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Lecture Planner (Physics) - Parishram 2025

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Parishram 2025

Foundation Batch for Class-12th

Physics Lecture Planner
S. No. Chapter Name Sub Topic Lecture No. Date Day
1 Basic Mathematics Vector Analysis Part I 1 14-May-2024 Tuesday
2 Basic Mathematics Vector Analysis Part II 2 15-May-2024 Wednesday
3 Basic Mathematics Vector Analysis Part III 3 16-May-2024 Thursday
4 Basic Mathematics Vector Analysis Part IV 4 17-May-2024 Friday
5 Basic Mathematics Vector Analysis Part V 5 22-May-2024 Wednesday
6 Basic Mathematics Differentiation 6 23-May-2024 Thursday
7 Basic Mathematics Differentiation 7 24-May-2024 Friday
8 Basic Mathematics Integration 8 29-May-2024 Wednesday
9 Basic Mathematics Integration 9 30-May-2024 Thursday
Electric charges, Conductors and insulators, Charging by induction, Charging by friction,
Properties of electric charge, Coulomb’s law, Vector form of coulomb’s law, principle of 31-May-2024 Friday
10 Electric Charges and Fields superposition, forces between multiple charges 1
Electric field, Electric field due to a point charge, superposition principle, Electric field due to
5-Jun-2024 Wednesday
11 Electric Charges and Fields a group of charges 2
Motion of a charged particle in uniform electric field, Electric field of a continuous charge
6-Jun-2024 Thursday
12 Electric Charges and Fields distribution, volume, surface and linear charge distribution 3
Electric field due to a linear charge distribution like a straight rod, Electric field on the axis of
7-Jun-2024 Friday
13 Electric Charges and Fields a ring 4
Electric lines of force, properties of lines of force, lines of force due to a positive and negitive
19-Jun-2024 Wednesday
14 Electric Charges and Fields point charge 5
15 Electric Charges and Fields Electric flux, Gauss’s Law and application, flux due to descrete charges, 6 20-Jun-2024 Thursday
Calculating electric field using Gauss’s law. Electric field due to a point charge, An infinite
linear charge distribution, A shell of charge, Uniform sphere of charge, An infinite thin non 21-Jun-2024 Friday
16 Electric Charges and Fields conducting sheet 7
Electric dipole, Dipole moment, Electric field due to an electric dipole on axial line, equatorial
26-Jun-2024 Wednesday
17 Electric Charges and Fields line and At any other point, Electric dipole in a uniform electric field 8
18 Electric Charges and Fields QUESTION PRACTISE 9 27-Jun-2024 Thursday
Electrostatic potential, Potential difference, Potential due to a point charge, Potential due to
system of charges, Potential due to continuous charge distribution e.g., Uniformly charged 28-Jun-2024 Friday
19 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance disc/ring, Potential due to a spherical shell, Uniform sphere of charge, 1
Relation between electric field and potential, Equipotential surface, Electric potential due to
3-Jul-2024 Wednesday
20 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance dipole 2
21 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Electrostatic potential energy , Electrostatic potential energy of two and more point charges, 3 4-Jul-2024 Thursday
22 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Electrostatic Potential Energy of dipole in Uniform Electric Field, Electrostatics of conductors 4 5-Jul-2024 Friday
Redistribution of charge from high potential conductor to low potential conductor & Concept
10-Jul-2024 Wednesday
23 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance of capacitor 5
Charge distribution on parallel plate conductors and spherical conductors, Capacitor and
11-Jul-2024 Thursday
24 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Capacitance, Types of capacitors-Parallel plate Capacitor 6
Energy stored in a capacitor, Force between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor Grouping
12-Jul-2024 Friday
25 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance of capacitors 7
Dielectrics, dielectric inserted in capacitor, Capacitance with dielectrics, Kirchhoff's laws,
17-Jul-2024 Wednesday
26 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Sharing of charge, common potential 8
27 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance QUESTION PRACTISE 9 18-Jul-2024 Thursday
28 Current Electricity Electric current, Electric current in conductors, Current density 1 19-Jul-2024 Friday
29 Current Electricity Drift of electrons and the origin of resistivity, mobility, Temperature dependence of resistivity, 2 24-Jul-2024 Wednesday
30 Current Electricity Calculating resistance for different shapes, limitations of Ohm’s law, Resistor colour codes, 3 25-Jul-2024 Thursday
Problems on circuit solving, kirchhoff's rules, nodal analysis, Cells, Terminal voltage,
26-Jul-2024 Friday
31 Current Electricity Grouping of cells, Power and heat produced, Bulbs 4
Metering circuits, Galvanometer, Ammeter, Conversion of galvanometer to ammeter,
Voltmeter, Conversion of galvanometer to voltmeter, Problems on conversion of 31-Jul-2024 Wednesday
32 Current Electricity Galvanometer to ammeter and voltmeter 5
Meter bridge, potentiometer application of potentiometer, Sensitivity of
1-Aug-2024 Thursday
33 Current Electricity potentiometer 6
34 Current Electricity R-C circuit, Steady state R-C circuit, Problem on RC Circuits 7 2-Aug-2024 Friday
35 Current Electricity QUESTION PRACTISE 8 7-Aug-2024 Wednesday
Magnetic field due to a current element (Biot-savart law), Magnetic field Surrounding a thin
straight current carrying conductor, Magnetic field due to a loop of current on its axial point at 8-Aug-2024 Thursday
36 Magnetic Effects of Current centre, Magnetic field due to an arc at its centre 1
Magnetic field due to different combined structures, Problems on magnetic field due to
9-Aug-2024 Friday
37 Magnetic Effects of Current combined arc and wires 2
Ampere’s circuital law. Applications of Ampere’s law (a) magnetic field due to a straight
infinite current carrying wire, (b) Magnetic field inside a long straight current carrying 14-Aug-2024 Wednesday
38 Magnetic Effects of Current conductor, 3
(c) Magnetic field inside a hollow straight current carrying conductor, (d) Magnetic field due to
16-Aug-2024 Friday
39 Magnetic Effects of Current a long solenoid, (e) Magnetic field of a toroid 4
Magnetic force (Lorentz force), Direction of magnetic force (Fleming’s left hand rule),
Properties of magnetic force on charge, Motion of charged particle in a Magnetic field, when
21-Aug-2024 Wednesday
(a) q = 0°, 180° straight line (b) q = 90°, circular path, finding r, T, F, (c) q ¹ 0°, 90°, 180°,
40 Magnetic Effects of Current Helix. 5
Motion of charged particle in combined electric and magnetic fields. (a) V, E and B all parallel
to each other, (b) V, E and B all perpendicular to each other, (c) E is parallel to B and particle 22-Aug-2024 Thursday
41 Magnetic Effects of Current velcoity is perpendicular to both these fields 6
Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor, Force between two parallel current carrying
23-Aug-2024 Friday
42 Magnetic Effects of Current wires, Current loop as a magnetic dipole, Torque on a current loop in a uniform magnetic field 7
The magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron. Potential energy of magnetic dipole,The
28-Aug-2024 Wednesday
43 Magnetic Effects of Current moving coil galvanometer, Gyro magnetic ratio, Cyclotron, 8
44 Magnetic Effects of Current QUESTION PRACTISE 9 29-Aug-2024 Thursday
Bar Magnet, Vibration magnetometer. Magnetic field due to a bar magnet. Dipole in uniform
magnetic field, Torque on a magntic dipole in uniform magnetic field, Work done in rotating 30-Aug-2024 Friday
45 Magnetism and Matter dipole in uniform magnetic field, Potential energy of dipole in uniform magnetic field 1
Gauss's law, Earth's Magnetism, Geographic meridian, Magnetic meridian, Magnetic
Declination and dip, Horizontal and vertical component of earth magnetic field. Relation 4-Sep-2024 Wednesday
46 Magnetism and Matter between horizontal component, Vertical component and angle of dip 2
Magnetization and Magnetic Intensity, Magnetic Susceptibility, Magnetic Permeability,
Relative permeability, Magnetic properties of material (a) Diamagnetism (b) paramagnetism
5-Sep-2024 Thursday
(c) ferromagnetism (d) Hysterisis (e) Curie's law, Hard and soft magnets, Permanent magnet
47 Magnetism and Matter and Electromagnets 3
48 Magnetism and Matter QUESTION PRACTISE 4 6-Sep-2024 Friday
The experiments of Faraday and Henry, Magnetic flux, Faraday's law of inducton, Lenz’s law,
25-Sep-2024 Wednesday
49 Electromagnetic Induction Lenz’s law and conservation of energy, 1
50 Electromagnetic Induction Calculations of magnetic flux, problems on faraday law 2 26-Sep-2024 Thursday
51 Electromagnetic Induction Motional emf in a straight conductor, energy considration,Problems on motional emf 3 27-Sep-2024 Friday
Inductance and inductor, Self inductance, Potential difference across an inductor, energy
3-Oct-2024 Thursday
52 Electromagnetic Induction stored in an inductor, energy density, Grouping of Inductors 4
Mutual inductance, Calculation of mutual inductance for two coils, mutual inductance of a
4-Oct-2024 Friday
53 Electromagnetic Induction solenoid surrounded by a coil, 5
L-R circuit , steady state LR circuit, steady state LCR- circuits, Current in various branches
9-Oct-2024 Wednesday
54 Electromagnetic Induction just after closing and just after opening the switch 6
55 Electromagnetic Induction AC generator, Eddy current, electromagnetic damping, PYQ Discussion 7 10-Oct-2024 Thursday
56 Electromagnetic Induction QUESTION PRACTISE 8 11-Oct-2024 Friday
57 Alternating Current Alternating current and emf, Mean value for half cycle of AC, Root mean square value of AC 1 16-Oct-2024 Wednesday
58 Alternating Current Phasor diagram, AC voltage applied to a resistor, inductor and capacitor 2 17-Oct-2024 Thursday
59 Alternating Current AC voltage applied to capacitor, AC through an L-R circuit, 3 18-Oct-2024 Friday
60 Alternating Current AC through an R-C circuit, AC voltage applied to a series LCR circuit 4 23-Oct-2024 Wednesday
61 Alternating Current Resonance, sharpness of resonance, Power in AC circuit (the power factor) Choke coil 5 24-Oct-2024 Thursday
62 Alternating Current Problems on AC Circuits and Power, Transformer 6 25-Oct-2024 Friday
63 Alternating Current QUESTION PRACTISE 7 30-Oct-2024 Wednesday
Ampere circuital law and its contradiction, Displacement current, Maxwell equation, Sources
1-Nov-2024 Friday
64 Electromagnetic Waves of electromagnetic waves, Important characteristic and Nature of EM Wave 1
Relation between Electric field, Magnetic Field and speed of light, Intensity of
6-Nov-2024 Wednesday
65 Electromagnetic Waves electromagnetic waves, Intensity due to a point source, 2
66 Electromagnetic Waves QUESTION PRACTISE 3 8-Nov-2024 Friday
Concept of rays; Laws of reflection; Plane mirrors; (reflection from plane surface); Image
13-Nov-2024 Wednesday
67 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments formation and characteristics of image; Speed of image of moving object 1
Number of images due to two inclined mirrors; Field of view and minimum size of mirror to
view full image of the persons; Minimum size of mirror to view full length of wall behind the 14-Nov-2024 Thursday
68 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments person, Field of view 2
Question on plane mirror, Reflection from curved surface; Pole, principal axis, centre of
15-Nov-2024 Friday
69 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments curvature, etc., Mirror equation; (graph between 1/v and 1/u, between v and u) 3
70 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Magnification ; (lateral as well as longitudinal);Problems on reflection on curved surface 4 19-Nov-2024 Tuesday
71 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Refraction, Refraction laws, Refraction at plane surface, Slabs, Refraction at curved surface 5 20-Nov-2024 Wednesday
total internal reflection and questions, Thin lenses, lens maker formula, lens formula and
22-Nov-2024 Friday
72 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments combination of lenses, Lens displacement method, Refraction through prism 6
minimum deviation, condition of no emergence, thin prism, Dispersion and question on
26-Nov-2024 Tuesday
73 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments combination of prism , 7
74 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Optical instruments Microscopes 8 27-Nov-2024 Wednesday
75 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Optical instruments Telescopes 9 29-Nov-2024 Friday
76 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments QUESTION PRACTISE 10 3-Dec-2024 Tuesday
Wave Optics; Concept of wavefront and ray; Huygen’s construction; Explanation of laws of
4-Dec-2024 Wednesday
77 Wave Optics reflection and refraction; Behaviour of mirrors, lenses and prisms according to wave – model. 1
Coherent and Inchorent source of light, Interference of light – Mathematical analysis, Young’s
6-Dec-2024 Friday
78 Wave Optics Double slit experiment, locations of bright and dark fringes 2
Shape of fringes on screen, fringe-width; Effect on fringe - width if colour of light changed, if
10-Dec-2024 Tuesday
79 Wave Optics experimental set - up is dipped in liquid; Intensity variation, fringe visibility. 3
Interference; Interference experiment with bi-chromatic light, coincidence of two bright fringes
or dark fringes; Optical path, displacement of fringes due to introduction of a transparent slab 11-Dec-2024 Wednesday
80 Wave Optics in the path of waves, Modified YDSE 4
Diffraction, Resolving power of optical instruments, validity of ray optics, Polarization,
13-Dec-2024 Friday
81 Wave Optics Intensity of transmitted light, Law of Malus, Brewster's Law, PYQ Discussion 5
82 Wave Optics QUESTION PRACTISE 6 14-Dec-2024 Saturday
Introduction, Photoelectric effect; Work function; Stopping potential, its dependence on intensity
and frequency of incident light; Failure of wave-model of light to explain out the above mentioned 16-Dec-2024 Monday
83 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter experimental findings, Hallwach and Lenard's observation, 1
experimental study of photoelectric effect, laws of photoelectric emmision, Einstein’s theory of
17-Dec-2024 Tuesday
84 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter photons; Einstein’s photo-electric equation 2
85 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter QUESTION PRACTISE 3 18-Dec-2024 Wednesday
Atomic structure; Rutherford’s a-scattering exp.; Bohr’s model; (radius, speed of electron,
19-Dec-2024 Thursday
86 Atoms energy); 1
Atomic spectra; De Broglie's explanation of bohr's second postulate of quantization,
20-Dec-2024 Friday
87 Atoms Examples based on above concepts, Hydrogen Spectrum 2
88 Atoms QUESTION PRACTISE 3 21-Dec-2024 Saturday
Nucleus; Nuclear density packign fractionk, nuclear force and property, Stability of nucleus,
23-Dec-2024 Monday
89 Nuclei Binding energy mass defect 1
Questions on BE , BE/nucleon, Radioactivity, Half life, Average life, Activity, Q values,
24-Dec-2024 Tuesday
90 Nuclei Questions, Nuclear reaction and Q values 2
91 Nuclei QUESTION PRACTISE 3 26-Dec-2024 Thursday
Classification of insulators, conductors and semiconductors, Intrinsic semiconductors,
27-Dec-2024 Friday
92 Semiconductor Electronics Extrinsic Semiconductors, Energy bands 1
93 Semiconductor Electronics PN type semi conductors, PN Junction, Semiconductor Diode, 2 28-Dec-2024 Saturday
Application of Junction Diode as a rectifier (Half wave Rectifier and Full Wave Rectifier),
30-Dec-2024 Monday
94 Semiconductor Electronics Special purpose PN Junction Diode 3
95 Semiconductor Electronics QUESTION PRACTISE 4 31-Dec-2024 Tuesday

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