Maintcon Exhibition Guide2022
Maintcon Exhibition Guide2022
Maintcon Exhibition Guide2022
Advisory Board
Fahad M. Al-AbdulKareem
Vice President, Industrial Services
Saudi Aramco
Advisory Board Chairman
Hafedh AlQassab Abdulrahman Al Rehaimi Saad Ibrahim Al Shamrani Mohamed Yousif Al Binfalah
Acting Deputy Chief Executive & President & CEO Chairman, Chief Executive Officer
BMP Project Director, Bapco GE Saudi Arabia & Bahrain GSMR Bahrain Airport Company
Hamad Bin Quraya Yasser Abdul Rahim Al Abbasi Abdul Majeed Al Gassab Sulaiman Al Hudhaili
CEO President Ex National Member Managing Director, Muscat
Bin Quraya Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co. World Federation of Engineers Engineering Consultancy LLC
Bahrain Society of Engineers
Dr. Sh. Haifa Bint Ebrahim Dr. Adel Fadhl Ahmed Dr. Jamal Nayfeh
Al-Khalifa Dean, College of Computer Dean, College of Engineering
Dean of College of Engineering Science and Engineering, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd
University of Bahrain KFUPM University 3
Keynote Speakers
Yahya A. Abu-Shal
Chief Executive Officer, Sadara Chemical Company
Yahya is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Sadara Chemical Company. He has more than 30 years of experience
in Engineering, Project Management and Operations. He started his career in 1990 as an Electrical Engineer in the
Electrical Utility Company and joined Saudi Aramco in 1996.
In Engineering, Yahya served in several leadership positions including the assistant to the VP of Engineering Services,
manager of CSD, manager of inspection department and Manager of Facilities planning department. In operation, Yahya
was the manager for both Jeddah and Yanbu Refineries between January 2013 and September 2015 and Acting
General Manager for Ras Tanura Refinery in between Oct. 2017 and March 2018. He was previously the General
Manager for Jazan Refinery Complex and is currently the CEO of Sadara Chemical Company.
Pedro Miras
President, World Petroleum Council
Pedro Miras is the serving President for the World Petroleum Council, for the cycle which will culminate with the 24th
World Petroleum Congress in Calgary, Canada in September 2023.
He has over 30 years of experience in the energy sector and performed within the private and public entities, specifically
in REPSOL (institutional, international, refining, strategic planning), National Energy Commission (regulation of oil &
biofuels), International Energy Agency SEQ/SOM (security of supply) and CORES (security of supply for oil & gas). In
addition to the engagement in the WPC network, he has been President of the Spanish Strategic Petroleum Reserves
Corporation (CORES), Chairman of the Standing Group on Emergency Questions (SEQ) and Market (SOM) of the
International Energy Agency, Institutional Affairs & Organizations and Chairman’s Office Director (Repsol) and Member
of the Steering Committee and the Board of Directors of Enerclub (Club Español de la Energía) among other relevant
Wazen Al-Solami
Executive Leader, Global Manufacturing Digitalization, SABIC
Keynote Speakers
Wazen holds BSc degree in Electrical Engineering, he has more than 22 years of broad and diverse experience in
manufacturing petrochemical operation, project, quality, maintenance and technical with proven ability to analyze key
business drivers and develop strategy to grow the bottom line.
Before his current role Wazen was an executive technical director for YANSAB one of SABIC subsidiary and currently
driving the digital transformation for SABIC manufacturing at global scale.
Zaher Ibrahim
Vice President, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Baker Hughes
Zaher Ibrahim was appointed as the Vice President (VP) for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) in May 2022.
With more than 22 years of industry experience, Zaher has taken various field, operational and leadership roles across
the energy value chain. In this role, Zaher is focused on driving business growth and commercial intensity to take energy
forward in partnership and collaboration with key customers. In January 2021, Zaher was appointed as the VP for the
Middle East, North Africa, Turkey & India (MENATI) region for Baker Hughes, working closely with NOCs to support their
energy needs and localization initiatives. Before joining Baker Hughes, Zaher was the Power Generation Services Sales
General Manager for General Electric (GE) in the Middle East, where he focused on driving growth across the portfolio,
building commercial intensity and value, and introducing innovative solutions with key customers and partners. Zaher
joined GE in 2000 as part of the Energy Services Field Engineering Program in Schenectady, New York, followed by an
assignment in the US. Zaher holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the American University in Beirut.
Hisham Gouda
Chief Solution Expert, SAP Oil & Gas Industry Business Unit
Hisham’s knowledge spans nearly 30 years of industry experience in oil & gas, utilities, engineering, and construction
industries. Graduated from the University of Virginia, and having worked for Bechtel Corporation, San Francisco,
Hisham demonstrated multicultural experience & thorough understanding of the global markets resulting in on-target
recommendations to advance and maximize the energy sector. As SAP Chief Solutions Expert, he translates strong
business process design, including the potential requirements analysis and enterprise software real-time control. 5
Time: 08:30 - 15:30
Fundamentals of Machinery Lubrication Tribology
followed by Ultrasonic based lubrication in bearings
Muhammad Ali Qureshi
Predictive Maintenance Engineer
Eastern Region Terminal Maintenance Department,
Saudi Aramco
Jean Charbonneau
Senior Asset Management Professional,
CiM Maintenance
Kevin McQuillan
Senior Advisor,
Solomon Associate
Maintenance &
Asset Reliability Certification
(MARC) Exam
MARC Certification is designed to assess a professional &
competency in Maintenance, Reliability and Asset Management
Excellence following the asset management standards. GSMR
Body of Knowledge (BoK) and MARC Certification are focused on
covering the entire asset lifecycle to achieve industry-leading MR
& AM performance. Here is your chance to earn this prestigious
certification and join an elite group of professionals in the region.
For further information about certification, please contact GSMR
Office on +973 17180398
Asset Management Assessor
(CAMA) Exam
The Gulf Society for Maintenance & Reliability (GSMR) In partnership with World Partners in Asset
Management (WPiAM) is pleased to offer the “Certified Asset Management Assessor” (CAMA)
exam. This certification establishes an individual’s credentials in asset management knowledge
and comprehension, globally in accordance with ISO 55001 and GFMAM auditors specifications. 7
Opening Ceremony Program
Fahad M. Al-AbdulKareem
Vice President, Industrial Services
Saudi Aramco,
Advisory Board Chairman
Yahya Mansour
Chief Executive Officer,
GE Gas Power Services - MENA
Joe Hoare
Vice President, Systems and Software, MEA
Stefano Terzi
IET Gas Services Engineering Executive
Baker Hughes
Ms. Amena Bakr
Chief OPEC Correspondent & Dubai Deputy Bureau Chief,
Energy Intelligence Group
• Impact of digitalization on Maintenance, Reliability, & Asset Management
• Outlook of future projects - Sustainability Relying on Reliable Supply of Energy
• Human Capital Development in IR 4.0
Technical Program - DAY ONE
Technical Program
28 November 2022
08:30 - 08:40 Opening Remarks
08:40 - 09:05 Keynote 1 - Khaled Anwar Al-Awadhi, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Al Zour Refinery, Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company
09:05 - 09:30 Keynote 2 - Zaher Ibrahim, Vice President, Europe, Middle East & Africa
Baker Hughes
09:30 - 09:55 Keynote 3 - Hisham Gouda, Chief Solution Expert, SAP Oil & Gas Industry Business Unit
09:55 - 10:25 Coffee & Networking Break
Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4
10:25 - 10:50 Using The Digital Twin As Part Transformation In KSA Alba Power Station Digital Smart Tools For Reliability
Of A Holistic Eam System Governmental Entities Transformation Journey And Maintenance Of Frp
Dr. Achim Kruger Through Development And Mr. Hussain Al Setrawi Piping Networks In Oil & Gas
Rizing, a Wipro Company Deployment Of The National ALBA And Petrochemical Plants
Germany Manual For Bahrain Dr. Mahmoud Hassan
Asset & Facility Management SABIC
Mr. Nasser Alorwan Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
10:55 - 11:20 Equipment Repair in a Utilization Of Remote Plant Reliability Performance Physics Of Failure: How
Disrupted Global Supply Monitoring And Control Index (PRPI) To Use FMEA Methodology
Chain: Manufacturing Turbine System In Cathodic Protection Mr. Walid Ali Alghamdi To Start Your Digitalization
Diaphragms utilizing Reverse Systems Saudi Aramco Program With The Right Foot
Engineering Technologies Dr. Fahad Almutlaq Saudi Arabia Mr. Geraldo Signorini
Mr. Abdullah Al Amoudi SABIC Unikuaa Training and
Saudi Aramco Saudi Arabia Consulting
Saudi Arabia Brazil
11:25 - 11:50 Lessons Learnt From Erp Using asset management Highlights on Electrical Role of Integrity Operating
Implementation maturity to lead asset System Reliability Windows in Integrity
Mr. Mahmood Dashti management reform – a case Mr. Fahad Bousbait Management System
BAPCO study SATORP Mr. Mohammad Zahoor Ud
Bahrain Mr. John Hardwick Saudi Arabia Din
Australia Saudi Arabia
11:55 - 12:20 People, processes, and Implementing Agile-Rich (Ir 4.0) 3D Printing For Sand Connected Services For
technology – Cameco’s efforts Project Management Approach Filters Laterals Compact Heat Exchangers
to improve how physical Mr. Muhammad Bilal Mr. Rakan Wajdi Banna And Separation Equipment
assets are managed at its Pakistan Refinery Ltd. Saudi Aramco From Alfa Laval - Improve
mining operations Pakistan Saudi Arabia Your Maintenance
Eng. Jean-Pierre Pascoli Management, Reliability,
Asset Performance And
GFMAM Sustainability Footprint
Mr. Dilli Babu Nandha Gopal
Alfa Laval
12:20- 14:00 Lunch Break
Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4
14:00 - 14:25 ISO 55001 in the Gulf Region Transformation Of Power Setting Of Threshold For Prevention Of Corrosion
Mr. Richard Edwards Transformers Maintenance Management Of Failure Under Insulation: Pushing The
GFMAM Toward Predictive Approach At Incidents Envelope
United Kingdom Saudi Aramco Mr. Teddy Tabanao Mr. Abdulmohsin Alsahli
Mr. Hasan Alali Petroleum Development SABIC
Saudi Aramco Oman Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia Oman
14:30 - 14:55 Troubleshooting Of Repetitive Operator Driven Reliability Custody Certification Of Ultrasound Technology For
Liquid Fuel Nozzles Clogging (Odr) And Ultrasound Automatic Tank Gauging Early Fault Prognosis With
Due To Liquid Fuel Coking In Technology System Using Portable Closed Three Case Studies
Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Mr. Manohar Chidurala Gauging Mr. Muhammad Qureshi
Mr. Ahmad Yehia Abdelkader UE Systems Inc Mr. Hassan Alsada Saudi Aramco
Baker Hughes United States SABIC Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
15:00 - 15:25 Maintenance 4.0 - The Building A Sustainable Improved asset integrity The Story Of Artificial
Digital Journey To Planned Mechanical Integrity Program through utilization of robotic Intelligence - Drowning In
Maintenance - The Road Toward Reliability maintenance solutions Data But Starving For Insights
Mr. Jean Charbonneau Excellence Mr. Rakan Al Ahmad Mr. Abdullah M Wahbeh
CiM Maintenance Mr. Mohamed Abdin Abdulla Saudi Aramco GE Digital
UAE Yaqoob Saudi Arabia UAE
19:00 onwards WIAM Ceremony & DInner (By Invitation Only) 9
Technical Program - DAY TWO
Technical Program
29 November 2022
08:30 - 08:40 Opening Remarks
08:40 - 09:05 Keynote 1 - Mr. Pedro Miras, President
World Petroleum Council
09:05 - 09:30 Keynote 2 - Mr. Wazen Al-Solami, Manufacturing Digitalization Leader
09:30 - 09:55 Keynote 3 - Mr. Rafael Garcia Dominguez, VP & GM AMSS EMEA
Flowserve Corporation
09:55 - 10:25 Coffee & Networking Break
10:25 - 10:50 Mitigating Risk and Improving Digitalizing Control Valves Building the Business Tasnee Asset Health Program
Performance: The Road Mr. Ahmed Ali Abdelazik Case for Maintenance and Mr. Sultan A. Al Hazmi
Ahead with SAP Intelligent Emerson Automation Solutions Reliability Improvement Tasnee Petrochemicals
Asset Management Saudi Arabia Eng. Susan Lubell Saudi Arabia
Mr. Brian Williams GFMAM
SAP Canada
10:55 - 11:20 The Journey To Performance FRP Network Assessment And The GFMAM AM Landscape 4Ir: Abqaiq Plants Critical Asset
Excellence ROV Internal Inspection Revision update Prediction System
Mr. Husain Aldailami Mr. Husam Gadhi Mr. Dave Daines Ms. Jori Alghamdi
Bahrain Saudi Arabia Australia Saudi Arabia
11:25 - 11:50 Moving beyond condition Saudi Contractors Authority Reliability Improvement Of The Importance Of A Robust
monitoring: Predicting failures Role in Facility Management The Newly Installed Crude Data Foundation And Reporting
before the first signs are Mr. Othman Alghannam Charge Booster Pump Steam For Optimizing Reliability
detectable Saudi Contractors Authority Turbine Analysis
Mr. Johannes Coetzee Saudi Arabia Mr. Bladimir Gomez Mr. Mohamed Alrowaihi
South Africa Bahrain Bahrain
11:55 - 12:20 Global Manufacturing Brazilian Experience In Refining Industry Trends in IOT & Cloud Computing
Electrical Systems Reliability Assessing Maturity Using An Reliability and Maintenance Based Steam Trap & Valves
Assessment Adaptative Model Performance Monitoring Solution (Stms) - 4.0
Mr. Ahmed AlKadhem Mr. João R. B. Lafraia Mr. Douglas Speers Initiative To Reduce Steam
Saudi Aramco GFMAM Solomon Associate Losses & Co2 Emission
Saudi Arabia Brazil Bahrain Mr. Faizan Ahmed
Saudi Arabia
12:20- 14:00 Lunch Break
Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4
14:00 - 14:25 Enhanced Turnaround Dry Gas Seals: Operational Zero Emission Compressor Field Applied Solutions For
And Inspection (T&I) By Issues And Reliability Shaft Sealing Corrosion Challenges In Amine
Deployment Of Digital Improvements Mr. Tanveer Shaikh Systems
Generation Of Eddy Current Mr. Murtadha Abdulla EagleBurgmann Mr. Colin Bateman
Test (Ect) For Mechanical Baker Hughes Saudi Arabia Integrated Global Services
Equipment Inspection And Saudi Arabia UAE
Integrity Management
Mr. Muhammed Al Lutfallah
Saudi Aramco
Saudi Arabia
14:30 - 14:55 Leverage Process Models Equipment Design Strategies The Shifting Sands: The Fixed Equipment Integrity
To Support Operational For Electrical Asset Safety And Perfect Storm for Innovation Program 4.0 - From Risk
Excellence At Kipic Al Zour Reliability Mr. Lee Alexander Based Inspection To Integrity
Refinery Mr. Martin Robinson Krywitsky Operating Windows - The
Mr. Ali Mohammad Al-Ajmi IRISS Group AHSTCO Digital Way
KIPIC United States Saudi Arabia Mr. Daniel Costa Rodas
Kuwait GE Digital
15:00 - 15:25 Increased Welding Energy Optimization of Flow An Optimization Study For Reliability Step Change Factors
Productivity, Quality, Efficiency Loops & IoT Intermodal Oil Transportation - Electric Submersible Pump Of
And Safety By New Welding Mr. Pieter Teesink Mr. Hamad Alomran An Oil Production Facility
Technologies Flowserve Corporation KIPIC Mr. Sivakumar Sankaran
Mr. Vijo Jose Netherlands Kuwait Saudi Aramco
ITW Welding Middle East Saudi Arabia
Technical Program - DAY THREE
Technical Program
30 November 2022
08:30 - 08:40 Opening Remarks
08:40 - 09:05 Keynote 1 - Mr. Yahya A. Abu-Shal, Chief Executive Officer,
Sadara Chemical Company
09:05 - 09:30 Keynote 2 - Mr. Turki Ahmed Bukhari, Executive Vice President, Assets & Facilities Management,
09:30 - 10:00 Coffee & Networking Break
Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4
10:00 - 10:25 The Challenges Of Improving Reliability And The Fully Electrical Steam A Holistic Framework
Digital Technology In Oil Maintenance Strategies Turbine Valve Control System For Effective Preventive
Downstream Organizations Through Failure Mode Effects Mr. Kim Lovejoy Maintenance Implementation
- Complexities Versus Analysis (Fmea), Data Analysis Lovejoy Controls Corporation Dr. Christopher Obiajunwa
Capabilities In The Era Of And Digitalisation United States Saudi Aramco
Digitalization Mr. Majd Kinawi Saudi Arabia
Mr. Ali Alawadhi John Crane
10:30 - 10:55 Data Driven Predictive Digital Inventory Of Spare Mechanical Fatigue Analysis Energy Consumption
Maintenance Applications At Parts, A Reliable Solution and Failure Prediction Model of Calculations System
Bahrain Petroleum Company During Pandemic Drill String and Drill Pipe Mr. Ahmad Bader Alameer
Mr. Abdulrahim Mohammed Mr. Azhan Hunain Dr. Adel Younis KIPIC
BAPCO Immensa Additive Australian University, Kuwait Kuwait
Bahrain Manufacturing Kuwait
Saudi Arabia
11:00 - 11:25 Successful Overseeing Of Load Gearboxes Scuff Marks Increase Turnaround Maintenance And
Parts Obsolescence Through Phenomena At Bapco Gas Safety & Efficiency Through Obsolescence Management
Reverse Engineering And 3D Turbine Generators (GTG) Digitalization Of Protection Relays
Printing Technology Mr. Ali Redha Ahmed Mr. Abdullah Abdulraheem Mr. Majdi Alfaraj
Mr. Abdulrhman Jubairy BAPCO Abdulaziz Naqi SABIC
Saudi Aramco Bahrain KIPIC Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia Kuwait
11:30 - 11:55 Intelligent Maintenance Deploying Ir 4.0. Technology, Data Driven Asset Leveraging Available Software
Recommender System Augmented Reality, To Management - Challenges And In Pursuit Of Rotating
Mr. Abdullatif Al-Najim Enhance Maintenance Opportunities Equipment Reliability
Yokogawa Saudi Arabia Activities & Training Mr. Johan Ferket Mr. Abdulaziz AlZahrany
Company Mr. Hussain Alshaghab Stork, a Fluor Company Saudi Aramco
Saudi Arabia Saudi Aramco Belgium Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia 11
F01 F02 F03 F05 F06 F07 F08 F09
Floor Plan
D16 D14
5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0
6.5 x 5.0
D15 D13
C.55 x 5.0
5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0
6.5 x 5.0
D08 D06
5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0
D07 D05
5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0
D04 D02
5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0 C2
6.5 x 5.0
D03 D01
5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0
F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F17 F18
Innovation Corner
14.0 x 5.0
B08 B07
5.0 x 4.0 5.0 x 4.0
C.75 x 5.0
3.0 x 3.0
B06 B05
5.0 x 4.0 5.0 x 4.0
4.0 x 3.0
B04 B03
5.0 x 4.0 5.0 x 4.0
13.0 x 5.0
B02 B01
5.0 x 4.0 5.0 x 4.0 13
Sponsors, Exhibitors & Partners
1 Saudi Aramco Prime Saudi Arabia C7
1 nogaholding Diamond Bahrain C6
2 SABIC Diamond Saudi Arabia C1
3 Flowserve Diamond Saudi Arabia C3
4 GE Diamond Saudi Arabia C4
5 Eastern Msar Diamond Saudi Arabia C2
6 Bin Qurayah Diamond Saudi Arabia -
7 KIPIC Diamond Kuwait C5
1 Baker Hughes Platinum Saudi Arabia B2
2 Zahid Tractor & Heavy Machinery Co. Ltd. Platinum Saudi Arabia B6
3 M H Al Mahroos Platinum Bahrain B4
4 Alfanar Engineering Services Platinum Saudi Arabia B8
5 Arabian Fal Platinum Saudi Arabia B5
6 Saudi Aramco Jubail Refinery (SASREF) Platinum Saudi Arabia B3
7 SAP Platinum Saudi Arabia B7
8 Yasref Platinum Saudi Arabia B1
1 Saudi Diesel Equipment Co Gold Saudi Arabia D13
2 EMKAN Holding Company Gold Saudi Arabia D1
3 Abdullah Al- Barrak & Sons Company Gold Saudi Arabia D5
4 AHSTCO Gold Saudi Arabia D2
5 FAWAZ Trading & Engineering Services WLL Gold Kuwait D10
6 ALBA Gold Bahrain -
7 John Crane Gold Saudi Arabia D14
8 Abdulla Nass & Partners Co. Ltd Gold Saudi Arabia D15
9 Abdul Ali Al Ajmi Company Gold Saudi Arabia D8
10 Al Abdulkarim Gold Saudi Arabia D6
11 SATORP Gold Saudi Arabia D9
12 Artificial Intelligence Global Company Gold Saudi Arabia D11
13 Fives Services Gulf W.L.L Gold Bahrain D16
14 Siemens Energy Gold Saudi Arabia D7
15 ABB Gold Saudi Arabia D12
16 Emerson Automation Solutions Gold Kuwait D4
1 UE System Silver USA F11
2 Mahmoud Mohammed Tulbah Contracting Est. - MT Enterprises Silver Saudi Arabia A8
3 ITT Saudi PRO Services Silver Saudi Arabia A5
4 HEBCO Silver Saudi Arabia A6
5 EagleBurgmann Saudi Arabia Ltd. Silver Saudi Arabia A4
6 Score Arabia Services Silver Saudi Arabia A2
7 Saudi Advanced Technologies Company (Wahaj) Silver Saudi Arabia F13
8 Valve Shields Silver Saudi Arabia F9
9 HOERBIGER Service Middle East FZE Silver UAE A11
10 Dietsmann Silver UAE F7
Sponsors, Exhibitors & Partners
11 Al-Falak Electronic Equipment & Supplies Co. Silver Saudi Arabia A7
12 Tecmo Arabia Silver Saudi Arabia F8
13 National Industrial Training Institute - NITI Silver Saudi Arabia F12
14 CiM Maintenance Silver Canada A14
15 Veolia Kuwait for waste treatment Silver Kuwait -
16 Basserah Silver Saudi Arabia F17
17 RotoFlow Silver USA A13
18 Sulzer Silver Saudi Arabia F18
1 Trans Canada Turbines Exhibitor Canada F14
2 NDT CCS Group of Companies Exhibitor Saudi Arabia A16
3 Arrelic Reliability Exhibitor India F5
4 IRISS Exhibitor USA A1
5 Advanced Control Company Exhibitor Saudi Arabia F15
6 Dresser Al Rushaid Valve & Instrument Co Ltd Exhibitor Saudi Arabia A12
7 PDMA Corporation Exhibitor USA E5
8 Franal Alignment - EasyLaser Exhibitor UAE E9
9 Electronic Energy Trading Company Exhibitor Saudi Arabia E3
10 SAMI Exhibitor USA E7
11 Safe & Shield Management W.L.L. Exhibitor Bahrain E6
12 Faisal Electro-Mechanical Co. Ltd. (FEMCO) Exhibitor Saudi Arabia E4
13 Tajchem Exhibitor Saudi Arabia A17
14 AL-HUWAIS COMPANY Exhibitor Saudi Arabia F6
15 Distran Ltd. Exhibitor Switzerland A10
1 Global Forum on Maintenance & Asset Management (GFMAM) Partner Global F3
2 World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) Partner Global F2
3 Saudi Contractors Authority Partner Saudi Arabia -
4 Expenditure Efficiency & Project Authority Partner Saudi Arabia -
5 Middle East Facility Management Association (MEFMA) Partner UAE F1
6 Saudi Council of Engineers Partner Saudi Arabia -
7 Kuwait society of Engineers Partner Kuwait E1
8 Gulf Engineering Union Partner Gulf -
9 Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University - Society of Petroleum Engineering Partner Saudi Arabia A18 15
S P O N S O R 17
Prime Sponsor
Aramco is one of the world’s largest integrated energy and chemicals companies. Aramco’s operating segments are
Upstream and Downstream, which are supported by corporate activities. Aramco’s Upstream operations are primarily based
in Saudi Arabia, while the Downstream business is global. In 2021, Aramco’s average hydrocarbon production was 12.3
mmboed, including 9.2 mmbpd of crude oil. As at December 31, 2021, based on the initial 40-year period and 20-year
extension of the Concession, Aramco’s reserves stood at 253.6 billion boe, including 196.9 billion barrels of crude oil and
condensate, 25.2 billion barrels of NGL, and 194.5 tscf of natural gas. In addition, as at December 31, 2021, Aramco had a
gross refining capacity of 6.8 mmbpd and net chemicals production capacity of 53.8 million tons per year.
The Upstream segment’s activities consist of safely exploring for, developing, and producing crude oil, condensate, natural
gas and NGL. Aramco manages the Kingdom’s unique reserves and resources base to optimize production and maximize
long-term value pursuant to the Hydrocarbons Law, which mandates that Aramco’s hydrocarbon operations promote long-
term productivity of the Kingdom’s reservoirs and support the prudent stewardship of its hydrocarbon resources.
Aramco’s principal fields are located in close proximity to each other within the Central and Eastern Provinces of the Kingdom.
An extensive pipeline network connects Aramco’s fields, processing plants, and other facilities. The produced crude oil,
condensate, natural gas and NGL travel through Aramco’s pipelines to multiple facilities for processing into refined and
petrochemical products, or to domestic customers or export terminals. In particular, Aramco’s East-West Pipeline is critical
in linking oil production facilities in the Eastern Province with Yanbu’ on the west coast, and providing flexibility to export from
the east and west coasts of the Kingdom.
Aramco has a large, strategically integrated global Downstream business. The Downstream segment’s activities consist of
refining and petrochemical manufacturing, base oils and lubricants, retail operations, distribution, supply and trading, and
power generation.
The strategic integration of Aramco’s Upstream and Downstream segments provides an opportunity for Aramco to secure
crude oil demand and capture incremental value from the hydrocarbon value chain by selling to its dedicated system of
domestic and international wholly-owned and affiliated refineries and petrochemical plants. This crude placement provides
significant benefits to Aramco’s downstream operations, including a secure and reliable supply of high-quality crude oil,
which helps to ensure a secure and reliable supply of refined and petrochemical products to their customers.
S P O N S O R 23
24 25
Diamond Sponsor
Established in 2007, the Oil & Gas Holding Company B.S.C. (c) (“nogaholding”) is the energy investment and
development arm of the Kingdom of Bahrain, responsible for operating the oil and gas sector in the Kingdom and
managing the government’s assets in the oil and gas industry. The Company plays an integral role in fulfilling the
Kingdom’s constantly growing demand for energy and supporting economic growth in line with the Economic
Vision 2030.
nogaholding aims to drive energy development and delivery in the Kingdom of Bahrain through effective and
successful portfolio management and development. Its portfolio of companies includes Bapco, The Bahrain
National Gas Company (Banagas), The Bahrain National Gas Expansion Company (Tawseah), Tatweer Petroleum,
The Bahrain Aviation Fuelling Company (BAFCO), BAC Jet Fuel Company, The Bahrain Lube Base Oil Company
(BLBOC), The Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC), Bahrain LNG, Bapco Retail Company (Bapco
Tazweed), Arab Shipbuilding and Repair Yard (ASRY), and Bahrain Gasoline Blending (BGB).
• Maximizing wealth and natural resources and ensuring economic returns to our shareholder, the Kingdom of
• Securing long-term energy supply for the Kingdom of Bahrain to meet increasing future demand for energy
in a sustainable manner
• Achieve the COP26 pledge by His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Shaikh Salman bin
Hamad Al Khalifa to reach Net-Zero emissions by 2060 and achieve a 30% reduction in Green House Gases
(GHG) emissions by 2035.
Reem Ebrahim
Superintendent Corporate Events
Ahmed N Basam
P.O. Box 5101 Riyadh 11422 - Saudi Arabia
Flowserve remains united in its purpose to make the world a better place for
everyone by tackling the world’s toughest flow control challenges and offering
our customers an unparalleled experience.
30 31
Diamond Sponsor
Customers worldwide rely on the product lines, engineering, project management and service
expertise of Flowserve to help solve the biggest flow control challenges. Our history began
over 230 years ago, and today Flowserve employs more than 15,000 associates in 200-plus
locations globally, including over 180 quick response centers that provide aftermarket parts and
services to customers. Flowserve offers more than 100 distinct pump models and a wide range
of valve and seal products that meet a wide variety of customers’ needs. Through our unmatched
combination of products, engineering and aftermarket services, we help our customers achieve
tangible business results: lower operating costs, optimized performance, prolonged equipment
life, mitigated risks and higher productivity. Around the world, Flowserve is striving to create
extraordinary flow control solutions to make the world better for everyone.
Safety and quality make up the cornerstone of Flowserve’s culture and the spirit of innovation
enables us to bring industry-leading advances and cost savings to our customers, helping
them meet their sustainability goals. This spans from helping the Netherlands with its flood
management strategy to contributing to an irrigation system that provides water for more than
three million acres in northern Thailand. Our core business is providing fluid motion and control
products and services. But motion means something more at Flowserve. It captures the spirit
and actions of Flowserve associates worldwide, and conveys our ongoing efforts to move
forward with advances in technology and ground-breaking industry applications as the global
energy industry continues to transition.
Finally, we are leveraging technology and data to improve our digitization efforts and digitize our
customers’ journeys. Flowserve remains united in its purpose to make the world a better place
for everyone by tackling the world’s toughest flow control challenges and offering our customers
an unparalleled experience
Rehan Qureshi
District Sales Manager
P.O.Box 32130; Al-Khobar 31952; KSA
Lamis Siddiq
Contractual Services Program, GE Gas Power
Branch BA Building 737, Road/ Street 1510,
Town Hidd, Block 115, Bahrain
E: 35
Eastern Msar Trading & Contracting Co. was formed in the year 1968 as an
industrial service and supply unit. The Company has now become one of the largest
and leading business conglomerates in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia with diversified
interest in supply of various Engineering products and offering other related services
to Oil and Gas Process Industries in the local market.
Eastern Msar primary role is to provide expertise in promoting projects and the
know-how to participate and obtain tenders and access to various public and private
organizations. The Company is diversified into industries such as:
Eastern Msar are now enjoying its market presence as a registered supplier and
built up an enviable rapport with leading major clientele like Saudi Aramco, SABIC,
Saudi Electricity Company, Maaden, Petro Rabigh, and Joint Sector companies
besides several others in Saudi Arabia for the key sectors like: Oil, Gas,
Petrochemical, Power & Water, Mining Fertilizer and related services.
Eastern Msar with its staff and management continues to rise to the challenges that
rapid development has generated. By activity promoting strong times with
committed firms, the Company has been able to succeed in specialized activities
within new and established industries.
Riyadh Al-Ramadan
Managing Director
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Eastern Province – Dammam
Tel: +966 13 818 2625
We partner with leading manufacturers from all the globe to provide the complete
solution and total support through design, supply, installation and maintenance of
our principles’ equipment.
Riyadh Al-Ramadan
Managing Director
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Eastern Province – Dammam
Tel: +966 13 818 2625
STAND:C02 37
Diamond Sponsor
Eastern Msar Trading & Contracting Co. was formed in the year 1968 as an industrial service and supply
unit. The Company has now become one of the largest and leading business conglomerates in the kingdom
of Saudi Arabia with diversified interest in supply of various Engineering products and offering other related
services to Oil and Gas Process Industries in the local market.
Our Motto is:
• Understanding the past.
• Participation/adoption for the present.
• Working for the future.
The Company pursues partnership through agency or joint venture arrangements in activities covering
company representation, trading, contracting, oil and gas services, engineering and construction,
commissioning and support etc.,
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has all the prerequisites for rapid progression as a leading industrialized
economic and emerging market. In response, The Company has resolved to retain its status as a dynamic
organization, committed to participating in the continued development of the region and the success of its
partner companies.
Eastern Msar Trading & Contracting Co. are now enjoying its market presence as a registered supplier
and built up an enviable rapport with leading major clientele like Saudi Aramco, SABIC, Saudi Electricity
Company, Ma’aden, Petrorabigh, and Joint Sector companies besides several others in Saudi Arabia for
the key sectors like; Oil, Gas, petrochemical, Power & Water, Mining Fertilizer and related services.
Eastern Msar Trading & Contracting Co with its staff and management continues to rise to the challenges
that rapid development has generated. By activity promoting strong times with committed firms, the
Company has been able to succeed in specialized activities within new and established industries.
Riyadh Al Ramadan
Managing Director
Owning and operating one of the largest mobile cranes fleet in the Middle East and North
Africa, refining its state-of-the-art heavy equipment fleet, and developing cutting-edge
internal processes, Bin Quraya has been steadily growing and expanding to fulfil projects
across the Arabian Gulf.
Today, Bin Quraya operates three core divisions manned by highly skilled and trained
Bin Quraya Construction, Bin Quraya Rental, Bin Quraya Rig Move
Bin Quraya is a pioneer in the pipeline construction industry with a proven record of EPC
excellence delivered in pipelines, power plants, industrial plants projects and much more…
Hamad Bin Quraya CEO of Bin Quraya, and the son of its founder, Sheikh Awad Bin
Quraya. Previously, as Bin Quraya’s executive VP and the director of Bin Quraya’s Rental
Division, he was key in guiding the company through its transition into one of the region’s
biggest groups servicing the oil, gas and energy sectors.
Shadi N Saber 39
40 41
42 43
Diamond Sponsor
Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC) inspires a core belief, to “Make
More Possible”. We nurture a culture of operational excellence, corporate responsibility
and commitment to Health Safety and Environment through a highly transparent process.
At KIPIC we strive to build a fully optimized and best-integrated facility to world class
standards and challenge ourselves daily to make more possible, from the resources;
unlock potential of our employees and stakeholders to “Making More Possible” a reality
and thereby “Truly Energize Kuwait”.
KIPIC was established on 18th October 2016 as a new Subsidiary to Kuwait Petroleum
Corporation (KPC). Bringing together some of the best industry expertise and world-class
facilities, KIPIC’s mission is to be the leader in integrated refining and petrochemicals
operations and liquefied natural gas import in Kuwait’s Al-Zour Complex.
KIPIC is responsible for operating and managing the largest grassroot integrated complex
for refining, petrochemicals manufacture businesses and liquefied natural gas import
facilities at Al-Zour complex.
Manal Al Rushaid
Team Leader External Relations 45
We are committed to the safest, most efficient operation of the refinery,
incorporating the best work practices with minimum harm to the environment.
We aim to maximize profits and are determined to develop a professional,
competent and highly trained workforce with emphasis on developing Saudi
nationals to play full and productive roles at all levels.
We encourage teamwork, initiative and the achievement of potential in an
atmosphere of mutual respect and reliance.
Platinum Sponsor
Saudi Aramco Jubail Refinery Company (SASREF) is a Saudi
Jubail Industrial city. The refinery processes crude oil into petroleum
capacity of the refinery is 305,000 barrels per day. The main products
are liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), naphtha, kerosene, diesel, fuel oil
and sulfur. The refinery employs more than 700 employees, and we
are proud that the majority of them are Saudis. We are contributing
Rakan Al-Harthi
Corporate Affairs & Communications
Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved.
Platinum Sponsor
Baker Hughes is an energy technology company that provides
solutions to energy and industrial customers worldwide. Built on
a century of experience and conducting business in over 120
countries, our innovative technologies and services are taking
energy forward – making it safer, cleaner and more efficient for
people and the planet. Visit us at
Basel Alkharobi
Baker Hughes
Through our committed presence in a broad spectrum of sectors, we achieve a fine balance
between diversification and focus that enables us to differentiate ourselves by consistently
achieving leadership positions and maintaining a reputation for setting the standard.
Abdullah Ossabi
KSA / Bahrain
+966 567350756
+973 39402912
Sales & Service: Dammam / Riyadh / Jeddah / Al Khobar / AlJubail / Ras AlKhair / Bahrain
Platinum Sponsor
AlMahroos was established in 1930 and since the 1940’s our company started cooperating with
ARAMCO from its offices in Dhahran and Al Khobar. Nowadays, our business in KSA has expanded
across its major cities especially in the Welding Technology, Deutz Engines, Construction Equipment
and Water Technology.
For many years, AlMahroos has continued to be a market leader in KSA and Bahrain welding industry.
AlMahroos along with ITW range of products (Miller, Hobart, Elga) is committed to become the most
preferred welding solutions supplier in Saudi Arabia specially in Oil and Gas sector.
Miller® is about building things that matter. We lead the welding industry in building advanced,
solution-focused products and meeting crucial needs for welding safety and health.
We’re about the partnership and the work. Our products are designed with our users for manufacturing,
fabrication, construction, aviation, motorsports, education, agriculture and marine applications.
Miller AlMahroos has built a reputation of honesty, integrity and fairness by conducting the business
according to the highest ethical standards, taking care of their customers by providing professional
advanced training through AlMahroos Miller Training Centers in Al Khobar KSA and Bahrain using
high quality equipment’s and advanced welding simulation technology.
Miller AlMahroos offers Technical support in the major cities In KSA and Bahrain with mobile
workshops supported by high technology software and available to order genuine spare parts for
the welding machines which will decrease the downtime.
Miller AlMahroos is supporting their cutomers by investing in call center to keep communication
efficient and registered through Cisco software.
Samson Petter
Manager Sales, Welding (HOD)
The use of modern technology, along with our accumulated expertise, enabled us to offer a wide array of engineering,
technical services catering the needs of our customers across the sectors such as power, petrochemical and manufacturing.
Alfanar Technical Services (ATS), is a prominent provider of high-quality, precision-engineered repair and rewind services for
all types of medium and high voltage static and rotating equipment like Transformers, Motors and Generators.
Alfanar Testing and Commissioning (AT&C) offers professional expertise in Testing, pre-commissioning, and commissioning
services of electrical power systems, Generation and T&D, of various voltage levels up to 400kV.
Alfanar Operation & Maintenance provides provides a wide range of services to suit the electrical infrastructure of modern
Alfanar Calibration Laboratory is a well-equipped electrical, mechanical and electronic equipment calibration, repair and
maintenance center to guarantee accurate test results. The lab’s calibration services conform to the regulatory and audit
requirements of a variety of industries.
Alfanar Training Institute (ATI) provides specialized and advanced technical training programs for Generation, Transmission
and Distribution. With the most modern and advanced equipment for simulated training, ATI also offer practical classes
as part of its training programmers. The trainers are certified by international OEMs and approved by the Technical and
Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC).
Alfanar Steel Structures divisions is primarily involved in the designing, engineering, fabrication and installation of steel
structures for various kinds of infrastructure related to DII, Gas, Power, Water and infrastructures.
Muhammed Taybah
Alfanar Headquarters: PO Box: 301, Northern
Ring Road, Between Exit 5 & 6, Al-Nafal, Riyadh,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
F: +966 112758811
Platinum Sponsor
Founded in 1979, Arabian Fal is a locally owned, ISO 9001:2015,
ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018, award-winning and
industry-recognized provider of a wide range of equipment
and services to commercial and industrial clients from over 15
locations throughout Saudi Arabia.
Beginning in the late 70’s & early 80’s and throughout Saudi
Arabia’s growth in becoming the world’s largest oil producer,
Arabian Fal was a pioneer and key contributor to the large-scale
infrastructure expansion, as well as a key provider of technology,
manpower and Best Practices required to execute projects
successfully for a variety of large industrial and commercial
1. Scaffolding
2. General Maintenance
3. Resource Supply
6. Facility Management
inYanbu. Yasref uses 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) of Arabian heavy crude oil to produce premium
transportation fuels, as well as high-value refined products for both international and domestic markets.
Yasref is a significant addition to the impressive downstream portfolio of Saudi Aramco, while
building on and cementing the strategic partnership with Sinopec, Saudi Aramco᾿s largest crude
oil partner and buver. Both companies bring commercial and technical expertise to the joint venture
to enhance trade of transportation fuels between a significant energy producer and its consumer.
In addition, Yasref represents a continuing step forward in the strategies of Saudi Aramco and Sinopec
to drive growth further downstream to capture additional value along the hydrocarbon chain.
Our Products:
287,000 barrel per day (bpd) of Diesel
105,000 barrel per day (bpd) of Gasoline
16,000 barrel per day (bpd) of Butane
5,000 barrel per day (bpd) of Propane
6,200 ton per day (TPD) of Petroleum Coke
1.200 ton per day (TPD) of Pelletized Sulfur
400 ton per day (TPD) of Benzene
Platinum Sponsor
The Yanbu Aramco Sinopec Refining Company (YASREF) Ltd., a joint venture between Saudi
Aramco and China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec), is a world-class, full-conversion
refinery that covers about 5.2 million square meters in the Yanbu Industrial City, and is the
key anchor project in Yanbu. YASREF uses 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) of Arabian heavy
crude oil to produce premium transportation fuels, as well as high-value refined products for
both international and domestic markets.
In addition, YASREF represents a continuing step forward in the strategies of Saudi Aramco
and Sinopec to drive growth further downstream to capture additional value along the
hydrocarbon chain.
Our Products:
Khalid AlOnaizan
Public Relations Specialist
SAP Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is recognized as one of the fastest growing markets
for SAP globally and is a key investment area for the company. Since its establishment in late
2007 SAP has rapidly expanded its operations and customer base and now has 12 offices
across the region. Today, the company has more than 1350+ customers and continues to
build capacity across the eco system with more than 1600 qualified SAP consultants and
120 business partners to support the MENA market in 16 countries across the region.
Hussain Nabi
4th Floor, RD-01, ITCC, PO Box 19319, 11435
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
S P O N S O R S 63
At plus-1.561 million metric tonnes per annum (2021), Alba is one of the world’s
largest Aluminium smelters with more than 50 years of excellence in Operations,
Safety, Environment and Socio-Economic Development. A blue-chip asset of the
Kingdom of Bahrain, Alba completed five decades of commercial operations in
May 2021. The Company marked its Golden Jubilee by breaking all its previous
records in Safety and topped 30 million Safe working-hours without Lost Time
Injury (LTI) on 01 September 2022 for the first-time in its history.
Alba produces high-quality Aluminium products in the form of Standard and Value-Added Products (VAP)s, which are
exported to more than 240 global customers through its sales offices in Europe (Zurich), Asia (Hong Kong & Singapore)
and subsidiary office in the U.S. Alba is dual listed on Bahrain Bourse and London Stock Exchange and its shareholders
are Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company B.S.C. © (69.38%), SABIC Industrial Investments Company (SIIC) (20.62%) and
General Public (10%). Alba holds globally-recognised certifications such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001,
IATF 16949:2016, ISO 22301:2012 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) and ASI Performance Standard
Certification and Ecovadis Certification.
As the first Aluminium smelter in the Middle East, Alba has been a major contributor to the social, industrial, and economic
development of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Alba sits at the heart of a thriving Aluminium downstream sector in Bahrain, which
accounts for approximately 12% of the Kingdom’s GDP. As one of the biggest national companies, Alba has ensured not
only the employment of Bahrain nationals (84% in 2021) but also the enhancement of their capabilities through education,
training, and development initiatives at every stage of their career.
SATORP is one of the most advanced refineries in the world, with a processing
capacity of 450,000 barrels per day of Arabian Heavy Crude to produce petroleum
products and petrochemicals with a commitment to the highest international
standards of health, safety, and environment; and at the same time having
continuous development and leadership in the region. This world-class refinery
that came to being out of the expertise of the two oil giants, Saudi Aramco, and
TotalEnergies, is located at Jubail Industrial City in the East Province of Saudi
Arabia. 65
We& deliver
Reliability Solutions
Industry-leading asset performance solutions to improve maintenance
processes, industry-leading services
asset reliability, andengineered to improve
provide the systems and data
maintenance processes, increase asset reliability, and provide
analysis to help you reduce maintenance costs and keep your people
the systems and data analysis to help you reduce maintenance
and equipment safe.
costs and keep your people and equipment safe.
“One of the world’s leading providers of engineered technology, John Crane supplies services and products for mission-
critical operations in the oil and gas, chemical processing and power generation industries. We partner with our customers
around the world to deliver process and equipment reliability through a relentless focus on quality, a passion for service, and
uncompromising commitment to our people, safety, the environment, and ethical business practices. At MAINTCON, we
will present new solutions to sustain your operations at peak performance, including extended turbomachinery services and
methane reduction strategies, from identification to resolution.”
Hani Attia
John Crane Saudi Arabia Ltd. Stand Nos
Dammam, Second Industrial City, Road 68, P.O 3243 Dammam
Country Sales Manager, KSA 34327 – 8477, KSA
Juliet Kerbaj T: 013 812 1656/0550492253, +971 48127750 F: 013 8121316
Regional Marketing Specialist MEA E:,
Artificial Intelligence Global Company (AIGC) is a Saudi National platform
independent service provider of digital industrial solutions for process Industry and
smart cities. AIGC is a subsidiary of AlGihaz Holding that has 14 subsidiaries and
has been in the business of EPC for more than 40 years. AIGC is one of its kind
in the region developing Integrated Center of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence
based IT and OT applications. It infuses with intelligence to empower people to shape a sustainable future. We work in
collaboration with our technology partners to sponsor their state-of-the-art applications to our customers.
We provide a broad spectrum of advanced engineering and integrated digital solutions with key focus on Artificial Intelligence
and other disruptive digital solutions and services for Oil, Gas, Petrochemical/Chemical, Power and Manufacturing industries
as well as Smart Cities across the region. Some of the technologies and solutions we offer include AI-based Advanced
Analytics, Process Modeling and Optimization, Robotics and Drones, Process Safety Management and Mobility, Digital Twin,
IoT, AR/VR and Smart City solutions.
About AspenTech
Aspen Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: AZPN) is a global software leader helping industries at the forefront of the world’s dual
challenge meet the increasing demand for resources from a rapidly growing population in a profitable and sustainable
manner. AspenTech solutions address complex environments where it is critical to optimize the asset design, operation and
maintenance lifecycle. Through our unique combination of deep domain expertise and innovation, customers in capital-
intensive industries can run their assets safer, greener, longer and faster to improve their operational excellence. To learn
more, visit 67
يف جمال إنشاء الطرق واجلسور وصيانتها والبنية التحتية وجتهيز مواقع العمل وتطوير١٩75 ختصصت شركة عبد العالي العجمي منذ أنشائها عام
املخططات العقارية و خدمات النقل الربي وقد نفذت الشركة مجيع مشاريعها حسب املواصفات القياسية لكل من شركة أرامكو السعودية ووزارة
ويوجد للشركة عدة.النقل ووزارة الشؤون البلدية والقروية ووزارة االسكان ووزارة املياه و الكهرباء واهليئة امللكية للجبيل و ينبع وهيئة املدن الصناعية
. جنران- جدة- جازان- اخلرب- اإلحساء- املدينة املنورة- مشاريع يف الرياض
Abdul Ali Al-Ajmi Company specializing Since Its Establishment in 1975 in the field of construction and maintenance of roads
bridges, infrastructure and processing work sites and develop real estate plans and land transportation services the company has
implemented all of its projects according to the standard specifications for each of Saudi Armco, the Ministry of Transportation, ,
the Ministry of municipal and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry of Electricity and water and the Royal Commission
for Jubail, Yanbu and Saudi Industrial Property Authority.The company has several projects in Riyadh - Madinah - Al-Ahsa – Al-
Khobar - Jazan - Jeddah – Najran.
Stand Nos
Al Ajmi
Ghassan Al-Omari Al - Ajmi Tower, Riyadh St. P.O.Box 447, Al Hasa
Project Management E: D08
Al Abdulkarim Holding (AKH) is a family owned conglomerate having diversified interests in
Industrial supply chain management, Technology, Engineering, Manufacturing, Construction,
Operation & Maintenance, AKH is also a major electrical distributor in the Kingdom serving oil &
gas, chemical/petrochemical, power, water utilities and other industrial segments. Our supply
chain and warehousing capabilities serving electrical material/bulks is spread all over the region
with dedicated warehouses & sales channels.
AKH’s Subsidiaries Includes: 69
we can’t do it alone
Transforming the entire energy system requires
Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG.
Building on almost a century of Siemens’ infrastructure development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Siemens Energy
combines conventional and renewable technologies with digitalization to advance the oil and gas, power generation and
transmission sectors in the country.
Siemens Energy is playing a key role in supporting the Kingdom on its journey toward achieving Vision 2030: a vibrant
society, thriving economy and an ambitious nation. It is committed to achieving the Kingdom’s decarbonization goals under
Vision 2030 and is supporting the country to purify about 1,500 tons of CO2 a day.
Globally, Siemens Energy generates about €27 billion in revenue and has some 88,000 employees worldwide. Today, 20
percent of the world’s energy supply is already based on Siemens technology.
Established in 1963, Nass The Group is a diversified and dynamic industrial conglomerate and construction powerhouse.
The Group encompasses 32 companies that are engaged primarily in contracting, manufacturing, marine services and
related trading activities.
Ranked as one of the best of its kind, Nass The Group has a proven track record executing complex projects across a wide
range of industries. The company has expanded its reach beyond the borders of Bahrain to offer its innovative, turnkey
solutions in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the U.A.E, Oman, and Qatar where the Group is steadily gaining market share.
Today, the next generation of the Nass family continues to explore expansion opportunities geographically and in product
and service offerings in order to maximize stakeholder value and protect the future prosperity of Nass The Group.
Abdulla Nass and Partners Co. Ltd (ANPC) established in the year 1995 with a view to serve the growing constructions
needs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Since then, ANPC has grown steadily, and is now recognized as a key player
in the market offering comprehensive solutions to the Kingdom’s varied sectors of oil and gas, petrochemicals, marine,
construction, contracting, commercial trading, and manufacturing sectors. 71
Saudi Diesel Equipment Company (SDEC) was established in 1978 and was formerly known as Saudi Diesel Generators
Company. Saudi Diesel Equipment Company is part of the Abduljawad Group of Companies including Universal Motor
Agencies, Barwill Shipping, PLC Arabia, and Saudi Amana Construction.
SDEC started by having a local manufacturing facility to design, develop, and produce its own branded diesel power
generator sets along with diesel engines and other power related accessories. This is where SDEC found its niche and
became a pioneer in the diesel generators industry and was able to develop and expand its business over the years.
Today SDEC’s portfolio has expanded to include Construction Equipment, Lifting & Concrete Equipment, Parts & Attachments,
Equipment Rentals, and continues to grow as a prominent player in the equipment market, providing the highest quality of
Gold Sponsor
Visit us at Booth D1 | +966 53 388 3659
Emkan Holding is an investment holding company incorporated in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with business interest in
various sectors like oil & gas, energy, contracting, pharmaceutical, heavy steel fabrication, ready-mix, and real estate. We are
one of the prominent groups in the Kingdom with more than 55 years of cumulative experience and having our head office
in Eastern Province. We have extended our investment outreach internationally through our subsidiary offices in Bahrain,
Egypt, and India.
We manage our business in a socially responsible and ethical manner. We develop environmentally friendly projects by
creating value through sustainable, efficient growth. We are committed to provide quality product and services to our
customer with our dedicated professional team. 73
ABIS is a leading mechanical services provider in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Headquartered in
Jubail Industrial City and several branches located
across Kingdom of Saudi Arabia supporting our
customers as: SABIC, Saudi Aramco, SADARA
and Private Industries.
We are a one stop solution to the global Oil and
Gas, Petrochemical and EPC majors offering
plant maintenance services, manpower solutions
and capital equipment support through quality
workforce and management professionals.
Our people our strength. Our vast, diversified
experience and profound domain knowledge with
focus on safety, quality and on time delivery are
the key drivers for our business. We the whole
team of ABIS will constantly seek to leverage our
competencies and aspire to the most preferred
mechanical services to all our clients.
ABIS have a strong team of experienced
engineers, supervisors, and technicians to support
maintenance works in all major Petrochemical and
Oil & Gas Refineries. Our strength has been steady
increasing with a heavy focus In-House training
and third-party certifications.
ABIS Divisions:
• Plant Services
• Manpower Solution
• Civil solution
• Bolt Torquing
• Scaffolding
• Coating and blasting
& Contracting Est.
Materials Supplier of high
quality valve care products
& valve maintenance
support services.
Your Valve
Services Offered: maintenance &
Specialized in Valve Technician
Emergency Valve Training with specialist
Sealing Solution, Mobile Trading Lab
in-line AHSTCO - one of the
Seized or hard to fast-growing
Valve Care operate valve Establishment in
Maintenance, repair (All types)
Greasing, PM
Saudi Arabia
Maintenace and Seat leakage specialized in Valve
repairing. measurement & Care Maintenance
sealing solutions and In-Line Under
Industrial Nitrogen Supply High Pressure Valve
Services: Nitrogen pressure Valve
Purging, Pressuring Cleaners,
Repair in the
& Mothballing Lubricants & Kingdom in
Sealants, High supplying leading
Mobile Flood Lights pressure greasing valve care
Services /Sealing maintenance
Equipment, High
Gear Boxes spare pressure injection
products in the
parts: Bearing; fittings & special world.
worm gear, driving adapters for oil
nut, housing, etc. and gas valves 75
Since 1973
Kuwait, Industrial Ardiya, Block 2, Building 2 1 888 010 / 229 42 000 2434 2633 w w w. f a w a z . c o m
For nearly five decades, FAWAZ Group has built a legacy of excellence. The Group was founded in Kuwait in 1973 by the
late Mr. Mubarak Abdulaziz Al-Hasawi. Since its inception, the Group has achieved remarkable success and has made
great strides in various fields – achieving extraordinary growth and reliability. FAWAZ Trading & Engineering Services Co.
(formerly known as FAWAZ Refrigeration & Air- Conditioning Co.) is a multinational company with its headquarters in Kuwait.
The company has a presence across the GCC, operating in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Oman, and Qatar, employing
more than 5000 highly skilled employees, and providing outstanding services to our valued clients. The Group has become
a leader in refrigeration and air-conditioning, fire fighting, fire alarm & security, ventilation systems and pumps. It pioneers
providing new and innovative solutions in the fields of electro-mechanical engineering, contracting and installation operations.
The Group also has an excellent track record in the control and maintenance of major projects in its respective industries.
FAWAZ Facility Management provides a complete range of top-quality FM services and solutions that cater to our client’s
needs round the clock, including a host of both hard and soft facility managements solutions, supported by a robust
underlying platform that ensures excellent service provision. We provide services to Oil & Gas installations, Power Stations,
Hospitals, Universities, Port Complexes, High-rise Towers, Hospitality Facilities, Offices, Shopping Malls, Residential
Buildings, Villas, Mosques, Schools, Sports Facilities, Playgrounds and more. These facilities receive a high level of attention
and support, due to the employment of the right infrastructure, equipment, and qualified staff, ensuring that these buildings
will operate safely, efficiently and profitably. While moving forward with our several decades of experience, we endeavor to
continually improve and update with the latest technologies in the market to serve our esteemed clients and customers in a
better and timely manner.
Industry 4.0 77
Our service expertise,
your performance
Let’s put our heads together
Want to increase the uptime of your motors, generators and drives? ABB Motion
Services offers you the expertise to improve reliability and ensure maintenance
optimization, whether planned or recovery, is at your finger tips. We help to
maintain your equipment to improve uptime, performance and lifetime.
We keep the world turning, while saving energy every day.
ABB is a leading global technology company that energizes the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more
productive, sustainable future. By connecting software to its electrification, robotics, automation and motion portfolio, ABB
pushes the boundaries of technology to drive performance to new levels. With a history of excellence stretching back more
than 130 years, ABB’s success is driven by about 105,000 talented employees in over 100 countries.
ABB is an acronym made up of the first letters from the names of our two parent companies – ASEA AB of Sweden, and
BBC Brown Boveri Ltd. of Switzerland. These two companies merged in 1988 to create Asea Brown Boveri, better known
as ABB. We are pleased to hold a leading position, either first, second or third in each of our product areas, and in each
industry we serve.
Company headquarters: Zurich, Switzerland.
ABB is a publicly traded company, which means it is owned by shareholders. Shares of ABB stocks are listed on exchanges
in New York, Stockholm, Frankfurt and London/Zurich. ABB‘s presence in Saudi Arabia dates back to 1951, when oil
production was beginning to surge. Brown Boveri entered the Saudi market with supply of three gas turbines to the Arabian
Oil Company (ARAMCO). Since then there was no looking back for ABB. ABB has been deeply involved in the development
of the Kingdom’s infrastructure for utilities and industries. As part of ABB group, ABB in Saudi Arabia acts to serve the local
customers with a full range of world-class power and automation technology products and services. Being integrated in
the local market makes it possible to provide customers the right products and services, which suit any special needs and
requirements. With more than 1,000 employees, ABB in Saudi Arabia consists of several companies covering ABB’s wide
range of activities; like manufacturing, contracting, services and trading. We cover all major populated areas of Saudi Arabia,
enhancing proximity and responsiveness to our customers.
Go digital brain.
Emerson’s Plantweb digital ecosystem
is the brain for smarter, safer and more
sustainable performance.
Emerson Automation Solutions is a global leader in automation and process management, driving innovation through
a broad portfolio of solutions. Emerson leverages its technology, consultants, and expertise to help facilities proactively
approach asset performance management by providing the focus and clarity necessary to achieve the plant’s vision of peak
Emerson’s reliability consulting services guide customers in implementing a holistic asset management model that reduces
the frequency, duration, and impact of planned and unplanned events by instilling a philosophy of proactive maintenance.
Alongside the wide range of asset monitoring solutions, the application of predictive intelligence provides deeper insight into
asset health. This approach greatly reduces unscheduled downtime, drives down maintenance spending, increases safety
& availability, and supports data-driven decision-making.
Emerson’s asset performance platform aggregates predictive intelligence. It delivers concise information to the right people,
wherever they are located, turning operational data into curated insights that allow more significant opportunities for
collaboration and improved decision-making.
Emerson’s automation technology portfolio gives operators greater insight into operational health, drives greater collaboration
across operational stakeholders, and supports seamless & efficient operations that maximize throughput and minimize
maintenance costs. 79
S P O N S O R S 81
Mahmoud Tulbah Contracting Est.
Industrial Services Provider . Calibration Laboratory Email: ,
Our Location: Dammam.Riyadh.Haradh.Jubail.Yanbu.Bahrain
MT-Enterprises is an ARAMCO Approved Industrial Services Company serving Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Chemical, Power,
and Water Clients in Saudi Arabia. MT Enterprises was established with a motive to avail the BEST services for our customers
through offering the highest quality, incorporating engineers and professional technicians who are highly experienced in
Electrical Testing, Commissioning, Calibration, NDT, Operation & Maintenance, Training, Installation & Repair Services for
Gas Turbines, Steam Turbines, Power Generators, Transformers, Switchgears, Protection System, and Instrumentation.
Our skilled engineers and technicians have years of experience offering unmatched professional level services. We believe
that, quality work should be done right the first time in an efficient and cost effective manner. MT Enterprises provides its
clients a One-Stop-Shop solution with a 360º services offerings.
MT-Enterprises also has Instrumentation & Calibration labs that offers wide range of services like Testing and Commissioning,
E&I Pre-commissioning, Excitation Systems, Electrical Panels Testing, Relay Testing, HVAC, and Turbo Machinery Control
Systems & FLOWMETER Calibration in Dammam, Jubail, Riyadh, Haradh, Yanbu, and Bahrain.
Our Services
• Instrument and Valve Calibration • Valve and Flange Testing • Air Quality Test Service Provider
• Bolt Torquing and Tensioning • Flange Facing • Thermal Mapping and Validation
• Pipe Cold Cutting • Hydrotesting Services • Hydrotest Manifold Supplier
• Lifting Equipment Inspection • Shutdown Inspection & Service Providing • Tri-Sen Supplier
• Onshore and offshore Rig Calibration • Electrical Installation & Commissioning • Basler Electric Supplier
• Flow Meter Calibration • Mobile Calibration Service Provider • Nord Lock Supplier
• Onsite Calibration Service • Onshore & Offshore rig calibration • Watchgas Detector Supplier
i-FRAME® Bearing Housing
This modern i-FRAME™ bearing housing
design comes standard on all Goulds
between-bearings pumps. A revolutionary
oil capture and delivery system provides
consistent lubrication to lower bearing
temperatures and optimize bearing life.
Goulds 3640 (BB2)
Goulds VIT
Goulds VIC
Goulds 3171
Goulds 3700
ITT Goulds Pumps is among the most widely recognized and respected brands in the global pump industry, serving
customers in the oil and gas, mining, power generation, chemical, pulp and paper, and general industrial markets; in
addition, monitoring and control equipment, as well as aftermarket services and parts. As the only manufacturer to make
digital monitoring standard on every process pump, ITT Goulds Pumps continues to lead the industry in both mechanical
pump design and the adoption of smart technologies.
ITT Saudi Company – PRO Services: Building on over 160 years of Goulds Pumps and Bornemann experience ITT PRO
Services provides replacement parts, repair and upgrade services, reliability and maintenance programs, and asset
management assistance to customers with the goals of extending equipment life, reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO),
and increasing plant output.
Our Other Brands:
ITT Rheinhütte Pumpen
ITT Rheinhütte Pumpen is a market-leading designer and manufacturer of centrifugal and axial flow pumps suited to
corrosive, abrasive and high-temperature industrial process environments.
ITT Bornemann
ITT Bornemann is a market-leading provider of multiphase pumping systems for the oil and gas industry, and also serves the
industrial, food and beverage, and pharmaceutical sectors. 83
Solutions for Valves,
Actuators, Pumps
HABOOB successfully
managed to become one
of the most demanded
companies in the on-line
engineering services
HABOOB as a Group was established in Al-Ahsa, on the Eastern Coast of Saudi Arabia, in August 2017.Within a short
span of time, HABOOB successfully managed to become one of the most demanded companies in the on-line engineering
services sector .HABOOB employs qualified and innovative individuals who have the necessary skills and years of experience
to respond to today’s, valve needs.
Business activities:
• Special Online Engineering ,maintenance and Repairing of Valves & Actuator under pressure .
• Oil, Gas and water Field Services
• Manufacturing & Maintenance of Grease Skid
• Manufacturing Aspect of Valves.
• Pumps and Compressors Repair &PM
• Training of personnel
EagleBurgmann is one of the world’s leading manufacturer of industrial sealing solutions. EagleBurgmann product range
varies from Mechanical seals, Dry Gas Seals, Diaphragm couplings, Expansion Joints, Gland Packings and Gaskets.
EagleBurgmann is a dependable, competent partner. Our customers are always in total control of the media in their pumps,
agitators, compressors, blowers, turbines, valves and pipeline systems even when operating conditions are extremely harsh.
There is good reason why customers in the oil & gas, refinery, chemical, energy, food processing, paper, water, marine,
aerospace, mining and other industries choose EagleBurgmann as their sealing solutions supplier.
Outstanding quality is the top priority at EagleBurgmann. Our products are designed for user-friendly installation, optimal
functionality and long service life. Our R&D activities, advanced quality management system, in-house test facilities and
profound engineering expertise ensure that our seals meet the most challenging customer expectations. Starting right
back in the development phase, our employees continually verify the quality of our products, and we carry out systematic
inspection and testing to guarantee that customers are getting utmost quality.
EagleBurgmann products deliver safe, reliable sealing performance in any application including oil pumping and cracking,
gas compression, process gas containment, phase separation or synthesis of chemical substances, pipeline sealing, dairy
product filling or compensation of temperature expansion in flue gas systems.
Our challenge is to design seals that are able to withstand a wide range of media, different aggregate states and varying
pressure and temperature and to provide special solutions for small installations up to seal contact areas of several meters.
Every application has its own special requirements profile, and our job is to provide the best sealing solution. 85
ScoreArabia Services
Valve management:
> Repair and recertification services
> Engineering services
> Specialist testing
> New supply
> Inventory, rationalization & utilization of Valves
> In-country training
On-site services:
> Valve Repair
> Flange management
> Pressure testing
> On-site machining and welding
> Emissions Elimination Program
Bringing expert valve repair, valve training and valve diagnostic capabilities to companies working in the Saudi Energy sector.
We provide complex engineering solutions to the local energy industry in Saudi Arabia. Supporting your journey now and in
the future.
Supporting your challenges in a circular carbon economy. Achieve true sustainability in your operations, through targeted
emissions reduction, valve management services including recycling and cost reduction initiatives.
Our services include:
Valve repair and certification services
Valve condition monitoring
In-kingdom valve training
PSV recertification
Hydrostatic testing
High pressure gas testing
Actuation and control systems
New valve sales
Turnaround planning and management (valves)
Valve engineering
Project valve management
Inventory management
(WAHAJ) 87
Reduce your maintenance costs
by at least 6 times your investment,
year after year
CiM Maintenance is a group of expert consultants in asset reliability that help asset
intensive companies worldwide optimize their asset performance, enabling them to
achieve maintenance excellence and get outstanding bottom line results.
CiM offers Visual Planner for SAP and IBM Maximo, the most comprehensive work
week management solution to help companies transition from a reactive to planned
Visual Planner allows schedulers to digitalize the maintenance scheduling information
and easily visualize all the complex work execution data parameters in a single graphical
screen, enabling them to monitor execution of the work required to ensure that critical
maintenance is done on-time, maximizing equipment uptime and production capacity
as well as increasing crew’s productivity by 10 to 35%.
Stand Nos
CiM Maintenance
Jean Charbonneau ADNIC Tower, Suite 914 PO Box 752433
President Khalifa Street, Abu Dhabi UAE A14
Your needs take center stage
HOERBIGER delivers spare parts, overhauls compressors, repairs components, and gets them ready for
the next maintenance interval. Services offered provide long-term improvements in reliability, efficiency
and environmental soundness. The goal: to make your plant run even more profitably. 89
Dietsmann is the leading independent Operation & Maintenance specialist for continuous-production plant in the energy
sector. The Company’s reputation for excellence is the result of 45 years of accumulated know-how of plant and equipment.
As the largest independent provider of specialized operation and maintenance services, Dietsmann is also the leader in
Maintenance Engineering and Inspection. Known for its pioneering approach and consistent focus on the core business, the
Group has always been responsive to the clients’ needs, innovative and more agile than larger, integrated competitors. This
culture has earned the Group the trust of clients, with whom long-standing relationships are maintained.
Maintenance 4.0
Dietsmann is a global front-runner in developing, testing and applying New Technologies into its day-to-day operations in the
energy industry. Therefore, it invests substantial amounts in Research and Development for the digitalization of maintenance
to lead the way towards the SMART Operation & Maintenance of tomorrow focusing on Robotics, Digitalization and Data
Analytics. Integrating such new technologies enables Dietsmann to engineer predictive maintenance through 24/7 data
collection, as well as provide highly competitive deliverables for current and new partners.
Responsible maintenance for a sustainable future
Dietsmann always aims to meet its stakeholders’ highest levels of expectation in respect of Corporate Social Responsibility
and sustainability. Dietsmann adheres to the principles of integrity, respect, loyalty, efficiency and transparency laid down in
its Business Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy, the Company being a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact – the
world’s largest corporate citizenship and sustainability initiative.
ALFALAK ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES CO. is a leading IT and communications solution provider that has
continuously been ranked by Arab News as one of the top 100 Companies in Saudi Arabia. With over 40 years of experience
and operations throughout the Middle East, the company is focused on delivering complete End-To-End solutions.
The majority of Alfalak’s staff is comprised of qualified professionals of internationally trained IT experts, consultants, specialists
and technicians. This combination helps ensure that we are fully responsive to industry standard platform changes and to
offer constantly updated systems integration, installation, programming, training and support.
AL FALAK through its System Solutions & Consulting Division FSSC delivers an extensive experience of Best-in-Class
integrated infrastructure solutions with reputable prime organizations: Saudi Aramco, Saudi Electricity Company, SABIC,
Madden, Etc.
FSSC has completed several Mid-Form Contracts (MFC) and Short Form Contracts (SFC) with Saudi Aramco as main
contractor. The scope of work comprises of various activities which includes: Telecommunication, Industrial Security, Civil
Construction, Electrical and Mechanical Works. 91
Ahmad Hamad AlGosaibi & Bros. Group of Companies
TECMO Arabia Ltd. Was established in 1980 as a Joint venture between FIAT TTG and A. H. Al-Gosaibi & Bors. Co. with the
main propose of providing FIAT TTG with local qualified support and facilities for the erection, Operation and Maintenance of
Gas Turbine Power Plants. From 1st of June 1991, TECMO Arabia Ltd. has become a 100% Saudi owned company under
a full protection of A. H. Algosaibi & Bros Group in Saudi Arabia, and backed up by a group of experts who are known in the
world of power industry application services and supported by exclusive agents from several global companies which offer
modern technologies and technical support to our customer.
TECMO performed several contracts (Long term & short term) with major clients in Saudi like Saudi Aramco, Saudi Electricity
Company and Military cities for Construction, Operation & Maintenance of Power Plants, scheduled and unscheduled
maintenance & inspections of Gas/Steam Turbines, Generators, Relocation of Gas Turbines and repair of Gas turbine hot
components, etc.
TECMO has specialized maintenance team and variety of Electrical and Mechanical Service includes: Supply of Major and
Auxiliary spare parts, Operation, Relocation, Control System upgrade, Erection, Commissioning, Inspection, Preventive,
emergency or scheduled and Overhaul service of Gas Turbine, Steam Turbine, Diesel Engines and Generators.
TECMO’s crew of engineers, supervisors, craft workers and support personnel are on call to respond quickly to emergency
breakdowns or to develop and conduct preventive maintenance programs tailored to meet all Power Generation sector.
The National Industrial Training Institute (NITI) is a state-of-the-art institute that inspires passion for training excellence, world-
class training programs, and human resources development.
NITI is an independent, not-for-profit training institute. It is the result of a strategic partnership between Saudi Aramco (SA)
and the Technical & Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
NITI, that is located in a land lot donated by Saudi Aramco in Al- Hasa, intends to train and qualify young Saudis in order to
meet the market & industry needs, contribute to community growth, help reduce unemployment and support the Kingdom’s
Saudization efforts.
NITI offers industrial training mainly to high school graduates to qualify them to work in the Oil / Gas, Petrochemical,
Energy and Construction industries, in addition to their various related Services Companies NITI will sustain best-in-class
quality standards, obtain international accreditation and will be targeted to become a benchmark and a model for training
excellence for potential replication in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 93
Veolia Near & Middle East
As the global benchmark company for ecological
transformation, Veolia Near & Middle East provides
public authorities and industries with game-changing
solutions that are both useful and practical for water,
waste and energy management, generating a positive
impact on communities and climate.
Committed to delivering innovative, cost-effective and
sustainable solutionswhile contributing to “Resourcing
the World”.
As the global benchmark company for ecological transformation, Veolia Near & Middle East provides public authorities
and industries with game-changing solutions that are both useful and practical for water, waste and energy management,
generating a positive impact on communities and climate.
Veolia Near & Middle East is committed to delivering innovative, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions to its clients and to
enhance their performance while contributing to “Resourcing the World” through our commitment as “We Are Resources”.
Through its three complementary business activities, Veolia helps to develop access to resources, preserve available
resources, and replenish them. Veolia enables the development and enhancement of the local loop of materials by developing
a circular economy, based on the 3R approach: Reduce, Ruse, Recycle.
We continue to adapt and innovate in step with economic growth and human development by designing and implementing
solutions that will have a positive impact on the environment and resources. Our goal is to build a better 21st century.
Present in 10 middle east countries with headquarters in Dubai. Our clients and stakeholders are in Turkey , Jordan , Kuwait
, Bahrain , Oman , Qatar , United Arab Emirates , Saudi Arabia , Egypt & Lebanon.
We know the equipment. We understand the processes. We deliver the reliability, safety, and value you need to succeed.
Rotoflow, an Air Products business, continues to transform the hydrocarbon, LNG, petrochemical, industrial
gas, and energy recovery markets with turbomachinery that powers the world’s most efficient processing
Our world-class support is growing with the addition of new service facilities, capabilities, and team
members to support and service turbomachinery from nearly any manufacturer while meeting the needs
of customers around the world.
Whether you need new equipment, installation and commissioning, maintenance and repair, or overhauls
and upgrades, Rotoflow is here to help you keep your operations running at their best.
Rotoflow, an Air Products business, combines the industry’s most trusted name in turbomachinery with world-leading
industrial gas expertise. Rotoflow is a turbomachinery company backed by more than 125 years of combined experience,
has collectively built over 4,000 expanders, and offers world-class mean time between failures measured at over 20 years.
Rotoflow’s proven designs have millions of successful hours of operation and there are more than 3,000 units currently
operating worldwide.
Rotoflow brings a new level of expertise to the design, build, and support of mission-critical turbomachinery. As one of the only
original equipment manufacturers both manufacturing and operating turbomachinery, Rotoflow knows the equipment and
processes. This unique access to operational data enables Rotoflow to continuously incorporate feedback and knowledge
into machinery design to deliver world-class reliability, safety, and value.
Our world-class support is growing with the addition of new service facilities, capabilities, and team members to support and
service turbomachinery from nearly any manufacturer while meeting the needs of customers around the world. Whether you
need new equipment, installation and commissioning, maintenance and repair, or overhauls and upgrades, Rotoflow is here
to help you keep your operations running at their best.
For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. 95
Your Future Is What your Data Tells You
A Driven by Data Business can Predicts the Future with the Right
Tools: Integration, Visualization and Analytic is What we at
Basserah will Walk Along with you through to a Thriving Business.
Leak Detection
Bearing Condition Monitoring
Bearing Lubrication
Steam Traps & Valves
Electrical Inspection
Level I & Level II Ultrasound Training
Onsite Implementation Training
Application Specific Training
Free support & license-free software
Online Courses
Free access to our Learning Center
(webinars, articles, tutorials) 97
3485, Abqaiq city, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
VALVE SHIELDS EST. is a fast-growing establishment in Saudi Arabia offering
standard and advanced sealing components to handle applications covering oil
& gas industry. Our focus is to be a complete partner while exceeding our
client’s needs and expectations. At VALVE SHIELDS EST. we believe a methodical
approach while utilizing quality is the most important element to lubrication
and sealing. Our lubricants, sealants and equipment are tested thoroughly to
receive the highest performance, extended service life and the highest quality
possible in the industry.
VALVE SHIELDS EST. has designed new valve fittings, valve accessories,
pneumatic fittings and high-pressure greasing pumps capable of meeting and
exceeding the demands of rapidly developing energy industry by investing in
R&D that is dedicated to understanding fitting and equipment failures. Our
team employs numerous personnel in a wide range of skills to satisfy the
requirements of clients. Utilizing proper techniques VALVE SHIELDS EST.
ensures safe operations by using quality material for increased mechanical
strength and corrosion resistance.
Services offered:
• Valve grease and lubricant
• Valve sealants
• Gearbox grease
• Valve Injection fittings
• Valve service adapters
• High pressure injection pumps
VALVE SHIELDS EST. is a fast-growing establishment in Saudi Arabia offering standard and advanced sealing components
to handle applications covering oil & gas industry. Our focus is to be a complete partner while exceeding our client’s needs
and expectations. At VALVE SHIELDS EST. we believe a methodical approach while utilizing quality is the most important
element to lubrication and sealing. Our lubricants, sealants and equipment are tested thoroughly to receive the highest
performance, extended service life and the highest quality possible in the industry.
VALVE SHIELDS EST. has designed new valve fittings, valve accessories, pneumatic fittings, and high-pressure greasing
pumps capable of meeting and exceeding the demands of rapidly developing energy industry by investing in R & D that is
dedicated to understanding fitting and equipment failures. Our team employs numerous personnel in a wide range of skills
to satisfy the requirements of clients. Utilizing proper techniques VALVE SHIELDS EST. ensures safe operations by using
quality material for increased mechanical strength and corrosion resistance.
Through commitment to excellence, a dedicated workforce along with adaptation of leading technologies, our team at
VALVE SHIELDS EST. promises to deliver cost effective services and product.
Services offered:
• Valve grease and lubricant • Valve sealants • Gearbox grease • Valve Injection fittings
• Valve service adapters • High pressure injection pumps
Sulzer Saudi Service Center
2nd Industrial City, Street 49
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Our expert
Sulzer Saudi team
Center isin-house localfor
one stop shop services for aequipment
all rotating wide range ofauxiliary
and rotatingequipment.
equipment’s including:
At Sulzer Saudi Service Center,
we believe in improving the performance, reducing downtime, and extending the life of your equipment. Our unique
• Centrifugal
technological Pumpsallows us to enhance the reliability, longevity, and performance
approach • of your
Centrifugal equipment in line with the
constantly changingRetrofits
• Upgrades / / Duty change
environment. Centrifugal
The facility pumps with all new machinery,
is equipped Axial flowlathes,
• including compressors
milling machines, balancing
• Reciprocating
equipment, hydraulic pumps
presses and 30-tonnes overhead cranes. • Geared Compressors
• Positive displacement pumps • Motor Rewinds
• Vacuum pumps • Small Steam Turbines
Our •expert team
Screw pumpsprovides in-house local services for a wide range of rotating
• equipment’s including:
• Magnetic Drive pumps • Fluid drive couplings
•• Centrifugal
Reverse Pumps
Engineering •• Centrifugal
Fans Compressors
• Upgrades / Retrofits / Duty change Centrifugal pumps • Axial flow compressors
• Reciprocating pumps • Geared Compressors
• Positive displacement pumps • Motor Rewinds
• Vacuum pumps • Small Steam Turbines
• Screw pumps • Gearboxes
• Magnetic Drive pumps • Fluid drive couplings
• Reverse Engineering • Fans 99
Advanced Control a Saudi company partnered with Lovejoy controls corporation US based company was
founded in 1978, LCC has been producing turbine governor controls and turbine instrumentation for the
power and process industry since conception. LCC has developed a new generation of high accuracy and
100% digital Ultrasonic Displacement Probe as a basis for the first turbine Rotor Deflection Monitoring and
wind generator Masthead Deflection Monitoring Systems.
Arrelic is a fast-growing deep-tech firm aiming to reduce manufacturing operation and maintenance costs
through technological innovation in asset performance management, reliability engineering, predictive
maintenance, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Sensors, Machine Learning and Artificial
Intelligence and skill development.
We aim to help manufacturing industries to improve their overall plant productivity, reliability and minimize
total production cost by 20-30% by eliminating machine downtime, lightening management decisions by
analyzing the machine data with right mind and expertise; for a worry-free operation.
Dresser Al Rushaid Valve & Instrument Co. Ltd., (Darvico), incorporated in the year 1983, is a joint venture between Al Rushaid
Petroleum Investment Co. Ltd., and Dresser International LLC, USA (Baker Hughes). The products of Darvico are widely recognized
under the brand names of Masoneilan and Consolidated. The Masoneilan products include general and severe service Control
Valves, Pressure Regulator, Level Transmitters and Smart Products. The Consolidated products are Safety Relief Valves. These
products are special for many application versatilities that are used in Oil refineries, Petrochemicals, Water treatment facilities, Gas
transmission, Hydraulic application, Power generation, Fertilizer plants, Pumps and Compressor accessories and also in Pipe line
Distran’s mission is to make industrial plants safer while reducing their environmental footprint through the use of ultrasound
imaging technology
Since its inception, Distran has built several strong partnerships with world’s leaders in the industrial field. For instance, working
closely with Alstom, General Electrics, TotalEnergies and Air Liquide allowed an improvement of the technology and its fine tuning
to fit the requirements of industrial facilities.
Distran designs and manufactures ultrasound cameras used by industry professionals and inspection specialists to pinpoint gas
leaks of any type in Oil & Gas, Power Generation and Chemistry fields. Ultrasound imaging works for any type of gas including
hydrocarbons, hydrogen, compressed air, methane, nitrogen, steam, and vacuum leaks. As many of our clients work with dangerous
gases, our products are certified against the risk of ignition, and allow operators to work safely within hazardous areas.
The camera detects gas leaks by the specific sounds they emit, meters away, without contact with the gas, and in unexpected
locations. Inspection times are up to 10 times faster than with other techniques.
Our devices resulted in multiple success stories and have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars to plant owners. There is also
another strong positive impact, on the environment this time, through the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and the energy
Distran is proudly supported by the Swiss Climate Foundation and Swiss federal office for the environment. 103
Franal Alignment is a leading company specializing in Alignment & Precision measurement Systems for shaft alignment, belt
alignment, geometric measurement, and calibration to the world’s leading industries. We assist industries by analyzing and
modifying technical problems related to calibration, alignment and geometry using Easy-Laser® systems.
We are the authorized distributors for Easy-laser Measurement & Alignment systems in the region of UAE , Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait & Oman. We also have an Easy-Laser authorized Calibration & Service center locally available in UAE serving
customers providing an excellent after sales support for all the Easy-Laser systems in our region. We are also Authorised Training
Partners for Easy-Laser providing the best services in training & use of EASY-LASER systems to solve all alignment applications .
Easy-laser® is the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of laser based measurement and alignment systems. We develop
straightforward products made to quickly and accurately perform measurements and align machines for assignments in all types
of industry.
We also have separate systems for geometrical applications like straightness, squareness, flatness, flange fatness / parallelism , roll
alignment which is used to align paper mills , CNC machines , steel industries , etc
Our industrial expertise has built a reputation for delivering innovative technology and expertise. We have a team of highly-trained
engineers committed to providing you with the services you need using proven and documented methods and state-of-the-art
FEMCO is considered as one of the leading and most promising EPC Saudi Contractors, as received many prestigious contracts
which were successfully completed all over the Kingdom, since it was established in 1995.
FEMCO has been registered to carry out all Construction Works including Civil and Electro-mechanical related to Power & Water,
Industrial Plants, District Cooling Plants, Infrastructure, Buildings and other related facilities. We have professional expertise in
Industrial, Architectural, Infrastructures and Energy related discipline. Moreover, we have more than 25 years in building, water and
sewage maintenance.
All the projects undertaken by FEMCO are executed with high quality and expert management and a work force dedicated to
their work. Through its rich resources coupled with the financial strength, effective operational system, extensive experience in
the field of construction and engineering as well as the high quality of technical and managerial staff, FEMCO recognizes any
challenge posed by new projects regardless of the size or complexity of the project with its commitment to competitive prices and
compliance to all quality standards.
FEMCO wants to maintain its status as the leading EPC contracting company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia while widening
its clientele through new projects. Our commitment is to continuously improve our quality and delivery standards to exceed our
clients’ expectations.
IGES is a 100% trading company, representing selected international manufacturers and serving more than forty customers since
2014. We represent Clyde Union Pumps as one of our premium principals.
Clyde Union Pumps (Celeros Flow Technology) is the culmination of a long and eventful engineering legacy. Through the highly-
respected, ground-breaking core companies from which we originate, we are able to claim a 140-year history. Now we are playing
an instrumental role in securing the vital energy and water resources that a sustainable society will rely on in the future.
Our engineered-to-order pumping technology is used to carry out all kinds of critical industrial functions. The vast majority of
nuclear power plants currently in operation around the world employ our reactor feed pumps. We are also a valued flow control
engineering partner to the oil/gas industry - supporting upstream, downstream, transportation and offshore exploration activities.
Other key areas we address include marine applications, seawater desalination and waste water treatment.
Combining a wealth of pump and system design knowledge with facilities equipped with the latest design, analytical and pump
testing equipment, we provide our customers with exceptional products and service - so as to boost efficiency and ensure
prolonged operation. In addition to providing after sales service on all our current products, we also offer continued support on
legacy pumps.
IRISS is the global leader in Safety & Reliability solutions for critical
asset monitoring, inspection, and management. Our Ecosystem
provides a full-spectrum approach that maximizes both asset and
workforce performance through Operator-Driven Reliability, using the
most effective systems, tools, and training. 105
NDT Corrosion Control Services Co. (NDTCCS) was established in 1975 in Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Currently with
more than 2500+ personnel, we are holding the #1 position in KSA, Kuwait, Oman with growing presence in the UAE and Bahrain.
Our mission is to be the preferred global service provider of non-destructive testing and corrosion control services by achieving
the highest level of satisfaction & confidence from customers and by producing quality jobs at competitive cost on timely manner.
Our Services:
Advanced NDT services: Phased Array UT, TOFD, IRIS, ECT, RFET, MFL, TIR, Borescope Inspection, Remote Video Crawler, AUT
pipeline zonal examination, AUT Corrosion mapping, Eddy Current Surface Inspection, Eddy Current Array, Acoustic emission
testing, EMAT, LRUT, SRUT, High temperature PAUT, High temperature Corrosion Mapping, HTHA & MIC Detection and Sizing &
GRP/FRP Inspection, LEOSCAN & Gamma Scanning Services.
Upstream inspection: Lifting Equipment Inspection & OCTG services.
Drones & Robotics: Internal & External Drone Inspections, Survey, UT & Visual Inspection Robotics.
Conventional NDT: RT, Crawler X-Ray, UT, MT, PT, PMI, Heat Treatment, Ferrite measurement, Hardness Testing and Vacuum Box
Cathodic Protection: Design and Consultancy, Surveys, Material Supply, and Installation & Maintenance.
Mechanical Testing Laboratory: Hardness, Impact & Bend Testing, Fillet Weld, Nick Break Test, Welder Qualification and Procedure
Qualification, Water analysis, Spectrum Analysis, corrosion analysis and metallography services such as In-situ Metallography,
Replica Test.
Plant Integrity Inspection: FFS and RLA Studies and RBI Studies.
We also provide Rope Access Services, Third party Inspection, Vendor Inspection and Certification Services.
Since 1983, PdMA Corporation has been the foremost leader in the
area of predictive maintenance with the MCE, EMAX and MCEMAX
motor testers. With the release of products such as the MTAP2, MTAP3
and software MCEGOLD, PdMA Corporation continues to challenge
and change current industry standards.
Safe And Shield (S&S) is a specialized services and solutions provider to the Oil & Gas, Water, and Petrochemical sectors. We help
companies and asset owners develop methodologies and systems that maintain and improve their safe operations and upgrade
the followed practices.
With 2 decades of solid experience in Materials and Corrosion related solutions and hands on projects in Oil & Gas and Construction
industries, S&S team is best positioned to transfer successful international synergies to the middle east and establish new potential
lines of business that help the local industries and main players improve operations’ efficiency. Our clients are always of utmost
importance for our business path. With our professional undertaking and treatment, we have been able to maintain a steady and
successful relationship with investors, asset owners and operators, suppliers and manufacturers, contractors, and various types
of companies. We offer a platform of services in maintenance and repair, product development and distribution, technical support
for specialty applications.
Main Supply and Installation Services of specialized anticorrosion and sustainability solutions:
• Corrosion Protection and Repair systems for Pipes, tanks, and structures
• Subsea assets repair and protection applications
• Internal Lining System for pipeline restoration
• Composite systems for integrity repair and protection pipes and structures
• Smart Insulation Systems for energy conservation and CUI mitigation
• Abrasion Resistance Systems for pipes and casings
• Wax protection system for pipes, tanks, and casing fill.
• Oil and Chemical Spill Absorbents
Call us today! 107
Alhuwais Company is leading Service and Maintenance organization for heavy
electrical and mechanical equipment serving all Industrial market in Saudi Arabia for
more than 35 years.
• SKF Authorized Distributor.
• Motor Rewinding & Electrical Testing.
The Global Forum on Maintenance & Asset Management (GFMAM) is a non-profit organization founded in May 2010 for the
purpose of knowledge creation and sharing, and for information exchange among its member societies. Since its inception the
Global Forum has held two meetings per year in conjunction with the conferences of its member societies and many opportunities
to collaborate have been identified and advanced.
Vision: To be a worldwide community, providing leadership for maintenance & asset management communities.
Mission: To promote and develop the maintenance & asset management professions by collaborating on knowledge, standards
and practices.
• To bring together, promote and strengthen the Maintenance and Asset Management community worldwide.
• To support the establishment and development of associations or institutions whose aims are maintenance and/or asset
management focused.
• To facilitate the exchange and alignment of maintenance and asset management knowledge and practices.
• To raise the credibility of member organisations by raising the profile of the Global Forum.
Members: All members of the GFMAM are non-profit organisations, controlled by the whole membership, legally formed within their
respective regions of operation, have significant membership representing a broad base from within the industry they represent,
and share the same values and objectives with the GFMAM.
Projects: Since GFMAM was created, several projects of importance to the profession have been finalized and others under
development. Final projects are available to all at:
WPiAM is a not for profit organization whose mission is to enable individuals and organizations to develop, assess and recognize
competence in Asset Management for the benefit of their members and of the asset management community globally.
WPiAM has six member organizations who represent asset management across the globe and share the same objectives. Global
members are:
• Gulf Society for Maintenance and Reliability (GSMR)
• The Asset Management Council (AMC)
• Associacao Brasileira de Manutencao e Gestao de Ativos (ABRAMAN)
• Southern African Asset Management Association (SAAMA)
• PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada (PEMAC)
• Japan Association for Asset Management (JAAM) WPiAM is focussed on delivering:
• Accreditation schemes for Asset Management professionals
• A Global Recognition scheme providing professional asset management credentials on a global scale
• Providing a laddered career path in asset management
For further information on World Partners, please visit
Government Expenditure & Projects Efficiency Authority
The purpose of the Authority’s establishment is to continue achieving spending efficiency and supporting government entities in
project and facility management, as well as programs, initiatives and operations funded by the state’s budget. Also, monitor the
implementation of Government Entities programs and initiatives, thus, contributing to the achievement of the Kingdom’s 2030
objectives of a thriving economy, a vibrant society and an ambitious nation.
Key Functions of the Authority:
1. Development of policies and strategies plans, programs and standards related to the Authority’s mandate, in coordination with
the concerned entities, and monitor their implementation.
2. Propose legislation and regulations related to the Authority’s mandate, and propose amendment to the applicable ones.
3. Study of Expenditure breakdown and related operational and capital practices applied in government entities and identity
opportunities to increase spending efficiency.
4. Establishment of joint working teams with government entities to increase spending efficiency and improve the quality of
projects, initiatives and operational programs.
5. Development of metrics and standards as well as tools, methodologies relevant to the Authority’s mandate, that contribute to
the achievement of its objectives, and adopt relevant global best practices.
6. Reporting aiming at measuring the government entities’ compliance with the recommendations, methodologies, related to the
work of the Authority, and submitting such reports to the competent authorities.
Building and construction sector is considered the second largest non-oil sector in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and contracting
industry represents an integral part in this sector. SCA aims at organizing and developing contracting sector, building distinctive
productive competencies, and creating a safe environment of international quality. SCA will also work to find an appropriate solution
to the problems and crises facing contractors in general, it will encourage innovation and enhancing communication process
among all relevant parties in the sector.
Council of Ministries resolution No. 510
SCA has been established through Council of Ministries resolution No. 510 dated 23/11/1436H to organize and develop contracting
sector to contribute in driving development in KSA. SCA will seek to achieve its objectives through permanent development of all
related aspects of working environment to reach the highest levels of productivity and quality. 111
The Middle East Facility Management Association (MEFMA) is a professional membership-based body aimed to unify the facility
management industry and help advance the FM sector in the Middle East.
MEFMA focuses on developing and promoting facility management best practices and professional standards in the region, through
membership packages with unique benefits, educational opportunities via professional training programs and certifications, reports
& research studies on latest industry trends, and extensive regional events being a knowledge sharing platform, thereby adding
value to its members and FM industry professionals.
Headquartered in Dubai (UAE) whilst operating around the GCC and Middle East region, MEFMA was established in 2009 as a
nonprofit association and formed under The Dubai Association Centre (DAC), which has been established by the Dubai Chamber
of Commerce & Industry, Dubai Business Events (part of Department for Tourism and Commerce Marketing) and the Dubai World
Trade Centre. MEFMA is also a registered member of Global Facility Management Association (Global FM).
The Kuwait Society of Engineers is the oldest public benefit society in Kuwait. It was
established, about 60 years ago in November 1962 during the beginning of the urban and
economic renaissance as well after the independence of Kuwait. The Kuwaiti engineers
realized their need for a professional society which concerns with their affairs and the
affairs of the country.
The Gulf Engineering Forum was launched in March 1997 in Kuwait as an umbrella for the gathering of the Gulf engineering bodies
in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. It was renamed as the “Gulf Engineering Union” in the eleventh forum held in Muscat
in 2007, where the engineering organizations used to hold an annual professional forum held in each GCC country periodically
starting from 1997 in the State of Kuwait. The last meeting was the twenty-third forum that was held in the Sultanate of Oman
during the month of March 2022.
The General Secretariat of the Gulf Engineering Forum shoulders a great burden and plays a vital role in supporting the Gulf
engineering programs and activities in various aspects. It focuses its attention on engineers’ needs and exerts its utmost efforts
to enhance their technical and professional level. It organizes workshops and conferences to develop the engineers’ capabilities
through training and appropriate professional qualifications to help increase and grow their expertise. This is in addition to its role
in exchanging experiences and coordinating and sustainable cooperation between GCC and Arab professional organizations and
international institutes and setting appropriate mechanisms to develop the performance of the engineering services sector in the
Gulf region and enhance its standards.
The Gulf Engineering Forum aims to enhance the role of engineering bodies by participating in engineering legislation, regulations
and laws, consolidating the rules of practicing the profession, maintaining its ethics and morals, and maximining its application level,
together with the public and private sectors to encourage the role of GCC societies in contributing in the areas of evaluation and
accreditation of engineering qualifications.
During the past years, many projects were completed, including:
1- The Code of Ethics for Engineering Professions in the GCC.
2- Classification and Qualification of Engineers System
3- Gulf Engineering Union Award for Creativity and Excellence. 113
The Society of Petroleum Engineers at Prince Mohammad Bin Fahad University (SPE PMU Chapter) is one of the most active
SPE chapters in Saudi Arabia. The PMU-SPE student chapter is a professional organization that brings students, faculty, and
professional members of the industry together to fulfill SPE’s mission by providing the opportunity for students to advance their
technical and professional skills. Students are able to take advantage of a diverse number of year-round events. The opportunities
presented, allow the students to learn more about the industry and attain valuable skills that put the theoretical aspects of their
education into practice.
These events also provide scientific, cultural, social, athletic, and artistic experiences for students to discover and develop their
talents. Our mission is to run activities that range from technical, non-technical, professional, and community events, that aims
towards preparing the chapter’s members for their professional life after graduating.
Our vision is to exceed expectations in preparing our members for any challenges that they might face in the future and to become
a stand-out chapter through our activities and activeness. The PMU-SPE chapter was revived in the spring of 2022.
Within just a few months, it was able to achieve incredible results. It is the 2nd biggest student chapter in Saudi Arabia, the chapter
also has one of the biggest female members count in the Middle East and North Africa, and it also has the largest number of new
active members in Saudi Arabia and it ranks 3rd in the Middle East and North Africa.
The definitive news source for the energy markets of the Middle
East with a unique global perspective OGN provides authoritative
information, OGN media platform is dedicated to deliver the
latest news on industry developments in carbon and non-carbon
sources of energy, contract information and support for business
development strategies for companies concerned with the energy
sector. The Platform provides authoritative information, business
intelligence, country reports and quality analysis for covering all
aspects of the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors
across the Middle East Region.
Abdulaziz Khattak
News Editor
OGN Media for the Energy Future
T: +973 3945 2484
Gulf Society for Maintenance and Reliability (GSMR), is an independent, non-profit organization founded by professionals
from major companies in the GCC region to promote the maintenance and reliability profession. It was founded in January
2010. GSMR vision is to be recognized as maintenance and reliability partner in the Gulf region. GSMR activities include holding
conferences (, seminars, workshops, training courses and others. GSMR has partnership with reputable
societies such as Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) (, SMRP, BSE, SCE,
BSE is a professional voluntary organization concerned with engineers in Bahrain and looking after their interest and seeking to
develop their capabilities through its technical and social programs. The official incorporation of the Bahrain Society of Engineers
(BSE) was announced in the Official Gazette on 1.7. 1972.
BSE objectives include contributing in the industrial and urban development in Bahrain, regulating engineering profession and
enhancing its standards, expressing the professional interests and rights of its members. Furthermore, its objectives also include
conducting scientific and practical researches and encourage the same through conferences, seminars, scientific visits and exchange
of information between BSE and other engineering societies.
The total registered BSE member stands now at approximately 1300 from all categories, disciplines and nationalities including
Bahrainis, Arab and foreign members. The BSE has given intensive attention to raising the professional awareness among its
members and updating them on the latest developments through organizing various technical symposiums, seminars and visiting
on-going projects. However, organizing exhibitions and conferences play greater role in this respect since they provide valuable
opportunities for members to meet with prominent experts, speakers and participants in such conferences.
BSE has opened a training center to organize courses and workshops on various vital topics in the field of engineering, technical and
administrative matters and development of human resources. The training center was officially licensed by the Ministry of Labour in
the in 2003. It is well equipped with the latest advanced equipment to facilitate learning and adoption with the latest know-how in
order to enable it to conduct solid training courses that are recognized by major educational institutions worldwide.
Additionally, the BSE contributes actively in encouraging students to enroll in engineering disciplines through awarding grants to
support students while studying. 115