoxic T cells subsist in convalescent patients (139), induce endothelial activation leading to an uncontrolled WPBs
and vascular barrier injury is considered to be responsible for the degranulation and, finally, to endothelial dysfunction (144).
disruption of normal organ physiology (140), leading to severely In STEC-HUS, Shiga-toxin (Stx) is thought to be the key
impairing systemic symptoms. While days of high infection element in the pathogenesis of ED through several mechanisms. Stx
incidence and overwhelming ICU admissions may be behind us, induces the production of adhesive molecules (E-selectin, ICAM-
the implications of endothelial dysregulation remain relevant in 1, and VCAM-1) and chemokines (MCP-1, IL-8, and fractalkine),
the current era of persisting COVID-19. Therefore, endothelial leading to the adhesion of leukocytes to cultured human ECs.
protection remains a valid target for preventing both acute critical Moreover, Stx induces rapid release of ultra-large VWF multimers
illness and long-term COVID-19 complications. inhibiting its cleavage by ADAMTS-13, therefore enhancing
Our group of researchers has contributed to improving the platelet adhesion and clot formation in the microvasculature. In
knowledge of the endotheliopathy associated with COVID-19. We addition, Stx modifies gene expression, with mRNA production,
have provided evidence on biomarkers that may be useful for and release of chemokines and cytokines that may aggravate ED
the stratification of disease severity and also to guide specific (145, 146).
therapeutic strategies to prevent endotheliopathy progression. As mentioned before, dysregulation of the ACP occurs as the
Some of these biomarkers help to differentiate COVID-19 primary event in aHUS, prompting the activation of the terminal
endotheliopathy from the one that occurs in septic syndromes, complement phase and the deposit of the lytic complex C5b-9
in which ED is also a pathological substrate (120). Similarly, on the EC surface (146). Eculizumab, a humanized monoclonal
we have demonstrated that preeclampsia and severe COVID- antibody against C5, and ravulizumab, a long-acting C5 inhibitor,
19, which may be clinically similar, exhibit distinctive biomarker are first-line treatments for aHUS (147). In this regard, it has
profiles related to ED, coagulopathy, and angiogenic imbalance. been observed that the measurement of C5b-9 deposits on ECs
Therefore, differential diagnosis of these entities could be done constitutes a reliable tool to explore the complement system
based on these results. dysregulation in aHUS, as well as to monitor the response efficiency
to eculizumab treatment in these patients (83).
Although aHUS is the prototype of complement-mediated
8. The endothelium as a central TMAs, the contribution of dysregulated complement activation to
ED has been widely demonstrated in other TMA forms. Increased
player in thrombotic levels of soluble C5b-9 (sC5b-9) have been detected in patients
microangiopathies with acute TTP, probably due to the activation of the classical
complement pathway by immunocomplexes of ADAMTS-13 and
Thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) are a group of anti-ADAMTS-13 antibodies (146). In STEC-HUS, the ED is
disorders characterized by microangiopathic hemolytic anemia caused by different mechanisms driven by Stx, including ACP
and ischemic organ dysfunction, resulting in a wide spectrum activation, resulting in increased levels of C3a, Bb, and sC5b-9
during the active phase of the disease. In this regard, eculizumab has incident HCT-related complications, such as acute graft-versus-
been employed for the treatment of children and adults with STEC- host disease (aGVHD) (155, 156), and the main CAR-T cell-related
HUS, with no systematic assessment of its efficacy or safety (145). toxicities (157, 158).
Secondary forms of TMAs may occur in multiple clinical Endotheliopathy has not only shown to be involved in the
settings: autoimmune diseases, cancer, pregnancy, solid organ and pathogenesis of the complications of cellular therapies but also to
HCT, certain medications, and infections (141). The underlying be the result of different harms toward ECs before and during
pathogenic mechanism has been attributed to a direct ED the treatment. Mainly due to drugs used during the induction or
conferring a more procoagulant and proinflammatory phenotype consolidation chemotherapeutic schemes (159, 160) or the ones
in ECs, inducing a “second-hit” in which complement activation used for the conditioning treatment before and after the infusion
and its perpetuation occurs, aggravating TMA (148). Among them, of the autologous or allogeneic cells (161–165). Consequently, it
TMAs after kidney transplantation should be highlighted due to is essential to understand the involvement of the endothelium and
the well-known involvement of ED in its pathogenesis, which other associated pathways in the pathogenesis of cellular therapies-
can occur due to the combination of multiple triggers: ischemia- complications in order to better-stratify risk patients and develop
reperfusion injury, immunosuppressive drugs (calcineurin and targeted treatments and preventive strategies.
m-TOR inhibitors), viral infections (mainly cytomegalovirus), and The HCT treatment itself induces endothelial dysregulation,
acute or chronic humoral rejection (148). leading to a hypercoagulable state. Studies demonstrate that while
Thrombotic microangiopathies differential diagnosis is a major procoagulant molecules increase, levels of the main natural-
challenge due to their variable clinical presentation and the absence anticoagulant molecules decrease in the context of HCT (166,
of pathognomonic histological findings or specific biomarkers 167). Furthermore, the innate and adaptative immune reactions,
(141). Moreover, differentiation between primary or secondary the PAMPs resulting from infections occurring during the HCT
forms may be difficult in clinical practice because triggering factors, process, together with the toxic agents included in the preparative
such as infections or drugs, are often identified in patients with regimens, have been identified as noxa toward the endothelium.
primary aHUS (142). Therefore, there is an urgent need for new Endothelial dysfunction after HCT has multiple origins and
diagnostic tools, based on functional and genetic studies, to assess varies according to the time after HCT and anatomical location.
the involvement of complement dysregulation in the pathogenesis In most cases, it implies increased leukocyte adhesion and
of the different forms of TMAs (146). In this regard, the use transmigration, molecule extravasations, platelet activation, and
cytokine liberation (168). The ED occurring after HCT and
of complement-targeted therapies in patients with secondary
derived from the mentioned stressors would consist of the
refractory TMAs to traditional therapy could be useful. The
following: (1) increased synthesis of Ang-2, which is involved
duration of the treatment should be tailored based on the presence
in endothelial inflammation increasing its permeability (169),
of complement abnormalities and response to therapy (149).
(2) overexpression of adhesion molecules (such as ICAM-1,
VCAM-1, E-selectin, and P-selectin), responsible for leukocyte
recruitment and transmigration through the endothelium (170), (3)
9. Hematopoietic stem cell dysregulation of the vascular tone, since the endothelial synthesis
transplantation and endothelial of NO and prostacyclin is reduced, and (4) elevation of angiogenic
molecules, such as vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA),
damage fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), and Ang-2, molecules that have
their respective receptors (VEGFR1 and VEGFR2, FGR1, and TIE-
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the best-known 2) (171).
form of cellular therapy, widely used for the treatment of malignant The complex link existing between endothelial activation and
and non-malignant hematologic, metabolic, or autoimmune progression to endothelial dysfunction occurring during the HCT
disorders (150). During the last decades, HCT has experienced process has been investigated in different in vitro and pre-
significant improvements in terms of donor selection, in allogeneic clinical studies. Results obtained indicate that ECs are activated
HCT (allo-HCT), and treatment refinement in both, allo- and and damaged by different factors, including drugs used in the
autologous HCT (auto-HCT) (151, 152), allowing the expansion of conditioning regimen, radiotherapy, cytokines released by the
HCT to older adults or patients with comorbidities. More recently, injured tissues, endogenous microbial products that translocated
the scope of cellular therapy has expanded through the emergence through damaged mucosal barriers, immunosuppressants in allo-
of immunotherapies based on the cytotoxic effect of autologous HCT, the engraftment process itself, and allo-reactivity (163, 168,
cells, as CAR-T cells and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), for 172, 173). Studies by our group and others, using an in vitro
refractory/relapsed hematological malignancies and solid tumors, model of ED, allowed the investigation of the specific responses of
respectively. Despite the curative potential of cell based therapies, the endothelium to controlled and well-known stimuli at different
there are associated complications that may compromise the stages of the HCT, and also to molecules associated with HCT, such
success of the treatment. In these complications, the endothelium as lipopolysaccharide or TNF-α (174).
seems to play a main role. In the HCT setting, the ED occurring since the start of the
Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS), formerly known as conditioning regimen and during the post-transplant process is
veno-occlusive disease, was the first post-HCT complication where involved in a group of early and potentially life-threatening post-
endotheliopathy was proven as its pathophysiological substrate HCT endothelial complications (175, 176). These events generally
and targeted for its treatment (153, 154). Consecutively, growing appear during the first 100 days after the stem cell infusion,
evidence points to endothelial dysfunction underlying other highly their diagnosis is mainly based on medical signs and symptoms,
and all of them seem to begin at the capillary level and result impact of these drugs, in vivo, and the incidence of endothelial-
from an endothelial dysfunction occasioned by the administration related complications has to be elucidated.
of chemotherapy, calcineurin inhibitors, G-CSF, infections, and Up to 80% of patients treated with CAR-T cell
allogeneic-derived reactivity (12, 168, 177). immunotherapy present CRS of any grade, clinically ranging
Historically, SOS was the first complication in which the role from fever ± hypoxemia, hypotension, capillary leak and/or signs
of ED was proposed. Nevertheless, there is increasing evidence of specific-organ toxicity, depending on the severity of the case
of the implication of the endothelium in the pathophysiology (196). Less incident, ICANS can be suspected by a wide range
of other post-HCT vascular endothelial complications, such of symptoms and signs, such as headache, cognitive or motor
as engraftment syndrome, capillary leak syndrome, transplant- impairment, delirium and seizures. Since ICANS is predisposed
associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA), GVHD, and in the vast majority of cases by severe/early onset CRS (157, 197),
the vascular idiopathic pneumonia syndrome. the pathways involved in their development seem to be common.
Several groups, in which ours is included, have investigated For this reason, the pathophysiology of CRS and ICANS will be
the presence of circulating biomarkers for diagnosis and reviewed altogether except when otherwise specified.
prognostication of post-HCT vascular endothelial complications Clinically, different risk factors have been associated with an
(177–180). In general, the majority of the studies show increased increased risk of developing CRS and ICANS: lymphodepletion
levels of ED biomarkers, especially in patients with HCT schemes containing Flu, high burden/bone marrow involvement
complications (179, 181–183). The complexity of the diagnosis of the basal disease, and infusion of high doses of the CAR-T
and clinical management required to treat post-HCT vascular cell construct leading to high peaks of in vivo proliferation (188,
endothelial complications enhances the need to increase the 194). Biologically, elevations of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6,
knowledge of predictors and clinical manifestations for the interferon-γ, and TNF-α) after the construct infusion were firstly
early detection of these syndromes to decrease mortality after reported as the potential cause of CRS/ICANS in correlation with
HCT (168). Furthermore, the increasing knowledge of the the clinical severity (187, 198).
physiopathology of these complications opens up potential Endothelial dysfunction appearing as a consequence of the
pharmacologic interventions to prevent and treat ED and, mentioned cytokine storm, among other causes (199), has been
therefore, to improve the outcome of patients receiving HCT. hypothesized as a relevant pathway in the development of CAR-
T cell-related toxicities (200). In the specific context of ICANS, the
increased permeability within the endothelium of the blood-brain
barrier was proven after observing the presence of CAR-T cells on
10. Endotheliopathy in CAR-T cell the cerebrospinal fluid (157, 201–203). Recently, scores based on
immunotherapy indirect biomarkers of endotheliopathy, such as EASIX or modified
EASIX, have demonstrated to be reliable tools to predict the
Treatment with CAR-T cells has risen as a viable and safe incidence or severe CRS and/or ICANS and their related decrease
procedure for the treatment of relapsed/refractory hematological of the progression-free survival (204–207). Similar to other diseases
malignancies. CAR-T cell technology is based on the cytotoxic with ED (112, 208, 209), innate immune activation and hemostasis
effect of T lymphocytes of the patient modified in vitro to imbalance are linked pathways also altered in CAR-T cell patients
target antigens present in tumoral cells. This immunotherapy has developing toxicities (210–213).
proven to be effective for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic Coagulopathy is an underestimated adverse effect of CAR T-cell
leukemia and lymphomas expressing CD19 antigen and for therapies (214) that usually derives from severe CRS or ICANS
myeloma patients when targeting B-cell maturation antigen. To (157, 211). While isolated changes in coagulation parameters,
date, only a few therapeutic schemes and constructs have been such as elevation in D-dimer, increase in fibrinogen degradation
approved by Food and Drug Administration and European product, decrease of fibrinogen levels and prolongation of activated
Medicines Agency (184, 185) whereas many others are still partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), can be observed in a high
being under assessment in clinical assays (186). Despite the proportion of patients (215, 216), the analytical and clinical
promising remission rates of these novel therapies, cytokine phenotype of DIC occurs only in cases of high-grade toxicities and
release syndrome (CRS) and immune effector cell-associated is related to an increase of the non-relapse mortality (215). More
neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS), are highly incident toxicities, specifically, a recent study has described increased prothrombin
and potentially life-threatening (187–189). Growing evidence time (PT) and aPTT, fibrinogen, D-dimer, factor VIII (FVIII)
sustains that endotheliopathy underlies and promotes the onset of and VWF antigen levels in ≥grade 2 CRS. The manifestation of
these toxicities. However, not all endothelial dysfunction can be ICANS was associated with elevated PT, D-dimer, FVIII and VWF
attributed to the administration of the construct but to different antigen levels and decreased fibrinogen and platelet count (207).
noxa before and during immunotherapy. Moreover, patients with high-grade ICANS were found to present
The use of conditioning, or lymphodepletion, before CAR- higher levels of Ang-2 and VWF, lower levels of ADAMTS-13
T cell infusion has proven to enhance the in vivo expansion of metalloprotease and loss of VWF high molecular weight multimers
the construct, and both its engraftment and anti-tumoral function than patients with lower severity grades (157, 198, 200). Although
(190–192). The most commonly used drugs are cyclophosphamide the consumptive mechanism seems to be the predominant one for
(Cy) and fludarabine (Flu) in combination. Both, Cy and Flu, have the development of DIC, impairment of the liver function has also
shown to cause deleterious effects on ECs (173, 193) in in vitro been described as an early indicator (217).
assays. In fact, Flu has been observed to increase the incidence of Recently, we have demonstrated that different circulating
CAR-T related toxicities (194, 195). Nevertheless, the individual biomarkers of endotheliopathy, innate-immunity activation,
hemostasis alterations and fibrinolytic imbalance may be good incidence of complications and non-relapse mortality should be
early-predictors of severe CRS/ICANS (ST2, Ang-2, and NETs). further explored.
Also, the use of some of these biomarkers could be a feasible More basic research is needed to elucidate the whole bunch
discriminating tool for the differential diagnosis between CAR of mechanisms by which the endothelium becomes dysfunctional
T-cell-related severe toxicities and sepsis (Ang-2, NETs, sC5b-9, in a variety of pathological conditions, and more investment in
VWF antigen, and PAI-1 antigen) (213). clinical assays is necessary to demonstrate the effect of potentially
useful drugs to prevent and treat the endothelium. Additionally,
considering that the endothelium is the biggest organ in the body,
11. Pharmacological armamentarium probably followed by the gastrointestinal tract, we are convinced
that the future investigations on the endothelium should consider
Targeted treatments against the noxa responsible for the crosstalk between both organs, in which the microbiome could
endothelial activation and dysfunction is the ideal first line be cornerstone (233).
therapy, though, in most cases we do not have that kind of
treatments available. In terms of pharmacological armamentarium
targeting the endothelium, different options are under assessment.
For instance, statins, vitamin C, direct oral anticoagulants, Author contributions
heparins, and N-acetylcysteine are cheap and safe drugs that
have demonstrated a protective effect toward the endothelium by MP: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation,
reducing the oxidative stress (218–224). The use of drugs able to
Supervision, Writing – original draft, Writing – review and
restore the anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties of the
editing. AM-C: Writing – original draft, Writing – review
endothelium, such as defibrotide, activated protein C, recombinant
and editing. MS: Writing – original draft, Writing – review
TM, and Ang-1 levels (an endothelium stabilizer molecule as
and editing. SE-S: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft,
opposed to Ang-2) have shown promising effects in in vitro and
Writing – review and editing. JM-S: Writing – original draft,
in murine models of endothelial dysfunction (225–231). However,
Writing – review and editing. BD: Writing – original draft,
disappointing results were found in clinical trials using activated
Writing – review and editing. MR: Writing – original draft,
protein C for severe sepsis, highlighting the complexity of the
Writing – review and editing. EG-O: Writing – original draft,
mechanisms involved in ED. In addition, the use of complement
Writing – review and editing. SF: Writing – original draft,
inhibitors, such as eculizumab and ravulizumab, in diseases in
which terminal complement activation prevails like aHUS, has Writing – review and editing. HV-C: Writing – original draft,
shown to play a prominent role (83, 147). Other compounds, like Writing – review and editing. LY: Writing – original draft,
TNF-α, IL-1β, and ACE2 receptor blockers, ACE inhibitors or Writing – review and editing. FC: Writing – original draft,
SSRIs, used in synergy with other treatments (i.e., those for CAR Writing – review and editing. MN: Writing – original draft,
T-related toxicities, COVID-19 or major depression) could be Writing – review and editing. MD-R: Conceptualization, Data
worth exploring in clinical trials as potential useful novel therapies curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation,
in the specific context in which ED is implied (232). Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software,
Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft,
Writing – review and editing.
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